Thursday February 20, 2014 - South Belt
Thursday February 20, 2014 - South Belt
Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 February 20, 2014 SBHLL concessions opening The Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League will host an information meeting Monday, Feb. 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the concession stand at El Franco Lee Park for those interested in working in the stand during the upcoming spring season. Candidates must currently be between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. Direct any questions to Email: The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) Bay Area Support Group will meet Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the State Farm Insurance at 12941 Gulf Freeway, Suite 101. Meetings are free. Patients and caregivers are invited to attend. Dobie cheer tryouts set A mandatory meeting for those interested in trying out for the 2014-2015 cheer season will be held at Dobie High School in the cafeteria on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. Parent and cheer candidate are required to attend in order to try out. Questions can be addressed to Sarah Young at Cowboy registration set Scholarships offered Atkinson Elementary Atkinson Elementary PTO will offer $500 scholarships to two graduating Dobie seniors who attended Atkinson at least two years, one being fourth grade. Applications and requirement information are available through the Dobie senior counselor. The completed application must be received by noon on Feb. 28. Frazier Elementary Frazier Elementary will offer scholarships to seven graduating Dobie High School seniors who attended Frazier in third and fourth grades. Applications and information are available from the Dobie senior counselor. Applications must be submitted Friday, March 21. Moore Elementary The Moore Elementary Student Council will offer scholarships to four graduating seniors at Dobie High School who attended Moore in the fourth grade. Applications are available through the Dobie senior counselor’s office and must be returned by March 25 to be considered. Business training event set There will be an empowerment and business training event for all business owners, and entrepreneurs on Saturday, March 1, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Parker Williams Branch Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Room 110-D. Email or visit to reserve a seat. Cowboy cheerleader tryouts The Sagemont Cowboy Cheerleaders will hold tryouts Friday, March 7. Those interested must attend a mandatory meeting on Monday, March 3. For more information, contact Sagemont Cowgirl Drill Director Kerri Balnchard, drill director at 832-423-0139. AARP offers free tax help AARP Foundation in cooperation with the IRS will provide free tax help from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday and Friday through April 15 at the Parker Williams Branch Library, 10851 Scarsdale. For information, call 281-484-2036. For nationwide site locations by ZIP code, visit the website at Clear Brook Landing meets Clear Brook Landing HOA will hold its annual meeting on Feb. 25, 2014, at 7 p.m. at Easthaven Baptist Church, 13100 Beamer Road. AVID elective at Dobie J. Frank Dobie High School now offers the elective course AVID, a college readiness class which gives students the tools to be better prepared for college. The class teaches skills such as note-taking and organization, as well as preparing students to be better critical readers and writers. Students who wish to take dual credit classes would benefit from the skills taught through AVID. This elective is also offered at the seventhand eighth-grade levels at Beverly Hills and Thompson intermediates. Help students get a jump start on being successful in high school and college by enrolling them in AVID. For Dobie, contact For Beverly Hills, contact abutler-carter@pasadenaisd. org. For Thompson, contact Vol. 39, No. 3 Gonzalez wins PISD Spelling Bee Dobie Hall of Honor set for Feb. 28 Crohn’s, colitis group meets The Sagemont Cowboys and Sagemont Cowgirls will hold early registration Saturday, March 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Little League Baseball fields in El Franco Lee Park. Early registration is open to all returning football players and their siblings and all drill and mascot members, returning and new. A $100 deposit is due at the time of registration. Contact information will also be accepted from new football players at this time. For more information, contact Denny Wranich, club president, at 281-785-8353, or Kerri Blanton, drill director, at 832-423-0139. Andrea Gonzalez from Meador Elementary won the Pasadena Independent School District Spelling Bee held at Sam Rayburn High School on Feb. 11. The fourth-grader competed against 32 elementary campuses to gain her title. The winning word was collage. Gonzalez went on to compete in the Secondary Bee at Sam Rayburn against fifth-, sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students. The winner from the Secondary District Bee will compete in the Houston PBS Spelling Bee on March 29. Pictured are, left to right, Meador Principal Beverly Bolton; Maria Navarro, mother; Gonzalez; and Cindy VanTilburg, spelling bee coach. Photo submitted Early primary voting continues Early voting for the March 4 Democratic and Republican primary elections is currently underway and will continue through Friday, Feb. 28. While there are dozens of early voting polling locations located throughout Harris County, the three closest to the South Belt area are the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Hall #66 at 4345 Allen Genoa, the Harris County Courthouse Annex #25 at 7330 Spencer High- way and the Freeman Branch Library at 16616 Diana Lane. Polling hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through Feb. 21; 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 22; 1 to 6 p.m. on Feb. 23; and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 24 through Feb. 28. For additional information or to see a complete list of polling locations, visit www.harris Local MUDs to hold elections Several local municipal utility districts will hold board elections Saturday, May 10. Up for election in the Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District are Bill Morgan and Jim Bishop. Both board members are expected to run for re-election. The deadline for potential candidates to file to run is Friday, Feb. 28. Interested individuals should contact Katherine Wolpert of Fulbright and Jaworksi at 713-651-5401. Up for election in the Sagemeadow Municipal Utility District are John Elam, Ted Heinrich and Tim Byers. All three board members are expected to run for re-election. Potential candidates have until Feb. 28 to file with the law office of Sanford, Kuhl, Perkins and Spellings at 713-850-9000. Up for election in the Kirkmont Municipal Utility District are Mike Grizzaffi, Debbie Carroll and Lonnie Piquiet. All three board members are expected to run for re-election. Potential candidates have until Friday, Feb. 28 to file at the Kirkmont MUD office, located at 10102 Blackhawk Blvd., or by contacting Sanford, Kuhl, Perkins and Spellings at at 713850-9000. All potential candidates must own property in the district. See future editions of the Leader for information on early and absentee voting. Chamber celebrates 30 years By James Bolen Several community leaders and elected officials gathered Thursday, Feb. 6, as the South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 30th anniversary with a formal installation banquet. The guest speaker at the function was Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, who spoke on the growing challenges of keeping up with ongoing expansion in the area. With 4.2 million current residents, Harris County, which consists of 34 different cities, has the population of roughly 10 states, Emmett said. Roughly half of those residents live outside of Beltway 8, the judge added. With 1.6 million current residents, the unincorporated parts of Harris County would be the fifth largest city in the United States by population – right behind Houston. At its existing growth rate, this area will soon surpass Houston in population, Emmett said. This growth is largely unexpected, Emmett said, and county officials are financially ill equipped to deal with it. When the unincorporated areas of the county were being developed, it was assumed by many they would later be annexed by the City of Houston. The majority of these communities, however, are now overseen by hundreds of separate municipal utility districts, which are prohibited from making many necessary road repairs and infrastructure improvements. “The MUDs must share some of the financial burden or be given the authority to fix it,” Emmett said. “It must be addressed.” Emmett praised the Harris County Toll Road Authority, which he said was responsible for generating $1.3 million per day in revenue that goes directly toward constructing new roads and repairing existing ones. “There’s no such thing as free roads,” Emmett said, adding that gas taxes originally intended for road maintenance haven’t been adjusted for inflation in years. The judge further said he strongly supports an upcoming $2 billion Texas Department of Transportation bond referendum, which is slated to appear on the November general election ballot. “If it doesn’t pass, our economy will come to a grinding halt,” said Emmett, an expert on interstate commerce. All incoming chamber officers and board members were sworn in at the event by Harris County Justice of the Peace George Risner. Cynthia Hawk will continue to serve as the organization’s president; Chris Clark as first vice president; Rebecca Lilley as second vice president; Noble Alix as third vice president; the Rev. Emory Gadd as secretary; and the Rev. Gordon Berg as treasurer. A 19-year resident of South Belt, Hawk has served as the Northern Region vice president for JSC Federal Credit Union since 2004. She previously served as the president of GTX Credit Union, serving Goodyear employees for 25 years, before the two credit unions merged. This year’s board members include Jonathan Ebizie, B.J. Garner, Brenda Hellyer, David Matthews, Eli Tanksley, Terry Felton, Krista Hayes, Rosanne Kerr, Derrick McElwee Sr. and Jacquelyn Wiess. Chamber Executive Director Sally Mitchell presented the business/volunteer of the year award to PrimeWay Federal Credit Union, which adopted 10,000 local students this past year and provided them with necessary school supplies. Accepting the award on the credit union’s behalf were Mike Green, Keith Huckaby, Michelle Oshinski and Jonathan Ebizie. See related photos on Page 6A. J. Frank Dobie High School will honor its second class of Hall of Honor inductees at a ceremony to be held at the school Friday, Feb. 28, beginning at 7 p.m. The event will honor four alumni, three fallen heroes, one faculty member and one community volunteer. The school’s purpose statement is, “The Hall of Honor award is presented to any person who has distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious service to the community in a duty of great responsibility. The performance must be such as to merit recognition that is clearly exceptional and reflects positively on J. Frank Dobie High School.” To be nominated in the alumni category, a student must have attended at least 10 years ago. This year’s class of inductees features four alumni, three fallen heroes, one faculty member and one volunteer. Honored inductees were recognized for achievements in the fields of science, military, TV/radio broadcast and athletics. All inductees were chosen by a committee of Dobie faculty. The event will be held in the school’s auditorium and is free and open to the public. List of 2014 inductees: Alumni Malcolm Jacobson, Class of 1980 A former Dobie student body president, Malcolm Jacobson has gone on to be a leading expert in the field of fuel cells and clean energy technology. Following graduation, Jacobson attended Texas A&M University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in petroleum engineering. He then went on to earn a Master of Business Administration from the University of Houston. Jacobson has worked extensively in the energy industry for such companies as Coastal Corporation, Transco Energy and Enron. He was instrumental in legislative and regulatory initiatives leading to deregulation and choice for electricity consumers. A strong proponent of clean energy, Jacobson began a monthly trade publication called Clean Energy Outlook. He further serves as president for the industry trade group Fuel Cells Texas and formerly served on the Texas Fuel Cell Advisory Board. In 2011, Jacobson was named president and CEO of Star West Generation, a Houston-based independent power company. He is married to the former Laura Willars, a 1982 Dobie graduate. The couple have two grown children, Shannon and Colin. Reginald Godbolt, Class of 1987 A career military man, Air Force Col. Reginald Godbolt has devoted 27 years of his life to service of country. Godbolt graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1991. In 2000, he earned a Master Continued on Page 5A Risner, GOP trial continues The lawsuit of Justice of the Peace George Risner against the Harris County Republican Party resumed Tuesday, Feb. 18, with multiple witnesses testifying on the judge’s behalf. In the suit, Risner, a Democrat, alleges that the local Republican Party violated state election law by placing candidate Leonila OlivaresSalazar on its ballot after being notified that her application included hundreds of fraudulent petition signatures. Party officials contend they were not notified of the allegations until after the deadline had passed, making it too late to change the ballot. Rock Owens from the Harris County Attorney’s office testified that much of the handwriting on the signature sheets appeared to match each other, adding that many of the handwritten numerals were nearly identical. One name appeared on the same sheet twice but had distinctly different signatures. Owens further noted that some of the street names on the petitions were listed in alphabetical order, which wouldn’t have occurred naturally during a collection effort. He additionally said the forms were “too perfect,” which ironically suggests that they are not genuine. Risner campaign staffer Sheryl Roppolo, who said she has worked on roughly 80 elections over the past 30 years, testified that she agreed with Owens on this point. Attorneys from the Republican Party attempted to discredit Roppolo’s testimony, saying she was biased in the case, as she also works for Risner’s judicial office. Roppolo countered that all of her campaign work is done on a purely voluntary basis. To date, four individuals who were hired to collect the necessary signatures have been indicted on charges of organized crimes. Two of the suspects, Ralph Basil Garcia and Iris Irgoyen, have been arrested and released on bond. The other two, Annette Irgoyen (the mother of Iris Irgoyen) and David Basurto, remain at large. Both Garcia and Irgoyen took the stand Tuesday, but little knowledge was gained from their testimony, as each of them pleaded the Fifth approximately 50 times each. Garcia and Irgoyen, along with the other two suspects hired to circulate the petitions, have signed affidavits stating they did not collect the signatures in question but merely signed blank notarized sheets saying they did. Attorneys from the party, however, are trying to prevent the affidavits from being submitted as evidence in the case, as they were notarized by Roppolo. Visiting Judge Bob Wortham of Beaumont said he would rule on the issue when the trial resumes on March 20. The case is one of three to be heard by Wortham that involve judicial ballot placement. Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan’s office is actively investigating the cases for any criminal activity. Police seek carjacking suspects Investigators from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office are seeking the public’s help in identifying two suspects who allegedly carjacked a man at gunpoint in his driveway in the 10000 block of Sagebluff early Wednesday, Jan. 29. According to authorities, the victim was letting his Chevy Silverado warm up around 4:15 a.m. when a man tapped a pistol on his window and told him to get out of the vehicle. After getting out of the vehicle, the armed suspect then demanded the victim hand over his wallet and cell phone. The victim complied, and the suspect, along with a second male, fled the scene in the man’s truck. The suspects later tried to use the man’s credit card at a local bank but were unsuccessful. Photos taken by the bank’s video surveillance system have now been released. The first suspect is described as an Asian Pacific male, between 20 and 25 years old and standing about 5 feet 4 inches tall. He was wearing a gray hoodie. The second suspect is described only as wearing a black hoodie. The two men are also suspected of using the stolen vehicle to commit home invasions in Pasadena and Houston on that same day. Anyone with information about the identity and/or location of these robbery suspects is asked to call Crime Stoppers of Houston at 713222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip to www.iwatch iWatchHarrisCounty is the HCSO’s free mobile phone app that allows the public to report suspicious persons and/or activity anonymously, anywhere, any time. Bolen makes New York Times best-seller list Former Leader news editor Cheryl Bolen holds copies of the Feb. 3 New York Times and the USA Today in which Scandalous Brides, a digital boxed set she did with three other authors, ranked number 4 (combined print-digital best-seller list) and number 12, respectively. See related story on Page 2A. Photo submitted Page 2 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 Deaths In My Opinion Deschamps praises local officers candidate for Agriculture Commissioner Eric Opiela. Thank you for your time. Best Regards, Hampton Williams A Clear Water Plan for All Texans I would like to express my appreciIt’s no secret that Texas has a water ation for two of our local law enforcement officers from Harris County Pre- problem. The Texas Legislature finally cinct 2, Corporal Sanchez and Deputy took a step last session toward funding Brinkley. They averted a burglary at my our statewide water plan. Far too often, government just place of business by an armed perpetrator. A wonderful concerned citizen throws money at a problem and walks flagged them down and they respond- away. That’s why Texas needs strong ed immediately catching him in the act. leadership that will make sure that we Too often we hear “where are the po- use those funds wisely and develop lice when you need them?” I was very our water resources for the long term. The Texas Agriculture Commissionglad they were here when I needed them! I am truly thankful for their rapid er is the only statewide elected official response and professional handling of directly charged with development of rural water infrastructure, and we need the situation. Lenette Deschamps D.V.M. a commissioner who will take a leadership role in dealing with the water issues facing our state. That’s one of the reasons I’m running to be your next Ag Commissioner. For you folks that go with the flow of As a fifth-generation rancher as the GOP, you think your’e future and well as an attorney, I’ve dealt with our well being and the countries rests with drought’s impact on my own land and the Rand Pauls, the Mrco Rubio’s All also represented landowners seeking you have are future and potential RI- protect their water rights. Texas needs NO’s There’s no question in my thinking a clear plan. Here’s mine: Ted Cruz is a fence sitter. Today Pugs 1. Restore rural representation on lack good sound leadership. You need the Texas Water Development Board. a junkyard dog all you got is a bunch Agriculture and rural Texans provide a of puppies purring