FMS Newsletter 06/03/2016


FMS Newsletter 06/03/2016
What’s Happening at FMS
June 03, 2016
Hello Highlander Families! With June, it feels as though summer has already
started! The temperature has risen sharply this week and it’s a good reminder
for stay hydrated by bringing water or filling up at the drinking fountains and
to wear sunscreen. Next week has many fun and informative events. 6th
grade parents are invited to an Outdoor Science Camp informational meeting
on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6PM in the MPR. OSS is an event for 7th
graders. Please see the attached letter and attend the meeting for more
On Wednesday, 5th graders from Highland Oaks and Hugo Reid Elementary
will be visiting Foothills. 5th grade parents of incoming Highlanders are
invited to an informational meeting on Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30 PM in the MPR.
Text Book Returns
8th Grade texts will be collected on Tuesday, June 7
7th Grade texts will be collected on Wednesday, June 8
6th Grade texts will be collected on Thursday, June 9
After June 9th, any missing books will be considered lost and fines will be assessed. Students with lost
or damaged texts need to pay fines or arrange to replace books before they receive their yearbook. 8th
grade students who are continuing on to Arcadia High School must pay off any outstanding fines before
they are allowed to register for school. Please help your child remember to return all books on the
correct day.
Thank you,
Lisa Lucas, FMS Librarian
The Scottie Days registration packet will be posted on the FMS website starting July, 1. Packets will not
be sent home. Please see the PTSA message below for dates, times, and how to volunteer.
If your child will be in band, color guard, orchestra, or choir next year at AHS they are encouraged to
attend Music Camp. The dates are August 7-12th and the cost is $420 (includes instruction, boarding
and food). Online registration begins today! Go to for more information.
6th and 7th GRADE FAMILIES:
Attention 6th and 7th grade parents! Want to get the inside scoop on the 8th grade promo party before
your turn? 8th grade parents will plan and set up, but they are not allowed at the party, so we are in need
of volunteers to chaperone on June 14th from 5:30-9:30pm. Please Sign up here 8th grade promo
chaperone sign-up to be a part of the fun.
Contact me at or 353-6127 if you have any questions or are willing to be
a head chaperone that evening.
Angie Jensen
Chaperone chair
For the 2016-2017 school year, and all future school years, all students entering, advancing or
transferring into 7th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster immunization
(called “Tdap”) for school in the fall. This requirement applies to all public and private schools. This
requirement was signed into law in 2010. Please see the attached Tdap letter for more information or, if
you have questions, please contact Mrs. Lytton at 821-6353.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Monday, 6/6 – OSS Parent meeting (current 6th grade parents for next year’s 7th grade trip) – 6PM, MPR
Weds, 6/8 – 5th Grade Parent meeting, 6:30 PM MPR
Thanks and have a great week!
Angie Dillman, Assistant Principal
We have started planning and working for our students for the next school year. Will you help us? We
need many willing hands and hearts. Please consider chairing a Committee this coming year. Contact
Jennifer Jackson, if you are interested in any of the following positions below.
8th Grade Promo Chair
Promo Decorations Chair
AEF Liaison
Can You Help Drive
Honorary Service
School Dance Chaperone Coordinator
Promo Food Chair
Promo Finance Chair
First Day Coffee Chair
Talent Show
Scottie Days Registration Information
Wed., August 10
8th and 7th grade registration
Volunteer shift: 7:30 am – 11:45 am (Registration is from 8:00 am – 11:10 am)
6 grade registration
Volunteer shift: 12:30 pm – 3:45 pm (Registration is from 1:00 pm – 3:05 pm)
Mon., August 15 – Make Up Day
All grades – Volunteer shift: 2:45 pm – 5:00 pm (Registration is from 3:00 pm – 4:35 pm)
Thurs., August 18 – First Day
All grades - Volunteer shift: 7:15 am – 9:15 am (Registration is from 7:30 am – 9:00 am)
We need your help with Scottie Days registration! Parent volunteers will receive a “Fast Pass” at
registration, which allows your child(ren) to go to the front of any lines. Please click on the following
SignUpGenius link below to sign up to help.
