The Ministry of the Watchman


The Ministry of the Watchman
Vol. 14 No. 1
Winter 2010
“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God...” Eph. 3:10
The Ministry of the
“I will stand upon my watch...” Habakkuk 2:1
From the Pastor...
It’s been a while since we’ve
given you an update through this
newsletter, and I’m excited to
share our news with you. First, I
would like to say that the most
exciting days for God’s people are ahead of us. I must warn
you, though, that unless you are committed to God’s word,
you may miss what’s going on, because God is a God who
keeps covenant. The challenges that face us can be resolved
only through skillful use of the word of God. As we honor
God through worship and praying His word, we will see
His glory.
I had the privilege of ministering the last two days of
2009 and the first day of 2010 at Morningstar World
Outreach Church in Huntly, Illinois. God gave us a
vision for the coming year with the declaration that this
is the year of the prophetic people. (see below). He has a
vision of His people being equipped with His explosive
weapons of warfare. He will equip us with a
word that not only will be fit, but will
explode with miracle working power.
We will do the miraculous because
we make ourselves available to God.
We will see the ordinary believer empowered with words that
demonstrate the power of God. This will be the Lord’s doing.
God confirmed this to us before the
week was out. As I watched FOX news,
Senior Political Analyst, Brit Hume
sent a message to Tiger Woods,
declaring that Jesus could offer what he
needs: forgiveness and redemption.
What an explosive word! If you don’t
think that’s a miracle, think about what
happens when Christians speak about
Christ on TV. They usually get
hammered! Remember Carrie Prejean? But this time, this word was too
powerful to resist. God is equipping His people.
In keeping with this vision, we are going forward with Our fourteenth
annual Gathering of Eagles Conference with our theme “Let the Prophets
Speak...” Our speaker will be Prophet Roberts Liardon of Sarasota,
Florida. A prolific author as well as Prophet and Teacher, Roberts has an
explosive word delivered with the faith that comes from years of paying the
price for the goods. This man of God is the real deal.
In addition to Prophet Liardon, we have Rev. Shirley Camp, Prophet Jeff
Staples, and Bishop Tony Russell rounding out our list of power players.
You don’t want to miss these meetings!
So look out, Detroit! Here it comes! This is the most prayed for season
of our time! This is the year of the Prophetic People!
“Equipped with an Explosive Word”
Prophecy Given Through Barbara Williams, December 30, 2009
In the day that King Uzziah died, My prophet Isaiah said,
(in response to a question that I asked when I said, “Who
shall we send, and Who shall go for us?”) and he, [Isaiah]
spoke up and said “Here I am, Lord, send Me.”
And the Lord says, “This is that time again. This is that
time again, where My eyes are roaming to and fro across the
earth asking the same question of every heart.
“In this day and age, it’s not just the prophet that I would
ask, but it is the sons and daughters that I have declared will
prophesy,” says the Spirit of God. “And I am looking for a
people who will say, ‘Here am I, Lord, send Me!’ I am looking for a people who will respond and want to be the one
that I send to speak for Me. For I need a people who will
declare My Word in the earth,” says the Spirit of God. “And
My mind and My heart are stirred up to find those people. I
will find them wherever they are. I will seek them out and I
will find them. They will come from the high and low, from
the rich and poor. They will come from the four corners of
the earth. They will come from anywhere and everywhere
with the one response that makes them acceptable to Me,
and that is ‘Here am I, Lord, Send Me.’
“So this year, 2010, (twenty-ten), will be the year of the
prophetic people. It will be the year that I will release such
a Word with such power in the mouths of those who will say,
‘Here am I, Lord, Send Me.’ ‘Here am I, Lord, Send Me.’ That
won’t hesitate, won’t look back, won’t look at what they’re
leaving behind, and won’t look at what the cost is, but they
will respond quickly to the query of the heart of the Spirit,
and they will respond and say, ‘Here am I, Lord, Send Me.’
