

Annual Report 2013-2014
The mission of the Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents is
to strengthen foster, adoptive and kinship care families through support,
training and advocacy with the aim of nurturing child safety, well being and
stability in partnership with child welfare professionals and the entire community.
CAFAP’s vision is that the citizens of Connecticut recognize that family life is
a necessity for all children. The family creates the optimum environment for
appropriate responses to a child’s developmental and specialized needs. We
also envision that foster, adoptive and kinship care families are of an adequate
number, skill and cultural diversity to assure high quality care for all children
who need out-of-home placement. This knowledge, skill and attitude will be
transmitted through peer to peer empowerment. Lastly, CAFAP strives to help
develop communities that are engaged in meeting the unique needs of foster
and adoptive children and in supporting their resource families.
2013-2014 marks the Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents nineteenth year
of service to Connecticut’s foster, adoptive and relative caregiver families. As a foster and
adoptive parent myself, I know firsthand how important our organization is to the parents we
Fulfilling the organization’s mission of training, supporting and advocating for foster, adoptive
and relative caregiver families, leads us in both our daily work and our evolving goals as we
aspire to continually improve our impact. Our organization and by extension, our families,
relies on the charitable support of our community partners, donors and volunteers to meet our
goals. The board would like to thank you for your generosity, time and powerful belief in the
work that we do.
Board of Directors
Amy Kennedy
Garrett Gizowski
Vice President
Barbara Ruhe
Geralyn Kogut
Glynis Cassis
Cathy Gentile-Doyle
Kevin McMahon
The staff at CAFAP works tirelessly while exhibiting a keen understanding of the challenges
our families face throughout the year. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I offer our
sincere gratitude for the dedication of our staff for they are what make the organization great.
We know that each new year brings change in the foster and adoptive care community’s needs,
policies and landscape. CAFAP welcomes this change and is energized to adapt while continuing its long history of providing outstanding service to Connecticut’s families.
Amy Kennedy
What another fantastic year CAFAP had! (It was our 19th birthday!!) Now is our opportunity to brag
a little and to thank our supporters. We began Fiscal Year 2013-2014 in July and closed the year June
30, 2014. During this year, CAFAP was asked by Department of Children and Families (DCF) to partner with the department on several important initiatives including the first scientifically sound research
survey on the satisfaction or lack thereof of foster, pre-adoptive and kinship care families. (Results
will be shared when finalized.) We also began work on upgrading our website, which we hope to
launch later this fall. (After 19 years, it sure did need some attention!) We took 1,947 inquiries from
people interested in becoming foster and adoptive parents through our Kid Hero line (1-888-KID HERO). We issued 1,124 certificates of completion for Post-Licensing training that we provide at no cost
to foster, adoptive and relatives, including 112 participants trained in the Spanish language. Our 14
CAFAP Liaisons made 597 home visits to families throughout the year. We distributed 1,000 State
Park passes to foster and kinship care families and informed the state officials that if they gave us
more, we’d distribute more! We also, as many of you know, kept our families and supporters up to
date with all the latest happenings through newsletters, emails and e-blasts, including legislative alerts
(45,130 electronic legislative alerts alone.) We also had TONS OF FUN throughout the year at the
Brownstone Water Park, UCONN Football, Six Flags, Rock Cats, Polar Express Train, and Avenue of
Dreams Prom Dress Giveaway & Makeover, to name a few. We then capped the year with our 19 th
Annual Conference in New Haven with our new friend and dynamic speaker, Professor Richard Price
(who was adopted through foster care as a young boy.)
Thank you to all CAFAP’s friends and supporters!! Please save the date for our 20th Anniversary Conference and Celebration on May 1-2, 2015!!!
Margaret Doherty
Executive Director
The Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents, Inc. board of directors
would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the talented and dedicated staff.