Questions: Sharleen Nakamoto, or Mery Montgomery, or Nicole Rizzo
FMS Scrip
Supporting our school couldn't be easier when you buy gift cards through SCRIP program! We have
many different Scrip cards for all your regular purchasing needs. It costs you nothing extra and our
school benefits by receiving a percentage of the sales donated by the vendors.
How can you buy Scrip at FMS?
Obtain the Scrip Order Form at the school office or AEF website ( and
leave the completed Order Form with payment (cash or check made payable to “AEF”) at the
school office. We will contact you when your order is ready to be picked up.
Join the “Scrip Club” to receive your Scrip in the mail every month. Download the Scrip Club
application form at AEF website and mail the completed form with a voided check to AEF,
P.O.Box 660009 Arcadia, CA 91066.
Please contact Grace You at if you have any questions.
8th Grade Promo Party:
PROMO PARTY: "Sign-Up Genius Link for Volunteers”
If you are an 8th grade parent and would like to volunteer for Promo Party, please check out the Sign-Up
Genius link to see how you can help out: 8th Grade Promo Volunteer Sign Up
PROMO PARTY: "Baby Pictures"
LAST CALL FOR BABY PHOTOS!!! A favorite activity at the 8th Grade Promotion Party is guessing
"who's who" using baby pictures. Please submit a 4 x 6 baby photo of your 8th grader! Send it in an
envelope marked "promo party baby pic" to the school office by May 27th. This is the latest we'll be
able to accept your child's photo! PLEASE WRITE THE STUDENT'S FIRST AND LAST NAME
CLEARLY ON THE BACK OF THE PICTURE (very important! ) We're unable to return photos, so
please submit a COPY. Contact Jeana Inyama at with any questions, and
thank you for participating!
Attention 6th and 7th grade parents! Want to get the inside scoop on the 8th grade promo party before
your turn? 8th grade parents will plan and set up, but they are not allowed at the party, so we are in need
of volunteers to chaperone on June 14th from 5:30-9:30pm. Please Sign up here 8th grade promo
chaperone sign-up to be a part of the fun.
Contact me at or 353-6127 if you have any questions or are willing to be
a head chaperone that evening.
Angie Jensen
Chaperone chair
On Tuesday, June 14th, our 8th graders will look forward to celebrating their achievements at Foothills
Middle School with a Promotion Party in honor of their academic, sports, arts and music
The Food Committee needs your help!! Do you know someone with a local restaurant who would be
willing to donate finger-type foods for our party? We are also looking for donations of food for our
party (sorry, no homemade food!)
If you would like to donate, please email Vicky Ryan at or Teresa Kelley at
teresa3, If you would like ideas on donations please give me a call at 626-264-0077!
Thank you for your support!
Promo Party Food Co-Chairs
Vicky Ryan and Teresa Kelley
On Tuesday, June 14th, our 8th graders will look forward to celebrating their achievements at Foothills
Middle School with a Promotion Party in honor of their milestone achievement.
To make this event a great success, our Promo Party Team needs your support with donations to offset
party costs and ensure plenty of prizes for the planned games. Would you like to help?
We are in need of more small game prizes! Gift cards make great game prizes. We would love to
receive gift cards in the amount of $5.00 or $10 from anywhere you think our graduates may enjoy.
(e.g. Jamba Juice, Yogurtland, iTunes, Starbucks, etc ..) If you would like to contribute any gift cards,
please email Angela Beddawi - or Donna Noda - bdnoda@yahoo.comor drop
by the front office and our wonderful office staff, Coral and Violet will be happy to accept your
donations on our behalf of the Promo Party Team.
Thank you for your support!
Promo Party Game Co-Chairs Angela Beddawi and Donna Noda
Apache Day preparations are underway! Volunteer to help, and your student will receive a “Fast Pass”
to get front-of-the-line privileges during Apache Days. Here is the schedule for this year's registration:
Students attending Music Camp: Friday, August 5th- morning
Seniors: Friday, August 5th- afternoon
Juniors: Monday, August 8th- morning
Sophomores: Monday, August 8th- afternoon
Freshmen: Tuesday, August 9th- morning
Make Up: Tuesday, August 9th- afternoon
Get more details and sign up NOW through our new sign-up genius
Your help is greatly appreciated!!!
