OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet


OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet
Version 1.0
Note: All trademarks and copyrights, excepting the term OWbN, are the
property of White Wolf Inc.. As such, any infringment is purely
coincidental. This document is prepared for non-profit purposes only and
no commercial gain is intended.
Written by
Carmien Owen
With contributions from many great OWbN Brujah players!
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
A Letter on the Subject of ‘Elders’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
The Idealist Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
The Individualist Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
The Iconoclast Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Brujah and Brujah Prestige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Other Kindred and Brujah Prestige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Brujah Outcast! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Removing Prestige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Prestige Vote by Proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Starting Prestige for PCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
NPC Brujah Prestige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Prestige Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
The Rating System for In-Clan Brujah Prestige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
The Rating System for Out-of-Clan Brujah Prestige . . . . . . . . . . .11
Notable Brujah Figures in OWbN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
Clan Prestige is designed to represent the measure of good will or fear a character has inspired in a clan.
Just as Camarilla Status measures ones standing in a Camarilla city, so does Clan Prestige measure
how an individual has mastered the rules and culture of a clan, and how they have come to be valued by
that clan.
Amongst the Brujah in particular, acknowledging such a prestige system is ultimately a matter of choice.
You may have 5 or 6 Prestige amongst the blood, but expecting respect from all Brujah that you meet
would be folly. The Brujah are quite unlike the Tremere or Ventrue in this regard. Gaining the true respect
of the blood comes down to earning that respect for what you have done in their eyes, not what
someone else says that individual has done in theirs.
The philosophical dichotomy that exists between the Anarchs and Camarilla loyalists will ensure that no
Brujah can ever expect to be complacent in matters of Prestige, and Prestige is certainly no guarantee
of obedience. Note, that no Brujah can expect to lose Prestige for expressing their opinion. However,
failure to observe the call to arms, or killing a Brujah for no other reason than the whim of a coterie are
most definitely reasons for losing Prestige, or even gaining Clan Emnity.
A Letter on the Subject of ‘Elders’
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
The Idealist Philosphy
Idealists might be rare, but their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has
given them influence far beyond their numbers. Among their ranks you can find champions, healers,
counselors and teachers. However, walking the path of idealism does not automatically endow you
with intelligence. There are some idealists that have made some very stupid choices and serve as a
good reminder that your philosophical outlook is by no means a guarantee of your intellectual prowess.
That being said, the enthusiasm of an Idealist may sometimes be overbearing, yet quest for a true
understanding of the self can deliver a growth of self-realisation that few could hope to attain. Often
taking a spiritual view of the world, an idealist believes that trust, spirituality and focus on the
personal journey while helping others on their journey are what gives meaning to existence. If an
idealist were to have a passion, it would be the quest of personal growth and development.
From the perspective of the idealist, this quest for self-actualization is the foundation from which they
will launch their drive for helping others to reach the same goals. Friendly cooperation is the best way
to achieve such a goal and often an idealist will offer help when none was expected. Many idealists
will go so far as to avoid confrontation if at all possible. Such conflict is seen as a barrier to resolution
for the group and the individual and limiting to the potential that each individual holds for the universe.
In fact this desire to help others is sometimes seen as romantic, although some idealists might be
shocked to hear they were described in this manner. For the idealist, the notion of friendly
cooperation with the highest and best intent is not a romantic dream, but a way of life. If anything, their
desire for what ‘might’ be as opposed to what actually is, sets the idealist apart.
One thing is for sure; to the idealist, the glass is indeed half full. Their optimism over the years has
given hope to many causes. Some of these causes have succeeded and some have failed. However,
even in failure, the idealist would seek to gain an understanding of the choices that led to that failure
so that they might learn from the experience, and so in turn grow in readiness for the next effort. Some
of the older Idealists wish to reclaim the mythcial glory of Carthage. Many others seek the wisdom of
their elders in guiding the way to lead.