Margaret Doherty
Executive Director
Diane Orlando
Program Director - Advocacy and Support
Vanessa Williamson
Program Director - Intake, Outreach and Training
Jennifer Bellamy | Torrington Area Liaison
Sheree Breeden | Bridgeport Area Liaison
Debbie Candelora | Meriden Area Liaison
Margaret Carter | New Haven Area Liaison
Doris Cerasani | Executive Administrative Assistant
Emily Clarke | Norwich Area Liaison
Virginia Conland-Murdoch | Recruitment Customer Support Assistant
Jinnel D’Hereaux | Training Program Assistant
Schelita Fleming | Norwalk/Stamford Area Liaison
Meliza Skutulas | Hartford Area Liaison
Johnette Gonzalez | Manchester Area Liaison
Carolyn Goodridge | Outreach Social Worker
Angie Hinkle | Middletown Area Liaison
Ashley Rainville | Willimantic Area Liaison
Kareemah Muhammad | Outreach Coordinator
Sandy Paholski | New Britain Area Liaison
Dora Poma | Danbury Area Liaison
Hector Ramos | Recruitment Customer Support Assistant
Jennifer Rivera | Statewide Retention Specialist
Wendy Sander | Peer Network & Careline Coordinator
Melissa Schaffrick | Office Manager
Christine Surel | Milford Area Liaison
Jacqueline Vidal | Waterbury Area Liaison
Our Programs
Post Licensing Training
CPR Training
CAFAP offers training and skills
building programs taught by a wide
variety of experts to help foster,
adoptive and relative caregivers be
fully prepared to raise children
being monitored by the Department
of Children and Families (DCF).
A current CPR Certification is required for
foster parents accepting medically fragile
children. CAFAP and the American Red Cross
offer an Adult, Child and Infant CPR training
for all foster/adoptive parents and relative
caregivers. Classes are available statewide; fees
are reimbursed by CAFAP.
During a Mutual Assessment
Process, foster parents and their
social worker will identify essential
training areas. Each licensed foster or
pre-adoptive parent must then
complete six modules per year after
licensing A module is any training
approved by your DCF Support Social
Worker to enhance one’s ability to
care for the needs of foster/adoptive
Conference Series
CAFAP offers four yearly conferences, ranging
from one-day symposiums to the two-day
Annual Conference. These events draw on
skilled, experienced child welfare experts and
offer unique opportunities for networking and
Area Liaisons
Buddy System
Liaison staff are positioned in DCF’s
area offices to guide, teach and support
families in their efforts to become
self-advocates. CAFAP liaisons can
provide insight, offer resource
referrals, and coordinate community
support groups.
CAFAP’s toll-free, confidential
peer support helpline operates 24
hours a day, seven days a week.
Foster, adoptive and relative caregivers may ask questions or just
talk with someone who understands the unique challenges they
face. Individuals may reach the
Helpline by calling
Experienced foster or adoptive
parents, or Buddies, provide
support for newly licensed
parents. Buddies are paired
with their families for a
minimum of six months or until
families are comfortable with
their level of knowledge and
Advocacy and Outreach
Open Adoption Advocacy
Public Policy
Licensed individuals considering open
adoptions of children in DCF custody can
obtain an attorney through CAFAP at no
cost. The attorney will help explain the
open adoption process and provide an
agreement when appropriate.
CAFAP tracks bills and advocates for legislation and
issues relevant to foster, adoptive and relative caregivers. The association works with a committee of stake
holders each year to develop a legislative agenda as well
as training families on how they can become involved in
the legislative process. Please email us at
legislative@cafap.com for more information.
Recruitment & Retention
The Kid Hero recruitment lines receive a
number of inquiries each day requesting
information on becoming a foster,
adoptive or relative caregiver. In addition,
our general recruitment and retention
efforts include participation in many
different community events.
Our website and quarterly newsletter contain information about programs, support groups, services,
training schedules, community resources and
conferences. It also contains useful information on
DCF and legislative initiatives. All of our
publications, including our newsletter, are published
in English and Spanish.
Children's Hope Fund
Our fund helps foster and adoptive children to
become more involved in their local community
and better integrated within their peer social
structure. Foster/adoptive parents, relative
caregivers or children themselves can apply to
purchase items like school class rings, prom suits or
gowns, gymnastics lessons, sporting equipment or
area camps. The item or service must be outside the
DCF allowable expense payment system and the
foster family or child must provide partial payment,
which is individualized based on the request.
Donations can be made on our website.
IN 2013 - 2014
1,192 137,601 168
Participants registered to attend
CAFAP conferences, including
May’s Annual Conference held at
the Omni Hotel in New Haven.
Recipients received our quarterly
newsletter , monthly spotlight and
legislative alerts by email. All three
publications provided subscribers
with information related to events,
research, publications , advocacy
opportunities and resources.
2,312 231
Inquiries were received by our
KIDHERO line. 1,947 referrals were
sent to the Department of Children
and Families for follow-up.
Post-licensing training classes
were offered , including 1 new
module and 1,124
participants were certified.
