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Social Clubs 0 0 - [---..J]I 01 \[ Jt 01 J( 1l /1 II / '0 ' L. . . . . ---J ~&CiaL ~ llub~ .-.ex ~ / (l~ 1/1 J. INTRODUCTION Emphasis on service projects characterized the social club year. Several clubs donated money to bring a student's wife from Biafra, gave money to the Student Loyalty Fund for a new student center and worked with the Children's Home in Morrilton. Club competition was keen, not only in all club sports but also in collecting toys for the Toy and Dolly Drive at Christmas, in selling fire extinguishers to raise money for the student center fund and in presenting chapel programs. Because it conflicted with Homecoming activities, Pledge Week was changed from the sixth to the seventh week of school. Roughness of pledging activities in past years led to changes in pledging rules; however, the traditional apparel and embarrassing activities remained for pledges. Formal banquets in the spring, outings and such functions as hayrides, spaghetti suppers and old-fashioned Christmas parties provided members and their dates with an escape from the drudgery of classes and exams. SIGMA TAU 's challenging cry for Tiger blood characterizes the enthusiasm of sociol dub entries in the Homecoming parade . KAPPA SIGMA pledge Keith Brown finds that a party hat and a pacifier constitute port of the embarrassment of pledge week. 190 J If' ~ lo·J,." J 1/ _ ,_ IITt .'- i.r ~ f A fir.., '-I / lr'......, .. ell Social clubs assist in gathering money for new student center . ., '" f ~. -I " ,~ ", I.., r.'" 1. '. j " '" ~f. Jf 1': ~ l' .. .. EAYING a Li fesaver requires concentration as Rossene Wisham and dote Dick Russell discover at Theta Psi's western party. LAMBDA SIGMA'S Dale Hill, receivin~ the ball, is surrounded by two persistent defenders in a spirited interdub rag-tag game. 191 Club Queen Rita Schreiber ALPHA EPSILON CHI. TOP ROW : Baggett, Hedrick (sponsors), Anlhony. SEC· OND ROW; Clark, Hammond, Haynie. THIRD ROW; Jones, Lee per, limbowln, Ja. Medlock. FOURTH ROW: Jim Medlock, Patterson, Shroades, Walden. PACKI NG books to be sent to Zombia Christian School, AEX's respond to that country's need for educational materials. ALPHA EPSILON CHI Interest in Zambian education inspires club project for AEX The edu cation of the Zambian people ha s been the main concern of Alpha Epsilon Chi this yea r. Following Dr . George Benson 's plea for educational matoria ls, AEX's went to work to collect used textbooks for Zambia Christian Schoo!. Boxes were placed in all dormitories and students were asked to donate books which they no lonp.;er u sed. The club departed from the usual type Christmas party for its December function. AEX's and their da tes celebrated the h oliday season with a Chanukah party a t the Sea rcy Optimist club. Other activities of the yea r ra nged from measuring the length of coeds' skirts during pledge week to a spring outing a nd banquet. OFFICERS. Marty Jones, Pres.; Jim Medlock, Vice· Pres.; Paul Ha ynie, Sec · ireas.; George Bagg ett, Dr. James Hedrick, Sponsors. x W • • • 192 • • • ALPHA PHI KAPPA APK's put emphasis on sports, place in football and softball Placing its emphasis on sports, APK grabbed second in B team football and s(,ftball and third in A team football and softball. Signs supporting the Bisons in intercollegiate sports also displayed APK's athletic spirit. Pledge Allen Coley was chosen queen for APK's "tea party." At the annual function pledges are required to dress as girls and give a party for members of the club. A fifty percent increase in membership brought the club to a new high of forty-five. Completing the year for APK's were a spring banquet and outing and a hayride and informal party at Webb's stables. OFFICERS. Roy Steele, Pres.; Don Bain , Vice· Pres.; Jock Gardner, Sec .. Treas.; Billy Ray Cox, Gene Dugger, Randy Brannon, Sponsors . ALPHA PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW; Brannon . Cox, Dugger (sponsors), Allen. SECOND ROW: Sain , Booker, Caudle. Clarkson, Coley, THIRD ROW; C·uce, Curtis, DeJaet, Dixon, Dotson. FOURTH ROW: Elliott, Frauenthal. -Gardner, Hackworth, Handy. FlnH ROW: Isbell. Kendrick. McDougal. McKeel. Martin. SIXTH ROW: Milhollen , Pugh, Redd, Russell ,Sapp. SEVENTH ROW: ,0. Sandlin. G. Sand li n, Sawyer, Steele, Wade. PRACTICE and hard work are needed to develop the backstroke as Randy Krape prepares to swim for Alpha Tau in intramurals. ALPHA TAU EPSILON Alpha Tau triples its club size, . . snares first in club sWimming Formed on ly two yea rs ago, Alpha T a u Epsilon has a lmost tripled its membership. From a small m embership of twelve in the spring of 1968 the club jumped to a high of thirty-three thi s year. This increase in size ha s enabled Alpha Tau's to participate actively in all small-club sports. In last year's track and field day they accumulated enough points to take second place as well as secured the championship in club swimming. In December Mr. Rona ld Drotherton, one of the club's n ew sponso rs, hosted a wein er roast and party for Alpha Tau 's and their dates. A spring outing to Blanchard Springs concluded the club's active year. Club Queen OFFICERS . Jim Le Marr, Pres.; Bob St iger, Vice-P re s.; Charles Reaves, Sec.-Treas.; Ronald Brotherton , Ed White, Sponsors. ALPHA TAU EPSILON. TOP ROW: Brotherton, White (sponsors), Bradburn. Brow n, Crews. SECOND ROW: Drew, Harrell, Haye s, Ivey, Kinney . THIRD ROW : Kokotkiew icl. Krape. LeMarr, McCaffrey, Mellor. FOURTH ROW : M:ller, Moss, Mourol. Musick, Peacock. FIFTH ROW : Petty, Rake, Ratliff, Reaves, Shipman. SIXTH ROW: Shelton. Starnes, Steed, Stiger, Stitt, Varvil. 