around Obama’s quarter of the funds for new water inankles! and liberal ankles. yappin and frastructure under Proposition 6, and barking. Tail a waggin. rollin over waitin are the most hurt in times of drought. for someone to scratch their belly and They need to have a seat at the table. pick up their poop. 2. Prioritize spending projects to A lot of Americans put a lot of effort address critical needs first. Rural areas into their duties in the Middle East, Viet only receive 10 percent of infrastrucNam and Korea. and WW2. ture funds, but have greater need. We The combined threat of their ad- also lose 12% of our water statewide to versaries in those conflicts pales in system loss. What good will new resercomparison with the danger the Liber- voirs serve us if our pipes are broken? al Party and liberals represents to our We need to prioritize funding to repair country. our failing water infrastructure first. Pugs do a lot of demanded (sic) this 3. Repair our water law to better and that filing motions that they know protect water rights. Private property they cant garner enough support for rights are the cornerstone of our libfrom fellow repugs. its like the West erty. All of Texas has needs, but those Minister Dog Show, hey, look at me needs must take into account the propim fine, I’m workin hard here, But you erty rights that Texans hold so dear. only see them in this type of demeanor It’s is time for leadership in Austin on when they are up for re election. its no the issue of water to make sure our tax different with our local representatives dollars are not wasted and our water im a pit bull, but in reality he’s a ankle plan includes all Texans. Eric Opiela biter.Yipin and yapin running around in Republican Candidate for Agriculture circles chasing his tail who has to stop Commissioner, Karnes City, TX and as to relieve him self on the lawn, get a drink of water a bite to eat then wait for a pat on the head, and those words of reward, good boy At the same time we bestow upon them the honors Bay Area Houston idol has been very we do, we discover its us the taxpayer well received this year and for each they are relieving themselves upon. preliminary event we have had standA.C. Volper ing room only. We are now coming into the semi-finals and finals, for these two events you must have a $10.00 ticket. The tickets can be purchased in advance on www.BayAreaHoustonIdol. My name is Art Oswald and I’m a com and 100% of the tickets sales precinct chair in the Clear Lake area. goes to Community in Schools-Bay Several years ago, I served on five Area. grand juries in Harris County, one of In the past some of you (my perwhich investigated a Supreme Court sonal friends) have been able to sit Justice’s family for alleged wrong do- at some of the reserved for sponsor ing. Fortunately, he lost his next state tables when the sponsor was not atrace. tending. For the semi-finals and finals We are now in the situation again all sponsors will be attending and the where the Chief Justice of the Texas sponsor table will Supreme Court is running for election be filled with the people working the and he has the longest running ethics check-in, the doors for ticket sales, violation of the Texas Ethics Commis- etc. So, I will not have a seat available. sion. He has appealed it and it has lan- I know some of you want to come, so guished for over five years. I just read the best advice I can give you is to buy recently that he is again involved with a ticket in advance, we do have a limquestionable campaign expenditures it to the number of people allowed in and a complaint has been filed. the building and we hope to reach max It is time to clean up the Texas Su- capacity. In addition, you may need to preme Court. have someone come early to hold your I have known his opponent, Robert table because they do fill fast. There is Talton, for more than forty years. He no reserved seating. was a State Representative for sixteen Having said all of this I hope you will years in the Pasadena area and served come because the talent is unbelievwith honor and integrity. Join me in able this year. It is going to be a hard supporting Robert and help return the decision for the judges to pick just 10 to Court to a fair, impartial independent move to the finals. We still need a coustatus by voting for him, Robert Talton. ple of volunteers for last two nights, we Sincerely, Art Oswald would need you to work from 5:00pm to about 7:30pm, if anyone is interested you would have a seat at YTTV’s table for the event and would not have to buy a ticket and you could say been there done that, have the T-shirt, beBelow is the text of a letter for your cause you do receive one. This is the best advice I can offer consideration regarding the Texas water plan. As you are likely aware, vot- you and I hope you can all come. Thank ers last November supported funding you for your support of the event, Bay of developing new water resources af- Area Houston has some great talent ter 15 years of inaction in Austin. This and this is a nice way to showcase their article proposes a simple prioritization abilities. Thanks, Bonnie Lem plan that we hope your readers will President/CEO, Bay Area Houston consider. It is authored by Republican A.C. Volper writes on Republicans Bay Area Houston Idol hosting event Janice DeRouen Chassay Janice Marie DeRouen Chassay, 71, died on Monday, Feb. 17, 2014, concluding a long fight with multiple sclerosis. She was born on Feb. 7, 1943, in Lake Charles, La., to Marie Funk DeRouen and Lucius DeRouen, the elder of two daughters. After graduating from LaGrange High School in Louisiana and working for South Central Bell, she married her high school sweetheart, Charles Chassay, on Sept. 7, 1963, at St. Margaret Catholic Church in Lake Charles. Married for 50 years, Janice and Charles raised their two sons, Mark and Trent, in Houston. Residing in Sagemont for 48 years, Chassay loved playing bridge, and the friendships she made within her neighborhood were a source of joy for her. She loved Christmas most of all and she shared her joy by delivering presents to all of her Lake Charles relatives. Chassay is survived by her husband of 50 years, Charles; sons Mark (Kimberly) and Trent (Catherine); grandchildren Huston Chassay and Katie (Al) Bear; great-grandchildren Alton and Arthur Bear; her mother, Marie Funk DeRouen; sister Becky DeRouen; in-laws Patricia Chassay and Roger Chassay; and many cousins, nieces, nephews and godchildren. The funeral Mass will be Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014, at 11 a.m. at St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church, 11011 Hall Road, with the Rev. Sean P. Horrigan presiding. A reception will follow in the parish hall. The rite of committal will be at Goos Cemetery in Lake Charles. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Multiple Sclerosis Research at UT Health (P.O. Box 301413, Dallas, TX 75303-1413) or the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston (www. Françoise Bastide Russell Françoise Bastide Russell, 84, died Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014. She was born in Paris, France, on Aug. 12, 1929. She was a former 13-year South Belt area resident. Russell was preceded in death by her son, Steven Russell. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, Bill Russell of Plano, Texas; daughterin-law Delores Russell of Jacksonville, Fla.; son Tony Russell and wife Fayellen Russell of Sageglen; daughter Patricia Wakim and husband Jean-Claude of Plano; sister Nicole Mathurin and husband Rene of Reigneville, France; grandchildren Rebec- CCISD spelling bee champs It took more than five hours, but finally, there were two students left standing in the Clear Creek Independent School District annual spelling bee. For the fourth straight year, Syamantak Payra, an eighth-grader at Westbrook Intermediate School, won first place. The winning word was dermal. The CCISD Spelling Bee was held Saturday, Feb. 8, at Mossman Elementary in League City. Sharil Maredia, a sixthgrader at League City Intermediate, won second place. Payra will advance to the Houston PBS Spelling Bee which will be televised live from the Houston PBS Studios on March 29. He won the Houston PBS Spelling Bee last year and advanced to the national contest where he earned a seventh-place tie. The Houston PBS Spelling Bee is the qualifying bee for 42 Texas counties for the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the nation’s long-standing educational promotion since 1925. The top two spellers of the Houston PBS Spelling Bee win an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to represent Houston at the Scripps National Spelling Bee during Bee Week. The grand prize of the 2014 national contest carries a prestigious victory along with more than $40,000 in cash and other prizes. Oswald supports Robert Talton Opiela on developing new water resources Local library events set Parker Williams Library The following events are scheduled for the Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Feb. 20 through Feb. 26. Volunteers from AARP Tax-Aide will be in the library meeting room to assist with tax questions and filing a tax return Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through April 14. Call the library for more information. Movie Madness is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 20, at 4 p.m. Phone the library for title. Also on Feb. 20, a lesson on How to Create Ebooks will be presented from 4 to 5:30 p.m. This is recommended for ages 12 years and up. A teen movie will be shown at 4 p.m. on Feb. 26. Call the library for movie title. On Feb. 27, at 2:30 p.m. there will be a book discussion on The Butler by Will Haywood. Preschool storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, and toddler storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Vietnamese storytime is held every Saturday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 2:30 p.m. For more information on these programs, call the library at 281-484-2036. Bracewell Neighborhood Library The Bracewell Neighborhood Library, 9002 Kingspoint Drive, recently announced its programs for Feb. 20 through Feb. 26. On Thursday, Feb. 20, Computer Basics is scheduled at 2 p.m., Internet Basics at 3:30 p.m., and Intro to MS Powerpoint at 5 p.m. Para los Ninos bilingual storytime and activities will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25. Baby/toddler storytime will be at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, with a baby/ toddler playgroup at 11 a.m. On Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 3:15 p.m., Computer Basics is scheduled, and at 4:30 p.m., is Internet Basics. For information about any of these programs, call the Bracewell Neighborhood Library at 832-393-2580. Left to right, Sharil Maredia, a sixth-grader at League City Intermediate, won second place at the CCISD Spelling Bee, while Syamantak Payra, an eighth-grader at Westbrook Intermediate, took first place. Both students will advance to the Houston PBS Spelling Bee on March 29. Photo submitted Bolen lands on New York Times, USA Today best-seller lists A former news editor of the South Belt Leader who launched her novel writing career 17 years ago has achieved the milestone of landing on the New York Times and USA Today best-seller lists. Cheryl Bolen, with three other historical authors represented in Scandalous Brides, was number 4 on the Times combined print-digital list, and they reached number 12 on the USA Today list. These two lists are considered the most prestigious and reflect extremely high sales volume across retail outlets. Scandalous Brides, a digital-only boxed set of these four authors’ best-selling novels, went on sale Jan. 13 and was represented on the Feb. 3 Times list. Bolen’s book in the collection is A Lady by Chance which was originally published only in paperback in 2000. In 2011, Bolen got her rights back and published it as an e-book and the following year also offered it in print. A Lady by Chance was on the Top 100 best-sellers in historical romance on Amazon for two years and is currently being translated into German by Crossings. It had previously been published in Dutch. The three other authors are Annette Blair of Rhode Island, Brenda Hiatt (a Texas A&M graduate) now living in Indiana, and Lucinda Brant of New Zealand. These authors’ historical novels have all been Amazon bestsellers. They comprise a third of the authors who make up the Jewels of Historical Romance (http://jewelsofhis, who have banded together to offer special contests for readers as well as a Jewels Salon on Facebook (https://www.face 0288606/) where they hang out with readers. “To be truthful,” Bolen said, “we were hoping to land at number 150 on the USA Today list. It tracks the top 150 best-selling works regardless of genre – whether a book’s hardback, paper, e-book, fiction or nonfiction. I never dreamed we’d come in as high as we did.” She said she looked all over Pearland as well as the South Belt for a copy of the paper but couldn’t find one. “My son, Johnny [a 1986 Dobie graduate], was almost as excited as I was. He went all around the Galleria area, where his office is located, buying up copies.” Bolen’s first book, an English-set historical romance novel titled A Duke Deceived, was published by Harlequin Historical in 1998, and she was named Notable New Author the following year. Since then she has pub- lished 17 other works set in Jane Austen’s England, an award-winning World War II love story, and five contemporary romantic suspense novels. Two of those are set in England and three in Texas. She has written for four publishers, including being the launch romance author for Montlake in its Kindle Serials last year with Falling for Frederick, a lighthearted mystery which is the first in her Stately Homes Murder series. Bolen holds a journalism/ English degree from the University of Texas and a master’s in education from the University of Houston. She worked at the Leader for 12 years, non-consecutively, from 1979 until 1997. Her son, James Bo Bolen, a 1990 Dobie graduate, now performs many of those same duties at the Leader. She is married to John Bolen, who has taught at San Jacinto College since 1971. They moved to Sagemont in 1971 and though they have moved, they’re still in the South Belt area. More information is available at www.CherylBolen. com, and she says she would love to have “friends” connect with her at Cheryl Bolen Books Facebook page, https: // Cheryl-Bolen-Books/146842 652076424. ca Hewiett and husband Josh Heweitt, Catherine Russell, Sydney Russell, Christian Wakim, Natasha Wakim, Steven Dittrich, Ellen Dittrich, and Alicia Dittrich; first great-grandchild Nolan Hewiett; and nieces, nephews and other family members and friends. Françoise and Bill moved to San Antonio shortly after meeting and marrying in Paris, France. She followed Bill to many locations prior to settling in the South Belt area in 1970. She was active with the L’Alliance Française and her children’s activities as they attended Meador Elementary, Beverly Hills Intermediate and Dobie High School. In 1983 she, her husband and daughter relocated to Portland, Ore., before finally settling in Plano in 1996. Russell enjoyed sewing and had a passion for cooking and baking, which she enjoyed sharing with family and friends. The funeral service was held Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014, at Mission Park Funeral Chapel South in San Antonio. She was laid to rest at the family’s Woodland Cemetery. A luncheon followed at the home of her niece, Vickie Munoz, of San Antonio. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in honor of Russell. Marie Lerlene Pewitt Marie Lerlene (Bellar) Pewitt, 94, died in Spring, Texas, on Jan. 25, 2014. She was born on April 16, 1919, in Cookeville, Tenn. Pewitt was one of Sagemont’s original residents, moving to the South Belt area in 1969 with her husband Bernard and children Michael, Tere and Kevan Pewitt. Tere attended Beverly Hills Intermediate and Dobie High School, graduating in 1975, and Kevan attended Stuchbery Elementary, Thompson Intermediate and freshman year at Dobie, graduating from Tomball High School. Living on Sagewillow until 1977, the Pewitt family saw Sagemont grow extensively before they moved to Pinehurst, north of Tomball, Texas. Pewitt is preceded in death by her parents, Linnie Mae Sliger and Earnest Freeman Bellar, and her husband, Bernard Bruce Pewitt. She is survived by sons David Buck of Alcoa, Tenn., Michael Pewitt of Conroe, and Kevan Pewitt of Houston; daughter Tere Pewitt Perry of Pearland; granddaughters Nicole and Kristin Pewitt of Houston, Marti Molpus and Becki Hunt of Tennesse; grandsons Christopher and Robert Buck of Tennessee; and 10 great-grandchildren. Pewitt graduated with salutatorian honors in 1937 from Cookeville High School where she was a member of the Beta Club and active on the annual (yearbook) staff. She loved education, teaching in a one-room schoolhouse with no electricity in rural Tennessee for many years. Her life took her later to work at Oakridge, Tenn., where she met the love of her life, Bernard Bruce Pewitt. They were married in Walker County, Ga., on Jan. 26, 1947, and remained married until her husband’s death on Aug. 5, 1990. Throughout their years of marriage, they traveled the world, living for many years in Aruba and in Saudi Arabia, and visiting Switzerland, Majorca, Egypt and much of Europe before returning to the United States to raise a family. Pewitt loved gardening, growing roses, flowers and vegetables wherever she lived. An avid reader, she loved mystery novels and historical fiction. Active in a sewing club centered in Sagemont, Pewitt’s artistic talents focused on oil painting. Many of her paintings were sold at local and state art competitions and hang in area businesses today. In later years, Pewitt took up the hobby of miniatures with her daughter Tere, creating lifelike scale reproductions of houses, rooms and their interior design and decoration. She was active in the international miniatures group, Ocelots, participating in many online miniature conventions with fellow members through her late 80s to early 90s. Up until the time of her death, she was still active in the Houston-area miniatures club, N.U.T.S., a NAME-affiliated (National Association of Miniatures Enthusiasts) group of fellow artists and craftsmen. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, at Klein Funeral Home in Tomball. Internment followed in Klein Memorial Park in Pinehurst, where Pewitt was laid to rest next to her husband. Trevor Judson Cole Trevor Judson Cole, 21, of Pearland, died on Friday, Feb. 14, 2014. He was born on April 7, 1992. Cole attended school in the Alvin School district until his senior year, and he graduated from Baytown Sterling High School in 2010. He began playing football and Little League baseball at the age of 4 and continued playing select baseball as he grew up. He was a member of the Manvel High School and Baytown Sterling High School baseball teams throughout his high school career. After high school, Cole attended Ranger Junior College where he played college baseball. He also devoted his time to youth baseball by umpiring. One of his favorite things was watching his younger brother excel on his high school baseball and football teams. He was a walking sports encyclopedia and could recite any sports fact anyone would ever want to know. Cole is preceded in death by his grandmother, Beverlye Cole, a former longtime teacher at Pasadena High School; grandfather Charles Johnson, one of Dobie High School’s first coaches; and his uncle, Joe Don Cole. He is survived by his parents, Sandi Copes of Pearland, Jud Cole of Pasadena, stepfather Scott Copes, and his father’s companion, Stacey Hodge; brother Hayden Cole of Pearland and stepbrothers Will and Kaden Copes; grandparents Gladys and Pat Welfl of Victoria, Don Cole of Pasadena, and Gloria Johnson of Pasadena; stepgrandparents Billy and Bonnie Copes of Goliad; aunt and uncles Vicki and Don Adair of Pflugerville, Janna and Joe Bennett of Spring, Wade Welfl of Victoria, Tara West of Pasadena, Charlie Johnson of Corpus Christi, and Mike West of Deer Park; and step-uncle Stephen Copes of San Antonio; cousins Chase, Austin and Averi Adair, Cole and Jake Bennett, Taylor, Tanner and Mason West, and Charlie Jr. and Jadyn Johnson; as well as many other family members and friends. A rosary service was recited Monday, Feb. 17, 2014, at St. Helen’s Catholic Church. A Mass of Christian burial was held at St. Helen’s in Pearland on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 10 a.m. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, those who wish may direct a memorial donation to the Trevor Cole Memorial Fund at any Wells Fargo Bank 3327994350 https://www.giveforward. com/fund raiser/w104/trevorcole-memorial-fund. Words of comfort may be shared with the family at Jimmy Edwin Walters Jimmy Edwin Walters, 84, died on Monday, Feb. 10, 2014, at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital. He was born March 2, 1929, the son of Frank and Evelyn Franks Walters. He grew up in Hope, Ark., and attended school there. He and Peggy Perrin married Aug. 27, 1950. They both graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Ark., in 1951. He served in the Army during the Korean conflict. After his discharge, he and his wife taught in Hot Springs, Ark., and then moved to Pasadena, Texas. Walters taught chemistry at South Houston High School, and then transfered to Clear Creek High School where he taught and headed the science department and then served as assistant principal. In 1973, he was named the Outstanding Chemistry Teacher for the State of Texas by the American Chemical Society. He also served on the Texas state textbook selection committee. After retiring in 1988, he participated in marathons and triathlons all over the world including the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, Boston and New York marathons and multiple Houston marathons as well as events in Australia, France and England. Walters is survived by his wife of 63 years, Peggy, of Friendswood; daughter Ann Boss and husband Fred of Salem, Ore.; son Phil Walters and wife Lorraine of The Woodlands; grandchildren Kate Boss and fiancé Henry Jinings, Lindsay Walters, and Sarah Kelber and husband Judah; great-grandsons Isaac and Aaron Kelber; and his brother, Bill Walters, and wife Pat from Austin. A memorial celebration of Walters’ life was held for friends and family at Golfcrest Country Club on Saturday, Feb. 15, with the Rev. Rosemary Dubois presiding. A donation in Walters’ memory may be sent to Friendswood United Methodist Church or the American Heart Association. Patricia Jane Annweiler Patricia Jane Annweiler, 73, died Monday, Feb. 17, 2014. She was born on Oct. 26, 1940, in Wichita Falls, Texas, to Michael Frances Bullinger and Dorothy Hartman Bullinger. She graduated from Ball High School, Galveston, in 1959. She married her high school sweetheart, Frank Annweiler, on June 26, 1960. She had a strong faith in God and was a longtime member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church where she served on numerous ministry programs. She adored her family, friends, and her bichon, Molly Rose. She loved relaxing in her back yard, gardening and spending time with her daughter, friends, and spoiling her granddaughters. Anweiler was preceded in death by her parents and her husband. She is survived by her daughter, Suzie Annweiler Wilson; granddaughters Sydney, Claire and Erin Wilson; her twin brother, Mike Bullinger; and her sister, Sue Brady. Annweiler’s final resting place will be with her husband at Forest Park East Cemetary in League City. Memorial donations may be made to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. A visitation will be held Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church chapel. The memorial service will be Friday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m. in the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church chapel, 18220 Upper Bay Road in Houston. SBHLL seeks carnival vendors The Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League is seeking crafts, food and merchandise vendors to participate in the league’s opening day carnival on Saturday, March 1. Booth spaces are $100 per vendor. Those interested in participating should email league officials at sbhll@ Thursday, February 20, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 3 Dobie High School announces fourth six-weeks honor rolls Dobie High School recently released its honor rolls for the fourth six-weeks grading period. Students earning status are: Ninth grade Honor roll Ahmad Hussein Abusaif, Tyjanae Roshel Adams Williams, Maite Albarran, Aliana Cristina Aleman, Adrianna Alise Allen, Marina Rosalyn Allen, Cera Elizabeth Alvarado, Daniel Alvarez, Delia Guadalupe Amador, Sara Ester Amaya and Gennevive Uzoamaka Anagbogu. Edgar Arzate, Cristian Ernesto Ascencio, Lidia Avitia, Ahmed Maytham Badr, Keauhna Jhonea Bailey, Dante Latroy Baines, Alan Emilio Ballesteros Rivera, Jaylon Deon Bolden, Stephanie Magdalena Bonilla, Adam Quinton Boswell, Daniel Joseph Brader and Hannah M. Brady. Caylah Jaymes Brooks, Robert Erving Brown, Jessica Yvette Bustamante, Andrea Montserrat Cahue, Daniela Campo, Mandy Thuy Cao, Valentin Capulin, Katie Ann Carnish, Diana Elizabeth Castillo, Macalyn M. CastroCardenas, Gabriela Cavazos and Deandre Alexander Childs. Garrett Victor Chollett, Kristy Jeanette Christmas, Brandon Van Chung, Bethany Grace Cook, Tristan Issac Cool, Kevin Joseph Cortez, Sydney Grace Cotton, Alyssa Ann Cruz, David Alejandro Cruz, Melissa Sarahi Cruz, Alyssa Nicole Cumpian and Nicole Marie Cypert. Allison Marie Dasilva, Alexandra Rocio De Alejandro, Angelica Cuaping Dejesus, Jacob Elan Delagarza, Stephanie Shaianne Delagarza, Ariel Jordan Delarosa, Ashley Ann Deveza, Hodda Arsan Diab, Hung Tony Dinh, Joshuah Arthur Dobbs and Jose Narciso Duarte. Ryan Vaughn Ehlinger, Cristobal Flores, Yohana Galvan, Karla Emperatriz Gamez, Andrea Alamar Garcia Cantu, Brianna Elizabeth Garcia, Hugo Garcia, Jonatan Fermin Garcia, Kenia Giselle Garcia, Leslie Alejandra Garcia, Crystal Garza and Ivonne Monsterrat Gauna Montalvo. Alejandro Jesus Gaytan, Justin Allen Gee, Gyron Isaiah Gittens Johnson, Eric Gomez, Francesca Gomez, Daniel Gabriel Gonzales, Holly Sophia Gonzales, Carmen C. Gonzalez Garcia, Eliana Giselle Gonzalez, Sandra Luz Gonzalez, Vanessa A. Gonzalez and Stephanie Alexis Goudeau. Taylor Jhane Grace, Leann Marie Guerrero, Jennifer Gutierrez, Vincent Michael Gutierrez, Sarah Crystal Guzman, Christian M. Hampton, Daniel Jared Harder, Brandon Tyler Harris, Myles Avery Harris, Kallie Nicole Hart, Justice Kerissa Henderson and Lada Heng. Ariana Lenae Henry, Katrina Elisabeth Herazo, Joselyn Hernandez Valle, Erika Lisett Hernandez, Selena Marie Hernandez, Ashley J. Hicks, Howard Dewayne Hilliard, David Vinh Ho, Hainhu Ho, My Ha Hoang Ho, Michelle Ngoc Thao Hoang and Avery Kaine Hodges. Dechanelle Nickay Howell, Jason Huerta, Darius Larenz Hypolite, Alberto Ibarra, Aryn Danielle Ibarra, Esmeralda Ibarra, Sarathany Duong In, Jacob Ryan Izaguirre, Tea Ajuha Jackson, Brady Houston Jacobs, Marisol Jasso Huerta, Alexis Celeste Jimenez and Danielle S. Jones. Gabrielle Aneas Jones, Tareen Jahan Kazi, La’claudia Ty Kee Anna Labarrera, Giselle Emelissa Landa, Isabel C. Lara-Martinez, Nathan Murrell Lazenberry, Anna Nguyen Le, Bobby Nhiyen Le, Emily Ngoc Le, Jenny Thu Le, Nga Thanh Le and Phuong-Thy Mai Le. Quynh Nguyen Hai Le, Tommy Le, Autumn Lynn Lefever, Leslie Licea, Kacie Lyn Little, Deiny Brizeida Loeza, Sarah Ruth Loftin, Orlando Nigel Logan, Julia M. Lohse, Mauricio Alan Lopez Leal, Alyssa Leann Lopez, Darani Arely Lopez and Denis Eusebio Lopez. Ivonne Stephanie Lopez, Miguel Alexis Lopez, Albert Luu, Ashley Clarissa Maldonado, Oscar Maldonado, Alejandro Andres Marron, Ana Martinez, Briana Alexis Martinez, Isabel Socorro Martinez, Mariana Alejandra Martinez, Nathalie Martinez and Samantha Marie Martinez. Vanessa Alejandra Marti- nez, Jade Jazzmin Matamoros, Evan Thomas Mauk, Halie Danielle Medina, Denisse Mejia, Marisa Mendieta, David Zachary Mendiola-Garcia, Yecica Mendoza, Rana Osama Mohamad, Rebecca Edith Monge and Francelli Galilea Monreal. Armando Montelongo, Jordan Chase Moreno, Jade Thi Mottu, Isaiah A. Munoz, Tyler Matthew Myers, Summer Kamleh Naser, Karen Neira, Amber Chanel Newsom, Tiffany Phan Ngo, Albert Trieu Nguyen, Anh Ngoc Truc Nguyen, Diana Thanh Nguyen and Elton Duy Long Nguyen. Kimberly Ngoc Nguyen, Martin Anh Vu Nguyen, Mi Hieu Nguyen, Phuong Hong Thi Nguyen, Thuanh Vu Nguyen, Tin Nhan Nguyen, Tina Mongduytien Nguyen, Vicky My Nguyen, Thanh Van Nguyenvo, Rebecca Lynn Nickelson and Iyesogie Stephanie Ogbonmwan. Oriana Inez Olivo, Johnny Rey Ordaz, Giselle Ailyn Oviedo, Brenda Marie Oyervides, Alexis Padilla, Jesus Manuel Paredes, Amy Hasmukh Patel, Michael Leroy Peavy, Marcela Gabriella Pena, Yessika Lizeth Pena, Jennifer Stephanie Penate and Ashley Christine Perez. Julissa Perez, Anna Truc Pham, Jack Pham, Jesse Vu Pham, Kevin Khang Ba Pham, Matthew Thuan Phan, Sandy Bui Phan, Vy Hong Phan, Herberth Alejandro Polio Argueta, Kenia Lisette Polio, Frazier Science Fair winners named Frazier Elementary recently announced its 20132014 Science Fair winners. They are, left to right, (front row) Emma Gonzalez, fourth place; Adrianna Golden, first place; Isabell Leza, tie for fifth place, (back row) Audrey Owens, third place; Jayden Barbosa, second place; and Alissa Dawson, tie for fifth place. These students will represent Frazier Elementary at the Pasadena Independent School District Elementary Science Fair. Photo submitted San Jac to present Young Frankenstein The San Jacinto College Central Campus Theatre and Film Department will present Young Frankenstein, a musical comedy based on a book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan. The show will be performed at the Central Campus Slocomb Auditorium, 8060 Spencer Highway in Pasadena. Show dates and times are Feb. 19, 20, 21, and 22 with a 7:30 p.m. curtain. A matinee will be performed on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 2:30 p.m. General admission tickets are $15 per person, with a discount of $13 per person for tickets bought and picked up two days in advance of any show. The performance is rated PG-13 for language and adult humor. Young Frankenstein is based on the 1974 comedy film of the same name that From left, the Monster (Chris Meyers), Dr. Frankenstein (Aaron Alford) and chorus member (Amber Cadena of South Belt) rehearse a scene from San Jacinto College’s production of Young Frankenstein, a musical comedy that opens Feb. 19. Photo by Rob Vanya was directed by Brooks, who described it as his best film. It is a parody of the horror film genre, especially the 1931 adaptation of Mary Shelly’s book, Frankenstein, and its 1939 sequel, Son of Frankenstein. The story follows bright young Dr. Frankenstein (or Fronkenstoeen) as he attempts to complete his grandfather’s masterwork and bring a corpse to life. Together with his oddly shaped and endearing helper Igor (or Eye-gor), his curvaceous lab assistant Inga, and in spite of his fiancé, Elizabeth, Frankenstein succeeds in creating a monster, but not without scary and often hilarious complications. The show is billed as a “monster new musical comedy” from the creators of the Broadway hit The Producers. The show includes memorable songs, such as The Transylvania Mania, He Vas My Boyfriend, and Puttin’ on the Ritz. “The show is scientifically proven, monstrously good entertainment, and the only place you will witness a singing and dancing laboratory experiment in the largest tuxedo ever made,” commented Dr. Jerry Ivins, Central campus theatre and film department artistic director. The Broadway production of the show garnered many positive reviews. The Los Angeles Times described it as “delightfully nutty, glittering, buoyant fun that tickles its audience into high spirits.” The Hollywood Reporter called the play “a highly entertaining musical-comedy spectacular featuring endless doses of Mel Brooks classic humor; a hilarious crowd-pleaser.” Dejanise Ty’vea Pradia, Vivian Arlen Prado and Austin James Pritchett. Faridhe Yamelli Puente, Roberto Quezada, Anthony Quiroz, Sara Eliza Ramirez, Jennifer Jessica Reales, Tyler James Redmon, Brianna Rae Reed, Jose Maria Reyes Rivera, Cesar Ivan Reyes, Wilmer O. Reyes, Anfernee Jay Reyna, Emily Rios and Geovanni Jesus Rios. Carlos Emmanuel Rivas, Dereck Jay Rivera, Lesdy Iveth Rivera, Kaylyn Marie Rivers, Hilda Paola Rodriguez Garza, Bailey Renee Rodriguez, Benjamin G Rodriguez, Hugo Cesar Rodriguez, Sanjuana Esperanza Romero, Jacquelyn Marie Rubio and Lorissa Victoria Saiz. Ernesto Salas, Ashley Salazar, Luis Ramon Salazar, Ashley Nicole Salinas, Ricardo Salinas, Clarissa Marie Sanchez, Victoria Guadalupe Sanchez, Megan Nicole Schuetz, Naseem Mahrokh Shafaei, Iris Krystal Sinisterra, Alaina Nicole Sitka and, Davonte Moshe Smith. Zhianel Dejohnia Smith, Alyssa Celia Solis, Roberto Solis, Christian Ryan Sosa, Terell Jonathan Francois Soudine, Laura Katherine Stephens, Isabella Yasmin Tamayo, Ikea Marie Taylor, Catherine Thanh Thai, Michelle Raye Thomas and Crischelle Ranae Thompson. Jesus M. Tijerina, Jazlyn Marie Evora Tobias, Adrian Torres, Diana Nicole Torres, Lorena Torres, Laura Aidee Torres-Gomez, Anna Ha-My Tran, Daniel Hoai-Nam Tran, Elizabeth Baotran Tran, Heidi Dung Tran, Joanne Tran, Kimngan Thi Tran, Vinh Qang Tran and Vinh Thanh Tran. Mariana Chavez Triana, Kevin Truong, Diana Pamela Tufino, Kellie Amanda Tyer, Malaina Unique Valdez, Wendy Raquel Vargas, Hugo Gilberto Velarde, Ashley Delcarmen Veratudela, Vanessa Nicole Villa, Jolissa Lynn Villalobos and Vondaria Anisa Vincent. Phuc Tran Ngoc Vo, Anthony Long Vu, Rachel Nhi Vu, Rebecca Kim Anh Vu, Van Vu, Vincent Minh Quan Vu, Logan Oneal Walker, Lorez Lonn Walker, Georgette Vanelle Nzouatchoua Wandji, Craig Davon Wilks and Charish La Nae Williams. Destiny Lynn Williams, Jazsmin Sharell Williams, Skylar Elise Williams, Raven Anjell Wilson, Kaelon Jamaul Woods, Agnes Nicole Yanney, Oscar Zachary Zarate, Toni Alexis Zatarain, Roberto Rafael Zavaleta and Donnell Dewon Zeigler. Tenth grade Honor roll Gerardo Acevedo, Abrahan Alanis, Noemi Armenta, Garett Lee Armstrong, Oscar Arredondo, Alondra Arriaga, Alexandra Nicole Banda, Yenlynn Hoang Banh, David Anthony Barrios, Jose Carlos Benavides Sanchez, Gabriela Benavides, Victoria Alexis Blackmon and Carli E. Blue. Zachary G. Blue, Quinton Joshua Bolling, Celeste Marissa Briones, Kiyah Simone Brooks, Madeline Nichole Buchman, Thao Thi Thanh Bui, Trang Phuong Bui, Genovy Lisette Cabrera, Mayra Lucia Caisedo Bustillo, Gilberto Hernan Campa and Brianna Shantel Carballo. Christina Marie Castillo, Flavio Gabriel Castillo, Karina Evelyn Chaidez, Sonia Yanira Chaires, Julian Valdez Coronado, Alexis Marie Corpus, Alejandro Cortez, Jacquimar Dejesus, John Matthew Delarosa, Andres Delgado, Jason Alec Diaz, Tina Duong and Michael Anthony Duron. Gabriela Elizarraraz, Mariah Sierra Escobar, Nina Ancelma Espinosa, Crystella Marie Esquivel, Abdon Jose Ferreira, Alan Flores, Nathaniel Christian Flores, Michael Aaron Garcia, Kenia Mabel Garza, Patrice Elaine Gilbert, Brandyn O’Bryan Ginyard and Jay Edward Gish. Rachel Taylor Glass, Jesse Tovar Gonzales, Vincent A. Gonzales, Isaias Gonzalez, Anna Mae Goodman, Adolfo Javier Gracia, Cameron Devante Guy, Kiara Doneisha Hart, Valeria Michelle Hernandez Tavera, Carolina Alejandra Herrera, Jose Luis Herrera and Tanya Tho Ho. Cedric Jaylon Horton, Jessie Ngoc Huynh, Ryan Duc Huynh, Prince Ikenna Ibe, Austin John Ingalls, Nicholas Daniel Jagdeo, Brittney Nicole Johnson, Desiree Shantal Johnson, Rhehana Dnai Johnson, Tia Jasmine Joseph, Daniel Jungmo Kim, Alex Sam Kwok and Thu Anh Le. William Jacob Little, Nicollette Marguerite Lopez, Ralph Lopez, Jessena Innacence Luna, Linda Ly, Ryan Alexander Mahler, Carlos Martinez, Deanna Gabrielle Martinez, Isamar Martinez, Xena Matamoros, Luke Allen Mcdonald, Maria Lidia Mejia Ortiz and Juan Luis Melesio. Valerie Mendoza, Victoria Yamileth Mendoza, Joseph Christian Mercado, Mason Hunter Miller, Isaac Conrad Mills, Madisen Paige Minter, Eduardo A. Mira, Shalina Fiona Mohammed, Damian Francisco Molina, George Anthony Molina and Yenifher Estheysi Molina. Hannah Vanessa Montoya, Michael Anthony Mora, Dulce Dayana Morales, Madison Taylor Moreno, Bianca Liana Munoz, Jimmy Adrian Nevarez, Betram Truong Nguyen, Catherine Nguyen, Dona Ngoc Nguyen, Elissa Huong Nguyen, Elizabeth Nguyen and Giaan Khuong Nguyen. Hiep Phu Nguyen, Hung Thai Nguyen, Julie Nguyen, Kevin Nguyen, Kevin Path Nguyen, Lisa Nguyen, Michelle Huyen Nguyen, Nghia Nguyen, Ngoc Mai Nguyen, Nhubinh Liza Nguyen, Taylor Han Nguyen, Tina Hoai Nguyen, Tran Bao Nguyen and Andrea Nicaragua. Malyn Lassette Nunez, Jaclyn Virginia Dianne OdenPeace, Augustine Anamelechi Oguamanam, Mercedys Nikole Olguin, Savanah Brooke Oropeza, Ana Maria Ortiz, Jai Raj Patel, Shiv Nirmal Patel, Lorena Elizabeth Paz, Amalia Paulette Perla, Caxton Santos Petri and Amy Pham. Hoaiphuong Tran Pham, Linh Phuong Pham, Nhi Thuc Pham, Triet Minh Pham, Uyen Nhat Nguyen Pham, Alan Quy Phan, Kieu Kathy Phan, Monica Rashaad Ploucha, Kayla Renee Posey, Celina Kim Rabe, Christopher Jose Daryll Ramirez, Diego Ramirez and Francisco Rangel. Adriana Araceli Resendez, Gladys Reyes Rivera, Juan Miguel Reyes, Kayla Marie Richard, Morgan Chanel Richard, Athena Skye Robles, Andres Alejandro Rodriguez, Lester Patrick Rodriguez, Amber Denise Rogers, Jocelyne Jemima Rojas Banda and Elizabeth Romero. Erica M. Romero, Franklin Ivan Roque, Angela Grace Geopano Rosales, Hannah Ross, Alyssandra Elizabeth Russo, Valeria Saldierna, Reginald Tyson Salinas, Michelle Brenda San Miguel, Denise Saravia, Jonathan Adam Shaw and Mikaila Trena Singleton. Karaanne Mackenzie Snyder, Stella Ngonda Somdah, Nyla Marie Soraiz, Jacqueline Esmeralda Soria, Chelsea Tajonera, Linh Nhut Thai, Errington Sylvester Thomas, Vanessa Tinoco, Andrea Thu Tran, Hieu Vo Tran, Jenny Thi Tran, Lauren Tuy Thao Vo Tran and My Khai Tran. Nikki Tinhdan Tran, Theresa Tran, Triny Ynhi Tran, Sofia Magdalena Trevino, Karla Melissa Turcios, Justin Anthony Turner, Jeffrey James Tyer, Ruben Kalani Vargas, Angelica Faith Vasquez, Joshua Xavier Vasquez, Richard Alan Vega and Edward David Velazquez. Rosa Alicia Velazquez, Princess Villanueva, Isabella Adriana Villarreal, Jacquelyn Simone Villarreal, Valerie Thanh Thy Vo, Khanh Quoc Vu, Oasis Davina Wilson, Timothy Aidan Wright, Shelby Allison Yocum, Kianna Yvonne Zermeno and Angelica Rosario Zuniga. Eleventh grade Honor roll Bayan Marwan Abedrabbo, Husni Abedrabo, Jannessa Renee Ackman, Walid Ahmed, Faria Akhter, Deanna Marie Alanis, Kendrick Elijah Allen, Amarilis Macrina Alvarado, Eliza Selena Alvarado, Laura Alejandra Amador, Heidi Christine Applegate and Taylor Nichol Ard. Benjamin Dean Arnett, Stephanie Arroyo, Erika T. Ascencio, Carolina Sanmiguel Avila, Abner Mike Baerga, Valerie Alena Baez, Ryan Lee Baker, Destinye A. BarnesHall, Tyler Gregory Baumann, Alex Enrique Benitez, Mohamed El Amine Bouras Saiah and Joseph Robert Boutwell. Alejandra Briseno, Briana Yolanda Brown, Duc Anh Bui, Peter Dinh Bui, Thuy Thi Thanh Bui, Kevin Ruiz Caballero, Silvia G. Cabrera, Victoria Jasmine Carbajal, Maria Guadalupe Cardenas, Nancy Evila Carrillo, Angel South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your printing needs • Business Forms • Business Cards • Custom Letterheads & Envelopes • Wedding Invitations • Thank You Notes • Menus • Directories and much more! 