Families were referred to
Open Adoption Attorneys.
Buddy Assignments were
given to foster, adoptive &
relative caregivers.
Families participated in exit interviews during the fiscal year.
Calls and emails were received by
the CAFAP Area Liaisons. In addition, liaisons made 597 home visits to
JUNE 30, 2013
Current Assets
Cash and equivalents
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation
Security Deposit
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued Expenses
Accrued payroll and compensated absences
Total Current Liabilities
NET ASSETS (Deficit)
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
A special thank you to the benefactors who make our work possible…
Abatayo, Allan
BPOE 372
Clark, Cara
Alex and Ani (+) Energy
Charity by Design
Brazil, Marilyn
Collura, John & Andrea
Allard, Eileen M. & McGann, Joan
Brighter Within, Inc.
Community Health Network of CT
Broderick, Michael
Complete Staffing Solutions
Anderson, Yvette
Brooks, Pam
Comprehensive Business Solutions
Antipas, Christine
Brown, Braonc
Connecticut Construction Industries, Inc.
ARC of Meriden/Wallingford
Brown, Breana
Connecticut State Grange, Inc.
Arkerley, George
Bouganlt, K.
Cooke, Rebecca
Bailey Sr., William & Hilda
Caban-Hernandez, Janier
CT Network Solutions, LLC
Bane, David & Devra
Cuerda, Maria
Banks, Kayla
Caffrey, Robert & Karen
D'Agostino, Rachel
Beck, Dana
Calcagni Ritchie, Jennifer
Daunis, Wesley & Kerri
Bedula, Greg
Callanan Industries, Inc.
Dazzle Boutique
Begen, Stephanie
Campbell, Brandon
Deheon, Vanessa
Bellamy, Korey & Guzman, Leida
Cardona, Anastasia
Devlin, Cathleen
Bennett, Francis & Pamela
Carlucci, Lenny & Rettina
DiMarco, Carolenna
Biancamano, Anne & Jody
Carpenter, Maureen
Dimock, Margaret
Big Y Kids Fest
Carriage House Daycare
DNZ Enterprises
Bissionette, Rosann
Cerasani, Roberto & Doris
Doherty Penepent, Margaret
Blanchette, Megan
Christensen, Karen
Doherty, James & Lisa
Blum, Jean
Cianci, Mary Ann
Dollar General - Torrington & Waterbury
Bonadies, Mark & Mary Beth
Cieplinski, Boleslaw & Zyta
Dowling, Thomas & Joan
Bourret, Jenn
Ciraulo, Sylvester & Janice
Drabczyk, Edward & Mary Anne
A special thank you for helping us make the dreams of foster, adoptive
and kinship care children & teens come true. . .
Dubreuil, Andre & Lisa
Gentile, Nicholas & Cathy
Jean, Amanda
Dunkin Donuts
Gilmore, Tiffany
Jenkins, LaDwana
Dunne Up Solon
Girl Scout Troop 10217
Johnson, Peter & Jeanette
Ebner, Keven
Greater Hartford Community Foundation
Joyce, Laraya
Eckert, Nancy
Guess Inc.
Julie Ann Bridal
El Paraiso Day Care
Haas, Gail
Katherine L. W. & Winthrop Crane
Charitable Foundation
Elgo, Judge Nina
Harvey, Herga
Kearney, Priscilla
Errico, Amy
Harvey, Mae
Kelly, Madelyn
Fairly Tails
Healey, Nina
Kennedy, Clifford & Amy
Farmington Rotary Club
Hensley, R.V. & Patricia
Kerr, Gerry & Nancy
Farrell, Harold & Shelia
Hicks, Liz
Keith, Kirby
Felter, Deane
Hobbie & Trophy World
King, Mary
Filloramo, Peg
Hogan, William
Kirejczyk, Barbara
Foundation for Life
Howard, Alice
Kleinfield Bridal
Francis, Devon
Hubbs, David & Arlene
Klinger, Pat
Frey, Brigid
Huntington Financial, Inc
Kochanek, Jan
Furmanek, Bernard & Olga
Hyde, Jenn
Kogut, James & Geralyn
Fussell, Kate
Iannaccone, Elio & Siniscalchi, Agnes
Koiva, Liz
Gaiono Jr. , Savino & Susan
Internet Safety Concepts
Krajewski, Meagan
GAL Associates, LLC
Jacobs, James & Ann
Kranyak, John & Anna
Garger, Lisa Mary
Jacobs, Jennifer
Kraus, Dale
Gegetskas, Diane
Jacquemin, Dana
Lacava, Shirley & Lacava Aureli, Genevieve
Gendreau, Pam
JC Penny's Salon
LaChappelle, Mary
CAFAP thanks the Department of Children and Families for the
funding it receives.
