3 iQ™ Construction 38-39 Optima Homogeneous
3 iQ™ Construction 38-39 Optima Homogeneous
3 iQ™ Construction 38-39 Optima Homogeneous Sheet and Tile Flooring 40-41 Granit Complete 42 Granit Homogeneous Sheet and Tile Flooring 43 Granit Acoustiflor Sheet Flooring 76 Granit Multisafe Homogeneous Safety Flooring* 76 Toro SC Conductive Sheet and Tile Flooring 78 Granit SD Static Dissipative Sheet and Tile Flooring 78 Melodia Homogeneous Sheet and Tile Flooring 44-45 Aria Homogeneous Sheet and Tile Flooring 46-47 Acczent Heterogeneous Sheet Flooring 48-49 I.D. Premier Resilient Tiles and Planks 50-55 Space Modular Resilient Tile 62-63 Safe-T Sheet Homogeneous Safety Flooring 79 Amerisport Recreational Sheet Flooring 72-73 Training Recreational Sheet Flooring 72-73 *not available with iQ Construction l o w mai n t e n a n c e d e sig n a e sth e tics vinyl l o w cost l o n g l if e c y c l e co l ors textures patt e r n s d u ra b i l it y When it comes to balancing function and aesthetics with an eye on efficiency, look no further than our vinyl collection. It has what it takes to keep everyone happy. For specifiers, it’s project friendly, with a wide array of colors and patterns that allows for bringing in the natural beauty of metals, woods and other materials without the high cost. Or the high maintenance. Facility managers have found that our vinyl flooring with iQ Construction – that never needs to be waxed or finished – strikes the perfect balance between cost and performance. They like the payback that comes from reduced maintenance and chemical costs. This cost efficiency means fewer resources and man-hours expended to keep it looking its best. Which leads to happier, more productive people. And healthier, more profitable companies. As part of the world’s most integrated high-performance flooring system, our vinyl flooring collection is easy to coordinate with other elements. From finishing borders (wall base) and stair treads to accessories and other flooring options like linoleum or rubber, the system lets you tie up loose ends. End chaos. And keep people at their happiest, most productive levels possible. v inyl fl o o ring v i n y l f l oori n g test your flooring iQ. It’s eas y. iQ never-wax resilient flooring No-waxu n t i lyou-need-to resilient flooring section no. 3 : vinyl flooring johnsonite.com 1 year 5 years You’re a smart manager – a long-term, big-picture thinker. >> Staff comments on how beautiful the floor still looks. >> You saved 35 cents per foot on installation. >> Topcoat wears off. Start stripping. >> iQ ™ C o n s t r u c t i o n 3.39 it will look great on your floor. even better on your spreadsheet. No other comparable product can live up to this claim. Because no other comparable product has our proprietary iQ Construction. Read the fine print in the maintenance instructions of other products, and you’ll find that they need to be waxed or finished at some point in time. iQ Construction means no waxing or finishing for the lifetime of the floor. It’s that simple. A minimum amount of wet cleaning. Some dry buffing. None of the waxes, finishes, strippers and other chemicals that add needless maintenance and needless expense. How do we know it’s true? More than 260 million square yards of iQ constructed product have been installed by customers all over the world. Unique Construction iQ Construction is a composition of innovative ingredients that contribute to its unique characteristics. Combined with ingenious production techniques, iQ products have higher durability, greater density, better flexibility and less residual indentation. iQ 10 years To calculate your savings, visit the iQ calculator at johnsonite.com 15 years You have reduced chemical and water usage. Score one for the earth. >> The cost savings are coming in. >> +You save the organization $162,000.* Y o u g e t a h u g e b o n us . Can only maintain floor at night. >> Wash stripper down drain. Lose points for environmental insensitivity. >> - You spend an additional $162,000* on maintenance. I n c r e a s e d ROI Our experience and research indicate that purchase price and installation cost typically represent 8 percent of a flooring’s life-cycle cost. Only 8 percent. That leaves a full 92 percent for cleaning and maintenance. iQ constructed floors that do not require wax or finish lower cleaning and maintenance costs, which lead to increased ROI. Plus, there is less ongoing disruption for maintenance, adding to the overall productivity of the space. These are facts that any CFO can appreciate. Low environmental impact iQ Construction eliminates the use of waxes, finishes, strippers and other chemicals for the life of the floor, which can be 20 to 30 years or more. Its longer life cycle also means fewer resources are required to reproduce, transport and install replacement products, further easing the impact