On the ant trail: “blitz-feeding” by the Ornate Burrowing Frog
On the ant trail: “blitz-feeding” by the Ornate Burrowing Frog
Herpetology Notes, volume 8: 281-285 (2015) (published online on 18 May 2015) On the ant trail: “blitz-feeding” by the Ornate Burrowing Frog Platyplectrum ornatum (Gray, 1842) Matthew Mo Abstract. Little is known about the behaviour of many of Australia’s amphibians. In this paper, I report a series of incidental observations documenting “blitz-feeding” on ants and other arthropods by Ornate Burrowing Frogs (Platyplectrum ornatum) in the Pilliga forests and Bundarra, northern New South Wales, Australia. During these observations, frogs appeared to be strategically positioned on ant trails, crossing paths with 5–15 ants per minute. Frogs appeared to use their bodies to direct incoming ants towards their head. Blitz attacks were rapid, involving a volatile downward burst of the tongue. Similar behaviour has been confirmed in some Australian insectivorous lizards. Keywords. Australia, feeding strategy, insectivore, Limnodynastidae, Platyplectrum ornatum. Introduction Behaviours of Australian amphibians are generally poorly known. A substantial body of work on frog ecology in Australia has focused on habitat selection, vocalisation, breeding, parasitology, and conservation status (e.g., Hazell, 2003; Goldingay and Newell, 2005; Baker and Lauck, 2006; Daly and Craven, 2007; Lemckert and Mahony, 2008; Lettoof et al., 2013). Natural behaviour is difficult to directly observe in frogs for a number of reasons. Most frogs are nocturnal and must be located at night by spotlighting; hence the animals are disturbed at the time of detection. Furthermore, frogs often retreat quickly or become motionless when approached, both responses that doubtlessly alter natural behaviours. Even for frogs active and observable during the day, individuals may Forest Science Centre, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, PO Box 242, Parramatta, New South Wales 2151, Australia Current address: State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Woodbridge Road, Menangle, New South Wales 2568, Australia. Email: matthew.mo@dpi.nsw.gov.au be relatively small and cryptic (White, 1993), allowing them to become aware of the presence of observers before they can be observed undisturbed. Platyplectrum ornatum (Limnodynastidae) is a medium-sized foam-nesting frog (maximum SVL 45 mm) found in northern and northeastern Australia (Tyler and Knight, 2011; Cogger, 2014). A habitat generalist, populations occur from a range of coastal vegetation types to arid woodland in the drier interior (Robinson, 1998). Distribution into dry environs is possible by retreating below ground in a state of aestivation until adequate moisture becomes available (Elkan, 1976; Withers, 1995). Platyplectrum ornatum apparently specialise in breeding in ephemeral pools (Anstis, 2013; Kern et al., 2014). Ex-situ studies show that its tadpoles readily prey on the eggs and tadpoles of other frogs (Crossland, 2000). Little more is known of its behaviour. This paper reports on observations of “blitz-feeding” on ants (order Hymenoptera) and other arthropods by P. platyplectrum recorded in the Pilliga forests and Bundarra in northern New South Wales (NSW). Methods The Pilliga forests (30.83° S, 149.31° E) are the largest remaining continuous native forest section in NSW west of the Great Dividing Range (Milledge, 282 2012). Two broad geological sections occur: flat, sandy outwash in the northwestern corner of the region and low rocky hills in the remainder. Typical vegetation is an association of White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla), Bull-oak (Allocasuarina luehmannii), and several Eucalyptus species, such as Blakely’s Red Gum (E. blakelyi), Narrow-leafed Ironbark (E. crebra), Pilliga Box (E. pilligaensis), and Poplar Box (E. populnea). The forests are a matrix of national parks and state forests, managed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Forestry Corporation of NSW, respectively. An extensive network of unsealed roads provides easy public access. I visited the Pilliga forests during four one-week fieldtrips over a two-year period. There was substantial rainfall prior to the first visit in October 2012, and scattered precipitation prior to two visits in November 2012 and March 2013. A fourth visit was carried out in April 2014, after a severely dry summer. Bundarra (30.1667° S, 151.0667° E) is a small town located on the Great Dividing Range, 82 km northwest of Armidale and 130 km east of the Pilliga forests. Two three-day visits were conducted in January and June 2014. Frogs were encountered on private property and the Bundarra Cemetery. The terrain was a matrix of cleared paddock and open woodland dominated by Narrowleafed Ironbark, New England Blackbutt (Eucalyptus andrewsii), and Roundleaf Gum (E. deanei). Platyplectrum ornatum were incidentally encountered on the roads at night. Their round body shape was relatively easy to detect by a focused observer in vehicle headlights. Spotlighting from a vehicle is a wellpracticed method for locating terrestrial herpetofauna (Bishop et al., 1997; Kerr and Bull, 2004; Penman et al., 2008). When a frog was located, the vehicle was stopped as far a distance as possible and observations were conducted using the headlights of the vehicle. Each time, the frog was located on an ant trail. In ten observations, the number of ants approaching within 5 cm of the frog’s anterior per minute was counted. Ten prey captures (between three individual frogs) were successfully timed with a stopwatch. For one frog, feeding behaviour