Second Quarter, 2012


Second Quarter, 2012
Potentate Message
Chief Rabban of Amran Shriners, Raleigh, NC as well
as five other divan members from Omar.
This year we have a great deal of work ahead of
us as we continue to promote our fraternity. Such as
in membership, I challenge each one of you to find
one new member this year. I already have mine, as my
brother Ed Norris from Archer, FL became a noble at
our Winter Ceremonial. I am very proud of this, but
I assure you I am always on the lookout for “quality
members” and I hope you will be also. We have approximately 30,000 masons in North Carolina who
are not Shriners. If we could attract just 1% this year,
that would be 300 new nobles. Working together, I’m
sure we can.
Along the lines of revenue sources for our fraternity, in addition to our $10,000 give-away, we have
added a golf cart raffle and candy sale. You will find
additional information about these in this issue of the
Red Fez and on our website. Your assistance is needed
on all these events to keep our temple financially secure and allow us to provide the events that you, the
nobility, deserve as members of Sudan Shriners.
My slogan this year is “Honoring our PastLooking to our Future”. We have a rich and distinguished history at Sudan, which we must never forget,
yet we must always be ready to adapt and change to
ensure an equally successful future. I hope that each
of you are as excited as I am about the future of our
great temple and I hope that you join with me and
your Divan as we make plans for a fun filled, enjoyable
and successful 2012.
Again, thank you for allowing me to serve you as
your Potentate this year. May God bless you, our fraternity and our philanthropy!
First, let me take
this opportunity to
thank the nobility for allowing me
to serve you for the
year 2012. Lady Traci
and I pledge to do our
best as we lead Sudan
Shriners this year.
I would also like
to congratulate and
thank Illustrious Sir
Bruce Bulluck and
Lady Peggy for their
service, not only last year but all their years on line.
It has been our honor and pleasure to serve with them
and follow behind them as we progressed through the
To those of you who were not able to be with us
at our winter ceremonial, you missed a great weekend.
The weather was perfect, which made our attendance
at the parade and other functions well attended. The
Cane crew from Cumberland County sold out early,
the Chef Crew gave out of food at the Moslem Feast
and it was standing room only for the events on Saturday and Saturday night. We also created 52 new nobles and 2 new affiliates on Saturday! It’s a great way to
start a new year with the excitement and enthusiasm
of the greatest nobles and ladies in the world!
I would like to thank the members of Team 2012
(over 80 nobles and ladies from 7 shrine clubs) for the
fantastic hospitality rooms, ladies breakfast and decorations for Friday and Saturday night. One focus this
year is on “quality” members and with the caliber of
events that were provided in January we hope to have
given both our existing and new nobles and ladies a
reason to go home and find the quality people in their
communities that we need to make Sudan grow.
We were privileged to have in attendance the
Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina, Most
Worshipful Robert E. Gresham and Lady Carolyn and
our Imperial Oriental Guide, Imperial Sir Chris Smith
and Lady Ethel. In addition, we had visiting Potentates from Acca Shriners, Richmond, VA. Alee Shriners, Savannah, GA., Héjaz Shriners, Greenville, SC,
Oasis Shriners, Charlotte, NC and Omar Shriners,
Mt. Pleasant, SC. We were also pleased to have the
April 2012
Yours in the Faith
Steve M. Norris
“Honoring our Past - Looking to our Future”
Red Fez
Our headquarters building in New Bern still needs
repairs and renovations. We hope to continue these
improvements as funds become available.
Please review Sudan’s calendar of events contained
in this Red Fez. I hope to see you at as many events as
your schedule will permit.
Sudan Shriners began
2012 with a “BANG”! Our
Annual Winter Ceremonial
was a tremendous success.
The weather was perfect.
The Cane Sales Crew from
Cumberland County sold
all their canes and the Chef
Crew ran out of food during the Moslem Feast. Attendance at the Potentate’s Ball on Saturday evening
was overflowing.
Our new Potentate, Illustrious Sir Steve Norris,
is well qualified to lead Sudan and he and First Lady
Traci are off to a fine start. From Illustrious Sir Norris’ education, experience and business success, to his
progression from Outer Guard to Potentate, his Shrine
career is filled with travel, Shrine seminars, and untold
contacts across Masonic and Shrine fraternities, all of
which have well prepared him for a successful year.
He is a Past Master of his Blue Lodge and has been a
Grand Lodge Certified Lecturer for years. Sudan is on
solid ground for 2012.
The Ceremonial Cast executed a fine First Section
on Saturday morning and our Units were spectacular
during the mid-day parade. The Wrecking Crew orchestrated a flawless Second Section and those who
were privileged to have crossed the “Hot Sands” of
Sudan Shriners were most impressed, as was the audience.
Sudan, like many other temples, continues having
a net loss in membership. Our membership as of 31
December 2011 was 5508 and our net loss for 2011
was 307.
There about 30,000 North Carolina Master Masons who are not Shriners, so we have a large number
of men who qualify, with the perquisite, to be created
Nobles. I urge each of you to strive to find a Master
Mason and offer him membership in Sudan and “THE
For 2012, Sudan is holding Fraternal Fundraisers
to support the temple, such as a $10,000.00 cash giveaway, Candy Sales and Golf Cart (with trailer) raffle.
Please review the information contained elsewhere
in this issue of the Red Fez Magazine and on Sudan’s
website for more information on these fundraisers. We
must have sources of revenue other than temple dues
in order to avoid future dues increases.
April 2012
Yours in the Faith,
Benny Smith
Dennis A. Leoni
Vice President
Jimmy Robinson
513 Pollock Street
New Bern, NC 28563
Fax: 252-638-8624
Home Phone: 633-4560
Complete Insurance Since 1905
Red Fez
Steve M. Norris
Allen R. “Buddy” Brown Jr.
Captain of the Guard
Steve M. Norris was
born June 26th, 1961 in
Conway, Horry County,
South Carolina and raised
on his family’s tobacco
farm in the Hickmans
Crossroads community of
Brunswick County, North
Carolina. He attended
public schools and graduated from Coastal Carolina Community College
with a degree in Surveying
Technology. He is a professional Land Surveyor Licensed in North & South
Carolina and a partner in the firm of Norris & Ward
Land Surveyors, P.A. in Calabash, NC. Steve and his
wife Traci have three daughters. They are members of
Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church.
He began his masonic travels in 1982 when
he petitioned Shallotte Lodge #727 AF & AM in
Shallotte, NC. He was appointed Junior Steward of his
lodge in 1983. He became a Certified Lecturer in 1985
and was appointed District Deputy Grand Lecturer
in 1986, a position he held for 5 years. He served as
Master of his lodge in 1989 and was appointed District
Deputy Grand Master that same year. During 1989, he
also joined the Wilmington Valley Scottish Rite and
crossed the hot sands of Sudan Shriners in Roanoke
Rapids at the Fall Ceremonial that same year. He
joined Brunswick County Shrine Club and served as
its President in 1993. In 1994, he joined the York Rite
of Wilmington and also became the first president of
the newly chartered South Brunswick Islands Shrine
Club. In 1995 Illustrious Sir Bobby Womble appointed
Steve as Shrine Club Coordinator for Sudan Shriners.
He held that position for 5 years and in 2000 he was
elected to serve on the Board of Trustees. He resigned
this position at the Winter Ceremonial in New Bern
January 2004 to accept the appointment as Outer
Guard from Potentate-Elect Brack Wilson. He was
elected Potentate of Sudan Shriners on January 28,
Allen R. “Buddy” Brown
Jr. was born December 14,
1960 to Allen R. Brown
and Suzanne Collins Brown
in Dunn, NC. Following
in his father’s footsteps he
worked over 25 years in the
tire industry with 20 plus in
wholesale marketing and distribution. Currently, he is a
Maintenance Mechanic and
assistant to the Maintenance
Administrator for the Benson Housing Authority in Benson, NC.
Buddy is married to Tina P. Brown and they reside in Dunn, NC. They have 4 children, Mallarie,
Josh, Corey, and Kristin, as well as 2 grandchildren,
Kayden and Talyn. He and Tina attend Westfield Baptist Church in Dunn, NC.
