Imaging of Chronic Headache
Imaging of Chronic Headache
IMAGING OF CHRONIC HEADACHE Alexander Wong 1, Adam Dmytriw 2, Eugene Yu 2, Reza Forghani 3, Gordon Sze 4, Colin S. Poon 4 1 University Of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC 2 University Of Toronto, Toronto, ON 3 Jewish General Hospital & McGill University, Montreal, QC 4 Yale University, New Haven, CT Control Number: 1729 eEdE#: eEdE-214 DISCLOSURE Neither I nor my immediate family members have a financial relationship with a commercial organization that may have direct or indirect interest in the content presented herein. INTRODUCTION • Chronic headache is commonly a nonspecific complaint. • The decision to initiate imaging investigation of chronic headache is difficult due to the low diagnostic yield. • Most imaging studies of chronic headache are non-contributory. However, in a small proportion of cases, headache may be the presenting symptoms of significant diseases. The consequence of delayed diagnosis can be catastrophic. • Imaging of chronic headache is therefore a controversial topic. • To further complicate the controversy, advanced imaging may provide new information that can re-define the role of neuroimaging in chronic headache OBJECTIVES • To review the appropriateness and controversy of costs-versus-benefits for imaging of chronic headache • To review diseases presenting as chronic headache, with an emphasis on diseases less commonly seen • To review the role of advanced imaging techniques for evaluation of chronic headache APPROPRIATENESS OF NEUROIMAGING FOR CHRONIC HEADACHE THE ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR AND AGAINST IMAGING OF CHRONIC HEADACHE BENEFITS • Identification of significant, treatable causes • Patient reassurance ADVERSE EFFECTS • Costs • Harm of neuroimaging (e.g., radiation, exposure to contrast materials) • Harm of false positive results (patient anxiety, additional unwarranted investigation / treatment) GUIDELINES OF APPROPRIATENESS OF NEUROIMAGING • Guidelines have been developed to facilitate decision making in utilization of imaging investigation for headache. • Most guidelines focus on “red flag” symptoms and clinical signs that aim to increase diagnostic yield of diagnostic imaging. SUMMARY OF GUIDELINES FOR APPROPRIATENESS OF NEUROIMAGING (Lester,2012; Frishberg 2000; Douglas 2013; Duncan 2008) CLINICAL FINDINGS APPROPRIATENESS COMMENTS / EVIDENCE Chronic migraine headache with normal neurological examination and findings N Further CT and MRI studies on normal neurologic examinations yielded only 0.4% of cases having significant abnormalities (Evans, 2009). Long-lasting headache with no significant change or new feature N Neuroimaging only recommended if patient suffering from anxiety of severe illness or there are ‘red flags’ in initial examination. Thunderclap headache Y May be seen in subarachnoid hemorrhage and reversible vasoconstriction syndrome. Radiating to neck Y May be seen in dissection. Temporal headache in older individuals Y May be seen in giant cell arteritis. Increasing frequency or severity Y - Occurring on the same side Y Commonly seen in intracranial tumours. Not responding to treatment Y - SUMMARY OF GUIDELINES FOR APPROPRIATENESS OF NEUROIMAGING – CONTD. (Lester,2012; Frishberg 2000; Douglas 2013; Duncan 2008) CLINICAL FINDINGS APPROPRIATENESS COMMENTS / EVIDENCE Wake patient from sleep Y Common in intracranial tumors. Triggered by Valsalva maneuver, Y cough, physical exertion, or sexual activity May be seen in intracranial hypotension, intracranial hypertension, subarachnoid hemorrhage, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome, intracranial tumor, hindbrain and occipitocervical junction abnormality such as Chiari 1 malformation. New headache in HIV positive patients Y Increased likelihood of intracranial infections due to immunosuppression (35-82% of patients show abnormalities on neuroimaging studies) Prior history of cancer, seizures Y 32% of cancer patients with changing headache pattern have intracranial metastases. Pregnancy Y Higher probability of intracranial pathologies; 2.7 times greater probability in patients with abnormal neurologic examinations. Age > 50 Y New headache