August - Yarra Valley Aeromodellers
August - Yarra Valley Aeromodellers
“THE FLYER” YARRA VALLEY AEROMODELLERS NEWSLETTER August 2013 The Committee: President – Jon Goudge 0400 688 787 Vice President – Dave Nichols 9752 5830 Secretary – Hugh Coleman 5968 1629 Treasurer – Adrian Whiter 9739 6686 Registrar – Adrian Whiter 9739 6686 Public Officer – Hugh Coleman 5968 1629 News Letter Editor Hugh Coleman 5968 1629 Depending on which way you look at it, this photo either shows the moment of Bill Wheeler’s agonised demise, or the moment of Daniel Goudge’s glorious triumph. The Limbo event at the recent club day saw two clear rounds at 2.2 meters for both Bill and Daniel and then a clear round at 1.8 meters for both as well. It was not until the tape was lowered to 1.2 meters – Daniel achieved 5 clear passes and Bill 4. But on Bills last pass, the wind caught his model and the prop cut the ribbon. The rest of the day saw 8 competitors in various events vie for placings in half a dozen different events… The weather being variable with winds gusting up around 25Km and in all directions. Nevertheless, all had fun at the second of our four club days this year. More details on the day are later in the issue. Next Meeting - Auction Our next club meeting will be on the Monday 26th of August at the Red Earth Centre in Mooroolbark. Newsletter now on our website at:- WANTED Any OS Brand Engines in good order or New. Call Adrian Whiter 9739 6686 or 0419 535 460 FREE TO GOOD HOME David Hipperson has a large collection of builders plans that he is looking for loving homes for. There are rubber powered Old Timers, Electric Sport and Scale and IC Sport and Scale plans available. David’s only stipulation is that these should go to genuine builders and not just sit in the attic gathering dust. Contact David on 9728 4889 for a list of those subjects that might fall within your particular interest. Please send all For Sale and Wanted adds to me at WHAT’S ON AT THE YVA August 26th (General Meeting) September 1st September 8th December 1th December 7th - Club Auction VIC Scale Rally at YVA Club Day Club Day VIC Scale Rally (Xmas Function) (The Field will be closed to general flying on these dates) The YVA Committee would like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of Andrews Scale Models 20 Hewish Road Croydon VIC 3136 Tel: 03 9723 1003 Email: Scale Model Kits, ARFs, RC Radio Equipment. Spares, Balsa and Building Supplies. If he hasn’t got it, he will make every effort to get it in. The New YVA website is up and running and updating on a regular basis. Members are required to register on the website in order to get regular updates and alerts by email. News Letter availability will henceforth be via the website only. News Letters will not be individually emailed to members! Presidents Report Fellow members welcome to this August edition of the YVA news. The AGM meeting moved through the formal business relatively quickly. Committee positions remained unchallenged however after 10 years of service to the club in various positions Bill Wheeler stood down. We presented Bill with a gift certificate for his contribution and welcomed David Nichols back on to committee as Vice President. The rest of the committee members remained in their current positions. Hugh Coleman administered proceeding’s as the club secretary and public officer and so we are off and running as your 2013/2014 committee. July club day competition. We ran our second club day competition on the last weekend of July and for those whom came along for the fun and entertainment, it was a great day. These events have really become something to look forward too so make sure you have the next event listed on your calendar and get prepared with your competition entries. See photos and secretaries report later in this edition. Just as a side note, the combat event was exciting with 3 models fighting it out for ribbon cuts. Euan and Daniel G both had 5 cuts and one mid air. My Sumo wing has a large chunk missing but that’s the most fun you can get out of $20 (hobby king Sumo wing kit). TX Certification completed for another two years In line with the club rule if you are operation on 29, 36, or 40Mhz you need to renew your TX certification (due every 2 years). Peter Cousins attended our meeting and did a great job at getting through all of the old and some newer sets that you just can’t part with. (Yes I am guilty with my current collection of 15 fully working sets). Peter was surprised at the number still in use at our club but as I explained to him, Our membership very rarely has a conflict with channel usage and so there is little motivation to move to 2.4 when you have perfectly good radios for sport flying. That said I have moved to 2.4 and will reluctantly part with some of my gear at the August meeting (club auction night). Please remember that if you are flying on 29, 36, or 40Mhz you need to renew your TX certification (due every 2 years) so if you missed Peter on the night you can contact him separately for this service. His details are on the VMAA web site. New Web site up and running It is with great thanks to Matt McNiece and Greg Lepp that we now have a new web site with more features than ever before. The site has enabled the team to work with information updates in a far more convenient way, and I encourage all of