Agenda - American Messaging


Agenda - American Messaging
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Download the app
American Messaging introduction
IntelliMessage Mobile Application
Registration and Welcome email
Download the app
Login, Password and PIN
Settings and Screen Orientation
Sending Messages
Receiving Messages
My Account
Custom Intranet link (if available)
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In business for
over 30 years
More than 1000
major healthcare
and first responder
clients across
the US
Delivering over
5 million
critical messages
per day
The largest privately owned company focused
exclusively on C R I T I C A L M E S S A G I N G
American Messaging has been in business for over 30 years. You may have known us by a
different name in the past. We have been American Messaging since 2005 which is made up of
SBC, Verizon Wireless Messaging Services, Skytel, Network Services, Graylink, ProPage, Morris
Communications, Cook Paging and Aquis Communications.
More than 1000 major healthcare and first responders depend on us across the country.
We deliver over 5 million critical messages per day.
We are the largest privately owned company focused exclusively on critical messaging.
We have a dedicated team of men and women average over 12 years (some even 20 and 30
years) of experience in the critical messaging and/or paging industry.
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An Enhancement To Paging
Remains the Primary, Tier 1 method to deliver critical messages
Numeric and text
One-way and two-way service
The pager remains the core of the IntelliMessage system to deliver alerts. This is in no way,
shape or form designed to replace paging because of all the reasons pagers are a necessary.
Such as groups calls, the ability to communicate with 1 message to many people simultaneously.
This is designed to enhance the paging experience.
You don’t have to change how you are sending messages today. You can dispatch exactly the
same if you wish.
There is an initial registration of the account and then it’s like downloading any other
application. When you’re logged in, the messages begin to arrive. There is nothing else to
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IntelliMessage® Mobile Application
Delivers and displays critical messages on any smart phone or tablet in seconds
Messages are intrusively received and displayed in an application separate from
text and email
Messages can be read or replied to and are archived once the message is
Once you are registered and logged in, IntelliMessage Mobile copies, delivers and displays
messages on any tablets or smart phones in seconds (depending on cellular and wi-fi
Messages are intrusively received and displayed in an application separate from text and email
(text and email are NOT secure).
When a page comes in it will take over your device and intrusively alert and remind you until
you acknowledge the message. Messages can be cleared by the user and are archived once the
alert is acknowledged. Once you read/acknowledge the message on one device it clears them
on your other devices you have the app on.
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Secure Messaging
Messages are secured within the
applications and devices
Encrypted messages are
transmitted/received via cellular data
networks and Wi-Fi to secure hosting
Two-level client authentication is
required. Can remotely disable
Applications and databases are isolated
Secure encrypted messaging paths can be
defined and implemented for
interconnectivity between applications
PIN passcodes on devices
IntelliMessage is designed to meet the highest standards for HIPAA and Omnibus compliance.
Messages are secured within the applications and devices:
Two Way Mobile and Desktop Applications – Messages and Information are Sent and Received
using 2048-bit Encryption via HTTPS
Encrypted messages are Transmitted and Received via cellular data networks and Wi-Fi to secure
hosting environment.
Two-level Client Authentication is required to utilize the applications: Login / Password / Token
Authentication keys are controlled by the Account Administrator at the device level.
Account Administrator can manage passwords with forced changes set at the account level.
Message retention is set for as long as requested at the account level: 3 days minimum for messages in
motion to over 1 year for archiving.
Audit logs of messages, receipts, and administrator actions
Applications and Databases are isolated.
Secure encrypted messaging paths can be defined and implemented for interconnectivity between
Secure web applications allow custom message management for Sending, Receiving, and Managing
Messages throughout the IntelliMessage System.
Security PIN passcode on devices.
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IntelliMessage Registration
Once mobile app users are
registered, they will receive a
welcome email with
Please note: You must have a
valid email address on file for
forgot login/forgot password
as well as application and
system updates
Provisioning training will take
place separately for account
administrators (must migrate
from MPA to Account
Once mobile app users are registered, they will receive a welcome email with instructions.
Please note: You must have a valid email address on file for forgot login/forgot password as well
as application and system updates.
Provisioning training will take place separately for account administrators (must migrate from
MPA to Account Manager).
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Downloading the App – Step 1
Search for
IntelliMessage in the
appropriate store for
your device
Download the app
Search for IntelliMessage in the appropriate store for your device.
Download the app
The Blackberry is only available for OS 7 and can be found in the Blackberry market.
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Downloading the App – Step 2
Accept the EULA (iOS) or App permissions (Android)
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Downloading the App – Step 3
Refer back to your
welcome email for
your login (client ID)
and initial password
Login to the app
Please note: You must
have a valid email
address on file for
forgot login/forgot
Refer back to your welcome email for your login (client ID) and initial password.
Log into the app.
Please note: You must have a valid email address on file for forgot login/forgot password.
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Settings> Notification Center > Scroll down to the IntelliMessage app, click it and this brings us
to alert style.
None is just that; no alert. Not a good choice for this type of application.
Banner notifications are typically used for non-urgent alerts like messages, mail, even turn-byturn navigation directions. They show up briefly at the top of the screen and then disappear.