Integrity is a watchword for the idealist and rarely will such an individual be found wanting for a set of
ethical standards. Being true to themselves as well as others is as important as the growth they seek
for all things. Helping others in need, giving of themselves and ever questing for their ‘dream’, the
idealist believes that the days that which once were could be again. But they know, the vision that was,
will be subject to the realities of change. For in change, there is strength and wisdom. And in wisdom,
there is the grace to know that no matter how beautiful the world might have looked, it will always have
the potential to look better with enough effort.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
The Individualist Philosphy
Viewed by some as the fulcrum, the individualist seeks neither to destroy nor build. Discovery is the
prime motivator to the individualist. Knowing the face behind the mask is to understand the nature of
those we deal with. This rational approach is epitomized by their preference to accept things as they
are while keeping their feet on the ground. Perhaps the greatest service an individualist does for the
clan is to catch the poisoned arrows of assumption that might otherwise strike their brothers and
sisters in the back.
Arguably the most successful of all the sects, the individualists seem to have come to terms with the
paradox that is Brujah. Balancing a desire for wisdom, yet knowing when to challenge the system, the
individualist fares well as a guide and are often sought out for advice. They might be in the
middle of the philosophical debates and arguments, but they combine their strengths to remain secure
in their individuality. Often the first task for an individualist is to learn exactly who they are and where
they are headed.
The Iconoclast Philosphy
The young and restless eptomize rebellion against the system. Ever challenging authority, Iconoclasts
perhaps make up the greatest majority of the Anarch movement within Kindred society. However,
before you rush off to form an opinion about the Iconoclast, do not assume that they are
automatically lacking in intelligence. Some Iconoclasts have been canny thinkers who have outwitted
the system and worked hard to drag the rights of the oppressed onto their soapbox.
The view of an Iconoclast will often be that some ‘stupid-ass’ elder is trying to keep everyone under
their thumb with useless rules and never-ending oppression. Most believe that a swift kick in the head
will sometimes distract the elder enough to help them see past their noses and pay attention to what
is really going on in the world around them. If an Iconoclast were to describe a common dream, it
would be that those in the Camarilla would rouse themselves from their waking torpor and act on the
realisation that the society they support merely uses them to perpetuate power for those at the top.
The Iconoclast is the true anarch and lives for here and now. There is little thought for the past,
especially some pointless city that was covered in salt after it was raised! They will often try to rise up
against anyone who would seek to form order or establishment. In the experience of the Iconoclast,
order has a habit of supporting those who want power within that order.
If idealists are the shepherds, then Iconoclasts are the wolves that plague the flock.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
Brujah and Brujah Prestige
At the local city level, the clan members can give Brujah Prestige to another Brujah up to a level of 4.
There are two suggested methods by which the matter of awarding prestige can be brought up. Firstly,
someone in the clan can nominate them and the local rant can discuss the matter. At the local level, the
Primogen (or ranking Brujah Elder) has a veto vote; after all, having some kind of reward for the work
they do or reputation that carry is only fair. If the Primogen/Elder and the majority of the local clan
believe that the Brujah in question does indeed deserve recognition, then the Prestige is awarded.
However, if either the Primogen/Elder votes 'no' or there is no majority amongst the clan, then the vote
fails. Only a maximum of one Prestige per month may be gained at any time in this manner.
As for the 5th and 6th levels of prestige, these measures of standing should be brought up on the
international rant (owbnrant@yahoogroups.com). A vote should be proposed and discussion allowed by
any who have comment. Then, after a 2-week (14 days) discussion period, a group poll should be set up
and a vote cast on the matter. The vote shall be concluded after 2 weeks and if more than 50% vote yes,
then the Prestige can be considered awarded (proxy votes should be included in this final tally). The 6th
level of Prestige should be considered a ceiling for all but exceptionally special PCs. A Coord has the
right to veto a Prestige award to a PC that would take them over 6 Brujah Prestige.
For the 7th Brujah Prestige and higher, such measures of standing signify a regard within the clan that
is of an exceptionally high level. Most PCs can never expect to attain this level of standing and any that
do should be considered very special, almost legendary with the OWbN universe.
With regards to an award of a character’s 7th and 8th Brujah Prestige, a vote should be proposed to the
international rant and 2 week discussion allowed for any who have comment. After 2 weeks the moderator will setup a group poll and a vote will be cast on the award. After a period of 2 weeks, the vote shall
be concluded and if more than 75% vote yes, then the Prestige can be considered awarded. Note, at this
level a Brujah can only be awarded subsequent Prestige once every six months.
