Part 2 - Valiant Wings Publishing
Part 2 - Valiant Wings Publishing
Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List xxv Brengun BRL48015 Brengun BRL48037 Eduard 49-424 Eduard 48-154 Cavalier Model 0203 Brengun BRL48051 Eduard 48-396 CMK 4048 CMK 4024 Eduard FE416 Eduard FE370 Cooper Details CD4809 CMK 4033 Eduard 48-242 Eduard FE398 Eduard FE397 Eduard 48-244 Eduard 48-283 Eduard 48-555 Eduard 48-556 Eduard 48-560 Eduard 48-568 Eduard 49-416 xxvi Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List Eduard 48-557 Eduard 48-579 Eduard 48-595 Eduard 48-604 • Fine Molds [mtl] Fw 190/Ta 152 Pitot Tube (x3) #AA-49 • Fusion [res] Fw 190C Conversion #FUS4806 {Trimaster/ Dragon/Italeri} • G-Factor [br] Fw 190A/D Undercarriage #4802 • Griffon Model Accessories [res] Fw 190A-3 to A-6 Wheels & Tailwheel [Early] #GRF48032 {Dragon or Tamiya} • Griffon Model Accessories [res/pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set #49 002 {Eduard} • Griffon Model Accessories [res] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set #49 001 {Eduard} • Hasegawa [br] Fw 190A-8 Machine-gun Barrels & Pitot Tube #72117 {Hasegawa] • Hawkeye Designs [res] Fw 190 Wheels ‘Late’ #307 {Dragon/ Italeri/Trimaster or Tamiya} • HGW [dec] Fw 190A/F Riveting Set #48-1001 {Tamiya} • HGW [dec] Fw 190A/F Control Surfaces Ribs #48-1003 {Eduard} • HGW [dec] Fw 190A-5 Riveting Set #48-1023 {Eduard} • HGW [dec] Fw 190A-8 Riveting Set #48-1024 {Eduard} • Jesh’s Conversion Factory [res] Fw 190A-5 & A-8 Doppelreiter Fuel Tanks #N/K • Loon Models [res] Fw 190A & F Wing Root Gun Covers – Closed #LO48230 {Eduard} • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-7 & A-8 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM48-019 • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-2 to A-5 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM48-017 • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-6 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM48-018 • Mastery Miniatures [mtl] Fw 190 Seated Pilot #48013 • NH Detail [pe] Fw 190A-8 Armour Plates #A48-002 • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-8/R11 Conversion #OWLR4812 • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-6/R11 Conversion #OWLR4813 • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A Anti-dazzle Shield #OWLR4814 • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190F with SG113 Conversion #OWLR4838 • Part [pe] Fw 190A to D Flaps – Metal #S48-083 {Tamiya} • Part [pe] Fw 190A to D Flaps – Wooden #S48-084 {Tamiya} • Pavla [vac] Fw 190A/D/F/G Canopy #V48-03 {Has or Tamiya} • Quick & Easy (CMK) [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Wheels with cicular holes #Q48005 • Quick & Easy (CMK) [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Wheels without holes #Q48006 • Quick & Easy (CMK) [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Control Columns (x2) #Q48076 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190 Pitot Tubes (x3) #QB48120 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190 Flaps #QB48285 {Tamiya} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A/F Control Columns (x2) #QB48133 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-5 Cowling & Exhausts #QB48137 {Eduard} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-5/A-6 Tropical Cowling with Exhausts #QB48124 {Eduard} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-7 Slipper Tanks #QB48106 {Eduard} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Cowling with Exhausts #QB48117 {Eduard} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Gun Covers – Closed #QB48107 {Eduard} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Gun Barrels #QB48109 {Tamiya} • Rexx [mtl] Exhausts for Fw 190A-G #48021 {Eduard} • Rob Taurus [vac] Fw 190A Canopy #48051 {Eduard} • RV Resin [res] Fw 190C-0 (V21/U1) conv #48010 {Dragon/ Italeri D-9} • RV Resin [res] Focke-Wulf Fw 190C-0 (V20/U1) conv #C48011 {Dragon/Italeri/Trimaster Ta 152H} • RV Resin [res] Fw 190C-0 (V17) conv #N/K {Dragon/Italeri D-9} • RV Resin [res] Fw 190C-0 (V20) conv #48002 {Dragon/Italeri D-9} • RV Resin, CZ [res] 1/48th Fw 190C-0 (V21) conv #48003 {Dragon/Italeri D-9} • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #48137 {Eduard} • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #48155 {Hasegawa} Hawkeye Designs 307 Lone Wulf LW028 Notes If no description is given the item is a detail set (specific or generic) br –Brass conv –Conversion af – Acetate Film ma – Die-cut Self-adhesive Paint Masks [tape] MDC – Model Design Construction mtl – White-metal (including Pewter) pa – Paper (printed or otherwise) PCM – Pacific Coast Models pe – Photo-etched Brass res –Resin SAC – Scale Aircraft Conversions vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic vma – Vinyl Self-adhesive Paint Masks {Academy}– Denotes the kit for which the set is intended Eduard 49-343 Jeshs Doppelreiter tanks Loon Models LO48230 Eduard FE394 Master Models 48-017 Griffon MA 49 001 Griffon MA 49 002 Master Models 48-018 Master Models 48-019 Quickboost QB48285 FAB Flight DET002 Griffon MA GRF48032 Quickboost QB48304 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List xxvii • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #48160 {Tamiya} • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #48182 {Dragon/Italeri/ Trimaster} • Squadron [vac] Fw 190A Canopy (x2) #9557 • Teknics [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Cockpit Set #TK48033 {Tamiya} • Teknics [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Set #TK48027 {Tamiya} • True Details [res] Fw 190A/F Seat (x2) #TD48412 • True Details [res] Fw 190A-1 to A-7 Wheels #TD48022 • True Details [res] Fw 190A-8/D-9/Ta 152 Wheels #TD48011 • Ultracast [res] Fw 190A/F/G/D Seats with belts #48027 • Verlinden Productions [res/pe] Fw 190A, F & G Underwing Stores #1343 • Verlinden Productions [res/pe] Fw 190A-8/F-8 Detail Set #438 {Dragon/Italeri/Trimaster} • Waldron Model Products [pe] Fw 190A-8 to D-9 Cockpit Detail Set #4831 • Xtraparts [res] Fw 190S-5/S-8 Conversion {Dragon} #4855 • Xtraparts [res] Fw 190A 207lt Overwing Tanks #4856 1/32nd • Aires [res] Fw 190A-8 Wheel Bays #2039 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-5 Cockpit Snapshot Upgrade #BC32181 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Snapshot Upgrade #BC32182 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-1 thru A-5 Wheels with plain tyre #BC32184 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-1 thru A-5 Wheels with treaded tyre #BC32185 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190 Late Wheels with plain tyre #BC32186 {Hasegawa} • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190 Late Wheels with treaded tyre #BC32187 {Hasegawa} • Black Dog [res] Fw 190A/D Separate Control Surfaces #32001 {Hasegawa} • Black Dog [res] Fw 190A-8/R2 Sturmbock Detail Set #32005 {Hasegawa} • Cutting Edge Modelworks [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Detail Set #CEC32031 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A ‘Late’ Cockpit Set #51-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A Corrected Gun Cowl #49-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A Spinner & Propeller Blades #45-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A Spinner & Propeller Blades with external weights #46-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A Spinner & Wooden Propeller Blades #47-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A/early D-9 Tailwheel #52-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A Corrected Gun Cowl #49-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-1 to A-6 Main Wheels & Tyre Set #53-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-4/U14 Torpedo Conversion #62-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-5 High Altitude Scoops #55-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-5/U12 Underwing Gun Pods #54-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-6/A-9 Wing Cannon #56-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-6/A-9 Sturmbock Conversion #57-32 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-7 to F Main Wheels & Tyre Set #4832 {Hasegawa} • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-9 Conversion #50-32 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [Vma] Fw 190 Canopy & Wheel Masks #XL009 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-F Spinner Spiral Masks #JX504 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [vma] Fw 190 Masks #XL009 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190 Placards (pre-painted) #32-593 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190 Flaps #32-005 {Revell} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190 Seat Belts (pre-painted) #32-600 {Hasegawa/Revell} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A Canopy & Wheels Masks #JX010 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Landing Flaps #32-130 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A/F Spinner Spiral Masks #JX504 {Has} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-5 BIG ED Set #BIG3213 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Interior Detail Set (pre-painted/SA) – Zoom #33052 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Exterior Detail Set #32-136 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Interior Detail Set (pre-painted/SA) – Zoom #33052 {Hasegawa} Part S48-083 Pavla Models V48-03 Quick and Easy Q48006 Quick and Easy Q48005 Quickboost QB48106 Quickboost QB48107 Quickboost QB48124 Quickboost QB48109 Quickboost QB48117 True Details 48022 Quickboost QB48137 Eagle Parts 51-32 Quickboost QB48120 MDC CV32034 SAC 48137 SAC 48160 Verlinden 1343 SAC 48155 SAC 48182 Xtraparts 4856 xxviii Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List Aires 2039 Eagle Parts 49-32 Eagle Parts 50-32 Master Models 32-063 Master Models 32-064 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Landing Flaps #32-135 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 & A-8 Detail Set #32-035 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 & A-8 Flaps 32-036 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Interior Detail Set (pre-painted) #32522 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Instrument Panel (pre-painted) #33005 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Exterior Detail Set #32-132 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8 BIG ED Set #BIG3217 {Hasegawa} • G-Factor [br] Fw 190A-D Undercarriage Legs #3202 {Hasegawa} • HGW [pe/pa] Fw 190A ‘Early’ Seat Belts #132049 {Hasegawa} • HGW [pe/pa] Luftwaffe Fighters ‘Standard’ Seat Belts #132501 {Hasegawa} • HGW [pe/pa] Luftwaffe Fighters ‘Late’ Seat Belts #132502 {Hasegawa} • HGW [dec] Fw 190A/F Control Surfaces Ribs #32-1004 {Hasegawa} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-8/R11 Conversion #OWLR3201 {Hasegawa} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-5/A-6 FuG-217 J-1 Radar #OWLR3203 {Hasegawa} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A Anti-dazzle Shields #OWLR3204 {Hasegawa} • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-2 & A-5 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM32-063 • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-6 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM32-064 • Master Model [Br] Fw 190A-7 to A-9 Armament Set & Pitot Tube #AM32-065 • Model Design Construction [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Set #CV32034 {Hasegawa} • Planet Models [res] Fw 190C V-18/I1 Känguruh conversion #233 {Hasegawa} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Gun Barrels #QB32013 {Hasegawa} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Exhausts #QB32020 {Hasegawa} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-5 Pitot tubes (x2) #QB32154 {Hasegawa} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-2 to A-6 Gun Barrels #QB32158 {Hasegawa} • Quick & Easy (CMK) [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Control Columns (x2) #Q32089 {Hasegawa} • Rutman (Jerry) [res] Fw 190A Corrected Wheel Well Insert #N/K {Hasegawa} • Rutman (Jerry) [res] Fw 190A Wheel Wells #N/K {Hasegawa (old tooling)} • Rutman (Jerry) [res] Fw 190A/D/F Control Surfaces #N/K {Hasegawa} • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #32003 {Hasegawa} • Schatton Modellbau [br] BK 20mm MG-FF Barrels #3212 • True Details [res] Fw 190A Cockpit Set #TD32451 {Hasegawa} • True Details [res] Fw 190A-1 to A-7 Wheels #TD32006 • Verlinden Productions [res/pe] Fw 190A-5/A-8 Detail Set #1675 {Hasegawa} • Waldron Model Products [af/pe] Fw 190A/F Ammunition Counters #3229 • Waldron Model Products [af/pe] Fw 190A-8/F Detail Set #3231 {Hasegawa} 1/24th • Airscale [dec] Fw 190A Instrument Panel #AS24FWA {Airfix} • Airscale [pe] Instrument Bezels #ASPE24BEZ • Airscale [pe] Cockpit Details, WWII #ASPE24DET • Eduard [pe] Luftwaffe WWII Seat Belts (pre-painted) #23003 • Eduard [pe] Instrument Bezels (pre-painted) #23013 • Master Models [pe] MG17 Barrels (x2) #AM24-002 • Master Models [pe] MG131 Barrels (x2) #AM24-003 • SAC [mtl] Fw 190 Landing Gear #24004 {Trumpeter} Eagle Parts 62-32 Master Models 32-065 Eagle Parts 48-32 Eagle Parts 54-32 Eagle Parts 46-32 Eagle Parts 57-32 Quick and Easy Q32089 Eagle Parts 47-32 Aircrale AS24 LUFT Eagle Parts 45-32 Eagle Parts 56-32 Eduard 32-035 Eagle Parts 53-32 Aircrale AS24 FWA Eduard 32-593 Quickboost QB32020 Eduard 23-013 Eduard 32-036 Eduard 32-600 Planet Models 233 Rutman Wheel Wells Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Decal List xxix Decal List: Fw 190 Radial-engine Decals Below is a list of all the decal sheets produced to date of the radial-engine Fw 190 series that we could find. This list is as comprehensive as possible, but there are bound to be omissions so if there are amendments or additions, please contact the author via the Valiant Wings Publishing address. Note: Many of the below listed sheets are long out of production, and you will only therefore find them second-hand via specialist dealers, however they are included to make this list as comprehensive as possible. AeroMaster 1/72nd #72-001 Luftwaffe Fw 190s • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 7’, 7./JG300, Altenberg, 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.490044, ‘Red 22’, II./JG201. Germany, 1945; Fw 190A‑8, ‘Yellow 10’ [VS+BX], unknown unit, found at Bad Abling, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-6, ‘Black >>’, I./JG54, flown by Lt. W. Nowotny, Eastern Front, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <O’, Stab. II./JG1, flown by Oblt. H. Mohr, Holland, March 1943 1/72nd #72-042 Reich Defence Part III • Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 3’, KG51, Bad Abling, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 1’, III./JG11, Kastrup, Denmark, 1945; Fw 190A-6, ‘Black 1’, JG300, flown by Maj. H. Summer, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.588717, ‘Green 3’, Stab. II Gruppe, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 6’, unit and location unknown, 1945 1/72nd #72-052 Reich Defence Part IV • Fw 190A-7, ‘Black 3’, 2./JG1, Dortmunt, Germany, early 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 10’, unit unknown, Kastrup, Denmark, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 5’, 3./JG5, France, Summer 1044; Fw 190A-8, Geshwader Stab./JG26, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A‑5, ‘White 12’, 1./JG51, Russia, Summer 1943 1/72nd #72-053 Butcher Birds Part 3 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 11’, unknown unit, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black <E’ Stab II./SG4, Russia, Summer 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘Green 2’, unknown unit, Germany, 1945; Fw 190F-9, ‘Green <’, unknown unit, Munich, Germany, 1945; Fw 190F-9, ‘Green 2’, unknown unit, 1945 1/72nd #72-138 Rammjägers Part 1 • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Red 17’, IV.JG3, possibly flown by Fw. W. Unger, Ansbach, Germany; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.631382, ‘Black <<’, IV/JG3, flown by Hptm. W. Moritz, August 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.682204, ‘Red 1’, 5/III/JG300, flown by Kapt. K. Brestscneider, October 1944; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Red 8’, 11/IV/JG3, flown by Uffz. W. Maximowitz, June 1944; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Yellow 12’, 6/II/JG300, flown by Uffz. P. Lixfield, November 1944 1/72nd #72-139 Rammjägers Part 2 • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Black 13’, JG3, flown by Maj. W. Dahl; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.173732, ‘Red 19’, 5/II/JG300, flown by Uffz. E. Schröeder; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.961076, ‘Black 10’, 5/JG4, flown by Obfr. A. Kessler to Bull-tofta, Sweden in April 1945; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.641497, ‘White 11’, 5/JG4, flown by Gefr. W. Wagner, shot down during Operation Bottenplatte; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.738360, ‘Red 8’, 5/JG300, flown by Uffz. M. Erhard 1/72nd #72-140 Rammjägers Part III • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Yellow 2’, 6(Sturm.)/JG300, flown by Fw. Engst, Lobnitz, Germany, December 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 4’, 12/JG5, flown by Lt. R. Linz, early 1945; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Black 12’, Stab IV (Sturm.)/JG3, Schongau, Germany, July 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 11’, IV./JG54, Saschen, Germany, March 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘White 3’, 9./JG5, flown by Obfw. H. Orlowski, Petsamo, Finland, September 1944 1/72nd #SP72-01 Luftwaffe Top Guns • Includes: Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.550529, 1./KG54, flown by Oblt. O. Kittel, Kurland, November 1944 1/72nd #SP72-02 Luftwaffe Green Hearts (JG54) • Includes: Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <||, Stab. I./JG54, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black 1’, 2./JG54, flown by Lt. H-J. Kroshinksky, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 8’, I./JG54, flown by Oblt. W. Nowotny, Russia, 1943; Fw 190a-5, W/Nr.5201, ‘Black 5’, 5./JG54, flown by M. Stotz, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black >>’, JG54, flown by H. Trautloff, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 5’, 8./JG54, Germany, 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘Black >>’, II./JG54, flown by Maj. E. Rudorffer, Finland, June 1944 1/48th #48-003 Luftwaffe Fw 190s • Fw 190A-7, ‘White 4’, I./JG1, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <|’, 1./JG1, flown by Hptm. H. Ehlers, 1943; Fw 190A-5/U12, W/Nr.410266, ‘Red 13’, 2./JG11, flown by Lt. E. Hondt, Germany, 1943 Aeromaster 72-001 Aeromaster 72-139 Aeromaster 72-140 1/48th #48-006 Fw 190A Butcher Birds • Offers the same five options as #72-001 (see above) 1/48th #48-022 Fw 190A/F National Insignia (Early) 1/48th #48-023 Fw 190A/F National Insignia (late) 1/48th #48-061 Butcher Birds II • Fw 190A-4. W/Nr.7334, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG2, flown by Maj. J. Wurmheller, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White III’, 1./JG54, North Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.2594, flown by Obst. H. Graf; Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.172733, ‘Red 19’, 5(Sturm.)/JG300, flown by E. Schroder, October 1944; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Black 8’, II.(Sturm.)