was recorded via photography. Obtaining images through still photography was extremely difficult due to the volatile action of the feeding blitz. Failing this, the camera (Pentax Optio WG-1) was set to video mode and placed in front of the frog. Frame rate was preset to 30 frames per second. Still images were extracted during playback for this paper (Figs. 1, 2). Matthew Mo Figure 1. Video footage still showing an ant (arrow) moving close to the anterior of an Ornate Burrowing Frog (Platyplectrum ornatum), seconds before a feeding blitz. Notice the large eyes that bulge outward beyond the lips, enabling the frog to see potential prey moving directly below its head. Figure 2. Video footage still showing an Ornate Burrowing Frog (Platyplectrum ornatum) lapping up its prey. Results A total of 32 and 23 P. ornatum were located on roads in the Pilliga forests and Bundarra, respectively. Platyplectrum ornatum became motionless when approached, sometimes tucking their limbs and snouts against their bodies to reduce conspicuity. This stationary response is similar to that observed in Eastern Banjo Frogs (Limnodynastes dumerilii) and Sudell’s Frogs (Neobatrachus sudelli), which were also located (Mo, 2014; Mo, unpubl. data). This was unlike the anti- On the ant trail: “blitz-feeding” by the Ornate Burrowing Frog Figure 3. “Blitz-feeding” by an Ornate Burrowing Frog (Platyplectrum ornatum) on a Wolf Spider (family Lycosidae). predator strategies of most other frogs seen, including Spotted Grass Frogs (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis), Desert Tree Frogs (Litoria rubella), or Broad-palmed Rocket Frogs (L. latopalmata), which often hopped away. When located, P. ornatum appeared to be strategically positioned on ant trails. Between five and 15 ants 283 approached within 5 cm of the frogs’ anterior per minute (n = 10). Approaching ants followed the frog’s outline toward either the posterior or anterior (Fig. 1). Prey capture was apparently triggered by ants passing the front of the frog; carried out rapidly by a volatile downward burst of the tongue (Fig. 2). The time period taken to capture ants ranged between 0.3 and 0.5 seconds. Besides buccal pumping, no movement of the head was required prior to the capture. Large eyes that bulge out of the body appear to give P. ornatum the ability to sight prey that is immediately below its mouth. When capturing ants directly in front, a frog’s head movement was limited to lowering the lower jaw for protrusion of the tongue. When ants were positioned to the left or right of the head, the feeding blitz included a tilt of the head at the corresponding angle. This shows that frogs were targeting prey rather than striking opportunistically. As shown in Fig. 2, this behaviour involved a head tilt toward the right-hand side. All feeding blitzes observed resulted in the capture of prey, so that the feeding success rate was 100%. There did not appear to be any defensive actions or avoidance behaviours displayed by the ants. Apart from ants, there were two isolated observations of a wolf spider (family Lycosidae) and dragonfly (order Odonata) being consumed. The spider strayed close to a frog’s head (Fig. 3), prompting a feeding blitz. The capture occurred at a much slower speed than the actions described above. This enabled a series of still photographs to be recorded. These show that the spider was apparently stunned by the rapid onset of the feeding blitz before being consumed in at least four gulps. Similarly, the dragonfly, which hovered close to the frog, was maneuvered inside the mouth by a number of gulps. It landed near the frog’s head and was initially captured by the wing (Fig. 4). Discussion Strategic positioning on ant trails is a known behaviour in other insectivorous herpetofauna, such the Thorny Devil, Moloch horridus (Pianka and Pianka, 1970; Clemente et al., 2004), Western Bearded Dragons, Pogona minor (Thompson and Thompson, 2003), and legless lizards, genus Aprasia (Webb and Shine, 1994). While a single ant does not provide much nourishment, ants are abundant in inland Australia (Abensperg-Traun and Steven, 1997). By positioning itself in front of an ant trail, a frog can eventually gather a substantial quantity over a period of time. 284 Matthew Mo comments by Hinrich Kaiser and an anonymous reviewer improved the manuscript. References Figure 4. Brief struggle following a feeding blitz by an Ornate Burrowing Frog (Platyplectrum ornatum) on a dragonfly (order Odonata). Being on open ground may appear to expose P. ornatum to predators (cf. Kyne and Jackson, 2013), however two main defensive strategies were noticed in observations in this paper. When approached, P. ornatum may lower its head to the ground and tuck its limbs tight against its body. In this posture, frogs camouflage against the ground, especially in stony or sandy terrain, and resemble a pebble. They may also bury themselves in the substrate, but apparently not as often as deploying the above strategy. On one occasion, after being viewed for a few minutes, a frog excavated the sand from below its posterior with its hind limbs and edged its body backwards into the cavity. The frog had hidden itself within 30 seconds. Platyplectrum ornatum are abundant in the North West Slopes region (Date and Paull, 1999; NSW NPWS, 2000, 2002; Murphy, 2008; Milledge, 2012; Murphy and Murphy, in press), especially on open ground (Mo, 2014). Limited information on the behaviour of a common species is a fair indication that there is much more work to be done in this aspect of amphibian ecology. Acknowledgements. 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