Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
“… and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth.” Acts 1:8 2015 Laity Award recipient Tony Zombas with family and friends from St. George Greek Orthodox Church. St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Cape Cod July / August 2015 Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ The 29th Annual Metropolis of Boston Ministry Awards Banquet at Lombardos, June 14, 2015. August 6 INTRODUCTION Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Centerville, MA Permit No. 18 The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on August 6. The feast commemorates the transfiguration or metamorphosis of Christ on Mount Tabor, when our Lord appeared in His divine glory before the Apostles Peter, James, and John. BIBLICAL STORY ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CAPE COD Rev. Fr. Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos Protopresbyter 1130 Falmouth Road Centerville, MA 02632 Phone: (508) 775-3045 Church Fax: (508) 775-3888 Email: agios@stgeorge-capecod.com The event of the Transfiguration is recorded in three of the four Gospels: Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, and Luke 9:28-36. Jesus took the Apostles Peter, James, and John with Him up upon a mountain, and while they were on the mountain Jesus was transfigured. His face shone like the sun, and His garments became glistening white. Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ, talking to Him. Peter declared how good it was for them to be there and expressed the desire to build three booths for Moses, Elijah, and Christ. This reference to the booths could imply that this occurred during the time of the Feast of Tabernacles when the Jews would be camping out in the fields for the grape harvest; for this Feast had acquired other associations in the course of its history, including the memory of the wanderings in the wilderness recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus. (Continued on page 3) www.stgeorge-capecod.com ORTHODOX WITNESS “You shall be My witnesses … “ The official monthly publication of ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1130 Falmouth Road (Rt. 28), Centerville, MA 02632-3022 Rev. Fr. Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos, Protopresbyter Office: 508-775-3045 / Home: 508-362-8322 / Church Fax: 508-775-3888 Email: agios@stgeorge-capecod.com / Web Page: www.stgeorge-capecod.com CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS PARISH COUNCIL Tony Zombas BUILDINGS & GROUND Catherine DiMauro PARISH COUNCIL SECRETARY Chris Kazarian STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE USHERS COMMITTEE Adoree McGillvary Eleni Siamos FINANCE COMMITTEE Ken Vancisin TREASURER Ken Vancisin SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Regina Bisgounis PHILOPTOCHOS Sophie Joakim YOUTH DIRECTOR Claire Yannatos EDUCATION DIRECTOR Regina Bisgounis Sunday School & Greek School SENIORS OF ST. GEORGE Elpiniki Yannatos SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP Marie Henn VISION COMMITTEE Arthur Surabian GOYA DANCE DIRECTORS Annika Iliadis Sofia Naoom CHANTOR ORGANIST GREEK SCHOOL TEACHER CUSTODIAN CHURCH OFFICE SEXTON STAFF Vasilios Meimaris Roxanne Pappas Anna Lemanis Gregory Racheotes Kim Corners 508-737-7716 508-771-6189 508-495-393\ 508-495-0634 508-394-2919 508-362-8009 508-362-8009 508-398-1883 508-771-3939 508-778-1545 508-398-1883 508-775-8981 508-428-9859 508-477-8933 617-791-1558 774-930-4180 781-646-3835 508-364-9964 508-888-1045 508-775-3045 508-775-3045 Meeting Times for Ministries 2nd Mondays 1:30 p.m. Seniors of St. George Tuesdays—weekly 11:30 a.m. Seniors Social Group 4th Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Parish Council 1st Wednesday 1:00 p.m. Philoptochos General Meeting 3rd Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Philoptochos Board 3rd Wednesday 1:00 p.m. Daughters of Penelope 4th Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Group CHURCH SERVICES Winter Hours—Orthros 8:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Classroom lesson is from 10:00-11:50 a.m. Weekday services as scheduled. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday By Appointment 2 15 (Continued from page 1) While Peter was speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them. A voice came from the cloud saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him." When the disciples heard this they fell on their faces filled with awe. Jesus came to them and told them to not be afraid. When the three looked up they saw only Jesus. As Jesus and His disciples came down the mountain, He told them not to speak of what they had seen until He had risen from the dead. 1. Christ appears in the center of the icon blessing with His right hand and dressed in bright white robes (detail). ICON OF THE FEAST In the icon of the Feast of the Transfiguration, Christ is the central figure (1.), appearing in a dominant position within a circular mandorla. He is clearly at the visual and theological center of the icon. His right hand is raised in blessing, and his left hand contains a scroll. The mandorla with its brilliant colors of white, gold, and blue represent the divine glory and light. The halo around the head of Christ is inscribed with the Greek words O on, meaning "The One Who is". Elijah (2.) and Moses (3.) stand at the top of separate mountain peaks to the left and right of Christ. They are bowing toward Christ with their right hands raised in a gesture of intercession towards Him. Saint John Chrysostom explains the presence of these two fathers of the faith from the Old Testament in three ways. He states that they represent the Law and the Prophets (Moses received the Law from God, and Elijah was a great prophet); they both experienced visions of God (Moses on Mount Sinai and Elijah on Mount Carmel); and they represent the living and the dead (Elijah, the living, because he was taken up into heaven by a chariot of fire, and Moses, the dead, because he did experience death). 2. The Prophet Elijah, 3. Moses, who is seen appears on Christ's righthand side (detail). holding the Ten Commandments, appears on Christ's left-hand side The Prophet Elijah, appears on Christ's right-hand side. Moses, who is seen holding the Ten Commandments, appears on Christ's left-hand side. Below Christ are the three Apostles, who by their posture in the icon show their response to the transfiguration of Christ (4.). James has fallen over backwards with his hands over his eyes. John in the center has fallen prostrate. Peter is kneeling and raises his right hand toward Christ in a gesture expressing his (Continued on page 4) 14 3 Katina Atsalis Nick & Patrina Stavropoulos lain was churched. Peter & Beverly Veglas Katherine Dorshimer Brian & Carol Lucas IN THE HOSPITALS. The following parishioners and friends were hos- George & Irene Papadopolos Tony & Stavroula Zombas pitalized: Aphrodite Brown, James Grevelis, TOTAL $575 +Rita Kaldis, Mike Kalkanis, Athena Taloumis, Athena Taloumis, Sadie Bloom, Dina Kouvaris, Obrad Blagojevic, Rose Ashchian, Tamara AnFESTIVAL DONATIONS derson, Peter Bougioukos, Harold J. Kanavos, Christos & Maria Alex George Mackoul, James Pentikis, Niki Mills, The Botsivales Family Christos Skarpos, Jane Petropoulos, Eileen Kan- Marie Etchells dianis, Dina Decas and Marsha Williams. Joanne Statires We pray for their health & speedy recovery. Arthur & Fran Dimitres Perastika>! Katherine Dorshimer Jim & Pat Trempelas Ken & Christine Vancisin GENERAL DONATIONS Mary Vrountas Stavros & Zoy Beretis TOTAL: $3450 Tim & Eileen Kanadianis Irish-American Club DONATIONS TO OUR YOUTH TOTAL $600 (Continued