June 2008 Hemisphere Flyer
June 2008 Hemisphere Flyer
r e y l F e r e h p Hemis San Antonio Parrot Head Club Notes from our President, Sally Spenny June 2008 Editor: Diana Carroll Here comes summer!!! We had a great Happy Hour in May with Texas Tide at Crabby Jacks. It was fantastic and we had a banner month for new members – nineteen signed up that night. Thanks to all that came and supported the club. The Margaritaville Frozen Concoction raffle winners were Scott and Lisa Caudill – congratulations and thanks for buying so many raffle tickets! Inside this issue: Welcome New Members/ Buffett Tour Update 2 The June 1st “Cheeseburgers in Paradise” was a great start for summer; about 80 people were there with all their food contributions. Thanks to the cooks, Randi Wayland, Dave Spenny, 3 Gordon Lewis, Rick Carroll, and Paul Bobo for braving the heat and cooking all those burgers and hot dogs. It was great to hear Chad Van Delden on his steel drum. Also, we want to give a very 4 special thanks to the founders of SAPHC, Garrett and Pam Van Delden for hosting us at their 5 home. Notes from VP and Editor Buffett Buffet Ronald McDonald House/ Cause for Paws Survive! 08 Calendar & Birthdays Summer Spash Committee Photos Due to Renew Contacts, etc. Info for Members Summer Splash Sign Up (SAPHC) Survive was awesome! Thanks to all that worked so hard and those mem6-7 bers that came. There’s a separate write-up for that on page 6-7, so read 8 on. We have several other activities coming up that you need to note: we are adding a June Happy Hour on the 19th at Crabby Jacks where we 9 will try it out with music inside, the July Happy Hour will be on the 17th, The Year of place to be determined. Don’t forget to sign up for the SAPHC Summer Still Here Tour 10-13 Splash at Canyon Lake on Jul 19th. We plan to volunteer at the Food Info on page 2 13 Bank again in Aug (tentatively on the 2nd , date to be confirmed). We’ll also have a Happy Hour and our quarterly High Way Clean up in August as 14 well. Our biggest fund raising event is coming up, SAPHC Anniversary 15 Party on Sept 13th. We will have a silent auction so please be looking for items for donations. Summer vacation trips are an excellent way to find unusual items that Par16 rot Heads would like to bid on. Please bring your donations to the summer Happy Hours and give them to a board member. Look for Parrot Point Alert Welcome New Members Too many to list here this month — see list on page 2 There may be changes to dates and locations for future events, so be sure to look at the calendar and for messages on upcoming events. If you have internet access and an email account, be sure to let Diana Carroll know. It’s important that we have your correct email because that is the primary way of communicating information on club events. You can also check out the website, www.saphc.com to read the newsletter on line, see the calendar and event information. Our sign going up at the Mariner Inn June 2008 Page 2 Welcome New Members Wow! Too many for front page. Awesome. Lindsay Quirke Holly Shaw Joe Kinne Marlon & Denise Sikes Brian Lee Voges Lori Van Dyke Mary McAdams Troy Forschner Richard Gonzales Paul & Melissa Wilkins Britni Lee Duff Ball Randy Scott Mandy Gutierrez Lynn Price Wes Andrade Sharon Cronkhite Kae Lynn Patrick Kristen Meek Brice McCullough Geri & Frank Cervantes Gerald Miller Glenn Cook Calvin Earley Jill Ricketts Cole Phillips Ray & Roz Adams Buffett Tour Update — The Year of Still Here However there are still opportunities to see Buffett at venues around the country so to keep you informed, here is the remaining schedule. See Margaritaville.com for updates and additional information Tour Schedule as of June 15th 07.17.08 07.19.08 07.22.08 07.24.08 07.26.08 07.29.08 08.03.08 08.24.08 08.27.08 08.30.08 09.01.08 09.04.08 09.06.08 10.16.08 10.18.08 10.21.08 10.25.08 RIVERBEND MUSIC CENTER Cincinnati, OH ALPINE VALLEY MUSIC THEATER East Troy, WI POST‐GAZETTE PAVILION Burgettstown, PA TOYOTA PARK Bridgeview, IL TOYOTA PARK Bridgeview, IL VERIZON WIRELESS MUSIC CENTER Noblesville, IN NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL Newport, RI BOARDWALK HALL Atlantic City, NJ NIKON AT JONES BEACH THEATRE Wantagh, NY NISSAN PAVILLION Bristow, VA NISSAN PAVILLION Bristow, VA TWEETER CENTER Mansfield, MA TWEETER CENTER Mansfield, MA CRICKET WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE San Diego, CA MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA Las Vegas, NV Mountain View, CA SHORELINE AMPHITHEATRE MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA Las Vegas, NV June 2008 Page 3 Notes from the Vice President Mani Andrade Wow! Now I know why it's called Survive! Hope everyone made it home safe and sound. It was one heck of a weekend. Lots of fun and hard work, but well worth it. Did any one find my Yellow Survive T-shirt ? Guess it didn’t survive. Port A was great, the activities and music were awesome! Triggerfish was pretty good too. Did you see me up on stage? So let me start by extending a great big THANK YOU to all who put it together, and those who volunteered. A big thanks to Dwayne Wilkins for the trailer to carry all our stuff. Paul Bobo outdid himself again providing everything we needed for our day at the beach. Carol Garner who is good at what she does and all the parrot heads that helped her. Last but not least, Sally & David Spenny -- are they the coolest or what! We have our work cut out for us for next yearto try to top this year’s Survive '08. As always, your V.P., Mani Notes from the Editor Diana Carroll You know, I thought April was a great month, and then May, but June has been a total blast so far, and then we have July…..It’s shaping up to be one of the best years ever for the San Antonio Parrotheads. At least, we’re trying to make it that. What can I say? If you were at Cheeseburgers in Paradise at the Van Deldens’, or at Survive in Port Aransas, you know what I’m talking about. If you weren’t, well, you missed out on some of the most fun events you can imagine. See Sally’s write up on page 6-7 along with the awesome email from the manager at Mariner’s Inn. If you weren’t there, you cannot imagine how welcome they made us feel. It was like going home for the weekend. The phun’s not over yet — we have more planned with the Summer Splash coming up in July and our Anniversary Party in September….and maybe we’ll throw a couple Happy Hours in there as well. I know to me, some of the best times I’ve ever had have been when I get together with other Parrotheads. Also, you may notice — our ranks our growing. Look at the list of new members on page 2 this month — There were too many to list in the corner of the front page! Fund-Raiser Raffle Scott and Lisa Caudill won the FundRaiser Raffle at the May Happy Hour and are the proud owners of the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker. Support your Newsletter: Place a business card or advertisement in the Hemisphere Flyer: $30 for 3 months or $50 for 6 months June 2008 Page 4 Buffett Buffet Events from Texas and other PHCs: http://www.localendar.com/public/PHiPSouthRegion Meeting of the Minds Riddles in the Sand Registration for "Bar Stools and Beach Chairs" the 17th Annual Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) is now up and running at www.phip.com/motm (http:// Multiple www.phip.com/motm_reg.asp). Opportunities to party with Registration is capped at 3500 people this year and they have previously sold out well before other Parrot the August 31, 2008 deadline, so it’s requested Heads — take that you please register as soon as you can… advantage of Registration for the 11th Annual Riddles in the Sand "Summer Camp for Parrot Heads" is open Mark your calendars for July 24th thru 27th and plan on joining us at the beautiful South Shore Harbour Resort in League City, Texas for 3 days and 4 nights of Parrot Head lunacy as we celebrate Jamaica Mistaica style! Appearing will be : Jim Morris and the Big Bamboo Band, The Eric Stone Band, Hanna's Reef, Tropical Blend, Scott Christopher and Trop Rock DJ's Franklin and Don! one or more. So head on over to www.gbphc.com and click on the Riddles 2008 Icon or you can go directly to http:// www.gbphc.com/RITS/Registration.asp to get more information and to register! A lot of info is available on the MOTM website including an FAQ with answers to the most commonly asked questions. MOTM is an awesome event and I encourage all Parrot Heads to attend at least once. You must be a member in good standing of a sanctioned PHC to attend. Six-String Music Songwriters Invitational Proceeds benefit the New Orleans Musicians Clinic, August 14-17, 2008 in New Orleans Six String Music Songwriters Invitational is sponsored by the New Orleans PHC, Towns Around Biloxi PHC and the Loyal Order of DisOrder PHC of Baton Rouge along with Margaritaville Cafe and Tropical Isle. Last year they were able to present the New Orleans Musicians Clinic with $7500, so go have some PHun and help them raise even more dollars for charity! Please go to the website www.sixstringmusicnola.com for the Registration Form and info from Hotel Provincial. Please request a