you to register without further delay. Once registered you will be automatically notified via email when an update or news letter has been posted. Please note we will not be E-mailing your news letter in future, but you will receive a notification that it is available on the web site for you to download (See secretaries report later in this edition). Show and tell Please bring along your show and tell as this remains a key feature of the club meetings. We have seen some interesting projects over the years but I do want to remind you that we like to have a brief written detail on the project to incorporate in the news letter, so please be prepared if you want your project featured in our club news letter. We are planning to have a special guest speaker attend a meeting later in the year to share with us the detail on his latest scale project so keep an eye out for this event you won’t want to miss. Club Auction night (August meeting) For our new members, the club runs an annual auction night for the fun and amusement of the members. It’s a great way to share the spoils of the hobby and clean out the shed (if that is the case) This year we will have a professional auctioneer attend to help move those unwanted items. This is a great opportunity to acquire all manner of things relating to the hobby, and if history repeats itself, at very low prices. The club does not make any money out of this so if you are selling please ensure you have a reserve price for your item and don’t expect too much. Once sold you can collect the cash at the end of the night. The rules of the auction will be called out on the night and for those selling there will be lot numbers assigned to your specific items. We may have limited space depending on the number of items for sale , so it could become standing room only for the audience. Good luck and I will see you on the 26th Editors/Secretaries Note: Hello All. I encourage you all to go and have a look at our new and improving club website - Further, I encourage you to register for email updates. Now, I know there may be some of you who object to registering for email updates from websites, but let me give you one good reason why you should do soThat’s how you are going to get Newsletters in the future! From September onwards, unless you are one of the lucky few getting hard copies mailed to you, I will no longer be emailing the News letter to you. I will post it to the Club Website and so long as you are registered, you will be notified that the News letter is available. Gate and Club House Lock The combinations to the gate and Club house will be changed over the next couple of weeks. Please note that the new combination is printed on your new membership card… Obviously, if the new combination does not work, try the old one and visa versa. F3A World Champs The F3A World Championships are currently underway in South Africa. Congratulations to Dennis Travassaros and Mathew Baily on making it on to the Australian Team. If you are interested in having a look at how they are going, check out The bathroom renovations/remodelling continue. The vanity unit is nearly finished (constructed from recycled Oregon Beams) and the tiles are nearly ready for applying a sealer (I used raw terracotta tiles, and black grout (bloody stupid idea, the black grout))… actually, I already had a sealer applied, the one that the “Expert” at that major chain hardware rhyming with runnings sold me. But it was a topical sealer, and not at all penetrative. And it has already started to lift from the tiles after only 6 months. So that is being stripped using a chemical which the guy at Mitre 10 cheerfully told me was the most toxic thing he had in the store… Applying that, waiting 5 minutes, using industrial grade steel wool to scrape the old sealer off and then washing down with water… very therapeutic. But I’m hoping that I will have it finished in time to be able to get back to some modelling before I die… Cheers and till next month, Hugh Guillows Lockheed Lighting I have a rubber-powered P38 built in 1974. I thought some members may be interested to inspect it as a matter of memories of past construction etc. 1. A Gillows kit purchased from the Model Dockyard in Melbourne. 2. It was the last rubber powered model I constructed, and was chosen because of its complexity of build. 3. The kit was presented as one which could be built as 3 different configurations, a. A display model. b. A control-line model. and c. A rubberpowered flying model. 4. I built the model as partly a presentation come - flying model. 5. It has flown successfully, One flight only from a asphalt car-park powered by rubber bands - 300 windings each. It reached a dizzying altitude of approx. 