here - The American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
here - The American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN LITHUANIA A Member of the United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC E-mail:, Web Page: Active Participant in Lithuanian Business and Political Communities’ Life since 1993 SPONSOR MEMBERS: 2 The Directory includes members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania in good standing as of November 30th, 2009. The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham, ACC) was established by a small group of the first American investors, both companies and individuals. The Chamber has been an active participant in the Lithuanian business and political communities since 1993. Currently, AmCham Lithuania has 75 members. This membership includes many prominent members of the business community and comprises the broadest possible spectrum of business enterprises. Among our members are manufacturers and retailers, consulting firms and pharmaceutical companies, IT and telecommunication companies, and insurance and law firms, to name but a few. The profiles of AmCham members are presented in this Directory. We wish to thank all of our members for their continuing support and participation! We believe that the Directory serves to promote and publicize our members and is a valuable resource of information for businesses both in Lithuania and in other countries where it is distributed. For those readers who are not members and would like to learn more about our organization, the American Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary, apolitical, non-profit association of American, international, and Lithuanian companies and a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC. The Mission of AmCham Lithuania is to promote and protect its members’ business interests in Lithuania and the EU and to bridge opportunities for both Lithuanian and American businesses. AmCham Lithuania serves these important functions: • Provides a business, social, and policy forum for its members; • Organizes outstanding events that give members exclusive opportunities to network with business and government people; • Provides profiling opportunities for members’ products and/or services; • Helps members to develop their business by using AmCham’s local and international connections; • Coordinates the Pan-Baltic Member to Member Discount Program; • Integrates members into an information network; • And provides other services. American and non-American companies, organizations, and individual businessmen are invited to join the Chamber and take an active part in its activities. If you would like to join us, please contact the AmCham Lithuania office or visit our web page at for a membership application. AmCham Lithuania Office: Lukiškių str. 5-204, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 261 11 81 E-mail: Web page: AmCham Staff: Aistė Andziulevičiūtė, Executive Director Živilė Sabaliauskaitė, Financier/Office Administrator 3 AmCham Board 2009 CHAIRMAN Rimtautas Vizgirda VICE-CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Arminta Saladžienė NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Giedrė Kvedaravičienė TREASURER Edita Karpavičienė Ūkio Bankas BOARD MEMBERS Rasa Berskienė Air Baltic Corporation Jonas Saladžius Eversheds Saladžius Martynas Bieliūnas Microsoft Lietuva Andrius Francas Strategic Staffing Solutions International John Stich 4 Vladas Lašas UPS Vilija Vaitkutė Pavan Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN About Lithuania Lithuania was first mentioned in the Annales Quedlinburgenses, a Latin chronicle, in 1009. The nation celebrates its Millennium in 2009! GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Lithuania lies on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. In the north, Lithuania shares a border with Latvia; in the east and south with Belarus; and in the southwest with Poland and the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The length of the Baltic Sea coasline is 99 km. AREA 65.30 (thous. sq. km) STATE GOVERNMENT Lithuania is an independent democratic republic governed by the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania, the President of the Republic of Lithuania, and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. In 2004, Lithuania became a member of NATO and the EU, and in 2007 the country was accepted into the Schengen area. STATE FLAG The state flag of the Republic of Lithuania consists of three horizontal stripes: yellow (the upper), green (the middle), and red (the lower). The colors of the flag symbolize: yellow - the sun, light and prosperity; green - the Lithuanian landscape, hope and joy; red - the color of earth, life and blood. It symbolizes the nation’s courage and tenacity in the struggle for freedom. STATE EMBLEM The state emblem of the Republic of Lithuania is the Vytis (the White Knight). Its heraldic shield features a red field with an armored knight on a white (silver) horse holding a silver sword in his right hand above his head. POPULATION 3,333,420 (as of November 2009). The majority of the population are Lithuanians (84%). Minorities include Polish (6.1%), Russians (4.9%), Belorussians (1.1%), and others. CAPITAL Vilnius (population 558,200, as of January 2009). Vilnius is the European Capital of Culture in 2009! OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Lithuanian. CURRENCY Litas (LTL) is pegged to Euro (EUR). 1 EUR = 3.4528 LT 5 Basic Economic Indicators - 2007 2008 2009 (third quarter) GDP at current prices, million LTL 98669 111190 68706 20547 GDP per capita, LTL 29230 33111 Inflation (compared to December of previous year), % 8.1 8.5 Unemployment rate (by employment survey), % 4.3 5.8 13.8 Average gross earnings of employees, LTL 1802 2152 2142 Cumulative foreign direct investment, LTL million (beginning of a successive year) 28925 35504 33326 Sources: Statistics Lithuania and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Cumulative FDI by country as of January 1 st, 2009 (% of total) 6 U.S. FDI to Lithuania as of January 1 st, 2009 (% of total) U.S. Investors to Lithuania as of January 1 st. 2007, 2008, 2009 (units of total) 7 Lithuania Export to the U.S. as of July, 2009 (by products, % of total) Lithuania Import to the U.S. as of July, 2009 (by products, % of total) 8 Useful Addresses The Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino Ave. 53, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 239 60 60 E-mail: Web Page: The President of the Republic of Lithuania Simono Daukanto sq. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 266 41 54 Fax: (370 5) 266 41 45 Web Page: The Government of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino Ave. 11, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 266 37 11 Fax: (370 5) 266 38 95 E-mail: Web Page: The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino Ave. 38/Vasario 16-osios str. 2, LT-01104 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 262 55 15, (370 5) 262 65 84 Fax: (370 5) 262 39 74 E-mail: Web Page: The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania J.Tumo-Vaižganto str. 8A/2, LT-01512 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 239 00 00 Fax: (370 5) 279 14 81 E-mail: Web Page: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania J.Tumo-Vaižganto str. 2, LT-01511 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 236 24 44 Fax: (370 5) 231 3090 E-mail: Web Page: Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the European Union Rue Belliard 41-43, 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: (32 2) 771 01 40 Fax: (32 2) 771 45 97 E-mail: Web Page: Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania to NATO NG Building, NATO HQ, Boulevard Leopold III , 1110 Brussels, Belgium Tel. (32 2) 707 28 49 Fax. (32 2) 707 28 50 E-mail: Web Page: 9 Embassy of the United States of America to the Republic of Lithuania Akmenų str. 6, LT-03106 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 266 55 00 Fax: (370 5) 266 55 10 E-mail: Web Page: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the United States of America 2622 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA Tel.: (202) 234 58 60 Fax: (202) 328 04 66 E-mail:; Web page: Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts J.Tumo-Vaižganto str. 9/1-63A, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 261 21 02 Fax: (370 5) 261 21 12 E-mail: Web Page: International Chamber of Commerce Lithuania Vokiečių str. 28/17, LT-01130 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 212 11 11 Fax: (370 5) 212 26 21 E-mail: Web Page: Lithuanian Business Employers’ Confederation Algirdo str. 31, LT-03219 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 249 64 48 Fax: (370 5) 249 64 48 E-mail: Web Page: Lithuanian Development Agency Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 262 74 38 Fax: (370 5) 212 01 60 E-mail: Web Page: Lithuanian Business Support Agency Vasario 16-osios str./Gedimino Ave. 38, Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 268 74 01 Fax: (370 5) 268 74 09 E-mail: Web Page: 10 Alphabetical Member List 3M Representative Office in Lithuania................................................................................... 23 AAA...................................................................................................................................................... 17 AIG Life............................................................................................................................................... 24 Air Baltic Corporation................................................................................................................... 25 American English School............................................................................................................. 26 American International School of Vilnius (AISV)................................................................. 27 Amgen Switzerland AG Vilnius Branch................................................................................... 18 Avaya Nederland B.V..................................................................................................................... 28 Avon Cosmetics.............................................................................................................................. 29 Baltic-American Medical & Surgical Clinic............................................................................. 30 Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization................................................................................ 31 Bennet Distributors....................................................................................................................... 32 Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt ................................................................................................ 33 Best Western Hotel Vilnius.......................................................................................................... 