Instructor`s Edition
Instructor`s Edition
PR EV IE Instructor’s Edition W Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Australia • Canada • Mexico • Singapore Spain • United Kingdom • United States NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Michael Springer Series Product Managers: Caryl Bahner-Guhin, Charles G. Blum, and Adam A. Wilcox Developmental Editor: Jim O’Shea Copyeditor: Cathy Albano Keytester: Bill Bateman Series Designer: Adam A. Wilcox Cover Designer: Steve Deschene IE W VP and GM of Courseware: COPYRIGHT © 2004 Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work may be reproduced, transcribed, or used in any form or by any meansgraphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, or information storage and retrieval systemswithout the prior written permission of the publisher. For more information contact: Course Technology 25 Thomson Place Boston, MA 02210 PR EV Or find us on the Web at: For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at: Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to: Trademarks Course ILT is a trademark of Course Technology. Some of the product names and company names used in this book have been used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers and sellers. Disclaimer Course Technology reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes from time to time in its content without notice. ISBN 0-619-28593-1 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 PM 06 05 04 03 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction Topic A: Topic B: Topic C: Topic D: W Contents iii About the manual............................................................................... iv Setting student expectations .............................................................. ix Classroom setup................................................................................ xiii Support...............................................................................................xv Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics 1-1 IE Topic A: Getting started................................................................................... 1-2 Topic B: Creating a presentation ..................................................................... 1-9 Topic C: Saving and closing a presentation.................................................... 1-16 Unit summary: Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics ................................................ 1-20 Formatting and editing text 2-1 Topic A: Formatting text ................................................................................. 2-2 Topic B: Editing text ...................................................................................... 2-15 Unit summary: Formatting and editing text .................................................... 2-20 Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3-1 PR EV Topic A: Drawing objects ................................................................................ 3-2 Topic B: Text in objects ................................................................................. 3-14 Topic C: Colors in objects .............................................................................. 3-19 Topic D: Clip art and diagrams....................................................................... 3-23 Unit summary: Objects, clip art, and diagrams ............................................... 3-28 Tables and charts 4-1 Topic A: Tables................................................................................................ 4-2 Topic B: Charts............................................................................................... 4-11 Topic C: Organization charts.......................................................................... 4-17 Unit summary: Tables and charts.................................................................... 4-22 Customizing presentations 5-1 Topic A: Outliner view .................................................................................... 5-2 Topic B: Page Sorter view ............................................................................... 5-7 Topic C: Customizing a presentation.............................................................. 5-10 Unit summary: Customizing presentations ..................................................... 5-18 Previewing and printing presentations 6-1 Topic A: Previewing ........................................................................................ 6-2 Topic B: Printing ............................................................................................. 6-4 Unit summary: Previewing and printing presentations .................................... 6-7 Using the Help options A-1 Topic A: Help topics........................................................................................A-2 Topic B: Guide Me ..........................................................................................A-3 Course summary S-1 Topic A: Course summary ............................................................................... S-2 Topic B: Continued learning after class .......................................................... S-4 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Quick reference Q-1 Index I-1 PR EV IE W ii NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE iii Introduction W Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic After reading this introduction, you will know how to: IE A Use Course Technology ILT manuals in general. B Use prerequisites, a target student description, course objectives, and a skills inventory to properly set students’ expectations for the course. PR EV C Set up a classroom to teach this course. D Get support for setting up and teaching this course. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE iv Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: About the manual W Course Technology ILT philosophy Our goal at Course Technology is to make you, the instructor, as successful as possible. To that end, our manuals facilitate students’ learning by providing structured interaction with the software itself. While we provide text to help you explain difficult concepts, the hands-on activities are the focus of our courses. Leading the students through these activities will teach the skills and concepts effectively. IE We believe strongly in the instructor-led classroom. For many students, having a thinking, feeling instructor in front of them will always be the most comfortable way to learn. Because the students’ focus should be on you, our manuals are designed and written to facilitate your interaction with the students, and not to call attention to manuals themselves. We believe in the basic approach of setting expectations, then teaching, and providing summary and review afterwards. For this reason, lessons begin with objectives and end with summaries. We also provide overall course objectives and a course summary to provide both an introduction to and closure on the entire course. Our goal is your success. We encourage your feedback in helping us to continually improve our manuals to meet your needs. PR EV Manual components The manuals contain these major components: • Table of contents • Introduction • Units • Appendix • Course summary • Quick reference • Index Each element is described below. Table of contents The table of contents acts as a learning roadmap for you and the students. Introduction The introduction contains information about our training philosophy and our manual components, features, and conventions. It contains target student, prerequisite, objective, and setup information for the specific course. Finally, the introduction contains support information. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction v Units W Units are the largest structural component of the actual course content. A unit begins with a title page that lists objectives for each major subdivision, or topic, within the unit. Within each topic, conceptual and explanatory information alternates with hands-on activities. Units conclude with a summary comprising one paragraph for each topic, and an independent practice activity that gives students an opportunity to practice the skills they’ve learned. The conceptual information takes the form of text paragraphs, exhibits, lists, and tables. The activities are structured in two columns, one telling students what to do, the other providing explanations, descriptions, and graphics. Throughout a unit, instructor notes are found in the left margin. Appendices IE An appendix is similar to a unit in that it contains objectives and conceptual explanations. However, an appendix does not include hands-on activities, a summary, or an independent practice activity. Course summary This section provides a text summary of the entire course. It is useful for providing closure at the end of the course. The course summary also indicates the next course in this series, if there is one, and lists additional resources students might find useful as they continue to learn about the software. PR EV Quick reference The quick reference is an at-a-glance job aid summarizing some of the more common features of the software. Index The index at the end of this manual makes it easy for you and your students to find information about a particular software component, feature, or concept. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE vi Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Manual conventions Convention Description Italic text In conceptual text, indicates a new term or feature. Bold text In unit summaries, indicates a key term or concept. In an independent practice activity, indicates an explicit item that you select, choose, or type. Code font Indicates code or syntax. IE Instructor note/icon W We’ve tried to keep the number of elements and the types of formatting to a minimum in the manuals. We think this aids in clarity and makes the manuals more classically elegant looking. But there are some conventions and icons you should know about. Longer strings of ► code will look ► like this. Instructor notes. In the hands-on activities, any code that’s too long to fit on a single line is divided into segments by one or more continuation characters (►). This code should be entered as a continuous string of text. In the left margin, provide tips, hints, and warnings for the instructor. In the left column of hands-on activities, bold sans-serif text indicates an explicit item that you select, choose, or type. PR EV Select bold item Keycaps like e Indicate a key on the keyboard you must press. Warning icon. Warnings prepare instructors for potential classroom management problems. Tip icon. Tips give extra information the instructor can share with students. Setup icon. Projector icon. Setup notes provide a realistic business context for instructors to share with students, or indicate additional setup steps required for the current activity. Projector notes indicate that there is a PowerPoint slide for the adjacent content. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction vii Hands-on activities Do it! A-1: Creating a commission formula Here’s how 1 Open Sales Here’s why This is an oversimplified sales compensation worksheet. It shows sales totals, commissions, and incentives for five sales reps. IE Take the time to make sure your students understand this worksheet. We’ll be here a while. W The hands-on activities are the most important parts of our manuals. They are divided into two primary columns. The “Here’s how” column gives short directions to the students. The “Here’s why” column provides explanations, graphics, and clarifications. To the left, instructor notes provide tips, warnings, setups, and other information for the instructor only. Here’s a sample: 2 Observe the contents of cell F4 The commission rate formulas use the name “C_Rate” instead of a value for the commission rate. PR EV For these activities, we have provided a collection of data files designed to help students learn each skill in a real-world business context. As students work through the activities, they will modify and update these files. Of course, they might make a mistake and, therefore, want to re-key the activity starting from scratch. To make it easy to start over, students will rename each data file at the end of the first activity in which the file is modified. Our convention for renaming files is to add the word “My” to the beginning of the file name. In the above activity, for example, students are using a file called “Sales” for the first time. At the end of this activity, they would save the file as “My sales,” thus leaving the “Sales” file unchanged. If students make mistakes, they can start over using the original “Sales” file. In some activities, however, it may not be practical to rename the data file. Such exceptions are indicated with an instructor note. If students want to retry one of these activities, you will need to provide a fresh copy of the original data file. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE viii Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic PowerPoint presentations The Course ILT PowerPoint add-in W Each unit in this course has an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. These slide shows are designed to support your classroom instruction while providing students with a visual focus. Each one begins with a list of unit objectives and ends with a unit summary slide. We strongly recommend that you run these presentations from the instructor’s station as you teach this course. A copy of PowerPoint Viewer is included, so it is not necessary to have PowerPoint installed on your computer. The CD also contains a PowerPoint add-in that enables you to do two things: • Create slide notes for the class • Display a control panel for the Flash movies embedded in the presentations PR EV IE To load the PowerPoint add-in: 1 Copy the Course_ILT.ppa file to a convenient location on your hard drive. 2 Start PowerPoint. 3 Choose Tools, Macro, Security to open the Security dialog box. On the Security Level tab, select Medium (if necessary), and then click OK. 4 Choose Tools, Add-Ins to open the Add-Ins dialog box. Then, click Add New. 5 Browse to and select the Course_ILT.ppa file, and then click OK. A message box will appear, warning you that macros can contain viruses. 6 Click Enable Macros. The Course_ILT add-in should now appear in the Available Add-Ins list (in the Add-Ins dialog box). The “x” in front of Course_ILT indicates that the add-in is loaded. 7 Click Close to close the Add-Ins dialog box. After you complete this procedure, a new toolbar will be available at the top of the PowerPoint window. This toolbar contains a single button labeled “Create SlideNotes.” Click this button to generate slide notes files in both text (.txt) and Excel (.xls) format. By default, these files will be saved to the folder that contains the presentation. If the PowerPoint file is on a CD-ROM or in some other location to which the SlideNotes files cannot be saved, you will be prompted to save the presentation to your hard drive and try again. When you run a presentation and come to a slide that contains a Flash movie, you will see a small control panel in the lower-left corner of the screen. You can use this panel to start, stop, and rewind the movie, or to play it again. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction ix Topic B: Setting student expectations Properly setting students’ expectations is essential to your success. This topic will help you do that by providing: W • Prerequisites for this course • A description of the target student at whom the course is aimed • A list of the objectives for the course • A skills assessment for the course Course prerequisites IE Students taking this course should be familiar with personal computers and the use of a keyboard and a mouse. Furthermore, this course assumes that students have completed the following courses or have equivalent experience: • Windows XP: Basic Target student PR EV The target student for this course should be comfortable using a personal computer and Microsoft Windows XP. Students should have little or no experience using Freelance Graphics 9.8. They will get the most out of this course if their goal is to become proficient using Freelance Graphics to create presentations and add visual impact to them with colorful text, diagrams, charts, and tables. Course objectives You should share these overall course objectives with your students at the beginning of the day. This will give the students an idea about what to expect, and will also help you identify students who might be misplaced. Students are considered misplaced when they lack the prerequisite knowledge or when they already know most of the subject matter to be covered. After completing this course, students will know how to: • Open a presentation, explore the Freelance Graphics environment and various views in Freelance Graphics, run a screen show, create a new Freelance Graphics presentation, add pages and text to pages, save and update the presentation, close a presentation, and exit Freelance Graphics. • Apply bold and italic formatting; change text font style, size, and color; apply and change bullet styles; set margins and indents; and align text, move text, use the Undo option, and check the spelling in a presentation. • Create, replicate, move, resize, and delete objects; add, adjust, and format text in objects; apply and change colors in objects; and insert clip art and diagrams. • Add a table to a presentation and enter text in it; add rows and columns and change their size; delete a column; create and format a chart; and create an organization chart, add levels to it, and format it. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE x Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic • Insert a new page, rearrange bullets, and expand and collapse text in the Outliner view; rearrange and delete pages in the Page Sorter view; and customize a presentation by switching page layouts, adding a customized backdrop, changing the typeface, adding a logo, and hiding and unhiding pages during the screen show. PR EV IE W • Preview a presentation in black and white, use the Print Preview option, and use the Print dialog box to print an entire presentation or selected pages. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE xi Introduction Skills inventory W Use the following form to gauge students’ skill levels entering the class (students have copies in the introductions of their student manuals). For each skill listed, have students rate their familiarity from 1 to 5, with 5 being the most familiar. Emphasize that this is not a test. Rather, it is intended to provide students with an idea of where they’re starting from at the beginning of class. If a student is wholly unfamiliar with all the skills, he or she might not be ready for the class. A student who seems to understand all of the skills, on the other hand, might need to move on to the next course in the series. Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Opening, saving, and updating a presentation IE Exploring the Freelance Graphics environment Creating a new presentation Adding pages to a presentation Adding text to pages Closing a presentation and exiting Freelance Graphics PR EV Applying bold and italic formatting Changing text font style, size, and color Applying and changing bullet styles Setting margins and indents Changing text alignment Moving text, undoing an action, and checking the spelling Creating and deleting objects Replicating, moving, and resizing objects Adding, adjusting, and formatting text in objects Applying and changing colors in objects Inserting clip art and diagrams Creating a table and adding text to it Adding rows and columns to a table Changing the size of rows and columns Deleting table column NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE xii Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Creating and formatting a chart W Creating an organization chart Adding levels to an organization chart and formatting it Rearranging bullets in Outliner view Expanding and collapsing text in Outliner view Switching page layouts IE Rearranging and deleting pages in Page Sorter view Changing the typeface for an entire presentation Adding a logo Hiding and unhiding pages during the screen show Previewing a presentation in black and white PR EV Using the Print Preview option Printing an entire presentation or selected pages NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction xiii Topic C: Classroom setup W All our courses assume that each student has a personal computer to use during the class. Our hands-on approach to learning requires they do. This topic gives information on how to set up the classroom to teach this course. It includes minimum requirements for the students’ personal computers, setup information for the first time you teach the class, and setup information for each time that you teach after the first time you set up the classroom. Student computer requirements Each student’s personal computer should have: IE • A keyboard and a mouse • A Pentium III or 4 Processor (or higher) • At least 128 MB of available RAM (256 MB RAM recommended) • At least 1.5 GB of available hard-disk space • A CD-ROM drive • A color monitor (SVGA) with Highest Color (32-bit) and support for 1024×768 minimum resolution PR EV • Internet access, if you want to download the student data files from • A printer driver so students can complete the unit on previewing and printing presentations (An actual printer is not required.) First-time setup instructions The first time you teach this course, you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer. 1 Install Microsoft Windows XP according to the software manufacturer’s instructions. If the student computers have Internet access, and they are behind a hardware or software firewall, install the latest critical updates and service packs from (You can also use Windows 2000, but the screen shots in this course were taken using Windows XP, so students’ screens might look somewhat different.) 2 Install Lotus SmartSuite 9.8 Millennium Edition: a Start with a normal installation using the software manufacturer’s instructions. b When prompted in the Setup Type pane, choose a Custom installation. c In the Custom Setup pane, select This feature will not be available for each application except for Freelance Graphics and Shared Tools. d Finish the installation. e When a browser window opens to the IBM/Lotus Product Registration page, close Internet Explorer. 3 Install a printer. (An actual printer is not required, just a printer driver.) NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE xiv Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Setup instructions for every class W 4 Download the student data files for the course. You can download the data directly to student machines, to a central location on your own network, or to a disk. a Connect to b Click the link for Freelance Graphics to display a page of course listings, and then click the link for Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic. c Click the link for downloading the student data files, and follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 5 Copy the data files to the Student Data folder. PR EV IE Every time you teach this course, you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer. 1 If necessary, reset any defaults that have been changed in previous classes. 2 Delete the contents of the Student Data folder, if necessary. (If this is the first time you are teaching the course, create a folder named Student Data at the root of the hard drive.) 3 Copy the data files to the Student Data folder. (See the download instructions in the preceding section.) NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Introduction xv Topic D: Support Phone support W Your success is our primary concern. If you need help setting up this class or teaching a particular unit, topic, or activity, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Please have the name of the course available when you call, and be as specific as possible about the kind of help you need. You can call for support 24 hours a day at (888) 672-7500. If you do not connect to a live operator, you can leave a message, and we pledge to return your call within 24 hours (except on Saturday and Sunday). IE Web-based support PR EV The Course ILT Web site provides several instructor’s tools for each course, including course outlines and answers to frequently asked questions. To download these files, go to For additional Course ILT resources, including our online catalog and contact information, go to NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic PR EV IE W xvi NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–1 W Unit 1 Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Unit time: 70 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Open a presentation, observe the Freelance IE Graphics components, explore views, and run a presentation. B Create a new Freelance Graphics presentation and add pages to it. C Save, update, and close a presentation and PR EV close Freelance Graphics. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Getting started The Freelance Graphics application is part of Lotus SmartSuite. You can use Freelance Graphics to create presentations that effectively communicate ideas, plans, concepts, and information. These presentations can then be used at business meetings, sales calls, and training events. You can also post a Freelance Graphics presentation on the Internet or a company intranet. W Explanation You can deliver presentations through various media, including computers, overheads, printed slides with notes, and the Web. Open an existing presentation IE To start Freelance Graphics, click Start on the taskbar and then choose All Programs, Lotus SmartSuite, Lotus Freelance Graphics. The Lotus SmartSuite Freelance Graphics window appears with the Welcome to Lotus Freelance Graphics dialog box. By using this dialog box, you can create a new presentation or open an existing one. By default, the Create a New Presentation Using Smart Master tab is selected. PR EV To open an existing presentation when you first start Lotus Freelance Graphics: 1 In the Welcome to Lotus Freelance Graphics dialog box, select the Open an Existing Presentation tab. 2 Click Browse. 3 Select the folder and file name of the presentation you want to open. 4 Click Open. Exhibit 1-1: The Lotus Freelance Graphics window with the Welcome to Lotus Freelance Graphics dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! A-1: Opening an existing presentation Here’s how Here’s why Freelance Graphics 4 From the Look in list, select the current unit folder The Open dialog box appears. This folder contains a list of presentations. 5 Select Outlander Spices A preview of the first page of the presentation appears on the lower left side of the dialog box. This helps you open the correct presentation. 6 Click Open (To open the Outlander Spices presentation.) The first page of the presentation appears in the Freelance Graphics window. PR EV Tell students they can also double-click the presentation to open it. 3 Click Browse You’ll open an existing presentation. IE Help students navigate to the current unit folder. 2 Click the Open an Existing Presentation tab (To start Freelance Graphics.) The Lotus SmartSuite Freelance Graphics window appears, which contains the Welcome to Lotus Freelance Graphics dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 1-1. W 1 Choose Start, All Programs, Lotus SmartSuite, Lotus If students don’t select this tab, they won’t see files to open later in this activity. 1–3 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic The Freelance Graphics components The Freelance Graphics window contains a number of components specific to Freelance Graphics as well as components that are common to Windows applications. The common components include a menu bar, a title bar, view tabs, and a status bar, as shown in Exhibit 1-2. The Universal SmartIcons set is one of the specific components of Freelance Graphics. Menu bar Universal SmartIcons set Title bar PR EV IE View tabs W Explanation Status bar Exhibit 1-2: A sample Freelance Graphics window The following table describes the components of Freelance Graphics: Component Description Title bar Shows the name of the application and the current presentation file. Menu bar Provides menus that you can use to interact with Freelance Graphics. Each menu has a set of commands. For example, you can edit text by using the commands on the Edit menu. The menus in Freelance Graphics are dynamic. This means that when you select an object on a page, a new menu appears on the menu bar. Such menus are referred to as selection sensitive menus. These menus contain the commands specific to work with the selected object. Universal SmartIcons set Provides buttons that you can use instead of using a menu command to perform common tasks in Freelance Graphics. For example, you can save a presentation by clicking the Save the current presentation SmartIcon. These buttons are called SmartIcons. When you point to a SmartIcon, a description of the task you can perform by clicking the SmartIcon appears. This description is called bubble help. The bar that contains the Universal SmartIcons set is referred to as SmartIcons bar. Status bar Provides controls for changing the page layout, moving between pages in a presentation, and switching the presentation from color to black and white. This bar is located at the bottom in the Freelance Graphics window. It also shows the full path of the open presentation. View tabs Help display pages in any of the three Freelance Graphics views: Current Page, Page Sorter, and Outliner. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! A-2: Observing the Freelance Graphics components Here’s how If time permits, ask students to view other menus also. Here’s why 1 Observe the title bar 2 Observe the menu bar Choose File 3 Observe the SmartIcons bar Point to PR EV Ask students to point to other SmartIcons and view their descriptions. The menu bar provides menus such as File, Edit, and View, which you can use to work with Freelance Graphics. The File menu appears with commands such as New Presentation, Open, Close, and Save. To close the File menu. IE Choose File It displays the name of the application, Lotus SmartSuite Freelance Graphics, followed by the name of the current presentation file, Outlander Spices, in square brackets. W A message box with the phrase “Need help?” might appear if Freelance Graphics remains idle for some time. Ask students to check Don’t display this message again and click OK. 1–5 By default, the Universal SmartIcons set appears on this bar. This bar contains buttons that provide access to the Freelance Graphics commands for performing common tasks, such as saving or printing a presentation. A description of the SmartIcon, Save the current presentation, appears. This is called bubble help. 4 Observe the status bar The page number of the current page, Page 1 of 7, appears to the right side on the status bar. 5 Observe the view tabs There are three view tabs that you can use to switch between different views. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Views W Freelance Graphics has three views: Current Page, Page Sorter, and Outliner. You can switch between views by clicking the appropriate tab. The following table describes the three views: View Description Current Page Helps you work with only one page at a time. You can add text, tables, charts, and clip art to the page in this view. Exhibit 1-2 shows the Current Page view. Page Sorter Shows all the pages in the presentation at the same time, at a reduced size, as shown in Exhibit 1-3. This view is useful when you want to rearrange the order of the pages. Outliner Shows the page number, page title, and text on the screen, as shown in Exhibit 1-4. You can use this view to create and organize information in a single page, as well as in the entire presentation. IE Explanation The Outliner toolbar displays different icons that you can use in the view. PR EV When you switch between different views, a set of SmartIcons specific to each view appears along with the Universal SmartIcons set. Exhibit 1-3: The Page Sorter view Outliner toolbar Slides with page number Exhibit 1-4: The Outliner view NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! A-3: 1–7 Exploring views 1 Observe the Freelance Graphics window 2 Click the Page Sorter tab Here’s why (The Current Page tab is active.) The first page of the presentation appears, as shown in Exhibit 1-2. W Here’s how (To switch to Page Sorter view.) All the pages in the presentation appear, as shown in Exhibit 1-3. 3 Click the Outliner tab IE Have students scroll down. A sample picture of every page with its page number appears on the left side, as shown in Exhibit 1-4. The right side shows the corresponding content in the pages. This provides an overview of all the pages in the presentation. In this view, you can enter and format text, and add pages to the presentation. PR EV Observe the Outliner toolbar (The Outliner toolbar appears below the View tabs as shown in Exhibit 1-4.) This toolbar includes SmartIcons for performing common tasks in Outliner view such as adding or deleting text and adding a new page. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–8 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Run a presentation Do it! W Tell the students that they’ll learn about setting timings in the advanced course. When you deliver a presentation on a computer, it is called a screen show. When you run a screen show, the computer displays one screen at a time. You can advance the screens manually or Freelance Graphics can advance them automatically. To move to the next page in the show manually, you can click the mouse, press Enter, or use the Page Down key. To move to the previous page, right-click and choose Previous from the shortcut menu, or use the Page Up key. To advance the pages automatically, you can use the Set Up Screen Show option to set the timings for automatic page advance. You can run the presentation in any view either from the beginning or from the current page. To run a presentation from the beginning, choose Presentation, Run Screen Show, From Beginning. This uses the full screen area to show each page in the presentation. You can also click the Run screen show from beginning SmartIcon, or use the shortcut key, Alt + F10, to run the presentation. To run the presentation from the current page, choose Presentation, Run Screen Show, From Current Page, or use the shortcut key, Alt + F11. A-4: Running a screen show Here’s how Tell students that they’ll be able to create this presentation later in this course. IE Explanation 1 Choose Presentation, Run Screen Show, From Beginning To start the screen show from the first page. This is the title page for the presentation. PR EV Observe the first page Here’s why 2 Click the mouse Observe the page Tell students they will start a new presentation in the next activity and return to this one later in the unit. To move to the next page. The bulleted page titled “Project objective” appears. 3 Press e (To move to the next page.) A page with formatted text appears. 4 Move to the next page (Click the mouse.) This is the fourth page, which contains drawn objects. 5 Move to the next page The fifth page appears. It contains a picture and text. 6 Press u To move to the previous page. 7 Press v To move to the next page, which is the fifth page. 8 Move to the next page The sixth page appears. It contains a table. 9 Move to the next page The seventh page, containing an organization chart, appears. 10 Move to the next page The screen show ends and the Freelance Graphics window in Outliner view appears. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics 1–9 Topic B: Creating a presentation Freelance Graphics offers you many features that will help you create your presentation. One way is to use the New Presentation dialog box to create your presentation. By using this dialog box, you can select a content topic and look to give a consistent appearance to your presentation. A content topic is the default presentation content that is provided by Freelance Graphics. W Explanation While creating a presentation, you add text to pages. You might also want to add pages to a presentation for adding more information. Freelance Graphics also provides different page layouts to organize the content in your presentation. The New Presentation dialog box PR EV IE To create a new presentation, choose File, New Presentation to open the New Presentation dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 1-5. Exhibit 1-5: The New Presentation dialog box A message in this dialog box states that you can use SmartMaster to start with your presentation. SmartMaster is a useful feature that provides various content topics and looks for a presentation. The New Presentation dialog box provides two lists, the content topic and the look: • The Select a content topic list provides a set of pages that contain the content that you can use to create a presentation. Freelance Graphics has different content topics, such as Business Plan, Industry Analysis, and Market Research. • The Select a look list provides a collection of designs that you can apply to your presentation. Depending on the design you select, SmartMaster applies specific fonts, styles, and colors to all the pages in the presentation, giving a consistent look to the presentation. Tell students that they’ll learn more about SmartMaster in the advanced course. When you select a content topic, SmartMaster selects a look of its own. You can, however, change the look by using the look list. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–10 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic The New Page dialog box IE W After you select a content topic and a look for your presentation, the New page dialog box appears. You can select a layout for the pages in your presentation from the New Page dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 1-6. Exhibit 1-6: The New Page dialog box PR EV This dialog box provides 12 standard page layouts, such as Title, Bulleted List, and Table. It also provides a Blank Page layout. These page layouts help you organize the text and graphics in the presentation. Page layouts A page layout is the basic format of a page. You use different page layouts according to the type of content you want to add to the page. Most layouts provide at least one block for you to add text or images. The following table lists the blocks that each page layout provides: Page layout Available blocks Title Title, subtitle, and clip art. Bulleted list Title and bulleted text items. 2-Column Bullets Title and two columns for bulleted list. 1-Chart Title and chart. 2-Charts Title and two charts. 4-Charts Title and four charts. Bullets & Chart Title, a bulleted list, and chart. Bullets & Clip art Title, a bulleted list, and clip art. Organization Chart Title and an organization chart. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Available blocks Table Title and table. Diagram Title and diagram. Basic layout Title and space for adding text or graphics. Blank page No block. B-1: W Do it! Page layout 1–11 Creating a blank presentation Here’s how The New Presentation dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 1-5. IE 1 Choose File, New Here’s why Presentation… Observe the dialog box There are two lists, one for selecting a content topic and the other for selecting a look for your presentation. PR EV 2 In the Select a content topic list, verify that [No content topic] is selected Ask students to select other page layouts and observe their previews. Ensure that the Title page layout is selected. You’ll create a blank presentation. From the Select a look list, select blank (Scroll up.) 3 Click OK (The New Page dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 1-6.) It contains a list of page layouts. The preview and description for the selected page layout appears on the right side. By default, the Title page layout is selected. Click OK Freelance Graphics opens the blank presentation in Current Page view. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–12 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Add text to a page After you select a page layout, you add text to the page. Every page layout has blocks such as text blocks, clip art blocks, and title blocks. You use these blocks to add text, images, or some other data. For example, the text block is used for adding text. Text blocks W Explanation IE In every page layout (except in the Blank Page layout), you are provided with a “Click here…” text block. Each text block indicates the text you can type in the block, as shown in Exhibit 1-7. For example, click the “Click here to type presentation title” text block and type the presentation’s title. You can also type a subtitle or a bulleted list by clicking the appropriate “Click here…” text block. The text entered in “Click here…” blocks is automatically formatted by Freelance Graphics. This ensures consistent formatting for all the text in the presentation. PR EV You can also add or delete a text block. To add a text block to a page, choose Create, Text and click anywhere on the page. A text block is created automatically and you can type text in it. You can also use the Create a text block button to add a text block to a page. To delete a text block, select it and press the Delete key. Exhibit 1-7: A page with the title and subtitle text blocks NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! B-2: Adding text to a page Here’s how Here’s why The Page menu appears in the menu bar. 2 Click the presentation title text block W 1 Observe the menu bar Tell students they can click anywhere in the text block to place the insertion point. 1–13 You’ll type the presentation title here. Tell students that these menus are selectionsensitive menus. 3 Observe the menu bar again This will be the page’s title. IE 4 Type Outlander Spices The Text menu appears, replacing the Page menu. Click OK In the text block. (Do not click on one of the other blocks.) To deselect the text block. 6 Observe the menu bar The Page menu reappears and the Text menu disappears. This is because the text block is deactivated and page is activated. 7 Click the subtitle text block You’ll type a subtitle here. PR EV 5 Click in the white space on the slide Type Project expansion This will be the page’s subtitle. Click OK If students ask about the clip art block, tell them they’ll use this block later. Tell students that they can also use the Create a text block SmartIcon. 8 Click anywhere outside the text block To deselect it. 9 Choose Create, Text To add a text block to the page. 10 Click as shown When you click at the bottom of the page, a text block is created. Type Spice up your life As you type, the right side of the text block is increased. Click OK To close the text block. Deselect the text block NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–14 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Add a new page Explanation A presentation can contain a number of pages. However, when you create a new presentation, by default, it contains only one page. You can add a new page to a presentation by using any of the following methods: W • In Current Page view, choose Create, Page. You can also choose Page, New Page or click the New Page button. • In Outliner view, click the Add a new page SmartIcon on the Outliner toolbar. • In Page Sorter view, click the New Page SmartIcon in the Page Sorter SmartIcon set. Add a bulleted list page IE Pressing F7 is the shortcut method for creating a new page in any view. When you add a new page in the Current Page and Page Sorter views, using any method (except the shortcut method), the New Page dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can select a page layout for the new page. PR EV The New Page dialog box provides several page layouts, such as Bulleted List, Bullets & Chart, and Bullets & Clip Art, for adding bulleted list pages to a presentation. The Bulleted List page contains two text blocks, one for the title and another for the bulleted text. To insert text in the bulleted text block: 1 Click the bulleted text block. 2 Type the text for the first bullet. 3 Press Enter to add the second bullet. 4 Type the text for the second bullet and press Enter. 5 Repeat this process to add text for additional bulleted points. 6 After entering the bulleted items, click outside the text block to deselect it. Exhibit 1-8: A page with a bulleted list NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! B-3: Adding a bulleted list page Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose Create, Page… (Or press F7.) The New Page dialog box appears. W Tell students they can also press F7. 1–15 2 From the Select a page layout list, select Bulleted List Click OK 3 Click the page title text block This will be the page’s title. IE Type Outlander Spices You’ll insert a page with a bulleted list. 4 Click the bulleted list text block To place the insertion point for adding the first bulleted item. 5 Type Project justification To create the first bulleted item. Press e 6 Type Performance To add the second bulleted item. This is the second bulleted item. PR EV Deselect the text block Observe the page It contains a title and a list with two bulleted items, as shown in Exhibit 1-8. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–16 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic C: Saving and closing a presentation After creating a presentation, you need to save it for later use and for preventing loss of data. To save a presentation for the first time, you choose File, Save As. To update the presentation with the latest changes, you choose File, Save. The Save As dialog box W Explanation PR EV IE The first time you save a presentation, you must assign a file name and select a location where you’ll store the file. In Freelance Graphics, presentations are saved with the PRZ extension. To save a presentation for the first time: 1 Choose File, Save As to display the Save As dialog box (as shown in Exhibit 1-9). 2 Use the Save in box to specify the drive and folder where you want to save the presentation. 3 In the File name box, type a name for the presentation. 4 Click Save. Exhibit 1-9: The Save As dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics Do it! C-1: Saving a presentation Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose File, Save As… 2 From the Save in list, select the current unit folder 3 In the File name box, enter My first presentation The Save As dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 1-9. W Help students navigate to the current unit folder. 1–17 You’ll save the presentation in the current unit folder. To specify a name for the presentation. IE In the Save as type box, verify that Lotus Freelance Presentation (PRZ) is selected 4 Click Save To save the presentation in the current unit folder. Observe the title bar PR EV The file name appears in the title bar. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–18 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Update a presentation Each time you save a presentation, Freelance Graphics updates the file with the latest changes. To save the changes in a presentation, you can either choose File, Save or click the Save the current presentation SmartIcon in the Universal SmartIcons set. You can also update changes by using the shortcut key Ctrl + S. W Explanation To save a copy of a presentation with a different name, or at a different location, you use the Save As command. Do it! C-2: Updating a presentation Here’s how 1 Click on the bulleted text block Place the pointer at the end of Performance and click To select it. IE Tell students that instead they can place the pointer where they want the insertion point to be and double-click. Here’s why Click to place the insertion point in the text block. To add a bulleted item to the page. PR EV 2 Press e 3 Type Progress to date Press e 4 Type Outstanding issues Tell students they can also click the Save the current presentation SmartIcon in the Universal SmartIcons set. 5 Deselect the bulleted text The page contains four bulleted items. 6 Choose File, Save To update the changes made to the presentation. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics 1–19 Close a presentation and close Freelance Graphics When you complete your work, you should close your presentation and close Freelance Graphics. Close a presentation W Explanation You can use any of the following ways to close a Freelance Graphics presentation: • Choose File, Close. • Click the Close button in the right corner of the menu bar, as shown in Exhibit 110. • Double-click the Control menu icon in the upper left corner of the window, as shown in Exhibit 1-10. Control menu IE • Click the Control menu and choose Close. Close button Exhibit 1-10: The Control menu icon Close Freelance Graphics PR EV There are several ways to close the Freelance Graphics application: • Choose File, Exit. • Click the Close button in the upper right corner of the title bar. • Double-click the Control menu icon in the upper left corner of the title bar. Do it! C-3: Closing presentations and closing Freelance Graphics Here’s how Tell students that the previous file, Outlander Spices, is now visible and must be closed. 1 Choose File, Close To close the presentation you created. The previous file, Outlander Spices, is now visible and must be closed. 2 Click the Close button in the right corner of the menu bar To close Outlander Spices. If prompted to save the presentation, click No Tell students they can also press Alt+F4 to exit Freelance Graphics. Here’s why 3 Choose File, Exit Freelance If necessary. To exit Freelance Graphics. Graphics NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 1–20 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit summary: Freelance Graphics 9.8 basics In this topic, you learned how to open and run a Freelance Graphics presentation. You observed various components of the Freelance Graphics window, including toolbars and menus. You also learned about the various views available in Freelance Graphics. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to create a new presentation by using the File menu. You learned to use the New Page dialog box to add pages to your presentation. You also learned how to use page layout options to add pages in different formats. Topic C In this topic, you learned how to save a presentation for the first time by using the Save As dialog box. You also learned how to update the presentation by using the File menu and also by clicking the Save SmartIcon. Finally, you learned how to close a presentation and close Freelance Graphics. IE W Topic A Independent practice activity 1 Start Freelance Graphics. 2 Open Progress report (from the current unit folder). 3 Switch to the Page Sorter view. 4 Run the screen show. PR EV 5 Create a new blank presentation. 6 Add a title page with a title of Sales report and a subtitle of Project justification. 7 Add a bulleted list page and enter the text shown in Exhibit 1-11 in it. 8 Save the presentation as My presentation in the current unit folder. 9 Close both presentations. Do not save changes to Progress report. 10 Exit Freelance Graphics. Exhibit 1-11: The presentation after step 7 of the Independent Practice Activity NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–1 W Unit 2 Formatting and editing text Unit time: 60 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Apply bold and italic formatting; change IE text font, size, color, and alignment; apply bullet styles; and set margins and indents. B Move text, use the Undo option, and check PR EV spelling in a presentation. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Formatting text After adding text on a page, you can format it to make it look presentable. Formatting also helps draw your attention to important information and makes it easier to read the text. To format text, you need to select the text and then apply the desired formatting, such as bold, italic, or underlined; or change the style, size, or color of the text. You can apply a bullet style to the text or change the bullet style of a bulleted list. You can also position the text by setting the margins and alignment for text blocks. Bold and italic formatting W Explanation Change properties of selected object IE To apply bold and italic formatting, select the text and then click the Bold and Italic icons on the Text SmartIcons set, as shown in Exhibit 2-1. The Text SmartIcons set is next to the Universal SmartIcons set and appears when you select a text block. The Text SmartIcons set provides buttons that you can use to format text. Bold Underline Italic PR EV Exhibit 2-1: The Text SmartIcons set You can also use the Bold and Italic controls on the status bar, shown in Exhibit 2-2, to apply the bold and italic formatting to the selected text. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text Do it! A-1: 2–3 Applying bold and italic formatting Here’s how Here’s why Choose Start, All Programs, Lotus SmartSuite, Lotus Freelance Graphics. 2 Open Project phase one 3 Save the presentation as My project phase one W 1 Start Freelance Graphics (From the current unit folder.) You’ll format the text in this presentation. In the current unit folder. IE 4 Verify that the Current Page tab is active 5 Double-click on the title To place the insertion point in the block. Drag to select the Outlander Spices text, as shown 6 Click 7 Select Project phase one PR EV Tell students they can also use Ctrl+B for bold formatting. Tell students they can also use Ctrl+I for italicizing. 8 Click Close the text block (On the Text SmartIcons set.) To apply bold formatting to the selected text. Double-click on the block, and then drag to select the text. You’ll italicize this text. (On the Text SmartIcons set.) To italicize the subtitle. Click OK. 9 Deselect the text block 10 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Font style, size, and color You can change the font style and size of text to make it easier to read. Freelance Graphics offers various font styles, such as Arial, Courier New, Impact and so on. You can also change the size of text to standard size, such as 32, 48, and 72, or to a custom size. W Explanation By default, text is formatted with the color black, but Freelance Graphics also offers a color palette of 256 colors. You can use this palette to change text color to make it appealing or differentiate between various types of information. You can change the font style, size, and color of the selected text by using the controls on the status bar, as shown in Exhibit 2-2. Start by selecting the text, and then, use the appropriate option on the status bar. Size Italic Underline Color Bold Exhibit 2-2: The status bar A-2: Changing font style, size, and color PR EV Do it! Page number IE Font Here’s how 1 Select the Outlander Spices text Here’s why You’ll change the title’s font style and size. 2 On the status bar, click the font control, as shown To display a list of font names. Tell students the list of fonts might differ. Observe the font name list (You’ll change the font style.) In the list, Arial is selected, by default. Help students to scroll through the font name list. Select Courier New The title’s font style changes to Courier New. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text 2–5 3 Click the size control, as shown IE Observe the font size list W (The size control is on the status bar.) To display a list of font sizes. By default, the font size of the title is set to 46. This is called the Custom Size. You’ll apply this font size to the selected text. 5 Change the font style to Impact The text is still selected. Click the font control option and select Impact. 6 Change the font size to 36 Click the size control option and select 36. PR EV 4 Select 48 7 Click the color control, as shown To open the color palette. You’ll change the color of the selected text. Observe the color palette 8 Select any shade of orange By default, the font color of the text is black. To apply this font color to the selected text. 9 Deselect the text block 10 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Bullet styles Explanation If you want to display a list of text, you might want to apply a bullet style to it. This helps draw attention to critical information and makes it easier to read. Once a bulleted style has been applied, you can also change the bullet style. Do it! A-3: Applying and changing bullet styles Here’s how 1 Move to the second page of the presentation Here’s why Press the Page Down key or use the method of your choice. 2 Select the text as shown PR EV Tell students they can also use the Page number box on the status bar. IE W To apply a bullet style, 1 Select the text. 2 Choose Text, Bullets and Numbers to open the Properties for Text InfoBox. An InfoBox displays the properties or attributes associated with a selected object, such as text, a bulleted list, or a table. An InfoBox consists of different tabs, each displaying a group of attributes of the selected object. 3 Select the Bullets tab. 4 Under Bullet attributes, click the Style drop-down arrow to display a list of bullet styles and select the desired bullet to apply it. 5 Close the InfoBox. Tell students that the objectives of the presentation are displayed on the second page. In this activity, the objectives will be changed to a bulleted list. You’ll apply a bullet style to the text below the page title. Tell students they can also use the Change properties of selected object SmartIcon on the Text SmartIcons set. 3 Choose Text, Bullets & The Properties for Text InfoBox appears. Numbers… Verify that the Bullets tab is active 4 Under Bullet attributes, click the Style drop-down arrow 5 In the first column of bullets, select the black circle with the white star To display a list of bullet styles. You’ll apply this bullet style. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text 2–7 W 6 Observe the page The bullet style is applied to the selected text. Close the InfoBox Deselect the text block A bulleted list page appears. IE 7 Move to the third page of the presentation Click the Close button in the top right corner of the Properties for Text InfoBox. 8 Select the bulleted list You’ll change the bullet style. 9 Open the Properties for Text InfoBox Choose Text, Bullets & Numbers. PR EV 10 Change the bullet style to the black circle with the white star The bullet style has changed. Close the InfoBox Deselect the text 11 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–8 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Margins and indents Explanation You can change the position of text by setting the left and right margins and the first line indent in a text block. You can set margins and indents by using either of the following two ways: W • Select the text block, choose Text, Text Properties to open the Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox. On the Alignment tab, enter values for margins and indents. • Display the Text block ruler in the text block and set margins and indents. The Text block ruler IE The Text block ruler provides a fast and convenient method for setting the left and right margins and the first line indents in a text block. This method also helps you to change margins and indents frequently. The Text block ruler contains three icons, as shown in Exhibit 2-3. First line indent Left margin Right margin PR EV Exhibit 2-3: The Text block ruler To display the Text block ruler: 1 Choose View, Set View Preferences. 2 Under Display, check Text block ruler. 3 Click OK. Once the ruler is displayed, select the text. The following table describes the icons in the Text block ruler and how they are applied to the selected text. Icon names Description Left margin Sets the left margin. By default, this icon is set at 0. You can drag this icon to change the left margin. This adjusts the text in a paragraph, except the first line, according to the new setting. First line indent Sets the indent for the first line of text. By default, this icon is also set at 0 and appears on the top of the left margin icon. When you drag this icon to change the indent settings, it moves only the first line of the text. Right margin Sets the right margin. By default, this icon is set at the right end of a text block. You can drag this icon to change the right margin for the entire text, including the first line. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text Do it! A-4: 2–9 Setting margins and indents Here’s how 2 Choose View, Set View Preferences… 3 Under Display, check Text block ruler Click OK (A page titled Past performance appears.) You’ll set margins to improve readability. W 1 Move to the fourth page of the presentation Here’s why The Set View Preferences dialog box appears. You’ll display the Text block ruler. To close the dialog box. PR EV IE 4 Select the text on the left side, as shown You’ll set the margins and indents for this text. Notice that the right margin icon appears after 5. 