/JG3, flown by W. Maximowitz; Fw 190F-8, ‘Red 10’, 2/SG4, Italy, 1943 1/48th #48-098 Reich Defence – Part 3 • Offers the same five options as #72-042 (see above) Aeromaster 72-138 Aeromaster 72-053 1/48th #48-103 Butcher Birds – Part 3 • Offers the same five options as #72-053 (see above) 1/48th #48-111 Butcher Birds – Part 4 • Offers the same five options as #72-052 (see above) 1/48th #48-138 Early Butcher Birds Part 1 • Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.20202, Stab./JG26, flown by Hptm. R. Aeromaster 72-042 Aeromaster 72-052 Aeromaster 48-006 Aeromaster 48-061 Aeromaster 48-111 Aeromaster 48-432 Aeromaster 48-138 xxx Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List Aeromaster 48-232 Aeromaster 48-139 Aeromaster 48-222 Aeromaster 48-231 Aeromaster 48-376 Aeromaster 48-431 Aeromaster 48-687 Aeromaster 48-695 Aeromaster 48-223 Aeromaster 48-477 Aeromaster 48-696 AML AMLD 72-035 AML AMLD 48-032 Aviprint 4811 Cutting Edge CED72032 Cutting Edge CED72047 Cutting Edge CED72070 Cutting Edge CED72105 Cutting Edge CED48032 Cutting Edge CED48047 Cutting Edge CED48070 Cutting Edge CED48098 Cutting Edge CED48104 Cutting Edge CED48105 Cutting Edge CED48196 Cutting Edge CED48250 Aeromaster 48-686 Aeromaster 48-476 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xxxi Hermichen, Coquelles, France, 1942; Fw 190A-3, ‘Black S’, Staff./JG26, flown by Maj. G. Schopfel, Corquelles, France, Summer 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.1167, ‘White <’, III./HG2, Poix, France, September 1942; Fw 190A-3, ‘White 7’, JG77, flown by Ofw. K. Dombacher, Norway, 1942; Fw 190A‑4, ‘White <<’, 1./JG51, flown by Hptm. H. Krafft, Russia, Autumn, 1942; Fw 190A-4/U8, W/Nr.2403, ‘Black 14’, 10./JG26, flown by Fw. K. Niesel, St. Omer-Wizernes, France, October 1942 1/48th #48-139 Early Butcher Birds Part 2 • Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.313, ‘White <’, III./JG2, flown by Oblt. A. Faber, 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.746, ‘Yellow 4’, 9./JG2, flown by Oblt. S. Schnell, Vannes, France, February 1942; Fw 190A-3, ‘Red 3’, 5./JG1, France, 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.734, ‘Black 1’, 2/JG2, flown by Oblt. H. Hannig, Triqueville, France, May 1943; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.0552, ‘Black 1’, III./JG26, flown by Hptm. J. Priller, Wevelghem, Belgium, June 1942 1/48th #48-222 Operation Bodenplatte Part 1 • Includes; Fw 190A-9, W/Nr.980219, ‘Black 3’, 2./JG1, flown by W. Ade; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.681497, ‘White 11’, 5./JG54, flown by Gfr. W. Wagner 1/48th #48-223 Operation Bodenplatte Part 2 • Includes: Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732088, ‘Black 15’, 15./JG54, flown by Uffz. G. Ohlenschlager 1/48th #48-231 Rammjägers Part 1 • Offers the same five options as #72-138 (see above) 1/48th #48-232 Rammjägers Part 2 • Offers the same five options as #72-139 (see above) 1/48th #48-376 Butcher Birds Part IV • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 4’, 3./JG77, flown by Lt. V. Hiermann, 1944; Fw 190A-7, ‘Black <o’, 1./JG1, flown by Lt. W. Krebs, January 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 7’, Sturmstaffel I, flown by Maj. E. Bacsila, Dortmund, January 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, JG300, flown by Obstlt. W. Dahl, Germany, November 1944; Fw 190A7, ‘White 20’, Sturmstaffel I, Dortmund, February 1944 1/48th #48-431 Butcher Birds Part VII • Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.5304, ‘Black <<’, 1./JG26, flown by Obstlt. J. Seifert, St. Omer, France, May 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <<’, JG54, flown by Obstlt H. Trautloft, Russia, December 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘White <’, JG54, flown by Maj. H. von Bonin, Dopat, Estonia, June 1943; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black <<-‘, JG2, flown by Obstlt. K. Bühligen, Nidda, Germany, September 1944 1/48th #48-432 Butcher Birds Part VIII • Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.530106, ‘Yellow 7’, 3./JG11, flown by Obfw. H. Güthenke, Husum, Germany, August 1943; Fw 190A-2, W/Nr.25207, ‘White 1’, 4./JG26, flown by Fw. A. Glunz, Abbeville, France, June 1942; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 13’, flown by Obst. J. Priller, Belgium, June 1942; Fw 190A-5, JG2, flown by Obstlt. W. Oesau, Beaumont-le-Roger, France, February 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black 7’, 5./JG54, flown b y Lt. E. Lang, Russia, May 1943 1/48th #48-476 Butcher Birds Part X • Fw 190A-2. White 8, 7./JG2, flown by Oblt. K. Goitzsch, Théville, France, May 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 4’, 1./JG1, Deelan, Holland, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <||’, Stab/JG54, Russia, February 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 10’, 1./JG54, flown by Oblt. W. Nowotny, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-2, ‘Red 7’, 5./JG1, Holland, Spring 1942 Cutting Edge CED32008 Cutting Edge CED32055 1/48th #48-477 Butcher Birds Part XI • Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.550490, ‘White 5’, 1./JG1, flown by Uffz. R. Hübl; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.340035, ‘White 20’, 1./JG1, flown by Maj. E. R. Schnoor, March/April 1944; Fw 190A-4, w/Nr.583, ‘White 10’, 1./JG1, flown by Ofw. F. Husser, July 1943 1/48th #48-686 Rammjäger Part 1 • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Yellow 12’, 6/II/JG300, flown by Uffz. P. Lixfield, November 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, JG300, flown by Obstlt. W. Dahl, Germany, November 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.642527, ‘White 9’, 5./JG26, flown by Obfw. A. Glunz, Cambrai-Epinoy, France, late 1944 1/48th #48-687 Rammjäger Part 2 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 13’, Stab./JG26, flown by Oberst. J. Priller, France, June 1944; Fw 190A-7, ‘Red 13’, 11./JG1, flown by Maj. H. Bär, Germany, April/May 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 1’, 15./JG54, flown by Hptm. R. Klemm, Germany, 1944/45 Eagle Strike 72002 1/48th #48-695 Rammjäger Part 3 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black <<-‘, Stab/JG2, flown by Maj. K. Bühligen, June 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.430965, ‘White 9’, 1./JG1, flown by Hptm. Grislawski, Dortmund, Germany, January 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 1’, 2./JG54, flown by Lt. H. Dortemann, France, June 1944 1/48th #48-696 Rammjäger Part 4 • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.173732, ‘Red 19’, 5/II/JG300, flown by Uffz. E. Schröeder; Fw 190A-7, ‘Black <o’, 1./JG1, flown by Lt. W. Krebs, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 4’, 8./JG300, flown by Lt. V. Heimann, Finsterwalde, Germany, late 1944 1/48th #48-765 Butcher Birds Part IV • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.350189, ‘Blue 4’, 12.IV/JG5, flown by Lt. R. Linz; Fw 190F-9, W/Nr.440401, ‘Green <o’, II./SG10, Herzogenaurach, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8/R7, ‘Black 13’, 11./JG3, unknown location, July 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black <E’ Stab II./SG4, Russia, Summer 1944 Eagle Strike 72029 1/48th #SP48-01 Luftwaffe Top Guns • Offers the same option as #SP72-01 (see above) 1/48th #SP48-02 Luftwaffe Green Hearts (JG54) • Offers the same seven options as #SP72-02 (see above) AML 1/72nd #AMLD 72 035 German Aces in Focke-Wulf Fw 190A’s Part I • Fw 190A-1, W/Nr.027, ‘Yellow 1’, 6./JG26, flown by Oblt. W. Schneider, France, autumn 1941; Fw 190A-2, ‘White 7’, 7./JG2, flown by Oblt. E. Mayer, Théville, France, June 1942; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black 1’, II./JG1, flown by Hptm. D. Wickop, May 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.7334, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG2, flown by Lt. S. Würmheller, France, June 1943 Eagle Strike 72054 1/48th #AMLD 48 032 German Aces in Focke-Wulf Fw 190A’s Part I • Offers the same five options as #AMLD 72 035 (see above) Authentic Decals 1/72nd #72-27 Fw 190F-8 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Blue 4’, Stab II./SG10, Czechoslovakia, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black M’, II./SG 3, Sweden, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 5’, II./SG10; Fw 190F-8, ‘Red 12’, 1./SG 4, Italy, 1944; Fw 190F-8, Q9+AB, Stab I./SG 5; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 2’ 1./SG Eagle Strike 48088 Eagle Strike 48089 Eagle Strike 48028 Eagle Strike 48095 xxxii Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List 77, 1942; Fw 190F-8, A3+18, 11./KG 200, Germany, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 3’, 11./SG 4; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 1’, 1./ SG 4, Italy; Fw 190F-8, E8+CH, 1./NSG9, Italy; Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 12’, 11./SG 2; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black C’, III./SG 3 1/48th #48-27 Fw 190F-8 • Offers the same twelve scheme as #72-27 (See above) Avalon Eagle Strike 32013 1/48th #4811 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 • Fw 190A-4, ‘White 8’, 1 Staffel, I./JG54, Gatshina, Russia, November 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black 10’, I./JG54, Eastern Front, September 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <|’, Stab I./JG1, flown by Lt. E. Burath, Deelen, Holland, April 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <<-‘, operated by an unknown unit in the MTO during 1942 Berna Decals 1/72nd #72-45 He 162A & Fw 190A-5/A-8 in French Colours • Includes: Fw 190A-5/NC.900, Nos.23, 29, 37 & 40, plus Fw 190A-8/NC.900, Nos.52, all French AF, post-war 1/48th #48-67 He 162A & Fw 190A-5/A-8 in French Colours • Offers the same five schemes as #72-45 (See above) 1/32nd #32-21 He 162A & Fw 190A-5/A-8 in French Colours • Includes: Fw 190A-5/NC.900, No.29, French Air Force, postwar; Fw 190A-8/NC.900, No.52, French AF, post-war Cutting Edge Eagle Strike 32061 1/72nd #CED72047 Luftwaffe Special #1 • Includes; Fw 190A-5/U2, W/Nr.410266, ‘Black 13’, 2./JG11, flown by Lt. E. Hondt, 1943 1/72nd #CED72032 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F #1 • Fw 190A-6, ‘White 1’, 1./JG1, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 4’, I./JG1, 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘White 