Winston Hills News - Winston Hills Public School
Winston Hills News - Winston Hills Public School
The Winston Whisper Winston Hills Public School Hillcrest Ave, Winston Hills 2153 T: 96398518 F: 9686 3274 Email: Website: th Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 Tuesday, 5 November, 2013 FROM THE PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Page 2: Deputy’s Report , Accounts, Winnie & Bandaged Bear Father & Son Camp Out This event was again an outstanding success. It was a great night enjoyed by everyone. I would like to thank Mr. MacSporran for his organisation of the wonderful event. He has done a tremendous job once again. Thank you also to Mr Short, Mr Booth and a number of teachers and parents who helped out in various ways. Enrolments for 2014 – Are you moving? Thank you to those parents who have notified the school that they are moving schools in 2014. If you are intending to leave the school this year and not already notified the teacher and the office on 9639 8518, please do so as soon as possible (excluding Year 6 of course). Accurate numbers are important for our class planning and staffing for next year. Page 3: Sport Results, Bus Passes, Stewart House, Banking Page 4: Father & Son Camp Out Page 5: Teacher/Student Game, Bazaar Day Page 6: Parenting Article – Keeping kids safe in a cyber world Page 7: School & P & C News Page 8 : Classes of the Week - 1/2 S & 2/6P CALENDAR Week 5 th Wednesday, 6 Nov th Thursday, 7 Nov Changing Schools - Research Week 7 Research shows that when parents take the time to get children ready for a change of school they settle in quickly. Find out what to do if you’re planning to make the move, whether across town or interstate. Go to: oothing-the-way-when-your-child-changes-schools Wednesday, 20 Nov nd Friday, 22 Nov Year One - Parent Homework Survey As part of our evaluation of homework practices at Winston Hills PS, we are exploring ways of making homework more meaningful and relevant for our students. Over the past term and a half, the Year One classes have been trialling a grid format for homework. The Homework Grid enables students to do their share of work in and outside the home, including house chores and physical activity such as sport training and playing outside. A parent survey is being sent home today to Year One parents only to ask them for feedback on the Homework Grid. ‘Parent/Volunteers Thank You Evening’ – Tuesday th 26 November, 7.30pm Every year we receive overwhelming support and assistance from the parents and volunteers in our community. This help enables us to run many of our school and classroom programs more effectively. As the participation of parents is invaluable to us we like to take the time every year to say thank you. On th Tuesday 26 November at 7.30pm, we will be holding a ‘Thank You Evening’ to thank our willing helpers. An invitation is accompanying this newsletter. If you are planning to attend, nd we ask that you RSVP by 22 November. I look forward to seeing many of our parents and volunteers on the night. Please Note: Parents are asked not to bring their children on the night as we are not able to have alcohol at a school function where children are present. Maxelle Matthews th Week 8 th Tuesday, 26 Nov th Wednesday, 27 Nov Parent Morning Tea - 9.15am Uniform Shop - open 6-7pm Band Concert 6pm Book Club ‘Parent Thank You’ Evening Kinder 2014 - Class Visit WHAT’S DUE? th Friday, 8 Nov th Friday, 8 Nov th Friday, 8 Nov th Friday, 15 Nov nd Friday, 22 Nov nd Friday, 22 Nov th Friday, 29 Nov Term 4 Accounts due Stage 3 MFHS Musical note Student leadership Form Year 5 Enrichment Class form – Year 4 Stewart House clothing bag RSVP for Parent ‘Thank You” Year 6 Parents Bazaar Helpers note ACCOMPANYING NOTES • • • • • • • • • • • • Stage 3 Enrichment Class 2014 Stage One Party Day ‘Parent Thank You’ Invitation Stage 2 Camp Evaluation Leadership 2014 Application – Year 5 students Year 1 Homework Survey Bazaar Day – helpers request (Year 6 Parents) Stewart House Bags Dr Shoe Brochure Hills Sports Group Flyer Stage 3 Note – Model Farms Musical ‘Winston Idol’ Note Community Notices – (email only) • Winston Heights PS Spring Fair • Winston Hills Netball • Go4Fun Fitness Program Living and learning together Page 1 th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 FROM THE DEPUTY Giving Back At the