RIKTA-05. User`s Manual - Quantum Medicine Association
RIKTA-05. User`s Manual - Quantum Medicine Association
QUANTUM THERAPY MAGNETIC-INFRARED LASER DEVICE WITH BIOLOGICAL FEEDBACK (BIO) RIKTA-05 User’s Manual Medical Guide Lines MOSCOW Medical Guide Lines CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 PART I. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF QUANTUM MEDICINE METHODS 6 1. CHRONOBIOLOGY AND QUANTUM THERAPY 6 2. HOW TO USE THE METHODICAL MANUAL, OR SOME ADVICE PRIOR TO THE START OF TREATMENT 15 2.1. Contra-indications 17 2.2. Side Effects 17 2.3. General Somatic Stimulation Methods 17 3. SOME GENERAL ISSUES OF QUANTUM THERAPY 20 3.1. Treatment of Cerebral Circulatory Disturbance in the Case of Discirculatory Encephalopathy 20 3.2. Heart Area Irradiation 22 3.3.Non-Invasive Blood Irradiation 24 3.4. General Somatic Biostimulation (after V.I. Korepanov) 26 3.5. Universal Rehabilitation Program 28 4. PARTICULAR METHODS OF QUANTUM THERAPY 31 4.1. Surgery 31 4.2. Diseases of Joints, Traumata 49 4.3. Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases 81 4.4. Stomatology 99 4.5. Cardiology 109 4.6. Pulmonology 119 4.7. Gastroenterology 125 4.8. Gynecology 139 4.9. Urology, Nephrology 151 4.10. Proctology 163 4.11. Neurology 169 4.12. Dermatology 191 4.13. Endocrinology 195 4.14. Ophthalmology 199 1 Medical Guide Lines 4.15. Pediatrics 203 5. EFFICIENCY OF MAGNETIC INFRARED LASER DEVICE APPLICATION IN MEDICAL PRACTICE 210 6. PROSPECTS OF QUANTUM MEDICINE PROGRESS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 213 7. CONCLUSIONS 214 PART II. THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTUM MEDICINE 215 1. ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES OF POLYFACTOR QUANTUM THERAPY 215 2. PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM THERAPY 218 3. BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM THERAPY 228 4. LASER SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF LABOUR 235 5. CONCLUSION 237 2 Medical Guide Lines INTRODUCTION The present methodical recommendations for application of quantum therapy device describe new possibilities incident to the device with biological feedback RIKTA-05. Taking into consideration the main biorhythms of the patient makes it possible to increase significantly the efficiency of quantum therapy, to decrease the repetition of temporary exacerbations and even to obtain positive results in such cases, when a common therapy, which does not take into account chronobiology, is not effective. At the same time the device RIKTA-05 can operate as a common quantum therapy device using the mode STANDARD with frequencies and exposures indicated in the Methodical Recommendations for the application of quantum therapy device RIKTA without biological feedback. 3 Medical Guide Lines PART I. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF QUANTUM MEDICINE METHODS 1. CHRONOBIOLOGY AND QUANTUM THERAPY The life evolution on the Earth has passed under continuous influence and with participation of exterior electromagnetic fields. The hierarchy of their rhythms is reflected in the structure of biosystems and timing organization of all vital processes. Natural oscillations of physical fields became a language of interaction between living cells and other biosystems. That's why the Quantum therapy is a biologically adequate way to correct disturbed integrative links in the human organism affected with various diseases (A.Grabovshchiner, 1998). "Do no harm" principle, phases of biorhythms Researches in chronobiology prove that not only the intensity but also the direction (sign) of the response of a living substrate to the same exterior physical influence depend on the initial state or, in other words, the phase of biorhythms of the cell, tissue, organ, organism (S.Zaguskin, 1986, 1989, 2001; F.Komarov, S.Zaguskin, S.Rappoport, 1994). If an isolated cell is influenced only during the phase of increasing energy supply (reinforcement of oxygen diffusion, of energy substrate transport, increase of the activity of energy metabolism enzymes and corresponding reduction of mitochondrion aggregation), then a stable increase of protein content in the cell and biosynthesis reinforcement are observed. On the contrary, an influence during the phase of decreasing energy state of the cell reinforces domination of destructive processes. It is fundamentally important to underline that an efficient biological control is achieved only with multifrequency influence corresponding to the hierarchy of cell energy biorhythms. These biorhythms have a fractal structure with variating periods and can not be simulated by a superposition of harmonic oscillations. That's why the application of fixed frequencies in physiotherapy might not always guarantee an adequate response of the organism in a form of unique responses. On the organism level, the phases the most advantageous by the diapason of positive responses without side effects are the rhythm phases of increasing blood saturation of tissue, when capillaries located near the cells of higher excitability are opened selectively, and energy of their assemblies increases. Carrier frequency of tremor in the range 7-13 Hz is modulated by the signals from pulse and respiration sensors allowing automatically synchronize the intensity of therapeutic effect with the whole hierarchy of biorhythms. 4 Medical Guide Lines Chronodiagnostics. Treat the patient, not the pathology Automatic synchronization of quantum influence with the phases of current rhythms of the growth of tissue blood saturation makes it possible to optimize individually Quantum therapy. To estimate the efficiency of treatment, besides the clinical indices, chronobiological algorithms of cardiovascular and respiratory systems functions, rheographic, micropletismographic and flowmetric characteristics of blood flow and microcirculation, immunologic and biochemical indices are used. We have used, along with laboratory and clinical data, the following criteria for an assessment of the optimum quantum therapy parameters: 1) magnitude of peaks of intracellular microstructure oscillations in the cells of the buccal epithelium at the treatment together with a human jowl parameters; 2) normalization of the activity of superoxy-dismuttase of blood erythrocytes; 3) normalization of the immunity by readouts of differential thermometry; 4) normalization of microcirculation rhythm spectrum at laser doppler flowmetry; 5) normalization of the vegetative status; 6) normalization of dispersion of pulse frequency/respiration frequency ratio. When modes of children's treatment were individually corrected in regard to the number of influenced zones and séances, as well as to the reduction of exposure time of influence upon one zone, it was, as a rule, enough to achieve a therapeutical effect for practically all patients. It has been proved, however, that in order to exclude recidivating of a series of diseases (trophic ulcers, some gastroenterological and urological pathologies), it is necessary to continue the séances or to conduct repeated courses of treatment till the normalization of SOD activity of blood erythrocytes in spite of clinical indices of a complete convalescence (skinning of ulcerous place etc.) If the treatment is insufficiently effective, we could add methods of the polyzonal chronotherapy according to V.Korepanov (1995), immunity activation by an influence upon thymus, spleen and supraveinous blood irradiation by an infrared laser (included in the quantum therapy) in the mode of biocontrol. The biocontrol mode significantly amplifies the therapeutical range of the intensities of quantum therapy; weaker by mean power density influences become more efficace, and stronger influence (even if applied in quantum therapy) still do not provoke overdosage. Optimum intensities are displaced in either direction for different patients and even for the same patient at various time and various days. The biocontrol mode diminish the requirements to the individual selection of treating parameners and actually excludes side effects and overdosage. Hierarchy of biorhythms The most impressive advantage of the biocontrol mode in quantum therapy as compared with the common laserotherapy, is observed at the treatment of pathologies connected with the disturbance of microcirculation and tissue trophicity. Only the biocontrolled chronotherapy allows re-establishing of blood flow level and microcirculation rhythms spectrum already after some therapeutic procedures. As a 5 Medical Guide Lines result, the trophic discrimination of various kinds of cells possessing different kinetics of energy supply is excluded. The biocontrol mode provides for systemic character of the treatment and its stability, due to the appearing of tissue memory and the restoration of a natural autoregulation of the local blood flow; practically exclude side reactions and other phenomena, which are described as an overdosage in the common physiotherapy. The advantages of biocontrol mode have been obtained in locomotor diseases cure, gastroenterological, urological and surgical diseases. When the biocontrolled quantum chronotherapy is applied after surgical operations, including after laser surgery, it makes it possible to obtain a quick cicatrisation, without complications, with better cosmetic effect. The convalescence time and medication reduction due to a quick normalization of microcirculation by quantum therapy with biocontrol mode, allows diminishing expenses of the cure of vitiligo, onihomycosis, chlamidiosis, trophic ulcers and so on. There are methods of quantum biocontrolled chronotherapy elaborated for treatment of prostatites and complicated strictures of the ureter, as well as for complex application of manual and quantum therapy in biocontrolled mode for patients with central and peripheral nervous systems disturbances and cervical osteochondrosis of 3-4 degree. Common result of the application of biocontrolled quantum chronotherapy to all studies pathologies is the increased integrity of the patient's organism and restoration of his biorhythmic harmony. To increase stability of the therapeutic effect, it is necessary not only to take into account the spectrum of biorhythms reflected in the signals of tremor, pulse and respiration, but also in slower biorhythms of the patient's organism. The rhythm of repartition of blood flow and muscle tonus with periods about 5 minutes is normalized due to optimum procedure duration and zone exposure time found empirically. Rhythms close to one hour of albumin synthesis and of functional systems of the organism is taken into account by exclusion of functional stresses during 30-60 minutes after the end of quantum therapy séance. A passive rest of the patient is required to the organism to digest the therapeutic effect and in order to stabilize positive changes in the microcirculation and tissue trophicity. 24-hours rhythm is took into account by a prescription of daily séances, and according to the cycles of energy metabolism, in order to increase the antiinflammatory effect, a quantum therapy procedure should be performed in the morning; on the contrary, to treat pathologies when a reinforcement of reparative biosynthesis (energy consumptive) processes is needed, it should be better done in the afternoon. The therapeutic effect must not coincide in the daytime with the maximum activity of the treated organ. According to the data of R.Zaslavskaya (1991), the application of hypotensive preparations only during the phase of raising arterial pressure in the daily rhythm of its oscillations allows three times reduction of the therapeutical dose and to exclude negative reactions of a growth of the peripheral vessels resistance. To treat hypertension by quantum chronotherapy in the biocontrolled mode, it is necessary to apply it during the phase of the blood pressure growth of the individual patient. Phases of weekly and moon rhythms, as well as periodicity, that is a preponderating of sympathetic or parasympathetic tonus, are also to be taken into consideration in treatment of gynecological diseases. Blood elasticity, reparative regeneration 6 Medical Guide Lines velocity, some immunological and biochemical characteristics change with these rhythms, and it should be also considered in order to achieve a maximum therapeutical effect, especially in regard to serious pathologies. The number of procedures per course (10-14) reflects the duration of the rhythm of acclimatization. Some diseases have season rhythm of exacerbation, which should be taken into account by prophylactic courses 2-4 times a year, preferably in early spring and in autumn. Our data show that recurrent biocontrolled quantum chronotherapy courses during 2-3 years taking into account the seasonal rhythms make it possible to achieve a stable effect of the treatment of parodontosis and gastric or duodenal ulcer. A prescription of quantum therapy course in pediatrics and gerontology also should consider critical periods of growing and evolution, multi-annual rhythms of climatic and ecological adaptation. Technology of the biocontrol In order to synchronize the reinforcement of quantum influence with the increase of blood saturation of tissues in the area of pathology, it is necessary to take into consideration different ways of propagation of a pulsing wave from the heart to the place of pulse sensor location and to the place of pathology. The pulse sensor (frequently it is a photosensor composed of light- and photo-diode or optronic pair as the most noise-proof instrument as compared with other types of sensors) can be places on a lobe or on a finger. Exclusion is made for patients with mitral stenose of the left atrium, because it is prohibited to put a sensor onto the fingers of the left hand of these patients to avoid pulse deficit provoked by pressing of a sensor upon the clavicular artery. It should be put onto the right hand fingers. The velocity of a pulsing wave into the vessels of the elastic type is 5-6 m/s, those of the muscle type is 7-8 m/s. This velocity grows with aging as result of sclerosis or in presence of pathology. Practical results of pulse measurements show that when the sensor is located on a finger, the introduction of a delay 0,1 s is necessary only for irradiation of shin or foot tissue. In such a case, the increasing influence for all patients will be within the limits of the growth of blood saturation of tissue. An introduction of a delay for respiration sensor is not necessary because of prolonged duration of the breath phase. In the initial stage of the séance takes place an alteration of the blood flow rhythms in the place of pathology, and rapidly automatically the necessary synchronization occurs independently of character of respiration and pulse frequency. To increase the efficiency of treatment of the majority of pathologies accompanied by microcirculation disturbances, the conditions of hypoxia, arterial or venous hyperemia should be taken into account, that is, different proportions of depth of amplitude (frequency) modulation of the signals generated by pulse/respiration/ tremor sensors should be used. The device RIKTA-05 is provided with 4 modes of therapeutic influence dependent on the character of a local pathology. The mode 1 is used in the absence of pronounced troubles of the balance between arterial / venous parts of capillary channels. It is used for therapy of ischemic heart disease, stenocardia, preinfarction condition, hypertension, as well as in pulmonology and phthisiatry - to treat acute pneumonia, tuberculosis with perfocal 7 Medical Guide Lines infiltration, fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of lungs in the phase of infiltration and its dispersion, inflammation processes in the area of mechanical joint of lung tissue, post-surgical pneumonia, acute bronchitis, exacerbation of the chronic bronchitis, acute, lingering and chronic pneumonia in the stage of exacerbation. Exceptions: oedema of lungs and the heart area (Mode 4). The mode 2 is used in case of hyperemia of tissue at the place of irradiation, for treatment of post-surgical wounds, deforming osteochondrosis, subacromial bursitis, myositis, neuritis, in the neurology, for treatment of lumbago, plexitis, trigeminal nerve neuralgia and so on, in the dermatology, for treatment of itching dermatosis, erosive ulcerous skin wounds, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermitis. This mode is also used in the sport, for general invigoration and in the cosmetology. The mode 3 is recommended for use for pronounced inflammation process and arterial hyperemia, for such diseases as eustachitis, external otitis, inflammation of the middle ear, chronic tonsillitis, regeneration of the pharynx wound after tonsillectomy, chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, in the stomatology - for treatment of buccal mucous and parodont pathologies, stomatitis, non-specific arthritis, alveolitis, pericoronoritis, jaw fractures, in the pediatry, for chronic tonsillitis, activation of regeneration of post-tonsillectomy wounds, purulent wounds, abscesses, phlegmon, erosions, ulcers of buccal mucous, in the gynecology, for nipple cracks, lacostase, hypogalactia of puerperae. The mode 4 is effective and it accelerates the treatment of venous congestion, venous hyperemia, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, rectal fistula and fissures, periproctitis, fractures of pelvis bone, upper and lower extremities, acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower extremities, post-thrombotic disease of superficial veins, post-thrombophlebic disease without trophic ulcers, edematic and ulceric forms of the disease, obliterating affections of low extremity arteries, achillobursitis, non-specific polyarthritis of the lower extremities. In gastroenterology, it is used for treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, in proctology, for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, in urology, for acute prostatitis, chronic prostatitis accompanying adenoma of prostate, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, in gynecology, for treatment of non-specific salpingitis and salpingo-oophoritis, chronic and subacute bartholinitis, colpitis, cervicitis (endocervicitis), cervical erosions and pseudoerosions, pruritus of vulva. A doctor taking into account the results of the treatment and disappearance of corresponding signs, can change modes of treatment. For instance, after an edema has been eliminated in the mode 4, during subsequent séances it would be rational to pass to the mode 2 (if hypoxia is maintaines) or to the mode 1. Mechanism of action Quantum therapy is not restricted to a simple summation of laser, infrared and red light irradiation, and magnetic field. This is proved by a diminishing efficiency if the action of the same therapeutic factors with the same parameters is not simultaneous, but successive, like the taste of a piece of cake would not be the same as compared with the taste of successively eaten a piece of butter, a spoon of sugar and a bit of dough. The quantum character of the magnetic field produced by 8 Medical Guide Lines a permanent magnet could be explained by magnetic induction generated by the flowing blood containing ferrous elements in erythrocytes. Propagation and absorption of quanta depend on the spatial organization of the tissue and cells to be treated. However, the most important factor for biological effect is timing organization of alternating functional units of tissular cells, having an increased excitability and the highest sensitivity to quantum influence at the moment of treatment. There are corresponding changed architecture of the capillary channels and opening of capillaries at the moments of increase of blood saturation of tissue. Further propagation of cell activation in depth of tissue occurs because of natural neuro-humoral signals, which are controlled parametrically by blood flow and intracellular substance. Independently of the nature of primary quanta acceptors, absorption of photons without generation of singlet oxygen or with it, in any case is accompanied by damage of structures from separate macromolecules to membranes and organoids - which always lead to a liberation of calcium from its intracellular depots. At the same time, another component of a defensive reaction of a cell against any exterior influence is liquefaction of protoplasm (gel-sol transition of a part of gel). Sign of calcium concentration change in cytosol of cell is determinative for a threshold cellular reaction and for its direction. Higher calcium content in the majority of cells responding to quantum irradiation results in negative effects like overdose, inhibition of activity of these cells and their metabolism, because of increasing of conductivity and loss of intracellular potassium. If calcium concentration decreases in cytosol of the majority of cells responding to quantum irradiation, then takes place a reinforcement of bioenergetic processes and of the functions bringing along a therapeutic effect. Decrease of calcium concentration in cytosol occurs because of gel-sol transition of a part of gel and its energy-dependent binding in various intracellular depots. The biocontrol mode contributes to the preponderating of these processes. Rhythms of gel-sol transitions are always concerted osmotically with rhythms of blood saturation of tissue. Synchronization of quantum influence with growth of blood saturation and of energy of the cells having higher sensitivity results in increase of probability of positive reactions, because provoked liberation of calcium is more than compensated by its binding and the reinforcement of energetic state of the active cells and by higher liquefaction of protoplasm. Synchronization of osmotic oscillations of exterior and interior cell substances for a common laser therapy (without biocontrol) is not very probable and calcium liberation might exceed its inverse energy-dependent binding and a partly gel-sol transition. Combination of laser irradiation of different wavelength with other physical effects (magnetic, mechanical, electrical etc.) amplifies the number of primary acceptors of external influences of various nature. Due to this phenomenon, threshold cellular reactions could be achieved with lower intensity of external influence and lower quantity of liberated calcium, therefore, with greater probability of decrease of its final concentration in cytosol. 9 Medical Guide Lines PECULARITIES OF THE APPLICATION OF RIKTA-05 One of the advantages of the device RIKTA-05 is its timer with biological individualized exposure time standards. Velocity of biological processes is individual; it depends on the sign of misbalance of energy supply of the registered process. Subjective biological time of a person depends on the proportion of his sympathetic and parasympathetic tonus at the moment. An increase of parasympathetic tonus accelerates individual biological time (the period of 4050 sec registered by a physical clock seems to last 1 minute to an individual). Accordingly, an increase of parasympathetic tonus delays this time. The emotional factor and a hormonal background, accordingly, are also able to change abruptly the velocity of neuropsychic, somatic processes of the organism and structural metabolic and functional processes on the tissular, cellular and sub-cellular level. An hour passed in a queue and an hour passed at a concert of your favorite artiste would be biologically different while. The use of the biological timer in the biocontrolled chronotherapy accelerates the formation of tissular memory. In that case the elaboration of conditioned reflex of capillary network reaction to a patient's respiration, when quantum action amplifies, accelerates, and strength of the reflex grows. The use of the biological timer in the treatment of parodontosis allowed observing an increase of remission period of the patients at least by a month (S.Zaguskin and others, 1990). The normalization of microcirculation rhythm spectrum has been obtained faster as compared with the same procedure using a physical timer. The device RIKTA-05 has a number of peculiarities. It uses, instead of fixed frequencies of emission, the signals from the pulse and respiration sensors containing a wide set of blood flow rhythms. The influence of the device RIKTA-05 is realized automatically in synchronism with changes of these rhythms of the patient, and is enhanced only during favorable moments of a high blood saturation of tissue, when energy resources of active cell responses are increased. According to the pathology character (kind of disease), the user has to set, instead of a fixed frequency, one of 4 modes of treatment characterized by different ratio of depth of modulation by signals from pulse, respiration and tremor sensors (varying frequency 7–13 Hz). Carrier frequency in this device is always 22,5 kHz; it corresponds to the maximum of singlet oxygen production and gives a deeper penetration of emission into tissue. Instead of timer measuring in minutes, it is possible to use in this device a biotimer, counting the exposure time for each area by number of intervals between ticks of the blood. Counting by number of heart sounds (ticks of the blood), that is, biological units, allows standardizing the real duration of a therapeutic influence independently of the patient's condition, to elaborate the tissular memory more quickly and to assure a more stable therapeutic effect. The emission power of the device RIKTA-05 is not regulated, because it is rational to use always the maximum power, with mean power density 1 mWt/cm 2. The irradiation dose for children is reduced due to a 2-4 times lesser exposure time (60 heart beats (HB) instead of 120 HB or 240 HB). The therapeutic range in the mode of biocontrol realized by the device RIKTA-05 is amplified. The weaker influences 10 Medical Guide Lines become effective, and the stronger ones provoke neither overdose not exacerbation which were possible with these intensities in usual physiotherapy. Biocontrol mode based on patient's biorhythms excludes a habituation and adaptation, because heartbeats and respiration periods are constantly varying. Only this biocontrol mode of the device RIKTA-05 allows not only restore the microcirculation level at the place of pathology but also microcirculation rhythm spectrum, thereby providing for normalization of tissular trophicity, regeneration quality improvement and so on. A systematic character of treatment, the harmonization of all functional systems and biorhythms of the organism could be achieved due to the coordination of the local and central blood flow. Another important peculiarity of the device RIKTA-05 is a possibility to make a fast estimation of the patient's response to the therapeutic influence. It is recommended to register the pulse and respiration rates of a patient, as well as the ratio pulse rate / respiration rate, before, during and after a therapeutic procedure. In case of a jump of the pulse rate, or if the pulse / respiration ratio exceeds 7-9 or, on the contrary, falls to 2 and less, the séance must be interrupted. Subsequent séances are to be carried out excluding the zones the reaction of which to the irradiation has manifested initial signs of negative effect (worsening of pulse/respiration ratio). If the reaction is normal and the ration is maintained at the level 3-5 or at the same level as before the procedure, or on the contrary, if this ration is approaching the normal range of 3-5 incident to a healthy man, then the subsequent séances should be repeated in the same mode using the same zones as indicated in the Methodical Recommendations. The device RIKTA-05 can be used in veterinary for treatment of cows, sheep, dogs, cats. Pulse sensor is fixed to an ear or the tail of the animal. Methodical Recommendations elaborated for other quantum therapy device are fully applicable for the device RIKTA-05, too. The only difference is that instead of a fixed frequency of emission, one of the four modes of biocontrol should be used. For children's treatment the exposure on every zone is 2 times shorter. A usual physical timer can be used in the device, too, even though to treat the diseases indicated in the corresponding methods we recommend counting the exposure time by the number of pulse beats: we take 1 minute of irradiation as 60 pulse beats, 2 min. as 120 pulse beats, 3 min. as 180 pulse beats, 4 min. as 240 pulse beats, 5 min. as 300 pulse beats. The patient's reaction to a quantum therapy séance by the device RIKTA-05 can be appreciated by the change of pulse rate, respiration rate and, the most important, by a chronobiological index which has been used a long time ago in "oriental" medical practice: pulse rate / respiration rate ratio. One considers the effect as positive if this index is maintained or approaches to the range 3 - 5. Going out off these limits at the initial state, before the séance, evidences the presence of "hot" or "cold" (according to the oriental terminology) diseases. If this index becomes lower than 3 or higher than 5 during the séance, it is necessary to interrupt the procedure and make a one-day break, or to change the time of the séance. To normalize neurohumoral regulation of the organs with parasympathetic excitation (small pelvis organs, urological diseases), therapeutic séances have to be realized at the period of preponderance of sympathetic tonus, that is, before noon. For the organs with sympathetic excitation or for normalization of hemodynamics 11 Medical Guide Lines disturbances, cerebral blood flow disturbances and treatment of cardiovascular affections, the séances should be better realized in the afternoon when parasympathetic tonus dominates. It has been observed during balneological cure of cardiovascular diseases that a séance at 13-16 o'clock has a positive effect, and the same séance in the morning could lead to negative consequences (I.Oransky, 1988). However, we should note that some pathologies are accompanied by changes of individual daily rhythms as compared with the normal ones, that's why an interactive mode of simultaneous chronodiagnostics is required. The quantum therapy device with biocontrol RIKTA-05 is a therapeutic and diagnostic instrument of a new generation. It accumulates the newest achievements of quantum therapy and can be recommended for prophylaxis and treatment of a wide rage of diseases, especially of the patients with low reserves of homeostasis, children and elderly people and complicated pathologies with accompanying diseases. The realization by the device RIKTA-05 in the interactive mode of chronodiagnostics and biocontrolled quantum therapy methods opens new possibilities for an individual optimization and a guaranteed therapeutic effect achievement. 