Loreley Nachrichten


Loreley Nachrichten
Loreley Nachrichten
Das Haus der Gemütlichkeit
389 Dean Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 3E1, 905-728-9221
July / August 2009
Loreley News
Issue 2-4
Club Loreley Inc.
Board of Directors
2008 / 2009
Ernst Stader
401-110 Park Rd N
Oshawa, ON L1J 4L3
H: 905-576-8664
Vice-President Culture & Sport:
Edwin Albrecht
H: 905-579-6803
1636 Edenwood Dr
Oshawa, ON L1G 7Y 6
Club Secretary:
Gudrun Fuchs
807 Greystone Crt
Oshawa, ON L1K 2V1
Helmut Grander
14 Lormik Dr Box 606
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6
Membership Treasurer:
Brian Dimock
1086 St. Andrews Ct
Oshawa, ON L1H 8B5
H: 905-571-7972
H. Dieter Keuthen
906 Tralee Ct
Oshawa, ON L1J 7A7
B: 905-985-3600
H: 905-723-5435
Dues: Single $50.00, Family $70.00
Loreley Sänger:
Olaf Rudolph
1:00 to 3:00 PM
H: 905-697-1044
H: 905-436-1607
Heimat Sänger:
Heinz Ottinger
2:00 to 4:00 PM
Ladies Auxiliary:
Marianne Sellick
Meetings 2nd Monday of the month
Monday Practice:
Kinder Tots: 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
7:30 to 8:45 p.m.
8:45 to 10:00 p.m.
H: 905-576-1199
H: 905-579-0000
H: 905-725-1268
Club Loreley
H: 905-728-9221
Hans Mager
H: 905-436-2565
German Language School Loreley:
Christine Dejan
H: 905-668-6461
H: 905-728-3577
Karl vom Dorff
H: 905-728-8714
Gitta Ruppert
H: 905-683-1091
Margot Turnbull
H: 905-683-0632
H: 905-373-1945
Olaf Rudolph
H: 905-436-1607
Deadline: 20th of February, April, June, August, October, December
Wanda Friedrich
Club Caretaker:
Joanna Tuszkiewicz
Hall Rental:
H: 905-576-9065
Other Supporting Members
Bar # 1 & 2:
Susanna Taggart
House & Property:
Herbert Albrecht
757 Hoskin Ave.
Oshawa, ON L1H 2A8
Rifle Association:
Peter Biller
Thursdays: 7:30 to 10:00 PM
10:00 AM to noon
K.G. Loreley/Youth Dancers:
Holly Henninger
Urd Grander
14 Lormik Dr Box 606
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6
Rainer Stimming
126 Raglan St.
Whitby, ON L1N 2S9
Active Groups
2008 / 2009
Club Kitchen:
Trevor Foreman
Miss Loreley 2009 / 2010:
Alison Burghardt
Mini Miss Loreley
Abigayle Giarrizzo
Printing & Sorting of Loreley News
Ernst Stader, Klemens & Else Denzel
H: 905-725-4596
C: 905-439-0600
C: 905-924-3846
H: 905-579-2565
H: 905-666-8145
H: 905-259-2723
Events Calendar 2009
Kinorama 2 p.m.
Sunday, March 15th
Salute to Spring, Loreley Singer
Saturday, March 21st
Kinorama 2 p.m.
Sunday, April 5th
Heimat Abend
Saturday, April 25th
Annual General Meeting, 2 p.m.
Sunday, April 26th
Kinorama, 2 p.m.
Sunday, May 3rd
K.G. Loreley Benefit Dance
Saturday, May 9th
May Dance, Golden Key’s
Saturday, May 30th
Rummage Sale, Loreley Singers, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, June 20th
Fiesta Week, D.J.
Monday, June 21st to 27th
Club Closed
June 28th to July 12th
Rifle Club Picnic, 2 p.m.
July 25th
Sunday, Aug. 16th
Rummage Sale, Loreley Singer , 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, September 12th
Kinorama, 2 p.m.
Sunday, September 13th
Oktoberfest, The Up Beats, Tickets in Advance only
Saturday, September 26th
Kinorama, 2 p.m.
Sunday, October 4th
Special Dance
Saturday, November 7th
Kinorama, 2 p.m.
Sunday, November 15th
Rifle Club Christmas Party
Sunday, November 22nd
Christmas Market
Sunday, November 29th
Advent Concert, Loreley Singer, 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 6th
Christmas Dance, Ed's DJ & Music
Saturday, December 12th
German Language School Christmas Party
Sunday, December 13th
New Years Eve, Classical Swing Orchestra
Thursday, December 31st
The President’s Report
As said in our last edition, a report will follow in regards to our
Heimatabend and general meeting. Well, Heimatabend was a
success with almost a full house,
and excellent performances by
everyone who took part in it. The
Ernst Stader
food was excellently done by your
ladies, a raffle with tremendous prizes, all in all, a
superb job, and you, Christel, Peter, all helpers,
was in attendance at our general
ing on April, 26 . 2009, was aware of our financial
state at the present time. Suggestions from the
floor on how to increase our revenue were recorded and discussed at the board meeting. An
increase of our membership fee, fundraisers, donations etc. everything was carefully weighed out by
the board of directors, and we came to the following conclusion:
Due to the fact we are in a recession, especially Oshawa has been hard hit with the closing of
the Truck plant, layoffs, closing of so many stores
downtown, nobody knows what the future has in
store. We decided, at least for awhile, to refrain
from increasing our membership fee. There are
other ways to gain revenues, by having fundraisers, more attendance at club events, or the additional donations by our membership and active
Nicholas Schneider
1300 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario L1N 2K5
Tel: 905.668.6828 ext. 106 Fax: 905.668.1162
and the heimatsinger, a thank you from all of us
for a wonderfull evening.