12’, 1./JG1, 1943; Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 11’, unknown unit, Western Front, 1945 1/72nd #CED72070 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/D #2 • Includes: Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 12’, unknown unit; Fw 190A-8, ‘White 5’, JG301; Fw 190A-5 as tested by the US Navy Test Division (captured in Sicily by the 85th FS) 1/72nd #CED72071 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 4’ and ‘Black >’, I./JG301 Eagle Strike 32062 1/72nd #CED72104 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #4 • Fw 190A-7, ‘Black <o’, Stab I./JG1, flown by Oblt. W. Krebs, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 7’, III(n)./JG54, 1945; Fw 190A-7, ‘Black 1’, 2./JG11, March 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 15’, III(n)./JG54, 1945 1/72nd #CED72105 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #5 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, Stab./JG300, flown by Maj. W. Dahl, December 1944; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 8’, 6./JG1, flown by Ofw. L. Schuhmacher, 1943; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 10’, 2./JG11, Darmstadt, 1945; Fw 190A-5, ‘Green 13’, Stab./JG2, flown by Obstlt. W. Oesau, France, June 1943 1/48th #CED48032 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F #1 • Includes the same four options as #CED72032 (see above) Eagle Strike 32063 EagleCals EC2 1/48th #CED48070 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/D #2 • Includes the same three options as #CED72070 (see above) EagleCals EC5 EagleCals EC6 1/48th #CED48071 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 • Includes the same option as #CED72071 (see above) 1/48th #CED48098 Fw 190A Nose Art Special • Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.550490, ‘White 5’, 1./JG1, flown by Uffz. R. Hübl, 1943; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 9’, 1./JG1, flown by Lt. H-G. Lück, 1943; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.340035, ‘White 20’, 1./JG1, flown by Hptm. Schnoor, April 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘Red 13’, J.Gr.West, flown by Franz Steiner 1/48th #CED48070 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #4 • Offers the same four options as #CED72104 (see above) 1/48th #CED48105 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #4 • Offers the same four options as #CED72104 (see above) 1/48th #CED48105 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #5 • Offers the same four options as #CED72105 (see above) 1/48th #CED48125 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 #6 • Includes: Fw 190A-6, ‘White 5’, Sturmstaffel 1, 1944; Fw 190A-7, ‘White 14’. Sturmstaffel 1; Fw 190F-8, ‘Green >’ of an unknown unit 1/48th #CED48164 Luftwaffe over Czech Territory #1 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Black -‘, 4 St./JG10; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 2’, 7./SG10; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 2’, 7./SG10; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 4’, 7./SG10 1/48th #CED48165 Luftwaffe over Czech Territory #2 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Green 2’, St.III/SG 10, Stankov, West Bohemia: Fw 190F-8, ‘Green 5’, St.III./SG 10, Dolni Kaminice; Fw 190F‑8, ‘White 3’, II./SG 4, Hradec Kralove; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 7’, 5./SG 77, Pardubice 1/48th #CED48166 Luftwaffe over Czech Territory #3 • Includes: Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 6’, St./SG10; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 2’, St./SG 10; Fw 190F-8, ‘Red 2’, SG 77 1/48th #CED48196 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A – Reich Defenders Part 2 • Fw 190A-3, ‘Red 7’ and ‘Blue 1’, unknown unit; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 11’, 1./JG1, flown by Oblt. G. Schott, September 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black <-‘, Geschwaderstab, JG1, September 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 6’, I./JG1, Schiphol, Holland, July 1943 1/48th #CED48250 Fw 190A – Vicious Wulfs Part 1 • Fw 190A-5/U8, W/Nr.52596, ‘White 6’, flown by Uffz. W. Öhme; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black 4’, 10.(Jabo)/JG54, France, early 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 10’, 1./JG5, flown by Hptm. W. Kosse, Norway, October 1942; Fw 190A-4/U8, ‘Red 9’, 2/SKG10, flown by Uffz. H. Erhardt, May 1943; Fw 190A-2, Stab/JG26, flown by Ofw. B. Hegenauer, France, 1942 1/32nd #CED32008 Fw 190s Part 1 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, Stab./JG300, flown by Maj. W. Dahl, December 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 10’, 2./JG11, Darmstadt, 1945 1/32nd #CED32055 Fw 190s Part 2 • Fw 190a-7, ‘White 14’, Sturmstaffel 1, Sakzwedek, April 1944; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.681330, ‘Yellow 11’, Western Front, 1945 Eagle Cals 1/72nd #EC72-2 Fw 190A/Ds of JG54 & 26 • Includes: Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG54, Illesheim, Germany, May 1944 EagleCals EC7 EagleCals EC8 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xxxiii 1/72nd #EC72-5 Fw 190s of JG1 • Fw 190A-6, ‘Black 3’, 2./JG1, flown by Lt. A-R. Piffer; Fw 190A-6, ‘Black 2’, 2./JG1; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.7328, ‘Black 1’, 5./JG1, flown by Hptm. D. Wickop; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.430965, ‘White 9’, 1./JG1, flown by Hptm. A. Grislawski 1/72nd #EC72-6 Fw 190s of JG1 • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.170393, ‘Yellow 11’, 6./JG1, flown by Fw. A. Bindseil, Störmede, April 1944; Fw. 190A-7, ‘Yellow 5’, 6./JG1, Störmede, April 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.340283, 3./JG1, flown by Fw. G. Geise, February 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.430352, ‘Black 3’, 2./JG1, early 1944 1/72nd #EC72-7 Sturmjäger Part 1 • Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.642962, ‘White 20’, Sturmstaffel 1, flown by Maj. H-G von Kornatzki, Dortmund, Germany, FebruaryMarch 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 6’, flown by Maj. E. Bacsila, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 2’, flown by Fw. G. Vivroux, Dortmund, Germany, February 1944; Fw 190a-7, ‘White 1’, flown by an unknown pilot, Dortmund, Germany, February 1944 1/72nd #EC72-8 Sturmjäger Part 2 • Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘Yellow 17’, 12/JG3, Barth, Germany, May 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 3’, 12./JG3, Barth, Germany, late May 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 1’, 12./JG3, Salzwesel, Germany, late May 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘White 1’, 10.JG3, flown by Lt. H. Weik, Memmingen, Germany, July 1944 1/72nd #EC72-9 JG5 Eismeer Fw 190A-8s • Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, 12./JG5, Herdla, Norway, Spring 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.350185, 12./JG5, flown by Lt. H. Koch, Herdla, Norway, early 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 8’, 12./JG5, flown by Uffz. Dietrich, Herdla, Norway, Spring 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732197, ‘White 10’, 9./JG5, flown by Fw. R. Artner, Herdla, Norway, Spring 1945 1/72nd #EC72-10 Fw 190s – Doras, F’s and A’s • Includes: Fw 190A-8, ‘Black <<’, JG2, flown by Maj. K. Bühligen, Nidda, Germany, Summer, 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 3’, 5./SG2, flown by Fw. E. Lörcher, Aufhausen, Germany, 8th may 1945 1/72nd #EC72-11 JG1, JG54 & JG301 – Fw 190A-8s & A-9s • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.681992, ‘Red 11’, 10./JG301, flown by Uffz. D. Göthel, Heller, Germany, 20th January 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 1’, 4./JG54, flown by Lt. H. Dortenmann, Villacoublay, France, late June 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 8’, 7./JG301, May 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.173493, 2./JG1, Greifswald, Germany, November 1944 1/72nd #EC72-22 II./JG4(Sturm) Fw 190s • Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.1631385, ‘White 16’, 5./JG4(Sturm), flown by Ofhr. F. Schaar, September 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘Blue 21’, II./JG4(Sturm), flown by Maj. G. Schroeder, Welzow, Germany, late 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘White 20’, 5./JG4(Sturm), flown by Uffz. E. Keller, Brackenheim, Germany, late 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.682296, ‘Yellow 2’, 5./JG4(Sturm), flown by Fw. E. Güldenpfennig, Malmedy, Belgium, 1st January 1945 1/72nd #EC72-35 Schlangenschwarm Fw 190s • Fw 190A-7/R6, ‘Red 8’, JGr.10, flown by Fw. R. Hartkopf, Parchim, Germany, Summer, 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 11’, JGr.10, Parchim, Germany, Summer, 1944 1/72nd #EC72-53 Major Hans ‘Assi’ Hahn Part 4 • Fw 190A-2, W/Nr.223, ‘White <<’, III./JG2, Beaumont-leRoger, France, May 1942; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.5313, ‘White <’, EagleCals EC53 EagleCals EC76 III./JG2, Cherbourg, France, May/June 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/ Nr.2413, ‘White 1’, 7./JG2, France, early 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.1230, ‘Green 13’, JG2, flown by Obstlt. Walter Oesau, Beaumont-le-Roger, France, June 1943 1/48th #EC48-1 Fw 190A-8s & Fw 190D-9s • Includes: Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 10’, Stab III./JG54, flown by R. Weiss, Villacoublay, France, June 1944; 1/48th #EC48-2 Fw 190A/Ds of JG54 & 26 • Includes the same option as #EC72-2 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-5 Fw 190s of JG1 • Includes the same four options as #EC72-5 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-6 Fw 190s of JG1 • Includes the same four options as #EC72-6 (see above) EagleCals EC9 1/48th #EC48-7 Sturmjäger Part 1 • Includes the same four options as #EC72-7 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-8 