

air mail
N O .
Researching for cleaner and healthier air
Camfil Farr’s new Tech Centre in Sweden
New fibre media and filters for pulse systems
Mapping genotoxicity along a busy Stockholm street
IAQ partnership with State Hermitage Museum
Filters for Facebook’s new data centre
Hospital delivery with surgical precision
2/ 2012
Our commitment to
Research & Development
This issue of AirMail highlights research and
type of investment, such as our new Tech
development – one of the most valuable
Centre in Sweden, described in this issue.
resources and strengths of the Camfil Farr
R&D plays an important role in our innovation process and R&D – like innovation – is a
crucial factor for the survival of businesses in
today’s competitive world.
The new Tech Centre showcases our R&D
strength. It is the largest of our four R&D hubs,
all of which collaborate and exchange local
experience for global application.
With facilities like the Tech Centre and a
never-ending focus on development, Camfil
That’s why I’m proud to say that we have
Farr is in a better position to tackle the
unparalleled resources for R&D. We are deeply
problems associated with poor air quality. By
committed to driving the air filtration industry
investing in R&D for cleaner air, future gen-
erations will also have a healthier life and face
We research for our customers, realizing
fewer environmental challenges.
value for them on a daily basis by develop-
But Camfil Farr is much more than
ing new clean air solutions with the highest
research. Inside, you can also read the latest
efficiency, the lowest energy consumption,
about diesel exhaust, learn about our interest-
the longest life and the least environmental
ing project to analyze particulate and gaseous
pollutants on a busy Stockholm street, our col-
We discover and create new knowledge
laboration with the State Hermitage Museum in
about filtration technology that is focussed
Russia, our Facebook server hall delivery, new
on customer needs. This benefits their busi-
filter products and software, and customer
nesses and their end-users.
cases highlighting the advantages – and ben-
And we do more than develop filters –
efits – of choosing Camfil Farr.
we also design the production processes to
ensure that our filters are manufactured with
the highest quality, and to the most stringent
standards, at every Camfil Farr plant in the
With sustained – and sustainable – R&D,
we are in a better position to sharpen our
competitive edge in an increasingly global
New R&D showcase in Sweden
Our technological advances, through R&D,
help poise us as a leader in filtration and clean
air innovation. This is why R&D investments are
essential for our future.
We maximize the benefits of R&D programmes by combining them with the right
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Alan O’Connell
President and CEO
Camfil Farr’s new Tech Centre in Sweden
In Sweden, the Baltic coastal town of
air quality (IAQ) and health. This rolling lab also
Process Development Workshop:
Trosa is the birthplace of Camfil and the
tracks air pollution levels in key cities.
Development of proprietary process equipment for the manufacture and assembly of air
Camfil Farr Group, where operations
started almost half a century ago, and
R&D powerhouse
filters at Camfil Farr production plants. This is
where the Swedish subsidiary manufac-
Around 30 filtration specialists and employees
a fully equipped machine shop that also has a
tures and distributes filters all over the
work at this world-class R&D facility, which
3D printer for prototype machine design.
Nordic region and even internationally.
develops filters and clean air solutions for the
Camfil Farr Group and customers.
In late October 2012, the town was also the
The centre’s experts have PhDs in par-
stage for the official opening of one of the larg-
ticle and molecular filtration, or degrees in
est R&D centres in the world for the develop-
mechanical and chemical engineering, among
ment of air filters, clean air solutions and filter
other fields.
production technology.
This Camfil Farr facility in Trosa, called
the Tech Centre, is equipped with the latest laboratory technology to analyze air and
develop high-performance filtration products
and systems.
Camfil Farr’s Road Show trailer was also
Particle Lab 1: Development of comfort
air and High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
R&D and other development activities
are carried out in six main sections of the
2,500-square-metre facility:
Molecular Lab: research and measurement techniques for Airborne Molecular
Contamination (AMC) filtration solutions.
on location in Trosa for the official opening of
GT/APC Lab: Development of filtration sys-
the Tech Centre. This unique travelling mobile
tems for the gas turbine (GT) industry and
lab and exhibition has been touring Europe
the Air Pollution Control (APC) segment (dust
under the “Clean Air – a Human Right?” banner
collection systems). This lab is equipped with a
to spread knowledge about the importance of
unique test rig for gas turbine filters developed
filtration and filters, and the benefits for indoor
by Camfil Farr.
filters. Research here is focussed on filter effi-
Maximizing customer value
recently, for example, for the important gas
ciency, performance and filter media. Aerosol
“R&D on this scale maximizes value for our
turbine market.