It won’t be the pastor, it won’t be the well-known, it won’t
be the ones we always look at to do the work,” says the
Lord, “but it will be the one who responds with a simple,
‘YES’ answer to My question in their hearts.
And I will send them here, and there, and everywhere,
and I will equip them,” says the Spirit of God. “For I have
been planning such equipment that the world has not yet
seen. For I have people stationed, and I have people in specific strategic places to release the Word of the Lord because
they have responded and said, ‘Whatever you say to do,
Lord, I am here to do it.’
So I am looking for a people, a prophetic people, that I
can equip, and I can put My weapons upon them.”
And yes, there are imitations - there are false things in the
earth - that would try to imitate the explosive power of My
Word.” says the Spirit of the Lord. “For was there not someone apprehended recently in the city of Detroit who had
equipment strapped to him ready to explode and cause damage?” The Lord says, “That is merely a counterfeit of what I
have for My People. For I have a Word that will explode and
break chains and break barriers. I have a Word that will
come to you as you sit, and just casually talk to someone their heart will be stirred, and there will be a fire stirred up
within them,” says the Spirit of God. “For I will strap a bomb
onto My People, and that is the Word of the Lord. And when
that Word is released, it will do such damage to the devil’s
kingdom that he will not be able to find the pieces to put it
back in repair, for My anointing destroys every yoke.
“And what I am planning on this earth is a double-fold
anointing, and a double-fold release of My Word. For one of
My children will be meditating, and beginning to understand
what it is that I am wanting them to do, and that Word will
come into them and be like fire shut up in their bones...
(That will be explosion #1.) And that person will carry it,
just like the fake (suicide bomber) carries his explosives, and
that person will know exactly where to release that Word,
and to whom to release it. And it will come and it will
explode and break barriers off of that individual, and they
will open their eyes and they will see My Son in all of His
Glory. For I have that stored up for My people.
“And Yes, you will be a terror. And Yes, you will be a
threat. But I will hide you in the cleft of the Rock when you
need to be hidden, and I will make it such that you will be
wise as serpents and harmless as doves in the earth. And
you will be known as the people who know their God and do
exploits,” says the Spirit of the Living God.
“So My eye is looking. I am looking, and I will knock on
the door of every heart, and I am looking for those who will
say, ‘Here I am, Lord, Send Me. Send Me! I’m not looking
to the preacher, I’m not looking to the missionary...
Continued on page 2...
2010: THE YEAR OF THE PROPHETIC PEOPLE (continued from pg 1)
...I’m not looking to someone else to do it, but I will be the
sent one this time.’ And God will equip you with such glory
and such majesty, and such a Word, that people will know
that you know that you know God of a truth,” says the Lord.
“And Yes, the earth will be filled with the knowledge of
My Glory. It will be FILLED with the knowledge of My Glory.
No more religion. No more playing games. No more false
things, but the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit
through the Bride of Christ in this earth,” says the Spirit of
the Living God.
“And know that I saved the best for last,” says the Spirit.
“I saved the best for last. For one will wake up, and will
feel an new stirring on the inside, and that’s the giving over
of that explosive Word into your spirit, and you will know
exactly where to carry it, and where to release it, and when
it comes forth, it will bring forth much powerful fruit. For
you will see miracles at your own words,” Says the spirit of
God. “You will see miracles at your own words. You will
see miracles, and you will know that you are the one who is
sent, that you are the one who is equipped, and you are the
one that is giving Me glory,” says the Spirit of the Living
“And I am giving the Christian a new occupation. I am
giving you the occupation of the one who makes a differ ence everywhere you go. No more to be persecuted and
chased and hunted down, and reviled, and persecuted for
no good reason. But you will be one that will hold their
head high and be sought after because people know you
have the real thing.” says the Spirit of the Living God.
“And I alone will do this. I alone will do it, and I will
release My power, and release My glory into the hearts of
hungry people who have been faithful and who have been
waiting, and who know what time it is.” Says the Spirit of
the Living God.