at this age group are at higher risk of intracranial tumor. THE MAIN PURPOSE OF GUIDELINES IS TO MINIMIZE UNWARRANTED UTILIZATION AND HEALTH CARE COST COSTS OF NEUROIMAGING ARE HIGH Individually(ABIM, 2012): • CT scan = $340, with contrast agent = $840 • MRI scan = $660, with contrast agent = $970 • Note that these costs do not factor in follow-up treatments or other Populational (Callaghan, 2014) : • Total neuroimaging expenditure estimated to be $3.9 billion over 4 years with $1.5 billion from just migraine visits • Outpatient headache neuroimaging visits cost nearly $1 billion annually and is increasing CAUTION ON THE STRICT USE OF GUIDELINES Hawasli et al. discuss that current guidelines only lead to diagnosis in a fraction of brain tumor patients who receive neuroimaging (2015) • Patients with tumours frequently present with isolated headaches, minimal symptoms or are even asymptomatic, which are not taken into account in the guidelines They recommended more emphasis be put on evaluating each patient on a case-to-case basis: RECOMMENDATIONS POTENTIAL MISSES, n/N (%) Headache Society/(Loder et al., 2013) 3/11 (27.3) American College of Radiology 7/11 (63.6) American Academy of Neurology/(Frishberg et al., 2006) 3/11 (27.3) Potential tumours missed with current guideline. • Though this approach may increase initial healthcare costs From: Hawasli, A.H., Chicoine, M.R., and Dacey, R.G. (2015). due to increased neuroimaging utilization, it may ultimately Choosing Wisely: A neurosurgical perspective on result in more favorable cost - benefit ratio by decreasing the Neuroimaging for headaches. Neurosurgery 76: 1–5. potential malpractice liability costs • This approach also reduces delay for treatment in some cases, which may lead to decrease of total healthcare costs THE CONSIDERATION OF COST OF “UNNECESSARY” NEUROIMAGING MAY NOT BE AS SIMPLE AS IT SOUNDS “Unnecessary ” neuroimaging studies may be beneficial. VALUE OF NEGATIVE IMAGING RESULTS • Many current cost versus benefit analysis studies only take into account the low proportion of neuroimaging scans with positive findings of neuropathological conditions (i.e. low diagnostic yield) • These studies often neglect the fact that neuroimaging itself has the benefit of providing patients with the reassurance that they do not have severe pathological conditions, ultimately leading to anxiolytic outcomes • The conclusion of these studies that negative imaging evaluation places unwarranted economical burden on the healthcare system may be over-simplistic • Neuroimaging studies which lead to anxiolytic effects enhance the emotional and mental health of patients, leading to a greater quality of life, and consequently decrease the total health care costs in select groups of patients NEGATIVE IMAGING STUDIES CAN BE COST EFFECTIVE AND PROVIDE PATIENT REASSURANCE (Howard,2005) • Some patients with chronic daily headaches who did not receive a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan had significantly higher number of visits to psychiatrists or neurologists, ultimately leading to increased medical expenditure • The study used a Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to stratify the random sample into two categories: HADS positive (with a score >11) and HADS negative (with a score ≤11) • A positive result on the HADS scale indicated a patient who had high level of anxiety or depression • Based on primary care case notes examined at 1 year after the start of the clinical trial, HADS positive patients who received a scan had a mean cost that was significantly less (-£ 465) than patients of the same group who did not receive a scan • However, the benefits do not extend to HADS negative patients CONSIDERATION OF COST VERSUS BENEFIT IN NEUROIMAGING • The study of Howard (2005) showed the favorable cost versus benefit of performing neuroimaging on patients with chronic headache and high levels of anxiety or depression • Appropriateness of neuroimaging, in the context of cost versus benefit, should also take into consideration the patient factors on top of the common existing guidelines which are largely based on the neurological findings and diagnosis of diseases HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONER REASSURANCE FROM NEUROIMAGING (Howard,2005) • The study of Howard further suggested that negative neuroimaging also provides reassurance for healthcare practitioners, decreasing the cycle of unnecessary referrals and investigations, resulting in overall decreased costs of patient care APPROPRIATENESS OF NEUROIMAGING • Appropriateness and cost versus benefit analysis of neuroimaging of chronic headache is a complex issue • Several practice guidelines are available to facilitate the decision of imaging investigation of chronic headache • These guidelines were developed to improve diagnostic yield of neuroimaging • Decision of imaging investigation needs to be individualized • Factors of patient and health care practitioner anxiety levels may alter the balance of cost versus benefit and should also be taken into consideration DISEASES PRESENTING AS CHRONIC HEADACHE COMMON IMAGING DIAGNOSIS THAT MAY PRESENT AS CHRONIC HEADACHE NEUROIMAGING FINDING COMMENTS Neoplasm Very commonly presented as headache (71%). Headache is more common in neoplasm below tentorium cerebelli. It is more prevalent in primary and intracerebral tumors than extracerebral and metastatic tumors (Suwanwela et al., 2005). Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Only a fraction of AVM present with isolated headache. Most present with hemorrhage. Arterial aneurysm / Subarachnoid hemorrhage 30-40% of patients with unruptured aneurysms have intense thunderclap headache weeks prior to rupture (D’Souza, 2015). Subdural hemorrhage Found in 11-25% of patients with thunderclap headache Cavernous Malformation Common symptoms include seizures (50%), neurological deficits (25%) while 20% of patients are asymptomatic. Hydrocephalus - Occipitocervical junction abnormality / Chiari 1 malformation - LESS COMMON IMAGING DIAGNOSIS THAT MAY PRESENT AS CHRONIC HEADACHE NEUROIMAGING FINDINGS COMMENTS Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Isolated intracranial hypertension is differentiating symptom from classical criteria for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (Biousse, 1999). Dissections Unilateral headaches that radiate down neck and ipsilateral Horner syndrome symptoms are suspicious of arterial dissection. Giant Cell Arteritis Elderly patients with temporal headache and elevated sedimentation rates (Lester, 2012). Moyamoya Disease Aneurysms and AVMs are associated findings in 11-14% of cases (Lester, 2012). Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Characterized by recurrent thunderclap headaches, seizures, strokes, and nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Intracranial hypotension Orthostatic and postural headaches, visual or aural changes, cranial nerve dysfunction and meningismus may indicate intracranial hypotension. Intracranial hypertension Characterized by pulsating headache with gradually increasing intensity causing patient to wake up, pain in a nerve root distribution or ocular pain with eye movement (specific symptom). INTRACRANIAL HYPOTENSION • Most often related to dural cerebrospinal fluid leak • Common image findings: • Bifrontal subdural hygroma or hematoma, diffuse dural enhancement and engorgement, and sagging of brain stem (40-50% of cases) Sagittal T1 weighted MRI images. (A) Patient with intracranial hypotension demonstrates sagging of brainstem, downward displacement of cerebellum and medulla towards the foramen magnum (➨ and →), and enlargement of pituitary gland (➝). Note also flattening of angle of infundibulum and optic chiasm. The presence of findings in addition to cerebellar tonsillar ectopia distinguishes this case from Chiari 1 malformation. Contrast the findings with that in normal brain (B) (corresponding structures shown by same arrows). INTRACRANIAL HYPOTENSION – SAME PATIENT • Axial FLAIR image demonstrates dural thickening and hyperintensity (solid arrow) along the right cerebral convexity • The ventricles are decreased in size (open arrow) INTRACRANIAL HYPOTENSION – DIFFERENT PATIENT A B C (A & B) Axial FLAIR images demonstrate bilateral subdural hematoma (➨), and decreased size of lateral ventricles (→). (C) Axial T1-weighted post-gadolinium image demonstrates smooth dural