on the environment. *Comparing iQ constructed flooring to standard resilient flooring in a 10,000 square foot high-traffic installation with regular maintenance over 20 years. Optima® t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n With a classic travertine look and beautiful depth of design, Optima® creates a distinct impression like no other. The Optima collection features 44 color designs in all, including newer additions in today’s most relevant colorways. Many neutrals and beige tones. And a wide selection in the grey range. Optima’s most beautiful benefits could be its low life-cycle cost and high-performance return on investment. Optima’s homogeneous construction means the colors and patterns run throughout the thickness, so it maintains its good looks for life. And, with its iQ™ Construction, Optima seals out the elements to make it exceptionally easy to maintain, replacing waxing or finishing with simple dry buffing. CG 896 Cloudy Quartz Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291609 32 Pebble WG WG 908 Nougat Roll | Tile Weldrod 1290013 49 Beige Wb * W 862 Raw Ivory Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291862 129 Silk WB * 886 Beluga Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291609 24 Grey Haze WG * * WB 829 Peach Sorbet Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291342 130 Sisal * CB 884 Oatmeal Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291809 280 Shoreline * W 879 Barley Soup Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291809 22 Pearl CB Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. 809 Taffy Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291809 127 Vanilla WB * CB CB 810 Aquarium Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291810 05 Stone WB * WB CB * WB 821 Frothy Latte Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291821 283 Toast 860 Malt Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287039 280 Shoreline 825 Caramel Infusion Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291203 272 Buff 850 Flan Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287041 129 Silk WB 824 Yellow Mustard Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287036 75 Lemon 901 Cream Puff Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287238 184 Daffydil 831 Hot Ginger Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291831 286 Fortune Cookie WB 867 Tomato Paste Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288409 273 Copper Penny * * * * WB 827 Crunchy Granola Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292443 45 Sandalwood WB * * * iQ To calculate your savings, visit the iQ calculator at johnsonite.com The weldrods listed are intended to correspond with the denoted Optima colors. Other welding rods can be used for a variety of visual effects. Please check our weldrod binder for color visualization. * tile size = 24" x 24" nom inal ( 610 m m x 610 m m ) thick n ess = .080" nomin al (2 mm) a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product xx We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). roll width = 6'6" nom in al (2 m) roll leng th = 82'7" nomin al ( 25 m ) number one performer around the world johnsonite.com * color foundations suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) 000 color name roll | tile weldrod 00 coordinating color color name and number coordinating color name and number 3.41 Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. 902 Tomato Bisque Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287239 33 Adobe Peach 868 Cardinal Roll | Tile Weldrod 1289057 148 Paprika 832 Turkish Brown Roll | Tile Weldrod 1294429 47 Brown 846 Lime Cilantro Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287037 290 Tea Green 836 Turf Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287040 190 Greege 904 Camouflage Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287241 190 Greege 905 Mint Chocolate Chip Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287242 289 Jaded 840 Thunderbird Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287035 59 Heather Green 842 Sea Port Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287038 73 Palm Leaf 819 High Tide Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291819 293 Peacock 856 Morning Sky Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288905 139 Glacier 858 Breakwater Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291210 58 Windsor Blue * * * * * * * * * * * * cg 857 Popiu Bay Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287034 143 Marine 844 Winter Lake Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291844 70 Bluest * 906 North Shore Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291921 18 Navy Blue * * cg 853 Thunderhead Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292388 38 Pewter CG * cg 866 Sidewalk Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291216 