Rockin`Around - Maine Mineralogical and Geological Society
Rockin`Around - Maine Mineralogical and Geological Society
From stamp Paul Hannemann, Presideni Maine Mineralogical & Geological Society PO Box 313 Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 lo Paste label here Rockin'Around A publication of the Maine Mineralogical & Geological Society May Volume 18 : 5 2006 V ,ffi' 'n\ -a \? ffi A Member of the American Federation Of Mineralogical Societies Member of the Eastern Federation Of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies, lnc. Member of the Federation Of Maine Mineral & Gem Clubs http ://www. geocities. com/Ca peCa nave ra l/La b/3636 Rockin'Around Mav 2006 Paqe 2 MM&GS Membership lnformation & Application Family membership includes children under 18 years of age. Please complete and mail with your check to: Maine Mineralogical and Geological Society c/o Sheryl Gandy, 513 Main Street, Monmouth, Me. A4259-7537 New Membership _ Renewal_ Last Name Membership Number (from mailing label) First Annual Dues: lndividual: $12 Spouse: Family: $17 zip Address: E-mailAddress: Telephone: Please list name and ages of children under 18: Badqe Oiders: Badges are $1.50 when delivered at a meeting, $3.00 by mail. Line #1: Line *F2: MMGS Club Patches: $3.75 each The Maine Mineralogical & Geological Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to all educational and cuhural aspects of geology; mineralogy; lapidary arts and related subjects; and to the camaraderie generated by the youth group, "The Young Prospectors", meets at the same time and location. Meetings are open to the public. All are invited and encouraged to attend. There are no monthly meetings during June, July and August... .we're out digging! membership's mutual interests. Please come join us!!! Family oriented meetings are held the last Saturday of each month from September to May in the Payson Smith Hall, Room 1, at the University of Southern Maine, Portland campus- Meetings start at 7 p.m. and usually feature a program on aspects of rock and mineral collecting. Our Ourweb site is: E-Board meetings are also held the last Saturday of each meeting month starting at 5 pm (same place) and are open to all members. Please feel free to attend. - Thank you. MMGS Slate of Officers 2005 President Paul Hannemann 372-9641 wolfden. java 1$ Vice President Robert Hume 639-2343 - 2006 Program Director, Banq uet Chair Field Trip Chair David Violette 225-5643 John Harvey 688-4086 Trustees Vlce President Dunn Mine Director George Rubly 743-7799 Joanna Alexander (1 yr) Roy Dufour Jerry Behnke (2 yr) 829-2864 or 318-472Q Ham & Weeks Director Gene Denu 603-569-9452 zno Secretary, Show Assistant Lucie Whitty Treasurer Pauline Harvey 688-4086 Assistant Treasurer, Membership Chair Sheryl Gandy 933-4163 793-4816 ell Queenie Clevesy (2 yr) Trustee (1 yr), Webmaster AlGandy 933-4163 mineralsee Education Director, Show Chair Roberta Goldsmith 459-7986 mickgene@aspi,net Editor Ken Tudor 947-0009 Newsletter Mailing Susan Cormier 247-5634 thecormiers@saco river. net Young Prospectors Rick Bissonnette 318{628 Librarian, Photographer open Mav Rockin'Around $ rac Paoe 3 2006 Presidenfs Message by Paul Hannemann April25,2QO6 The 23rd Annual Gem and Mineral Show has come and gone. By all accounts it was very successful. I want to thank all of the volunteers, without whom this annual event could not happen. A special Thank You goes out to Show Chair Roberta Goldsmith for all the time and energy she gave to make the show the success it was. Thank you also to all the Society members and the general public who came to see and buy the beautiful gems, minerals and jewelry that The Society and vendors had on display. \Mthout your support, we would not have a Show. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. I am heading out to Arizona to see a couple of large holes ( Meteor Crater and the Grand Canyon) later this week and will not be moderating this months regular Club meeting. I will be asking Robert Hume, who is taking over in my place, to put in an acting Presidents Message, along with mine, on any things of interest that are brought up at the meeting. A reminder that the MMGS who are interested in attending must have their reservations into John Harvey by the 10th. I look forward to the flint knapping demonstration by Robert Doyle, Jr. and to seeing many of you there. My safety thought for the month is, Ticks, having gotten bitten myself last year. Wrth the mild winter we had, there is a good chance for a bumper crop of them this spring. I have found insect repellents