Sturmjäger Part 2 • Includes the same four options as #EC72-8 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-9 JG5 Eismeer Fw 190A-8s • Includes the same four options as #EC72-9 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-10 Fw 190s – Doras, F’s and A’s • Includes two options as per #EC72-10 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-11 JG1, JG54 & JG301 – Fw 190A-8s & A-9s • Includes the same four options as #EC72-11 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-22 II./JG4(Sturm) Fw 190s • Includes the same four options as #EC72-22 (see above) EagleCals EC10 1/48th #EC48-35 Schlangenschwarm Fw 190s • Includes the same two options as #EC72-35 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-53 Major Hans ‘Assi’ Hahn Part 4 • Includes the same four options as #EC72-53 (see above) 1/48th #EC48-99 Fw 190A-8s – IV./JG3 • Fw 190A-8/R7, ‘Black 9’, 11./JG3, unknown location, July 1944; Fw 190A-8/R7, ‘Black 13’, 11./JG3, unknown location, July 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘White 10’, 10./JG3, Memmingen, Germany, July 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘Black >>’, IV./JG3, Memmingen, Germany, 18th July 1944 1/48th #EC48-128 Fw 190As • Fw 190A-2, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG2, flown by Fw. K. Nowak, Spring 1942; Fw 190A-1, W/Nr.080, ‘Blue 6’, 10./JG2; Fw 190A-3, ‘W/Nr.130539, ‘Black >>’, I./JG51, flown by Hptm. H. Krafft; Fw 190A-2, ‘White 6’, 7./JG2, flown by Fw. O. Kleinert EagleCals EC11 1/48th #EC48-129 Fw 190As • Fw 190a-3, ‘Black <’, I./JG51, Spring, 1943; Fw 190A-3, I./SchG 1; Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 5’, 6./JG1; Fw 190A-2, W/Nr.310, ‘Black >>’, flown by Hptm. J. Priller, III./JG26, February 1942 1/32nd #EC32-35 Schlangenschwarm Fw 190s • Includes the same two options as #EC72-35 (see above) 1/32nd #EC32-76 Fw 190A-8s – JG54 & JG301 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 1’, 4./JG54, flown by Lt. H. Dortenmann, Villacoublay, France, late June 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 8’, 7./JG301, May 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.681992, ‘Red 11’, 10./JG301, flown by Uffz. D. Göthel, Heller, Germany, EagleCals EC77 EagleCals EC78 EagleCals EC22 EagleCals EC79 xxxiv Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List 20th January 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 11’, IV./JG54, Sachsen, Germany, March 1945 1/32nd #EC32-77 Fw 190A-8s – JG300 & JG301 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 13’, JG300, flown by Maj. W. Dahl, Löbnitz, Germany, November 1944; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.172733, ‘Red 19’, 5./JG300, flown by Fw. E. Schröder, Lobnitz, Germany, October/November 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘White 6’, 7./JG300, flown by Lt. G. Salffner, Löbnitz, Germany, March 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.380374, ‘Yellow 17’, 1./JG301, Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, May 1945 EagleCals EC91 1/32nd #EC32-78 Fw 190A-8s – JG5, JG54 & JG301 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 10’, Stab III./JG54, flown by Hptm. R. Weiss, Villacoublay, France, June 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG54, Illesheim, Germany, May 1944; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.737938, ‘Black 9’, Germany, summer, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 8’, 12.JG5, Herdla, Norway, February 1945 1/32nd #EC32-79 Fw 190A-8s – JG5, JG3001 & JG301 vFw 190A-8, ‘Black 12’, 8./JG300, Bayreuth-Bindlach, Germany, May 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 4’, JG5, Herdla, Norway, May 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black <’ and ‘Yellow 4’, 1./JG301, pilot and location unknown, May 1945; Fw 190A-8/R2, ‘Black 4’, 8./JG300, flown by Victor Heimann, Löbnitz, Germany, 8th February 1945 EagleCals EC92 1/32nd #EC32-91 Fw 190F-8s – Luftflotte 4, SG2 & SG10 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 3’, 5./SG2, Aufhausen, Germany, 8th May 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black <’ and ‘Yellow 5’, Luftflotte 4, Ansbach, Germany, May 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black <<’ & ‘Green 1’, III./ SG10, unknown location, April 1945; Fw 190F-9, W/Nr.428639, ‘Green >>’, Luftflotte 4, Neubiberg, Germany, Summer, 1945 1/32nd #EC32-92 Fw 190F-8s – Luftflotte 4, & SG4 • Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.586875, ‘Yellow 2’, Luftflotte 4, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Green 7’, Stab I./SG4, unknown location, Summer, 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 11’, 1./SG4, Italy, Summer, 1944; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.681330, ‘Yellow 11’, Luftflotte 4, Southern Germany, Summer, 1945 1/32nd #EC32-99 Fw 190A-8s – IV./JG3 • Includes the same four options as #EC48-99 (see above) 1/32nd #EC32-128 Fw 190As • Includes the same four options as #EC48-128 (see above) 1/32nd #EC32-129 Fw 190As • Includes the same four options as #EC48-129 (see above) EagleCals EC99 Eagle Strike 1/72nd #72002 Home Defence Focke-Wulf Fw 190s • Fw 190A-9, W/Nr.980219, ‘Black 3’, 2./JG1, flown by P/O Wilhelm, January 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732088, ‘Black 15’, 15./JG54, flown by Uffz. G. Ohlenschlager, Brussels, January 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 11’, 14./JG54, Sachsen, Germany, March 1945; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 7’, Sturmstaffel 1, flown by Maj. E. Bacsila, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944; Fw 190A‑8, ‘Black 4’, 3./JG77, flown by Lt. V. Hermann, Germany, late 1944 EagleCals EC128 EagleCals EC129 1/72nd #72029 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part IV • Fw 190A-7, ‘White 20’, 1./JG1, flown by Maj. E.R. Schnoor, Detmold, April 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 11’, 1./JG1,, flown by Lt. Schott, September 1943; Fw 190A-8/R6, ‘White 11’, 5./JG4, flown by Gefr. W. Wagner, late December 1944; Fw 190G-3, ‘White K’, SKG-10, Gola, Sicily, 1943 Karaya D3206 Karaya D3207 1/72nd #72054 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 11 • Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.339786, ‘Black 4’, 1./JG301, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.350189, ‘Blue 4’, 12.IV/JG5, early Spring 1945; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.611, ‘White 1’, SG2 or SG10, Tunisia, early 1943; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.340001, II./JG26, flown by Oblt. W. Radener, Tunisia, early 1943 1/48th #48028 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part II • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.737938, ‘Black 9’, 2/I./JG301, found abandoned in Germany by US troops; Fw 190A-8, W/ Nr.584592, ‘Yellow 14’, found on scrapheap at Neuibiberg in October 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.171189, ‘Black >>’, II./SG2, flown by Maj. K. Kennel, Kitzingen, Germany, 8th May 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.730995, ‘Red 5’, 7/II./JG26, flown by Uffz. K. Petzsch, late Spring 1944; Fw 190A-8, W/nr.175140, ‘Blue 6’, 8/II./JG26, Melsbroek, Belgium, September 1944 1/48th #48088 Butcher Birds of JG1 Part I • Fw 190A-5, ‘Yellow 8’, 3./JG1, Deelen, July 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 2’, I./JG1, 1943; Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.530135, ‘White 12’, 3./JG1, flown by Uffz. Kunze, Holland, July 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.7328, ‘Black 1’, 11./JG1, flown by Hptm. D. Wickop, May 1943 1/48th #48088 Butcher Birds of JG1 Part II • Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.410022, ‘Black 3’, 5./JG1, flown by Lt. F. Wegner, late 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black <o’, II./JG1, flown by Lt. R. Kirchmayr, Summer 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 6’, 3./JG1, Schipol, June/July 1943; Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.550473, ‘Black 5’, 5./JG1, 5./JG1, flown by Fw. W. Nietzche, Rheine, summer 1943 1/48th #48095 Butcher Birds of JG1 Part III • Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.7032, ‘Black 10’, 5./JG1, flown by Fw. Kromer, January 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.410012, Stab JG1, September 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.614, ‘Yellow 4’, 12./JG1, Munchen-Gladbach, Germany, late 1942 1/32nd #32013 Fw 190 Fighters Part I • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Yellow 12’, 6/II./JG300, flown by Uffz. P. Lixfeld, November 1944; Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.172733, ‘Red 19’, 5(sturm.)