january 2016 - Greater Burlington Partnership
january 2016 - Greater Burlington Partnership
Partnership The JANUARY 2016 GREATER BURLINGTON PARTNERSHIP NEWSLETTER VOL. 96 NO. 1 PRESIDENT & CEO’S LETTER Kay Sackville Breuer Vice President 319-208-0041 kbreuer@greaterburlington.com Belinda Colwell SETTING THE BAR by Jason Hutcheson Each year, the Partnership boards of directors authorize major goals, strategies and initiatives for the calendar year. Naturally, there are programs and events that the organization executes every year such as the annual dinner, coordinating economic development packages to expanding companies, recruiting and supporting multi-day visitor events, and pulling off successful events in Downtown Burlington. That said, the ‘regulars’ do not make the 2016 Goals and Strategies document, as its focus is much more strategic. You may view the full 2016 work plan on the Partnership website, but I will also provide a key strategic priority from each division for you below: Administrative Assistant 319-208-0042 bcolwell@greaterburlington.com Steve Frevert Downtown Partners, Inc. Exec. Dir. 319-208-0056 sfrevert@greaterburlington.com Jason Hutcheson President & CEO 319-208-0043 jhutcheson@greaterburlington.com Sherri Krause Finance Manager 319-208-0044 skrause@greaterburlington.com Brenda Levitt Econ. Development Research Coordinator 319-208-0047 blevitt@greaterburlington.com Chamber of Commerce: Within this division, there will be an increased effort on the external communications plan. Due in part to the newsletter, the organization does a fairly good job of sharing important messages and updates with our members. However, there are roughly 1,700 individuals on our distribution list, and there are more than 40,000 in Des Moines County. Over the course of the next few months, you are likely to see increased communication to the general public about key initiatives and public policy of importance to stakeholders. Economic Development: For a number of years, the Partnership has been engaged in programming related to workforce development including career fairs for students and on-site job shadowing in manufacturing facilities. Over the next 12 months, you are likely to witness a slight change in strategy as we transition to a focus on talent attraction. Due to strong job growth, our community must turn its attention to the recruitment of new individuals to the Greater Burlington area to fill the demanding requirements of employers. Convention & Visitors Bureau: Sporting events have become big business to our community, and a couple of years ago, the CVB established a sports commission. Since inception, the group has focused mainly as a conduit for grant funding to augment sports tournaments. During 2016, the commission will become a bit more proactive as it attempts to recruit additional tournaments to the community and work with tournament organizers to attract even more teams to existing tournaments. Downtown Partners: Over the last year, the groundwork has been laid for positive enhancements to the downtown area through both the Lightscape Project and the parking study. We fully expect towers and steeples to be lit during 2016, and material progress on the implementation of the parking study should commence preparing the way for even more redevelopment of historic buildings. Your boards of directors have never settled for mediocrity. The bar has been set high for 2016, and I expect it to be another great year! page 2 Julie Meloan Bell Welcome Center Coordinator 319-752-8731 jmeloanbell@greaterburlington.com Rachel Lindeen Dir. Member Services 319-208-0046 rlindeen@greaterburlington.com Chelsea Tolle Convention & Visitors Bureau Exec. Dir. 319-208-0045 ctolle@greaterburlington.com David Toyer Dir. of Economic Development 319-208-0053 dtoyer@greaterburlington.com Brenda Wischmeier Director of Marketing 319-208-0040 bwischmeier@greaterburlington.com SUBSCRIPTIONS: Price is $24, which is included in annual events fees. Non-members: $3 per issue. Periodicals postage paid at Burlington, Iowa. POSTMASTER: The Partnership is published monthly by the Greater Burlington Partnership 610 North Fourth Street, Suite 200, Burlington, Iowa 52601. POSTMASTER send address changes to Greater Burlington Partnership (USPS 001-692) 610 North Fourth Street, Suite 200, Burlington, Iowa 52601 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Partnership The JANUARY 2016 GREATER BURLINGTON PARTNERSHIP NEWSLETTER VOL. 96 NO. 1 ON THE COVER LEADERSHIP TAKES ON NEW ROLE Setting the policies and goals for the Greater Burlington Partnership is the responsibility of the Board of Directors each year. This organization is unique in its structure and includes a Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development group, Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Main Street organization all under the same collective umbrella