tests are conducted and the lab has an elec-
customers,” continues Anders Sundvik. “We
“This market is expanding rapidly and we
trostatic classifier with CPC for nano-particle
collaborate and exchange our experience all
have ramped up our facilities by building a
over the world between units. We develop the
special lab and test rig for turbine filters, a
products and even design the process to make
specialty of Camfil Farr Power Systems. We
them. Customers get the optimum product for
use the rig to test our solutions by simulating
their filtration needs in terms of efficiency,
different climates and other extreme operat-
energy consumption, life and environmental
ing conditions to verify filter reliability and
performance, which is so vital for turbine life
Particle Lab 2: This facility has a test
rig to classify filters according to European
EN 779:2012 and U.S. ASHRAE 52.2 standards. The lab is used to classify the energy
consumption of filters and assess their lifetime
and operation. This research has resulted, for
Training facilities
example, in the development of a brand-new
IAQ Lab: This lab for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
In addition to R&D, the Tech Centre is also
hybrid filter media for gas turbines, featured
analysis is used to analyze air samples for
used for training and educating employees
in the new Campulse GTD filter (page 5), says
customer troubleshooting, problem solving
and customers in filters and filtration technol-
Anders Sundvik.
and air quality assessment. The microstruc-
ogy, among other subjects. The programmes
“With the new Tech Centre in Trosa and
ture of Camfil Farr filters is also investigated to
include both theoretical and practical training,
all our other innovation hubs in the Group, we
ensure the best possible filtration performance
with the labs and technical equipment being
are well prepared to meet the needs of our
and consistent product quality. Particles cap-
used for the latter.
customers,” ends Anders Sundvik.
tured in filters are analyzed in a state-of-the-art
Customers also visit the Tech Centre every
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), using
week to observe demonstrations of filters or
also EDAX (Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray)
to learn more about solutions that have been
and gas chromatography equipment.
developed and tested for their specific filtration problem or need.
Global R&D network
R&D has driven the Camfil Farr Group forward
Adding expertise
over the years and helped position the com-
As Camfil Farr has expanded its business,
pany as the leader in air filtration and clean
it has broadened its filtration expertise to
air solutions.
serve customers in specific industries, most
In addition to the main innovation hub in
Trosa, the Group has local R&D facilities in
Germany for comfort air filters and clean room
filtration; in France and the U.S. for comfort
air systems; in Malaysia for comfort air, clean
room and AMC filtration, and in China for
­comfort air filters.
“From these global R&D bases we can
research and develop products for the worldwide air filtration market, including filters for
the gas turbine industry,” says Anders Sundvik,
Vice President for R&D.
“We also have a number of mobile lab
stations around the world to test filters right
on the customer’s premises, in virtually any
type of industry. Our filter research includes
the development of filters using the most
modern filter media, such as nano-fibres. We
also design and build our own filter production
This global R&D network ensures that
the product portfolio is steadily maintained,
improved and advanced across all Camfil Farr
business areas. It also drives the development
of new innovative filters and solutions.
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Preparation of filter samples from an IAQ testing device to analyze the particle content
in Camfil Farr's SEM.
Researching for the future
– 3 questions for Anders Sundvik, VP R&D
Why is R&D so important to Camfil Farr?
Who benefits?
– or through close collaboration – with
Anders Sundvik: Camfil Farr is a family
AS: Our research benefits people through
trade organizations for which several Camfil
company with a huge interest and stake in
the development of clean air solutions that
Farr filtration specialists serve on, or chair,
technology. We have made substantial invest-
improve life quality, protect health and
professional committees and other work
ments in R&D since the start and we believe
enhance well-being.
groups. This enables us to cover all R&D
it is one of the most important factors for our
future and the future of air filtration.
Our filtration solutions protect customer
bases in our industry.
processes and improve their bottom line.
For example, our expertise covers all
And the filtration industry benefits in gen-
disciplines in air filtration. Our techniques
eral because we advance the technology and
for analyzing air quality are well known in
develop sustainable solutions that also save
the industry. I can mention our particle
energy and help cut waste.
sampling methods and our ability to analyze
these samples with our SEM, EDAX (Energy
Do you also network?
Dispersive Analysis X-Ray) and gas chroma-
AS: In addition to exchanging experience
tography equipment to determine the type
within the Group, we team up with the
and size of particles, or the gas profile. This
academic world by working with universi-
gives us insight into the customer’s filtra-
ties, technical schools and other research
tion problem and allows us to develop and
institutions in the medical, environmental or
demonstrate the solution with our portfolio
scientific fields.
of filters.
And we develop and advise on new
ISO, CEN and ASHRAE standards directly
Anders Sundvik
New fibre media and filters for pulse systems
deserts and other arid climates.
With more than 40 years of experience as
More media is also available for filtration to
a leading developer of filters and air inlet
improve turbine performance and life. With the
CamPulse GTC and GTD are certified to
systems for gas turbines, Camfil Farr Power
non-discharging fibre media, the filters remain
EN 779:2012, filter class F9, and ASHRAE
Systems has now taken pulse filters one step
highly efficient during their entire lifetime.
52.2-1999, MERV 16. Both are available in
further by extending the product line with
The durable synthetic media has a high dust-
cylindrical and conical versions for easy
two new products – CamPulse™ GTC and
holding capacity.
replacement. They come in a double package,
GTD. Both feature a new non-discharging fibre
media with unique filtration properties.
Like other products in the Power Systems
All these features give turbine operators
a lower cost of ownership for their filtration
with two filters in one unit, for optimized storage and half the shipping cost.