from page 5) desire to build the three booths. The garments of the Apostles are in a state of disarray as to indicate the dramatic impact the vision has had on them. 4. The three Apostles who accompanied Christ to the mountain, Peter, John, and James, react to the vision of Christ's Transfiguration. The icon of the feast directs our attention toward the event of the Transfiguration and specifically to the glory of God as revealed in Christ. This event came at a critical point in the ministry of our Lord, just as He was setting out on His journey to Jerusalem. He would soon experience the humiliation, suffering, and death of the Cross. However, the glorious light of the Resurrection was revealed to strengthen His disciples for the trials that they would soon experience. The feast also points to the great and glorious Second Coming of our Lord and the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God when all of creation will be transfigured and filled with light. 4. The three Apostles who accompanied Christ to the mountain, Peter, John, and James, react to the vision of Christ's Transfiguration. ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION This Feast of our Lord is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which is conducted on the day of the feast and preceded by the Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on the evening before the day of the feast. Scripture readings for the Feast of the Transfiguration are the following: At Vespers: Exodus 24:12-18, 33:11-23, 34:4-6, 8; I Kings 19:3-9, 11-13, 15-16. At the Orthros (Matins): Luke 9:28-36. At the Divine Liturgy: II Peter 1:10-19; Matthew 17:1-9. HYMNS OF THE FEAST Apolytikion (Grave Tone) — You were transfigured on the Mount, Christ God revealing Your glory to Your disciples, insofar as they could comprehend. Illuminate us sinners also with Your everlasting light, through the intercessions of the Theotokos. Giver of light, glory to You. Kontakion (Grave Tone) — You were transfigured upon the mount, O Christ our God, and Your disciples, insofar as they could bear, beheld Your glory. Thus, when they see You crucified, they may understand Your voluntary passion, and proclaim to the world that You are truly the effulgence of the Father. RESOURCES The Incarnate God: The Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, Catherine Aslanoff, editor and Paul Meyendorff, translator (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1995). Festival Icons for the Christian Year by John Baggley (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000), pp. 58-71. The Festal Menaion translated by Mother Mary (South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press, 1969) pp. 61-63. 4 PROGRAM MEMORIAL DONATIONS Given in May & June in memory of … Theodore Apostle Alice Demetriou Rita Kaldis Cynthia Kolokithas Katherine Straticoglou TOTAL: $500 Chris & Maria Alex PIANO DONATION Mr. Paul Stasinos of Plymouth donated a beautiful baby grand (a Stieff) to St. George. His mother +Toula Stasinos had indicated before she passed away that she would love it if her piano went to St. George . LIBRARY FUND DONATIONS May & June 2015 Mary Vrountas Library Fund donations in memory of +Ted Apostol 13 HOLY SACRAMENTS Cynthia Elaine Kolokithas United in marriage were Bryan John Janedy & To their families and relatives we extend our sincere condolences. MAY GOD Cynthia Denice Reynoso Ramirez GRANT THEM ETERNAL REPOSE WITH Koumbaros: Jesse Janedy HIS SAINTS. Memory eternal! AIWNIA H Georges Anwar Atieh & Tamara Christina MNHMH AUTWN! Hadawar Koumbaros: Nikolaos Asimakopoulos We wish them a blessed and happy life. NA SINCERE CONDOLENCES to the family and relatives of Bishop +Anthimos of OlymZHSETE! pos, Rev. Konstantinos Draconakis and Dr. Andrea Drakonakis. BAPTISMS Zoe Antigone, the daughter of Michael J. May the