DurstL184 Manual
DurstL184 Manual
Durst L184 10x10 enlarger 10” KJ 8” Operating Instructions DURST-PRO-USA, Inc. 1600 NE 25th Avenue, Hillsboro Oregon 97124, USA Phone: 503 846 1492 Fax: 503 640 1878 E-mail: durst-pro-usa@msn.com www.durst-pro-usa.com Exclusive distributor for Durst Large Format optical enlargers. durst-pro-usa.com 1600 NE 25th AVENUE, HILLSBORO, OR. 97124. USA - Phone 503 846 1492 - Fax 503 640 1878 Email; sales@world-images-inc.com Op.ratlnog menu_I, DUrit Labor~or 1&4 With the Durst LaMIa/Of 184 you havo acquired a /I/gh ~rlorm/iUlC~ product 01 Durst Inc. , So/zana, lIa/y. a$"$lJrlng QU/lltllndlng Q4J!1lity with 4Jtmosl ce:re in workmanship and q4JlllJ1y control. Thill top-cIMS unit wJlh 11>1 convenient and faliab! opttrarlon will I16fV(# YOII well I()r all and bJac/<· anCl· whilll enlarging work. S(Jcce!Jl;lvl oper"t/,()II howe ..", riepend!S on preolslt/Y following thfJ' ope-r",(/ng fmtlr(J<;ctiQ"II, This manual aims 10 llli!PJaln SY5ttl'marlc/llly both th" B:.!S!Sembly anri the hIlnriliIlg of your ·en/a'96t. Pllt856 tak(# (/lit tlmlt Me trouble to Telld itlls manual Iltaraughly. By ollcom;ng fIImfJiar wfth all ope-ratrona and control" YOIl avoi d .mnoying errorll or even damllglt. CO/aUf DurSl In G., Bolzano /lla/y 2.0'.11. Th ouJt/I 2.1.0. T. cIInlcd"'a :!.2.11. 2...3.0. ~-3 . 1. :!.ol,O. 2..4. 1. .?-4.2'. ~ . 'b3 . Pa.eklng Chlecking aut Com_o.1:o .md 00II1",1. M8~ Th.e,I wim collllmn with N.!iCi T h~ 1cp 5g~11Qn n .... lor1l9' ~.od 2AA The baaeboaro 2.4.t L TtI.a vcntlCliI Zldj~5lmerll CJiUlk o r o{JoQtrlQ l11It)Io r drive Z. ~.6. Flt1frI g !I".. I "",p~o""e 2 .4 .7. T ,,",CLS300<:()l'Ourm Ing I>eU ;t.•. 1I. T~ .. IlLAWlK IT 1M t. 4! .~. 'T ~ qQndi;tn!;l,g r t.am pbotJsoi ,c:::."" .,...,. ",. b..Ol~ 'TIt..nlOlltt¥. ~ .1 'O . n .. N~ A 205 nagou.e, carrier " IM , TNt regl1U8I' fWlg atiY& eal1fier !:,r8tern • .M . Tito NEGAROL:L _ ... rliOI Him """"" TIl. l "'l l~g .1'1..... TM CLS300eolou."'I~I""M.<II COOd""",arllg lTling ¢<>ndem .... combl .... lo ... 5,2;2 . CIIntellng 'lhe Il amp 5,11.0. 5.1.0. !,1.1. 5. 1. 8..11.0'; O,p • .allan .AdJ~ ..1"911l. mO!gnlllcOllon 1J,2.o, _uBlng e.1.o . &.3..0\ SCiLI'e!!l, 6,.4..0,. Hoti.t,tNI'I!I'1prejll!lc'ion 1;.$ * e.ll.Q. DI.,,,r1iotn Qon1ro! Rod",,!lo,," 8,11.0. ,_ ......... 1.0.0. General note The Durst Laborator 184 is a universal enlarger for all negative sizes up to 10 x 10 inches (25 x 25 cm). The Laborator 184 is supplied equipped either with a condenser lamphouse as a black-and-white enlarger or with the CLS 300 colour mixing head as a colour enlarger. The Durst Laborator 184 is suitable for use as a vertical or a horizontal colour and black-and-white enlarger. 