1/2 m. Regards, Keiron. The 2 meter sailplane non-comp on the 11th Aug Regrettably we were only able to run one round and I commend all of the six contestants for risking limb and model in the high winds so thanks to all for turning up. As it happens the weather wasn’t bad in terms of temperature but the wind though flyable (just!) did not make for pleasant sailplane flying. Euan’s Samurai was a standout under these conditions but even then could only manage five minutes with the model almost at a stand still above the strip. We are intending to attempt a re-run during September but I am leaving it to the committee to offer a suitable vacant date which is possibly published in this newsletter. – David Hipperson David Boddington twin rotor Autogyro In needed of trying some alternative models I apologise to those who love ‘em but helis have never been my thing whereas autogyros on the other hand fascinate. Not wishing to be a fool or re-invent the wheel an autogyro (AG) “trainer” seemed a sensible move. As it happens a couple of free plans popped up in various magazines but I preferred to bite the bullet and buy a kit. In this case it was the laser cut kit version designed by Dave Boddington whose models always fly well and this was produced superbly a by DB Sport and Scale. I felt the price (even with carriage) reasonable but on receipt the inspection showed just what good value it really is. Very complete with a good plan together with full instructions plus first rate balsa and ply together with all hardware. Not only was all of the wire pre-bent precisely but even the cut edges ground to smooth ends. The build would be dead easy even for a newcomer but everything fitted so perfectly the process was relatively fast. The only changes were to convert from IC to electric using an elderly Axi 2820/10 and to use slightly larger wheels otherwise it was all per. Covering was a mixture of scraps of Solartex, Oratex and Solarfilm for my workshop odds and ends box. This took longer than the build but only because the tail and rudder is a little complex in covering to get it in the right order. The advantages with an AG is that unlike helis the un-driven rotor system, particularly in twin rotors, is fairly basic as the plain balsa blades just run free. The instructions suggest that no balancing is required and that prototypes had flown even with the odd blade missing. Nevertheless I chose to weigh each of the blades and match them closely in pairs. The wood supplied was a near perfect choice feeling tough and springy which seemed about right. The recommended flying weight was 1300 – 1500g and mine complete with a 3S 3200 pack came in at just on 1300g proving that either the builder knew what he was doing or I was very lucky. The interesting bit comes from the fact that some aspects fly in all of my preconceived ideas on that the CG is aft of the rotor centers. I checked on several similar models just to make certain. Similarly, different designers have been seen to choose different rotation directions for the rotors which is all very puzzling for the new comer. The maiden flight wasn’t perfect as wasn’t feeling that well, weather was indifferent with a slight blustery wind but my wife Jan braved it out to the field to keep me company. To be honest it was a brief (very!) circuit with me realizing I needed adjustments to the throws but it was down in one piece. The cat lives! The next flight was in almost too perfect conditions with barely any wind at all. However two flights were achieved with complete ease. OK, because of the lack of breeze take off were long but away she went. During the first flight I just did circuits and checked the very non-event stall. Second was to include loops, stall turns? and rolls off the top with landings in both cases being a cinch. Away went a happy bunny so now for a single rotor Cierva, AddendumAfter our aborted sailplane comp’ I tried flying the AG which I admitted was sheer stupidity in view of the weather. After some serious struggling I lost the battle and the AG went in on the far field. Fortunately damage was minimal but it did raise some thoughts. In flying it was obvious that I simply didn’t have enough rudder control particularly going down wind when turning was a real struggle. Some modification will be made during the repairs. Regards and thanks David Hobby King Ju-52 Hugh said this needed to be short and sweet. I don't know about sweet but I'll try for short Oh and BTW I am not the guy at the BOM. Having been the the NFG Twins n' More club day now twice I need a new multi motor model. My 1460mm Canadair (page 49 under the table in the current issue 120 Radio Control Model News) is a crowd pleaser but slow. I take it out to show the kids too and let them hold it. New model needed to be no bigger than 12001300mm for storage and transport and EPO foam. I found the relatively unpopular PNF JU-52 airliner model perfect and a nice change for the many many warbirds around. Problem was it came with two dummy props and a silly oversize 9" central prop. What I love about these modern foam models is often the quite high quality and easy modifiability. The 'Iron Annie' came with a very nice silver paint job over very scale corrugations. A large wooden wing spar and carbon fiber spar well hidden right along the horizontal stab. The landing gear could be more scale but it was certainly solid. The foam will finished and just thick enough to have a solid feel. Two new motors, parts and 5mm ply I've fitted the motors with 6x4x3 props and a central 7x4x3 blade. Sure it was a bit of work but only took a week working a few hours each night to build and modify. All up on a 3 cell battery it pulls 22A and about 230W fully charged. Certainly enough for a 1063 gram model in the air with a 1200mm wing span. Will take a few different batteries but I'm guessing about 8-10minute mixed throttle flights. 