Buddy was raised a Master Mason on March 14,
2000 at Palmyra Lodge #147 in Dunn, NC and served
as Master in 2006. He joined the Scottish Rite in
Wilmington, NC March 18, 2000 and became a Sudan Shriner in November 2000 at the ceremonial in
Dunn, NC. Buddy joined the Dunn Shrine Club in
2000. He was presented the Nelson Banks award in
2005. He served on the board and as President in 2006,
as well as Secretary from 2009 through 2011. The
members of Dunn Shrine Club awarded him Shriner
of the year in 2009. After becoming a Shriner, Buddy
joined the Sudan Dunn Clowns, and as “SKITTLES”
the clown has represented Sudan and Shriners Hospitals by performing in parades all over eastern North
Carolina. He served the Clown unit as President in
2005 and 2007. In 2002 he was elected Sgt. at Arms
for the South Atlantic Shrine Clown Association and
progressed through their offices to serve as President in
2007 and 2008. Buddy has had the privilege of being
Co-Chairman of Team Membership for Sudan Shriners in 2010 and 2011, and is very honored and excited to continue to work for the children and serve
the members of Sudan Shriners.
April 2012
Red Fez
Coble D. Wilson, III
Sudan Public Relations
Director Appointed
Noble Coble D. Wilson,
III was born on February 5,
1968, in Lumberton, North
Carolina to Coble D., Jr. and
Pattie Wilson. Coble graduated from Lumberton Sr.
High in 1986. He then went
on to attend Kings College
graduating with a Degree in
Marketing in 1988. Upon
graduation, he went to work
with Freeman Motor Company where he joined his
grandfather and father as the third generation of Wilsons to work at the family owned business. In 1999,
Coble partnered with his brother Dayton to open Wilson Automotive, their own independently owned automotive dealership.
In 1997, Coble married Lumberton native Sheryl
Gore. They were blessed with the birth of their son
Jameson Coble “Jace” in November 2009. They are
members of First Presbyterian Church in Lumberton.
Coble was raised to the Degree of Master Mason
on March 9, 1993, at St. Alban’s Lodge #114 in Lumberton, NC. He presided as Master of the Lodge in
1998. He became a member of Sudan Shriners on August 7, 1993 and later that same year joined the Robeson County Shrine Club. Since his joining, Coble has
been very active with his club and Sudan Shriners.
In 1998, he received the Nelson Banks Membership
Award. In 2001, he was honored with the award of
“Shriner of the Year”. He served as club president in
2002 & 2003. Following his tenure as president, he
served as the club’s treasurer from 2005 to 2011. He
is a charter member of the Sudan Tomcats unit where
he assisted with its formation in 1997. Coble proudly
served as Fall Ceremonial Chairman in 2001 for Illustrious Sir Joe I. Joyner and in 2006 for Illustrious Sir
C. Olen Smith, Jr. He was elected in October 2002 to
the New Bern Court Royal Order of Jesters #145. He
served as Membership Chairman for Sudan Shriners
from 2005 – 2009 and Co-chairman in 2011. Coble
has also been an active part of his community by serving on the Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce
Board from 2004 - 2006.
Noble George Raecher from the Wayne Shrine
Club has been appointed as the Director of Public Relations for Sudan Shriners. Noble Todd Lewis from the
Dunn Shrine Club has been appointed as the Assistant
Director. The Potentate’s theme for 2012 is “Honoring
our Past - Looking to our Future”. For Sudan to accomplish this, we must re-vitalize our Public Relations
Program. Illustrious Sir has requested every club and
unit appoint representatives to assist in this program.
We would like these appointments to be those nobles
that are very actively involved in their clubs and units.
Area Coordinators have been appointed to assist and
manage the five areas in Sudan.
The challenge of revitalizing the Public Relations
Programs in Sudan is probably not as difficult as you
might think. Public Relations is the art of “selling” and
“telling” what we do. Our business as Shriners is no
different than private business. We can do this by using radio, television and newspapers in the communities where we live. PR materials to do this are available
at Imperial. I can assure you if you run a success story
about a child in conjunction with a charitable fundraiser you will increase your profit!
Public Relations is teaming up with the Membership, Masonic Relations and the Plaque Sales Committees to increase our overall effectiveness. We need to
expand awareness of our Shriners Hospitals for Children and we need new Shriners to sustain our future.
Noble Todd Lewis has put together a very impressive
Burn Awareness Program. That initiative is addressed
in a separate article in this Fez, “Be Burn Aware”. We
have asked Sudan Director, Noble Frank Long, assist us
with another initiative by capturing the unit history of
all our units. We might even consider, if possible, publishing this and making it available as a booklet.
We have tackled and done well with our initiative
of expanding the Red Fez quarterly publication. The
publication is expanding the page count to 24 pages
with hopefully a lot more information to our nobility
and the ladies on activities and initiatives around Sudan. We need articles from clubs, units, and success stories on patients. Another project is to have every club
and unit tell others of your yearly projects and activities
in fundraising. Someone else might want to try it! How
many clubs entertain their patients in their area with a
special event? Has your Shrine Club President made
contact with our patient’s families?
If you have an idea, please share it.
Outer Guard
April 2012
Red Fez
2012 Shriners International
Public Relations Initiative
a yearlong event and a permanent part of our Public
Relations efforts. We can make this plan a reality
with your assistance. Bringing awareness to the public
about Shrinedom and what we do for our children is
most important.
We are looking for shrine clubs, nobles and PR
Reps to assist us with this initiative. If there are any
firefighters in your clubs that may be familiar with fire
prevention activities and such they would be a great
asset. Our plans this year include multiple public
events within Sudan and taking advantage of the time
we spend at public events that are already scheduled to
get this information distributed.
Shrine clubs and nobles that are interested in
assisting with this initiative and helping our children
to “Be Aware” may submit their interest to us by email.
Further details are being developed at this time for the
remainder of the year. We look forward to hearing
from you in the near future.
References- Shriners International;
Todd D. Lewis, Assistant Director
Sudan Public Relations
The Sudan Public Relations team would like to
introduce to you our primary initiative for 2012. As
requested by Illustrious Sir Steve Norris, we would like
to get Sudan Shrine re-involved with burn awareness.
Even with what we do for children in the way of
medical assistance, one of the most important things
we can do for children is teach them to be aware of the
dangers that cause burns. Shriners International has
introduced to us this year a new campaign concerning this. The new burn awareness slogan is “Be Burn
Aware”. This refers to teaching children to be aware of
all the dangers in and around homes that cause burns.
Dangers around kitchens, stoves, bathrooms, and even
outdoor dangers such as gasoline canisters are a few
examples. The teaching of home escape plans is also
February 5-11 of this year was the actual week set
aside for Burn Awareness. However, with this being a
new venture for Sudan, we are planning to make this
“Proud Sponsor of Sudan Shriners”
April 2012
Red Fez
Winter Ceremonial
Ill. Sir Steve Norris
Camel Drivers at work
Ladies Breakfast
Beautiful table set-up
Chef Crew
Norris Ladies
Sold Out Canes
Anticipating a Parade!
Omar Divan
Reviewing Stand
The Children
Being a Hillbilly
Tom Cats
Camel Drivers
April 2012
Red Fez
Winter Ceremonial
Candidates in the Parade
Pender County’s Finest!
Mini Cars
Beach Bums
A Boat on Middle Street
Harnett County Racers
Uh oh....Arthur
Desert Rats
New Potentate
The Ladies
Imperial Oriental Guide Chris Smith
Traci’s Bracelet
The Norris Men
April 2012
Red Fez
NEWS from Cincinnati
Elite Transport Team Gives Children Top Care
All Care and Services are Provided Regardless of the Patients’ Ability to Pay
Four year-old Jacob always wanted
to be a policeman. Before his burn
injury, Jacob loved to dress up as
a policeman and run around his
neighborhood. But overnight, Jacob went from fun-loving toddler
to fighting a serious burn injury.
Conditions Treated at
the Cincinnati Hospital
• Burn injuries
• Inhalation injuries
• Burn reconstruction & rehabilitation
Quick action by his hometown hospital and just hours after his injury,
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
— Cincinnati’s transport team was
mobilized and Jacob was enroute
to the Cincinnati hospital.
Jacob’s transport to Cincinnati was
managed by the hospital’s elite
group of clinicians that recently earned its 5th accreditation from the
Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS).
This accreditation represents the highest standards of medical transport
services. An internationally recognized organization, CAMTS is ranked
as the leader in establishing air ambulance standards over and above
FAA, State and Federal regulations.
• Congenital ear deformities
• Congenital hairy nevus (large birthmarks)
• Cleft lip and palate
• Brachial plexus injuries
(nerve damage affecting upper extremities)
• Congenital hand malformations
• Gynecomastia
(abnormal breast development in teenage boys)
• Congenital breast deformities
• Hidradenitis (chronic sweat gland disorder)
• Post trauma deformities
(treadmill injuries, dog bites, lawnmower accidents)
There is such a critical component to pediatric burn care that quick action
on everyone’s part provides children with the best possible outcome. COMPLEX WOUND &
The sooner a child reaches Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati, SKIN CONDITIONS
the better the chances for a full recovery.