Our General Meeting, well attended,
sometimes hectic, but generally speaking everything went to order. We discussed how we can
improve our attendance by club events and find
ways to improve our financial state. We all agreed
in one respect, something needs to be done to increase our financial situation. Right now, we are
barely breathing. Suggestions from the floor were
recorded, and promised to be discussed at the next
board meeting, which we did, and by the way, the
entire board from last year volunteered to run club
Loreley business for another year. So I don’t need
to mention everyone, just look at your news letter,
there you will find the board members.
Here are some of the changes, which will
take place in time to come. In reference to the
board meeting on May, 13th 2009, everyone who
P: 905-436-0422
F: 905-436-7867
Pete Hennig
133 Taunton Road West, Unit 19
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 3T4
Our Fundraiser this year will be on November
7th 2009 with
This will give every member the opportunity,
first of all, enjoy a beautiful evening with Dinner, Dance and Show, and show your support
for Club Loreley.
Tickets for that event in advance at our members’
$ 50.00 Members - $ 55.00 Non Members
We also decided to have some changes at
our “ Christmas Dance” instead of having a live
band as in previous years, (due to the high cost of
bands ) we decided to use our own Disc Jockey,
Ed Albrecht, with his wonderful selection of dance
music. Also a cover charge for members on that
evening will be in place, (excluding all 10, 25 and
50 year members who will be honoured that evening) This will cover partially our expenses for
that evening.
It was also discussed, and unanimously
agreed on by the board of directors, to charge
everyone a user fee for renting our premises for a
memorial service: for members as follows;
$ 300.00 plus tax for renting the hall, $75.00 tablecloths, and $ 35.00 bar service, if required as well
as the cost for dinner or lunch. Non members will
fall under the category of Rental Agreement. Coat
check, as of now will be $1.00 for every coat or
Those are the changes, which will be implemented for the time being, and hopefully our
membership will be in agreement with the decision
of the board of directors.
Spring Fest, unfortunately due to sickness,
my wife and I were not able to attend. It was, I
heard, a wonderful evening with performances by
our youth dancers, music by Ed, and an excellent
dinner by chef Trevor and his staff. I would also
like to congratulate our new Miss Loreley, Allison
Burghardt, and Mini Miss, Abigail Giarrizzo who
were selected to represent Club Loreley for 2010.
Our thanks to outgoing Miss Loreley Chathel
Koepp, and Mini Miss Brianna Wannak, for an
excellent job over the last 12 months. Now both
have more time to concentrate on their duties as
dancers. (More in K.G. report)
The same day, we had our cleanup day, but
it was started early in the morning, and did not interfere with same night activities of the Youth
dancers. Quite a few people turned out, and a lot of
work was done considering the weather was not in
the work had to be done the following days, and
our guys did not mind, and turned up anyway.
The gutter on our back building had to be cleaned,
not an easy task. Cutting and trimming cedar
hedges around our building, cleaning flower beds
and trimming evergreens were completed. Planting
new evergreens in front of the flower beds, staining garbage housing, cleaning windows inside and
outside of the members’ lounge were also done
plus the painting of the front door and wood paneling in the entrance. We also repaired some of the
holes in our parking lot to the best of our ability,
and it does not look too bad. Our club house and
facilities are again upgraded, and ready for another
year full of activities, thanks to the following
members, Joe Friedrich, Rainer Stimming, Peter
Biller, Dieter Keuthen, Tony Haas, Jakob Fischer,
Peter Hennig, Karl Gores, Fritz Kraus, Herb
Albrecht, Rob Rocker, Roy Ebenreth, Wanda Friedrich and Gerda Koepp, also Klaus Walkau will
help out with future products. Unfortunately, I
could not attend due to illness. Of course a Lunch,
and a few drinks were the rewards for everyone in
attendance, this was paid for by the rifle club.
The May Dance, with Club Almrausch shooters
and many of our members, and of course “the
Golden Keys”, was just sensational. A full house,
great atmosphere, excellent food, the shooting gallery, and a big raffle, what more could you ask for.
For the first time in a long time, we had the
Golden Key’s again, and let me tell you, if anyone
can bring a house down, those are the boys. It already started in the morning with the rifle match
against Almrausch from Ottawa. A good lunch
prepared by our ladies from the rifle club, and well
appreciated by Ottawa. This is actually a hectic
day, an all day affair so to speak, and when you
consider some of us are well past their prime, then
there is only one word I would say, congratulations to all of you. The evening went well past 11
o’clock , and the dance floor was still occupied,
this is one thing about the Key’s, they never quit.
who are there almost every Friday night having a
I also would like to express my gratitude to
good time with drinks and good food provided by
those who donated the wonderful prizes for our
one of those guys, (they take their turns as far as
raffle on that evening, Leonora & Andy Ratjef
food is concerned.) They never run out of having a
( Birdhouse ), and Skatplayer Otto Eberhard for
good time. This also proves another point, ….that
that giant Jägermeister bottle. The entire profit of
Club Loreley…. is not only there to follow up
$ 1070.00 was passed on to our treasurer of Club
with activities by our groups, it also gives every
Loreley, thanks again. Yes, it was a benefit dance
member the opportunity to come together once in
for the rifle club, but Peter Biller, our chairman,
awhile over a drink and just shoot the breeze with
and the rest of the board agreed to split the entire
your fellow members or friends, its still a place
profit with Club Loreley.
away from home.