Lord grant our beloved bishop eternal repose! AIWNIA H MNHMH AUTOU & Erica Haidas Godparent: Paul Chatelain Anthony James, the son of Matthew J. & MEMORIALS ~ MNHMOSUNA. Kyriaki A. Kolovani 40 days Christina Moulton Elizabeth Nikiforakis 6 mos. Godparent: James E. Metropoulos 40 days Tamara Christina, the daughter of Victor Theodore Apostol Eleni Liatsos 1 year & Samira Hadawar Nickolaos Pavlakis 1 year Godparents: Nikolaos & Angeliki Peter Kouvaris 2 years Asimakopoulos James Matthew 3 years Benjamin Albert, the son of Alexander & Marika Zombas 20 years Kathleen Vancisin Godparent: Nicholas Vancisin Memory eternal! AIWNIA H MNHMH Alexander Elias, the son of Nicholas J. & AUTWN! Bettina Georgoulis Godparents: Jean Catherine Vinios & UPCOMING MEMORIALS. Philip Elia Dauria Sunday, July 5 May God bless all the newly illumined. NA Demetra Kandianis 5 yrs. ZHSOUN OI NEO Martin Martinos 1 yr. Saturday, July 18, 9:00 a.m. FUNERALS ~ KHDEIAI Irene Giourmetakis Fallen asleep in the Lord were: Theodore Apostol 40 DAYS BLESSINGS. Alice S. Demetriou The second child/boy of Ned & Kristin Chate Chariklia (Rita) Kaldis (Continued on page 4) Angelo P. Tsefrekas 12 LITURGICAL CALENDAR - EORTOLOGION WEDDING ~ GAMOS: JULY 2015 IOULIOS SUN. 5. SUN. 12. 5th Sunday of Matthew. E > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Galatians 5:22-26; 6:1-2 Gospel: Matthew 8:28-34; 9:1. 6th Sunday of Matthew. ST > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Romans 12:6-14 Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8. FRI. 17. GREEK FESTIVAL BEGINS! ARCETAI TO 33o KOINOTIKO PANHGURI. SUN. 19. Sunday of the Holy Fathers. KURIAKH AG. PATERWN. Epistle: Titus 3:8-15 Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19. MON. 20. SUN. 26. Elias the Prophet. HLIOU TOU PROFHTOU. ORTHROS ONLY @ 9:00 am 8th Sundayof Matthew. H > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5 Gospel: Matthew 14:14-22. AUGUST 2015 AUGOUSTOS Dormition Fast Begins 1st to 15th SUN. 2, 9th Sunday of Matthew. Q > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Acts 6:815; 7:1-5;47-60 Gospel: Matthew 14:22-34. MON. 3. Small Paraklesis @ 7:00 pm Para>klhsiv. WED. 5. Great Vespers of Transfiguration Me>gav Esperino>v Meta morfw>sewv tou Swth>rov. THU. 6. Holy Transfiguration. H Metamo>rfwsiv tou Swth>rov. Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:3011:15 am. Blessings of Grapes. FRI. 7. Small Paraklesis 7:00 pm Para>klhsiv. SUN. 9. 10th Sunday of Matthew. I > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Acts 1:12-17; 21-26 Gospel: Matthew 17:14-23. MON. 10. Small Paraklesis 7:00 pm Para>klhsiv. WED. 12. Small Paraklesis 7:00 pm Para>klhsiv. FRI. 14. Great Vespers of the Dormition of the Theotokos & Epitaphios. Me>gav Esperino>v thv Koi(Continued on page 6) 5 (Continued from page 5) SAT. 15. SUN. 16. SUN. 23. mh>sewv thv Qeoto>kou 7:00 pm. Dormition of the Theotokos Orthros & Divine Litlurgy 8:3011:45 am 11th Sunday of Matthew. IA > MATQAIOU. Epistle: I Timothy 3:13-16; 4:1-5 Gospel: Matthew 18:23-25. 12th Sunday of Matthew. IB > MATQAIOU. Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11 Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26. What a glorious day it was! A clear blue sky filled with sunshine was the setting for SAT. 29. Beheading of St. John the Baptist Strict Fast! Apotomh> Timi>av kefalh>v tou Ag. Iwa>nnou tou Prodro>mou. Austhra> Nhstei>a. SUN. 30. 