• Purpura Fulminans
The hospital’s transport team is one of only 147 in the country and the • Necrotizing skin infections &
Necrotizing Fasciitis
only pediatric burn transport team in the Tri-state to receive such designation. Of an estimated 500 air ambulance services nationwide, less • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
• Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
than 30% are CAMTS accredited.
• Port wine stains
The Cincinnati hospital transport team has flown more than 2,000 missions to 30 states. The team also transports children with spinal cord
injuries to the Shriners Hospitals for Children that provide spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
Four weeks after his injury, Jacob was ready to be discharged. His road to recovery was short thanks to the
expert care he received at the Cincinnati hospital, beginning with our elite and nationally recognized medical
transport team.
If you know a child we can help, please call:
Emergency Patient Referrals
Non-emergency & Non-burn Patient Information
513-872-6240 or
April 2012
Red Fez
The Traveling Roadrunner
Noble Paul Bullard
All Roadrunners had to travel to New Bern to pick
up the van, travel to the city where the patients and
families lived and then make the long trip to either
the Greenville or Cincinnati hospitals. In 2008, Illustrious Sir Bobby Waller, directed vans be positioned
in New Bern and Wilson. The eight vans utilized now
have an assigned Roadrunner with the responsibility
of making sure his vehicle is road worthy and properly
maintained at all times.
Noble Bullard has a fantastic philosophy of the
“Team Effort” needed for the Shriners Hospitals System. The hospital provides the technical and medical
expertise to correct the medical issues and the Roadrunners make sure the patients are taken to and from
appointments. Shriners work very hard to support
the system by fundraising and finding patients and the
general public contributes by supporting the fundraising activities and the media sends the messages about
Shriners Hospitals for Children. Noble Bullard stated,
“Miss one of these links and we are all in trouble, “I
love what I have been able to do over my eighteen
years and certainly don’t regret one minute”. From the
nobility and especially the children, we say “Thank
you Noble Bullard for your dedication and service.”
Two hundred and fifty times, you made a difference
in a child’s life.
Noble R. Paul Bullard holds the record for Roadrunner Trips carrying our patients and their families
to the Shriners Hospitals for Children, garnering over
250 individual trips. Cumulatively, he has spent an
estimated one year and five months on the road with
these precious children. The miles traveled are most
likely in the tens of thousands. Trips to Greenville
are generally two days and trips to the Burn Center in
Cincinnati are three. He made trips from around Sudanland to Charlotte where the Cincinnati Shriners
Hospitals for Children Burn Center often times sets
follow-up appointments for recovering patients that
will not require actual medical treatment.
Noble Bullard became a Shriner in 1986 and is a
member of the Lenoir County Shrine Club. R. Paul
Bullard retired from the National Forestry Service in
1992 and in 1993 he joined the Roadrunners and remained an active member until 2011 at the age of 75.
He has many stories to tell and memories of helping
countless families. When he joined there were only
twelve Roadrunners and the unit made approximately 5 trips a month. Noble Bullard states he probably
dealt with over one hundred patients. He often saw
patients on their first visit and through the years saw
the results of long term care by our hospitals.
Noble Bullard doesn’t know all the history of the
Roadrunner Unit but provided the following. The
Roadrunners were originally formed in 1974. Sudan
did not have any “Roadrunner” vehicles or uniforms.
Shriners transported the patients and the patient’s
family in the Shriners’ privately owned vehicles to and
from the hospitals. Uniforms were not obtained until
about ten years ago.
April 2012
Roadrunners Presented
John S. Phillips Unit Award
Roadrunner Director Tim Boykin shows the plaque
presented to Sudan Roadrunners, as outstanding Sudan Unit for 2011.
The plaque was presented to Boykin by Sudan's
Potentate at the Winter Ceremonial in New Bern on
January 27.
Red Fez
No Coincidence!
Lost In The Desert (Bad Addresses)
First of all let me make it perfectly clear that I do
not believe in coincidence! We as Masons say we put
our trust in God and if that is true we acknowledge
that by trusting Him we are pawns to be used at His
will. With that said, let me tell you a true story that
took place February 15 & 16, 2012.
Rod Hughes and I are Roadrunners and as such
were on a trip to the Shriners Hospital in Greenville,
SC. We had been on the road since 4:30am in an effort
to pick up two patients and get to a 1:00pm appointment. We had to go to Leland and Lumberton.
We made our hospital appointment on time with
no problems. Since we were spending the night with
no real schedule to follow, we decided to leave for
home at 6:00am. The trip that usually takes about
seven hours would put us back in New Bern by early
afternoon. As I was checking us out of the Days Inn,
the clerk casually mentioned that the woman and
her son sitting in the lobby had flown in from Florida
the day before and had no way to get to the Shriners
Hospital. Now the purpose for our partially filled van
became clear. We had two empty seats and no schedule to meet. We could take her to the hospital. As we
went she told her story.
She had never made contact with Shriners. Her
pediatrician had told her to take her son who was on
a walker to the Shriners Hospital for help. She had
flown to Greenville, SC on her own and rented a motel room. Her plan was to take a cab to the hospital
and ask for help. I have no idea why she picked the
Days Inn, but that is the one motel that is usually full
of Shriners. There we were with two empty seats; no
schedule to meet and we knew the way to the hospital.
We took her there and got her checked in. We told
the people at the desk her story and asked of their assistance and for them to see to it she had a ride back
to the motel and to the airport the next day. We also
asked that she be put in touch with Shriners in her
area. Before leaving we gave her the phone number of
Shriners in Tampa, Florida. When we left the hospital she was being checked in and we had done all we
could. In all that was taking place I forgot to ask her
Coincidence? Not a chance. Everything happens
for a reason and each Roadrunner has a purpose. Never forget it!
Robert N. Shaw
P.O. Box 1184
Gaston, NC 27832
Michael J. Davis
838 Sara Lane
Fayetteville, NC 28312
Dwayne E. Spillman
5864 Anthony Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Roque Gonzalez III
2523 Canyon Crest St.
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-6826
Eddie D. Stephens
6929 Mosquito Hill
Ash, NC 28420
Walter N. Johnson
P. O. Box 30073
River Ranch, FL 33867
Raymond A. Warren
335 Riverwalk
New Bern, NC 28562
Daryl Khan
903 Angus Valley Dr.
Rolla, MO 65401
In Memorium
Eugene A. Bowen
* Thurman Bruce Boyette PP Wilson
* Jessie E. Briley
Jerry J. Brown
* James B. Bullard
Castle Hayne
* Thomas H. Crane, Jr.
* Tom A. Denton
Rocky Mount
William H. Easterling
Rocky Mount
* Clifton H. Edens
Sneads Ferry
Jerry W. Forrest
* Lawrence J. Fortin
Apple Valley, CA 1/25/1951
* George T. Griffin
James R. Grizzle
Joseph Gurganus
Ben T. Haddon
* William O. Hale
New Bern
James O. Harvell, Jr.
Key Biscayne, FL 5/24/1956
Irvin L. Hayes
Jetter C. Hobgood
* Stanley H. Howard
Dan G. Johnson
Wrightsville Beach 5/18/1961
Charles T. Manning, Jr.
New Bern
* James L. Menius
New Bern
* Anderson Midgett
Walter L. Mills
Larry R. Moore
* Larry W. Piver
* Arthur J. Poillon
Fairhope, AL
* Oscar B. Porter, Jr.
Rocky Mount
Ray J. Reaves
* Carl L. Reece
* John S. Shallcross
David J. Shortridge
* Roy B. Sloan
Milton E. Smith
New Bern
Benjamin P. Terrell, Jr.
* Gerald F. Timon
Gary T. White
Ronald K. Wray
Little River, SC
Noble A.M. Kinker
April 2012
William E. Covington, Jr
325 N Cool Spring St #501
Fayetteville, NC 28301
* Widows Fund
Red Fez
Sampson County
Sudan Roadsters & Shrinettes
20th Annual
ted icap
Fli hand
Lakewood Country
Golf & Leisure
at it’s Best
Superball Golf Tournament
April 21, 2012
Mulligans & Red Bomb
Lakewood Country Club
555 Country Club Road
Salemburg, NC 28385
Of Hardee’s
Of Roseboro
Limited to the 1st 20 Paid Teams
Breakfast & Lunch Provided
Hole #17
$100.00 Cash
Closest to the Pin
J&B Cleaning & Janitorial
Service, Warsaw NC
Hole #15
$100.00 Cash
Closest to the Pin
By: Harold’s Barber Shop
Hole #3
$100.00 Club Gift Certificate
Closest to the Pin
Country Club
Hole #9
New Car or Truck
Vester Nissan of Clinton
By: Donnie Lamm
Hole #13
Longest Drive
Seniors and Men
By: Wilson Manufacturing
Hole #4
Longest Drive
By: S.C. Shrinettes
Proceeds are for the benefit of Sudan Roadsters.