room AWAY from the pool area if you value your sleep -- there will be music around the pool until the wee hours.... Other TX Parrot Head Clubs and other info sources http://www.ctxphc.com/index.asp tional Organization of PHCs) http://www.phip.com/ Houston PHC http:// www.houstonparrotheadclub.com/ Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville.com http://www.margaritaville.com/ Galveston Bay PHC http://www.gbphc.com/ Lonestar PHC (Dallas) http://www.lsphc.com/ Buffettnews.com http://www.buffettnews.com/ Central Texas PHC (Austin) Parrotheads in Paradise (The Interna- For more info on any of the above and other activities, check out the following web sites. June 2008 Page 5 Ronald McDonald House Cookies If you like to bake, this is the charity for you! The Ronald McDonald House needs Parrot Heads to bake cookies. Call Pam Van Delden to sign up for one month (or more) per year to bake 6-8 dozen cookies and earn 10 parrot points. Cookie Bakers for May: Kathy Tauber Sack of can tabs: Randi Wayland Can you volunteer for a month? We always need cookie bakers. If anyone would like to volunteer, please call or email Pam. You’ll receive a reminder card for your month. Remember, you must contact Pam to get credit for donating! Also, if you don’t have time to bake cookies, the children at the Ronald McDonald House would love even store-bought cookies! Other Opportunities to Help The Ronald McDonald House needs volunteers in various areas of their operation. You can volunteer your time in many operations at the each house. You will receive one Parrot Point for each hour. There is a dropoff box at 227 Lewis Street & 4803 Sid Katz for any unwanted household items (used or new). Also, the SAPHC collects aluminum drink can tab tops for Ronald Mc Donald House. The Ronald Mc Donald house is collecting the tabs as a fund raiser. They get money for the tabs and use the money to Cause for Paws At Cause for Paws, there are still many puppies available for adoption. There are so many that Loretta has had to temporarily suspended accepting new ones. This handsome group is available to pick from and any would make a dandy addition to any home. Please call Loretta if you are interested in adopting. Meanwhile donated pet supplies such as dog food, cleaning supplies, 10 Parrot Points Pam VanDelden help with the expenses to run the house. It’s a different way A Great way to help to earn Parrot them out than Points and feel the cookies, or good while you straight donations, are helping but it will help kids. them and it would be fun doing it. So talk to your friends, neighbors and family members and have them pull off the tabs and put them in a jar or bag to save until the turn in date. Let’s see how much we can collect – we know there are lots of drinks consumed out there that can contribute more than just quenching a thirst! Contact Pam Van Delden to sign up for cookies or to volunteer: (210) 6982000 or email pamvandelden@satx.rr.com Parrot Points 5 Donations Rich Rebouche 15 Volunteer at Shelter bleach and old towels and blankets are needed. Don't forget, donations will be collected at the July Happy Hour. Earn 5 parrot points for your donation of pet supplies or cash. Remember there is no fee for adult animal adop- tion. If you can adopt or help clean kennels, call Loretta at 210-336-8223. June 2008 Page 6 Survive! 08 SURVIVE 08 was fantastic!!!! What a way to start off summer. It was beautiful weather, and Linda Ayers, manager of The Mariner Inn, did her “special dance” and promised that it wouldn’t rain. She pulled through and she and her husband, Denny, kept everything going smooth. The staff was so friendly and everyone was anxious to be sure we had a good time. And boy did we!! Our “Parrot Head Rendezvous” was spectacular thanks to the hotel staff, owner Julie Marks and husband David Zuefeldt. The welcome marquee sign set the stage and then when David hung a 25 X 3 foot banner on the balcony saying “WELCOME S.A. PARROT HEADS!” we knew we truly were welcome. The weekend started with a cookout at the pool with Dave Spenny and Paul Bobo again braving the fire to cook up some chicken, burgers and hot dogs. They were fantastic to volunteer to cook again. Even Mani Andrade chipped in and took a turn at it. That night we even got to listen to the Atlanta Jimmy Buffett concert on Sirius radio right there in the parking lot by the pool!! Then on Friday some of the team game participants got really creative with the photo scavenger hunt. You’ll be able to tell when you see the pictures!! Some were really imaginative. Later that