40 Black B * b 845 Stroke of Midnight Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291845 20 Charcoal WG Scientists say that there are 18 different types of smiles. wg 898 Heavy Cream Roll | Tile Weldrod 1294727 29 Moon Rock WG * 907 Heather Berry Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287243 07 Wood Violet * wg 897 Slate Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287170 48 Grey WG * 859 Purple Majesty Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287033 162 Sovereign * * wg 899 Flannel Blanket Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287010 283 Toast * 864 Concrete Slab Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291214 23 Vapor Grey cg wb 903 Spanish Turtle Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287240 150 Wetlands * 900 Old Bark Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287013 167 Fudge * * 3.42 granit complete Granit™ Complete granit In any environment, flooring is the one continuous element. Connecting people to purpose. No matter how diverse. Designed to balance both everyday and specialized flooring needs, Granit Complete is a family of flooring that includes durable Granit vinyl sheet flooring; Granit SD and granit multisafe Toro SC to dissipate electrical charges, protecting people and expensive equipment; Granit Acoustiflor, cushioned to reduce noise while enhancing granit sd comfort – all with iQ™ construction – and Granit Multisafe, for extra traction in wet barefoot conditions. Working together, they balance function with toro sC aesthetics within one family of solutions. To tie the OR and lab to the hallway, the patient rooms and the shower room. Connecting people to purpose. Keeping them safe, comfortable and, ultimately, more productive. In any environment, that’s the real bottom line. granit acoustiflor coordinating iQ To calculate your savings, visit the iQ calculator at johnsonite.com rubber The weldrods listed are intended to correspond with the denoted Granit colors. Other welding rods can be used for a variety of visual effects. Please check our weldrod binder for color visualization. Optional Acoustiflor construction – foam interior to reduce sound transmission. Available in rolls only. For more information, see page 76. tile size = 24" x 24" nominal ( 610 m m x 610 m m ) thick n ess = .080" nom in al (2 mm) g r a n i t aco u s t i f lo r p g . 76 g r a n i t m u lt i s a f e p g . 76 g r a n i t SD p g . 78 TORO SC p g . 78 a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product Acoustiflor special order available. xx Coordinating Granit Multisafe available. Coordinating Granit SD or Toro SC available. roll width = 6'6" nom in al (2 m) roll leng th = 82'7" nomin al ( 25 m ) where function meets aesthetics johnsonite.com color foundations suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) 000 color name roll | tile weldrod 00 coordinating color color name and number coordinating color name and number Granit™ Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n cg 782 Mystic Grey Roll | Tile Weldrod 1294680 38 Pewter cg cg 382 Yoga Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291811 38 Pewter cg * 383 Homing Pigeon Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292383 23 Vapor Grey cg * wb 433 Winter Sky Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288123 12 Hard Rock WB w 422 Lacey Pearl Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287322 27 Mist wg * wg 420 Stone Harbor Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287333 32 Pebble WG cg 435 Eclipse Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288327 71 Storm Cloud cg * wb 421 Sandlot Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291352 12 Hard Rock WB 419 Portland Grey Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287341 283 Toast 772 Sea Stone Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291772 19 Desert Camel 375 Hot Chocolate Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292375 286 Fortune Cookie WB 425 Smoldering Red Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287408 294 Bigtop 436 Hazy Violet Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287312 137 Veiled Violet 429 Bermuda Blue Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287410 192 Tidewater 426 Acadia Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287332 289 Jaded 437 Cactus Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287305 271 Seedling 777 Blue Veranda Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291210 139 Glacier * wb 372 Grand Canyon Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292372 286 Fortune Cookie WB * * * * * * wb WB 434 Latte Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287292 49 Beige WB 428 Acorn Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287407 130 Sisal 424 Chocolate Truffle Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287130 33 Adobe Peach 423 Semolina Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287249 134 Gold Rush 780 Turquoise Swirl Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291794 59 Heather Green 432 Prism Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287370 139 Glacier 779 Morning Surf Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292617 59 Heather Green 379 Full Sail Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292379 84 Blue Jeans 427 Newport Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287409 18 Navy Blue * * * CB * * * * * * * * * We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). 