Eggar`s School Summer Newsletter


Eggar`s School Summer Newsletter
Eggar’s School
Summer Newsletter
As we come to the end of another academic year I would like to thank you for your support, both for the school
as well as all the many events that you continually attend and help with. We have had so many highlights and
great moments; we have won more awards and trophies than we have in a long time!
Last week we held our first ever community Arts week, culminating with a family music festival on Saturday
evening. It was very well attended and a huge success, and I am very grateful to Tom Yendall for all his support
with this event. The music festival was organised and run by James Westwood, our Community Liaison Officer
and our amazing PTA members. They all did a brilliant job and I would like to thank all of them for their hard work
to make it such a success. During the morning we also held our Open Day. It was well attended and the
feedback from visitors was fantastic. I have to admit, as I opened my windows in my office on Saturday morning,
the sunshine poured in, the grass looked beautifully manicured and, as the big band began to play on the front
lawn, I knew it was going to be a good day! It was quite magical and a huge credit to all the staff and the 200
students involved.
Can I please ask you to read the Schoolcomms email that was sent out to you on Monday 20 July, regarding
attendance and punctuality to school, with great care. These are the new guidelines from the Department of
Education which comes into practice in September, and all schools are required to follow these guidelines. If
you have any questions or concerns next year please contact Mrs Paula Parker, Systems Manager, who oversees
attendance and punctuality procedures.
I would like to congratulate Mr Shaun Laycock on his permanent promotion to the post of Assistant Head Teacher in the school commencing in September. Miss Nicola Bertram will be our new Progress Leader for Year 8 and
Mr Chris Michael will be our new Curriculum Leader for PE and Progress Leader for Year 10. His exciting new role
will be supported by Mr Laycock and Mr Reah.
After 13 years’ service to the school Mrs Jennie Chisholm, our Higher Level Teaching Assistant, is retiring. She has
supported the English Department and many students over the years with their literacy development, and we
wish her all the very best for a restful retirement. Miss Priscilla Pyle, Cover Supervisor, is also leaving us to commence her teacher training, and we wish her the very best of luck. We are pleased to announce that there are
no teachers leaving us this term, which is unusual these days in the profession, with the exception of Mrs Jess
Hocking who will be going on maternity leave during the autumn term. However we hope she will return to us
at some point in the future, and I would like to thank her for her outstanding contribution, both to the school and
the maths department. Miss Abby Foreman joins the department in September to support the maths team.
This only leave me to wish you all a lovely, warm and peaceful summer, and I look forward to seeing you again in
September. Year 7, supported by Year 10 mentors, and 11 commence on Wednesday 02 September and Years
8, 9 and the remaining Year 10 students on Thursday 03 September 2015.
Patrick Sullivan, Head Teacher
Awards Evening
On Tuesday 14 July we celebrated the achievements of 180 students at the annual Awards
Evening ceremony. The hall was full to capacity with the award nominees and a very proud
audience of parents, family, teachers, governors and guest presenter, Eggar’s Trustee, David
Congratulations to all of our nominated students who received subject, sporting and tutor
awards with special mention to those who received Year Leader Excellence, School and Special
Excellence Awards
April Harding, Year 7
Charlotte Adderson, Year 8
Ansa Sunil, Year 9
Holly Dowds, Year 10
Excellent Attendance & Progress Awards
Amelia McKenzie, Year 7
Lydia Jones, Year 8
James Poyner, Year 9
Louis San Pedro, Year 10
Special Awards
Archie Stevens & James Ismay, Head Teacher’s Innovation Award
Michael Foley, Margaret Crowe Student Leadership Award
Lewis Robinson, Michael Newman most improved in KS3 English
Rebecca Brislen, Sylvia Vine Citizenship Award
Louis Kennett & Joseph Yates, Victor Ludorum Sports Award
Katie Stokes & Louise Page, Victorix Ludorum Sports Award
Phoebe Barrow, Roy Bone Memorial Sports Trophy
Hannah Bocutt, Outstanding Artist Award
Senior Prefect Awards
Holly Cove, Head Girl
Harry Cann, Head Boy
Mishca Gandhi, Deputy Head Girl
Jack Ballard, Deputy Head Boy
(pictured on our front page)
This was an exceptional evening of celebrations for our award winning students.
