DAR News - Mississippi State Society DAR
DAR News - Mississippi State Society DAR
NATIONAL THEME 2010-2013: Preserve the Past, Enhance the Present, Invest in the Future STATE THEME 2010-2013: The time is NOW! Mississippi State Society STATE SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:1: To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. DAR News STATE HYMN: God of our Fathers STATE REGENT’S PROJECT: Cookin’ up an office space Volume 25, Number 5 www.mississippidar.org www.mississippidar.org/ourpage State Board of Management State Regent Janet Looney Whittington Post Office Box 159 Bentonia, MS 39040-0159 Phone (662) 755-2308 whittingtonjanet@bellsouth.net First Vice Regent Pamela Graham White 108 Camp Garaywa Road Clinton, MS 39056-5410 Second Vice Regent/ Newsletter Editor Charla Mitchell Jordan 112 Bella Vista Drive Brandon, MS 39042-8250 charla11@comcast.net Chaplain Anna Majure Royston 108 Newport Circle Clinton, MS 39056-5430 Recording Secretary Harriet Holton Phalen 615 South 19th Avenue Hattiesburg, MS 39401-7453 Corresponding Secretary Annis Guess Dickerson 31926 Attala Highway 19 West, MS 39192-8359 Organizing Secretary Rebecca Raney Lamb 407 Lincoln Avenue Greenwood, MS 38930-2319 Treasurer Martina Palmertree Mayfield 36 County Road 3 Vaiden, MS 39176-5331 Registrar Billie Foutch Breedlove 101 Allen Street Batesville, MS 38606-2302 Historian Amelia Katherine Langford Post Office Box 105 Lena, MS 39094-0105 Librarian Wendy Davis Cartwright Post Office Box 52 Yazoo City, MS 39194-0052 Curator Mary Francis Willard 81 Roxie Road Roxie, MS 39661-9601 Rosalie Governing Board Chairman Cindy Segraves Phillips 372 Sundial Road Madison, MS 39110-8772 Parliamentarian Mary Sue Douglas 416 Oak Bend Brandon, MS 39047-7292 Regent’s Remarks Dear Mississippi Daughters, I am delighted to invite you to the 107th State Conference, which will spotlight historic preservation here in Mississippi. The theme is straight from our opening ritual: “Yea, I have a goodly heritage.” We can’t even mention historic preservation without thinking of Rosalie, our lady on the bluff. With thousands of visitors each year, she is our gift to our community by the preservation of the state’s history, as well as a boon to its tourism economy. 2013 marks our 75th year of careful ownership, and I think it’s time to do a little celebrating. I am declaring that 2013 will be our Diamond Anniversary year for Rosalie. (If Her Majesty, ER II can have a Diamond Jubilee after only 60 years on the throne, I don’t think a 75th for us is out of line!) I have planned for some fun events at Conference to begin our Diamond Jubilee year in style. First, opening evening. I am asking each of you to wear your “diamonds” to opening evening. ALL your diamonds. Think of this as the only time in DAR history when Less is not More. Your state officers have agreed to step out in faith that they will not be the only ones decked out in totally tasteless rhinestone grandeur. I have alerted our conference guests that they should prepare to dazzle us and to be dazzled right back. Our Opening Evening keynote speaker, Mr. Hank Holmes, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, is delighted to be part of such a distinctive event. He will tell us the most recent and the most important developments across the state in the various areas of historic preservation. I will provide him with sunglasses. At the business session on Friday, there will be much to discuss. Polly Grimes is going to present information on her outstanding State Regent’s project, which is complete and will be an asset for Rosalie for decades to come. I will be reporting on my own complete project, the status of the preservation of the lay lights in the DAR Library, and the presentation of our beautiful silver tray to the USS Mississippi nuclear submarine. (In January I will visit the boat in Groton, Connecticut.) Pam White is preparing a special photographic display for this year’s Regents’ Evening. Called a “Gala Gallery of Chapters,” we plan to show every chapter in the state at work or play. We will also enjoy our C.A.R. debutante presentation. After this presentation, we will have a Rosalie Diamond Jubilee celebration in the Penthouse. I have invited the debutantes and their families to be our special guests, so that we will have a chance to get to know them better. There is some fun planned, as well! You will be glad you came. On Saturday we will have an “Off to Congress” breakfast. Following this informative meal, at our final business session we will recognize our 50 year members. All 50 year members are encouraged to attend this special event. We will close with the nomination of candidates and election of a new State Board. The incoming Board, except the State Regent elect and First Vice Regent elect, will be installed at the close of conference. December 2012 Please come join your state officers at the 107th Mississippi State Society