34 Buinauskas, Arvydas...................................................................................................................... 78 Cervin, Richard................................................................................................................................ 78 Chaudhary, Rajinder . ................................................................................................................... 78 Cisco LT............................................................................................................................................... 35 CSC Baltic........................................................................................................................................... 36 Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas............................................................................................. 37 Deloitte Lietuva............................................................................................................................... 38 Delta Management Solutions.................................................................................................... 39 Domas, John..................................................................................................................................... 78 Eli Lilly Lietuva................................................................................................................................. 40 Ernst & Young Baltic....................................................................................................................... 41 Eversheds Saladžius....................................................................................................................... 42 Fima..................................................................................................................................................... 43 Gavėnas, Gintaras........................................................................................................................... 79 Grontmij/Carl Bro........................................................................................................................... 44 Hertz.................................................................................................................................................... 45 IBM Lietuva....................................................................................................................................... 46 ISM University of Management and Economics................................................................. 47 Jasinskaitė, Agnė ........................................................................................................................... 79 Jensen, Fred...................................................................................................................................... 79 Johnson & Johnson....................................................................................................................... 48 JTI Marketing and Sales................................................................................................................ 49 Juras, Rebecca ................................................................................................................................ 80 Juridicon Law Firm......................................................................................................................... 50 11 Alphabetical Member List Klaipėda Free Economic Zone Management Company................................................... 51 Kraft Foods Lietuva........................................................................................................................ 52 Kvedaravičienė, Giedrė................................................................................................................. 80 LCC International University....................................................................................................... 53 Leikauskaitė, Indrė ....................................................................................................................... 80 Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN .............................................................. 19 Mars Lietuva..................................................................................................................................... 54 Marsh Lietuva.................................................................................................................................. 55 Microsoft Lietuva............................................................................................................................ 56 Motieka & Audzevičius, Law Firm............................................................................................. 57 Motorola............................................................................................................................................ 58 MSD..................................................................................................................................................... 59 NASDAQ OMX Vilnius................................................................................................................... 60 Omnitel.............................................................................................................................................. 61 Oracle East Central Europe Limited Filialas........................................................................... 62 Ortiz, George.................................................................................................................................... 80 Philip Morris Baltic......................................................................................................................... 63 Practice Manager Baltic................................................................................................................ 64 PricewaterhouseCoopers............................................................................................................ 65 PZU Lietuva....................................................................................................................................... 66 Reval Hotel Lietuva........................................................................................................................ 67 Seesam Lietuva............................................................................................................................... 68 Sicor Biotech.................................................................................................................................... 69 Smurfit Kappa Baltic...................................................................................................................... 70 Sorainen Law Offices..................................................................................................................... 71 Stich, John......................................................................................................................................... 81 Strategic Staffing Solutions International ............................................................................ 72 Sutkienė, Pilkauskas & Partners................................................................................................. 73 Šičkus, Aivaras .............................................................................................................................. 81 Tverkus, Justinas............................................................................................................................. 81 UPS ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Ūkio Bankas . ................................................................................................................................... 21 Vizgirda, Rimtautas........................................................................................................................ 81 V. Paulius & Associates Real Estate........................................................................................... 74 Wilbur, Thomas ............................................................................................................................. 81 Wrigley Baltics................................................................................................................................. 75 ZPR International Inc. Representative Office........................................................................ 76 12 Member List by Industry Airlines Air Baltic Corporation Accounting, Auditing and Consulting Services Deloitte Lietuva Ernst & Young Baltic Jasinskaitė, Agnė PricewaterhouseCoopers Banking/Financial Services Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Ūkio bankas ZPR International Inc. Representative Office Car Rental&Leasing; Storage and Transportation Hertz UPS Computers & Information Technologies; Electronic Engineering Solutions Cisco LT CSC Baltic Fima IBM Lietuva Microsoft Lietuva Oracle East Central Europe Limited Filialas Practice Manager Baltic Strategic Staffing Solutions International Consulting Services Buinauskas, Arvydas Gavėnas, Gintaras Jensen, Fred Leikauskaitė, Indrė Stich, John Vizgirda, Rimtautas Education American English School American International School of Vilnius ISM University of Management and Economics Juras, Rebecca LCC International University 13 Member List by Industry Energy Consulting Grontmij | Carl Bro Food Industry Kraft Foods Lietuva Mars Lietuva Health Care Baltic-American Medical & Surgical Clinic Cervin, Richard Hotels and Restaurants&Cafes AAA Best Western Hotel Vilnius Chaudhary, Rajinder Kvedaravičienė, Giedrė Reval Hotel Lietuva Human Resource Management Delta Management Solutions Industrial Land Use/Lease/Sublease/Warehousing Klaipėda Free Economic Zone Management Company Insurance AIG Life Marsh Lietuva PZU Lietuva Seesam Lietuva Legal Services AAA Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt Eversheds Saladžius Juridicon Law Firm Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN Motieka & Audzevičius Sorainen Law Offices Sutkienė, Pilkauskas & Partners 14 Member List by Industry Manufacturing Philip Morris Baltic Smurfit Kappa Baltic Wilbur, Thomas Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Amgen Switzerland AG Vilnius Branch Eli Lilly Lietuva Johnson & Johnson MSD Sicor Biotech PR, Media and Advertising Services Domas, John Šičkus, Aivaras Tverkus, Justinas Real Estate Development V. Paulius & Associates Real Estate Surveys Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization Telecommunications Avaya Nederland B.V. Motorola Omnitel Wholesale and Retail Trade 3M Representative Office in Lithuania Avon Cosmetics Bennet Distributors JTI Marketing and Sales Ortiz, George Wrigley Baltics 15 © Photo by Mr. Vladas Lašas 16 SPONSOR MEMBERS AAA Nature of Business: Legal Services, Business & Real Estate Investment and Development; Hotels; Travel. Contact Person: Mr. Marius Jakulis Jason, Chairman of AAA Address: AAA Baltic Service Company – Law Firm (also known as AAA and AAA Legal Services) J. Jasinskio str. 16B, Victoria Building, PO Box 33, LT-01002 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 252 66 76 Fax: (370 5) 252 66 70 E-mail: Web Page: AAA group includes: • AAA Baltic Service Company – Law Firm; • AAA Business & Real Estate Investment and Development; • AAA Kempinski Hotel Cathedral Square Vilnius; • AAA Astorija - Radisson SAS Hotel Vilnius; • AAA Mano Liza (guest house); • AAA Wrislit (travel agency). 