12 Medical Guide Lines 2. HOW TO USE THE METHODICAL MANUAL, OR SOME ADVICE PRIOR TO THE START OF TREATMENT This Manual is easy-to-use. There is a subject index with all diseases listed in alphabetic order and referenced by the correspondent page number. Special medical terminology is explained in the Glossary. The disease treatment methods are distributed by corresponding sections of medicine. Each method is accompanied by a figure where are indicated the points (zones, organ projections) of emitter placement. The numbers on the figure identify the sequence of point’s irradiation when performing the procedure. The illustrations are not given if no specific method is described. The illustration of a corresponding method is always placed on the facing pages of the text, so you can simultaneously read the text and check it with the picture. The text specifies the frequency and the time of influence on each point. It is not recommended to treat several diseases at once, even in case of an improvement. Between the courses, an interruption of 2-3 weeks is strictly recommended, because during this time the process of bioactivation continues. If you simultaneously treat several diseases following different schemes but using the same points, then it would be better during one séance not to treat the same points, which were already irradiated in the previous scheme. If an exacerbation is observed after 3-4 procedures, it is recommended to decrease 1,5 – 2 times the irradiation time indicated for this procedure or to continue the procedures every second day. As a rule, the exacerbation attests the positive influence of quantum therapy and lasts no more than 48 hours. During this period take your analgesics, or consult a doctor, but do not stop the treatment. During Quantum therapy, the taking of A, E, C vitamins is good for prevention of exacerbation. If you do not state an improvement after the recommended number of procedures, make a break for 3-4 weeks, as the effect may not be an immediate one. Please keep in mind that in some cases of a neglected disease, obtaining of a positive result demands a sequence of several recurring courses with the recommended breaks in-between. The time of irradiation of one point (zone, organ projection) should not, on the average, exceed 2-3 minutes, but never more than 5 minutes. There are some rare exclusive cases described in specific methods. In case of treatment of several organs (simultaneous application of several methods), the total irradiation time should not exceed 35 minutes. If there are 13 Medical Guide Lines several diseases, it is better to treat them by consecutive courses with 3-4 weeks break in-between them. The duration of a course may on the average be from 5 to 15 procedures, which may be performed daily or every second day. If no positive effect is achieved, it’s better not to extend the course but rather make a break, and repeat the treatment. Statistics show that it is possible to perform from 2 to 4 treatment courses per year in relation to a specific disease. To carry out Quantum therapy concerning the same disease more often is possible after doctor’s prescription only. It should be kept in mind that Quantum therapy is characterized by an extremely low-energetic influence on the biological tissues, which generates the development of a biostimulation effect. Reinforcement of the influence upon biological tissues, for instance, by way of prolongation of irradiation time for one point in comparison with the recommended time, could provoke an inverse effect. The use of the schemes 3.4 and 3.5 as the basic methods of treatment together with the schemes recommended for treatment of particular pathologies amplifies significantly the efficiency of quantum therapy. The total time of a séance must not exceed 3035 minutes, and the treatment of reiterative zones is not performed. It would be reasonable that the patient should be prescribed A, E, and C vitamins along with Quantum therapy; they are also recommended for use when treating a secondary exacerbation. When applying Quantum therapy you should abstain from smoking, drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee, rich meals, confectionery, and farinaceous foods. It is necessary to increase 1.5-2 times the traditional volume of consumed liquid (provided the patent is not susceptible to edema, and has normal urination). The nutrition with products rich with vitamins and microelements is recommended. In all doubtful cases it is better to ask an advise of a doctor specialized in quantum therapy. The specificity pf quantum therapy application for the children is stated in the chapter "4.15. Pediatrics". We should attract your attention to the fact that the corporal and auricular points indicated on the figures which correspond to the international classification, for instance, VG(L)-24, Ci-4 and so on, are intended for the doctors specialized in reflexotherapy only. A reflexotherapist has the right to use any biologically active point thereby further elaborating the indicated schemes of quantum therapy. 14 Medical Guide Lines 2.1. CONTRA-INDICATIONS Absolute Contra-indications: 1. Emergency states in medicine (surgery, therapy, obstetrics, etc.) when a first aid is needed 2. User’s incompetence. Relative Contra-indications: 1. Oncologic diseases. 2. Pregnancy. 3. Critical endocrine pathology, such as nodular forms of goiter, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, diencephalic adiposity, etc. 4. Hepatic or renal insufficiency, circulatory insufficiency, respiratory insufficiency at a decompensation stage. 5. Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis (particularly for an independent treatment at home). 6. Convulsive state. 7. Feverish state of an unclear etiology. 8. Psychics diseases, and other diseases taking place on the background of an expressed psycho-emotional excitation (particularly for an independent treatment at home). 9. Serious blood diseases. Such diseases require special methods of treatment including a complex therapy, the control of some biochemical values. Some of these diseases allow Quantum therapy application under hospital conditions only. 2.2. SIDE EFFECTS Quantum therapy, because of its very low energy influence, is practically a guarantee against exacerbation development. That’s why when we face the side effects we always talk about an overdose (more than 35 minutes during one séance, more than 20 séances per one course) and, very seldom, in case of an individual hypersensitivity to infrared irradiance. 2.3. GENERAL SOMATIC STIMULATION METHODS The multi-year observations have cogently proved that when applying Quantum therapy to any disease, besides a local effect, a general effect develops as well. It is expressed in a general stimulation, an improvement of blood circulation and oxygen transport by blood, cholesterol level decrease, an increase of immunity, etc. 15 Medical Guide Lines Subjectively, patients feel an increase of tolerance to physical stress, sleep improvement, surge-of-force feeling, the growth of resistibility to infection and an improvement of a general state and health. These data allow enlarging significantly the application of quantum therapy. general stimulating methods for the immunity improvement, treatment of acidosis and coma in a complex with other reanimation methods, for seasonal morbidity prophylaxis, etc. The general stimulating methods efficiently supplement the zonal Quantum therapy of particular pathologies and give the possibility to the patients to use quantum therapy alone with the aim to improve their immunity, to fortify their organism in general. The methods of general stimulation are useful at any age, for patients suffering of senile dementia, syndrome of permanent fatigue and for frequently ailing children. 16 Medical Guide Lines 17 Medical Guide Lines 3. SOME GENERAL ISSUES OF QUANTUM THERAPY 3.1. Treatment of Cerebral Circulatory Disturbance in the Case of Discirculatory Encephalopathy (Fig. 1) Among the complaints typical of many diseases with the persons of middle, elder, and elderly age, the most frequent are the complaints of a general character which are indicative of atherosclerotic process, the metabolic disturbances of various genesis. The cerebral circulatory disturbances are often registered. These disturbances may vary from intracranial pressure increase to ischemia, and produce most different symptomatology: from migraine to senile dementia. These various specific symptoms (up to insults) may be conditionally joined in discirculatory encephalopathy. There are data available on the efficiency of quantum therapy for the treatment of such patents in order to improve and normalize the cerebral circulation. No. 1 2 3 4 Treatment area Temporal areas (zone of points out of meridian – TBM 9) Frontal areas (zone of points VB 14) Sub-occipital areas (zone of points VB 20), bilaterally Carotid sinuses, bilaterally Mode Exposure “Bio” 1 60 HB Reverse Delay Off Off Contact or scanning action in the temporal and frontal areas (1 and 2 zones) is possible. It is recommended up to 10 procedures per one course. The procedures may be performed day by day, or every second day. Whenever necessary, the course may be repeated three-four weeks after. You should not use this method without the physician’s prescription. 18 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 1. 19 Medical Guide Lines 3.2. Heart Area Irradiation (Fig. 2) Heart area irradiation is aimed at the improving of coronary blood flow, and the increase of tolerance to physical stress. Due to heart irradiation the metabolic and energetic processes in the cardiac muscle improve. A general sedative effect is marked, as well as the immunity increases and cholesterol decreases, due to irradiation of a significant volume of circulating blood. No. 1 1a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Treatment area Superficial cardiac dullness (the 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum) or The apex cardiac beat (ACB) - the place where your palm can feel the maximum palpitation at the left side of the breast Manubrium sterni The 2-nd intercostal region near the right edge of the sternum The 2-nd intercostal region near the left edge of the sternum Body of the sternum The 4-th intercostal region along the midclavicular line, leftward The 4-th intercostal region along the midaxillary line, leftward The zone to the left of the vertebral column in the middle of the scapula The zone near the lower angle of the left scapula Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 4 300 HB Off Off 4 60 HB Off Off The heart area irradiation time is to be taken into account when calculating the total duration of the procedure. If the main procedure is long, then you may exclude heart irradiation, or alternate it by days with the main procedure. Up to 10 procedures per one course are recommended. The procedures may be performed daily or every second day. If necessary, the course may be repeated in three-four weeks. WARNING: It is strictly prohibited to apply this scheme to the patients with cardio stimulators, pacemakers or artificial cardiac valves. 20 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 2. 21 Medical Guide Lines 3.3. Non-Invasive Blood Irradiation (Fig. 3) Magnetic Infrared Laser therapeutic device RIKTA-05 allows performing a blood irradiation non-invasively (i.e. without a destruction of coverlets) in the mode “Standard”. The blood is an active photo-acceptor for the near infrared spectrum region. That is why the high efficiency of quantum therapy is achieved at a low power flow density. On the other hand, the low quantum energy makes the procedure practically safe, and a large area of the emitter permits, within a short time (traditionally 10 minutes), to irradiate over 1 VCB (Volume of Circulating Blood). Non-invasive blood irradiation is widely used both as a monotherapy and as a part of a complex treatment of various diseases. It can also be applied in those cases when the zonal therapy is not indicated, for example, to reanimation patients and patients with toxicosis and acidosis, coma patients, etc. In everyday practicing of quantum therapy, joining of one of indicated zoned to the main treatment program will be of high efficiency. It is important that the blood irradiation may be performed in the zone of any large vessels which are maximum close to the skin surface: carotid arteries in the region of carotid sinus, subclavian arteries through the supraclavicular fossa, axillary vessels through the axillary space, the region of ulnar flexure, femoral vessels in the region of femoral triangle. Different authors confirm a high efficiency of a low-energy quantum influence. There has been developed and being tested the emitter “Potok” intended especially for the blood irradiation without penetration into vascular channel. Besides, there has been worked out an additional device, which enables to irradiate the blood through a transparent catheter during taking away or transfusion of blood. Non-invasive blood irradiation has a number of significant advantages over the Intravenous Laser Irradiation of Blood (ILIB): - no skin or vessels damage; no pain or discomfort; no necessity in disposable systems and light guides, a guarantee of procedure sterility; - no blood cells damage due to low density of power flow. The irradiation is performed at a frequency of 5 Hz or 50 Hz for no more than 5 minutes per a point (a zone). The irradiation may be performed symmetrically during 1 procedure, or alternating the sides. It should be noted that the effect is as higher as the vessels zone is selected closer to the pathological focus or the sore organ. Up to 10 procedures per one course are recommended. The procedures may be performed daily or every second day. If necessary, the course may be repeated in three-four weeks. The duration of breaks and the number of necessary recurrent courses are defined taking into account dynamics and stability of the effect achieved. 22 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 3. 23 Medical Guide Lines 3.4. General Somatic Biostimulation (after V.I. Korepanov) (Fig. 4) 1 - sinocarotid zone; 2 - axillary cavity; 3 - liver region projection; 4 - spleen region projection; 5 - femoral vessels projection; 6 - cervical section of vertebral column; 7 upper breast section of vertebral column; 8 - kidneys region projection; 9 lumbosacral section of vertebral column. No. 1-st day 2nd day 3-rd day 4-th day 5-th day 6-th day Treatment area 5. Femoral vessels unilaterally (arterial pulsebeat, right or left side) 6. Cervical area bilaterally 5. Femoral vessels unilaterally (another side). 7. Breast section of vertebral column, bilaterally 2. Axillary cavity from one side. 8. Kidneys projection, bilaterally 2. Axillary cavity from another side. 3. Liver projection. 1. Carotid sinus from one side. 9. Lumbosacral section. 1. Carotid sinus from another side. 4. Spleen region projection. Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 2 300 HB Off On 2 60 HB Off Off 2 300 HB Off On 2 60 HB Off Off 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 300 HB 300 HB 300 HB 60 HB 120 HB 60 HB 120 HB 60 HB Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On On On On On On On On The present Pattern is applied as a monotherapy, e.g. to sportsmen during the physical stress, or when the organ zonal therapy may not be prescribed for some reason, for example, coma during the infectious hepatitis. In fact, this Pattern may be added to any other method unless the total time exceeds time limits of the séance. The Pattern is a general stimulating and strengthening method, reinforcing almost any other types of treatment, and having immunostimulating properties. Recurrent courses may be carried out according to the indications. 24 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 4. 25 Medical Guide Lines 3.5. Universal Rehabilitation Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Treatment area The apex cardiac beat zone Manubrium sterni Epigastrium Zones of hypohondrium, bilaterally Subclavian fossae, bilaterally Carotid sinus triangles (zones of carotid artery pulsation) Suboccipital fossae, bilaterally Spinous process C7 Kidneys and adrenal zones (Fig. 5) Mode 4 2 2 2 2 Exposure 300 HB 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB Reverse Delay Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off 2 60 HB Off Off 2 2 2 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB Off Off Off Off Off Off The suggested pattern of the general stimulation in full volume is well operating in gerontology at any disease, reinforcing the effect of other Quantum therapy methods, and any other treatment. The experience shows that the application of this method as a basic program makes it possible to increase the quantum therapy effectiveness in 2-3 times. This has a colossal meaning in view of developing a real preventive direction in modern public health. As the previous pattern, this one has a significant immuno-corrective effect. However, if the previous pattern 3.4 is used as a preventive one, for instance, as prophylaxis measure before respiratory and influenza epidemic, this method suits better to treat an illness or post-stress states. It can be applied independently or together with any other method of treatment of different particular diseases indicated below (bronchitis, gastritis, arthritis, prostatitis and so on). Up to 10-15 procedures are recommended per 1 course. The procedures may be performed daily or every second day. If necessary, the course may be repeated three-four weeks after. The duration of breaks and the number of necessary recurrent courses is defined for the account of the dynamics and stability of the effect achieved. Children and elderly patients, as well as weaken patients may have recurrent treatment up to 3 times per year. 26 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 5. 27 Medical Guide Lines 28 Medical Guide Lines 4. PARTICULAR METHODS OF QUANTUM THERAPY 4.1. SURGERY Magnetic infrared laser therapeutic device RIKTA-05 is rather widely used in surgical practice. In some types of pathology it is possible to apply Quantum therapy as monotherapy, e.g. sports and domestic injuries, fractures, burns limited by area and the degree of seriousness. Use of this device in the complex treatment of surgical patients, including the preparation for the operation, and in the postoperative period has been proven to be very effective. There should be specially noted the general stimulating effect of Quantum therapy due to non-invasive blood irradiation, or using any pattern of general somatic stimulation. A sufficient quantity of observations has been accumulated which allow to specify that the application of Quantum therapy with surgical patients really accelerates the recovery, decreases the number of postoperative complications, removes to a great extent the pain problem. This part of the Manual can not pretend to be self-sufficient. We are adducing below some key statements of principal point of view at the Quantum therapy in surgery. In the part there have been used the works of outstanding Russian scientists, such as O.K. Skobelkin, V.S. Goydenko, V.A. Builin, V.I. Korepanov, Yu.N. Korolev, N.Z. Zagorskaya, as well as foreign scientists J.Choi, T.Ohshiro, M.Kalderhead and others. We should note that an emergency surgical pathology means the usage of Quantum therapy only as an accessory treatment. Urgent surgical situations require applying of surgical treatment methods. In this case, Quantum therapy may be applied as a means to improve the flow of the postoperative period, as an antioxidant treatment (non-invasive blood irradiation), to liquidate the postoperative enteroparesis (Laserreflexotherapy), etc. Quantum therapy application in emergency surgery instead of surgical intervention inevitably results in a loss of time, and worsens the treatment forecast. 29 Medical Guide Lines Traumatic and Operative Wounds (Fig. 6) For example: post-appendectomy suture or incised arm wound, etc. The irradiation is admitted through 1-3 layers of gauze bandage. However, the bandage impregnated with medicines, ointments, and wound discharge, noticeably decreases the effect of Quantum therapy. That’s why prior to Quantum therapy séance it is reasonable to take the bandage off, clean the wound and dry it. No. 1 Treatment area Surface of a wound or a post-operation suture including 2–3 cm of edges to the left, to the right, up and down Mode Exposure 2 60 HB Reverse Delay Off Off The irradiation (a scanning one) is performed at a distance of 0,5 – 1,0 cm. The required number of procedures: up to 15 per 1 course. After the procedure, the traditional bandages may be used. In the case of incomplete healing, the recurring courses are recommended with an interval of 1-1,5 months. 30 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 6. 31 Medical Guide Lines Infiltrates, Panaritia, Hydradenitis without Suppuration Signs (Fig. 7) At an early address, an earlier disclosure of the beginning process - the infiltrate zone is irradiated. No. 1 2 3 4 Treatment area Infiltrate of large size and efficient depth of its location Infiltrate of small size and surface location (for example, panaritium) Infiltrate with expressed painfulness and edema Infiltrate located on face or head Mode 2 Exposure from 120 HB up to 300 HB Reverse Delay Off Off If the infiltrate is located below the belt, delay must be ON. The course includes 3 to 7 daily procedures. In the case if suppuration occurs, or even of its suspicion, the process is subject to treatment by a surgeon, and Quantum therapy should be immediately suspended until the abscess is opened. Further on, at the post-operative wound healing stage, Quantum therapy course may be continued according to the wound treatment pattern. 32 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 7. 33 Medical Guide Lines Abscesses, Phlegmons, Furuncles, Hidradenitis, Carbuncles, any Processes with Suppuration Signs (Fig. 8) Quantum therapy is possible only after the surgical processing, abscess opening, if the pus discharge is provided. Prior to a daily procedure the cavity should be washed. The postoperative wound itself is irradiated (cut zone), as well as the surrounding tissues up to 5 cm to the sides. The irradiation is a remote, scanning one, at a distance of 0.5 – 1.0 cm. No. 1 Treatment area Opened abscess area I Mode Exposure 2 120 HB If the abscess is located below the belt, the delay must be ON. The treatment course is 10 to 15 daily procedures. 34 Reverse Delay Off Off Medical Guide Lines Fig. 8. 35 Medical Guide Lines Burns and Frostbites (Fig. 9) The whole of the burn surface and the edges up to 2 cm to the sides are subject to irradiation in the case of I, II, III A stage burns. Starting the stage III B, it is reasonable to irradiate the burn edges with the capture of up to 5 cm of healthy skin. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Treatment area Mode Exposure 4 300 HB Off Off 2 300 HB Off Off 2 60 HB Off Off 2 120 HB Off Off The 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum Non-invasive irradiation of large vessels in one of the zones specified below: supraclavicular fossa ,or ulnar flexures, or femoral triangles. Paravertebral irradiation at the burn level, scanning Burn area Reverse Delay If the burn / the frostbite are located below the belt, the delay must be ON. The treatment course is 10 to 15 daily procedures. The zone is selected using the principle: maximum close to the burn. In the case of deep burns, which require performing the graft, it is reasonable to carry out 2-3 procedures prior to the operation. Besides, the time between the procedures may be decreased up to 12 hours. During the graft process, the irradiation of the grafted transplant is performed distantly at a rate of 1 minute per 10 sq. cm of the area, at a frequency of 1000 Hz in the mode "Standard". Further on, 5-7-10 procedures are performed both on the transplantation place and the place where the skin graft was taken. Use of an additional emitter "Douche 1" with pulse power 20 W and the aperture 20 cm2 is very efficient in treatment of burns and frostbites. Non-contact scanning at average speed 1 cm/s is recommended. One keeps the emitter 0.5 – 1 cm over the pathology moving it slowly circle-wise in the Standard mode, at 1000 Hz during 2 min., then, at 50 Hz during 2 min. Large lesions can be treated during 5 min at every frequency. Burns of hands, feet, face, perineum, as well as burns of large area and burns of III B stage and higher are to be treated by the expert-specialist only. 36 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 9. 37 Medical Guide Lines Obliterating Endarteritis. Atherosclerosis of Lower Extremities’ Vessels No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment area The 4-th intercostal space near the left edge of sternum The femoral triangle under the groin fold, in the place of femoral artery pulsation Zones along the front-internal surface of thigh and shin, with intervals between the irradiation areas about 10 cm Zones from both sides of Achilles tendon The center of the sural muscle Popliteal space Hypogluteal fold Mid-external buttock part (projection of pear-shaped space) (Fig. 10) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 4 300 HB Off Off 4 60 HB Off On If both extremities are treated, the heart zone (zone 1) is not irradiated. Extremities are irradiated alternatively: one day the left leg is treated, another day, the right one. Procedures are performed day by day, or every second day; the course includes up to 15 procedures. Whenever necessary, the course may be repeated in a month. Further on, the courses are repeated at a rate of 3-4 times per a year. The treatment is not efficient if a patient smokes, makes excessive use of alcohol, strong tea, sweet and rich food or leads a slow-moving life. The diabetes mellitus seriously complicates the disease course, too. 38 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 10. 