The Truth between Columns - Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay


The Truth between Columns - Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay
Member of the Inter American Masonic Conference
The Truth between Columns
Know everything about the crisis in Paraguayan Masonry which started in 2005.
Its background, developments and consequences in this dossier of documents that
shows the naked truth as it is and presents it between columns.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
Member of the Inter American
Masonic Conference
Symbolic Grand Lodge
of Paraguay
Euclides Acevedo
Grand Master
César Núñez Alarcón
Vice Grand Master
Ronald González Sánchez
Grand First Warden
Jorge Yaluff
Grand Second Warden
Edgar Sánchez Caballero
Grand Speaker
Ernesto Cabrera
Grand Secretary
Avda. de la Victoria Nº 690 esq. López Moreira
Villa Aurelia - Asunción, Paraguay
Telefax: +595 21 601862
Grand Adminsitrative Committee
•President: Carlos Cuevas
•Members: Bruno Berni - Luís Brítez
Grand Legal Committee
•President: José Fernández Zacur
•Members: Gustavo Gorostiaga B. - Fausto Portillo Lugo
Grand Financial Committee
•President: Eladio Carlos Ojeda
•Members: Domingo Redondo - Juan M. Soto
Grand Foreign Relations Committee
•President: Raúl Pintos Grassi
•Members: Raúl Cantaluppi - Marcos Costi
Grand Teaching Committee
•President: Aníbal Fernández
•Members: Marcelo Díaz de Vivar - Marcos Sanchéz
Nelson Ferreira Prieto
Grand Treasurer
Grand Ritual Committee
•President: Saúl Zaputovich
•Members: Daniel Aquino - Roque Squef
Marcelo Bauer
Grand Hospitaller
Grand Communications Committee
•Oscar Brizuela
The truth between Columns is a publication of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay , edited by Fenix
Visual Communications . Its reproduction, be it total or partial is prohibited without authorization of its
director. The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay is responsible for the all contents of this edition.
Grand Foreign Relations Committee
News Media
8 de Setiembre 420 esq. Ceibo
Edificio Grassi - Dptos. 13 y 14
Fdo. de la Mora - Paraguay
Tel: (595 21) 682071
General Director
Raúl Pintos Grassi
Patrick Miller
Grafic Design
Francisco Moreno
Editoral Support
Edgar Sánchez
Fabián Berni
Ricardo Ferreira
César Núñez A.
José Fernández Z.
Ignacio Mendoza
Marcos Zaracho
Fernando Ramos
Dear Brother:
From the beginning of time, writing was the principal vehicle to reveal historical information either real or fictitious. Man always had a comfortable tendency of introducing as true the first information. The convincing support
was always a luxurious and exclusive attached file that, in accordance with the complexity of the case, and principally of the delicate interests in the game, was destroyed by some and exploited by others. Politics from its beginnings
and the religions along their histories, have known perfectly well the art of manipulating the information. Of this
practice our order is not exempt at all.
But in reference to its essence, being the search of truth the Holy Grail of the Freemasonry, the Grand Symbolic
Lodge of Paraguay reveals you all the truth on the institutional schism suffered in Regular Paraguayan Freemasonry
in the year 2005. This material does not limit itself only to narrate the historical course of events, but documents
them step by step.
After almost six years of the sad division of Symbolic Freemasonry in Paraguay and in the Bicentennial of our country, of which 140 years Freemasonry was a participant of the national development, the Grand Symbolic Lodge of
Paraguay presents this extremely illustrative dossier so that the Truth could be revealed and administered in accordance with the jealous criteria of every brother.
Knowing the generosity of paper and the docility of the information in web sites or in mailings, in the daily challenge of speaking with the documented truth, we present to you this wide range of profane and Masonic resolutions,
decrees, notes, etc., that speak for themselves.
The recognition which has been bestowed on us and which we have received with honor and pride has not been
due to luck. The Masonic international community read the situation right, and in the majority of the cases decided
in our favor, but it was in accordance with a meticulous study of the impasse, its origin and development.
We will keep on fighting for the responsible diffusion of the truth, we will keep on working mending the cracks of
Paraguayan Freemasonry until we reach the longed for unification. Steadfastness, Brotherhood, Tolerance and the
Truth will be the tools we use in our pursue of unity. Steadfastness because we will not stray from Masonic principles, principles are not negotiable. Brotherhood, because we all are brothers. Tolerance because we are imperfect,
and the truth because without her everything else lacks sustenance.
The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay, in its 140th Anniversary is more and more consolidated, with the certainty
it owes this to your valuable contribution. It is because of this we celebrate it in the intimacy of our Interior Temple,
the real temple which will produce works in the good of humanity deserving more celebrations.
Thank you
Euclides Acevedo
Grand Master
Preface to the Crisis
The Truth between Columns
Know everything about the crisis in Paraguayan Masonry which
started in 2005 . Its background, developments and consequences
in this dossier of documents that shows the naked truth as it
is and presents it between columns.
Decree No 35 of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree
November 4th 2005
In October of 2001 all the authorities for the Symbolic
Grand Lodge of Paraguay were to take office for the
period of 2001 to 2005, the Grand Master was Bro. Juan
Carlos Roig Robledo, the Vice Grand Master Bro. Reinaldo Domínguez Dibb and the First Grand Warden Bro.
Nemesio Lichi. In February 2003 the Grand Master requests a leave of absence for an undetermined period
of time , after which Bro. Reinaldo Domínguez Dibb assumed as Grand Master.
ARTICLE·1: DECLARES SUSPENDED, in preventive form, in his Masonic Rights the Sovereign Comendador of the Temple Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb 270.
ARTICLE 2: INSTRUCT THE FOLLOWING INDICTMENT in order to conduct an investigation
into the facts presented , guaranteeing the due process and the ample defense of the
Sovereign Comendador of the Temple Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb 270.
ARTICLE 3: NOTIFY the Sovereign Comendador of the Temple Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez
Dibb 270. And anybody else that should be notified in order to comply with the present
Decree signed by the Supreme Council
of the 33rd Degree in which it suspends
the Vice Grand Master of the Symbolic
Grand Lodge of the Paraguay, Respectable Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb.
The Genesis at the voting poll...
In July of 2005 the electoral process is started to elect
a new Grand Master and other authorities in view that
their term ended in October, and bearing in mind that
the current legislation established that to gain access
to the office of Grand Master the candidate had to ob-
ARTICLE 4: COMMUNICATE the present Decree to all the Subordinate offices of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the
Republic of Paraguay, instruct that the present Decree should be posted in all temples and
communicate to any Powers that should be informed.
ARTICLE 5: COMMUNICATE to the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay in compliance with
Articles 8 and 10 of The treaty of Peace and Friendship of April 30 1986
ARTICLE 6 ACCOMPLISH, and then file.
The Past Vice Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand
Lodge of Paraguay Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb.
tain two thirds of the votes of the Grand Representatives which was predictable would not be obtained in
the first cast. The first voting round was cast on July 1st,
the second on July 8th, the third on August 5th and the
fourth on September 1st. In all occasions the majority
of the votes were for Bro. Reinaldo Domínguez Dibb
over Bro. Roberto Fernandez, but not within the two
thirds required by the statutes, although the number
were increasing in favor of Bro. Domínguez. In the last
round both candidates agreed to establish a pause until
March 3rd of 2006 .
Signed by the Sovereign Grand Comendador, Bro. Jorge Goldenberg
The first outrage of
the last degree
Everything seemed to be developing normally until November 2005 in which the Grand Secretary of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay receives a Decree (number 05) from the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree in
which Bro. Reinaldo Domínguez Dibb , Grand Master ,
was suspended in his Masonic Rights . At the same time
it also requested the application of a Clause of the Peace and Friendship treaty between the Supreme Council
of the 33rd Degree and the Symbolic Grand Lodge of
Paraguay by which a suspension in one power also had
to be applied in the other. Immediately after an official
telegram is also received, sent by Bro. Nemesio Lichi in
which he demands Bro. Reinaldo Domínguez Dibb deliver the office of Grand Master to him.
Decree No 24 of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
November 8th 2005
Art 1. ABOLISH the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the Supreme Council of the
33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Republic of Paraguay and
the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay, signed on April 30 1986 .
Art 2. NOTIFY the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Republic of Paraguay and all the Lodges and Triangles of the Obedience
of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
other Grand Lodges.
Art 4. The present decree will be endorsed by Counselors, Presidents of the Grand Committees (Legal, Administrative and Financial) , once complied file .
“Give due diligence to the measure requested and in view of this
suspend the Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay,
Mr. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb and in his place Mr Ysabelino Nemesio
Lichi Leguizamon should assume the office of Grand Master...“
Signed by
Juan Brunetti Grand Secretary
Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb
Vice Gran Master acting as Grand Master
V. Aguilar
Gran Treasurer
Carlos Cabrera L.