2.0.0. The outfit 2.1.0. Technical data Magnification and reduction ranges Focal length of lens Linear magnification Minimum Maximum 50 mm 33.5 x lin. 7.5 x lin. 75 mm 21.0 x lin. 3.8 x lin. 100 mm 16.0xlin. 0.11 x lin. 135 mm 11.5 x lin. 0.15 x lin. 150 mm 9.5 x lin. 0.25 x lin. 180 mm 7.5 x lin. 0.32 x lin. 210 mm 6.2x lin. 0.37 x lin. 240 mm 5.0x lin. 0.45 x lin. 300 mm 4.0x lin. 0.65 x lin. 360 mm 2.5 x lin. 0.9 x lin. Depending on the precise actual focal length of the lens, these factors may vary slightly upwards or downwards. Dimensions and weight Overall height (fully raised enlarger head): Height of stand: Highest pOSition of negative carrier: 1081/4 inches (2750 mm) 90 112 inches (2300 mm) 82 inches (2085 mm) Highest position of optical axis for horizontal projection: 81 3/4 inches (2075 mm) Floor space: Baseboard size: approx. 38112 x 39112 inches (980 x 1000 mm) 27112 X 39 1/2 inches (700 x 1000 mm) Net weight of baseboard: Optical axis/column distance: approx. 3531bs (160 kg) 18112 inches (470 mm) 2.2.0. Packing The basic unit of the Laborator 184 is packed in two wooden crates. One contains the U-shaped base, the bottom section of the twin column and the baseboard carrying arm. The second crate contains the upper pair of columns with the enlarger head and the baseboard. 2.3.0. Checking out After unpacking all parts and before assembly clean everything carefully with a cloth. First check that all components are there. To make the assembly instructions clearer, all components of the enlarger are numbered. The operating manual for the OLS 300 contains pre'cise assembly instructions and a numbered list of components for the CLS 300 colour mixing head. 2.3.1. Components and controls 1. Base 2. Twin column 3. Baseboard carrying arm 4. Locking screws 5. Adjustment screws 6. Clamping knobs 7. Upper enlarger section 8. Screw bolts on the column top 9. Baseboard 10. Gear shaft with crank 11. Stop ring 12. Nut 13. Clamping bolt 14. Lamphouse securing bolts 15. Front flap 16. Filter drawe~ guide frame 17. Condenser guide frame 18. Side flap 19. Springs of the NEGA 205 negative carrier 20. Hairline cross 21. Focusing negative of the NEGA 205 negative carrier 22. Milled knob 23. Milled knob 24. Clamping cheeks of the GRAHALON locating frame 25. Mask adjustment knob 26. Clamping screw of GRAHALON 205 27. Securing screw of GRAHALON 205 28. Release knob for the GRANE 205 29. Blower vent opertings 30. Mirror adjustment lever 31. Lamp centering knob 32. Lamp centering knob 33. Locking ring 34. Locking knob for enlarger head 35. Hand wheel for raising and lowering the baseboard 36. Baseboard locking knob 37. Focusing knobs 38. Bellows adjustment knob 39. Locking screws for focusing adjustment 40. Locking lever for coarse adjustment 41. Enlarger head tilt scale 42. Vertical adjustment scale of enlarger head. 43. Lens tilt scale 44. Lateral displacement scale of optical axis 45. Focusing scale 48. Vertical adjustment scale of baseboard 47. Enlarger head tilt knob 48. Lens tilt knob ------ - - 1 8 +----~7 9- --- 35- - -- - "- r---1 ou . ' _ , _ . . . . ' ' . -1' 1 . _ . . -_._-! . -",,--.... . .. .,'........... _----.., ..... ""--,,, ... --. ... .... . . -_._...... Bo ... _ _ m ...... ·" ... _ .. _ _ ... ... ~-, ~. " " .,,,--- . ,; - ~ ", ~ " , . " •• \1 .. _ _ .. ..... , ... _ _ '" '" .................. ,o \ o / o -- -- _-__ ',-_ __ _ -_ _ --_ __-_.,-' ___ _--- ..... ,. --,... . ...._.". ... -.. . ........... ........ . _.........._.......... . ................... ..... ,. ,. ... :... . ; ';"" "":'- ,.. .......:-........ "' .... ... .... ........... . . _....... . ..... " ' ":'~ ~":!: _ ... .... __ _----'., ... -,--, ......... ..... " " .......m ... .. ... CL . . . . _ _ ...... ~ __ _ _ ... ' . -"-------------''''''_. a ""' '*"_ ....... -,,... ..... .. - .... .. . . ...-.. .... ... ,-.. ...... I.U ____ or .... _ ~::;:'; ; , , _._"' , .. I.\ono (IQ~"I IBflgth In mm) I y,rg .. ~ C<ln1on 50 2~ 038 mm 2.4 :t38 iT'Iit'! Rod.r50 Rodon GO CDmOI1 eo n"ll~I"" .... 24 ;<36,mm fIb x 1:1-, . in. t4:x .. em} 11 / . In. t4 ,1( 4i em.. f:lQdi:llr t.Jl) , "', . II: Rodan 60 'Rodllr' '7'5, Comon OO ROO .... eo 1'/... 1' / .1 • • 14.4 <>Ill} Rodlll"~ Como. 100 Alod., 105 fl:odon 10$ COOloo 135 2'1. ~ 2'1, ,i ". (h 6 om} 2'/. X 2'1. In. (9' 9 '<mJ 2' /, • 2'/ , i ll. (6. 8 em) 21/ . x 'll /~ in. (t!; x ~ ,r::m) 2", • 3'{, Ill. (li.5 X 9 omt 2'1, .3'{, m. (6.5 ~ 9 omt 2'{,. 3'" In.. (().5.9 gmt 3'/ • • 4In .1 6~' 1 0 em) R.o t:hn 135- ':f l, . 41n. (~h' O om) Rodon 135 Af'on l50 :fl.' 4 1n. 16.5. 110 ""') CQmQn 150 Aodo , l511 Rodon 1m Comon 100 Rodor 180 Rodr;m 11;10 Camo" 210 Rodar 210 RMon 210 A,tIn 240 Como" 240 Rodo.2<:O Apo~ on240 ApodonilOO A fitJ n ~ Comon 300 Rodon ilOO Apodon ~' Amn 360 C:Jm.on 360 Radon 36() ~ .. 5 i~. (1,0 A 12.6 cm) •• 5 In. (10. 12.5 ~.,.) 4 • Sin. [10. 12.5 em,) .; ~ ~ in. (111 . ; 2. ~ ern) ~.~ "'(1 0 .. 15(>",) ~ • 6 ill. (1D~ 15,om) 4 ,6 ilL (' 0 .• ' ~Q m) 5. 7 Ill. (13 X 111 em) /I. TilL (13 • 13 om) 5. TIn. (13" 111 em) Till. (13 • 111 on;) 5. Tin. (13 • 111 em)" 5. nil. (13 .. 111 em) 5x 7 1n. (13 .l.e~ m ) 8 x 10 in. 120. :25 «11) 8, ,0 In. (20 d $em) e . ,0 10.120 025<:m) 8 • 10 in. (20 .26 cm) 10 In. ~.• ~o;:mJ 10. ~ O In. 125 .25 em) 10. 10 in. f2~ x .2!! tm) 10. 10 In. 125.25 , ,",,, .S. '(I. ~.'" p am.1 .1>(1 ""oJ<, p.~ . LA TUIl + FI.ARlltHl 0 " UNI F>LA/SEIMAA + FL..llfIlNG 011 TRIPLA U TU 90n T FlIPUor UNIPLA L.ATUB K on UNI PLA UTUB+ IXODA P on TRI PILA or UNI PL.A IJITUB on TRIIPIJI o r UNIF1..A LATUB K ... TFlIPLA0' UNI PLA S.EI PIA 7~~ OI1I,1NIIPt.A o r TFlI PtA SEI PLA 752500 UNIPL... o, TAI PLA $EI PLA 753900 UNIPLAor TRI PI.A SEI PLA O<! UI<II'IJI or TAIPv., LAPLA 32 on UNI PLA Or ~ I PLA v.,PLA '3~ on UNI P ~ A or TRIPlA LAPLA 39 on UN! PLA or TRIPLA LAI'lLA oil! on UNI PLA or TRiPLA RODI NG 5071 ()11 UI<IPlJlor T RIPv., fIODI NG 31111 om U IPLA " nFlI PLA SORING 26.5 on UNI Pv.,or nUPLA LAPLA 42 o n UNI PLA or TRI PLA OOCI NC;l ~07 ' on U .IPLA or T RI PLA ROili NG 5071 ()Ill U'MIPIJI o.r TAl PLA SOFlI G &l on UNI PiLA otTRIPLA ROO. NG 5I;l on UNI PLI\ or TRIP\.A ROCI NG 5072 00 U IPL ...