2009 – 2010 AGEN Annual Report
2009 – 2010 AGEN Annual Report
Aboriginal Government Employees’ Network “A Communications Network for Aboriginal People in Government” 2009-10 Annual Report 20092009-10 Annual Report A message from the AGEN Provincial Board Members The Aboriginal Government Employee’s Network’s (AGEN) Provincial Board of Directors, formerly known as the AGEN Steering Committee, has been pro-actively revising the AGEN Governance Model and developing a future strategic plan for the network. Over the past two years, AGEN has undertaken a governance renewal process in collaboration with AGEN’s Contributing Partners and membership. The recommendations from the membership at the 2009 Annual Conference were: i. Improve accountability mechanisms to all stakeholders; and ii. Enhance communication with AGEN membership. In moving to address these issues, the AGEN Board’s accomplishments to date are: i. Created the AGEN Provincial Board of Directors. ii. Developed a Terms of Reference document. iii. Reorganized Portfolio Committees: iv. Administration Committee v. Communications Committee vi. Pikiskwewak Speakers Bureau Committee vii. Governance & Policy Committee viii. Conference Planning Committee ix. Cultural Committee x. Developing an election process for Board of Directors. Page 1 The AGEN Provincial Board targeted specific objectives for the organization this year, they were: The main objectives over the past years and moving forward remain the same: i. Increase and support the AGEN Membership; ii. Strengthen relationships with AGEN Stakeholders; and iii. Promoting awareness of Aboriginal culture. AGEN Meetings for the Year 2009-10 Board Meetings……………………...9 Governance………………………….1 Strategic Planning……………...........1 2009-10 Conference Planning……….11 AGEN Operating Auth. Group………2 Total Meetings……………………….24 20092009-10 Annual Report 2009-10 AGEN Board Members List Name Department Email Arnold, Lela Resource Development Worker Belhumeur, Chris Policy Analyst and Partnership Coordinator Social Services Ministry Lela.arnold@gov.sk.ca AEDP, Ministry of First Nations and Métis Relations Chris.belhumeur@gov.sk.ca Cottrelle, Janice Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Policy and Relations Deegan, Cherish Research Analyst Desjarlais, Henry Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Policy and Relations Saskatchewan Environment Crown Investments Corporation janice.cottrelle@gov.sk.ca Saskatchewan Environment Henry.desjarlais@gov.sk.ca Goulet, Laird Heavy Equipment Mechanic App. Grainger, Felice Research Officer Ly, Jenny HR Consultant, Recruitment Matts, Jennifer Recruitment & Retention McCloskey, Philip Workplace Diversity Coordinator Assistant Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure Laird.goulet@sasktel.net cdeegan@cicorp.sk.ca Education fgrainger@sasked.gov.sk.ca SGI jly@sgi.sk.ca Sask. Gaming Corp. jennifer.matts@saskgaming.com Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure Philip.mccloskey@gov.sk.ca Chris McNab HR Manager (Staffing) Terry Ross, Corporate Secretary, Human Resources Policy Governance & Legal Division Sask Tel chris.mcnab@sasktel.sk.ca Crown Investments Corporation tross@cicorp.sk.ca Starr Wavell Aboriginal Recruitment Consultant Public Service Commission Wavell.starr@gov.sk.ca Stonechild, Kara Institutional Liaison Public Institutions & Infrastructure Branch Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour Kara.stonechild@gov.sk.ca 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 3 HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION AGEN was formed in 1992 by a group of Aboriginal employees, each with many years of experience working for the Saskatchewan government and the Aboriginal community. They saw that the number of Aboriginal people working in government did not reflect the Aboriginal population of the province. AGEN’s activities are overseen by a Provincial Steering Committee that includes representatives from Crown corporations and government departments and agencies. They meet regularly and the committee holds planning sessions to establish goals and objectives in conjunction with members’ input. VISION, MISSION AND VALUES They formed an organization that would work with the government and unions to create a cultural awareness and promote Aboriginal employment in government. AGEN and its membership seek the organization’s goals and objectives through the Vision, Mission and Principles it has established. AGEN, which is supported by the Government of Saskatchewan, is an organization unique in Canada. The organization’s goal is to ensure Saskatchewan’s rapidly growing population of Aboriginal people is included in the workforce of the province. Vision: AGEN acts as a vehicle for dialogue on barriers to participation by Aboriginal people in the workforce. It encourages government to prepare the workplace of Aboriginal employees by encouraging cross-cultural training programs, supporting Aboriginal networks and by building positive relationships and partnerships with government. Mission: The organization conducts its activities in the boardrooms of Crown corporations and ministers’ offices by lobbying for change, ensuring accurate data is available and making recommendations on Aboriginal employment and training strategies. To provide a network that supports current and future Aboriginal employees through personal and professional development while promoting Aboriginal cultural awareness. To bring together our collective workplace experiences for the purposes of influencing change. Values: AGEN operates on the values of: Respect Integrity Culture Determination Courage Trust Honesty Unity 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 4 AGEN’S ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AGEN is an organization that represents the Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) people working in the Government of Saskatchewan. The revised governance changes for AGEN included a new