Margaret Aghili and Donna Noda
Apache Days Freshmen Co-Chairs
June Music Club Upcoming Events
1. Orchestra Uniform Return Day on June 1st, 2016
Please drop your uniform off in Mr. Morton’s classroom before the start of school.
Follow the directions in the flyer that was sent out.
2. Our Final Meeting/Installation of our Officers and Luncheon will be held on
Friday June 3rd starting at 11:15 @ Peppers Restaurant in Arcadia.
Hopefully you can attend and say hello and goodbye to old friends!
Click on the link to RSVP!
3. Instrument Inventory Day **Mon. June 13**, 9:00 am to noon
Come and join the crew to help Mr. Morton Inventory every single
instrument that was borrowed by students this year! That is about 300 instruments!
It is a great time to work with friends!
Sign up below!
4. Open Music Club Positions for 2016-2017
Please see that following sheet for our openings for next year! We need your help!
5. Band Shoes for Donation
If you have a graduating 8 grader who will no longer need their Glide band shoes that you have
purchased, and they are in good condition, please consider donating them back to the Band for
extra shoes for the coming years.
In addition, if you borrowed shoes this year, now is the time to return them back to the school.
Please return them in a bag with the student’s name and id number clearly marked on the bag so
that you can get the credit back.
Foothills Music Club Positions Still Available for
It is not too early to start thinking about supporting your student’s musical experiences at
Foothills Middle School next year by becoming part of our fun family of Music Club
Officers. There is still time to sign up for next year. Please consider donating the gift of
your time to help our school and Music students. Please contact Margaret Aghili, Music
Club President with questions at Thank you!!
Band Classroom Aide: Help Mr. Morton in class with clerical tasks. Flexible time commitment
during school hours or events.
Music Event Chairs: The following Chairs will help event planning/setting with VP; remind volunteer
parents when and where to help during specific events, create Sign Up Genius links for events:
Highlander String Orchestra Concert Chair: Coordinates Volunteers for the HSO Concerts and
Music Festivals.
Highlander Band Parade Chair: Coordinate Volunteers for 3 Parades for HB in Fall and Spring
Highlander Band Concert Chair: Coordinates Volunteers for the HB Concerts and works with B6
Coordinator as needed
Band 6 Coordinator: Coordinates the 6th grade volunteers in conjunction with HB VP and HB
Concert Chair.
Historian/Videographers: – One Historian for Band and One for Orchestra: Someone to videotape
and take pictures of the performances for the different groups. Document the year for the students
and Mr. Morton.
171 East Sycamore Avenue, Arcadia, California 91006
May 27, 2016
Dear Sixth Grade Parent/Guardian,
As we approach the end of the 2015-2016 school year, plans for the upcoming school
year are starting to take place. The incoming seventh grade students will have an
exciting year ahead with the opportunity to attend our annual Outdoor Science School
field trip.
We would like to cordially invite you to attend an information meeting for this
upcoming trip. Please join us in the MPR on Monday, June 6th from 6 – 6:30 pm for
our OSS presentation and Q&A.
If you are unable to attend please check the school website after the presentation day
for information.
Thank you for your support of Foothills Middle School and the seventh grade science
Mrs. Terry Sun
Mrs. Anny Kim
Ms. Juliana Capra
The 7th Grade Life Science Teachers
Scottie Days registration packets will be posted on the FMS
website – – on July 1, 2016. Packets are not sent home.
Reminders for a smooth registration:
The AUSD PIN will be mailed to your home in late summer. Use the PIN and
instructions to go online and fill out the Annual Notification to Parents and the
Emergency Contact Information. In order to register, you must print out and
sign two forms showing that you have completed the Annual Notification and
Emergency Contact.
Fill out the purchase form in the Scottie Days packet. If you are not sure if your
child is in Music, check the FMS website for a list of students who signed up for
Band or Orchestra. Students will be listed by ID number only.