·onfll PLA SOFlIHG 5!1 on UNIPLA or TRIPLA RDil. NI3 nOn UNI PLA or TRI ~ FlDDlNG 58.on UNI PIA Or TRI PLA SORltIG 5375 on UNPPLA or TAIPLA SOFlIHG se on UNIPLA' ot TRI PLA FlOI)lNG 72 ·on UNIPLA or TRI P\.A on VAPLA on VAcPLA WRING 5375 on UNIPUI or TAI PLA on VAP LA on V.o;I'L.,A, onVAPLA SORIHG t;(It!I on UNIPLA or TR IPLA ()Ill VAPI.A O<i VAPLA =9 15 4J). ~ 'Tho "OiII-tIn ".lIIou)'&l .... ... ,.~ 'T ho NI!GA. OOB "O!G"tIn c. lller Th. ba.le outlll 01 lh. LaI>o""0 ' 1&4 ~~I~"" , • t-IEG .. 2!;J5 n 6Jg~tJv.e. I;:J rri (I r. This ile!)8ti ... e cerrier OOfltBiIls- 1wo matcMd philIlIiH).a!ilIl~ car"• • 91 ....... (NEG LA <l!J&) whJl;h 1~k. ~II film. 1m", 3~ """ up to . . 1~ ioth.,. (20. 26 <to) Or 9> 9 i""nO!$ (2)1 • 24 em, i~ horizontsl IJIlIig~t .,1"", ..110 • . TIl. nog.,I"" 0 ..... ' 1l'lii15 iii! tkl n911ii1d tQP ~l:i1ian wh05V' fou r l.oc a1 5fJI'in9 :S' ~55 down lile .gJ8i1M'!~. The hil'lged L~ is. ItssL1 sprlr.g, mount-ed (Joo pressed dOi\ll1l 1!l~lnst ~htgt bottom k","", on b1~Qrting l hac;! clutier in tihl!! , ml:i!l r ~ .. !i~.d . To r:a OiliHl.h!, t.a~id cenLering 01 1M ",,1'1'10' 800.0 1110 Ion" and to Ilold II ' I<I"lj' In pa ~iliDn wh.cHl Ih~ enli:u{pcr i!s 5W lll'l g t'lOrizOMi!I!I,. 't he ool"'ll"' hosd ellfriB3 IIPProprillle OI1gBQoment hoi ..., '!I'M" o. pUliblnog Ifilli: ~ rr.i ar ..n~D thq On..lillQl:l f , pu:;h th.e lle9BtiJ,lCl oarri~t "'l> ·ng. C19j ge ..' I~ ~pw ..d", leI go ~M pu"", tho cBirrl9T towards the: C8t!1 f'9' of 1hQ: ;:n:I:tJgor unml the I wO JlG9S, n Jnr1;ii'tg .alol"lg lllll!! glDd]ng g .::JOIJ~. I!!ng~ 1he. r ~8.J!' .~~e<ne", _ . 01 Ill. g ul<l!l pial • . 21 20 I ~.. '0. .}" - ~ .' . I ~ .~ , <---~ . '. ~.~- ... ~ .... - ' ", ,....- ' - •• . • • •- ,.~ ~ . ....... . • ..... . .........' To (en,r&; the 'O(:I,J~lng n~at~ lWl1h hil'lrlln. cros:s ~20) , built into tho! nepatil,'e c;9ffiert 800Wt lhe ~CiC81 lai!:l, IJkIsh the ca rrl., Jnlo " . . . ""'!Ior ,,",,~"nl)' 19' O<101>!l~ 10 0<19"'9. 1h~ peg!t i fll Itfll!!!! frOl:'lt I!!ngi!lgl!!!MlMI1 1'I01~ It 0f1:( :e-1Ind·'.0.t-811 a<\juotrnool of U,", mlfl<ld 1O'10b [221 orlng~ 1l11li .....Ing' nD~tivc: l'21) ifI~ o tile .DtZ!! p lie: of III'IE:! lOwe r g lass Or in... ,!. Look it in Ihi. II<lBi1Ion -'n th~ milled ... culill g ~n Q:'tJo (43) , Po'.i IQl1g iii:'; 1hl)l $g,me gl1il$5 pl&Jl;(I QI' Inljl" is IUs_ ed!. tile iimage Call th.e n be f(ieu~d wi ~ti the ~ocu5in9 ~.gsll". MOOo. Tlh~ al,o n... scales lor cBlJc"llIIlnD II.. m&Jgnl1i ClM i DB.. A l<IJI gil... 1realed 10 p,"..enl H<l wloo·. IiIlg_ (NEG LAS 20S ANI 10 'lfQII~"" \0 ord ..r .n~ r~pl~ .... tho ,qgul.r "",,0' ne9!8tive ('8rrier g18!11!1. GI .... I.... MAPEL m.I~1 I.... rts .r.... 11001. ror ""Iarglng I!lI )Ii 10 .. tit\, 9 J:.go iftn:ti, 1.11;( 24 em, tNt .lt S'J.t inch aBdi 13 . 1~ "'" (S. 1 Incll) .h.