identity. For this community, the arrangement has proven to be a great strategy. In order to accomplish this task, each division at the Partnership has a separate board of directors, segregated funds and a unique mission statement. The chairs of each board of directors grace this month’s cover. In 2016, the chairs of the divisions are as follows (from left to right on the cover): • Joyce Vance, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois, Chamber of Commerce Chair • Charles L. Walsh, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust, Economic Development Chair • K.C. Fleming, Great River Health Systems, Convention & Visitors Bureau Chair • Julie Anderson, Hope Haven Area Development Center, Downtown Partners Chair The chairs of the organization do much more than preside over monthly board meetings. During the one year term, they represent the organization at a variety of functions and collectively meet to ensure the organization is running efficiently and effectively. When you have an opportunity, please thank these individuals for their time and dedication to the organization and the community. Photo Credit: Phil Pool, Omni Photography “Greater Burlington shall be a growing center of commerce, industry, education, healthcare, entertainment and culture, providing a great place to live, work and operate a business.” Vision of the Greater Burlington Partnership #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 3 2016 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES It is imperative that a successful Chamber of Commerce work within the political realm to advocate positions important to business. Annually, the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors approves legislative statements that reflect those issues the Chamber of Commerce believes is in the best interests of the business community in Greater Burlington. Here are some highlights: Oppose the Iowa State Legislature delaying annual appropriations for school districts. School districts are required to certify their budgets by April 15. This is often before they know the amount of state aid they will receive. The state legislature needs to follow the law and provide districts with aid projections at least one year in advance. Encourage a robust discussion with business leaders about benefits and consequences of adjusting the minimum wage. Any adjustment to the minimum wage should be modest and implemented over multiple years. Support efforts to establish an Eco-Friendly Renewable Chemical Production Tax Credit to encourage rapid growth of this burgeoning industry in Iowa. Support allowing businesses to collect sales tax from out-of-state establishments in order to reduce the inequity that now exists between online sellers and bricks-and-mortar businesses. Encourage beneficial consolidation between local governments, sharing administrative support, equipment, facilities and personnel. The full document may be found at GreaterBurlington.com. page 4 MAKING AN IMPACT What is Great River Region Days? The counties of Des Moines, Henry, Lee and Louisa work together to create this annual two-day lobbying trip to the state capital. Nearly 100 business leaders, community officials and high school students attend. All legislators from across the state are invited, and the Governor and/or Lieutenant Governor typically gives the keynote speech. Day two begins with a Leadership breakfast highlighted by a legislative panel and continues with a variety of informational sessions. What happens during these two days? I want to attend! What do I need to do? To reserve your spot, contact Belinda During the course of 24 hours, a Colwell. Registration fee is $125 and lot takes place. The trip begins with includes your welcome lunch and a Delegate Luncheon at the State appetizers and Historical Society. From there, we start The counties of Des Moines, drinks at the an afternoon of Henry, Lee and Louisa work reception; no refunds. informative sessions together to create this annual Participants highlighted by a two-day lobbying trip to are responsible variety of speakers the state capital. for their own and subjects. The travel (many M-Power U students spend an hour presenting their position are willing to carpool). A room block is reserved at the Embassy Suites. statements during this time as well. During the evening, we host a Legislative Reception at the Embassy Suites. State Capitol Fact: Built in 1886, the dome is 275 feet above the ground floor and covered with 23 karat gold with an original cost of $2,873,294.59. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 THINK BIG. START SMALL. BEGIN NOW. IMPORTANT DATES Registration Deadline February 1 1st Draft Due March 14 Final Draft Due April 25 Winners Announced May 13 @ Small Business Appreciation Breakfast GreaterBurlington.com ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION IS UNDERWAY Recently started a new business or ready to take that hobby of yours to the next level? Want a chance to earn up to $10,000? Register for the 2016 Business Plan Competition! Participants in the program enroll in a business plan writing course, submit a first draft for critical review, and undergo a credit and personal financial statement analysis. Finalists give a presentation to a review committee and awards are announced to the winner(s) during the Small Business Appreciation Breakfast on May 31. Give your business the structure and guidance necessary to be successful and possibly earn money, lease assistance and a Chamber of Commerce membership along the way! Lorraine Guerra, Co-Owner of Majestic Estate, 2015 Business Plan Competition Winner: “The competition provides the information and mentors you need to start your own business. The competition process walks you through designing a successful business plan and puts you on the path to business ownership. By the end you will be confident in your ability to start your own business. If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help them build theirs.” For more information, contact Jason Hutcheson. #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 5 GREATER BURLINGTON YOUNG PROFESSIONALS LUNCH & LEARN January 20, 12 pm Burlington Golf Club MEET STEPHANIE FAMELIS YP OF THE MONTH Employer: Shearer’s Snacks Hometown: Chaska, Minnesota YP Member: 2 Years “I love the opportunity YP gives me to get involved in the community. I wouldn’t have done half of the stuff here and wouldn’t be named a YP of the month! Added bonuses are the lunches and helping out with the interns program during the summer.” Fun Fact: “I am an international travel bug. I’ve been to Greece twice, London once, traveled New Zealand and lived in Australia for 5 months.” DID YOU KNOW... Being involved in your community connects you with others, but most importantly is the intangible benefits of pride, satisfaction and accomplishment. page 6 Guest Speaker Honorable Congressman Dave Loebsack YP’s it is your opportunity to interact with the Honorable Congressman Dave Loebsack. Speak on behalf of Millennials and Generation X, learn about what is going on in Washington, D.C. and understand the connections between Iowa and the nation’s capital. Event is free for YP members, $15 for non-members. The first event is complimentary for prospective members. RSVP is required by January 13 via the Facebook event or by emailing youngprofessionals@greaterburlington.com. GreaterBurlingtonYP.com RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • (319) 752-6365 HOT OFF THE PRESS 35,000 Guides Printed Get Your Copy Today! Contact Chelsea Tolle to arrange delivery or pickup. CVB GOES ON THE ROAD January 16: Peoria Kids Fest Goal: Promote Greater Burlington as a vacation destination for families. January 26: Legislative Showcase Goal: Speak with local legislatures demonstrating that tourism is important to Iowa and Greater Burlington’s economy. Follow Visit Burlington Iowa on the road by visiting us on Facebook. #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 7 PARTNERSHIP HOSTS INTERNATIONAL VISIT The Greater Burlington Partnership hosted the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) and their trade representatives from Taiwan, Japan and China for a two day familiarization tour of Greater Burlington and meetings with area businesses. Pictured from left to right are John Clark, IEDA’s China Representative; Bruce Liu, IEDA’s Taiwan Representative; Ichiro Hirose, IEDA’s Japan Representative; David Toyer, the Partnership; Joseph Rude with IEDA’s International Office; Derek Begue with PRA Global; Chelsea Tolle and Brenda Levitt, the Partnership. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD We want to hear from you! Every year the Business Retention & Expansion committee, along with the staff at the Greater Burlington Partnership visits with Des Moines County businesses to better understand opportunities and challenges. To schedule a visit, contact Rachel Lindeen. The team looks forward to visiting with you! page 8 LET’S CELEBRATE REGIONAL AWARD The Mid America Economic Development Council presented the Greater Burlington Partnership with an award for its coordination and execution of the Inaugural ‘Iowa’s Next Big Thing’ Youth Entrepreneurship Event at its annual awards luncheon. The inaugural event had more than 100 students participate from 16 schools across the region. David Toyer was present in Chicago to accept the award. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 MEET THE NEW LEADERSHIP CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Joyce Vance, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Goal: The Board of Directors is comprised of bright, talented and busy professional men and women. It is my goal to facilitate a meaningful and rewarding volunteer experience for their commitment to serve. Active participation by a volunteer board representing businesses large, small and in between unites people from diverse backgrounds to work toward developing a strong and vibrant community. Why: It is a privilege to serve as chair. It is my hope to help create synergy and build community through a collaborative and engaged board as we work toward making the community the best place to work, live, play and raise a family. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Charles L. Walsh, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Goal: My main goal for the year is to help facilitate the improvements to the Greater Burlington area by representing both current businesses and those looking to move into the area. Why: As local Community Banker and Chamber member, I have always felt it is extremely important to get involved in any way possible to improve the community. Involvement has been a tradition for four generations of the Walsh family. I believe in the missions of the Partnership, and I will continue to support their efforts in the future. CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU K.C. Fleming, Great River Health Systems Goal: My primary efforts will be focused on continuing to build on the foundation that Mike Shinn and other previous chairs have built for the CVB. Continuing to advance and enhance the existing momentum on projects related to the indoor RecPlex facility, which extends the tourism season in the area, finalize the wayfinding project and market the area as a favorable destination. Why: Greater Burlington didn’t get to where it is by accident. Today, we benefit from lots of foresight and effort by leaders from previous decades. It takes ideas and people to put them in motion to make things happen…and in doing that, we can, and should, all do our part to make Greater Burlington a better place for generations to come. DOWNTOWN PARTNERS, INC. Julie Anderson, Hope Haven Area Development Center Goal: To advocate for and help bring more awareness of all of the great things happening in Downtown Burlington. Why: It is exciting to be an active participant and hopefully helpful rather than sitting on the sidelines and watching things happen. In addition, you have the opportunity to meet and work with some really great people from all types of businesses and organizations. #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 9 STRONG MOMENTUM MOVING FORWARD Downtown Partners celebrates its 30th year as a Main Street organization in 2016, and interest has never been greater. Strategic moves such as the railroad quiet zone and the addition of dozens of buildings to the National Register of Historic Places are being met by surging downtown redevelopment both locally and nationwide. More and more people are looking to live, open a business, and spend time in historic, revitalized city centers, and the effects this past year in downtown Burlington are obvious: • $3.2 million in private investment took place, with 40 completed property rehabs ranging from new signage to roofs to interior and exterior work • Five business starts were welcomed, with a net gain of 2 businesses and 12 FTE jobs • Nine properties were purchased for a total investment of over $900,000 • The Community Development Block Grant façade project was completed, rehabbing 15 building fronts • A comprehensive parking study was begun in partnership with the City page 10 • A total of 16 blade signs have been completed with the DPI signage grant program, designed to support businesses and beautify downtown • Work began on rehabbing the Tama Complex for 48 new apartments • One storefront project was completed using the DPI façade loan program • Over 2900 volunteer hours were recorded for DPI everything from attending meetings to moving barricades to planting flowers “The work of many businesses, volunteers, and municipal leaders has led to these successes,” said Steve Frevert. Interest continues to build in new businesses, expanded offerings for visitors to enjoy, and urban residential use. “As one business owner put it, ‘Downtown is a sleeping giant that is starting to wake up.’ A strong downtown helps build a resilient community.” Picture taken by Steve Frevert of Downtown looking west. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 GROW YOUR NETWORK Business After Hours is a networking social event that all members can enjoy. Hosts invite you into their business and showcase products and services while you mingle and enhance your network. JOIN US IN 2016 February 18 March 31 April 21 May 12 October 20 November 17 December 5 River Ridge Dental Care and River Ridge Orthodontics Deery Brothers IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union Universal Therapy Group Great River Health Systems MidwestOne Bank Holiday Business Showcase GreaterBurlington.com #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 11 America’s CAR-MART Tastefully Yours Bistro & Catering Co. Celebrated the Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting. Manager, Jennifer Scales, staff and the Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors helped celebrate the opening located at 1233 N Roosevelt Ave, Burlington. Welcomed us to the new location in Downtown Burlington. Restaurant Manager, Stacey Mueller, staff and the Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors celebrated with a Ribbon Cutting located a 218 Jefferson St, Unit 1D, Burlington. Hopefully Yours Broke ground on a new location at 617 Jefferson in Downtown Burlington. Store Manager Brett Mitchell with staff and volunteers celebrated the new store that will be the first building constructed on Jefferson St in over 40 years. IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union Congratulations on the newly remodeled and expanded office. Manager Brian Krieger and staff celebrated with a Ribbon Cutting located at 403 S Gear, Ste 101 in West Burlington. BE SOCIAL Get updates on recent news and events from the Greater Burlington Partnership via social media. For links, visit GreaterBurlington.com. page 12 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 MAKING A DIFFERENCE Thank you to the members for renewing their memberships and providing the resources to accomplish the ongoing goals of the Chamber of Commerce. Those listed in red have made an additional commitment by making a voluntary contribution. Accounting Professionals of Burlington Air Choice One Allgood Animal Hospital American EyeCare and Freedom LASIK Anderson, Roberts, Porth, Wallace & Stewart LLP Art Center of Burlington Aspelmeier, Fisch, Power, Engberg & Helling, P.L.C. Becker’s Jewelers & Gemologists Bel Canto Chorale Brown’s Shoe Fit Buffalo Wild Wings Burke Cleaners Burlington By the Book Burlington Jet Stop Burlington Municipal Band Foundation Burlington Produce Casebine Community Credit Union Childrens’ Dental Center of SE IA Clean Sweep Chimney Care Cleveland Dermatology Community Action of Southeast Iowa Cray, Goddard, Miller, Taylor & Gerling L.L.L.P. Greater Burlington Area Crime Stoppers Crossroads RV Park Des Moines County Abstract & Title Co. Des Moines County Farm Bureau Des Moines County Heritage Center DMC Mutual Insurance Dolores’ Resale Shop Fraternal Order of the Eagles #150 Edward Jones - Joel Sieren Fareway Food Stores Farmers Savings Bank Financial Adjustment Bureau First United Methodist Church Fort Madison Bank & Trust George’s Lawn Mower Great Western Bank The Hawk Eye Horse & Buggy Museum IN, IL, IA Foundation for Fair Contracting International Eyecare Ctr Jerry Jochims Junior Achievement of the Heartland Kelly O’Shea’s Shamrock Pub & Grille Kitchen Solvers La Tavola Lindon Wines Lunning Chapel Martini’s Grille David McMurray MidWestOne Bank Miracle Car Wash Modern Welding Company of Iowa Myers Construction Nature’s Corner Norm’s Koestner Electric Burlington Notre Dame Oliver Tri-County Heating & Air Optimist Club of Burlington/ West Burlington Paddlewheel Lounge Refreshment Services Pepsi Pierson Farms/Pierson Richard Goughnour Roberts Tire Center Salvation Army Corps Seither and Cherry Co. S.G. Construction Shottenkirk Superstore Silgan Containers Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra Standard of Beaverdale State Farm Insurance Kent Brown Agency Sterzing Food Company Summer Street Animal Clinic Dr. Larry Taylor Terrus Real Estate Group Therapy Group Counseling Titan Broadcasting Tri States Public Radio TriOak Foods Triple S Leasing, LLC Valley Distribution Corp. Wendi Riggens Photography Window World of Davenport Young House Family Services Listed as of 12/14/15 #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com NEED TO KNOW... TOP MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Let your voice be heard through your membership or by attending Eggs & Issues. Take an opportunity to learn about key business issues and visit with legislators on issues relevant to your business. Do business with other members when you look up business information online in the member directory at GreaterBurlington.com. Promote your business for free in Friday Facts! Only members provide content in this weekly email. Questions about your membership? Contact Rachel Lindeen. GreaterBurlington.com page 13 JANUARY HAPPENINGS 8 - Dustin Pittsley The Washington - 8 pm thewashingtonmusic.com 9 - American English Beatles Tribute Concert Capitol Theater - 8 pm bma-live.com 16 - American English Beatles Tribute Concert Capitol Theater - 8 pm bma-live.com 20 - YP Lunch & Learn Burlington Golf Club - 12 pm GreaterBurlingtonYP.com 22 - Ronnie Milsap Farewell Tour Memorial Auditorium - 7 pm bma-live.com 9 - Middle Western The Washington - 8 pm thewashingtonmusic.com 22 - YMCA Comedy Night PZAZZ! Event Center - 6:30 pm 319-753-6734 10 - Bridal Fair PZAZZ! Event Center - 11 am thepzazz.com 