“A prophetic people... A prophetic people with the explosive Word that can do eternal good for humanity in the
earth at this hour,” says the Spirit of the Living God.
Abundance is Coming
to the People of God
Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, August 13, 2009
I hear it! Don’t you hear it? I hear it! Can you hear it?
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
Abundance of Rain!
drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip
Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain
It’s abundance of rain!
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
Even in famine in Detroit
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
Can you hear it? drip drip drip drip
drip drip drop drop drip drop drip drop drip drop
I hear it! I hear it! The Abundance of rain!
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
Can you hear it? Can you hear it?
drip drip drip drip drip drip drop drop drip drop drip
drop drip drop drop drop drop drop drop...
AND A FLOOD IS COMING I’m telling you!
A FLOOD IS COMING I’m telling you!
Even in the midst of famine the flood will come...
the flood of abundance of everything we need
‘Cause we serve a God of Abundance!
He is not a broke, poor God!
He cares less about the economy!
He cares less about “Cap & Crunch” and “Cap & Trade”
and “Cap & Tax” & “Captain Crunch!”
He cares less about “Clunkers for Truckers”
and “Trade” & Stuff!
He’s the God of Abundance of Rain! drip drip drip drip
I hear it! I hear it!
I hear the sound of abundance of rain!
And it reaches a flood... And it reaches your house...
And it reaches your purse... It’s abundance of rain!
It’s abundance of rain! We serve a God of abundance
and an abundance, abundance of RAIN is coming!
“Coming to my people! It’s coming to my people!
Sow in the midst of famine as Isaac did, and
you’ll reap 100-fold in the season of famines
because you live in the land of
Don’t forget it! your
abundance! abundance!
You serve a God
who is never broke,
and if you go broke,
He’ll make it for you!
He can make anything;
He created this earth,
And He will give it to His kids...
I said
Don’t believe the lies
that you see on the TV!
Abundance is coming
to the people of God!
Abundance is coming
to the people of God!
I hear it! drip drip drip drip
The sound of abundance! The
sound of abundance!
The sound of abundance!
A Special Message from Prophetess Barbara Williams:
Greetings! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
We serve a mighty God, and we want to share the
message of His goodness with everyone!
This may be the first time I have done anything like
this, but I really wanted to share what God has placed on
my heart and lips with the body of Christ in general.
In August of 2009, we had our 14th annual Power and
Glory of God Conference in Detroit, Michigan. We have
wonderful praise and worship. Bishop Tony Russell and
his musicians always do a great job, and as I was listening for the word of the Lord, I was impressed by Bishop
Russell’s song selection. He sang about the rain in two
songs. Brother James Wood plays a stirring saxophone
which completes the band. As I was listening to the
Lord, I felt the unction to prophesy. This is not in itself
unusual, but the way it came was.
Often the song of the Lord will come to me as a finalization of things God has been speaking to me previously.
This word came out of “nowhere” except we know it was
the heart and mind of God. I had to minister totally by
faith, and God began to explode His truth within me.
This word runs totally contrary to what the natural
circumstances are, but I know it is God. He spoke to us
about the sound of abundance, and for those of you who
will believe, this word will produce abundance for you.
As those who heard the word that night began to
rejoice, I could sense their faith level rising for the supernatural abundant provision of God. Since that time, we
have had multiple testimonies of unexpected financial
miracles, jobs and promotions, and restored favor and
business success.
We have posted the prophecy on YouTube. We have a
link to it on our website, but also the text of it is included
here. We also are sharing testimonies from those who
are receiveing the manifestation of this word. Saints,
believe that this is our time to hear and see abundance in
all things good and all things God. ~ BE BLESSED!
Testimony by Diane McCarthy - The Awesomeness of God!
I guess this all started at the last conference in Detroit. During the conference we were asked to pledge $500 and to sow
toward that pledge. I pledged a little more than that because I was expecting to get a settlement f rom an injury. The
settlement money was way overdue, and I pledged off of that money. I came home from the conference believing that the
money would show up. Well, while I waited, anticipating the money’s release, I had neglected to tit he off of my only
income (unemployment).