Administrative Commission Edgar Sanchez
Legal Commission
Herbert Insfran
Financial Commission
Historical document setting a disastrous precedent . The Electoral
profane Justice suspends the Grand Master in exercise and names the
First Warden of that time as Grand Master
Decree that leaves without effect the agreement of Peace
and Friendship between the Symbolic Grand Lodge of
Paraguay and the Supreme Counsel of the 33rd Degree.
The Grand Lodge Commands Respect
In view of such an outrage of a foreign power alien to
Symbolism the Grand Master decides to abolish the Peace and Friendship Treaty in such a manner as to defend
the sovereignty of the Grand Lodge. After which Bro.
Nemesio Lichi turns to a profane Judicial order to claim
the office of Grand Master.
The second outrage, Freemasonry
is profaned
In this manner on November 10th 2005 the order number 234 of the Electoral Circuit Court of Asuncion reads
“Give due diligence to the measure requested and in
view of this suspend the Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay, Mr. Reinaldo Dominguez
Dibb and in his place Mr Ysabelino Nemesio Lichi Leguizamon should assume the office of Grand Master...“
Fiscal Attorney of the Electoral Court
acts to change the Grand Master of
the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
For the fulfillment of this resolution the profane Court
arranged the raid of the head office of the Symbolic
Grand Lodge of the Paraguay, having the National Police carry out this task. In more than one hundred years
of Freemasonry in Paraguay it was the first time that
the Temples were invaded by a profane power, even the
harshest dictatorships respected them. But the eagerness for power by Bro. Lichi and his followers had no
Illustrative journalistic clipping of the Newspaper
La Nation of Feburary 16th 2006.
The Judge Hugo Sosa Pasmor allowed the imputation presented by the District Attorney
Rocio Vallejos and processed Genaro Ramón Burro, President of Petropar, and all members
of the Board of Directors; Artemio Castillo, Fernando Martinez, NEMESIO LICHI, Alfredo
Gamarra Villalba and Victorio Caballero Gimenez for the crime of Injury of Confidence.
In the city of Asuncion, Capital of the Republic of Paraguay, on July 25th of 2005, the
District attorney from the specialized Economic Crime Unit, Victoria Acuña Ricardo comes
forth with the object of Charging Ramón Isabelino Nuñez ID #726819 with address Juan
de Lara #525 City of Lambare, and Architect Roberto Fernandez Schoeder (Architects
Registration # 1040) with the following address España Avenue #1380 - Asuncion, with
Punishable Acts against property.
In consequence this representative of the Economic crime Unit charges Ramón Isabelino
Gonzalez Nuñez and Architect Roberto Fernandez Schroeder as alleged authors of the
punishable acts against property as considered in the Civil code of Law .
Copy of the Certificate of Criminal records of Mr.
Ysabelino Nemesio Lichi Leguizamón on whom a
penal process was pending. Rapidly he forgot the
principle of presumption of innocence, in order to
claim the office of Grand Master.
More details of the case of Injury of Confidence in which the recently named
Grand Master by the profane justice Bro. Nemesio Lichi was involved in
detriment of Petropar (Paraguayan National fuel Co.)
I demand, but do not demand of me…
The move to reach the office of Grand Master was
well-known, but since the perfect crime does not exist,
Nemesio Lichi was covering his eyes and was whistling
knowing he also had a legal case pending: On him and
on the candidate for Grand Master Roberto Fernández
Schoeder also penal imputations were pending at the
time, in the form of the Punishable act of INJURY OF
Copy of first page of the Allocation Act dated 25/07/2005 made by the
District Attorney of the Economic Crimes Unit . Victoria Acuña against
Roberto Fernandez Schroeder for the alleged commission of an offense
against property.
Last part of the said Act of Imputation was not
“checked“ by the Supreme Council for a suspension,
as was done with Grandmaster candidate Reynaldo
Dominguez Dibb. Fernandez enjoyed the sympathy of
the Supreme Council
Explaining the Unexplainable...
The whitch hunt...
The Sovereign Grand Comendador of the Supreme
Council of the 33rd degree Bro. Jorge Goldenberg was
approached by the newspaper ABC Color to explaining
the reasons for the suspension Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb. They never took into account the ongoing
cases against the other candidate for the Grand Master,
Bro. Roberto Fernandez Schroeder and of the “novel”
Grand Master imposed by the Electoral Justice Bro. Nemesio Lichi, all of them active members of the in the
Scottish Rite. This evidenced the intentions of the Supreme Council by not measuring everybody by the
same yardstick in similar situations. The interests of that
Power were not served by a Masonic Grand Master as
Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb who favored a Multi ritualistic Masonry.
After the humiliating raid on its headquarters and once
embedded in the Masonic order, Nemesio Lichi started
a real raid against his brothers, stopping anyone who
thought differently, because since he lacked legitimacy
he had no other way than to generate fear by the way
of force and thus try to appease the discontent of the
For starters... The first decree of suspension by Nemesio Lichi fell on Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb.
Article #1
Suspend in his Masonic rights Master Mason Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb, from the Aurora
#1 Lodge and Vice Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay , awaiting the
definition of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of the Scotish Rite for the Republic
of Paraguay and following instructions of the Grand Comendador and in agreement with
the article #10 of the Peace and Friendship treaty between both powers.
Bros. related
to the Grand
Master Reinaldo Dominguez
suffered the
same penalty.
The reason?
They wouldn’t
follow the
imposed line
of thought...
Masons suspended Dominguez Dibb because he
has a pending legal process.
Article #1
Suspend in his Masonic rights Master Masons Carlos Cabrera Lopez, Edgar Sanchez,
Heber Insfran , Valentin Aguilar and Juan Manuel Brunetti , awaiting the definition of the
Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of the Scotish Rite for the Republic of Paraguay and
following instructions of the Grand Comendador and in agreement with the article #10
of the Peace and Friendship treaty between both powers.
Bro. Jorge Goldenberg in an interview with the ABC
newspaper on November 18th 2005
Article #1
Suspend in his Masonic rights Master Mason Juan Carlos Roig Robledo, of the Lodge
Luz y Progreso #6, awaiting the definition of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of
the Scotish Rite for the Republic of Paraguay and following instructions of the Grand
Comendador and in agreement with the article #10 of the Peace and Friendship treaty
between both powers.
Leaving no loose ends…
The plan could be altered if the Grand Master with absence of leave, Bro. Juan Carlos Roig Robledo, would
take back the position. Then they took advantage the
printer was on high speed and another decree of suspension without any explanation was produced. The
excuse was to endorse the suspension of the Supreme
Council of the 33rd degree. Cutting heads was the way
to the office of Grand Master.
Curious maneuver, Bro. Juan Carlos Roig could have
assumed the office of Grand Master but out of the
blue a decree of suspension y produced against him
by Bro. Lichi.
Article #1
Decree the temporal intervention of the Aurora of Paraguay #1 Lodge.
Article # 2
Name the following Bros. As interventors, Antonio Fernandez Gadea, Eduardo Velasquez
and Roger Ayala, who will direct the work of the lodge, verify any irregularities and assure Masonic regularity. They will inform the Gran Master regularly .
Article #3
Suspend the following Bros. In their Masonic Rights , Euclides Acevedo Worshipful Master, Luis Oscar Boettner First Warden, Domingo Redondo Second Warden, Fabian Calderini
Speaker and Cesar Escurra secretary .
Lodge Aurora #1 ,
bastion of Resistance
The Aurora Lodge, one of the most significant and oldest in Paraguayan Masonry, did not enter the scheme
introduced by Lichi and continued in session as “permanent assembly” under the Worshipful Master Bro.
Euclides Acevedo. No doubt this Lodge had a different
line of thought with the “new administration” , which
charged it as rebels and instigators. Soon after it was
intervened and its authorities suspended.
Decree of intervention of the Aurora del Paraguay #1
Lodge and of its authorities
Lodges Union y Progreso #9
and Pitagoras #17
These lodges are within the many who did not join the
command of Nemesio Lichi and therefore also were intervened and their authorities suspended.
Decree of intervention and suspension for Bros. of Lodges
Union y Progreso #9 and Pitagoras #17 .
Lodges Fenix #127 and
Federico el Grande #3
The worshipful Master of Lodge Fenix 127 Bro. Carlos
Aquino Giraldi by order of the Lodge wrote a letter to
Bro. Lichi not recognizing him as Grand Master. Needles
to say this earned him his suspension.
In the same manner some Bros. of the Federico El Grande Lodge abandoned the Lodge when Bro. Lichi entered their Lodge and ordered the Gavel be given to him.
They were also suspended.
In an atmosphere of general confusion and paralysis the
Masonic year closes in 2005.
Decree of suspension for Bro. Carlos Aquino for sending
a letter not recognizing Bro. Lichi as Grand Master
Several brothers of the Lodge Federico el Grande
were suspended for refusing to participate in the
Lodge after Bro. Lichi had violently entered the
temple and took the Gavel from the hands of the
Worshipful Master of the Lodge Bro. Carlile Gauto.