13th Sunday of Matthew. IG > MATQAIOU. Epistle: I Corinthians 16:13-24 Gospel: Matthew 21:33-42. PLEASE NOTE: *For the first 15 days of August, during the Fast of the Dormition, the supplication services will be sung on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as indicated. Kata> thn dia>rkeia tou Dekapentaugou>stou oi Paraklh>seiv qa telou>ntai Deute>ra, Teta>rth kai Paraskeuh> o>pwv (Continued from page 8) Psilopoulos, Diane Psomos, Anne and the Clarke Family Psomos, Penelope Racheotes, Gregory & Joyce Rafail, Samuel Raftelis, Nicholas & Mary Raftopoulos, Ioannis & Angeliki Reagan, Patricia Rigas, Peggy Sarhanis, Sophia Siamos, John & Eleni Siempos, Kostas & Despina Siempos, Mia Silva, Melina Skordas, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sotiri, Alek & Anet Speros, Aristides & Evangeline +Stasinos, Toula Statires, Joanne As they emerged from the pond, slightly chilled and ravenously hungry, the swimmers joined the others for hot dogs, hamburgers and a delicious potluck lunch. Thank you to Jorge Caicedo and George Bisgounis for manning the grill. Following lunch some returned to swimming, others joined in games and the rest socialized and enjoyed the beautiful day! the first annual Family Day Picnic sponsored by the Education Committee on Sunday, June 7, at the YMCA’s Camp Lyndon in Sandwich. Eighty to ninety people including Father Peter and Presvytera Paula, teachers and students, family and friends gathered at the camp for an afternoon of swimming, games and fun. 6 This is the first event sponsored by the newly reorganized Education Committee. We hope to plan more events and to enhance the learning experience for the children of our community.— Regina Bisgounis, Education Committee Chairperson Votze, Nicholas & Anne Vournazos, Angie Vrountas, Mary Zantos, Nick & Margaret Zografos, George & Cathy Zombas, Maria Zombas, Tony & Stavroula STEWARDSHIP DONATIONS Haidas, Michael & Erica Vancisin, Alex STEWARDSHIP UPDATE As of June 30 Ytd Receipts: $87,313 YTD Pledges $110,040 Average Pledge: $553 Please remember to fulfill your church pledge! Have you ever had a big argument with somebody? The waters of Spectacle Pond were a bit chilly and there was a light cool breeze, but that could not deter our young swimmers from plunging in and having fun. Thank you to the Picnic Committee, Maria Alex, Candice Spyrou, and Grace Theoharidis for helping me organize this wonderful event. Thank you to Grace Theoharidis for her generous donation of beach and Hawaiian gear which was given to the children. Stys, Amalia Sulyma, Robert & Elaine Surabian, Arthur & Carol Theoharidis, Dennis & Grace Theoharidis, Deon & Eleni Theoharids, Peter Todis, Anne Trempelas, Jim & Pat Tsiareas, Ioannis & Maria Tsoleridis, Kostas Tsoleridis, Lazo & Nino Tsouridis,Kostas Tutov, Ivan & Diyana Uspensky, Vladimir & Tatiana Vakalopoulos, Artemis Vancisin, Kan & Christine Vancisin, Nicholas Varetimos, Christos & Jillian Verros, Zac Vinios, Jean Vinios, Louis & Zacharie SS. Peter & Paul Even with a good friend or a brother or a sister? Even good friends can disagree about something. Two thousand years ago, when the Christian Church was just starting, two saints of our Church had a disagreement about something. Saints Peter and Paul disagreed about how they should act with few Christians. We read in the Bible that Saint Paul told Saint Peter he was wrong. But the apostle Peter gave in. He wasn’t stubborn and angry at Paul. He knew he had made a mistake, and he gave in. They made up, and they worked together to grow the Christian Church. Tomorrow is the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul! We remember them for all the great things they did for the Church … but especially we remember how they worked together to do these things for God. When we have an argument, it’s easy to be stubborn and angry at the other person. But lets remember these two great saints and how they held on to what really mattered—working for God! We celebrated Saints Peter and Paul on June 29. 