Mrs. Pat (Frazier) gave an awesome testimony about how God blessed her when she made the decision to trust God and
tithe consistently. Her testimony convicted and encouraged me to give and to not make excuses that I didn’t have enough.
I made up my mind that I would be more diligent in my giving and follow through with my pledge. A s hort time after
making the commitment to give and follow through, my settlement money finally showed up. I paid off my pledge sowed
elsewhere. Then out of nothing I was doing GOD showed up and showed out! I got a job.
I had been looking and applying, but nothing was working out. I couldn’t even get the “just pay the bills” kind of job I
had applied for. So I had kind of stopped looking for work. Late one night one of my old co-workers called me out of the
blue to tell me about a job that was available, and that he had given my resume to our other co-worker (whom I had only
met once). I was told to call the next morning and follow up on my resume submission. I called and got an interview. I
was told that I would be contacted in a few days to shadow the lady that was leaving. I didn’t get the email telling me to
come in on that Friday, so I was going to call and ask why I didn’t get the position. Before I could make the call, they called
to ask where I was—they had been expecting me. I had gotten the job. They had made the decision that same day!
This job is absolutely GOD! It is the type of work that I was doing before I was laid off. I have my own office, but much
larger than the one I had before, and I will be in a safer environment with flexible hours. I can c hange my hours to
accommodate me, if need be. I will not work weekends or holidays, and I will have a short commute.
Testimony by LaShawn Ramos - Keep Your Faith!
Right before the conference I got a job about that was a 6-minute drive from my home, (20 minute walk), for $7.40/hr. It
was a blessing because I hadn’t been working, so this was an answer to prayer. I gave my best to this job, and in return I
got an award for my excellent work and was recommended for a training session of 6 weeks to be come a line leader.
On the second day of the conference, I went shopping with Anita and my engine dropped; one of the three motor mounts
that support the engine broke. One the way home from the conference, the top mount broke, which left just one mount
keeping the engine from completely falling out of my vehicle.
It was a blessing that I didn’t have to drive far to work, or could even walk if I needed to, but I kept getting laid off
every week. Sometimes I would only get two days or less per week. So I used my faith on my lunch break one day and
submitted an online application for Job1. The week that I did this, I came back to work to find out I was released altogether. The following week I was notified by a job scout from Job1 who saw my online resume and thought I would be a
good candidate to for a position at UPS as a guard. Praise God! This job has more pay and no lay o ffs, but I still needed
to get my car fixed so I could drive to work.
I got many quotes, and I went to Pastor Barb who told me to pray for the right mechanic and the right price. My boys
and I thanked Jesus everyday for the van to be fixed. I took it to a shop down the street from my house, and the man
told me the cost would be $285 for just one of the mounts to be fixed. I told him I didn’t have that amount, and he proceeded to ask me out to dinner; I refused him and told him I was a Christian, married woman. Another mechanic overheard me, and encouraged me saying, “Keep your faith,” and said if I buy the parts (under $10 ea.), he would fix it for
just $110! I got two done for less than the price of one! God is Good.
Testimony by Gary Vaseau - Exceeding and Abundant!
The 15-passenger van that I use to drive for the ministry was over the hill and we needed a new one. At first we were
looking at pretty old vans to replace it. It grieved my heart to think that our ministry should have old or rusty things. I
decided to do everything I could and to pray and believe God for a good van for us. God came through miraculously. I
had some gravesites available that I had been trying to sell for over a year. Someone called me out of the blue and
purchased both of them. Also, the old van sold in less than a week!
God did a wondrous work in many ways and found us a van that looks almost brand new! God also gave us favor with
the seller, and he will be blessed for electing to sell to God’s Children over taking a higher offer. God also worked through
Pastor Barb and Mack to install a beautiful built-in DVD player for us to watch ministry DVDs for ou r road trips. Plus I get
the blessing of using this as my gift to the ministry! Thank you, Lord!
Pray for Our Troops...
Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18:1
We continue to pray for our nation during this time of war.
There are still troops fighting, there is still a threat of terror,
and there are still those enemies who must be apprehended.
(Although not as many as when we began! Praise the Lord!)
Although we rejoice in the victories, it is vital that we pray
without ceasing. We continue to pray for God’s intervention
and protection for our rulers, leaders, and protective services.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most
High shall abide under the shadow of the
Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge
and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the
fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall
cover you with His feathers, and under His wings
you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your
shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, or of
the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence
that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction
that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right
hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward
of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even
the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any
plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over
you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and
the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will
set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me,
and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and
honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.”
The Church in the World
The Church in
The World
Finding Scriptural Answers to Puzzling Questions
In this section we will attempt to answer questions that seem to puzzle people... both in the world and in
the church. We will search the scriptures for answers to some insight into God’s mind in these areas.
“My friend thinks the Bible is helpful to us today. I disagree. Since it was written so
long ago, I don’t believe it is...”
The Bible contains nothing but the truth, and truth is timeless. The bible is rare in that it is
the only written work that validates itself.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness...” (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that the Bible
contains valuable information. There is no time limit on that which is valuable; as a matter of
fact, value often increases with age.
Don’t Miss the Ministry of the Watchman’s
Every Second Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Rev. Barbara Williams, Teacher
This is a School of Ministry designed
to teach you the Word of God and empower
you to do the works of God.
For more information,
Call 1-800-560-9240 or go to
Podcast and Television Schedule...
If the Bible were written by mere men alone, the fact that it’s words bring so much comfort
and help to humanity world wide would make it of value. Books written centuries ago still are
enjoyed by people today, so mere books never lose their value.
Tune In and be strengthened, encouraged,
and trained to fulfill the Great Commission!
But is the Bible merely an old book, or is it more than that? According to 2 Peter 1:20-21
holy men of God wrote the Bible as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. This means that God
Himself inspired men who were called to serve Him, and told them to write His thoughts.
The word of God is timeless, because the author is eternal and lives today, and because He
is alive, He can speak to us from the pages of His word, and tell us how to apply His word to
our lives today.
Sign up to begin receiving these daily teachings in your email at
Weekly Sermon Podcast from Pastor Barb and
Pastor Shirley now online at
Cleveland, Ohio:
Time Warner Cable Channel 21 - Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio:
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Time Warner Cable Channel 76
Sundays at 8:30 p.m. & Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
Cleveland, Ohio: (Other Suburban Areas)
Time Warner Cable Channel 50
Mondays at 8:30 p.m. & Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
Toledo, Ohio:
Buckeye Cable Channel 69 - Saturday at 11:00 a.m.
The Ministry of the Watchman Presents
Prophetess Barbara Williams
Southfield / Roseville Area, Michigan:
Comcast Cable Channel 18 - Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Inkster / Taylor / Downriver Area, Michigan:
Comcast Cable Channel 20 - Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m.
Oakland County Area, Michigan:
Comcast Cable Channel 52 & WOW! Cable Channel 18 - Sunday at 3:30 p.m. & Monday at 4:00 p.m.
Check out whats New in Store!
The Multimedia Resource Bookstore of the Ministry of the Watchman International
What’s New from Pastor Barb...
God wants His people to be Prophetic
People. On January 30-31, 2009, God gave us a
vision for the coming year with the declaration that
this is the year of the prophetic people. These
messages and book by Rev. Barbara Williams
detail some of the unique functions and
characteristic of the Prophet’s office as well as
those that work with prophets. Understanding
the functions of the prophet’s anointing allows
us to be able to respond to it correctly, and
cooperate with it to accomplish God’s Will in the
earth for this time.
• “God Wants His People to Be Prophetic People Vol. 1” (book)
• 2010: The Year of the Prophetic People (2 CD Set or 2 DVD Set)
Seven Weeks of Devotion and Intercession for
Women & Men Around the World
Prayer is so easy. It merely consists of making contact with our
Heavenly Father to worship and praise Him though His Word.