Student Achievements
Congratulations Year 11 Sparsholt College students on completing their 2 year course studying
their chosen subjects:
Ayla Sparke, Louise Clarke, Faith Bennett and Sonny Moroney for Level 1 Animal Studies.
Thomas Vincent, Kieran Baigent, Brandon Hardy and Charlie Scott for ABC entry Level 3 in
Motor Vehicle / ABC Entry Level 1 in Fabrication and Welding and Hannah Trevenna for Level 1
It has been a wonderful 2 years spent with them all, watching them grow in confidence and
knowledge. Good luck for the future.
Mrs Priddle, Off-Site Learning Mentor
Your Vote Counts!
As part of our democracy fortnight and to allow students to engage in the democratic process
surrounding a General Election, Eggar's decided to hold its own mock election on Thursday 07
Students from years 9 and 10 were invited to form a political party and come up with a set of
policies in the form of a manifesto. The Eggar's electorate were faced with the choice of three
parties; Peoples United Liberal Party led by Roman Shkunov, The Great British Democratic
Voice party led by Charlie Mosley and the English Morality Party led by Aaron Martin. Posters
decorated the corridors and each candidate was allowed to air their views in assemblies to
every year group. A Question Time session also took place chaired by Mr Reah, Deputy Head
Teacher, to allow voters to further scrutinise the candidates.
Voters filled in the electoral register in the weeks preceding the election enabling them to vote
at the polling station in the afternoon of 07 May. A turnout of 55% saw Charlie Mosley duly
elected. An enjoyable experience for candidates, party faithful, returning officers and poll
clerks alike.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Congratulations to four Year 10 teams for completing the bronze expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh
Award. They successfully navigated a self-planned route of approximately 12km each day, over varying
and quite challenging terrain, with a full expedition pack and with a camp overnight. They also had to
carry out a project of their choosing whilst en route. Technically they were highly proficient and (in the
DofE spirit) were superb with their teamwork. There was even cooperation and support across teams.
From a staff perspective we were really proud of what the students achieved. They have put in a lot of
training and preparation for both their practice and final expedition and have risen to the challenge with
positivity and good humour. They are a credit to themselves, their year group and the school,
demonstrating those qualities of determination, maturity, independence, co-operation, and resilience
which we hold in such high regard.
Thank you to the DofE staff team – Mr Cumner; Mr Ellis; Miss Riall; Mrs Roy and our parent volunteer Mr
Poyner – who have been instrumental in supporting the students on their adventure. Without them DofE is
not possible, and having a team of highly competent, dependable and friendly people makes running
DofE a real pleasure. We are of course, always open to more volunteers if you would like to join us.
Well done to Jack Ballard, Adam Bannister, James Bernhardt, Rebecca Brislen, Holly Cove, Darcy
Cureton, George Feeney, Mishca Gandhi, Bethany Garrett, Tim Hallett, Jamie Kirkwood, Edward
McKenzie, Alice Mealing, Elliot Milner, Isobel Morris, Anshu Pandey, Neelesh Prasad, George Robinson,
Roman Shkunov, Jack Siers, Lucy Steadman, Katie Stokes and Joseph Toft.
TeenTech 2015
On 11 June, 10 of our Year 9 students attended TeenTech Hampshire, a one-day interactive STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) event founded by broadcaster Maggie Philbin. In
the morning the students were given the opportunity to invent something that would make life
better, simpler, safer or more fun. They had to design their product, decide how it would work
and then pitch it to the other schools – our team won the award for Best Design!
After that they were given the opportunity to visit different stands showcasing a whole range of
different companies that utilise STEM, a wide range from Sony to EDF to Walkers. The girls had the
opportunity to make a mould of an ear, as they do when making hearing aids. The final part of
the day was spent with two organisations. With National Grid the students used robots to see if
they could pick up items, competing against other schools to see if we could win (sadly we
didn’t). The students also spent some time with a group who create 3D printers and were shown
how they work and the different items that could be made. They all came away hoping to
convince the technology department to purchase a 3D printer for the school! Overall it was a
great opportunity for the students to talk to scientists and engineers.
