
In this issue . . .
Celebrate the
Sacrament of
Easter TV Mass
Ask friends and
family to join
the TV Mass
The Sunday TV Mass airs
every Sunday morning on
WDCW-50 at 10:30 a.m.
Production Crew
Producer & Director:
John Capobianco
Technical Director: Stefano Flori
Audio: Nathan Bark
Cameras: Tom Everly,
John Landers & Gonzalo Accame
Engineer: Mike Skehan
Editor: Brian Burgess
Floor Director: Bob Hemmerich
Music Coordinator: Garrett Boyer
"God never, ever tires of forgiving us! The problem is that we ourselves tire; we do not want
to ask; we grow weary of asking for forgiveness. Let us never tire....! (God) is the loving Father
who always pardons, who has that heart of mercy for us all." ~ Pope Francis
Lent, the 40-day penitential period
before Easter, is the celebration of Christ’s
resurrection from the dead. The Archdiocese
of Washington is again partnering with the
Diocese of Arlington this year for the “The
Light is ON for You” initiative, when all
Catholic churches in the Washington, D.C.
metropolitan area and Northern Virginia more than 200 churches in total - will be open
on Wednesday evenings during Lent (February
25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2015) for
confession and quiet prayer. This was chosen as
the time period for the initiative because it is a
season when Catholics place an extra focus on
God’s mercy and forgiveness.
“The Light Is ON For You” campaign, which
began in the Archdiocese of Washington
in 2007, is an opportunity for the faithful
to deepen their relationship with Christ by
uniting themselves to God’s merciful love,
which absolves Catholics from their faults.
All Catholics, especially those who have
fallen away from the Church or the Sacrament
of Penance, are invited to experience a renewal
of spirit through the gift of confession.
Only a priest can give absolution in
the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you
are homebound and wish to receive
the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please
contact your nearest parish to request that
a priest visit you at home. If you live in
the Archdiocese of Washington and are not
sure which parish is closest to you, please
call Georgina Stark at the Archdiocese of
Washington at 301-853-4517.
What is Reconciliation?
When we sin, we hurt ourselves by
wounding our relationships with God
and our neighbors. In the Sacrament of
Reconciliation (also known as Confession
or Penance), God offers us forgiveness of
our sins, and we accept and receive God’s
forgiveness by sincerely expressing our
sorrow, by acknowledging and making
reparation for our sins, and by resolving to
do better in the future.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation has four
• Contrition: A sincere sorrow for having
offended God, and the most important
act of the person confessing. There can
be no forgiveness of sin if we do not
have sorrow and a firm resolve not to
repeat our sin.
• Confession: Naming our sins - aloud
- to the priest, who represents Christ
and the Church.
• Penance: The prayers - or sometimes,
the good deeds - the priest gives, for
our healing and the healing of those we
have hurt by our sins.
• Absolution: The words the priest speaks
by which “God, the Father of mercies”
reconciles us to himself through his
death and resurrection.
Preparing for Confession
Examination of Conscience
Ask God to help you make a good confession. In quiet
reflection ask yourself: Since my last confession...
• Did I pray to God, daily and from my heart?
• Did I live and witness to my Catholic faith, joyfully &
courageously? Did I take God’s name in vain? Did I curse
anyone or make false oaths? Did I engage in superstitious
or occult practices?
• Did I attend and participate actively at Mass on Sundays
and holy days of obligation? Did I fast & abstain on
prescribed days?
• Did I respect people in authority? My employer? Did I
honor my parents?
• Was I violent or unnecessarily aggressive (e.g., physically,
verbally, psychologically, etc.) with anyone?
• Was I prideful, stubborn, or rude with anyone? Did I hold
a grudge?
• Did I abuse alcohol, prescription medications, or illegal
drugs? Did I overindulge in food?
• Did I consent to, recommend, advise, or actively take part
in an abortion? Did I use abortifacient drugs?
• Did I view pornography, engage in lustful thoughts,
conversations or actions?
• Was I unloving to my spouse? Did I engage in adulterous
activity (e.g., sexual, emotional, virtual, etc.)? Did I use
• Was I neglectful of the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, or
physical needs of my spouse, children, or family?
• Did I steal or damage another’s property? Was I honest and
just in my business relations? Did I waste time at work?
• Did I contribute to the needs of the spiritually and
materially poor with my time and resources?
• Did I engage in gossip? Did I lie? Did I speak poorly of
others? Did I judge anyone unfairly?
• Did I envy anyone? Was I jealous of others or covet
another’s belongings?
Act of Contrition
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In
choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned
against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly
intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to
avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.