783 Pixelation Roll | Tile 293 Peacock b 384 After Midnight Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292384 40 Black B * wb 770 Soft Fleece Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288255 49 Beige WB * CG 431 Mystic Roll | Tile 38 Pewter cg * * * * * * Melodia™ t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n homogeneous sheet flooring Value has many definitions. With Melodia, value is a balance of aesthetics, performance and economics that makes it a great solution for a multitude of segments and applications. Melodia’s homogeneous construction means colors and patterns run all the way through, helping maintain its good looks for the life of the floor, which can be 20 years or more. It’s also slip resistant, resilient and easy to maintain. A tough Polyurethane (PUR)-reinforced wear layer makes Melodia more durable, resistant to chemicals and easier to keep clean. In fact, it can dramatically cut the cost for maintenance, reducing the use of labor, water, energy and chemicals for a real lifetime return. More than just tough, Melodia is designer-friendly, with a subtle nondirectional design that makes it ideal for use in hospitals, schools, offices or retail applications. Available in a wide range of colors, 40 in all, Melodia coordinates with many interior designs. And Melodia is designed to coordinate with Aria™ for 16 additional options, which include unique accent granules to add depth to any space. This is the definition of Balanced Choice. Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. W 601 Snow Day Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288123 08 Icicle W CG 602 Grey Stone Roll | Tile Weldrod 1294680 23 Vapor Grey CG * 607 Trail Mix Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287170 32 Pebble WG WB 613 Mambo Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291821 11 Canvas WB * * * Cg 604 Tango Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288327 71 Storm Cloud CG WG 608 Trail Blazer Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287308 29 Moon Rock WG * 603 Rock Me Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287027 38 Pewter CG * WG CG CB 605 Ebony Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287314 40 Black B * 610 Berber Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287291 121 Cement CB 615 Sandlot Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291352 12 Hard Rock WB 616 Plaza Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287010 283 Toast * WG 606 Alto Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287290 24 Grey Haze WG * CB 609 Navajo Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287012 195 Ash wg * B * CB WB 611 Waltz Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287010 80 Fawn CB 612 Winter White Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288241 68 White Sand W 617 Baritone Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287013 167 Fudge 618 Rustica Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287293 149 Milk Chocolate * * WB 614 Sandstorm Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287292 49 Beige WB * high performance means high roi johnsonite.com * * * * 3.45 Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. 619 Santa Fe Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287306 165 Squashed 620 Beachfront Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287313 130 Sisal 624 Avocado Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287295 271 Seedling 622 Mottled Pewter Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287309 190 Greege 621 Grassland Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287304 271 Seedling 640 Aqua Star Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287302 59 Heather Green 623 Dark Shadows Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287294 73 Palm Leaf 625 Stonewash Blue Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287296 139 Glacier 626 Poolside Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287310 260 Deep Water 627 Blueberry Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288335 70 Bluest 628 Blue Note Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288344 143 Marine 629 Mottled Blue Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287311 292 Evening Shower 630 West Winds Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287297 291 Laguna 631 Baby Blue Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287303 105 Aquablu 632 Blue Fox Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291956 92 Blue Lagoon 636 Gotham Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287312 137 Veiled Violet 637 Viola Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287301 162 Sovereign 638 Plum Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287307 191 Lazuli * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). 