Payments are not deductible as Charitable Contributions.
FMI CONTACT: Karl Thurber, Lakewood C.C. 910.525.4424
Earl Smith 910.385.8229
Jona Smith 910.590.2453
April 2012
Make Checks Payable To
Sampson County Shrinettes
P.O. Box 663
Clinton, NC 28328
Red Fez
In Honor of Albert H. Parker, PP
New Bern, North Carolina
May 18 – 19, 2012
Friday ~ May 18, 2012
10:00 am
10:30 am ~ 12 noon
1:30 pm
4:00 pm ~ 11:00 pm
Golf Tournament – River Bend Golf & Country Club
Widows Fund Meeting / Lunch (Shrine Temple ~ Board Room)
Board of Directors Meeting (Shrine Temple ~ Board Room)
Fun, Food, Fellowship & Dance – DJ – Fred Rouse (Across from Temple
- Waterfront)
(Dress – Casual – Flip flops optional)
Admission by 2012 Shrine or Blue Lodge Dues Card
Saturday ~ May 19, 2012
7:30 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
2:30 pm ~ 4:00 pm
Registration of Candidates (Shrine Temple)
Stated Business Meeting (Shrine Auditorium)
Ladies’ Breakfast & Entertainment (New Bern Convention Center ~ 203
S. Front St.) (All Ladies & Candidates Wives Invited)
First Section – Shrine Degree by Ceremonial Cast (Shrine Auditorium)
Parade Formation at Kafer Park (George Street)
Parade Steps Off – (George St. ~ Broad St. ~ Middle St. ~ Disbands on
South Front St. at BB&T & Hilton)
Moslem Feast - Chef Crew Unit - (Riverfront Convention Center)
Second Section – Initiation by Wrecking Crew - (Riverfront Convention
3:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm
7:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm
9:00 pm ~ 12:00 midnight
Sudan Hospitality Room - (Hilton)
Introduction of New Nobles, Memorial Service, Hospital Patients
Introductions, Awards & Check Presentations & Potentate’s Remarks
(Shrine Auditorium)
Potentate’s Ball – “Big Sam” (Shrine Auditorium)
Nobles / Ladies & Invited Guests Only
Fezzes Requested All Weekend
Nobles Coat / Tie & Fez Requested
Ladies ~ Dress or Pantsuit
April 2012
Red Fez
are hosting the
Friday, May 18, 2012
shotgun start at 10:00 am
located on Hwy 17 South, New Bern, NC
Tournament is open to all Masons, Shriners, Candidates, and Guests
Entry Fee: $60.00 per player
Includes green fee, cart fee, full sit down meal at end of round
prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places
Noble Richard Wagner
4335 Hwy 55 East, New Bern, NC 28560
Player 1 _______________handicap _____ Player 2 _____________handicap____
Player 3 _______________handicap _____ Player 4 _____________handicap____
Directions: leaving New Bern, head south on Hwy 17 South, at approximately 5 miles, turn left
at River Bend stop light, go 1 1/2 miles, entrance to club on left
April 2012
Red Fez
Fiancial Statements
A-1 Tree, Inc.
G. Scott McDaniel, CPA, PC
Earl W. Temple
Certified Public Accountant
3301 Old Cherry Pt. Rd.
New Bern, NC 28560
Scott McDaniel, CPA
Evergreen, NC 910.654.5506
April 2012
Greer, SC 864.877.4831
Fax 888.655.7376
Red Fez
Sudan Cart Caravan
Of Lenoir County Shrine Club
10 “Annual Golf Tournament”
Falling Creek Country Club
April 14th, 2012
April 2012
Red Fez
Twenty Years of Trucking For
The Children
2012 Winter Ceremonial Candidates
Nicholas Adam Armstrong
Douglas Michael Bacskay
Wayne Edward Baker
James Robert Blalock
William Allen Brandon Jr.
Joseph Dean Buchanan
Jimmie Donald Bullis Jr.
Cornelius Stewart Chance Jr.
Edward Earl Croom
Craig Shawn Davis
William Edwin Douglas
Kenneth Michael Ellison
Andrew Roy Ennis
Jeffrey David Garner
Chester Eric Dolph Gartin
Peter Christopher Gartin
TommyHarold Hall Jr.
David Watson Hamill
Gary Cuthral Hamilton III
James Frederick Hinson
Randy Ray Hoffer
Robert Michael Horner
Jeremy Scott Howard
Timothy Paul Woodrow Lanier Jacob Kendall Lea
Joshua Reagan Lea
Andy Earl Lee
Steven Louis Lupton
Christopher Todd Magee
DonnieGene May
Clifton ManleyMills Jr.
Dennis Carroll Mills
Cory Adam Noe
David Thomas Norris
Edson D Norris
Jarrod Eugene Norris
Ronnie Alan Odum Jr.
Gene Kelly Parker
James Lonnie Peacock
Leland (Lee) Ray Pearson
Logan (Nmn) Penman
Mark David Renn
Daniel Arrington Robinson
Corey Austin Sasser
Chad Everette Smith
Derwood Kenneth Spell Jr.
Richard Leslie Stout Jr.
Larry Herbert Thomas
Marvin Eugene Thomas Jr.
Richard Polaski Watkins
Jeffrey Wayne Watson
John Ashley Westbrook
New Bern, NC 28560
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Wilmington, NC 28403
New Bern, NC 28560
Holly Ridge, NC 28445
Sanford, NC 27330
Wilmington, NC 28405
Lumberton, NC 28358
Wilmington, NC 28409
Cerro Gordo, NC 28430
Tabor City, NC 28463
Leland, NC 28451
Manteo, NC 27954
Hampstead NC 28443
New Bern, NC 28560
New Bern, NC 28560
Hope Mills, NC 28348
Pollocksville, NC 28573
Dunn, NC 28334
Whiteville, NC 28472
Holly Ridge, NC 28445
New Bern, NC 28560
Trenton, NC 28585
Sneads Ferry, NC 28460
Hampstead, NC 28443
Hampstead, NC 28443
New Bern, NC 28560
New Bern, NC 28561
Manteo, NC 27954
Trenton, NC 28585
Trenton, NC 28585
Trenton, NC 28585
Smyrna, NC 28579
Whiteville, NC 28472
Archer, FL 32618
Sneads Ferry, NC 28460
Pollocksville, NC 28573
Wilmington, NC 28411
Benson, NC 27504
Wilmington, NC 28409
Clinton NC 28328
Wilmington NC 28409
Bethel, NC 27812
Benson, NC 27504
New Bern, NC 28562
Clinton NC 28328
Pollocksville NC 28573
Wilmington, NC 28403
New Bern, NC 28560
Wilmington, NC 28412
Clayton, NC 27520
Newton Grove, NC 28366
The Sudan Mini-Rigs from Wayne County are
celebrating their twentieth year of operation this year.
The Unit was formed in Wayne County by members of
the Wayne Shrine Club in 1992. The unit was created
during Past Potentate Illustrious Sir Arnold Brown’s
term in office and consisted of thirty-five (35) charter members. The identical red “Mini Tractor Truck
Rigs” were purchased by members at a reported cost of
$1800.00 each. Initially, there were twelve (12) trucks
in the unit. The unit’s first parade was in November
1992 at the Sudan Fall Ceremonial in Lumberton,
NC. They performed in six parades in their first year.
In 1993, they made their first donation to the Shriners
Hospital of $650.00. During the 20 years of operation,
the Sudan Mini-Rigs have grown and now have fortyfour members, with twenty Mini-Rig Trucks and seven
Recovery Vehicles. They have maintained a “truck
history ownership” on every truck since the unit was
formed. This unit has participated in as many as 41 parades/performances in one year. Members incur all of
the costs of upkeep for the Rigs and the cost of driving
to the many events. Every penny donated to this unit
has been given to Shriners Hospitals for Children or
the Sudan Transportation Fund. At the conclusion of
this units 20th year, over $200,000.00 will have been
donated from the 700 plus parades and events they
have attended. The Mini Rigs are a crowd pleaser no
matter where they go. Congratulations to the Mini
Riggers and Keep on Trucking for the Children!