GTC and GTD media are also available in
Tenkay versions.
range, CamPulse GTC and GTD fully satisfy the
goal of turbine filtration – to optimize efficiency
GTC for high humidity
and extend turbine life through protection from
Since daily fog can be an issue for self-cleaning
dust and humidity.
pulse filters, the CamPulse GTC is optimized to
maintain its low pressure drop during periods
Unique HemiPleat ® technology
of increased relative humidity.
CamPulse GTC and GTD utilize Camfil Farr’s
unique patented HemiPleat technology. The
GTD for desert environments
pressure drop is lower through the open and
CamPulse GTD features a layer of nano-fibres
wider pleat spacing, which also improves dust
over the synthetic substrate to significantly
release during pulsing and reduces energy
improve dust collection on the media surface
costs through fuel savings and a higher turbine
and dust release when pulsed. This filter
is deal for high dust environments such as
the city
Exhaust fumes, diesel particulates and
ozone are making city air worse and
lowering air quality considerably. As
described in this issue, sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen oxide and other air contaminants are creating serious health problems. At the same time, regulations are
becoming stricter.
Camfil Farr’s “City” series of molecular filters
for urban pollution – City-Flo XL®, CityCarb ®,
City-Flo ® and CitySorb ® – represent the
ultimate filtration solution for indoor air quality control. These filters combine a highperformance particle filter and highly effective broad-spectrum carbon filter in a single
For example, CityCarb and City-Flo are
used for enhanced IAQ and odour control in
comfort ventilation applications. The extra
handling units (AHUs) to install City filters,
tored into the decision-making process to
energy-efficient City-Flo XL has been devel-
which are used instead of ordinary bag filters
ensure that good IAQ is also achieved from
oped to achieve a better indoor environment.
in metropolitan areas where air pollution is a
a molecular perspective. The ozone removal
CitySorb is used for adsorption of gases and
concern, and where higher indoor air quality
rating informs customers more about the per-
odours in systems with existing particle filtra-
(IAQ) is desired to protect health and provide a
formance of Camfil Farr’s molecular filters and
better work environment.
helps customers understand the full benefit of
These filters, specially developed for buildFirst ozone-rated filters
effective against exhaust fumes and smells.
Camfil Farr also introduced the first system
They are also energy-efficient. Along streets
in the filtration industry for rating the ozone
and roads that have heavy traffic, City filters
removal efficiency of air filters.
are ideal for use in office complexes, shop-
The rating system allows customers to
ping centres, schools and other public build-
assess the effectiveness of City molecular
ings. They contain highly activated carbon
filters, which also effectively remove ozone,
to remove a wide range of volatile organic
considered to be one of the most serious
threats to human health.
No modifications are needed to air
selecting Camfil Farr products for air handling
ings in urban environments, are extraordinarily
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The ozone removal rating can be fac-
local Camfil Farr company or representative. Product literature is also available at
The dangers of
diesel fumes
WHO now classifies diesel exhaust as carcinogenic
In mid-2012, the International Agency for
c arcinogenic than second-hand cigarette
Research on Cancer (IARC) – part of the World
smoke. Twenty-four years ago, IARC said
Useful references:
Health Organization (WHO) – classified diesel
diesel exhaust was “probably carcinogenic”
IARC, Press Release No. 213:
engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans.
but has now reclassified diesel exhaust based
“Diesel Exhaust Carcinogenic”
To draw this conclusion, IARC experts in
on what it calls compelling scientific evidence.
Lyon, France, had analyzed published studies,
The organization’s decision is the first to
evidence from animals and limited research
elevate diesel to the known carcinogen level.
The Lancet Oncology: “Carcinogenicity
in humans. The research findings indicate a
This implies that diesel exhaust now shares
of diesel-engine and gasoline-engine
need to focus on managing human exposure
the WHO’s Group 1 carcinogen status with
exhausts and some nitroarenes”
to diesel exhaust.
­smoking, asbestos, ultraviolet radiation, alco-
hol and other elements that cause cancer risk.
IARC’s press release rocked the news
world and has been one of the biggest health
stories in 2012.
In essence, IARC declared that diesel
fumes cause lung cancer and are more
Our Road Show addresses
urban air concerns
Is your home really your shelter? Indoor air
This is one of the main messages of Camfil
tions to show local air quality. It’s the perfect
can be up to 50 times more polluted than
Farr’s ongoing Road Show, which has been
venue for learning how air affects you and your
outdoor air. That’s why ventilation systems are
t ravelling in more than ten countries in
health, and how air filtration benefits people.
important for mitigating indoor air pollution,
Northern and Southern Europe under the
and that’s why we need effective filters in air
b­anner “Clean Air – a Human Right?”.
handling units to keep dirty outdoor air from
This unique “rolling” Mobile Lab and exhibi-
infiltrating buildings, especially in polluted
tion is housed in a 13-metre-long eco-friendly
urban areas.
trailer, complete with live measurement sta-
Check our Road Show page at camfilfarr.
com/roadshow to see if we will be visiting a
city close to you.