~ til"'" 01>11 pl.te. wi"'out <o,~t 9 :;:;e:; , T h~ !MAPEL unil. C:Dnsi:;ls Q_ ;t 'D rmllt m ll :;;.fI; IJIld COUl'lt .., !fI8'k. and I. pl~""d In tho E~A 20S ca"i~ in, plilCU' lino g :;;.~g:; ; MAVET In:; rt:;.fIre uiso .B'lallablEt In wi,aI)re fSill!!!!I fo, 9.JC g. imetl r 18 Jii 24 em, 6 1h x BIh in(!h Q. and 13 • 18 em ~~. 1 I""hl ' lim •. TI>& "",VET I"""". co""I'1 01 i:!II m~i!:1 Pram!!! with slTlil:lI c:llitnpir'l9 5prilil9!i 11;1 $ctl!JrQ In. 11'1'0 gla,. pl.los oM Ol. ift .. rtod n the NEGA 2()S •• tt.iJttvl) urriqr In pl.:u:g o' ItiMt gl~:;;.. A, Ql;liIt4ild l;Q'lilr groi&S "",li_ ~ 0180 to ql'dgr ~ ·:iillilo:l bIQl !;Iz~ tl;)r the ,M'A V£j Qnd ~081 tile to pte, ..,t Newton'. nng. [M AGLA ANI .pp~t ~ 9& plato 01 tho laller. GI.... I.... LAI'FE .. ~""In~ .., ... rts ore 01S() "".lIable 'n sll I5to:ltiodbrd :r.it:e:r. 'or pla'~ arnd !!It'II:iI!It fi lm:; 51i111111':'-J lfIi:llf1I 5 ~ 7 lI>Ch ... or 13. 18 em . d III Into ''''' NEGA 2lJ(; os!fio, in conjul1Ctiof1l willl 1her UAV£T 139. Fo. m.oI<lng,. m"l~ p'itrli~g ~nd ""eti,,1 ·g'ophio oft.els ... 1\11 1l11li lQt>or.tor 184 ..... r~O<l<I1,".nd lhe GR"",AlOtt/ GRANE. 2O!l rcgi s.'E::r il0Q';8tPlC' OIln1vIt. 4..2.0. 'Jlto G'R"H'ALON regbter "1111- C!II .... r .,..., .... WIlli tIt.e Cl RMl~ .2l1!i, ClIlADAP 205 ~M MIGR"'!!! Th. GFVoHALOr4 l.. o1lm9 fT."", Is rig Iy IflOOntod In tho I!'.rl ~lit!'t tll!!iI.d. P'u!!l11 (tie GP.AHE: 205 11II!!li!Ii.,i"'Q! aturhtT jolly Into lh. GI'IAIfA~ON ~ro,"". To . om""" 1110 oBllier. ~u.n'l 11'1, knob i28~ of 1hDr IDCi!lfilg 'nuTI tq Il lIIjI i~ or Tho GMlft; 205 ,..gall.e osme, 'a:l;es 1rs"~PS,"M)' rI~h.1 , e:); f'lom 35. mm up to '10 IntJ'lQ9 tal x 25 cm~ ~u .x 2.t em). TIll!!! Film t"lIn be u15Qrt.ed UP I\,9h~ or r.. ",<Jo<;~t>B o,len1alloA. TI>o 01 ... , 8'-93. oul,ldo 0l~g:inll I5 , O'r '9)( 9 kl chl8a Ihl!!! imSogI!!! ii!I!'.ei!l i!K:OOI't!Odii'e :;bt!p 'A-edjJf;!$' Lind QQIQ'lJr :sc.lliS, ThQ GRANE ~OG I. 'lOqulppod ",11Il I....., m'.~tI19C1 plane· ~8If.aJ I (]Ri'tGLAS '2a5 ~re!;!!;lIre- 'Pla.~er iJI~5. Sacu r.g 'h ........ 91"". pl~l~ .,y ,urn ng ''''' r.~ 1Ri1l9CI . _ ' " l)f.e'ven.1 ihl!' Film it! Ihe C;!!tril!!!r .r·om 5lnittltl g 011 ilbn,Jp1 moverDQnl of IIIGl C9r... lgl'. A opeci8I QRAQLAS 2Jl15 AN eo ..., glas. tr ...,od ogalnlt Ne-NtOfl'S rings $ • 0 ,val tile to order and re>,t)J&tas Itt ~ lIptKI' !:;I f.aas in 11"1e negaliV1!l Catriar. M IGRANE m"~1I:1 in~ r1$o w itb mlcro-l"(Igl$19r pin; andl a: MI VALO punch are aysi l-- able for emaller fo rma,s. (!i~e: IKces5o ri e:s ~. Tlno GH'AHALON 1000 "9 Ir_ 417) Is I\JI I~ ",,""od inlo 1M h.Od. To do ' his. hold t~ i,.me by tho ,,-~ble clom plng ehoo"." (0lA) &0 1M' lho •••,id. r..... ly 2724 ""18t{I,,, 26 28 PM' 'I ho righI-him" m'..~ ....ju.,m nl ~ nob (25J. The l.... Ch98 8 each -carry a clampi ng gerew (26, undClrnoiJu,. whUG the .ight..... .Dnd olleGk fur1hqr " as B S.9CUring, screw C2-7) to el l fT'llnate 1818('81 play belween 1he k amQ lind the guide ph!lte of th e onlargOf h.cJoil d. To permit co rrect PQeUioning of t11e fname, lhe c lampi ng and /!iettJril'lgl 50rc!W$ mtl $.1 be !SlaCik beforo pU!;h ing Ih loca1tng' ffame, i nt c:. 