Lane, Tanya
McConnell, Erin
Over the Hill Gang Eastern
Chapter Car Club
LaPan, Carol
McGovern, Janet
Pagella, Carl
Lapkin, Eric
McLaughlin, James
Paholski, Sandy
Laudette, Robin
Meskill, Robert & Patricia
Palmer, Faith
LEGO Stystems, Inc.
Messina, Cassie
Palzere, Donald & Jane
Leitao, Chelsea
Minto, Angela
Pare, Danielle
Lespier, Bonnie
Morgan, Kevin & Kimberly
Penepent, Donald F
Limato, Paulette
Muhammad, Kareemah
Penepent, Gertrude B.
Link, Barbara
Murdock, George &
Conland-Murdock, Virginia
Perduta, George & Becky
Little, Lorna
Murphy, Amy
Pfleger, Carl & Kim
Lizasuain, Felix
Muzzey, Elana
Pierce, Alan & Regina
Locario, Nicole
Naples, Vanessa
Pinnow, Margaret
Luri-Clark, Marina
Napoletano, Julia
Polverelli, Mary Alice
MacDonald, Brian & Mary
Neumann, Albert & Cynthia
Primrose, Walter Sr. & Tammy
MacDonald, Gordon & Eileen
Nizen, John & Jean
MacDonald, Peter & Wendy
Northern Belle, LLC
Purinton, Gayl A.
Madison, Kathy
Omni Hotel
Purinton, Michael & Gayl
Mannan, Talhaht
Open Adoption Attorneys
Quinnipiac University Student Occupational
Therapy Association
Maples Self-Storage
Ortiz, Krysta
Rahman, Saima
Maronn, Russell & Gwen
Ortiz, Noelia
Rasmussen, Averi
Marozzi, Noreen
Osbourne, Jahmika
Raven, Lesa
Mayo, Raymond & Roseann
Osorio-Vasquez, Isabel
Raymore & Flanigan
McCarthy, Janet
Otis, Cindy
Rive All Star Storage, LLC
100% Percent of every dollar donated goes directly to services for
families. CAFAP does not take an administration fee from donations.
Rivera, Olga
Sinopoli, Connie
Topitzer, Eileen
Rose, Nona
Smith, Annetta
Topitzer, Paul & Colleen
Roth, Tina
Smith, Denese
Torres, Aimee
Ruby Tuesday
Snathch Shoes, LLC
Torrington Titans
Rugar, Nancy
Southbury Crown Plaza
Tumolo, Kenneth & Beata
Russell, David & Cheryl
Sozanski, Joseph & Izabela
Turner, Linda
Rutkowska, Sylvia
Steadman, Della Kathryn
Van Huysen, Gayle
Ryan, Stephanie
Stewart, Susan
Veal, Carmen
Sachen, Lisa
Stopp, Jessica
Vitaliano, Nita
Sacks, Ben & Tracy
Straub, Laurie
Waldecker, Carolyn
Samuels, Sandra
Stringer, Juanita
Warshavsky, Larry & Laurie
Sander, Pedro
Sullivan, Lisa
Watrous, Donald & Westerkamp, Robyn
Sander, Wendy
Swan, Lisa
Weber, Charles
Santiago, Rafael
Tapke, Ruth
Wennerburg, Susan
Sarkis, Michelle
Tauck World of Giving
White III, Henry & Patricia
Schaffrick Sr., Charles & Melissa
Tavana, Susan
White Way Cleaners, Inc
Schreier, Elise
The Loyal Bandana Heads
Wilbur, Donna
Schumann, Maggie
The White Dress By The Shore
Wildman, Pat
Sheehan, Joseph & Margot
Thomas, Dawn
Wilper, Leslie
Sherwin, Mary
Thornton, Wesley & Watson, Heather
Shobe, Diane
Tilcon Concrete Division
Yolanda Christine Photography
Silva, Tiffany
Tilcon Connecticut Inc.
Zod, Hal
Simmons, Ashley
Time Frozen Photography
2012-2013 CAFAP Events
2189 Silas Deane Highway
Suite 2
Rocky Hill, CT 06067