Peyote, two-drop Peyote: zipping up or joining Right
Peyote, two-drop Peyote: zipping up or joining Right
Figure 31: When you reach the point where you went through two beads, pick up one bead; continue peyote stitch. FIGURE 31 Peyote, two-drop Work two-drop peyote stitch just like peyote stitch, but treat every pair of beads as if it were a single bead. Figure 32: Start with an even number of beads divisible by four. Go through the first 2 beads. Pick up two beads (stitch 1 of row 3), skip two beads, and go through the next two beads. For oddcount turns, see Figures 19 and 20. 2 Right-angle weave 1 Figure 34: To start the first row, string four beads and tie into a snug circle. Pass the needle through the first three beads again. Figure 38: Pick up three beads and sew 3 4 back through the bead you exited in figure 37 (the first “top” bead of row 1) and the first new bead, sewing in a clockwise direction. FIGURE 34 Figure 35: Pick up three beads (#5, 6, and 7) and sew back through the last bead of the previous circle and #5 and 6. 7 FIGURE 38 Figure 39: Pick up two beads and sew 6 5 FIGURE 35 through the next top bead of the row below and the last bead of the previous stitch. Continue through the two new beads and the next top bead of the row below, sewing counter-clockwise. Figure 36: Pick up three beads and sew back through #6 and the first two new beads. Continue adding three beads for each stitch until the first row is the desired length. You are sewing circles in a figure-8 pattern and alternating direction with each stitch. FIGURE 39 FIGURE 32 Figure 40: Sewing clockwise, pick up Peyote: zipping up or joining Figure 33: To join two sections of peyote stitch invisibly, begin with a high bead on one side and a low bead on the other. Go through each high bead, alternating sides. FIGURE 36 Figure 37: To begin row 2, sew through two beads and go through the side bead of the previous stitch, the top bead on the row below that you exited in figure 39, and the first new bead. Keep the thread moving in a figure-8. Pick up two beads for the rest of the row. Don’t sew straight lines between stitches. the last three beads of the last stitch on row 1, exiting the bead at the edge of one long side. FIGURE 37 FIGURE 40 FIGURE 33 13 BKS-BDB-62288-FM_1-15.indd 13 1/29/08 9:44:17 AM