Send My Friend to School 2015
Year 8 English classes, for Miss Mitchell and Mrs Evans, took part in the campaign for ‘Send My Friend To
School 2015’. It is a global campaign that occurs yearly, to raise the profile of the children who still cannot
access education across the world. This year the number still stands at a staggering 58 million children who
are not in education. 2015 is particularly important as the UN congregates in September to make
decisions on the future of the world’s children. All the messages the students created on their ‘World
Leaders’ were sent to our local MP, Mr Damian Hinds, so that he could deliver them to the Prime Minister in
order for him to deliver our messages to the UN in September. In response we have received a letter from
David Cameron which says how impressed he was by our concern shown for the education in developing
countries. He also went on to say that he believed that investing in education is vital, as it provides children
with the best route out of poverty, giving them the power to improve their own lives and the lives of others
in the community. A copy of Mr Cameron’s letter is displayed on our Achievement Wall in the school foyer.
Well done to all who took part. The ‘World Leaders’ are fantastic. Please have a look at our display in the
English corridor so that you can learn more and support the campaign in the future.
Year 10 Artwork
Pictured above is Abigail Blakeley’s
Year 10 Clock for Keith Haring
Pictured above is Lily Dungey’s
Year 10 Clock for Monet
Baking Master Class with Kate Henry
The Design & Technology Department held a
Year 8 Baking Master Class with special guest
Kate Henry from the ‘Great British Bake Off!’
Year 8 students made a salted caramel
layered cake which was decorated and
piped with icing. It was a really enjoyable day
and the cakes were amazing with no soggy
A big thank you to Mrs Roy and Mrs Ray for
organising the day and to Kate for giving her
expert advice and encouragement.
Woodwork Master Class
Year 7 students gave up their Saturday to attend a Woodwork Master Class run by the Design &
Technology Department. The talented students undertook a day’s project to design and make a
dovetailed softwood clock with mahogany inlays. They learned many traditional woodworking skills and
produced the clock using only hand tools. The day was delivered by Tim Elderton, ex-Head of Design &
Technology at Court Moor School. We were also pleased to welcome Adrian Dee, Head of Engineering
and Technology, Alton College and Joe Lancaster of 8KG who volunteered to help. Joe is an
extremely gifted woodworker and attended last year’s Master Class.
This was is an amazing opportunity for our students to work with such talented craftsman. Tim is a superb
woodworker and his enthusiasm is infectious. It was a challenging task but the students rose to the
challenge and achieved an amazing set of results which they are immensely proud of. All students left
at the end of the day with a beautiful handmade dovetailed clock.
Fun… fun…. fundraising
Once again Eggar’s students and staff have support numerous charities and good causes this
year raising an amazing total of £4618.65!
Year 9 student, Toby Pascoe (pictured centre
right), along with fellow Hampshire and Surrey
Scouts are travelling to Tanzania during July
2015. The purpose of the visit is to help build a
medical facility in the village community of
Iragua. The current medical facilities are
dilapidated and require urgent improvement.
To participate individuals are required to raise
£2,540, of which £500 goes toward the
building project. As well as team fundraising,
Toby organised a cake sale which was a
great success and well supported by students
and staff.
Alice Mealing 10CV and Hannah Bocutt
10MRc recently completed a 5k obstacle run
to raise money for the British Heart
Foundation. To date their Just Giving page.
has raised £560.00!
Well done to our Rock Challenge fundraisers who raised a total of £110 and we are delighted to report a
total of £1128.21was also raised for the Nepal earthquake appeal through a non-uniform day and cake
Dresses for Africa
Earlier this term Year 9 GCSE Textiles students were
given the opportunity of entering a competition to
win a small sewing machine. The competition for
students in Hampshire is aimed at bringing dignity
and pleasure to little girls in Africa as part of a
worldwide project. The simple premise is that
every girl deserves at least one dress.
To enter the competition we have paid £1 per
student for the basic guidelines. Students then use
a pillowcase and redesign it by adding shoulder
straps, pockets and other decorative features to
make them into dresses. The project has given our
students the opportunity to not only develop their
design and making skills, but to learn the benefits of
recycling and using sustainable materials, whilst
attractive dresses for young girls in Africa
who have little in the way of clothing.
