Advertising in - Royal Adelaide Show
Advertising in - Royal Adelaide Show
ADVERTISING PROSPECTUS 2016 The Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc produces The Society. An informative publication providing up to date news on all aspects of the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society’s business. Advertising Specs & Dimensions • Please see page 2 for this information ‘The Society’, produced three times per year by the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA (RA&HS) is a professional, glossy publication updating its readership of over 25,000 on all aspects of the RA&HS business, including the Royal Adelaide Show, Adelaide Showground, Royal Adelaide Wine Show & Royal Adelaide Beer Awards. Ad design can be provided at a cost if required. For more details contact Nicole Furniss, Graphic Designer for the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc. on 08 8210 5209 or Also published online at ‘The Society’ is a free magazine consisting of 32 pages. It is distributed to RA&HS members, corporate sponsors, business partners & clients of the Adelaide Event & Exhibition Centre & reaches across metropolitan Adelaide & country South Australia. Booking and Material Deadlines: Booking deadline two weeks prior Advertising in ‘The Society’ is a fantastic opportunity for your business to promote your products & services to the agricultural community, corporate sector & general public. Casual rates apply & discounts are available to businesses wishing to advertise in more than one edition. See overleaf for artwork specifications & pricing. Timing Artwork Required Edition One - Released April March (2nd week) Edition Two - Released August (PRESHOW) July (2nd week) Edition Three - Released December November (1st week) Booking form on page 3 ISSUE 22 APRIL 2015 E 23 2015 ISSUGUST AU Advertising Rates: Advertising in multiple editions generates a great saving! B DREST OP TO Casual Rate 2 editions 3 editions Full Page Colour $800+GST $1200 + GST $1500 +GST Half Page Colour $500+GST $700 +GST $1000 +GST Quarter Page Colour $300+GST $500 +GST $700 +GST T UR DAY PLAN YO EN RTAINM G ENTE GS SHOWBA P P TH E 2 ICKS AD 01 5 R FRO EL M AID O E W YAL INE SH OW ES NBG TO UB O E Y D ERSF THE HTOW ES EA INS RE?COL RD H B S A BIES! ’ S Z T Z HA UENTRIE H TS ROY AL ADE LAID W E B AUTU E MN HOR SE SHO W TH ION VIL PA R BEES DE OY FOR E G Y TH UAR Y T WH ANC A S RE! AND MO Y D GID KIDS5 UNDER FREE! FULL NOW 2 NDS! WEEKE AND THES HASE SHOW & SAVE – TICKETS AVAILABL 003 377 details *Prize details *Prize ition terms compet ition and and compet * * E AT 188) trading as Flight Centre. ATAS ATAS 25 Centre. ATAS Limited (ABN as Flight Flight Centre. Group TER Jub trading as TravelEN 188) trading 377 188) Centreto 003 377 25 003 ilion d in the fromilee 15. Flight (ABN25 Pav 4–13 Sep Limited(ABN Group Limited ntre stan Royal Show Travel Group Adelaide Jub Centre Travel Flight Centre the in the 15. Flight Flight Ce Centre Sep 15. stand at d 4–13 Sep from 4–13 Show from Flight Visit the availabhtle atCe ntre stan Adelaidee Show Royal Adelaid the Royal at the Flig the Flight Centre stand at ition terms Centre stand it the Viscompet the Flight le at at the available terms availab and *Prize details .AU HOW.COM AY!! DA LID HOLI Y YH es! MIL instant priz A FA Y eel forOinst ILWh ant prizes! WIN n the FASpiM A TER or IN Wheel for EN to the W n n or Spi ilee Pavilio TICKETS IS UP R FO S W ER HO MB NU SE S D R OR HO C RE UMN T AU JUDGIN PRE-PURC RE S 20 ULT S 1 R SH 5 RO FRO V E OW YA OM TH IN E SL A IMSIDE DELA E T IDE E A10412 itation No. 5899 . SAMC6 Accred 5899 SAMC65899 A10412.. SAMC6 No. A10412 tation No. Accreditation Accredi RE IN G HA OO ND D S THR EE TIM ES OV ER RU RA L A MEE T MB AS SA’S SA DO LATE R KA ST Y OU HL IA NG JE NK E ARTWORK SPECS AND DIMENSIONS ROYAL AGRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SA INC THE SOCI ETY ½ page (no bleed) 185mm (w) x 90mm (h) - no bleed Casual rate: $500+GST 2 editions: $700+GST 3 editions: $1000+GST full page (with bleed) 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) - without bleed 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) - trim 216mm (w) x 303mm (h) - 3mm bleed each side ¼ page (no bleed) Casual rate: $800+GST 2 editions: $1200+GST 3 editions: $1500+GST 90mm (w) x 130mm (h) - no bleed Casual rate: $300+GST 2 editions: $500+GST 3 editions: $700+GST Please note, this illustration is not to scale. The Society Newsletter is an A4 size publication. Without Bleed Trim Bleed Full Page Colour 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) 216mm (w) x 303mm (h) - 3mm each side Half Page Colour 185mm (w) x 90mm (h) N/A N/A Quarter Page Colour 90mm (w) x 130mm (h) N/A N/A Advertising Artwork Specifications Artwork to be supplied as print-ready PDF, with bleed and no crop marks (Full page only). CMYK only – no RGB or spot Pantone colours. All images to be 300dpi. Artwork in Word, Publisher or Powerpoint will not be accepted. Please email artwork files under 10MB to or send through Hightail or via Drop Box. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SA INC ADVERTISING BOOKING FORM; CONTACT NAME: REGISTERED BUSINESS NAME: BILLING ADDRESS: BUSINESS ADDRESS: PHONE:FAX: EMAIL: BOOKING DETAILS Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Cost + GST (per edition) Edition One $ Edition Two $ Edition Three $ TOTAL COST $ CONDITIONS 1. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure correct and complete information is submitted to RA&HS. Please ensure that all telephone, fax, mobile numbers, email and web addresses and all other information is correct. These will not be automatically placed in your advertisement – they must be supplied. 2. We do not encourage prices to be highlighted in advertisements. If you do include prices they must specify if they are inclusive of GST and include validity dates. 3. Final decision lies with RA&HS. 4. RA&HS cannot guarantee placement if requested. 5. RA&HS reserves the right to refuse unsuitable advertisements. 6. Proofs that have not been signed and returned by the due dates will be assumed to be correct and printing will commence. NAME COMPANY NAME DATE SUBMIT>> Complete this form and email/submit to or fax to (08) 8212 1944 or mail to Marketing Department, RA&HS, PO Box 108, Goodwood SA 5034 Phone: (08) 8210 5211