Article #1
Declare suspended and Kidnap the Charter for the following
Lodges; Fraternidad Masonica #7, Bernardino Caballero #13,
Concordia #15, St. Germain #19, Arandu #120, Giusseppe
Garibaldi #122, Fenix #127, Perfecta Armonia 129 and the
Triangles Caballero de San Juan #131 and Triangle Luz y Libertad #134.
Lodges, part of
the plan was
to wipe out all
Lodges who
didn’t pledge
their allegiance
to the new
as to smoothen
the road ahead.
The persecution continued
throughout the year 2006...
On February 15th The authorities imposed by the Electoral Court gave continuity to the persecution with the
decree which suspended and kidnapped 10-Obedience
charters from Lodges which still did not pledge their
allegiance to the new administration .
That same day Bro. Lichi signed a decree which suspended several Grand Representatives who thought as Bro.
Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb and who were part of several
Grand Committees with in the Grand Symbolic Lodge of
Why February 15th?
Nemesio Lichi would need to “legitimize” his actions
and position, therefore he needed to call for elections
for the office of Grand Master even though he was the
only candidate. The proposed date for the elections
was February 15th . On the morning of that day, he saw
necessary to go even further and clear the way of any
possible problems , suspending 19 Grand Representatives with the right to vote and kidnapping the Charter
letters of 10 “Insurgent “ Lodges as he labeled them.
By the same token all
Grand Representatives
who did not recognize the
authority imposed by a
profane power in the person of Bro. Lichi as Grand
Master were suspended to
assure the stability of the
new administration
Decree No 42 of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree
September 8th 2006
THIRD COMMUNICATE the present Decree to all the Subordinate
offices of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Republic of Paraguay.
FOURTH INSTRUCT that the present Decree should be posted in
all temples and communicate to any Powers that should be informed.
FIFTH ACCOMPLISH, and then file.
Signed by
Luis Bernal Cabral 33o
Secretary Grand Chancellor
Jorge Goldenberg 33o
Sovereign Grand Comendador
Copy of Decree of Expulsion of Bro. Dominguez that evidences hostility
against him considering that Lichi had to obtain a profane court order
based on the resolution of the same Supreme council
The Supreme Council expels
Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez.
By the same token all Grand Representatives who did not recognize
the authority imposed by a profane power in the person of Bro. Lichi
as Grand Master were suspended to assure the stability of the new
On September 8, 2006, by Decree No. 42/2004-2007, the
Supreme Council 33rd Degree expels Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb. The reason?. Because he used a constitutional guarantee as is the appeal to the Electoral Court
on the ban imposed by the Supreme Council. It argues
that no Bro. may go to a profane court to claim his Masonic rights .
Yes, you read that right... The Supreme Council punishes him for defending himself in the same arena that
they saw fit to have Nemesio Lichi endorsed and claim
the office of Grand Master by using a profane Judicial
Resolution. Incredible, but true.
Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez was aquitted
A fact that was overlooked by the Supreme Council 33rd
Degree and the Grand Lodge headed by Nemesio Lichi
was the dismissal of Bro. Dominguez in the legal case
against him. This showed that the only interest was that
of obtaining the Grand Masters office at any cost and
Gonzalez Macchi was condemned and is held in custody at
the presidential Guard.
Former President Luis Angel Gonzalez Macchi was sentenced to 8
years in prison after being found guilty of illegitimate enrichment
and misrepresentation. It also ordered the special confiscation
of US$ 362.000, and a fine of G. 3.000 million and 8 years of
disqualification for holding public office. The case against Reinaldo Dominguez and Susana Galli for illegitimate enrichment
was dismissed.
no matter what. The damage caused to Bro. Dominguez
is irreparable, they never even took the time to write
him a note.
But why with the Electoral Justice ?
One question that merits an independent analysis is
why was the Electoral Justice chosen in order to gain
access to the office of Grand Master.
Bro. Nemesio Lichi in the Electoral Justice court sues Bro.
Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb in an action searching for the
disqualification of Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb as active member of Paraguayan Freemasonry. It is amazing
to analyze the speed with which this sue proceeds 1)
the proceeding and precautionary action were issued in
less than a day 2) The raid and installment in office of
the new Grand Master in less than a morning 3.) On
the Contrary sensu , the appeals were rejected with no
more than a two line unfounded sentence .
Internal Problems...
The recourse to profane justice was a violation that
threatens the Civil Statutes of the Symbolic Grand Lodge
of Paraguay. That is why it is transcribed as follows: in
Article # 41. “The partners, either individually or collectively as well as the lodges, can not claim to any civil
authority the resolutions of the Central or General Assembly, or of any another corporation of the institution,
and must abide by what has been resolved in an authorized manner and according to the internal Laws... “
The above transcript is self evident and requires little
effort to interpret, because given the nature of our association it is obvious that the determinations made under oath of silence and discretion, cannot be discussed
in the secular world. At the same time when reference
is made to “any other corporation” , the other Masonic
corporation at that time was the Supreme Council of
the 33rd degree whose resolution was the basis for resorting to secular authorities.
Also, the Masonic Code is clear in its Article 32. “The
Symbolic Grand Lodge has the right to accuse the Grand
Master and Vice Grand Master before the Supreme
Council of the 33 rd degree in case of poor performan-
ce or for crimes in the exercise of their functions. Having declared they should allow the Legal Committee
to promote a legal cause and have it confirmed by two
thirds of votes present at a special assembly convened
for that purpose... “
While this provision violates the autonomy of the Grand
Lodge to provide that the Grand Master can be accused
before the Supreme Council 33rd Degree, it establishes
a procedure which is prior and binding. That is, the statement of reasons for prosecution can be formulated in
two situations: 1) poor performance, 2) crimes committed in the exercise of their functions, allowing the Law
Committee the prosecution, being the first condition
the formulation of prosecution by the Law Committee and the second condition the confirmation of the
Grand Lodge assembled with a required two-thirds majority of Representatives present in order to confirm the
said prosecution. In the case in question these conditions were not fulfilled given the fact that the Supreme
Council of the 33rd degree out of its own decided to
suspend the Grand Master based on facts that do not
fit either of the two conditions required in Article 32 of
the Masonic Code.
What is surprising is that Bro. Lichi in his sue just requested the disqualification of Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez
Dibb as active member but the Electoral Justice went
quite a bit further by suspending the Vice Grand Master and naming Bro. Lichi as provisional Grand Master
without this ever being requested, in fact a Judicial Electoral agent was sent to the Grand Lodge to proceed and
install Nemesio Lichi as the new Grand Master.
The National Constitution (Art. 273-275) establishes the
Electoral Justice as part of the judiciary system , and established the agency`s task as that of convening, judging, organizing, directing, supervising and monitoring
the actions and issues arising from general elections, departmental and municipal governments, and the rights
and titles of those elected.
It’s no wonder Hospitals are without medical supplies and
schools are falling apart. “Until when is Moralito (Juan Manuel
Morales) and his fourth minister Carlos Quiñonez going to get
away with it “
The Ultima Hora Newspaper in its edition of March 17th 2009 in
the Section “Cuarto Oscuro“, in reference to the proximity of Bro.
Quiñonez and Minister Morales
It is clear that this judicial demand had No previous process in Masonic circuits as is established in our and laws
must have proceeded if anything within the Civil court
System and not the Electoral Judicial system.
Even then, if we study the case within the electoral system the Sue should have been disregarded In Lamine in
view of the Article 36 of the electoral Code : “The issues
and internal disputes (...) may not be brought to the
Electoral Court without first exhausting the internal
statutory and regulatory pathways (...) “.
The ABC newspaper in
its edition of march 2nd
2009 also points out the
importance of Carlos Quiñonez within the Electoral
Justice .
A worker of the Electoral Justice called the newspaper to comment on the tremendous party that was organized in the main
auditorium of the Electoral Justice to celebrate the Birthday of
the fourth minister, Carlos Quiñonez, man of compass and of
square. Everybody was invited and they even had a live band
to wish “this magician of finances“ a happy birthday. Mochito
Morales (Juan Manuel Morales) even danced a little.
Obscure handling that sheds Light...
The Superior Tribunal of Electoral Justice has as its highest authorities three judges who act in rotation as President, Vice President and membership. At that time,
upon the filing of the action by Nemesio Lichi, the judges were Ministers Juan Manuel Morales, Alberto Ramirez and Rafael Dendia.
One of the functions of the body is to manage and distribute financial and human resources allocated in the
Budget of the Nation, according to the essential needs
of all offices of the Electoral Justice, and therefore the
figure of the Director General of Administration and Fi-
nance is key for these purposes.