Mapping genotoxicity along
a busy street
In Greek mythology, Aether was a god
research institutions around the world is part of
combustion particles or diesel particles from
that created air. He breathed the purer
Camfil Farr’s activities to develop leading-edge
vehicles, are small enough to evade the body’s
upper air of the deities, as opposed to
clean air solutions. For the Aether Project,
mechanism and pass into the airways and the
the ordinary “stuff” that the lungs of
two experts from Stockholm University are
lungs and blood.
mortals were entitled to.
co-operating with Camfil Farr’s filtration spe-
PM2.5 particles affect respiratory health
cialists at the Tech Centre in Trosa, Sweden
when people breathe high levels of particulate
But in Sweden, Aether has resurrected as
(see page 3): Ulf Rannug, Professor at the
pollution. Coughing and wheezing are symp-
the name of a project being conducted by
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and
toms. Others are lung damage, which may
a team of experienced Camfil Farr filtration
Toxicology, and Roger Westerholm, Associate
lead to premature death in individuals with
experts in association with two departments
Professor at the Department of Analytical
heart or lung disease, and aggravated asthma
at Stockholm University. The objective is to
attacks in children. There is a direct connec-
document the ability of particle and molecular
Prof. Rannug is recognized for his research
tion between fine particles (<2.5 µm) and
air filters to capture and remove harmful parti-
on the health and carcinogenic effects of
increased mortality caused by cardiovascular
cles and gases along Hornsgatan, a Stockholm
diesel exhaust and other environmental pol-
and respiratory illness.
street with a bad reputation for heavy traffic
lutants. Prof. Westerholm is known for his
In Stockholm, wear-and-tear of street sur-
and polluted air.
research on the chemical characterization
faces during heavy winter traffic periods is a
In January 2010, the same street became
of pollutants from mobile sources and other
source of particulate pollution. Other sources
the first in Sweden to ban the use of studded
research related to vehicle fuels and urban air
are particles from vehicle brakes and exhaust
snow tires during the winter months in order
and sand spread during the winter for traction
to reduce the amount of particles ripped up by
on icy sidewalks. However, street traffic and
the metal studs, which increases air pollution.
Fine particles
wear represent the largest source, accounting
Hornsgatan has the highest particle measure-
PM2.5 and PM10 particles are one of the main
for approximately 85% of all particles, which
ments in Stockholm, with limits being exceed-
concerns in Stockholm. PM10 are particles
has caused alarms in a city known for its
ed as many as 58 times a day in 2011 alone.
smaller than ten-thousandth of a millimetre
strong environmental profile.
from tires, or from metals, soot, acids, pollen
University network for R&D
­c ollaboration
Collaborating with prominent universities and
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and moulds.
The smaller microscopic PM2.5 particles
(tinier than 2.5 µm), which are exhaust and
After almost three years of banning the
use of studded tires on Hornsgatan, the City
of Stockholm might also prohibit them on other
streets where traffic is heavy.
SEM photo of a filter sample
from the Hornsgatan test unit
using an IAQ screening device.
The majority of the small
particles are from combustion
while the larger particles are
mainly pollen, gravel or sand.
Testing particle and molecular ­f ilters
Due to growing public and governmental
­concerns about urban air quality and the introduction of new standards for filter efficiency,
such as EN 779:2012, the Aether Project will
also investigate how particle and molecular
filters remove harmful polycyclic aromatic
we will report on the findings in a future issue
scope at the Tech Centre in Trosa (see article
hydrocarbons (PAHs), a chemical contaminant
of AirMail.
on page 3 of this issue). Stockholm University
found on particles and in the gas phase of
will determine the content of PAHs removed
pollution. PAHs are common in areas with high
Test rig in Stockholm
rates of motor vehicle traffic.
by the filters.
The test rig in Stockholm (photo below) is
The following contaminants are being con-
The exhaust from diesel engines includes
placed in a specific location on Hornsgatan
tinuously measured at the site: NO x, NO, NO2,
several air pollution components such as ultra-
that takes into account pollutants, the pres-
CO, O3, soot and PM1, PM 2.5 and PM10 par-
fine soot particles, smaller particles, nitrogen
ence of existing ventilation systems and the
ticles. A particle counter will register particle
oxides and organic compounds like PAHs, all
rig’s proximity to Stockholm City’s official
sizes on site, from 10 nanometres in size and
of which are believed to play an important role
­pollution monitoring sites.
larger, and in 16 different fractions. All of these
in the link between diesel emissions exposure
and respiratory ailments.
The rig is equipped with five cylinders with
a series of different filter media with efficien-
test parameters will provide solid background
data for measuring results.
cies ranging from 20% to 90% on 0.4 µm par-
Other than measuring the efficiency of
First tested in 1985
ticles. Activated carbon will be used to remove
particle and molecular filters on vehicle-
Camfil Farr first tested the ability of air filter to
gaseous contaminants.
generated particles and gases, the findings
remove genotoxic (carcinogenic) substances in
Air samples will be analyzed later in Camfil
will most likely make Stockholm’s traffic and
outdoor air in 1985 using the Ames test and a
Farr’s state-of-the-art scanning electron micro-
e nvironmental management planning even
more “street smart”.
specially designed aerosol tester.