194 Susan Hankins BET A PHI KAPPA Club Queen Judy Fen ley Industrious Beta Phi members . give college sign fresh look T h e H a rdin g College sign on Race Street received a n ew a ppear a nce as a result of Beta Phi Ka ppa's project. Beta Phi 's pain ted th e fa ded letterin g to a id visitors in loca tin g th e campus. In sports action Beta Phi too k second in both A a n d B sma ll club foo tba ll a nd third in softball. February Z8 was ch osen as the da te for a formal ba nquet in Little Rock. H os ted by Pa ul's Lamplighter. th e event h ad as its th em e "Som e En ch a nted Evening." Pledge week found Beta Phi inductees try inr, to secure the sign a ture of a n on existen t student and try ing to dec iph er their pledging instructions. SUBMISSIVE to the commands of his pledge m a ste rs , a Beta Phi pledge has his hand imme rsed into a myste rious substance. OFFICERS . W a yne Burre ss, Pres.; Mi ke Sad ler, V ice ·Pres.; Ha rry Fuller, Sec. ; Mike Pence, Tree s.; Dr. Ed Sewell, Dr. Neole Pryor, Murray W ilson, Spo nso rs. lETA PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW: PJ)'Or, Sewell, Wilson (sponsors), Al len, Athlnasiou, Austin, Bailey, Bradford, Burress. SECOND ROW : Clements. Coie, H. Davis, J. Davis. Joel Davis, J. Dempsey, T. Dempsey. Dockery, Dulle. THIRD ROW: Evans, Fields, Fortner, Fowler, Frost, Fugatt, Fuller, Hadley. Haynes. FOURTH ROW: Horton, Kilzy, King, leach, Miller, Pence, Rahrle, Reagan, Sadle r. FIFTH ROW: Shuffield, Smith , Thomas, Utley, Venable, Waller, Winget, Womack, Woods. CHI SIGMA ALPHA Santa Claus makes initial stop at Chi Sig's Christmas festivity Santa Claus m ade his first stop of the Christm as season at Chi Sig's third fun cti on . Dressed as Santa and his elf Dou g Killgo re and D anny Blucker presented gifts to each of the Chi Sig's dates. During the evening couples enjoyed a spaghetti supper and such games as ~'Twiste r" and "Funny Bones." Bolstered by twenty-fi ve new m embers, Chi Sigs defeated Beta Phi to ca pture the sm all club football championship . Th e club's rel igiously oriented chapel program w on first place am ong all club entries. A banquet in M arch and a late spring outing completed the year's activities. Club Q ueen Carol Winland OFFICERS . Dean Bawcom , Pres .; Bob Watson , Vice- Pres.; Vonce Cox, Sec.; Ferrell Drum, Treas.; Dennis OrQon, Sponsor. . ~. ""ij ...i) CHI SIGMA ALPHA. TOP ROW: Orga n (spo nsor) , Barclay. Bates, Bawco m. B. Beasley, T. Beasley, Bingman, Blucker, Buck, Carr. SECOND ROW: Cox. Crown, C. Davis, D. Davis, Dean , Drum , Duke. Ea so n, Estes, Fly. THI RD ROW : Hardman . Holl is, James, Johnson, Killgore , l ogston. McDonald. May- 196 half, Nicola , Nunnally. Pa rker. FOURTH ROW: Prout, Rhodes, Savage, Shearin, l. Sm ith , R. Smith, S. Smith , Stewart , Stidham, Stough, Summitt. FIFTH ROW : Thomas, Trotter, Tullos, Vaughn, Vick, Ware. Watson , Whisen· hunt, Wh ittington , J. Williams, R. Williams. FRATER SODA LIS Conspicuous spelunkers' hats identify weary Frater pledges Although cave exploring was not a part of pledge week, Fraters' pledges were identified by their spelunker's hats. Trial by a grim kangaroo court finally brought an end to a week of endurance for pledges. Games, refreshm ents and folk songs were enjoyed by Fraters and their dates at a mid-winter party at Wyldewood. Club projects included selling bread for the March of Dimes drive and placing posters in the student center before each football game. The year's activities also included a secular chapel program and a Friday the 13th banquet at the Red Apple Inn in Heber Springs. FRATER SODALIS. TOP ROW: England, Ritchie, Wright (sponsors). Adams. SECOND ROW: Alexander, Borge, Brooks, Coburn, Combs. THIRD ROW: Cooke, Davis, Ford, Gartman, Gifford. FOURTH ROW : Hogan, James, Me· Carty. McCown, Matlock. FIFTH ROW : Motes, Murphy, Neely, Pauls, Pierce. SIXTH ROW: Ransom , Reese, Sampson, Smith, Swayne. SEVENTH ROW: Terry, Timmerman, Voyles, Wallis, Worsham . OFFICERS. layton McCown, Pres.; Jim Adoms, Vice-Pres.; Kirk Davis, Sec.; larry Voyles, Treas .; Andy Ritchie, Dr . Don England, Dr. Winfred Wright, Sponsors. ANNOYED by the unusual costume he's wearing, Prabhakar Borge anticiptates further orders from his pl edge masters. Club Queen Paula Ch ronister GALAXY Bad weather fails to dampen club spirit at Galaxy banquet Dominating the softball competItIOn, Galaxy won both the A and B team championships. "Signs of the Times" greeted Galaxy members and the ir dates at a January banquet hosted by the Ramada Inn in Conway. A sudden change in the weather produced sleet and icy roads but was not able to affect the success of the evening. Club service projects included selling bread for the March of Dimes. A weiner roast after rough initiation ended a week of harassment for Galaxy pledges. Club Queen Stevie Green OFFICERS. Lynn Dixon, Pres.; Jerry Myhon, Vice-Pres.; Bob Kee, Sec.; Dennie Reeve, Treas.; Dr. Bryce Roberson, Sponsor. GALAXY. TOP ROW: Roberson (sponsor), B. Allison, M. Allison, Seher, Bench. Bennett, Blasingame, Bowman, Ra. Brewer, R. Brewer, Brown. SECOND ROW: Bullock, Byrd, Carr, Chism, Coates, Coleman, Conley. J. Copeland, R. Copeland, Devaney, Dixon. THIRD ROW: Drum. Dye, Eason, Egle, Felker, Franz. Gardner, Goff. Harris. Hedrick, Henderson, Herndon. FOURTH ROW: 198 Hinto n, Huffaker, Hughes, E. Johnson, J. Johnson, B. Kee, D. Kee, Kent. Langford. May, Miller, Muncy. FIFTH ROW: Myhan, Newman, Olse n, Osborn, Palmer, Parker, Pharr, Pincluk, Pulley, Ralston, Reeve, Reves. SIXTH ROW: Robells, Sain, Shannon, Sills, Smelser, Smith, Tacker, Taylor, Treal, Walker, Whaley, Wheatley. , ' # . '---- -.. -~ SIDESTEPPING an oncoming opponent, Bo Brockman snaps a quick pass to his receiving teammate in Kappa Sigma rag·tag. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA. TOP ROW : Myers, Williams (sponsors) . Anderson . BJgley. Blachly. SECOND ROW : Brockman. Brown . Bruner, Burleigh. Butter· field. THIRD ROW: Carpenter. Coates. Doak, Everidge , Frauenthal. FOURTH ROW : Frieze , Galloway. Geer, Hanna, Gargett, Hatman. FIFTH ROW : Hix, lockamy, McKechnie , Mathias, Miller, Milton. SIXTH ROW : Mye rs, Parrish, Pru itt. B. Reiboldt. M. Reiboldt, Richmond. SEVENTH ROW: Roberts, Robert· so n, Ruble, Sanders, Sanderson , Shaw. EIGHTH ROW: Snider, Stevens, Stricklin, Terrell , Wells, White . OFFICERS. Gary Coates, Pres .; Bill Reibolt . Vice · Pres. ; Mike Pruitt, Sec.; Bob White , Treas .; Tom Myers, Jim Ed Williams, Sponsors. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA Enlarged membership assists Kappa Sig's in club athletics Club Queen linda Kodrich A sharp increase in membership allowed Kappa Sigma's to participate actively in all club sports, The club snared the B team foo tball cha mpi onship and also placed first in B team volleybalL Sister club Tri Kappa joined Kappa Sigs for an evening of roll er skating at the Sea rcy ska ting rink, The year's activities ran g~d from a kangaroo court during rough initiation to a fall h ay ride to Wyldewood and a spring banquet and outing, 199 Club Queen Ellen Potter KNIG HTS. TOP ROW: Eubanks, Osborne (sponsors), Bachmann, Bashaw, Battles. SECOND ROW : Brooks. Brown, Burt, Castle, Confer. THIRD ROW: Drewett, Evans. Fant. Fowler, Greene. FOURTH ROW: Hall, Helsten, Jahshan, Johnson, law. FIFTH ROW : Mclain, Morris, Murray, Nadeau, Pankey, SIXTH ROW: Peebles, Renfroe, Ries. Russell, SiddalL SEVENTH ROW: Smith, Swaid. Thom pson, Turner, Wheeler. KNIGHTS Knights bicycle pigskin to SeA for final game of grid season Following a precedent set last year, Knights carried the football for the last Bison game from Searcy to State College of Arkansas by bicycle. At game time Knights were present to hand the ball to the referee. Witticisms from Dr. Neale Pryor entertained club members at their April banquet, which was held at the Red Apple Inn. Taking time out of a busy pledge week, Knights supervised a study hall from which pledges were taken individually for cross-examination. Escorted by Jim Brown and Doug Bashaw, club queen Ellen Potter represented Knights in the Homecoming parade. OFFICERS . Dennis Smith, Pres .; Boyce McClain, Vice· Pres. ; Bobby Thompson, Sec.; David Osbo rne, Sponsors. 200 Fant , Treas.; Bob Eubanks, Roddy KOINONIA T rip to Koinonia Cave begins rigorous initiation for pledges A trip to the Koinonia Cave beg-an an evening- of rigorous initiation for lowly Koinonia pled~es. After being "branded" inductees were abandoned several miles outside Searcy and forced to walk back to campus. In November the club hosted a hamburger fry at Kiwanis Park. Following a hayride in the cold autumn air, the smell of frying hamburgers was welcomed by Koinonia's and their dates. Bringing honor to the club was queen Danette Key as she represented Koinonia in Ule Petit Jean court. A banquet at Conway's Ramada Inn, with entertainment provided by Randy. Jerry and Drew, climaxed second -semester activities. OFFICERS. John Curtis, Pres.; Darrell Patrick, Vice-Pres.; louis Watts, Sec.-Treas.; Dr. Richard Walker, Sponsar. ~IA. TOP ROW: Walker (sponsor), Barriger, Bridges, Clayton. SECO ND 1M: Cooper, Crain, Curtis, Dart. THIRD ROW: Freeman, Gi nge rich, Madden, PItrick. FOURTH ROW : Pee bles, Poteat, Schwenker, Sullivan, Wise. READING from "Death of a Salesman," contestants Dart, Wise and Peebles, represent Koinonia in the Speech Arts Tourney. Club Queen Danette Key 201 LAMBDA SIGMA Lambda's lead male division in club OUT sale competition Hespon din g to the SA's plea for social clubs to raise mOl1 ey for a new student cente r, Lambrla Sigma's led all lI1en's clubs in the SA spon sored "OU'f Salr Competition ." In winning Lanlbda's recorded a rJ·7(· ~ club participation in lll e men's di vision. For its work the club received a fiftydollar check from th e SA and will h ave its name on a perman ent plaque in the new student center. As a second project Lambda's provided cop ies of the "A lm a 1ater" for the song books IIsed in chape l. Socia l fUllctions for Lambda's includcd a hayride to \V yld cwood and a March banquet at the Stockholm' lksta urant in I lebel' Springs, OFFICERS . David Crouch, Pres.; John Wright, Vice·Pres.; Gordon Sutherlin, Sec.; Chuck Richardson, Trees.; Bill Culp, Charles Walker, Sponsors. Club Queen Paula Fairl ey LAMBDA SIGMA. TOP ROW: Gulp, Walker (SP:JnSOfS), Brewer. Buchanan. SECOND ROW: Conley, Crites, Crim, Crone . THIRO ROW : Crouch, Davis , Hill, Hoo per, Logsdon. FOURTH ROW: McCartney. Nwokeh, Randall, Reed, Richardson . fiFTH ROW ; Seiders, Summitt. Sutherlin, Trent . Wright. 202 MOHICAN Mohawks take championships in club volleyball and bowling •If--!t ~ .. ..,.. , ~. - Active participation in club sports ch aracterized the yea r for Mohicans. Defea ting all opponents, Mohawks se ized the championship in both volleyball and first sem ester bowling and placed second in large-club football and softball. As serv ices to the school Mohicans paid for a football record board in the gym and assisted Ju Go Ju with May Day cer emonies. Cleaning and guarding the lily pool and constructing th e gazebo were Mohawks' contribution s to th e annual sprin g ceremon y. The club enjoyed a significant increase in both m embership and leadershi p as several Mohicans returned after a yea r's absence. - -'- CONCENTRATI NG on form, John Owen keeps his eye on the ball 01 ne smashes another hit for the athleti cally oriented Mohawks. Club Queen Ca ss Yingling OffiCERS. Ray Meeks, Pres.; larry Frank, Vice-Pres.; Tim Lew is, Treos .; Dr. George Woodruff, Sponsor. Sec.; Bob Neal, DICAN. TOP ROW: Woodruff (sp:msor), Bennett, Boultinghouse, Bradford , Brubaker, Burcham, Burrow, Chandler, Chilton, Clem . SECOND ROW : Davis, DrIpps, Duncan, Dyer, Evans, Frank, Frazier, Fuller. Griffith, Hinds, A. Howard. THIRD ROW: D. Howard, Howell, lsom, lewis, litzkow. Martin, Meeks. Miller, Neal. Newman. Owen. FOURTH ROW : Pack , Paul. Romero, Seaton, Shaw, Shue, Store)" Ward , Watki ns, West, Zeps. PHI GAMMA DELTA Phi Gamma's shun bad luck, host banquet on Friday 13th Shunning superstition, Phi Gamma's chose Friday the thirteenth as the date for their March banquet. After a dinner at the Coachman's Inn they went to a movie in Little Rock. Although smaller than most social clubs, Phi Gamma had enthusiastic participation in club sports, taking second in volleyball. In other club competition Phi Gamma received the second place award for its Homecoming parade entry "Cage the Tiger. " The club's diverse activities ranged from a rigorous rough initiation a t a farm near Searcy to entries in the Speech Arts Tournament. PHI