635 Orange Swirl Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287300 165 Squashed * 633 Banana Cream Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287298 184 Daffydil The weldrods listed are intended to correspond with the denoted Melodia colors. Other welding rods can be used for a variety of visual effects. Please check our weldrod binder for color visualization. * s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product xx color foundations suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) ro l l l e ng t h = 8 2 ' 7" no mi na l ( 2 5 m) t h i ckn e s s = . 0 8 0 " no mi na l (2 mm) * a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 ro l l w i dt h = 6 ' 6 " no mi na l (2 m) t i l e s i z e = 24 " x 24" no mi na l ( 610 m m x 610 m m ) 634 Pomegranate Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287299 148 Paprika 000 color name roll | tile weldrod 00 coordinating color color name and number coordinating color name and number 639 Pesto Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287305 271 Seedling * see coordinating melodia on pages 44-45 Aria™ 3.47 t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n A balance of performance, aesthetics and lifetime return makes Aria a standout, featuring unique accent granules that add depth and dimension to any interior space design. 16 colors in all, Aria was created as a companion to Melodia, making it easy to coordinate a room, a floor or an entire institution. Homogeneous construction and a tough Polyurethane (PUR)-reinforced wear layer make Aria easier to keep clean with fewer chemicals and less water throughout its long, productive 20+ year lifetime. W 651 Cotton Blossom Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287338 08 Icicle W CG 652 Windy City Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291811 23 Vapor Grey CG * CB 657 Cabana Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292319 80 Fawn CB * Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. CG 653 Cymbal Roll | Tile Weldrod 1292383 38 Pewter CG * 654 Jigsaw Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287340 40 Black B * CB 658 Iced Tea Roll | Tile Weldrod 1291821 49 Beige wB * B * * WG 655 Gypsy Moth Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287012 80 Fawn CB 656 Ferris Wheel Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287333 29 Moon Rock WG 662 Fiesta Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287336 29 Moon Rock WG 661 Lemongrass Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288348 130 Sisal * WB 659 Brown Sugar Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287292 80 Fawn CB WG * WB 660 Midsummer Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287339 149 Milk Chocolate * * * We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). 665 Blue Iris Roll | Tile Weldrod 1288334 143 Marine * 667 Harpsichord Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287329 162 Sovereign The weldrods listed are intended to correspond with the denoted Aria colors. Other welding rods can be used for a variety of visual effects. Please check our weldrod binder for color visualization. * s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product xx color foundations 664 Mistletoe Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287330 73 Palm Leaf * aria 664 Mistletoe coordinating melodia 623 Dark Shadows suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) ro l l l e ng t h = 8 2 ' 7 " no mi na l (25 m) t h i ckn e s s = . 0 8 0 " no mi na l (2 mm) * a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 ro l l w i dt h = 6 ' 6 " no mi na l (2 m) t i l e s i z e = 24 " x 24" no mi na l ( 610 m m x 610 m m ) 663 Grapevine Roll | Tile Weldrod 1287332 271 Seedling 000 color name roll | tile weldrod 00 coordinating color color name and number coordinating color name and number coordinating wall base 73 Palm Leaf One quarter of employees describe themselves as “very happy” at work. see coordinating wall art on pages 100-101 johnsonite.com Acczent® 3.49 t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n Rich and authentic most accurately describe the aesthetic features of the newly developed patterns of Johnsonite’s Acczent Wood Collection. Created with current North American