5 Drag the right margin icon to the 4.5-inch mark, as shown The right margin icon is now at the 4.5-inch mark. Observe the page The right side of the text adjusts to the new right margin position. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Ensure that the students drag the left margin icon and not the first line indent icon. 6 Drag the left margin icon to the 0.5-inch mark Make sure you drag the left margin icon (bottom one) and not the first line indent icon (top one). The left margin icon is now at the 0.5-inch mark. W 2–10 IE Observe the page The first line of the two paragraphs in the selected text does not move, and the remaining text adjusts to the new setting. You’ll set margins and indents for this text. 8 Set the right margin at the 4.5inch mark Drag the right margin icon to the 4.5-inch mark. PR EV 7 Select the text on the right side of the page 9 Set the left margin at the 1-inch mark Drag the left margin icon to 1. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text 2–11 10 Drag the first line indent icon to the 0.5-inch mark W The first line indent icon is now at the 0.5-inch mark. 11 Deselect the text PR EV Ask students to click anywhere outside the text area. IE Observe the text on the right side 12 Choose View, Set View The text in the page appears as shown here. You’ll hide the text block ruler. Preferences… Under Display, clear Text block ruler 13 Click OK 14 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–12 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Text alignment In addition to setting margins and indents, you can align text in a text block. To align text in your presentation: 1 Select the text. 2 Choose Text, Text Properties by Level, All Levels to display the Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox. 3 Verify that the Alignment tab is open. 4 Under Alignment, click an appropriate alignment button. W Explanation IE The Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox provides you with options to align the selected text horizontally and vertically, as shown in Exhibit 2-4. The Horizontal category contains four buttons: left, center, right, and justify. When you align the text with respect to the left side of the text block, it is said to be left aligned and the right side appears to be ragged. The text is said to be right aligned when you align the text with the right side of the text block and the left side appears to be ragged. When you center align the text, both the left and the right sides appear ragged. When you justify the text, the text aligns on both the left and right sides. PR EV The Vertical category contains three buttons that you can use to align text to the top, center, or bottom in the text block. Exhibit 2-4: The Alignment tab NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text Do it! A-5: 2–13 Changing text alignment Here’s how Here’s why A bulleted list page titled Cost of expansion appears. Select the title 2 Choose Text, Text The title is left aligned. You’ll center align the title. IE Properties by Level, All Levels W 1 Move to the fifth page The Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox appears. PR EV 3 Click the Alignment tab To activate the Alignment tab. Under Alignment, next to Horizontal, click the Center Alignment button 4 Under Alignment, observe the Vertical setting To center align the text. The selected text is aligned to the vertical center of the text block. 5 Under Alignment, click the Top alignment button 6 Close the InfoBox Observe the title The title is now center aligned and near the top of the text block. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–14 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic W 7 Select the text as shown The figures are not aligned. You’ll align them to the right. 8 Open the Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox Display the Alignment tab IE Under Alignment, in Horizontal, click as shown Choose Text, Text Properties by Level, All Levels. The text is right aligned. Close the InfoBox PR EV 9 Deselect the text Observe the page The title is now center aligned and the figures are right aligned. 10 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text 2–15 Topic B: Editing text Developing a presentation is a creative process that involves reviewing and modifying the content on the pages. As you do so, you’ll need to edit and move text. After creating the presentation, you can use the Spell Check feature to ensure that the presentation doesn’t contain spelling errors. Move text W Explanation You can move bulleted items and entire text blocks anywhere on a page. Here are two methods: PR EV IE • To move an entire text block, select it and drag it to the desired location. • To move a bulleted item, double-click to place the insertion point in the text block. Point to the bullet in front of that line of text, and drag it to the new location. When you point to the bullet, the pointer changes to the shape of an open hand. When you click on the bullet and move it, the pointer changes to a clenched hand and a horizontal line appears to mark the bullet’s new location. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Do it! Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic B-1: Moving text Here’s how Here’s why 1 Move to the sixth page of the presentation A bulleted list page titled Progress-to-date appears. 2 Double-click on the bulleted text block To place the insertion point in it. Point to the last bullet Observe the pointer W 2–16 You’ll move this bullet item. IE The pointer changes to an open hand. PR EV 3 Drag the last bullet above the third bullet, as shown As you drag, the pointer changes to a clenched hand and a horizontal line appears to mark the bullet’s new location. Observe the bullets The last bullet has moved to the third place. The other bullets are automatically rearranged. 4 Deselect the text block 5 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text 2–17 The Undo option While modifying your presentation, you will find it necessary to edit text, move blocks, add information to pages, and so on in order to get the project just the way you want it. While doing so, you might realize the change you made was unwarranted and you want to revert back to what was there before. To make that happen, Freelance Graphics allows you to undo the last 10 actions that you performed. W Explanation You can undo an action in any one of the following three ways: • Choose Edit, Undo. • Click the Undo SmartIcon in the Universal SmartIcons set. Do it! B-2: IE • Press Ctrl+Z. When you open the Edit menu, you’ll notice that the name of the Undo command changes based on the last action you performed. For example, if you change the page in Current Page view, the name of the command appears as Undo Change Page. Undoing an action Here’s how 1 Move to the seventh page of the presentation Tell students they can also press Ctrl+Z to undo changes. A page titled Outstanding issues appears. 2 Double-click the text in the bulleted list PR EV Tell students that misspellings will be corrected in the next activity. Here’s why 3 Move the third bullet before the first bullet Point to the third bullet and drag it above the first bullet. 4 Choose Edit, Undo Text Edit (Or use the method of your choice.) The bullet moves back to the original position. 5 Deselect the text 6 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–18 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic The Spell Check dialog box Freelance Graphics provides a dictionary that helps you check the spelling of your presentation. To check your presentation for spelling mistakes, either choose Edit, Check Spelling or press Ctrl+F2 to open the Spell Check dialog box. This dialog box provides the option of checking selected words, the current page, or the entire presentation. After you select one of these options and click OK, the Spell Check dialog box displays the sentences containing misspelled words with the number and the title of the corresponding page. Misspelled words are underlined in the dialog box. W Explanation PR EV IE Under Alternatives, a list of suggested spellings, as shown in Exhibit 2-5, is displayed. Select the correct word from the list and click Replace. If you know that the misspelled word is used several times in your presentation, click Replace All to correct all the mistakes. In contrast, there might be a word that Freelance Graphics identifies as misspelled when in fact it is not. In this case, you can retain the original word by clicking Skip. To keep all the instances of the word, click Skip All. You can also add to the dictionary the words unique to your presentation, such as company and employee names. This ensures that Freelance Graphics recognizes them as words spelled correctly. Exhibit 2-5: The Spell Check dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Formatting and editing text Do it! B-3: Checking the spelling Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose Edit, Check Spelling… 2 Under Check spelling of, select Entire presentation Click OK You’ll check the spelling in the entire presentation. Another Spell Check dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 2-5, appears. The dialog box displays the number and title of the page with an incorrect spelling. The word “ISP” is underlined in the sentence, and the Replace with box shows it as the incorrect word. This is because Freelance Graphics recognizes this as incorrect. IE Observe the dialog box (Or press Ctrl+F2.) The Spell Check dialog box appears. W Tell students they can also use Ctrl+F2 to open the Spell Check dialog box. 2–19 3 Click Skip Observe the dialog box PR EV 4 Click Skip Observe the dialog box You’ll retain the original word. The word “rollout” appears in the Replace with box. To retain the original word. The word “Develping” appears in the Replace with box. 5 From the Alternatives list, select Developing Click Replace To correct the misspelled word. A message box appears, indicating that the spelling check is complete. 6 Click OK To close the message box. 7 Observe the last bullet The misspelled word “Develping” has changed to “Developing.” 8 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 2–20 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit summary: Formatting and editing text In this topic, you learned how to apply bold and italic formatting to text by using the Text SmartIcons set. You also learned how to change the font style, size, and color by using the status bar. Next, you learned how to apply and change bullet styles. You also learned that the Text block ruler is used to adjust margins and indents. Finally, you learned how to align text to the left, right, or center. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to move text and undo an action. You also learned how to check the spelling in your presentation. Independent practice activity W Topic A IE 1 Open Outstanding issues (in the current unit folder). 2 Save the presentation as My outstanding issues. 3 On page 1, select the text in the title block and apply the following formats: bold, change the font to the font style of your choice, increase the font size to 48, and change the font color to any shade of blue. 4 View the Text block ruler for the bulleted text and set the right margin at 7. (Hint: Choose View, Set View preferences.) 5 Left-align the bulleted text. PR EV 6 At the bottom of the bulleted list, add another bulleted item with the following text: Identifying milestones for the next phase. 7 Check the page’s spelling and correct any misspelling that is found. 8 Move the fourth bulleted item above the third one. 9 Update and close the presentation. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–1 W Unit 3 Objects, clip art, and diagrams Unit time: 70 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Create, replicate, move, resize, and delete IE objects. B Add, adjust, and format text in objects. C Apply and change colors in objects. PR EV D Add clip art and diagrams. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Drawing objects You can use drawings to present complex concepts, models, or relationships, such as testing process, business models, and team hierarchy, in a visual way. Freelance Graphics gives you the option to create your own drawings or use ready-made drawings. You can create your own drawings by adding several drawing objects, such as rectangles, ellipses, and lines, in a presentation. To add drawing objects, you use the Drawing & Text palette. The Drawing & Text palette W Explanation IE The Drawing & Text palette, as shown in Exhibit 3-1, appears by clicking the Drawing & Text button, which is located on the left side of the window in Current Page view. This palette contains four sections: • The Tools section is used to create rectangles, ellipses, curves, arcs, arrows, circles, lines, polygons, squares, and freehand objects. • The Shapes with text section is used to create drawing objects and add text to these objects. • The Flowchart section is used to create drawing objects in a flowchart and add text to these objects. PR EV • The Connectors section is used to connect different drawing objects. Exhibit 3-1: The Drawing & Text palette To create a drawing object by dragging: 1 Click the Drawing & Text button to display the Drawing & Text palette. 2 From the palette, select the drawing object tool you want to use. 3 Click and drag to start creating the object. 4 Release the mouse button to complete the object. Exhibit 3-2 shows a preview of the drawing that you’ll create in this unit. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams IE W Tell students that the page might look different depending on the size of the objects. 3–3 PR EV Exhibit 3-2: The completed Expansion project page Attributes SmartIcons You create a drawing by using several objects, and you might want some of these objects to have the same attributes. In Freelance Graphics, you can change the attributes of one object and then use the attributes SmartIcons to apply the copied attributes to other objects. Attribute SmartIcons are available in the TextShape SmartIcons set and includes two commands: • Pick-up object attributes. Copies an object’s attribute. • Apply object attributes. Applies the copied attribute to other objects. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! A-1: Creating objects Here’s how Here’s why (From the current unit folder.) This presentation contains one page. You’ll add drawing objects to this page to start creating the diagram shown in Exhibit 3-2. You’ll use the Shapes with text section to create a rectangle, an ellipse, and an arrow, and the Tools section to create a line. 2 Save the presentation as My In the current unit folder. expansion project PR EV IE 3 On the Current Page tab, click the Drawing & Text button W 1 Open Expansion project (Located on the left side of the window.) The Drawing & Text palette appears. 4 Under Shapes with text, select the indicated option Move the mouse pointer onto the page and observe it Tell students to try to draw the shape the same size as shown in the book. This will prevent problems later. Notice that the pointer changes shape to a crosshair. You’ll create a rectangle in the page. 5 Drag the pointer to create a rectangle as shown Release the mouse The dashed outline of the rectangle changes to a solid outline. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–5 6 Under Shapes with text, select the Ellipse tool W Drag to create an ellipse, as shown You’ll create an arrow. IE 7 Under Shapes with text, select the Arrow tool PR EV Drag to create an arrow, as shown 8 Under Tools, select the Line tool Tell students they can also click the starting and ending points to draw the line. You’ll draw a line. Drag to draw a line, as shown 9 Right-click the rectangle (To display the shortcut menu.) You’ll change the attribute of the selected rectangle. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic 10 Choose Text Shape The Properties for Text Shape InfoBox appears. Properties… W Verify that the Color, pattern, and line style tab is displayed IE You’ll change the default pattern. PR EV Under Interior, from the Pattern drop-down list, select the text pattern, as shown (Select the pattern that is in the last column, fourth row.) The rectangle appears transparent. 11 Close the InfoBox 12 Click (The Pick-up object attributes SmartIcon is in the TextShape SmartIcons set.) To copy the attributes of the rectangle. 13 Select the ellipse You’ll format this shape. 14 Click (The Apply object attributes SmartIcon is on the TextShape SmartIcons set.) To apply the copied attributes to the ellipse. 15 Apply the attributes of the rectangle to the arrow Select the arrow and then click the Apply object attributes SmartIcon. 16 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–7 Replicate objects Do it! Once you draw an object, you can replicate it so that you have multiple instances of it. To do this, select the object and choose Edit, Replicate, or press Ctrl+F3. One copy of the object is then placed on the page. The benefit of this command is that it simplifies the copy and paste commands into just one command. A-2: Replicating objects Here’s how Tell students they can also use Ctrl+ F3 to replicate. 2 Choose Edit, Replicate 3 Create a replica of the rectangle You’ll replicate the rectangle to create two more rectangles, shown in Exhibit 3-2. To copy and paste the selected rectangle with one command. Select the rectangle, if necessary, and choose Edit, Replicate to create a third copy of the rectangle. Observe the page PR EV Tell students they will move the replicas to new locations in the next activity. 1 Select the rectangle Here’s why IE Tell students that they will replicate the drawing objects created in previous activity to complete the drawing. W Explanation 4 Select the ellipse The replicas are placed over the original rectangle. You’ll create a replica of the ellipse. Replicate the ellipse Tell students that an additional ellipse and a line will be used in an upcoming activity. 5 Create two more replicas of the ellipse You should now have four ellipses. 6 Replicate the line five times You should now have six lines. 7 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–8 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Move objects Explanation While creating a drawing, you might need to move or change the size of an object, which you can do by using either the keyboard or the mouse. To use the keyboard to move an object, select the object, press the arrow keys, and then press Enter. W To use the mouse to move an object: 1 Select the object. Small squares appear around the selected object called selection handles. 2 Point to any edge of the selected object, taking care to position the pointer just inside the edge of the object and not on the selection handles. You’ll know the pointer is in the correct position when it changes to the shape of an open hand (shown in Exhibit 3-3) as you move the object. 3 Drag the object to move it to a new position. PR EV IE To move multiple objects, select all of them by holding the Shift key and then moving the objects. Exhibit 3-3: A rectangle being moved Resize objects You can also resize an object by using either the keyboard or the mouse. To use the keyboard to resize an object, select the object and press period (.). A cross pointer appears near the upper-left selection handle on the selected object. Press the arrow keys to size the object and press Enter to complete the sizing. To use the mouse to resize an object: 1 Select the object. Selection handles appear around it. 2 If you want to increase the width or height of the object, point to a horizontal or vertical selection handle. If you want to increase or decrease both at the same time, point to a corner selection handle. In both cases, the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. 3 Drag the selection handle, as shown in Exhibit 3-4, until the object reaches the size that you want. 4 Release the mouse button. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–9 W Objects, clip art, and diagrams Exhibit 3-4: A rectangle being resized Drawing grid IE Before you move or resize drawing objects, you might want to display the drawing grid on the page. A grid is a series of uniformly spaced dots on a page. The grid helps you align and space objects evenly while moving or resizing them. PR EV To display the drawing grid: 1 Choose View, Set Units & Grid. The Set Units & Grid dialog box appears. 