And the owner of this vital Department of the Electoral Justice was none other than Bro. CARLOS ALBERTO
QUIÑONEZ, whom the media linked as a sort of “fourth
minister” due to the importance of his vote in decisionmaking.
That influence would have been matched by his close
relationship with Minister Juan Manuel Morales who
was close to him in several public institutions in which
he was director.
In the edition of October
6th 2009 the Ultima Hora
newspaper interviews Bro.
Quiñonez in reference to
the irregular bonus been
collected by the ministers
of the Electoral Court .
Without a doubt his position was important for the
ministers and his influence
within the Electoral court
Epigraph: In the same
manner on January 19th
2010 the ABC newspaper
brands Carlos Quiñonez as
the fourth minister.
The administrator of the Electoral Justice, Carlos Quiñonez confirmed that the
ministers of the Electoral Justice are collecting a extra bonus of about 100% of
their salaries violating the national law of Budget .
The Administrator of the Electoral Justice, Carlos Quiñonez, yesterday confirmed in a phone conversation with Radio Primero de Marzo that the ministers of the Electoral Court
Juan Manuel Morales and Alberto Ramirez Zambonini collect a monthly bonus in view of
their responsibility in the positions as he classifies it.
Candidate to the Head of the National Comptroller’s office did not
comply with the requirement of declaring his assets.
The ex general administrator of the Electoral Justice aspires to be
named Head of the National Comptroller’s office with the precedent of not having presented his assets when he left several posts
in public office .
The process that has been opened in the chamber of senators in the
search of a list of three candidates to occupy the post of Director of the
National Comptroller’s office, and sub director of the Comptroller’s office
has been met with polemic and controversy and affects all candidates
who have held public office.
Ultima Hora newspaper has gained access to documents of the Nationals
Comptroller´s office which show that the ex administrator of the Electoral
Justice , Carlos Quiñonez, has violated the Article #104 of the National
constitution in reference to not presenting a sworn statement of assets.
The mentioned article specifies that all public employees are obliged to
present a sworn statement declaring their assets within 15 days after
taking a new post or after leaving a post.
Since 1993 Carlos Quiñonez was administrator for the national Postal
Service, The Ministry of Labor and the Electoral Justice.
During that period of time he presented four sworn statements, every
time he accessed a new post and a fourth when he divorced.
Clearly he failed to comply with the law since he did not present a sworn
statement every time he left a post.
The fact that he did not present a sworn statement of his assets every
time he left a post only fuels doubts about the origins of his assets.
In this sense the Comptroller’s office adds to the doubts since it also
ignored what is established In the law.
The comptroller Octavio Airaldi ordered Carlos Quiñonez statements
checked .
Its surprising the result of this work produced a favorable conclusion by
the part of the comptroller even though the sworn statements required by
law to be presented leaving a public post were never presented.
Needless is to say that the comptroller office also ignored their own regulations since it is clearly established that these checks should be made
between the sworn statements of a person entering a post and then
when leaving the post.
Carlos Quiñonez was named last November Grand Master , the highest
office among Masons. Its no coincidence that Octavio Airaldi is also a
Mason. Some legislators consulted agree that this coincidence is what
produced the favorable result of the comptroller office.
The fourth Minister , in the Political Arena Carlos Quiñonez was recognized by this tittle since he had ample power as administrator of the
enormous budget of the Electoral Justice.
If we look at his personal finances we can see that he had a high standard
of living during his years as public server.
The Ultima Hora Newspaper tried to contact Carlos Quiñonez to get his
version of the facts in reference to his no presentations of the sworn
statement of assets while he was a public employee , at his home we
were told he was overseas and they didn’t know when he would return.
A shroud man
Looking into his career we are told that Carlos Quiñonez is a Shroud man
that based on strategy and a medium profile reached positions administrating public assets and power in all the posts he had.
He is considered the right hand man for Juan Manuel Morales who had
him as administrator in the Ministry of Labor and later as administrator
in the Electoral Justice.
Carlos Quiñonez was considered the “Fourth minister“ of the Electoral
Justice that only last year had a Budget of 222 thousand million Guaranies (aprox. 55.5 million dollars).
At the same time its assumed he applies influence as Grand Master of the
Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay.
An illustrative note of the Ultima Hora newspaper in its edition of September
27th of 2010 where it describes the situation of Bro. Carlos Quiñonez
In addition to the ministers, the administration director has allot of power. Since 1995
only two people have held the position, Lorenzo irigotia and Carlos Quiñonez. Obiously
they have a very good relationship with the National General Comptroller´s office, since
they have never found any administrative irregularities within the electoral justice.
Information in the ABC newspaper on the 29th of August 2009, in which we can see the
extent of the power of the Financial Administrator of the Electoral Justice , Carlos Quiñonez .
For those of you that believe that public servers don’t earn enough, In the Centenario
Club main board there is a application for membership posted by Carlos Quiñonez, fourth
minister of the Electoral Justice and its administrator. The amount required as membership fee to the club is Gs. 350.000.000. The solicitor traveled overseas on vacations by his
own means as he pointed out.
Its hard to maintain loyalty when you are out in the cold. The fourth minister of the Electoral Justice is slowly backstabbing his partner Moralito. He must abandon his position in
September, but Quiñonez is already operating the strings to place a follower of Nicanor
in his place. It is also mentioned that Quiñonez ended up with some dividends that belonged to Mochito, the product of some allocated contracts.
Information of the ABC Newspaper of the 19th of April 2009
The Ultima Hora newspaper dedicates space to
the results of the Masonic
elections where Bro. Carlos
Quiñonez is elected as
Grand Master.
Masons elect the ADMINISTRATOR of the
Electoral Justice as Grand Master.
Guatemala is worried...
The Grand Lodge of Guatemala was the first international Masonic power to express concern about what
happened, and sent a note in support of Bro. Reinaldo
Dominguez Dibb.
The Masons of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay elected this past Sunday
their new authorities. The administrator of the Electoral Justice was elected as
Grand Master.
A confesion of his own…
The Lodge Paz y Justicia #12
and its influence
In 2005 Bro. Carlos Quiñonez was general administrator
of the Electoral Justice and at the same time Worshipful
Master of the Lodge Paz y Justicia #12. the after mentioned Lodge is known for having been the cradle of Sovereign Grand inspectors of the Supreme Council of the
33rd degree. Among them are Bro. Luis Bernal, today in
day Grand Chancellor secretary and Edgar Usher who
passed away last April 7th and who was the General
Treasurer of the Supreme.
It is from this Lodge that peace between the Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council was broken and the road
was set for the actions to follow by the Electoral Justice.
Paid influence…
In the year 2006, in elections held behind closed doors
for the Grand Representatives and others, the Vice
Grand Master Reinaldo Domiguez Dibb was suspended
and Bro. Carlos Quiñonez was elected as speaker for the
Grand Lodge of Nemesio Lichi becoming in essence the
strong man in the group, all this while the appeals in
the Electoral Justice were been denied with few arguments.
His success in the Grand Lodge could have seduced him
to become the next Grand Master, he was proposed
and competed with Bro. Alejandro Dedoff and Manfred
Schreiber, both of them Grand inspectors.
In the Newsletter No. 412 dated September 16th 2009
of the “Revista de la Libertad“ a magazine published by
the CSGLP body based in the street Boggiani, a letter
written by Bro. Carlos Quinonez is published with an
electorate message a couple of days before the election
day of the Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay , the name adopted after the schism.
Grand Master
Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb
Grand Lodge of Paraguay
What is surprising about this letter is a part of it titled
Our actions in the recent Past “Freemasonry , starting
in November of 2005 has regained its institutional line
which it had lost due to authoritarianism and the abuse
of power“.
Grand Master in exercise, with a deep feeling we have learned of what
has happened against Masonic Regularity in the Orient of Paraguay.
The Grand Lodge of Guatemala and its Grand Master recognize any person elected following the uses ,customs, constitutions and landmarks are
the maximum authorities, always maintaining the Masonic Code which
allows for democratic elections which permit the will of all Paraguayan
masons to express themselves.
To Recover that which was lost has not been easy. We
were four Bros. which in June 2005 agreed that we could
not remain indifferent and inactive with the crazy way
our institution was been directed . We started meeting
regularly to systematically plan a recovery movement
of the basic tenets of Masonry. This would necessarily
begin with gaining access to the direction of our Grand
Lodge through a group of Bros. embodied in the values
of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, philanthropy, solidarity
and democracy.“ (sic Carlos Quinonez)
Each is free to interpret this the way one sees fit . The
events were organized and executed according to a
plan that was deviced in the offices of the Electoral Justice. In June 2005 the plan was started and it bore fruits
five months later.
On Sunday November 8th Carlos Quiñonez was undisputed at the polls and was to follow Nemesio Lichi as
Grand Master of the Centennial Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay.
Following this, the Grand Lodge of Guatemala expresses its support for
the Grand Master Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb and requests that the Grand
Architect of the Universe shine light on Paraguayan Masons so they can
come through this difficult moment.