Father and Son campout on Friday night, Mr MacSporran talked about the importance of “Giving back,” explaining that ensuring we are helping those less fortunate than us is not only great for the community but also a life –long habit worth practising. Winston Hills has definitely been practising what we preach lately, with Stage 2 officially handing over a cheque of close to $1000 to the Bandaged Bear from Westmead Children’s hospital last week and hundreds of fathers giving to the campout’s charity of Movember on Friday night. The next opportunity to help out will be this week in the form of the traditional Stewart House Bags included in this newsletter. Please fill the bags with unwanted clothes and leave the closed bag outside the infants nd shed, adjacent to the Infants COLA by the Friday 22 November. Camp Feedback Last newsletter I sung the praises of the students and teachers who ensured the success of the Stage 2 camp at Narrabeen’s Sydney Academy of Sport. To help the school decide on possible directions for any future camping programs, Stage 2 parents are asked to complete the camp Feedback Note attached to this newsletter. Feedback from the Stage 2 camp’s Expression of Interest forms helped guide the planning of camp earlier in the year and the community’s feedback related to the recent camp will be a valuable guide in the journey towards any future camps. Student Leadership–EOI for Student Leaders in 2014 In 2013, the school opened up many new leadership positions, to expand the traditional model of the school captains and prefects filling most of the student leadership roles in the school. This year the leadership was shared over many roles such as Sport leaders, Technology Leaders, Band Captains and Green Team membership. The aim is to allow as many Year 6 students as possible to take on a leadership role. An expression of Interest form is attached to this newsletter which asks Year 5 students to nominate one or more leadership positions they want to pursue for next year. Many students will nominate several and if unsuccessful in attaining their first preference will try out for their other choices, while some students will choose not to apply for the more public leadership positions and feel more comfortable filling less formal positions. It is important to realise that there are other leadership roles, such as Peer Support leadership and Class Captaincy that will also be offered to Year 6 in 2014 and as a result many students will choose to not nominate any formal positions this year, but instead accept the challenge of student leadership next year when these opportunities arise. SCHOOL ACCOUNTS – DUE THIS WEEK As previously advised in school notes and previous newsletters, all school accounts for outstanding activities th and upcoming activities must be finalised by this Friday, 8 November, 2013. This is due to the Department of Education and Communities Financial Rollover. The Financial Rollover will be followed with the Department’s Administration Rollover of student details. To help make this transition as smooth as possible, we ask all school families to support the Administration team by ensuring that all school accounts are completely finalised by this date. If you have a concern or a problem with your account, please contact the school immediately on 9639 1931. We thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support. Judy Jones – Administration Manager WINNIE MEETS THE BANDAGE BEAR AT THE STAGE 2 & 3 ASSEMBLY Year 3 & 4 students presented a cheque to the Children’s Hospital for $812.50. The money was raised at the Mini Spring Fair which was held in Term 3. Parent Morning Tea - TOMORROW After the huge success of last term’s Parent Morning Tea, the next opportunity for parents to come up, catch up with other parents, make new friends and hear about what is happening at the school will be tomorrow at 9:15. The morning tea will be in the new hall, where parents will be entertained by the school’s Training Band, hear from the 2014 canteen manager and have a cuppa with some new found friends. Looking forward to seeing another huge turn-up! Winston Winners – Premier’s Spelling Bee Congratulations to Alexander Adams, William Latimore, Tara Radovic and Mitchell Archer who were very competitive at the recent Premiers Spelling Bee, with Tara successfully making it to round 