Practical Application of DDS
Practical Application of DDS
Seminar in Broadband HF transceiver design experiences Multimedia Room, Polivalente II, 2nd floor Campus de Tafira, Las Palmas Speaker: Baltasar Pérez Díaz <> 16th May, 2014 Author: Baltasar Pérez Díaz Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BACKGROUND INFORMATION Broadband digital HF transceiver DUC/DDC multichannel (FPGA) 1KW Power amplifier Driver Wattmeter Broadband Transceiver More than 15 years developing HF modem (software) (IDeTIC+UPM) Last 10 years hardware development HFDVL (High Frequency Data+Voice Link) architecture 1MHz bandwidth (not signal) = +300 times conventional radio (3KHz) 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 2 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences PRESENTATION INDEX INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 3 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BROADBAND DIGITAL HF TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION Receving section block diagram INDEX INTRODUCTION Receiver antenna STATION IF to be digitized MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS RF receiver (analog) A/D Converter Digital receiver (DDC) Signal processing D/A Converter AUDIO SUMMARY 16th May • RF-Front end moves 1MHz to IF (10.7MHz). Implements a double conversion superheterodyne architecture based on DDS • A/D D/A converters and DDC/DUC : Altera FPGA (Cyclone II EP2C70) • Signal processing: Fixed point DSP (TMS32C6416) and software running on a GNU/Linux PC. IDeTIC Seminar 4 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BROADBAND DIGITAL HF TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION RF Front-end and FPGA setup INDEX INTRODUCTION FPGA MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY RF Front-end 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 5 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BROADBAND DIGITAL HF TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION RF Front-end block diagram INDEX INTRODUCTION To FPGA ADC Receiver Antenna MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Relay SUMMARY Oscillators Control Unit Transmitter • • • • 16th May From FPGA DAC Double conversion superheterodyne architecture Half-duplex transceiver: two common blocks Oscillators based on DDS (v0), later DDS+PLL (v1) Control unit: manages front-end and interacts with operator using a PC IDeTIC Seminar 6 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BROADBAND DIGITAL HF TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION Receiver block diagram INDEX INTRODUCTION Antenna 3-30 MHz MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ADC Band Pass Filters 3-30MHz SUMMARY RF Amp Image-rejection Filter 3-30MHz BW = 1.0 MHz 112 MHz ≤ 20 dB BW 1 MHz 10.7 MHz ≤ 75 dB Low Pass 10.7 MHz 82-109 MHz DDS 122.7 MHz µController CARDS12 AGC RS232 • • • • • • • • 16th May Double conversion superheterodyne (up-mixing). 1st IF: 112MHz and 2nd IF: 10.7MHz. Frequency step: 1Hz. Sensitivity (@1MHz): -70dBm. Microcontroller-based RX, TX, AGC and ALC control. Modular assembly. TX output power +20dBm. External power amplifier (linear class A) 5W. IDeTIC Seminar 7 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences BROADBAND DIGITAL HF TRANSCEIVER INTRODUCTION INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY ANT RX OL TX Control PS 19’’ subrack 3U form board (100x160mm) with connector DIN41612 Rear: digital signals Front: analog signals Power Supply: 220VAC and 12VDC 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 8 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 9 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX • • INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) ⇒ is a method of producing an analog waveform,usually a sine wave, by generating a time-varying signal in digital form • converted into analog signals using a DAC • DDS is a standard in radio equipment oscillator. • NCO (Numeric Controlled Oscillator) ⇒ also called • Advantages SUMMARY • • • • • 16th May Capable of generating a variety of waveforms (sine, triangle, square) Preferred form of signal generation nowadays Fast switching capability (freq. hopping systems (phase-continuous)) High precision ⇒ sub Hz (mHz) and sub degree phase tuning Digital circuitry • Small size (single chip) ⇒ fraction of analog synthesizer size • Fewer components per system - low cost • Small low-powered devices – portability • Easy implementation (no Barkhaussen criterion, PLL (LPF design)) • Fewer assembly operations / reduced product reject rates IDeTIC Seminar 10 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Typical DDS Architecture Digital Circuits INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Sine Accum W Lookup R D-to-A N to 10 to Fr 24 to -ulator 1416bits 48bits Table 14bits Conv. Low Pass Filter f F fout= clk r 2N Sine Wave SUMMARY 1/fout 1/fclk 1/fout 1/fclk 1/fout 1/fout 1/fclk • Sampling theory (sinc(x)) • Nyquist: Fundamental signal <= Fclk/2 (1/3 better) • Filter required to eliminate unwanted products 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 11 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Broadband Transceiver oscillator board (v0) INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OL 1 SUMMARY DDS 1 ANT Clock RX OL TX Control DDS 2 PS OL 2 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 12 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Spurs !!! Worst problem in DDS INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY • • • 16th May AD9835 (fclk=50MHz) Spurs situation and quantity depend on output frequency (become birdies) Mix up AGC IDeTIC Seminar 13 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Spurs !!! Worst problem in DDS INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY • • • 16th May AD9835 (fclk=50MHz) Spurs situation and