17 Amgen Switzerland AG Vilnius Branch Nature of Business: Biopharmaceuticals Contact Person: Mr. Andrius Rudzikas, Country Senior Manager, Baltic States Address: A. Tumėno str. 4-30, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 98) 366 00 Fax: (370 5) 270 91 44 E-mail: Web Page: 18 Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN Nature of Business: Law Firm Contact Person: Ms. Vilija Vaitkutė Pavan, Partner Address: Jogailos str. 9/1, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 268 18 88 Fax: (370 5) 212 55 91 E-mail: Web Page: One of the world’s most prestigious law firm directories Chambers Global has been ranking Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN as the No. 1 law firm in corporate and commercial law in Lithuania since the year 2000 when Lithuania was included in the rankings for the first time. The firm is a member of LAWIN, a group of leading Baltic law firms which also includes Klavins & Slaidins LAWIN from Latvia and Lepik & Luhaäär LAWIN from Estonia. LAWIN currently employs over 120 lawyers, making it the largest legal presence in the Baltic States. Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiūnas ir partneriai LAWIN has been operating successfully in Vilnius since 1992. The firm specializes in Corporate and M&A; Finance and Tax; Trade and Technology; Property and Environment; and Dispute Resolution and Transport. The firm’s clients include multinational corporations, investment banks, and international finance institutions, as well as leading Lithuanian companies. 19 UPS Nature of Business: Worldwide Express Delivery – Transportation, Logistics Contact Person: Mr. Vladas Lašas, Country Manager Address: Chemijos str. 5A, LT-51327 Kaunas, Lithuania Tel.: (370 37) 350 505 Fax: (370 37) 350 500 E-mail: Web Page:; Founded in 1907, UPS is the world’s largest express carrier, largest package delivery company, and a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services, serving more than 200 countries and territories. In 2008, UPS generated revenues over $51.5 million and delivered an average of 15.5 million parcels per day worldwide. Headquartered in Atlanta, the company resides on the web at (Lithuanian web page – UPS Worldwide Express services have been available for customers in Lithuania since 1991. UPS started a dedicated daily flight to and from Lithuania in 1996. UPS Worldwide Express shipments from Lithuania are delivered in 1 business day to most business centers in Europe and in 1-2 business days to the USA. 20 Ūkio Bankas Nature of Business: Banking Contact Person: Ms. Agnė Žaliabarštytė, Deputy Director of Marketing Department Address: Maironio str. 25, LT-44250 Kaunas, Lithuania Tel.: (370 37) 301 301 Fax: (370 37) 323 188 E-mail:; Web Page: AB Ūkio bankas, this year celebrating its 20th anniversary, is an independent Lithuanian commercial bank which operates a nationwide branch network. Ūkio bankas was established on 27 June 1989 as the first private commercial bank in Lithuania. The bank started out as a corporate bank which focused on servicing regional industrial companies. Today, the bank provides a complete portfolio of financial services for both corporate and private clients, including savings, payments and lending. Since its foundation, Ūkio bankas has retained and developed its original focus as a regional commercial bank in the Kaunas region while gradually expanding its branch network throughout Lithuania. Its branches are located in Lithuania’s main cities and business centers. Ūkio bankas is primarily focused on domestic commercial banking activities, followed by retail customer banking. Its other activities include financial brokerage, payment transaction services, trading, corporate banking, and agency services. 21 22 CORPORATE MEMBERS 3M Representative Office in Lithuania Nature of Business: Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing Contact Person: Mr. Linas Stankevičius, Country Operations Manager Address: Švitrigailos str. 11B, LT-03228 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 216 07 80 Fax: (370 5) 216 02 63 E-mail: Web Page: 3M is a diversified technology company with leading positions in the consumer and office, display and graphics, health care, safety, security and protection, electronics and telecommunications, industrial, and other markets. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, the company has operations in more than 60 countries and serves customers in nearly 200 countries. 3M businesses share technologies, manufacturing operations, brands, marketing channels and other important resources. 3M is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and also is a component of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. 23 AIG Life Nature of Business: Life Insurance Contact Person: Ms. Justina Šturmovič, Office Manager Address: Laisvės Ave. 3, LT-04123 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 249 17 30 Fax: (370 5) 249 17 31 E-mail: Web Page: American Life Insurance Company (ALICO), is one of the largest and most diversified international life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1921, the company operates in more than fifty countries and regions including Japan, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. ALICO’s branches and subsidiaries market a wide range of life and health insurance products, including traditional, variable universal and credit life insurance, as well as supplemental medical and personal accident products, health and hospitalization insurance, group life, pensions and annuities through a variety of distribution channels. AMPLICO Life S.A. is the subsidiary of the American Life Insurance Company (ALICO) in Lithuania. 24 Air Baltic Corporation Nature of Business: Airline Contact Person: Ms. Rosita Sakalauskaitė, Corporate Communications Coordinator Address: Rodūnios road 34, Vilnius LT-02187, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 236 42 12 Fax: (370 5) 275 68 10 E-mail: Web Page: AIR BALTIC CORPORATION (airBaltic) is a stock company that was established in 1995. Major shareholders include the Latvian state, with 52.6% of shares, and Baltijas aviācijas sistēmas SIA, with 47.2% of shares. In 2008, airBaltic carried almost 2.7 million passengers. Currently, airBaltic operates direct flights out of two Baltic State capitals – Riga, Latvia, and Vilnius, Lithuania. AirBaltic also operates direct flights between Kaliningrad and Copenhagen. The airBaltic fleet currently consists of 28 aircraft - 2 Boeing 757-200s, 10 Boeing 737-500s, 6 Boeing 737-300s, and 10 Fokker-50s. 25 American English School Nature of Business: Foreign Language Training; Language Study Abroad; Language and Education Consulting Contact Person: Ms. Eglė Kesylienė, General Director/CEO Address: Naugarduko str. 4, LT-01309 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 269 13 00 Fax: (370 5) 269 13 01 E-mail: Web Page: “American English School” was founded in Lithuania in 1992. Now its has branches in all major cities of the country including Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Šiauliai, Alytus, Utena and others. Activity Areas English language teaching in Lithuania: • English language courses for different age groups. • English language programmes for the public sector, approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. • In-company courses for corporate clients in the field of Finance, Telecommunications, Tourism, Pharmacy, etc. According to the company needs. • LCCIEB (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board) Business English testing services. Language studies abroad: • Language courses in the UK, Ireland, Malta, USA, germany, Spain and other countries at institutions accredited by the British Counsil and other organizations. • General and professional language courses for executives. • Studies at international colleges and universities worldwide. 26 American International School of Vilnius (AISV) Nature of Business: Education of Children Ages 2-17 Contact Person: Mr. Robert M. Hinman, Director Address: Subačiaus str. 41, LT-11350 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 212 10 31 Fax: (370 5) 264 12 02 E-mail: Web Page: Opened in 2003, AISV is the first international school founded in Vilnius to serve the city’s growing international community as well as host country nationals. AISV offers an American and international curriculum with English as the language of instruction for children of ages 2 to 17 (toddlers through grade 11; in 2010-2011, grade 12 will be added). One of the school’s priorities is to ensure continuity in the education of children whose parents frequently relocate to other countries around the world. AISV students come from over 20 countries and represent the families of major diplomats and foreign investors in Lithuania. Currently, more than half of its students are Lithuanian passport holders. AISV‘s mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, respectful educational environment where cultural diversity is celebrated. Through a rich variety of educational experiences, AISV students acquire knowledge and academic skills and develop the interpersonal skills and confidence to succeed according to their individual potential. Most of the core teachers are native English speakers with advanced educational degrees and many years of teaching experience. AISV also offers additional educational programs such as Saturday English Language School, Summer Camp, and an After-School Activities program for both AISV and non-AISV students. 27 Avaya Nederland B.V. Nature of Business: IP Telephony, Contact Centers, Voice & Data Transmissions Contact Person: Ms. Daiva Vižinytė, Office Administrator Address: Gedimino Ave. 64-61, LT-01111 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 210 73 00 Fax: (370 5) 261 64 64 E-mail: Web Page: Avaya is a global leader in enterprise communications systems. The company provides unified communications, contact centers, and related services directly and through its channel partners to leading businesses and organizations around the world. Enterprises of all sizes depend on Avaya for state-ofthe-art communications that improve efficiency, collaboration, customer service, and competitiveness. For more information please visit 28 Avon Cosmetics Nature of Business: Direct Sales of Cosmetics and Toiletry Products, and Related Activities Contact Person: Ms. Violeta Jonaitienė, Personal Assistant to General Manager Address: Ulonų str. 2, LT-08245 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 210 97 57 Fax: (370 5) 273 00 51 E-mail: Web Page: Avon, the company for women, was established more than 120 years ago in the USA. Today Avon is a leading global beauty company, with almost $10 billion in annual revenue. As the world’s largest direct seller, Avon markets to women in wellness in over 100 countries through over five million independent Avon Sales Representatives. Avon’s product line includes beauty products, fashion jewelry and apparel, and features such wellrecognized brand names as Avon Color, Anew, Skin-So-Soft, Avon Solutions, Advance Techniques, Avon Naturals, and Planet Spa. UAB “Avon Cosmetics” has been operating in Lithuania since 1999. The company also coordinates work of AVON Representative offices in Estonia , Latvia, Finland. The company’s main activity is the direct sale of cosmetics, toiletries, hygienic products, and accessories. Today Avon provides its services to representatives and customers through Beauty Centers located in Vilnius, Klaipėda, and Kaunas. UAB “Avon Cosmetics” is recognized as one of the top companies in the cosmetics market. 