containing DEET to be the most effective way to keep them off of you. You don't even have to apply it to your skin. Just putting it on the top of your socks and pants cuffs will do a lot towards keeping them off of you. As always, a good shower and body check after being out in the woods is your best defense. lf you do find one has attached to you, do not remove it and go to your doctor ASAP - they will know how to remove it without leaving part of it under your skin and will have it tested for Lyme Disease. As always, "Good Digging and be Safe", paul Annual Banquet will be held May 20th and that all Maine Mineraloqical and Minutes March 25,2AOG The April meeting of MMGS was called to order at 5:25 by Robert Hume. The Secretaries report was accepted as printed in the newsletter. Rob said the President Paul Hanneman requested that all members give Sheryltheir E'mail address. Please E-mail Cheryl at The Treasurer's rcport accepted as read by Pauline Harvey. (Continued on page 4) was Mav Rockin'Around {Minutes Continued from page 3) Banquet: The cut-off date to reserve a place is May 1Oth. Call or E-mail John Harvey. Education: Roberta reported she to the Freeport Middle School. Clayton Carkin was the science teacher there. The children enjoyed the went presentation and will go to the Dunn Quarry at the end of May. Field Trips: The trips are as listed in the newsletter. David Violette reported they have been blasting at lntergalatic. Call or E-mail David regarding the meal for the Mt. Apatite field trip at least one week Paoe 4 2006 was much higher. Discussion followed regarding the cost of the facility. Options were discussed but other places were too small or more costly. After some discussion a motion was made, seconded and passed to raise the price of adult tickets $1.00 to $5.00; the tickets for children 10-18 was raised $1.00 to $4.00; seniors will be $4.00, and children under 10 will be free. A motion was also made, seconded and passed to raise the price of tables from $70 to $80. Publicity for the show was also discussed. Roberta said she was unable to do that part of the work for the show. Someone else will need to take that responsibility. Wildacres: This is settled and before the trip. everyone will be going to the September session. Nominating Committee: Sheryl has agreed to be the chairperson. Roberta and Robert will assist her. Storage: John Harvey brought an available trailer but it was found to Old Business The sluice box is still up in the air regarding its availability for the Cumberland Fair. Jerry will continue to try to clarify the situation. Gem and Mineral Show: Next years show will probably be the first weekend in April. Attendance this year was about the same as last year but the cost up be unsuitable. Speakers: John Harvey requested suggestions for next year. Roberta presented a bill which the trustees voted to pay. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35. Respectively Submitted, Lucie Whitty. Rockin'Around Mav 2006 Page 5 as reported by Sheryl Gandy Nancy & Justin Baxter, \A&ndmoor, PA. Susan & Mike Reed of Randolph, MA Sarah Dowling, Linda Wolfe & Maya of Freeport, ME. Philip Roberts of Falmouth, ME. William Vinal of Union, ME. Richard Doyle of Raymond, ME. Welcome back to returning member Helen Gyr-Tudor of Portland, ME Ghris Elliott of Newcastle, ME. Jim & Pat Fleck of Bridgton, ME. Duane & Nancy Leavitt of Buckfield, ME. Margaret & Michael Lynes and children Devon & Caelan of Sussex, NJ. Philippe & Lisa Plageman and children Marc & Max of Milton, MA.. Maine Mineralogical & Geological Society From the Office of the Program Director, John Harvey - 27 April 2006 lf we all bring in a dish of food there Date will be plenty for all to enjoy Meeting Description May 20 Club Banquet - 5:30 Social Hour - 6:30 Dinner The speaker will be, Richard Doyle, Jr. (past president of the Maine Archaeological Society) giving a demonstration of flint knapping (making arrowheads) June - August Summer Break Good Diggins To All MineralBingo Sep 30 Oct 28 Club Nov 11 Dec 09 Christmas Party Auction Start time to be announced Elections/Show&Boast Society meetings are generally the last Saturday of the month, but not always. Please see above. Business meeting hours 5:00 to 7:00 pm Regular meeting hours: 7:00 to g:30 pm. - Please note: Ghanges / New information are in bold type. All changes need one (1) month notification for newsletter editing to notify members. Please contact: Program Chair John Harvey at (2OT) 6884086 - or - E-mail Rockin'Around May 2006 Page 6 MM&GS 2006 Field Trip Calendar 21st. Mt.