June Newsletter - Onalaska American Legion
June Newsletter - Onalaska American Legion
Struck-Klandrud Post No. 336 Onalaska American Legion Chartered May 14, 1921 WEBSITE: WWW.ONALASKAPOST336.ORG EMAIL: LEGION3300@CHARTERINTERNET.COM Legion Community Days Legion Community Days is a little less than 3 months away and it is looking like a great weekend. The Legion Riders have a great motorcycle run going on Saturday afternoon. We have a bean bag toss tournament Sunday afternoon in the beer tent along with the Texas Hold’Em. Lots of good things planned for the whole family so come on out August 27 - 29 and join us. We will have volunteer sign-up sheets behind the bar by mid June so stop by and take a look at how you can help us out that weekend. Our volunteers do have a lot of fun and are a great big family. Mike Fries ONALASKA LEGION BASEBALL NEWS BASEBALL'S MERLE CUNNINGHAM WAS SELECTED AS POST 336 LEGIONNAIRE OF THE YEAR and was honored at the Post's Past Commanders / Past Presidents Banquet. Cunningham has worked with Onalaska Legion Baseball since his son “Duke” became involved as an Onalaska High School freshman in 1995. Merle has served as General Manager of Post 336 Baseball for the past 12 years and is Associate Director for Region 9, Wisconsin State Legion Baseball. Merle’s lovely wife Doreen has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with her husband in their joint-support of our baseball program and both deserve our congratulations and gratitude. TEAM TRYOUTS for players not on the high school varsity roster were held on May 26 and 27. Tryouts for the 18 & under team will be held June 2 & 3 for varsity players unless players go to the State High School Tournament. THE "SUNNY OPEN" GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BENEFIT LEGION BASEBALL will be held on Sunday, June 13 at Onalaska's Coulee Golf Bowl. The four person scramble is scheduled from 9 AM to 2 PM. There are openings for 30 foursomes (please register as a foursome), and cost is $20 per golfer / $80 per foursome. Sign up at the Coulee Golf Bowl, or call 781 - 1111. Payment is required prior to golfing. There will be raffles, games and prizes and a good time will be had by all. Please register soon (in advance of June 13) to ensure participation! Terry Schaefer of Post 336 Baseball is chairman for this event with assistance from Jim Sedlacek. THE BASEBALL CASH RAFFLE IS READY TO BEGIN with $1800 in total prizes and a top prize of $700. Raffle tickets will be available at the Legion bar, from committee members and (after June 5) from player parents. Prize drawing will happen at Legion Community Days. Thanks go out to Barry Nimtz of Onalaska's Blue Moon Bar & Restaurant for again sponsoring printing of our raffle tickets. As an added incentive from the Blue Moon, raffle ticket backs are printed with coupon information: 50% OFF on any one regular price appetizer - one coupon per purchase per visit. We thank the Blue Moon for their support of our Legion Baseball! SEASON SCHEDULES for both of our teams appear elsewhere in this newsletter and will be posted at the Legion. The 18 & under team plays its first home game on Friday, June 11 at 4 PM versus arch Rival Holmen. Fans will be able to experience wonderful ballpark food and refreshments at the game. The 16 & under team plays its first game of the home season on Saturday, June 12 versus GET at Noon. Food & refreshments will be available at all home games. baseball_logo_color.jpg 671×600 pixels 7/26/08 2:24 PM Bob Frechette Officers: Commander: Jim Nelson - 783-1715 1st Vice: Ralph Amundsen 2nd Vice: Rich Hoeth 3rd Vice: Clarence Stellner Adjutant: Willard Christenson Finance Officer: Mike Fries Judge Advocate: Todd Bjerke Chaplain: Claude Deck Service Officer: Vern Reekers - 783-3913 Historian: Bill Jaekel Sgt. at Arms Willie Fernholz Editor: BILL JAEKEL 608-783-3623 wrjkl@charter.net Legionnaires, Auxiliary, S.A.L., and Friends GREETINGS TO ALL FROM THE COMMANDER: Spring has sprung, da grass has riz but where da hell dat summer is. Some say we’ve had a long cold spring. Others say this is Wisconsin, take what you can get. And then there are those that believe we have two seasons, winter and road construction. For me, I figure if I don’t like the weather, wait a while, it’ll change. UNBELIEVABLE, ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. Words (written) from my bride after the ALS fund raiser Sunday, April 18. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all who came and showed your love and support. Guest Register had 642 entries. There were many more that did not get a chance to sign the register. A long day but bride still had a smile and a few hugs left by 8pm that evening. The next day we went to Brookfield and presented a $8500 check to the WI Chapter of ALS. What a superb event. Thank you all and especially to my daughter Kristen and all who assisted her in making this such a special event. It was truly heartwarming as friends from out of town came that we hadn’t seen in ages. The 92d Annual State Legion Convention is coming fast, July 16-18, Wausau, WI. If you wish to attend as a delegate, you must register by July 2, and the Post will pay your registration fee of $25. Registration after July 2 will be $30 per person. The Post will also reimburse you for your room fee and provide a food allowance. If you wish to attend, contact our Adjutant Willard Christenson, 608-783-7372. Another reminder. 7th District Spring Conference will be held on Parade season is upon us. Next up is June Diary Days in West Salem. Parade at noon, Saturday, June 5. Right after that is Butterfest in Sparta. Parade at 1230pm, Sunday, June 13. Only one parade in July and that is Catfish Days in Trempealeau. Date & time will be published in the July newsletter. Speaking of July; we will not have a membership meeting, instead we will have a social hour. Food & beverages will be provided. Let’s see who wants to “ring the bell”. We will however have our regular Executive Meeting at 6pm. Another successful Freedom Honor Flight May 8. Len Nichols, a member of the Post, was on the flight and stated it was absolutely great. I strongly encourage all WWII vets to submit an application to go. Priority will also go to those vets that are terminally ill but still able to tolerate the trip. As you know, it is first come, first served, starting with WWII vets then Korean era vets and then Vietnam Era vets. Applications may be picked up at the post. Further information can be obtained by calling me or our Vet Liaison, Thom Downer at 608-790-7368. A Freedom Honor Flight fund raiser was held in the Activity Center on Armed Forces Day, May 15. An after event review has not been done yet but it appears that attendance was down considerably from what was anticipated. This is not a “negative” but an “opportunity” to encourage more involvement from the Community and press on for greater success. A lot of work went into this fund raiser and I want to thank Randy Eddy and Thom Downer for their effort. Our election for Post Officers was held at our May 10 membership meeting. A big round of applause for all of the members that agreed to run for an office. I want to thank those present at the meeting for returning me to the Commanders position. It is a privilege to serve you all. Installation of officers will take place at our June 14 membership meeting. Our Chicken & Dumpling dinners and Fish Frys are over for the summer. Thank you to all who supported these two excellent food programs. A special “HURRAH” and “OOOOAH” to all of the volunteers that did such an outstanding job all year long. A special “tip of the hat” to you all. The SAL breakfast will continue, check the calendar. If you haven’t tried the SAL breakfast yet, you don’t know what you’re missing. After many requests, we now have a “comment box” at the Legion. It is on the wall, in the hall, across from the toy machine. Your comments are welcomed. Please keep them constructive, no personal attacks, sign your name & date & we will respond. Anonymous submissions will be discarded. This communication method is a customer service effort and is being set-up for a trial period. If it is used for other than what it is intended, it will be removed. All suggestions may not be doable, but we will review and consider all reasonable requests. Criticisms are acceptable if accompanied by a reasoned solution/recommendation. As you may recall, a request was sent out requesting a picture and a short biography of our members when they were in uniform. We have received 3 so far and I thank those individuals for responding to our request. The biography does not have to be long. Name, date of picture, branch of service, service dates, hometown and anything else you would like to share about the individual or the picture. I assure you, that when you see this collection, you will be glad you participated. Golfers!! 