The next morning it was an early call again
The Stammtisch Brüder ( rountable brothfor some of us. We had breakfast at our club with
ers ) are the ones who keep our club alive during
Club Almrausch, under the guidance of Peter
the week. Yes, Thursdays are well attended beBiller ( rifle chairman ), and then it was time again
cause of our kitchen, Skat players, and at night,
to say good bye to our friends, till next May in
the rifle club, but if it was not for those guys, and I
Ottawa. I also would like to congratulate everyone
don’t want to mention any names in case I would
who attended the ball room dancing, you did well.
miss someone, so just the (Stammtisch Brüder),
An Evening we did not have in a long time, and
we might as well close the members’ lounge for
won’t be easily forgotten. My thanks to all helpthe rest of the week. By the way, I was told by our
ers on that evening, that
bartender, the bill after
combined effort accounts
JEWELLERY BY SANDERS INC. their evening is also enorfor so many things. (More
mous, ( nicht von schlechof the rifle match in Peter
ten Eltern ). So StammBillers report.)
tisch Brüder, keep up the
403 King Street West
A thought occurred
OSHAWA, ONTATRIO L1J 2K4 good work, and let me
to me on a Friday when I
congratulate all of you for
Tel: (905) 433-0929
walked into our members’
donating to the good cause
Fax: (905) 436-3564
lounge and greeted everyof Club Loreley.
one at the Stammtisch ( Rountable) That evening,
Then our biggest upcoming event in Osthere must have been at least 13 people, too many
hawa, “Fiesta Week” will be reported in our next
for one table, so they added another one to that
roundtable to include everyone. In the past, we
Right after Fiesta, we close our club for
have mentioned every active group, and their contwo weeks like we always do, people need a well
tribution to Club Loreley. We also have never igdeserved rest, and this gives us an opportunity to
nored our volunteers, and only have praise for
do some work, which during normal activities, we
everyone. What we completely neglected, and I
would not be able to do. Our walk-in coolers have
don’t believe it was ever mentioned before, and I
to be insulated in order to save on electricity, but
take much blame for it is those loyal members
active groups can continue with their activities.
Wünscht allen Mitgliedern
Gute Erholung über die kommenden
Hoffe Euch alle
am 13. September begrüßen
zu dürfen. Hans Mager
Club Loreley will open again including the kitchen
on Thursday, July, 13th same time.
Then to close out our events for the summertime, our Summerfest will be in our backyard
on Sunday, August 16th from 12 noon till ? (see
Ein Extra Bericht:
Hier etwas, für Viele unserer Mitglieder, die
entweder nicht im Besitze des 25jährigen Buches
sind, oder fast keine Idee haben, wie Klub Loreley
gegründet wurde. Original Ausschnitte von der
damaligen Trans-Alliance of German Canadians,
Inc. ( Trans – Kanada – Vereinigung – der Deutsch
Kanadier, E.V. von Frank Lehnert.
Let’s hope we will all enjoy a wonderful summertime, health to everyone til we meet again at our
See you then,
Ernst Stader
Von den 50 Leuten, die sich bei Herrn Lehnert auf
der Liste eingeschrieben hatten, beim ersten
Deutschtanz in Oshawa, veranstaltet vom
Deutschen Radio Programm, hatten sich 12 Männer eingefunden, um am 15 Mai 1955, einen
Sonntag, unseren Klub zu Gründen, mit einem
Beitrag von $2.00.
Ein Komittee wurde aufgestellt, das die Arbeit
übernahm Mitglieder zu
werben und einen Tanz zu
veranstalten mit Geldern,
die aus eigener Tasche
vorausgestreckt werden
Höfliche - Einladung
Zu der am Sonntag, den 15. Mai
1955, um 2.30 Uhr Nachmittags
in der St. John Ukrainian Hall,
13 Bloor St. East, Ecke Simcoe
Über 50 Personen erklärten sich bereit, einer
Zweigstelle der TCA beizutreten, um wie in vielen
anderen Städten, auch in Oshawa, eine deutsche
Vereinigung zu günden. Wir bitten Sie und ihre
Freunde an dieser Versammlung teilzunehmen.
Mit Freundlichen Grüssen für
Trans-Kanada Vereinigung der
Deutsch Kanadier
Frank Lehnert, Sekretär
Gründungsmitglieder 1955
Arthur Schatz
Willi Grüneberg
Josef Schmid
Rudi Mäder
Ernst Hauk
Emil Lingen
Alfred Lehmann
Kurt Hemminghaus
Heinz Rottschäffer
Rudi Schleicher
Frank Simon
Josef Staeger
Mitgliedsnummern wurden
in den ersten Jahren willkürlich ausgegeben, je
nach Eingang des Beitrages.
Leitender Aussschuss ( Komittee )
Josef Schmid
Emil Lingen
Arthur Schatz
Willi Grüneberg
Rudi Mäder
Der Erste von Mitgliedern gewählte Vorstand
Dezember 1955
Rudi Seitl
Alex Hillebrand
Rudi Mäder
Joseph Torok
Willi Grüneberg
F. Plob
Margret Staeger
Josef Schmid
Arthur Schatz
Wie auch in vielen anderen Vereinen,
waren die Meinungen manchmal verschieden, so
auch im Neugegründeten Klub Loreley. Aber das
betraf nur die Mitglieder, die direkt damit zu tun
hatten und Heute nicht mehr unter uns sind, um
sich zu Verteidigen.