'the 8nli!lrger. Once lfIe 'rame 18 pu8l'll!!ld ii1. !i ~ no down .he '~I!lm p l ng (l!4) to o n gogo """"" l"" ~ raclng lib. 01 tho enlarger ""ad. Then tlghlerl 'itsl III. S<!euri"9 $ < r"", t"'lowe<! by e cJa.mplng .$Q Uirws. (26). The GfitADAP 2()6 register' pi n bar with I ~& reg ister pills ca n bg mQunted eltMl:f ~'9r1IC8I1y or iho.ritonflllly In 1he aRANE 205 '",m.. Tho fill11$ . p"no ~ 9d ",1111 tM MI VALO punc h, iU Ija Ihljln 1Itt9d tile puncfled hDle:;. Q't'III" 1he GRAOAP 205 pins.. . SCiJlOl ..... tl) MIG RAN E sert., are svtlil.&br", for S): 7 I~ch (13 I( 11 6 em) i!lnd sma.IIQr o r lgln~18 1 TIl& MI GRAN E il'tsc-J1s ' It o. lh. GRANE 205 In r>1""~ or ' ho pl ..... """or.. (:m owm, I""'''u", 4..11..0. Til. NEGAROLL 205 aen'" III'm ""..lor Th. NEGAROLL 20$ •• ,1 01 11m ca.rrler •• oyoil.bl., iram OI,.lr.;1 (S98 acce88() Ie!) ' or' eI1bug lng 9'h. Inc"' . .5 ineh or 70 mm wido.a ri~1 fU m.. • ·11'" 2624 .... ""_.- - ... ".,,- _.'. "" _ , ..... eLI .,. __ "",.,. ---,-~- ~ ..... e]-......~~~~~~~:. -._._-_ -.... ...~~~::::::",.:::~=. _.........." ,,' .... _ ·"d" · ' ~- .-- ~ """ ........ .. Table of condenser combinations for the Durst Laborator 184 with opal lamps and Componon, or Rodagon lenses VERTICAL PROJECTION Lens mm f==-inches Negative size mm f==-inches Linear magnification maximum minimum Condenser combination +LAZUCO 181 Position of mirror lever 360 14 200 x 250 8x 10 0,9x 2,5 x 380 380 H 300 12 200 x 250 8x 10 0,6x 1,3 x 380 380 H 180 x 240 6' /2 x 8' /2 1,3 x 2,8x 382 380 H 2,8x 4,Ox 380 380 V 0,4 x 1,3x 380 380 V 1,3 x 5,Ox 380 250 H 0,3x 1,1 x 380 380 H 1,1 x 3,Ox 380 250 H 3,Ox 6,2x 380 252 H 0,3x 0,9 x 380 380 H 0,9x 6,Ox 380 252 H 6,Ox 7,5x 250 252 H 0,25 x 0,7x 380 380 H 0,7 x 2,5x 250 380 H 2,5x 9,5 x 250 180 H 0,25 x 0,9 250 380 H 240 9' /2 210 8' /2 180 7'/, 150 6 135 5' /4 105 4'/, 130x 180 5x7 130x 180 5x7 100 x 150 4' /4 X 6' /2 100x 125 4x5 85 x 100 3' /4 X 4' /4 65x90 2'/2 X 3' /2 0,9x 11,Ox 250 180 H 0,2x 0,7x 380 380 H 0,7 x 4,Ox 252 180 H 4,Ox 14,Ox 180 160 H 80 3'/. 60x60 2'/4 X 2'/4 3,8x 21,Ox 180 130 H 60 2'/, 4Ox40 1'/2 X 1'/2 5,Ox 26,5 x 160 130 H 50 2 24x36 35mm 6,7x 33,0 x 160 130 H V Tabl. 0; COnden.er 'combinations fo r the Durst Labor'.t or 184 with opal IlImps ,nd Com,poru)'n, or Rod.gon lens •• HORIZONTAL PROJECTION ! , L"". ttegollY<> ruB mm ITlm f = -- f = -- In<fle. InchBO I 360 14 000 12 240 g ill. 2,0 a'l. ,50 2011<250 x l0 3!fll 9,0' 21.0. -4 t D;I; S,3. 130. 2:40 6lf• • 3'1. 5,30 23~ Dx 1~O . , 80 Sll7 5,0. 6)5;t; 6;5x 3-3.0 " 252 6,2. 33,0 • 390 7.5 ~ 43,,0 , 250 :1000250 8x10 , 3D. l SI) 5 _7 ,OO, 'SO .eo 1(1(1. 125 4<5 3I!0 3eO 0' H II II 380 380 \I 3flJ ila:J II llS() , :JOO f-I ;z:iI) ~ H H 252 252 i'<l.rucm mirr Dr ...... , CQrTlbina1i<m + LAZUOO j ~ 9,0. 