39 Medical Guide Lines Lower Extremities Varicosis (Fig. 11) The expressed stage of varicosis requires complex treatment, namely, the surgical treatment or non-surgical sclerosing therapy of veins, etc. in this case, it is advisable to realise 2 or 3 séances of Quantum therapy before the operation and 7 to 10 procedures after the surgical operation. The light or medium degree of varicosis is subject to Quantum therapy both as mono-procedure and in combination with other methods, such as elastic antivaricose stocking, phytotherapy, naturopathy, etc. No. 1 Treatment area Mode the 4-th intercostal space to the left of the sternum edge 4 2 the femoral triangle under the groin fold, in the place of femoral artery pulsation 3 4 5 6 7 8 the front of mid-femur Patellar area from the front Popliteal area from the front Middle of shin from the front Talocrural flexure Back surface of sural muscle 2 points (zones) with 10 cm interval popliteal fossa Middle of thigh from the back hypogluteal fold 9 10 11 4 Exposure Reverse Delay 300 HB Off Off 60 HB Off On If only one leg is treated, the procedure is started from the heart region irradiation in the 4-th intercostal space to the left of the sternum edge (zone 1). If both legs are treated, the heart is not irradiated. The number of procedures per a course is 10, one séance every day. It may be repeated in a month. Further treatment in accordance with the indications – 2 or 3 times per a year. Quantum therapy is successfully combined with pharmacotherapy. As quantum therapy enhances effect of common medicines, their dosage can be diminished. 40 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 11. 41 Medical Guide Lines Trophic Ulcer of Varicosis or other Origin (Fig. 12) Varicosis ulcers are the result of the lower extremities veins disease. Therefore, the varicosis ulcers treatment should be started with the method “Lower Extremities Varicosis” (page 42, fig. 11) or combined with it. It is important that the total time of procedure does not exceed 32 to 36 minutes. No. 1 2 3 4 Treatment area The 4-th intercostal space to the left of the sternum edge Non-invasive blood irradiation in the region of femoral triangles under the injuinal fold Lumbosacral section to the right and to the left of the vertebral column, scanning Ulcer area Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 4 300 HB from both sides 120 HB from both sides 60 HB Reverse Delay Off On Off On Both the ulcer surface and 2-3 cm of surrounding tissues are subject to irradiation. The number of procedures required may reach 12-15, day by day or every other day. The treatment course may be repeated in a month. 42 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 12. 43 Medical Guide Lines Raynaud’s Disease (Raynaud’s Syndrome) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Treatment area The 4-th intercostal space to the left of the sternum edge Supraclavicular fossa Subclavian fossa Axillary cavities Midarm from internal side in the sulcus between humerus and biceps muscle Ulnar fossa Radial artery pulsation zone Fingers form the palm side (scanning) Fingers from back side (scanning method) Along the vertebral column from the affected side, from C3 to Th10 (Fig. 13) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 1 1 1 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB 1 60 HB 1 1 2 60 HB 60 HB 120 HB 2 120 HB 1 120 HB Reverse Delay Off Off Zones of the affected extremity are to be treated. Average course duration is 7 séances, one procedure per day. Usually, already by the second procedure the improvement is noticed, and from the 5 th procedure the majority of patients find the normalization of their state. Whenever necessary, 2 or 3 treatment courses per a year are possible. 44 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 13. 45 Medical Guide Lines Post-operation Enteroparesis (Fig. 14) In the scientific-practical researches there has been noted that the quantum therapy exerts normalizing influence upon the intestines peristalsis. There are well-known works of V.E. Volkov (1988), V.A. Builin (1988), P.K. Klimov (1976), J.Choi (1986) and others where fast elimination of the post-operation enteroparesis events was noticed. The Laser-puncture is applied using the light guide nozzle No.3 from the set KON-1. Traditionally the points E-25, E-36, VC-12, and RP-4 are recommended. The points are irradiated symmetrically, up to 2 times per day, within 3-5 days. Usually a positive effect is being developed during the first three days of treatment. It is also recommended the zonal remote irradiation of the post-surgical suture (See the method of the surgical wounds treatment). The irradiation of biologically active points requires an expert-physician’s participation. No. 1 2 Treatment area VC-12 Mode Exposure Reverse 1 60 – 120 HB Off E-25 3 E-36 4 RP-4 Off On On Fig. 14. 46 Delay Off Medical Guide Lines 4.2 DISEASES OF JOINTS Traumata Quantum therapy of the joints’ diseases is very efficient. However, the success is achieved only on condition that a correct diagnosis has been made based on the understanding of the pathologic process pathogenesis. The influence on the consequences without influence on the reason, as a rule, either brings no success, or gives a temporary improvement only. Quantum therapy is well combined with manual therapy. Methods principally used include a post-isometric muscle relaxation taking into account the respiratory synkinesis. Skilled manual therapists wield these methods, and the MIL-physician should acquire theses skills insistently. A reasonable combination of manual therapy, naturopathy, organism purifying methods, Quantum therapy, and other natural for the human nature procedures, brings the positive effect in treatment of joint's diseases close to 100%. Nevertheless, hundreds of observations show that Quantum therapy gives positive results even when applied as a monotherapy, even as a self-treatment. Quantum therapy in traumatology, for example, in the case of fractures, dislocations, and other traumas, gives wonderful results. Even in case of a bad juxtaposition of bone fragments, the callus develops very fast, and after the ossification is finished, not only the recovery period shortens, but the deformation could disappear completely as well. Quantum therapy often eliminates the necessity of surgical intervention to liquidate the defects resulting from a poor adhesion. Less studied is the application of Quantum therapy in case of gunshot injuries and other battle trauma, but the available observations show its high efficiency. Anyway, at any local application of Quantum therapy a positive reaction of the organism is observed. The immunity grows up, the microcirculation is being normalized, edema is removed and the pain disappears. This provides for a high efficiency of Quantum therapy in an overwhelming majority of traumatic diseases and hastening of convalescence terms. 47 Medical Guide Lines Vertebral Column. Osteochondrosis No. 1 2 3 Treatment area From coccyx to occiput, by spinous processes upwards, depending on the stature: about 8 points with 10 cm intervals Along the vertebral column to the right and to the left downwards through long back extensors with 10 cm intervals Heart zone in the 4-th intercostal region to the left of the sternum edge (Fig. 15) Mode Exposure 2 60 HB 2 60 HB Reverse Delay Off 4 300 HB 4 Two points with a 10 cm interval in the right subcostal space 2 60 HB 5 Two points with a 10 cm interval in the left subcostal space 2 60 HB Off The recommended course includes 10-15 procedures which may be carried out daily or every second day. In case of a diffused vertebral osteochondrosis it is advisable to use an additional emitter "Douche 1". The treatment is effected by bilateral paravertebral scanning of the affected zone (the emitter is in contact with the skin but without compression) in the mode "Standard", using the following parameters: 1000 Hz, 2 min, then 50 Hz, 2 min. The scanning should be done by a shuttle movement with the cruising speed about 1 cm/s. The time of treatment could be increased up to 5 min at each frequency in case of intensive pain syndrome. The course can be repeated in a month, if necessary. Quantum therapy is well combined with taking of A, C, E vitamins, the organism purifying methods according to G.P. Malakhov. If there are no any traumatic injuries, the manual therapy methods should be applied. Before the Quantum therapy is prescribed to treat osteochondrosis, an examination (radiography, computer tomography) should be carried out to be sure there are no hernial intervertebral disks, voluminous process or other diseases which require a specialized treatment. 48 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 15. 49 Medical Guide Lines Myositis. Tendovaginitis. Sprains. Muscle pains No. 1 2 Treatment area A sore muscle or a group of muscles with an interval at least 5 cm between the selected zones Zones along the vertebral column corresponding to the myositis level. If the focus of muscle pains has no projection on the corresponding level of the spine (arm below elbow, leg below knee), treatment is applied only on the pain focus. (Fig. 16) Mode 2 2 Exposure 300 HB on each zone 60 HB on 10 cm length of treatment zone Reverse Delay Off Off The course comprises 7 or 8 daily procedures. In case of a diffused process, it is advisable to use an emitter "Douche 1" for scanning of the affected zones (the emitter is in contact with the skin but without compression) in the mode "Standard", using the following parameters: 50 Hz, 2 min or 5 min, depending on spreading of process and degree of pain syndrome. The scanning should be done by a shuttle movement with the cruising speed about 1 cm/s. The course could be repeated in 3-4 weeks if necessary. 50 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 16. 51 Medical Guide Lines Clavicular-Humeroscapular Zone. Subacromial Bursitis. Humeroscapular Periarthritis (Fig. 17) Before the irradiation, the zone chosen are greased with 75-100% dimexidi. The concentration is selected individually according to sensitivity. Within 10 to 15 minutes the zone develops a slight hyperemia and heat. No. 1 2 Treatment area The acromion zone Four zones around the acromion in a cruciform (higher, lower, to the right, to the left), at a distance of 5 cm from the first zone Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off After the procedure the skin is greased with some child’s creme. The course includes 10 daily procedures and may be repeated up to three times with 1 month’s interval. It is advisable to use other treatment methods between the Quantum therapy courses, for example, compresses with medical gall, paraffin, etc., as this area diseases are characterized by a sluggish course and persistent pains. In case of an affection of this region in combination with chronic diseases of alimentary canal, pancreas, gall bladder and/or kidneys, the treatment of this attended disease has to be included in the complex therapy obligatory. At that, the total time must not exceed the limits recommended for one procedure (32 to 36 minutes). 52 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 17. 53 Medical Guide Lines Humeral Articulation No. 1 2 3 4 5 Treatment area Articulation projection from the front Articulation projection from the back Articulation projection from the top Middle of deltoid Armpit (Fig. 18) Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off Totally, 10-12 procedures are needed per one course. The procedures are performed day by day or every second day. Whenever necessary, the course may be repeated in 1 month, and then up to 3-4 times per year. During Quantum therapy it is reasonable to take A, E and C vitamins. 54 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 18. 55 Medical Guide Lines Elbow Joint No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Side surfaces of joint (epicondyle regions) Ulnar Flexure Elbow tip (Fig. 19) Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off The course including 10-15 procedures is performed day by day or every second day. It is possible to perform up to 3 courses with a month’s interval. In case of necessity to continue treating, the next cycle may be performed in half a year. During Quantum therapy it is recommended to take A, E, and C vitamins. 56 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 19. 57 Medical Guide Lines Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow"). Medial Epicondylitis ("Golf Elbow") (Fig. 20) The epicondyle zone is greased with 75-100% dimexidi. The concentration is selected individually according to sensitivity. Within 5 to 10 minutes the zone develops a hyperemia and heat. The greased zone is irradiated. No. 1 2 Treatment area Epicondyle region 4 surrounding zones (higher, lower, to the right, to the left from the epicondyle), at a distance of 5 cm from the first zone Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off 7-10 daily procedures are recommended for one course. If a significant remission is not achieved, the course should be repeated 4 weeks later. If necessary, a recurring treatment may be performed in 6 months. 58 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 20. 59 Medical Guide Lines Radiocarpal Articulation No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Side surfaces of the articulation The articulation from the palm side The articulation from the back side (Fig. 21) Mode 2 Exposure 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off Traditionally, 10 procedures are performed, one séance per day. Up to 3 courses may be performed with an interval of 1 month. If necessary, continue the treatment 6 months after. In case of deforming or post-traumatic arthrosoarthritis, the treatment with paraffin, medical gall compresses and preparations based on bishophit and the manual therapy are carried out between the Quantum therapy courses. 60 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 21. 61 Medical Guide Lines Small Articulations of Fingers (Fig. 22) Non-deforming arthritis, post-traumatic processes, etc. fall for the Quantum therapy efficiently. Deforming rheumatoid joint inflammations require the Quantum therapy combined with naturopathy, phytotherapy, homeopathy, manual therapy, etc. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Side surfaces of the articulation The articulation from the palm side The articulation from the back side Mode 2 Exposure 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off 10-15 procedures per each course are recommended, one séance per day. Recurrent courses are carried out whenever necessary, with a month interval, up to 3 or 4 times per year. 62 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 22. 63 Medical Guide Lines Hip Joint. Arthritis. Arthrosoarthritis No. 1 2 Treatment area The trochinter zone 4 areas around in a cruciform (higher, lower, to the right, to the left from the trochinter), at a distance of 5 cm from the first zone (Fig. 23) Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On At least 15 procedures per course are recommended, better one séance every second day. From the 3rd procedure it is desirable to add the manual therapy pattern of post-isometric relaxation. Each joint needs up to 3-4 courses within half a year, with pauses of 3-4 weeks. Quantum therapy is well combined with A, E, C vitamins taking. 64 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 23. 65 Medical Guide Lines Knee Joint No. 1 2 3 4 Treatment area Lateral zones of joint projection (from the right and left) Zone above kneecap Zone below kneecap Popliteal fossa (Fig. 24) Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On The average number of procedures per one course is 10, one séance every day. The course may be repeated after a pause of 1 month. It is recommended to combine the Quantum therapy with the manual therapy. Quantum therapy is well combined with A, E, C vitamins taking. 66 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 24. 67 Medical Guide Lines Talocrural Articulation No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Lateral surfaces of joint, under malleolus Front projection of the joint Back projection of the joint (Fig. 25) Mode Exposure 4 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On The average course includes 10 daily procedures. After a one-month pause, the course may be repeated. In lingering cases it is possible to perform up to 3 or 4 courses per year. Quantum therapy is well combined with A, E, C vitamins taking. 68 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 25. 69 Medical Guide Lines Small Joints of Foot (Fig. 26) It should be remembered that rheumatoid joint inflammation, which often affect small joints, is one of many symptoms of a general disease. The same can be said about such a disease as gout. Zonal Quantum therapy applied to the affected joint area alone may be unsuccessful. You should try to find the reason and to realise a complex treatment directed to the general stimulation of the organism, raise of the immunity, recovery of possible disturbances in the system of liver, pancreas, digestive tract, kidneys, etc. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Lateral surfaces of the joint The joint from the back The joint from the plantar side Mode 4 Exposure 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On Number of procedures per one course is 10 up to 15, one procedure per day. The course may be repeated in 4 weeks. Quantum therapy is well combined with A, E, C vitamins taking. At the equino-valgus deformation of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, the Quantum therapy can be used in complex with a surgical treatment. 70 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 26. 71 Medical Guide Lines Calcaneal Spur (Fig. 27) 5-10 minutes prior to the procedure it is recommended to process the entire heel surface with 1% solution of Viride nitens or 100% dimexidi. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Plantar side of calcaneous Lateral surfaces of Achilles tendon, from the right and from the left Achilles tendon by back surface Mode 4 Exposure 120 HB Delay On 4 120 HB On 4 60 HB On Mode 4 with the Delay On, Reverse Off, Exposure 300 HB can be used, too. It is recommended to take A and E vitamins, as well as indomethacyni, 1 tablet, three times per day, during the treatment course. It is recommended to combine the treatment with the manual therapy toward the plantar aponeurosis. The course is 7 to 10 procedures, one procedure per day. Up to 3-4 recurrent courses within half a year are possible. 72 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 27. 73 Medical Guide Lines Injure of Joints’ Ligamentus Apparatus (Fig. 28) In the case of hemartrosis suspicion, Quantum therapy should not be prescribed. Traditional treatment with an expert is recommended: puncture, cold, rest, etc. Being persuaded of the lack of bleeding, starting approximately from the second day, you may apply Quantum therapy to the injured joint: No. 1 2 Treatment area Zone of injury or sprain, etc. 4 areas around the first zone in a cruciform (higher, lower, to the right, to the left), at a distance of 5 cm Mode Exposure 2 60 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On On the average it is required 7-10 daily séances. The treatment areas are selected based on the edema and pain localization. This method is convenient for treatment of any joint. 74 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 28. 75 Medical Guide Lines Traumatic Bones’ Fractures (Fig. 29) For Quantum therapy séance it is recommended, using plaster or bandages for immobilization, to leave gaps in the fracture projection zone. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Heart zone in the 4-th intercostal space to the left of the sternum edge Non-invasive blood irradiation is performed in the zones, which are maximum close to the fracture (as indicated in the paragraph 3.3.) The fracture zone through the bandage gaps Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 4 300 HB Off Off 2 300 HB Off On 2 120 HB Off On The average treatment course is 10 days, one séance per day. If there is a rib fracture and hemothorax or pneumothorax suspicion, Quantum therapy should be carefully applied only after blood evacuation, bleeding restraining, etc. 76 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 29. 77 Medical Guide Lines Arthritis and Arthrosis of Temporomandibular Articulation No. 1 2 (Fig. 30) Treatment area Articulation projection from both sides, irrespective of whether from one or both sides the process is localized Masticatory muscle near the corner of mandible, from the sore side only Mode Exposure 3 300 HB Reverse Delay Off Off The average course comprises 7 daily procedures. It is recommended to apply additionally the manual therapy, namely the postisometric relaxation method. Fig. 30 78 Medical Guide Lines 4.3. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIC DISEASES Quantum therapy application in otolaryngologic pathology is highly efficient. In the case of such difficult-for-treatment diseases as adenoiditis, chronic tonsillitis, otosclerosis, etc., Quantum therapy often allows to achieve an improvement, even a recovery, and avoid a surgical operation. And even if a surgical operation is necessary, e.g. in case of maxillary sinusitis, nose polyposis etc., the application of Quantum therapy in a complex treatment results in fast anesthesia, smooth postoperative course, and provides for the lack of relapses. At any pathology, the efficiency of the methods below may be reinforced by the use of general somatic stimulation patterns (see the corresponding Part 3.4, 3.5). Reflexotherapists may also apply laser puncture according to a prescription drawn up individually. 79 Medical Guide Lines Acute Rhinitis. Chronic Rhinitis. Vasomotor Rhinitis. Atrophic Rhinitis. Subatrophic Rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis No. Treatment area 1 Wings of nostrils 2 Tonsil projection 3 Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) into both nostrils (Fig. 31) Mode Exposure 3 120 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off Off It is recommended to wash nasal passages with warm milk, carrot juice, and other natural agents. It is possible to apply homeopathic preparations, like the Bryonia’s oil. To make the treatment efficient, it is necessary to give up the application of any vasoconstricting drops. The course includes 10 to 15 daily procedures. Courses may be repeated with an interval of 2-3 months, up to 4 times per year. At the established diagnosis of Subatrophic or Atrophic Rhinitis, it is recommended, between the Quantum therapy courses, to use the diahile ointment that is put into the nose once a day during 2 to 4 weeks. Also possible is a careful quick greasing of the nose mucous membrane with lugolum solution in glycerin once a day during 5 days. The light-guide nozzle is to be used by a doctor only. 80 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 31. 81 Medical Guide Lines Pharyngitis. Stenosis-Free Laryngotracheitis. Laryngotracheitis with no more than I Degree Stenosis No. Treatment area (Fig. 32) Mode Exposure 1 Trachea on thyroid cartilage level 3 120 HB 2 Manubrium Sterni under jugular fossa 3 120 HB 3 Supraclavicular fossa 3 60 HB 4 Subclavian fossa Nozzle No. 1 (from the set KON-1) through the mouth in direction to the throat Cervical spine, to the right and left of vertebral column (scanning) 3 60 HB 3 120 HB 3 120 HB 5 6 Reverse Delay Off Off The course comprises 7 to 10 daily procedures. At the intensification of stenosis, the Quantum therapy should be interrupted and a conventional treatment has to be carried out. During intermissions this pattern can be used as prophylaxis of laryngotracheitis. For this purpose, up to 3 courses within a year are recommended. The light-guide nozzle is to be used by a doctor only. 82 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 32. 83 Medical Guide Lines Acute catarrhal otitis. Acute suppurative otitis. Chronic mesotympanitis (Fig. 33) In case of suspicion of suppurative otitis, a paracentesis should be realized to ensure the pus outflow before the Quantum therapy procedure prescription. The auditory passages are to be dried. There is possible conventional treatment methods application between the procedures. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Tragus region Mastoid process (behind pavilion, on the lobe level) Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) directly on tympanic membrane but not touching it Mode Exposure 3 120 HB 3 180 HB 3 120 HB Reverse Delay Off Off The treatment course consists of 7 to 10 daily procedures. At the treatment of chronic mesotympanitis, the course may be repeated in 1 to 3 months. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 84 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 33. 85 Medical Guide Lines Tympanoplasty. Operations on the Substitution of PE Transplant for Auditory Ossicles: the Quantum therapy during the Post-operative Period (Fig. 34) No. Treatment area 1 Tragus region 2 Mastoid process (behind pavilion, on the lobe level) Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) directly into acoustic passage without contact with tympanic membrane Paravertebral zones to the right and left of the vertebral column near scapulae spines Paravertebral zones to the right and left of the vertebral column along the scapulae midline Paravertebral zones to the right and left of the vertebral column at the scapulae angles level 3 4 5 6 Mode Exposure 3 120 HB Reverse Delay Off 3 Off 60 HB Usually 7 daily procedures are sufficient. The course may be repeated 1 month after, if necessary. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 86 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 34. 87 Medical Guide Lines Otosclerosis (Fig. 35) In the case of hearing decrease, the reason of which is neurosensory hypoacusis, Quantum therapy does not produce any evident effect. In the case of otosclerosis, Quantum therapy is highly effective. No. Treatment area Mode Exposure 1 Subclavian fossae on both sides 3 60 HB 2 Spinous process C7 3 60 HB 3 Mastoid process (behind pavilion, on the lobe level) 3 Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) directly into acoustic passage without contact with tympanic membrane 3 4 180 HB on each zone 120 HB Reverse Delay Off Off A reflexotherapist may conduct Laserpuncture of auricular points 9, 20, 29, 55, 95, 162, using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, in the "Standard" mode, frequency 5 Hz, 1 minute. It is possible to perform a course of 10 to 14 procedures till the improvement stops growing. Courses may be repeated up to 2-3 times per year. Audiogram control after every course is essential. The treatment should be applied to the affected ear. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 88 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 35. 89 Medical Guide Lines Meniere’s Disease (Fig. 36) It is not to be treated at home. A specialist may use Quantum therapy in case of an authentic diagnosis, irrespective of other treatment, including the operative one. It has been observed that after one of the first séances, worsening of the patient's state is possible; but no more than 12 hours after, it should pass independently. No. Treatment area 1 Mastoid process 2 Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) directly into acoustic passage without contact with tympanic membrane Fronto-temporal zones, scanning, to the right and to the left 3 4 Suboccipital fossae Mode Exposure 3 120 HB 3 120 HB Reverse Delay Off 3 3 60 HB on each zone Traditionally, 7 to 10 procedures per one course are performed. The treatment might be repeated up to 3 times with an interval of 1 month. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 90 Off Medical Guide Lines Fig. 36. 91 Medical Guide Lines Sinusitis. Maxillary Sinusitis. Frontal Sinusitis (Fig. 37) Catarrhal sinusitis is subject to Quantum therapy unconditionally. Suppurative sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis or even in case of their suspicion, are subject to Quantum therapy only if the sinus discharge is available. The application is possible directly after an operative treatment. No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Projection of maxillary sinuses from both sides Frontal sinus projection Nozzle No. 2 (from the set KON-1) into the nasal passages Mode Exposure 3 180 HB on each side 3 3 120 HB in each nasal passage An average treatment course includes 7 to 10 daily procedures. The course may be repeated, if indicated, in a month or later. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 92 Reverse Delay Off Off Medical Guide Lines Fig. 37. 