Nun, 54Jahre später, auch nicht immer mit derselben Meinung, aber vielleicht etwas Schlauer und
Älter haben wir es geschafft, mit Hilfe Aller einen
Club unser Eigen zu nennen und jedes Mitglied
stolz darauf sein kann diesem Verein anzugehören.
Der alte Spruch sollte aber immer noch ein Vorbild
sein “ one may rest on his laurels, but not sleep on
them “.
Of the 50 people, who had signed Mr.
Lehnert’s list at the first German dance, organized
by the German Radio Program, 12 men congregated on Sunday, May 15, 1955 to found our Club
and decided on a $2.00 membership fee.
Additional Report.
A committee was struck
to promote membership and to
organize a dance, the cost of
which was defrayed by the
members of the committee.
Memberships were issued during the first year based on the
receipt of the membership fee.
Here is something for
many of our members,
hite ome ardware
who do not possess the
1300 Simcoe Street North
25 year book, or do not
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4X4
have any idea how Club
Tel: 905-728-4696 Fax: 905-436-7348
Loreley was founded.
Your Hardware Store
Here is an excerpt from
the then existing TransAlliance of German Canadians Inc. by Frank
Leading Committee
Josef Schmid
Arthur Schatz
Emil Lingen Willi Grüneberg
Rudi Mäder
Cordial invitation
An inaugural meeting is scheduled for Sunday,
May 15, 1955, 2.30 PM at the St. John Ukrainian
Hall 13 Bloor St. East, corner of Simcoe St.
Inauguration Meeting
More than 50 persons agreed to join a
branch of the TCA (Trans Canada Alliance), in order to establish a German
Association in Oshawa, as was the
case in many other cities. We request
that you, as well as your friends, partake in this meeting.
Best wishes
Frank Lehnert
Secretary Trans- Canada Alliance
of German Canadians.
Founding Members 1955
Arthur Schatz
Rudi Mäder
Emil Lingen
Willi Grüneberg
hausHeinz Rottschäffer
Frank Simon
Josef Schmid
Ernst Hauk
Alfred Lehmann
Kurt HemmingRudi Schleicher
Josef Staeger
The first Executive Board, elected by the membership in December 1955, consisted of:
Rudi Seitl, Alex Hillebrand, Rudi Mäder,
Josef Torok, Willi Grüneberg, F. Plob,
Margret Staeger, Josef Schmid
and Arthur
Importers of Fine European Beers
● Hacker-Pschorr Hefe Weisse
● Hacker-Pschorr Edelhell
● Holsten
● Warsteiner
As was the case
in many other
Clubs, as well as
Club Loreley,
4085 Sladeview Crescent, Unit #10
the opinions
Mississauga, ON L5L 5X3
were not always
Phone: 905-828-2234 Fax: 905-828-1209
unanimous, but
everyone had the best intensions. Even after 54
years we are not always of the same opinion, but
we have grown older and wiser and succeeded with
everyone’s hard work to have created a Club of
which every member can be very proud.
An old Proverb states “One may rest on his laurels,
but not sleep on them” which could serve as a reminder for us all.
Vice President’s Report
My report this edition
will be very brief as I am
pressed for time during this
busy week before Fiesta. As
busy as I am I just want to
thank the volunteers in advance who helped out at the
Ed Albrecht
Club during this
especially the Loreley Youth Dancers, the Ladies
Auxiliary, and all
the volunteers that
helped out with the
Float and the Parade. By the time you read this
Fiesta Week will be over and I hope that many of
you came out and enjoyed themselves. I would
like to thank our 2009-10 Miss Loreley, Alison
Burghardt and Mini Miss Abigayle Giarrizzo and
the driver, Rick who drove them in the Parade. I
would also like to thank Preston trucking for the
use of his truck and driver for the Parade and Hans
Torok for the use of his barn. Without these we
would not have an entry for the
Parade. I understand there are
numerous volunteers that help out
during Fiesta so I want to thank
them all. In the next edition I will
have a more in depth report.
In closing I want to remind
everyone about Summer Fest
which is on August 16th. I hope
that all of our members have a
safe and happy summer.
Ed Albrecht
Membership Treasurer’s Report
We’re getting there!
Thus far 198 out of 255 memberships are paid up for 2009. If
you are reading this and you
dues are still outstanding for
2009 (and in some
cases 2008), please
Brian Dimock
take the time to drop
a cheque in the mail or visit Wanda in
the Member’s Lounge and she will
gladly hold your payment for me. For
those unsure of the dues amount, single
membership is $50.00 and for a couple
or family the fee is $70.00. You can
also find these amounts on the inside of
the front cover of our newsletter, directly below the contact information for
the Membership Treasurer.
By now, Fiesta week has passed but I
would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
our new Miss Loreley Alison Burghardt, and our
new Mini Miss Loreley Abigayle Giarrizzo. I am
sure both of you are so excited over what this next
year will mean to you and your families as you
fulfill your commitment and we at Club Loreley
are excited right along with you.
Special thanks also to our outgoing Miss Loreley
and Mini Miss
Loreley, Chathal
Koepp and
Brieanna Wannack respectively, for your
over the last
year. You were
both awesome
ambassadors of
Club Loreley
and we are so proud of you.