4-1.. ,; elfJ I H - 135 ! ". 3Sx l oo 3Y. )1.4 1/4 105 65.90 4l'1. 2'/1 x 31/t ~. Go.60 )( 2 1 /~ 3 /. 21f~ 00 40.40 ~/. 11JlX11 /~' 50 II 24.36 1 maxJln"m 2,~. ij 1'/0 6 Coode .....r l lno~.. rrulgni~i tcZltio:tiJ minimllm ~ mm 250 9.5 • 20.0- ZJi(I. 43.0. " 'OX 47.0. 14,D 67,0' 100 160 H 21,0. 73,0. \80 13D H 23,0. 84~ 3-3,O~ 1ro,0 . • ,80 H 252 100 H 250 180 100 ,30 100 1:!i) H H H uo. ''''' _ _ •• &.G'.1l. Op ... tl"" 6 .1.0. Nliulll.9 u.. mog"lflco1l'o n Al1Just 1he m&lgn ifi4;iil1Ion on tlh8 labormo r 1$4 by mOYitJg ,he. rge, h..,d .nd I"" I>a.eooard. T"" voo1lcBl m~.... mel1l1 o. tile 8n ilrga:r t'9iJod1 Is con.1roll(l:d by the: h.JBdI c,-aflk (10). On rel9sing .te .cnuik, It'le I!!'nlarg!'t he-ad 8"lom~li""lIv Slays In OIly pDOIIloo_ In oddltlon, e"" ""ob l34~ looQ 1h9 (l:1iII1a:rgQ r h~;3d a..' thq rI::!~ iJ'e d h~ht , To a.d jusJI (35). Once ~"'" 1;IQ9E1boa.-rJ l$ ~t tile r'ljIql,Jlr9d ~IElb1, thq. IiJrm tt;tgc1h~r with ,"" b... bo.rd """ be locked aQ1li1l31 18l.,.1 <fJ!pls.cemM1 ~ Y 11>0 ""ob (36). Ofll lI'equest, til" l.i!ibOo ...&toi' 1.84 tlltJ i!!Il!so be. l itted witIJ rhle! IiEMOT <11<Iellic "",10' drl ..... 10' tile or1l.rg~r h ..~d .nO It;,q. 91'l1I;MO'T rT1D<'ID r dri'i"CI for Ijn~ biUebDar:'d. The ape:r.aliD1"iI soo mlillg or 1M HEMOT oAd BREt.10 T ",",ora wllh lI1e IHEDE"S iilnd $"rADES coni rei unillji rr:qui rDd lor 1hr!m 1$0 de.scnbed in t'he aeparme ins:1ruC:1lorl manual tor .Mae Ihe "",olIoa,d, (!9~. mJn 1M halld 'O1l0 QCC~S. &:2.0. fi\CM;1I11i1ri(ii I>f the 1'110 kncobs 4371 on 1he corrlog9 ~r>d ci1<o knob (38] to< ,hoe <00'09 .dJ ....rn.n1 of thl!! tll!!ll0 w!s ~x1~!li ion 01'1 11'11!1 It!on& eiu:"'W'iie:,. ra-i I5. ~ 1"" t.... kn<>IJs (37) lor 11n. toclJSlr>g ilurlr>9 I 19 opor..llon I~ Itocikin!3 !5cmW!i bahil'ld ItiCI kI'Iob"s (a.TJ mus.1 Ilg sl>LCIk. TII_ 1'110 locl<l"l1g screw. l:l9~ BeNe to loct; 1"" I~.n. CiUrl9-9i: wllliln m"klng >iI $I;:rh;:~ Qf ~;1I111n.:rgemlJnt$ .at tiMd s;el1ill'lg!s. The eoar-ae Ild jlJa..memt canl .a180 be Joe ed Yii1h t:he Io.er (<\0). Tho l.z!.boriltor 184 til!ln illlslJ ba fiuC!d wi1h tIIll FOMOT Hl4 motM o_..,d h. FOCeS <0"'101 ~nlt (~o .""a,.'. TIle LlIIlorsior 184 18 roeu""d len. .' in~' ruc lion mlltllJi:lI~. ThN;!· ll1i9imLilm m.agl1lifi.(!O!.l lt;ln$ IW.ilII,fJbllil on yOfllcBl prol""tlo" willi the i ll lhl) lilib:\e on PilGD 11. LMro,~;o, 154 sre "",own De !lil :!cal!'!; of the laborator 184 indiellbe 1he dilt.erenl "'In"g. for ..~.I. , gdJU.""ORt 11 yoo 00. tho <lata of 1he. 'oI~ribus. poiMll!!lr setlmg5, it is ~asiClr 10 N;!!; t tile 9Ttl81'ger ;0 spocl Ie 'IIorklng CO"OnIOn9. 'fill::! l!..i1bo r;S1or 1.8.4 J'ii!5 1he ra U<JwT.n g sCo:III::$ : Scal. [~ 1 ~ : Enlar!l<l ' head -It lor lIi.tolllo" <0"'101 $c,..18 (.c-2~ : S""I. [43): S<~I. (441: S.~I. [451: $1;.;11, L4Gt : L~~",.I Vorti<:al displlloom,,"l of oplle . .:$ ..."....m.