2010 Sunny Open Golf Tournament. Sunday, June 13, Coulee Golf Bowl. Proceeds to benefit Onalaska American Legion Baseball. Questions, call Terry Schaefer, 783-3996. Remember that school is out beginning in June. Drive safely and watch out for kids. Memorial Day, Monday, May 31. Parade 930am, Service 10am. Bring your lawn chair. Free coffee & donuts prior to parade, free lunch after service. FLY THE FLAG. God Bless our troops, their families and our veterans. God Bless America. Jim Nelson, Commander Did you know? Indians at Bunker Hill. Although most American Indian Tribes sided with the British during the American Revolution, the Stockbridge Indians of western Massachusetts were loyal to the Colonial forces from the beginning of hostilities. Warriors from the tribe were in the ranks at the Battle of Bunker Hill. In Wisconsin, decedents of those warriors that fought in the American Revolution, live on the Stockbridge Indian Reservation near the small town of Bowler, WI on the southwest corner of the Menomonie Indian Reservation. Service Officers Report - Last Bugle - Ray E. Prieur - Sick Call Merlin Kirchner Jim Nelson Vern Reekers – Service Officer The Onalaska Legion Monthly Newsletter Publication No. 6-2010 Issue Date - JUNE, 2010 Published by:American Legion Post 336 731 Sand Lake Road P.O. Box 326 Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650 Auxiliary JUNE 2010 Congratulations to Jim Nelson and his officers who were elected to the leadership of the Legion for another year. We, the Auxiliary will be there to support the Legion and it’s programs. I would like to thank Mary Boardman Colleen Kujak for running the May meeting for me, in my absence. Our prayers go out to our Parliamentarian, Delores Kenyon and her family for the loss of her husband Delbert [Nub] Kenyon. With the end of the school year at hand the students of our Legion family need to remember that the Auxiliary and Past Presidents offer scholarships. The applications are at the club rooms or they can get one from Wilma Dettinger chairmen at 783-2814. Lady’s again we will be saving manufacturers coupons. They have gone to 6 X the value overseas for the veteran families. With Memorial Day services fast approaching I would like to thank, Norna Johnson, Diane Culbert, Judy Chesebro and Linell Schefebine for putting new poppies on the wreaths for the crosses. Also thanks to Liz Reekers and her committee for taking care of the food being served after the Memorial Day Services. I would like to thank Norma Johnson, Eunice Christianson, Judy Chesebro and Mary Boardman for helping at the Freedom Flight Casino Night. Mary Powers and Nikki Sterling will co-chair Christmas in July Food Committee. Please step forward and help them. The event will have 6 bands from the past entertaining you. Also the Legion is looking for help selling beer tickets for two shifts that night, please contact either Mary Powers or Nikki Sterling if you can help out. Remember that on Oct. 18th thru the 24th the National Creative Arts Festival will be held in Lacrosse. Ladies please step forward with your time or money donations for the Hospitality Auxiliary: Room which the Department of Wisconsin is the sponsor President: Diane Ryan - 792-6488 and hosting. The items that they will need are: Water, variety 1st Vice: Bev Mahlum - 526-3719 of juices and soda, beef jerky, chips and pretzels (individual 2nd Vice: Rhonda Hoeth size), snacks, coffee, tea, sugar & sugar substitute packets, Secretary: Mary Boardman cream or dry cream packets, hot chocolate, cookies, raisins & Treasurer: Colleen Kujak craisins (individual sizes), throat lozenges, hard candy, sugar Historian: Cindy Buckholtz free snacks, fresh fruit, muffins, donuts, sweat rolls, granola Sgt. at Arms: Judy Chesebro & La Vonne Rivers bars, cheese/crackers trays, vegetable trays, dip, paper products: Chaplain: Eunice Christensen Members at Large: Mary Boardman & Nancy Hurm napkins, plates, bowls, stir