The Examen Prayer
The examen prayer is a beautiful practice of prayer popularized
by St. Ignatius of Loyola that helps us see the ways that God is
moving in our daily lives. Take a few minutes of undistracted
quiet in the mid-day or evening for prayer. By regularly
reflecting on our day with God’s help, we commit ourselves
to grow in virtue and in our relationships with God and one
Begin by quieting your mind and heart to be more aware of
the presence of God, who is always with you. Ask God to give
you the grace to see clearly the events of your day through His
eyes, to experience the love He unconditionally offers you,
and to listen to the guidance He shares with you.
Be thankful
• Thinking about your day, what blessings have you received
today? What good things have you experienced?
• Bring to mind the many good moments from your day.
• Pause and give thanks to God for these blessings.
Acknowledge the need for help
• Ask God to give you the grace and courage to face this
brokenness, both in the world and within yourself, so
that you can heal and grow.
Review life honestly
• Review your morning, afternoon and evening
• As you remember each moment, ask God: Where are
you in that moment, Lord? What were you asking of me?
How did I respond to you?
• Pause to listen to God's repsonse to these questions.
Trust in God's forgiveness
• Ask God to forgive you
• Trust that he does forgive you
• Accept God's mercy
Commit to live differently
• What lessons from this prayer can carry you into
• What concrete actions can you take to grow closer to
God and others?
• Commit to live these actions, asking for God's help to
do so.
Easter TV Mass
Easter TV Mass
Know, Love and Live the Mass
Celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord
with a
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington
and the
St. John Neumann Parish Choir
at the
Easter TV Mass.
This special hour-long edition of the TV Mass
will broadcast Easter morning,
Sunday, April 5
2015 St. Joseph Sunday Missal
Would you like a 2015
Saint Joseph Sunday Missal?
This pocket-sized missal is a
wonderful tool to help TV Mass
viewers understand the Mass
and actively participate in it.
The missal provides each
Sunday's prayers, readings
and responses so viewers can
unite with the prayers of the
priest and recite or sing their
parts with understanding and
It includes the Order of Mass in two colors and large
type with the people's parts in bold type for quick
identification and an updated hymnal section with over 90
popular hymns as well as many prayers.
Send in the coupon below
to order your copy
Do you need a Eucharistic Minister to
visit you on Sundays?
Please call your local parish to request that a Eucharistic
Minister visit you at home. If you live in the Archdiocese
of Washington and are not sure which parish is closest
to you, please call Georgina Stark at the Archdiocese of
Washington at 301-853-4517.
is produced by the Archdiocese of
Editor: Georgina Stark
Archdiocese of Washington
Celebrate! Support the Sunday TV Mass
I would like to make a donation to support the Sunday TV Mass ministry $
Please send me _____ copies of the NEW 2015 St. Joseph Sunday Missal.
Suggested donation $7 per copy (includes shipping)
Name _____________________________________________________________________________
For information, contact:
Office of Media and
Public Relations
Archdiocese of Washington
P.O. Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________
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Please make your check payable to 'Archdiocese of Washington' and return this coupon to:
Sunday TV Mass - Office of Media and Public Relations
Archdiocese of Washington
PO Box 29260, Washington, DC 20017-0260
Be part of the TV Mass!
Join the TV Mass congregation!
Share the TV Mass with friends and family by asking if they would like to be
part of the congregation. Their presence is a wonderful way to bring the Mass
to those who are homebound.
7:30 - 8:45 pm
Crypt Church
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
400 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC
(enter through the front lower doors by the gift shop / free parking)
Air dates
Liturgy (30 minutes each)
Monday, March 2
April 5
Easter Sunday
Thursday, March 5
April 19
3rd Sunday of Easter
May 35th Sunday of Easter
Thursday, April 16
May 10
6th Sunday of Easter
May 24Pentecost Sunday
Thursday, April 23
May 17
Ascension of the Lord
May 31Trinity Sunday
Thursday, May 7
June 7
June 21
Body & Blood of Christ
12th Sunday in ord time
Thursday, May 14
June 14
June 28
11th Sunday in ord time
13th Sunday in ord time
Thursday, June 4
July 5
July 19
14th Sunday in ord time
16th Sunday in ord time
To be added to the TV Mass congregation list, please contact Jacquelyn Hayes
at the Basilica at or 202-281-0615.
How to order a DVD
copy of the TV Mass
Watch the TV
Mass whenever you
like by ordering a
particular Mass on
Parish and school
choirs who were
part of the TV
Mass congregation
may also want to
order a DVD as a keepsake of their
How to order:
Email or
call 301-853-4517 to place your
Please include the date the Mass
was taped or the air date, quantity
and your name, address and tel. no.
1-10 copies - $20.00 each
11 or more copies - $15.00 each
Send your check, made payable to
'Archdiocese of Washington', to:
Archdiocese of Washington,
Sunday TV Mass,
Office of Media and Public Relations,
PO Box 29260,
Washington, DC 20017
Address Service Requested
Office of Communications
Archdiocese of Washington
PO Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017
Not this person?
Help us update our list.
Call 301-853-4517.
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