Edgar Alfredo Herrera de Leon
Grand Master
In defense of the institutional line...
In February 2006 a group of about 300 brothers gathered in premise of Grand Master Reinaldo Dominguez
Dibb and decided to continue the assembly-act on the
date set after the recess, or March 3rd. A call begins and
it is decided to carry on in the International Hotel, in
view that at the time the temples were guarded by armed guards and to gain access one had to present the
national identification card and have the approval of
Lichi or any of his close associates.
The Hiram temple is constructed…
At this point and with the support of Pas Grandmaster
Dominguez, who allows the use of one of his properties , on March 29 the Temple of Hiram is consecrated .
A small temple but in accordance to the necessity and
urgency of the moment, while the planning for the
construction of a larger temple on the same property
is carried out.
The revival of Symbolism…
Truly imbued with Masonic institutionalist spirit , on
Friday March 3rd the assembly continued . Grandmaster Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb opened the assembly and
expressed his withdrawal from the candidacy to Grand
Master, and in the absence of Bro. Roberto Fernandez
Schroeder, a motion is proposed to promote the candidacy of Bro. Ignacio Mendoza Unzain. Since he was the
only candidate motioned his election is by unanimous
vote of those present. Concluded the election act , he
sets the main goals of work, with them the exposure of
the situation of Paraguayan Freemasonry in international organizations.
Time prior to the opening ceremony of the Temple of Victoria.
Hotel International
Opening ceremony of the Temple which houses 200 Bros. comfortably seated.
Ritual Ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Temple of “La Victoria“ built in a
record time of 40 days with the contributions of all the brethren.
The Illustrious brother Hernando Osorio Rico lecturing to a packed
auditorium at the Conference on Secularism in the Aula Magna of the
Faculty of Law, National University of Asunción.
Article #1
Bro. Edgar Sanchez Caballero is appointed Guarantor of Friendship of the Grand Orient of
Brazil before the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay.
Copy of the Decree produced by the Grand Orient of Brazil naming
Bro. Edgar Sanchez Guarantor of peace
The road to Recognition
The situation of Paraguayan Masonry was first exposed
In the twentieth Regular Meeting of the Inter American Masonic Confederation (CMI) held in Guatemala
City in April 2006. On that occasion the Grand Master
Ignacio Mendoza Unzain had the opportunity to expose
the reality of the moment, and presented papers and
discussed the details of the secular judicial intervention at our institution. After deliberation, the Assembly
unanimously resolved to offer mediation so as to reach
a fraternal solution of the problem. This offer was immediately accepted by Grandmaster Mendoza, but not
Resolution of the Grand Lodge of Rio de Janeiro in which it names Bro.
César Núñez Alarcón as Guarantor of Friendship with the Symbolic
Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
by Bro. Lichi, who said he would submit the offer for
consideration by his Grand Lodge and then answer.
Thanks to the efforts of Grandmaster Mendoza and
his companions at the meeting the Recognition of the
Grand Orient of Brazil was achieved, and as proof of fulfillment of the commitment a document was signed and
Bro. Edgar Sanchez Caballero was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Orient of Brazil and as Grand
Representative of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay Bro. Domingus Jersirio Mendes was appointed.
Diploma “Ordem do Merito Maçónico“ issued by the Grand Lodge of
Rio de Janeiro to the Past Grand Master, Ignacio Mendoza Unzain.
At the same time the exchange of representatives and
mutual recognition with the Grand Masonic Lodge of
the State of Rio de Janeiro was achieved, being appointed Grand Representative to our power Bro. César
Núñez Alarcón.
In December of 2006, we were honored with the visit
of the illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Chile, Bro. Jorge Carvajal Muñoz, who was carrying the
explicit recognition of his Grand Lodge. At the time he
also spoke before the secular world of his own work on
European and Latin officials at the Conference on Secularism in the
Law School of the National University.
Buenos Aires , June 26th 2006
Matter: Response to Bro. Nemesio Lichi
Buenos Aires June 13th 2006
Dear Bros. Nemesio and Ignacio
From the meeting held on the occasion of the Assembly of the CMI Area
VI held in Santiago de Chile I have not had news of you or of your representatives. This worries me in terms of the time elapsed and at least from
the CMI´s standpoint, we have not heard from you.
So then I proceed to remind you that the last and unofficial proposal I
made to you Ignacio and to Nemesio´s -representative in Santiago. The
proposal is ‘unofficial’ in view that an official mediation had not been accepted therefore it is the only proposal I can make in order to contribute
to harmony in your Grand Lodge.
The proposal for your consideration in essence is the following;
a) An electoral roll must be produced which includes all Master Masons in
the Orient, this implies that all sanctions are waived to allow all Brothers
the right to vote.
b) Once the roll is made a call for direct elections between two candidates is carried out, therefore the one that obtains the majority of votes will
be elected Grand Master (half of the able votes plus one).
c) Commitment by both parties to support the outcome of the election
and ensuring full support to the winner in order to have a successful management.
d) Commitment by both parties, once the election indicated in b), immediately make the appropriate choice under the Statutes of the Grand
Lodge, with full support for ratification as decided by the choice above to
represent, from our perspective, Masonic public sentiment.
e) The entire process described above, if it is your desire will be supervised by the Inter American Masonic conference (CMI)
I hope to have your answers in writing be them positive or otherwise.
Also I request you to disclose the tenor of this letter to all your Brothers.
I await your response and hope the Grand Architect of the Universe allows
for peace and harmony to prevail soon in your Orient.
Bro. Jorge Alejandro Vallejos
Executive Secretary – Inter American Masonic Conference - CMI
Bro. Jorge Alejandro Vallejos
Executive secretary of the CMI
Respectable Bro. :
As has been reported and documented at the time, the Symbolic Grand Lodge of
Paraguay has acted on the basis of its positive legislation in the case of suspension of
Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb.
The group of insurgent Bros. who have not accepted the separation of the former
Vice Grand Master from the exercise of the office of Grand Master have been declared
illegal according to our laws.
The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay has proceeded to elections of its authorities,
as is provided in our legislation and has :
• Effective, stable and consolidated authority
• Is legally legitimate
• It has the Recognition, consent and participation of all the Lodges who are part of it .
• The capacity and effective exercise of its sovereignty
• The possession and use of all properties of the Grand orient of Paraguay
• An institutional , participative and democratic government
In this way, we can assure you that your wishes for peace and harmony to reign in
this Symbolic Grand Lodge, are met. Under the rule of law, law enforcement is the
guarantee of peace and harmony, and our union is based on respect and justice.
The Bros. that have rebelled against the institutional order, if they wish to return must
first submit to their Lodges and to this Grand Lodge that combines them . The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay will not accept impositions or proposals that are other
than those stipulated in its legislation. The law must be respected and no exceptions
must be made .
I want to remind you that this Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay has not requested
any arbitration or mediation, and as far as those requested by insurgent Bros. in this
jurisdiction, neither has it been accepted.
In order to give comfort to the Bros. of the Confederated Grand Lodges , this Symbolic
Grand Lodge of Paraguay has invited you to visit us and find in situ, the reality of the
facts. Such an invitation has been accepted by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of Peru and President of the Sixth CMI area Bro. Alberto Montezuma Zavaleta, who
willingly has promised the Paraguayan delegation attending the Annual Meeting of
the VI CMI area in Santiago, Chile, to come to our country together with other Grand
Masters in the very near future, a date which this Grand Lodge will officially disclose.
We believe that the pressure from the Executive Secretariat, who has made unofficial
proposals, with the respect we have for Bro. Jorge Alejandro Vallejos, are an improper
interference in the internal affairs of this Grand Lodge. And favor intentionally or not,
the insurgent Bros. seeking the support of the CMI to remedy their violations and
RUBEN DARIO VERA LOPEZ Gran Secretario Proposal of the Executive Secretary of the CMI for the resolution of the
I have received your letter dated June 15th and I am pleased to respond it.
It is necessary, then, to carefully clarify some specific points of your letter , which are
obviously distorted. They are related to the phrase ‘do not accept impositions...’ the
last paragraph of the first page and the last paragraph in the part that reads: ‘is an
improper interference in the internal affairs of this Grand Lodge. “
Ser.: Gran Maestro
From the transcript it is quite evident that there is a conflict which threatens peace
and harmony.. Moreover I remind you that you were present as observers together
with Bro. Mendoza. Both of you were entitled to voice in the Commission of Grand
Masters and also in the Grand Assembly. But you never mentioned your opposition to
the resolution mentioned above. Moreover everyone in Guatemala remembered both
your words as those of Bro. Mendoza as well as the warm and fraternal hug that you
gave each other seeking to work for the unity of masonry in Paraguay. This in our view
opened a promising door to rapid resolution of the conflict.