The dresses are to be showcased and judged at
Winchester School of Art in October along with
many other schools from Hampshire.
Following judging the winners will be announced
and all of the dresses will be sent to Africa for
Mrs L Glennie, Textiles Curriculum Leader
Around the World
Year 7 Geographers have had the opportunity to
speak with real life scientists and explorers via Skype in
the middle of the ocean! While some spoke to the
Digital Explorer team in the coral oceans off the coast
of Indonesia, others spoke to scientists in the polar
ocean off the coast of Svalbard this week. Students
had to
research the area, think up difficult ‘nonGoogleable’ questions, and then they chatted live to
the team via Skype in the classroom. One student,
Sidney, even had Happy Birthday sung to her from
thousands of miles away!
Bath University Visit
On Friday 22 May a group of Eggar’s
students visited Bath University to
spend a day using the facilities,
guided by their teaching and facilities
staff who were complemented by a
team of professional coaches working
with a wide range of athletes to
Olympic level. The day was a huge
success and the students said they
had had a fantastic day with
amazing facilities.
One student
commented that ‘it really opened my
eyes to what it would be like to do
sport at university’. Another student
said ‘The sessions were really
interesting and it has really inspired me to pursue sport at university in the future’. All in all, an
inspirational day!
STARS Summer School Travel Planning Day
April Harding and Alden Purssey 7JD represented Eggar’s at
the HCC STARS Summer School Travel Planning Day in
During the event students learnt about sustainable transport
by participating in various activities such as map work, bike
repairs and using public transport.
The day was a huge success for all involved with students
winning shopping vouchers for the best Park & Stride
campaign slogan (hopefully being implemented at Eggar’s
in September). April also won a trip for herself and 9 friends
to Calshot Park for a day of rock climbing. Eggar’s is hoping
to secure funding for sustainable transport provision and
gaining a further step closer to becoming bronze status in
travel planning.
Iceland 2015
During the Easter holidays the Geography Department took 40 of our Year 9 and 10 GCSE students on a
trip of a lifetime to the other-wordly Iceland.
We spent five days exploring the volcanoes, waterfalls, rift valleys, gorges and beaches of this incredible
country. Thanks to the efforts of Mr Reah, Mr Westwood, Mr Cartwright, Mrs Lomas and Ms Debens we had
a fantastic time and some stunning photos have been entered to the Discover the World photography
competition as well. All of the excursion is documented in the Geography blog and through our Twitter feed #EggarsIce .
Our best highlights of the trip included: hiking up a glacier in the mountains, climbing a dormant volcano,
walking behind a huge waterfall, having lots of snowball fights, driving in a massive 8WD monster truck
through rivers and up a hidden gorge, and of course Mr Westwood running away getting drenched by the
The students were brilliant throughout the trip, and it was a lovely experience for everyone involved. We
got to explore, be independent, sample the local cuisine, and learn lots of real life Geography in the
Le Bistro de Dan Ro-Ro
On Friday 10 July, we were delighted to welcome back Dan Roro to entertain
Year 7 with a delightfully eccentric performance. His one man show, based in
a French bistro, included traditional French mime and circus skills
(ventriloquism, uni-cycling, juggling, balancing!), as well as a little story told in
easily understandable French. The show included lots of audience
participation and our students did us proud. At the end, there was a chance
for students to ask questions about Dan’s circus training, the French language
and where he comes from in France.
Music Tour 2015
On 28 May Eggar’s Music Department took
37 students on a concert tour of Austria.
Whilst on tour the Big Band and Choir
performed three concerts in St Gilgen, Zell
am See and the Mirabell Gardens in
Salzburg. All three concerts were well
attended and the audience included British
and Sri Lankan tourists, who were very
complimentary about the students’ musical
Several even asked if the school
was a music college! Alongside the
concerts, the group had time to visit the
world’s largest ice cave in Werfen (a
completely magical experience), the
Hohensalzburg Fortress via a funicular and
for a boat trip around Lake Zell. The students
also managed to take advantage of the
amazing weather by visiting a water park
Year 7 visit Legoland
As part of Year 7 Maths and Design & Technology Independent Learners’ Day students visited Legoland on
06 July.
During the visit Year 7 students took part in a robotics workshop where they programmed a Lego lion to
move and roar. The rest of the day they spent enjoying the rides and working through a worksheet which
got them to look at the rides in terms of systems and control. The weather was perfect and a great day
was had by all.