Thomas Locke Shuping
Newport, NC 28570
Harry August Strand
New Bern, NC 28562
April 2012
Red Fez
Sudan Shriners – Membership 2012
Shriners Hospitals for Children is a health care
system of 22 hospitals dedicated to improving the lives
of children by providing pediatric specialty care, innovative research, and outstanding teaching programs
for medical professionals. More than 9,500 Physicians
have received their residency education or post graduate fellowships at our hospitals. Shriners Hospitals operate at a cost of $2.9 million a day caring for approximately 190,000 children annually. Children up to age
18 with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and
receive all services in a family-centered environment,
regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.
By: Allen “Buddy” Brown
Total Membership as of December 31, 2010
Nobles Created100
Nobles Affiliated10
Nobles Restored35
Nobles Associated4
Nobles Demitted-28
Nobles Suspended-213
Nobles Expelled-0
Nobles Deceased-205
Nobles Resigned D
Asso. Members Dropped
Nobles, we have a wonderful product to sell! Make
a commitment to share our story this year with someone of Quality. You may not ask a man to be a Mason,
but you can surely ask a man to be a Shriner.
Candy Sales Fundraiser
Total Membership as of December 31, 2011
We need Quality Shriners versus Quantity Shriners
The following has been initiated:
● Pay Pal on the temple website
❍ This is for convenience
❍ Speed
❍ Easier record keeping
● Phone Tree
❍ Saves Money
❍ Reaches people faster
❍ More timely contact
As a new fundraiser – 500 boxes of candy bars (50
per box) has been ordered to be sold immediately from
“World’s Finest Chocolate”.
Any Club, Unit, Shrinettes or individual that
would like a box, please call the temple at 252-6375197 or email to place your
Ask yourself – How can I help?
Take responsibility for the members of your club
or unit. If you see a name on the NPD list, don’t just
dismiss it; see if you can make contact and help! Notify a member of the Divan or Team Membership of a
financial hardship case or sickness. Don’t wait until a
Noble is suspended to find out why!
Proceeds are for the benefit of Sudan Shriners
and not deductible as a charitable contribution
1451 Members
Shriners are distinguished by an enjoyment of life
in the interest of philanthropy. Through fellowship
and philanthropy, Shrinedom strengthens the soul
and adds inner-meaning to daily life. It thus spreads
a glow of joy through one’s entire family. The Shrine
is best-known for its colorful parades, its distinctive
Red Fez, and its official philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children, which is often called “The heart and
soul of the Shrine.”
April 2012
This represents a $79,805.00 shortfall for the current operating budget!
Your active financial support is vitally important in order for our great
temple to function on a day-to-day basis.
Illustrious Sir Steve Norris and the Membership Team are encouraging
every Noble to remit his current year dues as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your continued interest and allegiance to
help Sudan, both Charitably and Fraternally.
“Honoring our Past – Looking to our Future”
Red Fez
138th Imperial Session in Charlotte
Sudan has reserved 200 rooms at the Hilton University
Hotel on JM Keynes Drive. All reservations will go through
the temple. According to Sudan Potentate Steve Norris,
“This is the best and possibly the only chance many Sudan
Shriners will get to attend an Imperial Session in their
lifetime. This is a great way for our Nobles, Ladies, children
and grandchildren to have a great vacation at this very
special event.” Celebrate the 4th of July in Charlotte.
Governor Beverly Perdue Proclaims
2012 Year Of The Shrine In North Carolina
Oasis Shriners, John Sullivan PP and Imperial Sir Alan
W. Madsen met recently with Governor Beverly Perdue.
Gov Perdue proclaimed, “2012 year of the Shrine in North
Carolina”. North Carolina will see their very own, Imperial
Sir Alan W. Madsen, become the Imperial Potentate at
the 138th Imperial Session for Shriners International.
The Imperial Session will be held in Charlotte, July 1-5,
2012. As a reminder to all, this is the 140th Anniversary of
Shriners International and the 90th Anniversary of Shriners
Hospitals for Children.
While visiting with Imperial Sir Madsen, Gov. Perdue
enjoyed the company of hospital patient, Brady, and
expressed her admiration for the work our hospitals do with
the children. The Imperial Potentate is both the President
and chief executive officer of Shriners International and
serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for both
Shriners Hospitals for Children and the fraternity.
Many events are scheduled for the 5-day event, one of
which is the parade on July 4th. It will step off at 2:30pm with
motorized units, clowns, horse units, drum and bugle units,
bag pipe units from all over the United States and possibly
from other countries to make this a truly memorable event.
Website, contains other information
about the 2012 Imperial Session. I’m sure Sudan will be
well represented. Director Frank Long will keep everyone
informed of the parade details.
April 2012
Red Fez
Sudan Noble Ronnie Blount
Elected Chairman of The Board
Shrine Bowl of The Carolinas
The Sudan Plaque Sales
The Sudan Plaque Sales Program is off and running and is a year-long event. We are asking Shrine
Clubs to appoint a Plaque Sales Chairman and help
with this project. This program does not apply to just
Shriners, although many invest in this worthy cause.
Everyone knows this is another way for clubs and units
to raise the needed money for Shriners Hospitals for
Children. It is a relatively easy project to get involved
in and have fun doing. Sales can be made in the denominations such as $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 and
$1000. The successful plaque program in Sudan has
plaques hanging in barber shops, law firms, fire departments, privately and family owned businesses and
even churches. All of the plaques offered are very
Sudan Shriners has to say congratulations to
the Wayne Shrine Club which has won the Annual
Plaque Award for the past ten years and has averaged
$12,000 over the past years. They have offered this
challenge -- Wayne Shrine Club will donate $1,000
to the Transportation Fund if a shrine club or unit,
other than Wayne Shrine Club wins the 2012 Plaque
Award. Again, the benefactor of the Plaque Sales is
the Shriners Hospitals for Children!
The Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas meeting was
held at Hope Mills Shrine Club on February 24, 2012.
The meeting was followed by a Banquet. Election of
Officers for 2012 was held with Noble Ronnie Blount
from Sudan, being elected Chairman of the Board in
a tight election. Others elected for the ensuing year
were President - PP Don Addman, Jamil Shriners; 1st
Vice President - PP Connie Altman, Amran Shriners;
2nd Vice President Noble Jamie Smith, Héjaz Shriners;
3rd Vice President, PP Brack Wilson, Sudan Shriners;
4th Vice President Noble John McLeary, Omar Shriners; Treasurer, Noble Henry Long, Héjaz Shriners;
Secretary, Noble John Davidson, Omar Shriners. PP
Connie Altman was elected Game Ball Chairman. Illustrious Sir Steve Norris installed the officers. There
was a special Public Relations video on the Shrine
Bowl of the Carolinas presented entitled, “A Past to
Remember and a Future to Build On”. Sudan will obtain a copy of the video and make it available to our
clubs and units.
There are nearly 19,000 Shriners in the Carolinas
representing Omar Shriners, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Sudan
Shriners, New Bern, NC ; Héjaz Shriners, Greenville,
SC; Jamil Shriners, Columbia, SC; and Amran Shriners, Raleigh, NC. The Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas
is played to benefit the Greenville Shriners Hospitals
for Children and 21 other Shriners Hospitals for Children across the nation. Last year’s game receipts and
temple contributions raised $1.4 million. Over $69
million has been raised since the first game was played
in 1937. The Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas game is
the nation’s oldest and most prestigious high school
Potentate Bruce Bulluck presents a 25 year pin and
football all–star game in America. For more informacertificate to Elbert Lee, Sr. of Oriental.
tion on this event go to and
April 2012
Red Fez
25-Year Presentation
403 East Front St.
New Bern, NC 28560
Phone (252) 637-5197 ~ Toll Free (800) 697-5197 ~ Fax (252) 637-9935
Club & Unit Presidents / Secretaries & all Nobles
From: Coble Wilson III, Co-Chairman
Golf Cart Raffle
One of Sudan’s planned fraternal fundraisers for 2012 is a Golf Cart Raffle, with the grand prize
being a cart and trailer and some lucky person is going to win this on November 17th at our Fall
Ceremonial in Dunn. You do not have to be present to win.
The objective is to get the golf cart and trailer located in strategically high traffic areas with a lot
of people, local festivals, expos and parades anywhere in Sudan’s area we can, then set up and
sell tickets.
Tickets will be 5 for $20 or $5 each.