2 Under Grid, check the Display grid check box. You can also check the Snap to grid check box to move or resize objects precisely. When this option is checked, objects can be moved or resized only to the dots on the grid. This means that you cannot move or resize objects to the space between the dots on the grid. 3 Click OK in the dialog box and the grid appears on the page, as shown in Exhibit 3-3 and Exhibit 3-4. To hide the drawing grid and disable the Snap to grid option, open the Set Units & Grid dialog box and clear the Display grid and Snap to grid options. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! A-3: Moving and resizing objects Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose View, Set Units & Grid… Tell students that grids are not printed. The Set Units & Grid dialog box appears. W 3–10 2 Under Grid, check Display grid To display the drawing grid on the page. 3 Check Snap to grid This option moves and resizes objects to the dots on the grid. Click OK The drawing grid appears on the page. You’ll move this rectangle. IE 4 Select the last copy of the rectangle Observe the selection handles PR EV Small squares appear around the selected object. Ensure that students don’t point to a selection handle—this will resize the object instead of moving it. 5 Drag the rectangle to the right side of the page, as shown (Don’t point to a selection handle because this will resize the object instead of moving it.) As you drag, the shape of the mouse pointer changes to a hand. A dashed outline indicates the new position of the rectangle. Release the mouse button when you’ve dragged the object to the desired position. 6 On the right side of the rectangle, point to the center selection handle (The shape of the pointer changes to a doubleheaded arrow.) You’ll resize the rectangle. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–11 W 7 Drag to the right, as shown To increase the width of the rectangle. Release the mouse button after increasing the width to the desired size. IE 8 Arrange the rectangles as shown The longest rectangle should be at the top. PR EV 9 Arrange the ellipses as shown 10 Select the last copy of the line Help students resize the line. You’ll resize and move this line. 11 Use the bottom left corner selection handle to drag one end of the line to the left ellipse, as shown NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–12 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Arrange the other lines as shown IE Tell students that they will have to move and resize the lines. W 12 Drag the other end of the line to the top left rectangle, as shown Move and resize the lines as necessary. PR EV Move the arrow to the center of the page, as shown 13 Choose View, Set Units & Grid… You’ll hide the drawing grid and disable the Snap to grid option. Clear Display grid Clear Snap to grid 14 Click OK To close the Set Units & Grid dialog box. 15 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–13 Delete objects Explanation To delete an object, select it and use either of the following methods: • Press the Delete key. Do it! A-4: Deleting objects Here’s how Here’s why 1 Select the line at the bottom of the page, as shown IE Tell students that they will delete a line and an ellipse because these objects are not required for the diagram they are creating in this unit. W • Choose Edit, Clear. You’ll delete this line. 2 Press d To delete it. PR EV 3 Select the ellipse at the bottom of the page, as shown 4 Delete the selected ellipse Press the Delete key. 5 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–14 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic B: Text in objects Adding text to a diagram provides more than just a visual message; it adds descriptive information that makes the diagram much more effective. With that in mind, you need to add text to drawing objects so that they become self-explanatory. You can add text to drawing objects by using the Shapes with text section of the Drawing & Text palette. After adding text to an object, you can format the text and adjust it to fit within the object. W Explanation Add text Do it! B-1: IE To add text to an object, select the object and type text. When you are finished, either click OK or click outside the object to deselect it. Adding text to objects Here’s how 1 Double-click the top-most rectangle on the page Here’s why The text block appears. You’ll add text to this rectangle. 2 Type Outlander Spices Observe the rectangle The text is centered within the rectangle. PR EV Tell students that the size of rectangles might change to fit the text. 3 In the top left rectangle, enter Select the rectangle and begin to type. Present Tell students they might not be able to see the entire text block. 4 In the right rectangle, enter After expansion 5 Deselect the rectangle 6 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–15 Adjust text in objects By default, when you add text to an object, the object resizes to fit the text. You can also modify the object’s properties so that the text size shrinks to fit in the object. Here’s how: 1 Select the object. 2 Choose Text Shape, Text Shape Properties, to open the Text Shape InfoBox. 3 Activate the Basics tab. 4 Check the Shrink text to fit shape check box. 5 Add text in the object. PR EV IE W Explanation Exhibit 3-5: The Expansion project page NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! B-2: Adjusting text in objects Here’s how Here’s why 1 Double-click the bottom left ellipse Type 20 kiosks in West Deselect the ellipse 2 Observe the ellipse IE If the ellipse is larger than the text students have typed, it will not enlarge. You’ll add text to this ellipse. W 3–16 The ellipse grows larger to include the text. 3 Select the left ellipse 4 Choose Text Shape, Text You’ll change the properties of the ellipse so that the text shrinks instead of the ellipse increasing in size. The Properties for Text Shape InfoBox appears. PR EV Shape Properties… Display the Basics tab Check Shrink text to fit This will shrink the new text that you’ll enter. shape Close the InfoBox 5 In the left ellipse, select the 20 kiosks in West text Press d To display the text block. To remove it. You’ll enter new text. Close the text block Tell students that precise resizing is not important. Tell students that if the ellipse is too large, the text will not shrink. 6 Make the ellipse smaller Use the selection handles to resize it. The exact size of the ellipse is not important. In the left ellipse, type Kiosks in West The text shrinks to fit the size of the ellipse as you type. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–17 Type text shown in Exhibit 3-5. 7 Add text to the other drawing objects PR EV IE W 8 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–18 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Format text in objects Explanation You can format text in objects by using the status bar. To do so, you first need to select the text in the object. This activates the formatting controls on the status bar. Next, you can choose the appropriate formatting controls, such as bold, font style, and size. Do it! B-3: Formatting text in objects Here’s how Here’s why 2 Click 3 From the Font name list, select Courier New 4 From the Font size list, select 24 (Click on the Bold button on the status bar or press Ctrl+B.) To make the text bold. (On the status bar.) To change the font. (On the status bar.) To increase the font size. Click OK or deselect the text block. PR EV Close the text block You’ll format the text in this rectangle. IE 1 In the top rectangle, select the Outlander Spices text Tell students they can also use Ctrl+B to make the text bold. W You can also use the Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox to format text in objects. Choose Text, Text Properties to open the Properties for All Text Levels InfoBox. Next, activate the Font, attributes, and color tab, and select the desired formatting style. 5 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–19 Topic C: Colors in objects You can make your drawn objects more engaging by applying colors to them. You apply colors to drawn objects by using the Color, pattern, and line style tab, which is on the Properties for Text Shape InfoBox. Pattern color W Explanation The Color, pattern, and line style tab provides the Pattern color drop-down list to apply color inside the object. However, you can do so only if a pattern other than the T pattern is selected in the Pattern drop-down list. This is because the Pattern color drop-down list is disabled when the T pattern is selected. The tab also provides the option to color the border of objects and create shadows of objects. PR EV IE To apply pattern color: 1 Select an object. 2 Click the Change properties of selected object SmartIcon. The Properties for Text Shape InfoBox appears. 3 Click the Color, pattern, and line style tab. 4 Under Interior, ensure that the T pattern is not selected. If it is selected, change the pattern. 5 Select a color from the Pattern color drop-down list. 6 Close the InfoBox. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! C-1: Applying pattern colors Here’s how Here’s why 1 Verify that the top rectangle is selected You’ll apply a pattern color to this rectangle. 2 Click (The Change properties of selected object SmartIcon is on the TextShape SmartIcons set.) The Properties for Text Shape InfoBox appears. W 3–20 The Color, pattern, and line style tab is the fourth tab. Under Interior, observe the pattern list The text pattern is selected. You’ll change this pattern. IE Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab PR EV 3 Under Interior, from the Pattern list, select the solid pattern as shown To apply the pattern. From the Pattern color list, select a light shade of green 4 Under Border, from the Color list, select any shade of orange From the Shadow drop-down list, select Above right 5 Select the Present rectangle Ensure that students do not select the T pattern because the next step will not key in. Apply a pattern of your choice To apply this color to the rectangle’s border. To apply a shadow to the rectangle. You’ll apply a pattern color to this rectangle. (Select any pattern other than the text pattern.) Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab. Under Interior from the Pattern list, select a pattern. Change the pattern color to any shade of yellow 6 Select the Kiosks in West ellipse Change the pattern color to any shade of light blue You’ll fill it with color. Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab, apply a pattern, and from the Pattern color list, select the color. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams Tell students to move the InfoBox so that the rectangle is visible. 3–21 You’ll apply a pattern color to the rectangle. 7 Select the After expansion rectangle and apply a pattern Tell students to set the pattern for the remaining objects. W Change the pattern color to any shade of pink 8 Add a shade of green to the other drawn objects Close the InfoBox 9 Deselect the drawing objects PR EV IE 10 Update the presentation The pattern color of the drawing objects changes to the selected colors. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–22 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Change pattern colors Do it! To change an object’s pattern color, select the object and choose Text Shape, Text Shape Properties. Then, display the Color, pattern, and line style tab and select another pattern color from the color palette. C-2: Changing pattern colors Here’s how Here’s why You’ll change its green color. 1 Select the arrow IE 2 Open the Properties for Text Shape InfoBox Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab Apply a solid pattern W Explanation Apply a shade of pink If necessary. Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select any shade of pink. PR EV 3 Select the line as shown The title of the InfoBox changes to Properties for Line & Curve. Under Line, from the Color list, select a shade of blue Close the InfoBox 4 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 3–23 Topic D: Clip art and diagrams Freelance Graphics includes several ready-made drawings that you can use to save time and effort. These drawings are available as clip art and predesigned diagrams. Clip art images are usually a single picture, and diagrams are a combination of several drawing objects. Clip art W Explanation To add clip art to your presentation, use the Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box shown in Exhibit 3-6. You can open this dialog box by using any of the following three methods: • Click the Clip Art button on the left side of the screen. IE • Choose Create, Add Clip Art. PR EV • Add the Bullets & Clip Art page layout and click the clip art block. Left arrow Right arrow Exhibit 3-6: The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–24 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic W To add clip art by using the Bullets & Clip Art page layout: 1 Open the New Page dialog box. 2 Select the Bullets & Clip Art page layout, and click OK to close the dialog box. 3 Click the clip art block. The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box appears. 4 Under View, select Clip Art, if necessary. 5 From the Category list, select the appropriate category. 6 Select a picture from the available options and click OK. PR EV IE Exhibit 3-7 shows a preview of the page that you’ll create in this topic. Exhibit 3-7: The Superb performance page Do it! D-1: Adding clip art Here’s how 1 Create a new blank presentation Here’s why You’ll create a blank presentation containing a Bullets & Clip Art page to add a clip art. 2 In the New Page dialog box, from the Select a page layout list, select Bullets & Clip Art Click OK Tell students that they can add clip art in the Title page layout by performing steps 3 to 7. 3 Click the clip art block The page contains blocks for the bulleted list and clip art. The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box appears. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams 4 Under View, verify that Clip Art is selected You can also insert a diagram by using this dialog box. 5 From the Category list, select The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box now looks like Exhibit 3-6. cartoons 6 On the Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box, click the right arrow twice IE Select the clip art image in the bottom right corner, as shown W Tell students that they can also insert a diagram by using this dialog box. This will be taught in the next activity. 3–25 Click OK The clip art is added to the page in the clip art block. 7 In the title box, enter Superb PR EV performance Tell students to press Enter to move to the next bullet. 8 In the bullet block, enter the three bullet items, as shown Deselect the bullet block Observe the page Tell students that a File Save message box might appear stating that you have only one page in the presentation and you can have multiple pages. Check Don’t display this message again to ensure that this message box doesn’t appear again. Click OK to close the message box. 9 Save the presentation as My performance The page contains a title, a bulleted list, and a clip art, as shown in Exhibit 3-7. (In the current unit folder.) The File Save message box might appear stating that you have only one page in the presentation and you can have multiple pages. Check Don’t display this message again and click OK to close the message box. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–26 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Diagrams To create an effective business drawing, you can either choose a ready-made diagram or create a diagram by joining text shapes and connectors. To add a diagram, you can either use the Diagram page layout or choose Create, Drawing/Diagram. W Explanation IE To add a diagram by using the Diagram page layout: 1 Open the New Page dialog box. 2 Select the Diagram page layout and click OK to close the New Page dialog box. 3 Click the Diagram block. The Add Diagram dialog box appears. 4 Ensure the Use a ready-made diagram option is selected and click OK. The dialog box also provides an option to create diagrams using elements from the Drawing & Text palette. 5 The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box appears. 6 Under View, select Diagram, if necessary. 7 Select a category and a diagram from the available options. Click OK. Exhibit 3-8 shows a preview of the page that you’ll create in this topic. PR EV Tell students the page might look different depending on the size of the diagram. Exhibit 3-8: The Focus areas page NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Objects, clip art, and diagrams Do it! D-2: 3–27 Adding diagrams Here’s how Here’s why Choose Create, Page. W 1 Open the New Page dialog box From the Select a page layout list, select the Diagram page layout You’ll add a diagram to the page. Click OK It contains blocks for a title and a diagram. 2 Click the diagram block IE Verify that Use a ready-made diagram is selected The Add Diagram dialog box appears. Click OK The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box appears. 3 From the Category list, select hub PR EV Select the bottom left diagram, as shown Click OK The selected diagram is added to the page. 4 In the title block, enter Focus areas 5 Select the diagram block Tell students that they need to single-click, not double-click.. 6 Click the double-headed arrow in the center (Don’t double-click.) To add text to it. The text box appears with the insertion point. In the text box, enter Focus areas 7 Using Exhibit 3-8 as a guide, enter text in the ellipses Type the text shown in Exhibit 3-8. 8 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–28 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit summary: Objects, clip art, and diagrams In this topic, you learned how to create drawing objects by using the Drawing & Text palette. You also learned to replicate, resize, move, and delete objects. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to add text and adjust and format text in objects. Topic C In this topic, you learned to add patterns and pattern colors to objects. You also learned to change the pattern color of an object. Topic D In this topic, you learned to add clip art and diagrams to a presentation. Independent practice activity W Topic A IE 1 Create a blank presentation with the Blank Page layout. 2 Using Exhibit 3-9 as a guide, create objects on the page and add text to them. 3 Apply bold to the Web initiatives text. 4 Change pattern color for each object. Add a light yellow color to the triangles and a light pink color to the remaining objects. 5 Save the presentation as My Web initiatives in the current unit folder. 6 Add a new page with the Bullets & Clip Art page layout. 7 In the title block, enter Keys to our success. PR EV 8 Using Exhibit 3-10 as a guide, insert a clip art picture from the nextstep category. 9 Using Exhibit 3-10 as a guide, enter five bullets. 10 Update and close the presentation. Tell students that the page might look different depending on the size of the drawing objects. Exhibit 3-9: The output after step 2 of the Independent Practice Activity NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 3–29 IE W Objects, clip art, and diagrams PR EV Exhibit 3-10: The completed Clip Art & Text page after step 9 of the Independent Practice Activity NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic PR EV IE W 3–30 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Unit 4 Tables and charts W 4–1 Unit time: 70 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Add a table to a presentation, add text to IE the table, add rows and columns, change the size of rows and columns, and delete a column of a table. B Create and format a chart. C Create an organization chart, add levels to PR EV it, and format it. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Tables Tables help organize data in a way that is makes information easy to read and compare. Tables in Freelance Graphics are the same as the tables you find in other applications, and are often used in books and other similar documents. W Explanation Create a table IE A table is composed of rows and columns, with data in each cell. A cell is an intersection of a row and a column. PR EV Exhibit 4-1: The Table Gallery dialog box To create a table by using the Table page layout: 1 Choose Create, Page to open the New Page dialog box. 2 Select the Table page layout. 