/JG300, flown by E. Schroder, October 1944; Fw 190A-7, ‘Black <o’, 1./JG1, flown by Oblt. W. Krebs, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944 1/32nd #32061 Rammjäger Part 1 • Fw 190A-8/R2, W/Nr.682204, ‘Red 1’, 5/III/JG300, flown by Kapt. K. Brestschneider, October 1944; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732183, ‘Blue 4’, 12./JG5, flown by Lt. R. Linz, Norway, early 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 11’, 14./JG54, Sachsen, Germany, March 1945 1/32nd #32062 Rammjäger Part 2 • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Black 13’, JG3, flown by Maj. W. Dahl; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Red 8’, 11./IV/JG3, flown by Uffz. W. Maximowitz, June 1944; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.641497, ‘White 11’, 5./JG4, flown by Gefr. W. Wagner, shot down during Operation Bottenplatte 1/32nd #32063 Rammjäger Part 3 • Fw 190A-7, ‘Red 13’, 11./JG1, flown by Maj. H. Bär, Germany, April/May 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black <<-‘, JG2, flown by Obstlt. K. Bühligen, Nidda, Germany, September 1944; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 1’, 15./JG54, flown by Hptm. R. Klemm, Germany, 1944/45 HAD 48-011 InTech Luftwaffe cz 1 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xxxv HAD (Hungarian Armor Decals) Karaya 1/72nd #7206 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/72nd #D7202 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.I • Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.135313, Stab III./JG2, flown by Oblt. Arnim Faber and landed in error in UK, test flown by RAF as MP499; Fw 190A-5/U8, W/Nr.152596, 1./SKG10, flown by Uffz. Werner Ohne, landed in error in UK and test flown by CFE, Tangmere as EA•4; Fw 190A-4/U8, W/Nr.147155, ‘Yellow H’, 7./SKG10, flown by Fw. Otto Bechtold, landed in error at RAF West Mailing, April 1943; Fw 190A-4/U8, W/Nr.142308, ‘Yellow 4’, III./SKG10, Sidi-Ahmed, Tunisia, captured by US troops and later ‘acquired’ by Sqn Ldr Bobby Oxspring, RAF 1/72nd #7260 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/72nd #7283 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/72nd #72112 Fw 190A-8/R2 • No other details available 1/48th #48 011 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 • Fw 190F-8, W+510, ‘White 10’, 102/2 Close-Support Fighter Squadron, flown by Lance Sergeant Ferenc Timler, Royal Hungarian AF, winter, 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘Green C’, I./SG10, flown by Maj. E. Thiem, Tótvazsony, Hungary, February 1945; Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Yellow 12’, 6/II./JG300, flown by Uffz. P. Lixfield, November 1944 1/48th #48063 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/48th #48083 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/48th #48106 Fw 190F-8 • No other details available 1/48th #48112 Fw 190A-8/R2 • No other details available 1/48th #48115 Fw 190F-8/A-8 ‘The Black 2’ • No other details available 1/48th #48116 Fw 190A-8/R2 • No other details available 1/32nd #32029 Fw 190A-8/R2 • No other details available HGW 1/72nd #D7203 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.II • Includes: Fw 190A-6/R8, W/Nr.550214, 7./NJG11, found in Leck and registered as ‘Air Min 10’; Fw 190F-8/R15, ‘White 5’, found at Travemunde, May 1945, allocated ‘Air Min 111’ and flown to RAE Farnborough in July 1945; Fw 190F-8, found at Reinesehlen, May 1945, personal plane of Wg Cdr J.F. Edwards, No.127 Wing, RAF 1/72nd #D7204 Captured Butcherbird Vol.III • Includes: Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.585584, G9-T captured by the 509th FS, 404th FG; Fw 109G-3, W/Nr.160016, as tested at Wright Field in 1944; Fw 190G-3, W/Nr.160043, ‘E8101’ as tested at Wright Field in August 1943 1/72nd #D7205 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.IV • Fw 190G-3, W/Nr.160057, captured by 85th FS/79th FG, Gerbini AB, Sicily, September 1943; Fw 190G-3, W/ Nr.160057, as tested in USA at NAS Anacostia; Fw 190A-5, found in Tunisia by 79th FG, in scheme of the Training School at Constantine, July 1943; Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow H’, captured by South African soldiers in Italy (non-airworthy) H-Model Decals 1/72nd #HMD72024 JG300 Wilde Sau Pt.1 • Due release 2014 1/48th #D4802 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.I • Offers the same five options as #D7202 (See above) 1/72nd #HMD72025 Captured Fw 190s in the RAF • Fw 190A-5, XM•?, captured at Lübeck in January 1945 and used by No.162 Sqn; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.313, MP499, as tested by the RAF (ex-Armin Faber’s machine); Fw 190A-5/U11, ‘White’ of I./SKG10, which landed in error at RAF Manston and was then tested as PN999; Fw 190A-4/U8, W/Nr.7155, ex-I./SKG10 landed in error at RAF West Malling, April 1943 and tested by RADF as PE882 1/48th #D4803 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.II • Includes the same three options as #D7203 (See above) InTech 1/48th #D4806 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.V • Offers the same four options as #D7206 (See above) 1/32nd #232003 Fw 190A Stencils 1/72nd #1 – Luftwaffe cz.1 • Includes: Fw 190A-4, ‘White III’, 1./JG54, North Russia, 1943 Lifelike Decals 72-001 Lifelike Decals 72-022 Lifelike Decals 48-019 1/72nd #D7206 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.V • Fw 190A-5, discovered by the 325th FG, probably at Lesinia AB; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.583234, captured by the 511th FS, 404th FG at Kitzingen; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.681497, ‘L-OO’, captured at St. Trond, Belgium, 1st January 1945 and used by Col. Leo C. Moon, the CO of the 404th FG; Fw 190F-8, captured by the 354th FG, January 1945 and flown by Maj. Jim Dalglish 1/72nd #D7207 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.IV • Includes: Fw 190F-8 that served with Kommando-Seydlitz unit of German Communists, 1945; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.930838, ‘White 11’, ex-1./SG2 captured by Yugoslavian partisans, November 1944; Fw 190A-5, captured and flown by the 65th FS, 57th FG, USAF 1/48th #248003 Fw 190A Stencils Lifelike Decals 48-001 Lifelike Decals 48-032 1/48th #D4804 Captured Butcherbird Vol.III • Includes the same three options as #D7204 (See above) 1/48th #D4805 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.IV • Offers the same four options as #D7205 (See above) 1/48th #D4807 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.IV • Includes the same three options as #D7207 (See above) Model Alliance 72-9028 Model Alliance 72-9029 Lifelike Decals 32-001 Model Alliance 48-9028 xxxvi Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List 1/32nd #D3206 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.V • Offers the same four options as #D7206 (See above) 1/32nd #D3207 Captured Butcherbirds Vol.IV • Includes the same three options as #D7207 (See above) Kora Decals 1/72nd #7228 Fw 190F-8 Royal Hungarian Air Force • Fw 190F-8, ‘Black W+520’ and ‘Black W+521’ of the 102./1 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Hungarian AF, January 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black W+524’ of the 102/1 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Hungarian AF, Winter 1944 Model Alliance 48-9029 1/48th #4827 Fw 190F-8 • Fw 190F-8, ‘White 1’. Rumanian Air Force, August 1944 1/48th #4832 Fw 190A-3 Escuadrilla Azul • Fw 190A-3, ‘White 12’, 15 Staffel (Spain), JG51, Orel, summer, 1943; Fw 190A-3, ‘White 15’, 15 Staffel (Spain), JG51, Orel, summer, 1943; Fw 190A-3, ‘White 20’, 15 Staffel (Spain), JG51, Orel, summer, 1943 1/48th #4838 Fw 190F-8 Royal Hungarian Air Force • Offers the same three options as #7228 (See above) LF Models 1/72nd #C7278 Captured Fw 190F Part I • Fw 190F-8, captured by the 354th FG, January 1945 and flown by Maj. Jim Dalglish MSAP 7207 1/72nd #C7296 Captured Fw 190F Part II • Fw 190F-8, captured by No.410 Sqn, No.126 Wing and marked as YO•, Fassberg, May 1945 1/72nd #C7297 Captured Fw 190A Part I • Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.135313, Stab III./JG2, flown by Oblt. Arnim Faber and landed in error in UK, test flown by RAF as MP499 1/72nd #C7299 Captured Fw 190A Part III • Fw 190A-3, captured by the 85th FS, 79th FG, USAF, Summer 1943 1/48th #C4837 Captured Fw 190F Part I • Offers the same options as #C7278 (See above) MSAP 7209 1/72nd #72-001 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 1 • Includes: Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 1’, 6./JG26, flown by Oblt. E. Rudorffer, Beaumont-le-Roger, France,August 1942; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.642527, ‘White 9’, 5./JG26, flown by Obfw. A. Glunz, Cambrai-Epinoy, France, late 1944 1/72nd #72-022 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 2 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 4’, 9./JG2, flown by Oblt. S. Schnell, Vannes, France, February 1943; Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 7’ I./SG4 or Stab./SG4, Wenden, Germany, September 1944; Fw 190A-4, ‘White <<<’, JG101, flown by Maj. W. Nowotny, Pau, France, Spring-Summer, 1944; Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 28’, 2./EJGr.West, Cazaux, France, 1942 1/48th #48-001 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 1 • Includes the same two options as #72-001 (see above) 1/48th #48-019 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 2 • Includes the same two options as #72-022 (see above) 1/48th #48-032 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 3 • Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.140634, flown by Maj. H. Graf, JGr.Ost, March 1943; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.152594, flown by Maj. H. Graf, JGr.Ost, Bordeaux or Bussac, France, March-April 1943; Fw 190A-5/U7, W/Nr.733799, flown by Uffz. G. Pape, 3./ GJr.10, Jüterbog or Redlin, Germany, November 1944-January 1945 1/32nd #32-001 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Part 1 • Includes the same two options as #72-001 (see above) Model Alliance 1/72nd #MAS-729028 Defending the Reich Skies 1944-45 Part 1 • Includes: Fw 190A-9, W/Nr.490044, ‘Red 22’, 6./JG301, Langensalza, Germany, April 1945 1/72nd #MAS-729029 Defending the Reich Skies 1944-45 Part 2 • Includes: Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 4>’, Stab I./JG301, Germany, April.May 1945; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.681330, ‘Yellow 11’, II./SG2, Neubiberg, Germany, 1945 1/48th #C4845 Captured Fw 190A Part I • Offers the same options as #C7299 (See above) 1/48th #MAS-489028 Defending the Reich Skies 1944-45 Part 1 • Offers the same option as #MAS-729028 (see above) 1/48th #C4846 Captured Fw 190F Part II • Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.587108, ‘White 48’ captured at Lippstadt in April 1945 1/48th #MAS-489029 Defending the Reich Skies 1944-45 Part 2 • Offers the same two options as #MAS-729029 (see above) 1/48th #C4854 Captured Fw 190A Part II • Offers the same options as #C7297 (See above) MSAP (Ministry of Small Aircraft Production) 1/48th #C4855 Captured Fw 190A Part III • Fw 190A-8, captured b y the 356th FS, 354th FG, early 1945; Fw 190A-4, captured by the 85th FS, 79th FG at Gerbini, Sicily