Specifications of Cart:
PDS Golf Cart
• EZ-GO
solid color paint of choice
• Custom
lights front and rear
• Factory
Diamond plate Rocker Panels
• New tinted folding windshield
• 6’ Lift kit with 12” custom wheels
• Rear folding seat
• Front and rear custom seat covers
• 36V charger
• 2011 6X10 Trailer w/wood floor & ramp gate
The golf cart will be available to be picked up at Wilson Automotive in Lumberton and used to
show and sell tickets by any of Sudan’s clubs or units at local events in your area. Sudan will
carry insurance during this time period. Winner may choose the color they want. Attached is the
Reservation Form with instructions.
Proceeds are for the benefit of Sudan Shriners and not deductible as a charitable contribution.
April 2012
Red Fez
SUDAN SHRINERS Golf Cart Fundraiser
SUDAN SHRINERS Golf Cart Fundraiser
403 East Front St. ~ New Bern, NC 28560
403 East
St. ~ New
NC 28560
(252) 637-5197
Fax: Bern,
(252) 637-9935
(252) 637-5197
Fax: (252)
A custom Golf Cart and Trailer will be raffled off on Nov. 17th to some lucky winner at the Fall Ceremonial in
The and
will will
be $20
per sheet
5 orCeremonial
$5 each. in
A custom
off of
Nov. 17Tickets
to some
at theofFall
NC. The winner will have their choice of colors. Tickets will be $20 per sheet of 5 or $5 each.
Shrine Club
of Club
Estimated # at event:
at event:
for #event:
Type of of
Location Held
Charge for event:
Location Held
Requested by:
Mailing Address
Mailing Address
Home #
# of Tickets:
# of Tickets:
Work #
Cell ##
Cell #
Date cart to be picked up:
Date cart to be picked up:
Date cart to be returned:
Date cart to be returned:
Office Use Only:
Office Use Only:
Money turned in:
Money turned in:
Ticket numbers:
Ticket numbers:
Receipt signature:
Receipt signature:
Seller signature:
Seller signature:
Proceeds are for the benefit of Sudan Shriners and not deductible as a charitable contribution.
are for the benefit
of Sudan
and of
not deductible
a charitableand
are for
Sudan as
not deductible as a charitable contribution.
April 2012
Red Fez
Shriners Hospitals Children Donations
CAF - In Mem - Dec 2011............................................................ Donor
Alton Yopp...........................................Mr & Mrs Snow Piver & Family
Ben Williams............................................................... Tom & Kay Jones
Betty Miller Mathews.................................................Arab Shrine Club
Catherine “Pat” Cromwell........................ Onslow County Shrine Club
Catherine Rhodes Stilley........................... Robinson & Stith Insurance
Charles James, Jr............................................... Caron & Betty Norman
Claudia Proctor Whitley....................................................... B.J. Hunter
Eddie Troy Lane.................................................. Charles & JoAnn Eley
Ellen Wemyss Granade.................................. Wayne & Marsha Benton
Erlene Williams............................................ Elizabeth & Mat Raymond
Erlene Williams........................................ Claudia Linkous/Billie T. Ray
Ernest Morgan.................................................................Chris Blake, Sr.
Florine Howard..............................................................Jack & Jean Lea
Garland R. Smith........................................... Irish & Joyce O’Laughlin
Gary White.................................................... Wayne & Marsha Benton
Irvin C. Smith.................................................................... Buddy Inman
James D. Smith..............................................Albert & Kathleen Parker
James Hufham, Sr....................................................John & Sherry Russ
Jamie Beaman................................................ Douglas & Brenda Dexter
Jeff Jones................................................................................Joy William
Jeff Jones...................................................................... Tom & Kay Jones
John R. Godwin................................................................Abbe Godwin
Johnnie Nitschke.................................Mr & Mrs Snow Piver & Family
Julian C. Adcock....................................... Robert F. & Julia C. Adcock
Latoyia D. Cowell................................................... Helen J. McPherson
Madline Griffin....................................Mr & Mrs Snow Piver & Family
Mary E. Rogers.............................................. Mr & Mrs King B. Leggett
Max Jones............................................................. Doug & Becky Currin
Melissa Williams...................................... Claudia Linkous/Billie T. Ray
Mr & Mrs Tom Allgood.............................................. Tom & Kay Jones
Mrs Ellen Gray............................................................. D. Calvin Stokes
Nelson W. Newton................................. Mingo Lodge #206,AF & AM
Phillip Bressler............................................................. Janet H. Monroe
Roger Rouse.................................................... Southwood Ruritan Club
Sandy Carter...............................................................Arab Shrine Club
Shirley Allgood........................................................... Tom & Kay Jones
Susan Blessing Carothers............................................Barbara Cucciarre
Susan Blessing Carothers....................................... Dick & Jean Bechtel
Susan Blessing Carothers..............................................Emil W. Krug, Jr.
Susan Blessing Carothers........................................Fred & Karen Beech
Tario Turco................................................. Robinson & Stith Insurance
Thelma Nobles............................................ Robeson County Shrinettes
Virginia E. Burnette...............................................Bill & Brenda Moore
Virginia Evans Burnette........................ Ladies of the Arab Shrine Club
Warren Dudley............................................... Brooks & Joann Marriner
William “Bill” Hill..................................................... Olna D. Winstead
William “Bill” Hill....................................................... Gene B. Allgood
William “Bill” Hill..............................................Everett & Jeanne Cole
William “Bill” Hill, Jr..................................William & Barbara Wooten
William “Bill” Hill, Jr................................. William & Annette Lassiter
William “Bill” Hill, Jr......................................... Ray & Lynette Radford
William “Bill” Hill, Jr..........................................Mr & Mrs Bill Stuckey
William “Bill” Hill, Jr........................................................... Lena Brown
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.................................... TCI Business Capital, Inc.
William “Bill” Hill, Jr............................................... William Lee Powell
William “Bill” Hill, Jr........................................................ Frank Peoples
William “Bill” Hill, Jr...........................................Marshall & Sue Brock
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.........................................................Elton L. High
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.............................................. The Santelia Family
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.......................................... Hubert Carroll Arthur
William “Bill” Hill, Jr....................................... Allen & Barbara D. Bass
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.......................................Aubrey & Linda Nichols
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.....................................Albert & Kathleen Parker
William “Bill” Hill, Jr....................................................... Nancy Narron
William “Bill” Hill, Jr....................................... Ron & JoAnn Poythress
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.................................... Johnnie & Jane Albritton
William “Bill” Hill, Jr.................................... Wilson County Shrinettes
William “Bill” Hill, Jr..................................................... Ruth Breedlove
William “Bill” Hill, Jr..................Brad, Susan, Amanda & Nichols Bass
William “Bill” Hill, Jr................................................. Walter T. Hannan
William L. Downing.................................... Robert, Kim & Aren Ipock
Willie “Billy” Edwards........................................... Lisk & Jean Everette
Total $3,829.00
CAF - Plaques/Donations Dec 2011
Arab SC -Plaque Sales..................................................................$50.00
Bennie & Susan Howard............................................................$500.00
Bladen Co SC - ..........................................................................$196.20
Bladen Co SC - Fish Fry..........................................................$1,000.00
Bob & Janice Nelson..................................................................$200.00
Chris Vurnakes..............................................................................$25.00
Cumberland Co SC - Cane Sales............................................$4,600.00
Cumberland Co SC - Fish Fry.................................................$7,600.00
Cumberland Co SC - Plaque Sales.............................................$100.00
Don & Sharon Harrison.............................................................$300.00
Elizabeth City Shrine Club......................................................$1,020.47
Elizabeth City Shrine Club......................................................$2,202.88
Elizabeth D. Bryan,MD.................................................................$50.00
Harnett Co SC - BBQ.............................................................$8,784.01
Harnett Co SC - Plaque Sales....................................................$250.00
Hope Hills Shrine Club -Plaque sales........................................$600.00
Hospira Employee Giving.............................................................$48.44
Hospira Employee Giving.............................................................$24.22
Lawrence C. Higgins...................................................................$100.00
April 2012
Martin Co SC - Plaque Sales......................................................$100.00
Offshore Interest, LLC...........................................................$14,500.00
S Brunswick Islands SC ..........................................................$1,000.00
Tri County Electric Foundation, Inc.....................................$10,000.00
Wayne SC - Plaque Sales............................................................$200.00
William & Juanita Lundie..........................................................$300.00
Wilson Co SC -Plaques..............................................................$100.00
In Honor of - Dec 2011
Amanda Dougherty............................................................ Joy Williams
B.J. Hunter..........................................................Jim & Kathryn Hunter
Billy & Jackie Montague.................................................... Joy Williams
Trey Grooms........................................................ Doris & Stacy Grooms
Total $266.00
Trans - In Mem of - Dec 2011
Albert & Inez Ormond...........................................Glenda O. Woodard