Also in this Great Assembly Bro. Mendoza saw fit to request the mediation of the CMI
for the resolution of internal conflicts, as expressly authorized by the art. 26 bis of the
Statute of the CMI. You promised to deliver your answer within ten days after the assembly. This response was not received within the time you had said and that’s how
we arrived at the General Assembly of the Zone VI of the CMI held in Santiago Chile
between the 26th and 28th of May 2006 .
This Zonal Assembly referred in the last paragraph attended on your behalf by a delegation headed by Bro. Manfred Schreiber, and also attended by Bro. Mendoza. And
After the meeting at which we were advised of the rejection of the mediation of the
CMI, we shared as usual lunch in which I was lucky to be seated in front of Bro.
Mendoza and Bro. Schreiber, and of course surrounded by other Grand Masters. On
that occasion, and obviously with the intention of contributing to finding solutions that
could be conducive to the conflicting parties, is that the Executive Secretary raised the
proposal that was in my first letter, which we called unofficial because as officially the
mediation had been rejected there was no possibility for a official proposal. And it is in
reference to this proposal, that Bros. Mendoza and Schreiber pledged a commitment
for consideration to their bodies and to respond in proper time. Finally, and seen as
there was no formal response is that the Executive Secretary decided to send the
pertinent reminder that, fortunately, has resulted in your formal response.
Bro. Nemesio, I hope to have brought to mind the sequence of events on this issue
to dispel the erroneous idea of “imposition” or “improper interference” (sic) to which
you refer in your letter.
Furthermore and with regard to the decision you have taken, it is part of the rights and
powers attributed to the office of Grand Master, so no questioning or demerit can be
made about this, as it is clearly stated in our statutes.
Also Bro. I request you disclose this letter to all Bros. as when you sent your letter dated June 15th 2006., so they can have all the background in reference to this subject .
At the same time Bro. I have attached my first letter to this one and I am sending it all
Grand Lodges of the VI Zone to whom you sent your response so as to allow them to
have all the background on this subject .
Also Bro. I appreciate the promptness of your formal response which will allow it to be
considered at the next meeting of the Executive Council of the CMI.
Finally Bro. allow me to continue asking the G. •. A. •. D. •. U. •. For peace and
harmony to prevail soon in your Orient , not only for your good but for that of the
whole Order and of Latin American Freemasonry , which in particular suffers from this
type of situation.
In the security that you can always count on the Executive Secretary and the CMI to be
useful tools for the good of our Order, I greet you with a triple and Fraternal embrace.
Bro. Jorge Alejandro Vallejos
Executive Secretary CMI
Letter from Bro. Vallejos to Bro. Lichi. At this point in time Bro. Lichi
had still not accepted the mediation on behalf of the CMI, on the contrary he had accused the CMI of “improper interference“ in the internal
affairs of the Grand Lodge .
Answer of Bro. Lichi to the proposal sent by Bro. Jorge Vallejos , Executive secretary of the CMI
The VI Zone witness to the Embrace
of Lima
Lichi vs. The CMI
Meanwhile, as the conflict in Paraguay reached the
ears of the International Masonic Community, especially in Latin America. The holder of the Symbolic Grand
Lodge of Paraguay legitimized by the Electoral Justice,
Bro. Nemesio Lichi disputed the criteria offered by the
Nothing could be farther from reality that the two references in your note. Indeed, the
CMI is not to carry out enforcement of any kind, much less be meddling in internal
affairs of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay as of any other. Instead everything
done so far has been within the framework of agreements reached at the Grand Assembly of Guatemala and the priority interest of the CMI in trying to help solve problems that may afflict the Confederated Grand Lodges; this obviously is possible only
to the extent that the parties involved in the conflict allow such a participation.
In this order of ideas and to support those expressed in the previous paragraph, is that
I must remind you of the decision by the Committee of Grand Masters, held on the
occasion of the celebration of the twentieth Grand Assembly of the CMI, developed
from 6 to April 8th, 2006 in Guatemala of the Asuncion. A resolution that was passed
in the plenary of the Assembly, and in its sixth points reads: ‘SIXTH: Recommend after
listening, analyzing and reflecting on the situations of the Grand Lodges Paraguay and
Baja California (Mexico), the fraternal invitation to seek and obtain the agreement of
the parties in conflict, commissions been designated in order for the CMI to mediate
always keeping in mind the postulates and validity of Article 26 Bis of the Statute of the
Inter-American Masonic Federation. “
once again, according to the jurisprudence of the CMI for such conflicts, both were
admitted as observers, entitled to speak but not to vote. During the Assembly Bro.
Schreiber reported that his Grand Lodge did not accept the mediation of the CMI.
Beyond the sadness that this decision caused us, which involved the inability of the
CMI official action in resolving the conflict, there could be no reproach, and in fact
there were none, since it is a right to the opposing parties recognized by CMI in our
own legislation.
Executive Secretary of the Inter American Masonic Confederation Bro. Jorge Vallejos, demonstrating from the
very beginning a refusal to address the crisis and labeling the Bros. of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
as insurgents.
In March 2007 the annual assembly of the CMI Area VI
held in Lima, Peru . The Paraguayan situation and non
fraternal attitudes of Bro. Lichi stand out once again ,
when he labels the delegation of Bros. headed by Bro.
Mendoza as “irregular Brothers “. As a conclusion it is
decided that the Executive Board Meeting to be held in
Rio de Janeiro will try to reach a solution on the Paraguayan Crisis.
The famous “Embrace of Lima“ was a balm for the intentions of
unification that Paraguayan and Universal Freemasonry craved.
Unfortunately it would be in vain.
Report and recommendations
of the Triangle on the problem
of Paraguayan Fremasonry
In Rio de Janeiro a decision is reached
on the Mediation on behalf of the CMI
On that understanding, from 4 to May 6 the Executive
Council of the CMI meets in Rio de Janeiro with the presence of both Grand Masters and takes the following
resolution with the express agreement of Bro. Lichi: TO
Form a triangle composed of the Grand Masters Hernando Osorio of Cartagena, Cevallos Ruben Dario from
CMI in Paraguay
Bogota and Patricio Caicedo from Ecuador to go to
Asuncion in order to raise all relevant facts in reference
to each group and to submit a report to be discussed in
the meeting in Buenos Aires in December. Each of the
part assumes the obligation of 50% of the cost of travel
and lodging of the members of the triangle.
Thus, between May 24th and May 27th the Grandmasters Triangle was established in Paraguay and held several meetings with Both Grand Masters and their companions. At these meetings the Grand Master Ignacio
Mendoza offered several possible fraternal solutions,
from establishing a collegiate government up to holding new elections provided all sanctions to Bros. are
waived and secular legal action lifted. Unfortunately,
Bro. Lichi and his advisers rejected all the options and
the Grand Masters of the triangle left without achieving
a Masonic solution, despite the efforts deployed.
Resolution of the Executive Council
of the (CMI) on the
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
The CMI decides in Buenos Aires…
Buenos Aires, December 19th, 2007
To All the Grand Lodges Affiliated to the C.M.I.
Resolution by the Council of the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Confederation
of Masonry. In regards to the current situation of The Grand Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay.
Gathered in the city of Buenos Aires, this 13th day of December of 2007, the Executive Committee
of the Inter-American Confederation of Freemasons (C.M.I.), with the presence of its’ President,
M:.R:.B:. Rafael Eduardo Aragón Guevara, G:. M:. of the G:. L:. of Guatemala; the Executive Secretary, M:.R:.B:. Jorge Alejandro Vallejos, Past G:.M:. of the G:.L:. of Argentina; in representation
of the First Zone, M:.R:.B:. Jacinto Rocha Monasterio, G:.M:. of the United G:.L:. of Mexico; in
representation of the Second Zone, M:.R:.B:. Eric de Jean Jacques, G:.M:. of the G:.L:. Haiti; in
representation of the Third Zone, Absent ; in representation of the Fourth Zone, M:.R:.B:. Hernando Osorio Rico, G:.M:. of the National Serene Grand Lodge of Colombia; in representation of the
Fifth Zone, M:.R:.B:. Rui Silvio Stragliotto, G:.M:. of the G:.L:. do Estado do Río Grande do Sul;
in representation of the Sixth Zone, M:.R:.B:.Alberto Montezuma Zavaleta, G:.M:. of the G:.L:. of
Peru; having resolved:
Having seen, what has been informed and suggested by the Triangle that had been assigned by the
Executive Council, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 6th, 2007 (V:.E:.), formed by the Grand Masters,
M:.R:.B:. Hernando Osorio Rico, Serene Grand Master of the Serene Grand Lodge of Colombia,
situated at Bogota; M:.R:.B:.Ruben Dario Ceballos Mendoza, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Columbia, situated in Bogota; M:.R:.B:. Patricio Caicedo Rios, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of Ecuador, situated in Guayaquil, which text accompanies, as well as posterior communication sent
by the C.M.I: Executive Secretary. The mentioned triangle was formed by conformity of both groups
which are disputing leadership of the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay, of which both groups
committed to paying half of all expenses incurred by the members of the Triangle, the Council of the
Inter-American Confederation of Free-Masonry (CMI) has resolved unanimously among all present
the following:
Recognize M:.R:.B:. Ignacio Mendoza, as Grand Master and legitimate representative of the
Grand Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay (Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay) before the InterAmerican Confederation of Freemasonry (C.M.I.)
