the newsletter - Duffield School


the newsletter - Duffield School
Duffield School News January 2016
Mr. Sydora’s Message
Happy New Year to everyone!
Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to our Christmas concert.
The students, Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Charleson did an amazing job on running our concert and we had so many
positive comments from our parents and community about our concert. A big thank you to the parents for supporting
the fundraising during the concert! We raised almost $4000 in just one night from the baskets and the 50/50!
Well, here we go as we prepare for a great stretch of learning and exciting opportunities for our students in the
month of January and February.
Walking into the classes on the first day of January we can really see how well the students have adjusted to their
classrooms and are off working hard right away. We continue to strive for our students to be the best they can be.
Some exciting things on the horizon:
January 29th the division is supporting a staff PD day that involves all staff who will be selecting different sessions
that suit their interests - looks like an exciting day of learning for everyone
No School for Students this day
February 4th and 5th are Teacher Convention days
February 12th is the Wellness Day for our school - students will be selecting from Rabbit Hill (Gr. K-9), Marmot Basin
(Gr.6-9) and Bowling at Wabamun(Gr. 4-9)
We have kicked off our Duffield Hockey League and games are under way every Wednesday.
The skating rink is ready to go and we have our classes skating -teachers will be sending home more information as to
when they are skating. Most classes will be using the PE schedule. We are asking for DONATIONS of SKATES and
HELMETS if you have some that your children are no longer using. Otherwise students can bring their own equipment
of skates and a helmet.
Basketball has started up at Duffield school with 4 wonderful basketball teams. Schedule's have been posted to the
web site.
Archery is coming to fruition at Duffield. We are in the process of looking at equipment and times for offering the
program at Duffield. More news to follow.
Just a reminder to all parents to please check out the new school web site.
Again, thank you to all staff, students and our community for continued support of our great school. Here's hoping
for a great 2016!
Parkland School Division No. 70
“Committed To Excellence In Education”
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Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration is on-going. Children must be at least
3 years old and toilet trained. This is a wonderful program to
get your little ones ready for school.
This program runs on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-11:30
Please contact Colleen Hardy - for
more information
Scholastic Book Orders
Please remember that when
placing a book order you
must send in a
Email Consent Forms– Breeze
We want to continue to keep you up-to-date and informed about the latest school and school board information, events
and announcements through electronic communications such as emails and newsletters from Parkland School Division and
Duffield School. Occasionally these communications may include information about offers, advertisements or promotions
related to school activities such as [e.g. event tickets, yearbooks, field trip opportunities, student photos, etc.] or similar
school related activities.
In order to be compliant with Canada’s Anti-Spam legislation, we need your consent to send you these types of
communications electronically.
If you previously filled out our electronic form that was sent via email or on our website last year, then you are not
required to do so again.
If your email is not on the require list in our system we will not be able to send you the newsletter via email.
Please see our new website at, scroll to the bottom and look for the following link
Check out our new website
Scroll down to the bottom for upcoming events
and our year at a glace calendar
Parkland School Division No. 70
“Committed To Excellence In Education”
2016 Vancouver Sun Run
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I am delighted to offer Duffield students grades 7-9 the opportunity to attend the 2016 Vancouver Sun Run on
April 17th. The Vancouver Sun Run’s primary mandate is to promote health, fitness and community spirit and to
support amateur athletics. While the Sun Run is not designated as a charity event, over $2 million in proceeds from
the Sun Run have been donated to important causes since 1985.
The 2016 Sun Run is only months away! Students from several Parkland School Division Schools will soon begin to train
for this world renowned event. The Vancouver Sun Run is the 2nd largest timed 10K in the world. Nearly 50,000 Sun
Runners participated in this event last year! This included over 200 Parkland School Division Sun Runners.
Last year, students from thirteen Parkland School Division schools benefited from this experience. We will depart on
Friday, April 15th in coach busses that will deliver students from Blueberry, Broxton Park, Duffield, Entwistle,
Graminia, Greystone, High Park, Muir Lake, Seba Beach, Stony Plain Central, Tomahawk, Wabamun and Woodhaven.
We will return on Monday, April 18th. *Please note: we will centralize pick-up and delivery to two or three schools.
The estimated cost for this trip is $450 for the three night stay. This cost will include; coach transportation,
three nights in a hotel, a cultural event on Saturday and a visit to a recreational facility following the run. Food and
spending money is not included in this cost.
An initial non-refundable deposit of $100.00 is required prior to December 18,2015. Please note that we are
unable to refund this deposit as we are contractually obligated to hotels and to the race registration at this time.
The remaining balance of $350.00 will be due by February 12th, 2016.
I look forward to working with our “Sun Runners” as they set personal goals, commit to developing a consistent
training routine, and participate in an incredibly rewarding race experience in Vancouver, British Columbia.
A parent information meeting will be held in early January. Please contact me directly if you have any questions.
Mrs. C. Petterson
Please note only 10 minute parking between the signs in
front of the school doors. NO PARKING on either side to the ends.
The school bus needs to exit on the north end and their back end
swings out. If a fire truck is needed, they cannot get into the parking
lot with vehicles parked along the front.
New signs are UP
Take Your Pick-February 12, 2016
Marmont Basin-Jasper Grades 7-9 Only
Duffield School will be offering a MagicBus ski trip to Jasper’s Marmot Basin on Friday, February 12, 2016.
The projected cost of this trip for those requiring rentals will be around $155 per person, and for those who
have their own equipment the cost will be around $125 per persons. This price includes round trip bus
transportation from Duffield School and your full day lift ticket. Food is extra.