Catherine “Pat” Cromwell.................................John & Doris Laumann
Donna Sykes.....................................................................Pamela Nunez
Linda Evers Cone......................................... Johnny & Barbara Rackley
Lonnie Carl Boykin, Jr..................................... Ron & JoAnn Poythress
Lonnie Carl Boykin, Jr....................................Leroy & Debbie Marshall
Lonnie Carl Boykin, Jr........................................ Sudan Monster Trucks
William “Bill” Hill.............................................John & Virginia Owens
William “Bill” Hill................................................... Pam & Tim Boykin
William “Bill” Hill................................................... Sudan Horse Patrol
William “Bill” Hill..........................................Leroy & Debbie Marshall
William “Bill” Hill............................................... Horace & Gerry Stott
William “Bill” Hill................................................ Becky & Teeny Jones
William Randy Hawley........................................... Mrs Rose T. Hawley
Total $740.00
Trans - Donations - Dec 2011
Anonymous Family.....................................................................$750.00
Billy Sharpe, III........................................................................$1,000.00
Cathy L. McMillan..................................................................$1,000.00
Elizabeth City Shrine Club......................................................$1,605.88
Hope Mills Shrinettes..............................................................$1,000.00
Horse Patrol..................................................................................$75.00
Onslow Co Shrine Club.............................................................$800.00
Roanoke Chowan Shrinettes...................................................$2,600.00
Rocky Mount Shrinettes..........................................................$2,500.00
Sudan Horse Patrol..................................................................$2,000.00
Sudan Monster Trucks.............................................................$1,000.00
Wilson County Shrinettes.......................................................$2,500.00
Trans - In Honor of - Dec 2011
Dean Hawley........................................................... Mrs Rose T. Hawley
Dorothy Watson........................................................Durham Shrinettes
Tim Boykin............................................................. Mrs Rose T. Hawley
Tony Ferrell............................................................. Mrs Rose T. Hawley
Total $400.00
CAF - In Mem of - Jan 2012........................................................ Donor
Addison Smith.............................................. Friendship Baptist Church
Al Huettl........................................................................R.J. Edwards, III
Barbara Smith.................................................................... Buddy Inman
Bea Swindell.........................................................................Eddie Rowe
Beatrice Swindell................................................Jasper Overhead Doors
Beatrice Swindell............................................................ Shirley Traister
Beatrice Swindell........................................................ James B. Quill, Jr.
Betty T. Swindell................................................ Charles & JoAnn Eley
Bill Batchelor................................................. Scott & Lisa Tharrington
Bobby E. Greene.....................................................Sherby G. Slaughter
Carl Boykin......................................................Aubrey & Linda Nichols
Charles “Chuck” Manning............................. Wade & Chris Matthews
Charles T. Manning................................... Mr & Mrs Richard Dunham
E.C. Holloway.............................................. Graham & Angela Neville
Earl Pittman........................................................... Lisk & Jean Everette
Earl Pittman............................................................................ BJ Hunter
Frances Trafficanti............................................................ Nancy Narron
Harold Dean Griggs.......................................................Diane Winstead
Howard Dickerson.....................................Sherby G. Slaughter & Wife
Irvin Hayes.............................................................Keith & Jane Abbott
J.C. Wood..................................................................Neal & Jane Davis
James Bullard.................................................Mr & Mrs John Campbell
Jerry Browne............................................................... Johnnie Burtscher
Kathleen Willis Koelliker............................ Mr & Mrs George P. Willis
Larry Benton..........................................................Bill & Brenda Moore
Lillian Haddock................................................... Eddie & Evelyn Rowe
Lonnie Carl Boykin Jr..........................................Tony & Sandra Ferrell
Lynn Jeffreys..........................................................Ted & Phyllis Hardee
Lynn Jeffreys..........................................................Ted & Phyllis Hardee
Mark Churchill Kreisher.............................Lester & Elizabeth Woolard
Mrs Nymp Lancaster...............................................................Hugh Pate
O.J. Holloway............................................... Graham & Angela Neville
Peggy Ormond......................................................................Eddie Rowe
Peggy Ormond.............................................Pamlico County Shrinettes
Red Holloway .............................................. Graham & Angela Neville
Rodney A. Turner........................................................ Louis C. Johnson
Sheldon Davis......................................................Chris & Sharon Davis
Susie Carothers................................................ Mr & Mrs Keith Pontius
Suzanne Carothers......................... Harding High School Class of 1954
Thomas A. Denton................................................................. BJ Hunter
Thomas A. Denton................................................Keith & Jane Abbott
Thomas Johnson.............................................. Dennis & Mona J Quick
Tom Denton...........................................................W. Ronald D. Barnes
Tom Denton................................................... Scott & Lisa Tharrington
Tommy Bowmer............................................................ Latitia H. Grant
Warren C. Laughlin....................................... Brooks & Joann Marriner
William “Bill” Hill.........................................Erline & Thurman Batten
William “Bill” Hill..................................................... Phil & Pat Cheers
William O. Hale.............................................................. Alvia Hearren
William T. “Bill” Hill.................................... CV & Ernestine Poythress
Total $2570.00
Jan 2012 CAF Plaques/Donations
Beaufort Co United Way,Inc......................................................$162.00
Brook & Jeffrey Massey............................................................ $2,000.00
Camel Drivers..........................................................................$2,000.00
Chowan County Shrine Club..................................................$1,500.00
Columbus County Shrinettes..................................................$1,000.00
D.C. Ratley, Sudan Pirates......................................................$1,000.00
Dare Co Shrine Club.......................................................................$100 .
Desert Rats...............................................................................$1,000.00
Elizabeth City SC - Donation.....................................................$463.00
Elizabeth City Shrinettes.........................................................$3,000.00
Havelock SC - Plaque Sales.......................................................$175.00
Henry Haddock.............................................................................$50.00
Hope Mills SC............................................................................$450.00
Fairmont Shrine Club..............................................................$1,500.00
Johnston County Shrine Club.................................................$2,000.00
Kim Matthews.................................................................................$2.00
Lady Guardians........................................................................$1,500.00
Legion of Honor..........................................................................$500.00
Lenoir Co SC - Plaque Sales......................................................$100.00
Martin Co SC - Plaque Sales........................................................$50.00
New Bern SC - Plaque Sales.........................................................$25.00
New Bern SC - Plaque Sales.......................................................$140.00
Pamlico Co SC - Plaque Sales......................................................$25.00
Pamlico Co SC - Plaque Sales......................................................$25.00
Pitt County Shrinettes.............................................................$2,000.00
Robeson Co SC -Plaque Sales....................................................$400.00
Rocky Mount SC - Plaque Sales.................................................$100.00
Sudan Cooligans......................................................................$1,000.00
Sudan Dare Devils...................................................................$1,000.00
Sudan Mini Rigs....................................................................$10,000.00
Swansboro SC - Plaque Sales.....................................................$475.00
Wayne SC - Plaque Sales............................................................$100.00
Wayne SC - Plaque Sales............................................................$660.00
Jan 2012 - Trans - In Memory of
Peggy Griffin Ormond........................................ Shelby F. Witherington
Phillip Hamm...........................................................Linda & Brian Hill
Thomas “Tom” Denton................................Rocky Mount Shrine Club
Thomas “Tom” Denton...................... Jerry & Mary Linda Tharrington
William “Bill” Hill...............................................Tony & Sandra Ferrell
William Easterling.............................. Jerry & Mary Linda Tharrington
William H. Easterling...................................Rocky Mount Shrine Club
Total $180.00
Jan 2012 - Trans - Donations
Animated Animals..................................................................$1,500.00
Arab Choo Choo........................................................................$500.00
Cart Caravan...........................................................................$4,500.00
Columbus Co Shrinettes..........................................................$1,000.00
Drum & Bugle Corp.................................................................$1,000.00
Durham Shrinettes......................................................................$600.00
Ladies of the Arab Shrine Club...............................................$1,000.00
Mabel Harris.................................................................................$40.00