Tapping a Notification Banner sends you to the app or specific message associated with the
alert. Please be aware that if you select banner, it may not alert you to every message.
Popup alerts are typically for urgent notifications like alarms. They pop up in the center of the
screen and won't go away until you acknowledge you received them. We recommend this
setting for optimal use of the IntelliMessage app.
We recommend Badge App Icon and Sounds be on or with the green showing
An additional setting under Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking needs to be turned Off.
The reason for this is that in iOS 7, the UDID value has been taken away from developers. Now
we must use the public advertising data associated with iPhones to identify which iPhone read
the message. We are looking at other alternatives but they would be longer term solutions.
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Screen Orientation
Main Menu
PIN – You must enter your
PIN to access anything
My Messages – Click here
and your message history
is retrieved from the
secure server
Send Message – Gives
you the ability to initiate a
critical message
Address Book - Directory
of critical messaging
More Options – Takes you
to the next menu screen
PIN – You must enter your PIN to access anything.
My Messages – Click here and your message history is retrieved from the secure server.
Send Message – Gives you the ability to initiate a critical message.
Address Book - Directory of critical messaging addresses.
More Options – Takes you to the next menu screen.
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Screen Orientation
More Options
Status – Change your Status
and re-route your messages
Logout – This will stop the
app from alerting.
Messages will show in
history as no device
Help – Troubleshooting
Settings – Change Password,
Change PIN, Message Test
Status – Change your Status and re-route your messages.
Logout – This will stop the app from alerting. Messages will show in history as no device
Help – Troubleshooting topics.
Settings – Change Password, Change PIN, Message Test.
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Main Menu
My Messages
Send Message
Address Book
Views of My Messages, Send Message and Address Book screens.
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More Options - Status
Add New Event
More Options > Status. If you have events scheduled in the future they will appear in the empty
gray area between the thin white lines.
In order to change your status or to schedule a future event, Click Add New Event.
Select the status and enter the date and time duration. The title box is optional.
An example of a Title would be Unavailable due to mandatory training.
Click Save.
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Status – Out of Office and Unavailable
Messages will continue to be
delivered to all available devices and
Callers dialing your pager number
will hear a voice prompt stating that
the user is out of the office and their
response may be delayed
Messages will continue to appear in the
client’s Message History but devices and
applications are NOT alerted
Callers will hear a voice prompt stating
that the user is currently unavailable
(until date/time ) and can not receive
any messages at this time. Please call
back later
Out of Office - Messages will continue to be delivered to all available devices and applications.
Callers dialing your pager number will hear a voice prompt stating that the user is out of the
office and their response may be delayed.
Unavailable - Messages will continue to appear in the client’s Message History but devices and
applications are NOT alerted. Callers dialing your pagers will hear a voice prompt stating that
the user is currently unavailable (until date/time) and cannot receive any messages at this
time. Please call back later.
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Status - Forwarding
Forwarding allows a client to automatically forward their messages to any
(IntelliMessage) address along with date, time and duration
Messages continue to appear in the original client’s Message History but devices are
not alerted
Confirmation to both parties of successful forwarding being established and again
when status changes
Convenient methods to change status
Forwarding allows a client to automatically forward messages to either another IntelliMessage
user, any pager, cell phone (Text), or email address.
Only the party that the message is forwarded to will receive the message on their pager and
mobile application.
When a user turns forwarding on:
They will receive a confirmation on their pager and IntelliMessage Applications that their
messages have successfully been forwarded and which recipient they are forwarded to.
A message will also go to the party the message are forwarded to indicating that messages from
the originator will be forwarded to them. In fact, every message states that it has been
forwarded and who it was forwarded from to help the end user differentiate from their own
When a user turns forwarding off:
The user will get a message indicating forwarding has been turned off and messages will be
coming to them again.
A message will also go to the party that the messages were being forwarded to that messages
from the forwarding party will no longer be forwarded to them.
There are 4 convenient methods to change status.
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Status - Referral
A more traditional approach
where callers are redirected or
“referred” to another party
In comparison, Forwarding
automatically sends any
messages sent to you to another
person via secure messaging
while Referral is asking the person
trying to send you messages to
actually call another phone
The definition of Referral is the act of sending someone to another person or place for
treatment, help or advice.
It’s a more traditional approach. The person calling is halted and redirected or “referred” to the
party that is taking their calls or critical messages for a certain period of time.
During “Referral” The Pager and Apps Are Turned Off / Messages Show as Referred in History
Message Prompt Will say: “The person that you are trying to reach is referring their messages
to another associate. If you enter a 10 digit pager or cell phone we will send you the Referral
number. Please call the Operator or check the intranet site if available for further assistance.”
People sending messages to this pager during this event will get a message that says that cannot take messages at this time and you should contact
(XXX) YYY-ZZZZ and they will be able to help you.
This would include a pager number that was dialed into the phone. (For this service we will resend the Referral number to any sender coming in as a 10digitnumber@myairmail (vs. an email
address) and having entered 10 digits.
When Referral is turned on, the pager turning Referral on will receive a message the Referral is
turned on and they will no longer receive any messages.
