CARTRIDGE 7mm Shooting Times Westerner - 150 grain 7mm S.T.W. - 150 grain Version 8.0 7mm (.284") MAXIMUM S.A.A.M.I. O.A.C.L. 3.600" TESTED O.A.C.L. B.C. S.D. AccuBond® Long Range Ballistic Tip® CT® Ballistic Silvertip® E-Tip® 3.600" 3.600" 3.600" 3.570" 0.611 0.493 0.493 0.498 0.266 0.266 0.266 0.266 150gr. Spitzer 150gr. Spitzer 150gr. Spitzer 150gr. Spitzer Due to internal construction differences, always begin with starting loads when using E-Tip® products. Partition® CASE TYPE: CASE HOLDS: POWDER TYPE 150gr. Spitzer 3.600" 0.456 0.266 Nosler 90.1 Gr. WATER PRIMER TYPE BARREL Length/Make BARREL Twist Fed 215 24" H-S Prec. 1-9" POWDER CHG. GRS. MUZZLE VEL. F.P.S. LOAD DENSITY (VOLUME) IMR 4350 69.5 * MAX. 3142 67.5 3054 65.5 2967 82% 79% 77% Viht N165 79.0 MAX. 3168 77.0 3099 3013 75.0 * 79.5 * MAX. 3179 77.5 3096 75.5 2927 97% 95% 92% 82.0 * MAX. 3205 80.0 3145 78.0 3037 95% 93% 91% IMR 7828 SSC 77.5 MAX. 3209 75.5 * 3121 73.5 3030 89% 86% 84% RL19 73.0 * MAX. 3215 71.0 3125 69.0 3035 88% 86% 83% Magnum 85.0 * MAX. 3218 83.0 3153 81.0 3092 96% 94% 91% RL22 74.0 * MAX. 3219 72.0 3134 70.0 3049 89% 87% 84% Retumbo 83.5 MAX. 3221 81.5 * 3124 79.5 3039 98% 95% 93% Norma MRP 76.5 * MAX. 3228 74.5 3154 72.5 3043 93% 91% 88% RL25 80.0 * MAX. 3331 78.0 3254 76.0 3174 97% 94% 92% H4831SC H1000 Most Accurate Powder Tested A ll cartridge measurements are SA A M I maximum and due to variatio ns fro m manufacturers actual measurements may vary “ B ecause No sler, Inc. has no co ntro l o ver the actual co mpo nents selected, the manner in which they are assembled o r the co nditio n o f the firearm used, no respo nsibility, either expressed o r implied is assumed fo r the use o f this data. In no event shall No sler, Inc. be liable fo r any damages resulting fro m the use o f this data.” * = Most accurate load tested ** = Compressed load 92% 90% 87%
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Due to internal construction differences, always begin with starting loads when using E-Tip® products.