Don’t forget Sommerfest at Club Loreley
on August 16. Maybe we will see you there.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable
Brian Dimock
Club Loreley will be closed from June 29th to July 12th 2009
Kitchen opens again on Thursday, July 16thfrom 4 to 7 p.m.
German Canadian Congress
Germanica 2009, held
at the Concordia Club in
Kitchener on May 16th. was a
total success.
One might ask “what
is meant by Germanica”?
Klaus Walkau
Germanica is put on
every two years under the auspices of the German
Canadian Congress. At this function a number of
individuals, who made a substantial contribution
to our German Culture and Heritage, received their
recognition and were presented with a plaque. The
main speaker for this event was Mr. Ed Buckbee,
who is a long time director of the U.S. Space and
Rocket Center, Huntsville Alabama. His theme
“The contribution Wernher von Braun and his
team made to the U.S. space program”.
One could sense the pride in the audience
when Mr. Buckbee said, “Without the Germans
we could not have done it”. The slide show indicated how confident President Kennedy was in the
German Team, which enabled the U.S. to beat the
Russians to the punch, and scored the first Moon
Landing in 1969.
Different levels of Government were also
in attendance, which could only have a positive
affect when the German Canadian Congress needs
an audience in the future to discuss our cultural
Club Loreley was represented by our Club
President Ernst Stader, his wife Helga myself as
well as my wife.
Klaus Walkau.
Bericht der Schützen
Report from the Rifle Association
Well it is the middle of June
and the weather finally looks
good. It sure is better than the day of
our Club cleanup,
the skies opened and
we got soaked but
then things did clear
Peter Biller
up just long enough
to get most of the jobs done that Joe
had lined up for us that day. Thanks to
all those who showed up that day and to
Joe for all of his organization and hard
We ended our season with a rifle competition against our friends from Club Almrausch on
May 30th. they arrived around 11am and were
treated to an excellent lunch that was organized by
Wanda and judging by what was left over everyone enjoyed themselves. After lunch our friends
shooting and later that evening we met back at the
Club for an delicious dinner served by Trevor and
team. Once
dinner was
done the
Golden Keys
took over and
the dance
floor was full
at all
times. During a break in
the music results of the days shooting were announced. The
first trophy given out was the O'Connor Trophy
which was won by Oshawa with Rob Rocker accepting as he was our top shooter in that division. The second award that night was the
> >Page 15
Learn German
Have fun!
Children at
beginner and
advanced level
German Language School Loreley Inc.
Deutsche Sprachschule Loreley Inc.
More Info
Sep. 12, 2009
Start 8:30 am
Please call:
Christine Dejan
905 576 9065
Student Fees:
29 School Days
$180 - Eldest child
$160 - 2nd child
$140 - 3rd and each
additional child
German Language
Sprachdiplom A2
for advanced
Charitable Org.
Reg. # 81166
6940 RR001
German Classes
J-Kindergarten – Grade 8
on Saturday Mornings
9 : 00 am to 11: 30 am
September 12, 2009
May 15, 2010
at Immanuel Christian School
Oshawa, 849 Rossland Rd. W
389 Dean Avenue,Oshawa
Sunday, August 16th. from 12 noon
Til ?
Admission $3.00 - Children free
Barbecue & other goodies from the
Bar open with German Draft Beer
Big Raffle with excellent Prizes
Games for Children, and Shooting
Come out and enjoy a wonderful
day amongst members and friends
Deutsche Sprachschule Loreley
German Language School Loreley
Am 23. Mai 2009 haben wir ein erfolgreiches
Another successful school year closed on May
Schuljahr mit unserer Jahresabschlußfeier been23rd with the Year-End Party. Parents and volunteers have been more involved and contribdet. Die Mitarbeit der Eltern, Zahl freiwilliger
uted to the success. During the party, level 4&5
Helfer und die Lernerfolge des Jahres wurden
students presented projects on the topic of the
gefeiert. Die Klasse der Stufe 4&5 hat die erfolanniversary “Fall of the
greiche Projektarbeit zum
Berlin Wall”. 47 students
Thema “Fall der Berliner
had been enrolled in the
Mauer” vorgestellt und
school year 2008/09 and
wir haben uns gemeinsam
In Toronto East
there seems to be potengefreut, daß unsere
tial that the student enSchülerzahlen seit 4
3224 Eglington Ave. E.Scarborough, Ontario M1J 2H6
rolment could grow
Jahren ansteigen. Im
again in the new school
Schuljahr 2008/09 waren
$ 399.00 plus taxes
es 47 Schüler und wir
Early bird prices subject to change without notice.
Mrs. Graham was
hoffen, daß diese Zahl
awarded by the Goethe
wieder im neuen Schulcitizens of VWP countries. US visas are now
Institute Germany with a
jahr steigt.
two weeks teaching
Frau Graham ist
Montag & Mittwoch
9:30 a.m.-5p.m.
course in Schwäbisch
für ihre langjährig und
Hall at this summer. This
erfolgreichen Arbeit als
9:30 a.m.-5p.m.
is in recognition for her
Kindergartenlehrerin ausSamstag
10:00 a.m.-1p.m.
long-term achievements
gezeichnet worden und
Tel: (416) 264-2551
as a kindergarten teacher
wird im Sommer 2009 an
T.I.C.O.# 184688
at the German Language
einer Lehrerweiterbildung
School Loreley.
des Goethe Institutes in Schwäbisch Hall teilnehThe German Language School ask you
urgently for your support as a result of a funding
Die Deutsche Sprachschule bittet Sie
cut by the German Ministry of Education in this
dringend um Ihre Unterstützung, da das
Deutsche Bildungungsministerium in diesem
Jahr die Schulbeihilfe gestrichen hat.
