eritage of Tattnall County, Georgia


eritage of Tattnall County, Georgia
eritage of Tattnall County,
Georgia - 2011
Heritage of Tattnall Co.
GA - 2011 Book Committee
Ronnie McCall...................................... 557-6320
Lyndal T. Tatum.................................... 237-0782
Lyndal T. Tatum.................................... 237-0782
Members and Participants
Jennifer & Lee Bacon..................................... 557-6288
Jerrel Baker..................................................... 654-4724
Shirley Bell..................................................... 537-6314
Grace Bland.................................................... 557-3967
Bobbie Tootle Brannen................................... 654-1464
Danny & Patricia Brown................................. 684-4223
Mary Ann Brown............................................ 557-1130
Martha Tootle Cain......................................... 764-4107
Agnes Caison.................................................. 654-9793
William Carwell, Jr......................................... 557-4250
Carlton Clifton................................................ 685-5138
Quinton & Dionne Colwell............................. 557-8844
John Conley.................................................... 237-3193
Nancy & John Crosby..................................... 832-2797
Beuford Durrence............................................ 876-5470
Ophelia Gaines –
David Harvey.................................................. 557-4601
Andria Moore Holmes.................................... 557-3030
Retus Iddins.................................................... 557-4247
Teresa C. Johnson........................................... 557-6933
Bill & Martha Kicklighter............................... 521-7147
Tami Marcum.................................................. 237-4653
Eva Mosely Moore.......................................... 557-4236
Wanda K. Moseley.......................................... 557-6215
Dylan Mulligan............................................... 654-1098
Frank Murphy................................................. 557-4335
Dennis Odom.................................................. 237-0488
Willie P. Caison Owen.................................... 654-8090
John Rabun........................................... (404) 347-8611
Betty & Joseph Rogers.................................... 681-9159
Annie Small.................................................... 693-9081
Kenneth Tapley............................................... 658-7553
Tara & Tony Thompson.................................. 685-3347
Charles Tillman............................................... 654-0107
All are area code 912 unless noted!
©2011 County Heritage, Inc.
All Rights Reserved!
A new hardbound book to be published
by County Heritage, Inc. anticipated completion - mid to late 2012
Part of the prestigious
Georgia County Heritage series!
• Announcing the publication of a new Tattnall County Heritage
• We invite all residents, former residents, and those with roots in
Tattnall County to submit a
family household history of
500 words and one photograph
to be printed free!
• This is a rare opportunity for
you to be a part of history.
• We will print only a limited
number of these beautiful
hardbound books. They will
be 9” x 12”, exquisitely gold
stamped, matching other
Georgia County Heritage books!
• Because this is a limited
Sample Heritage Books
edition book, only those who
order and pay in advance are guaranteed to receive a copy.
• These books will make excellent gifts for birthdays and holidays.
Heritage of
Tattnall Co., GA - 2011
is a part of the prestigious
Georgia County Heritage series
Tattnall County GA
Heritage - 2011
PO Box 355
Reidsville, GA 30453-0355
Visit our website:
Feb. 28, 2012
Use these articles to guide you in preparing
your own stories!
500 words, and one photo FREE! Additional
words @ 10¢, additional photos @ $12.50. Each
word counts as one word (including a, and, it,
for, and by). The previous sentence contains 13
words. The only exception to the count each word
rule is abbreviations: up to and including 4 letters/
numbers or less = 1 word. 5 letters/numbers or
more = 2 words (punctuation is ignored).
Twindle Sands Durrence Iddins and I were
married on July 1, 1949. Twindle had been married before to Swinton Durrence whom she had
divorced in 1948. She had two children from this
previous union. They were Donald Swinton Durrence Jr. who was born on October 18, 1944 and
Claudette Durrence who was born on July 28, 1948.
She had custody of the children and I was glad she
did. They were a joy and a blessing to me. A bond
grew between us, and I grew to love them as my
own. I was very glad when they voluntarily began
to call me daddy.
Twindle and Retus Iddins
When I met Twindle, I was captured by her
beauty and charm. At this time we have been married 61 years. We were blessed with the birth of a
daughter on February 28, 1956. She was given the
name Regis Louise.
Donald graduated from Georgia Southern University in 1967. He married Linda Lewis in 1968,
the daughter of J.C. and Juanita Lewis of Claxton.
They were blessed with the birth of two children.
Amber Layne Durrence was born on June 19,
1975. She later married Jason Hartley, and they
now have Jobie and Suter Hartley. Jeffrey Lee Durrence was born on May 2, 1978. He later married
Julie Baker and they were blessed with one son,
Logan Durrence.
Claudette graduated from high school in 1966
and chose to marry Charles Wayne Collins. Their
children were Carla Dean Collins, born on November 9, 1966; Wayne Collins, born in November of
1968; Chad Collins, born on August 16, 1971; Chastity Collins, born on June 29, 1974; and Chance
Halsey Collins, born in January of 1979.
