Listings - Locator Magazine
Listings - Locator Magazine
Listings Create the best marketing mix for YOU. Expand your brand name and reach more buyers! Your PaCKaGe inCLuDeS: 2. omBe.Com ❖ following is included: ❖ Ombe Profile (Up to 3 photos) MapQuest® Link up to 100 product listings (One photo per listing) (We input for you!)—$29.00 Ombe Messaging -- Only Ombe registered users can access Want To Buy adss omBe.Com oPtionS: 1. LoCator maGaZine aD ❖ 100 Locator listings Listings can link to your website ❖ Option to upgrade your package— $99/month with UNLIMITED listings! 1st upload FREE…Additional uploads - $75.00/hr if we input No charge for new Ombe EZ Link if Seller’s inventory is available for this service. 2. LoCator DiGitaL eDition ❖ Listings are included Live web address 24/7 availability from anywhere Over 14,000 page views per month Package L2 montHLY PaCKaGe AsAy MediA Network 12/2012 420 N. Rangeline Rd, Suite 19 • PO Box 670 Joplin, MO 64802-0670 (800) 947-0212 • Fax (417) 781-0427 79 $ 00 5% Prepayment Discount Available LarrY JaCKSon SuSan VanGiLDer VICE PRESIDENT / MAJOR ACCOUNTS (417) 781-9317, Ext. 210 ADVERTISING SALES (417) 781-9317, Ext. 217 1 Listings order page 1. locator package content L2-Listing ................................................................ $79 Ombe Profile, Digital Edition, Want to Buy ads, Up to 100 Listings in Locator & Ombe 1 locator TOTAL $________ DATE:__________________ Sales Rep______________________________ PAYment information ❒ Check ❒ Money Order ❒ PayPal ❒ Visa ❒ Mastercard ❒ American Express Card #:__________________________________________________ Expiration Date:_________________________ CCV Code:_______________ 2. ombe content (Free with your input) - L2 pkg Ombe Profile...............................................................$_____________ Included MapQuest Link.................................................................. $______________ Included 100 Ombe Listings............................................................ $______________ Included Ombe Messaging.............................................................. $______________ Included Want-To-Buy Ads............................................................... $______________ Included Ombe OPTIONS: Up to 100 Listings We input-$29...........................................$____________ Add photo to Listing (we input) $1 per photo..........................................$____________ Text greater than 100 characters (we input)-$2...........................................$____________ Unlimited Listings-$99/Mo............................................$____________ First upload free 3-digit security code on back of card Name on Card:____________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________ � I authorize this one time payment contact information: Name______________________________________________________ Title_______________________________________________________ Company Name______________________________________________ Street Address_______________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip____________________ Phone_________________________ Fax_________________________ Email______________________________________________________ Additional Uploads-$75/Hour.......................................$____________ CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS (If different from contact information) Ombe Options Subtotal $____________ ❒ same as contact information Mailing Address_____________________________________________ Street Address_______________________________________________ 2 OMBE TOTAL $________ City_______________________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip____________________ Contact Name______________________________________________ 1.Locator print TOTAl....................................$______________ 2.ombe total........................................................$______________ grand TOTAL... $__________ Payment Terms: New customers must prepay their first invoice. * Monthly invoicing with Credit Card Agreement only. ** 3 month minimum. 12/2012 Phone Number_____________________________________________ Client Company Name_______________________________________ Authorized Signature: ________________________________________ Date Submitted:_____________________________________________ return information to: Asay Media Network 420 N. Rangeline Rd, Suite 19 • PO Box 670 Joplin, MO 64802-0670 (800) 947-0212 • Fax (417) 781-0427 2 Since 1987, Asay Media Network has had a successful history of putting Buyers and Sellers together. Beginning with Locator Magazine and continuing with, we've had the privilege of working with some of the office machine and business equipment industry's most reliable and professional companies. "OMBE Seller Ratings" help buyers feel confident when making purchasing decisions on OMBE. 1-STAR SELLER 3-STAR SELLER 5-STAR SELLER Has been a Locator Magazine/OMBE Advertiser for 3-12 months Has been a Locator Magazine/OMBE Advertiser for over 1 year Has been a Locator Magazine/OMBE Advertiser for over 3 years Has 85% (or greater) positive feedback in the OMBE buyer feedback system Has 85% (or greater) positive feedback in the OMBE buyer feedback system Has 85% (or greater) positive feedback in the OMBE buyer feedback system Maintains a full company profile and active email account(s) Maintains a full company profile and active email account(s) Maintains a full company profile and active email account(s) Keeps their OMBE account in good standing Keeps their OMBE account in good standing Keeps their OMBE account in good standing The OMBE Seller Rating system will not only help educate, but also offers you an opportunity to provide feedback regarding your experience using the "Send Feedback on Seller" link at the top right-hand corner of each product listing. Current Ombe Star Sellers Electronic Business Machines, Inc. Express Sales, Corp. Graphix Control Corp. Longino Distributing To see all selle r log in a s t www.o m NuWorld Business Systems 12/2012 3 Control Panel Once you login, you can access your Control Panel. With the Control Panel you can manage your account, create ads, update listings and check messages. There are two new features on the control panel: the Listings Views Report and the Banner Ad Statistics Report where you can track your views activity. Any member can view the total views for each listing, past and present. Members can also see the impressions, clicks, and click through rates for banners, featured products, and email newsletter sponsorships. The Listings Views Report tracks all the views for: • Storefront • Products • Classifieds • Employment Ads • Want to Buy ads • Featured Products on The Banner Ad Statistics Report tracks the views for: • Banners on,,, and • Featured Products on,,, and their corresponding email newsletters. • Email Newsletter Sponsorships for,, and newsletters. 12/2012 4