93 Medical Guide Lines Acute Tonsillitis. Exacerbation of Chronic Tonsillitis. Lacunar Angina (Fig. 38) Catarrhal and lacunar anginas yield well to Quantum therapy. Follicular anginas have to be treated with care by a specialist only. In case of a paratonsillar abscess or its suspicion, Quantum therapy application is only possible when the pus discharge is provided. No. 1 2 3 4 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left of sternum edge Tonsils projection, left and right Cervical region, right and left of vertebral column till the middle of scapulae, scanning Nozzle No. 1 or No. 2 (from the set KON-1) directly in the mouth to the tonsils Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 3 300 HB 3 3 120 HB to each side Reverse Delay Off Off A course includes 7 - 10 daily procedures. The repetition is recommended 2 or 3 times per year, on the average, in spring and in autumn preferably. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 94 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 38. 95 Medical Guide Lines Tinnitus, and Weak Hearing (Fig. 39) Besides the method used for the otosclerosis treatment, in practice the combinations of following acupuncture points may be used for laser reflexotherapy by means of the light-guide nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1: - auricular points: 9, 20, 29, 55, 95, 162; - corporal points: Gi4, E6, E7, IG17, TR18, TR19, TBM 11 (outside-meridian point), HT 22, 23, 24 (new points). The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. It is also possible to use other biologically active points, taking into account a particular experience of the specialist. Zone To all the points using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1 Mode 3 Fig. 39. 96 Exposure Reverse 60-120 Off HB Delay Off Medical Guide Lines 4.4. STOMATOLOGY Quantum therapy is widely used in stomatology as monotherapy, also is it used as a part of post-operative treatments. Its unique effects provide a fast healing of jawfacial region fractures. Good results are achieved in treatment of parodontosis. We have to remind that in presence of suppuration signs, it is necessary to provide for pus discharge before prescribing Quantum therapy. In case of an infiltrate (gumboil), it is obligatory to take a dentist's advice, the self-treatment being contra-indicated. We have to draw up the attention of dentists that after Quantum therapy the pulp interacts faster with arsenic, component of some preparations. 97 Medical Guide Lines Acute Gingivostomatitis. Gingivitis No. Treatment area 1 Carotid sinuses from both sides 2 Process projection from outside in contact with face skin Nozzle No. 1 or nozzle No. 2 from the set KON-1 through the mouth, directly to the focus, at a distance of 0,5 cm 3 (Fig. 40) Mode Exposure 3 300 HB to each side 3 3 300 HB using nozzle No.1 Reverse Delay Off Off The course includes 5-10 daily procedures. In order to reinforce the effect, the treatment may contain the elements of general somatic stimulation (method 3.4 and 3.5). The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 98 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 40. 99 Medical Guide Lines Parodontosis No. (Fig. 41) Treatment area 1 Manubrium sterni 2 Sternum body, in the middle 3 2-nd intercostal region to the left of sternum 4-th intercostal region along midclavian line from the left Nozzle No. 1 or nozzle No. 2 from the set KON-1 through the mouth, directly to the focus 4 5 Mode Exposure 3 60 HB Reverse Delay Off 3 Off 120 HB using nozzle No.1 The first treatment course may include 12-15 daily procedures. In case of attended pathology of stomach, liver and/or pancreas, a complex treatment is necessary. At the sluggish flow, there are needed repeated courses of 7 to 10 procedures, with an interval of 1.5 or 2 months. It is possible to strengthen the treatment effect by using one of the general somatic stimulation patterns (methods 3.4 and 3.5) The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 100 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 41. 101 Medical Guide Lines Acute Pulpitis. Chronic pulpitis exacerbation No. 1 2 Treatment area Sore tooth projection from outside Nozzle No. 2 from the set KON-1 through the mouth to gingiva in the sore tooth root projection zone (Fig. 42) Mode Exposure 3 300 HB 3 180 HB using nozzle No.2 Reverse Delay Off Off The procedure may be repeated 3 or 4 times a day, in case an improvement is observed, but the effect develops too slowly. If there is no effect, after the first sleepless night, you should apply to a doctor. The procedure is contra-indicated in case of suppuration suspicion. The course duration usually does not exceed three-five days. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 102 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 42. 103 Medical Guide Lines Chronic Granulating Periodontitis (Fig. 43) It is subject to Quantum therapy in case of no suppuration signs. In doubtful cases, you should consult a dentist, because the decision on a possibility to preserve the tooth should be taken by a specialist. In case of suppuration, you should first provide for the pus discharge through a cut on a gingival fold, and then, being persuaded of the pus discharge, you may immediately include Quantum therapy. No. 1 2 Treatment area Projection of focus or a sore tooth Nozzle No. 2 from the set KON-1 to the gingiva from the mouth side Mode Exposure 3 60 HB 3 120 HB using nozzle No.2 Reverse Delay Off Off The treatment course is 2-3 days when achieving the effect quickly. Under the dentist’s indications the treatment course of up to 10 procedures is possible. The use of nozzles is permitted only to a doctor. 104 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 43. 105 Medical Guide Lines Jaw Fractures (Fig. 44) Quantum therapy is recommended irrespective of use of any other treatment, conservative or operative. In the case of splint or fixing bandages installation, it is desirable to leave some gaps in the fracture projection zone for an emitter's aperture. No. 1 Treatment area Mode Exposure 3 120-180 HB Fracture projection Reverse Delay Off Off The treatment course is 10 daily procedures. Roentgen is indicated as a control procedure after the course completion. If a distinct positive dynamics is observed, the continuation of treatment is possible up to 15 procedures. The decision on course repetition is to be taken by the expert-physician only. Fig. 44. 106 Medical Guide Lines 4.5. CARDIOLOGY For the last ten years, a large experience has been accumulated in treating cardiological diseases. Various forms of ischemia, myocarditis or myocardiopathy, as well as the rhythm disturbances, yield well to Quantum therapy. Besides, a complex treatment of some types of arrhythmia favorably influences on course of disease and decreases the side effect of anti-arrhythmic preparations. The scientific works of Russian scientists have proved decrease of lipoids peroxidation, decrease of blood cholesterol level, improvement of microcirculation and oxygen transport by blood due to Quantum therapy. All this makes Quantum therapy a real pathogenetic treatment. It’s worth to remind that the heart has an autonomous rhythm driver, which normally has a low frequency of 1 Hz to 1,5 Hz. That’s why, in the mode "Standard", the usage of Quantum therapy in the heart region is only permitted at impulse frequency of 5 Hz. The usage of other frequencies of magnetic infrared laser device directly on the heart projections is categorically forbidden. Smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, overeating, sedentary life, excessive weight make Quantum therapy in cardiology low effective. Artificial heart valves and implanted cardiostimulators make cardiological application of Quantum therapy problematic. 107 Medical Guide Lines Ischemia. Stenocardia of I and II Functional Class. Cardialgia of Unclear Etiology. Syndromes of Small and Large Thoracal Muscles. Cardiomyopathy No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum 2 Gallbladder projection 3 Carotid sinus - zone of carotid artery pulsation to the left To the left of vertebral column at a level of scapula angle 4 (Fig. 45) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 1 120 HB 1 60 HB 1 120 HB Reverse Delay Off Off The average course includes 10 procedures, or 15 procedures to the maximum. The procedures are performed daily or every second day. Whenever necessary, the recurring course may be performed in a month. Upon indications, further antirelapse treatment may be carried out from 2 to 4 times per a year. ECG - control is obligatory. A specialist may influence the biologically active points C7 using a light-guide nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, in the mode "Standard", at frequency of 1000 Hz, 1 minute, symmetrically. It is possible to use other acupuncture points, depending on the physician’s experience. In case of a favorable effect development, Quantum therapy application allows gradually decreasing of dosages of nitropreparations and calcium antagonist, starting from the 3-4 séance under the supervision of the state of health of the patient. The decrease of -blockers is not to be started earlier than during the 7-th procedure. During the first course it is not recommended to strive for a fast and complete refusal of preparations. Quantum therapy is well combined with vitamins C, A, E, B-group, as well as with ATF preparations and cocharboxylasae. 108 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 45. 109 Medical Guide Lines Ischemia. Stenocardia of III and IV Functional Class. Myocardial Infarct. Arrhithmiae. Acquired Valvular Disease. Myocarditis. Myocardiodystrophy No. Treatment area 1 Manubrium sterni 2 Sternum body 3 2-nd intercostal region along the left sternum edge 4-th intercostal region to the left along midclavian line 4-th intercostal region to the left along midaxillary line 4 5 6 Gallbladder projection region 7 Carotid sinus - zone of carotid artery pulsation to the left To the left of vertebral column at a level of upper edge of scapulae To the left of vertebral column at a level of scapulae middle To the left of vertebral column at a level of scapulae angle 8 9 10 (Fig. 46) Mode Exposure 1 60 HB Reverse Delay Off Off Off Off 120 HB 1 60 HB The expert is recommended to influence the biologically active points C7 in the mode "Standard" using the light-guide nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, at frequency of 1000 Hz, 1 minute, symmetrically. The course duration is 7 to 10 procedures. The procedures are performed daily or every second day. The recurring course is in 3 or 4 weeks. ECG-control and cardiologist’s supervision are obligatory. The treatment is well combined with taking A and E vitamins, raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes. The Quantum therapy effect and injection of ATF, cocharboxylasae and ryboxyni intensify each other. It is recommended to alternate these types of treatment with respiratory gymnastics, naturopathy, phytotherapy and others. 110 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 46. 111 Medical Guide Lines Hypertension. Arterial Hypertension. Cervical Migraine. Eye- and Headaches against a Background of Arterial Pressure Increase No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum Frontotemporal zones, right and left, scanning Carotid sinus - zone of carotid artery to the right and to the left Suboccipital fossae, from the right and from the left The level of IV cervical vertebra near vertebral column, 3 cm to the sides The level of VII cervical vertebra near vertebral column, 3 cm to the sides The upper edge middle of musculus trapezius Kidneys projection from both sides (Fig. 47) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB Off Off 1 60 HB on each zone Off Off Off On 1 300 HB on each zone Reverse Delay The course includes up to 10-15 procedures, daily or every other day. The repetition is recommended not earlier than in a month, 2 or 3 times per year. It is recommended to combine Quantum therapy with phytogenic diuretic preparations, such as bearberry leaf, black rowanberry and red bilberries. The patient has to limit salt, rich food, eggs, butter, coffee and coca-cola. Alcohol and smoking are inadmissible. Quantum therapy and manual therapy on cervical and thoracic section of the vertebral column reinforce their mutual effect. It should be noticed that Quantum therapy can not be interpreted as a way to decrease arterial pressure in case of hypertensive attacks. Quantum therapy is aimed to improve the blood circulation. This purpose can be achieved being unhurried only. 112 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 47. 113 Medical Guide Lines Arrhythmiae: general approach (Fig. 48) When taking a decision to include Quantum therapy in the complex treatment of arrhythmia, the following aspects should be taken into account: A direct influence on the heart (1) improves the microcirculation and sometimes retards the development of cardiomyofibrosis resulting, for example, from a long taking of -blockers. In case of bradyarrhythmiae, we have to influence principally on spinal sympathetic ganglions located paravertebrally in the lower cervical-thoracic section of vertebral column (2). In case of tachiarrhythmiae, the treatment methods are mainly general somatic ones. You should exclude thyrotoxicosis, heart disease, diaphragmatic hernia, etc. because in presence of these diseases, you should first treat the basic disease. The only real accessible zones to influence on the parasympathetic nervous system are the carotid sinuses (3) and epigastrium (4). In case of tachiarrhythmiae, in a great number of observations quite good effect is marked when using acupuncture of the following corporal points: C7, E36 and RP4. A specialist may also use other biologically active points in accordance with the data available and personal experience using a nozzle No.3 from the set KON-1. Quite often a psychoneurologist’s consultation is needed to exclude an arrhythmia of central genesis in the case of a functional or organic affection of psychics and the central nervous system, as well as an endocrinologist's consultation to exclude thyroid genesis of arrhythmiae. In the "Standard" mode, only the frequency of 5 Hz is allowed to influence upon the heart zone. When treating the apex beat area (ABA) or the absolute cardiac dullness area (ACD), the Exposure time is chosen minimum, not more than 5 minutes. In case of selection of irradiating method, according to which different heart zones are irradiated, than each zone chosen is influenced during 1 minute. In every case it is desirable to draw up individual pattern of Quantum therapy and to perform the procedures under a specialist’s control. Zones Mode Exposure 1 4 300 HB 60 HB on each side 60 HB on each side 2 3 4 114 1 Reverse Delay Off Off Off On 60 HB C-7 120 HB E-36, RP-4 120 HB Medical Guide Lines Fig. 48. 115 Medical Guide Lines 116 Medical Guide Lines 4.6. PULMONOLOGY A large experience has been accumulated in Quantum therapy of bronchopulmonary pathology. Works of Russian leading scientists have proved a high efficiency of Quantum therapy in treatment of adults and children. The grounds for this efficiency have been specified on a morphologic and biochemical level. A fast subjective and an objective improvement of the patient's state, drug consumption decrease and shortening of recovery period can be achieved in most cases. At the same time, in case of development a pyo-destructive process, exudative pleurisy, etc., it is necessary prior to deciding on a possible application of Quantum therapy to provide for pus or exudates evacuation. A specific subject is bronchial asthma - a complicated disease which differs from patient to patient by its origins, flow and development ways, various dependence on harmful environmental factors, different reaction to pharmacological agents, etc. During the bronchial asthma therapy, the issue of Quantum therapy prescription should be solved with a specialist. It is necessary to make an in-depth estimation of the patient's state, try to define the reasons of disease development for the particular patient. In case of bronchial asthma, zonal irradiation should be performed very carefully, avoiding overdose, and the physician should perform a daily analysis of the dynamics of process. When treating bronchial asthma, an unquestionable advantage belongs to Laser reflexotherapy using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. Influenced points are selected individually by a specialist. Quite often the bronchial asthma disease is combined with pathology of gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver. When a combined pathology is disclosed, Quantum therapy should include corresponding patterns. In recent years, the quantum treatment methods, including Quantum therapy, are widely applied when treating tuberculosis patients. Besides, their high efficiency is marked both in case of respiratory organ tuberculosis, and sarcoidosis, as well as in case of tuberculosis with corresponding affections of osteoarticular system. Besides zonal Quantum therapy, elements of a general somatic stimulation of the organism (see patterns 3.4 and 3.5) are the most important component of treatment methods. 117 Medical Guide Lines Acute Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Bronchiolitis. Chronic Pneumoniae. Chronic Bronchitis No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left of sternum edge Supraclavicular fossae, to the right and to the left Subclavian fossae, to the right and to the left Zone by the vertebral column near the upper edge of scapulae, to the right and to the left Zone by the vertebral column near scapulae middle, to the right and to the left Zone by the vertebral column near scapulae angle, to the right and to the left Zones under the scapulae, to the right and to the left (Fig. 49) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB Reverse Delay Off 120 HB 1 60 HB On Off 120 HB A treatment course, in case of a smooth flow, consists of 12 to 14 daily procedures. In the case of a chronic disease, recurring course is 6 months after. If there is a radiological confirmation of nidus localization, the nidus is irradiated additionally in the mode "STANDARD" at 5 Hz frequency during 2 minutes. If aggravation symptoms occur, e.g. lung destruction, Quantum therapy should be temporary interrupted until these symptoms are liquidated. 118 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 49. 119 Medical Guide Lines Bronchial Asthma No. Treatment area 1 Manubrium sterni 2 Sternum body 3 Trachea in thyroid cartilage zone, in the middle or to the right and to the left 4 Supraclavicular fossae 5 Subclavicular fossae 6 Right subcostal space 7 Left subcostal space 8 Epigastrium 911 Zones near vertebral column along scapulae at a level of upper edges, middle and angles of scapulae (Fig. 50) Mode Exposure 1 120 HB 1 60 HB Reverse Delay On Off A specialist can perform Laser acupuncture at a frequency of 1000 Hz, by 1 minute per each point using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. More often than not, the following points are used: Gi4; VG(T)-14; HT-45 (a new point). A specialist can also use other points selected individually, in accordance with his personal experience. The recommended number of procedures is 10 per one course. If necessary, the course may be repeated four weeks later. It is possible to apply preventive courses up to four times per year. At the treatment in the period of fits, Quantum therapy is well combined with ingesting of 1% spiritus-aethylici euphylini mixture, ultrasonic inhalations, phytotherapy, etc. 120 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 50. 121 Medical Guide Lines 122 Medical Guide Lines 4.7. GASTROENTEROLOGY Great number of Russian and foreign scientists’ researches have shown a high efficiency of Quantum therapy in treatment of therapeutical and surgical diseases of the abdominal organs. For the last years in medical periodicals there have been published interesting works of O.V. Skobelkin, V.A. Builin, V.I. Korepanov, Yu.N. Korolev, N.Z. Zagorskaya and many other researchers, which help to comprehend bioactivation processes on morphological and biochemical levels. Results of their experiments allow to draw up rational patterns of Quantum therapy and to do wellfounded forecasts of respondent processes in the mucous membrane of digestive tract. The present knowledge of etiology and pathogenesis of many abdominal cavity diseases confirms the conclusion that their development and chronization are based on a complex of compensatory and adaptive disturbances. Microcirculation disturbance, immunodeficiency manifesting themselves by helicobacters persistence, peristalsis disturbance, formation of vicious cicatrix, etc., are elements of either gastrointestinal disease development. Disturbances of metabolic process often result in the development of other pathologies of organs and systems: cardiovascular, locomotor, genitourinary systems, and others. Quantum therapy, both zonal and Laser-puncture, is syndrome-based and pathogenetic when treating gastrointestinal pathologies. Recovery of microcirculation, activation of proliferative cells pool, the anti-edema effect, recovery of normal balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems resulting in a peristalsis restoration, provide for a high efficiency of Quantum therapy. 123 Medical Guide Lines Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases. Infectious Hepatitis. Liver Fatty Degeneration. Liver Cirrhosis No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left near the edge of sternum Right hypohondrium from midaxillary line to epigastrium, 3 points with an interval about 10 cm between them Line parallel to the above, located 5 cm higher, 3 points Solar plexus, mid-distance between xiphoid process and umbilicus Along vertebral column from scapulae angle level to middle of loin, from both sides The point between sternocleidomastoid muscle crura, from the right, above the clavicle (Fig. 51) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 300 HB 60 HB 60 HB 4 60 HB Off Off 120 HB each side 60 HB At the infectious hepatitis, the development of acute hepatism (hepatic coma) is possible. As soon as its signs appear, zonal therapy is to be interrupted or it is not to be prescribed. Under the intense therapy conditions, it is efficient to include noninvasive blood irradiation into the complex treatment. As experience shows, in this case an intensification of positive dynamics and faster normalization of biochemical indices are noted. To turn to zonal influence upon the liver area makes sense after the convalescence period beginning. If there is smooth course of infectious hepatitis, zonal therapy can be started as early as possible and lasts 10-15 days (depending on the health state). When performing Quantum therapy of convalescents without icteric forms and HB 2A carrying, it is possible to perform 10 or 15 procedures per one course. The procedures are carried out daily or every second day. A scheduled biochemical indicators’ control is obligatory. It is possible to repeat up to 2-3 courses within half a year. 124 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 51. 125 Medical Guide Lines Non-calculous Acute and Chronic Cholecystitis. Billiary Tracts Dyskinesia. Postcholecystectomy Syndrome (Fig. 52) The Quantum therapy realization toward gallstone disease under domestic conditions (self-treatment) is inadmissible. Quantum therapy is possible under doctor’s prescription and control as an element of a complex treatment. Quantum therapy is well combined with homeopathy, phytogenic choleretics and cholekinetics, electro-stimulation of gall-bladder, tubages, etc. Under the physician’s control, it is possible to treat gallstone disease under domestic conditions if in gall-bladder there is just “sand” or small stones incommensurable with the diameter of cystic bile-duct. Besides, you should remember about the cholecysto-coronar syndrome existence, therefore you have to be watchful regarding the gall-bladder stimulation methods, if its disease combines with ischemic heart disease. The pattern of treatment of “non-stone” cholecystitis and gall-bladder dyskinesia, as well as the states after cholecystectomy, is indicated below. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Treatment area Gallbladder projection zone in right hypohondrium 2 points 5 cm higher and 5 cm lower than the point 1 along costal arch Umbilicus region Middle of the line connecting the points 1 and 3 Middle of distance between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process The point between sternocleidomastoid muscle crura above the clavicle, to the right The level from scapula angle from the right to the edge of costal arch (scanning) Mode Exposure 4 60 HB Reverse Delay Off Off It is recommended that one course includes 10 daily procedures. It is possible to repeat the course a month after. Further on, preventive courses twice a year are advisable. 126 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 52. 127 Medical Guide Lines Acute Pancreatitis. Chronic Pancreatitis. Insulin-independent diabetes No. Treatment area 1 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge 2 Epigastrium 3 Right and left hypohondrium 4 Middle of the line between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process The point between sternocleidomastoid muscle crura above clavicle, to the left Scanning irradiation from the right and left along vertebral column from the middle of scapulae to beginning of loin section 5 6 (Fig. 53) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 300 HB 120 HB 120 HB each side 4 120 HB Off Off 60 HB 180 HB on each side Up to 10-12 procedures are required per one course. The procedures are performed daily or every second day. A recurring course is recommended in a month’s time. If necessary, it is possible to perform 3-4 courses per year. To treat insulin-independent diabetes, it is possible to use the universal rehabilitation program as a basic pattern (method 3.5). A reflexotherapist can add to the proposed scheme of treatment an influence on the corresponding acupuncture points using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. The treatment of insulin-independent diabetes must be conducted under the control of an endocrinologist. 128 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 53. 129 Medical Guide Lines Gastric Ulcer (Fig. 54) Prior to prescribing Quantum therapy treatments for a peptic ulcer, a test for malignancy should be performed. The laser therapy physician should be acquainted with the results of the fibrogastroscopy, and a biopsy made within two months prior to the day of consultation. If there are ulcer hemorrhages in the anamnesis, particularly recurrent ones, Quantum therapy treatment is contraindicated. No. Treatment area 1 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge Mode Exposure 300 HB 2 Epigastrium 120 HB 3 Middle of the left hypohondrium 60 HB 4 Left hypohondrium along the front axillary line Middle of the line between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process Scanning irradiation from the right and left along vertebral column from the line of scapulae angles to the upper loin section (scanning) 5 6 4 60 HB Reverse Delay Off On Off 120 HB 60 HB The Quantum therapy course includes 10-12 daily procedures. A Laser-puncture treatment may be performed at points E25 and E36, using the nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, in the "STANDARD" mode, at a frequency of 1000 Hz, 1 minute symmetrically. Procedures should take place before the meal or two hours after the meal. Quantum therapy is enhanced by using the medications vicalin or vicair. While undergoing Quantum therapy treatments, no alcohol or smoking is allowed. It is necessary to follow a strict diet as prescribed by a physician or dietician. 130 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 54. 131 Medical Guide Lines Peptic Ulcer. Duodenitis. Cicatricial Changes of Duodenal Bulb No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge (Fig. 55) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 2 Epigastrium 60 HB 3 Umbilicus 120 HB 4 Middle of the line between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process 120 HB 4 5 Right Hypohondrium 6 Left Hypohondrium 60 HB on each side 7 Along vertebral column from the right and left, from the middle of scapulae to upper loin section (scanning method) 60 HB on each side Reverse Delay On Off On The duration of the Quantum therapy treatment course is 10-12 daily procedures. The therapy course should be repeated at least twice a year. While undergoing therapy treatments, no alcohol or smoking is allowed. It is necessary to follow a strict diet as prescribed by a physician or dietitian. Quantum therapy is enhanced by using the medications vicalini or vikairi. During the process of using the Quantum therapy treatment to promote healing of the peptic ulcer, the taking of usually prescribed treatments may be continued, for example, a combination of thetracyclini, trichopoli and bismuth preparations. Their effect combined with Quantum therapy would be more pronounced, so much so that dosages of medications can be safely reduced. 