afternoon we were at the pool and had our “toe nail painting”. Thanks to Sara Guerrero, Carol Garner and Diana Carroll for meeting the challenge to paint any toe!! Those that participated in getting their toe nails painted donated over $300 for the San Antonio Food Bank. Well done and thanks to all that “Partied with a Purpose”. creatures. Our own marine biologist, Amy Hughes was right there with them. We had lots of pizza delivered to the dock and some brought Jell-O shots to share with everyone. Did you know that Jell-O is a food group? Thanks to Carol Garner for organizing the “beach games” and all of those that helped out that morning and afternoon – it takes awhile to fill water balloons and 1 liter coke bottles for the beach bowling. Our game participants were really good sports with the beach bowling, mystery food and baby bottle chugging contest. I sure hope no one hurt their back doing the limbo - some just kept going and getting lower with each pass. It was amazing how flexible some people are!! Saturday afternoon, Paul, the owner of the Tarpon Ice House came down to the beach with some free sandwiches for our hungry game participants!! It was really special. Congratulations to the “Yellow Team” for winning the “beach games”. Also, something new we added this year was a door decorating contest – thanks to all that participated and congratulations to Lesley McMurray and her roommates for winning! This just adds a little extra to the fun we have and hope to see more participate next year. The “Blenders on the Beach” drink making contest was a real treat. Karen Mather won for best tasting and Carol Garner for best presentation. Thanks to Fred and Sara Guerrero (long time winners) for helping with this event and making their great Pina Coladas for all to taste. Paul Bobo and Chris Spriggs also had some good stuff to try! Hope to see more participants next year! We love trying different things…. We had a very pleasant boat cruise on Friday night looking We had a beautiful evening and even more fun listening to for dolphins, enjoying the sea breeze and watching the Triggerfish play their island music at our big bash at the sunset over the light house. The young ‘keets really enpool on Saturday. But that’s not all, we had some more joyed their “hands on” experience with some smaller sea (continued on next page) June 2008 Survive! 08 Page 7 (continued from page 6) surprises. Kathy and Blake Winterrowd donated some items for prizes. Then the owner of FLY PORT A showed up and donated a yard decoration to use as one of our prizes for our contests. Then, to top it off, the owners and manager of The Mariner Inn wanted to give the winner of the drink making contest a weekend at the hotel. Wow, that was a real surprise and Karen Mather will get to enjoy another weekend at Port A. I have a long list of people to thank for making this a very memorable event. Survive Committee Co-Chairman Mani Andrade and Carol Garner - These two people put so much time in planning everything then they worked so hard setting it up once we got there. Most of it is “behind the scenes” so you don’t always see it except for the finished product. Be sure and thank them for all of the time and effort they put in to it. It really takes a lot of effort to put together an event like this. Karen Mather, E Jay Bill and I were our other primary members of the committee that helped giving inputs and guiding the group in making decisions. Other volunteers on the committee were: Dave Spenny, Leslie McMurray, Amy Hughes, Diana Batson, Dee Parchman, Dwayne Wilkins and Lydia Beach. A special thanks to Simply We for doing our SURVIVE logo and T-Shirts and making up the free T-Shirts for the ‘keets, providing the yellow lanyards, Survive buttons, and the small purple plastic holders and 6-pack coolers – they really came in handy for a weekend at the coast. They also threw in a box of other “goodies and toys” for us. It’s great having members (Dwayne Wilkins and Lydia Beach) that are sponsors too! Dwayne Wilkins helped us a bunch by providing a trailer to haul all of our stuff, plus a truckload of firewood for a bonfire. (It was awesome on the beach late Saturday night!) Paul Bobo set up his parachutes again so that we could have shade on the beach and Doug and Kathy Cobb parked their RV at our site so we’d have access to power for the sound system. Thanks to Tom Bill for getting us the ecco bags to put our Survive logo on to use for prizes. They turned out really great. Tom and E Jay Bill rescued us from Sam’s Club when we had too many people, too much stuff, and