board structure, governance model and defined roles and responsibilities of the board members. Board Structure The AGEN Provincial Board will comprise of the following: i. Elder; ii. 11 Board Members from the Crown Corporations and/or the Ministries; and iii. Three (3) Board Members appointed from AGEN’s Contributing Partners (Saskatchewan Public Service Commission, Crown Investments Corporation, Ministry of First Nation & Métis Relations). AGEN MEMBERSHIP AGEN Member Membership is open to all Aboriginal government employees who self-declare to AGEN as First Nation (Status/Non Status), Métis or Inuit employed throughout the Saskatchewan government. To become an official AGEN Member, Aboriginal employees must fill out the AGEN Membership Form and submit to the AGEN Office. There are no applications or membership fees associated with becoming an AGEN member. AGEN Membership terminates when your employment terminates and all members are assigned the same rights and privileges. AGEN Alumni The “AGEN Alumni” are previous Aboriginal government employees who have retired from government service in Saskatchewan. Alumni members have no voting rights but can work to support any of the AGEN Committees, attend AGEN Conferences and receive AGEN correspondence. Friends of AGEN Friends of AGEN are former government employees or any non-Aboriginal government employees or members of the general public who support the vision and mission of AGEN. In 2009, it is estimated that there are nearly 2,500 Aboriginal employees currently working for the Government of Saskatchewan. Of that amount, approximately 712, or one-third, are AGEN members. AGEN’s full Terms of Reference can be found on our website at: www.agen.sk.ca. 20092009-10 Annual Report AGEN Committees: forms of communication created and disseminated on behalf of AGEN is current and supportive of our vision. This portfolio works toward providing our membership with relevant information in an effort to ensure that we are "A Communications Network for Aboriginal People in Government". 1. Administration, Governance& Policy Committee 2. Communications Committee 3. Pikikwewak Speakers Bureau Committee 4. Conference Planning Committee 5. Cultural Committee The principal goal of the communications plan is to improve trust in the organization, part of which includes refining the image we want, focusing our messages, and aligning communications and related management activities to reinforce this image. 1. Administration Committee Overall Objective(s): The Communications Committee activities include: 1. Establishing and enhancing media relations by Communications Portfolio members with various types of media (ie. Print, TV, Broadcast, Internet – web, annual community Events and displays, and promotional items); 2. Capturing AGEN’s visual identity (i.e. re-designing and improving content on the website); and 3. Ensuring prime event coverage for AGEN’s annual conferences. Page 5 THE AGEN COMMITTEES: Responsibility for the various activities undertaken by AGEN is distributed among five committees: Maintains the AGEN financial records; presents a financial report at each AGEN Board meeting; presents an annual report to the general membership at the annual conference; responsible for recruitment, and performance evaluation, of AGEN staff, and responsible for conflict resolution within AGEN. Once a concern has been brought to this committee's attention, it follows agreedupon procedures for conflict resolution. When necessary it requests the AGEN Board to approve consultation with an Elder. Responsible for maintaining an accurate and current membership list; 2. Communications Committee Overall Objectives(s): The Communications Committee provides the membership with all AGEN related information and is represented at some level within all other portfolios. It is the duty of this portfolio to ensure that all 3. Pikiskwewak “They Speak” Speakers Bureau Overall Objective(s): Will focus on Aboriginal youth, but can benefit all Saskatchewan youth. The AGEN members will be the ambassador’s on behalf of government and act as the role models in their own communities to promote the importance of staying in school and the benefits of getting an education. They will bring with them their own career success stories and will highlight their current government workplaces. Speakers reiterate the vision our ancestors, and Elders, had for future 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 6 4. Conference Committee Overall Objective(s): The Conference Committee: 1. arranges and organizes the annual conference with the assistance of the AGEN Manager; 2. creates a forum for members to network; 3. Creates a forum for members to develop skills and learn through professional development offered at the conference. 4. Unveils Framework for Success Model The committee uses the conference to formally recognize and acknowledge the contributions of their Aboriginal colleagues by offering an AGEN Awards component. The AGEN Awards have been temporarily suspended due to the governance review and new direction of AGEN. generations by including a cultural component in their presentations. 5. Cultural Committee Overall Objective(s): The Cultural Committee is responsible for public relations and disseminating information to members regarding cultural traditions. They involve traditional Aboriginal culture in the participation with, and advising of, Elders. They are responsible for the education of new members and the public about AGEN and the network’s functions. 