132 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 55. 133 Medical Guide Lines Chronic, Nonspecific Colitis. Constipation (Fig. 56) Before starting a treatment, it is necessary make a complete patient's examination, to analyze the patient’s nutritional habits, to represent pathogenesis of non-specific colitis development. A decision on application of Quantum therapy in a complex treatment of such diseases as Hirschsprung’s disease, diverticulosis and polyposis of large intestine, megacolon, large intestine’s tumors, etc., must be taken by a specialist only. Anyway, the conviction of trustworthiness of diagnosis “Chronic non-specific colitis” (ultra-sonic, rectoromanoscopy, roentgen-contrast research and so on) is mandatory. No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge 2 Right iliac region 3 Projection of the liver angle of large intestine The middle between umbilicus and xiphoid process 4 5 Umbilicus 6 Projection of the spleen angle of large intestine 7 Left iliac region 8 Paravertebrally from scapulae angle level to the fifth sacral vertebra, scanning Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 300 HB 4 120 HB on each side Off Off 180 HB 10-12 procedures are recommended per one course. The procedures are performed daily. The recurring course is possible in a month’s time. Totally, up to 2-3 courses per year are recommended. 134 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 56. 135 Medical Guide Lines 136 Medical Guide Lines 4.8. GYNECOLOGY A large Quantum therapy application experience has been accumulated in gynecological practice allowing elaboration of efficient methods of treatment. The use of these methods makes it possible to achieve better microcirculation in the small pelvis organs, immunity stimulation, and other well-known effects of Quantum therapy. A specific role in the therapeutic effect is played by the proven Quantum therapy influence on the level of phosphoinositides (M.M. Damirov, N.N. Slyusar and a group of co-authors). Having in mind the classical principle “Do no harm”, the Quantum therapy prescription in case of gynecological pathology should only be performed by a specialist and the treatment should be conducted under his control. Quantum therapy often requires a complex treatment with the application of hormonal, antiparasitic preparations, medicines influencing metabolism. Prior to that, an analysis to exclude AIDS-, syphilis and other diseases transferred by sexual way is to be done. That’s why an independent application of RIKTA device with no doctor’s supervision may have unpredictable consequences. Quantum therapy according to the recommended methods has to be combined with usually applied treatments of chlamydial infection, trichomoniasis, herpes genitalis, vagina mycotic lesion, etc. We created a specialized intracavitar emitter which makes it possible to treat cervical erosion with high efficiency, as well as a set of gynecological optical nozzles KON-G comprising 6 special nozzles. The use of these additional possibilities gives to a specialist a chance to obtain a faster positive effect and a longer duration of remission. 137 Medical Guide Lines Endometritis. Salpingooforitis. Cervical Erosion No. 1-st day 2nd day 3-d day 4-th day 5-th day 6th day 7-th day 8-th day 9-th day 10th day Treatment area 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 2. Appendages projection 4. Perineum center 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 4. Perineum center 5. Femoral vessels projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 1. Uterus projection 5. Femoral vessels projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 2. Appendages projection 4. Perineum center 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Nozzle No. 1 “pv” from the set KON-G (Fig. 57) Mode Exposure Reverse 4 300 HB Off Delay On In case of cervical erosion, 7 procedures are on the average sufficient according to the specified pattern, however a gynecologic light-guide nozzle should be used from the first day of treatment. The effect may be enhanced when irradiating zones 6 and 7, that is, projection of lumbosacral plexus at L4-S5 level; it is to be done daily since the first day of treatment, in the mode "STANDARD", at frequency 50 Hz, duration 2 minutes per each zone. 138 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 57. 139 Medical Guide Lines Myofibroma. Functional Disturbances of Menstrual Cycle in Reproductive Age. Hyperplastic Diseases of Endometrium. Retention Ovary Cysts. Some Forms of Sterility No. 1-st day 2nd day 3-d day 4-th day 5-th day Treatment area 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 1. Uterus projection 3. Femoral vessels projection 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 1. Uterus projection 3. Femoral vessels projection 2. Appendages projection 4. Perineum center 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G 6th 1. Uterus projection day 6. External abdominal ring project. 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G 7-th 1. Uterus projection day 6. External abdominal ring project. 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G 8-th 1. Uterus projection day 3. Femoral vessels projection 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G 9-th 2. Appendages projection day 4. Perineum center 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G 10- 1. Uterus projection th 2. Appendages projection day 5. Nozzle No. 1G from the set KON-G Mode Exposure 4 300 HB (Fig. 58) Reverse Delay Off On A recurrent course can be carried out according to indications and not earlier than in 1 month. The effect may be reinforced if you irradiate lumbosacral plexus, zones 7 and 8 at L4-S5 level, in the mode "STANDARD" at frequency 50 Hz, during 2 minutes per each zone, daily since the first day of treatment. 140 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 58. 141 Medical Guide Lines Algomenorrhea. Pelvic Pain. Spastic Processes. Endometriosis No. 1-st day 2nd day 3-d day 4-th day 5-th day Treatment area 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 1. Uterus projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Perineum center 4. Femoral vessels projection 1. Uterus projection 4. Femoral vessels projection 2. Appendages projection 3. Perineum center 5. Nozzle No. 1G 6th 1. Uterus projection day 2. Appendages projection 5. Nozzle No. 1G 7-th 3. Perineum center day 4. Femoral vessels projection 5. Nozzle No. 1G 8-th 1. Uterus projection day 4. Femoral vessels projection 5. Nozzle No. 1G 9-th 1. Uterus projection day 2. Appendages projection 5. Nozzle No. 1G 10- 1. Uterus projection th 2. Appendages projection day 5. Nozzle No. 1G (Fig. 59) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB Reverse Delay Off On The course may be repeated with an interval of no less than one month, upon indications. If necessary, Quantum therapy may be combined with drugs and other methods of treatment. The latter should be prescribed by a specialist. The effect may be reinforced if you irradiate lumbosacral plexus, zones 6 and 7 at L4-S5 level, in the mode "STANDARD" at frequency 50 Hz, during 2 minutes per each zone, daily since the first day of treatment 142 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 59. 143 Medical Guide Lines Mastitis Prevention No. 1 Treatment area Papillae region (scanning, using circular movements at a distance of 0,5 to 1 cm) (Fig. 60) Mode Exposure 3 120 HB Reverse Delay Off Off Daily, since 7-10 days before the estimated date of childbirth. Immediately after the delivery, for 3 days running. Further on, 5-7 procedures more every second day. Treatment of Mastitis No. 1 2 Treatment area Papillae region (scanning, using circular movements at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm) Paravertebrally, at a level of breast section, from C7 to Th7, from both sides, scanning method (Fig. 60) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 180 HB 3 120 HB Off Off In case of suppuration signs occurrence, stop Quantum therapy until the abscess is opened and pus discharge is provided. Non-invasive blood irradiation is possible for a general stimulation of protective organism forces. Hypogalactia No. 1 2 3 Treatment area Papillae region (scanning, using circular movements at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm) Paravertebral zones, scanning method, from C7 to Th7, scanning Non-invasive blood irradiation through supraclavicular fossae (Fig. 60) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 180 HB 3 120 HB Off Off 300 HB When treating hypogalactia, the best results may be achieved if the treatment is started early and if the degree of milk deficit is low. On the average, 7-8 procedures are performed; however, it is possible to extend the treatment until the effect is achieved, performing the procedures every second day, and even less. As a prevention measure, it is possible to carry out Quantum therapy once per week, during the whole period of lactation. 144 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 60. 145 Medical Guide Lines Dishormonal Mastopathy. Fibroadenomatosis No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left of sternum 2 Supraclavicular fossae 3 Adrenal gland projection from both sides 4 Paravertebral zones at a level of from C7 to Th7 (scanning method) (Fig. 61) Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 180 HB 3 180 HB on both sides 120 HB on both sides 300 HB on both sides Off Off It is recommended to perform the treatment procedures once per week, totally, from 4 to 7 procedures. The treatment should be carried out upon prescription and under supervision of a specialist only. Self-treatment is contra-indicated categorically. This method has been developed on the base of the experience of Leningrad regional and St.-Petersburg municipal oncological dispensaries (P.Kaydun, A.I.Krupenchuk and co-authors, 1997). 146 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 61. 147 Medical Guide Lines 148 Medical Guide Lines 4.9. UROLOGY, NEPHROLOGY Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract belong to that sector of medical practice where the quantum therapy has been successfully applied for a long time. Quantum therapy in the complex treatment of urologic patients has relative contraindications, namely diseases of a single kidney, polycystosis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, and some others. In such cases, the application of Quantum therapy is to be prescribed by a specialist, and the treatment should be performed in the environment of a specialized division. In particular, the authors draw the attention of specialists to a highly efficient intracavitary emitter performing especially well in treatment of prostatitis. At the same time, it should be kept in mind that some diseases relating to urology may be caused by specific pathogenic organisms; in such cases Quantum therapy alone may be ineffective. Therefore, prior to the prescription of Quantum therapy, you should carry out a urological investigation, including laboratory analysis for AIDS, syphilis, gonococci, etc. A whole number of diseases, particularly with exacerbations during a chronic flow, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc., are successfully treated by Quantum therapy as a mono-agent also. 149 Medical Guide Lines Acute Prostatitis. Chronic Prostatitis (Fig. 62) Prostate adenoma is not a contraindication for Quantum therapy. On the contrary, the liquidation of prostatitis, which always accompanies adenoma, may sufficiently improve the function of prostate, and remove the issue of an emergency surgical operation. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Treatment area Urinary bladder Penis root from the front Penis body from the front Penis body from the back Penis root from the back 6 Testicles 7 Perineum 8 Femoral vessels 9 Nozzle No. 1 from the set KON-1 rectally Mode 4 Exposure 120 HB 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB 60 HB 120 HB on each zone 120 HB 120 HB on each zone Reverse Delay Off On 120 HB The recommended course includes 10 daily procedures. The nozzle use is advisable, but not obligatory. The combination of Quantum therapy with taking of A and E vitamins is recommended. In case of an infection, there’s needed to perform an antibacterial treatment. If there is a specific infection, an urologist prescribes a corresponding pharmacological treatment, which must be performed before Quantum therapy application. The Chair of urology of the Faculty of medicine of the People's Friendship University of Russia has proposed a simple, but efficient method of prostatitis treatment in the mode "STANDARD": 1. urinary bladder projection (1000 Hz, 5 minutes); 2. perineum center (1000 Hz, 5 minutes). These methods are not alternative. The use of nozzles is reserved to specialists only. It refers especially to the use of intracavitary emitter in treatment of prostatitis. This procedure should be performed after a thorough intrarectal examination by touch, in the mode 50 Hz during 2 or 5 minutes depending on degree of process manifestation and intensity of pain syndrome. A condom must be put on the emitter and/or nozzles unexceptionally. 150 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 62. 151 Medical Guide Lines Uretritis (Fig. 63) No. Treatment area Mode 1 Non-invasive blood irradiation in femoral triangle region 2 Penis root from the front 60 HB 3 Middle of penis body from the front 60 HB 4 Glans penis 5 Middle of penis from the back 60 HB 6 Penis root from the back 60 HB 7 Perineum 60 HB 4 Exposur e 120 HB on each zone 60 HB Revers e Delay Off On The treatment course includes 7 to 10 daily procedures. It is obligatory to prescribe uroseptics taking into account the type of causative organism. In case of cicatricial alteration of urethra, Quantum therapy is well combined with enzymes and other treatment methods. Before Quantum therapy prescription, it is obligatory to do analysis for AIDS, Wassermann reaction, “gn” smear, etc. It would be interesting for the urologists to know that there are data on efficient usage of Quantum therapy in a complex treatment of Peroni’s disease (syndrome), chlamidiosis, trichomoniasis, etc. 152 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 63. 153 Medical Guide Lines Acute Cystitis. Chronic Cystitis (Fig. 64) Prior to the treatment, it is required to empty the urinary bladder. No. 1 2 Treatment area Suprapubic region (the urinary bladder projection) To the left and to the right of first zone by 5 cm Mode Femoral triangles 4 Vertebral column sacral section, paravertebrally (scanning) Reverse Delay 120 HB 4 3 Exposure 120 HB on each zone 120 HB on each zone 120 HB on each zone Off On The treatment course includes 7 to 8 daily procedures. In case of a chronic flow, it is recommended a combination with any general somatic stimulation and up to 2 or 3 courses per year. Quantum therapy is well combined with uroseptics. The preparations of selection are nitroxolini and metronidazolum. It is obligatory to make corresponding analysis for AIDS and other specific infections transferred by sexual before starting the treatment. 154 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 64. 155 Medical Guide Lines Acute, Chronic Pielonephritis. Acute, Chronic Glomerulonephritis No. 1 2 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge (Fig. 65) Mode 4 Kidneys projection* 4 Paravertebrally from scapulae angle to the middle of loin, scanning Reverse Delay 300 HB Solar plexus 3 Exposure 120 HB on each zone 300 HB on each zone 120 HB from each side Off Off Off On Off * On the picture there has been suggested one of possible variants of kidney projections, namely the loin access. The usage of kidney projection zones along the back or front axillary lines is possible as well. The course includes 10 to 15 daily procedures. The repetition is possible after 3 or 4 weeks, if necessary. It is recommended to prescribe uroseptics and a rational increase of water intake, especially of alkaline mineral water, which should be realized under control of urine output. A prescription of phytogenic urinatives (water-melon rind, red bilberries, etc.) is possible. It should be specially noticed that Quantum therapy application for patients with glomerulonephritis is expedient only in case of initially normal glomerulus filtration and if there are no clinical data being evidence of kidney fibroplastic alterations (E.A. Gaydashev and co-authors, 1996). Once again we underline that any disease of a single kidney is a categorical contraindication for self-treatment or for a treatment by an insufficiently qualified physician. The decision on a potential usage of Quantum therapy in a complex treatment should taken by a nephrologist. Experimental and clinical observations show that Quantum therapy at the acute pielonephritis is more efficient if the frequency of kidney irradiation in the mode "STANDARD" rises gradually, that is at the 1st procedure – 50 Hz, then from the 2nd procedure – 1000 Hz; totally 10 procedures are performed (V.P. Avdoshin, M.I. Andryukhin, 1996). 156 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 65. 157 Medical Guide Lines Enuresis. Dusuria connected with pathology of urinary bladder and urethra (Fig. 66) Quantum therapy of enuresis is highly efficient. But there still remains the problem of organically caused disease cases, for instance, spina bifida, myelodysplasia, etc. But in practice in most cases occur hyperkinetic cystitis bound up with the vegetative nervous system balance disturbance. Intervening in this process at the information level, Quantum therapy is successful in most cases, even if author’s methods differ from each other. The method being the synthesis of different authors’ works, e.g. Austrian doctor Germina Tenk, is adduced below. No. Treatment area Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 1 Manubrium sterni 60 HB Off 2 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge 60 HB Off 3 Solar plexus 60 HB Off 4 Suprapubic area 5 Perineum 6 Penis root (boys) or Urethra projection (girls) Paravertebrally, sacrum, scanning to the left and to the right 7 1 120 HB Off On 120 HB On 120 HB On 120 HB On The treatment course is up to 10 daily procedures. Zonal Quantum therapy alone often is enough. A reflexotherapist may increase the effect using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. The following corporal points are irradiated symmetrically: E-36, V-28, F-3 (F3 point is not used with patients having in the history laryngospasm, larynx stenosis, asthma. In these cases F1 point is used). Irradiation is done at frequency 1000 Hz, by 1 minute per each point in the mode "STANDARD". Then, using the nozzle No. 3, you should influence symmetrically on the auricular points 28, 34, 92, in the mode "STANDARD" at frequency 1000 Hz, by 1 minute per each point. The courses may be repeated with the interval of 3-4 weeks, if indicated. 158 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 66. 159 Medical Guide Lines Urolithiasis. Renal Colic (Cupping) For the several last years, a large experience has been accumulated in using Quantum therapy to treat this pathology. It is applied both as a monotherapy and in combination with lythotripsy, and other urolithiasis treatment methods. The work which had been carried out at the Moscow municipal hospital No. 64 (V.P. Avdoshin, 1991-1997), when Quantum therapy had been applied to 266 patients, has shown a very high efficiency (92.7%) of this treatment. The following zones are irradiated: ureter projection below the stone location, then, the stone projection. The stone location should be determined by a specialist. The mode "STANDARD" is used. The most appropriate frequency of a magnetic infrared laser device for treatment of this pathology is 1000 Hz. The Exposure time is from 5 to 10 minutes per each selected zone. A course includes 10 to 15 daily procedures. Recurring courses are to be carried out upon a decision of a specialist. Quantum therapy causes an effective reinforcement of nephritic glomerulus and parenchymatosis blood flow, even in a contra-lateral kidney in case of unilateral irradiation, besides, the ureter dilates significantly that provides for nephritic colic liquidation and a discharge of concrements of corresponding sizes. However, the Quantum therapy application to this pathology is permitted only under prescription and control of specialist, often under the hospital conditions. Self-treatment of urolithiasis is inadmissible and predictably dangerous. 160 Medical Guide Lines 4.10. PROCTOLOGY The rectum diseases are rarely discussed on a non-professional level. The number of patients is much more than someone could imagine. Proctological diseases frequently achieve an advanced stage, which requires a surgical operation. Quantum therapy often allows avoiding an operation, but if it is necessary then Quantum therapy, as a part of a complex treatment, provides for pain-free and relapse-free postoperative flow, reliability of sutures, and minimum of cicatrix. The propaganda of an ecologically pure, painless, pathogenetic treatment method of Quantum therapy in proctology may help patients to have recourse to a doctor earlier, on the initial stage of illness. The early prescription of Quantum therapy is able to radically change the situation in this medical field, turning the proctology, mainly surgical science, into therapeutic science. In case of rectum diseases (e.g. polyposis) the practitioner intended to prescribe Quantum therapy should be certain of the diagnosis to exclude eventual oncological affection. It is important to take into account the above, when an intracavitary emitter is used in proctology. This emitter is effective in treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, but must not be used in the case of polyposis process. 161 Medical Guide Lines Hemorrhoids (Fig. 67) Quantum therapy is not prescribed in the case of a fresh bleeding, and during the first and second day after hemorrhoids strangulation. It is recommended to check the blood for coagulability, AIDS-infection and Wassermann-reaction. In case of a chronic flow, rectum polyposis should be excluded. No. Treatment area 1 Epigastrium 2 Right hypohondrium 3 Left hypohondrium 4 Left iliac region 5 Zones around anus for 6, 9 and 15 hours on the hourplate 6 Perineum 7 Femoral vessels projection Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 120 HB 4 Off Off 120 HB On 300 HB The recommended course includes 10 to 12 daily procedures. The recurring course is possible once within three months. If an operative treatment is needed, Quantum therapy is possible within 2 or 3 days prior to the operation, and up to 12 days daily after it, in accordance with the above pattern. An intracavitary emitter can be used to treat hemorrhoids. The treatment is performed in the mode "STANDARD" at 50 Hz during 2 minutes. Before an intracavitary emitter use, a touch examination must be done. The use of condom is mandatory. 162 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 67. 163 Medical Guide Lines Anal Pruritus (Fig. 68) The anal pruritus is caused by different reasons, starting with helminthic invasion to obsession syndrome. Anyway, you should try to find out these reasons. Although it does not always work. The Quantum therapy application experience shows that this treatment method is highly efficient, even if the reason is unclear. When the anal pruritus reason is revealing, the steps for the etiological factor elimination should be taken. No. 1 2 Treatment area Pruritus area, scanning at the distance up to 1 cm Sacrum part of vertebral column from both sides, paravertebrally, scanning Mode Exposure Reverse Delay 120 HB 4 120 HB on both sides Off On It is recommended to perform 7 to 10 daily procedures. Recurring courses are possible with an interval of a month at least, if necessary. The irradiation of the pruritus area can be carried out in contact, through a sterile PE film, or from a distance of 1 cm above the zones. The above method is well combined with general somatic stimulation (methods 3.4 and 3.5). 164 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 68. 165 Medical Guide Lines Anus Fissures (Fig. 69) Acute anus fissures are subject and well yield to Quantum therapy. The irradiation is realized in remote or contact way through a sterile PE film. Chronic and unyielding to Quantum therapy acute fissures are to be cut up. During the post-operation period the Quantum therapy is prescribed according to the pattern of wound treatment. No. Treatment area 1 Anus area (in a contact or remote way) 4 points (above, below, to the left, to the right) at 2 or 3 cm distance from anus 2 Mode Exposur e Revers e Delay Off On 60 HB 4 60 HB on each zone A course includes 7 to 10 daily procedures. The method is well combined with the general somatic stimulation. Before the operation it is advisable to realize 2 or 3 daily procedures of Quantum therapy and to continue after the cutting up to 7–10 daily procedures according to the pattern above. Fig. 69. 166 Medical Guide Lines 4.11. NEUROLOGY In recent years, indications for Quantum therapy application in neuropathology have broadened, in particular, in vertebroneurology and psychoneurology. Quantum therapy in these sectors of medicine is efficient because of a significant improvement of microcirculation, a powerful anti-edema effect, which provides for improvement in the case of a tunnel syndrome, a possibility to improve liquorodynamics, nervous conductivity, a possibility to use light guide nozzles for Laser-reflexotherapy (Laser-puncture). However, a pledge for Quantum therapy success is a correct estimation of the patient's state, accuracy of diagnosis, right understanding of etiopathogenesis of the processes. For example, when treating a simple radiculitis, zonal irradiation is sufficiently effective. However, in case of a pain syndrome caused by discal hernia, a specialist should find out the reasons for disease development, which often are in other systems. Only a rationally drawn up treatment pattern with a complex application of Quantum therapy, phytotherapy, manual therapy, and other methods may lead to a success. A lack of improvement with only zonal irradiation in neurologic practice evidences a wrong diagnosis and incorrect idea on disease development. Therefore, complicated diseases, particularly those relating to psychoneurology (asthenia, depression, toxicomania, alcoholism, etc.) should be treated by specialists only. In literature, there are some data on the application of quantum therapy methods when treating multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. At present level of our knowledge, they should be considered as a contraindication for a non-specialist. The present section recites the methods that have proved to be efficient in medical practice due to a high frequency of positive results of Quantum therapy application. Some methods indicated below in schematized form are taken from psychoneurological practice of the following authors: MD, prof. A.I. Nechushkin, and MD A.M. Gaydamakina. 167 Medical Guide Lines Vertebral Insufficiency of Different Origin. Consequences of Cerebral Circulation Disturbance No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge 2 Subclavian fossae 3 Supraclavicular fossae 4 Carotid sinuses 5 Frontotemporal regions (scanning) (Fig. 70) Mode Exposure 4 300 HB Reverse Delay 60 HB left and right Off 1 6 Suboccipital fossae 120 HB left and right 7 Spinous process CVII 60 HB 8 Paravertebrally from both sides from CVII 60 HB on both sides Off The average duration of a course is 10 daily procedures. In accordance with the indications it is possible to perform 2 to 3 courses per year. If necessary, paravertebral zones may be irradiated at the level where symptoms of vertebral insufficiency are manifested. Decision of Quantum therapy prescription in this case, especially if there are signs of cerebral blood circulation disturbance, is taken by a specialist. Reflexo-therapists may draw up an individual prescription for Laser reflexotherapy and apply RIKTA with a light guide nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. 168 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 70. 