Regis attended Georgia Southern University
and married Stephen Neil Kimbrell on September
30, 1978. They were blessed with the birth of two
children. Alyson Noel Kimbrell was born on December 20, 1987, and Jessica Elizabeth Kimbrell was
born on November 9, 1992.
I have always been very proud of my children
and grandchildren.
I was employed at Canoochee E.M.C. for 42
years which was a very interesting and rewarding
experience. Life has been good. 351 words Submitted by Retus Iddins, Reidsville, GA.
250 words and one photo FREE! Additional
words @ 10¢, additional photos @ $12.50. One
hundred-year-old churches & clubs allowed
500 words.
pineview Baptist Church
In the summer of 1953, Rev. Marcus Rushing,
my father Rufus Thomas, our neighbor Carl Bradley
and others met for a prayer meeting in the home
of Charlie Dinkins. Throughout the next six years,
prayer meetings were held in almost every home in
this community. The houses would not hold everyone. Thus, it became obvious that a permanent place
of worship was needed.
Mark Rushing and Garnett Rushing obtained
a large tent from the Fort Stewart base and Rufus
Thomas donated land for a church site. The first
service in the tent was held on May 25, 1959, and
Mark preached the sermon. Our first week of revival
services began that week. During the following
years, the church began to grow and need more
space, and the Troy Bland family donated land on
the south side of the church and cemetery.
On May 29, 1959, an organizational meeting was
held. Mark Rushing was elected as the pastor, I was
elected clerk, Carl Bradley, treasurer, Vandorn Cowart, song leader, and Rufus Thomas, Chairman of
Planning and Finance Committee. The name chosen
was Pineview Missionary Baptist Church.
All of the work was done by the people of the
church and community and buildings were added as
funds became available. In 1960, the church voted
to apply for admittance into the Tattnall-Evans Baptist
Association of Baptist Churches and the church was
approved for membership.
The church voted on February 16, 1967 to place
Retus Iddins on the Pineview Deacon Board. In
1975, the church set aside Rex Blocker and Dale
Durrence to be ordained as deacons, and they were
ordained on April 27, 1975.
In the spring of 1989, Gregg Usry, our present
and longest serving pastor, joined our fellowship. It
was evident that the church had outgrown the small
sanctuary, so we decided to build a larger sanctuary
and turn the old sanctuary into educational space.
The new building was about half finished when in
June l989, a windstorm blew the building down,
but we had insurance and were able to rebuild.
The first service was held in the new sanctuary in
October, 1989.
Pineview Baptist Church
Pineview Baptist Church offers a wide range of
ministries and outreach for the community. Worship
services and Sunday School are held weekly. Prayer
Meetings for adults and Awana for children are held
on Wednesday nights; VBS and Music Camps are
organized during the summer. We also have an Adult
and Children’s Choir, Men’s Brotherhood, Ladies
Meetings to name just a few.
The fellowship has had approximately 650
persons to join the church. Many of these have
moved away, and many have passed away. We
have had faithful pastors serve through the years
as well as deacons and others who have served
in many capacities in the church. The pioneers in
the early days of the church left a heritage and an
example of faith and service that we can see today.
483 words Note: a charge of 10¢ applies to 233
words. Submitted by Lyndal Thomas Tatum.
250 words and 1 picture (in uniform) FREE!
Additional words @ 10¢, additional pictures
@ $12.50.
Army-Navy Veteran
Carl Cowart of Reidsville was in the U.S. Navy
in World War II and in the U.S. Army during the
Korean Conflict.
Carl Cowart
Carl was the son of Tobe and Lucy Mae Cowart.
During the Great Depression he dropped out of
school to work in the family sawmill. In 1939, he
joined the Civilian Conservation Corps which paid
$30.00 a month. After the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor, he joined the Navy in 1942.
During the D-Day Invasion of Europe, he served
as a gunner and signalman on LCI (Landing Craft
Infantry) 1176 which landed U.S. troops on Omaha
Beach and evacuated the wounded.
After WW II, Carl came home and resumed
work at the sawmill, but just as in the pre-war
years, he still found “the sawmill gravy to be too
thin” which was his way of saying there still wasn’t
much money to be made working at a sawmill in
Tattnall County.
In 1946, he went to Savannah, GA and tried to
reenlist in the Navy at his previous rank of signalman
but that rank had been deleted, so he went across
the hall to visit the Army recruiter and enlisted in the
82nd Airborne Division.
During the Korean Conflict, he was assigned to
the 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment. In the early
days of the Conflict he parachuted behind enemy
lines at Sukchon, North Korea to intercept Korean
trains that were transporting American POWs back
to North Korea.