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 7 AGEN LAUNCHES THE ‘FRAMEWORK FOR SUCCESS’ PROGRAMMING MODEL The Aboriginal Government Employees Network’s (AGEN) ‘Framework for Success’ Programming Model was launched at the ‘FRAMEWORK FOR SUCCESS’ PROGRAMMING MODEL September 2009 AGEN Conference held in Saskatoon, SK. Mental The AGEN learning cycle is based on the traditional Medicine Wheel teachings and understanding of the significance of the Physical Spiritual Circle of Life that have been taught to us as Aboriginal people by our Elders for Emotional generations. AGEN’s ‘Framework for Success Model’ is based on our network logo, where ‘the sunburst surrounding the circle is symbolic of new beginnings, of a new dawn. The circle is divided into the four quadrants of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being. The colors red, black, yellow and white are representative of the four races of People. The flags of the Métis Nation, Canada and Saskatchewan and the Eagle Staff of the First Nations are also contained within the circle. They illustrate the four governments acting together for the common good of the people of Saskatchewan.’ Examples of workshops would be, but not limited to, the following subjects: North: White East: Yellow • Performance Planning • Culture Awareness Training • Project Management • Cultural Engagement in the • Public Speaking/Leadership Skills Workplace • Preparation of Briefing Notes • Cultural Programming/Events South: Red • Stress Management • Work - Life Balance • Healthy Eating Habits & Nutrition West: Black • Creative Conflict Resolutions • Emotional Intelligence • Personality Tests • Ethics 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 8 AGEN CELEBRATES THE 17TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE: SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS AGEN hosted their 17th Annual Conference at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre in Saskatoon on September 21–23, 2009 with the participation of 329 delegates from across the province, providing a significant networking opportunity for Aboriginal public servants. Every year our conference is focused on strengthening and renewing the cultural and social bonds we share as Aboriginal employees within the provincial government departments and crown corporations. The annual AGEN gathering allows us to form new relationships with our colleagues and peers from across the province while renewing those that already exist. This year’s conference provided participants with relevant human resource tools, networking experiences and best practice knowledge based on the new “AGEN Framework of Success Model”. This model takes into consideration the four directions with topics relating to the physical, spiritual, emotional and cultural development of an individual. The objective of the conference was to position the Government of Saskatchewan’s Ministries and Crown corporations as the ‘employer of choice’. The theme this year was “Soaring to New Heights” chosen to recognize the rebirth and revitalization of AGEN. It represents partnership, renewal, professional and personal development. It is based on each individual’s success story and new challenges. The theme also reflects the current state of AGEN, evolving to accommodate and assist the membership in enhancing their future through employment within government. Highlights of the conference included the selection of five (5) new Board members from the AGEN membership, conference workshops based on four directions model with topics relating to physical, spiritual, emotional and cultural. More importantly, a partnership renewal ceremony was held between AGEN and the Contributing Partners. The intention of the ceremony is to honor the Contributing Partner’s continued support to the network through AGEN’s growing stages, recognizing the past 17 years of commitment to see AGEN succeed and demonstrate to the AGEN membership and other stakeholders, the value in Canada’s first provincial Aboriginal government-wide network of employees. Denby Poitras Delia Davis Maureen Wolfe 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 9 April 2009- March 2010 Financial Statement REVENUE Contributing Partners* Registration Registrations - Prior Years Corporate Sponsorship* Display Booths Interest Income Net Revenue TOTAL REVENUE 48,000.00 86,807.39 30,933.12 24,000.00 350.00 5.58 190,096.09 190,096.09 EXPENSE Conference Expenses Audio, Video, Photos Facilities Speaker, Facilitator Fees & Travel Elders Honorariums Conference Giveaways Cultural Activities Entertainment, Fees & Travel Printing Misc Purchases & Rentals Total Conference Expenses 14,456.66 50,389.60 8,248.12 9,847.23 10,258.24 483.70 16,636.71 4,305.00 1,141.70 115,766.96 General and Administrative Expenses Operational AGEN Manager Salary * Education Elders - Honorarium Elders - Gifts Promotional Items - AGEN Merchandise Casual Labour Food Misc Web Site Expense Accounting & Legal Interest & Bank Charges Office Supplies Parking Strategic Planning Total General & Admin. Expenses Net Expense NET INCOME *See next page for Notes* 887.38 48,000.00 2,400.00 4.97 50.00 1,116.00 1,217.54 10.00 1,015.50 96.00 480.85 1,500.00 56,778.24 172,545.20 17,550.89 20092009-10 Annual Report Page 10 * Notes* Registrations - Prior Years The amount carried forward is late payments for the previous year conference registrations. Contributing Partners* Public Service Commission, Crown Investments Corporation, Executive Council and Ministry of First Nations & Métis- each provide $12, 000 towards the AGEN Manager Salary. AGEN Manager Salary * All funding from the Contributing Partners goes to the AGEN Manager Salary Corporate Sponsorship* Enterprise Sask CIC Investment Sask SLGA Ministry of Justice SGI SK Watershed Authority Information Technology Sask Gaming- Casino Regina/Moose Jaw WCB Sask Water Sask Energy FMNR Ministry of Education Sask Power 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 Cultural Brochure: A brochure on cultural protocol has been made available at the AGEN office. This brochure provides a general guideline to following traditions at meetings and conferences to ensure the guidance of our Elders is followed and respected. Aboriginal Government Employees’ Network 5th Floor, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive Regina SK S4P 4H2 Ph: (306) 787-9080 Fax: (306) 787-6014 Website: www.agen.sk.ca