169 Medical Guide Lines Ischialgia (Fig. 71) The reasons of ischialgia should be determined. If there is mechanical squeezing by a volumetric process or a herniated disk, zonal Quantum therapy is not applied. In presence of a block of any level, a mobilization of lumbosacral section by means of manual therapy is indicated, along with Quantum therapy. No. 1 Treatment area Lumbosacral section, paravertebrally (scanning) 2 Buttock piriform opening projection 3 Subbuttock fold 4 Middle of back femur surface 5 Popliteal fossa Mode 4 4 Exposure 180 HB on both sides 120 HB Reverse Delay Off On In case of root pains spread to the foot, the method may be expanded to the foot. The treatment course is 10 daily procedures. Quantum therapy is well combined with the taking of A, E, and group B vitamins, and nicotinic acid. In spring-autumn period, anti-relapse courses are recommended. The application of blocks is possible. In the case of a trustworthy herniated disk diagnosis, an insistent general somatic stimulation should be performed, as only metabolic process normalization, increase of immune and other protective mechanisms may lead to an improvement of trophic processes in the zone of interest. Only this basis could make the zonal Quantum therapy effective. 170 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 71. 171 Medical Guide Lines Neuropathy (Neuritis) of Facial Nerve (Fig. 72) This pathology yields well to Quantum therapy in case of neuropathy caused by some ordinary causes (cooling, chill, ischemia). However, you should remember the possibility of central nature of facial muscle paralysis (weakness), for example, at the cerebrum tumor. In the same careful way you should prescribe Quantum therapy in presence of the facial muscle convulsions. Diagnostics, prescription and realization of Quantum therapy are performed by a specialist only. The treatment is performed in the mode "STANDARD". An emitter is to be placed on the painful and flaccid areas. In the case of a pain, as well as a tunnel syndrome, you should use the frequencies of 1000 Hz and 50 Hz, within 1 minute per each zone. In the case of muscle weakness, you should use the frequency of 5 Hz, during 2 minutes per each zone. Variable frequency application is possible during 1 or 2 minutes per a zone. A course includes up to 15 procedures. The procedures are performed daily or every second day. Often the repeated course is needed in a month. We have to remind that the facial nerve has a very poor blood circulation. Therefore, Quantum therapy should obligatory be a complex one. The doctor prescribes reasonable quantities of vasodilative agents (dibazolum, nicotinic acid, etc.) taking into account their effect reinforcement in combination with Quantum therapy. 172 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 72. 173 Medical Guide Lines Trigeminal Nerve Neuralgia. Trigeminal Nerve Neuropathy (Fig. 73) The diagnosis must be established by a specialist only. It should be kept in mind that the trigeminal nerve neuropathy may be caused by a disseminated encephalomyelitis or brain tumors. In these cases Quantum therapy is contra-indicated. Besides, the trigeminal nerve neuralgia may have odontogenous or sinus origin. With no treatment of the causative process, the effect of Quantum therapy may be unachieved. If a decision to perform Quantum therapy is taken, then irradiation is performed along the duct of a corresponding nerve branch (see the innervations diagram): 1. Ophtalmic nerve, starting from supraorbital fossa and finishing in the middle of vertex. 2. Maxillary nerve, irradiating “canine fossae”, zygoma zone, suborbital zone, and upper teeth cavities projection. 3. Mandibular nerve, including mental foramen, mouth angle, tragus, and higher from tragus to the edge of parietal bone. The treatment is performed in the mode "STANDARD", at frequency 5 Hz, during 1 or 2 minutes per each zone, no more than 10 minutes per one side of the face (20 minutes in case of bilateral process). A reflexo-therapist can realize laseropuncture of cortical zones (according to O.A. Shternberg) by means of a nozzle No.3 from the set KON-1 at frequency 1000 Hz during 1 minute per each zone. The course includes 10 to 15 daily procedures. Recurring courses are carried out if necessary. 174 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 73. 175 Medical Guide Lines Vegetovascular Dystonia (VVD). Neurocirculatory Dystonia (NCD) This is syndromic diagnosis, often established during professional medical observations, when arterial hypertension of bordering values is disclosed, or in case of complaints proper to insufficiency of cerebral circulation. VVD (NCD) may flow according to hypertonic or hypotonic type. Not always the condition of intracranial pressure and cerebral circulation may be estimated by simple measuring of periphery arterial pressure. Having detected stable VVD signs for the first time, it is necessary to perform a complex study of all organs and systems, which affection may form a symptomatic picture of VVD (NCD). Special attention should be given to the state of the cervical and breast section of vertebral column (cervical migraine, fibromyalgia, vertebral artery syndrome, etc.) An individual rational prescription for Quantum therapy is to be drawn up based on a study of VVD (NCD) etiopathogenesis. It may include zonal irradiation of heart, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, vertebral column, cervical muscles, frontotemporal and occipital regions, etc., depending on a specific disease flow. The method applied in this case will be the same as used if a disease of a particular organ is treated. A specialist may apply Laser-puncture using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1 on corporal and/or auricular points in the mode "STANDARD", at frequency 1000 Hz during 1 minute, in accordance with his (her) qualification and experience. Quantum therapy is well combined with manual therapy of vertebral column. When drawing up a treatment program, a computer diagnosis using the methods of Faulle, Nakatani, and others, is a good support. 176 Medical Guide Lines Chronic Neurological Displays. Root Pains Treatment is performed in the mode "STANDARD", with an emitter placed on the corresponding roots outlet projection (Zakharyin-Geda’s zones), at frequency of 1000 Hz in the case of acute pain; and at a frequency of 50 Hz in the case of a moderate pain. The Exposure time is up to 5 minutes per each zone. In case of a pronounced pain syndrome, variable frequency may be used, too. Diffused pain along the nerve (e.g. in case of intercostal neurology, girdle herpes, etc.) may be treated with an emitter placed successively on several zones along the nerve duct, separated by an interval of 5 to 10 cm, during 1 or 2 minutes per each selected zone. If the irradiation covers the heart region on the front and side surface of the breast, then the frequency should be 5 Hz only! Total exposure during one procedure must not exceed 32 to 36 minutes. The treatment course is 10 daily procedures. It may be repeated in 4 weeks. If necessary, Quantum therapy can combine with other treatment methods, including traditional blocks, vitamin therapy, nootropic preparations and others; in this way, the treatment efficiency mutually intensifies. 177 Medical Guide Lines Asthenic States of any Etiology (according to A.M. Gaydamakina) (Fig. 74) Asthenic states are to be treated only by a specialist who wields reflexotherapy method. The order of procedures for women: 1-st day, and all the odd days of treatment: right ear, right arm, left leg, right scapula; 2-nd day, and all the even days of treatment: left ear, left arm, right leg, left scapula. When treating men, the order of treatment is following: 1-st day and all the odd days of treatment: left ear, left arm, right leg, left scapula. 2-nd day and all the even days of treatment: right ear, right arm, left leg, right scapula. Treatment pattern: The mode "STANDARD" is used. I stage. The heart area is irradiated in the 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge at frequency 5 Hz, during 5 minutes. II stage. Using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, auricular points 13, 25, 51, 95 are irradiated. Frequency 5 Hz, 1 minute per each point. III stage. Using a nozzle No. 3, the following corporal points are irradiated: P-9, C-7, Gi-4, RP-6, E-36; all at frequency 5 Hz, 1 minute, and V-43 at frequency 50 Hz within 1 minute. Besides, during the first two and two following procedures the points RP-6 and E-36 are irradiated on both legs. The course duration is 12 to 15 daily procedures. It is recommended to perform up to 3 or 4 courses within a year. The treatment is maximum efficient in spring and in autumn. 178 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 74. 179 Medical Guide Lines Depressive States of any Etiology (according to A.M. Gaydamakina) (Fig. 75) They are to be treated only by a skilled reflexotherapist. The order of procedures for women: 1-st day, and all the odd days of treatment: right ear, right arm, left leg, right scapula; 2-nd day, and all the even days of treatment: left ear, left arm, right leg, left scapula. When treating men, the treatment order is following: 1-st day, and all the odd days of treatment: left ear, left arm, right leg, left scapula; 2-nd day, and all the even days of treatment: right ear, right arm, left leg, right scapula. Treatment pattern: The mode "STANDARD" is used. I stage. The heart area is irradiated in the 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge; frequency 5 Hz, time 5 minutes. II stage. Using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, the following corporal points are irradiated: P-5, C-3, E-36, F-3, VC(J)-6, VC(J)-12, at frequency 5 Hz, within 1 minute each, and VG(T)-11 at frequency 50 Hz, 2 minutes. III stage. Using nozzle No.3, the following auricular points are irradiated: 55, 100, 87, 34. The frequency is 1000 Hz, 1minute. It is recommended to perform 10 to 15 daily procedures per one course. Recurring courses are carried out if indicated. 180 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 75. 181 Medical Guide Lines Delirium Tremens and Abstinence Syndrome (according to A.M. Gaydamakina) (Fig. 76) Quantum therapy is used as a part of a complex treatment, along with disintoxication and other actions. The course duration is defined under the indications. Within the first one or two days Quantum therapy may be performed twice per day. A doctor skilled in reflexotherapy can realize Quantum therapy. The treatment is done in the mode "STANDARD". I stage. Heart irradiation in the 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum, 5 Hz, 5 minutes. II stage. Mastoid processes from both sides, 5 Hz, 1 minute each. III stage. Nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, corporal points P-1, VC(J)-17, frequency: 5 Hz, 1 minute, and V-13, frequency 50 Hz, 2 minutes. IV stage. Right hypohondrium, 5 Hz, 2 minutes. V stage. Nozzle No. 3, auricular points 51, 55, 101(2), 95. Frequency 1000 Hz, by 1 minute each. All the points are irradiated symmetrically. Traditionally we perform 5 or 7 to 10 procedures per one course, but after the abstinence syndrome cupping, it will be quite reasonable to continue according to chronic alcoholism treatment pattern with the total duration of up to 15 procedures. 182 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 76. 183 Medical Guide Lines Chronic Alcoholism (according to A.M. Gaydamakina) (Fig. 77) Quantum therapy is used both for complex treatment of chronic alcoholism and as monotherapy. A doctor skilled in reflexotherapy can carry out the treatment. Treatment pattern: The mode "STANDARD" is used. I stage. Heart irradiation in the 4-th intercostal region near the left edge of sternum, 5 Hz, 5 minutes. II stage. Nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, irradiation of auricular points: the 1-st day and all the odd days of treatment: 51, 55, 101(2), 34; the 2-nd day and all the even treatment days: 95, 97, 127, 128, 87. Frequency 1000 Hz, 1 minute each. III stage. Nozzle No. 3, irradiation of corporal points: P-1, VC(J)-17, VG(T)-20, VB-20, frequency: 5 Hz, 1 minute each; E-36, frequency 5 Hz, 2 minutes each point; V-13, frequency 50 Hz, 2 minutes each point. All the points are irradiated symmetrically. IV stage. Right hypohondrium, 5 Hz, 2 minutes. The treatment course is up to 15 daily procedures. The recurring courses can be performed up to 4 times per year, if necessary. It is rational to continue the treatment for no less than 2 years. The complex treatment, besides Quantum therapy, includes other methods, depending on the physician’s experience. Upon the decision of a doctor, Quantum therapy may be performed at shorter intervals and more often in order to avoid failures (1,5 to 2 months interval). 184 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 77. 185 Medical Guide Lines Stammering. Logoneurosis (Fig. 78) Laser-puncture by magnetic infrared laser device may be performed as a part of a complex treatment of stammering. The recommended corporal points: VC(J)-23, VC(J)-24, Gi-4, E-36, F-3, VB-20, VG(T)-11, VG(T)-14, VG(T)-15. Other points can also be selected for an individual program, taking into account physician’s qualification and experience. These points are influenced in the mode "STANDARD" using a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1, at frequency 1000 Hz, one minute per each point, symmetrically. The average duration of a treatment course is 7 to 10 daily procedures. Whenever necessary, the course may be repeated in a month. 186 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 78. 187 Medical Guide Lines Epilepsy (Fig. 79) The following pattern of Quantum therapy application in a complex treatment of epilepsy is possible: No. 1 2 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge Mode 4 Carotid arteries 4 Suboccipital pits Reverse Delay 300 HB Elbow pits 3 Exposure 300 HB left and right Off Off 60 HB left and right Number of procedures is 7 to 10 per one course, performed daily. Only an expert-physician can take a decision about the Quantum therapy prescription and the number of courses needed. Corresponding acupuncture points can be introduced in the treatment scheme. Fig. 79. 188 Medical Guide Lines 4.12. DERMATOLOGY In recent years, there have appeared works on the efficiency of Quantum therapy application in dermatology. The study of such difficult for traditional treatment diseases as psoriasis, neurodermitis, eczema and others has shown that disturbances of immune system of the organism and decrease of its adaptive and compensatory potential accompany and often cause skin lesions. In a whole number of cases, the application of Quantum therapy in a complex treatment of such diseases results in the immune system recovery, normalization of neurohumoral regulatory systems, and often leads to the liquidation of skin lesions. When treating various pyodermiae, a good effect is produced by any of the general somatic stimulation methods (see patterns 3.4 and 3.5). We have to remind you of the necessity to provide for the pus discharge prior to start Quantum therapy using the method of zonal irradiation of the skin. In the case of pruritic dermatosis the general somatic stimulation is also used in combination with external agents prescribed by a doctor. The same refers to such diseases as psoriasis, eczema, herpetic infection, etc. In case of psoriatic skin lesions or herpetic eruptions, the irradiation of affected skin may be performed at a frequency of 1000 Hz, 1 minute per each 10 sq. cm of the area, in the mode "STANDARD". In the same way, you may irradiate other skin disturbances. However, the treatment success depends on the general somatic stimulation first of all. Recovery of microcirculation, improvement of regeneration processes, liquidation of inflammation, edema, and other biological effects of Quantum therapy are able to improve the state of the skin due to external influence. General somatic influence assures the immunoglobulin level raise, decrease of the number of circulating immune complexes and restores the level of active rosellaforming cells. Traditional external agents reinforce their effect in combination with Quantum therapy. The basis for the treatment effect of Quantum therapy in dermatology is the general stimulating influence. Different authors estimate in different ways the necessity of irradiation of the very skin lesions using various patterns, often contradictory, for this purpose. But the results achieved differ from each other only a little, because they are due to general influence of quantum therapy upon the organism as a whole. 189 Medical Guide Lines Eczema. Neurodermitis. Toxicodermia. Psoriasis (Fig. 80) The following pattern is possible: No. 1 Treatment area 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge 2 Non-invasive blood irradiation* 3 Liver projection 4 Kidneys projection 5 Skin irradiation in the process zone, scanning at the distance up to 1 cm Mode Exposure 4 300 HB 2 300 HB left and right 120-180 HB 300 HB left and right 60 HB on every 10sq.cm scanning Reverse Delay Off Off Off Off On Off * You may select any zone of large vessel projection; cubital fossae (2a) and femoral arteries (2b) are used more often. The treatment course is 10 procedures daily or every other day. Whenever necessary, the recurring course is in a month’s time. Up to 4 courses are possible per year. To intensify the immunity activation it is recommended to take natural stimulating preparations, such as tinctura aralii or eleuterococci extracti, by 2 to 4 ml three times a day before eating over a long period of time. It is possible to use traditional medicamental preparations for the skin (ointments, liniments, etc.). Reflexotherapists can reinforce the influence by drawing up an individual pattern of laseropuncture. More often, especially in case of itching dermatosis, the following biologically active corporal points are used: P-7, Gi-11, Gi-15, V-13 along with V-40, V-60, MC-8, TR-7, VB-31 in the mode "STANDARD", 1000 Hz, 1 min. per each point. 190 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 80. 191 Medical Guide Lines Itching dermatosis A specialist has to try to find out the causes of dermatosis, among which there might be scabies, mycosis, etc. Besides, skin itch can be an obsession syndrome at some neurosis and other diseases of central nervous system. The most efficient way to use Quantum therapy in complex treatment of itching dermatosis is laser-reflexotherapy. More often the following corporal points are recommended: P-7, Gi-11, Gi-15, V-13, V-40, V-60, MC-8, TR-7, VB-31 in the mode "STANDARD" 1000 Hz, 1 min. per each point. A specialist can draw up an individual pattern. The computer diagnostics by Voll’s, Nakatani’s and Akabane’s methods is an important diagnostic supply for this purpose. 192 Medical Guide Lines 4.13. ENDOCRINOLOGY More and more information on the efficiency of Quantum therapy application in endocrinology has been appearing in recent years. Laser-puncture is traditionally used as a monotherapy but mainly as a supplement to the major pharmacological therapy. This allows to achieve an improvement of a patient’s health state and to reduce doses and rate of taking medicines. A short term zonal irradiation (on an informative and energetic level) of thyroid gland at a moderate diffusive goiter on the background of iodine-containing preparations or just iodine-salt taking, in a good per cent of cases results in an improvement of the patient’s state and disappearance of symptoms. Sweating, arrhythmias, sense of pressure on trachea disappear fast. The decision of prescription and the very application of Quantum therapy for these patients are possible only if there is a trustworthy diagnosis and this decision must be taken by a qualified endocrinologist. The use of Quantum therapy in cases of insulin-independent forms of diabetes, has a favorable effect on parenchymatous blood flow, decreases subcapsular tension, facilitates the operation of pancreas. In this case the zonal Quantum therapy on pancreas projection area is carried out according to usual patterns. It should be noticed that at this diagnosis the procedures have to be conducted under control of sugar level in blood and in urine. The physician determines the total number of procedures on the base of results achieved. In case of insulin-dependent form of diabetes, only laseropuncture may be performed. In all the cases of endocrine pathology Quantum therapy can be performed only under prescription and supervision of a specialist. The insulindependent diabetes should be treated under the hospital conditions, which allow regularly controlling blood sugar on an empty stomach, as well as other carbohydrate metabolism indicators, and correcting insulin doses. The patterns of reflexotherapy in endocrinology, which had been adduced by E.P. Yarotskaya in her manual (see Bibliography) and applied for laseropuncture by means of RIKTA-05 device, have proved their high efficiency. Laser-reflexotherapy is to be used for treatment of nodular goiter only as a part of complex treatment of thyrotoxicosis. In case of this kind of disease, only the endocrinologist has a right to take the decision of Quantum therapy prescription. Only a skilled refrexotherapist may perform acupuncture using a nozzle No.3 from the set KON-1. 193 Medical Guide Lines Diffusive Growth of Thyroid Gland with Moderate Thyrotoxicosis Signs (Fig. 81) The treatment is performed using the following pattern: The mode "STANDARD" is used. I stage. 1. 4-th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum: 5 Hz, 5 minutes. 2. Directly on the thyroid gland, using scanning method, at a frequency of 50 Hz, 1 minute and 5 Hz, 1 minute. II stage. Nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1 to the corporal points: E-9, E-10, VC(J)-22, TR-17, TBM-9, C-7, RP-6, Gi-4, Gi-11. Frequency is 1000 Hz, by 1 minute each. (The points E-9, E-10, VC(J)-22, C-7 are influenced during each procedure. The rest of the points are selected in accordance with the doctor’s choice, totally up to 7 or 8 points per procedure.) III stage. Nozzle No. 3 to auricular points: 22, 23, 41, 45, and 95. Frequency is 1000 Hz, by 1 minute each. 2 procedures per a week are performed. The treatment course is 8 to 10 procedures. Weekly check-up of endocrinologist is indicated. You should not hasten to cancel medications, although, taking into account positive dynamics, the dose reduction is quite possible. The course repetition is under the indications, upon the decision of endocrinologist. 194 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 81. 195 Medical Guide Lines Diabetes Mellitus Only the endocrinologist takes the decision of the possibility of pancreas zonal irradiation in case of insulin-independent diabetes. In any case of diabetes mellitus, also under the endocrinologist’s prescription, Laserpuncture method can be used by means of a nozzle No. 3 from the set KON-1. The following corporal points are recommended in literary sources: VC(J)-4, F-12, V-20, V-23, V-43, P-7, RP-3, RP-4, RP-6, R-3, R-6, TR-4, E-33, TBM-20, TBM-61, TBM-62, TBM-158 (TBM is a point outside meridian). In the auricle floor region the following points are used more often: 22, 51, 96, 122. To perform laseropuncture with RIKTA device, the mode "STANDARD" is used, as a rule, at frequency 1000 Hz during 1 minute per each point. In every specific case a strictly individual prescription has to be drawn up for a patient, and the course duration is defined by an expert-physician. In the case of objective and subjective improvement, a break is recommended, during which the patient is subject to supervision. If the improvement is stable, the course may be repeated. Further on, the course repetition is possible up to 4 times per year, under the indications. In case of a growing recovery effect of pancreas function, the intervals between Quantum therapy courses will be extended and the courses themselves will become shorter. 196 Medical Guide Lines 4.14. OPHTHALMOLOGY The experience of applying magnetic infrared laser irradiation in ophthalmologic practice is being accumulated. The use of magnetic-infrared laser device for treatment of eye fundus vessels affections, in case of diabetic retinopathy, some types of glaucoma, etc., has shown a high-efficient, painless effect and the economic expedience of Quantum therapy. The cooperation of ophthalmologists and designers has resulted in a development of an ophthalmologic magneto-infrared laser device specialized in treatment of amblyopia. The principal methods of influence are aimed at the irradiation of retrobulbar fat, orbicular eye muscle, and laser-stimulation of retina. The decision to perform such a treatment should be taken by an ophthalmologist and performed under his strict supervision. It has been noticed that irradiation of temporal and frontal regions when treating atherosclerotic encephalopatiae often leads to a decrease of intraocular pressure and the vision improvement. This may be explained by an improvement of blood circulation and anti-edema effect of Quantum therapy. To influence upon fronto-temporal regions using magnetic-infrared laser device, one has to use, in the mode "STANDARD", frequency 50 Hz and scanning method within limits of 2 minutes per each side (see the irradiation of the head). Below is indicated a topography of reflexotherapy points recommended by Doctor G. Tenk for the treatment of eye diseases, such as acute conjunctivitis, ophthalmia, light forms of strabismus, and bad vision. This method is possible to be applied both with adults and children. 197 Medical Guide Lines Acute Conjunctivitis. Ophthalmia. Light Strabismus. Light Vision Weakness. Eye Fatigue (according to Germina Tenk) (Fig. 82) General statements: 1. The points listed in the pattern may be subject to Laser-reflexotherapy upon the prescription of the ophthalmologist only. 2. If the procedure is realized at physiotherapeutic room, it must be conducted by a physiotherapist. 3. A slight stimulation is recommended. Age Frequency Time Children under 7 years old 5 Hz 30 sec per a point Children from 7 to 14 years old 5 Hz 1 min per a point Older than 14 years old and adults 50 Hz 1 min per a point The treatment is performed in the mode "STANDARD". A course includes 10 daily procedures. A light-guide nozzle No.2 from the set KON-1 is used. In the case of no effect, the course can be repeated at an interval of 1 month. This method combines well with ophthalmologic gymnastics and other traditional treatment methods. 198 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 82. 199 Medical Guide Lines 200 Medical Guide Lines 4.15. PEDIATRICS Quantum therapy is widely used in pediatric practice as a medical and preventive means. The methods recommended for adults may be successfully used to treat children. An experienced doctor may introduce time and frequency adjustments, usually to decrease their values. In this section there’s a description of a version of general somatic stimulation method for the children older than 3 years, as well as the repetition of those methods specified in the sections for adults where other frequencies or Exposure times are required. Quantum therapy is efficient for treatment of infantile cerebral paralysis. But the treatment patterns for its different kinds are quite complicated and are of interest only for specialists in the matter wielding reflexotherapy. For such specialists there is a separate methodical manual on treatment of infantile cerebral paralysis, which was prepared by the leading specialists of Krasnodar regional sanatorium “Solnyshko” O.F. Pugachyova and O.N. Porodenko in 1995 and published by PKP GIT. The issue of applying Quantum therapy with new-born and an early-age kids should be solved by an expert-doctor only, besides, the influence patterns should be drawn by him on an individual basis, taking into account a specific state of a child. Often a short-term treatment and prophylactics courses are recommended. When treating any infantile pathology with an assumption of congenital developmental defects, intrauterine infections, genetic diseases, the attitude to Quantum therapy should be extremely responsible. The specialist should understand clearly what targets based on the effects of bioactivation he sets when prescribing Quantum therapy to such a child. In any doubtful and indeterminate cases, it would be better to avoid Quantum therapy prescription. 