State Conference. We will do our best to make you even prouder to be a Mississippi Daughter. In DAR service, Janet Looney Whittington State Regent REPORT OF THE ROSALIE GOVERNING BOARD CHAIRMAN www.RosalieMansion.com Dear Mississippi Daughters, A perfectly glorious mid October day greeted the Mississippi Daughters this fall as they gathered in the gardens of Rosalie for our annual Rosalie Day activities on October 17, 2012. One hundred thirty Daughters enjoyed early morning coffee and nibbles, shopped in the Mansion Market, checked out the tables for DAR projects and committees, researched in the MSSDAR Library, purchased gifts in the Gift Shop and enjoyed the company of many dear DAR friends. The highlight of the morning events before the meeting began was the formal presentation and ribbon cutting of the State Regent’s Project. The State Regent, Janet Looney Whittington, made brief remarks and expressed her deep appreciation to the Mississippi Daughters for their strong support of this much needed project. After she cut the ribbon across the door to the old kitchen, Mrs. Whittington asked everyone to tour the ground floor of the Dependency and view the completed project. The project included the security wall put up along the stair case to the second floor and the complete renovation of the kitchen/office area. After the tour of the project, the Daughters went to the front lawn of Rosalie for the annual meeting held each Rosalie Day. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Rosalie Governing Board, Cindy Segraves Phillips. Due to the illness of her husband, Rosalie Chaplain Theresa Spigener Demoran was unable to attend the festivities. Mary Francis Willard, State Curator, gave the invocation followed by Bettie Horrell Johnson, Honorary Vice President General, NSDAR, who led those gathered in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Greetings were brought by the State Regent, Janet Looney Whittington; Polly Hunter Grimes, Vice President General, NSDAR, and Honorary State Regent; Bettie Horrell Johnson, Honorary Vice President General, NSDAR, and Honorary State Regent; and Sharon Cothern Nettles, Honorary State Regent. The Silver Bowl Award for the chapter with the most members present was won by Natchez Chapter, Natchez, Nan Erle F. Schuchs, Regent. Several chapters donated books to the MSSDAR Library housed at Rosalie during the Rosalie Day meeting. They are as follows: Home Sweet Homochitto given by William Dunbar Chapter; Defenders of the Old Southwest given by Ashmead Chapter; Researchers Guide to American Genealogy and The Christopher Guice Family in America both given by Natchez Chapter; WPA Source Material for Mississippi History – Pike County given by Judith Robinson Chapter; and The Caldwell Family given by Belvidere Chapter. Rosalie Costume Chairman Melody Worrell graciously accepted the two costumes donated by the Daughters. Natchez Chapter donated a skirt. Yazoo Chapter donated a skirt and several yards of matching fabric. By complete coincidence, the Illinois Society’s Historian’s Bus Tour was in Natchez on October 17 and had plans to tour Rosalie. The bus was met by the State Regent, Janet Whittington, and Mississippi Daughter Cindy Mangum, who was in costume. The Mississippi Daughters gathered for Rosalie Day formed a welcome line to greet the Illinois Daughters, Candy Fryburger, State Regent, and led them to Rosalie’s front porch. The Rosalie Chairman Cindy Phillips and Mrs. Whittington welcomed the group to Rosalie and introduced the Manager, Mr. Jennings, and the hostesses who would guide them through the house. After they toured the house and visited the gift shop, Mrs. Whittington presented each Illinois Daughter with a Rosalie tin as she boarded the bus and thanked her for coming to Rosalie. We loved having the Illinois Daughters drop in for a visit to Rosalie on this special day for the Mississippi Daughters at their state society’s headquarters. As the box lunches were being passed out, the State Regent, Mrs. Whittington, was presented with a surprise - a beautiful “DAR blue” and white birthday cake. The group sang “Happy Birthday” to her and wished her many happy returns of the day. Everyone enjoyed a piece of birthday cake for dessert after lunch. Gratitude is expressed to Sally Campbell, Mansion Market Chairman, for her tireless work to set up, sell, break down, and store the items for the Mansion Market. We are truly grateful for her work with this committee. One hundred percent of the funds generated by the Mansion Market directly benefit Rosalie and help us pay the bills. Thank you, Sally, for chairing this committee and thank you, Daughters, for patronizing it. A candlelight reception was held the night before Rosalie Day in the dining room of the Mansion. This annual event has become a Rosalie Day tradition that the Daughters and guests highly anticipate each year. Deep appreciation is expressed to Hospitality Chairman