BACK PAIN - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
BACK PAIN - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 The petroleum industry handles large quantities of flammable and toxic materials, so the potential for serious accidents is clear. To prevent them it is vital that there should be suitable safe systems of work. When incidents do occur, human factors, such as failure to implement procedures properly, are often a root cause. These failures may in turn be attributable to a lack of training, instructions or understanding of either the purpose or practical applications of Permit to Work (PTW) systems. Join the Seminar for better understanding:- Target Audiences: Lack of discipline in our PTW system Adequacy of PTW system unchecked Inadequate identification of potential hazards in permits Isolation of plant, electrical equipment and others are dealt with poorly Inadequate handling of hand-back process Permit form design not thoroughly thought out. Safety officers OSH Professionals Plant Manager, Heads of Organizations Line Manager in Production, Construction maintenance Safety Manager Register Now! Date Fee Certificate Registration Payment : 29 OCTOBER 2015 : RM 80.00/person (Inclusive of the 6% GST) : Yes : Online System / : Cash Upon Registration ONLINE Registration at For more information, please contact the secretariat : Phone: 03-8911 3877/ 3889 (Ms. Halimatulsaadiah/Mr. Amir ) F : 03-8926 9841 Email : COMMUNICATION, BUSINESS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION DIVISION (CBID) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (NIOSH) Lot1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor T : 03-8769 2201 F : 03-8926 5655 2 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 NO PROGRAME TIME TRAINER DURATION 1 REGISTRATION 2 COURSE INTRODUCTION – SHARING PERMIT TO WORK RELATED INCIDENT 3 TEA BREAK 10:00 – 10:30 4 PERMIT TO WORK FUNDAMENTAL 10:30 – 11:00 “ 30 M 5 PERMIT TO WORK RELATED VIDEO 11:30 – 12:30 “ 1H 6 SHARING INSIGHT ON THE VIDEO 12:30 – 13:00 “ 30 M 7 LUNCH 13:00 – 14:00 8 THE ESSENTIAL OF PTW CONTENT, HOW TO DESIGN AND FILL PTW FORM EFFECTIVELY 14:00 – 15:00 “ 1H 9 PTW WORKSHOP 15:00 – 15:30 “ 30 M 10 INTRODUCTION TO JHA (JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS) AND JMS (JOB METHOD STATEMENT) 15:30 – 16:15 “ 45 M 11 HOW TO DEVELOP JHA 16:15 – 16:30 “ 30 M JHA CASE STUDY 16:30 - 1700 “ 30 M 12 TEA BREAK / CERTIFICATE 30 M 08:30 – 09:00 09:00-10:00 ZULKARNAIN MOHD SAID 30 M 1H 17:00 COMMUNICATION, BUSINESS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION DIVISION (CBID) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (NIOSH) Lot1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor T : 03-8769 2201 F : 03-8926 5655 1H 30 M 3 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 BACK PAIN Causes of back pain Back pain is more common in tasks that involve: a) lifting heavy or bulky loads; b) carrying loads awkwardly, possibly one handed; c) repetitive tasks, packing of products; d) long distance driving or driving over rough ground, particularly if the seat is not, or cannot be, properly adjusted; e) stooping, bending or crouching, including work at PCs (poor posture); f) pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads; g) working beyond normal abilities and limits; h) working when physically tired; i) stretching, twisting and reaching; j) prolonged periods in one position. Dealing with an attack of back pain Sometimes the pain can make you miserable but you should still take control of the pain by trying to stay active and continue as normally as possible. In the early stages: • Rest may not help. Your back is designed for movement so the sooner you start doing your ordinary activities the better. • Use painkillers, heat or cold applied to the sore area may help. • A short course of manipulation can help relieve back pain for some, if done by a qualified professional osteopath, physiotherapist or chiropractor. 4 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 BACK PAIN Next steps: Warning signs If you have severe pain which gets worse over several weeks, or if you are unwell with back pain, you should see your doctor. Back pain is not usually due to any serious damage or disease. The pain usually improves within days or a few weeks, at least enough to get on with your life. Only a few people have back pain that is caused by a more serious issue such as a slipped disc or a trapped nerve and even these usually get better by themselves. X-rays and MRI scans can detect serious spinal injuries which are very rare but they do not usually help in ordinary back pain. If you do have back pain and suddenly notice any of these symptoms, which are rare, you should see a doctor straight away: • Steadily increase your level of activity. • Do a little bit more each day if the pain has been restricting your movement. • Do not stay in one position for too long. • Get up and stretch regularly. • Move about and take some walks, building up your activity as you get stronger. • Stay at work if you can to keep active and recover from the pain. If you have a lot of lifting or other risk factors in your job, talk to your supervisor or boss and tell them about tasks that will be difficult to begin with. • Even if the pain is particularly severe and you are off work, you can still try to do most daily activities or hobbies. • Do not do one thing for too long. Keep changing your activities so that you are changing position and moving around from time to time • difficulty passing or controlling urine • numbness around your back passage or