29 Baltic-American Medical & Surgical Clinic Nature of Business: Medical & Surgical Services Contact Person: Ms. Inga Malinauskienė, General Director Address: Nemenčinės plentas 54A, Vilnius, Lithuania 24 hours tel.: (370 5) 234 20 20 Mobile: (370 6 98) 526 55 Fax: (370 5) 276 79 42 E-mail: Web Page: Established in 1994, the Baltic-American Medical & Surgical Clinic is a 24hour medical care facility. Both inpatient and outpatient care is available for a wide range of scheduled, walk-in, and emergency treatments. Most of Clinic’s doctors and nurses are fluent in English, Russian and German. Western-quality medical treatment means not only good equipment and the highest standards of training, but also an emphasis on U.S.-style “patient-focused care”. The Clinic works with each patient to facilitate insurance claims and reimbursement. Many foreign insurance companies recognize the Clinic and will reimburse the full cost of treatment. 30 Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization Nature of Business: Market Research Contact Person: Dr. Rasa Ališauskienė, General Director Address: Vytenio str. 50, LT-03229 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 212 01 04 Fax: (370 5) 212 71 45 E-mail: Web Page: Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization is the oldest independent market and public opinion research company in Lithuania. They offer a full range of market research services – qualitative, quantitative, desk research, and analytical papers. They work in the Baltic countries as well as in former Soviet Union countries, assisting their clients to reach their goals in a variety of markets. 31 Bennet Distributors Nature of Business: Import and Distribution of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Drinks Contact Person: Mr. Marek Kuklis, General Director Address: Metalo str. 2B, LT-02190 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 213 16 11; (370 5) 230 66 29 Fax: (370 5) 233 91 84 E-mail: Web Page: Bennet Distributors is the largest importer and one of the largest distributors of alcoholic beverages in Lithuania. Established in 1991, the company is listed as one of “the Top 100 Biggest Turnovers in Lithuania.” In 2008, the company’s total turnover grew by 20% over 2007 and reached 108 million Euros. The company has a well-developed distribution network in Lithuania, with offices in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Šiauliai, and Alytus. It currently employs over 300 employees. Bennet Distributors main strength lies in its ability to provide a wide range of professional services and products and to develop them successfully. Bennet Distributors uses its unique experience and know-how in partnership with the brand owners to produce, develop, and implement marketing strategies that are carefully oriented to the Lithuanian market. Since its founding in 1991, Bennet Distributors has been able to develop one of the richest portfolios in the industry through internal growth and officially represents over 70 alcoholic beverage producers and over 100 brands from all over the world including Bacardi, Calvet, Casillero del Diablo, The Famous Grouse, Finlandia, Freixenet, Frontera, Grand Cavalier, Jack Daniel’s, KWV, Laurent-Perrier, Martini, The Macallan, Moskovskaya, Sauza, Stolichnaya, Torres, Tullamore Dew, etc. 32 Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt Nature of Business: Law Firm Contact Person: Mr. Gediminas Dominas, Partner Address: Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 269 07 00 Fax: (370 5) 269 07 01 E-mail:, Web Page: Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt is one of the leading law firms in Lithuania. It is well known for providing outstanding quality service in many areas of business law, including company and commercial, banking and finance, mergers and acquisitions, competition, energy, and privatisation law. The firm is a partnership alliance of Lithuanian lawyers and one of the largest law firms in Sweden. Today, Glimstedt has an established presence in Eastern Europe, with four offices situated in Minsk, Vilnius, Riga, and Tallinn, and almost 80 lawyers overall. Glimstedt offices are recognised as leading law firms in Western and Eastern European countries for their ability to provide top notch legal services, their expert and responsive lawyers, as well as their client-oriented approach. Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt advises a large variety of local and international clients, from multinational corporations to private individuals, offering legal services in English, German, Russian, and Polish. 33 Best Western Hotel Vilnius Best Western Hotel Central (Druskininkai) Nature of Business: Hotel, Restaurant, Conference Center Contact Person: Mr. Egidijus Dargevičius, Member of the Board Address: Konstitucijos Ave. 14, LT-09308 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 273 95 95 Fax: (370 5) 273 95 00 E-mail: Web Page: The Best Western Hotel Vilnius, located near the Neris River, is in the center of Vilnius’ new business district. The hotel offers 114 modern, cozy and elegant rooms, a fitness center with sauna and swimming pool, a fine restaurant, and a banquet hall with dance floor and winter garden. It also provides a Business Center which includes eight modern conference halls of various sizes, from 10 to 420 seats. The Business Center is equipped with modern sound and lighting equipment and also interpretation services, which assures a smooth event. The new four star Best Western Central is located in the historic part of the spa town Druskininkai which is famous not just for mineral waters and local healing muds, but also its picturesque surroundings, ideal for walking and cycling. 34 Cisco LT Nature of Business: Computer Networking Equipment for Secure Voice, Video and Data Transmission Contact Person: Mr. Ainis Kavaliauskas, General Director Address: Gynėjų str. 16, 12th Floor, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 232 75 00 Fax: (370 5) 232 75 01 E-mail: Web Page: Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government, and home communications, and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. Information on Cisco can be found at For ongoing news, please go to Cisco equipment in Europe is supplied by Cisco Systems International BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cisco Systems, Inc. 35 CSC Baltic Nature of Business: IT Service & Outsourcing Contact Persons: Mr. Antanas Uršulis, Managing Director; Ms. Ingrida Bartkienė, Personal Assistant Address: V. Gerulaičio str. 1, ALFA, LT-08200 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 12) 613 44; (370 6 10) 320 28 Fax: (370 6 97) 211 11 E-mail:; Web Page: • IT service center; • CSC Baltic is a Near Shore Center which primarily serves the Nordic countries and supports other CSC organizations with English and high skilled competencies. 36 Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas Nature of Business: Commercial Banking Contact Person: Ms. Jūratė Nedzinskienė, Board Member, Head of Personal Banking Division Address: Saltoniškių str. 2, LT-08500 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 215 60 00; (1636) Fax: (370 5) 215 59 00 E-mail: Web Page: Danske Bank, one of the largest financial groups in the Nordic countries, guarantees security to all their customers with their assets. The high quality of services and other advantages of Danske Bank are recognized by the international credit rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s), which confirm the highest credit ratings for this banking institution. According to the Tier 1 capital ratio, Danske Bank is the second group in the Nordic countries, 25th in Western Europe, and 42nd in the world banking sector. Banks that belong to Danske Bank are in the leading positions in Scandinavia. They also operate in Ireland, the Baltic countries, and Russia. Danske Bank Group employs over 24,000 people. 37 Deloitte Lietuva Nature of Business: Audit, Tax, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Enterprise Risk Services. Contact Person: Mr. Marius Marčenkovas, Marketing Coordinator Address: Business Center 2000, Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel: (370 5) 255 30 00 Fax: (370 5) 212 68 44 E-mail: Web Page: Deloitte in Lithuania is one of the leading professional services organizations in the country providing audit, tax, consulting, financial advisory and enterprise risk services through over 70 national and specialized expatriate professionals to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in 140 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed wherever they operate. 38 Delta Management Solutions Nature of Business: Recruitment, Executive Search, Personnel Assessment, Temporary Staffing and Employee Leasing Services Contact Person: Mr. Al Kris, Director Address: Vilniaus str. 39, LT-01119 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 231 44 23 Fax: (370 5) 212 08 70 E-mail:, Web Page: Delta Management Solutions provides HR consultancy and support in the following areas: • Recruitment and Selection; • Executive Search (for key positions); • Temporary Staffing and Employee Leasing; • Greenfield Personnel Staffing Support; • Assessment Center Services (for recruitment & development); • Ability and Personality Testing; • Coaching; • Job Design, Competency Modeling and Assessment; • Web-based 360 Feedback Assessment; • Employee Opinion Surveys. 39 Eli Lilly Lietuva Nature of Business: Pharmaceutical Company Contact Person: Ms. Aurelija Juškevičienė, Country Manager Address: Gynėjų str. 16, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 264 96 00 Fax: (370 5) 264 96 15 E-mail: Web Page: Eli Lilly’s office in Lithuania supports the Company’s line of life-saving drugs by providing drug information to patients and medical societies and by the registration of Lilly products in Lithuania. 