GAMMA DElTA. TOP ROW : Watson (sponsor). Chin. Carpenter. Cuny. Edwards. SECOND ROW: Elliott, Hines, Murrie, Noble, Phillips. THIRD ROW: Pierce, Rollins, Samples, Thompson, Weaver. DEFENDED by other Phi Gamma 's, Gene Weaver practices his shooting style in preparation for dub basketball competition. OFFICERS. Gene Hines , Pres .; Frank Williams, Vice-Pres.; Dove Samples, Sec.; Kirk Phillips, Trees.; Tom Watson, Sponsor. Club Queen Hanaba Munn 204 ROUGH and tumble describes the action in a Sillma Tau club rag -tog game as Richard Gil1enwaters blocks on opponent. SIGMA TAU SIGMA Sig Tau's combine spaghetti, candlelight for third function TAU SIGMA. TOP ROW: Sears (sponsor). Allison, Barry, Bentley, ~ECOND ROW: Brummitt, DiKon, Embry, Flowers, Gaines. THIRD Gardner, George, Gi1lenwaters, Gregory, Guyer. FOURTH ROW: Hudson, lucas, McCluskey, Rodenbeck. FIFTH ROW: Stokes, Thomley, Vickers, , Wolf. Club Queen Pam R0gers After climbing the winding stairway to the attic of Webb's stables, Sigma Tau's and their guests sat down to a spaghetti supper prepared by club members. Dining by candlelight and ps ychedelic lighting, they were entertained by talented club brothers. Sigma Tau's contributed their services to the athletic department by painting the curb surrounding the track in preparation for spring meets. In small club sports Sig Tau 's scrambled for the championship in both volleyball and softball. Winning third place in Homecoming parade competition and hosting a spring banquet completed activities. OFFICERS. Bob McCluskey, Pres .; Charles Kiser, Vice-Pres.; leland Vickers, Sec.; Mike lucas , Treas .; Dr. Jack Wood Sears, Sponsor. 205 .... SUB T. TOP HOW: Berryhill (sponsor), Adams, Anderson, Babb , D. Baker, R. Baker, Berryh ill, G. Blu e. SECOND ROW : l. Blue, Bonds, Bounds, Broom, Brown, Burcham, J. Coo k, T. Cook. THIRD ROW : Cox , Ell iot, fant , Garrison, Hesselrode, Hicks, Justiss, Kernodle , Kilmer. fOU RTH ROW : Lane, I.IWWI, McKee, McMichael , Magnusson , Merritt, Moore, Nadeau, Parker. fi FTH ROW: Pitt man, Shock,. Simpson, Spencer, Tanksley, Wakefield, Ware, Watts, WiISOfl. SUB T-16 large club football crown IS highlight of year for Sub T-16 Capturin g th e championship in large club football highligh ted the year 's events for Sub T . The Arkansas Associa tion for Retarded Children received more than four hundred dollars as a r esult of Sub T's road block in Searcy. Participation in a door to door Red Cross drive and the March of Dimes bread sale comprised other club projects. Sub T's also performed th eir annual service of preparing mea t for the Thallksgiving barbecu e. A spring outing completed the year 's activities. 206 OFFICERS. Gl en Blue, Skipper; David Berryhil l, First Mote; La rry Magnusson, Second Mate , Jeff Spencer, Yeom an ; Ken Merritt, Quartermaster; Dr. Don Berryhill, Sponsor. Club Q ueen Nancy Mitchell TNT TNT's paint intramural board, acquire needed megaphones Club Quee n Donna Dea son The i ntra m ural board r eceived a n ew look as a r esult of one of T NT's ser vice proj ects. T NT's cl ea ned a nd painted the board a nd also purchased m egap h on es for th e ch eerlea ders. D em onstratin g their musical tal ent, T NT's serena ded coeds wi th Chrislma s carols, a nd a qua rte t of m em ber s enter tain ed for th eir th ird fun ction a t ''''yld ewood . A fa ll stag outing to Greer 's Ferry La ke provided a holida y from stud y. Emphasizin g sports, TNT took first in B tea m volleyball a nd bas ketball. OFFICERS. Raymon d Kelly, Pres.; Joe Mc Reynol d s, Vice-Pres.; Richard Wolfe, Sec.; Richard Hilton, Treas.; Jerry Jones, Dr. Joe Pryor, Sponsors. m. TOP ROW: Jones, Pryor (sponsors) , All ison, Anderson , Baggett, C. "mnrton, M. Barrington, Bates. Beckham, Bell. Bledsoe. SECOND ROW : Clanton, Cochran , Cogan , Crowder, Du bois, Fincher, Gaer, Gates. Irttft, Guild. THIRD ROW: Harris, Hawkins, Hilton, Holme s, Huckaba, Hulsey. Hutson, Jones, Jarnagin, Kelly. lacey, D. lee. FOURTH ROW : K. lee. lester. McFarland, Mcintyre , McReynolds, Manning, Marsh. Mason, Matthews, Moffitt, Moss, Mitchusso n. FIFTH ROW : Newcomb, Nunn, Parker. Pate , Pritchett, J. Reece, Jim Reece , Reyno lds, Roll, Scott, Sigmund , Si kes. SIXTH ROW : Smith. Sperry, Stitcher, Tatum, Travis, Ve rdell, Wages, Watkins. Williamson, Willis, Wolte. Woodward. 207 THETA ALPHA GAMMA TAG takes scholastic trophy, survives stiff club competition For the second time sin ce its entry last year into club sch olastic competition, TAG captured the first place Scholastic Achievement Award . Another first for the club was its wi nning entry in the Homecoming parade. H ours of work spent in disguising a Volkswagen as a space capsule were rewarded with the first place award . Social functions of the year included potluck suppers, the first of which was hosted on the lawn of the married students' apartments to attract prospective members. " Fill your Stockin g with Christmas Spirit" gr eeted TAG members at a Christmas party in Heber Springs. As a club project the young m arrieds raised money for a needy family in Searcy. OFFICERS. Rowan Mcleod, Pres.; Bill Yates, Vice-Pres.; Marilyn Neal , Sec.; Greg Kofchl, Trees.; William Bridges, Sponsor. THETA ALPHA GAMMA. TOP ROW : Bridges (sponsor). Beck. Bixby, Brown. SECOND ROW : J. Drewett, R. Drewett. Dunnam , fox. THIRD ROW: Fruzia, Galyean, Graber, Hicks. FOURTH ROW : Joiner, Kofahl. Mcleod , G. Neal. FIFTH ROW: M. Neal , Norvill e, Pickens, Rainwater. SIXTH ROW: Ritchie, Rolland, Russell, Smalling. SEVENTH ROW : Thompson, Walker, Wentworth, Wh itm ire , Williams. PROUDLY representing TAG, Rowan Mcleod accepts the coveted Scho la stic trophy from the SA academic chairma n john Buck. 208 BETA TAU GAMMA Beta Tau successfully defends club volleyball championship Grabbing first place in small club volleyball, Beta Tau successfully defended the championship won last year. Saturday afternoons spent practicing under the guidance of beau Jerry Myhan paid off Jor de termined Beta Tau's. Decorations for the club's banquet, held at Punch 's in Newport, carried out the theme "Up, Up and Away." Entertainment for the spring affair was provided by Whisper, a student musical group. In D ecember Beta Tau 's and their da tes enjoyed a hayride followed by a Christmas party at Verkler's barn. During the even ing they sang carols and played Christmas games. OFFICERS. Peggy Brady, Pres.; Kathy Cloy, Vice·Pres.; Patti Beard, Sec.; Kathy Thorburn, Treas .; Mrs. Jerry Jones, Mrs. Tom Watson , Sponsors. BETA TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW: Jones, Watson (sp:lnsors). Allison , Beard . SECOND ROW: C. Bell, l. Bell, Bethel, Brady, Brannock, THIRD ROW : Brooks, Burton, Caldwell , Clark, Clay, fOURTH ROW : Darnell. East, Eddie · man, Ellis. Guthrie. FIFTH ROW : Je. Holt, Ju. Holt, Howard. Huff, Jefferson. SIXTH ROW: Krummel , Moody. Newberry, Phillips, Pippin. SEVENTH ROW : Thorburn , Tollett, Tuggle, White, Zeien . Club Beau Je rry My han OPEN House provides an opportunity for Beta Tau 's to meet freshman and transfers who are prospects for dub membership, 209 DELTA CHI OMEGA New personalities are created for Delta Chi's costume party Indians, hippies and hobos were only a few of the personalities who attended Delta Chi's costume party, Dressed in unusual apparel, members and their dates played " Funny Bones," "Reuben and Rachel" and "Electricity" and afterwards enjoyed refreshments , Having' chosen a new club beau, Delta Chi's presented him with a box of "g'oodies" to brighten his spirits during' finals, Adding' humor to their gift, they individually wrapped each item in newspaper, Delta Chi's had one hundred percent participa tion in the Toy and Dolly Drive, and two members received special r ecognition for creativity, OFFICERS . Katherine Julian, Pres.; Betty Murry, Vice-Pres.; Becky Ross, Sec.; Ellen Krama r, Tre as. ; Mrs. Ken Davis, Mrs. Roddy Osborne, Sponsors. SIGHTING on open Delta Chi receiver, Sherry Tatum avoids her guard by passing the basketball over the opponent's head. 21 0 Club Beau 80 Brockman DElTA CHI OMEGA. TOP ROW: Davis, Osborne (sponsors), Bender, Blucker, Coker. SECOND ROW: Crump, Delong, Fowler, Goudeau , Griffith. THIRD ROW; Hamlett, Hardee, Hargett. Hubbs. lesliee. fOURTH ROW: Jones, Julian, Justiss, Kramar, lee. FIFTH ROW : Mannen, Miller, Murry, O'Brien, Provance. SIXTH ROW: Ross, Sandlin, Shields. Simon, Tatum . SEVENTH ROW; Thornton, Tyler, Van Derek, Weaver, Wolfe. JUMPING high, Karen Holland attempts to give her teammate s possession of the ball in a hard-fought club spasketball game. GATA Gata members pick up rocks, clear road to new camp area TOP ROW: Baggett, Woodruff (sponsors), Copel and . Davis, Di ckey. ROW: Oixon, Geer, Goodin. Gwinn, Hankins. THIRD ROW: Haynes, Hill. Holland, Howell. FOURTH ROW : James, Kendri ck. Moore, Nichols. FIFTH ROW : Oldroyd, Potter, Prater, Pruitt. Richardson. ROW: Richmond, Sims, Sprinkle, Strou p, Tester. SEVE NTH ROW : Ven · Wade, Wallace, Welch, Williamson , Williston . I Club Beaux David Storey and Jerry Copeland A Sunday afternoon in October found Gata members picking up rocks at Wyldewood. As one of its projects the club undertook to clear away large rocks from the road leading to the n ew camp area. A contribution of fifty dollars to the Jon Nwokeh fund comprised the club's other project. Gata's and their dates celebrated " An Old-Fashi oned Christmas" with a party at the American Legion Hut. Dressed in early Am erican costumes they strung popcorn for and decorated a Christmas tree, bobbed for apples and exchanged gag gifts. The Toy and Dolly Drive received one hundred percent participation from Gata club members. OfFICERS. Grace Stroup, Pres. ; Mary Welch, Vice·Pres.; Ginny Nichols, Sec.; Susan Hankins, Treas.; Mrs. George Baggett, Mrs. George Woodruff, Sponsors. 21 1 JU GO JU Ju Go Ju's weeks of planning climax in successful May fete A beautiful May Day ceremony rewarded Ju Go Ju members for their weeks of plann ing and practicing. Ju Go Ju 's w ere responsible for all activities of the spring event, including a chapel prOl'ram in which May Queen nominees were presented. Having chosen a Japanese theme, the club selected Jacksonville's Ramada Inn for its February banquet. Entertainment was provided by the Salt and Pepper. A t the end of pledge week a Hawaiian ceremony formally inducted new members into the club. Earlier, lowly pledges treated pledge mistresses to a spaghetti dinner at W ebb's stables and performed original skits for entertainment. OFFICERS . Jon Kinman, Pres.; Marcia Hays , Vice-Pres; Candy Cleveland, Sec; Mordue John, Treos Mrs Susan Barden , Mrs. Cliff Sharp, Sponsors. lU GO JU. TOP ROW: Sharp (sponso r), Baker. Cha pman, Cleveland, Cooper. SECOND ROW: Curtis, Oaniel , Doggett, Dooley. Green. THIRD ROW: Harris, Hays, Henderson, Fuchs, John. FOURTH ROW: Jolly. J. Kinman, l. Kinman, lasater, lewis. FIFTH ROW : M;tche ll, Moore, Morris, Parks, Poteet. SIXTH ROW: Pettus. Prock, Smith, Stevens, Strawn. SEVENTH ROW: Thomasso n, Tipps, Trudgen, West, Williamson. Club Beaux Jim Ward and Rick Harris 21 2 OUTFITTED in authentic Hawaiian dress, these Ju Go Ju pledge mistresses warmly welcome new members in 0 formal <eremony. Club Beaux Ferrell Drum and Joe McReynol ds KAPPA D'ElTA. TOP ROW: Deacon. Myers (sponsors). Baker, Biggerstaff, Blair. SECONO ROW: Bradford, Briggs, Broadfoot. B. Burney. l. Burney. THIRD ROW: Cannon. Cates, Clark, Danley, Denham. FOURTH ROW: Dockery, Farley, Grimes. Harris, Holmes. FIFTH ROW: Horton. Kelley. Kodrich, levins, Michener. SIXTH ROW: Mills, Parkinson, Plum, Popp, Scott. SEVENTH ROW: Sharp. Shipman, Simpson, Smith, Spikes. EIGHTH ROW: Spikes, Stewart, Taylor, K. Will iams, R. Williams. KAPPA DELTA Eventful Kappa Delta outing set in colorful autumn scenery OFFICER S. Cynthia Farley, Pres.; Donna Michener, Vice-Pres.; Diona Denham, Sec.; Bobbie Sharp, Treos.; Miss Sharon Deacon, Mrs. Th omas Myers, Sponsors. Beautiful autumn scen ery awaited Kappa Delta m embers on their outing to Camp T ahkodah . Canoeing was on the agenda for the day, but a !iPiIl into the lake proved a surpri sing, as well as chilling, event for one couple. Wearing th e native dress of the South Sea islands, Kappa Delta's and their dates feasted on Hawaiian food a t a luau in late spring. The Ramada Inn in Conway h osted their banquet in March. A m em bersh ip incr ease of fifteen streng thened participation in club spOli S. 213 Club Beau Jimmy Carr PERFORMING a smoothly executed spike shot, Susan Holt scores a point during an action-filled Tri Kappa volleyball game. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA. TOP ROW: Birdsall , Ganus (sponsors), Beckham, Ben ch, Bibee. SECO ND ROW: Buck, Burton, Casey, Coon, Coston. THIRD ROW: Croni n, Ganus, Griffith, Groover, Harper. FOURTH ROW : Hewitt, Holloway, Holt, Hunt, Landrum. FIFTH ROW: Lewis, Mclnteer, Massey, Mu rray, Pauley. SIXTH ROW : Sh. Rogers, S. Rogers, Slinkard, Teal , Underwood . SEVENTH ROW : Williams, Winkley, Word, Yingling, Zeps. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA Tri Kappa's unusual banquet features movie at Cinema 150 Tri Kappa's chose to depart from the usual type banquet for their April function. Travelling to Lillie Rock they enjoyed dinner and a movie at the Cinema 150. The spirit of Valentine's Day pre'vailed as Tri Kappa's surprised club beau Jimmy Carr w ith a party and. mixed w ith members of brother club Kappa Sigma at a roller skating party. Other parties during the year included a birthday party for the club and a December third function at Webb's stables. In competitive activities Tri Kappa took the second place Scholastic Achievement Awa rd and participated in large club sports. OFFICERS. Beth Underwood, Pres.; Marilyn Mclnteer, Vice-P res.; Nallcy Teal, Sec.; Kay Word, Treas.; Miss Shirley Birdsall, Mrs. Clifton Ganus, Sponsors. 214 KAPPA PHI Sunrise service ushers in club year for Kappa Phi members A sunrise devotional at Wyldewood following rough initiation instilled a feeling of unity among old and new members of Kappa Phi. Earlier in the week pledges had been made to carry a plastic worm and dig up a live worm. Exchanging gifts with club sisters and dates and decorating a Christmas tree were features of Kappa Phi's third function. Strongly emphasizing sports, the club placed first in major league volleyball and third in spasketball. The Martian from the parade entry "The Bisons are out of this World" became popular at pep rallies and games throughout the season. OFFICERS. Kay Smith , Pres .; Bonnie Dailey , Vice -Pres .; Betty Wo tts, Sec.; Rochel Cook, Treos .; Mrs. Jerome Bornes, Sponsor. KAPPA PHI. TOP ROW: Barnes (sponsor), Acker, AUen, Ande rson, Austin, Barrett. SECO ND ROW : Cheek, Cleveland. Cook. Crain, Dailey, Dildine. THIRD ROW: Doak, Dockery, Greenway, Harris, I. Johnson, P. Johnson. fOURTH ROW : lane, McKinney, Medley. Morgan. Mueller, Pummill. FIFTH ROW: Sarrett. Shelby. Shuffett, Smith , Wa rmack, Watts. SIXTH ROW : Wheeler, White, Whitten. Wilkinson, Willard , Womack. Club Beau Mike lucas 215 KO JO KAI Kojies show Christmas spirit at Morrilton children's home Club Bea u A Christm as decorating party a t the children 's home in M orrilton combined fun w ith Ko Jo Kai's service project. Kojies h elped the children m ake decorations as w ell as trim the tree. November was the date for the club's third fun ction-a hayri de followed by a spaghetti dinner and folk singing at the College Church building. Kojies dem onstrated their athletic ability by winnin g first place in minor league club spasketball . Other club activities included bunking parties, a spring outing and banquet and a H om ecoming parade entry w ith the theme, " The Good, the Bad and the Kojies. " Mike Hedrick OFFI CERS. Pot Weaver, Pres .; Suzie Farley, Vice · Pres .; linda Howell, Sec.; Coral Smith, Trees.; M rs. Ronal d Brotherton, Mrs. Harry Risinger, Sponsors. KO JO KAt TOP ROW: Brotherton (sponsor), Anderson. Austin, Barton, Carroll. SECOND ROW: Chamblee, Cox, Currie, Farley. Giles. THIRD ROW: Hall, Howell, Inman, Jamison, Kilman. FOURTH ROW: King, lawyer, McCourt, Ba. Messer, B. Messer. FIfTH ROW : Nelso n, Parks, Peppers. Powers, Rogers, Seim . SIXTH ROW: Smith, C. Stephens, J. Stephens, Walton. Weaver, Young. PROUDLY carrying a spirited bonner, members of Ko Jo Kai soci al dub march down Ra ce Stree t in the Homecoming parade. 216 MV ETA ADELPHIAN MEA's exchange comic gifts, stage hootenanny-taco party W ebb's stables furnished the setting for MEA's hootenanny-taco party in D ecember. Entertainment was provided by club m embers, and gag gifts were exchanged with dates and club sisters. Another taco party in January brought welcome reJ.ief from studying for finals. A plaque wa.s presen ted to MEA for the best participation among women 's clubs in the fall Red Cross blood drive. "Send 'Em to the Moon, Bisons," the theme of MEA's H omecom ing parade entry, won third place in club competition. Spring activities included a banquet at the Ram ada Inn in Conway. OFFICERS. Cynthia Varney, Pres.; Judy Bell , Vice-Pres.; Alice Moyer, Sec. ; Dianne Doty, Treas.; Mrs. Bob Knight , Miss Betty Work, Sponsors. MU ETA ADELPHIAN. TOP ROW: Knig hJ. Work (sponsors), Baker, Bell. Bitting. SECOND ROW : Boyd, Brewer, Doty, Gentry, Graves. THIRD ROW : Himes. Henderson. Inness, Johnson, King, FOURTH ROW: lampson, Mackay, Martin, Moyer, Satterwhite. fiFTH ROW: Schaller, Smith, Sorrels, Su llivan, Taylor. SIXTH ROW : Thompson, Varney, Weems, Williams, Wright. 1lU1l(l'IG ot the home of Mrs. Bob Knight, MEA members enjoy and cokes as they toke a break before final exams. Club Beau Larry Blasingame 217 ~. ROUNDING a corner too fast almost proves disastrous for Alex Zink, but Max Newman's hand helps her regain her balance, NU LAMBDA CHI Nu Lambda Chi's correspond with international missionaries NU LAMBDA CH I. TOP ROW: Royse, Walker (sponsors), Baker, Boyd. SEC- Corresponding with foreign missionaries proved to be a rewarding experience for Nu Lambda Chi's. For two week periods members wrote to missionaries to encourage them and to learn about their work. As a second project they donated money to the fund for a new student center. Before pledge week Nu Lambda Chi's enjoyed a barbecue at the home of Mrs. Charles Walker and were joined by brother club Lambda Sigma. The theme for the club's March banquet was "Love and Let Love." Dr. Nyal Royse spoke, and Randy, Jerry and Drew furnished musical entertainment after dinner. OFFICERS, Glendo Williams, Pres.; Alex Zink, Vice-Pres.; Paula Paden, Sec.; Cindy Wolfe, Treas.; Mrs. Nyal Royse, Mrs. Charles Walker, Sponsors. 