genitals • numbness, pins and needles, or weakness in both legs • unsteadiness on your feet Source info: NIOSH publication 5 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 : The French Approach to Safety Assessments by Gregory Rolina(Author) This book discusses the specifics of safety regulations regarding nuclear risk and how experts contribute to the safety of nuclear installations. Drawing on research conducted in collaboration with the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the ideas that are put forward rely on a review of the practices of specialists in human and organizational factors concerning nuclear safety. The author shows that the French approach depends on maintaining a technical dialogue between the regulatory authority (ASN), IRSN and nuclear operators. This method of risk management is known as "French cooking" in the Anglo-Saxon world, where a more formal regulatory approach is taken. This technical dialogue does however hold certain benefits, particularly in the field of human and organizational factors, where it allows an advancement of the state of knowledge, which remains incomplete. After the Fukushima accident, in the face of an ongoing European and global re-evaluation of the safety of nuclear power and alignment towards the Anglo-Saxon standard, the French cooking approach may yet be able to make a significant contribution. This work will be of interest to all involved in nuclear power engineering and in the field of risk management and nuclear safety. Includes a preface by Jacques Repussard, Director General, IRSN, France, and a postface by Erik Hollnagel, Professor, Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark / Chief Consultant, Centre for Quality, Region of Southern Denmark. 6 Continue… Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 : The French Approach to Safety Assessments by Gregory Rolina(Author) Editorial Reviews About the Author Dr. Grégory Rolina is an international consultant in nuclear safety. He has cooperated with several nuclear safety regulatory authorities and operators worldwide. More recently, he implemented safety culture projects, as an expert for the IAEA. He is currently carrying out research at the Scientific Management Centre of Mines ParisTech in France, where he also teaches. Product Details Hardcover: 294 pages Publisher: CRC Press (August 30, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1138000353 ISBN-13: 978-1138000353 Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6.2 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: 3.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (4 customer reviews) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,722,326 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #328in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Chemical > Plant Design #1115in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Energy Production & Extraction > Nuclear #2532in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems > Health & Safety Would you like to update product info, give feedback on images, or tell us about a lower **Book for reference only : More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; 7 Continue… Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : Lagi buruh mati tertimbus dalam lubang : Kosmo : 3 Oktober 2015 : 03 8 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Jerebu: Hentikan polemik dan cakap kosong Utusan Malaysia 08 Oktober 2015 11 9 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : Pemandu maut dihempap tiang kren patah : Berita Harian : 04 Oktober 2015 : 25 10 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Parah tertusuk besi pemunggah sawit Berita Harian 08 Oktober 2015 28 11 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : Kesedaran kesihatan mental perlu jadi agenda nasional : Berita Harian : 01 Oktober 2015 : 62 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : NIOSH: Don’t vape in office Malay Mail 03 October 2015 12 12 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Erase stigma of mental illness The Star 10 October 2015 42V 13 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Kurangkan kemalangan di tempat kerja Kosmo 06 Oktober 2015 17 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Kurangkan nahas di tempat kerja Harian Metro 06 Oktober 2015 28 14 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Sasar nisbah kemalangan industri menurun 2020 Utusan Malaysia 06 Oktober 2015 20 Industri perlu utamakan keselamatan pekerja Utusan Malaysia 06 Oktober 2015 24 15 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Sasar kurang kadar kemalangan di tempat kerja Berita Harian 06 Oktober 2015 12 Headline Publication Date Page : Joint effort to foster safety culture at the workplace : The Star : 05 Oktober 2015 : 33V 16 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Tidak rugi majina melabur demi kebajikan pekerja Berita Harian 01 Oktober 2015 40 17 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Improving safety at worksites The Star 5 Oktober 2015 07 18 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Lam Thye Tokoh Pertubuhan Kebangsaaan 2015 Berita Harian 04 September 2015 04 19 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Mati berdiri hari bercuti Utusan Malaysia 01 Oktober 2015 04 20 Issue 19, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : We should baulk at bauxite mining New Straits Times 09 October 2015 19 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Terpelanting kilang meletup Harian Metro 09 Oktober 2015 33 21
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