To avoid any surprises, check the FMS website in July to see if your child has any
fines or holds. These can be paid at FMS on your registration day.
All t-shirts (PE, spirit, etc) sizes are adult.
Wed., August 10
8th and 7th grade registration
Volunteer shift: 7:30 am – 11:45 am (Registration is from 8:00 am – 11:10 am)
6th grade registration
Volunteer shift: 12:30 pm – 3:45 pm (Registration is from 1:00 pm – 3:05 pm)
Mon., August 15 – Make Up Day
All grades
Volunteer shift: 2:45 pm – 5:00 pm (Registration is from 3:00 pm – 4:35 pm)
Thurs., August 18 – First Day
All grades
Volunteer shift: 7:15 am – 9:15 am (Registration is from 7:30 am – 9:00 am)
We need your help with Scottie Days registration! Parent volunteers will receive a “Fast
Pass” at registration, which allows your child(ren) to go to the front of any lines. Please
click on the following SignUpGenius link below to sign up to help.
Questions: Sharleen Nakamoto, or Mery Montgomery, or Nicole Rizzo
Foothills Middle School Music Club News
The kids had a lot of fun getting ready!
April ended on a high note with the two run out
concerts to Highland Oaks and Hugo Reid. On Friday April
15th, HSO traveled to Highland Oaks to perform for their
teachers and the entire school. The heat did not stop our
musicians from putting on a great concert!
There are no cameras allowed backstage but we got lots of
shots of kids having a good time in the park!
The highlight for the 7th & 8th grade students was the long
anticipated trip to Disneyland for both our Highlander
String Orchestra and our Highlander Band on Wednesday
April 20.
After an early start at FMS at 6:15 am followed by
a quick bite to eat, nearly 180 performers and 17
Chaperones boarded the buses and headed to Anaheim.
Here are some of the students getting ready at FMS and
upon arrival in the staging area between the two parks.
Here is a picture of the official
Disney Performing Arts Mickey Ears
that all students received as a
remembrance of the day!
Looks like Mr. Lew had a blast with his group!
8th Grade Band Ladies enjoying the magic of Disney!
No words are needed for this awesome action shot!
Highlander String Orchestra enjoying some free time at
Disney to eat and socialize!
A big shout out to all the volunteers who have
taken time from their schedule to help at our events so far
this year. It takes many hands to help Mr. Morton with
each of his groups, from Orchestra 6, Band 6 to Highlander
String Orchestra, and finally Highlander Band.
Of course none of this could be done without Mr.
Morton leading all of our different groups. It is really
amazing how he is able (with the help of our adjunct
instructors) to foster the student’s musical talent and help
them improve year after year.
Last week we had our final fundraiser at Baja
Fresh. My family was able to enjoy lunch there and I heard
that it was very busy at dinner. Thank you for coming out to
Trying to wrangle 180 kids to sit still for one
support our Music Program. The money raised goes to
support our Music programs at Foothills directly!
picture was no small feat!!! Especially in a park full of other
people! A very special thank you to our chaperones for
Hope to see you at our final concert events, next
helping keep our kids safe and happy! The chaperones were week – Wednesday May 11th for Orchestra 6 and
kind enough to share their photos for these collages as
Highlander String Orchestra and Thursday May 12 for
well. This program is such a great opportunity for our kids
Band 6 and Highlander Band! Performances start at 7:00
to work with world class conductors while sight reading. It pm. We have a special surprise planned for our graduating
is even more special for their performance to be recorded 8th graders! Aloha!!
and set to a Disney scene on a soundstage! What a treat!
Finally, on Friday April 22nd, Highlander Band went
to Hugo Reid for an amazing display of marching, percussion
and music. The Raiders were very impressed by the music.
They really enjoyed the marching as well! Many of the
music students at Hugo Reid are very excited to come to
FMS and join the Highlander Band!