7 channnels with motors ESCs directly to the RX and off-set even using the mixes on my Spectrum DX7. I'm still looking forward to maidening it when the whether goes moderate and I get a chance . Maybe Sunday (4-Aug) Hopefully before this newsletter is released and I get to edit this with positive results. I thinik this airliner will out race some of those warbirds mentioned and goods and looks goods. No bad for a bloke only flying reliably for a year now. Top Flite Spitfire Mk IX a beautiful job of this kit and we hope to see it on the wing real soon. Bill Coombs Top Flite Mk IX Spitfire was built before he learnt to fly… in fact it’s the reason he joined the YVA! Finished in Auto Enamel, with the fuselage and wing glassed, it is powered by an OS 90 Surpass and has Air Retracts. Bill hopes that one of our more experienced members will maiden it for him… which given it comes in at over 9 pounds, could be interesting. Nevertheless, Bill has done Fokker DVIII Mark Holly describes his latest Build… This is a 69 inch Fokker D8 I decided to build from plans I found on the net. If I built it again I would change a few things on the plan, but hopefully it will turn out ok. The plan had way too much dihedral and there was no mention of dihedral braces. It's pretty strait forward build so far. The only tricky bit is soldering up the struts and getting all the wires together at the correct angles. The wheels are made of two bits of light ply with balsa in the middle and some foam tube that I got at clark rubber. Suspension is incorporated in the sub wing and appears to work well. Not too sure what to power it with yet. Mark Holly And While Mark is showing off, we must belatedly congratulate him and his wife Carolyn on the birth of Nicholas last May. Mark says he already has a couple of Kits (a Pilot Super Cub and a Flair Puppeteer) waiting for him to get the bug just like his dad has. “What am I bid for this… Um…” The Yarra Valley Aeromodellers 2013 Annual Auction will be held at the August General Meeting – Monday 26th of August at the Red Earth Centre, Mooroolbark. The Services of a professional Auctioneer have been secured to add to the fun. Members are encouraged to scour their sheds, workshops and book shelves for all Models, Kits, Engines, Plans, Publications, Tools, Transmitters, Receivers, Servos and any other items that they think other members might be prepared to pay good money for. All items presented for sale WILL be put on the stand. Bring along your unwanted detritus and make sure you bring some cash as well! The Wallace Trainer “Phoenix” Ken Wallace – Having come to grief in the Bomb Drop at the May Club day and rendering his “Trainer” inoperable, has set about rebuilding it. He has added ailerons to the wing and souped up the power somewhat to a wopping 850 watts! Watch (out) for it at the field in all weathers. Ken Wallace – 2013 Holy Cow Winner! Congratulations to Ken Wallace on winning this years Holy Cow Award with his “Wally Bomb Drop”, rolling over the target and then pulling full up! Let’s see who can better it for next year’s award. YVA Club Day – July 28th 2013 Adrian Whiter preparing for his Limbo round, which unfortunately was put paid to by engine troubles. New Member, Carl Weller gave the limbo a crack, but the blustery conditions saw him out fairly quickly. The Combat event is always hectic (and it’s a pain to get more than one model in the frame) Daniel Goudge’s Sumo Wing on a Limbo Pass Who needs Main Wheels? Adrian Whiter only needed a nose wheel to get his borrowed Trainer Airborn for the Bomb Drop (and the saving in Drag was handy in the I/C Climb and Glide) Cold and Windy it might have been, but competitors and spectators alike, always enjoy these Club Days. Event Limbo Bomb Drop Touch & Go Fun Scale Spot Landing IC Climb & Glide Electric Climb & Glide And the results for the Day… 1st 2nd Daniel Goudge Bill Wheeler 50 50 Daniel Goudge Bill Wheeler 30 20 Euan Fernando 30 20 Daniel Wheeler Daniel Goudge 30 20 Daniel Goudge Euan 30 20 Fernando Adrian 30 20 Daniel Goudge Euan Haig 30 20 3rd Daniel Wheeler 40 Carl W 10 Bill Wheeler 10 Bill Wheeler 10 Fernando 10 Daniel Goudge 10 Bill Wheeler 10 YVA Annual General Meeting Minutes 2013 Date: Time: Location: 29-07-13 [8:02PM] Red Earth Centre Mooroolbark Attendees as per the registration book Agenda 1. Welcome to members and acknowledge Visitors (Greg and Tom Mullins, Simon Tarrant) and guests (Peter Cousins). Apologies David Hipperson, Greg Lepp, Bill Ansell, David Nichols, Mark Holly, Stev Smith, Steve Dengate, Mick Haymeister, Bruce Thompson, Daniel Wheeler, 2. Previous AGM meeting minutes read by Hugh and call for acceptance - Bill Coombs, Graham Jenner. 