interior styles preferences in mind, the new offering includes a variety of species and colors that includes traditional hardwoods such as Cherry, Oak and Beech, as well as exotic patterns and textures such as Rosewood and Merbau. An authentic looking Bamboo pattern completes the rich offering that seeks to harmonize warmth and sophistication in any commercial space. Acczent is easy to install and easy to keep clean, saving in time, money and disruptions. The 28-mil wear layer adds durability, while the Polyurethane (PUR)-reinforced construction can minimize maintenance. Sanitized® antibacterial protection is also built in for a safer environment. Acczent Steel’s unique appearance can be used as a field design, border or insert. Capturing the look of metal or concrete, Steel is designed for durability and performance with minimal amounts of maintenance necessary. All Acczent designs coordinate with colors within the Johnsonite system of finishing borders (wall base) and accessories, making it easier to complete your space, right down to the last detail. Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. acczent wood Wb 3005 Maple Roll Weldrod 1291342 NMP Natural Maple Wb 3011 Cabreuva Roll Weldrod 1292207 175 Caramel * * Wb WB WB 3002 Light Beech Roll Weldrod 1294316 BWG Balsa 3003 Medium Beech Roll Weldrod 1291205 112 Oakley 3004 Dark Beech Roll Weldrod 1292207 DBE Dark Beech 6007 Light Cherry Roll Weldrod 1287050 173 Auburn 3014 Cherry Roll Weldrod 1287042 ACH Amber Cherry 3021 Ipe Roll Weldrod 1287342 259 Terra Firma 3022 Merbau II Roll Weldrod 1287343 CRW Mission 3012 Rose Wood Roll Weldrod 1287107 113 Chestnutty 5005 Bamboo Roll Weldrod 1287153 MBE Medium Beech 3030 Golden Oak Roll Weldrod 1287318 MOK Medium Oak * * * * * * * * 3017 Washed Oak White Roll Weldrod 1287341 49 Beige Wb * 3027 Brushed Oak Light Roll Weldrod 1287240 150 Wetlands * 3026 Brushed Oak Medium Roll Weldrod 1287308 29 Moon Rock WG * 3025 Brushed Oak Dark Roll Weldrod 1287345 47 Brown * acczent steel The weldrods listed are intended to correspond with the denoted Acczent colors. Other welding rods can be used for a variety of visual effects. Please check our weldrod binder for color visualization. a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product xx ro l l w i dt h = 6 ' 6 " no mi na l (2 m) ro l l l e ng t h = 76 ' nominal (23 m) t h i ckn e s s = . 0 8 0 " no mi na l (2 mm) Wg co o r d i n at i ng wa l l a r t pat t e r n s p g . 10 0 - 101 We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). color foundations suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) or Wall Art pattern 000 color name roll weldrod 00 coordinating color * WG Wb 3028 Classic Oak Roll Weldrod 1287050 WOK Willow Oak * * color name and number coordinating color name and number 5001 Grey 20 Charcoal Wg Roll Weldrod 1291542 3024 Wenge Roll Weldrod 1287344 WEN Wenge Wood * I.D. Premier™ t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n Start with I.D. Premier, a high-performance flooring solution that doesn’t sacrifice aesthetics. Choose a vivid solid color with unique embossing. Or recreate the warm, rich looks of wood and stone minus the aggravation and the high costs. Mix and match solids and minerals, or light and dark woods for your own one-of-a-kind flooring solutions. I.D. Premier’s modular design makes it easy to achieve interesting color contrast in your flooring designs. But you can’t just stop there. What about a finishing border? Adjoining areas? And the hallways and stairwells that connect them all together? Now, you can easily coordinate every flooring element across product lines, ensuring optimized performance and integrated aesthetics. And you’ll never have to worry again about coordinating neutrals thanks to our Color Foundations™ System, which guarantees there will always be availability within each Johnsonite product category over 6 enduring neutral palettes. 18.5" 18.5" tile tile Modular design flexibility The modular dimensions of tile, wide plank and narrow plank liberate design, enabling creative combinations of size, shade and image styles to wide plank achieve unique flooring effects. narrow plank 37" 6.16" narrow plank 3.08” narrow plank 3.08” wide plank narrow plank wide plank narrow plank narrow plank tile wide plank narrow plank narrow plank wide plank narrow plank Use our I.D. Premier Visualizer tool at johnsonite.com. the system lets you coordinate aesthetics johnsonite.com 3.51 Smiling boosts your immune system. i.d. premier wood I.D. Premier Wood explores the rich and subtle grain in many species 6064 Sugar Maple 6.16" Plank 261 Autumn of wood. It provides the look of wood without the high costs in * materials, labor and maintenance – made all the more attractive with beveled edges. WB * Suggested Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). For our complete color