sticks, cups, plastic spoons/ forks Parliamentarian: Delores Kenyon etc. if you can help out with any of these items please contact: Sunshine Chairwoman: Liz Reekers Pat Flanders at Tomah VAMC 608-372-3971, ext. 66235. CASH DONATIONS: Send them to ALA Department Headquarters, P.O. Box 140, Portage, Wis. 53901 [on the memo line of your check put CAF HOSPITALITY]. Dates to remember: Memorial Day May 31st: June 4-6 June Dairy Days in West Salem; June 14th Flag Day; June 20th King Day. The serving committee for June: Reita Weber chairmen 781-3761, Jan Bolstad, Maureen Smith and Joan Haar. Spring has Sprung; Remember to stop and smell the roses, because you never know when your day is done. Diane Ryan - President Buy one, get one free with this ad. Limit one per customer (19 year member of the Onalaska Legion) JUNE 2010 2104 George Street La Crosse, WI 54603 783-9847 Owners Mike & Debbie Dwyer JUNE 2010 Ad Size 2 X 3.75 Everybody’s Flavor Favorite “Official Snacks of the Onalaska Legion” ... Notes from the Bar ... Let the festival season begin. Welcome summer!! Thursday June 10th, from 7pm - 9pm, stop in for a chance to win a 2010 Iron 883 Sportster Budweiser Harley Davidson Motorcycle. 100.1 Classic Rock has teamed up with Budweiser and Harley Davidson for the Bud Bike Giveaway. There will be a total of 100.1 qualifiers, 5 in which will be chosen from the American Legion. There will be food and drink specials throughout the event. Call for more details. Happy Father’s Day!! Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20th, Bring Dad in for the SAL Breakfast Buffet and enjoy a delicious Bloody Mary for only $2.50 or a Screw Driver for $2.25. The special will run from 8am - 3pm. Tuesdays Wings and Shrimp will continue through the summer until further notice. We will be extending our grill hours to include Friday evenings from 5pm - 9pm. There are many dates available in our Activity Center for any of your special events. It’s a great place for picnics, birthday parties, family reunions fundraisers and benefits. There will be some great specials through the month of June. So, stop in for some cold drinks, delicious food and great company!! =) Brad & Stephanie American Legion Membership Basically, this is last call for membership renewals for the 2010 membership year. If you have not paid dues yet, please stop in or mail your dues to the Post as soon as possible. Please welcome to our Post new and transferred in members Robert Caplan and Patrick Tooke. Let’s make sure to give them the “thank you” and the normal Post 336 super welcoming. Hope all have a great summer and we shall see you at one of our many events. Ralph Amundsen, 1st Vice Commander RENEWALS - NEWSLETTER ADS ... We will be communicating with the current newsletter advertisers to determine if they wish to continue to advertise with us. Ads are available on a oneyear basis, Jan. thru Dec. 2009. Sizes available are a 2"x2" @ $50./year and a 2"x3.75" @ $80./ year. The larger ad is horizontal. All payments must be made for the full year, payable in advance. New ad space will open up if 202378266 there are some non-renewals. The space will be made available on a first-come first-served basis for new advertisers. Questions, comments and ad purchase should be directed to Bill Jaekel at 608-783-3623 between the hours of 9am and 5pm. If needed, leave a message. My email is wrjkl@charter.net . All phone calls and emails will be returned. Thank You, Bill Jaekel, Newsletter Editor. JUNE 2010 Great Gift/Remembrance june 2010 for a loved one or friend who has served his or her country ONAL AS Applications K V ETERAN A Available at the MEMOR S IAL Onalaska Legion Legion Baseball Collecting Cans The Baseball Committee of our Legion Post 336 has a site in the parking lot to collect aluminum cans to raise money for our Legion Baseball. All are encouraged to donate their aluminum cans to this most worthy cause! june 2010 What’s Your Current ID Number? Somewhere in this newsletter is a member’s membership number. If it’s your number you win $10.00 easy way to get $10.00. If it’s your number call: Ralph Amundsen: 783-7599 june 2010 Give A “Brick” FROM THE EDITOR Food - Fun - Friends Did you know you could read the Onalaska Legion Post 336 Newsletter online at: www.onalaskapost336.org ? Veterans and the Public Welcome By opting out of receiving the print edition of the newsletter, you can save the Post money and get the information sooner! The online edition of the Legion Newsletter is usually available 2-3 days before the newsletter hits your mailbox. Provide us with your e-mail address and we will notify you each month when the latest edition is available on our site. New & Transfer Members Invited Food Events & Entertainment on Selected Evenings Home of the “Legion Community Days” August 25-27 I no longer wish to receive the Print edition of the Legion Newsletter. Bar opens 11 a.m. daily Lunch served 11 11a.m. a.m.-1 Wed., Lunch - 2 p.m. p.m. •• Tues., Monday thruThurs. Friday Name:_ __________________________________ Facilities & Catering for Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Events, Etc. Member ID:_______________________________ E-mail Address:____________________________ Onalaska American Legion Onalaska American 783-3300 june 2010 Please Note: If there is an Auxiliary or SAL member in your household, they must also opt out of the print version or it will continue to be mailed to your home. Return this filled out form to Onalaska American Legion Post 336, 731 Sand Lake Road, Onalaska WI 54650 or email the information to Bill Jaekel, wrjkl@charter.net . Legion WWW.ONALASKAPOST 783-3300 336.0RG 731 731Sand SandLake LakeRoad, Road,Onalaska, Onalaska,WI Wi JUNE 2010 Specialty Meats & Foods Wine Tasting: Wed. & Fri., 6-8 412 Main Street Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 526-3112 www.holmenmeatmarket.com JUNE 2010 JUNE 2010 La Crosse County Aging Unit Do you have some spare time? Would you like to feel good about helping the great community of Onalaska? june 2010 WE CONDUCT SALES YEAR ROUND! • COMPLETE ESTATE SALES • DOWN SIZING SALES • MOVING SALES CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 608-781-8211 - LINDA SOBKOWIAK 608-783-6073 - BARB DALTON june 2010 FAMILY TREASURES ESTATE SALES We are looking for people to deliver meals to homebound seniors and to help out at the Onalaska Senior Dining Center. Who knows you may see your neighbor there? Please contact La Crosse County Aging Unit @ 785-6137. Sloopy’s Alma Mater begins year 29 at 163 Copeland Ave., La Crosse, WI and year 40 since 1969. Come and enjoy! – Open 7am Mon.-Sat.; Sunday 8am Ad Size Lunch, 2 X 3.75and much more. Breakfast, Big 10 Burgers - Homemade Pizza Broasted Chicken - Soups - Chili june 2010 A Legion Member for 36 years. june 2010 S.A.L. S. A. L.: Well here we are into June Commander: already. Where does the time go. Todd “Doc” Hagel Our last Breakfast Buffet before • 1st Vice: Bob Weber the summer break will be June • 2nd Vice: Ray Kline 20th, Fathers Day!! Hope to see • Finance Officer: you all there. We will resume with • Chaplain: them again in September. I will • Sgt. at Arms: post the dates in the September • Historian: Newsletter. Thanks to all who have S.A.L. Advisor: come and enjoyed and supported Clarence Stellner us. It will be another busy summer with all the parades and Community Days in August. Hope to see you all there. Have a great and safe summer. Coulee Trophy 114 2nd Avenue North Onalaska, WI 54650 ONE DAY DELIVERY ON ENGRAVING SERVICE AWARDS • TROPHIES • PLAQUES Scott Guenther Owner JUNE 2010 JUNE 2010 JUNE 2010 Todd (Doc) Hagel “We are in the business of helping Our Customers Express Themselves” 310 Sand Lake Road Onalaska - 783-2140 Same Day Delivery Holmen • Bangor West Salem Onalaska • La Crosse Flowersbyguenthers.com Toll Free: 800-788-6434 SAM’S BAR JUNE 2010 JUNE 2010 2116 George St. La Crosse, WI (608) 781-2060 Top of the Golden Strip LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT & LOUNGE N4135 Hwy. 35 North • Onalaska, WI 54650 • 608-781-0150 “Homemade Cooking” our Specialty ~ Restaurant Hours ~ 7 days/wk - 5:30am-2:00pm Evenings - Tues.-Fri.-Sat. @ 5:00pm Wheel Chair Access - Easy Bus Turnaround & Parking Breakfast Everyday till 2:00pm with a Beautiful View of Lake Onalaska Accounting Individuals Tax Bookeeping Service Corporations Partnerships 54650 16741 S. Main, Galesville, WI 54630 The Food Basket is serving an increasing number of people and requests donations of food and money. Donated items can be brought to: 735 Sand Lake Rd. – Mon.