Carl Cowart left the Army in 1956 and returned
to Tattnall County. He worked for and retired from
Canoochee Electric Membership Corporation and is
an accomplished writer for The Tattnall Journal. He
has also written numerous articles for The Savannah Morning News, and his military stories were
published in Military Magazine. 291 words Note:
a charge of 10¢ applies to 41 words. Submitted
by the family of Carl Cowart.
(Note: Genealogical charts and tabular material cannot be accepted. Stories must be in flowing, narrative form.)
“. . . and departing leave behind us, footprints in the sands of time.”
The Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
You and your family are important to the Tattnall County Heritage Book Committee.
We cordially invite you to participate in the publication of our county heritage book.
I. II.
Who is eligible to participate?
A. Present residents of Tattnall County.
B. Former residents of Tattnall County.
C. Those with roots in Tattnall County.
How much may I submit, and what is the
A. Each household is encouraged to submit
500 words of family genealogy/history
and one picture. (Heading, “submitted by”
and source information are not part of the
word count ... only the body of the article!)
-- or -
B. If your ancestors came to Tattnall County
by or before 1865, you may submit 1,000
words and 2 photos (per household).
C. Additional words are 10¢ per word. Extra
photos are $12.50 each. Double-wide or
double-deep photos are also $12.50 ad ditional.
D. Abbreviations: Up to 4 numbers/charac ters = one word. 5 or more numbers/charac ters = 2 words. Punctuation is ignored!
III. What can I write?
A. Ancestors.
1. Why and when they came to Tattnall
2. Dates and locations of births, marriages,
deaths and burials.
3. Family stories.
B. Yourself and your family.
1. Childhood, school days, and other
2. Jobs, residences, hobbies and pasttimes.
IV. Topical articles (to be used at book committee
A. Histories of churches, clubs, and organiza tions.
1. Each allowed 250 words and one photo.
Churches or clubs over 100 years old
may submit a total of 500 words!
2. Additional photos see Paragraph II.C.
B. Communities and major topics.
(Ask committee for details.)
C. Military service biographical sketch.
1. Each allowed 250 words and 1 photo.
2. Additional photo, see Paragraph II.C.
V. Article format.
A. Double-space type or word processing on
plain white paper. We cannot accept articles
which are typed in ALL CAPS. Upper and
lower case must be used! No stories will
be returned!
B. Include at end of article:
1. Word count.
2. Sources, if available.
3. Name, address, phone number and email
address of story submitter.
4. Caption to appear with photograph (see
paragraph VI.C).
5. Please help prepare an every name
index: List last, first, maiden or
middle names. Type on a separate sheet
of paper and staple to your story.
VI. Photograph directions.
Note: Do not submit original irreplaceable
photos! Please send them in flat (do not bend)
A. Types and size.
1. Glossy photos are best! Black and white
are preferred, but we accept 35mm color
and studio quality prints. Laser copies
do not reproduce well, so please don’t
submit them! Please do not send orig inal photos, (none of the photos will
be returned). If you are scanning,
please use photo enhancement soft ware and scan at 300 dpi or higher!
2. The following are not acceptable:
Xerox® copies, negatives or faded
3. Any size up to 8” x l0”.
4. All photos will be reduced to one
column - 2½” wide by 1¾” high, with
standard cropping as a bust shot. You
must pay extra, as detailed in II.C., for
larger sizes.
B. Identification.
1. Place an address label with telephone
number on the back or (not as desirable)
print this information lightly with soft
lead pencil on back of photo.
C. Captions.
1. Limited to 10 words or less.
2. Type at end of article.
VII. Writing assistance.
A. Contact committee members.
B. Sample Georgia County Heritage books
may be seen at the Tattnall Journal and Glenville
Sentinel offices. They are published by County
Heritage, Inc., and may be helpful with
writing your articles.
VIII. Restrictions.
A. Articles cannot harm or embarrass another
B. No genealogical charts or tabular material
can be used.
IX. Index.
Please help prepare an every name index: List
last, first, maiden or middle names. Type on
a separate sheet of paper and staple to your
X. No email submissions. Sorry!
______ Copy(ies) TATTNALL COUNTY, GA HERITAGE - 2011 @ $55.00
picked up in Tattnall County, GA (includes tax)
______ Copy(ies) TATTNALL COUNTY, GA HERITAGE - 2011 @ $64.50
shipped to the address at right (includes tax and $9.50 S&H)
UPS Street
______ My story is over the FREE WORD limit. Enclosed is $__________
for ________ additional words @ 10¢ per word.
______ In addition to my free picture, I want ________ photos printed for
$12.50 each.
State, Zip:
$ __________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED
Tattnall County GA Heritage - 2011
P.O. Box 355
Reidsville, GA 30453-0355
Heritage of
Tattnall County Georgia
PO Box 278
Reidsville, GA 30453
Leave your footprints in time . . .
eritage of Tattnall County, Georgia - 2011
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