Noting that this declaration does not imply irregularity of either group which were in dispute of
representation of the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Paraguay.
Notify all Confederated Grand Lodges that maintain relationship with this Confederation.
Without further ado, I send you all my most fraternal regards from Buenos Aires.
M:.R:.B:. Jorge A. Vallejos
Executive Secretary C.M.I:
On December 13th, the CMI Executive Council met in Buenos Aires. After hearing the detailed report of the Triangle formed in Asuncion, it unanimously resolved to acknowledge Bro. Ignacio Mendoza Unzain as Grand Master
and legitimate representative of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay before the Inter American Masonic Confederation (CMI) .
Open Doors…
International Agreements
Sponsored by the Brothers mentioned in the previous
paragraph and added Bro. Thomas Jackson, Executive
Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges a
Charter of California is subscribed on February 17th ,
2009, and signed by the Grand Masters Nemesio Lichi,
Ignacio Mendoza, and signing as witnesses Bro. Engelfield Bro. Tardivat, Bro. Jackson and Bro. Colaccioppo.
This agreement held short concise points in the search
for the ultimate unity of the Paraguayan Freemasonry.
Based on the resolution of the CMI Grand Master Ignacio Mendoza decreed a great jubilee on January 2008,
inviting all Bros. working under the obedience of Bro.
Lichi to join the work of the Grand Lodge headed by
him. This call was successful because six Lodges and two
triangles joined the Work of the Symbolic Grand Lodge
of Paraguay.
The then Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand
Lodge of Paraguay Bro. Ignacio Mendoza at the
time of the signing of the Letter of California.
The GLSP in England and France …
Grand Master Mendoza decides on making a tour of Europe, specially France and England, thanks to the support provided by Bro. Tulio Colaccioppo (Chancellor of
the Grande Orient of Brazil) who decides to accompany
him on the tour. The purpose is to report the situation
of Paraguayan Freemasonry for which they arrive in the
month of December and are received by the authorities the French National Grand Lodge, Bro. Jean Claude
Tardivat and the United Grand Lodge of England, Bro.
Allan Engelfield. There they commit to continue seeking the unity of Paraguayan Freemasonry and in that
sense they are summoned to attend the Conference of
Grand Lodges of North America to be held in California
on February 2009.
The Past Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand
Lodge of Paraguay Ignacio Mendoza Unzain made
a tour of France and England in 2008, where he
met with the Masonic authorities of those powers.
He visited the headquarters of the National
Grand Lodge of France in which he was received
by Past Grand Master Jean-Claude Tardivat. He
also visited the headquarters of the United Grand
Lodge of England (United Grand Lodge of England)
where he was received by the Pro Grand Master of
the UGLE, Spencer Douglas David Compton, 7th
Marquess of Northampton, accompanied by the
Grand Chancellor of the UGLE, Alan John Englefield
and Thomas W. Jackson Executive Secretary of the
World Conference of Grand Lodges.
Bros. Nemesio Lichi and Ignacio Mendoza were
given a chance to speak before Bro. Alan John
Englefield , Thomas W. Jackson, Jean Claude
Tardivat and Tullio Colaccioppo.
The Past Grand Master Ignacio Mendoza and the
Grand Speaker Bro. Edgar Sanchez in company
with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Letter of California
XXI Assembly of the CMI - Ratification
of the Resolution of Buenos Aires
Paraguayan Delegation headed by Bro. Ignacio Mendoza Unzain, at
the time Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
The resolution arrived at in Bogota by the Grand Assembly of the Inter
American Masonic Conference- CMI confirms and ratifies the Resolution
of Buenos Aires in reference to the recognition of Bro. Ignacio Mendoza
Unzain as the only Grand Master for the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay
Ratifying the Letter
of Buenos Aires
The then Grand Treasurer of GLSP, bro. Marcos Zaracho in the company
of American authorities of Freemasonry, including the Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Argentina Bro. Ángel
Jorge Clavero and the Chancellor of Great Orient of Brazil, Bro. Tullio
In the month of April the XXI Ordinary Assembly of the
CMI was held in Bogotá, Colombia where the Grand
Masters of the Confederated Grand Lodges resolved
unanimously to ratify the Board’s decision taken in Buenos Aires on December 2007.
Another Agreement: ARLINGTON
Original Letter of California
Following the path of the Charter of California and on
the occasion of the meeting of the Conference of Grand
Lodges of North America, this time in Arlington on February 2010, the agreement is concluded with specific
provisions with strict deadlines so that if they are not
met by the parties they desist of any international recognition.
The Past Grand Master
Mendoza at the moment
of his vote to renew
the authorities of the
Inter American Masonic
The Arlington Agreement
“From now on, the assets of Symbolic Masonry will be
absolutely disconnected from any other Masonic body..”
Some of the points missed by Carlos Quiñonez in the Arlington Agreement.
Never split the assets between the Supreme Council and the GLSP.
Bros. Alan John Englefield and Thomas W. Jackson signing the
Arlington Agreement .
The Paraguayan delegations with the representatives of England , USA and
France , Bros. Alan John Englefield , Thomas W. Jackson and Jean-Claude
Tardivat respectively
New authorities for the GLSP
On March 2010, Bro. Euclides Acevedo assumed as the
Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay, replacing Bro. Ignacio Mendoza, on this occasion
there were present seven Grand Masters and ten other
Grand Lodges were represented.
: Bro. Euclides Acevedo receives the Grand Master´s apron from the
hands of his predecessor Bro. Ignacio Mendoza Unzain
Declaration of Asunción
The Executive Secretary of the American Masonic Confederation, Bro. Rafael
Aragon Guevara gave luster to the ceremony of Pose Charge with his presence.
The act took place in the Yacht & Golf Club before more than
five hundred brothers .
In the month of August 2010 Bro. Thomas Jackson, Rafael
Aragon, Executive Secretary of the CMI, Hernando Osorio President of the World Conference of Grand Lodges
and Tulio Colaccioppo met in Asunción in order to check
the progress of the unification process and as a follow up
of it the Declaration of Asuncion is signed by the Grand
Masters Euclides Acevedo and Carlos Quiñonez.
Almost a postcard shot of an encounter that
seemed to be the hinge to unification. Nothing
could have been further from reality
Signing of the Declaration of Asuncion
Words of Bro. Ignacio Mendoza Unzaín to a massive turnout of Grand Masters of Grand Lodges of Latin America.
The begining of the end
Verification of compliance
Following the international road map we find that in
January of this year, the Executive Secretary of the CMI
issued the Agreement 38/10 asking the Grand Masters
Quiñonez and Acevedo a report detailing the compliance of the international commitments, as the CMI Executive Council was scheduled to meet in Guayaquil in April
and would study the documents presented.
In February in Denver Colorado, with the occasion of
the meeting of the North American Grand Lodges, they
meet one again to study the compliance with the international agreements .
Moment in which the documents submitted by the Grand Master Euclides Acevedo are
reviewed. The documents presented by Bro. Carlos Quiñónez were not submitted on time, but
were received as a courtesy. However it was obvious there was a non compliance with several
points of the agreements
Report of the Grand Master Euclides Acevedo on the compliance
with commitments made in all the agreements signed in pursue of
the unification of Freemasonry in Paraguay. At the same time it also
points out the lack of compliance by Bro. Carlos Quinonez.
The Vice Grand Master and the Past Grand Master represented the Symbolic Grand Lodge of
The CMI issues it definite statement
On April 15th the CMI Executive Council met in Guayaquil, Ecuador and after reviewing the documentation
presented by the Grand Masters Quiñonez and Acevedo
the CMI resolved:
Mr. Executive Secretary
of the World Conference of Grand Lodges
Respectable Brother THOMAS JACKSON
The Very Respectable Brothers who undersign this note, Grand Masters united under the INTER-AMERICAN MASONIC CONFERENCE, wish to express to you our unrestricted adherence to the Resolution adopted by the Executive Council of the CMI in Guayaquil,
Ecuador. Recognizing the succession line of the Very Respectable
Brother EUCLIDES ACEVEDO CANDIA as Grand Master and representative for the one and only Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
This determination is the result of almost six years of study of the
Paraguayan situation, and therefore based on solid grounds. We cannot admit the authority of a Grand Master who´s obedience cohabits
in a promiscuous way and is interdependent with the Supreme council
of the 33rd degree. Neither can we recognize a Grand Master who is
successor to a line installed by profane judicial authorities.