quantity depend on output frequency (become birdies) Mix up AGC IDeTIC Seminar 14 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Another problem: Clock reference purity INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Comparison: frequency output purity 400MHz Clock vs Agilent Generator 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 15 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Another problem: Clock reference purity INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Comparison: frequency output purity 400MHz Clock vs Agilent Generator 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 16 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Spurs sources INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY • A DDS have four principal sources of spurs. Most of them are predictable. • Reference clock: highest purity and freq. possible. Spurs next to carrier. Must have constant amplitude to avoid spurs. 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 17 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Analog Devices solution: INDEX SpurKiller Technology: The Results on a DDS Output Spur INTRODUCTION AFTER BEFORE MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 500 kHz / DIVISION 500 kHz / DIVISION OUTPUT FREQUENCY = 166 MHz Fclk = 500 MSPS 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 18 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Analog Devices solution: INDEX SpurKiller Technology INTRODUCTION • MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Use an auxiliary DDS channel to add in a signal at the same frequency and amplitude as the spur, but 180° out of phase with the highest spur… It’s all in the Digital Domain! DDS Channel for spur reduction SUMMARY Phase Offset Frequency Accumulator Σ Σ DAC COS(X) FTW 16 Register 16th May 10 14 32 DDS Channel for phase modulation • Spurs are therefore predictable. • In addition, the relative phase of each spur does not change. IDeTIC Seminar Register DDS Channel for amplitude modulation AD9911 DDS core Register 19 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Adopted solution was: Change synthesizer topology DDS Used as PLL Reference INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Phase/ Frequency Detector SUMMARY Fref Loop Filter VCO DDS RF ÷N M FRF = NM Fref 2n Take advantage of PLL low phase noise and spurs, and DDS frequency resolution 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 20 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Broadband Transceiver oscillator board (v1) INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS PLL: NB4N441 DDS: AD9835 SUMMARY PLL TCXO: 50MHz DDS • DDS output: 10 to 13MHz 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 21 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Comparison: oscillator board v0 (green) vs v1 (blue) INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Phase noise improvement: 20dB 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 22 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX PLL output: Improves INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 23 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 24 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY • • • Limited filters with 1MHz bandwidth Only found TFS112 (fc=112.32MHz, BW(3dB)=1.1MHz, L=12.5dB) SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filter • Low S11 (high mismatch) BRICK!! (Z=3.5Kohms) • High attenuation • 40dB band-stop • 2.55 form factor • Redesign TRX OLs Measurement SAW Filter bandwidth 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 25 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 26 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY • • • Problem: Big/good ears in a noisy environment (HF band) Point 1) AGC algorithm must keep constant 1MHz varying signals power at ADC input (few bits left for weak signals) Point 2) Narrow band interference (NBI) intentionally (jamming) or unintentionally (Broadcast radio stations) within signal or BW NBI demo video Two HF broadband TCVR 10 meters apart tuned to 14MHz freq. Function generator as jammer (pure tone) Taking output at BaseBand (10.7MHz) RF Front-end receiver Using a Agilent VSA (Vector Signals Analyzer) 89600S Showing 700KHz around 10.7MHz Innovation #8 of the Top 10 Most Wanted Wireless Innovations (Interference Mitigation Techniques) Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio (CR) Source: Wireless Innovation forum 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 27 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX • Wireless Innovation Forum proposed solutions (They are already used in high-end systems but want lower cost and widespread) INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Power control throughout the communications system only enough power to maintain communications at the minimum acceptable level. Adaptive beam-forming to maximize antenna gain in the direction of the communication path and minimize gain in the interference direction. Adaptable data rate to the minimum rate needed for the communication. Adaptive frequency control to increase frequency separation of the interference sources from the desired radio path. Adaptive receive filtering to provide better rejection of the interference balanced against possible sensitivity loss. Improved roaming algorithms (change sites or systems to one that has a better SINR). Change channel coding algorithms to relax the required signal to interference plus noise ratio at the expense of more data overhead. SUMMARY Some of them are difficult to implement at HF (heavier and larger antennas, noisy environment, worldwide coverage, propagation) 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 28 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION • Our proposed solution Interference must be mitigated