If you are the only Brujah playing in a city, or there are three or less Brujah in the local rant and feel that
ordinarily your actions would have been recognized, then you should speak with your chronicle's HST. In
such a case, the HST or designated representative should approach either the Brujah Coord or
SubCoord and explain what has been done to warrant such an award. If the Coord agrees with the ST
concerned, a scene will be arranged in which an 'elder' nearby hears about the actions and makes the
award of prestige to the PC. This type of award can be for Prestige upto 4, but should be considered a
secondary method. For any Prestige awards of a higher value, the normal rules for awards of 5th and 6th
Prestige should to be observed. Such a scenario could also be applicable for an idealist in a city full of
iconoclasts. In all such cases speak with your ST and explain the situation to them.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
Other Kindred and Brujah Prestige
The bestowal of Brujah Prestige to those not of the blood should be a very serious matter and NOT
undertaken lightly. In the past there has been abuse of this gift and often characters have advertised
their standing and yet have committed actions that would suggest otherwise. Maintaining out of clan
Prestige is not about being neutral towards the blood, it should be about the continued efforts to save
the lives of Brujah. Saving a Brujah life 5 years ago should not entitle you keep that regard forever,
especially if your more recent actions involve the killing of Brujah for reasons that would enrage the
blood. Now that being said, there are without doubt actions performed by those not of the clan toward
Brujah that warrant recognition. However, the bestowal of out of clan prestige for political reasons lacks
integrity, runs contrary to Brujah genre and should be frowned upon by the clan as a whole.
As a rule, an award of out of clan Prestige at a local level should not happen. Any Brujah who believes
that another not of the blood is deserving of such recognition should approach the international rant and
explain the situation. A 2-week discussion will ensue and a group poll should be opened for a period of
2 weeks. Normally, the award of the first out of clan prestige should be a major event and rare enough
to warrant many examples to support the proposal. In such a case, a majority of 50% is required for the
award of the first out of clan prestige to a character. In the event that a second out of clan Brujah
Prestige is sought, then a majority of 80% should be obtained.
There may be instances where Kindred have done such service to the Brujah that the question of their
being a ‘friend’ to the Brujah will come up. In this case, a Brujah with at least 4 Prestige may propose a
dicussion on the matter. After 2 weeks of discussion a 2 week vote will be held and if there is a 95%
majority then the Kindred in question shall be known as a ‘Friend’ to the Brujah. Such an award is ‘very’
special and indicates that Kindred so honoured has done much repeated service to the Blood, such as
continually saving the lives of Brujah.
A database of ‘friends’ of the blood will be maintained online and accessable through the Yahoogroups (r)
owbnrant database page. Only ‘friends’ listed are to be considered recognized. The owbnrant
moderator will be responsible for maintaining the ‘Friends’ database. Players of Brujah PCs are asked
to respect officially listed Friends for as long as those Friends act appropriately. ‘Clan Friendship’ merit
denotes that the kindred in question possesses 1 Brujah Prestige (to be taken from the prestige name
list enclosed) and should be treated as someone who is to be acknowledged for past services. However,
Brujah will likely treat such individuals as they in turn are treated.
Running the gauntlet should not be an acceptable way to get Brujah Prestige, either for Brujah or those
not of the blood (otherwise Fortitude would become a Prestige passport). Saving the lives of many
Brujah in a city on a monthly basis is a ‘good’ way to get out of clan prestige.
Note: A prestige vote will either have an option for ‘Yes’ or an option for ‘No’. ‘Abstain’ will not be considered a valid option. Any vote for Brujah Prestige should be set up to display the names of all voters.
Voting shall not be anonymous. The rant list moderator and/or Coord are responsible for ensuring that
all votes adhere to these guidelines, and in extreme cases may declare a vote null and void for these reasons. In such an event, a new vote should be created by the moderator following the correct guidelines.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
Brujah Outcast!
If a Brujah has continually behaved in a disgraceful manner and repeatedly betrayed the blood, they run
the risk of being declared an Outcast. Such an eventuality is a serious one, as it in effect signifies the
loss of the clan advantage Call to Arms. Given the significance of such a punishment, a proposal should
be made by a Brujah with at least 4 Brujah Prestige. A 2-week discussion should then follow. At the end
of that period the list moderator will open a 2-week group poll and if more than 75% vote yes, then the
negative Prestige should be considered awarded. Such a PC can expect to be removed from the
International Rant e-Mail list and be shunned by any Brujah they meet.