4, Mitchell round 7, William Latimore-Round 4 and Alexander Adams achieving a second place. Ian Short Living and learning together th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 SCHOOL NEWS PSSA Results – Round 11 STEWART HOUSE Clothing Collection All families have been given a Stewart House bag to fill with Cricket used clothing. Every year Stewart House benefits financially Jnr’s Vs North Rocks PS won 2/58-7/27 Snr’s Vs North Rocks PS lost 2/34-5/86 from collections of clothing and rags in schools. The Smith Softball Snr Boys Vs Winston Heights PS lost 5-16 Snr Girls Vs Winston Heights PS lost 5-14 T-Ball Family generously provides bags and undertakes the collection and pays Stewart House for each kilogram received. About $25,000 is raised each year from this Jnr Boys Vs Winston Heights PS lost 0-31 Jnr Girls Vs Winston Heights PS lost 15-1 Touch Football Jnr Boys Vs Winston Heights PS won 2-0 Jnr Girls Vs Winston Heights PS lost 1-2 Snr Boys Vs Winston Heights PS lost 3-4 Snr Girls Vs Winston Heights PS loss 1-6 Draws & Tables Can be located on Castle Hill PSSA website collection. Please support this fundraising event for Stewart House, an organisation which helps underprivileged children from all over NSW. Please return your bags outside the sports shed by Friday, 22 nd November. Colin Booth SCHOOL BANKING Reward Redemption Day Our next reward redemption day will be held on Wednesday BUS PASS APPLICATIONS - 2014 Students currently in Year 2 who have a school travel pass will need to re-apply for Year 3 2014. Please ensure that your child is eligible for free school travel before applying. 4 th December which will also be the last week of school banking. Students who have banked 10, 20, 30 or 40 times will be eligible to claim their reward. Please ensure the reward card is completed and returned by Free bus travel from the home address is currently available to: • Children in Kinder, Yr 1, and Year 2 • Children in Yr 3 to Yr 6 who live further than 1.6km radius from the school. • Children in Yr 3 and Yr 6 who live inside 1.6km radius. But more that 2.4km walking distance from the school. Details of eligibility and application forms are available from the school office. Please note: Students in Year 2 who currently hold a bus pass need to re-apply, as the bus company will automatically re-issue travel passes in Term 1 2014 to all other students who currently have a pass. th Tuesday 19 November (either in the banking wallet or in the rewards box at the office) to allow us time to order the rewards. Current rewards available in Term 4 are the: Calculator ENETRTAINMENT BO OK - Headphones - Money Boxes We also have limited stock of the other rewards from previous terms left over so students can claim these, but they won’t be available once we run out and students may need to choose another reward. Please note: We have just been advised the moneyboxes will ‘THANK XOXOXOX YOU PARENT EVENING’ th Tuesday 26 November • • P&C - 7.00pm in the Staffroom ‘Parent Thank You’ Evening 7.30 - 9.00pm – down the steps from the Infants Shadeport. be discontinued at the end of 2013 so please ensure students who would like a moneybox order it this term, as they won’t be available in 2014. For further information: Micaela Ashton-Standring Living and learning together th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 FATHER AND SON CAMP OUT – 2013 Our annual Father and Son Camp Out last Friday night was a raging success with over 300 campers enjoying a memorable night of fun, excitement and very little sleep. The playground starting filling up with tents at 4.00pm and by 6pm it had been transformed into an official campsite. Tents of all shapes and sizes were pitched, from the very modest to the fully-equipped, with many tents sleeping more than one family. It was great to see dads catching up with each other while completing the most manly of duties: setting up a tent and preparing a campsite! Margaret Young, Corina Best and Belinda Schuster volunteered as chefs for the night and did a fantastic job of cooking our feast, along with Kerry Seymour, Brooke Facer and Amanda Smith who helped serve the food. After dinner, Daniel Smith from the Hills Sports Group coordinated soccer games on the multipurpose court and the boys had a great time. Following this was the presentation and raffle draw, with about 50 