Tax- deductible Donations
The German Language School Loreley Inc. Reg. # 81166 6940 RR001 is registered as a charitable organization. Your kind donation will be responded with an official receipt.
Please send cheques of any monetary amount (consider a specific student sponsorship) to
Christine Dejan 1004 Ridgemount Blvd., Oshawa On L1K 2K6
>> Page 10
Herman-Kassinger Wanderpokal which was also
won by Oshawa. The next award was the Senior
Wanderpokal that Oshawa also won and the top
shooter was Jakob Fischer. The pistol trophy was
taken by Ottawa but by only a few points. Good
job guys to keep all but one of the trophies here in
Oshawa. Thanks to all who attended the
dance. The next morning we served breakfast to
our guests and some of our members. Breakfast
was organized by Helga who did a great job. After
breakfast we said our goodbyes until next year
when we travel to Ottawa to do it all over
would like to thank Ernie for all his work putting
this weekend together. All the people that supplied the soup, salads, cakes and everything else
we enjoyed. Wanda and Helga for their hard
work. And a special thanks to Margot and Gitta
for helping out. Without all of these people events
like this would not take place.
I have one date for you to mark down and
that is Saturday July 25th at 2pm. This is the day
we will be having our annual Rifle Picnic at the
Club. I hope to see everyone there until then.
The 1st K.G. Loreley -Youth Dancers
This will be my last
Youth Dancer report until the
fall. As I sit here (the week before Fiesta week starts) I am
filled with emotion. Our dancers have had such a rewarding
season and now they
Holly Henninger
are so excited to take
part in our Grande Finale –Fiesta Week.
As you look around-there aren’t many
Clubs who offer nightly shows and have
great food and drink. Club Loreley is still
the place to be for a great time and our
Dancers are so proud to be part of it.
We congratulate Miss Loreley- Alison
Burghardt and Mini Miss Abigayle Giarrizzo and thank you for representing Club
Loreley. Special thanks to the Heimat
Singers and Loreley Singers for your performances
during Fiesta Week.
Our dancers and Committee members will
have a well deserved rest over the summer months.
We will have registration on Tuesday, September
8th (the first day of school) and it will be held in
the main hall at the Club from 6:30-8:00pm. Anyone interested must sign up in
person. First scheduled practice will be
Monday September 14th as per usual times. Please
pass it on.
At this time I would like to thank my committee members- Denise, Eric, Jennifer, Linda,
Gabriele and Brian for being such a supportive and
group of people. It has
been a pleasure working
with you.
thanks to Club
Loreley Members and the
Board for your
ongoing support.
Club Loreley is a great place to be and our
Dancers and Dancer families look forward to coming back in the fall and will be perform at Club
Loreley Oktoberfest on September 26th.
Have a safe-yet fun filled summer.
Happy Dancing
The Heimatsänger
Christel Petrowski
By the time you read this
report Father’s Day and Fiesta
Week are both memories.
Remember the club will be
closed for two weeks from, June
28th to July 12th during this time we
have the permission to use the
premises for practice. Please remember the date, July 09 begin
2:00 pm will be our next practice date. The following week on Wednesday July 15th we’ll have
our picnic at 2:00 pm at the club. Edith will let you
know more about it on our practice day July 09th.
Hope to see you all then.
Now that summer is finally here I wish you
all a very happy, safe summer; whether you stay
home or at your cottage enjoy this gorgeous time it
won’t last for ever.
There was a misinformation on my part in the
May/June paper. Mistakenly I mentioned that there
won’t be any club paper
during the months of July/
August. I don’t know what
made me think that there
wouldn’t be any newsletter
distributed for these
months. I guess I was so
overworked and stressed
out with all the Heimatabend planning which includes a lot of paperwork,
telephone calls, E- mailing, program scheduling
and rescheduling, finding replacements for last
minute cancellations, and volunteers who would
help out with varies tasks, that I wasn’t thinking
straight when I wrote my report. I’m sorry for the
confusion I might have caused.
The Heimatabend went very well. Again
we received many compliments for a program rich
on variety. Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers
who came forward to present their talents, their
songs, stories dances, instrumental music, or just
plain humour.
Thank you all for your contributions for an
evening full of fun. I hope that many of you will
participate again with us in the future.
As you all know Peter Stenz and I worked
together for the last 11 years. We‘re a great team,
believe it or not we both worked all year around
very consistently to make each Heimatabend a
memorial event. Unfortunately I have to admit it’s
getting tougher every year to get people involved
to participate. But somehow we always managed
to find a devoted group of people who come forward year after year to show their talents.
We had some special guests of honour this
year from Echo Germanica Paper. I personally had
the honour to
welcome both of them, Webmaster Rolf Rentmeister and Writer,
Richard Aldermann
(known as Dick. Unfortunately due to a stormy
night with gusty winds and
falling trees that evening, it
caused them to take some
detours to Oshawa; therefore they missed part of
our program. But we’re
glad they made it safely to
Oshawa after all. We thank
them for accepting our invitation.