218 OND ROW: Collins, M. Cooper, S. Cooper, Dell. THIRD ROW: Dykes, Ewin&. Franklin, Henson, Herron. FOURTH ROW: Jones, lambert, Moore, Paden, Rushton. FIFTH ROW: Russell, Thornton, Williams, Wolfe, Zink, Club Beaux John Cogan and Bob Lendman OEGE Oege's depart for Bee Rock for devotional and breakfast Rising early on a Saturday morning, Oege's went to Bee Rock for a devotional and breakfast. The club chose the outing as a way of getting to know new members. On another Saturday Oege's journeyed to Camp Tahkodah for a day of relaxation and respite from studying. The humor of Al Jolly and the music of Roger Shuffield and Lary Sanderson entertained couples at a Valentine's Day banquet. Oege's Christmas party included an evening of roller skating at the Searcy skating rink. Television's famous family, "The Flintstones," were enacted by Oege's in the Homecoming parade. OFFICERS. Priscilla Cherry, Pres.; Joanna Brockwell, Vice-Pres.; Marko Cross, Sec.; Linda Hogins, Trees .; Mrs. AI Jolly, Mrs. Charlie Watts, Sponsors. OEGE. TOP ROW: Jolly, Watts (sponsors), Albaugh, Anderson, Barton. SECONO ROW: Brockwe ll, Burt, J. Chandler, M. Chandler, CherI)'. THIRO ROW: Churchman, Claar, Cross, Cook. Fambro. FOURTH ROW: Foresee, Hogins, Hudkins, Johnson, Luttrell. FIFTH ROW: Mahan, Melson. Nadeau, Nichols, Owe n. SIXTH ROW: Page, Peddle, Phillips, Polk, Ca. Powell. SEVENTH ROW: C. Powell, Ray, Skelton, Smith, Woodruff. Club Beau Jerry Cook 219 OMEGA PHI Omega Phi's canvas Searcy to support retarded children Club Beau John Bu ck Collecting money for a retarded chi ldren's fund was Omega Phi's primary projec t of the year. Directed by club spon sor Mrs. Ri chard Walker, members worken in g roups of two to cover one area of th e c ity. Com bining Halloween with pledge week, Omega Phi pledges went tri ck-Dr-treating as a part of their initiation. They not only asked Searcy res idents for treats but perform ed tricks as we ll. Musical enterta inm ent for th e club's banquet was provided by Greg Ra tliff and Phil Shipman . The March 14 a ffa ir, held at Kelley 's Grill in Batesville, carri ed th e th em e "Scarborou gh Fair. " OFFICERS. Wanda Beon, Pres.; Kathy Ennis, Vice -Pres .; Pat Vance, Sec.; Pat Goddard, Trees.; Mrs. Richard Walker, Mrs. Edwa rd White , Sponsors. EXHIBITING co nce rn for retarded child ren, Omega Phi's Potty Sch iro and Dione Williams collect money from Searcy residents. 220 OMEGA PHI . TOP ROW: White (sponsor), Alexander, Bean. Butler. SECOND ROW: De laney. Ennis, Gardner, Goddard, Kirkbride. THIRD ROW: lavender, McElduff, McGrew, Martin, Michaels. FOURTH ROW: Mickey. Mochman, Patton, Pritchett, Rives. FIFTH ROW : Schiro, Schreiber, Spurrier, Strawn, P. Vance. SIXTH ROW; S. Vance , Vinecore, Wheat, Williams. Wilson. Club Beau Jim my He nderson PHI DELTA. TOP ROW: Pryor (sponsor), Allison, Bingman, Bomar, Chronister. SECOND ROW: Cotham , Croom , Elkins, Fenley, Gifford. THIRD ROW : Hendrickson, Hill, Hollis, Jacobs, Johnson. FOURTH ROW : Kelton, Kendrick, Kenty, Martin, Mitchell, Norman. FIFTH ROW : Perry, Richey, Roberts, Swann, Tilghman, Trapp. SIXTH ROW: Trimm , Turner, Vines, Willis, Woods, Zumwalt. PHI DELTA Phi Delta's present Valentine gift to friendly campus guard Presenting their " honorary club beau" with a cake was one of Phi Delta's projects of the year. As a special friend of the club, Ri chard Niswander, a campus night watchman, was given a Valentine cake. The Ramada Inn in Conway hosted a banquet for those who were "Young at Heart. " Pianist Carol Mannen furnished background music during the dinner, after which Greg Ratliff and Phil Shipman sang. Portraying such animals as elephants and rhinoceroses characterized the fun at the club's Christmas party, which was held at the College Church building. Phi Delta also donated money to bring Jon Nwokeh's wife to the United States. OFFICERS . Gunilda Jacobs, Pres.; Sherry Swann, Vice-Pres.; Elaine Mitchell, Sec.; Tawnya Turner, Treas .; Mrs. Neale Pryor, Sponsor. DlMONSTRATING their acting ability, three Phi Delta dates amuse onlookers with a humorous portrayal of va rious animals. 221 REGINA "Romeo and Juliet" provides a theme for Regina's banquet "A Rose Will Bloom" from the movie Romeo and Juliet provided an appropriate theme for Regi na's February 14 banquet. Rodney Bell furnished piano entertainment for the memorable event, and Mr. Larry Menefee spoke. In November a scavenger hunt followed by a hayride to Wyldewood served as the club's third function. "B ison Brand-Tiger Soup" on a giant Campbell's Soup can won third place for Regina in the Homecoming parade competition. Serv ice p"ojects included furnishing a room in the American Heritage Center and awardin g the annua l Regina Spirit Award. OFFICERS. Paula Johnson, Pres.; lois Heminj:Jwoy Greene, Vice. Pres.; Ann Starling, Sec.; lindo Beck, Trees.; Mrs. Joe Pryor, Sponsor. REGINA. TOP ROW: Pryor (sponsor), C. Adams, J. Adams, Beck, Belue. SECOND ROW: Bul lard, J. Clark, N. Clark, Coffman, D. Cowart. THIRD ROW : l. Cowart, N. Cowart, Formby, Graddy. Grainger. FOURTH ROW: K. Green. l. Greene, Harris, Howe, P. Johnson. FIFTH ROW: S. Johnson, lawyer, Mart in, Mason, Mitchell. SIXTH ROW: Newco mb, Peddle, Qualls, Sheets, Starling. SEVE NTH ROW: Tan, Vaughn, West. Wilson, Young. CAREFULLY selecting each word she uses, Judy Clark discusses pledge activities while Lauren La wyer records her impressions. Club Beaux Bob Well s and Leon Blue 222 MUSICAL performers who entertained for Theta Psi's western party at Webb 's stables included club member Diane Weaver. THETA PSI Theta Psi's help brighten Yule season for deprived children T en stockings made by Theta Psi members and stuffed with toys, fruit, candy