3 Click the table block to display the Table Gallery dialog box as shown in Exhibit 4-1. This dialog box provides you with different styles of tables and the options to select the number of rows and columns in a table. 4 Select the type of table style you want. 5 Select the number of rows and columns you want for the table. The maximum number of rows and columns you can have in a table is 30 and 50, respectively. 6 Click OK. If you aren’t using the Table page layout, you can also create a table block by choosing Create, Table. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts Do it! A-1: Creating a table Here’s how 2 Save the presentation as My company info 3 In the title block, enter Performance On the New Page dialog box, from the Select a page layout list, select Table. In the current unit folder. (The Table Gallery dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-1.) You can select a table style and specify the number of rows and columns in the table. IE 4 Click the table block Here’s why W 1 Create a blank presentation with the Table page layout Tell students to check Don’t display this message box again in case a File Save message box appears. Also, tell them to click OK to close the message box. 4–3 5 In the Rows box, enter 3 You’ll have three rows in your table. In the Columns box, enter 2 Click OK 6 Choose Table, Table Properties… PR EV Tell students they can also right-click the table and choose Table Properties. Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab A table with three rows and two columns appears. You can also click the Change properties of selected object button on the TextShape SmartIcons set, or right-click on the table and choose Table properties. The Properties for Table InfoBox appears. You’ll increase the table border’s thickness. Under Apply to, verify that the first option is selected NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Make sure students don’t select None. 7 Under Border, in the Style list, verify that the first style is selected IE From the Width list, select the third style from the bottom, as shown W 4–4 In the Color list, verify that black is selected Close the InfoBox The table appears with a thick border. PR EV 8 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–5 Add text to a table After you create a table, you can add text to it. Some types of information are better presented in table form, which can make the information easier to read and understand. To add text to a cell, place the insertion point in the cell and type the text. Do it! A-2: W Explanation Adding text to a table Here’s how 1 Verify that the table is selected The font size list is on the status bar. When you select the new size, it is applied to the entire table. IE Set the font size to 36 Here’s why 2 Place the insertion point in the first cell of the table Click in the top left corner of the table. You’ll enter text in this cell. Type Price PR EV 3 Press t The insertion point moves to the next cell in the table. 4 Type 15% lower than competitors Press t To move to the cell in the next row. 5 In the second and third rows, add the text as shown Click anywhere outside the table To navigate from one cell to another, press Tab or use the arrow keys. To deselect the table. 6 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Add rows and columns in a table While adding text to a table, you might need to add more rows or columns to it. To add a row or a column to a table, select the cell after which you want to add a row or column and choose Table, Insert, Row or choose Table, Insert, Column. By using these options, you add one row or column to a table at a time. W Explanation IE To add more than one row or a column to a table at a time, use the Insert Row/Column dialog box. To open the Insert Row/Column dialog box, choose Table, Insert, Row/Column. The Insert Row/Column dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-2. Exhibit 4-2: The Insert Row/Column dialog box PR EV Select Row or Column in this dialog box to specify the component you want to insert. Under Insert new row/column, select where you want to add the row(s) or column(s). Click OK and the table is modified with the specified changes. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts Do it! A-3: 4–7 Adding rows and columns in a table Here’s how Here’s why 2 Click in the cell in the bottom right corner W 1 Select the table (To place the insertion point in it.) You’ll add a row and three columns to the table you created. 3 Choose Table, Insert, Row A row is added at the end of the table. IE 4 Observe the table To add a row after this row. 5 In the new row, enter the text as shown (Click the cell in the top left corner; it contains the “Price” text.) You’ll add a column before the selected column. 7 Choose Table, Insert, To open the Insert Row/Column dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 4-2. PR EV 6 Place the insertion point in the first cell on the table Row/Column… Under Insert, select the indicated option To insert a column. Verify that the Number to insert box is set to1 Click OK Three columns are added before the selected column in the table. 8 Deselect the table NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–8 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Change row and column size Do it! When you add a row or a column to a table, the size of the table increases. Sometimes it appears beyond the page. To view the entire table, you can change the size of rows and columns. To do so, select the table and choose Table, Size Row/Column. The Properties for Table InfoBox appears. Next, activate the Columns and rows tab in the InfoBox. Then, you can specify the height of a row and width of a column. A-4: W Explanation Changing the size of rows and columns Here’s how Here’s why It extends past the screen. You’ll change the size of columns of the table. 2 Select the table 3 Choose Table, Size Row/Column… IE 1 Observe the table 4 Verify that the Columns and rows tab is selected To open the Properties for Table InfoBox with the Columns and rows tab selected. You will change the width of the column. PR EV Under Row, in the Height box, enter 1.20 Under Column, in the Width box, enter 3.30 5 Close the InfoBox The table now appears within the page. 6 Move the table Onto the page, if necessary. 7 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–9 Delete rows and columns of a table When you are working with tables, there are times when you might need to remove some information from it or you might want to delete a blank row or a blank column. To delete a row or a column, select it and choose Table, Delete, Row/Column. The Delete Row/Column dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-3. W Explanation IE Exhibit 4-3: The Delete Row/Column dialog box PR EV You can use this dialog box to select Row or Column depending on the component you want to delete. When deleting a row or column that contains text, you click in the cell. However, when deleting a blank row or column, you select it by dragging. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Do it! Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic A-5: Deleting a column of a table Here’s how Here’s why 1 Observe the table You’ll delete all the blank columns of this table. 2 Place the insertion point in the first cell of the blank column You’ll delete this column. Click and hold the mouse button Don’t release the mouse button. IE Drag down to the last cell in the first column W 4–10 PR EV To select the column. 3 Choose Table, Delete, To open the Delete Row/Column dialog box. Row/Column Under Delete, select Column, Click OK The selected columns are deleted. 4 Using the selection handles, resize the table So that it fits on the page. Move the table to place it on the page, if necessary. 5 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–11 Topic B: Charts You can add charts to your presentation for displaying numerical data graphically. Data displayed graphically is interesting, is easier to analyze, and also improves readability. Charts are usually used to analyze data. For example, you can use a chart to compare competitors’ profit margins. Freelance Graphics offers several types of charts, such as line, bar, and pie. You can change the color and format of the chart’s elements. Create charts W Explanation IE You can create a chart either by using the Chart page layout or by choosing Create, Chart. To use the Chart page layout, you first need to add a page. When you add a page, the New Page dialog box provides four types of page layouts: 1 Chart, 2 Charts, 4 Charts, and Bullets & Chart. Then, you select any of the Chart page layouts and click the chart block to open the Create Chart dialog box. PR EV In contrast, when you choose Create, Chart, the Create Chart dialog box appears directly, as shown in Exhibit 4-4. Exhibit 4-4: The Create Chart dialog box The Create Chart dialog box provides you with a number of chart types and styles. The chart type defines the format of the chart, such as bar or pie, and the chart style defines the colors and patterns of the chart. The different styles are basic, classic, effect, and stripes. To create a chart by using the 1 Chart page layout: 1 Open the New Page dialog box. 2 Select the 1 Chart page layout. 3 Click the chart block. The Create Chart dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-4. 4 Select a chart type and chart style. 5 Click OK. 6 The Edit Data window appears. 7 Enter data 8 Click OK. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! B-1: Creating a chart Here’s how Here’s why 1 Add a new page with the 1 Chart page layout 2 In the title block, enter Comparison chart 3 Click the chart block (The Create Chart dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-4.) You can select a chart type and style. 4 In the Select a chart type list, verify that Bar is selected You’ll create a bar chart. IE Tell students that they’ll create a bar chart to compare the price, cost, and profit of two competitors. You’ll add a chart to your presentation. W 4–12 5 In the Select a chart style list, verify that basic is selected Click OK The Edit Data dialog box appears. PR EV 6 Verify that the Data tab is active You’ll define the data for the chart here. The other tabs are Text Labels and Titles. The Text Labels tab is used to label the data in a chart and the Titles tab is used to add titles to the chart and the axis of a chart. The labels can be specified in the Data tab as well as in the Text Labels tab. Observe the grid on the Data tab You’ll enter data in the cells. The first row contains the Label information and the first column contains the Legend information. 7 In the A column, click on the top cell, as shown To select the cell. Enter Price To add the text to the Legend. 8 Add the other two Legend headings, as shown NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–13 9 In the Labels column, select the first cell in Row 1 as shown 10 Type Outlander Spices Press y Type Competitors To change the row heading. To move to the next row. IE 11 Select cell A1 as shown W To select the cell. Cell A1 is the cell where column A and row 1 intersect. You’ll enter a value in this cell. PR EV Enter 60 12 Press y Tell students to observe the preview as they enter the values. To move to cell A2. Enter 70 13 Select cell B1 You’ll enter value under Cost. Enter 30 14 Enter the remaining values, as shown Observe the preview 15 Click OK The chart automatically updates to display the data in graphical form. The chart appears in the chart block. 16 Deselect the table 17 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–14 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Format charts After creating a chart, you can format it to include different colors, fonts, and sizes. By formatting charts, you can make it presentable, interesting, and easier to analyze. Formatting also helps you differentiate between different types of data in a chart. You can format individual parts of the chart or the entire chart. W Explanation Grids Plot Legend PR EV Y-axis IE Chart title X-axis Exhibit 4-5: The components of a chart To format a chart: 1 Select the chart. 2 Choose Chart, Axes & Grids to display a submenu with two commands, Y-Axis & Grids and X-Axis & Grids. 3 Under Show grid line at, clear Major intervals. 4 Choose Chart, Chart Properties. 5 Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab. 6 Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select any color. 7 Activate the Type tab and select the Chart type that you want. 8 Close the InfoBox. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts Do it! B-2: Formatting a chart Here’s how Here’s why 1 Place the pointer on the chart Make sure you don’t place the pointer over a specific part of the chart, but in a white area, such as between the legend and the chart area. W Help students select the entire chart. 4–15 (To select the chart.) You’ll format this chart by changing color patterns and chart types. Click 2 Observe the grid lines 3 Choose Chart, Axes & Grids, The Properties for Y-axis InfoBox appears. IE Y-Axis & Grids… The grid lines are visible. 4 Click the Grids tab 5 Under Show grid lines at, clear To clear the gridlines. Major intervals Observe the chart block The grid lines are not visible. Close the Properties InfoBox PR EV 6 Click any blue bar, as shown Tell students they can also right-click the bar and choose Series Properties. Tell students they can select any shade of blue. 7 Choose Chart, Series To select the Price series. The Properties for Series InfoBox appears. Properties… Display the Color, pattern, and line style tab 8 Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select any shade of yellow To change the color of the blue bar to yellow. 9 Change the color of Cost series to blue Select the series. With the Properties for Series InfoBox still open, display the Color, pattern, and line style tab. Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select a blue color. Now, both series have new colors. Close the InfoBox NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–16 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic 10 Choose Chart, Chart Type… (The Properties for Chart InfoBox appears.) You’ll change the chart type. Verify that the Type tab is active W 11 Click as shown Close the InfoBox 12 Deselect the chart 13 Observe the chart IE To change the chart type to a 3D bar style. Click anywhere outside the chart block. The chart type has changed. PR EV 14 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–17 Topic C: Organization charts An organization chart helps you display the hierarchy of an organization visually. It contains boxes and connecting lines to show the organization’s structure. You can present the entire structure or the key roles on a project team. You can add different levels to the organization chart and highlight key levels. Freelance Graphics provides different styles of organization charts, as shown in Exhibit 4-6. W Explanation Create an organization chart IE To insert an organization chart into a presentation, you can either use the Organization Chart page layout or choose Create, Organization Chart. You use the first option when you want to add a new page with an organization chart. When you want to insert an organization chart in an existing page, you use the second option. PR EV To insert an organization chart by using the Organization Chart page layout: 1 Select the Organization Chart page layout. 2 Click the organization chart block to open the Organization Chart Gallery dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 4-6. 3 Select a style and click OK. The Organization Chart Entry List dialog box appears. 4 Place the insertion point in the Entry list dialog box and type the text. 5 Click OK. Exhibit 4-6: The Organization Chart Gallery dialog box The Organization Chart Gallery dialog box provides you with various styles of organization chart. It also provides you the options for displaying the lowest level of a chart as a row of boxes, a list, a laddered list, or a boxed list. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! C-1: Creating an organization chart Here’s how Outlander Spices wants to show its hierarchy in an organization chart at its annual meeting. Here’s why 1 Add a new page with the Organization Chart page layout 2 In the title block, enter The project team 3 Click the organization chart block The Organization Chart Gallery dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 4-6. By default, the first style is selected. The Organization Chart Entry List dialog box appears. IE Click OK You’ll add an organization chart to the presentation. W 4–18 4 Observe the insertion point The insertion point is placed at the top line by default. This is the President’s name. Press y (Or press Enter.) To move the insertion point to the next line. PR EV Type Kathy Sinclair Tell students they can also press Enter to move the insertion point to the next line. 5 Type President Click OK Tell students they will add more boxes later. 6 Observe the page To add the organization chart to the page and close the dialog box. It contains an organization chart with only one box in it. 7 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–19 Add levels to an organization chart Explanation To include additional levels in an organization chart, you use the Organization Chart Entry List dialog box. To open this dialog box, choose Org Chart, Edit Data. This dialog box contains an entry list. To add entries to the organization chart entry list: W • Press Enter to add entries at the same level. PR EV IE • Press Tab to create a subordinate entry. • Press Shift +Tab to create a superior entry. Exhibit 4-7: An organization chart with levels NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! C-2: Adding levels to an organization chart Here’s how Here’s why 1 Verify that the organization chart is selected If necessary. 2 Choose Org Chart, Edit The Organization Chart Entry List dialog box appears. Data… 3 Place the insertion point on the third line, as shown W 4–20 Press e 4 Enter text, as shown An entry for subordinate level appears. (Or press Enter.) To move the insertion point to the comment line. PR EV Press y IE You’ll add a subordinate level below Kathy Sinclair. Explain to students that they have to press Enter to add a new entry. The down arrow works for navigation but not for adding new entries. Press e You’ll add another subordinate level. 5 Enter text, as shown Move to the comment line Press the Down arrow key. 6 Press e Press t To add a subordinate level to Jack Thomas. Enter text, as shown 7 Click OK Deselect the organization chart To close the dialog box. The organization chart appears with the subordinate levels, as shown in Exhibit 4-7. 8 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Tables and charts 4–21 Formatting organization charts You can add borders, colors, and shadows to an organization chart. You can also change the font of the text in the boxes. To format an organization chart: 1 Select the organization chart. 2 Choose Org Chart, Box Properties, Current Box. The Properties for Current box InfoBox appears. 3 Activate the Color, pattern, and line style tab. 4 Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select any color. 5 Activate the Font, attribute, and color tab. 6 From the Font name list, select the font you want. 7 Close the InfoBox. Do it! C-3: W Explanation IE Formatting an organization chart Here’s how Here’s why 1 Verify that the organization chart is not selected Right-click the Kathy Sinclair box 2 Choose Box Properties, PR EV Current Box You’ll change the color of this box. The Properties for Current box: Sinclair InfoBox appears. Verify that the Color, pattern, and line style tab is active Under Interior, from the Pattern color list, select any shade of yellow Activate the Font, attribute, and color tab You’ll change the font type for the text in the box. 3 Select Name You’ll change the font of the name. 4 From the Font name list, select The font of the name changes to Arial Black. Arial Black Close the InfoBox 5 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–22 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit summary: Tables and charts In this topic, you learned how to create a table in your presentation by using the Table Gallery dialog box. You also learned how to add text to a table. Then, you learned to add rows and columns to a table. You also learned to change the size of rows and columns. Finally, you learned to delete a column of a table. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to create and format a chart. You also learned how to change the chart type. Topic C In this topic, you learned how to insert an organization chart in a presentation. You also learned to add levels to an organization chart and format it. IE Independent practice activity W Topic A 1 Create a blank presentation with Table page layout. 2 Save the presentation as My sales in the current unit folder. 3 In the title block, enter Sales (in millions). 4 Add 3 rows and 4 columns to the table. 5 Using Exhibit 4-8 as a guide, enter text in the table. 6 Add a column at the end of the table. (Hint: Click in the last cell and choose Table, Insert, Column.) PR EV 7 Change the size of the rows and columns to 0.90 and 2.00, respectively. (Hint: Select the table and choose Table, Size Row/Column and specify the values in the Columns and rows tab of the InfoBox.) 8 Add a row above the first row. (Hint: Use the Insert Row/Column dialog box.) 9 Using Exhibit 4-9 as a guide, enter the remaining text in the table. 10 Add a new page with the 1 Chart page layout. 11 In the title block, enter Sales (in millions). 12 Create a chart. Select Stacked Bar as the chart type and classic as the chart style. 13 In the Edit Data dialog box, enter text as shown in Exhibit 4-10. 14 Add a third page with the Organization Chart page layout. 15 In the title block, enter Team. 16 Using Exhibit 4-11 as a guide, add four levels with names and job positions. 17 Change the color of the second level boxes to any shade of yellow. 18 Update and close the presentation. Exhibit 4-8: The sales table after step 5 of the Independent Practice Activity NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 4–23 W Tables and charts IE Exhibit 4-9: The sales table after step 9 of the Independent Practice Activity Exhibit 4-10: The text for step 13 of the Independent Practice Activity PR EV Tell students that the page might look different depending on the color they select. Exhibit 4-11: The organization chart after step 16 of the Independent Practice Activity NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic PR EV IE W 4–24 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–1 W Unit 5 Customizing presentations Unit time: 60 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Insert a new page in Outliner view, use the IE Indent and Outdent SmartIcons, and expand and collapse the text. B Rearrange and delete pages in Page Sorter view. C Customize pages by switching page PR EV layouts, changing the typeface, adding a logo, and hiding and unhiding a page. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Outliner view Freelance Graphics provides you with three views: Current Page, Page Sorter, and Outliner. In each view, you can create a new page or an entire presentation. W Explanation If you want to review a presentation after creating it, Outliner view would be the most suitable. The Outliner view is mainly used for reorganizing your presentation’s content because it provides an overview of the content on all pages. In this view, Freelance Graphics shows the titles and content on each slide, making it easier to review and reorganize them. This view is divided into two parts. The left side of Outliner view helps you move pages from one position in the presentation to another, and the right side helps you to rearrange text within a page. Insert a new page IE To switch to Outliner view, click the Outliner tab below the Universal SmartIcons set in the Freelance Graphics window. The Outliner toolbar located below the view tabs, as shown in Exhibit 5-1, contains SmartIcons for common tasks in Outliner view, such as inserting a new page, changing text levels, and expanding or collapsing the text. PR EV After creating a presentation, you might want to review it and add some more information to it. For example, you might need to insert a new page. To insert a new page in Outliner view: 1 Select a page. You will insert the new page after the selected page. 2 Click the New Page SmartIcon on the Outliner toolbar. 3 Click the Page Layout button on the status bar to choose a page layout for the page. By default, Bulleted List page layout is selected. 4 Click OK. The number and a sample picture of the page appear to denote the new page in Outliner view. Outliner toolbar Outliner tab Exhibit 5-1: The Outliner view NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations Do it! A-1: Inserting a new page Here’s how Here’s why From the current unit folder. The presentation opens in Page Sorter view. 2 Save the presentation as My project report 3 Click the Outliner tab 5 Click (Scroll down.) You’ll insert a new page at the end of the presentation. (The Add a new page SmartIcon is on the Outliner toolbar.) To insert a new page. 6 Observe Page 7 PR EV Tell students to observe the page picture as they type. To switch to Outliner view. IE 4 Select the sample picture of Page 6 W 1 Open Project report Tell students to scroll down to view Page 7 completely. 5–3 The insertion point is placed on Page 7, in the outline. You’ll type the title and bulleted text in this page. Type Performance This is the page’s title. Press e To add the first bulleted item to the page. This is a Bulleted List page by default. 7 Type Pricing This is the first bulleted item. Press e 8 Type Lower than competitors Press e Ensure that students do not press Enter after they type the last bulleted item. 9 Add the remaining bulleted text as shown After the last bullet item, don’t press Enter. 10 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic The Outdent and Indent SmartIcons Explanation In Outliner view, text can be arranged in five levels and each level is indented from the left margin. The title appears at the left-most level, and bulleted items and other elements appear at subsequent levels, as shown in Exhibit 5-1. W You can move the bulleted text to different levels in the list. By default, all bullet-list items are at the same level. To move an item up or down a level, select it and click the Outdent or Indent SmartIcon on the Outliner toolbar. Do it! A-2: Using the Outdent and Indent SmartIcons Here’s how Tell students they can also click the bullet point to select the bullet item. 1 Select Lower than competitors Here’s why Either drag to select the text or click the bullet icon to select the entire bullet item. You’ll indent this text. 2 Click the Indent SmartIcon PR EV Tell students they can also use the Tab key to indent items. IE You use the Outdent SmartIcon to move the selected item up one level, and the Indent SmartIcon to move the selected item down one level. If you use the Indent SmartIcon on the title of a page, the entire page is incorporated into the previous page as text. If you use the Outdent SmartIcon for a block of text, the block becomes the title of a new page and the text below it becomes the text in the new page. (Located on the Outliner toolbar.) To indent the selected bulleted item. Observe the bulleted text The selected bulleted item is indented by one level. Help students select the bulleted items. 3 Select the last four bulleted items, as shown (Click the text in the third bulleted item and drag to the last bulleted item.) You’ll indent them as a group. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations 5–5 W 4 Click the Indent SmartIcon The selected bulleted items are indented. Deselect the bulleted items 5 Select Products 6 Click the Outdent SmartIcon IE Tell students they can also press Shift+Tab to outdent items. You’ll outdent this bulleted item. (Located on the Outliner toolbar, or press Shift+Tab.) To outdent the bulleted item. Deselect the text If necessary. PR EV 7 Observe the page The bullet text appears at two levels. 8 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Expand and collapse text After inserting pages and text in a presentation, you might want to look only at the page titles. In the Outliner view, the Outliner toolbar contains the SmartIcons you need to expand or collapse the text on a page or in an entire presentation, as shown in Exhibit 52. Collapses text in entire presentation W Explanation Collapses text in a page Expands text in entire presentation Expands text in a page IE Exhibit 5-2: The expand/collapse buttons on the Outliner toolbar To expand or collapse text in the entire view, click the first or second button, as shown in Exhibit 5-2. It doesn’t matter what is selected or where the insertion point is, just click the desired button. To expand or collapse text in the current page, click the third or fourth button, as shown in Exhibit 5-2. When you collapse a page, Freelance Graphics displays a plus sign (+) next to the page number, and displays only the page title. A-3: Expanding and collapsing text PR EV Do it! Here’s how Here’s why 1 Click You’ll collapse the text in the entire presentation in the Outliner view. 2 Observe the view In the left side, a plus (+) sign appears before the page numbers and at the left side, the text except the page title disappears. 3 Click To expand the collapsed text. 4 Observe the view The text reappears in the pages. 5 Select Page 7 (Click on the sample picture of Page 7.) You will collapse the text of this page. 6 Click Only the page title is visible on the page and a plus (+) sign appears before page number on the left side. 7 Click To expand the collapsed text of Page 7. 8 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations 5–7 Topic B: Page Sorter view When reviewing a presentation, you might decide to rearrange the order in which pages appear. You might also find that the information in some pages is no longer necessary and that the pages need to be removed from the presentation. You can rearrange pages both in the Outliner and Page Sorter views, but it is easier in Page Sorter view. It is also more convenient to delete pages in Page Sorter view, because you can see all the pages in the presentation at the same time. W Explanation The Page Sorter view makes it easy to add, delete, and move pages. You can switch to Page Sorter view by choosing View, Page Sorter or by clicking the Page Sorter tab. Rearrange pages PR EV IE You can rearrange pages in Page Sorter view by selecting a page and dragging it to a new location, as shown in Exhibit 5-3. As you drag, the shape of the pointer changes to a clenched hand and a line appears to mark the position where your page will appear after you release the mouse button. Exhibit 5-3: Rearranging pages in Page Sorter view NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–8 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Do it! B-1: Rearranging pages Here’s how Here’s why To switch to the Page Sorter view. All the pages in your presentation appear on the screen. 2 Observe the border around Page 7 You were working on this page, titled Performance, when you switched to Page Sorter view. A border appears around the page that is currently active, as shown in Exhibit 5-3. You’ll move the selected page. 3 Drag Page 7 and place it before Page 5 (As shown in Exhibit 5-3.) A dark line indicates the position where the page will appear. The pages are rearranged. Performance is now page 5 and Outstanding issues is now page 6 in the presentation. IE Observe the pages W 1 Click the Page Sorter tab PR EV 4 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations 5–9 Delete pages Do it! You can delete pages when you no longer need them. To delete a page, select it and choose Edit, Clear or choose Page, Delete Page. You can also delete a page by selecting it and pressing the Delete key. B-2: Deleting a page Here’s how 2 Choose Edit, Clear Observe the presentation The page title is Outlander Spices. To delete the page. It has only six pages now. 3 Update and close the presentation PR EV Tell students they can also press the Delete key. 1 Select Page 7 Here’s why IE Tell students they’ll delete this page because it is no longer needed for the presentation. W Explanation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–10 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic C: Customizing a presentation After adding, rearranging or deleting pages, you might want to customize the appearance of pages in a presentation. You can customize pages by changing the page layout and the typeface, by adding a logo, and by hiding a page that should not be displayed during a screen show. W Explanation Switch page layouts While editing a page, you might decide to change its layout. For example, you might want to change a Title page layout to a Bulleted List page layout so that you can add more content to it. In Freelance Graphics, changing page layouts is referred to as switching page layouts. Do it! C-1: IE You switch page layouts by selecting a page and choosing Page, Switch Page Layout, and the desired layout. Switching page layouts Here’s how 1 Open Training 2 Save the presentation as My The presentation opens in Current Page view. In the current unit folder. PR EV training Here’s why Tell students that they’ll change the layout of this page to Title page layout. 3 Verify that the first page is displayed You’ll switch the page layout of this page. 4 Choose Page, Switch Page The Switch Page Layout dialog box appears. Notice that Bulleted List page layout is selected. You’ll switch the page layout to Title. Layout… Select Title Click OK The page layout of this page changes from Bulleted List to Title. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations 5–11 The Add Clip Art or Diagram to the Page dialog box appears. 5 Click the clip art block From the Category list, select W people IE Select the clip art image, as shown The indicated clip art is on the second people page. Click OK The clip art is added to the first page. Deselect the clip art PR EV 6 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–12 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Change typeface Switching page layouts changes the look of the page. To change the look of the text in the pages, you can change the typeface or font on all the pages at a time by using the Change Typeface Globally dialog box, as shown in Exhibit 5-4. You can also apply the global typeface change to the text in data charts, tables, or organization charts. But, after modifying the typeface, you cannot undo the changes. W Explanation IE To open the Change Typeface Globally dialog box, choose Presentation, Change typeface Globally. PR EV Exhibit 5-4: The Change Typeface Globally dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations Do it! C-2: Changing typeface Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose Presentation, Change Typeface Globally… From the list, select Comic Sans MS IE Click OK The Change Typeface Globally dialog box appears, as shown in Exhibit 5-4. The default typeface is Arial. W Tell students that they’ll change the font style of the text in the entire presentation. 5–13 A message box appears, as shown. Click OK PR EV 2 Scroll through the presentation The typeface changes to Comic Sans MS. All the pages appear with the Comic Sans MS typeface. 3 Update the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–14 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Add logos When you create a business presentation, you might want to add your organization’s logo to each page. A logo is a graphic identification of an organization. You can add a logo by inserting files that are in the GIF, BMP, or TIF format. To add a logo in a Freelance Graphics presentation, you choose Presentation, Add a Logo to Every Page. PR EV IE W Explanation Exhibit 5-5: The page to add a logo in a presentation To add a logo to all the pages in a presentation: 1 Choose Presentation, Add a Logo to Every Page. A page appears, as shown in Exhibit 5-5. 2 Choose File, Open. 3 From the Files of type list, select an appropriate format. 4 Select the file you want to insert as a logo. 5 Click Open in the Open dialog box. The Embed a copy of the image file? dialog box appears. 6 Click Yes to close the dialog box. 7 Click Done, which is located in the message box at the left side of the page. The logo appears in your presentation. The logo you add appears at the upper-left corner of the page by default. You can move the logo to any position in the page by dragging it. You can also change or delete a logo. To move, change, or delete a logo, you need to switch to the page where you add a logo by choosing Presentation, Add a Logo to Every Page. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations Do it! C-3: Adding a logo to pages Here’s how Here’s why 1 Choose Presentation, Add a Logo to Every Page… 2 Choose File, Open… From the Files of type list, select Graphics Interchange (GIF) Click Open Tell students it might take some time. The Open dialog box appears. You’ll add a logo with the GIF format. You’ll add this GIF file to the presentation. IE Select Spice A page appears. Anything you place on this page will appear on all pages in the presentation, except the title page. W Tell students that they’ll add a logo of Outlander Spices to all the pages in the presentation. 5–15 The Embed a copy of the image file? dialog box appears. 3 Click Yes PR EV 4 Move the logo to the top left corner of the page, as shown Tell students that they can also move the logo to a new position. 5 Click Done Located in the message box at the left side of the page. 6 Scroll through the presentation The logo appears on all the pages except the title page. 7 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–16 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Hide a page and run the presentation Explanation After you finish creating and customizing your presentation, you are ready to run it. Before you do, it’s a good idea to preview your presentation to ensure that the page order is correct and the content is in place. To do this, you can use the Page Sorter view. W You can view all the components on each page and modify them, if necessary. While previewing you might want to hide a page that you don’t need for the screen show. Later, you can also unhide the page if you need it for the screen show. Hide and unhide pages IE When you run a presentation, you can hide some pages that are not needed. To hide a page, select it and choose Page, Screen Show Effects. In the Properties for Page InfoBox that appears, activate the Screen Show tab and check the Do not display this page during screen show option. When you want to show the hidden page again, select that page and clear the Do not display this page during screen show option. Do it! C-4: Hiding and unhiding a page during the screen show Here’s how 1 Open Investors Here’s why From the current unit folder. 2 Save the presentation as My PR EV investors Tell students the company does not need to include the Celebration page in the presentation for investors. 3 Switch to Page Sorter view This view helps you to verify that all the pages are in order. 4 Select the seventh page You’ll hide this page. 5 Choose Page, Screen Show The Properties for Page InfoBox appears. Note that the Screen Show tab is active. Effects… 6 Check Do not display this To hide the page during the screen show. page during screen show Close the InfoBox Tell students they can also use the Run screen show from beginning SmartIcon. 7 Choose Presentation, Run Screen Show, From To run the presentation from the beginning. Beginning Move through the presentation (Click the mouse button to move to the next page.) The Celebration page doesn’t appear in the screen show. 8 Observe the screen You’re back to Page Sorter view. 9 Verify that the seventh page is selected You’ll unhide the page. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Customizing presentations 10 Open the Properties for Page InfoBox Choose Page, Screen Show Effects. 11 Clear Do not display this To unhide the page. 5–17 Close the InfoBox 12 Run the screen show from the beginning 13 Move through the presentation Choose Presentation, Run Screen Show, From Beginning. (Another way to navigate through the presentation is to use the Page Down and Page Up keys.) The Celebration page appears in the screen show. IE Tell students they can also press the Page Down key to move to the next page. W page during screen show PR EV 14 Update and close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 5–18 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit summary: Customizing presentations In this topic, you learned that Outliner view is the most suitable view for reviewing and reorganizing a presentation. You learned how to insert the pages in this view and how to outdent and indent text to different levels. You also learned how to expand and collapse the text in a page or an entire presentation. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to rearrange and delete pages in Page Sorter view. Topic C In this topic, you learned how to customize pages by switching page layouts. You also learned to change the typeface globally and add a logo to all the pages except the title page. Finally, you learned how to hide and unhide pages during the screen show. 1 Open Products. IE Independent practice activity W Topic A 2 Save as My products in the current unit folder. 3 Switch to Outliner view. 4 Select Page 6. 5 Add a page after Page 6. 6 Switch to Current Page view. PR EV 7 On the new page, change the page layout to Title. Add a title, Outlander Spices, and a subtitle, The end. 8 Switch to Page Sorter view. 9 Move Page 4 before Page 3. 10 Delete Page 1. 11 Change the page layout of the first page to Title. 12 Switch to Current Page view. 13 Add a clip art image to the first page. (Hint: Under Category, select people and select 7 of 10.) 14 Globally change the typeface of all the pages to Impact. 15 Hide the third page. 16 Run the presentation from the beginning. Observe that the third page is not displayed in the screen show. 17 Unhide the third page. 18 Run the presentation from the beginning. All the pages are displayed in the screen show. 19 Update and close the presentation. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 6–1 W Unit 6 Previewing and printing presentations Unit time: 30 minutes Complete this unit, and you’ll know how to: A Preview a presentation in black and white, IE and use the Print Preview option. B Use the Print dialog box to print an entire PR EV presentation and selected pages. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 6–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Previewing Once you create a presentation, you’ll want to share it with your manager, clients, colleagues, and so on. One way to do that is to print it. But before you do, Freelance Graphics gives you the option to preview what it will look like on the printed page in black and white and in color. W Explanation Preview a presentation in black and white A presentation usually contains text, graphics, charts, and tables with a specific color scheme. However, when printing the presentation, you might want the output in black and white. Before you do, though, it is always a good idea to preview the color presentation in black and white to see how it will look when printed. Do it! A-1: IE You can preview a presentation in all three views: Current Page, Page Sorter, and Outliner. To preview a presentation in black and white, click the Color/B&W button on the status bar. The color of all the pages changes to black and white. You can also switch between color and black and white preview by choosing View, Show in Color or by using the shortcut key, Alt+F9. Previewing a presentation in black and white Here’s how In the current unit folder. PR EV 1 Open Investors Here’s why 2 Switch to Page Sorter view Tell students they can also use Alt+F9 to switch between color and black and white. 3 Click The Color/B&W button is on the status bar. 4 Observe the pages All the pages are now in black and white. 5 Click All the colors reappear. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Previewing and printing presentations 6–3 The Print Preview option You can preview the pages in their original colors before printing them to be sure they look the way you want them to. To preview a presentation: 1 Choose File, Print Preview. The Print Preview dialog box appears. 2 Select the page from where you want to start previewing. 3 Click OK. 4 Click Next to preview the next page in the presentation. 5 Click Previous to preview the previous page in the presentation. 6 Click Quit to stop the preview and return to the presentation. W Explanation You can also click the Print Preview SmartIcon to preview the presentation. A-2: Using the Print Preview option IE Do it! Here’s how This step will not work unless a printer driver has been installed. Here’s why 1 Choose File, Print Preview… (You’ll preview the presentation before printing.) The Print Preview dialog box appears. 2 Under Start preview from, select First page You’ll preview the presentation from the beginning. Click OK The preview of the first page appears. PR EV 3 Click Next Preview each page 4 Click Quit (The Next button is at the bottom of the screen.) The preview of the page titled Outlander Spices appears. Continue clicking the Next button until the last page appears. The print preview ends and the presentation appears in Page Sorter view. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 6–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic B: Printing Once you preview your presentation and you’re satisfied with the way it looks, you’re ready to print. By default, Freelance Graphics prints only one copy, but you can choose to print multiple copies. You can also choose to print a single page or specific pages rather than the entire presentation. To print a presentation, either choose Print from the File menu or click the Print SmartIcon and specify the options in the Print dialog box that appears. You can also use the shortcut key, Ctrl+P, to open the Print dialog box. The Print dialog box W Explanation IE The Print dialog box provides a number of options that you can set for printing a presentation. You can change the printer, print specific pages, print multiple copies, collate multiple pages, and print even or odd pages. The Print dialog box also provides an option to preview the presentation. By default, under the Print area, the Full Page option is selected. This option prints one slide per page. You can select the Handout option to print two, four, or six slides per page. You also have the option to print slides with speaker notes appearing on the printed page. You can select the Audience notes to print pages with blank lines, which can then be used by the audience to take notes during the presentation. You can also print the outline of your presentation by selecting the Outline option. However, this option is enabled only in the Outliner view. PR EV To print a presentation by using the File menu: 1 Choose File, Print. 2 Select and set the options you need in the Print dialog box. 3 Click Print. Tell students the dialog box might look different depending on the settings. Exhibit 6-1: The Print dialog box NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Previewing and printing presentations Do it! B-1: Printing a presentation Here’s how 1 Choose File, Print… 2 Observe the Pages option 3 Observe the Print option 4 Observe the Copies option If you have a multiple page presentation, you can choose to print a specific range. By default, All is selected. By default, Full page is selected. You can print multiple copies. You can also choose the Preserve Copies setting. (To close the dialog box without printing.) If you are connected to a printer, click Print instead. This will print the entire presentation using all the default settings. A dialog box with the Printing Status appears. IE Click Cancel To open the Print dialog box as shown in Exhibit 6-1. PR EV If students are connected to a printer, have them click Print. Here’s why W Tell students they can also use Ctrl +P to open the Print dialog box. 6–5 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE 6–6 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Print selected pages If you want to print only selected pages of a presentation, in the Print dialog box, use the Pages selected in sorter option. You can also specify the number of copies you want to print. To print selected pages: 1 Switch to Page Sorter view. 2 Press the Shift key and click the pages that you want to print. 3 Choose File, Print to open the Print dialog box. 4 Under Pages, select the Pages selected in sorter option. 5 Set other options you need in the Print dialog box. 6 Click Print. Do it! B-2: Printing selected pages Here’s why IE Here’s how W Explanation 1 Switch to Page Sorter view If necessary. 2 Select the first page (If necessary.) You’ll print this page. Press and hold s Select the third and sixth page Release s Pages 1, 3, and 6 are selected. PR EV Ensure that the students are still pressing the Shift key. 3 Open the Print dialog box (Choose File, Print.) You’ll print the selected pages. 4 Under Pages, select Pages You’ll print only the pages selected in Page Sorter view. selected in sorter This step will not work unless student computers are attached to a printer. 5 Click Cancel (To close the Print dialog box.) If you are connected to a printer, click Print. When you do, the selected pages of the presentation will be printed. 6 Close the presentation NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Previewing and printing presentations 6–7 Unit summary: Previewing and printing presentations In this topic, you learned how to preview a presentation in black and white. You also learned to use the Print Preview option to preview pages before printing them. Topic B In this topic, you learned how to print a presentation and selected pages. You learned that you can use the Print dialog box to change the printer, print specific pages, print multiple copies, collate multiple pages, and print even or odd pages. W Topic A Independent practice activity IE 1 Open Products. 2 Preview the presentation in black and white. 3 Select the fourth and sixth page of the presentation and print them. (Hint: Open the Print dialog box, select the necessary option, and click Cancel. If you are connected to a printer, click Print instead.) 4 Close the presentation. PR EV 5 Exit Freelance Graphics. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic PR EV IE W 6–8 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Appendix A Using the Help options W A–1 This appendix covers these additional topics: A Help topics PR EV IE B Guide Me NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE A–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Help topics When you are working on a presentation, you might need help on the various features and tools of Freelance Graphics. You can obtain this information by using Freelance Graphics Help Topics. You can access Help Topics by either choosing Help, Help Topics, or pressing the F1 key. W Explanation When you choose Help Topics from the Help menu, the Help Topics: Freelance Graphics Help dialog box appears. This dialog box contains three tabs: IE • The Contents tab provides a list of available Help categories. Each category has a book icon on its left indicating that it contains several topics. You can see the topics by double-clicking either the book icon or the book title. Blue question mark icons accompany the topics within the book. When you double-click one of the icons or the topic titles, help for that topic appears. • The Index tab provides an alphabetical list of all the available Help topics, like an index in a book. When you type, the list of indexed topics automatically scrolls to try to match the word or phrase you typed. You can also scroll down the list of index entries manually to select the words that match the topic you are looking for. PR EV • The Find tab is useful when you’re not sure about the name of the Help topic you’re looking for. It searches not only the titles of help topics, but also their contents. It also displays a list of all the topics that include at least one occurrence of the word you typed. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Using the Help options A–3 Topic B: Guide Me You can use the Guide Me feature to get help on various parts of Freelance Graphics. Guide Me is a convenient and fast way to get help on a task. To use Guide Me, choose Help, Guide Me, or click the Guide Me button in the top-right corner of the screen. W Explanation PR EV IE When you click the Guide Me button, the Guide Me dialog box appears with a question and a list of tasks. When you click the task that most closely matches your question, Guide Me immediately displays a help procedure or another list of tasks. If another list of tasks appears, choose a task from this to narrow your search. Continue choosing tasks until the procedure for doing the task appears. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE W IE PR EV NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE S–1 Course summary W Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic IE This summary contains information to help you bring the course to a successful conclusion. Using this information, you will be able to: A Use the summary text to reinforce what students have learned in class. B Direct students to the next courses in this PR EV series (if any), and to any other resources that might help students continue to learn about Freelance Graphics 9.8. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE S–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic A: Course summary Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Unit 1 W At the end of the class, use the following summary text to reinforce what students have learned. It is not intended as a script, but rather as a starting point. Unit 2 IE In this unit, students learned how to open and run a Freelance Graphics presentation. They learned about the various components of the Freelance Graphics window, including toolbars and menus. They also learned about the various views available in Freelance Graphics. Next, they learned how to create a new presentation by using the File menu. Then, they learned how to use the New Page dialog box to add pages to their presentation. They also learned about page layout options to add pages in different formats. In addition, they learned how to save a presentation for the first time by using the Save As dialog box. They also learned how to update the presentation by using the File menu and also by clicking the Save SmartIcon. Finally, they learned about several ways to close a presentation and close Freelance Graphics. PR EV In this unit, students learned how to apply bold and italic formatting to text by using the Text SmartIcon set. They also learned how to change the text font style, size, and color by using the status bar. Then, they learned how to apply and change bullet styles. Next, they learned that the Text block ruler is used to adjust margins and indents. They also learned how to align text to the left, right, or center. Next, they learned how to move text and undo an action. Finally, they learned how to check the spelling in the presentation. They observed that they could choose the correct spelling from a list of suggested words. Unit 3 In this unit, students learned how to create drawing objects by using the Drawing & Text palette. They also learned how to replicate, resize, move, and delete objects. Then, they learned how to add text in objects, and adjust and format the text. Next, they learned how to use the Pattern color option to apply pattern colors to objects. They also learned how to change the pattern color of an object. Finally, they learned how to add clip art and diagrams to a presentation. Unit 4 In this unit, students learned how to create a table in their presentation by using the Table Gallery dialog box. They also learned to add text to tables, add rows and columns in a table, change the size of rows and columns, and delete columns of a table. Then, they learned how to create and format a chart. They also learned how to change the chart type. Next, they learned how to insert an organization chart in a presentation. Finally, they learned how to add levels to an organization chart and format it. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Course summary S–3 Unit 5 Unit 6 W In this unit, students learned how to insert a page in Outliner view. They learned how to indent or outdent text to different levels. They also learned how to expand and collapse the text in a page or an entire presentation in Outliner view. Then, they learned how to rearrange or delete pages in Page Sorter view. They learned how to switch page layouts. They also learned how to change the typeface globally and add a logo to all the pages except the title page. Finally, they learned how to hide and unhide a page during the screen show. PR EV IE In this unit, students learned how to preview a presentation in black and white. They learned to use the Print Preview option to preview pages before printing them. Then, they learned how to use the Print dialog box to print a presentation and select pages. NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE S–4 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Topic B: Continued learning after class Next course in this series W Point out to your students that it is impossible to learn to use any software effectively in a single day. To get the most out of this class, it is important that students begin working with Freelance Graphics 9.8 to perform real tasks as soon as possible. Course Technology also offers resources for continued learning. This is the first course in this series. The next course in this series is: PR EV IE • Freelance Graphics 9.8: Advanced NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Q–1 Basic Quick reference Button Keystrokes What it does W Freelance Graphics 9.8: c+ O & c+ S IE Creates a new presentation Opens an existing presentation Inserts a new page Saves the current presentation in the current folder PR EV Creates a text block t Indents the text (increases the indent) s+t Outdents the text (decreases the indent) c+ B Applies bold formatting to the selection c+ I Applies italic formatting to the selection c+ U Underlines the selection c+ Z Undoes the last action c+ X Cuts the selected text to the Clipboard NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Button Keystrokes What it does c+ C Copies the selected text to the Clipboard c+ V Pastes the text from the Clipboard to the selected location Copies the attributes of an object Pastes the attributes of an object IE Creates a chart W Q–2 Changes properties of the selected object Scans through all the categories of the clip art Stops scanning through the clip art category a+( Switches between color and black and white PR EV Opens the Print Preview dialog box c+ P Opens the Print dialog box a+ ) Runs screen show from the beginning a+ $ Exits Freelance Graphics NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE I–1 W Index I Aligning text, 2-12 Applying Bullet styles, 2-6 Text formatting, 2-2 Indent SmartIcon, 5-4 Indents, 2-8 Insert Row/Column dialog box, 4-6 Inserting pages, 5-2 B L Bullet style, 2-6 Bulleted list pages, 1-14 C IE A M Margins, 2-8 Moving text, 2-15 O Organization charts, 4-17 Outdent SmartIcon, 5-4 Outliner view, 1-6, 5-2, 6-4 PR EV Change Typeface Globally dialog box, 5-12 Charts Creating, 4-11 Formatting, 4-14 Clip art Adding, 3-23 Closing Freelance Graphics, 1-19 Collapsing text, 5-6 Creating Drawing objects, 3-2 Presentations, 1-9 Current Page view, 1-6 Logos, 5-14 D Diagrams Adding, 3-26 Displaying the grid, 3-9 Drawing & Text palette, 3-2 Drawing objects Creating, 3-2 E Editing text, 2-15 Expanding text, 5-6 F P Page layout Blocks, 1-10 Entering text, 1-12 Page layouts Switching, 5-10 Page Sorter view, 1-6, 5-7, 6-6 Pages Adding to a presentation, 1-14 Pattern color, 3-19, 3-22 Presentations Creating, 1-9 Opening, 1-2 Previewing, 6-2 Printing, 6-4 Saving, 1-16 Updating, 1-18 Previewing a presentation, 6-3 Printing a presentation, 6-4 Formatting text, 2-2 Freelance Graphics window components, 1-4 R G Rearranging pages, 5-7 Reorganizing a presentation, 5-2 Replicating objects, 3-7 Grid, 3-9 H Hiding pages, 5-16 S Saving a presentation, 1-16 Screen shows NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE I–2 Freelance Graphics 9.8: Basic Formatting, 2-2 Text block ruler, 2-8 Text blocks, 1-12 Text Shape command, 3-15 Text SmartIcons set, 2-2 TextShape SmartIcons set, 3-3 Typefaces Changing, 5-12 T U Tables Creating, 4-2 Text Editing, 2-15 Undo command, 2-17 Unhiding pages, 5-16 Universal SmartIcons set, 1-4, 2-2 Updating a presentation, 1-18 PR EV IE W Running, 1-8 Setting Indents, 2-8 Margins, 2-8 SmartMaster, 1-9 Snap to grid option, 3-9 Spell Check dialog box, 2-18 Status bar, 2-4 NOT FOR PRINTING OR INSTRUCTIONAL USE