not enough room in the car to get everything we bought to the hotel. Also, E Jay spent a lot of time collecting information about Port Aransas and Corpus Christi to give out to people, plus scouting out places and looking for discounts/donations for us. I also have to thank my husband, Dave Spenny, for working whatever needed to be done, supporting us in all that we did, and for adding the “fun factor” with his Malibu Shark and his coconut bra and grass skirt. Well, that’s a long list of things to write about, I hope that I didn’t forget anyone! But I also want to thank all of you Parrot Heads for registering and paying in advance. All of the volunteers, participants and the board of directors really put a lot of effort into making this a great weekend! Sally Spenny, President, San Antonio Parrot Head Club Email from Linda at Mariner’s Inn to Sally (Talk about continuing to make us feel welcome even after we’ve left!) Hey Sally, Well we sure had a great time with all of your fantastic group. I have never seen so many wonderful people in one place at a time. On behalf of everyone at Mariner Inn, it was our pleasure to have you all here. The smiles on all your friendly faces are still fresh in our minds and the stories we have to tell are awesome. Personally, I feel truly blessed to meet such a wonderful group that enjoy each and every day. The fact that you all "Party With A Purpose" is the icing on the cake. You and your group help so many people that will never know how wonderful you really are. I thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and hear more about your good deeds. Love you guys loads!!! June 2008 Page 8 Birthdays 2008 Calendar June Oscar Carrero 1 June October 1 4 Bowling (tentative) (3pp) Cheeseburgers in Pardise at Garrett and Pam VanDelden's 4 (3pp) 5-8 Survive! (5pp) 9 19 Happy Hour (3pp) 16 Leslie Meek Linda Osborne Charlie Roberts Mary Lewis 11 Alzheimer's Memory Walk (15pp) 18 Happy Hour (3pp) November Carol Garner 16 July 20 17 Happy Hour (3pp) Levi Kereti 21 Rick Mallery 21 19 Canyon Lake Summer Splash (5pp) 17 Highway Clean-up (15pp) Jim Theiler 22 Steven Blanchard 24 15 General Membership Meeting / Happy Hour (3pp) Cause for Paws Donations (5pp) August Cause for Paws Donations (5pp) December Kathy Tauber TBD SA Food Bank (tentative) (15pp) TBD Elf Louise gift wrapping (5pp) 27 21 Happy Hour (3pp) TBD Elf Louise delivery (10pp) 28 23 Highway Clean-up (15pp) 18 Happy Hour (3pp) Bebe Descoteaux 29 Steve Smith July September Chris Spriggs 2 13 Anniversary Party (3pp) Rich Rebouche` 9 Ed Baldasari 9 Upcoming Events Ray Ayres 10 Jon Lautenschlager 12 July Add to your Planner Sherry Haglund 12 Regina Blankenship 13 Shelly Schultz 15 Happy Hour on the 17th. Location TBD. (3 PP) Cause for Paws Donations collected (5 PP). Collection for Project Cool (5 PP). Randi Wayland 15 Diana Bernstein 17 Points Riddles in the Sand. as listed Galveston Bay PHC will once again be holding Riddles in the Sand, 24-27 July. Let’s see how many San Antonio Parrot Heads we can get there. More info at http://www.riddlesinthesand.org/ Registration.asp. Linda Schuk 19 August Doug Cobb 22 Gary Arnold 23 Happy Hour on the 21st (3 PP) followed by Highway Cleanup on the 23rd (15 PP) Jerry Turman 23 September Julie Belton 24 Robert (JR) Batkins 25 Jennifer Navarrete 27 Anniversary Party with Hanna’s Reef on the 13th — location TBD. (3 PP to attend; Food Bank Donation 5 PP; Donate Auction item for 15 PP) Rick Lukens 30 Summer Splash at Canyon Lake, July 19th. See Flyer for info. (3 PP) Parrot Six String Music in New Orleans, Aug 1417. http://www.sixstringmusicnola.com Meeting of the Minds in Key West, Oct 30—Nov 2. Registration is open until August 31st or first 3500 registrants, which ever occurs first. Register now to reserve your spot. http://www.phip.com/ MOTM.asp. June 2008 Page 9 Summer Splash Committee Hard at Work The SAPHC Summer Splash Committee has selflessly sacrificed its weekends to tirelessly plan every facet of this Summer's Lake Party on July 19th. In the pursuit of philanthropic partying the Committee has endeavored to organize what is hoped to become an annual phlocking for the Club. Being the inaugural event, you can imagine the logistics of implementing a party of such grand magnitude. Location, directions, facilties, reservations, menu, cooking, music, boats, signs, communications - all meticulously planned by, frankly, a committee of "givers" that have astounded. To insure your complete satisfaction, the Summer Splash Committee has agreed to convene additional "committee meetings" at Canyon