23 - Eagle Watch Port of Burlington Welcome Center 10 am - GreaterBurlington.com 11 - Moscow Festival Ballet Memorial Auditorium - 7 pm burlcivicmusic.com 15 - Black Hawk Winter Wine Auction Burlington Golf Club - 5:30 pm 319-208-5121 15 - Eric Pettit Lion Concert Starr’s Cave Nature Center - 7:30 pm bma-live.com 15 - Flash in a Pan The Washington - 8 pm thewashingtonmusic.com 29 - Annual Dinner Comfort Suites Conference Ctr 6 pm - GreaterBurlington.com 30 - Isaac James The Washington - 8 pm thewashingtonmusic.com For complete event details, visit GreaterBurlington.com SUBMIT EVENTS AT: GreaterBurlington.com 16 - Eggs & Issues Greater Burlington Partnership 7:15 am - GreaterBurlington.com Eagle Watch at the Port of Burlington on January 23 SAVE THE 8 - Burlington Bees Annual Banquet PZAZZ! Event Center - 6 pm gobees.com MARCH DATE 14 - 5th Grade Career Fair Southeastern Community College FEBRUARY 11 - Chocoholic Frolic Downtown Burlington 19 - Eggs & Issues Greater Burlington Partnership 18 - Business After Hours River Ridge Dental Care and River Ridge Orthodontics 20 - Eggs & Issues Greater Burlington Partnership 15 - 8th Grade Career Fair Southeastern Community College 31 - Business After Hours Deery Brothers APRIL 29 - Fall Sip, Taste & Stroll Downtown Burlington ORDER YOUR 2016 COMMUNITY GUIDE SUPPLY 319-752-6365 page 14 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 CNH Supports Burlington High School The Village Cooperative is Burlington’s premier independent senior housing community, specifically designed for individuals 55+ who wish to have the benefits of home-ownership without the hassle of maintenance. The Village Cooperative of Burlington is located at 1431 Cambridge Drive and is home to 53 members. It is equipped with 35 units and several amenities including a community room, club room, woodshop, fitness center, guest suite and underground parking with a car wash. Leading the Cooperative is Burlington native Hannah Parrott. She has worked with the Cooperative since May as their Manager. “I thoroughly enjoy working with the members who live here at the Village. We have a unique concept that can now be offered to Burlington area residents. There is something new happening each day, and we’re in the midst of an exciting time as our members are working to elect their member-led board of directors.” To learn more, contact Hannah at 319-752-4457 or burlingtonrsm@reedevelopment.com. CBIZ Releases Spring Options Catalog Southeastern Community College’s Center for Business recently released the Spring Edition of the Options Catalog. The Options catalog is a great resource to refer to when looking for professional development or skills training for your employees. Course offerings include the areas of business and professional development, computer technology, health, industrial technology, environmental & industrial safety, general interest and online. If you would like a supply of the Options catalog for your business please contact Beth Nickel at bnickel@scciowa.edu or 319-208-5388. On December 10, CNH Industrial presented a check to the Burlington High School’s (BHS) Career Center. The Career Center is a new service of the Burlington High School with a focus of showcasing careers in Des Moines County. Students have the resources to explore career opportunities, job applications, resume writing and fine tuning interview skills. Pictured are Sarah Mumm, BHS; Pat Daly, UAW Local 807; Jack Wail, BHS; David Keane, BHS; Shaunda Campbell, BHS; Laura Hubbard, CNH Industrial; Brian Mumm, BHS and Angie Leinbach, BHS. BGC Joe Butler Win’s PGA Honor Twice Joe Butler was honored by the Iowa Golf Association named PGA Professional of the Year, making him the first person to earn this honor twice. Butler, who moved to Burlington 23 years ago, spends countless hours at the Burlington Golf Club making sure the day-to-day operations run smoothly on the course. Butler also took home the award in 1996. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Have You Heard About The Village Cooperative? Join the members and staff of the Burlington Golf Club in congratulating Joe Butler on achieving this great honor. #GreaterBurlingtonPartnership • GreaterBurlington.com page 15 RiverPark Place 610 N. Fourth St., Suite 200 Burlington, Iowa 52601 TELEPHONE 319-752-6365 FAX 319-752-6454 E-MAIL info@greaterburlington.com WEB SITE GreaterBurlington.com Top Issues: Workforce, Transportation, Economic Development and Education Who’s Invited: Eggs & Issues is a benefit of membership, and we encourage all members to attend. EGGS & ISSUES January 16, 7:30 am $5 Breakfast, Free Coffee and a Legislative Insight Breakfast is ready at 7:15 am, Forum starts at 7:30 am Mark Your Calendars: February 20, March 19 and April 16 7:30 am @ Greater Burlington Partnership RSVP to Belinda Colwell by January 14. Sponsored by Your Bridge to the Future Follow Us On