enough to let the ADC work under proper condx. Cancellation process after AD conversion (digital filtering) MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Two phases: detection (SW) & mitigation (HW) Detection: Zero crossing and Compressive Sensing (Random Demodulator) Mitigation: Variable notch filter (BW3dB 50KHz; BW50dB 25KHz; Tunable 10.2~11.2MHz) Bandpass filtering (xtal), LPF+HPF (need Q > 200) technological challenge: low Q components (filters), diff. tunable and speed processing 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 29 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX • Our proposed solution (cont) Desired response INTRODUCTION Low Pass Filter + High Pass Filter A(dB) MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 3 50 LPF BW=50KHz BW=10kHz SUMMARY HPF f(MHz) 10 Wien-Robinson active filter 16th May IDeTIC Seminar Sallen-Key 2nd order 30 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX • Our proposed solution (end) Double T Band-reject LC filter INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Schematic 16th May BW measurement IDeTIC Seminar 31 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 32 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION • Problem: Broadband signals on nonlinear amplifier OFDM Signal PAPR (~10dB) MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS - Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) is one major drawback of OFDM. SUMMARY - Requires power amplifier (PA) to be operated in the linear region, resulting in poor efficiency. - 1KW PA operating at 100W - Commercial power amplifiers (PA) have nonlinear characteristics and need to be linearized. Innovation #5 of the Top 10 Most Wanted Wireless Innovations (Techniques to minimize power amplifier spectral regrowth in non-continuous spectral environment) Source: Wireless Innovation forum 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 33 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS • Problem: Broadband signals on nonlinear amplifier Increasing gain (spectral regrowth) (cont) 16 tones 25KHz spaced (400KHz) SUMMARY - Careful design to avoid intermodulation products (below 1dB compress point) - Poor effiency - Dirty spectrum - Interference to other band users 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 34 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION • Problem: Broadband signals on nonlinear amplifier (cont) MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY SPE Expert 1K-FA 800W Amateur equipment Class AB Some segments in HF band 16th May IDeTIC Seminar E&I A1000 1000W Professional Equipment Class A 300KHz - 35MHz low HD & IMD 35 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS • Problem: Broadband signals on nonlinear amplifier (end) Some techniques to overcome distorsioned PA ouput: PREDISTORSION SUMMARY - adds harmonic content at phase angles that cancel out the spurs that the nonlinear RF PA creates - allows driving RF PA closer to saturation, which improves power efficiency. PAPR REDUCTION TECHNIQUES - Clipping and Filtering: Let the signal clip and filter out of band signal - Coding schemes: Try to avoid the case with all the subcarrier with same phase. -… 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 36 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 1. HF broadband digital transceiver introduction a. Block diagram and pics 2. Main problems and solutions a. Local oscillator (DDS spurs, reference clock) b. Filter (low availability, limited) c. AGC (algorithm and narrow band interference) d. Amplifier (intermodulation products) e. Antenna (broadband antennas) 3. Summary 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 37 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Problem: Most of antennas have a very narrow bandwidth (10% fc) 27MHz (higher f more BW) INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY Transmitting 1MHz BW signal at 10MHz (fc) SWR Curves Filter behaviour (S11) 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 38 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS INDEX Solution: Fatter elements (CAGE DP), introduce losses (T2FD) or INTRODUCTION • • Cage dipole x2 broader BW compared to dipole • • • • • • T2FD (Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole) 30% RF Power converted heat at resistor -3 to +3dBi gain Modest size and cost No need electronic matching Used by Army and Civil Guard MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS SUMMARY 16th May IDeTIC Seminar 39 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Solution (cont.): or Log Periodic antenna INDEX INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS • • • can operate on a wide frequency band (10:1) has the ability to provide directivity and gain (4-8dBi) radiation and impedance characteristics repeated as a logarithmic function of freq SUMMARY • • 16th May IDeTIC Seminar NBI: different polarization R&S HE016 antenna 40 Broadband HF transceiver design experiences SUMMARY INDEX Remember: Broadband system introduces a number of challenges INTRODUCTION MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS • It needs to coexist with traditional narrowband systems • So need to tackle problems as sensitivity to strong narrow sigs (AGC mute) • Take into account the low linearity of commercial PA (IMD and interferes other users). • Necessary to have broadband antennas capable to work with these sigs. SUMMARY Future Trends 16th May • Harris 25KHz bandwidth • New HF broadband SDR transceiver 25KHz with same form factor as HFDVL modem. TX using FPGA, RX analog front-end+FPGA IDeTIC Seminar 41 Seminar in Broadband HF transceiver design experiences Thanks for your attention!! Any question? Multimedia Room, Polivalente II, 2nd floor Campus de Tafira, Las Palmas Speaker: Baltasar Pérez-Díaz <> 16th May, 2014 Author: Baltasar Pérez Díaz