Eggar’s Sporting News
On 29 March Eggar’s took part in a gymnastics competition at
the Southern Region winning a grand total of 15 medals (12 of
these were Gold!). We had also won four out of the possible
seven events on floor making Eggar’s a huge proportion of
the Southern Region National Squad.
On 02 May the team of 10 students from Years 7-11
represented Eggar’s in the southern region at the School
Gymnastics National Finals in Stoke on Trent against students
from all over Great Britain. We were one of the most highly
represented schools in the country. The students rose to the
occasion and were delighted to walk away from the
competition with 3 top 10 results and our U14 mixed pair Amy
Klaire and Benjamin Dowds just missing out on a medal in
fourth place. The standard was incredibly high and it was an
amazing experience for all our gymnasts to compete at
national level. Pictured left: Amy Klaire and Benjamin Dowds U14 Mixed pairs. Josh Young and Michael Stokes - U14 Boys
pairs. Amy Cureton and Pheobe Barrow- O14 girls pairs. Abi
Preston, Annabel Steel, Amy Cureton, Emily Stokes, Katie Stokes & Pheobe Barrow - O14 sixes. Benjamin
Dowds - U14 Boys Tumbling
Eggar’s School competed in the Aldershot and District Senior Athletics Championships on 19 May. This
was held at Palmer Park, Reading and is the first representative level in athletics. 12 other schools
competed, so the competition was fierce.
The following students competed and earned a podium finish in their event (pictured above with Mr
Sullivan, Head Teacher and Mr Laycock, PE Curriculum Leader from left to right):
Louis Kennett (U17): triple jump – gold medal.
James Smith (U17): 100m – silver medal, 4 x 100m relay – bronze medal.
Matthew Barber (U17): shot put – silver medal, 4 x 100m relay – bronze medal.
Chris Norton (U15): 100m – gold medal, long jump – gold medal, 4 x 100m relay (u17) – bronze medal
and the Savoury Cup for the best individual field performance for an u15 boy.
Joshua Jack (U15): javelin – silver medal.
Freya Thomas-Taylor (u15): 200m – silver medal.
Katie Stokes (U17): triple jump – gold medal.
Patrick Muhiwa (U17): 4 x 100m relay – bronze medal.
Joseph Yates (U17): 400m – bronze medal.
The following students have also been selected to represent the District at the County Championships
this term: Katie Stokes, James Smith, Louis Kennett, Matthew Barber, Freya Thomas-Taylor, Chris Norton,
and Joshua Jack. Congratulations also to Louis Kennett 10PCJ who recently competed in the regional
athletics championships, in Erith, Kent. He was placed 4 th with a jump of 12m – meaning he is the 4th best
triple jumper, for his age group, in the south east region!
On Tuesday 05 May Eggar’s played in the Year 10 Aldershot & Farnborough District Schools Football
Association Cup Final.
In order to reach the final Eggar’s had already overcome Farnham Heath End, Connaught and
Collingwood schools. There was plenty of support for Eggar’s who were facing Weydon School, the
current cup holders and recently crowned league champions.
Eggar’s were on top for the first 20 minutes, creating a couple of half chances against a strong and
organised Weydon defence. Weydon then got a foothold in the game and, through a great strike, took
the lead. With one minute to play before half time, Harry Cann broke down the left to cross and, at the
second attempt, James Smith converted to make it 1-1 at half time. In the second half Eggar’s came out
in a positive manner and from a corner Matt Barber, the team’s captain, was able to smash the ball into
the back of the net from close range.
With twenty minutes left to play Weydon had to go for it but we held firm and, when the final whistle
blew, Eggar’s were the district champions!
The trophy, first awarded in 1912 to East End School, is steeped in history and, with the exception of the
two world wars, has seen many winners in its 103 years. Eggar’s is both delighted and proud of the
team’s achievement.