Priscilla Harper and her Vice Chairman Weda Hudson for their lovely decorations for the Rosalie Day tables. They have brought lovely cornucopias and flowers each year that have added a festive touch of autumn to the occasion. Since this was the final Rosalie Day of the Whittington Administration, the decorations were sold to benefit Rosalie. Nearly four hundred dollars was raised through this sale. Thank you Priscilla, Weda, and your committee. Sincere gratitude is expressed to Mary Sue Douglas and her committee who have handled registration for Rosalie Day for the past three years; Natchez Chapter, Nan Erle F. Schuchs, Regent, and William Dunbar Chapter, Sandra H. Taylor, Regent, for the early morning coffee and refreshments; Rouchelle Chaffin, Gift Shop Manager; Renee Jennings, Rosalie Bookkeeper; James Jennings, Rosalie’s Resident Manager; and the Rosalie staff for their many hours of preparation and outstanding execution of the Rosalie Day plans. Spring Pilgrimage dates are March 9 - April 9, 2013. Rosalie will again be open every day during Pilgrimage from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. We really need the Mississippi Daughters to come and serve as hostesses during Pilgrimage. The costumes are ready and waiting for you in the basement. The rental fee is only $15. Gather a group from your chapter and come to Rosalie to greet our tourist guests next Spring Pilgrimage. As I write this, the summer flowers have been replaced by pansies and snapdragons and frost is settling us in for winter. The camellias are budded and will be blooming soon. Rosalie is beautifully decorated for Christmas. She is sparkling for all who visit or pass by. The beautiful green Rosalie costume of the late Stacia Boyd Peaster, Honorary State Regent and Past Vice President General, is on the mannequin in the ladies’ parlor. It’s perfect for Christmas time and draws many favorable comments from our tourist guests. A new Christmas tree was purchased last year after Christmas during the half price sales. It is lovely standing in the area between the gentlemen’s and ladies’ parlors. Your constant loving care, attention, and support of Rosalie are greatly appreciated by this officer and the Rosalie Governing Board. Thank you for always being there for Rosalie, our “Lovely Lady on the Bluff.” Cindy Segraves Phillips, Chairman State Regent Janet Looney Whittington cordially invites you to attend The One Hundred Seventh Annual State Conference of the Mississippi State Society Daughters of the American Revolution February 14, 15, and 16, 2013 Hilton Jackson Jackson, Mississippi Mary Sue Douglas State Conference Coordinator 601-992-8925, 601-613-8949 cell Mdouglas44@bellsouth.net Susie M. Thomas, 2013 State Conference Co-Chairman 662-754-3583 home 662-721-0975 cell (text, no voice mail) Susiemthomas1@yahoo.com Donna L. Abbott, 2013 State Conference C0-Chairman 662-585-3764 home 662-397-5301 cell (text and voice mail) dlabbott_mmw@bellsouth.net Mary Ann Hess Registration Chairman 601-425-3703, 601-580-4005 cell maryannhess@laurelms.com Janet Whittington State Regent Invites Daughters and Guests WE NEED YOU to the TO SERVE AS HOSTESS AT ROSALIE state regent’s Spring Pilgrimage in Natchez is March 9 to April 9, 2013. We need Daughters to serve as hostesses at Rosalie every day during Pilgrimage. Costumes are available for $15 per day. Come, bring a friend, and have fun! Contact: Hostess Chairman Charla Jordan, 601-825-3000, charla11@comcast.net or Hostess Co-Chairman Cindy Mangum, 601-214-4845, cfmangum123@gmail.com. MANSION MARKET will be open for business at STATE CONFERENCE! Remember, bring your items for sale and don’t forget to shop! Questions? Contact Sally Campbell Chairman Cell 985-788-6809 LACC1776@aol.com Rosalie Diamond Jubilee reception Immediately following the Presentation of debutantes Friday, February 15, 2013 Hilton Jackson Penthouse CHAPLAIN'S CORNER The Memorial Service is Thursday, February 14, 2013 at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. Names of deceased daughters should be reported to me NO LATER than January 10, 2013. Hats and gloves are encouraged but are not required. Anna Majure Royston, State Chaplain 108 Newport Circle, Clinton, MS 39056 601-924-9346, roystonana@aol.com NATIONAL DEFENSE LUNCHEON SPEAKER—ROGER WICKER Roger F. Wicker has represented Mississippi in the United States Senate since December 2007. During his time in the Senate, Wicker has championed progrowth policies to create jobs and has worked to reduce spending, limit federal overreach, and maintain a strong national defense. Wicker serves as Deputy Whip and is a member of the Armed Services Committee; the Budget Committee; the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee; the Environment and Public Works Committee; and the Joint Economic Committee. As Deputy Whip, Wicker works alongside Republican Whip John Cornyn to promote a conservative agenda and build support