As we worship Him in spirit and in truth, then the storehouse of
Heaven is opened up to us. While at His throne, we often forget
that there is someone else, somewhere who has a similar need.
These books address that need, and provide a reminder and a
focus that allows us to intercede for that other brother or sister,
whomever they may be, wherever they may be. God knows who they are and
what they need, and He wants you to pray for them.
• Proverbs Wisdom for Men (book)
• Proverbs Wisdom for Women (book)
If you’re at the end
of your rope, there
is a miracle...
There is a way of
escape at the end
everyone’s ability
to take care of
Your obedience
to God weaves a rope that holds
your way of escape. He’s promised to never
leave you or forsake you... He will never
abandon you or leave you without help. In this
series you will be encouraged in the
assurance of God’s miracle provision for you.
2010 Gathering of Eagles Conference
Featuring the anointed ministries of
Prophetess Barbara Williams,
Prophet Roberts Liardon,
Pastor Shirley Camp,
Prophet Jeff Staples
and Bishop Tony Russell
DVDs, and CDs of these Dynamic
Messages are NOW AVAILABLE.
Order your full set TODAY!
What’s New from Pastor Shirley...
No matter where you are in your walk
with the Lord, these books and
teaching CDs will give you a
deeper understanding of the gift of
the Holy Spirit, both for your
personal life, as well as wisdom for
sharing this Promise with others!
As Shirley Camp speaks from her
heart and the word of God, you will
have the mysteries of God unfold in a
new way. Her style of teaching is both revelatory and scriptural. She has
mastered the techniques of “reaching” and “imparting” through the anointing of God.
• “CAN WE TALK? About Tongues” (book)
• “CAN WE TALK? About Ministering the Gift of the Holy Spirit” (book)
• “CAN WE TALK? About The Holy Spirit” (4 CD Set)
Jesus has promised to be our
Source, and cause us to
prosper in everything we set
our hand to. Praise God it is not
dependant on this world’s
cursed system, but it’s
dependant on His Word and His
Covenant with us.
Coming Soon
Faith in God can accomplish so much in our
lives. Your Faith gives you an advantage
over the world. It puts you first in line in the
most favorable position. Any situation you’re
in is tipped to your advantage by your faith.
Pastor Shirley will encourage
your faith to prosper and bear fruit
in the midst of the world’s
drought. These messages will
challenge you to live outside of
the restraints of this world
economy, and put your full
confidence in the economy of
God’s Supernatural Kingdom.
In this series, we
examine the lives
of men in the
Word that gained
an edge over the
world because
of their faith in
• “At the End of Your Rope is a MIRACLE!” (6 CD Set)
• “By Faith You Have the Edge” (5 CD Set)
• “Recession is Not For You... BREAK THROUGH!” Vol. 1 (6 CD Set)
• “Recession is Not For You... BREAK THROUGH!” Vol. 2 - GET READY TO ABOUND (6 CDs)
• “Handling the Pressures of Life” (5 CD Set)
The Lord’s Lighthouse is an
annual publication of the Ministry
of the Watchman International
Grace and Truth Ministries,
a non-profit corporation under
the Laws of the State of Ohio.
Publisher and Editor:
Rev. Barbara A. Williams,
© 2010 All rights reserved
Vol. 14 No. 1
P.O. Box 43334, Cleveland, Ohio
Associate Editor,
Shannon E. Crowley,
I Will Stand Upon My Watch… Habakkuk 2:1
Cares of
this life
under pressure.
When the securities that you’ve
trusted in fall around you, you have
to put your trust in the Living God.
We cannot lean on the weak arm of
man, but rather on the Rock, Christ
Jesus. In today’s world, when the
structures we’ve trusted in the past
crumble, His is the only sure
foundation; and those that hope in
Him are never disappointed.
Distribution, Tonya Sams
Audio Newsletter:
(in English) Shanel Timmons
& (in Spanish) Maria Hernandez.
For more information, contact us at