thickening and enhancement in posterior cranial fossa. IDIOPATHIC INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION Axial fat saturated T1 weighted MR image showing prominence of optic nerve heads (white arrows). Coronal T2 weighted MRI showing increased cerebrospinal fluid surrounding optic nerves (white arrow). Axial T2-weighted MRI showing narrowed slit-like ventricles (indicated by white arrow). Sagittal T1 weighted postgadolinium image demonstrates partially empty sella with flattening of pituitary gland. GIANT CELL ARTERITIS (GCA) (Cianco, 2011) • Primarily affects patients of northern European descent • Artery biopsy still remains the most accurate method of diagnosis, but improved ultrasound and vascular MRI may allow non-invasive diagnosis • In ultrasound, dark hypoechoic halo around temporal artery is most specific to GCA, and indicates inflammation and thickening of vessel wall Duplex ultrasonography of left temporal artery showing hypoechoic regions at vessel wall ( white arrows), which are indicative of giant cell arteritis. • False-positives: commonly occur when accompanying vein of GCA-affected artery has no flow and shows a halo • False negative: 10% of patients with positive biopsy have normal ultrasound imaging (may be due to prior corticosteroid treatment or mild GCA) Axial (A) and coronal (B) T1-weighted post-contrast fat-saturated MRI showing asymmetric thickening and enhancement of right superficial temporal artery walls (arrow). From: Lester MS and Liu BP, Medical Clinics of N. Am. 2013 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM VASCULITIS A B C D (A). Axial T2 weighted image demonstrates scattered areas of gray and white matter hyperintensity and focal edema. (B). Diffusion weighted images demonstrate restricted diffusion on many of the involved areas. (C) On T1-weighted postgadolinium images, patchy areas of parenchymal and leptomeningeal enhancement are present. (D) Maximum intensity projection of MR angiography demonstrates irregular stenosis of bilateral cerebral arteries diffusely (arrows). • Imaging findings in vasculitis are variable and can be relatively normal. If imaging findings are non-revealing, clinical and laboratory correlation is required. Biopsy may be required for diagnosis in some cases. SINUS HEADACHE – THE OFTEN OVERLOOKED DIAGNOSIS • Extracranial source of chronic headache (e.g., sinogenic headache) should be considered • Kaur’s (2013) study showed that sinogenic headache is most often localized to the forehead (43.4% of patients). Other sites include multiple regions (34.7%), glabella (13.04%), and top of head (8.69%) • Corollary: some studies suggest 90% of migraines are misdiagnosed as sinus headaches (Levine, 2014) • Largely due to trigeminal nerve activation in migraines, leading to highly similar symptoms to sinus headaches (including lacrimation and rhinorrhea) Coronal CT of paranasal sinuses demonstrates chronic obstruction of right maxillary sinus (shown by white arrow) in a patient presenting with chronic headache. ADVANCED IMAGING FOR CHRONIC HEADACHE • Many advanced imaging techniques are not routinely used in clinical evaluation of chronic primary headache, but may provide additional diagnostic information in selective cases. • Advanced imaging may enhance understanding of pathophysiology of primary headache disorder and development of therapeutics. MAJOR HYPOTHESES OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MIGRAINE Vasogenic theory ◦ Cerebral vasoconstriction results in local hypoxia and focal neurologic symptoms. ◦ Subsequent rebound extracranial and intracranial vasodilatation results in pain. Neurogenic theory ◦ Transient paroxysmal depolarization of cortical neurons results in focal neurologic symptoms and pain. TRANSIENT HYPOPERFUSION OF MIGRAINE WITH AURA CAN BE DETECTED WITH PERFUSION IMAGING • 24-year old male patient presenting with aura of acute-onset aphasia, visual reduction, and right-sided paresthesias • Initial MR perfusion weighted imaging (A– D) shows hypoperfusion in left posterior cerebral hemisphere, demonstrated by prolonged rMTT (Fig. B) and TTP (Fig. A). rCBF maps demonstrate decreased blood flow (Fig. C). In rCBV maps, no significant