40 Ernst & Young Baltic Nature of Business: Professional Services Contact Person: Mr. Jonas Akelis, Managing Partner - Baltics Address: P.O. Box 2849, Subačiaus str. 7, LT-01302 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 274 22 00 Fax: (370 5) 274 23 33 E-mail: Web Page: Ernst & Young Baltic, a leading provider of professional services in the Baltic States, is a member of the Ernst & Young global organization. Today Ernst & Young Baltic in the Baltic States employs over 500 professionals and offers the full range of services: • Assurance Services, including Financial Assurance Services and Fraud Investigation and Risk Services; • Advisory Services, including Business Advisory Services, Risk Advisory Services and Technology and Security Risk Services; • Business Process Outsourcing and; • Tax Services; • Transaction Advisory Services. 41 Eversheds Saladžius Nature of Business: Legal Services Contact Person: Mr. Jonas Saladžius, Managing Partner Address: Victoria Business Center, J. Jasinskio str. 16B, LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 239 23 91 Fax: (370 5) 239 23 90 E-mail: Web Page:; Law firm Eversheds Saladžius is a member of Eversheds International Limited. Eversheds International is one of the largest full service law firms in the world with over 5,000 people based in 46 offices across Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Eversheds International represents the public and private sectors and has five main practice groups: company commercial, human resources, legal systems, litigation and dispute management, and real estate. Eversheds Saladžius in Lithuania, led by Managing Partner Jonas Saladžius, comprises business-oriented and innovative legal practitioners practicing in all areas of business law including corporate and commercial law, corporate restructuring, financial services, banking, energy and infrastructure projects, information technology, intellectual property, employment law, dispute resolution, real estate, and EU law. Eversheds Saladžius provides professional legal assistance to businesses and financiers, as well as governmental and state-owned entities in Lithuania. The Lithuanian and international clients of the law firm represent various industries such as financial services, industry, wholesale and retail trade, gas & oil, energy, real estate and construction, transport, telecommunications, information technology, pharmaceuticals, and light industry. For those looking to invest in Lithuania, Eversheds Saladžius is an ideal partner, providing local know-how and insight into how business is done in Lithuania. 42 Fima Nature of Business: Electronic Engineering Systems Integrator Contact Person: Mr. Vytautas Zinkevičius, Business Development Director Address: Žirmūnų str. 139, LT-09120 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 211 34 54; (370 6 87) 813 13 Fax: (370 5) 236 35 36 E-mail: Web Page: Fima provides telecommunications, security, automation, and data center solutions as well as individually tailored solutions for the transport and energy sectors. The company provides intelligent engineering solutions and constantly participates in projects with the application of technological innovations, hereby contributing to the engineering modernization of Lithuania. During almost two decades, Fima has implemented several thousand of projects of different scopes and complexities. More than a half of the 100 biggest companies in Lithuania are clients of Fima. The company has its head office in Vilnius, branches in other Lithuanian cities, and a subsidiary in Latvia. In September of 2008, Fima attracted the investment of the American company MVC Capital, Inc. for its international expansion plans. MVC Capital is a New York Stock Exchange listed business development company that makes private debt and equity investments. 43 Grontmij/Carl Bro Nature of Business: Consulting and Engineering Services in Energy Efficiency, Building Reconstruction, and the Environment Sectors Contact Person: Ms. Genovaitė Jakševičienė, Managing Director Address: Ševčenkos str. 14/16, LT-032232 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 231 28 88 Fax: (370 5) 231 28 89 E-mail: Web Page: UAB “Grontmij | Carl Bro” is a part of Grontmij Group. The Grontmij Group has a decentralized organization scheme and an extensive network of approximately 130 offices in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Grontmij, established in 1915, is a multidisciplinary consultancy and engineering firm employing over 7000 professionals active in the building, transportation, environmental, water, energy and industrial sectors. UAB “Grontmij | Carl Bro” is a Joint Stock Company, 100% owned by Grontmij | Carl Bro A/S, Denmark, and located in Vilnius. The company provides ongoing consulting and engineering services in the environment, energy efficiency and management, building renovation and maintenance, project coordination and management fields. Grontmij | Carl Bro is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Energy Consultants. 44 Hertz Nature of Business: Rent-A-Car Contact Person: Ms. Rūta Kulvinskaitė, General Manager Address: Kalvarijų str. 14, LT-09309 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 272 69 40 Fax: (370 5) 272 69 70 E-mail: Web Page: Hertz, founded in 1918, has been providing car rental and leasing services all over the world for more than 90 years. Hertz Lithuania was established in 1993 and has been successfully operating for 16 years already. In 1994, Hertz Lithuania was nominated as the most successful Hertz Franchisee Company in Central and Eastern Europe. Hertz Lithuania provides international and domestic car rental services and offers a wide variety of current model cars on a short term rental basis – daily, weekly or monthly. Whether you rent a car for business or for pleasure, domestic travel or international, you can always enjoy Hertz’s extremely competitive rate. 45 IBM Lietuva Nature of Business: Information Technologies Contact Person: Mr. Irmantas Kandratavičius, Country General Manager Address: Šeimyniškių str. 3, LT-09312 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 278 66 00 Fax: (370 5) 278 66 01 E-mail: Web Page: IT Equipment, Services, and Financing. 46 ISM University of Management and Economics Nature of Business: Higher Education Contact Person: Mr. Nerijus Pačėsa, President Address: Arklių str. 18, LT-01129 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 212 39 54 Fax: (370 5) 212 39 61 E-mail: Web Page: ISM University of Management and Economics is an institution of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education in Business, Management and Economics. The University serves as an advanced center of market analysis, executive training and leading academic thought. ISM is determined to play a key role in the development of Lithuanian business enterprises by providing knowledge and skills in a demanding marketoriented and knowledge-based economy. 47 Johnson & Johnson AB Lithuania Branch Nature of Business: Wholesale & Retail Trade/Medical Devices Contact Person: Mr. Mindaugas Šakys, Business Unit Manager Ethicon & Governmental Affairs in Lithuania Address: Geležinio Vilko str. 18A, LT-08104 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 275 35 71 Fax: (370 5) 275 50 08 E-mail: Web Page: Johnson & Johnson AB in Nordic and Baltic Countries: Johnson & Johnson is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly-based manufacturer of health care products. Established in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Johnson & Johnson has now become a worldwide family of 230 companies. The companies’ more than 116,200 employees in more then 57 countries are engaged in producing products that serve a broad segment of medical needs. They range from baby care, first aid and hospital products to prescription pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and products related to family planning, dermatology and feminine hygiene. Johnson & Johnson has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1944, under the symbol JNJ. It is one of the companies used to calculate the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The head office of Johnson & Johnson AB, legal entity for Johnson & Johnson in Nordic and Baltic region, is located in Sollentuna, Sweden, just outside Stockholm. Johnson & Johnson AB has branches and subsidiaries in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. 48 JTI Marketing and Sales Nature of Business: Import and Wholesale of Cigarettes Contact Person: Mr. Ramūnas Macius, Corporate Affairs Manager Address: Lvovo str. 25, LT-09320 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 231 41 97 Fax: (370 5) 231 42 10 E-mail: Web Page: JT International (JTI) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of tobacco products and has three of the world’s top five brands in its product portfolio. The company operates in more than 170 countries around the world. JTI’s principal international cigarette brands are Mild Seven, Camel, Winston and Salem. 49 Juridicon Law Firm Nature of Business: Legal Services Contact Person: Mr. Laimonas Marcinkevičius, Managing Partner Address: Totorių str. 5-7, LT-01121 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 269 11 01 Fax: (370 5) 269 10 10 E-mail: Web Page: The Juridicon Law Firm is an international business and tax consultancy with a broad range of services. Juridicon advises on all areas of tax law with an emphasis on maximising the tax efficiency of transactions. In addition, Juridicon legal practice areas include foreign investment, international taxation, company and commercial law, contract law, joint ventures and M&A, business law, real estate, labour law, international trade, representation in dispute resolution institutions, and can also assist it’s clients by providing advice on the establishment and development of businesses in Lithuania and abroad, on the planning of acquisition and the protection of property, incorporation, administration, restructuring, and liquidation of enterprises. 50 Klaipėda Free Economic Zone Management Company Nature of Business: Industrial Land Use/Lease/Sublease/Warehousing Contact Person: Ms. Inga Kvaraciejienė, Administrator Address: Pramonės str. 8, LT-94102 Klaipėda, Lithuania Tel.: (370 46) 312 163 Fax: (370 46) 400 014 E-mail: Web Page: The Klaipėda Free Economic Zone is a major industrial site offering favorable conditions for business development – production relocation or expansion, distribution, packaging, and logistic center establishment. Companies investing in Klaipėda Free Economic Zone have considerable tax incentives: • 6 years’ exemption from corporate income tax following investment and a 50% discount for the following 10 years for companies that have invested more than €1 million; • No real estate taxes; • No taxes on dividends paid on foreign investments. The FEZ Management Company provides full support services with project management, development, and commercial real estate lease. It also offers business consultancy for enterprise establishment and partnership as well as representing investors’ interests to public authorities. 