We hope this decision will be respected and validated by the Most
Respectable Conference which Executive Secretariat your illustrious
person holds. The regional agreements must be considered and respected, because of the real closeness with the evaluated situations.
With our sincere fraternal regards.
The World Conference of
Grand Lodges in line with the CMI
Based on this resolution we received a email from the
Executive Chairman of the World Conference of Grand
Lodges which reports that only Bros. with permission of
Grand Master Euclides Acevedo will be admitted to the
World conference of Grand Lodges.
From May 12th to May 14th in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia the World Conference of Grand Lodges was
carried out, the only delegation of Paraguay admitted
was that of Grand Master Euclides Acevedo.
Eloquent support for the Grand Master Euclides Acevedo, nearly all of the Grand Masters of the Grand Lodges in
the Inter American Masonic Conference - CMI signed a letter to Bro. Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary of the
World Conference of Grand Lodges. In it they disapprove the promiscuous cohabitation of the Supreme Council
and Symbolism and they don’t recognize a Grand Master installed by a secular judiciary order.
Q:. H:. Euclides Acevedo y Carlos Alberto Quiñones:
De manera muy fraternal les envío copia de la resolución del
Consejo Ejecutivo de la Confederación Masónica Interamericana, que contiene la decisión tomada en relación con el caso
de la muy Resp:. Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay.
De acuerdo con la decisión tomada por el Consejo Ejecutivo, la
Confederación Masónica Interamericana solo reconoce como
representante de la muy Resp:. Gran Logia Simbólica de Paraguay, al muy Resp:. Gran Maestro Ven:. H:. Euclides Acevedo
Candia y así se lo ha comunicado a la XI Conferencia Mundial
de Grandes Logias Regulares.
Para efecto de las inscripciones, recibiremos fraternalmente
el listado de la Delegación que autorice el muy Resp:. Gran
Maestro Euclides Acevedo Candia, con fundamento en la resolución arriba mencionada.
Hernando Osorio Rico
Past:. Gran Maestro y Presidente Ejecutivo
de la XI Conferencia de Grandes Logias Regulares
Letter from the President of the 11th World Conference of Regular Grand
Lodges in which he specifies that the Grand Master Euclides Acevedo and
his delegation would be the only delegation from Paraguay admitted to the
ce in the figure of the Grand Orient of Paraguay. Under
the terms Article 1 of the Masonic Code that governs
them, “The Grand Orient for the Republic of Paraguay
is composed by a) the very powerful Supreme Council of
the 33rd Degree b) The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay. “In that order respectively.
Since both are ideal figures and individually neither of
them exists before the law, they must coexist under the
name of Grand Orient of Paraguay, this is the reason
they share the management of assets and liabilities under that name.
But… What is behind all of this ?
Supreme Interests…
Dear Reader, all you have read above is based on solid
evidence , nothing was written at random. The idea of
this dossier is that each can draw their own conclusions
with the zealous approach that is held in each initiate to
reach the truth. Everything has a reason...
The plan of the Supreme Council was going well until
December 2007, when the Executive Board of the Inter American Masonic Conference –CMI in its meeting
in Buenos Aires decided to recognize Bro. Ignacio Mendoza as the only Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand
Lodge of Paraguay.
Since then the Supreme Council pointed its chips
towards the international arena since it could not be
supported by an unrecognized Grand Lodge.
The crisis began when the Supreme Council of the 33rd
Degree felt its interests within the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay were threatened as it was clear Bro.
Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb was the virtual winner of the
Grand Master elections. Therefore it seized the moment
and the “services” of the profane justice to avert the
Having their cake and eating it too…
The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Quiñonez and the Supreme Council of Goldenberg have their reason of existen-
It is known that a Supreme Council can only exist if it
is recognized by a Regular Grand Lodge. However, the
regularity of the Grand Lodge of Quinonez is not a minor detail for the Supreme Council of Goldenberg. This
is specially true since they are to be hosts in 2020 to The
World Conference of Supreme Councils and under these
conditions that designation could be changed.
Its clear that these powers need each other very much
indeed. In this way The Supreme Council continues
to maintain its influence on Symbolism and secures
the seat for the 2020 World Conference of Supreme
Councils, and the “Centennial” Symbolic Grand Lodge
of Paraguay takes advantage of the regularity of the
Supreme. Without the figure of the Grand Orient, the
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Quiñonez is naked.
The unification, a continuing soap opera
Nemesio Lichi used a language in 2006 in which he classified many brothers as “insurgents” and “irregular”,
and then, after the resolution of the CMI, moved on to
softer terms. International pressure was crucial to this,
the Masonic world called for a solution to the problem,
and that solution has always been the unification of Paraguayan Masonry.
At the meeting of the CMI in 2006 in Guatemala, it was
the first time that the problem of Paraguay was spoken
of. Both Bros. Nemesio Lichi and Ignacio Mendoza attended. Bro. Mendoza asked for the mediation of the
Inter American Masonic Conference and Bro. Lichi expressed his best wishes in solving the problem and promised that in ten days he would give his answer as to
whether he accepted this mediation or not. The deadline was met and the answer was never uttered.
Later in the same year in the meeting of the Inter American Masonic conference - CMI Area VI held in Chile,
he sent an emissary who carried his answer of a refusal
to the mediation. After the said event in Santiago, Bro.
Lichi accused the Executive Secretary of the CMI Bro.
Jorge Vallejos of causing “undue interference in the internal affairs of the Grand Lodge and of promoting, intentionally or not, the Insurgents Bros. to seek the support of the CMI to remedy their violations and abuses..”
In Lima the famous “embrace of Lima” took place between Bro. Mendoza and Bro. Lichi. This gesture was seen
as positive by the American Masonic community, but in
reality Bro. Lichi was closed to the idea of a mediation by
the CMI and his position remained unchanged.
It was not until Rio de Janeiro that he changed his mind
about the mediation.
On the occasion of the arrival in Paraguay of the Triangle sent by the CMI, the then Grand Master Mendoza
Unzain gave a series of possible solutions to the conflict. That ranged between, the alternation of the post
of Grand Master to his resignation to the post. The response was so negative as the non-payment of the costs
incurred by the Triangle in its visit to Paraguay, it had
been agreed in Rio de Janeiro that these costs were to
be covered in equal parts by both parties .
And so agreements were signed in California and Arlington, and they complied with neither one even though
all the points had been agreed upon and signed. Just to
pick one, the 20th point of agreement signed at Arlignton read “From now on, the assets of Symbolic Masonry will be absolutely disconnected from any other
Masonic body..”
In the Newsletter No. 1068 of the Journal of ”La Libertad”, newsletter of the Grand Lodge of Quiñones, in its
issue dated January 10, 2011, it reported: “The ‘ASSOCIATION Grand orient of PARAGUAY, Civil Entity formed by Symbolic Grand Lodge OF PARAGUAY, chaired
by Bro. CARLOS ALBERTO QUIÑONEZ and the Supreme
Council, 33 º Scottish Rite Ancient and Accepted TO THE
REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY, chaired by Bro. JORGE ANIBAL GONDEMBERG, in a unprecedented and historic
event, on Friday January 7th proceeded to the signing
of the property Deed by which they acquired a premise where the Grand Masonic Complex will be built to
the pride of Universal Freemasonry, and specially of all
Paraguayan Masons. “. The event was covered by a national newspaper “La Nacion” and printed in its edition
of August 1st 2011.
Publish this newsletter, “The highest authorities of Paraguayan Freemasonry (Goldenberg and Quinonez) around Bro. GARCIA VAZQUEZ AQUILINO of the Grand Orient of
Mexico, who also signed at the historic act .“(Sic)
A month after acquiring the property in question, in
Denver USA, the highest authorities of Universal Freemasonry would be reviewing the compliance of the
agreements signed. It’s clear as water, there was never a
political will of the authorities of “Centennial” Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay to comply with the agreements and therefore reunite Paraguayan Masonry. It is
for this same reason that when the CMI met in Guayaquil on April 15th they decided to ratify the recognition
of the succession line of Vice Grand Master Bro. Reinaldo Dominguez Dibb in the Grand Masters Bros. Ignacio
Mendoza Unzain and Euclides Acevedo .
The World Conference of Grand Lodges reached the
same conclusion and therefore acted according, admitting the participation in the meeting held in Cartagena
de Indias, Colombia, only to the committee chaired by
the Grand Master Acevedo.
To remain quiet and indifferent to such atrocities would
be to consent them. This is the reason of this dossier, it
offers first hand documents that reveal the truth. Masonry cannot be used by outside powers to interfere in
her affairs and vice versa.
The inexistent “Centennial” Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay and
the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree purchase a property under
the figure of the Grand Orient of Paraguay. Their authorities exhibit
the documents related to the purchase.
The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay appreciates your
attention, because the truth must be revealed, this is
why it places itself with this dossier between columns…