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 Rafael Castillo, Ozzy Castillo and Victor Manuel Castillo. David Guerra Cavazos, Nicholas Dale Cessna, Darien Anthony Childs, Alexandra Guadalupe Cirlos, Joshua T. Collins, Miguel Angel Contreras, Eric Daniel Cortes, Tessa Jayne Costello, Jason Asarel Cruz, Judy Nga Dang, Amornpan Datong, Jeremiah Deleon and Alexia Lynn Derden. David Dinh, Hoang Kim Dinh, Sergio Diosdado, Kayla Marie Dokhani, Malik Osric Dorsey, Nicholas Paul Engle, Angelica Vanessa Enriquez, Arleni Espinoza, Alexis Espitia, Andrew Pierre Fablet, Brianna Nicole Fint, Aimee Alejandra Flores Garcia and Laura Elena Flores. Maria Fernanda Flores, Ricky Ted Flores, Breshaun Nicole Franklin, Celia Frias, Stephanie Alicia Galaviz, Andrea Galvan, Athziri Yanely Garcia, Gerardo Alberto Garcia, Jesus Garcia, Karen B. Garcia, Leianesse Reina Garcia, Kamaran Rhynae Gardner and Craig Allen Gentry. Nicholas R. Ghansyam, Jorge Ivan Gomez, Adan Ismael Gonzalez, Bryant Alonso Gonzalez, Mark A. Gonzalez, Hannah Celeste Graham, Cristian Giovanni Guerrero, Sofia Alejandra Guerrero, Brianna Guevara, Mikaela Guevara and Joshua Alan Guillory. Sydney Nicole Gutierrez, Amy D. Hallaron, Christopher Dejuan Harris, Alexis Nicholle Hicks, Mark Anthony Hinojosa, Allison Michelle Howell, Jerraca Jonta Hubley, Dominique Deion Hunter, Amy Nicole Jackson, Megan Jagdeo, Greissy Carolina Jerezano and Dominique Jimenez. Marquette Larule Johnson, Jayla D. Joulevette, Mohammed Zaine Kabir, Matthew Alan Kahanek, Antonio Roberto Kawaakoa Beltran, Azra Celeste Khan, Emmi Trang Kieu, Crystal Marie King, Madeline Renee Lacamu, Kassandra Lara and Amari Brianna Lavergne. John An Le, Tiffany Kim Trang Le, Tran Bao Le, Tu Anh Le, Wilson Lee, Cassandra Alondra Limas, Weerapatr Lokatekrawee, Lluvia Kassandra Loy, Lauren Alexis Lozano, Jenny Ly, Tony Ly, Joknee Lyles, Jason Steven Maldonado, Aimee Celeste Mar and Zachary E. Martin. Dayanara Martinez, Claudia Lizeth Mata, Madelyn Nicole Maxwell, Audrey Lee Medina, Andrew Medrano, Steven Andres Mendieta, Joshua A. Mendiola-Garcia, Sara Mendoza Alcoser, Joslyn L. Mendoza, Riley Ann Miller, Mohamad Osama Mohamad and Kimberly E. Molina. Yvonne Marie Molina, Alexandra D. Montelongo, Andrew Rene Montelongo, Elizabeth Ashley Montemayor, Allen Ismael Montes, Savannah Nicole Montoya, Christopher Andrew Morgan, Chanse M. Morris, Geraldine Navarrete, Carmen Nering and Amber Autumn Nguyen. Anh Thu Cindy Nguyen, Annie Lam Nguyen, Billy Nguyen, Hieu Trung Nguyen, Jennifer Nguyen, Kenny Nguyen, Kevin Nguyen, Mailynn Nguyen, Tai Ngoc Nguyen, Thao Mai Nguyen, Thien Luong Van Nguyen, Vivian Oanhhoang Nguyen and Shelby Keith Nunez. Mykayla Elizabeth O’Connor, Christina Oliveira, Hector Oses, Jasmine Osorio, Angel Jovani Padron, Monica Patel, Aimee Gabriela Perez, Alexia Aundrea Perez, Eduardo Adrian Perez, Burgandy Rose Petri, Hong Thixuan Pham, Khanh Minh Pham, Alan Phan and Tuan Manh Phan. Joseph Pollard, Ruby Alyssa Quijas, Edward Rene Ramirez, Julia Ariana Ramirez, Karina Nichole Ramirez, Ayeshum Rasool, Zachary Dale Reyes, Kayla Monique Richardson, Jesus Enrique Rios, Ivan Rocha, Sabin Rese Rocha, Breanna Ashley Roddy and Mayve D. Rodriguez. Octavio Alexander Rodriguez, Raul Rodriguez, Rodolfo Vicente Rodulfo, Gabriela Jazmin Romero, Christian Vianney Rosales, Yadira Ruiz, De Andre Imari Russell, Cristina Rose Salazar, Erik Francisco Salazar, Ivana Salazar, Steven Sanchez and Valerie Kay Sanchez. Karla Patricia Santillan, Emily Nicole Sargent, Isaiah Kwame Dwomoh Sarkodieh, Bethany Marrie Sauseda, Franz Seifert, Marisol Serrano, Michelle Serrano, Alexius Victoria Shea, Waylon Ryan Shofner, Layton Robert Wayne Smith, Marvin D. Solis and Catherine Jeanette Sorto. Katurah Breann Stanton, Christina M. Susuras, Angelo J. Symeonidis, Anthony Tyler Ta, Daniel Dat Trung Ta, Raa’shane Dominque Tansiel, Aaron Donavon Taylor, Nicholas Kelly Taylor, Ernest Martin Thumann, Brian P To, Claudia Torres, Tanya Torres and Anh Tran. Brian Anh-Khoa Tran, Bryan Huy Phong Tran, Diana Thuy Duong Tran, Emily Phuong Tran, Justin Tran, Luan Thanh Tran, Vy Toung Thi Tran, Karen Fabiola Trevino Villalobos, Jennifer Gia Buu Trinh, Sabrina Paige Troxlar, Khoa Xuan Truong and Quachtinh Le Truong. Yanyn Bessabeth Urrutia, Bianca Michelle Valerio, Cristian Vargas, James Varghese, Jancy Varghese, Joshua Varghese, Savana Terra Velasquez, Ilse Alejandra Vielma, Rebecca Nicole Villegas, Cindy My Huyen Vo and Uyen Gia Vo. Quyen Hoang Vu, Mariah Grace Waters, Alexis West, Alyssa Grace Williams, Brian Mbugua Williams, Alysa Wright, Celes Onari Young, David Anthony Yzaguirre, Luis Antonio Zavala Guerra and Lourdes Dora Zavaleta. Twelfth grade Honor roll Michael Richard Abston, Jennifer Acero, Laura Itzel Aguilar, Sadia Akhter, Analia Victoria Alcoba, Carol Lilian Amaro, Aaronnathaniel Gabino Arambula, Joel Michael Arhelger, Jessica Carina Armenta, Christian Avitia, Jacquelyne Marie Baade and Angelica Michelle Benavides. Cody Edwin Bennett, Travis Devin Berkstresser, Audrey Lenore Beyer, Sobia My Bhatty, Jakeia Deanne Black, Nancy Book, Jasmine Hienthanh Bui, Alisa Michelle Calvillo, Jose Luis Cantu, Roland Cao, Neftali Antonio Carcamo, Brandon R. Chao and Avery Lynne Crocker. Travis Pham Dao, Raven Elizabeth Davis, Niza Raquel Del Villar, Dennis Rafael Diaz, Alberto Joel Dorantes, Noah West Escamilla, Rene Jovanni Escobar, Maria Eugenia Ferreira, Andrew Joseph Flores, David Eduardo Fraga, Brandon Alexander Fuentes and Jennifer Elizabeth Galvan. Angel Phillip Garcia, Kassandra Garcia, Angel Alexander Garciatejada, Jason Vy Giang, Jacqueline Gloria, Conrad Gonzales, Claudia Bianca Gonzalez, Martin Gonzalez, Yadira Gonzalez, Michael Ryan Graham, William Caleb Grant and Rebecca Michelle Guerra. Johnathon Dylan Guzman, Damon De’sean Hall, Kamille Lynette Harris, Osaka Heng, Olivia Garrett Henry, Brittany Marie Hernandez, Kaila Nichole Hernandez, Austin John Hicks, An Gia Ho, Aleeyah Anjeanique Holland, Katherine Marie Houghton and Brent Regan Hubbell. Jasmine Darnesha Hubley, Jasmin Bentancourt Huerta, Jimmy Thien Huynh, Kenny Khang Huynh, Nantiporn Kate Inchun, Anna Lynne Ingalls, Sabrina Juarez, Sydney Ann Keatts, Paul Kwang Mo Kim, Ira Mitchelle Lanza, Yen Phuchoang Le and Katherine Erin Lee. Alyssa Marie Lerma, Eric James Leuenberger, Veronika Olehivna Livinska, Roger Omar Lizama, Jose Guadalupe Lopez, Mariana Edith Lopez, Minhtrong Nguyen Lu, Kimberly Oanh Luu, Denise Thuy Ma, Sarah Xuan Mai, Eusebio Maldonado, Scott Earl Marsella and Latisha Starr Mason. Lorin Rose Mata, Erin Marie Mauk, Cristyan Medina, Alexia Levi Mendez, Tiffany Marie Mercado, Sarah Marie Merrill, Matthew Joseph Mikes, Brittany Lee Montross, Syeda Siddra Naqvi, Kortney Marie Neely, Hector David Neira and Christine Thao Nguyen. Cuong Sy Nguyen, Dan Thi Tam Nguyen, Kevin Thai Nguyen, Phu Tran Nguyen, Sally Nguyen, Amanda Marie Palacios, Samantha Annmarie Paredes, Sean Michael Peace, Victoria Yaquelin Perla, Katherine Lauren Perrone, Kailyn Deaundraya Perry and Diamond Delexus Peters. Rebecca Linn Peters, Hoang Anh Nguyen Pham, Jennifer Vy Pham, Kevin The Pham, Kathy Tran Phan, Tracie Phan, Karen Marie Ponce, Evin Mikal Prescott, Luis Ramirez, Manuel Alexander Reyna, Edwardo Rios, Samantha Joanna Rios and Adrian Rodriguez. Ashley Marie Rodriguez, Carlos Armando Rodriguez, Kevin Jose Rodriguez, Luis Anthony Romero, Angelie Victoria Ross, Kimberly Ruiz, Orfa Zaid Ruiz, Benjamin Desi Salazar, Angel Sebastian Salinas, Andres Manuel Sanchez, Savannah F. Sanchez and Sharon Nicole Sanmiguel. Kaitlyn R. Schuetz, Stephanie Nicole Schwartz, Patrick Dewayne Sears, Itzayana Serna, Gabriela Serrano, Tearra Dominque Small, Loana Magaly Solis, Andre Lamont Timmons, Amanda Hien Thu Tran, Andrew Le Tran and Anhtung Austin Tran. Christina Tuong-Nhi Tran, Lan Hoang Tran, Michael Tran, Nasa Dalenna Tran, Ngocque Thi Tran, Thione Tam Nhi Tran, Macy Nicole Traywick, Modesta C. Ugochukwu, Andrea Myrei Vargas and Robert Daniel Vargas. Giovanni Vega, Davin Nicolas Velasquez, Venerson Orquillano Villanueva, Peter Duy Vu, Lawrence Geffin Watkins, Leah Danielle Weaver, Ashley Renee White, Lauren Ashley Wilkerson and Phoenicia Perion Wilson. Looking for a Primary Care Doctor? Enayet Rahim, MD • Accepting New Patients • Same Day Appointments Available • Open During Lunch Time • We take Medicaid, Medicare & most private insurance. Discounts for patients without insurance. Se Habla Español Call 281-481-8500 Page 4, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 Choate goes home! Over The Back Fence JIM CELEBRATES 80 YEARS! Jim Muecke, who celebrates his 80th birthday Tuesday, Feb. 25, says he has turned a big page and is still kicking with a new knee attached to an old body. Best wishes are sent to Jim for this milestone birthday from family and friends. CONGRATS TO SHSU HONOR ROLLS! The President’s Honor Roll at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville recognizes full-time undergraduate students who achieve a perfect 4.0 GPA during a regular semester. The following area students have been named to the SHSU President’s Honor Roll for fall 2013: Sheila Awah-Suh, Jenifer Bernstein, Amber Gonzales, Norma Lazo, Vivian Moyeda and Luke Silvera. The dean’s list at Sam Houston State University recognizes full-time undergraduate students who achieve at least a 3.5 GPA out of a possible 4.0 during a regular semester. The following area students have been named to the SHSU dean’s list for fall 2013: Sheila AwahSuh, Sabita Bariyait, Jenifer Bernstein, Brooke Dupont, Amber Gonzales, Norma Lazo, Amanda Medina, Vivian Moyeda, Luke Silvera and Michelle Svehla. SCHOOL DAZE The following personnel and staff members of the Pasadena Independent School District celebrate birthdays Feb. 20 through Feb. 26. Burnett Elementary After 140 days in the hospital since birth, and gaining more than six pounds in weight, baby Catherine Dove Choate went home to Cedar Park, Texas, on Feb. 7. She was born on Sept. 20, 2013, weighing 16 ounces. Her parents, Dayne and Leigh Choate, say they are adjusting well, and grandparents Roy and Cathy Haney were excited to hold her for the first time. Photo submitted Care Partners meet Feb. 21 Interfaith Care Partners Ministry group at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, 10727 Hartsook St. (near Almeda Mall), a gathering for persons with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes and similar disabilities and their caretakers, meets the third Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Gatherings consist of a continental breakfast, arts and crafts, exercises, entertainment, a singalong, a devotional break, lunch, and ends with a bingo game. Those who have a family member or know of someone with these challenges, are welcome to attend. The next gathering will be held in the Mother Cabrini Center at the church on Friday, Feb. 21, with a Mardi Gras theme. For more information or to register for the gathering, call Interfaith Care Partners at 713-682-5995, or visit the website at Lions Club meeting set 713-876-0532 or email NEW LOCATION! NE N! 10851 851 51 Sc Scarsdale Blvd., Ste. Ste 1160 Flood problems? 35 years ago (1979) A Sagemont woman escaped serious injury when the automobile in which she was riding crashed through a barricade at the end of Sagepark. The male driver was apparently uninjured. Football player Edward O’Brien, Dobie High School’s top running back, signed a letter of intent with Southern Methodist University. 30 years ago (1984) Tornadoes left a path of GARNER VISION CENTER Family Owned & Operated “We Specialize in Old-fashioned Service” • Treatment of Eye Diseases Dr. B.J. Garner Therapeutic Optometrist Optometric Glaucoma Specialist • Laser Surgery Consultations Laura Garner, Registered Optician • Contact Lenses • Eyewear Melinda McClure, Optometry Tech – Serving the South Belt Area for 37 Years – 11408 Hughes Rd. Gracia, Lynda Marie Grantham, Diana Carolina Guerrero, Jazmin Alanna Guerrero, Cassandra America Guevara, Tina Kim-Thanh Ha and Victoria Jenae Harris. Amanda Nicole Hernandez, Danny Armando Hernandez, Ysabela Nicole Hinojosa, Alice Gia Ho, Lynn Tuyet Ho, Travis Thien Ho, John’te A. Horace, Carolyn Huerta, Ja’Lon Duval Hunt, Kamsiyochukwu Canice Ik-Ejiofor, Naureen Islam and Kimberli Izaguirre. Maria Guadalupe Jasso Huerta, Elizabeth Brittney Jasso, Javier Jimenez, Douglas Joseph Jones, Jakob Brandon Jones, Issac James KamaszSantos, Lily Lan Kieu, Josiah Michael Knight, Britney Taylor Lariviere, Edgar Lerma, Jasmine Azaria Lewis and Jerianne Kenniya Limtom. Natalie Rebecca Longoria, Alexis Liselda Lopez, Gavin Anthony Machado, Jordan Nathaniel Marcum, Sophia Victoria Marin, Jorge Cristian Martin, Kathleen Mackenzie Masterson, Brittney Marisela Mejia, Victoria Alexus Mendoza, Samantha Nicole Merrill and Emily Marie Mesa. Hana Osama Mohamad, Rachel Elidem Mondragon, Darianne Montserrat Monreal, Mallerim Morales, Matthew Angel Morales, Carlos Alejandro Moreno, Andrew Ngoc Nguyen, Angela Quynh TramAnh Nguyen, Jenny Ngoc Nguyen and Justin Hoang Nguyen. Kerrington My-Lan Mackenzie Nguyen, Pierce Thinh Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Trinh Nguyen, Vincent Thanh Trung Nguyen, Ayanna Lysette Nguyen-Echeverry, Thanhlong Nguyenvo, Amy Elizabeth Nolen, Dylan Reece Nunez, Mikayla Carissa Olivo and Paul Anthony Ontiveros. Natalie Elizabeth Orta, Isaiah Joshua Ortuno, Alexis Rae Oses, Relencia Neccole Owens, Rachel Marie Pair, Ryan Edward Pair, Gabryel Raschad Patterson, Kristen Dung Patton, Jacquelyn Pena, Andrea Carolina Perez, Gisselle Perez, Kadin Michael Perez and Jasmine V. Pham. John Tran Phan, Long Hoang Phan, Tam Thanh Phan, Uyen Tran Phan, Letizia Jazmarie Philbert, Kendall Rae Pina, Lisette Pitty, Michelle Monique Pozo, Kyrah Allise Prince, Brittany Janell Puente, Pablo Jose Puente, Fabiola Quezada and Desiree Angelica Quijas. Andrew Elian Quiroz, Anthony Nelson Ramirez, Maria Evelyn Rangel, Je’kaela Elaine Reid, Bryan Alexander Reyes, Kassie Rene Reyna, Mia Alexandra Reyna, Jessica Whitney Richardson, Gardenia Esmeralda Rivas, Beatriz Anne Rivera and Dwayne Paul Robinson. Ana Marissa Rodriguez, Jazmin Nicolle Rodriguez, Karen R. Rodriguez, Xochitl Kimberly Romero, Malorie Jolynn Rosas, Erika Rubio, Melissa Ruiz, Jasonmatthew Napoles Sabal, Stephanie Saldivar, Kazzandra Rico Sanchez, Montrai La Darryl Scott and Ana Leesa Segovia. Amentanese Jashae Simien, Victoria Ta, Adrian Tamez, Samuel Feleke Taye, Juan Manuel Temores Paz, Amber Nicole Terrell, Laquavious Demar Thomas, Annie Ngoc Tran, Jimmy Quoc Tran, Tony Duc Tran, Vicente Trevino and Donald Trinh. Kevin Dinh Truong, Marcely Jean Tsikis, Pablo Javier Tufino, Veronica Aubrey Arcalas Unica, Joanna Theresa Urrutia, Roxanne Valdez, Leilani Isabel Vargas, Fernando Vega, Annette Vela, Ayline Vela and Dmitri Minh Vu. Holly Thao Vu, Natasha Miranda Walters, Earnest Lee Webb, Karyn Geralynn Williams, Sami Lin Yu, Monica Aidee Zabala, Aleena Maher Zaid, Stefany E. Zamora, David Gregory Zermeno and Perla Zuniga. Eighth grade Honor roll Robin Emmanuel Acac, Marilyn Athziry Acosta, Dawson Ray Adame, Denisse E. Alanis, Veronica Alarcon, Eyvi Lenir Alvarez Argueta, Janeth Silvia Amador, Isaac Arango, Antonio Armenta, Lizbet Armenta, Oscar Armenta, Mayra Noemi Avila and Carlos Daniel Azahar. Natalie Celline Balle, Jennifer Banda, Kevin M. Bariya, Sean Michael Bayne, Jannelly Edelmira Bernal, Chance Dennis Bittle, Kiara Lynn Blandon, Eugene Bogany, Gissel Buenrostro, Joseph Gabriel Bustamante, Victoria A. Campbell, Braden Elissa Carker and Nanci Carrera. Anthony Laurence Carrico, Delana Nicole Carrillo, Miranda Marie Carrizales, Ashali Rena Carter, Joseph Adam Castaneda, Alberto Alejandro Castillo, Michael Lee Castillo, Andrea Guerra Cavazos, An- drea Chapa, Isabel Mercedes Chavez, Jarely Floreli Claros and Greysi Sarai Contreras. Ashley Denise Cordova, Helena Cosme, Erick Omar Covarrubias, Nathan Andrew Covarrubias, Alia Nichelle Crawford, Yeline Cutting Gonzalez, Teresa Sindy Chobi D’costa, Jimmy Tuan Dang, Lananh Thi Dang, Courtney Hang-Nga Dao and Dominick Leavie Davis. Jacoby Gerard Davis, Jeremy Gerard Davis, Vu Huy Dinh, Tuan Thanh Do, Samantha Dominguez, Jazmyn Arisa Drumgo, Katrina Danielle Dukes, An Gia Duong, Dondre Armand Lakeith Dykes, Courtney Allison Early, America Celeste Eguia and Lauren Taylor Escobar. Allen Escobedo, David Anthony Espinal, Amelia April Fuentes, Randy Alexander Fuentes, Katherine Anne Gangestad, Alexandria Victoria Garcia, Andres Garcia, Celenia Michelle Garcia, Hayley Renee Garcia, Jasmyn Allysa Garcia, Kayla Nichole Garcia and Leanna S. Garcia. Nadia Lynn Garcia, Noe Garcia, Cesar Samuel Garza, Erika Marie Garza, Raquel Alicia Garza, Crystal Renee Glover, David Alexander Gonzalez, Ezri Elaine Gonzalez, Michael Rene Gonzalez, Madison Evelyn Graham, Courtney N. Grigar and Elisa Marie Guevara. Christopher Anthony Gutierrez, Karina Lyzette Gutierrez, Cameron Kristian Haynes, Nia Marcia Herman, Rosemarie Hernandez, Edna F. Herrera, Chelsea Christine Hickman, Grace Kelly Huck- Remember When You can go home again... Let Farmers® help. Michael W. Jewell, CLU 12929 Gulf Freeway Suite 112 (Fuqua Exit) 281-481-2121 Goodwin is wished a happy birthday Feb. 23. Best wishes for a happy birthday are sent to Wendy Sharpless and Tamalar Whiting on Feb. 24. Blow out the birthday candles for Kha Nguyen Feb. 25. FACEBOOK FRIENDS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS The Leader sends happy birthday wishes to its Facebook friends who celebrate a birthday this week: Thursday, Feb. 20: Paul Brantly, Heidi Samford, Judy Lucadou-Dooly and Jamie Baggett. Friday, Feb. 21: Michael Gabbard, Vonda Byars, Kellie Nelson and Richard Salinas; Saturday, Feb. 22: Gerald Maduzia; Sunday, Feb. 23: Mark Roberts, David Adkins, Brian Groff, Tonya Abel, Angie Abel, Charlese Richard, James Spence and Liz Cantu; Monday, Feb. 24: Wendy Sharpless, Andrew Belmarez, Ken Moore, L.A. Dalton, Michael Brown and Rebecca Cappello; Tuesday, Feb. 25: Frank Acosta, Carla Burback, Kayla Ferrell, Rene Hernandez, Kobe Ruiz-Estrada and Luciana Serrano; and Wednesday, Feb. 26: Jimi Cebulla, Leah Williamson and Mark West. LEADER WANTS YOU IN THE NEWS E-mail birthday, anniversary, vacation, congratulations, etc., to mynews@south with OTBF in the subject line. Items must be submitted by Friday noon for the next week’s publication. Tour de Houston set for March 16 Registration is now open for the 2014 Tour de Houston Presented by Apache Corporation. Ride with Mayor Annise Parker and Texas state Sen. Rodney Ellis on Sunday, March 16, at City Hall, 901 Bagby in Houston. Funds benefit the RE-Plant Houston Program managed by the Houston Parks and Recreation Department. With three distance options, the Tour de Houston Presented by Apache Corporation is the perfect outdoor event for all cyclist levels, from the leisure rider to cycling competitors and is a recommended BP MS150 training ride. The distance options include a 60-mile route starting at 7:30 a.m., a 40-mile route at 8 a.m., and a 20-mile route at 8:30 a.m. Through March 12 at 5 p.m., online registration is $35. Children 12 and under are $20 for the duration. Deadline to register online is Wednesday, March 12, at 5 p.m. On-site registration on the day of the event is $40 and will begin at 6 a.m. Only cash will be accepted on-site. For convenience, it is recommended participants pick up a packet early and go directly to the lineup position on the day of the event. Registrants for the bike ride will automatically be entered for a chance to win a Sun and Ski bicycle and two Southwest Airlines tickets. If already registered, pick up the packet early and go directly to the lineup position on the day of the event. For more details on the bike ride, including registration and packet pick-up locations, visit http://www. tourde For more information about HPARD, visit http:// Beverly Hills Int. releases fourth six-weeks honor rolls Beverly Hills Intermediate recently announced its honor rolls for the fourth six-weeks grading period. Students are: Seventh grade Honor roll Abraham Alanis, Pedro Alba, Anthony Ke’Andre Dr’Eshard Anderson-Johnson, Bailie Mckenna Ankenbruck, Luis Omar Arellano, Korrin Nikole Ballin, Garrett Raul Barrientos, Cynthia Alexandra Bautista, Reena L. Benitez, Karina Bernal, Justin Bimel and Damontre T. Blacknell. Daniel Giovanni Botello, Kimberly Nhu Bui, Caleb The Houston Space City Lions Club will meet Tues- Chandler Campbell, Alexis day, Feb. 25, at 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Campos, Dominique Giana Freeway. For more information, call George Malone at Cantu, Pricilla Cardiel, Eras281-438-7243. mo Osvaldo Carlos, Javier Fernando Castillo, Robert Joseph Castillo, Kimberly R. Chew, Jalen Morris Clark and Get Half-Price HLSR Carnival Jeanna Elliana Cooper. Cuauhtemoc Cornejo, David Packs while they are still available. Fernando Cortes, Celeste M. Covarrubias, Jason A. Cruz, Alexander Gabriel Cuaping, Maia Chardae Davenport, Jackelyn Jineth Davila, Briana Lanae Davis, Deishawn Davis, Trevor Alexander Dean, Clarissa Diaz, Roxie Diaz and Morgan Leeanna Dugas. Thoi Gia Duong, Miguel Anjel Elizarraras, Alex Jacob Estala, Maria Jose Figueroa, Madeline Marie Flores, Melina Lesette Flores, Priscilla Renee Flores, Robert Garcia Flores, Karina Frias, Catherine Mia Fuentes, Michelle Fuentes, Angeles Garcia, Francisco M-Th M M-T -Th 88:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., F 8:30 a.m.