for the legislative plan. Prior to his service in the Senate, Wicker was elected seven times, beginning in 1994, to represent Mississippi’s First Congressional District in the House of Representatives. Before being elected to Congress, he served in the state Senate on behalf of Lee and Pontotoc counties. Senator Wicker served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force and then joined the Air Force Reserve. He retired from the Reserve in 2004 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. A native of Pontotoc, Mississippi, the Senator is the son of former Circuit Judge Fred Wicker and the late Mrs. Wordna Wicker. He was educated in the public schools of Pontotoc and received his B.A. and law degrees from the University of Mississippi. Wicker is a member of the First Baptist Church Tupelo, where he sings in the choir. Senator Wicker is married to the former Gayle Long of Tupelo. They have three children: Margaret and son-inlaw Manning McPhillips; Caroline and son-in-law Kirk Sims; and McDaniel Wicker; and two grandchildren: Caroline and Henry McPhillips. Opening Night Speaker—Hank Holmes Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History H. T. Holmes began his term as the sixth director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) on January 1, 2005. Holmes succeeded Elbert R. Hilliard, who served thirty-one years in the position. Holmes, director of the department's Archives and Library division since 1988, began his association with MDAH in 1969 as a college intern. He went on to serve as oral historian, archivist, records analyst, manuscript curator, map curator, and head of the special collections section. A native of Winona, Holmes earned his B.A. in English from Millsaps College in 1973 and a master's degree in library science from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1982. "I cannot think of a more appropriate choice for director than Hank Holmes," said William F. Winter, MDAH board president. "I know that under Hank the department will continue to meet the high standards set by Elbert Hilliard." Holmes, shown at the Winter Building construction site, was active in the planning of the new archives building. CHILDREN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION M.S.S.C.A.R. officers for 2012-2013 are Mary Elizabeth Stringer, President; Anna Morrison, 1st Vice President; James Marcus Moore, 2nd Vice President; Maggie Hubbard, Chaplain; Gracie Lyon, Recording Secretary; Annabeth Breeden, Organizing Secretary; Marley Johnson, Corresponding Secretary; Read Carlton, Treasurer; Rachel Carlton, Registrar; Madison Stringer, Historian; and Colbert Lehr, Librarian/Curator. Newly elected members were installed by honorary M.S.S.C.A.R. Senior President, Mrs. Kathy Henry. President Mary Elizabeth Stringer chose as her State Theme “Planting for the Future.” Her project is to raise funds to refurbish the gardens at Rosalie. Stringer attended the 117th National Convention in Arlington, Virginia in April of 2012. She was installed as the M.S.S.C.A.R. president by National President Greg Thorne. Stringer represented Mississippi as a voting delegate. M.S.S.C.A.R. was represented at all four of the MSSDAR District Meetings held during the summer of 2012. A table with C.A.R. information was available and a report of state activities was presented by Stringer at all four meetings. The C.A.R. South Central Regional was held in Tupelo, Mississippi on June 18th and 19th, 2012. Members attended business sessions and visited the Elvis Presley Museum. Evening festivities included a banquet and dance. C.A.R. is so appreciative of the wonderful support received from the DAR chapters throughout the state. The Summer Packet Meeting/Rosalie Day was held August 4, 2012. State President Mary Elizabeth Stringer presided. A business meeting was held in the morning with state chairman presenting the national contests. Members and guests dressed in costume and served as tour guides for the afternoon tours. In attendance were 21 C.A.R. members, 20 seniors and 22 guests. Eight C.A.R. societies from across the state were represented. Upcoming events in 2013 are the State Conference on March 23 at the Fernwood Country Club in McComb; the National Convention April 19-21st at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Arlington, Virginia; and the South Central Regionals June 18th-19th in Oklahoma. The C.A.R. debutante presentation will be held February 15, 2013 at the DAR State Conference. Those who will be C.A.R. members on that date, 17-21 years of age, and who are at least a senior in high school are invited to participate. Please contact Jo Hubbard at 601-613-2620 or jo.hubbard@comcast.net for further information. ATTENTION YEARBOOK REPORTING DEADLINES New Reporting Period: March 1 to December 31, 2012 Regents: Please email your yearbook report to me at Lcp@netdoor.com and mail a copy to State Regent Janet Whittington on or before