hypoperfusion is demonstrated • Follow-up perfusion imaging after 24 hours shows complete resolution of hypoperfusion in all maps (Fig. E to H) From: Floery D, et al. Acute-onset migrainous aura mimicking acute stroke: MR perfusion imaging features. AJNR 2012; 33:1546-1552. fMRI PROVIDES IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF BRAIN ACTIVATION IN MIGRAINEURS (Sprenger, 2012) • Functional MRI provides effective non-invasive platform for studying brain activation in response to stimuli • Allows study of activity in different brain regions based on [O2] decreases, corresponding to increased brain activity • Migraineurs with visual auras show increased contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex activation and a shift in the center of supplementary motor area activation, which suggests migraines may be associated with functional reorganization cortex outside the ictal phase (Llano, 2013). • Allows study of connectivity between different active brain regions in migraineurs • Increased activation of temporal pole in response to trigeminal pain outside attacks, hyper-excitability even greater during attack • Increased bilateral structural connectivity between temporal pole and pulvinar of thalamus BOLD responses in trigeminal nuclei at various stages of migraine attack and a healthy control group. A more negative value indicates a decrease in blood-oxygen level dependent level signal, which corresponds to greater activity and O2 consumption of trigeminal nuclei. From: Stankewitz A, et al. Trigeminal nociceptive transmission in migraineurs predicts migraine attacks. The Journal of Neuroscience 2011; 31(6):1937-1943 INCREASED BRAIN ACTIVATION DURING AN ACUTE HEADACHE ATTACK IN RESPONSE TO OLFACTORY STIMULATION Migraine patients scanned during head pain (n = 13) showed an increased activation level in the amygdala (Amy), insular cortex (InsC), temporal pole, superior temporal gyrus (Sup Temp Gyr), rostral pons, and cerebellum (Cereb) compared to their own data outside migraine attacks (n = 13). From: Stankewitz A, May A. Increased limbic and brainstem activity during migraine attacks following olfactory stimulation. Neurology 2011; 77: 476-482 ADVANCED NEUROIMAGING CAN DEMONSTRATE SUBTLE STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITY IN MIGRAINE PATIENTS • Voxel-based morphometry demonstrates subtle focal structural change of brain in migraine patients • Focal gray matter loss in several areas belonging to the pain transmitting network may be present in migraine patients. • Compared to control subjects, migraine patients demonstrate subtle gray matter loss in right superior frontal gyrus, right inferior frontal gyrus, and left precentral gyrus. Differences in gray matter between migraine patients and healthy controls using modulated images. The background is structural T1weighted MRI. The color coding represents T values and describes reduced gray matter. y and z represent spatial coordinates. From: Valfrė W, et al. Voxel based morphometry reveals gray matter abnormalities in migraine. Headache 2008; 48(1):109-117 SUMMARY • Neuroimaging of chronic headache is a complex issue. • Headache is a common clinical complaint. Most imaging investigation is non-contributory but delayed diagnosis in some cases can be catastrophic. • Appropriateness of neuroimaging and consideration of cost versus benefit: • Most current guidelines on appropriateness of neuroimaging focuses on “red flag” symptoms and signs to increase diagnostic yield. • Decision of imaging investigation should also take into account patient and health care practitioner anxiety levels and risk of delayed diagnosis, as these factors may alter the balance of total cost versus benefit. • Many diseases may present as headache, including extracranial diseases. Familiarity of the wide spectrum of diseases, including less common diseases such as intracranial hypotension, intracranial hypertension and vasculitis will help to improve imaging diagnosis. • Advanced neuroimaging techniques provide new information of chronic headache, and help to improve understanding of its underlying pathophysiology. REFERENCES 1. ABIM (2012). 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