For this project, Camfil Farr also teamed
up with Professor Rannug and the experiment
was made by placing the test unit in an outdoor
The rig is equipped with five cylinders with
different filter media with efficiencies ranging
from 20% to 90% on 0.4 μm particles. Activated
carbon will remove gaseous contaminants.
air intake of a building in downtown Stockholm.
The original test clearly showed how genotoxic substances decrease with increased
filter efficiency. However, the development
of new filter media and designs, notably
molecular filters, now makes it interesting to
evaluate the filters again by expanding the test
procedure to include chemical analyses, as
A good initiative
well as tests on both particulate and gaseous
This initiative by Stockholm City to improve inner city air is highly interesting to Camfil Farr
because of our belief in the importance of air quality for human health.
The Ames test will be used again to assess
the genotoxic characteristics of the pollutants.
We are particularly interested in mapping the harmful effects of submicron particles
– those as small as PM1 – that enter the lungs and blood when breathed.
For the 2012 test, Camfil Farr is providing the
Camfil Farr intends to focus future efforts to research this problem further, using the
filtration expertise and test rig and Stockholm
Ames test and advanced laser particle counters to measure the particle mass concentra-
University is performing genotoxicity tests
tions in city air, as well as to quantify particle sizes and the number and composition of
chemical analysis.
Ongoing project
as a basis for additional future measurements in this research area.
In combination with these R&D efforts, we will also analyze molecular contaminants
The test was launched in autumn 2012 and
IAQ partnership with
Photo: Getty images
State Hermitage Museum
In 2011-2012, Camfil Farr filtration
Camfil Farr’s scanning electron microscope
­specialists have been participating in
unit, located at the R&D Centre in Sweden,
“This long-term collaboration is a mutual
the development of scientific and design
is also being used to analyze filters and
learning itinerary for both State Hermitage and
documentation for the restoration and
Camfil Farr and we are pleased to be engaged
repair of the heating, ventilation and
On the basis of this research, Camfil Farr
in projects for such a prestigious museum,”
air conditioning (HVAC) systems serving
has proposed solutions to improve the air
says Lennart Schröder, President of Camfil
Petrovsky Hall on the second floor of
­quality in Petrovsky Hall from 2012 to 2014.
belonging to the world renown State
Other State Hermitage projects
technology and energy efficiency and we can
Hermitage Museum complex in Saint
In addition, a contract has been signed to
help with this all-important sustainability ques-
Petersburg, Russia.
develop the scientific and design documenta-
tion to preserve one of the most spectacular
tion for the restoration and repair of the HVAC
collections of art and treasure in the world,”
The aim of this co-operation is to introduce
systems serving the Great Church of the
he ends.
eco-friendly filtration technology and increase
Winter Palace.
the Winter Palace – one of five buildings
to be held January 30-February 1, 2013.
“State Hermitage is focussed on green
the energy efficiency and sustainability of the
In the framework of the ongoing scientific
HVAC systems. This project has involved meas-
cooperation with State Hermitage Museum,
uring air quality in the room and ventilation
Camfil Farr specialists have also been invited
systems, verifying the operation of air handling
to participate in a seminar titled “Climate
units, and changing out filters to Camfil Farr’s,
Control in the Museum – The Conservation of
which have higher efficiencies, greener pro-
the Cultural Heritage”, part of the museum’s
files and lower energy consumption.
International Research and Practice Conference,
and Bravida
Photo: Gett y images
Camfil Farr!
Facebook has located its new huge data
Bravida supplies HVAC and building
that, the air is “misted” to obtain the right
centre just below the Arctic Circle in
humidity level. Fans distribute the air to an air
Luleå, in the far north of Sweden, for
Bravida – Scandinavia’s premier integrated
lock in the server hall where it is passes over
a number of strategic reasons. One is
supplier of technical installations and service
the servers to cool them. Each rack has three
naturally to provide faster service to
solutions for buildings and plants – was sub-
levels with 30 servers in each and backup
Europeans – it’s the social networking
contracted by the main contractor, NCC, to
company’s first data centre outside the
supply all electricity, heating, plumbing and
U.S. – but another is the advantage of
HVAC systems for the data centre in Luleå.
the cold climate to keep racks of high-
To meet the need for cooling in the centre,
performance computer equipment cool
Bravida is supplying a system that will rely
at a considerably lower cost and with a
solely on a cooler based on outdoor air and
smaller carbon footprint.
misting, a method known as evaporative cooling. However, for eight months of the year, the
A reliable supply of electricity was another
plant will actually cool itself with cold outdoor
motive: Luleå is located near hydropower
air. Heat from the server racks will also be
stations on a river that generates a lot of
used to warm up the offices there in winter.
electricity and the local power grid has not
This solution will make the high-tech centre
experienced a disruption since 1979. The cold
one of the most energy-efficient in the world.
climate and reliable power supply also means
Facebook says that energy consumption at
70% fewer backup diesel generators, com-
the data centre in Luleå will be 38% lower,
pared to Facebook’s other centres, for less
compared to its other server centres.
Opakfil and AeroPleat
Opakfil Energy is a compact filter with
carbon emissions.