Congratulations to Chloe Foster 11NE (pictured left courtesy of
Mike Wakely), who was shortlisted this year for the ‘Junior Volunteer
of the Year Award’, an award that is part of the Hampshire and Isle
of Wight Sports Awards. The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sports
Awards is a joint venture between Hampshire County Council and
Sport Hampshire & IOW with support from the local sports councils
and forums in Hampshire. It has a reputation for being the only
county-wide event to recognise commitment, performance and
excellence across all sports. Chloe was nominated due to the
voluntary work and coaching that she carries out with the
Trampoline Club and Venture Scouts. She selflessly dedicates
herself to promoting the sport, supporting and encouraging others
to take part. Volunteers are few and far between at a local level
and it is with their support that the sporting community can
continue to grow.
On 22 June students in years 7 and 8 from all the secondary schools in the Aldershot and Farnborough
district headed to Aldershot Garrison Athletics stadium. Eggar’s students competed in a variety of track
and field events and all wore the green Eggar’s vest with pride. Overall the Year 8 boys were runner’s up
and the Year 8 girls were the winners of the event. Notable individual performances were from:
Year 7: Jonny O’Connor 1st place in 80m hurdles, Ben Norman 2nd place in shot putt, Natasha Wilde 1st in
shot putt, Mia Matthews 3rd in javelin, Dylan Milner 3rd in javelin.
Year 8: Ed Metcalfe 1st place in 200m, 1st place in triple jump, Chloe Toft 3rd place in 100m Sprint and 3rd
place in the Javelin, Harriet Cope 2nd place in 800m.
All of these students went to the County Athletics meeting representing Aldershot & Farnborough district on
Thursday 16 July and I am sure we may have a few county medallists amongst them as well!
Year 9 Boys Cricket squad played Weydon School in the final of the district league at Rowledge CC.
Eggar’s won the toss and batted first, after making 152 from 20 overs (Tom Green retired with 53 not out).
Eggar’s then set about
total ,
unfortunately Weydon School
were able to get across the
line in the 2nd to last over to
win the fixture with two of their
batmen retiring after making
50 runs. A very close final of
high quality cricket between
two very even teams.
A big well done to all the lads
for a great season and
particularly to captain Tom
Green who has been in
outstanding form with the bat
this year scoring consecutive
Music Challenge Final!
The Great Music Challenge is always one of the highlights of the year for the Music Department and this
year was no exception. It was an excellent evening of musical talent and the winner of 2015 is Joe
Gladman 8NL (picture below).
Thank you to everyone that attended and supported this event. All money raised is being donated to the
‘Brave the Shave’ Macmillan Cancer Support charity.
Leavers’ Prom
Eggar’s class of 2015 celebrated the completion of their GCSE’s in style with their
Leavers’ Prom at Old Thorns Hotel and Spa in Liphook, on Thursday 25 June. The long
winding driveway leading to the hotel resembled something from a Hollywood red
carpet as groups of students made their dramatic entrance. The arrivals were certainly
a sight to behold and drew quite a crowd. The boys all looked very smart and the girls,
of course, looked stunning in their beautiful prom dresses.
The students have worked really hard this year so this was a well-deserved opportunity
to celebrate with friends and staff. We wish them all good luck in the future and look
forward to seeing them again on 20 August when they collect their examination results.
Community and Primary Liaison
Students from Selborne, St Lawrence, Binsted,
Chawton and The Butts primary schools took
part in a Speed, Agility and Quickness event at
Eggar’s. Thankfully the weather was sunny and
students were able to use parachutes, mini hurdles and training bands on the school field.
Special mention to James Smith and Alex Bowman who assisted on the day and passed on
their athletic knowledge.
To assist Selborne C of E Primary School with their sports day a group of our talented sports
students volunteered to help with a variety of events such as long jump, speed bounce and
Students from Binsted, St Andrews
Endowed, Bentley and The Butts primary
schools experienced a Design &
Technology Day at Eggar’s. Students
had the opportunity to cook savoury
flans in Food Technology, sew denim
pouches in Textiles and make acrylic
garden twists in Resistant Materials.