in 1943 and later tested in USA at NAS Anacostia 1/48th #C4856 Captured Fw 190F Part IV • Fw 190F-8, captured by No.401 Sqn, NO.126 Wing, at Fassberg, May 1945 and marked as YO• 1/72nd #7207 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.961076, ‘Black 10’, 5./JG4, flown by Obfr. A. Kessler to Bull-tofta, Sweden in April 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 10’ [VS+BX], unknown unit, found at Bad Abling, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 1’, 2./JG11, Kastrup, Denmark, 1945; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.681497, ‘White 11’, II./JG4; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 7’, 7./JG300, Altenberg, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘White 3’, JG1; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732090, ‘Black 12’, JG51, flown by Uffz. Merbeler 1/72nd #7209 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 • Fw 190A-5, ‘White <-‘, unidentified unit on the Eastern Front; MSAP 4809 MSAP 4810 Lifelike Decals MSAP 4844 MSAP 4845 Owl Decals 72004 Owl Decals 48001 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Listxxxvii Fw 190A-5, ‘Yellow W’, Sch.G.1, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘White F’, I./Sch.G.1, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-5/U12, W/Nr.410266, ‘Black 13’, 2./JG11, flown by Oblt. E. Hondt, October 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘White 11’, JG 54, location unknown; Fw 190A-5, W/Nr.7298, ‘Black 13’, JG26, flown by Obstlt J. Priller, Belgium, 1943; Fw 190A-6 nightfighter, W/Nr.550143, ‘White 11’, NJG10, flown by Oblt. F. Krause 1/48th #4809 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 • Fw 190A-5, ‘White <-‘, unidentified unit on the Eastern Front’ Fw 190A-5, ‘Yellow W’, Sch.G.1, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘White F’, I./Sch.G.1, Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-5/U12, W/Nr.410266, ‘Black 13’, 2./JG11, flown by Oblt. E. Hondt, October 1943; Fw 190A-5, ‘White 11’, JG 54, location unknown 1/48th #4810 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.961076, ‘Black 10’, 5./JG4, flown by Obfr. A. Kessler to Bull-tofta, Sweden in April 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 10’ [VS+BX], unknown unit, found at Bad Abling, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732183, ‘Blue 4’, 13./JG5, Norway, 1945; Fw 190A-8/R8, W/Nr.681497, ‘White 11’, II./JG4; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 7’, 7./JG300, Altenberg, Germany, 1945 1/48th #4844 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3 • Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 7’, 9./JG1, Husum, March 1943; Fw 190A‑3, W/Nr.20202, Stab./JG26, flown by Hptm. R. Hermichen, Coquelles, France, 1942; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.313, ‘White <’, III./JG2, flown by Oblt. A. Faber, 1942; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.437, ‘White 12’, IV./JG1, flown by Uffz. J. Rathenow, Rothenburg, Summer 1942; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.282, ‘Yellow 2’, 9./JG2, Rothenburg, Summer 1942 1/48th #4845 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Black 1’, 2./JG2; Fw 190A-4, ‘White III’, 1./JG54, North Russia, 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.614, ‘Yellow 4’, 12./JG1, autumn 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘White <<’, 1./JG51, flown by Hptm. H. Krafft, Russia, Autumn, 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.7032, ‘Black 10’, 5./JG1, January 1943 Owl Decals 1/144th #144001 Wilde Sau JG300 • Includes: Fw 190A-6 ‘Green 1’, Stab./JG Hermann flown by Maj. H. Hermann; Fw 190AS-6, ‘Black <o’, II./JG300 (II./JG1) 1/72nd #72004 Die Nachtjäger W.Nr 002 • Includes: Fw 190A-6 with FuG 217J-1, ‘Red 1’, 5./JG300, flown by Lt. K. Bretschneider 1/72nd 72034 Fw 190F-8 with SG116 Armament • TBA – Due 2014 1/48th 48034 Fw 190F-8 with SG116 Armament • TBA – Due 2014 1/48th 48035 Fw 190F-8 with SG113 Armament • TBA – Due 2014 1/48th #48081 JG300 Wilde Sau • Includes: Fw 190A-6, ‘Black <o’, II./JG300 (II./JG1), Fw 190A‑6, ‘Yellow 7’, II./JG Hermann (6./JG1) 1/32nd #32001 Wilde Sau JG300 • Same option as #72004 (See above) 1/32nd #32002 Wilde Sau Part 2 • Same option as #R48013 (See above) 1/32nd #R32004 Fw 190A-8/R11 • Same option as #R48002 (See above) Print Scale 1/144th #144001 Fw 190A2-A9 • Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.350185, ‘Blue 9’, 12./JG3, flown by Lt. K-H Koch, Herdla, Norway, February 1945; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 8’, 1./JG54, flown by Lt. W. Nowotny, Russia, November 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.746, ‘Yellow 4’, 9./JG2, flown by Hptm. S. Schneff, Vannes, France, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 3’, 1./JG54, flown by P. Bremer, June 1943; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.0135508, ‘Black 5’, 14./JG5, flown by Hptm. F. Strakeldzhan, Petsamo, Finland, July 1943; Fw 190A-3, ‘Blue 1’, 14(Jabo)./JG5, flown by Hptm. F-W Strakeljahn, Petsamo, Finland, 1943; Fw 190A‑3, ‘Black <<’, 1./JG51, flown by Hptm. H. Krafft, Essau, August 1942; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.732197, ‘White 10’, 9./JG5, flown by Rudi Artner, Herdla, Norway, April 1945; Fw 190A-2, W/Nr.20205, ‘White 7’, 5./JG2, Seville, MayJune 1942; Fw 190A-3, ‘Red 41’ of the Turkish AF, 1942-43; Fw 190A, ‘Yellow 7’, 1./JG6. winter 1944-45; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 1’, 6./JG2, flown by Oblt. E. Rudorfer, Tunisia, January 1943; Fw 190A-7/R6, W/Nr.317822, ‘Red 21’, JGL, Dessau, 1943; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.0552, ‘Black >>’, III./JG26, flown by Hptm. J. Priller, Vevethejm, August 1942; Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 13’, 12./JGII, Denmark, Spring, 1945 Propagteam Owl Decals 32001 1/72nd #72-019/06 Fw 190A-3 Priller • Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.0552, ‘Black >>’, III./JG26, flown by Hptm. J. Priller, Vevethejm, August 1942 1/48th #48001 Fw 190A-8/R11 • Fw 190A-8/R11, ‘White 9’, 1./NJGr.10, flown by Ofw. G. Migge 1/48th #48-003/06 Fw 190A-3 Priller • Same option as #72-019/6 1/48th #48004 Die Nachtjäger W.Nr 002 • Offers the same option as #72004 (See above) Rising Decals 1/72nd #72-014 Deutsche über der Wüste • Includes: Fw 190A-4/Trop, W/Nr.0145614, ‘White 1’ of EKdo 19 and found by Allied troops at Benghazi, Libya, November 1942 1/48th #48013 Fw 190A-5 • Fw 190A-5, ‘Black XV’, 10./NJG.3 Rising Decals 72-014 Sky Models 72-059 Owl Decals 48004 1/72nd #72002 Fw 190A2-A9 • Offers the same fifteen options as #144001 (See above) 1/72nd 72035 Fw 190F-8 with SG113 Armament • TBA – Due 2014 1/48th #48002 Fw 190A-6/R11 • Fw 190A-6/R11, ‘White 11’, 1./NJGr.10, flown by Oblt. F. Krause Owl Decals 48002 Owl Decals 32003 Sky Models 48-056 Superscale 48-632 Owl Decals 32004 xxxviiiAirframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List Sky Decals Superscale 48-633 Tally Ho! 4110 1/72nd SKY 72-059 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 1’, flown by Lt. A. Schneider, 9./JG5, Herdla, May 1945 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 4’, flown by Hptm. S. Schnell, 9./JG2, Vannes, France, February 1943 • Fw 190A-2, ‘Black 1’, flown by Hptm J. Priller, 3./JG26, Wevelghem, Belgium, June 1942 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 13’, flown by Oblt. J. Priller, Stab./JG26, Rambuillet, France, June 1944 • Fw 190A-6, ‘Black <’, flown by Maj. A. Hackl, 3./JG11, Oldemburg, Germany, April 1944 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <|’, flown by Lt. E. von Burath, 1./JG1, Deelen, Holland, spring 1943 • Fw 190 A-5, ‘White 12’, 1./J1, 1943 • Fw 190A-4, ‘White 10’, flown by Fw. F. Husser, 1./JG1, Deelen, Holland, spring 1943 • Fw 190A-4, ‘White 8’, 1./JG1, Deelen, Holland, spring 1943 • Fw 190A-2, ‘White <<’, flown by Hptm. H. Hahn, 3./JG2, Théville, France, spring 1942 • Fw 190A-2, flown by Hptm. H. Hahn, Stab 3./JG2, Théville, France, spring 1942 • Fw 190A-6, ‘White 2’, flown by Fw. G. Vivroux, Sturmstaffel 1, winter 1944 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 10’, 2./JG11, Darmstadt, 1945 • Fw 190A-7, ‘Red 13’, flown by Maj. H. Bär, 2./JG1, Darmstadt, 1945 • Fw 190A-8/R8, ‘Whiet 11’, flown by Gfr. W. Wagner, 5./JG4, Operation Bodenplate, January 1945 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Blue 4’, flown by Lt. R. Linz, 12/JG5, Herdla, Norway, 1945 • Fw 190A-8, ‘White 10’, flown by Fw. R. Artner, 9./JG5, Herdla, MNorway, May 1945 • Fw 190A-3, ‘Black 1’, flown by Hptm. F, Strakeljahn, 14(Jabo)./5, Petsamo, Finland, June 1944 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 11’, flown by Lt. G. Heym, JG51, Ziehenau. September 1944 • Fw 190A-5/U12, ‘Black 13’, flown by Lt. E. Hondt, 2./JG11, Husum, Denmark, October 1943 • Fw 190A-6, ‘White 7’, flown by Maj. E. Bascila, Sturmstaffel 1, January 1944 • Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 7’, 9./JG1, Husum, Denmark, spring 1943 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 12’, flown by Uffz. H. Guthanke, 9./JG1, Husum, Denmark, spring 1943 • Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 7’, flown by Uffz. H. Guthenke, 3./JG11, Husum, Denmark, spring 1943 1/48th SKY 48-056 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F • This offers the same 24 options as SKY 72-059 (see above) Tally Ho! 7009 Start 1/48th #LIF.48001 Luftwaffe in Focus 1 • Includes: Fw 190A-4, ‘Black 6’, 5./JG 1, flown by Fw. Bremer 1/48th #LIF.48002 Luftwaffe in Focus 2 • Includes the same option as #LIF.48001 1/48th #LIF.48003 Luftwaffe in Focus 3 • Includes: Fw 190A-5, ‘Red X’, 3 Jagd Division, 1943-44 Superscale Tally Ho! 72029 Tally Ho! 48036 1/72nd #72-616 JG54 Fw 190A-4/6 Aces with 200+ kills • Fw 190A-6, ‘Black >>’, II./JG54, flown by Maj. E. Rudorffer, Eastern Front, Spring, 1944; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 1’, 1./JG54, flown by Lt. W. Nowotny, Eastern Front, February 1943; Tally