Two banks with 1,320 Opakfil ™
long operating life that is typically used
Cool climate is attractive
Energy filters
in ventilation systems for high efficiency
Facebook has more users outside the United
For the HVAC system, Bravida teamed up with
filtration with low energy consumption. It
States than inside and the Web company
Camfil Farr for the all-important filtration solu-
is also used as a pre-filter in clean room
decided it was time to expand in Europe. A
tion – a total of two filter banks, each equipped
applications. AeroPleat Eco, belonging
node for data traffic on the European continent
with 660 Opakfil Energy filters. AeroPleat®
to a family of high-performance pleated
gives European users faster performance and
Eco is being used as pre-filters.
panels used as a pre-filter in two-stage
also provides backup resources.
Filtration is highly important because of
filtration systems, features a moisture-
The Luleå data centre is a 28,000-square-
the large amount of outdoor air used to cool
resistant cardboard frame that is incin-
metre server building that will be finished in
the server buildings and requirements for a
erable. Both filters have low pressure
March 2013.
dust-free operating environment.
drop development and are known for
Winter temperatures in the north of
Cold outdoor air is introduced in the server
Sweden are well below freezing and the tem-
hall and mixed with heated air to the right
perature is rarely above 25°C in the summer.
temperature. After the pre-filtration stage with
The climate is beneficial for heat-producing
AeroPleat Eco, the air is filtered again through
server racks that require constant cooling.
the two banks of Opakfil Energy filters. After
their energy efficiency, robust construction and reliable operation.
Roche chooses Gold Series
for tablet dust
bility of dust explosions, the company decided
that the design needed improvement since one
single collector might result in cross-contamination of the six rooms.
Six energy-saving collectors instead
Roche Spain contacted Camfil Farr, which proposed one dust collector per room. With this
design, Roche could use the dust collectors
independently, as required by production in
each room, to save energy.
Roche is now using six Gold Series GSC02s
with explosion vents, the BIBO safe change
system for cartridges, and double butterfly­
valve continuous line discharge for dust containment. The distance from the collection
point to the dust collectors, and the relatively
small air flow, required only medium-pressure
fans for greater energy savings.
Operator safety is of is one of the highest
priorities in the pharmaceutical industry. The
high-build quality, efficient filtration and safe
Roche, an innovator in healthcare and the
tablet production are equipped with five Fette
change features of Gold Series dust collectors
world’s biggest biotech company, has pio-
2090 rotary presses and one Fette 3090.
fully address these issues.
neered many medical breakthroughs in-vitro
The company initially planned on using a
Sycatec installed the collectors, and the
diagnostics and drugs for cancer and trans-
competitor’s dust collector for dust extrac-
fast and efficient collaboration between Roche,
plantation. Specialties in therapeutic areas
tion. This installation was to include a bag-in/
Camfil Farr and Sycatec resulted in a highly
include autoimmune and inflammatory diseas-
bag out (BIBO) system for the filter cartridges
effective dust collection solution in Spain.
es, virology, metabolic disorders and diseases
and a continuous line discharge system for the
of the central nervous system.
collected dust.
This research-based company was looking
However, Roche prioritizes health and
for a dust collection solution at its Leganés
safety in production plants, and due to the
(Madrid), Spain plant, where six rooms for
toxic characteristics of the dust and the possi-
Sustainability award
Camfil Farr has won the Nobelux Environment
footprint. ‘Walking the talk’ is key aspect of the
Award for General Sustainability for 2012.
Camfil Farr Group’s commitment to sustain-
Anders Flanking, State Secretary to the
ability. We keep on reducing our environmental
Swedish Minister for the Environment, pre-
impact and resource intensity. Several of our
sented the prize to Myriam Tryjefaczka, Camfil
factories have also been the first in their coun-
Farr’s Corporate Sustainability Officer, at the
try to receive energy management certifica-
Nobelux awards ceremony, held during the
tion according to EN 16001 and ISO 50001,”
autumn in Brussels.
said Myriam Tryjefaczka when receiving the
“Camfil Farr has been recognized as an
relations between these countries.
industry leader in sustainability and eco-effi-
Nobelux is a Swedish Chamber of
For more information about Camfil Farr’s
cient filtration solutions for years. This has
Commerce for Belgium and Luxembourg that
sustainability initiatives, download the latest
been accomplished by managing product per-
also acts as a bilateral Chamber of Commerce
Sustainability Report from, or
formance and energy efficiency proactively
between the Nordic countries (Sweden,
read the site’s pages dedicated to sustain-
instead of reactively. As a result, we supply
Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland),
healthy indoor air while helping customers to
Belgium and Luxembourg. The organization
save energy and reduce their environmental
develops and strengthens business and trade
Browse on the move with
our new mobile app!