January 15, 2013. Your report should cover the period March 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. State Officers, State Chairmen, District Directors, and Club Presidents: Your report (same instructions) is due February 15, 2013. Instructions for yearbook reports were included in the District Workshop packets and can be found on Ourpage under “Important Forms/Regent.” Links to reports from previous years are also on Ourpage in the “MSSDAR Information Archives.” Please call or email me if you have questions. Hattie Phalen, Recording Secretary 601-545-8384 IRS Form 990-N Filing Due before May 15, 2013 (This is earlier than previous years) Chapter Regents and Chapter Treasurers: Please remember to file your 990-N before May 15, 2013. There has been a lot of confusion regarding this filing. Go ahead and take care of this and remember to send a copy of your confirmation to: Martina Mayfield, State Treasurer, 36 CR 3, Vaiden, MS 39176. Save a copy for your records. Questions? Contact Martina Mayfield, State Treasurer, 662-464-0249 ATTENTION: CHAPTER REGENTS CHAPTER ACHIEVEMENT REPORTS MSSDAR and NSDAR Due January 15, 2013 Please mail two copies of the completed MSSDAR Chapter Achievement report form to me no later than January 15, 2013. Also, if you did not complete the NSDAR Chapter Achievement form online, please mail me two copies of that report no later than January 15, 2013. (If you completed the NSDAR Chapter Achievement report online, I can access your report on the NSDAR web site, so you don’t need to mail hard copy to me.) I encourage you to complete the NSDAR electronic form online. It is even easier to use this year. Please contact me with any questions. I’ll be glad to help. Berkeley Ostrander, Chapter Achievement Chairman 121 Vine Drive, Brandon, MS 39047, 601-316-6011 berkeleyware3@gmail.com DAR GOOD CITIZEN AWARDS Old Capitol Museum Tour and National Defense Luncheon Friday, February 15, 2013 DAR Good Citizen award recipients and their parents are cordially invited to attend the Old Capitol Museum Tour and the National Defense Luncheon as guests of their sponsoring chapters. Students will be recognized at that time as a group. Regents, please make reservations for each person using the Conference Registration Form by the deadline indicated. The Tour will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Old Capitol Museum, which is located at 100 South State Street, Jackson, Mississippi. Those students not attending the tour should arrive at Conference Registration at the Hilton Jackson by 11:30 a.m. I look forward to meeting you there! Lori V. Godwin DAR Good Citizen Chairman 601-201-2963 (cell) All Daughters are invited to the STATE OFFICERS’ CLUB DINNER February 14, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Speaker: Cindy Gardner Director of Collections at the Old Capitol Museum Program: Mississippi’s Quilt Heritage President: Berkeley Ostrander Vice-President: Frances Williams Chaplain: Laurie Crowson Secretary –Treasurer: Virginia Walker Support Your State Regent’s Project at Rosalie Voices on this lovely, 14x18” framed oil painting by Mississippi Daughter Jenny Thames will be available at State Conference. DATES TO REMEMBER 107th MSSDAR State Conference February 14-16, 2013 Spring Pilgrimage – Rosalie Open Every Day March 9—April 9, 2013 IRS 990-N Filing Deadline May 15, 2013 Continental Congress Bus Trip June 24—July 2, 2013 Deadline for June 2013 MSSDAR News Submissions April 15, 2013 PAGES NEEDED FOR STATE CONFERENCE We are looking for DAR Juniors and C.A.R. members 16 and older, please. No experience necessary, just white dresses. We’ll even provide the gloves! We would love to have you, even if you can only make it for a day. If you, your daughter, or granddaughter are interested, please contact: Juliette Cassagne State Page Chairman Phone: 504-481-6822 STATE CONFERENCE GUESTS Virginia Lingelbach State Regent of Georgia Virginia joined the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution in 1983 as a charter member of the Sukey Hart Chapter in Warner Robins. She has worked actively for the society at the Chapter, State, and National levels for the past 29 years. On the State level she has served as Librarian, Chaplain, Recording Secretary, State 2nd Vice Regent and DAR Schools Chairman, and State First Vice Regent. She was installed as State Regent at the 121 st Continental Congress. At the National level, Virginia has served as Vice Chairman of the DAR Schools Tour, a position she has held in three Administrations. She served as Vice Chairman of Guest Hospitality for four years; and past Co-Vice Chairman of the Units Overseas Luncheon. She is the immediate past National Chairman of Continental Congress and currently serves the National Society as the President General’s Project Chairman. Her commitment to DAR schools has been recognized by her appointments to the Kate Duncan Smith DAR School Board of Trustees, and the