-Sat., 9-11am #202594790 1024 Main St., Onalaska, WI JUNE 2010 ~ Lounge Hours ~ 7 days/5 nights, Closed Sun. & Mon. nights with “FREE” WINGS on Wednesday @ 2:00pm Phone: (608) 783-0440 Fax: (608) 783-0472 Phone: (608) 582-2620 JUNE 2010 Checks may be sent to: Onalaska-Holmen Food Basket P.O. Box 311, Onalaska, WI 54650 JUNE 2010 June 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Wings & Shrimp 4:30 - 7:00PM 2 3 Burger Night 4:30 - 7:00 PM 4 5 John Stevenson DJ 7:00 - 11:00pm Wedding - Dining Hall Ona Care Center Luncheon - Hall 6 7 8 Wings & Shrimp 4:30 - 7:00PM NARVRE Mtg 10:00am 9 Auxiliary Meeting 7:00 PM 10 Burger Night 4:30 - 7:00 PM Bud Bike Giveaway 11 12 Stoney Ridge Band 7:00 - 11:00pm Wedding - Dining Hall 18 19 Double Take 7:00 - 11:00pm Wedding - Dining Hall Irishfest Mtg 5:30pm Hall 13 Birthday Party Dining Hall 14 15 16 Wings & Shrimp 4:30 - 7:00PM 17 Burger Night 4:30 - 7:00 PM Executive Comm. 6:00 PM Graduation Party Activity Center Membership Mtg. 7:00 PM 20 SAL Breakfast 8:00 AM - Noon Fathers Day Buffet 28 21 22 Wings & Shrimp 4:30 - 7:00PM 23 Volunteer Appreciation Night BLET Div 3 Meeting Building Comm. Mtg 5:30PM House Comm. Mtg. 6:30 PM Cocktails at 5:00pm Dinner at 6:00pm 28 29 Wings & Shrimp 4:30 - 7:00PM 30 24 Burger Night 4:30 - 7:00 PM 25 26 Happy's Garage Band Dining Hall Birthday Party Dining Hall ONALASKA AMERICAN LEGION • POST 336 • 731 SAND LAKE ROAD • PHONE (608) 783-3300 WWW.ONALASKAPOST336.ORG • Email: LEGION3300@CHARTERINTERNET.COM TEXAS HOLD’EM Our season has been closed with a great send off. As usual great food, great games and the friendships, made at these tourney’s will not be forgotten for many years. We must say good bye to an old friend and player Jerry Rowe who is moving to Indiana, good luck Jerry. I will advise the winners next month of the spring season. On behalf of all the Bartenders, Management, and Pit Bosses, have a great summer. Don’t forget we will be playing on the Sunday of Community Days in August. Our Fall Season starts September 2, 2010 - til then thanks. Pit Boss Les and the Pit Bull Clarence Retired and Active Railroad Employees: Protect your (NARVRE) Railroad Retirement and your Jobs! Call: Sharon Olson at 781-4859. JUNE 2010 Meetings are every 2 Tuesday at 10:00 am at the Onalaska American Legion. nd JUNE 2010 Newsletter Onalaska, WI 54650 Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID La Crosse, WI Permit NO. 12 Return SERVICE Requested Struck-Klandrud Post No. 336 American Legion 731 Sand Lake Road • P.O. Box 326 Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650 Phone (608) 783-3300 2010 Baseball Schedule - 18 and Under Day Date Location At Time 2010 Baseball Schedule - 16 and Under Innings Day Date Location At Time Innings 12:00 pm 1-7 4:00pm 2-7 Home 4:00pm 2-7 Friday June 11 Holmen Home 4:00pm 2-7 Saturday June 12 G-E-T Saturday June 12 Bi-State 1:00pm 2-7 Monday June 14 Holmen Tuesday June 15 West Salem Wednesday June 16 LAX Juniors Home 4:00pm 2-7 Thursday June 17 LAX A's Home 4:00pm 2-7 Friday June 18 La Crescent 2:00pm 2-5 2-7 Sat - Sun June 19,20 Viroqua Tourney 1-7 Tuesday June 22 West Salem 2:00pm 2-7 Fri - Sun June 25,26,27 ONA Tourney (wood) Monday June 28 G-E-T 5:00pm 1-7 Tuesday June 29 Sparta Thursday July 1 La Crescent Friday July 2 LAX Juniors Wednesday July 7 Sparta Monday June 14 West Salem Wednesday June 16 LAX North Stars Friday June 18 Sparta Saturday June 19 Wi Rapids Tuesday June 22 LAX Post 52 Thursday June 24 Fri - Sun June 25,26,27 Viroqua Tourney Tuesday June 29 Rochester Home 4:00pm 2-7 6:00pm 2-7 Home 4:00pm 2-7 12:00 pm Home 4:00pm Tomah 6:00pm 1-7 TBA Home 4:00pm 2-7 Wednesday June 30 La Crescent Home 5:00pm 1-7 Thursday July 1 Tomah Home 5:00pm 1-7 Friday July 2 Bi-State Home 4:00pm 2-7 Saturday July 3 LAX Red Raiders 4:00pm 2-7 Tuesday July 6 Sparta 6:00pm 1-7 Fri - Sun July 9,10,11 Onalaska Tourney Home TBA Tuesday July 13 LAX North Stars Home 4:00pm 2-7 Wednesday July 14 Holmen 5:30pm 1-7 12:00 pm 2-7 Saturday July 17 Wi Rapids Wed-Sun Jylu 21-25 Regionals Home Sunday July 11 Prairie du Chien July 15-18 Regionals July 22-25 Burlington baseball_logo_color.jpg 671×600 pixels Home TBA TBA 6:00pm 1-7 Home 3:00pm 1-7 3:00pm 2-7 Home 4:00pm 2-7 12:00 pm TBA State 7/26/08 2:24 PM 2-7