Warm regards,
Margaret Aghili
Music Club President
Arcadia Unified School District
Student Health Services
180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Telephone: (626) 821-1731 … Fax: (626) 821-1712
AB354 Requiere la vacuna de Tdap para los del grado 7
A los padres de los estudiantes del 6to grado
Para el año escolar 2016-2017, y todos los futuros años escolares, Todos los Estudiantes
entrando, avanzando o transfiriéndose al 7mo. grado necesitaran la prueba de la dosis adicional
de la inmunización de adolecentes de la whooping cough (llamada “Tdap”) para la escuela en
el otoño. estos requerimientos aplican a todas las escuelas, públicas y privadas. Este
requerimiento fue firmado para una ley en el 2010.
En el 2010, California experimentó el peor brote de pertussis (whooping cough) en más de la
mitad del siglo, con más de 9,000 casos confirmados y 10 muertes de infantes. Los nuevos
requerimientos de inmunizaciones están intentando ayudar a reducir la extensión de la
whooping cough entre la juventud de California. La mayoría de los niños están completamente
protegidos antes de entrar al Jardín de Niños porque la vacuna de la DTaP, es una vacuna
hecha para niños pequeños. Sin embargo la protección de estas enfermedades se deteriora y preadolecentes y adolecentes podrían estar en riesgo de contagiarse de esta peligrosa enfermedad si
no tienen un refuerzo.
Los requerimientos de la Tdap afectan a los Estudiantes entrantes al 7 mo, grado en
California, así que es importante evitar el ajetreo del regreso a clases y vacunar a nuestros
niños(a) ahora. Dígales a otros padres con niños entrando al 6 to. Grado acerca de los
requerimientos y anímelos a que programen su vacuna pronto, antes del verano.
Recuerde, en adición al refuerzo de la Tdap hay muchas vacunas importantes recomendadas
para pre-adolecentes y adolescentes, incluyendo la vacuna meningococcal, un segundo refuerzo
de chickenpox (si ellos nunca han tenido la enfermedad chickenpox), y la serie de las vacunas
HPV. Cualquiera más grande de 6 meses de edad se le recomienda recibir la vacuna de la flu de
la estación.
El departamento de Salud Pública de California y el Departamento de Educación de California
han estado trabajando colaborativamente en esta importante medida. Información sobre los
nuevos requerimientos de la Tdap, incluyen información en donde conseguir estas vacunas a
bajo costo o gratuitas, formas, y FAQs (hechos) están disponibles en
Asistente de Salud
Número de Teléfono
180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, California 91007
電話: (626) 821-1731 ... 傳真: (626) 821-1712
加州議案 AB354 規定 7 年級學生必須注射百日咳疫苗加強剂
致所有 6 年級學生家長們
在 2015-2016 學年及其後任何未來學年,當秋季開學時所有升 7 年級, 或轉學讀 7 年級的
學生都將須出示下列證明: 青少年百日咳加強剂疫苗注射 (簡稱 “Tdap”)。 該規定適用於
所有公立和私立學校。 該新法規由加州議會在 2010 年投票通過。
於 2010 年, 加州經歷本州半世紀以來最嚴重的百日咳(又稱 pertussis) 疫情,有超過 9,000
件被證實發病個案和 10 個嬰兒死亡。 該新疫苗注射規定是為了減少加州青少年的百日
咳傳播。 大多數兒童進幼稚園之前因曾注射百日咳/白喉/破傷風混合疫苗(簡稱 DtaP)已完
全有疫苗保護。 該混合疫苗是為較年幼的兒童設計的。 但是, 這些疫病的保護作用逐漸
Tdap 疫苗規定影響所有在加州進入 7 年級的學生,所以請避免開學期間慌忙急迫,請您
現在就帶您孩子去接受疫苗注射。 告訴其他有孩子讀 6 年級的家長有關本疫苗規定並鼓
請切記, 除了 Tdap 加強剂之外, 還有幾個重要的推薦青少年疫苗規定, 包括腦膜炎疫苗,
第二剂水痘疫苗(針對從來沒有得過水痘的青少年), 和肝炎疫苗系列。 我們建議每個 6 個
月以上的兒童和青少年都接種一剂當年的流感 (flu)疫苗。
加州公共健康部門和加州教育局一直合作推行該重要法案。 在
您可以找到新的 Tdap 疫苗規定資料, 包括到那里可以接種免費, 或廉價的疫苗, 申請表格,
Arcadia Unified School District
Student Health Services
180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Telephone: (626) 821-1731 … Fax: (626) 821-1712
AB354 Requires Tdap Shot for 7th Graders
To the parents of 6th grade students
For the 2016-2017 school year, and all future school years, all students entering, advancing or
transferring into 7th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster
immunization (called “Tdap”) for school in the fall. This requirement applies to all public and
private schools. This requirement was signed into law in 2010.