51 Kraft Foods Lietuva Nature of Business: Food Products Manufacturing and Sales Contact Person: Ms. Rasa Bagdonienė, Corporate and Government Affairs Manager Central Europe Address: Company: Taikos Ave. 88, LT-51501 Kaunas, Lithuania Corporate and Government Affairs Office: Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 37) 305 110 (Kaunas) (370 5) 269 01 65 (Vilnius) Fax: (370 37) 305 244 (Kaunas) E-mail: Web Page: “Make Today Delicious” With this higher purpose Kraft Foods is one of the leading food companies in the Baltics. Based in Kaunas, the company manufactures high quality chocolate confectionery products under the brand name Karūna, the best known brand in Lithuania for many years. Kraft Foods is an importer of Europe’s favorite coffee - Jacobs Kronung from Germany. In 2007, Kraft Foods acquired its biscuit business from Danone and enhanced its portfolio with high quality snack products. In 2008, Kraft Foods sold its Estrella business to a Norwegian private equity fund. Currently, Kraft Foods’ headquarters in Kaunas manages sales and marketing activities in all three Baltic states. Total investment exceeds 34.5 million USD. 52 LCC International University Nature of Business: Higher Education Contact Person: Mr. Kyle Usrey, President Address: Kretingos str. 36, LT-92307 Klaipėda, Lithuania Tel.: (370 46) 310 745 Fax: (370 46) 310 560 E-mail: Web Page: LCC International University is a nationally and internationally recognized liberal arts university. Established in 1991, LCC International University has distinguished itself in the region by engaging students in a transforming educational experience. Nearly 600 students from 19 countries study at the university to develop their abilities of analysis, critical reflection, problem solving, communication, and synthesis of knowledge from different disciplines to function effectively and productively in the new century. Currently, the university offers four study programs: Business Administration, English Language and Literature, Psychology and Theology. Students can also choose complementary program in Conflict Studies, Sociology, and Lithuanian Studies. All classes are taught in English. 53 Mars Lietuva Nature of Business: Petfood Manufacture, Marketing and Merchandising of Mars, Inc., Petcare, Snacks, and Food Products Contact Person: Mr. Ramūnas Severinas, Corporate Affairs Manager Address: Statybininkų str. 2, P.O. Box 14, LT-96002 Gargždai, Lithuania Tel.: (370 46) 394 901 Fax: (370 46) 394 909 E-mail: Web Page: Mars Lietuva UAB is the Lithuanian division of Mars, Incorporated – a family owned company, founded in 1911, today one of the largest food manufacturers in the world, as well as the world’s leading confectionery company (following their acquisition of the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company in 2008) with the billion-dollar brands M&M’S®, SNICKERS®, DOVE®, MARS®, EXTRA® and ORBIT® and the world’s leading petcare company with the billion-dollar brands PEDIGREE®, ROYAL CANIN® and WHISKAS®. Mars Lietuva (formerly called Masterfoods) was established in 1993 in Klaipėda. Since 1999, Mars Lietuva’s petfood manufacturing plant and the company’s head office have been located in Gargždai. Their Sales and Marketing department is based in Vilnius. Mars Lietuva employs 900 associates and is the largest petfood manufacturer in the Baltics with its annual production volume exceeding 80,000 tons. The company has the highest petcare and chocolate bar sales in Lithuania. 54 Marsh Lietuva Nature of Business: Insurance Broker Contact Person: Mr. Rimantas Chaleckas, General Manager Address: J. Jasinskio str. 16C, LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 252 61 70 Fax: (370 5) 252 61 65 E-mail: Web Page: Marsh Lithuania is a local subsidiary of Marsh Inc., the world’s leading risk and insurance firm. Operating in Lithuania since 1997, Marsh Lithuania has built up its expertise and knowledge in helping corporate clients to address all their business risks. Marsh Lithuania employees are insurance professionals who will identify risk exposures applicable to the client’s industry, design an insurance program to mitigate the client’s exposures, and negotiate with underwriters who understand the client’s business. The Marsh Lithuania team consists of employees with very good professional skills and solid experience in risk financing techniques, legislation on risk management and insurance issues, as well as claims management. Marsh Lithuania has two offices in Vilnius and Klaipėda. 55 Microsoft Lietuva Nature of Business: Software, IT Services, Solutions Contact Person: Mr. Mindaugas Glodas, Country Manager Address: Šeimyniškių str. 3, LT-09312 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 278 06 80 Fax: (370 5) 278 06 81 E-mail: Web Page: Established in 1975, the Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT) is a worldwide leader in software, IT services, and solutions that help make more efficient use of personal and business opportunities. UAB Microsoft Lietuva, a local branch of the corporation, was established in Lithuania in 2003. Currently, it employs 45 people. Microsoft Lietuva organizes the distribution of software and implements infrastructural IT projects in the state sector as well as businesses of all sizes. At present the company works in co-operation with approximately 150 Lithuanian IT companies, which have become its partners. The Microsoft Dynamics group is also a part of Microsoft Lietuva. It offers integrated financial and business management systems that can help organizations perform a more effective analysis of their activities so that they can make more profitable decisions. 56 Motieka & Audzevičius, Law Firm Nature of Business: Legal Services Contact Person: Mr. Ramūnas Audzevičius, Partner Address: Gynėjų str. 4. LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 200 07 77 Fax: (370 5) 200 08 88 E-mail: Web Page: This law firm was established in 1996 as the K. Motieka law firm by Kazimieras Motieka – an attorney since 1961. Attorney-at-law Ramūnas Audzevičius joined the law firm as a partner in 2003. The law firm is now known as Motieka & Audzevičius. It has recently expanded in size, with 11 lawyers currently working at the firm. Motieka & Audzevičius provides legal services mainly to the business community. Litigation is the cornerstone of the firm‘s work. Lawyers represent clients in courts in Lithuania and courts of international arbitration. In addition, the firm‘s knowledge of conflict management techniques and its thorough understanding of the litigation process provides a competitive edge to lawyers in advising clients expertly in complex transactions. Motieka lawyers represent clients in business meetings in other countries: the Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Russia, etc. 57 Motorola Nature of Business: Telecommunications Contact Person: Ms. Rima Lasauskienė, Administration Coordinator Address: Dominikonų str. 5, LT-01131 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 231 45 67 Fax: (370 5) 231 45 68 E-mail: Web Page: A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US$35.3 billion in 2005. CONNECTED HOME SOLUTIONS Provides integrated, end-to-end systems that reliably deliver digital entertainment, information, and communications services over a variety of wired and wireless broadband network architectures. MOBILE DEVICES Designs, manufactures, markets and services market-changing icons of personal technology – transforming the device formerly known as the cell phone into an integral part of daily communication, data access and management, and mobile entertainment. NETWORK & ENTERPRISE Delivers mission critical secure two-way radio, cellular and wireless broadband systems to meet the needs of public safety, government, private, service provider and enterprise customers worldwide. 58 MSD Nature of Business: Pharmaceutical Company Contact Person: Ms. Simona Markaitytė, Administrative Assistant MSD Lithuania Address: Kęstučio str. 59/Lenktoji str. 27, LT-08124 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 278 02 47 Fax: (370 5) 275 36 46 E-mail:; Web Page:; Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) provides information about Merck Sharp & Dohme medicines to doctors and pharmacies. 59 NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Nature of Business: Securities Market Operator Contact Person: Ms. Arminta Saladžienė, Chairman of the Management Board of the Vilnius Stock Exchange Address: Konstitucijos Ave. 7 (15th Floor), Business Center “Europa”, LT-08501 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 272 38 71 Fax: (370 5) 272 48 94 E-mail:;; (Secretary) Web Page: NASDAQ OMX Vilnius is the only regulated exchange operator in Lithuania, offering trading, listing, and information services. The mission of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius is to organize and develop the Lithuanian securities market by creating the most favorable conditions for issuers, investors, and trading members to exploit efficiently the advantages of the capital market. The Vilnius stock exchange is part of NASDAQ OMX, which is the biggest exchange operator in the world. Through its exchanges in the USA, Nordic European and Baltic countries, it offers trading across multiple asset classes including equities, derivatives, debt, commodities, structured products, and ETFs. Belonging to NASDAQ OMX enables NASDAQ OMX Vilnius to provide a bigger and better playing field and greater opportunities for listed companies, investors, and other market participants. 60 Omnitel Nature of Business: Mobile Telecommunications Contact Person: Ms. Daiva Selickaitė, Omnitel’s Public Relations Group Manager Address: Vytenio str. 18, LT-03229 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 212 09 16 Fax: (370 5) 213 13 13 E-mail: Web Page: Omnitel, the largest mobile telecommunications company in the Baltic countries, is the member of the TeliaSonera group. Omnitel creates and provides reliable, innovative and easy to use telecommunications services for carrying and packaging voice, image, data, and information for business and personal transactions and entertainment. Omnitel has been in the telecommunications business since 1991, and a GSM network operator since 1995. Main fields of activity: mobile phone services (GSM-900, DCS-1800), data transmission, mobile internet, GPRS, HSDPA, 3G services, e-commerce, e-business solutions, telecommunications solutions for enterprises. 61 Oracle East Central Europe Limited Filialas Nature of Business: IT (Software) Contact Person: Mr. Kristijonas Kaikaris, Country Leader Address: A. Goštauto str. 40, LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 236 27 95 Fax: (370 5) 236 27 96 E-mail: Web Page: Oracle East Central Europe Limited Filialas is a local branch representing Oracle Corporation in Lithuania since February 2002. Oracle Corporation is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management, and the world’s second largest software company. Oracle’s range of databases, tools and application products, along with related consulting, education, and support services are sold in more than 145 countries around the world. Oracle in Lithuania today cooperates with more than 30 business companies and has more than 200 customers in public, finance, telecommunications and other industries. 