Our new mobile app is available for brows-
App Store today to download the app free of
ing Camfil Farr’s archive quickly and easily
charge today on your Android smartphone or
when you are on the move or away from your
Apple device.
desktop or laptop computer. To open and
browse files, all you need is a smartphone
with Android operating system, or an Apple
iPad, iPod or iPhone with iOS, plus a PDF
browser like Adobe Reader. Camfil Farr’s
archive is a gold mine of information on the
Camfil Farr Group. You can read about our
business areas, our products and also access
our marketing and sales literature. Visit your
Settling the coating dust at AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca’s manufacturing site in Södertälje,
cartridges, the entire media is used to capture
Sweden, just south of Stockholm, is the phar-
more dust, creating a safer and cleaner work
maceutical company’s biggest production and
supply unit and one of the largest oral solid
dose production sites in Europe.
Higher efficiency and longer life
For many years Camfil Farr has sup-
The test proved the superior performance of
plied the plant with comfort air filters and
HemiPleat. Today, more than 1,120 HemiPleat
Cambox housings with bag-in/bag-out (BIBO)
Nano replacement cartridges are in operation
in Södertälje today, with Astra Zeneca benefit-
Today, this fruitful collaboration has been
ting from reduced pressure drop for energy
broadened to include HemiPleat ® Nano cart­
savings, improved filtration efficiency, longer
ridge filters to upgrade the filtration efficiency
filter life with nano-fibre technology, and lower
of dust collectors for a demanding tablet coat-
maintenance and life cycle costs.
ing application.
HemiPleat filters, part of the Camfil Farr
Air Pollution Control range, are available in
HemiPleat vs. competitor filters
all shapes and sizes as replacement upgrade
AstraZeneca had been using a competitor’s
cartridges for dust collectors.
filters in the dust collectors for the coating
line. Since replacement filters for dust collectors were an area that Camfil Farr has
not worked with AstraZeneca before, a comparison test was arranged with our cartridge
filters, which feature state-of-the-art HemiPleat
pleating technology and a nano-fibre layer.
HemiPleat filter media use synthetic beads
to hold the pleats of the cartridge open.
The pleat spacing is therefore wider than in
competitive cartridges, which are packed too
tightly to maximize media use. In HemiPleat
Hospital delivery with
surgical precision
Cardiothoracic surgery is highly complex
and requires the most sterile operating conditions to prevent post-operative
infection. Camfil Farr’s CamHosp-R
­ceiling for operating theatres is specially
designed to meet the highest surgery
standards, as exemplified by a recent
precision delivery to a hospital centre
near Paris, France.
The hospital needed a new operating theatre
ceiling with a vertical, unidirectional air flow.
Other requirements included fast delivery – a
new surgical team was about to join the staff
– and a comfortable, noiseless and no-draught
work environment. Low energy consumption
was important. Technical constraints were
is equipped with two filtration stages: F7 recir-
Farr’s ceiling has six to reduce the operating
also challenging, such as the low height of the
culation inlet filters (A-rated according to the
mode and noise. An integrated and specially
­ceiling in the theatre.
Eurovent energy efficiency classification sys-
designed Camfil Farr silencer also lowers the
tem) and Absolute ® high-efficiency particulate
sound level substantially.
filters for the air flow over the operating table.
While most ceiling systems operate around
Meeting the fast deadline for the installa-
the clock, the CamHosp-R ceiling system at
tion was extremely challenging. Usually, the
the hospital can be put on standby mode from
air handling unit for a ceiling system is located
9 p.m. to 6 a.m. to save energy. The recircula-
outside the operating room and, because of
tion system is turned off but a continuous flow
the high volume of air that needs to be treated,
of fresh air is used to maintain overpressure in
the air ducts are large and the installation
the room. If needed, the recirculation system is
work is complex. With CamHosp-R, everything
reactivated and the room can be made ready
Versatile solution
is placed in the same room, making the installa-
for surgery within minutes.
Camfil Farr’s CamHosp-R ceiling is designed
tion much simpler, quicker and less expensive.
Fresh air is precisely mixed with room air
to keep the air flow temperature even. Above
for a risk 3 or 4 rate according to the NFS
90-351 standard for operating room ventila-
Other advantages of CamHosp-R
the patient, the air flow is perfectly controlled
tion. It features a remote, unidirectional air-flow
CamHosp-R offers other advantages. Instead
and efficiently filtered through Camfil Farr’s
ceiling with recirculation air unit. The system
of the four fans used in most solutions, Camfil
Absolute filters. The rest of the room benefits
from the treated air and there is no turbulent
air flow. As the air supply is extremely clean,
the filters have a long life expectancy and their
very low pressure drop also reduces energy
With CamHosp-R, the hospital’s cardiothoracic surgery centre now has a versatile,
flexible and future-proof operating theatre that
conforms to the strictest operating and quality
Arena saves
Hi-Flo ES
Photo: Getty images
In the European market, the filter equivalent to the Hi-Flo® ES is the energy-saving Hi-Flo XLT™.