201 Medical Guide Lines General Somatic Stimulation for Children over 3 years old No. Treatment area (Fig. 83) Mode Exposure 1 Manubrium sterni 60 HB 2 4-th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge 60 HB 60 HB right and left 60 HB right and left 3 Tonsils projection 4 Elbow pits 5 Right hypohondrium 6 Epigastrium 60 HB 7 Left hypohondrium 60 HB 8 Paravertebral zone along the whole of vertebral column, scanning 120 HB Kidneys projection 60 HB right and left 9 Reverse Delay 2 60 HB Off Off On The course duration is 7 procedures daily. The recurring courses may be performed no more than 2-3 times per year. Upon the doctor’s decision any elements may be excluded from the pattern or any other new zones may be added to it. It should be kept in mind that a sufficient quantity of vitamins and microelements in the meals is necessary, and corresponding recommendations are to be made by the doctor taking into account the age peculiarities of the organism. 202 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 83. 203 Medical Guide Lines Children’s Gastroenterology (Fig. 84) When treating the children having various pathology of gastroenteric tract, a preliminary investigation is needed in order to exclude helminthis invasion, infectious diseases, congenital developmental defects of gastroenteric tract, etc. For many diseases being among mentioned above, the zonal Quantum therapy is not indicated. Subject to Quantum therapy are gastritis, duodenitis, non-specific enteritis, colitis, dyskinesia of biliferous tracts, liver or pancreas diseases, dysbacteriosis, etc. No. Treatment area 1 Right iliac region 2 Right hypohondrium 3 Epigastrium 4 Left hypohondrium 5 Left iliac region 6 Umbilicus 7 Paravertebral zones: lower-breast and loin sections, scanning at a distance of 1 to 2 cm Mode Exposure 4 60 HB 60 -120 HB left and right Reverse Delay Off Off On A course includes 10 daily procedures. The recurring courses are to be performed not earlier than in 1.5 or 2 months, if necessary. No more than 3 courses per year. When drawing up a prescription it is possible to add the general stimulation methods. 204 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 84. 205 Medical Guide Lines Children’s Diseases of Kidneys and Urinary Tracts (Fig. 85) Zonal Quantum therapy may be performed on the following projections: No. 1 Treatment area Urinary bladder projection in suprapubic area Mode Exposure 120 HB 2 Urinary bladder sphincter projection 120 HB 3 Kidneys projection in loin zone 120 HB right and left 4 4 Perineum 5 Paravertebral zones: lower-breast and loin-sacral sections, scanning at a distance of 1-2 cm Reverse Delay Off On 120 HB 120-180 HB left and right scanning Children over 14 years old are treated using the adult's pattern. The course consists of 7 to 10 daily procedures. A recurring course is no earlier than in 1.5 or 2 months, if necessary. Totally, not more than 3 courses per year are recommended. When drawing up a prescription it is possible to add the general stimulation methods. 206 Medical Guide Lines Fig. 85. 207 Medical Guide Lines 5. EFFICIENCY OF MAGNETIC INFRARED LASER DEVICE APPLICATION IN MEDICAL PRACTICE The Quantum Medicine Association (QMA), which goes back to 1991, at the moment unifies more than 50 scientific-research and medical institutions, which use quantum methods in medical practice and study results and prospects of their application and development. 32 of those organizations are scientific research medical institutes, medical schools, important clinic centers and hospitals of Russia and foreign countries. A great number of polyclinics, physiological rooms, small enterprises and practicing physicians co-operate actively with the QMA. Every year hundreds reports on research and practical experience in the field come to JSC "MILTA-PKP GIT", leading institution of the QMA. Annual International Conferences on Quantum Therapy organized by the QMA are mostly based on the results of these works. An analysis of the results presented in the period of 1991-2001 makes it possible to conclude on a high efficiency of quantum methods for treatment of various diseases of human beings and animals. In the table No.1 there are given comparative results of the analysis of treatment duration and drug consumption with use of Quantum therapy and without it for some human pathologies. In the table No.2 there is given an estimation of clinical efficiency of Quantum therapy application in different medical fields based on statistics of Moscow and St.Petersburg clinical centers, members of the QMA. 208 II International conference "Actual matters of laser medicine" in 1994, author Amirov "Lasers application in surgery", 1988, author Bugaev "Actual matters of laser medicine", 1994, author Barkt "Actual matters of laser medicine", 1994, author Likhaeva, et. al. "Lasers in medical practice", 1992, author Babushkina Chair of Urology of the Nations Friendship University 6 to 9 days less 3 to 5 days less Morbidity decrease for 76% Morbidity decrease for 89% 8 to 12 days less In 2.5 times In 2.4 times In 2.7 times In 60% cases it turns possible to exclude medicines totally In 3-4 times No drugs No drugs In 2-3 times No drugs No drugs Wounds, bums Ulcer of stomach and duodenum Hypertension Bronchitis prophylaxis Prophylaxis of otorhinolaryngological diseases Ischemic heart disease Prostatitis Radiculutis, osteochondrosis In 1.7-2.2 times Gaydamakina A.V. Chair of Surgery of Militarymedical academy Magazine "Clinical Medicine" 1991, authors ' Koryushchina and Grigorjev 5 to 8 days less In 1.9 times Pneumonia In 2-3 times Source of information Reduction of treatment duration Reduction of drug consumption Kind of disease Table № 1 Medical Guide Lines 209 210 363 278 353 108 72 180 84 248 173 415 68 93 290 364 116 82 214 90 264 180 442 76 102 Gastroenterology Pulmonology Surgery Rheumatology Neurology Gynecology Otorhinolaryngology Stomatology Urology Dermatology Proctology Absolute number 91 89 94 96 94 93 84 88 93 97 96 94 % No effect 9 8 27 7 16 6 34 10 8 11 12 23 Absolute number Treatment results Improvement 386 Patients number Cardiology Medicine field 9 11 6 4 6 7 16 12 7 3 4 6 % Table No. 2 Medical Guide Lines Medical Guide Lines 6. PROSPECTS OF QUANTUM MEDICINE PROGRESS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE World medical statistics shows that annual rate of growth in quantum medicine equipment production is by an order of magnitude greater as compared with this index in other prospective technologies. This is stipulated by the growing need in modern ecological equipment highly efficient for therapy and prophylaxis, as well as from the economical point of view. Nowadays Quantum medicine is widely used in treatment of hundreds of human and animal diseases, find more and more appliance in the agriculture. Results of the researches in the world makes it possible to expand quantum medicine technologies to treatment and prophylaxis of oncological diseases, AIDS, senile dementia, chronic tiredness syndrome, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, and other maladies, intractable at the existing level of our knowledge. An analysis of some serious publications in geriatrics allows making a well-founded supposition that preventive quantum therapy courses of general stimulation contribute to prolong human's active life by 7-12 years. Application of methods of general stimulation in sport medicine increases sportsmen' endurance of psycho-emotional and physical stress during training and competitions. Application of quantum methods in genetical engineering, cloning experiences and transplantology also could be possible, as demonstrate recent studies of influence of light electromagnetic emission on genetic structure of the living cell. Quantum medicine, in spite of its 40 years experience, is still a young field of activity; however, the results achieved let us believe that it will be Quantum medicine which will determine the human health in future. 211 Medical Guide Lines 7. CONCLUSIONS The first part of this manual is dedicated to all the users of magnetic infrared laser device of any model irrespective of their qualification. If a decision of a skilled specialist was necessary in any indicated method, it was clearly underlined. The second part of the manual is written for well prepared users. It contains physical principles of quantum therapy, fundamentals of biological activation resulted from low-intensity quantum effect on different structure of human body: cells, tissues, organs and the entire organism. A correct understanding of physical and biological essence of photobioactivation gives to a good specialist a possibility of individual drawing up of rational treatment methods. We invite all practitioners to read assiduously periodical publications related to Quantum Medicine as one of promising field of medicine of XXI century. 212 Medical Guide Lines Part II THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTUM MEDICINE 1. ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES OF POLYFACTOR QUANTUM THERAPY Magneto-infrared-laser therapy (Quantum therapy) has appeared in 80s of the last century. Quantum therapy is a polyfactor (combined) simultaneous influence of pulsed infrared laser irradiation, pulsed broad-band infrared irradiation, pulsating red light and constant magnetic field upon the biological structures of an object (patients, animals, plants). The main therapeutic agent of Quantum therapy is pulsed infrared laser emission of As-Ga semiconductor laser diode. Laser infrared emission is monochromatic (narrow-band), space and time coherent and polarized and due to these features, has a powerful stimulating influence upon blood circulation, membrane cellular metabolism, activates neurohumoral factors, immune-competent systems; it harmonizes hormonal factors of metabolism. Clinical effects of laser infrared emission: - activation of albumen (RNA, DNA) synthesis, - activation of ferments, - increase of ATP output, - improvement of microcirculation, content and functions of blood, - regeneration of tissues, - reinforcement of collagen synthesis, - anti-inflammatory effect, - antiedematous effect, - anaesthetisating effect, - cholesterol level reduction, - stimulation of specific and non-specific immunity factors, - powerful antioxidant effect, - prostaglandin synthesis raise, - lipids peroxidal oxidizing level decrease. Pulsating broad-band infrared irradiation of semiconductor light-emitting diodes has lesser biological efficiency, as compared with that of laser emission, due to its wider spectrum, non-coherence and absence of polarization. It penetrates more deeply and exerts a harmonizing influence upon the central and vegetative nervous systems’ tone. Clinical effects: - warming up of tissue structures of surface layers, - acting upon skin receptors and increase of pain sensation threshold, - microcirculation activation, - prophylactics and treatment of cellulitis, 213 Medical Guide Lines - epithelium and skin regeneration improvement, increase of laser penetration into tissues. Pulsating red light, penetrating at a small depth, nevertheless has favorable influence reducing inflammatory process intensity in the skin and subcutaneous fat, especially in the zones with a lot of cellular tissue. Besides, red light visualize the treated zone and exerts local warming and favorable psycho-therapeutical influence. Clinical effects: - local anaesthetisation, - improvement of microcirculation, - antiedematous effect, - expressed therapeutical effect in the area of joints having a lot of cellular tissue, - prophylactics and treatment of cellulitis. Permanent magnetic field turns molecular magnetic dipoles axes then increases internal energy of molecules. It enables also to keep dissociated the ionized molecules of the tissue, therethrough helping to increase efficiency of other agents of quantum therapy on the molecular and cellular level. Ionized molecules and cells of blood flow inside the vessels in the magnetic field, which makes them pin to the walls and form turbulence thereby increasing oxygen saturation of tissues and evacuation of residues. Clinical effects: - anaesthetisation, - increase of energetic cellular potential, - improvement of tissue trophism, - antiedematous effect. All the factors mentioned above, when acting simultaneously (in synergism) and reinforcing each other mutually, stipulate for unique effect of Quantum therapy as the physiotherapeutic medical and energy harmonizing prophylactic means. At the same time, quanta energy of laser emission of the device does not exceed 1.5 eV, and it is not enough to cause ionization (dissociation) of organic molecules, disturb natural processes or to break biopolymer bonds. This assures absence of complications or side effects and high degree of laser safety of magnetic infrared laser device. The depth of penetration into tissues is determined by technical parameters of the device, in particular, the wave length of impulse laser is 0.89 mcm. Biological tissues are optically the most transparent for the emission in near infrared spectrum. Quantity of absorbed energy (dose) depends on presence and number of photoacceptors, i.e. the structures able to absorb the light of this wave length. 214 Medical Guide Lines The power flow density of laser emission in W per cm 2 and the energy density in joule per cm2, delivered to biotissues, are determined by the selection of frequency (5, 50, 1000 Hz or Variable). It is generally believed that low frequencies serve the end of reparation and regeneration of biotissues, contribute to the cholesterol decrease, immunity raise and anti-inflammatory purpose, while high frequencies possess mainly analgesic, antiedematous and spasmolytic effects. Frequency 1000 Hz is often used for laseropuncture by means of a special lightguide nozzle. 215 Medical Guide Lines 2. PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM THERAPY Physical-biological interaction mechanisms of biological tissues and low-intensive quantum emission cannot be considered studied enough, in spite of numerous scientific and practical researches. The basic effect of infrared irradiation is a low thermal influence along with a high depth of penetration. Therapeutical effect is connected with the microcirculation reinforcement in biotissue, activation of molecules, potentiating of physical and biochemical processes. Pulsating red light has higher quanta energy in comparison with infrared spectrum part (less than 2 eV), also not able to provoke destructive processes in tissues, but activates many processes in biologically active zones. Such zones are the ones with a lot of cellular tissue, for example, in the area of large joints, paravertebral sectors of Zakharin-Ged’s zones and some others. Besides, skin circulatory and lymphatic systems are the immune-competent structures. Constant magnetic field has the noticeable potentiating influence upon all the components of polyfactor quantum therapy. It is known that in the organism, processes of molecule electrolytic dissociation take place in permanence, and simultaneously with dissociation processes occur recombination processes. Energy generated during dissociation is almost totally consumed for molecule recombination. And all the systems tend to a heat balance. Photoelectric effect, when the induced electromotive force achieves the values promoting dissociation, is reinforced by constant magnetic field that makes it possible to keep the molecules in this dissociated state during certain time. There appears some quantity of free energy, which makes non-radiating transitions in the intercellular spaces, on one hand, and contributes to the creation of temperature gradient in the bio-object structures, on the other hand. Besides, under magnetic field influence, dielectric permeability of biopolymers raises contributing to increase the depth of infrared irradiation penetration into tissues. Turbulent processes in circulating liquids intensify, too. Because of like charges repel one another, ionized liquid is retained against the channel walls more tightly, and consequently the metabolic processes are activated. Therefore, physical base of biostimulation effect in living organism at cellular, tissue, organ levels and at the level of the entire bio-object, is the quantum irradiation influence upon atoms and molecules. As a result of the light quanta absorption, there occur electronically excited states of the atoms and molecules of the substance, with consequent migration of the electronic excitation, resulting in primary photophysical effect and in launching of secondary photochemical reactions. For better understanding of processes happening at the atomic and molecular level and launching the further succession of biological transformations, first of all, we should settle our attention on the technical characteristics of the magnetic infrared laser device and explain what they represent and what they determine in the process of Quantum therapy. 216 Medical Guide Lines The wave length of infrared laser irradiation of arsenid-gallium diode is 890 nm. According to a number of Russian and foreign authors, such as A.V. Tcherkasov (1986), V.I. Matveev (1988), A.R. Evstigneev (1987), V.S. Sinyakov (1983), Joon and co-authors (1987), Muller (1990), T. Ohshiro (1988) and others, the depth of low-intensive laser irradiation penetration into bio-object mainly depends on wave length. To illustrate this dependence, we show a graphic representation of dependence of light penetration into biotissue (that is, of its optical transparency) from T. Ohshiro’s monography (1988), (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Depth of relative penetration into biotissues depending on the light wave length. Examining this curve, we can see that for near infrared diapason of spectrum biological tissues have the highest optical transparency. Hence, it is the laser irradiation wave length which, in the first place, determines the energy penetration depth into biotissue. At the same time, photon energy of infrared region ranges between 1 and 1.5 eV. For comparison, energy of biopolymers’ interatomic bonds is significantly higher. For instance, energy of bond (C=N) is 2.6 eV, energy of bond C-C and C=C is higher. Therefore, energy of infrared irradiation photons is not sufficient to damage strong intermolecular bonds of biopolymers. But this energy is sufficient to stimulate oscillation processes in substance molecules and to activate electric excitement of atoms. Light energy is almost totally spent for photophysical reactions, e.g. is 217 Medical Guide Lines converted to thermal energy. This provokes thermal expansion of cytoplasm and membrane channels, catalyzation of biological processes, change of viscous-elastic properties of plasmolemma and intracellular membranes. The temperature gradient caused by the device irradiation is low enough (less that 1 grade) and never achieves the values which would be capable to cause irreversible changes of cellular structures (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Approximate thermal range of biological reactions according to T. Ohshiro The wave band of wide-band pulsating infrared irradiation of the magnetic infrared laser device is about 800 – 900 nm. Quanta energy is higher than that of IR irradiation and reaches 1.6 eV. However, the irradiation being incoherent, nonpolarized and broadband guarantees the absolute safety of its effect upon biotissues. Along with other medical factors forming Quantum therapy, this irradiation provides for more deep penetration of laser irradiation into biotissues. Pulsating red light of 600 – 700 nm diapason has maximum photon energy about 2 eV. This energy is close to energy of carbon and nitrogen atoms’ bond. When tissues absorb light of this wave band, the dissociation of molecules of the surface 218 Medical Guide Lines layer is possible, but there is no destructive process. Besides, pulsating red light visualizes the emitter operation thereby representing a powerful psychotherapeutic factor for a patient. It should be noticed that general toning-up effect of visible red light has become a scientific fact long ago (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Energy of photons and energy of biosubstrate chemical bonds (according to V.I. Kozlov, V.A. Builin and co-authors, 1993) The inductance of constant magnetic field of the magnetic infrared laser device amounts to 35 ± 10 mT (millitesla). This field is enough for re-orientation of dipole molecules in the liquids, as well as in some ionized mediums. There has been theoretically grounded and practically proved that the biostimulation effect is enhanced in case of combined action of Quantum therapy components with physical characteristics of the magnetic infrared laser device as indicated above. Pulse power of laser irradiation of the emitters (M1) of the magnetic infrared laser device is not less than 4 W, the same of the emitters (M2) is not less than 8 W. If the irradiation of such power were continuous, it would be a high-energy influence. But 219 Medical Guide Lines the device operates in pulse mode, and the duration of every separate impulse is 90 to 130x10-9 sec (nanosecond). During this time, comparable with the transient time of molecules, the energy fed to biotissue is enough to start activation and physical and chemical reactions. After the end of the impulse, a low fall of the activity of reactions on the atomic and molecular level takes place. It is well known that under external influence all the systems tend to recover their disturbed balance. If there is a deviation from the normal state of the biotissue, due to a pathological process, then the restoration of such a pathological balance would be harmful and the bioactivation should be maintained. So, in order to fortify the bioactivation, to realize positive biological changes and to oscillate harmful adaptive mechanisms at different kinds of pathologies, the device can generate different pulse repetition frequencies, namely: 5 Hz, 50 Hz, 1000 Hz, or variable frequency sweeping from 1 to 250 Hz. Quantity of energy delivered to biotissue with the selected frequency during a procedure is enough to maintain atomic-molecular transformations, to produce an increasing resonance effect and to enable mechanisms of prompt adaptation. For infrared and red parts of spectrum all the laws of optics are valid (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Red irradiation passing through biotissue 220 Medical Guide Lines In case of Quantum therapy there are 5 kinds of interaction between irradiation and biotissue: 1. reflection 2. refraction 3. passing through 4. absorption 5. diffusion Reflection. In infrared diapason the skin can reflect up to 40% irradiation, though there are some differences related to sex and age of a patient, his skin surface pigmentation, etc. It is possible to decrease the reflection by direct contact of radiating terminal with skin surface. Refraction and passing through are not of biological importance. For IR-diapason it is the process of energy absorption by different structures of biotissue that is interesting. Experimental works by a number of Russian and foreign scientists have illustrated that for infrared irradiation in the range from 0.8 to 1.2 mcm the skin absorbs 25-30%, muscles and bones absorb 30-80%, and parenchymatous organs absorb up to 100% of irradiation. It should be remembered that the final dose depends on the distance having been passed by irradiation in the air and in biotissue. In the air energy (the power flow density) declines inversely to the squared distance from the source to the biotissue surface (skin, mucous membrane etc). In the biotissue the reduction of power flow density goes very sharply and depends on the type of tissue. In case of biotissue irradiation through a bandage, every layer of bandage decreases the power flow density in 1.5 or 2 times. “The sanitary norms and rules of lasers’ structure and exploitation” N5804-91 determine the terms, definitions, conventional indications and formulas for some values’ calculation. For practical user the following values and formulas matter: Pimp , i.e. impulse irradiation power in W, 2 E, i.e. irradiance, or power flow density (PFD) Wt/cm . The irradiance is irradiation power- to-area ratio where area is a surface perpendicular to the irradiation direction. H, i.e. energetic exposure time, or energy flux density (EFD). The energetic exposure is the product of irradiance by the procedure time (J/cm 2). The values of E and H vary in proportion to the pulse repetition frequency f which is set on the device. 221 Medical Guide Lines For magnetic infrared laser device Pimp x sec x fHz E= mW/cm2 (or mcW/cm2), Scm2 where: Pimp is the power of impulse laser IR-irradiation; sec is the duration of one impulse; fHz is the frequency of impulses; Scm2 is the area of irradiation (at the contact method it is equal to the area of the emitter aperture, that is 4 cm2). Value of E determines the irradiance per 1 second. Further on, for magnetic infrared laser device H = E x tsec (J/cm2), where: tsec is the time of procedure realized at this frequency. Dose Q – complete energy of a séance (J) (product of average power by séance duration) Q = P imp x sec x f x t (J) On the basis of the above the calculation table for energetic exposure time of laser irradiation of magnetic infrared laser device of the basic modification (M1) is adduced below (Table 1). Table 1. Calculation of the power flow density (E) and energy density (H) for the magnetic infrared laser device with impulse power 4 W. Frequenc y, Hz 5 50 1000 1…250 E, mcW/c m2 0.5 5.0 100.0 12.0 H, mJ/cm2 t=1 min. H, mJ/cm2 t=2 min. H, mJ/cm2 t=5 min. H, mJ/cm2 t=10 min. 0.03 0.3 6.0 0.7 0.06 0.6 12.0 1.5 0.15 1.5 30.0 3.6 0.3 3.0 60.0 7.0 Note: The table does not take into account the energy losses for reflection, dispersion, etc. The table is valid for contact method. 222 Medical Guide Lines In the table there has been considered only impulse infrared laser irradiation. The other Quantum therapy components are biologically less effective and are not considered here. They lead to the reinforcement of bioeffect, contribute to better irradiation penetration into biotissues, but to determine H as an arithmetical sum of all kinds irradiation energy, which form Quantum therapy, would be incorrect. The magnetic infrared laser device allows adjusting of the average power of wide-band pulsating infrared and laser infrared irradiation from 0 to the maximum if necessary. In case of remote scanning irradiation, you should take into consideration the decrease of the power flow density that is inversely proportional to squared distance between the radiator and the skin surface. The variation of H (energetic exposure time of laser irradiation) from 0.01 J/cm 2 to 1 J/cm2 does not affect the optic properties of biotissue, i.e., the penetration depth does not depend on the power or energy flux density. For biophysical estimation of reactions taking place in biotissue and in organism as a whole, as well as for qualitative estimation of the influence of the activation magnitude (dose) of laser irradiation on the type of bioeffects, the Arndt and Schultz’ law is of great importance. It says that in biological systems slight stimuli provoke intensive reactions, medium stimuli provoke moderate reactions, moderately strong stimuli will slightly inhibit the system, and very strong ones will block it completely. The diagram presented below is a graphic illustration of Arndt and Schultz’ law from the standpoint of Doctor T. Ohshiro (Fig. 5). Fig. 5. Schematic interpretation of Arndt and Schultz’ law, the interaction of laser ray and biotissue. 