Thanks to the Heimatsänger Kitchen personnel, Gitta Ruppert,
Margot Turnbull, Maria
Müller, Juli Martinelli, Liesel Nettermann, and
from the Ladies Auxiliary, Marion Sellick; all of
the ladies did an incredible job in the kitchen by
providing a truly traditional German Potato-Salad/
tasty sausages and Sauerkraut the way our mothers
used to make it. The Heimatsänger and Maria Sellick donated all the tasty fancy cakes. I know very
well how stressful it must have been for all you
ladies working in the kitchen, singing with the
Choir, and entertaining the audience with various
sketches and poems on that particular evening. All
you ladies deserve a big hand. Peter and I would
like to thank you all once again for your time and
effort. I’m happy to let you know that most of the
kitchen profit, as well as all of the collection intake
has been forwarded to the club.
Peter and I would like also to thank our
M.C. Olaf Rudolph for his presentation. It is always a pleasure working with Olaf, he is a great
guy. What so important to us is that Olaf is extremely flexible in handling last minute program
changes. Each year we have to make several last
minute changes and this year was no different
from previous years. We had a cancellation due to
illness. We also had to add someone to our program on the date of the Heimatabend. Other performers had to be moved up to the top of the program because they had another assignment later
that evening. Of course we made the necessary
changes and for Olaf it was not a big deal. He gave
us a big smile, “No problem” he says one has to be
flexible in situations like this.” Thanks Olaf. Your
German Speaking Massage Therapist
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Relief from:
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help was very much appreciated.
To Ernst Stader our club President, to him
we’re always grateful that he put so much trust in
us to let us plan and handle this entire event.
We’re grateful to our Choirmaster Heinz
Ottinger who worked so hard with us all year long
to get us ready for this special evening. The selection of songs he chose is always well received by
the audience. Many of these songs are well known
to most German speaking people because they’re
passed on from generation to generation. Each of
these songs tells a particular story of our heritage
and Heimatabend is the perfect day to present
To all the dancers, the children and teen performers a very special thanks, It was great to have
you on our program, everyone enjoyed the dancing
and the instrumental presentation ; we’re always
happy to have you on our program to keep up the
We’re looking forward to having you again on our
next year’s program to perform in 2010.
To all the many other participants, performers and helpers, I’d like to say that we really
appreciated your input and help. There are too
many of you to call by name. But let me tell you
each one of you was highly appreciated as well as
all the guests who’ve been so generous to us. We
are extremely thankful for their kindness. Without
support there would not be a Heimatabend. It is
needles to say that we forwarded all donations to
our club to cover the expenses of this evening.
Someone asked me, “what expenses”? Here are
just a few of them: for hall cleaning, heating, electricity, water, and laundry bill.
To Gertrud (Gerti) Keller, Elsa and Joe
Kastnermany, many thanks from all us Heimatsänger. You are the most generous people that
we know of. Your kindness was much appreciated.
Only through people like you and the generosity of
our guests will we be able to continue the Heimatabend event free of admission charges that
young and old can enjoy. We are so glad you all
shared this special moment with us. May God
bless you all.
145 Years
Germania Choir
The Ladies Auxiliary Report
Summer has finally
arrived. We the Auxiliary
Girls have been busy the last
few months, baking and serving cake & coffee to our members at the annual meeting also
taking part in the Heimat
Abend with some of our memMarianne Sellick
bers singing and others in a
funny skit, starring John Brunner as the leader of
the Alten Schachtel Club. Thanks John.
At our May meeting we scheduled our Fiesta Week participation. This year we will be
helping Ed Albrecht with clearing the lunch tables
and in the evening, we will be selling our pretzels
fresh from the Scarborough Bakery which we will
be picking up daily. New this year was our
Wurstle Stand at Memorial Park. A big thank you
to our set-up and take-down team – Herb Albrecht,
John Brunner with his little red truck, Victor Lipski, Luke Sellick, Ashley Robertson and Darrin
Sellick. A big thank you to Wagenes Meats for
their generous donation. Our two Hilde’s cooked
and donated the delicious sauerkraut. Also to all
the “Girls” that manned our booth – thank you. Of
course this will be history by the time you read
this but I hope of interest to you. Our hat goes off
to Ed Albrecht for all his hard work so that our
Club can shine in Fiesta Week.
The May dance was attended by some of
Bratwurst & Sauerkraut served by
the Ladies Auxiliary
our group and a great time was had by all, including our guests from Ottawa, The Almrausch Gun
Club, which took home one Trophy, the Birdfeeder and the Raffle Bottle. It was a full house
and congratulations to the Loreley Shooters.
As for an upcoming event, those of you
who are looking for a great day out with the family, pencil in Sunday, July 19th, the Burgenlaender
Clubs’ Anna Picnic at the Evening Bell Park. For
more information about the event the local person
to contact is John Brunner at 905-579-2951. I
know some of our members have had a great time
at this function in the past and will attend
again. On Sunday, Aug. 16th, do not forget about
our Sommerfest at your Club. There will be fun
for all.
Our newest member, Hilde Lamprecht is
celebrating her birthday July 4th as well as Maria
Mueller on July 10th and Ingrid Maier on July
18th. Happy Birthday wishes to all three of you.
Gerda Koepp is recovering from her surgery with the help of her good friends, Helga and
Olaf. Ingrid Maier is also under doctors’ care. We
wish them both lots of strength and love.
In closing I wish all the members of Club
Loreley and their families a very happy and safe
Our next meeting will be Wed. Sept. 2nd at
11 a.m. in the membership lounge.
Loreley Singers Report
“Wenn man in der Schule sitzt, über
seinen Büchern schwitzt
Und es lacht der Sonnenschein, dann
möcht man draußen sein.
