90 Day Blitz brochure only


90 Day Blitz brochure only
“The Power of an idea is in its
‘WISDOM is knowing what to do next; SKILL is knowing how to do it,
and VIRTUE is doing it...!’
Its true isn’t it! We’ve all had great ideas…, good intentions…. lots of them. You can have all the great ideas in the
world but unless you do something about them – they are just ideas! It’s a terrible trait of many people in the financial
planning profession…. One of my coaches & mentors– Michael Sheargold said:
“The Power of an Idea is in its Implementation…!” and those words have always resonated with me.
Hi, it’s Steve Salvia here, your Business Success Coach
and I want to ‘congratulate’ you personally for taking
the first important step of registering for our ’90 Day
Experts Transformation Blitz’! The next 90 days are
going to transform the way you think about yourself
(firstly) and also the perception of the value that you have
in your marketplace. You see, it’s all about CONFIDENCE!
And with the right systems, processes and tools in your
possession…, you will have all the confidence you need to
elevate yourself to the enviable position of Expert – ‘Go-To’
person in your marketplace!
Can I do it better?
But the question that often comes up is “is there a better
way?” And certainly from a coaching point of view and at
Blackwing we say “absolutely, YES”! The better way is,
rather than being driven from the past almost like we are
carrying the past with us into the future, we move from
a past focus to a future focus. The future focus means:
what is it that we want to achieve as a professional? And
then what do we need to do today in order to make that
happen? This momentum shift will fuel the future that we
want to achieve and create. This is the place that I want
you to come from in this ’90 Day Blitz’!
Don’t let perfect get in the way of better…!
What I mean by that is that during the time we spend on
this blitz, I want you to think about using the tools and
templates that I’m going to provide to you along with the
ideas and brainstorming that you will bring to the mix….
and combining these into something new & exciting
that you can take and implement powerfully into your
business! Don’t think about it, don’t procrastinate… Just
Do IT!
What will this mean for me and my business?
By implementing - I’ll just repeat that…. BY IMPLEMENTING
just some of these techniques, it will make a massive
difference to your client’s perception of you as an
industry leader. All are designed to provide more clients,
more referrals, more alliance partners, more high-end
leads, more media exposure and a persona that will
change the way you do business forever in a post FoFA
world…! Regardless of what’s happening in the external
What benefit will I get out of doing it better?
No matter what demographic your target market is, it is
critical that we all‘step up’so to speak. We are at a crossroads.
It takes only one moment, or one decision to take a turn,
alter our path, and reshape our destiny. This is what I
am hoping to achieve for you with this Implementation
Blitz. That is, a change in people’s perception of YOU as
a PROFESSIONAL, improve the financial position of our
clients (and therefore yourself….) and take the lead in
doing things differently within our profession!
I’m sure you’ll agree it was great to discuss the hidden
opportunities that reside in your business even as
we speak. This implementation blitz will help you fasttrack everything that we’ve talked about in the Experts
Whitepaper series, on the Experts Webinar and on our
Skype / phone call. The purpose of which is simple: so
all the objectives we discussed – your personal goals in
business and in life – can be achieved. Something I know
you’ve wanted for a long time now.
I’m proud of the Experts Whitepaper series and I feel
privileged that I would be able to share the concepts,
strategies and tools with you! I know you will get value
and I’m passionate about your success…! And the
‘Transformation Blitz’ is the starting point for that. It’s a one
-of-a-kind - once in a lifetime - opportunity to gift yourself
with the ultimate guide in improving your business on
every level.
If, and only if…, you like what we do together and you
believe I have added value (and you don’t turn out to be
a ‘douschbag….’), I will invite you to join one of our other
- more advanced - programs like Uplift, Ignite, Amplify,
Power Up, Altitude, Accelerate, Elevate, Supercharge or
even one of my one – on – one performance coaching
programs! But that’s only if there’s a fit.
But right now, the first step on this amazing new journey
begins with YOU. Secure your registration right now by
completing the attached registration form and scanning
it back to my ‘director of awesomeness’ – Tania Lloyd at
tania@blackwing.com.au or faxing it to +61 8 9259 5800.
Spots are limited, and we start this program soon
I look forward to hearing your Expert stories soon.
So, here’s to your “Shout it from the Rooftop Success”!
With energy & focus,
Steve Salvia
Adv Dip FS (FP)
CEO/Advisor/Success Coach
“Champion of Financial Success”
“Steve is a captivating speaker.
He held my attention and educated
me at the same time - Thank you.”
Steven Brown – Lynn & Brown
Lawyers - Perth
Introducing your Business Success Coach... Steve Salvia
If you’ve worked with Steve Salvia as a client, seen him
present at a conference or had the benefit of one of his
Business Improvement workshops, you’d know how his
‘dynamic & interactive style’ will both challenge you and
inspire you to get Results!
Widely regarded as a leading authority on creating an
outstanding business & team environment, Steve is a
highly sought-after and experienced speaker, presenter
and ‘success coach’ to high achievers in almost every field.
When you look at any high performance athlete or team,
you know that behind them is an inspiring coach giving
them skills, motivation and support to reach their true
“Steve, I have to tell you I found your session to be the highlight
of the conference! Not only because you have some great
ideas, but because you gave me a good kick in the pants.
Having developed our system’s to a certain point, I’ve then sat
back and not continued the development process – I wrote
“we are stale”, in my notes. Your session made me ask the
question, “am I still growing, or have I really retired”... I think
the truthful answer was, I was neither. I was just marking time
until someone gave me a push, one way or the other and YOU
gave me that push”.
John Strange – Personal Financial Designs - Cairns
The first thing you’ll notice about Steve is his unique ability
to understand what your business needs and then filter
through his wealth of knowledge to present an effective
solution to support you & your team. You’ll also discover
how he takes complex business strategies and turns them
into easily understood models and metaphors that can be
readily applied.
Steve’s results are nothing short of ‘spectacular’! His
professional & business successes are a true testament
of what can be achieved in YOUR business to give you
that competitive edge – “the unfair advantage”...! Steve’s
coaching & business success workshops are designed to
share with you the key learnings from over 20 yrs business
experience, provide new strategies, ideas and ways
forward.. and completely align & empower your team with
the goals & aspirations that you have always dreamt of.
“Steve Salvia of Blackwing is dynamic, passionate and driven!
His passion for helping people and businesses is explosive.
His desire to empower and uplift is apparent from the first
handshake. After one meeting with Steve, in which his
professionalism, expertise and enthusiasm shone, my head
was spinning with ideas, information, and ACTION. Steve’s
generosity of spirit warms the heart.
I highly recommend Steve and Blackwing to anyone wishing
to take their business to the next level. Thanks again for your
help and generosity.”
Jacqui Johns – Happy Life Mentoring - Melbourne
It’s lonely out there! Being in business can be a lonely
game. Even if you are surrounded by people, sometimes
it’s hard to get clarity.... “Sometimes when you are in
the picture, you can’t see the frame...!” That’s why it’s
important to be able to get outside your business, look
at it from ‘the chopper’ above, and focus on steering
the course and direction of it. Steve is there to talk and
coach openly about your business (good, bad & ugly....) –
without consequence. Better yet, Steve will help you to
identify the key ‘levers & dials’ in your business to help you
be a respected results producer; as someone who ends
procrastination forever and to reach incredible results
beyond what you ever thought possible...!
Blackwing Profit Consulting
t: 08 9259 5777 f: 08 9259 5800 a: Suite 2, 288 High Road, Riverton WA 6148 p: PO Box 39, Riverton WA 6148