offering, unfold color guide on last page. 3006 Medium Oak 6.16" Plank 130 Sisal * CB 4003 White Weathered Oak 6.16" Plank 31 Zephyr CB 3002 Golden Beech 6.16" Plank DBE Dark Beech * * WB 2001 Maple 3.08" Plank LBE Light Beech WB 3013 Doussie 6.16" Plank POK Pin Oak * * WB 3021 Studio Maple 6.16" Plank NMP Natural Maple WB 6169 Classic Teak 6.16" Plank MOK Medium Oak 3022 Classic Maple 6.16" Plank 286 Fortune Cookie WB 3016 Pecan 6.16" Plank WOK Willow Oak 6109 Applewood 6.16" Plank WOK Willow Oak 6118 Rich Teak 6.16" Plank 261 Autumn * * * * * * WB 6135 Traditional Oak 6.16" Plank 129 Silk WB 4005 Natural Weathered Oak 6.16" Plank WAL Walnut * * WB 3005 Light Oak 6.16" Plank LOK Light Oak WB * 6173 Zebrano II 6.16" Plank 112 Oakley * I.D. Premier Woods can be coordinated with Johnsonite Wall Art patterns in Millwork, TightLock and Traditional wall base for a complete finished environment. See coordinating Wall Art patterns on pages 100-101. johnsonite.com 3.53 6116 Schoolhouse Pine 6.16" Plank 112 Oakley * Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. 3001 Cherry 6.16" Plank 113 Chestnutty 4001 Dark Weathered Oak 6.16" Plank 47 Brown 3007 Merbau 6.16" Plank DOK Dark Oak 3017 Wenge 6.16" Plank WEN Wenge Wood * * * * B 3024 Wild Cherry 6.16" Plank ACH Amber Cherry * 6170 Midnight Oak 6.16" Plank 63 Burnt Umber B * CB 6120 Walnut 6.16" Plank 284 Ganache * 6164 Boathouse 6.16" Plank 281 Grizzly WG * WB 6113 Dark Walnut 6.16" Plank WAL Walnut * 4002 Light Weathered Oak 6.16" Plank 49 Beige WB * We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). 2008 Mahogany 3.08" Plank CRW Mission * Use our I.D. Premier Visualizer tool at johnsonite.com. PLANK width = see individual pattern f or avail abilit y pl ank leng th = 37" nominal ( 942 m m ) thick n ess = .100" nomin al ( 2.5 m m ) a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 6168 Rosewood 6.16" Plank CWG Shaker * s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 co o r d i n at i ng wa l l a r t pat t e r n s p g . 10 0 - 101 product xx 6062 Basket Oak 6.16" Plank 167 Fudge * 2006 Indian Laurel 3.08" Plank 284 Ganache * suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) or Wall Art pattern 000 color name plank 00 coordinating color coordinating color name and number color foundations color name and number i.d. premier stones The I.D. Premier concrete and stone selections include light stone shades, and slate options for use individually or in combination, or to complement wood plank effects. Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. CB CG 7101 White Carrara Tile 23 Vapor Grey CG 7128 Coliseum Tile 21 Platinum CG * CG 7102 Grey Sandstone Tile 23 Vapor Grey CG * * CB WB 7124 Natural Sandstone Tile 09 Clay WB 7154 Egyptian Stone Tile 31 Zephyr CB 7125 Natural Limestone Tile 286 Fortune Cookie WB 7038 Verona Tile 286 Fortune Cookie WB 0027 Beige Stone Tile 146 Butternut 7037 San Marino Tile 111 Honeycomb * * * * WG 0023 Light Concrete II Tile 32 Pebble WG * * B CB 0024 Dark Concrete Tile 121 Cement CB * 7160 Royal Marble Tile 63 Burnt Umber B * b 7122 Brecon Slate Tile 63 Burnt Umber B johnsonite.com * * Although as toddlers we laugh, on average, about 400 times each day, by the time we reach adulthood, we are laughing only 7 to 15 times each day. 3.55 i.d. premier brights and metals This collection of vibrant color tiles is a palette for exciting design effects, from mixed color patterns or zoning features, to lively, modern designs that use other tiles or wood planks in creative combinations. Johnsonite colors for finishing borders (wall base). * Suggested our complete For color offering, unfold color guide on last page. Use our I.D. Premier Visualizer tool at johnsonite.com. 1002 Acid Green Tile 263 Leafy 1003 Impulse Yellow Tile 75 Lemon * 1004 Vibrant Orange Tile 273 Copper Penny * * We’ve identified Color Foundations™ neutrals in the following way: WB (warm beige), CB (cool beige), WG (warm grey), CG (cool grey), B (black), W (white). 1005 Dynamic Red Tile 294 Bigtop tile size = 18.5" x 18.5" nomin a l ( 471 m m x 471 m m ) * thick n ess = .100" nom in al ( 2. 5 m m ) B a d h e s i v e s p g . 114 s p e c i f i c at i o n s p g . 116 product xx 1009 Pink Emotion Tile 104 Pinkie 1006 Turquoise Boost Tile 142 Aquatic * * WG 1001 Aluminum Tile 179 Steel WG * Space™ 1007 Eclectic Blue Tile 143 Marine * CG 0028 Steel Tile 282 Vaporize * t h e t a r k e t t® c o l l e c t i o n Quick changes are possible with the Space modular resilient flooring system. Space installs quickly using a releasable adhesive, so it can be picked up and repurposed as easily as carpet tile. For the full scoop on Space, see pages 62-63. suggested coordinating finishing borders (wall base) 1008 Urban Black Tile 40 Black B * color foundations 000 color name plank tile 00 coordinating color color name and number coordinating color name and number