Pictured left: Year 5 St Matthew’s School students
creating forest paintings during their visit to Eggar’s
Well done Joel Molyneux, Abi Jinks, Lily Dungey, Holly Cove and Holly Spear for assisting
Mrs Kinteh with the painting of a mural (above) in the library of St Matthew’s Church of
England Primary School.
Year 9 students, Maeve Taylor and Harvey Ford were invited to show off their scientific expertise
at Binsted CofE Primary school. Teachers and Governors at Binsted arranged an exciting day of
scientific experiments and activities, from creating mini- rockets from Alka- Seltzer tablets and
water to crafting slime from corn flour!
Maeve demonstrated to the primary
students how you can ‘suck’ an egg
into a conical flask using only a match.
She explained that when you change
the temperature of the air inside the
bottle, you change the pressure of the
air inside the bottle. Then when the air
cools, the air pressure decreases, if
you lower this enough, the air pressure
outside the bottle will push the egg
into the container.
Harvey exhibited how to make massive bubbles using string and a couple of straws proving that
bubbles are fun no matter what your age! Later Harvey got himself in a bit of a mess showing
the Binsted pupils how to make corn flour slime. This is an example of a non- Newtonian fluid,
meaning it acts differently depending on how much force is applied to it.
After lunch a water rocket was blasted into the trees
behind the school using a bicycle pump!
A fantastic day was had by all involved.
Eggar’s PTA Summer Update
Dear All
As another busy and successful year draws to a close, here is the PTA news.
Heads’ Quiz: A fun evening was had by all. Many thanks to our highly-entertaining guest
quizmaster, Alastair Stewart, for not only being a great sport on the night but for organising the
wonderful raffle prize of an exclusive tour of the ITV News studios and for offering his services next
year! Thanks to the many PTA and staff helpers and to Liz Larkin and Sarah McKenzie for cooking
the chilli. Alastair Stewart summed it up perfectly in his tweet (pictured) at the end of the night!
Special thanks go to Eggar’s students Edward McKenzie, Elliot Milner, Kieran Becker Davies, Holly
Dowds and Zak Angell whose help was invaluable. Please keep an eye out on the PTA’s social
media accounts for an update on total funds raised by the Quiz night.
PTA Sumo and jousting equipment available to hire: As
seen at Eggar’s Fest! Only £50 per weekend with full
instructions and safety info. Email the PTA for more information
Please can you help Eggar’s School with the following?
Donations of good quality second-hand uniform: Suitable items include blazers, (coloured) PE
polo shirts, new-style rugby shirts, PE sweatshirts, summer shirts and cardigans with the school
logo. Please bring items to the school office. The PTA is keen to receive uniform items
throughout the academic year so that a stock of good quality items is always available for
parents to purchase at selected school events.
Easyfundraising: If you shop online, personally or for business, please join the Eggar’s
easyfundraising effort. It’s easy to do, doesn’t cost you a penny and can help raise hundreds
of pounds for the school. If you’re booking a large item such as a holiday, the donation via
easyfundraising can be as large as £50! Simply visit the easyfundraising website at and search for “Eggar’s School”.
Prom items requested for the upcoming Year 11 “prom shop” (date TBC). Dresses, shoes, suits,
ties, accessories including jewellery (but not earrings). The April Prom Shop was very successful
and we are seeking donations of pre-loved or new items.
Thank you supporting Eggar’s Fest on Saturday 18 June. The event was a huge success and
enjoyed by all. Special thanks to a large core of enthusiastic volunteers before and during the
Look out for Eggar’s Fest 2016!
Eggar’s PTA AGM will be on Tuesday
22 September at 18:30. All welcome!
Happy Holidays!
Wendy Becker Davies
Chair, Eggar’s School PTA | email:
twitter:@eggarsschoolpta |
Eggar’s School Open Events 2015
Wednesday 16 September
Friday 18 September
No appointment is necessary
Smaller than the average
school, Eggar’s combines
exceptional academic
performance with
individual care
“Eggar’s makes individuals,
allowing every student to
grow and expand their
own horizons”
Tom Chapman
(Student 2008—2014)
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