Martin Co Shrine Club..............................................................$165.00
Mini Choppers............................................................................$500.00
Pitt County Shrinettes.............................................................$1,000.00
S Brunswick Islands Shrinettes................................................$1,000.00
Sampson Co Shrinettes...........................................................$1,700.00
Shrinettes of Lenoir County.......................................................$500.00
Sudan Desert Rats....................................................................$1,000.00
Sudan Dunn Clowns................................................................$3,000.00
Sudan Motor Escort....................................................................$500.00
Sudan Mourners.......................................................................$1,000.00
Sudan Patrol.............................................................................$2,000.00
Sudan Roadsters.......................................................................$5,000.00
Sudan Truckers.........................................................................$1,500.00
Wayne Shrinettes........................................................................$800.00
Feb 2012 In Memory of
Addison Jane Smith................................................Greg & Amy Barnes
Beatrice “Bea” Swindell........................... Beatrice Riggs & Susan Riggs
C. Mitchell Moore......................................................... Billy G. Rhodes
Carey Hunter..................................Christine & Lyman Laughinghouse
Clarence Johnson................................... Charla,Brett & Chas Connors
Clarence M. Johnson.......................................... Charles & JoAnn Eley
Clarence M. Johnson.......................................... Charles & JoAnn Eley
Curtis Farrance.................................................. Hugh & Shirley Hardee
Don H Lamm..................................... A.T. High/Pittard,Perry & Crone
Dr. Griggs Dickson...............................................Marshall & Sue Brock
Effie Laughinghouse................................... Robinson & Stith Insurance
Red Fez
Gaye Renfrow...........................................................R. Harold Hinnant
George Moores.............................................................Janet C. Wingate
Herchel Epperson............................................................. JoAnn Koontz
Herman L. Kinlaw............................................................. Buddy Inman
Irvin Lee Hayes................................................ Mr & Mrs Gerald Harris
Irvin Lee Hayes.................................................... Francis & Emily Biggs
Irvin Lee Hayes............................. Kathy,Wayne,Teresa, Chris & Sarah
Irvin Lee Hayes.................................................................Lillian J. Batts
Irvin Lee Hayes......................................................... Rebecca S Gupton
J.B. “Jim” Bullard..................................................Mrs William C. Tripp
James Earl Vann.................................................. Billy & Phillip Rhodes
James Earl Vann.......................................Mr & Mrs Claude H. Blanton
Jerry Forrest........................................Myers Bigel Sibley & SaJovec,PA
Jesse Briley...................................................................Janet C. Wingate
Jesse Briley.......................................................... Pitt County Shrinettes
Jesse Briley........................................................ Hugh & Shirley Hardee
Jesse Briley.......................................................... Tom & Darlene Harris
Jesse Briley........................................................... Roger & Brenda Mills
John Rowan.......................................................................Sandra Owen
John Rowan...................................................................... Brenda Prease John Rowan.....................................................................Dixon Britt, Jr.
John Rowan.....................................................................Ava Gray Britt
John S. Thompson Sr........................................................ John Gooden
Joseph Gurganus...............................................Sylvia & Kenneth Perry
Joseph Gurganus...............................................Sylvia & Kenneth Perry
Joseph Gurganus...............................................Sylvia & Kenneth Perry
Joseph Gurganus........................................Rabbit & Kathy Edmondson
Joseph Gurganus.............................................................. Linda Pittman
Joseph Gurganus.............................................Richard & Verona Taylor
Joseph Gurganus..........................................Milton & Elizabeth Wynne
Joseph Gurganus................................................Mr & Mrs King Leggett
Joseph Gurganus......................................................Sharon G. Halstead
Joseph Gurganus............................................................ Anne Gurganus
Joseph Gurganus............................................... Mr & Mrs Andrew Eure
Joseph Gurganus............................................................Brenda M. Mills
Joy Tanner......................................................... Hugh & Shirley Hardee
Leigh Ferrell Gay.................................................... Tom High & Family
Lottie E. Roberts................................................. Charles & JoAnn Eley
Margaret T Roseman.......................................................Rex L. Overlin
Marion A. Gore...........................................S Brunswick Islands Shrine Mary T. Honeycutt............................................................. Buddy Inman
Mary Whitley.................................................. Bruce & Jeannette Tyson
Michael Rogers...................................................... Ernie & Erin Carson
Patricia Floyd Cox...................................................... Bruce McPherson
Peggy Ormond.......................................................... Elizabeth Haddock
Philip Pridgen................................................. Wade & Chris Matthews
Stella Jones Wright..................................Mr & Mrs Claude H. Blanton
Stella Jones Wright........................................ Frederick & Susan Joyner
T. Bruce Boyette.......................................................Fred & Sue Oglesby
T. Bruce Boyette................................................ Hugh & Shirley Hardee
T. Bruce Boyette..................................................Mr & Mrs Joe I. Joyner
T. Bruce Boyette...................................................Marshall & Sue Brock
T. Bruce Boyette................................................................... Lena Brown
T. Bruce Boyette...............................................Martha & H.H. Walston
T. Bruce Boyette................................................Janice & Hubert Arthur
Vivian Singletary.............................................................. Brenda Prease
Will Stanaland............................................... Wayne & Marsha Benton
William Fodrie....................................................................... Tim Fodrie
Total $2309
Feb 2012 - Plaque/Donations
Davis Caudill, Boys Scout Troop 200...........................................$10.00
Edgar Rich, II................................................................................$50.00
Elizabeth City SC - Venison Feast..............................................$845.00
Havelock Shrine Club Plaques...................................................$300.00
Pamlico County Shrine Club Plaques........................................$125.00
Robeson Co SC Plaque Sales.....................................................$225.00
Wayne SC - Plaque Sales............................................................$900.00
Feb 2012 - In Honor of
Donna Horton..................................................... John & Diane Collins
Marie DeBruhl..................................................... John & Diane Collins
Sharon Evans....................................................... John & Diane Collins
Sheila Foy............................................................. John & Diane Collins
Total $200.00
Feb 2012 - Trans - In Memory of
Earl Pittman.....................................................Rocky Mount Shrinettes
George “Tommy” Griffin...................................Leah White and Family
Joseph Gurganus................................................Martin Co Shrine Club
T. Bruce Boyette............................................... Ron & JoAnn Poythress
Travis G. Page....................................................... Buddy & Tina Brown
Total $135
Feb 2012 -Transportation Donations
Alpha Delta Kappa Soriety.........................................................$130.00
Elizabeth City Shrinettes............................................................$320.00
Johnston County Shrine Club.................................................$2,000.00
Wrecking Crew...........................................................................$600.00
Wrecking Crew...........................................................................$250.00
Feb 2012 - Trans - In Honor of
Buddy & Tina Brown..............................................Cale & Jamie Grady
Coble & Sheryl Wilson..........................................Cale & Jamie Grady
Janelle Ezzell.....................................................Rocky Mount Shrinettes
Mary Linda Tharrington..................................Rocky Mount Shrinettes
Steve & Traci Norris...............................................Cale & Jamie Grady
Camp Rainbow is a summer camp for Girls and Boys
that was established in 1954. The Camp is nestled in the
beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains between Boone and
Banner Elk, North Carolina.......
The cost for camp is $280.00 per camper per week. This includes all
activities, meals, lodging and a T-Shirt!
A family of four can stay for only $55.00 per night,excluding the
months of December, January and February when the rate is $75.00
per night. Each additional person will be $5.00 per night with a limit of six people in each cottage. Check our
availability and come enjoy a weekend or week in the mountains! They also rent facilities for other events
including weddings, meetings and parties.
337 Camp Rainbow Road ~ Boone, NC 28607 ~ ph: 828-963-4680 ~
For Sale: Greenleaf Cemetery Plots
Masonic II, Lot 108, Spaces 3 & 4.
$1800 each; both for $3500
Perpetual Care Included;
$200 value each
Will split the $250 transfer fee
Contact: Chuck Denham
erCreek Seaf
One hour east of New Bern overlooking Pamlico Sound
Five minutes by boat from NC Game Lands and Mouse Harbor
Duck Hunting, Fishing, Kayaking, Crabbing and Oystering
Bunkhouse, Full Kitchen, Shower, Cleaning Station and Ice
Boat Slip rentals available, average 3-4 feet of water
FIND US ON FACEBOOK! 832 Oyster Creek Road, Lowland NC
James and Monica Carawan
Onslow Grading & Paving, Inc.
115 Atlas Brown Dr.
Jacksonville, NC 285401”x 2 column
Atlas Brown
Jeff Brown NCL#42085
April 2012
Fax 910-346-9555
Red Fez
OF NEW BERN, DESERT OF NORTH CAROLINA. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master
Mason in good
(If Fez size is unknown,
measure around head)
April 2012
Red Fez