~t 01 I"", •• t~ndard eoni"(j' Vc rtici:ll l mtrv.l;tlTlI;;m1 of b.&J!;~'bQljlird Tlttll!l Uboftltar 184 i8 id~81 lHJirt!d r-or horitoti'ltBl projr:II:l ion 10r mil 11"9' CI)IQ'yr Qr bli'~-.and-'i¥f1 l1e enIQr-!:I'8men'e. For 1his Ill<JrpO!;I!!t i!iWij)QI ltle e.nl8tgl!'r hetld to ltlc I'e ft 01" riShl 11'1rougl'l ilIJ • To awing 1!Il. h""d, lum the *001> [471 to lt u!! III!IIl toO !;~ il Lo ... Go . Stm swinging Ii'ilQ enlljli r'!llBr h98d 10 IIIe 'ojt or rlgM, thOR 1urR ~ I>O ""ob ~~7110 <-911'. and (lon1irnl.Jl~ 5wifi(f · 9 the h~d uTi'U iI arflg!ilge$ of!'XoZIl:i1ly in tl u:! M'i~onl" l pl>S ilioo. Loci< 1M hoed ill Ihi . po.itioo b~ lur - n~ ~"'rn tho ~n rg~r 1>000 to .... ttl ... 1 projeC'lion. lum ltie ktlob (4'7) to .L. lIgtlia. ~tllrt l.u:;lininOi .~ ~ tara~r hlMd .and 1url'll UW!:, klIob to . 90 ••. Con1inlJe II.., no~ t.., ,F., To 4.,n n9 I~ .~I.rg.' 1>0"" to .ngQ!JlII ~hen 10': 9- 36------'-: 35- - --' ~ ",,"leal 11<1.11100, lhl!l ~Tio b (41) a.gi:ll ll'l by turning It 10 .~ •. To enBure ~.ocura1e 10 lhoe P"lI<rDllon ;g.nmen1 0' 1110 LlIIlorsior 1114 .qU8' e!)' 11 obo.ld ",n on ,.1... w. ,"d"" r,I!(;DtIll'l'lend T -r -I!I. T he dinW!n!lioR:!1 1Ii1d l5fIeciiioallof1iS are o!Iowm I. li1<o 111119'""' bolo'" . When th.a cleC;trit mafor d rill!:!! I!; if1~) leq far I'alshng "nd tho enr.arg ..r he"", 1he hoed ean OBI, b. it>tlill.d 10 trhlijl rlgh.1 fqr hQ rlzon1i1111 proJl)Ctlon I"""'~ng J7- - ---c Vo rtici3 1 mlWemE:'llt of thJill on rg~r h-Gg4 4c-m) LOI .... I Ion. tilt 10r dl.to~lon OO<Itr."" .... I ..-- - 46 -_ ................. .. ___ ... .... _ . ''''--_ . .._-_._-, -,,.,,,... ... ._-_ '---"'-, . -............ ,--_ ..... _..,. .."._....", .' . _-_._ . ...--................ .. .. . ....... _-_ ... ......... ..._ -_ -_... -..._ ... ......_-..... _- ... .. _ ... , _ _ 11. '" _ . ,.. ........ '"'-u " .,, ..- , _ _ _ -""'--""" , ..... w _ _ _ ........ \'" . . 7 ' _ ~ ... -,,,~ ,"'_= .... ".- _, ..... -.~ ,~ "--,,,,..... , ', " I" " " _ - ' ......., ""' . _ _ ........u Tho .... . >OS ... _ ' "" . . . . - ' ' ' ' _ _ ....-~----- "' _ ....... ...._..... ......,..--,_ ... - '_" ':":': , - _ .,, ;, • _OJ " ••_......_":"'_ , _ _ _ •• f,. ~, ,' ''__ .. -._ .... ._ ..... "_ . .----" . __ . . . , ' . 0 " _-.......... . ... ___ ...... -... ...... ... '-_-...--.---, __ ..... _ ... _._ . -..... -... . -,'.'---_. ...... .......... __ ... --. ._. ... ~ . . ... ' _ ". ...... ... 00' " , _ " ' '''',.'--''--, ' ~- ,',"- -, , _... ..._ -...... - .... ........_-,-..... _,--""' . _-... --, ..... '. --. . . . ..... _. . . . ... ..... ..... .. __ ..... ................... _-_.. --_................ - . .... "......." ...w.. _ ... Io. to ..... ' ............. -~ ... .. " ' ,'~ r~ _ .... ... _ _ ,) .. "'" . _,, _. --~., ."" - ~_ "".,. " _ .. , . , . _ '. ,'._ ~" ' . . . . . . . . . _ _ . '0; ... _ ' _ " too ~_. '--. . .. w • "' _ _ " , _ " ' - . 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