3. Presidents report read Jon Goudge and then stand down as president, Hand over to Hugh Colman This past 12 months has been another great year for the YVA and its members . As we moved into 2012/13 our new club name of YVA became common place in conversations with other clubs and the VMAA committee. Our club has become well regarded and one that is the envy of many other clubs. A great deal of the activity that has brought about our popularity comes back to the membership. That is you ,the members. We have a great club due to the people and the facilities we have on offer. That said our membership cap has been reached yet again, within existing club members renewals for 2013/14. Club Badges are available tonight and Adrian will be happy to hand yours over later in the evening. Our club competitions have been a great success and we have run six club days for the members enjoyment since we introduced them. This activity is something that other clubs are missing and it is my belief that it has brought about greater level of Clubman ship within the members by uniting them in healthy competition just for fun. I would like to thank Roger Eggleton and the individuals on the mowing team for their support in keeping the field in great shape as always. We are lucky to have this field and take pride in keeping it in good condition. Sadly we saw the passing of two of our members in the past 4 months , Gordon Jackson and John Bird due to long term health issues. I attended John’s funeral and it was great to see so many of you there to pay your respects to John and his family. The enthusiasm for general sport flying is alive and well and many of you are keeping up the scratch built activity through your scale projects. Perhaps the honour of winning the Hayden Hampson trophy will inspire more of you to the building board. Our first HH trophy event was run in Feb this year and was a great draw card for our scale enthusiasts. The inaugural trophy being won by Greg Lepp and his Bristol MI (and Congratulations to Greg just elected CFI for the VMAA). We formed another great Team for this year’s VMAA trophy and we all had a great weekend away as a team flying the YVA colours. Again another event where we made friends with many other club and people in the hobby. We will be putting another team together for next year’s event as previously advertised in our news letter and encourage your participation. Thank you for your prompt response to membership renewal allowing the processing of VMAA payments to occur promptly. You should all be receiving your MAAA cards in the mail very shortly if you havn’t already. After a couple of years enjoying the clubrooms of the Lilydale Aero club we made our transition to the current facility (The Red Earth Centre) brining some convenience to the larger part of the membership. This is our 3 rd meeting here and is our home for now and the foreseeable future. 4. 5. 6. Our Web site refresh activity has gained some significant momentum in the last month with the assistance of Matt McNiece and Greg Lepp. Matt has volunteered his services having resigned his membership with the Lilydale club after relocating and taking on home duties with the birth of his fourth child. Matt has offered his help on a voluntary basis . The updates include a new URL Hosted by hostgator in the US and built using the wordpress application. The new site has been built with the latest tools enabling site updates to be performed by others and the ability for members to post comments etc. It is also configured to automatically present a mobile optimised layout when viewed on handsets or tablets. This will be a great asset for the club and a great way to communicate to our members. We will cut over to the new site in the near future. Again our news letter has improved and credit must be given to the contributors and the editor for producing a quality document each month. My thanks go out to a terrific committee whom have individually contributed their time and effort without fail and have helped to make the YVA what it is today. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Bill Wheeler whom after serving the club in various committee positions over the last ten years will not be continuing this next term. Each year we look an outstanding contribution from one of our members for the performance of an aviation mishap. This year comes with no exception to the spectacle and entertainment freely given by one of our most consistent members. This year’s recipient is recognised for a remarkable manoeuvre we have named ”The Wally bomb drop” Our Holy Cow award winner this year is Ken Wallace. At this stage I will stand down as President and hand over to our secretary / public officer Hugh Colman to preside of the next part of the meeting. Committee elections President – Jon Goudge Vice President – Dave Nichols Secretary – Hugh Coleman Treasurer – Adrian Whiter News Letter Editor – Hugh Coleman Correspondence in / out Treasures report Club Cheque Account $3,857.81 Money Extra $17,199.81 Accepted Bill Coombs , Seconded Euan Hague 7. Registrars update We have reached our cap of members at this stage. Thanks to all members who with only one or two exceptions paid on time. Note that the number printed on the top right of the card is the new gate combination. 8. General Business Great club day held yesterday – Report to be included in the next news letter. Trainer Pylon racing will be held but Date is not yet certain. VMAA trophy team Volunteers wanted. Glider challenge, all encouraged. Thanks to Peter Cousins for coming along and Recertifying radios. Discussion of possible facebook page – No. Further discussion regarding the New club Website is response. Question Raised regarding suitability of Red Earth for meetings. Leading to discussion regarding the Christmas party. G) Bumper Raffle (Super tiger 90 2S) & cup of tea H) Show and tell Bill Coombs Spitfire – Top Flight Kit OS 91 FS. Pneumatic Retracts. David - Hobby king Junkers JU81 Kieran Hampson – Guillows P38 – Has flown… once. Ken Wallace – The Poenix.