-5 -55 pp.m. Garcia and Gisselle Garcia. Gustavo Arturo Garcia, Klarissa Heidy Garza, Jasslyn Gomez Portillo, Jasmin Sarai Gomez Velasquez, Ana Sofia At Farmers, we know that you insure your home to get things back to normal if something unexpected happens. That’s why you’ll love the friendly, thorough service you get from a Farmers agent. Call me and get a quote on the insurance that helps get you back where you belong. A special birthday greeting is sent to Frances Rivera Feb. 24. Greetings for a wonderful birthday are sent to Ashley Carroll Feb. 25. Light the candles for Hugo Pena Feb. 26 for a birthday celebration. Meador Elementary Greetings for a wonderful birthday are sent to Silvia Garcia Feb. 23. Blow out the birthday candles Feb. 25 for Cheryl Richards. Moore Elementary The day for a birthday party for Leah Laredo is Feb. 25. Melillo Middle School The day for a birthday cake for Stacy Paxton is Feb. 20. Feb. 21 is the day for Wanda Soto to celebrate a birthday. Light the candles for Rosa Salinas Feb. 25. Beverly Hills Intermediate Blow out the birthday candles on a triple-layer cake Feb. 23 for Joseph Fee, Louis Heartfield and Quan Nguyen. Feb. 25 is the day for a double celebration for Michael Arroyo and Gary Warner. Rodney Martin has a birthday Feb. 26. Thompson Intermediate The day for a birthday celebration for Justin Duncan is Feb. 26. Dobie High Eric Brown and Dendy Farrar enjoy a double birthday Feb. 20. Eva Vasquez celebrates a birthday Feb. 21. On Feb. 22, birthday wishes are sent to Lori Sims. Jesse by Alexis 281-484-2020 destruction through the South Belt area. Work on the concrete sloping on the Beamer Road ditch had area residents bewildered. Demolition of the concrete was apparently standard procedure when readying the surface for bonding to an adjacent surface. Carol Fielder was elected to a three-year term on the Sagemont Maintenance Committee in an annual election. 25 years ago (1989) Ralph Lowe, former mayor of Friendswood and president of Dixie Oil Processing refused participation in negotiations for a consent decree as a Potentially Responsible Party with the Environmental Protection Agency, citing inaccuracies in three documents and a refusal to hold open negotiations. An alert neighbor’s call to police averted a successful burglary in South Bridge, and a photograph of one suspect with a topless dancer linked the young man to the alleged getaway car. 20 years ago (1994) Houston police were investigating a drive-by shooting in the 10100 block of Kirkdale, just blocks away from a similar shooting the previous month. Clear Brook High School senior Cynthia Chi was named the school’s only finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program. 15 years ago (1999) City-contracted crews cut phone lines to approximately 900 residents and businesses while working on sewer lines on the Beltway 8 feeder road. The first South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce law enforcement appreciation luncheon was held. 10 years ago (2004) City of Houston crew members inadvertently rup- tured a natural gas line while trying to dig up a sewer pipe in the back yard of a home on Kirkglen. Four homes had to be evacuated because of the accident. It was announced that as of early September, Continental Express would no longer offer its free shuttle service between Ellington Field and Bush Intercontinental Airport. Daniel Scholwinski, 20, was arrested by deputies from Constable Gary Freeman’s office and taken to the Harris County jail. Scholwinski was charged with burglarizing at least three cars in the 11400 block of Brookmeadow. Maria D. Banda, 41, was shot in the right eye while in the bedroom of her 12001 Palm Springs home. Houston Police Department Homicide Division investigators questioned everyone in the home; however, because of conflicting stories, no one could be charged with shooting Banda. 5 years ago (2009) Clear Brook Meadows resident and 1997 Dobie graduate Troy Augst was killed in a head-on collision in the 2600 block of Genoa Red Bluff. Police said Augst was traveling west as eastbound driver Rodney Price of La Porte attempted to pass two vehicles and crashed into him, causing his vehicle to spin around into a ditch and strike a telephone pole. Two separate houses caught fire the same day. Firefighters from several local units extinguished a blaze at a home in the 11400 block of Camphorwood. The home was unoccupied at the time of the fire. A home in the 10500 block of Sagewick also caught fire. It, too, was unoccupied. Reportedly the occupants had recently moved. 1 year ago (2013) A former math teacher at Beverly Hills Intermediate School was arrested and charged with five felony counts, the result of an investigation into allegations she was engaged in improper relationships with four students, all then enrolled in high school. LaShawn Simmons, 41, had resigned her position the previous month in lieu of termination. The five charges included one count of sexual assault of a child under 17, a second-degree felony. She was also charged with two counts of engaging in an improper relationship between an educator and a student, also a second-degree felony. The two other charges filed against Simmons – online solicitation of a minor and possession of child pornography – were both third-degree felonies. The students, two adults and two juveniles, were all enrolled at J. Frank Dobie High School. abay, Marsha Yvonne Jordan, Armando Juarez and Mylana Lanay Kiel. Michelle Jordyn Kristoff, Danny Lam, Ryan Mark Lanza, Hellen Thu Le, Mauro Lerma, Hector Rodolfo Lopez, Steven Khang Ly, Jesus Alexandro Macedo, Isaiah Ricky Maciel, Marissa Tiffany Magoo, Patrick Jonathan Marsh, Sebastian Martinez and Juliette Anabel Medina. Noah Anthony Mejia, Karim Alberto Mendez, Briana Kassandra Menendez, Alejandro Montejano, Javorus Daniel Moore, Damaris Nataly Morales, Abbie Serrie Morante, Everett Moreno, Xochitl Celeste Navarro, Bao Triet Nguyen, Dat Tien Nguyen and Kim Phuong Nguyen. Phuong Quynh Diep Nguyen, Steven Nguyen, Taylor Quang Nguyen, Thao ThiPhuong Nguyen, Christiana Chikaodinaka Nnabuife, Kimberly Yaneth Orellana, Adam Antonio Padilla, Elena Tien Pham, Rich Pham, Tin Nhan Pham, Vy Le Nhat Pham and Alice Hong Phan. Evelyn Quynh Nhu Phan, Kevin Bui Phan, Jaysha Octavia Ploucha, Emile Ka’vion Porter, Diego Alejandro Quintanilla Tovar, Rebekah Gail Ragain, Iram Ramirez, Ed- wing Yohalmo Reyes, Michael Angel Reyes, Kaylee Reyann Rios, Hur Mehdi Rizvi and Ashley Renee Rodriguez. Arlene Briauna Salisbury, Alfredo Santoscoy, Kyle Nathaniel Saunders, Bianca Devon Serrano, Kailah Kaia Shaw, Camille Deon Singleton, Je’marcus Lemar Smith, Torrey George Tapper, Zaria Shrone Thomas, Taja Imani Tillman, Brandon Raul Torres and John Guillermo Torres. Barbara Vy Tran, Jacklyn Cattien Tran, Kelly Mai-Tram Tran, Tracy Truc-Mai Tran, Tyler D. Tran, Vivian Tran, Alezaii Krystal Trevino, Gilberto Trevino, Jennifer Truong, Meloney Nicole Tyler and Clinton Chinonso Ugochukwu. Jocelyn Mariah Ulloa, Gabriel Tristan Arcalas Unica, Kimber Skye Vanek, Perla Vazquez, Adrian Samuel Velasquez, Diana Laura Vidal, Brianna Denise Villanueva, Kathrina Perez Villanueva and Nicholas Anthony Villareal. Abigail Villasenor, Justin W Vu, Tam Vu, Audreycarelle Nkeiya Wandji, Daniel Louis Williams, Macy Kate Williams, Vanessa Wanjiku Williams, Ledarius Keith Woodard, Jacob Dylan Worsham, Natalie Michelle Zaragoza and Dulce Abril Zavala. Family Life Seminar set Gulfhaven Church, 10716 Sabo Road, will host a Family Life Seminar on Saturday, March 8, at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The seminar will feature 3ABN TV Marriage in God’s Hands by presenters Pastor WS Lee, (family ministries co-director, Southwest Region Conf.) and Wilma Lee (author, A Quick Start Guide to Family Ministries and Marriage is for Friends and co-director of family ministries, Southwest Region Conf.). This is a free seminar and open to the community. For more information, call 713-562-4580. Largest selection of wigs in Texas! FEATURING ESTETICA DESIGNS WIGS & EXTENSIONS The Right BRA, The Right Form! by JODEE Caring Fitters Trained & Certified to Help With All Your After Breast Surgery Needs. Great selection of Mastectomy Swimsuits RAQUEL WELCH™ SIGNATURE COLLECTION OF WIGS & HAIR ADDITIONS Becky’s 125 E. Galveston Street League City 281-332-6407 Here comes the bride . . . Let South Belt Graphics & Printing take care of all your printing needs for your special day. • Invitations • Envelopes • • Napkins • Matchbooks • • Thank You Cards • 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 Thursday, February 20, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 5 Dobie High School honors second group of Hall of Honor inductees Continued from Page 1A of Business Administration from the University of Texas-San Antonio. He went on to earn a master’s degree in strategic leaders from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2006. His military experience has taken him to eight states and two countries, including a one-year tour in Iraq, where he served as commander of the 332nd Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Joint Base Balad, north of Baghdad. Godbolt currently serves as commander of the 6th Maintenance Group of the 6th Mobility Wing at MacDill Air Force Base outside Tampa, Fla. He is the recipient of numerous awards and decorations, including the Bronze Star and the Iraq Campaign Medal. Robert Flores, Class of 1988 A lifelong fan of athletics, Robert Flores was successful in pursuing his dream of becoming a national sports broadcaster. Flores began his broadcasting career as a weekend news anchor at KNOE-TV in Monroe, La. In 1994, he moved to KWTX-TV in Waco, where he spent six years covering Baylor and other regional sports teams. In 2005, Flores made the big leagues when he was hired on at ESPN. He currently co-anchors the channel’s popular SportsCenter segment. He also serves as an anchor for ESPNEWS and hosts studio updates during college football season. Trevor Cobb, Class of 1989 A star student athlete in several sports, Trevor Cobb went on to play professional football after high school. Following graduation, Cobb attended Rice University, where he shattered rushing records and Gonzalez wins PISD Spelling Bee Meador fourth-grader Andrea Gonzalez won the Pasadena Independent School District Spelling Bee Tuesday, Feb. 11, defeating students from 32 other elementary campuses. See related photo on Page 1A. Wedding, engagement policies Wedding writeups must be run in the newspaper, not submitted, in the time outlined: From wedding date to six weeks – photo and full article; Six weeks to three months – photo and limited information; After three months from wedding date – will not be run. Engagement and wedding announcements are published free of charge on a first come, first served basis. Information must be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the next issue. in 1991 won the Doak Walker Award as the nation’s best running back. After graduating from Rice, Cobb signed with the Kansas City Chiefs as a free agent. He later went on to play for the Chicago Bears. Following his retirement from football, Cobb founded Helping Hands, a charitable organization for special-needs children. He is currently rehabilitating from a stroke suffered last year. Fallen heroes Jerry Stowe, Class of 1971 A former Houston Police Department officer, Jerry Keith Stowe died Sept. 20, 2000, from injuries he received on duty in 1986. Following graduation, Stowe joined the police force with his twin brother, Jimmy. While responding to a domestic disturbance call, Stowe and another officer were attacked by family members of a female suspect. During the attack, the other officer was stabbed and Stowe was beaten and kicked. Stowe initially refused medical treatment but was later determined to have a ruptured spleen. He was placed on disability and died 10 years later at the age of 47. Although Stowe’s death was ruled a homicide, his attackers were not charged in his death due to double-jeopardy protections. Danny Frye, Class of 1978 A member of the U.S. Coast Guard, Lawrence Daniel Frye was killed at sea when his Galveston-based cutter, the USCGC Blackthorn, sank after colliding with a tanker in Tampa Bay. Frye, who served as a damage controlman third class for the fleet, had been a crew member for only 12 days when he and 22 of his shipmates were killed in the collision on Jan. 28, 1980. The incident took place just one week after his 21st birthday. Rescuers were able to save 27 of his fellow crew members. Fellow South Belt resident Thomas (Rick) Faulkner was also killed in the accident but did not attend Dobie and was not eligible to be inducted into the Hall of Honor. Robert Bebee, Class of 1990 A former member of the Houston Fire Department, Robert Bebee died in the line of duty Friday, May 31, 2013, while battling a five-alarm fire in a motel near the Southwest Freeway at Hillcroft. The blaze, which killed four firefighters and injured 14 more, was the deadliest in the Houston Fire Department’s 118year history. Bebee dedicated his life to public service, first working as a deputy for the Harris County Precinct 2 Constable’s office, before making the switch to become an HFD firefighter in August 2001. He also served six years working a second job at the Jersey Village Fire Department. This past September, Bebee’s family was presented a Star of Texas Award by Gov. Rick Perry. Faculty Scott Talton, athletics and history As head basketball coach of Dobie for 27 years, Scott Talton racked up more victories than any other in the school’s history. Talton’s teams won four district championships, six bi-district titles, four area titles and earned two regional tournament berths. He was named PISD coach of the year six times and Greater Houston coach of the year by the Houston Chronicle twice. He was instrumental in creating the McDonald’s Texas Invitational, whose MVP trophy is named in his honor, as is the Dobie basketball court. Talton died in 2009 at HBA releases results of 2014 judicial candidate The Houston Bar Association recently released the results of its 2014 Judicial Candidate Qualification Questionnaire. The results are posted on the HBA Web site at Before the primary in each election year, the HBA asks its members to indicate whether they feel each judicial candidate is qualified, well qualified or not qualified. Races in which there is only one candidate are not included. The 2014 Judicial Candidate Qualification Questionnaire includes races for the Supreme Court of Texas, the Court of Criminal Appeals, Attorney General, the Houston Courts of Appeals, Harris County District Courts, Harris County Courts at Law, Probate Courts, Justice of the Peace Courts, Harris County Clerk, Harris County District Attorney, Harris County District Clerk, and Harris County Judge. There were 1,573 HBA members who participated in the online questionnaire, or a return rate of 16 percent of eligible HBA members. Believing that an informed electorate is vital to the efficient administration of justice, the Houston Bar Association has conducted judicial polls since the early 1970s. The Judicial Candidate Qualification Questionnaire is not an endorsement by the Houston Bar Association. age 59. Community volunteer Ron Williams, Central Ace Hardware A 1971 Dobie graduate, Ron Williams is the CEO of Central Ace Hardware, which his parents founded more than four decades ago. While in high school, Williams served as student body president and was named a Dobie Trailblazer his senior year while participating in the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and Jets. Following graduation, Williams earned a Bachelor of Science degree in math from the University of Houston. Central Ace Hardware has been a strong supporter of several Dobie activities, including Project Graduation and Seniors Helping Seniors. The company, which Williams now owns and operates with his brother Mike and sister Sandra, has also been very supportive of local youth sports organizations, sponsoring several teams. Family Math & Science Night at Frazier Frazier Elementary hosted a Family Math & Science Night on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Students were invited to bring their families to participate in various math games and experiment with the robots that students in the Robotics Club have built. Dobie High School robotics students were also in attendance with their robots. Families had a lot of fun trying to drive the robots, and decided that it’s more difficult than it looks. Top left photo: Left to right, Alex Pena looks on as his daughters, Nallely and Nataly, participate in a math game. Also pictured is fourth-grade teacher Gracie Puente. Photos submitted Timothy Giang, Jamie Meza and Taelyn Ansley Gabbi Lazano and RJ Schreier Gerontology-geriatrics symposium at San Jac San Jac College and the University of HoustonDowntown will sponsor a symposium that focuses on gerontology, an interdisciplinary field that includes people who provide health care and other services to the elderly. The two-day symposium on Gerontology-Geriatrics Awareness and Education will be held on Friday, Feb. 21, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the San Jac North Campus Fine Arts Center auditorium, 5800 Uvalde Road. The symposium is for professionals who provide services for the elderly; people dealing with elderly family members; and students, especially those considering careers related to the elderly population. Gerontology is a rapidly growing allied health profession that deals with the psychosocial and cultural aspects of the aging process. It addresses common disease processes of aging and exploration of attitudes toward care of the elderly. San Jacinto College offers a geriatrics emphasis as part of the col- Master Gardeners set March events Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 recently announced their events for the month of March. Perennial and Tomato/Pepper Sale Master gardeners will hold their annual perennial and tomato/pepper sale on Saturday, March 8, at 7600 Red Bluff Road in Pasadena. Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms will give a plant overview at 8 a.m. Sale hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Green Thumb Series Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 Green Thumb Series will present an educational program on irrigation on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Clear Lake Park meeting room, (on the lakeside), 5001 NASA Parkway in Seabrook. The event is free and open to the public. Open Garden Day Open Garden Day will be held on Monday, March 17, at the Genoa Friendship Garden, 1202 Genoa Red Bluff Road. At 9:30 a.m., a program on pruning and garden cleanup will be presented. Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions. Hours are 8:30 to 11 a.m. The event is free and open to the public. Children are welcome. Third Wednesday Lecture Series Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 Third Wednesday Lecture Series is scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 19. Gene Spiller, Galveston city master gardener, will be speaking on How to Grow Peppers in the Southeast Region. The lecture will be in the Clear Lake Park meeting room, (on the lakeside), 5001 NASA Parkway in Seabrook. The event is free and open to the public. lege’s Licensed Vocation-al Nursing Programs at the North and South campuses. “The baby boom generation is beginning to retire. Our society is not prepared to deal medically, economically, politically or socially with issues of concern to this demographic bubble of the elderly,” commented J. Greg Getz, UH-D sociology professor and grant coordinator for the event. “This means that new jobs will become available in many occupational fields that connect generally to issues related to our elderly population. Under-standing the multidimensional process of aging is in all our interests.” The keynote presentation on Feb. 21 at 9 a.m. will be Money. • Psychology professor Tammy Miller, who will discuss emotional aspects of aging. • Mental health professor Alfred Lara, who will discuss trends in suicide and substance misuse among the elderly. • Biology professors Susan Lustick and Yuli Kainer, who will discuss aging and metabolic syndrome. • Psychology professor Darla Rocha, who will discuss cognitive aspects of aging. There is no charge to attend the symposium, but advance registration is re- quired. Online registration is available at atrics-gerontology-symp osium. Rooster fishin’ in Costa Rica Former Dobie teacher Jon Rascoe recently ventured on a fishing trip to Golfito, Costa Rica, with Dr. Ed Smallwood, a recently retired veterinary professor from NC State and an old high school buddy. They caught Pacific blue marlins, several sailfish, dorados and rooster fish. Their boat was out of the Zancudo Lodge which is on the southern tip of the Osa peninsula. Rascoe is pictured holding a 35-pound rooster fish. Photo submitted FREE REGISTRATION - Good Thru March 6 New enrollments only • This ad must be presented at time of enrollment & is not redeemable for cash Ms. Janetʻs Children of the Future, Inc. Child Care & Learning Center • Mon.-Fri. 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Ages served 6 weeks - 11 years I need a pregnancy test I need to know what to do We are here for you. We care!! Large Play Room, Breakfast/Snack, Hot Lunches, Dance, Library & Computer Room 281-484-0005 Beltway 8 South Crisis Pregnancy Center LOW PRICES Ms. Janetʼs is providing pick-up service from WEBER & PASADENA SCHOOLS, including MELILLO & MORRIS Middle Schools and SOUTH BELT Elementary. All Services are Free and Confidential Support Leader advertisers! Serving Vulnerable Older Adults by James Booker, Texas Adult Protective Services regional director. San Jacinto College professors who will give presentations at the symposium include: • Philosophy professor Edwin Aiman, whose presentation will be Philosophy and Aging: From the Ancient Greeks to Modern Times. • Nursing professor Robbie Murphy, whose presentation will be Aging in Place: Environmental, Physical, and Psychosocial Considerations. • Sociology professor Dr. James Semones, whose presentation will be Financial Planning 101: How to Ensure that You Will Not Outlive Your 281-484-2376 11590 Hughes Rd. @ BW8 281-538-5310 3007 Invincible Dr. League City 281-464-2366 12490 Scarsdale Blvd. CHURCH DIRECTORY New Covenant Christian Church Bill & Cheryl Hines This Sunday with Rev. Joni Sutton: Rev. James Burkart, Pastor Rev. Desmond Daniels, Parochial Vicar “Not the Jesus” 11011 Hall Rd. Houston, TX 77089 John 5: 31-40 10603 Blackhawk 281-484-4230 Kirkwood South Christian Church Bill & Cheryl Hines, Pastors (Disciples of Christ) We’ve Enlarged Our Day Care Facilities Register Now! 281-481-2003 WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Sunday The Catholic Community of Wednesday Early Service • 7:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting • 7:00 p.m. Sunday School • 9:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service • 7:45 p.m. Worship Service • 10:45 a.m. Nursery Available at all Services ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST Where God Makes Lives Better 10811 Kirkfair (At Beamer) 281-481-0004 Sunday School - 9 a.m. Worship for Everyone - 10 a.m. (between Beamer & Blackhawk) LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:15, 11:15 a.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. Misa en Espanol Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated Thursday 6 to 7 p.m Saturday 4 to 5 p.m. Parish Office 281-481-6816 Faith Formation 281-481-4251 Youth Ministry 281-481-4735 St. Luke’s offers ministries for ALL-families, men, women, youth, children, young adults, single, divorced, separated, widowed. Attend the Church of Your Choice Traditional Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. The Fountain (Contemporary) 5 p.m. Cokesbury United Methodist Church 281-484-9243 • 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. Page 6, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 Chamber Banquet brings out community leaders Watch next month for our MARCH COUPON SPECIALS WE’RE STILL THE SAME GREAT CAFE & BAKERY Pasadena Independent School District board members present were, left to right, Jack Bailey, Fred Roberts, Marshall Kendrick, Nelda Sullivan and PISD Superintendent Dr. Kirk Lewis. Call and ask about our COOKIE DECORATING PARTIES Ellington Coast Guard Commander Scott Langum and Harris County Dr. Brenda Hellyer and Dr. Kirk Lewis Judge Ed Emmett The Rev. Emory Gadd, master of ceremonies VISIT US OR CALL US FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS 14020 Galveston Road Suite 180 Webster, Texas 77598 281-218-6744 Catering - 713-412-8807 5968 Fairmont Parkway Suite F Pasadena, Texas 77505 281-487-1400 Catering - 281-979-6846 Sami Khaleeq and Terry Felton, manager Almeda Mall State Sen. Sylvia Garcia and Constable Chris Diaz Asim and Nadia Tufail and Lauren and Seth Laake Laura and Dr. B.J. Garner Photos by Marie Flickinger State Rep. Carol Alvarado, Southeast Volunteer Fire Department Chief Chuck Tylka and State Sen. Sylvia Garcia Sherry Applewhite, Billy Burge, Dave Matthews and Chris Clark Rev. Emory Gadd and wife Susan, and Bobbi and Judge George Risner Judge George Risner, Kim Bellotte, State Sen. Sylvia Garcia and Derek Darnell J State Sen. Larry Taylor and State Rep. Carol Alvarado J Sam Archiniega and Rosanne Kerr J J J J BrendaMitchell, Bob Mitchell and County Tax Carol Wilson, Dr. Catherine O’Brien and Jeff O’Brien Assessor-Collector Mike Sullivan. Rebecca Lilley and Rick Rivera Military Veteran-still in service Pro 2nd Amendment NRA and Texas CHL Instructor Houston Chronicle Endorsed United Republicans Endorsed Pro Life, Texas Life PAC Endorsed Business owner and resident of the South Belt-Ellington Community Thursday, February 20, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 1 SECTION B SPORTS & CLASSIFIED North Shore hoops ends Brook’s season Chassidy Harris finished her high school basketball career with 17 points, but it wasn’t enough as District 21-5A champion North Shore exited with a 60-47 area round playoff victory Feb. 14, at Phillips Field House. North Shore (28-6) led by three points at halftime but widened the gap to 38-29 entering the fourth quarter. Over that final eight minutes, the two teams went back and forth, with North Shore holding on. Harris, who has signed a letter of intent to play women’s volleyball with Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., led the way for Clear Brook. Twon Mackey chipped in with 11 points. CB baseball rallies, bests Morton Ranch Trailing 6-2 after four innings, the Clear Brook varsity baseball team refused to let its 2014 season opener be spoiled by Morton Ranch Feb. 17. Instead, Mike Britt came up with the game-winning hit in the bottom of the seventh inning, allowing the Wolverines to escape with a 7-6 victory over the Mavericks. Brook plated three runs in the bottom of the fifth to get within 6-5 before the seventh-inning heroics. Corey Julks led the way for Clear Brook offensively, going 4 for 4 with a pair of doubles and two runs batted in. Kyle Jakubic and Cody Williams also had a pair of hits in the win and the Wolverines no doubt will take some momentum into the La Porte High School-sponsored David Anzaldua Varsity Baseball Tournament Feb. 20-22 (see related story below). Dobie football units set March 1 banquet At long last, the Dobie High School football banquet is set to celebrate the 2013 season with a March 1 banquet at the school. Tickets for the Saturday, March 1 (5 to 7 p.m) banquet are $10 for students and $15 for adults. Dobie’s Vargas a cut above SJC softball program A true homegrown Pasadena ISD tennis program product, Ruben Vargas is an example of what can be done while putting in plenty of hard work – and having a little fun along the way. Not yet done with his junior season as a varsity tennis player at Dobie High School, Vargas is well on his way to becoming one of the finest ever to swing a racket for the Longhorns. “I can’t speak about some of the players who competed at Dobie in the ’70s and ’80s because I wasn’t here, but Ruben could easily be the best player we’ve had since I’ve been around,” Dobie head coach Manuel Moreno Jr. said. “It’s really been a process for him, coming in as a freshman and learning from some of the seniors at that time up to now. He’s really matured both on and off the court, and his results on the court have reflected that.” Vargas’ father, Ruben Vargas Sr., played quite a few sports and eventually became an elite tennis player in Mexico. The elder Vargas moved his family to the United States when Ruben Jr. was very young. By the age of 5 though, he had a tennis racket in his hand while learning the game from his father. Once at Beverly Hills Intermediate, Vargas joined the springtime tennis program under was his sport. the guidance of Ronnie “When you reach sevThomas. By the time he enth grade, you have to was in the seventh grade, start picking your sport,” Vargas said he knew tennis Continued on Page 6B Dobie varsity tennis player Ruben Vargas has enjoyed a standout career to this point and could very well develop into one of the best-ever to take to the Longhorns’ courts, according to head coach Manuel Moreno Jr. Photo by John Bechtle The cost includes a catered meal to be served during the event. The tickets will be sold during Dobie High School’s megalunch sesA game matching Clear games at the Brenham ISD Dobie also went 3-3 while ment. Something has to sions Monday, Feb. 24, Tuesday, Feb. 25, and Brook against Dobie high- Invitational Feb. 13-15. taking part in the Bryan/ give as the two teams lights the first day of the Over the same weekend, College Station tourna- meet at the CCISD event. Thursday, Feb. 27. Clear Creek ISD Varsity Softball Classic Feb. 20 at Clear Brook. The Lady Wolverines will host the Lady LongGames involving Dobie, Brook horns in a 10 a.m. matchup, and other games will Feb. 20: Dobie vs. Clear Brook, 10 a.m. at Brook; Dobie take place at Brook as well as Clear Lake, Clear vs. La Porte, 2 p.m. at Brook; Brook vs. Barbers Hill, 6 Creek, Clear Springs and Clear Falls both Feb. 21 p.m. at Brook and Feb. 22 as well. Clear Brook and Do- Feb. 21: Goose Creek vs. Clear Brook, 10 a.m. at Brook; bie will enter the second Call USA KARATE weekend of the season Dobie vs. Lutheran South, noon at Lake; Brook vs. Elafter both experienced kins, 2 p.m. at Brook; Dobie vs. Chavez, 2 p.m. at Lake for details mixed results to open the Feb. 22: South Houston vs. Clear Brook, 10 a.m. at USA KARATE - 11101 RESOURCE PARKWAY season. The Lady Wolverines, (Behind Sonic) fresh off a trip to the area Brook; Dobie vs. Dickinson, noon at Creek; Dobie vs. playoff round a season 281-484-9006 ago, went 3-3 over six Kingwood Park, 4 p.m. at Brook Softball – Brook, Dobie to meet Clear Creek ISD Invitational USA KARATE Karate for the Whole Family! Four Lessons & Uniform Only $25 Toni Muse Is At The TOP!! Direct 832-200-5648 Cell 281-389-6519 BellaVita – This 3 bedroom beauty with study features wood floors, tile and carpet. A chef’s dream if you want a big kitchen, great for entertaining. Designer paint colors and window coverings. Has all the bells and whistles, including master suite and luxury bath. Formal dining. Call to see this beauty at 2411 E Tuschman. ML#69702851. CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE! ToniMuse.Net Remax Hall of Fame Member, Moving Families For 30 Years! Five Star Realtor 2012-2013, Texas Monthly magazine Simon ◆ O’Rourke, PC PRACTICE AREAS: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Workers Comp Refinery/Offshore DWI Criminal FREE Soccer teams fight for position at midway point Nearly midway through the first half of most district races in varsity boys’ and girls’ soccer, teams are jockeying for position with a playoff push in mind. As far as the respective teams at Dobie and Clear Brook are concerned, little has been solidified to this point, so the focal point will be to continue to win games. Dobie to visit Pearland Emotions will no doubt be running a little bit stronger than normal when the Dobie varsity boys’ team travels to Pearland to take on the Oilers Friday, Feb. 21, at The Rig. For many Dobie players, the game marks the chance for the Longhorns to go head to head against the team’s former varsity head coach, Jesse Saavedra. A Dobie graduate, Saavedra led the Longhorns to three Region The varsity baseball season has arrived. Clear Brook’s varsity team fell behind 6-2 Feb. 17, at home to Morton Ranch before coming back for a 7-6 win. Thus, the Wolverines will now enter the David Anzaldua Invitational in La Porte in good spirits as the season gets going. Meanwhile, the Do- bie Longhorns will begin their 2014 campaign at the Humble ISD Invitational, where they will play five games over the course of three days. Whereas Clear Brook will be led this season by pitcher Matt Svehla and infielder Corey Julks, both college signees, the Longhorns were hoping for a big season from pitcher/ Brook at Anzaldua Classic Let us fight for you! Feb. 20-22, La Porte ISD In the Chase building on Fuqua 281-667-4081 one final game against Pearland in the first half. Dobie could certainly use the three points that come with a win, however, Pearland (0-4-1), currently last in the standings, needs the points even more. Memorial, perhaps the surpsise team to this point, has collected 17 points to go along with its 5-0-1 first-place mark. Pasadena is next with 15 points (5-1-0), and the Continued on Page 2B Tournament varsity baseball set CONSULTATION 11550 Fuqua, Suite 360 III tournament final four appearances over five years before leaving the program to take over the boys’ soccer program at Pearland. The match certainly features sideline stories, but the most important thing for both teams is getting a win. Dobie, despite a shootout win over Sam Rayburn Feb. 17, is hanging on to the fourth and final playoff seed with Feb. 20: Brook vs. Deer Park 10 a.m. at Deer Park H.S.; outfielder Travarus Ansley. But Ansley will be absent to start 2014, as will proven starting pitcher Michael Munoz, who is recovering from arm isues. At the moment, coach Miguel Torres’ team will turn to veterans Ruben Guevara, Marcos Martinez Jacob Mendoza and Munoz offensively. On the mound, Dobie will play two games on opening day at Humble. In either order, Torres will likely start Kevin Caballero and Eric Garza. Waylon Shofner has also earned an opportunity. During the preseason, Torres knew the primary areas of concern moving forward were vacancies at second base and shortstop. Mendoza has stepped up at Continued on Page 2B Feb. 20: JFD vs. G.C. Memorial at Deer Park H.S., 12:30 p.m. JFD at Kingwood Park, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22: Brook vs. Texas City 10 a.m., at La Porte High School Feb. 21: JFD vs. Beaumont West Brook 4 p.m., at Humble H.S. and what a combination they have formed. Through those 15 games, Stein is 5-1 with a 2.10 earned run average. Smith, meanwhile, is 3-1 with a 1.29 ERA. San Jacinto opened its tournament with a 3-1 win over Iowa Western Feb. 14 as Ragsdale and Donaldson had two hits apiece. Smith got the pitching win, scattering four hits while going the distance. Iowa Western’s lone run Continued on Page 2B DIXIE DELI 364A FM 1959 (between I-45 & Hwy 3) 281-484-3083 Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. DAILY SPECIAL – $4.99 6” PO-BOY, CHIPS & DRINK Our Burgers are the Original “Old Fashioned” Hamburgers. We Accept Credit! Celebrating Our 32nd Year ecial Sp Over 3 Million Sold With Coupon Hamburger, Fries and Med. Drink $4.99 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 281-481-1491 • 10606 Fuqua • Roy Shiflett Realtors "The Company You'll Keep" 281-481-3733 Celebrating “44” years! ! gents Top A Service! r io r n! e Sup al Attentio n lts! u Perso s e R itive = Pos We’re selling homes for TOP DOLLAR $$$ Let’s Make YOURS Next! FANTASTIC 3/2/2 - Granite Countertops/Custom Tiled Backsplash -Updated Tile Flooring Thru-Out! Roof! New Paint - Great Backyard W/ Huge Covered Patio! Must See! Call Troy, $114,900. NEW LISTING! WOOD MEADOW - 4/2/2 W/POOL! Completely Updated Home w/Granite C-tops, C-tile, Laminate Wood Floors in Living & Bdrms! Updated Baths, new Fixtures and much More! Must See! $153,000 Call Tami, 713-628-4157. NEW LISTING-RIVERSTONE RANCH-CORNER LOT! 4/2.5/2 Beautifully landscaped corner lot! 20’ ceiling in living w/corner gas log fireplace! Huge kitchen,Tiled backsplash & gas range! Downstairs master! Lg.upstairs gameroom! Great backyard patio! Sep. breaker box for storm generator. $178,500. NEW LISTING - PEARLAND - GATED AREA - Beautiful 4/2.5/2 w/Front Porch! Hardwood Floors! Open Floor Plan! Lg. Kitchen w/Corian C-tops - Over 2,600 sq. ft. Must See! $215,000. Call Tami. $$ SOLD TOP $$ SOLD TOP Kwik Kar ® Mon-Sat 8am-7pm Sun 9am-5pm FREE Full Service Car Wash Car Wash Club $2 OFF Unlimited Package Wash With Full Service Oil Change Washes for $12 Value! 39 99 per vehicle Feb. 22: JFD at Summer Creek H.S. 