This trip is open to all Duffield junior high students and their parents or guardians.
(No younger siblings, please).
For this trip to go ahead we need to have a minimum of 40 participants; we can take a maximum of 45 participants. Students will be signed up on a first come, first served basis. Homeroom teachers
will distribute the required paperwork to students.
Please contact Duffield School with any questions 780-892-2644
Rabbit Hill
This will be the only school ski day
Bus Costs
$8 per person
Lift Ticket $21 per person
Rentals (only applies to students who do not own equipment) are as follows:
 Skis or Snowboards/boots/including helmet $17
 Helmet only (All students must wear helmets!) $5
Coding for lessons:
 Green: student has skied or boarded 5 times or less
 Blue: student has skied or boarded more than 5 times
The cost of food, drink and lockers on the hill will be the responsibility of the student.
 There is a snack bar that serves bottled drinks, coffee and hot food such as burgers (approx. $8-$10).
 Locker cost: $3 for 4 hours (Please do not send this $ in advance, send it with the student on the day.)
Teachers will not be “holding” money for students. Cubbies are available to store equipment for free.
Students are encouraged to pack snacks, lunch and a water bottle.
Students will travel by bus, leaving the school at 9:00am and returning to the school at 3:00pm.
NON-Ski Activity Bowing at the Wabamun Ally Grade 4-9 Students Only
Cost $15, this covers 2 games and bussing.
Only 36 spots
Students must bring their own lunch
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News From Mrs. Fleming
Thank you to all family and friends who came to support their children at the Christmas
Concert. The students worked hard, and it was a perfect way to enter the holiday break!
Mrs. Fleming has a request – her camera did not capture the pictures taken like she wished.
If anyone has video or pictures from the performances, and would be willing to send some her
way, that would be greatly appreciated!
The grade three class is doing an art project and needs Christmas cards – if you have any that you do not need,
please send them to Mrs. Fleming. We are looking for scenic pictures on the front of the cards. Thank you!
Do you have a talent – piano, singing, juggling, poetry – that you are just bursting at the seams to share with others?
Start planning now for our ECS-Grade 9 talent show. Dates and details to come! If you have any questions, send
them Mrs. Fleming’s way!
SWAT Health News
School Lunch Ideas
Is your child complaining about the same old sandwich or package of instant noodles? Not sure what a healthy lunch
looks like? Let us help.
DO – Add fun to salads– Add fruits to a salad to add flavour. Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries help make a
boring salad turn into a flavourful treat. You can also add pumpkin seeds and chia seeds to a salad to add a crunch. Use a
homemade dressing by mixing oil and vinegar.
DON’T – Load a salad with unhealthy dressing– Don’t add unnecessary fat to a salad. Opt for healthy homemade
Tip: Pack your dressings in a small reusable container so the salad does not get soggy. This way you can decide how
much dressing goes on the salad.
Meet our Basketball Spartan Players
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Junior Girls
Junior Boys
Alease MacDougall
Austin Thew-Penman
Alyssa Larsen
Damian Machnee
Alyssa Stingley
Hunter Bradsell
Ava Spratt
Jaxon Williamson
Caitlyn Howery
Koby John-LaPierre
Courtney Bohachyk
Logan Fulford
Halle Blais
Travis Wagner
Julie Bilodeau
Tyson Ballantyne
Kayla Kaiser
Tyson Strowbridge
Kayla Rogers
Rianna Sundlie
Miss. Taylor Schlenker
Mrs. Donna Miners
Mrs. Darlene Giauque
Senior Boys
Senior Girls
Bayley Squance
Aleshia Evenson
Carson Spratt
Ali Schlenker
Cody McCarthur
Allison Podhaniuk
Dakota Gagne
Annalise Charlton
Keegan Farough
Brynn Hardy
Mark Heijne
Ciara Stagg
Owen Corbett
Delany Hardy
Quade Bellcourt
Lizzy King
Shawn Diakur
Makenzie Blanchard
Tristin Rogers
Miranda Holba
Tyler Cote
Miranda Lafoy
Zack Mickelson
Mr. Jared Olson
Mrs. Cylena Petterson
Mrs. Jennifer Podhaniuk
Mr. Eryl Dingman
Parkland School Division No. 70
“Committed To Excellence In Education”
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Students Union News
On Valentine’s Day the students Union will be selling and applying glitter tattoos, cost is $1.00 per tattoo, 1 tattoo
per person. Date for the tattoos will be announced closer to Valentine’s Day, look for posters around the school.
New Items on Our Website–
Click on the link for practice
and game schedule’s
Parkland School Division No. 70
“Committed To Excellence In Education”
Duffield Community Skating Rink
The Duffield School Students are enjoying the new rink! Thank you to all involved with this endeavor! What a great
way for the kids to get out an exercise while having fun!
We welcome volunteers in many capacities here at Duffield School. Please
contact your child’s teacher or the School Council for more information
about volunteering. We ask all volunteers to remember the following when
volunteering in our learning community:
 Please complete a volunteer form—if you are planning to volunteer on a
regular basis we ask that you complete an RCMP Criminal Record Check
 Please check in at the office and sign both in and out in the volunteer
 Respect classroom routines and schedules.
Thank you for your time!
Transportation concerns?
Please contact:
Student Transportation Department
What makes us special?
4603-48 Street
Please submit your parent or community advocate
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 2A8
quotes about what makes Duffield School such a
Phone: 780-963-8452
great place to learn. Please email to