prizes won, including Lego, sporting equipment, vouchers, skateboards and water guns. Afterwards, all the boys were given glow sticks, resulting in hours of fun in the playground and in tents. The dads also won lots of prizes – clothing, coolers, BCF vouchers and movie vouchers. Many of these were generously donated by families from our school. It was a beautiful clear night and the boys ran themselves silly until about midnight, fuelled by chocolate mud cake, iceblocks and ‘scary’ stories! By this time most campers were in their tents - some tired; many still too excited to close their eyes. After a very brief and interrupted ‘sleep’, the sound of tent zippers could be heard again: it was 5.30am and time to get up! Another marathon barbecuing effort was needed to cook the bacon, eggs and pancakes for breakfast and thanks to the many dads who helped out with cooking, food preparation and clean up. Through your generosity we also raised $303 for ‘Movember’, helping men suffering from prostate cancer and depression. This is a great cause and one we support every year at the Father and Son Camp Out. The following parents helped to make the night a great success: Pat McBriarty, Mr Martin, Karl Hager, Peta Milenkovic, David Minty, Bruce Wyndle, Jonoathon Menzies, Mario Delicata, Darren McKeon, Mr Mohanraja, Pommy Dymond, Robert Twyerould, Marcelo Alvarez, Darren Neagle, my Dad, John, and many more. Ian Short was a huge help throughout the night and generously gave his time to assist with cooking and supervision, as did Colin Booth who helped with breakfast. A special mention to Daniel Smith who donated his time to arrange games of soccer on the multipurpose court. The Hills Sports Group is currently signing up players for competitions before school and on weekends. Please take a brochure from the front office if you are interested in registering your child. Thanks for all the positive feedback from the camp out over the last 7 years. It has grown into a wonderful community event and I have enjoyed giving fathers and sons an opportunity to experience a special night together. Living and learning together th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 SCHOOL NEWS YEAR 6 VS TEACHERS NEWCOMBE BALL GAME Last Wednesday, our annual Year 6 vs Teachers game raised over $300 for our end of year activities. Congratulations to the teachers (again) who won 3-2 in a close encounter. The game was played in a fun but competitive spirit and the players and spectators had a great time. Thank you to all those students who made a gold coin donation to support this event. Stage 3 Teachers BAZAAR DAY Thursday Week 9 Request for Parent Helpers & Donations Reminder Parent Helpers A note asking for Bazaar Day parent helpers is accompanying this newsletter. If you are able to assist in any way, please complete the note and return it to the Stage 3 teachers. Raffle Prizes This term, Year 6 will be collecting prizes for our Bazaar Day raffle draws. If you would like to donate a prize please send it with your child to Mr MacSporran. In the past we have had gift vouchers, teddy bears, toys, chocolate and CDs – any item that would be a popular raffle prize. White Elephant Stall One of our most popular stalls on Bazaar Day is the White Elephant stall where children buy second hand toys, books, DVDs, jewellery and craft. We are asking for donations of these items that may have at home and no longer need. PARENT TIPS Sun Safety This spring has seen temperatures soar. A new information pack with the latest advice on sun safety is available for schools and parents. Find out more: n-safety/index.php In past years we have spent many hours sorting donations and throwing out broken and dirty toys. We ask that all donated items are clean, in working order and appropriate for children. Donations can be left outside the sports shed located in the K-2 shade port. Please have your donations in bags or boxes so they can be stored easily. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Stage 3 teachers Digital Citizenship We're the first generation of parents responsible for equipping our children with digital citizenship skills – how to use technology safely and responsibly, and how to evaluate, manage and use the information and tools they find online. Here are some tips to get you started: STAFF NEWS Congratulations to Mrs Catriona Wood (teacher of 5/6W) and her husband Greg on the arrival of their first baby – a boy! Baxter Stephen Wood was born on Tuesday, 24th September. He weighed 4.2kg. Living and learning together th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 Living and learning together th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 SCHOOL and P & C NEWS P&C CANTEEN Last Week’s P&C Meeting th Before last week’s P&C meeting we had a presentation about MunchMonitor an online ordering system that we are currently evaluating. We will look to make a decision about MunchMonitor at our final P&C meeting for the year. The meeting also acknowledged all the excellent work that representatives of the P&C sub-committees had put into making the recent Kinder Orientation a success. The meeting th will be on Tuesday 26 November 2012 at 7pm in the Staff Room. th Wednesday, 6 Nov Wednesday, 13 Nov Carly Kirk, Libby Davis, Amy McGuckin, Julia Maguire Irish Lewis, Geroly Segui. Jin Young Kang, Kay Stoddart th Thursday, 14 Nov th Thursday, 7 Nov Janelle Dunk, Julie Walsh, Kaelene Davis Friday 8 Nov Rachel Beldham-Collins, Melissa Johnson, Kathryn Boxall BAND NEWS All three bands recently performed at the Hornsby North th Festival on Sunday 27 October. Congratulations on your efforts results were• Training Band-Credit • Intermediate Band-Commended • Senior Concert Band-Highly commended Haylie Rossettin, Rebecca Connelly th Monday, 18 Nov Monday 11 Nov Jenny Wilbow, Belinda Schuster, Ravin Randhawa Jennifer Harrison, Kelly Chapple Tuesday, 19 Nov th HORNSBY NORTH FESTIVAL th Friday, 15 Nov th Vincent Riordan President Lissa Hassell, , Hatice Woods, Tina Khan th Tuesday 12 Nov th Sophia Ferreira Friza, Michelle Ly, Heidi Juhart Robyn Scott, Rhonda-Lyn Urkanci, Jodie Maestri, Kathy Blair BAND INFORAMTION EVENING Halloween – Thank You Thanks to the Intermediate band for their performance efforts and assistance at the recent band information evening. 38 applications were received with all students being offered a place in our training band in 2014. We welcome all those new families to our band program. Our Halloween treat day last Thursday 31 October was a big success with the canteen being rushed off its feet. PARENTS MORNING TEA Training band is invited to perform at the parent morning tea to be held tomorrow. Please meet in the new hall by 9am to prepare. CONCERT NIGHT st A HUGE THANK YOU to the following people: • Janelle Dunk, Haylie Rossettin, Kathy Doherty and Prudence Giffin who were rostered on that day. • Mrs Luther, Miss Downton and Mrs Stewart who came to assist with serving & controlling the milling crowds! • Carly Kirk, Amy McGuckin, Libby Davis & Jenny Bradfield for providing the decorations and treats for the ENETRTAINMENT BO OK day. • Trinity Loader, Jarrod McGuckin, Tyler & Bailey Davis for providing additional art work for decorations. The annual band concert night will be held on Wednesday 20th November at 6.30pm. RSVP slips are now overdue and we ask that you return these asap. th Changes to timetable will take place on Wednesday 13 th and 20 November to prepare for this event. Please refer to white note issued to each student recently. Happy ordering! Jenny W, Janelle, Carly, Michelle & Jenny B Carly Kirk (0414) 427804, Jenny Bradfield (0412) 321447 or Sue Bryant Opening Times XOXOXOX WINSTON MO BROS This Movember, our very ‘attractive’ team of David MacSporran, Ian Short, Colin Booth, Steve Freney, Andrew Lade and Andrew Petersen will again be raising money to support prostate cancer research and Beyond Blue. If you like to donate to this great cause, please follow this link All donations are tax deductible. David MacSporran UNIFORM SHOP Open during the school term every Thursday morning from 8:40am to 9:30am and the first Thursday evening of the month from 6pm to 7pm. th • next evening open: 7 November 2013 New Uniform Price List We wish to advise that due to supplier price increases the uniform shop will be putting up their prices effective 1st November 2013. The new price list will be available from the 1st November 2013. Roster th 7 November Libby Davis Karen Carpenter Living and learning together th Evening Julia Maguire Alison Watson Leanne Dyball Michelle Anderson Jen Barclay 14 November th Tuesday,5 November , 2013 Issue 18 - Term 4 - Week 5 ENETRTAINMENT BO OK Living and learning together