Lake and to arrive at the Randolph Canyon Lake Recreation Park a day early to attend to every last detail. No need for thanks - the smiles on your faces will be reward enough. Information Void? Are you not receiving information about club activities? Do you know another member who is not receiving information? Most likely, it’s because you are not a member of the Yahoo Group. If you aren’t receiving the info, please contact me, the Directory of Communications, Diana Carroll, at dfcsatx-saphc@yahoo.com. I will work with you to get you signed up for the group so you can stay informed about club activities. Our group is moderated which means you won’t get a lot of chatter — only information about club activities. If you don’t want to sign up, that’s okay but you’ll miss out on staying informed about what is going on. June 2008 Photos—Cheeseburgers in Paradise Page 10 June 2008 Photos—Survive Page 11 June 2008 Photos—Survive (continued) Page 12 June 2008 Page 13 Photos—Thanks for making Survive! 08 so successful Due to Renew The following memberships are due for renewal. This information is taken from the membership database. If you’ve already renewed, Thanks. If you haven’t yet, please contact Evan and Kathy Tauber to renew now. We value all of our members. If for some reason, you decide not to renew, please let Evan and Kathy or any board member know if there is something we could have done differently to keep you as a member. Mbr # 490 Month May Name Debi Postell Mbr # 333 Month July Name Robert (JR) Batkins 150 May Jeff & Courtney Supplee 498 July James Howell 179 239 May May Kat Myers Cono Farias 42 497 July July Cindy Haughn Steve & Elaine Smith & Felux 400 May James & Cassandra Stanley 496 July Sandi Hughes 407 May Richard Martin 429 August Linna Lette 428 489 May May David & Regina Blankenship Richard & Carol Maki 513 437 August August Luke Kereti Chic & Paula Carter 491 May Ray & JoLynn Ayres 241 August Scott & Amy Hughes 492 May Lara (Shay) Turner 501 August Elizabeth Schultz 493 494 May May Nicole Maley Robbie Hay 502 503 August August John & Gilma Senecal Oscar & Sherry Carrero 495 June Trish Karpienski 71 August Ric Guererro 87 June Kevin & Carole Cary 57 August C. Darren & Shelly Schultz 499 July Jim & JuJu Robinson 500 August Ed Baldasari June 2008 Page 14 SAPHC Contacts Founder Garrett Van Delden garrett@satx.rr.com Vice-President Mani Andrade mangomani@sbcglobal.net Director of Membership Evan Tauber islandtime@swbell.net Board Of Directors (BOD) President Sally Spenny ssspenny@att.net Secretary Mary Lewis glewis1@satx.rr.com Members at Large Director of Sponsor Support Sue Roberts cuteychef@aol.com Other Newsletter Editor Diana Carroll dfcsatx-saphc@yahoo.com Adopt-A-Highway Sue Roberts cuteychef@aol.com Ronald McDonald House Cookie Baking / Club Historian Pam Van Delden pamvandelden@satx.rr.com SAPHC Charities and Causes Ronald McDonald House Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Elf Louise Project San Antonio Food Bank Adopt-a-Highway Cause for Paws Additional information can be found about the SAPHC Charities and Causes in this newsletter and on our website. Webmaster Diana Carroll dfcsatx-saphc@yahoo.com Committee Chairpersons Deep Sea Fishing Jerry Montalbo mtalbo@swbell.net Elf Louise Project Don Muir donmuir@arielhouse.com Treasurer Dee Parchman dparch@satx.rr.com Director of Communications Diana Carroll dfcsatx-saphc@yahoo.com Cause for Paws Rich Rebouche RRebouche@aol.com Survive Mani Andrade mangomani@sbcglobal.net Carol Garner Parrotheadqueen@yahoo.com SAPHC Sponsors Landshark Simply We Alamo Golf Club Compass Bank Crabby Jack’s Watercolors by Huanna Glass Please support all of our club sponsors. However, do not solicit new sponsor support or contact any current sponsor directly for contributions to the club without first coordinating this action with the BOD. This can cause serious problems and can have an adverse impact on their continued support of the club. The BOD will gladly entertain new sponsor suggestions and will remain the sole conduit for official contact with any sponsor. June 2008 Page 15 San Antonio Parrot Head Club (SAPHC) PURPOSE: The San Antonio Parrot Head Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization wh ose purpose is to provide a means of interaction and so cial activities for people interested in Jimmy Buffett music, a tropical lifestyle, and assisting the comm unity in charitable and environmental activities. http://saphc.com Prospective New Member? Pick up a membership form at happy hour or from our website — or send an email to a member