11 St. George 2015 Greek Festival DONATION FORM A Note from the Parish Council President We need the entire community to help offset festival expenses. Please consider making a donation or two! FOODS # Item Qty Needed __ Spinach 10 cases __ Eggplant 25 cases __ Lettuce 25 cases __ Cucumbers 10 cases __ Tomatoes 15 cases __ Iceberg Lettuce 30 cases __ Red Onions 4 bags __ White Onions 10 bags __ Feta Cheese 4 buckets Cost $35 ea. $20 ea. $18 ea. $26 ea. $25 ea. $17 ea. $20 ea. $20 ea. $57 ea. PAPER GOODS BEVERAGES __ Coffee __ Beer __ Wine __ Soda __ Water 2 cases 75 cases 55 cases 100 cases 120 cases $100 ea. $24 ea. $22 ea. $5 ea. $5 ea. PASTRY __ Flour __ Sugar __ Filo __ Corn Oil 75 bags 6 bags 8 cases 2 jugs $4 ea. $24 ea. $40 ea. $45 ea. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Bowls Plates Foil Cups Napkins Knives Forks Spoons Hot Cups GREEK FESTIVAL DONOR FORM July 17-19, 2015 $25 $32 $25 $27 $30 $25 $25 $25 $32 We are in July and that means preparations for the festival are well under way. Your support is needed so I’m asking everyone to make an effort to volunteer this year – even if you can only commit 2 hours – we’ll take it! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone to rally together to make it a success. If you would like to help, please contact Catherine DiMauro our festival chairperson at (508) 958.6352 or Kim in the church office (508) 775-3045. At our spring General Assembly which was held on May 17, we discussed the kitchen and bar project. We hope to finalize plans and begin work in the late fall. On the agenda was discussion about the Greek School and I had hoped that some of the Greek School parents would come and participate. Unfortunately, only 2 parents came to the assembly. I have learned that some churches charge $600 or more to be taught. Our church, through a General Assembly’s vote decided not to charge for schooling. In order to support this effort your stewardship must be up-to-date January 31. The Greek education program has a long and rich history; if it has survived 400 years under the Turkish Empire, it will survive forever. On June 14th the Metropolis of Boston had its 29th Ministry awards banquet where Bishop Methodios presented the awards to approximately 50 individuals in recognition of their time and talents. I’m honored and appreciative to have been nominated by our church to represent St George that evening. There where around 700 to 800 people in attendance and we had a great meal, I was glad to see the loud applause that was given to the younger recipient’s for their church efforts. They are our culture, our music, our food, and our future. I / We would like to be donor: Name _______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ St ________ Zip ___________________ Phone ______________________________ Email ____________________________ I have enclosed a donation in the amount of $_______ towards the items checked above. Please make check payable to: St. George GOC and mail to Tony Zombas at St. George, 1130 Falmouth Road, Centerville, MA 02632. Thank you for your support! 10 CHANDALIER CLEANING ACU-Bright, Inc. is scheduled to clean the (4) 24 candle crystal chandeliers and (1) 12 candle crystal chandelier on July 8 & 9. The process takes 2 full days and is environmentally safe. It has been almost 10 years since our chandeliers have been cleaned. The final result is the chandeliers will stay cleaner longer. ACUBright is the only company in the world to invent and employ equipment to safely clean and protect chandeliers. — Catherine M. DiMauro, VP Parish Council SAVE THE DATE ADVERTISEMENT HEADING October 3, 2015 Afternoon Tea Serenade Hosted by Daughters of Penelope To benefit Penelope’s Place — A shelter for battered women and children. 