223 Medical Guide Lines On the diagram there is represented the state of a limited volume of biotissue cells (1), of a part of organ or a whole organ (2) and of the organism as a whole (3), which has been observed under effect of laser irradiation, going through some consequent stages. Firstly on the left, there is a zone of insensitivity (irradiation level is much less than exterior background level), when neither subjective nor objective methods allow to detect a primary reaction of the bio-object. Further on, when the dose (H) is increased, temperature starts rising in the tissues, which is considered as a zone of biostimulation until the level of 40C. Letting tissue heat over 40C would lead to albumen denaturing and lipids alteration, which at first can be reversible and play a positive role in final adaptation processes development. At the temperature over 55C an irreversible albumin degeneration is observed, and at 63C and higher occurs albumen coagulation. These phenomena can be observed when the highenergetic influence is used in some kinds of medical practice (oncology and others), which is not related to the magnetic infrared laser device absolutely. In physiotherapeutic practice we are interested in the part of Arndt and Schultz’ curve from the end of the zone of insensitivity, which corresponds to the biostimulation state, and in the very initial part of the reversible activating bio-depression zone when there are no irreversible alternations. As T. Ohshiro whites, technical parameters determine the "laser-biotissue" system reaction. Every kind of lasers will have a different Arndt and Schultz’ curve. However, to draw such a curve for every kind of lasers does not seem possible; therefore the curve examined here is of qualitative nature only. The Quantum therapy procedure duration can be determined with taking into account so called “therapeutical corridor”. This is the diapason of H when a less dose might result in a slight biostimulation effect or in a slowly increasing effect. At the same time a big dose is undesirable, as it causes an irreversible bio-depression. For the device, Arndt and Schultz’ curve will have another shape. The insensitivity zone being preserved, the primary momentary reaction from IR-irradiation of small dosage (less than 0.02 J/cm2) can be imperceptible at first, nevertheless, the appearance of prompt adaptation is often observed already at the doses from 0.03 to 0.1 J/cm2 per a procedure. The majority of researches determine the stimulating dose rate from 0.2 J/cm2 per a procedure (V.I. Kozlov, V.A. Builin and others) to 9 J/cm2 (V.I. Eliseenko). It should be emphasized that such a large “therapeutical corridor” is typical for Quantum therapy, while laser emission only has a narrower one. Let us remind once more that energy of photon of the IR diapason is too small to produce any hyper-temperature, denaturing, destructive or degenerative processes. However, the upper values for “therapeutical corridor” are quite actual for Quantum therapy as well, because the momentary stimulation processes are not endless. They are limited by the compensatory facilities of an organism. Undoubtedly, to realize the development of a predictable prompt and long-term adaptation alteration of an organism, it is more advisable to repeat low-energetic procedures cyclically, by 224 Medical Guide Lines repeated courses, than to prolong their duration or increase the power flux density of the emission. Let us consider an effect, which is typical for Quantum therapy, namely the effect of increased biological influence of impulse laser irradiation upon an organism comparatively with the continuous irradiation at the same wave length and average power. A great number of periodic publications and monographs dealing with the laser therapy indicate values of energetic exposure (“therapeutical corridor”) of laser irradiation H (J/cm2) for continuous lasers. Numerous researches of many scientists have proved convincingly that the biological effect of the lasers of the same wave length manifests itself at the average power of continuous irradiation being significantly less than power of continuous irradiation, that is, its biological efficiency is higher. There is an opinion that this happens because of modulation frequencies coincidence with biorhythms of processes in organs and tissues. M.T. Alexandrov and co-authors (1987), having taken as an example the treatment of mandibularfacial region pathology, illustrated that impulse laser IR-irradiation has the same therapeutical effect as the continuous one, but at power K ef=10 times less (Kef. is coefficient of efficiency). This very phenomenon is described in the works of a number of authors who indicate a higher therapeutical effect when the impulse irradiation is used. They state the effect is seven-tenfold stronger. V.I. Korepanov (1995) proposed to assume Kef (coefficient of efficiency) for the magnetic infrared laser device equal to 8. Therefore, the doses recommended for continuous laser in some literary sources should be 8 times diminished approximately in order to be applied for calculation of a dose for the magnetic infrared laser device, necessary to obtain the same effect. Or, having calculated the energetic exposure of laser irradiation (dose H, J/cm2) per a procedure using the table for the magnetic infrared laser device, you could compare it with recommended values of “therapeutical corridor” for continuous irradiation, if you multiple this empirical value by 8. Now we conclude the examination of physical characteristics of the magnetic infrared laser device and brief physical grounds, which are necessary to a user for understanding of processes taking place at atomic-molecular level and determining further cellular, tissue and other transformations when the device is used. You can amplify your knowledge on the subject by turning to the literary sources. 225 Medical Guide Lines 3. BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM THERAPY The photophysical and photochemical reactions underlie the biological processes in the body tissues. The photophysical reactions are mainly conditioned by heating of tissue and non-radiating spreading of heat inside tissues. The photochemical reactions are associated with the movement of electrons at different atomic orbits of a light absorbing substance. The depth of penetration of laser irradiation into the biotissues of the human body depends on the wave length. In the diapason corresponding to the near infrared irradiation, namely about 0.74 to 3.0 mcm (740 to 3000 nm), the biological tissues are considered optically transparent. This transparence is maximum within the interval from 0.8 to 1.0 mcm (A.R. Evstigneev, 1987). The phenomenon of biotissue optical transparence in the infrared spectrum has been confirmed repeatedly by works of Russian and many foreign authors (Fig. 6). Fig. 6. Depth of penetration of the laser irradiation through the human skin surface (Sliney D., Wolbarsht M., 1980) taken from the manual “Lasers in clinical medicine” edited by professor S.D. Pletnyov. Medicine, Moscow, 1996. 226 Medical Guide Lines The irradiation penetration depth depends also on its absorption by different tissues. Particularly, skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue and muscles absorb 20 to 30%; bones absorb about 50% and parenchymatous organs absorb up to 100% of energy. To compare, laser irradiation of devices operating in visible light diapason, for example, 0.63 mcm, penetrates into biotissues to the depth about 15 mm and looses its coherence and polarization already passing through few initial millimetres (V.S. Sinyakov, 1983). In the human organism there are two categories of photo- (light-) depending structures: the first structure is photoreceptors, namely a specific light-sensitive biotissue represented by eye’s retina; the second structure is a big group of photoacceptors. Because of their properties, the photoacceptors are able (to either extent) to absorb the light quanta of a certain wavelength. Among them, there are haemoglobin, cyclic nucleotides, iron- and copper-containing ferments of cytochrome system, almost all the ferments of Krebs’s cycle, some pigments and other structures. For the device ( = 0.89 mcm), the main absorbing component of organism is the blood. The concentration of energy absorbed by blood exceeds several times all the other values (V.G. Dobkin, 1989). Another photoacceptor of infrared laser irradiation is water. Water in the body is in the state of continuous microphase gel-ash content conversions. Bound water (mainly with albumen molecules) makes up just about 5%, every aminogroup binding 2.6 water molecules (V.I. Kozlov and others, 1993). Under laser irradiation, water electroconductivity, pH, as well as oxygen solubility in water undergo changes (K. Kamikava, 1988). Another aspect of infrared laser bio-effect is its influence upon oxygen. As a result of photon absorption, molecular oxygen converts into very short-living synglet oxygen 1 O2. In spite of short life period, it is very active biochemically, especially regarding the membrane plasmatic complexes. One of the main biological effects of laser irradiation is the effect upon K’ – Na’ cotransport inside and outside the cell (A.M. Moroz, 1989). This contributes to fast diminishing of cellular and tissue oedema. In infrared spectrum the photon energy fluctuates within limits of 1 to 1.5 eV. This is enough for the atom electronic stimulation and the oscillating processes activation in molecules. Light energy turns into thermal one almost totally, leading to a thermal expansion of cytoplasm and to the change of cellular and intracellular membrane properties (V.I. Builin, 1993). We remember that the light quanta of infrared diapason cannot energetically disturb strong bonds of biopolymers. This explains the 227 Medical Guide Lines absence of negative affect of Quantum therapy upon the organism if there is a wide “therapeutical corridor”. A peculiarity of the infrared diapason irradiation is the absence of resonance absorption of these photons by biotissues. The resonance absorption appears if energy of quantum is equal to the energy difference between an atom in its normal state and the lowest level of stimulation. Energy of quantum at the wavelength 0.89 mcm (magnetic infrared laser device) does not reach this difference. However, it is possible that because of the absence of resonance absorption, IR–irradiation penetrates into biotissues more deeply and provokes the photophysical reactions on membranes. As a result of a temperature gradient occurrence, a thermo-diffusion outflow of K’ and Na’ from membranes occurs, membrane channels open, ions come out of the cells tending to restore the electrochemical ionic balance, unbound water exits the cells, potential cellular energy increases (M.A. Kaplan, 1989). This is pertinent both to the structural organic cells and immune-competent cells of blood and tissue structures, histiocytes, fibroblasts, leukocytes, lymphocytes, etc. As a result of the specific cellular structure activity, the immunoglobulin level rises, activity of ferments, the nervous synapse mediators, estrogens, 17-oxyketosteroids, prostaglandins and -endorphins increases, ATP accumulation proceeds and other biochemical transformations take place. The following diagram (Fig.7) shows this multi-stage process: Light quantum absorption Formation of physiologically active compounds in tissues Primary phophysical and/or photochemical reactions Membrane transportation of energy, raise of potential cellular energy Launching of neurohumoral reactions and urgent adaptation processes Development of final photobiological effects or longterm adaptation Fig. 7. Block diagram of biochemical transformations 228 Medical Guide Lines V.I. Matveev (1988) divides the bio-effects into three categories relatively: I. Primary effects which are not often registered subjectively for infrared diapason. Special biochemical and biophysical methods could make them objective. II. Secondary effects: development of urgent adaptation and compensatory reactions, which occur as a result of the primary effect realization. III. Effects of “post-action”: development of long-term adaptation, constructivation of the pathological process flow, strengthening of compensatory reactions. The components of this process work dependently on the momentary situation in the organism related to the course of a concrete pathology, but not on the very photoeffect. The launching mechanism snaps into action, while the compensatory facilities (possibilities) of the organism are preserved. The succession of transformations is launched, and the organism itself realizes adaptation reactions. That's why the primary acts are so few and the secondary effects and final results are so various and exceed the most audacious forecasts and expectations in the upshot (V.I. Kozlov and co-authors, 1993). A diagram from the book “The Principles of Laser Physio- and Reflexotherapy” (1993) by V.I. Kozlov, V.A. Builin and co-authors could be a sketchy illustration of the above-stated (Fig. 8). The diagram does not comprise all the known bio-effects of the low-intensive laser radiation (LILR). Besides the components shown on the diagram, there is a hypocholesteremic action that is an important factor in the therapy of many pathologic processes including atherosclerosis. A strong antioxidant effect has been proved. The Quantum therapy effect at noninvasive blood irradiation is the more expressed, the higher is the acidosis level. A well pronounced reflex effect upon the intestinal peristalsis and many others are of significant importance. However, within the limits of this manual we consider possible to restrict ourselves to the adduced data, which are useful for any user. We recommend the readers to apply to special original sources, monographs and magazine publications. 229 Medical Guide Lines Anti-inflammatory action Activation of microcirculation PG level variation Reactivation of SOD and catalase Decrease of LPO Osmotic pressure levelling Tissue dropsicality decrease Analgesic action Activation of neuron metabolism Raise of endorphin level Increase of pain sensitivity threshold Reparative process stimulation Light quantum ATP accumulation Activation of cellular metabolism Proliferation strengthening of fibroblasts and other cells Hastening of defect epithelisation Synthesis of albumen and collagen Capillary new formation Stimulation of immune response Proliferation strengthening of IM cells Hastening of maturing of IM cells Increase of IMglobulins Reflexogenic effect Irritation of neural endings Stimulation of neural centers Stimulation of physiological functions Fig. 8. Photoactivating processes in the organism. PG – prostaglandins, SOD – superoxidismuthase, LPO – lipid peroxidal oxidising, IM – immune. 230 Medical Guide Lines Biostimulation, namely its intermediate and final results, which consist in development of urgent and long-term adaptation processes, depends on the momentary health state of an organism and its compensatory facilities to more degree, than on the photo-effect itself. It is obviously that the light quanta absorption by biotissue elements launches a number of various biochemical reactions and biological displays. These processes depend on both the physical characteristics of concrete device, namely on quantity and quality of energy delivered into tissues, and, mainly, on the compensatory mechanisms and all the adaptation systems available in every specific case. At the total paresis of these mechanisms, a positive decision regarding laserotherapy is problematical. If the compensatory facilities are preserved, a positive decision on Quantum therapy application is possible, but some circumstances should be taken into account; for example, in case of significant increase of dosages (raise of Exposure times, application of unnecessarily high frequencies, etc.), contemporary researchers describe a state, which some authors named as “laser disease”. The data of investigations testify that this state, manifested through an exacerbation of some symptoms of main or attending diseases, is typical for over-dosing of laser influence. If there is a pathological process, normal and pathological structures and functions co-exist in the organism. There are several reasons of “laser disease”. One of them could be an exhaustion of adaptation mechanism structure elements’ because of non-adequate dosage: deficient antioxidants, surplus of singlet oxygen, appearance of soluble collagen excess with the copper ions’ binding (A.K. Polonsky with co-authors, L.I. Mamontova, 1996). Another possible reason is a photoactivation of structures both functioning normally and pathologically. Obviously, the enumerated reasons of possible exacerbation are not comprehensive, but they explain quite really the mechanism of its appearance at the over-dosing of energetic effect. Some authors consider that the process exacerbation indicates a significant potential of immune and other compensatory systems. These resources assure a fast attenuation of the “laser exacerbation” symptoms at the prophylactic prescription of antioxidants, dosage reduction, etc. In case of Quantum therapy, we use extremely low energy levels. The above stated methods, the indicated frequencies and time do not cause worsening of patient's state, with a high degree of credibility. However, we should admit a possibility of some patients’ individual hypersensitivity and supervise carefully the reactions occurring during the Quantum therapy course. Most of the zonal Quantum therapy methods are contact. The works of I.N. Danilov (1985), T. Ohshiro (1988) have proved that the contact method increases the intensity of laser irradiation passing through biotissues 40 times for = 0,63 mcm and 3 times for = 0,83 mcm in comparison with the distant irradiation. This is obtained due to a certain outflow of blood and a raise of tissue transparency when the device terminal is pressed to the treated area, as well as because of the retroreflection of the irradiation, that had been reflected from the skin, by the inner walls of the emitter. 231 Medical Guide Lines The last years experiments have proved that the curing effect of Quantum therapy will rise significantly if intervals are made during the procedure; it is advisable to do a pause of 2 or 3 seconds after every minute of a procedure, if the influence upon one zone amounts to several minutes (S.D. Pletnyov, A.K. Polonsky, 1996). 232 Medical Guide Lines 4. LASER SAFETY AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS Magnetic infrared laser device is certified with Russian Gosstandart No. POCC RU ИМ02.ВО4284 and corresponds to the GOST requirements regarding laser and electric safety GOST R 50267.0-92 (IEC 601-1-88), GOST R 50444-92, GOST R 50723-94. A document, regulating operation of any laser installations in a physiotherapeutical room, is OST 42-21-16-86 (Industrial Standard: "System of safety arrangements. Physiotherapeutic units and rooms. General safety requirements." Approved by USSR Ministry of Health by the order No. 1453 dated 04.11.1986). The device is proof against mechanical impacts and climatic factors. Average faultless operation period is 4000 hours at least. Average failure-free running period of continual operation conditions is 5 years minimum. The device conforms to the requirements of electrical safety GOST R 50267.0-92, IEC 601-1-88 type BF, e.g. does not require ground connection. According to GOST R 50723-94, the device conforms to class I for laser safety. In actual practice you should follow some rules, such as: 1. study operating instructions of the device before starting its use; 2. push the button “Start” only after the placing of the terminal on the point (zone) to be treated; 3. do not direct the emitter directly to the eyes, mirror surface, glass, etc. Note that infrared irradiation with the wavelength more 0.7 mcm (700 nm) is harmless for eyes (see GOST R 50723-94) as it does not cause cys-transisomerisation of retina. Therefore, only direct contact irradiation of the eyeball during a period of time sufficient for thermal reaction development might be theoretically dangerous. The calculations carried out by specialists of JSC "MILA-PKP GIT" show that for contact and scanning methods or application of optical nozzles during 8 hours running, energy density of reflected ray or its marginal part (maximum 5%) that emerges from side walls of a light-guide nozzle inserted incompletely in a cavity, is hundreds times less than the utmost permissible level (UPL). If the above-stand rules of magnetic infrared laser device operation are followed out, an absolute safety for a patient and medical staff is guaranteed even without goggles. However, to protect eyes completely, you can use goggles of any type intended for attenuation of red and infrared irradiation, although the Standard mentioned above does not require that. The magnetic infrared laser device has no particular hygienic restrictions. The elements of the emitters and light-guide nozzles should be cleaned with any available corresponding disinfecting substances like 3% hydrogen peroxide, 6% chlorgexidine solution etc. 233 Medical Guide Lines In order to avoid any contact of the emitters with infectious surfaces, protect its surface with a piece of sterile polyethylene film or cover the skin surface with 1 to 3 layers of sterile gauze. Prior to inserting a light-guide nozzle into a cavity, put a condom on it. After the procedure, the used condom and the piece of film should be destroyed. 234 Medical Guide Lines 5. CONCLUSION The possibilities of Quantum therapy are not limited to the given methodical recommendations. These methods are for many years applied in clinical practice; they are published in medical literature and give a high percentage of positive results reiteration. However, they are not a dogma and can not exist in a congeal form claiming for exclusiveness. The understanding of physical and biological principles of photobioactivation gives a possibility of the research and individual drawing up of rational treatment methods. When solving the issue of the application of Quantum therapy in each specific case the decisive factors will be knowledge of contraindications, observance of the rule “Do no harm”, understanding of pathological process in the organism, estimation of individual features of the patent’s organism and his psychoemotional environment. The determinant should be an objective estimation of the compensatory mechanism condition and adaptive possibilities of the organism, given the specific pathology and individual properties of the patent. Only real targets could assure efficiency of quantum therapy close to 100%. We have intentionally paid attention to the Laser-puncture in this manual only in those sections where it is really needed. These are either the methods which belong to specific authors, or the methods in which zonal Quantum therapy alone will give a very weak response unless combined with Laser-puncture. An experienced reflexotherapist may draw up an individual reflexotherapy prescription without using a zonal influence, and obtain good results. So we consider appropriate the way from reflexotherapy in general to Laser-reflexotherapy, in particular, but not inversely. It would be no use to begin the study of reflexotherapy method which has a manythousand-of-yeas history, using some particular Laser-reflexotherapeutic methods of the present Manual. We are looking forward to any opinions and remarks of our colleagues and all those concerned. JSC "MILTA-PKP GIT" Team 235 Medical Guide Lines Annex 1. BRIEF DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL TERMS 1. Absolute cardiac dullness – a zone in the 4th intercostal space near the left sternum part. 2. Acromion – an acromial process of a scapula – a bone outgrowth of a scapula, clearly jutting out, in the forearm area. 3. Apex beat area – a zone to the left of thorax where the applied palm can clearly feel the heart beating. 4. Bulbitis – inflammation of duodenum bulb. 5. Carotid sinus – a zone of the carotid artery pulsation in the corner between the lower edge of lower jaw and the front edge of sterno-clavicular-mastoid muscle. 6. Epicondylitis – inflammation in the zone of the humeral bone processes jutting out on each side, in the ulnar joint region. 7. Epicondylitis lateral – the process from external side. 8. Epicondylitis medial - the process from internal side. 9. Epigastrium – the upper section of abdominal cavity along the middle line, directly under the sword-form process of sternum. 10. Femoral triangle – a zone under inguinal folder near the inner edge of the femur quadriceps muscle where the femoral artery pulsation can be felt. 11. Gall bladder projection – a zone of intersection of perpendicular dropped from umbilicus and the right subcostal space. 12. Gingivostomatitis – another name is acute aphthose stomatitis. 13. Hepatic corner of large intestine – a zone in the right subcostal space at the level a little higher than umbilicus. 14. Intercostal space – area under a corresponding by number rib. 15. Lateral – external. 16. Manubrium scerny – the upper section of sternum, directly under the jugular pit. 17. Mastoid spinous – a bone excrescence of temporal bone behind a cochlea. 18. Medial – internal. 19. Middle-clavicular line – a perpendicular on the front surface of thorax, dropped from the middle of clavicle. 20. Pancreatic corner of large intestine - a zone in the left subcostal space at the level a little higher than umbilicus. 21. Parasternally – along the sternum edge, by the rib fastening line. 22. Paravertebrally – along the backbone from the left and from the right at the distance of 3 to 5 cm. 23. Scanning – slow transference over the zone surface with the most speed of 1 or 2 cm per sec. 24. Spinous processes – outgrowths of vertebrae along the backbone axis, jutting out backwards. 25. Sternum – a flat bone in the front-upper part of thorax. The clavicles and ribs from I to X fasten onto the sternum. 26. Sternum body – the middle section of the sternum. It is parted with a transversal well-palpating jut that corresponds to the II rib fastening level. 27. Vertebral – related to spinal column. 236 Medical Guide Lines Figure for Annexe 1. 237 Medical Guide Lines Annexe 2. SUBJECT INDEX Abscesses Abstinence syndrome Alcoholic delirium Alcoholism chronicle Algomenorrhea Anal Pruritus Angina Anus’s fissures Arrhythmia Arterial hypertension Arthritis and arthrosis of temporal-mandibular joint Asthenic states Asthma bronchial Atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities Billiary tracts dyskinesia Bronchial asthma Bronchiolitis Bronchitis Burns Bursitis subacromial Calcaneal spur Carbuncle Cardialgia Cardiology Cervical erosion Cerebral circulaion disturbance Cholecystitis Cicatricial changes of duodenal bulb Cirrhosis of the liver Clavicular-humeral-scapular zone Colitis Constipation Cyst of ovary Cystitis 238 Medical Guide Lines Depressive states of any etiology Dermatology Diabetes mellitus Diffusive growth of thyroid gland Discirculatory encephalopathy Diseases of joints Duodenitis Ear, diseases Eczema Elbow joint Encopresis Endometriosis Endometrium’s hyperplastic diseases Enuresis Epilepsy Eye diseases Eye fatigue Eye pains Fibroadenomatosis of lactic gland Foot, small joints Fractures of bones, traumatic Fractures of jaws Frontal sinusitis Frostbites Furuncle Functional disturbances of menstrual cycle Gastric ulcer Gastroenterology Gastroenterology of childhood General-somatic stimulation for children over 3 years old General-somatic biostimulation, pattern I General-somatic biostimulation, pattern II Gingivitis Gingivostomatitis Glomerulonephritis Hemorrhoids Headaches 239 Medical Guide Lines Heart’s irradiation Hepatitis Hip joint Humeral articulation Humeroscapular periarthritis Hydradenitis Hypertension Hypogalactia Infiltrates Injure of joints’ ligamentus apparatus Ischemic heart disease Ischialgia Jaw’s fractures Knee joint Laryngotracheitis Lateral epicondylitis Liver fatty degeneratioin Liver diseases Logoneurosis Mastitis m Mastopathy dishormonal Medial epicondylitis Mellitus diabetes Meniere’s disease Mesotympanitis chronicle Migraine cervical Myocardial infarction Myocardiodystrophy Myocarditis Myositis Nephritic (renal) colic Nephrology Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve Neurocirculatory dystonia Neurodermitis Neuropathology 240 Medical Guide Lines Neuropathy of ophthalmic nerve Non-invasive blood irradiation Nose diseases Obliterating endarteritis Ophthalmia Ophthalmology Osteochondrosis of the backbone Otosclerosis Otorhinolaryngologic diseases Panaritia Pancreanecrosis Pancreatitis Paresis of intestines, post-operation Parodontosis Pelvic pains at gynecological diseases Periodontitis Pharyngitis Phlegmon Pielonephritis Plant cultivation Pleurisy Pneumonia Prostatitis Psoriasis Pulmonology Pulpitis Radiocarpal articulation Raynaud’s disease Renal colic Retention ovary cysts Rhinitis Root neurologic pains Salpingooforitis Sinusitis Small joints of foot Small articulations of fingers Stammering Stenocardia Sterility (some forms) Stomatology 241 Medical Guide Lines Strabismus light Surgery Suppuration Talocrural articulation Thyroid gland Tinnitus Tonsillitis acute and chronicle Toxicodermia Traumas of bones and joints Traumatic bone fractures Trigeminal nerve neuralgia Trophic ulcers Tympanoplasty Ulcers trophic, varicose Uretritis Urolithiasis Urology Varicose ulcer Varicosis of lower extremity veins Vegetovascular dystonia Veterinary Vertebral column diseases Vertebral insufficiency Weak hearing Wounds traumatic, operating 242