of the BOD or the Newsletter Editor and we’ll email one to you. You may also download a copy of the membership application from our website. SAPHC Happy Hour Our monthly Club Happy Hours are usually held on the third Thirstday of the month (that’s Thursday) from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Crabby Jack’s, HWY 281 North. Please check the calendar and the website and read your Yahoo Group emails for calendar changes and details! Don’t forget to bring your current SAPHC Membership Badge to take advantage of discounts and to receive your drawing tickets. Important Information for all SAPHC Members Membership. Your membership expiration date is on your badge. The month before your membership expires, we will send you an email to remind you to renew. The month it expires, we will send another email as a final reminder to renew. Your membership and all Parrot Points earned will remain in good standing for 30 days after your expiration date. Please renew prior to that. The membership database is maintained by Evan and Kathy Tauber. If there are any changes to your mailing address or phone number please contact them at: islandtime@swbell.net or call 210-391-5260. Reminder: Please wear your membership badge to all SAPHC events and activities. This will identify you as a Club member and make it easier to get to know each other. Parrot Points. The Parrot Point system is what we use to determine who qualifies to purchase club tickets to the Buffett concerts. Parrot Points are earned by partici- pation in events specified by the BOD. Look for the Parrot Point symbol throughout the newsletter for opportunities to earn points. Yahoo Group. The SAPHC uses our Yahoo Group (sa_phc) to send out notices and to keep members informed. The group is moderated which means that we keep messages limited to club events and you won’t receive other info or “chatter” via this group. You should have received an invitation to join the Yahoo Group when you joined the club. If you didn’t, or if you are not receiving the notices, please contact our Director of Communications, Diana Carroll, at dfcsatx-saphc@yahoo.com. Of course, you can also opt not to join the Yahoo Group – but you’ll miss a lot of info. Suggestions. Suggestions to make the Club better are always welcome. Every suggestion is important and discussed by the Board of Directors (BOD). Every Parrot Head has the right to offer suggestions or constructive comments to make and keep this Club fun and worthwhile. You can talk to any BOD member in person and discuss any Club matter. The BOD will discuss every verbal and written suggestion. (In case you did not know, all members are also invited and welcome to attend the BOD Meetings normally held on the first Monday of the month at 7p.m. at Crabby Jack’s.) Contact a board member at the beginning of the month if you are interested in attending. We invite every member to get involved and participate in Club activities. We know people are busy and cannot make every event. But when you can, volunteer to help plan, organize, or even run an event. You will have a great time, it will make a difference, and you earn Parrot Points for the next JB concert!! It is far better to suggest or assist than to stew and complain. Get involved...make a difference! SAPHC SUMMER SPLASH SATURDAY, JULY 19, 2008 Randolph Canyon Lake Recreation Park 781 Jacobs Creek Park Road, Canyon Lake TX 78133 REGISTRATION FORM DEADLINE IS HAPPY HOUR ON JUL 17TH Make Checks Payable to SAPHC, Annotate “Summer Splash” on your check. Turn in at Happy Hour or Mail to: Dee Parchman 67 Cross Canyon San Antonio, TX 78247 Cost $10 per member, $15 per non member, $5 per child (age 5 –12) VERY IMPORTANT !! YOU MUST IDENTIFY WHO YOUR DRIVER IS TO SAPHC BE SURE TO PUT HIS OR HER NAME ON THIS FORM TO GAIN ACCESS COST AT GATE IS $5 PER VEHICLE NAME(s) ________________________MEM # OR GUEST ______Children__ ___NAME OF DRIVER___$AMOUNT DUE _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL $________ WHAT YOUR FAMILY/GROUP WILL BRING:____________________________________ SCHEDULE: 1–6 Swimming, Boating, Music & Community Snack Table 6-7 Beef & Chicken Fajita Dinner 7 – 10 Cobbler, Music & Dancing The SAPHC has reserved 2 covered picnic areas to provide shade at the Beach and a pavilion for the Fajita Dinner & Dance. Bring your favorite family games, beverages and a snack or side dish. Also don’t forget your swimwear, hat, sunscreen, towel and chair. *** GLASS CONTAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED *** FOLLOW THE SAPHC SIGNS TO PHUN IN THE SUN !!!