* Apatite (We need a one week notice if you want a meal). Newry * June 4th June 24th Dunn lmmediately following the field trip we will be going to the Tamminen with (using) black lights. *** July 30th Fossil hunting in the Jackman area. May Please see directions from Sue & Paul in the "Editor's Mailbag" in this issue. Please note: Changes / New information are in bold type. Field Trip Notes: All field trips leave their respective meeting places at 9:00 am. Should you get lost after leaving the meeting place return to the meeting place and someone will help you. " "All You Can Eat Lunsh" will be served at 123A pm. The cost for this lunch is $10:00 for Adults / $5:00 for Kids 12 & under. Menu: Rolls with Butter - Fresh Tossed Salad - Roasted Pork with Stuffing - Twice Baked Potatoes - Stir Fry Vegetables - Apple Pie - Coffee & lce Water. ""Go to Rumford. Take Route 2 West to Hanover. At Howe's Store turn right. Travel 2 miles, turn right. Drive until you come to a pond. Follow the signs to Plumbago Mt. Farm. Everyone will be meeting at Howe's Store at 9:00 am on June 4th. lf you have any other question, feel free to email or call. See you at the meeting or show. ***Please sign the log book upon arriving. lt is very important to keep track of the people who come and go. lf someone should get lost we will know by the log book. Thank you for your cooperation. This is just the beginning schedule. I will get you additional information on other field trips as soon as I set them up. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Field Trip Chair: David Violette at (207) 225-5643 or E-mail: Rockin'Around Mav 2006 Paqe 7 Our 23rd annual show was a great success. We had a full house of wonderful dealers, with alnnost 80 tables of gems, minerals, fossils and jewelry. Our loyal customers came in with ready cash, and gave us a profitable show. But, most of all, everyone connected with the show had a lot of fun putting it together. It couldn't be the show it was without our fantastic club volunteers. They came early and stayed late. Some were there for setup Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday. Thank you, thank you to: Sheryl Gandy, who ran the Membership table - Al Gandy, electrician supreme - Paul Hannemann and Cathy Clark at the Admissions Table - Joanna Alexander, Rick Bissonnette, Kermit Smyth and Charlie "Skip" Sendzik at the Silent Auction tables - Dick and Althea Currier, Rob and Coral Hume, Dawn Babb and her son Robert Johnson at the Kids Korner - Pauline Harvey for her Treasurer duties, which included tallying up all cash funds - John Harvey for donut and coffee detail and whatever help as needed - Susan Cormier for picking up and returning the Spin Wheel - Frank HigEins for storing show materials and delivering them to the show and taking thern back home again - Wes Baker for his experience and for the kids' coloring materials - Ken Tudor as Man at Large I truly couidn't run the show without the help of allthese wonderful people. Come and join us next year - April 7th and 8th, 2007 are the tentative dates. Roberta Goldsmith Show and Dealer Chair Rockin'Around Mav 2006 Page 8 Editor's Mailbaq FOSSIL trip directions {part 1) From: Paul & Sue <> Wed, 19 Apr 2006 and yellow jackets - they like to nest in the rock piles! Back HiAil, Here are the trip directions for the fossiltrip, on Sunday July 30. The exit number off the highway has been changed - I don't know what the new one is. We can meet at 9 a.m., at the slate quarry. Paul and I will be up probably on Fri, July 28, al our camp on Long pond. Members can camp there, but need to bring water and a portable potty. Anyone coming on the field trip and in need of info for camping or hotels can call us at home: 2A7-247-5634. at our camp you can find fossils along the beach at Long pond, and along most the banks of any body of water in the area, and even off in the middle of the woods! FOSSIL trip dircctions (part 2l From: Paul & Sue <> Wed, 19 Apr 2006 Hiagain, Here are the directions to our camp from Rt. 201. I will have a sign or flag to mark our driveway better that weekend. Anyone who likes driftwood - there is all sizes available at the Brassu dam, off Rt. 15 on the way to Greenville. The Greenville / Moosehead Lake area is also a nice place to visit. A day visit to Quebec City, Canada is just two hours from Jackman. Traveling North on lnterslate 95, after Waterville, take the Old Exit 36 to 201 North / Jackman. Go through the towns of: Skowhegan, Madison, Solon, Bingham, Moscow, & Caratunk. At The Forks, you will see a rest area on the right, just before a bridge - and set your odometer. At 7.9miturn right at the Plum Creek Marshal yard. Set your odometer again and stay to the right. lf you go left it brings you into the wood yard. At approx. 