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Changing Status
Phone IVR with PIN passcode
On the web through Message
Manager or My Account
Via the apps on devices
Customer’s custom Intranet link
There are 4 ways to change status:
IVR with PIN passcode - To turn FORWARDING ON dial the 10 digit pager number, wait for the
beep, enter the pin and the 10 digit pager number you are forwarding to and press #.
To turn REFERRAL ON, dial the 10 digit pager number, wait for the beep, enter the pin and the
10 digit pager number you are referring to PLUS ADD 11 at the end and press #.
To turn FORWARDING OR REFERRAL OFF, Dial the 10 digit pager number, put in the 4 digit pin
plus 5 zeros (00000) and press #.
Via the web through Message Manager or My Account - Message Managers will have visibility
at all times to the status of an IntelliMessage client and can change any IntelliMessage status at
any time. My account users can only change their own status.
App on the devices - Main Menu > More Options > Status
Via Customer’s custom Intranet link Send Message. All the blue buttons to the right of the names are status shortcuts. Click the
blue button and that will bring up a login page where you enter your password and that takes
you to the Status screen.
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Sending Messages from the app
Enter your PIN
Click on Send Message
Start typing the address in
the To: field (separate
addresses with semicolons)
After the first 4 characters
the Address Book will
prompt you with matching
Subject is optional
Body is free form type
Click Send
Sending Messages from the app
Enter your PIN. Click on Send Message
Start typing the address in the To: field (separate addresses with semicolons).
After the first 4 characters the Address Book will prompt you with matching choices.
Subject is optional. Body is free form type. Click Send
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Receiving Messages
The alert will indicate an
incoming message
Enter your PIN
Read your message and
click Message Read
If your message is
replyable a Create Reply
button will appear next to
the Message Read button
Your acknowledgement or
reply will be visible to the
Receiving Messages
The alert will indicate an incoming message.
Enter your PIN.
Read your message and click Message Read.
If your message is replyable a Create Reply button will appear next to the Message Read button.
Your acknowledgement or reply will be visible to the administrator.
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My Account
Secure web portal
Send, receive, view, search
and archive your messages
Address book functions
Change your Status and re-route
your messages;
Forwarding, Referral,
Out of Office and Unavailable
Go to and use the SAME login and password
My Account is a secure cloud based web portal. Just like the app on your device you have access
to send, receive, view, search and archive messages.
Change your status and re-route your messages; Forwarding, Referral, Out of Office and
Go to and use the SAME login and password from your welcome
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My Account – My Messages
Sort by beginning and end date and message status
My Account> My Messages tab
You can search for messages using the beginning and ending date. When you click on
the body of the message in the gray area it takes you to the message detail screen
where you can see what time the message hit the server, what time the
message hit the device and which device acknowledged the message.
Also, if there are replies involved, once you click anywhere in the gray message area, on the
next screen you can select conversation mode to view in a more traditional SMS text
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My Account – Address Book
Search the address book of choice by entering the name (after 4 letters
the matches will
Or you can click
Users can add
contacts to their
personal (client)
address book.
Only the
administrator can
add to the
Department or
address book
My Account > Address Book
Search the Address Book of choice by entering the name. After 3 or 4 letters the list of matches
will appear or you can click Update.
Users can add contacts to their personal (Client) address book. Only the administrator can add
to the Department or IntelliMessage address book. When new users are provisioned, they are
automatically populated in the address book.
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My Account – Send Message
Basic View - Start typing the address in the To: field (Subject is optional)
Simply type the
message in the
Message: box
and click Send
Option at the
bottom of the
screen to view
Message History
My Account > Send Message, Basic View. Start typing in the To: field.
Subject is optional.
To expand the subject box, click on the icon next to it.
Simply type in the message and click Send.
There is an option to have a split screen with Message History at the bottom of the screen.
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My Account - Send Message
Enhanced View – Tabs for Groups, Quick Messages and Options
Enhanced View
If you would like more Messaging options, click Enhanced View. This view will give you 5
additional tabs such as: Groups, Quick Messages, Options, Addresses (which we just saw) and
My Messages.
Enhanced View - Groups
There are two types of Groups - Personal and Company/Department.
Personal groups are your own groups that you set up and only you can see them and use them.
Company/Department Groups are set up so that everyone in your Company or Department can
view and use the groups.
Enhanced View - Quick Messages
A Quick Message is a stored message that may include To addresses, Subject and Message
Body. It is set up for you to use for messages you send frequently so that you do not have to
type them over and over again.
Enhanced View - Options
Current message options include Templates, Canned Subjects, Canned Messages and Canned
Please note: Your canned options will be saved when you check them. The next time you
create a message the canned options will still be set and the appropriate boxes filled in
(Subject, Message). To clear them permanently, click the Clear All button.
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Send Message - Custom Intranet Shortcut
Go to the IntelliMessage shortcut on your Intranet (if available)
No login required, Address List View only
Simple Send Message, no editing allowed
Send Message – Custom Intranet Shortcut (if available).
Go to the IntelliMessage shortcut on your Intranet (if available).
No login required, Address List View only.
Simple Send Message, no editing allowed.
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Thank you