In the U.S., Verizon Wireless Arena (Manchester,
gramme and proposed a one-stage filtration
The energy savings is more than USD 30
New Hampshire) is New England’s premier
solution using a Hi-Flo ES MERV 13 bag
(about EUR 23) per filter and the arena has
indoor sports and entertainment venue.
filter that eliminated the need for a pre-filter.
forecasted a 75% net reduction in disposal
LCC results indicated a 12-month service life
and landfill costs. The same particle removal
using the Hi-Flo ES.
efficiency is maintained with a 45% reduction
Located in an urban environment, the
arena takes in large amounts of outside air.
in annual costs. The conversion has also cut
Air handing units (AHUs) only run about 1,800
hours per year, but air flow demands are high
energy consumption by 56% (14,918 kWh),
during operating hours. “Monster truck” shows
The typical velocity for the filters is about
CO2 emissions by 56% and landfill costs by
and other motocross events especially contrib-
400 cfm (about 680 m3/h) and most AHUs
ute to high filter loading.
operate with 100% outside air. At six months,
Verizon Wireless Arena is managed by
The arena changed its pleated filters twice
the bag filters showed uniform loading and
SMG, a major national facility management
a year, and MERV 13 fine-fibre final filters
only the smallest rise in pressure drop. Camfil
(metal frame) once a year, but now wanted a
Farr has also projected that the Hi-Flo ES will
new filter solution to cut labour and operat-
most likely last as long as 18 months, well past
ing costs while maintaining high air quality.
the guaranteed threshold of 12 months.
Reducing filter disposal and landfill costs was
another goal.
Camfil Farr performed Life Cycle Cost
(LCC) modelling on the existing filter pro-
The Hi-Flo ES maintains uniform loading
– even in harsh and moist New Hampshire
weather – lowers the total cost of ownership
and maintains consistently high efficiencies.
E XH IB ITIO NS 2012/ 2013
November 2012
26-28, World Drug Manufacturing Summit, Dusseldorf, Germany
27-30, Pollutec, Road Show, Lyon, France
29-30, Ajour, Odense, Denmark
The Association promotes
the use of sound and
healthy ventilation in
residential and commercial
building. Its slogan, displayed here on a mini air
ship balloon, is “Our future
hangs in the air”.
Road Show at top political event
This year the Swedish Association of Air Handling
16-18, The First Myanmar Manufacturing
Equipment, Components & Engineering
Technical Exhibition, Yangon, Myanmar
28-30, Bio-manufacturing San Diego, USA
4-7, USDA ARS 2nd International Biosafety
and Biocontainment Symposium,
Washington D.C., USA
4-6, PowerGen Middle East, Doha, Qatar
24-28, Waste Management Conference Phoenix, USA
27-28, PharmConnect 2013, Budapest, Hungary
5-6, Russia Power, Moscow, Russia
5-7, HVARC Vietnam 2013, Ho Chi Minh City,
6-7, FM Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
12-14, Cfia (Food industry Fair), Rennes, France
14, ISPE SFO Bay Area Chapter Vendor Night
California, USA
18-19, 2013 International Conference on
Biocontainment Facilities, San Diego, USA
26, ISPE Carolina-Atlantic Chapter (CASA)
North Carolina, USA
26-28, Contaminexpo, Paris, France
Industries borrowed Camfil Farr’s Road Show trailer
and exhibition for a top political event in Visby, on the
Swedish Baltic Sea island of Gotland.
The event, called “Almedalen”, is one of the largest
for Swedish politicians and offers a unique opportunity to voice different concerns. In 2012, there were
1,900 events on the official programme that attracted
900 organizers and 14,000 people.
8-12, Camfil Global Cleanroom Meeting,
New Jersey, USA
23-25, INTERPHEX New York, New York, USA
The trailer was used to promote the importance of
good ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ). Specialists
29-May 2, Estech-San Diego, USA
uct manufacturers were on hand. Representatives
and public buildings, and the importance of air filtra-
from the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Organization
tion and good ventilation. Several regulatory agencies
also joined the show.
for work environment regulations and new building
The Association also organized a seminar together
standards also attended the event.
with politicians from Riksdagen, the Swedish parliament, to discuss tougher regulations for IAQ in schools
6-8, PowerGen India and Central Asia 2013
Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India
20-21, R3 Nordic Symposium, Gothenburg,
Camfil Farr AirMail is a world-wide
­p ublication for Camfil Farr customers.
Available in nine languages.
Unique mobile lab and exhibition
The Road Show trailer is unique and the Almedalen event is an example of how Camfil Farr promotes IAQ and
sustainable air filtration solutions by collaborating with industry members and trade organizations.
The Road Show has been touring Scandinavian and European cities. Our website,
Campaigns/Camfil-Farr-Road-Show/, shows the tour schedule and gives you complete information about the
Road Show. You will also find the Road Show on Facebook. Find out if we are v­ isiting a city near you!
Published by:
Camfil AB, Sveavägen 56E
SE-111 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Tel +46 8 545 12 500
Fax +46 8 24 96 50
Alain Berard
Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing
Want to know more?
Head Office
For further information please contact the
Camfil Farr subsidiary or agent closest to
you, or phone, write or fax to Camfil Farr
Camfil AB, Sveavägen 56E, SE-111 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden.
Tel +46 8 545 12 500. Fax +46 8 24 96 50
Liza Braaw
Tel +46 8 545 12 513
Fax +46 8 24 96 50
Production: Camfil-Farr, Thorn PR Sweden and kaigan. Edition: 30,000 copies. Printed in Sweden.
from Camfil Farr and a number of Swedish HVAC prod-