and other gifts brightened the Christmas season for one Searcy family. Club members honored the children with a party at which refreshments were served and the stockings presented. Other service projects of the year included collecting Bibles for a missionary overseas and buying a piece of playground equipment for the children's home at Morrilton. Joe Webb's stables provided an authentic setting for Theta Psi's hayride-western party at which couples were dressed as cowboys and Indians. OFFICERS. Judy Catterton , Pres .; Cynthia Patchell , Vice· Pres.; Kathy Fuller, Sec. ; linda Hall , Treas .; Mrs. Ed Burt, Mrs. Robert Eubanks, Sponsors. THETA PSI. TOP ROW: Burt (sponsor), Anders, Bagnelto, Bean. SECOND ROW: Bristow, Britton, Caldwell, Catterton, Childers. THIRD ROW: Cooper, Corn, Fairley, Fellows, Fuller. FOURTH ROW: Gardner, Gibbs, Gray, Hall, Heinbockel. FIFTH ROW: Herndon, Hogan, Horner, Hunt, lindley. SIXTH ROW; Mattingly, Oliver, Patchell, Roeuel, Russell. SEVENTH ROW: Vance, Weaver, Williams, Wisham, Woodward. 223 TOFEBT Fun at Tofebt Christmas party includes attempts at taffy-pull Getting completely into the spirit of an oldfashioned party, Tofebt's attempted a taffy-pull at their Christmas function. The fun involved in pulling the taffy compen sated for their lack of skill. Games, refreshments and the exchanging of comic gifts were also a part of the evening. As a group Tofebt's visited children at the Southern Christian Home in Mon·il ton. At Christmas the SA Toy and Dolly drive elicited one hundred percent participation from t he club. A banquet in March and an outing were Tofebt's second semester activities. Club Beau John King OFFICERS. Sheron Franklin, Pres.; Bernice Smith, Vice· Pres.; Carol leckJiter, Sec.·Treos.; Mrs. Bi ll Culp, Sponsor. BOUND with paper streamers, Trisha Clanton discovers that cleaning up is almost as much fun as Tofebt's Christmas party. 224 TOFEBT. TOP ROW : Culp (sponsor), Bou dra , Breedlove. Brown, Clanton. SECOND ROW : Franklin, Fricks, Haliseli, Hodges, Johnston. THIRD ROW: Ken, landthrip, lawrence, leckliter, Lee, FOURTH ROW : McKinney, Mahan, Page, Pepper, Prather. FIFTH ROW: Riggen bach, Russell, D. Damples, S. Samples, Sanders, Schofield. SIXTH ROW: Sexion, Shaw, Shroades, Smith, Thompson. Wilson. WHC WHC's sponsor alumnae tea during week of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving week with its numerous visitors provided WHC's with an opportunity to meet some of their former club sislers. The club hosted an afternoon tea for WHC alumnae at the home of Mrs. Billy Ray Cox. Continuing a tradition, the club had a country box supper in February. Webb's stables furnished an appropriate setting for the sharing of fried chicken and old-fashioned fun. Service projects of the year included sending packages to boys in Vietnam and decorating a room at the MOlTilton children's home. A chapel program and banquet comprised the club's spring activities. OFFICE RS. Ruth Ann Grogan, Pres.; Nancy Springer, Vice-Pres.; Marlene Cobb, Sec.; Nancy Lynch, Treas.; Mrs. Billy Ray Cox, Mrs. Floyd Daniel, Sponsors. WHC. TOP ROW; Cox (sponsor), Andrews, Brooks. Campbell. Clark. SECOND ROW: Clarkson, G. Cobb, M. Cobb, Crafton, Cross. TH IRD ROW: Dietrich, Eaves, Edster, Gray, Grogan. FOURTH ROW: Hare, Hawkins, Howery, Jones, Kelly. FIFTH ROW: Kennon, Kimbro. lyles, lynch, McBride. SIXTH ROW: C. Miller, J. Miller, Parker. Perry, Rawdon, Rivoire. SEVENTH ROW: Schreiber, Smith. Springer, Stites, Timmerman, White. Club Beau Dea n Bawcom 225 Club Beau Mike Payne ZETA PHI. TOP ROW: Gardner, Johnson (sponsors), Alden, Berry. SECOND ROW: O. Bielby, J. Bie lby, Blue, Burkett, Button. THIRD ROW: Bryant, Cam p, Cassity, Catterton, D. Chisum. FOURTH ROW: P. Chisum, Dickey, Dudley, Dyer, Fox. FIFTH ROW: Freeman. Garrett, Hindman, Holland, Howard. SIXTH ROW: Jones. Kail, Kirk, Lester, little. SEVENTH ROW: Merri. man, Pangle, Perry, Segraves, Sims. ZETA PHI ZETA Music for Zeta Phi's banquet provided by Salt and Pepper Anticipating a new era, Zeta Phi members chose "The Age of Aquarius" as the theme for their banquet. The January event was held at the Red Apple Inn in Heber Springs, with entertainment provided by a student group, the Salt and Pepper. Demonstrating support for the Bisons, Zeta Phi placed posters in the student center before each football game. The Toy and Dolly drive at Christmas received one hundred per center participation from the club. Entering all club sports, Zeta Phi placed second in large club volleyball. OFFICERS . Jeanette Sim , Pres .; G inny Alden , V ice-Pres .; Valerie Hackney, Sec .; Andrea little, Treos .; Mrs. Jomes Gardner, Mrs. Richard Johnson , Sponsors . FRIENDLY conversation is a main ingredient of Open House as Zeta Phi sponsors demonstrate in greeting a hopeful pledge. 226 ZETA RHO Zeta Rho's host weiner roast, Club Beau Howard Holmes RHO. TOP ROW: Burks, Muncy (sponsors), Bell, Brock. SECOND ROW: Cassetty, Crowder, Davis. THIRD ROW: Gibbs, Giddens, Goldman, . FOURTH ROW: Hettinger, Johns, King, Leekliter, MeCluggage. Mcintosh, Martin, Matthews, Meeker, Murphy. SIXTH ROW: Robinson, Roemer, Suesy. SEVENTH ROW: Torrans, Williams. beckon brother club as guests A post pledge week weiner roast at the home of Mrs. David Burks gave Zeta Rho's new members an opportunity to get acquainted with brother club TNT. For the second straight semester Zeta Rho received the first place Scholastic Achievement Award. Valentine's Day was the date selected for the formal banquet hosted by the Ramada Inn in Jacksonville. Entertainment was provided by Randy, Jerry, and Drew. A November outing to Petit Jean, an entry in the Homecoming parade, a Christmas party and a bunking party at Camp Tahkodah completed the year's activities. OFFICERS. Judy Giddens, Pres.; Mary lee Brock , Vice-Pres.; Cindy King, Sec.; Virginia Davis, Trees.; Mrs. David Burks, Mrs. Raymond Muncy, Sponsors. STUFFING themselves with hot dOQs and marshmallows, Zeta Rho's shore an afternoon of fun with their brother club TNT. 227 Click To Go To Previous Section Click to Go To Next Section