PLAY THEOSSIEWAY! - Kent Youth League
PLAY THEOSSIEWAY! - Kent Youth League
HOOL A OSSI E ILES’SOCCER SC RD PLAY THE OSSIE WAY! OSSIE ARDILES’SOCCER SCHOOL BECOME A BETTER PLAYER THIS MAY HOLIDAY May 31 - June 3, 9-10am (3-4 yrs), 10a m - 3pm (5-15 yrs) Cadogan Field (Masonic Hall), St John ’s Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9UY Unlike other Soccer Schools my Soccer School will have exprofessional players like myself coaching everyday. Players that have won league titles, FA Cups, UEFA Cups and even World Cups. COURSE TYPES s, lots of ar old Little Dribblers - 3&4 ye key skills sic ba ing fun games teach year olds, split Outfield players - 5-15 ill mornings sk l ica hn age groups, tec nts and afternoon tourname sessions ist ial ec sp Goalkeeping ngs, join by our GK coach in morni ns oo the tournaments in aftern old, courses Girls Only! - 5-15 years and matches just for girls, skill work d day - drop from Breakfast Club - Extende 8.30am, collect til 4pm - £80 Prices range from £20 WHY CHOOSE US? • Our lead coaches are UEF A lice assistant coaches are FA lice nsed, nsed and all staff are CRB checked. • Daily coaches include ex-pro fessional players, including UEFA and FA Cup winning Mickey Hazard. • Great course-long tourname nts with fantastic prizes for all! • Q&A, autograph and photo session with Ossie Ardiles and the FA cup for every child! • Educational sessions on hea lthy eating and looking after you r body. • Ex-professional players wil l explain and show what it tak es to be a pro footballer. www.ossiea rdilessocce In partnership with: first class football SPECIALISTS IN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
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