To remove the negative Prestige of Outcast, the Brujah in question will need to have a Brujah of 5 or
more Brujah Prestige petition for a 2-week discussion on the International Rant list. A group poll should
be opened and concluded after 2 weeks. If there is a majority of 75% then the Brujah will be reinstated
at zero Prestige and be classified as Tolerated. They will also be re-subscribed to the rant list.
Removing Prestige
As with the status system, gaining Prestige should be hard while losing it should be easier. If at any time
a Brujah believes that another Kindred has acted in a way to endanger or betray any of the blood, then
they should outline the crime to the international rant, facilitate a 2 week discussion and then propose
a vote. The moderator will then open a vote for a minimum of 2 weeks. The following signify the
majority needed in a vote to strip prestige from those holding Prestige:
A majority of 50% is required for stripping 'Out-of-Clan' prestige and from Brujah with up to 3 Prestige.
A majority of 60% is required to strip Prestige from those Brujah with 4-5 Prestige
A majority of 70% is required to strip Prestige from those Brujah with 6 Prestige.
A majority of 75% is required to strip Prestige from those Brujah with 7+ Prestige.
In the case of a Kindred not of the blood (non-Brujah) acting in such a way as to endanger and/or kill
the lives of many Brujah, they run the risk of gaining “Clan Emnity”. Those not of the blood that hold
Brujah Prestige would in the first instance lose their standing in the clan. In such a case, if after a 2-week
discussion a vote is proposed and a majority of 90% agree then the Prestige is stripped. If one not of the
blood who holds no Brujah Prestige acts against the Brujah then they are subject to a similar vote that
will result in their being declared an Enemy of the Brujah. In the event of such a vote, an announcement
will be made by one of the Brujah coords to the OWbN community via the e-Mail lists. Note, in extreme
cases, a non-Brujah with Prestige may be stripped by the Brujah Coord and then a vote may be
proposed on the International rant for the individual to be given the regard of Clan Emnity.
Prestige Vote by Proxy
Not all Brujah PCs are on the International Rant e-Mail list. However, every chronicle should have a
representative on the list in an OOC capacity. To that end, if an HST or their designated representative
observes a vote in progress then it is their responsibility to inform the local Brujah players and in turn
return the respective votes of local Brujah votes to the moderator. The rant list moderator will then
collect the votes and add them manually to the final tally before announcing the adjusted totals. Note,
if ST's are concerned about Email volume from the rant list then ask the moderator to switch your
membership setting to receive a “daily digest”.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
Starting Prestige for Brujah PCs
Most PCs should start with 1 (one) prestige if they have been released from some kind of training from
their Brujah sire in the past hundred years or so. The exception from this is if their background runs along
the lines of, "Smiling Jack got the nibbles and left me in Washington to cause problems for the Prince."
In this example, the Brujah PC would then need to be taken in by the local clan, her lineage discovered,
and then given the requisite training. With that training done, they would be released. A suggested time
for training is often a year and a day but may be less in special circumstances.
NPC Brujah Prestige
If an ST wishes to create an NPC Brujah for use in the OWbN universe they should approach the Brujah
Coord or SubCoord with a proposal, plot reasons and a background. In all but the very rarest of cases,
it is recommended that NPC Brujah start in the game with no more than 4 Brujah Prestige. 5 or more
Prestige signifies internationally known Brujah and as such may have wider reaching plot affect than just
one chronicle. In any such event, the Brujah Coords decision shall be final. If an NPC with such an
international reputation is to be introduced into the OWbN universe, the ST concerned should work with
the Brujah Coord to prepare an appropriate message that can be sent out to the rant list. Such a
message should include a brief history of the Brujah, their achievements and any other pertinent plot
information that the ST may wish to release at that time. Ideally, this procedure will help to preserve
game and genre continuity within OWbN and will hopefully serve as a plot conduit opportunity for ST's.