In 2010, California experienced its worst outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) in more than
half a century, with more than 9,000 confirmed cases and 10 infant deaths. The new
immunization requirement is intended to help reduce the spread of whooping cough among
California’s youth. Most children are fully protected prior to entering kindergarten because of the
DTaP vaccine, a vaccine made for younger children. However, protection to these diseases wears
off and preteens and teens may be at risk for catching this dangerous disease without a booster.
The Tdap requirement affects all incoming 7th grade students in California, so it’s important to
avoid the back-to-school rush and to get our children vaccinated now. Tell other parents with
children in the 6th grade about the requirement and encourage them to schedule the shot early,
before summer.
Remember, in addition to the Tdap booster, there are several important vaccines recommended
for preteens and teens including the meningococcal vaccine, a second chickenpox shot (if they
never had chickenpox disease), and the HPV vaccine series. Everyone older than six months old
is recommended to receive a seasonal flu vaccine.
The California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Education have
been working collaboratively on this important measure. Information on the new Tdap
requirement, including information on where to get free or low cost vaccines, forms, and FAQs
are available at
Health Assistant
Phone number
Arcadia Unified School District
Student Health Services
180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Telephone: (626) 821-1731 … Fax: (626) 821-1712
AB354 법안 7 학년 Tdap 예방 접종 받기
6 학년 학부모님께
2016-2017 년 학기부터, 7 학년이 될 모든 학생들은 가을 학기에 입학하기 위해서는 청소
년 백일해 예방 주사 (일명 Tdap ) 받은 증명서를 제출을 해야 합니다. 이 법안 은 2010 년
에 모든 공립과 사립학교 대상으로 통과 됬습니다.
2010 년에, 가주에서는 50 년 만에 최악의 백일해 발생을 경험했으며, 9000 명의 환자 발생
과 10 명의 신생아 사망의 케이스가 있었습니다. 재 예방 접종으로 청소년들의 백일해 (마
른 기침) 전염을 줄이기 위함입니다. 대부분의 어린이들은 유치원 입학 전에 받은 DTaP
예방주사로 완벽하게 보호되어있습니다. 그러나 아이가 커가면서 효과가 떨어져 감으로
청소년 기에 있는 아이들에게 병에 걸릴 위험성이 있어서 재 접종이 필요합니다.
Tdap 예방 접종은 가주에사는 모든 7 학년이 될 학생에게 필수이므로, 개학 전까지 미루지
마시고 미리 예방 접종을 지금 하십시오. 주위에 다른 학부모 님도 혹시 6 학년 자녀가 있다
면 미리 여름이 오기 전에 예방 접종을 하도록 권장해주십시오.
또한, Tdap 부스터 외에도 어린이와 청소년들에게 권장하고 있는 예방 접종으로 수막구균
(meningococcal vaccine), 수두에 걸리지 않았다면 다시 한번 수두 예방주사 (chickenpox
shot)를, 그리고 HPV 백신 시리즈도 접종 하며. 6 개월 이상의 아이에게는 독감 예방주사도
가주 보건기관과 가주 교육기관이 Tdap 의 중요성을 공동으로 조치하기로 실시 했습니다.
이 백신을 어디서 어떻게(작은 비용으로) , 어떤 용지(form)로 등의 그밖에 질문은 아래 싸
이트에 참고하십시오.
Health Assistant/보건 보조인
School / 학교
Phone number/ 전화