Ho! 32003 Third Group 72-021 Fw 190A-4, ‘Black >>’, 1./JG54, flown by Hptm. H. Phillipp, Eastern Front, January 1943; Fw 190A-6, ‘Yellow 5’, 3./JG54, flown by Oblt. O. Kittie, Eastern Front, August 1944 1/72nd #72-809 Fw 190A-3/4/7 Aces • Fw 190A-7, ‘Green 13’, II./JG1, flown by Obstlt. H. Bär, Germany, 1944; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 4’, 9./JG2, flown by Maj. S. Schnell, France, 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black 13’, JG2, France, 1942 1/48th #48-632 JG54 Fw 190A-4/6 Aces with 200+ kills • Offers same four options as #72-716 (See above) 1/48th #48-633 Fw 190A-5, F-2 & F-8 ‘Schlachtflieger’ • Fw 190F-2, ‘Black <-‘, Schl.G.1, flown by Maj. A. Druschel, Eastern Front, July 1943; Fw 190F02, ‘Black <<’, I./Schl.G.1, flown by Hptm. G. Dorffel, Eastern Front, February 1943; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black <’, 4./Schl.G.2, flown by Lt. H. Buchner, Rumania, June 1944; Fw 190A-5, ‘Black G’, SG2, flown by Obfwbl. A. Lambert, November 1943 Tally Ho! (Canada) 1/72nd #7009 Fw 190F-8, 102./1, Hungarian AF, 1944-45 • Fw 190F-8, ‘W-521’, 102./1 Close-Support Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45; Fw 190F-8, ‘W-510’, 102./1 CloseSupport Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45; Fw 190F-8, ‘W501’, 102./1 Close-Support Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45 1/48th #4110 Fw 190F-8, 102./1, Hungarian AF, 1944-45 • Fw 190F-8, ‘W-521’, 102./1 Close-Support Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45; Fw 190F-8, ‘W-510’, 102./1 CloseSupport Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45; Fw 190F-8, ‘W501’, 102./1 Close-Support Squadron, Hungarian AF, 1944-45 Tally Ho! Decals (Czech Republic) 1/72nd #S72 008 Fw 190A, D, F, G & Ta 152 stencils 1/72nd #72 012 Nachtjäger Part 1 • Includes: Fw 190A-6, ‘Red 3’, JG300, flown by F-K Müller, Bonn-Hangelar, 1943 1/72nd #72 029 Focke-Wulf 190 Friedrich • Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.930838, ‘White 43’, 1./SG2, captured by the Yugoslav Liberation Army at Kovina AB; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.830838, as ‘White 11’ with the Yugoslav Liberation Army. Zemun AB, 1945-1948; Fw 190F-8, ‘Green 2’, St.III./ SG10, forced down by Mustangs near Hlohonvá, Bohemia; Fw 190F-8/R1, ‘Red 2’, I./SG2, Hungary, Winter 1944/45 1/48th #S48 008 Fw 190A, D, F, G & Ta 152 stencils 1/48th #48 006 Nachtjäger Part 1 • Offers the same option as #72 012 (See above) 1/48th #48 024 Focke-Wulf 190 Friedrich • Offers the same four options as #72 029 (see above) 1/48th #48 036 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3 & A-4 Part 1 • Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.583, ‘White 10’, 1./JG1, flown by Ofw. F. Husser, Deelen AB, Holland, summer 1943; Fw 190A-3, ‘Black <’, Stab I./JG51, on icebound lake, West of Moscow, Winter 1942/43; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.142319, ‘Black 2’, 2./JG54, flown by Uffz. H. Brandt, Ladoga lake area, Eastern Front, January 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘Black <-‘, II./JG2, flown by Oblt. A. Dickfeld, Karouian, Tunisia, December 1942; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.142310, the first Fw 190 captured by Russian forces, repaired and flown to the CAGI for further testing Third Group 48-024 Third Group 48-025 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xxxix 1/32nd #32 005 Focke-Wulf 190 Friedrich • Offers the same four options as #72 029 (see above) 1/48th #48-027 I. & II./JG1 ‘Oesau’ – 1944, Fw 190A-6/7 • Offers the same four options as #72-021 (see above) 1/32nd #S32 003 Fw 190A, D, F, G & Ta 152 stencils 1/48th #48-037 JG 54 ‘Green Hearts; Fw 190A-6/8 • Fw 190A-8, ‘Black 15’, 10./JG54, Germany, May 1945; Fw 190A-8, IV./JG54, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-6, II./JG54, flown by Maj. E. Rudorffer, Immola, Finland, Summer 1944; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 7’, 4./JG54, Immola, Finland, Summer 1944 Techmod 1/72nd #72065 Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 • Fw 190F-8, ‘White 70’, Stab.SG 10; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 64’, 102 Regiment, Hungary, Winter 1944/45; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 65’, 102/1 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Hungary, February 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 67’, 102 Regiment, Hungary, Winter 1944/45; Fw 190F-8, ‘Blue 12’ Experiment Jagdgruppe of III./ JG 11, flown by Laszlo Szenassy Hannover-Celle, Germany, October 1944 1/72nd #72064 Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 • Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 54’, 102 Regiment, Hungary, Winter 1944/45; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 21’, 102/2 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Varpalota, Hungary, Winter 1944/45; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 5’, 102/1 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Hungary, Winter 1944/45; Fw 190F-8, ‘Yellow 24’, 102/2 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Trans-Dunabian area, Hungary, 1944; Fw 190F-8, ‘White 26’, 102/1 Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Hungary, Winter 1944/45 1/48th #48113 Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 • Offers the same five options as #72064 (See above) 1/48th #48113 Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 • Offers the same five options as #72065 (See above) Third Group 1/72nd #72-021 I. & II./JG1 ‘Oesau’ 1944 • Fw 190A-6, ‘Yellow 13’, 6./JG1, flown by Oblt. R. von Kirchmayr, Störmede, Germany, May 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/ Nr.430965, ‘White 9’, 1./JG1, flown by Hptm. A. Grislawski, Dortmund, Germany, January 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/ Nr.431007, ‘Red 13’, II./JG1, flown by Maj. H. Bär, Störmede, Germany, April 1944; Fw 190A-7, W/Nr.430352, ‘Red 3’, 2./ JG1, Dortmund, Germany, April 1944 1/48th #48-024 1./JG1 in Holland • Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.581, ‘Black <|’, I./JG1, flown by Lt. E. Burath, Holland, Spring 1943; Fw 190A-6, ‘White 9’, 1./JG1, flown by Lt. H-G Lück, Deelen, Holland, September 1943; Fw 190A-4, ‘White 8’, 1./JG1, Deelen, Holland, April 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.583, ‘White 10’, 1./JG1, Deelen, Holland, April/May 1943 1/48th #48-025 II./JG1 Fw 190A-4/5 • Fw 190A-5, ‘Black <o’, flown by Lt. R. von Kirchmayr, Holland, Spring 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.526, ‘White 10’, 4./JG1, Holland, 1942; Fw 190A-4, ‘Yellow 10’, 6./JG1, Leeuwarden, Holland, March 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.7032, ‘Black 10’, 5./JG1, flown by Fw. Kromer, Woensdrecht, Holland, January 1943 1/48th #48-026 9./JG1 & 3./JG11 Fw 190A-3/4/6/7 • Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.530106, ‘Yellow 7’, 3./JG11, flown by Fw. H-G Güthenke, Holland, August 1943; Fw 190A-7, ‘Yellow 6’, 3./JG11, flown by Ofw. W. Lorenz, Svendborg/Funen, Denmark, February 1944; Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 7’, 9./JG1, Husum, Denmark, March 1943; Fw 190A-4, W/Nr.5703, ‘Yellow 12’, 9./JG1, flown by Uffz. H-G Güthenke, Husum, Denmark, March 1943 1/48th #48-038 Schlachtflugzeug Fw 190F-8/F-9 • Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.933173, ‘Red 8’, unknown unit, MannheimSandhofen, Germany, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Red 75’, unknown unit, date or location; Fw 190F-9, W/Nr.440401, ‘Green <o’, II./SG10, Herzogenaurach, Germany, 1945; Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 2’, SG2, Eastern Front, late 1944 1/48th #48-044 Fw 190 #9 – Survivors #1 (A-8) • Fw 190A-8, W/nNr.960211, ‘Red 13’ or ‘Green 13’, Grove, Denmark 1945; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.670588. ‘Black 5’ or ‘Blue 5’, Linz, Austria, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 17’, Bad Aibling, Germany, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 3’, KG51, Bad Aibling, Germany, 1945 Third Group 48-026 1/48th #48-045 Fw 190 #10 – Survivors #2 (A-3/F-3/8) • Fw 190F-8, ‘Black 3’, belly-landed by Fw. E. Lörcher, 5./SG2, Germany, summer 1945; Fw 190F-3, ‘Black K’ belly-landed by Ofw. J. Enzenberger, II./SG10 in Germany, 8th May 1945; Fw 190A-3, W/Nr.2168, ‘White 8’ or ‘Yellow 8’, Germany, summer 1945; Fw 190F-8, W/Nr.582384, ‘Red 13’, Germany, summer 1945 1/48th #48-060 Fw 190#12 – A-3s of JG5 & JG51 • Fw 190A-3, ‘Black II’ and ‘Green 2’, possibly from Stab./JG5; Fw 190A-3, ‘Red 8’ of 2./JG51; Fw 190A-3, ‘Yellow 12’ possibly of 3./JG5; Fw 190A-3, ‘White 9’ flown by Lt. Romm of 1./JG51 Third Group 48-027 Tigerhead Decals 1/72nd #72005 Spitfires and Würgers of the Turkish AF • Includes: Fw 190A-3, ‘Black 27’ & ‘Black 03’, both of the 5th Fighter Regiment, 1943-1947 1/48th #48008 Spitfires and Würgers of the Turkish AF • Includes the same two options as #72005 (See above) Ventura 1/72nd #V7204 German Two-seaters • Includes: Fw 190S-5, ‘Red 115’ Vintage Eagles Third Group 48-037 1/48th #VE001D-48 Captured Eagles • Includes: Fw 190A-8, ‘Red 3’, 2./JG301, unknown location, 1945; Fw 190A-8, ‘Yellow 7’, 3./JG2, unknown location, 1945 1/32nd #VE001D-32 Captured Eagles • Offers the same two options as #VE001D-48 (see above) Xtradecals 1/72nd #X72-197 D-Day 70th Anniversary June 1944-2014 Luftflotte 3 • Includes: Fw 190A-6, W/Nr.530120, ‘Black <’, JG26, flown by Oblt. J. Priller, Lille, France, 1944; Fw 190A-8, W/Nr.3317, ‘Black <<’, JG2, flown by Maj. K. Buhligen, Creil, France, 1944 Third Group 48-038 Third Group 48-045 Third Group 48-060 Ventura V7204 Vintage Eagle VE001D-48 Vintage Eagle VE001D-32 AIRFRAME & MINIATURE No.7 Airframe & Miniature No.7 The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Radial-engine Versions Downloadable Content Valiant Wings Publishing Ltd 8 West Grove, Bedford, MK40 4BT +44 (0)1234 273434 All rights reserved.
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