Since WW (r) characters are considered R&U in OWbN, it should be at the discretion of the OWbN
Council to allow an ST to introduce such a Brujah into the OWbN universe with a high level of Brujah
Prestige. Smiling Jack would be an example of such a figure. Even though Smiling Jack might wander
into the occasional plotline and chronicle, he should hardly be considered a regular on the rant list. Note;
If an ST wishes a non-Brujah to enter the game with Brujah Prestige they should seek the permission to
do so from the Brujah Coord in the same manner as detailed above.
Prestige Titles
Prestige awards, for both Brujah and those not of the blood, should ideally be named from the list of
prestige below. Prestige such as "Bad Ass", and "I walked the gauntlet" are not considered acceptable.
Anyone making such an award is asked to keep the prestige title awarded in the spirit of the genre.
Bold, Brash, Brave, Courageous, Daring, Exalted, Feared, Fearless, Glorious, Imposing,
Impressive, Spirited, Superb
Admirable, Commendable, Dutiful, Eminent, Esteemed, Fair, Honorable, Impartial, Just,
Noble, Objective, Proud, Reputable, Trusted, Virtuous
Crafty, Inspired, Inventive, Pragmatic, Profound, Respected, Revered, Sacred, Scholarly,
Spiritual, Venerable, Wise.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
The Rating System for In-Clan Brujah Prestige
Prestige Total
Vote %*
"True Childe"
*Percentage to bestow/strip Brujah Prestige in vote.
Little better than a Caitiff, in some cases, much worse. Unwanted by Clan mates.
A member by blood only. Brujah will not suffer for ignoring the Call to Arms from an
A newly sired Brujah, a Neonate. One unreleased or still learning and under the
Knows her P's and Q's, knows the Traditions, Clan Rules and structure/hierarchy.
Typically a recently released kindred between 1 and 50 years of age.
Known within the city (locally) and has a voice in Clan Meetings. May be listened to at
larger meetings or may not be.
Well-Known: Knows not only the Clan Philosophies but also the goals and opinions, the outlooks and
plans. The usual ceiling for a kindred less than a dozen years old.
Established: The life of the party and popular locally. Invited to give opinion and advice. Has a some
what controlling voice in local Clan Meetings. Is known in other cities and may speak at
the Clan Meetings of other cities.
Respected: Known throughout the Clan by more cities. Advice sought locally and in their home city.
Has a strong, leading voice locally, and may speak in other cities.
Honoured: Known to follow Tradition, but wise enough to know when not to. Known and somewhat
popular across a large area and other cities, and amongst clan members elsewhere.
Invited to visit and their advice sought after
Impressive: Few amongst the clan would dispute your wise decisions. You are listened to by most
Brujah. Your advice is sought after constantly from outside your city. Often so busy
advising others your local affairs suffer or must be delegated to others.
A True role model. Known to all the 'movers and shakers' in the Clan. Frequently
invited to visit other cities to assist with their decisions and situations.
"True Childe": The embodiment of all the Clan Stands for. The perfect Clan Member. Your word defines
the Clan, as it defines you.
OWbN Brujah Prestige Packet - Version 1.0
The Rating System for Out-of-Clan Brujah Prestige
OoC Prestige Total
Vote %*
Considered a Friend to the Brujah
Clan Emnity
*Percentage to bestow/strip Brujah Prestige in vote.
Out of clan Prestige given to those not of the blood should be ideally taken from the Prestige Title list.
If a non-Brujah is being awarded the title of Friend, then that prestige should be considered a special
award and subject to the voting procedure as listed in the Prestige Out of Clan section. Brujah
encountering such ‘Friend’s are not obliged to assist them, but for the sake of genre it would certainly
make sense.
Clan Emnity can be awarded to those individuals that have proven to be a menace to the blood. The
award of such a title is a serious one and the Kindred who is known to be an Enemy should fear any
meeting with Brujah. Brujah meeting such an enemy should consider that Kindred a target and do
whatever they can to harm that Kindred. Note, yes; with such an award congratulations! You have
managed to get yourself a flaw for free!
Notable Brujah Figures in OWbN
Total Prestige
Justicar Masako
Cedric Wessex
Shawn Donaghey
Anthony Sargassi
Alexander Townsend
Katja Nothing
Jonathon Sebastian
ShiKane Belfonte