3.3miyou should see the slate quarry on your right. lf you want to check out another atea - here is the directions. \Mren you go back to 201, turn left, heading South on 241. Take the next dirt road on the right and drive a bit until you see some gravel pit areas on the right. You can find fossils in here, but watch out for the ground hornets Back on 201 North from the slate quarry, turn right and set odometer. You will go by Parlin Pond rest area on your right. You will see a couple of radio towers, close to the road - on your right. At approximately 12.3 miles turn right on a paper company road that goes up a hill. This is a 3.4 mile short cut to Route 6 / 15. Turn right at the end. ln approximately 1.6 miles on the right is our dirt road with two red reflector markers. Just before our camp, on the right is our neighbo/s driveway - with a big wooden H sign. lf you miss the road, continue north to Jackman, and tum right at the Route 6 / 15 sign. Our camp is about 8 miles on the right from that point E-Mailaddrcss chanqe John Harvey" <> Thu, 20 Apr 2006 My e-mail ISP has been changed. My new addressis: Rockin'Around Mav Paoe 9 2006 More Upcoming Shows EFMLS LISTINGS Mav: 13-14: 1st Annual ffis$ *n '&gruflEh$ffi# ffiws'e"r Northampton, MA ffiffi# *W$r-x*e"ffi$ ffi$.eslw i'i,iiilr-.i$q,,.rr-'i.i i:i; $r'r;,li-,i i._;i:ili.,; ijiri,. iilij1.:,i.,.1i Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show Connecticut Valley Mineral Club. 3 County Fairgrounds, i..:,riij:r 20: Micromounters Meeting - of New Reunion Micromounters of England Annual New England. Elk's Lodge, 91 Park St., Hudson MA 2A-21: 38th Annual World of Gems & Minerals - The Berks : i:: Mineralogical Society. Leesport Farmers Market Banquet Hall, Rte 61, Leesport, PA (6 miles north of Reading, PA). 2O-21: Annual Mineral, Gem, Fossil Swap & Sell - Orange Co. Mineral Society. Museum Village Green, Monroe, NY 27: 1::.,r1 i: : : L.i r: :r : i i-: r: I I ii, r i: : jr I 1l i.; i; t: r ;ril f i"iit .,,nr v_ n',.{t. ij I I i i* i q l: ir i i. i:: . iir_1 ** :;l t r:l i1l Chesapeake Gem & Mineral Show at Goucher Chesapeake Gem & Mineral Society. Goucher College, Kraushaar Pavilion, Dulaney Valley Rd., just south of l-695, Towson, MD. June 3: Spring Mineralfest - sylvania Earth Assoc. Macungie Park, I PennSciences Memorial miles southwest ol Allentown, PA. 34: 33rd Annual Tannehill Gem, Mineral, Fossil& Jewelry Show - Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society. Tannehill Historical St ate Park. Birmingham, AL 10: 4th Annual Rock Swap and Sale - Danbury Mineralogical Society. Connecticut Antique Machinery Associalion, Rt 7, Kent, CT. Sale to benefit the Conn. Museum of Mining & Mineral Science. (Rain date June 1 1) Rockin'Around Mav 2006 Page 10 Submitted by Ken Tudor Find The Followins SRETNUOMORCIMDX SHERETXABEIMOED ELNTLTICKETSPEO ROOREFIUYDSLATE DJIOLMATMRAESXG DSTENROHAGTEQNS ANCTONSDEPNUIYH VKUEMYLMOYAFDDS JNAMKCAJLWFKWOT KGTHANKYOULRFYR DOALEAVITTOTLLE JHJFFLISSOFFNEB OFBLLZNDISDRUGO FSEOOYAJRVZONOR YYEUWXLTBUMRJDV ADDRESS LEAVITT APATITE AUCTION LYME BA)<TER BRISTOL I,YNES METEOR MICROMOUNTERS CYR-TUDOR DEET ODOMETER PI,AGET{AN DOWLING DOYLE REED ROBERTS ELLTOTT FA}ITASTIC FLECK SI,ATE FOSSII HORNETS JACKIiIAN STUFFING THANK YOU TICKETS VINAI WOLFE All of the above are in this month's newsletter Kids Are Quick from Bob Power via E-mail fonvards TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical North America. MARIA: Here it is. formula for water? TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America? DONALD: HIJKLMNO. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. CLASS: Maria. TEACHER: Why are you late, Frank? FRANK: Because of the sign. TEACHER: 1/Vhat sign? FRANK: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow." TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using TEACHER: \lVinnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago \MNNIE: Mel TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty? GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. tables. TEACHER: Millie, give me TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile?" GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L" TEACHER: No, that's wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. starting with "1". a sentence MILLIE: I is... TEACHER: No, Millie, Always say, "l am." MILLIE: All right... "l am the ninth letter of the alphabet."