7 Listed are those who have made a pledge and contributed towards it as of June 30. Philoptochos Festival Raffle Update St. Katherine’s Philoptochos had elections in May and the board members are: Our church mailing was sent on June 4, so everyone should have received their 3 festival raffle booklets. Please return your stubs and check in the enclosed envelope as assistance is needed in setting a new record. Marina Atsalis, Rosetta Chalpara, Christine Christopoulos, Marie Etchells, Presvytera Paula Giannakopoulos, Frances Haidas, Alexandra Karacalidis, Katie Mitrokostas, Irene Papadopolos, and Joanne Statires. Sophie Joakim is the advisor. Scholarship recipients this year are Coralea Geraniotis from St. George and Sophie Hancock from the Cape Cod community. Next general meeting is September 2! Have a great summer. 8 We are pleased with the cooperation of many businesses and individuals who are helping to sell additional tickets. If you would like to pitch in and help sell more raffle books please call us at 774.722.5751 or 774.722.2328. Thank you all! Your Festival Raffle Chairmen, Chris & Maria Alex Alex, Christos & Maria Alex, William Anagnostakos, Bill & Deborah Anasis, John Anestis, Nicholas Apostol, +Theodore & Denise Argyriadis, Angelo & Angela Argyriadis, George Atsalis, Katina Bisgounis, George Bisgounis, Helen Bisgounis, Regina Bitsikas, Eugenia Bolanos, M/M Paul Borcau, Radu Bougioukos, Peter & Diana Bourne-Hudick, Nikki Canelos, Charles & Vassilikis Carras, George & Betsy Cavas, Emanuel & Mary Chalpara, Rosetta Chamallas, Cassandra Chatelain, Ned & Kristin Chatzinakis, Maria Chekos, James,Mr. Christakis, Sophia Malita Christopoulos, Harry & Christine Constantine, Connie Constas, Constantine & Stella Damon, Stephen Dauria, Damon Davis, Ted & Pat Demetri, James & Donna Demetri, John & Lou Demetriades, Orestes & Hloy +Demetriou, Alice Despotopulos, Mark DiMauro, Joe & Catherine Dimitres, Arthur & Fran Doll, Helen Dorshimer, Katherine Economides, John & Patricia Efstathiou, S. Andy Efstathiou, Andrew & Elaine Etchells, Marie Fackos, John & Catherine Fairneny, Christine Fairneny, Frances Gatzogiannis, George & Viktoria Geanisis, Ann Marie Georgalis, Constantenos & Gloria Georgopoulos,Photine Georgoulos Family Geraniotis, Van & Connie Giannakopoulos, Fr. Panagiotis & Presvytera Paula Graziosi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grevelis, Jim & Dee Dee Hadawar, Samira Hadawar, Tamara Haidas, Van & Vivian Hall, Florence Hansen, Susan Haseotes, Byron & Tiffany Henn, Marie James, Toula Janedy, Bryan Janedy, Jesse Janedy, John & Coni Joakim, Nicholas & Sophie Jumes, James & Patricia Kacoyanis, John Kaldis, Elias & +Rita Kalfopulos, Athanasios & Catherine Kallianidis, Stanley Kalperis, James Kalperis, Tom Kandianis, Tim & Eileen Kanellopoulos, Chris & Barbara Kapolis, Demetra Kapolis, Nicholas Kapsambelis, Christos & Evangeline Karacalidis, Chris Karacalidis, Lefteri & Alexandra Karacalidis, John Kazarian, Chris Kazarian, George & Stacey Kefalas, Costas & Anne Kekis, Theoharis Keller, Christine Kiladis, Anna Kokoras, Chris & Nicky Kolokithas, Evangelos & Cynthia Kossifos, Dino Kossifos, Helen Kostas, Dorothea Kostas, Stergios Koufos, Nick & Maria Koulouras, Peter & Eleni Kraniotaki, Anna Kraniotakis, George & Margarita Kupeli, Istrati Lambrinos, Peter & Evangela Lemonias, Irene Lemos, Veni Lentell, Helen Liatsos, Arthur Liatsos, Ken Limberakis, Leo & Katherine Lloyd, Patti Malliaroudakis, George & Doria Maniates, Peter & Penny Marken, Demo Martinos, Irene McGillvary, Adoree McGrail, Michael & Eleni Menaxopoulos, Sophia Mesialidis, Konstantia Metanias, Olga Metropoulos, Evan & Katherine Mitrokostas, Dino Mitrokostas, Socrates & Nafsika Moore, Maria-Rallou Moulton, Christina Nakos, Evelyn Naoom, Sam & Sofia Nicholas, Kent & Diana Nichols, George & Nancy Orfanos, Manual Papademetriou, Rev. George & Presv. Athanasia Papadonis, James & Martha Papadopolos, George & Irene Papavasiliou, Achilles Pappas, Alexander Pappas, Arthur & Diane Pavlakis, M/M Stavros Pazakis, Albert Pentikis, James & Elizabeth Pizzano, Paula Polley, Elaine Polley, Nicholas Jr. Polychrones, Stephen & Desse Prapas, Nassos G. (Continued on page 11) 9