Ist die Schule endlich aus, geh’n die
Kinder froh nach Haus’
Und der kleine Klaus ruft dem Hänschen hinterher:
Pack die Badehose ein, nimm dein kleines
Schwesterlein und dann nischt wie raus zum
Wannsee. Ja, wir radeln wie der Wind durch den
Grunewald geschwind, und dann sind wir bald am
Hei, wir tummeln uns im Wasser wie die
Fischlein, das ist fein, und nur deine kleine
Schwester nee, die traut sich nicht hinein.
Pack die Badehose ein, nimm dein kleines
Schwesterlein denn um Acht müssen wir zu Hause
sein………….. “
……just the right song for this coming summer!
And who doesn’t remember Connie Froboess
singing this song!!! All of you out there interested,
and are connected to Internet……..just google
“pack die Badehose ein……”And you come to
lots of websides regarding Connie Froboess and
also her singing this famous song!! ♫ Enjoy!!
So and what else is new??
I had reported that the “Loreley Singers” were
driving to the big City of Toronto on May 9th to
participate in a Concert at the St. Patrick’s Church
with the “Harfentöne” and celebrate their 80th Anniversary. We did all that and we had a most wonderful time.
What a feeling to listen to Choirs and to
sing with our Choir in that big old Church! 80
years “Harfentöne” and 100 years St. Patrick’s
Church. WOW!!!!
On May 30th Olaf and Helga, Joe and
Helga drove to Hamilton to help celebrate another
Anniversary and another WOW. The “Germania
Choir” was 145 years old. Mind you, not one of
the original members made an appearance. But
they sure must have been impressed with the
Everyone demands patience, but very few are
willing to practice it.
Trust is a form of courage.
organization and celebration of their anniversary. 5
Choirs came from all over Ontario to sing and the
rest of the DKSB Choirs showed up with their
flags. Including, of course, our flag. What an event
And closer to home. The Loreley Singers
had their last practice on June 8th. We will be
singing at Fiesta Week at our Club on Tuesday,
June 23 and we will help cleaning tables Tuesday
and Wednesday evening, like we have done for
years now.
Our first singing practice after the summer
will be on Monday, September 12. at 1 pm. Don’t
forget your Christmas music!
But I think, an apology to our singers is in
order. This spring we were a bit mix up with our
yearly Garage/ Bake Sale. After back and forth and
finding a right date, we had settled on the 20.of
June. Now, as you all know, the weather was out
of kilter all week long. So Olaf monitored the
weather news on Friday and found out, that on Saturday (June 20) it was supposed to bring Thunderstorms and heavy Rain fall. So we made an executive decision and canceled the Sale. Olaf called all
the people who had signed up on the sheet. We
then changed the date to September 12.
For everybody that showed up, brought
cakes and found an empty parking lot, the
”Vorstand” apologizes. Please bake again and
come to help on Saturday, 12.September 2009.
And here is another change of date!!
The Singers Picnic at Helga Bodenweber’s little
paradise in Pickering will be held on Tuesday,
July 14th not on Wednesday, July 15th.
Helga’s Theme for this year is “Caribian Holidays”. Let’s all get together with lots of good
food, music and sunshine. (Helga promised !!)
And now I will be closing my report with
all good and best Birthday wishes
to four of our Singers in July ♥♥♥♥ and to three
Singers in August ♥♥♥
Keep well and healthy through the year!
♫♫♫ (sing ♫ sing ♫ sing ♫)
Most people can run all day on one compliment
Gratitude is the parent of all virtues.
Construction Crew
On Parade
Miss Loreley & Mini Miss Loreley
Alison Burghardt & Abigayle Giarrizzo
The Gang is all here
Having a Great Time
Nothing better the a Cold One
MC Olaf Rudolph
Heimatabend Pictures
John Uhlmann
st 1
1 95
Franz Streef
15 th
Congratulations to our parents Franz and Joan Streef on their 50th
Wedding Anniversary. Joe, Randy, Pete, Barb and their families.
Congratulations from the Board of Directors and Members of Club Loreley. We are wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends.
Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Hochzeitstag
1 96
28 th
Congratulations to our parents Lillian and John Brunner on their
Wedding Anniversary, from Natasha, Zuby, Jennifer, Justin, grandchildren Zara and Amina as well as their 4 legged best friend, Piper.
Congratulations from the Board of Directors and Members of Club
Loreley. We are wishing you a wonderful day with family and
Hall Rental
The main hall accommodates up to 190 people, and
the lounge 55. Both facilities are equipped with a bar.
Full accessibility, air conditioned, free parking. Ideally located just off the 401, and 20 minutes East of
Der Saal fast 190 Personen und Lounge 55 Personen.
Beide sind ausgestattet mit einer Bar.
Klimaanlage, freies Parken und eingerichtet für Behinderte. Ideal gelegen nur kurz von dem 401, 20
Minuten östlich von Toronto.
Catering services available from an excellent chef.
Both halls are available to rent for a reasonable and
competitive rates.
Eigene Küche mit erstklassigen Chef wenn gebraucht.
Beide Räume erhältlich für angemessene Preise.
Gitta Ruppert @ 905-683-1091 or 905-728-9221
Gitta Ruppert @ 905-683-1091 or 905-728-9221
Burgenländer Club Inc.
10 Sherman Court, Toronto M3M 1P3
Tel: 416-249-6865
e-mail: ahgraf@rogers.com
Helmut Jandrisitis 905-889-0624
Helga Graf
John Brunner