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Offensively, Sarah Ragsdale, Loren Donaldson and Carah Nunez are still rolling through the early portion of the season. Among statistics posted after 15 games, Ragsdale is hitting .460, with Donaldson at .383. Nunez, the lone freshman among the trio, leads the team with 13 runs driven in through 15 games. Saenz has also largely turned to the one-two punch of Karri Smith and Bridget Stein in the circle, C&D Burger Shop Feb. 20-22, Humble ISD 1:30 p.m., at Kingwood Park H.S.; 3 p.m., at La Porte H.S. The San Jacinto College women’s softball team obviously deserves to be nationally ranked. The team proved as much Feb. 14-16 at the San Jacinto College Invitational, going 4-1 overall in games against two teams already in the National Junior College Athletic Association preseason poll. The locals went 1-1 against defending national champion and current No. 1 Wallace State Community College-Hanceville. In addtion, San Jacinto did its best to knock No. 12 Iowa Western out of the rankings altogether, handing the visitors three defeats. At 13-2, SJC is off to a fast start but still has a long way to go. Still, coach Kelly Saenz is pleased by what she has seen on the field in the opening three weeks of the season. “We’re just collectively doing what it takes to win games,” Saenz said. “We really didn’t hit the ball as well as we did (the previous weekend) in Galveston, but we still found ways to win games.” Dobie at Humble Invitational Brook vs. Baytown Sterling Feb. 21: Brook vs. La Porte tops national powers 30 Days (Ocean Wash Package) Includes vacuum & wash Receive $2 Off Any One of the Following Package Wash! Choose From: •Ocean Breeze reg $16.99 •Blue Ocean reg $21.99 •Ocean Signature reg $26.99 “24 Hour Rain Check” Add $1 for Trucks, Vans, SUVs & Limos Expires 3/23/14 Not valid with any other offer SENIOR SPECIAL TUES. $3 OFF* LADIES SPECIAL WED. $3 OFF* Not valid with any other offer Page 2, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 Baseball teams take tournament aim Continued from Page 1B shortstop after playing primarily in the outfield a season ago. Tyler Myers is an option at second base. On the mound, Torres was banking on having Ansley, Isaac Belle and perhaps Munoz to open the season. None of those will be available at the Humble tournament. Munoz threw two innings in a scrimmage and is building his arm strength. In addition to the three Torres mentioned as candidates to pitch in Humble, there are others who could step in. “The door is always open for someone to step up and grab a role,” Torres said. “Coming into every season, pretty much every position is available. Competition is a good thing. “We’ve had success at each of our levels these past couple of seasons, so someone is always ready to take that next step. It’s always rewarding as a coach to see some of these younger players flourish right in front of your eyes.” San Jacinto softball now 13-2 Continued from Page 1B was unearned. The following day, San Jac again downed Iowa Western, this time 4-1. Jessie Rodriguez smacked a two-run homer to lead the way and Nunez also had a pair of hits. Stein allowed eight hits but was able to pitch her way out of trouble along the way. Iowa Western’s run was unearned. Going against No. 1 Wallace State, San Jacinto surrendered three runs in the bottom of the fifth as Wallace State won 5-3. San Jacinto was able to later turn the tables, winning 5-3 as five different players drove in runs to support Smith in the circle. In that big win, San Jac got a leadoff homer from Brigitte Gauvin to start the top of the sixth as the locals went on to score two more in the frame. San Jacinto finished off the tournament with a 6-3 victory against Iowa Western, which played in the national tournament a season ago. “In our one loss, we just weren’t even close to being on our game,” Saenz said. “That is going to happen during the course of a season. “The important thing is we came right back out and won some big games against national-level competition. “We have focused on getting better at every practice and approaching every game one at a time. “We only have 16 players, and four of those are pitchers. Players know their roles and what is expected of them. It’s been a great start.” SJC men’s hoops wins 1,500th game The San Jacinto College men’s basketball team captured its 1,500th victory with a win over Victoria College Jan. 21, securing a milestone paved by decades of coaches and players who left their mark with winning records and winning teams. “This milestone shows how consistent our men’s basketball program has been over its 52 years of existence,” said head coach Scott R. Gernander, himself a former player in the program. “To select some star players from over the years is a difficult task because of the many, many players who have contributed to those 1,500 wins.” The men’s basketball program has proved its consistency throughout the years with an aver- JFD hospitality staffers provide coaches a delicious meal age of over 28 wins per season, four national championships, four national runner-ups and 19 appearances at the National Junior College Athletic Association national tournament in Hutchinson, Kan. Some of the team’s most dynamic players have gone on to break records and enjoy professional careers in the National Basketball Association as well as overseas. Ollie Taylor led San Jacinto College to the national runner-up title in 1967 and followed that up by leading the team to its first national title in 1968. Taylor holds the NJCAA record for most points scored in a single season. Thomas Henderson was an All-American at San Jacinto College and later was the leading scorer on the U.S. Olympic team that lost the controversial gold medal game to Russia in 1972. He later won an NBA World Championship with the then Washington Bullets. Ray Williams was another All-American, whose career later catapulted to the New York Knicks and New Jersey Nets for 10 years. Other San Jac players who have made it to the NBA include Walter Berry, Ledell Eackles, Steve Francis and Sam Cassell, who played for the Houston Rockets and won three World Championships and recorded more than 15,000 points and 6,000 assists. Francis led SJC to the The San Jacinto College men’s basketball team captured its 1,500th victory Jan. 21 and is currently 20-4 overall. The program has proved its consistency over 52 years with an average of more than 28 wins per season, four national championships, four national runner-ups and 19 appearances at the national tournament in Hutchinson, Kan. Above is current sophomore guard Carrington Ward (0). Photo by Jeannie Peng-Armao national finals. “It truly is impossible to name all the players who have contributed to the San Jacinto College team’s success,” said Gernander, adding that each of the coaches have led the program to winnings. His father, Scott Gernander, served as the San Jacinto College men’s basketball head coach for 24 years. “I was born the year San Jac won its second national championship and had already accumulated 600-plus wins. “I was fortunate enough to grow up watching San Jacinto College basketball and to be a part of the program as a player, assistant coach and now head coach.” This year brought an entirely new team to represent the college. Gernander said it took time to find the right chemistry and for the firsttime players to learn how to play together. At 20-4 with an 11-2 conference record heading into play Feb. 19, the team has enjoyed a 10-game winning streak. Clearly, the team has high hopes. The most consistent team members have been Anthony Livingston, averaging a double-double (17.5 points and 10.4 rebounds) and Carrington Ward, averaging 17.1 points and leading the team in assists and steals. “Naturally, the players and coaches who have been at San Jacinto College are a major reason for a school being able to win this many games,” said Gernander. “However, scholarships, facilities and the coaching staffs would not be where they are today if not for the supportive administration and board of trustees of San Jacinto College.” Coaching staff members and other dignitaries enjoyed a wonderful lasagna lunch with all of the trimmings during the Jerry Franklin/Bobby Kramer Invitational Tennis Tournament Feb. 14, at Dobie High School, courtesy of select Longhorn students. Prep work was done the day prior, and come tournament time, food plates fed those at Dobie as well as several other tournament stops. According to Dobie tennis coach Manuel Moreno Jr., Dobie Hospitality coordinator Amber Allan (second from left) and her students have donated their time and energies over the past three or four seasons. Those assisting Allan this year included, left to right, sophomore Steven Galvan and juniors Alejandro Silva and Jessena Luna. During the rest of the school year, students in the program typically intern at an area hotel two days a week and provide catering and staffing when needed on other occasions. Dobie Hospitality is also, according to Allan, hard at work during the annual McDonald’s Texas Invitational basketball tournament each Novemeber. Soccer programs maneuver district positioning Continued from Page 1B Sam Rayburn Texans are third at 4-0-2, good for 13 points. Dobie, the defending District 22-5A champion, is simply fighting to hold off the others for a playoff berth at present. Dobie (2-3-1 for 8 points) can deal last-place Pearland a serious blow as far as the playoffs are concerned. Dobie girls also fourth After a strong season in 2013, the Memorial varsity girls’ team has emerged as the leader near the end of the first half of district play. With 18 points, including six straight wins, the Lady Mavs lead the way with 18 points. Pearland, which takes on Dobie at Veterans Stadium Saturday, Feb. 22, at 10 a.m., is second. Alvin, which already owns a shootout win over Dobie for a point, is third at 4-1-1, followed by 3-11 Dobie. At this point, the top four playoff seeds are set, even if the order isn’t. It’s going to take a major SJC Central hosts Spring Sports Day San Jacinto College will host the 2014 Spring Sports Day on Feb. 27 for all Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Consortium member teams. The host site for a decade, San Jacinto College will welcome approximately 250 participants for games in coed soccer, flag football, men’s basketball, coed volleyball, men’s and women’s golf, table tennis and billiards. Butch Sutton, director of campus recreation, said participation in this event is an honor for selected recreational sports teams from community colleges. “Recreational sports directors consider the GCIC Spring Sports Day as a reward for participants in their programs,” said Sutton, who has served as the GCIC Sports Day chairman for more than 20 years. The Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Consortium is a partnership among 16 community colleges in the greater Houston area. The member colleges host events throughout the year to enhance the academic experience for the students and allow them to develop professional practice. In April, GCIC will sponsor Beach Day at Stewart Beach, featuring events in volleyball, soccer and flag football. The 2014 Spring Sports Day will kick off at 9 a.m. at the San Jacinto College Central campus, located at 8060 Spencer Highway in Pasadena. The event is free to fans. step forward for Rayburn, South Houston, Manvel or Pasadena to get into the mix. Brook teams in the hunt The District 24-5A ranks in both boys’ and girls’ play have been competitive all season. With roughly half the season to go, the only goal is to make the playoffs. In boys’ play, the Wolverines are looking to chase down Clear Lake at the top of the standings, and the rest of the league has played well. The Wolverines advanced to the area round a season ago out of 24-5A and would love to again make the playoffs. As for the Lady Wolverines, the team is holding its own in perhaps the most talent-rich league in the region, with Clear Falls and Clear Springs playing very well. 22-5A Varsity Boys’ Soccer Standings Teams Memorial Pasadena Sam Rayburn Dobie Alvin South Houston Manvel Pearland W 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 0 L 0 1 0 3 4 4 4 4 T 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 Pts. 17 15 13 8 6 5 4 4 22-5A Varsity Girls’ Soccer Standings Teams Memorial Pearland Alvin Dobie Sam Rayburn South Houston Pasadena Manvel W 6 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 L 0 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 T 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 Pts. 18 15 14 10 4 3 3 1 Texas Eclipse 10-U goes unbeaten, wins in South Houston Walker wins Super Swish basketball test At right, South Belt Elementary fourth-grade student Zaire Walker won the City of Pasadena’s youth basketball Super Swish free throw contest in the 9-10-yearold division, making 14 of 15 free throws for the victory. Walker is active in several sports activities, including the Rising Stars Track Club. The South Belt based Texas Eclipse 10-under select baseball team went 5-0 Saxton, (middle row) coach Daniel Ramirez, Allan Gonzalez, Matthew Corto take the 2014 NAS Spring Season Kickoff Championship Feb. 15-16, at tez, Jay Paquinto, Christian Torres, Matthew Castillo, and Matthew Arnesen, Christy Field in South Houston. Members of the team are, left to right, (front (back row) coaches Jose Torres, Jay Paquinto and Joseph Lind. row) Zachary Ramirez, Bryce Sanchez, Marcus Lind, Matt Castellano, Ryan Thursday, February 20, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 3 Sports Calendar Area news, notes BASEBALL Thursday, Feb. 20 Brook varsity at La Porte tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Humble tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Dickinson tourn., TBA Brook JV at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Pasadena tourn., TBA Friday, Feb. 21 Brook varsity at La Porte tournament, TBA Dobie varsity at Humble tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Dickinson tourn., TBA Brook JV at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Pasadena tourn., TBA Saturday, Feb. 22 Brook varsity at La Porte tournament, TBA Dobie varsity at Humble tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Dickinson tourn., TBA Brook JV at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Pasadena tourn., TBA Thursday, Feb. 27 Brook varsity at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Pasadena ISD tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Pearland ISD tourn., TBA Brook JV at Spring Branch ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Friday, Feb. 28 Brook varsity at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Pasadena ISD tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Pearland ISD tourn., TBA Brook JV at Spring Branch ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Lady Rockets’ 9-10s, 11-12s headed to championship Rising Stars track The Rising Stars youth track and field program is still hosting registration each Saturday through February, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Dobie High School track. Those who wish may also sign up online by visiting the team’s website at Ongoing team practices include Fridays from 4 p.m. to dark, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon and Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m. For more information, call head coach Ivory Kimble at 832-561-1248 or team president Chancellor Dickson at 832-340-8269. A late fee will apply after Friday, Feb. 28. 11-under select baseball An 11-under select baseball program in the South Belt area is seeking players for United States Specialty Sports Association tournament play this spring. Call Craig Redmon at 281-236-5112 or Aaron Longoria at 713-478-0078 for details. SBHLL carnival vendors The Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League is seeking crafts, food and merchandise vendors to participate in the league’s opening day carnival on Saturday, March 1. Booth spaces are $100 per vendor. Those interested may email league officials at SBHLL opening ceremonies will be held Friday, Feb. 28, with the carnival and a leaguewide parade the following morning. League play begins Monday, March 3. Members of the South Belt Lady Rockets 9-10 and 11-12-year-old division teams are enjoying terrific 2014 seasons in the City of Pasadena youth league, with the championship round upcoming. Members of the respective teams are, left to right, (front row) Alise Williams, Gabriella Lo- zano, Krystal Benitez, Vanessa Lam, Maya Scott, Alyssa Garza, Zamira Lewis, (back row) head coach David Lam, Ashley Lam, Lyari Rodriguez, Mia Prince, Madison Garrett, Kayla Prince, Alyssa Cervantes, Jennifer Lopez and assistant coach Rodrigo Benitez. San Jacinto College baseball legends come back home Saturday, March 1 Brook varsity at Clear Creek ISD tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Pasadena ISD tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Pearland ISD tourn., TBA Brook JV at Spring Branch ISD tourn., TBA Brook sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA Dobie sophomores at Brazoswood tourn., TBA SOFTBALL Thursday, Feb. 20 Brook varsity hosts Clear Creek tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Friday, Feb. 21 San Jacinto College at Temple tourn., TBA Brook varsity hosts Clear Creek tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Saturday, Feb. 22 San Jacinto College at Temple tourn., TBA Brook varsity hosts Clear Creek tourn., TBA Dobie varsity at Clear Creek tourn., TBA Tuesday, Feb. 25 Brook varsity hosts Friendswood, 6:30 Dobie varsity vs. South Houston, PISD, 6:30 Brook JV hosts Friendswood, 5:00 Dobie JV vs. South Houston, PISD, 5:00 Thursday, Feb. 27 Dobie varsity at Missouri City tourn., TBA Dobie JV at Pasadena Memorial tourn., TBA Friday, Feb. 28 San Jacinto College at NFCA Leadoff Classic, TBA Brook varsity at Sweeny, 6:30 Brook JV at Sweeny, 5:00 SOCCER Friday, Feb. 21 Brook varsity girls host Brazoswood, 7:30 Brook varsity boys at Brazoswood, 7:00 Dobie varsity boys at Pearland, Rig, 7:00 Brook JV boys at Brazoswood, 5:00 Brook JV girls host Brazoswood, 5:30 Brook JV (B) girls host Brazoswood, 4:00 Dobie JV boys at Pearland, Rig, 5:00 Above, a highlight from the Tournament of Champions at San Jacinto College was the Legends Ceremony, during which former San Jacinto College baseball players who went on to play professionally, as well as those who excelled as college players, were honored for their contributions to the San Jac baseball program. Shown at the ceremony were, left to right, (front row): Ruth Keenan, San Jacinto College Foundation executive director; head baseball coach Tom Arrington, Dan Mims, San Jacinto College Board of Trustees chairman; San Jacinto College Chancellor Dr. Brenda Hellyer; (second row): Carey Nelson, Ali Gator (team mascot), Rocky Luetge (representing his son Lucas Luetge), David Rollins, Jesse Crain, Russell Revere, Ryan Jorgensen, Tommy Collier, Brandon Hicks, Andy Pettitte, Tanner Hines; Collin Lippert, Brandon Belt, Justin O’Bannon, Matt Albers, Daniel Stumpf, Robert Manuel, Matt Headly, Jarred Wells, Chris Kelley and SJC assistant coaches Kory Koehler, D.J. Wilson and Jimmy Durham. The San Jacinto College 2014 baseball team is shown on the field behind the group. Photo by Rob Vanya At right, San Jacinto College Board of Trustees Vice Chairman Larry Wilson, (right) visited with Houston Astros pitcher Jesse Crain at the Legends Ceremony prior to the baseball game at the college on Feb. 7, during which former San Jacinto College players who went on to play professionally were honored for their contributions. Wilson, active in the Pasadena and Deer Park communities for many years, coordinated transportation for relatives of John Ray Harrison to the ceremony. The college’s baseball stadium is named after Harrison. Submitted photo Tuesday, Feb. 25 Brook varsity boys at Clear Springs, 7:00 Brook varsity girls host Clear Springs, 7:30 Brook JV girls host Clear Springs, 5:30 Brook JV boys at Clear Springs, 5:00 Brook JV (B) girls host Clear Springs, 4:00 TENNIS Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21-22 Dobie varsity at Spring Fling tourn., (Corpus Chr.) TBA CALENDAR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. Noon Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit www.hapson for a complete list of services offered. 5:30 p.m. Texas German Society, South Belt (Southeast) Chapter – A social group interested in the culture, music, heritage and language of the immigrants in early German settlements in Texas. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 10310 Scarsdale Blvd. Visitors are welcome. Call 281-4811238 for more information. 7 p.m. Al-Anon (English Speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 215. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. Alateen – Provides support for teenage children, friends and family members of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 212. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 10 a.m. Interfaith Care Partners – Interfaith Care Partners ministry has been established at Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, 10727 Hartsook Street in Houston, near Almeda Mall. The gathering is for persons with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes and similar disabilities and their caretakers is provided on the third Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The gathering consists of a continental-type breakfast, arts and crafts, exercises, entertainment, a sing-a-long, devotional break, lunch, and ends with a bingo game. Those who have a family member or know of someone with these challenges are welcome to attend. For additional information, call the church office at 713-946-5768; Claudia Rojas, Interfaith Care Partners, at 713-682-5995; or visit the website at Noon Moving Forward Women’s Adult Children Anonymous – The ACA group meets Fridays at noon at the Up The Street Club in Webster, 508 Nasa Parkway, in room 4. ACA is a 12-step program of hope, healing and recovery for people who grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes. For more information, call 281-286-1431. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – “Breakfast with Bill” each Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 11 a.m. Al-Anon Meeting (Women Only, English) – For persons whose lives are affected by someone who is addicted. Each Saturday morning at 11 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Cornell Conference Room #111. Call 281487-8787, or just drop in. 6 p.m. Frontier Squares – Meets to square dance at the Westminster Academy at 670 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Refreshments provided. For more information, contact Gina Sherman at 281-554-5675 or visit www.fron 7:30 p.m. Pearland Overeaters Anonymous HOW Meeting – Saturdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Open discussion. Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery PARC, 2245 N. Main St., Suite 2, Pearland 77581. (Located on Hwy 35, just north of Broadway). The group’s primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive overeating and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer. Call 713 865-1611 for information, or just drop in. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 2 p.m. Grief Support Group – For any adult who has lost a loved one. Meets every Sunday, except Mother’s Day, Easter and Christmas from 2 to 3:15 p.m. at First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. For more information, call 281-487-8787. 5:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery – A faith-based 12-Step Program meets every Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Educational Building at Life Church in Houston at 9900 Almeda Genoa. Call 713-419-2635 for more information or to RSVP for child care. 6:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – For persons who are trying to overcome drug addiction. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Fellowship Hall 4. Call 281-4878787, or just drop in. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Candlelight Meeting Sunday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 9 a.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd., Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 10 a.m. Al-Anon Deer Park – Mondays 10 to 11 a.m. Literature Study. In His Presence Fellowship Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park. Enter through Fellowship Hall in back of church. Call 409 454-5720 for information, or just drop in. 11:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous Deer Park – 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Literature Study. In His Presence Fellowship Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park. Enter through Fellowship Hall in back of church. Call 409 454-5720 for information, or just drop in. Continued on Page 4B Let the Leader help with your advertising. 281481-5656 Page 4, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 HELP WANTED Experienced Food Service Manager Ms. Janetʻs Children of the Future Childcare and Learning Center is Lutheran South Academy NOW H I R I N G ! Monday-Friday - Hours may vary Part time to start, possible full time opportunity For 800+ students; Requires good communication skills Interviews start immediately #1 - 11590 Hughes Rd. @ BW8 Send resume - include salary or hourly wage history • Experienced Pre-K Teacher 281-484-2376 #2 Scarsdale - 12490 Scarsdale Gail Dorth RD LD 12555 Ryewater Drive 77089 Fax (281) 464-6119 A-BETTER PLUMBING is 281-464-2366 • Part Time Teacher for 2-year-olds #3 League City - 3007 Invincible Dr. 281-538-5310 • Cook • Infant Teacher • Toddler Teacher • 2 year old Teacher NOW HIRING Experienced Plumbers Please Call 281-692-1684 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY – WILL TRAIN –– Please Apply in Person –– Support Leader advertisers! Need Help Around The Office? ESTATE SALE Let the Leader advertise your job openings! THE JAMES HARRIS ESTATE SALE 11504 Island Breeze St. Pearland, TX 77584 Just bring your ads to our office by noon Tuesday or use the mail slot by the front door. Thur, Fri & Sat: Feb. 20th-22nd 9 AM - 6 PM Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 1 PM - 6 PM 11555 Beamer 281-481-5656 For Details and Complete Contents of Home Visit: Call: 281-388-1075 LEADER READERS 25 Words - $8 for 1 week - 3 Weeks - $22; Business: 25 Words - $10 for 1 week • 3 Weeks - $27 AUTO FOR SALE: 2000 Mercury Grand Marquis Limited. Original owner. $4,250. Call 281-610-5046 2-20 COMPUTER SOUTHBELT - Data-Systems - Hard Drive Data Recovery - Linux Installation. 10909 Sabo, Suite 120, 281922-4160. E-mail: sds@ TF COMPUTER REPAIR. Brand new Windows 7 or 8 Desktop & Laptop Computers for sale. Deal with a technician, not a salesman. Call Harry at 713-991-1355. 3-6 GARAGE SALE 10906 HOFFER Fri & Sat, Feb 21 & 22, 8 a.m. Clothes, furniture, etc. Come by and see what you can find! 2-20 8234 TAVENOR LANE, Skyscraper Shadows, Saturday, February 22 only, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Furniture, bikes, dishes and much more. Everything must go. 2-20 Leader Reader Ads Personal: 25 Words - $8 • 3 Weeks $22 Business: 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27 help you! no changes, no refunds ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Make checks payable to: South Belt-Ellington Leader 11555 Beamer Road, Houston, TX 77089 After Hours: Use mail slot in front of building facing Beamer. 281-481-5656 Place an ad in the South Belt-Ellington Leader's weekly Real Estate section! 11555 Beamer 281481-5656 Need Help Finding Your Dream Home? Let the Leader Classifieds Be Your Guide! LOCAL AND REGIONAL DRIVERS WANTED! E.W.Wylie Offers • $2,000 Sign On Bonus • $50 Tarp Pay - Great Benefits! • % Pay for Local Drivers • Home Daily (Local), Home Weekly (Regional); Great Benefits! *Req’d: CDL-A, 1 yr exp, 23 yrs old Call 855-826-6593 Get local news and updates between issues! CALL TODAY ! 832-768-6292 or ADRIANS SERVICES.COM TREE 713-269-5262 Let us Join us on Facebook! WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS TREE REMOVAL • STUMP REMOVAL • FIRE WOOD/ BARBEQUE WOOD •TREE TRIMMING • TOPPING • HAUL OFF • PRUNING • SHAPING Call Ann at Ads Are Not Taken Over The Phone washers, generators, chainsaws, 2-cycle/4-cycle. South Belt and surrounding areas. Pick up and delivery available. Call Eric Hausler 281382-7898. Available 24 hrs. 2-27 SEWING & ALTERATIONS for men, women & home fashions. Experienced seamstress. Call Karen at 713943-7935 TF REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 Bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 12315 Ryewater Dr. Houston, close to San Jacinto College and Ellington Field. Contact: 281-484-3938 3-6 FOR SALE: PRACTICALLY new - Whirlpool gas dryer. Used one month and moved to home for electric dryer. Warranty expires 7/26/15. SERVICE $400. Southbelt area Ready to move. 832-212- SMALL ENGINE REPAIR All 2889 2-20 Lawn equipment, pressure FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED 11,500 ea. Deadline: Noon Tuesday ASST. MANAGER WANTED at Clear Creek Landing Apartments. Please submit resume to rebecca.garcia@ Experience and bilingual a plus. Bonus, benefits and hourly pay. 2-20 DRIVERS: COMPANY. HOME Every Week. Excellent Pay & DAN’S TREE SERVICE $ South Belt-Ellington Leader MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: SNAPPER Riding Mower. Used one season, 28” cut, 12.5 H.P. Paid $1,630, asking $800. 281-889-6878 3-6 FOR SALE: 3 CEMETERY lots at Forest Park West, off Dairy Ashford Rd. Were $12,000 now $10,500. Must sell at this low price. Contact Debbie at 713-449-4900 2-20 FOR SALE: EXCELLENT condition - player piano with many vintage music rolls needs tune up, otherwise great condition. Solid wood on rollers. Paid $2,000 Taking offers. 832-212-2889 2-20 ★ ★ ★ 281-481-5656 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LAWN & GARDEN Selling 2 lots together Looking to sell or lease your home? HELP WANTED INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING AVAILABLE! All ages, many subjects, flexible schedule, reasonable rates. Tutor holds A.A., B.A., M.A. Call or email: 281-309-7375, karma@karmalennon. com. TF Leader! REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE 832-209-2298 HEALTH HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED on the job or in an automobile accident? The company doctor or insurance company doctor is not your doctor. He works for the company. In Texas you get to choose your doctor. Call me, Dr. Michael Stokes for your free consultation - 281-481-1623. I WILL WORK for you. I have been relieving back and neck pain for South Belt families for over 30 years. I want to be your chiropractor. TF Benefits. Pd Empty & Loaded. No Touch, 50% D&H. CDL-A, 3 yrs exp. 800-588-7911 x225 2-27 DRIVERS: LOCAL Gasoline Openings CDL-A, X with T/T experience Home Daily, Competitive Pay package, Excellent Benefits & MORE! Career oriented Safety conscious professionals call Lucy at Mission Petroleum Carriers today: 832-615-0705 2-20 Advertise in the Bar-X Ranch – Eagle Lake We Buy Houses : Cash ! Close fast ! Any condition ! 10314 SAGELINK CT. THUR & Sat, Feb 20 & Feb 22, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Office furniture and lots of childrens clothing 2-20 713-501-0184 ★ ★ ★ 713-298-9267 DON’S MOWING & LANDSCAPE Residential, Commercial Landscape Your New Home or Give Your Home a New Look LICENSED, INSURED, AFFORDABLE Pressure Washing • Fertilize Lawn Trim Trees • Complete Lawn Service • FREE ESTIMATES • DEPENDABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES Professional Trimming, Shaping, Removal Call Don 281-484-5516 Improve your yard the easy way! Call the Leader advertisers for your Lawn & Garden CALENDAR Continued from Page 3B MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 6 p.m. Scrabble Club #511 – Meets every Monday at IHOP at 11222 Fuqua at 6 p.m. Come and improve crossword game playing skills. Call 281-488-2923 for more information. 7 p.m. Friends Helping Friends Grief Support Group – The grief support group “Friends Helping Friends” meets every Monday at Kindred Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Time is 7 - 8:15 p.m. in the staff meeting room. Anyone who has lost a loved one is welcome to attend. The meetings are free. For information, call Betty Bielat at 281-474-3430 or Diana Kawalec at 281-334-1033. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-4878787 for information, or just drop in. 10 a.m. American Begonia Society – Houston Satellite meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at Clear Lake Park, 5001 NASA Parkway (on the lake side) in Seabrook. For information, call Joe at 281-481-2458. 1 p.m. Pasadena Heritage Park and Museum – Exhibits include dioramas, an old-time kitchen and a turn-of-the-century doctor’s office. Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. 204 S. Main. For information, call 713-472-0565. 1:30 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – TOPS #1530 meets at the Sagemont Park Community Center, 11507 Hughes Road, at 1:30 p.m. For information, call Jeanette Sumrall at 713-946-3713. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bayshore Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, 4021 Brookhaven, Pasadena. Visit www. for a complete list of services offered. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281487-8787, or just drop in. 7 p.m. Houston Space City Lions Club – Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway. For more information, call George Malone at 281-4387243. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Tuesday and Sunday from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-4878787 for information, or just drop in. 9:30 a.m. Young at Heart Club – Meets the second and fourth week of each month at Covenant United Methodist Church, 7900 Fuqua. Lots of activities, trips, etc. Call Nellie Galney at 713-991-3517 for more information. 4 p.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise held from 4 to 5 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Pearland, 3005 Pearland Parkway, Pearland. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281487-8787, or just drop in. 6:30 p.m. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Domestic violence support group for male survivors meets each Wednesday at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway. Call 281-338-7600 for information. Participants may join at any time as this is an open group. 7 p.m. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Confidential domestic violence support group for women meets every week. For information, call 281-338-7600 or visit BATP is located at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway between Interstate 45 South and Highway 3. The 24-hour crisis hotline is 281-286-2525. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-4878787 for information, or just drop in. Noon Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 7 p.m. Al-Anon (English Speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 215. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. Alateen – Provides support for teenage children, friends and family members of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 212. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. Thursday, February 20, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 5 SERVICE HAYDEN AIR & HEAT (Former WARDS employee) Ask About Centerpoint Energy All Major Brands 25 Years Experience Now is the time to take advantage of reduced prices! OUT ASK AB ATIoN SUL ATTIC IN RTIME NO OVE E! CHARG BIG SAV INGS! REBATES Up to $1200 Factory Rebate (Ask for Details) or 12 Months Interest-Free Financing INTERES TFINANC FREE AVAILAB ING LE WAC with Approved Credit, with Coupon, Limit One Coupon Per Customer. Exp. 02-28-14 South Belt AIR & HEAT INC. Serving your neighborhood since 1982. Call for Heating Inspection 281-585-5693 ★★★★★★ Free Estimates on New Equipment ELECTRIC • • • • • • • 281-481-3914 REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Free Estimates Senior Citizen Disc. No Service Charge Res./Comm. Master Electrician Insured TECL#21246 100% FINANCING TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 281-484-8542 LOW PRICES HIGH QUALITY We accept most major credit cards. 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Page 6, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, February 20, 2014 Netter Vargas develops winning edge Continued from Page 1B teamed up with Phillip Vargas said. “I knew I Nguyen in boys’ doubles a wanted to play high school season ago in the fall team tennis and be the best I can tennis season. be.” During that time with In accordance with Nguyen (also Dobie’s leaning toward tennis, No. 1 boys’ singles player Vargas also enrolled in the last season), Vargas again United States Tennis As- made major strides, says sociation’s junior program Moreno. and began playing in tour“I think sharing that naments. time on the court with Vargas “champed up,” Phillip was a big help for as he says, in the ninth Ruben,” Moreno said. grade and is currently a “In almost any high superchampionship level school program, the player, the first at Dobie chance to learn from the during Moreno’s tenure. older and more experi“You get better by go- enced players is vital. I ing against the better play- believe that expeience reers,” Vargas said. “When ally helped Ruben.” I got to Dobie as a freshComing into this fall man, there were some team tennis season, Vargas talented seniors here who projected as the team’s top were bigger, stronger boys’ player. He’s certainplayers. ly lived up to those expec“I still remember my tations. first practice at Dobie. I Now, this spring, Varwas hitting balls with John gas will go for his second Le, who was a sophomore straight District 22-5A then. Now, the time seems boys’ A singles crown. to have passed quickly.” The future beyond DoThe time may have bie? Vargas knows college passed, but Vargas has tennis opportunities for done plenty to help the even the very best of the Dobie program. He won best are slim. the freshman boys’ singles Instead, Vargas, curtitle as a freshman and rently ranked No. 5 in COUPON his junior academic class, plans to study petroleum engineering. “I truly respect Ruben for his work in the classroom,” Moreno said. “I’ve been fortunate to work with a collection of the best student/athletes in the school. These kids are here, first and foremost, to get an education. Tennis comes after all of that.” As for Vargas, he just wants to play as long as he can. “Some days are not your best. On the tennis court, it’s all about being confident in your abilities and believing in your game. Every day, I just want to play as well as I can.” Franklin-Kramer Dobie tennis stands out; Brook plays well Dobie High School Player Results Boys’ A Singles: Ruben Vargas – First place consolation (beat Elsik in final 8-6). Boys’ B Singles: Flavio Castillo – First place consolation (beat Manvel in final 8-1). Boys’ A Doubles: John Le/Brian Williams – Second place (lost to Clear Brook in final 0-6, 6-2, 11-9). Boys’ B Doubles: Luis Cabreja/David Ho – First place consolation (beat Hastings in final 8-5). A Mixed Doubles: Triny Tran/Michael Duron – First place consolation (beat Friendswood in final 9-8, 8-6). Dobie A mixed doubles player Michael Duron plays a ball at the net for a point during early round action Feb. 14 at Dobie. He and teammate Triny Tran eventually won first place in the consolation division. B Mixed Doubles: Julie Nguyen/Kyle Gee – First place consolation (beat Magnolia West in final 9-8, 8-6). $ REPAIR 200 OFF FOUNDATION OR SEWER REPAIR (on jobs $2,500 & up) Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per house. FOUNDATION REPAIR UNDER SLAB SEWER REPAIR HOUSE LEVELING Allied Foundations 281-479-5247 FREE ESTIMATES Above, Dobie varsity tennis player Ruben Vargas hopes to win a second straight 22-5A boys’ singles crown during the current spring season. Clear Brook A mixed doubles player Ray Memon serves while teammate Lavanya Hospeti waits at the net during the Pasadena ISD Jerry Franklin/Bobby Kramer Invita- tional at Dobie High School. Competing in the A mixed doubles division, the duo played well while representing the Wolverines. Clear Brook volleyball pair headed to Tougaloo College As Lieutenant Governor I will: At right, Clear Brook High School varsity volleyball player Ashley Ruiz (seated center) will continue her education and playing career at Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., after signing a letter of intent. Those with Ruiz at the signing included, left to right, (seated) Daniel Ruiz (father), Jessica Arrendondo (mother), Aubrey Arrendondo (sister), (standing) Joseph Arrendondo (stepfather). PASS STRONG BORDER SECURITY AND SANCTUARY CITY LEGISLATION PASS CAMPUS CARRY AND DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT CUT PROPERTY & BUSINESS TAXES CUT WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT REFORM EDUCATION & PROVIDE MORE CHOICE DEFEND LIFE & TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE DEFEND TEXAS AGAINST WASHINGTON Pd Pol Ad • Texans For Dan Patrick At right, Clear Brook High School varsity volleyball player Chassidy Harris (seated center) will continue her education and playing career at Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., after signing a letter of intent. Those with Harris at the signing included, left to right, (seated) Dwayne Harris (father), Brenda Harris (mother), (standing) Ryan Davies (Brook varsity volleyball assistant coach), Meredith Thompson (Brook varsity volleyball head coach), Garrett Hilton (Brook varsity girls’ basketball head coach) and Jessica Curtis (Brook varsity volleyball assistant coach).
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