62 Philip Morris Baltic Nature of Business: Manufacturing of Tobacco Products Contact Person: Ms. Aušra Balčiūnienė, Corporate Affairs Director Baltic Address: Vilniaus plentas 16, LT-94104, Klaipėda, Lithuania PM Baltic: Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 46) 484 444 (Klaipėda) (370 5) 210 95 55 (Vilnius) Fax: (370 46) 343 922 (Klaipėda) (370 5) 275 69 01 (Vilnius) E-mail: Web Page: Philip Morris was the first major international investor in the restored independent Republic of Lithuania. With its manufacturing facility in Klaipėda, the first Greenfield project (in operation since 1997) in Eastern Europe, and the Philip Morris Baltic organization in Vilnius, the Company employs over 550 people. Today, with total investment in the tobacco sector of over 121 million USD in Lithuania and a 57% share* of market, Philip Morris is the leading tobacco company in the country. For more information, see *(source: AC Nielsen retail audit, Jan-Jul 2005). 63 Practice Manager Baltic Nature of Business: Information Technologies Contact Person: Mr. Erikas Martišius, Director Address: Raudondvario pl. 101, LT-47184 Kaunas, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 50) 512 19 Fax: (370 37) 406 523 E-mail: Web Page: UAB Practice Manager Baltic (PM Baltic) was established in 1994. Since the beginning, the company has been developing software for legal services companies and has worked for firms such as and RealLegal. The products were targeted towards legal and insurance companies in the USA, UK, and Canada. Since 2008, PM Baltic has been a member of the CID company group ( with headquarters in Freigericht, Germany, and is responsible for the development of enterprise solutions for the legal sector and custom software development services. In 2009, PM Baltic introduced the next generation of software for legal and insurance companies. In addition to the US and UK markets, the product is also offered in the Baltics. 64 PricewaterhouseCoopers Nature of Business: Assurance, Advisory and Tax Services Contact Person: Ms. Kristina Kriščiūnaitė, Partner, Head of Tax Services Address: Victoria Business Center, J. Jasinskio str. 16B, LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 239 23 00 Fax: (370 5) 239 23 01 E-mail: Web Page: PricewaterhouseCoopers ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. More than 155,000 people in 153 countries across company’s network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. In Lithuania, PricewaterhouseCoopers has been operating since 1993 and provides assurance, advisory and tax services to local and international clients. 65 PZU Lietuva Nature of Business: Insurance Contact Person: Ms. Jurga Žagaraitė, Marketing Director Address: Konstitucijos Ave. 7, LT-09308 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 279 00 07 Fax: (370 5) 279 00 19 E-mail: Web Page: Insurance online: PZU Lietuva insurance group The PZU Lietuva insurance group consists of two companies, “PZU Lietuva” (non-life insurance) and “PZU Lietuva gyvybės draudimas” (life insurance), and belongs to the PZU Group – the biggest insurance group in Central and Eastern Europe with a history dating back two hundred years. The PZU Group offers comprehensive insurance and financial services. It provides life insurance, property, and casualty insurance and manages its customers’ assets in the form of an open pension fund or investment funds. In the Lithuanian market, the PZU Group offers life insurance as well as property and casualty insurance services. The PZU Group has been in Lithuania since February 2002. PZU Lietuva was the second largest non-life insurance company in Lithuania in 2008. The authorized capital of PZU Lietuva amounts to 90.4 million LTL and is the biggest among Lithuanian non-life insurance companies. The authorized capital of “PZU Lietuva gyvybės draudimas” amounts to 19.7 million LTL and is the biggest among Lithuanian life assurance companies. “PZU Lietuva” offer its clients about 40 different kinds of insurance services. The company’s clients can access their services in all Lithuanian towns. A wide range of services and representative offices throughout Lithuania, the strong financial support of its main investor, a reliable reinsurance program, profitable investment results, a rapidly declining administrative outlay, and an insurance loss ration are PZU Lietuva’s main growth criteria. 66 Reval Hotel Lietuva Nature of Business: Hotel and Restaurant Contact Person: Ms. Amelija Rudenko–Navickienė, Director of Sales and Marketing Address: Konstitucijos Ave. 20, LT-09308 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (370 5) 231 48 71; (370 6 99) 191 35 Fax (370 5) 272 62 10 E-mail: Web Page: The Reval Hotel Lietuva is a member of Reval Hotels, the leading hotel chain in the Baltic States. The tallest hotel in the Lithuanian capital in not only an impressive landmark, but Lithuania’s largest hotel with 291 guest rooms, Riverside restaurant, freshly renovated SkyBar on the 22nd floor, the Lobby Bar, Olympic Casino, a fitness center, and indoor and outdoor parking. The Conference and Event Centre offers 17 multifunctional conference rooms that can accommodate up to 1200 people. The biggest conference hall can host up to 600 people. With convenient and free wireless Internet throughout, it is ideal for both work and play. 67 Seesam Lietuva Nature of Business: Non-life Insurance Contact Person: Ms. Ineta Pumputytė, Office Manager Address: Business Center „North Star“, Ulonų str. 2, LT-08245, Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (370 5) 275 73 70 Fax (370 5) 210 21 09 E-mail: Web Page: JSIC Seesam Lietuva is a private insurance company owned by OP-Pohjola Group, Plc (Finland). OP-Pohjola Group is a very strong and reliable player on the financial market in Finland with 4.1 million customers in Finland. Seesam Lithuania has been operating in Lithuania since May 1998. It serves both corporate clients and private persons who value reliability, flexibility, and quality. With an 11 year history, Seesam Lietuva has gained a solid foundation of experience and can offer clients high quality insurance coverage for private and corporate property and equipment, general and compulsory third party liability, business interruption, cargo, construction, vehicles, travel, personal accident, and other risks. They strive to offer customized insurance solutions for their clients. Prompt claim settlements are an added benefit. Seesam Lietuva’s mission is to be the company that is easy to communicate with. 68 Sicor Biotech Nature of Business: Biopharmaceuticals Contact Person: Mr. Vladas Algirdas Bumelis, General Manager Address: V. Graičiūno str. 8, LT-02241 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 266 02 03 Fax: (370 5) 266 02 06 E-mail: Web Page:; Sicor Biotech UAB, a biotechnology company located in Vilnius, has been developing, manufacturing and selling recombinant biopharmaceuticals for many years in over 20 countries around the world. Recently, the company successfully entered the European Union marketplace and is further expanding its export geography. The company exploits proprietary, highly effective manufacturing technologies to produce modern, moderately priced, recombinant therapeutics. A cGMP-compliant multipurpose biotech production plant manufactures recombinant biopharmaceutical bulk substances to the highest international standards. The R&D portfolio is being extended to include a number of new potential biotech generics. The R&D center laboratories, new pilot plant and their highly skilled and devoted personnel can boast over 20-years experience in biotech research, production technology development, process scale-up, and quality control. 69 Smurfit Kappa Baltic Nature of Business: Corrugated Cardboard Packaging Contact Person: Mr. Rolandas Vainutis, General Manager Address: Savanorių Ave. 247A, LT-02242 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 264 46 46 Fax: (370 5) 264 22 44 E-mail: Web Page: Innovative corrugated cardboard packaging solutions – packaging development, production and sales. Advertising displays and materials. 70 Sorainen Law Offices Nature of Business: Legal Services Contact Person: Mr. Kęstutis Adamonis, Partner Address: Business Center 2000, 7th Floor, Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 268 50 40 Fax: (370 5) 268 50 41 E-mail: Web Page: Sorainen is the only fully integrated regional law firm with offices in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus. It provides high-quality legal services to foreign investors as well as local businesses in the region. The firm boasts an integrated team of over 100 lawyers working in all four jurisdictions under uniform quality standards and document, know-how and management systems that are certified pursuant to ISO 9001 standards. For this reason, Sorainen is the “first choice” for regional projects and for clients with operations in several Baltic States and/or Belarus. The firm is constantly advising on a majority of the largest M&A, private equity, corporate, financing, real estate, and other commercial transactions in the Baltic States and Belarus. Sorainen’s track record includes over 20,000 corporate and regulatory assignments and more than 500 M&A, financing, and real estate transactions to date. It has advised more than 5,000 corporate clients on Baltic and Belarus matters. They have also been advisors on the very first significant privatisation transactions in Belarus. Sorainen is widely recognized as the leading law firm in the Baltic States. The firm has recently received three international legal awards: the Baltic Law Firm of the Year award at the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) European Awards 2009; the Baltic Legal Advisor of the Year award at the European M&A Awards 2008 organized by The Financial Times and Mergermarket; and the Baltic Law Firm of the Year award at the PLC Which lawyer? Law Firm Awards 2009. As a result, Sorainen is the most awarded and internationally recognised law firm in the Baltics. International recognition was also confirmed by leading international legal directories and transaction databases. Sorainen is a Top Tier law firm in the region based on rankings by legal directories including The Legal 500, Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, IFLR 1000, PLC Which lawyer? and the transaction databases Mergermarket, DealWatch, and Bloomberg. 71 Strategic Staffing Solutions International Nature of Business: IT Consulting, Software Development Contact Person: Mr. Jeff Nelson, General Manager Address: A. Tumėno str. 4, korp 5, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 252 61 56 E-mail: Web Page: Strategic Staffing Solutions International (S3I) is the European division of a privately-owned information technology services company founded in 1990 by President and CEO Cynthia J. Pasky. S3I was established in Lithuania in 1999 to serve the professional IT staffing and business process outsourcing needs of companies with an interest in Eastern Europe. The company is the international unit of S3, and has successfully delivered services to major international IT companies and banks, including the establishment and expansion of local operations and sourcing qualified IT staff in the region. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, S3 is a leading provider of IT solutions and staffing with branch offices in twenty U.S. cities and two offices in Europe (London and Vilnius). Financially strong, S3 has experienced 18 years of consecutive growth, with projected revenues of $180 million for 2009. S3 has more than 1,600 employees and has repeatedly been voted among the “Best Places to Work.” S3 Services: IT consulting, Staff Augmentation & Outsourcing (Human Resources Management), Recruitment & Sourcing, University & Government Relations, Vendor Management, Customized Project Solutions, Executive Search, Off- and Near-shoring Facilities, Training, and a full range of BackOffice services. 72 Sutkienė, Pilkauskas & Partners Nature of Business: Law Contact Person: Ms. Eugenija Sutkienė, Attorney-at-Law, Managing Partner Address: Didžioji str. 23, LT-01128 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 251 44 44; (370 5) 251 44 45 Fax: (370 5) 251 44 55 E-mail: Web Page: Sutkienė, Pilkauskas & Partners (SPP) is a leading Lithuanian law firm. It was founded in Vilnius in early 2003 in what was formerly the Vilnius office of USA law firm McDermott Will & Emery (1991–2001). Its founding partners are Mrs. Eugenija Sutkienė and Mr. Jonas Pilkauskas. With many years of experience, the law firm is dedicated to providing top quality legal services in all aspects of business law. Sutkienė, Pilkauskas & Partners is a member of TLS Alliance together with Tark & Co in Estonia and Grunte & Cers in Latvia. The TLS Alliance is a network of leading full-service business law firms in the Baltic States. TLS Alliance is in strategic cooperation with the leading Belarusian law firm Vlasova Mikhel & Partners. Law firms within the TLS Alliance can offer services provided by more than 120 qualified lawyers. Outside of the Baltic countries, SPP has close ties and excellent working relationships with Scandinavian law firms such as Mannheimer Swartling, Hannes Snellman, Hedman Osborne Clarke, Waselius & Wist, etc., as well as with leading law firms in the UK and the US, including Baker & McKenzie, Lovells, Berwin Leighton Paisner, McDermott Will & Emery, and others. SPP attorneys represent a wide range of commercial, industrial, and financial enterprises, both publicly and privately held. The firm’s clientele includes the world’s largest corporations, as well as small and mediumsized businesses, governments, municipalities, and individuals. SPP attorneys focus on advising clients on all aspects of commercial law, but especially in connection with establishing joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, banking, financial markets, real estate and real estate development, green field investments, competition, labor and immigration, and dispute settlement. The firm is an active member of various associations and organisations such as International Bar Association, the Association of European Lawyers, the European Women Lawyers’ Association, the Antitrust Alliance, the American Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, the German and Baltic States’ Foreign Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and the association of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce (SwedenHouse) in Lithuania. The firm has a long tradition of pro bono and community activity and is commited to being a responsible and ethical law firm. They are the principal counsel of Vilnius University with regard to legal matters; they are also a sponsor and co-operation partner of ELSA Lithuania (The European Law Students’ Association, Lithuania); the firm supports the non-governmental organization Atsigręžk į Vaikus – a children‘s shelter. The firm’s attorneys counsel (pro bono) SOS Children’s Village and the gallery Vartai. The firm also sponsors a variety of social, educational, scientific, and cultural projects and initiatives. 73 V. Paulius & Associates Real Estate Nature of Business: Real Estate Development Contact Person: Mr. Žilvinas Žilinskas, General Manager Address: Grįžgatvio str. 6, LT-91249 Klaipėda, Lithuania Tel.: (370 46) 355 255 Fax: (370 46) 355 355 E-mail: Web Page: V. Paulius & Associates Real Estate is responsible for designing, developing, and constructing commercial/industrial real estate. Its most current project is the development of the Baltic Logistics Center, which is located in the port city of Klaipėda, Lithuania. The Baltic Logistics Center consists of 600 hectares of planned industrial real estate. The current implemented stages of this project include several modern logistic and warehousing facilities, which reflect V. Paulius & Associates Real Estate‘s mission to provide their customers with the highest quality products and services available. 74 Wrigley Baltics Nature of Business: Marketing and Merchandising of Wrigley Products Contact Person: Ms. Aušra Pileckienė, Marketing Manager Baltic’s Address: Fabijoniškių str. 96, LT-07100 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 237 53 75 Fax: (370 5) 237 53 76 E-mail: Web Page: The Wrigley Company is the world’s largest manufacturer of chewing and buble gum and home to some of the best-known brands in the world, including Juicy Fruit, Doublemint, Big Red, and Wrigley’s Spearmint gum. Worldwide, Wrigley also makes Airwaves, Alpine, Eclipse, Extra, Freedent, Orbit, P.K, and Winterfresh brands of gum in a variety of flavors. Mr. William Wrigley Jr. founded the company in 1891, and it das been led by four generations of the Wrigley family until today. The company has been publicly traded since 1923. It has its global headquarters in the famous Wrigley Building in Chicago. The Wrigley Company has established itself as a leader in the confectionery marketplace with a diverse portfolio of innovative products. Wrigley products are a part of everyday life in more than 150 countries around the world. Since 1993, the Wrigley Company has had representative offices in each of Baltic states. Starting from scratch eleven years ago, its local companies have grown to achieve market leadership an all three countries in the chewing gum category. Since year 2006, the company has also entered other confectionery categories like candy and breath freshening films. Several other new and innovative products will be launched in the nearest future. 75 ZPR International Inc. Representative Office Nature of Business: Stock Market Research Contact Person: Mr. Vaidotas Petrauskas, Branch Manager Address: C/o UAB Investicijų portfelių valdymas P. Lukšio str. 32, LT-08222 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel./Fax: (370 5) 274 70 16; (370 5) 274 70 17; (370 5) 274 70 18 E-mail: Web Page: ZPR International, Inc.’s representative office in Lithuania does research studies on Lithuanian and foreign stock markets, investment models, investment strategies, and theories on investment behavior. The office researches, develops, and tests new investment methodologies as well as tests old methodologies for their predictive capabilities. The first mutual fund in Lithuania (“NSEL 30 Index Fund”) follows the NSEL 30 Index created by ZPR International, Inc.’s representative office. ZPR International, Inc. is also the founder of an investment fund “ZPR US Small Cap Value Fund” – which is registered in Lithuania and invests in US stocks. 76 © Photo by Mr. Martynas Ambrazas © Photo by Mr. Martynas Ambrazas 77 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Mr. Arvydas Buinauskas Nature of Business: Fine Arts Consulting Address: Atgimimo str. 19-1, LT-30114 Ignalina, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 12) 578 66 E-mail: M.D. Richard Cervin Nature of Business: General Medical and Family Doctor Consultations, Medical Physicals and Health Care Services Address: C/o “Med General” Clinics & Services, Gedimino Ave. 1A-19, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 261 35 34 Fax: (370 5) 261 35 37 E-mail: Mr. Rajinder K. Chaudhary Nature of Business: Indian Restaurant in Vilnius, Travel and Tours to India Address: C/o Sues Indian Raja, Odminių str. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 266 18 87 Fax: (370 5) 266 18 88 E-mail: Web Page: Mr. John Domas Nature of Business: Advertising, PR, Media Buying and Planning, Online Media Address: C/o UAB MPG Lietuva, Jogailos str. 4, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 87) 595 95 Fax: (370 5) 249 70 64 E-mail: 78 Dr. Gintaras Gavėnas Nature of Business: Certification, Inspection, Conformity Assessment, Training, Consultations related to: Quality, Health, Environmental, Social Accountability, Risk Management, Product: ISO 9000 etc., Industrial Inspections, Conformity, Ship Register, International Trade Address: Palaimos str. 22, LT-04125 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 15) 216 15 Fax: (370 5) 270 61 53 E-mail:; Web Page: Ms. Agnė Jasinskaitė Nature of Business: Finance, Accounting, Tax Address: C/o UAB Financial Services Center, Tilto str. 8 / Z.Liauksmino str. 3, LT-01101 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 262 05 34; (370 6 16) 550 51 Fax: (370 5) 262 05 35 E-mail: Web Page: Prof. Fred O. Jensen Professor of Management (Retired) Stevens Institute of Technology Nature of Business: Management Consulting and Training Address: 110 Lake Shore Drive, Chatham, MA 02633, USA Tel.: 508 945 3076 Fax: 508 945 3035 E-mail: 79 Ms. Rebecca Juras Nature of Business: Education Address: C/o Vilnius International School, Rusų str. 3, LT-01125 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 14) 044 59 Fax: (370 5) 276 15 72 E-mail: Web Page: Ms. Giedrė Kvedaravičienė Nature of Business: Trade and Catering (HoReCa) Address: (private) Kviečių str. 4-51, LT-08436 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 86) 043 04 Fax: (370 5) 273 87 78 E-mail:; Web Page: Ms. Indrė Leikauskaitė Nature of Business: Marketing and Business Consulting Address: C/o Emporio Dikat, Subačiaus str. 15-51, LT-01126 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 50) 977 79 Fax: (370 6 99) 227 70 E-mail: Web Page: Mr. George Ortiz Nature of Business: Supermarkets/Commercial Real Estate/City Guides Address: C/o UAB Baltisches Haus, J. Jasinskio str. 16A, LT-01112 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 5) 269 19 95 Fax: (370 5) 249 70 70 E-mail: Web Page:;; 80 Mr. John Stich Nature of Business: Management Consulting Address: Taikos Ave. 177-7, LT-05209 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 13) 584 88 E-mail: Mr. Aivaras Šičkus Nature of Business: Advertising: Online & Offline Communications Address: C/o Terrier (UAB SMO), Stirnų str. 27-92, LT-08101 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 55) 912 22 E-mail: Web Page: Mr. Justinas Tverkus Nature of Business: Publishing Address: T. Vrublevskio str. 6, LT-01100 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 52) 879 95 Fax: (370 5) 212 67 79 E-mail:; Mr. Rimtautas Vizgirda Honorary Consul of the Republic of Chile Nature of Business: Consultant Address: Jakšto str. 11-7, LT-01105 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: (370 6 98) 183 89 Fax: (370 5) 260 89 19 E-mail: Mr. Thomas Wilbur Nature of Business: Films for Tourists and Clients/Local Info TV E-mail: Web Page:; 81