KDS Endowment Committee; the Tamassee Council and Advisory Committee, and the Crossnore School DAR Advisory Board. She is an active member of the DAR State and National Speakers Staff and is a Museum Correspondent Docent. She is also a member of the Heritage Club, Founders Club, 1890 Giving Circle, and the Cameo Club. Virginia retired from the Federal Government in 1995 after 30 years of service in the field of Human Resources. At the culmination of her career, she was awarded the Outstanding Civilian Career Service Award by the Department of the Air Force. Laura M. Kessler State Regent of New Hampshire Laura McCrillis Kessler joined the DAR 24 years ago as a junior member and is a member of Reprisal Chapter, Newport, New Hampshire, the chapter that her great grandmother was a charter member of in 1896. In 1996, Laura was recognized as the New Hampshire and Northeast Division’s Outstanding Junior Member. She has served her state as state chairman of various committees, State Chaplain, State Vice Regent and currently serves as State Regent. On the national level she paged for six years; served as a member of the Platform Committee and the President General’s Reception Committee; served as Second Vice President, First Vice President, and President of the National Vice Chairmen’s Association; and served as a national chairman for the DAR Good Citizens and the Americanism Committees. Laura also narrated the 2010 DAR Library video. Laura is a full-time middle school social studies and language arts teacher who was recognized in 2001 as the NH Social Studies Teacher of the Year and was honored this past October by the National Council for Geographic Education with a national “Distinguished Teaching Award” for her teaching of geography. Locally, she is involved with her town’s historical society, Opera House Association, and community theater. In her free time she likes to geocache, knit, and read. She and her husband Jeffrey have two children, Katharine and Philip, who are both C.A.R. members. Her daughter Katharine recently became a DAR member. Patricia M. Hatfield State Regent of Virginia Patricia Musick Hatfield grew up in the small town of Grundy in Buchanan County, Virginia. She attended Pikeville College in Kentucky, earning a B.S. degree in Elementary Education and English. After teaching in the Buchanan County School system for several years, she returned to graduate school and earned a Master's Degree from Virginia Tech in Curriculum and Instruction, with a concentration in English. In 1982, she completed a second Master's Degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in Library and Information Science. After being named Director of the Buchanan County Public Library in 1980, she worked to build a highly praised genealogical collection. For the past ten years, she has served as Director of the Smyth-Bland Regional Library in Marion, Virginia. She regularly speaks on “The Use of DNA in Genealogical Research” and “Southwest Virginia and the Battle of Kings Mountain.” Mrs. Hatfield is the widow of Paul E. Hatfield, former Buchanan County Superintendent of Schools. Mrs. Hatfield joined DAR in 1988 as a member of the Fort Maiden Spring Chapter, Tazewell, Virginia, where she served as Vice Regent. In 2000 she became the Organizing Regent of the Levisa River Chapter in Grundy. Prior to her installation as Virginia State Regent in 2010, Mrs. Hatfield served as State Vice Regent and State Librarian. She is a Past President of the District IV Regents’ Club, a member of the Virginia DAR Cameo Club, VADAR State Officers’ Club, NSDAR State Vice Regents’ Club, and the National Officers’ Club. Mrs. Hatfield also holds membership in the Virginia Branch of the U. S. Daughters of the War of 1812 and the Manakin Sabot Huguenot Society of Virginia. Denise D. VanBuren Editor-in-Chief, American Spirit National Society: Denise is the Editor-in-Chief of the American Spirit and Daughters newsletter, now serving in the ninth year. She is responsible for planning, editing and approving six combined editions (12 issues in all) of these bimonthly, award-winning publications each year. She previously served two terms as the National Chairman of the DAR Magazine Committee and two terms as the National Chairman of its Public Relations/Motion Picture, Radio & Television Committee. She is serving her third term as National Advisor to the latter committee. Her accomplishments include Executive Producer and narrator responsibilities for the Today's DAR video, rollout of the new DAR logo, coordination of the NSDAR's first full-time public relations department, and several public relations Industry awards recognizing branding of "Today's DAR." She has been a member of the DAR Speakers Staff and a Northeast Division Vice Chairman for Public Relations. New York State: Denise currently serves as the elected New York State Regent, responsible for 128 chapters and nearly 7,000 members across New York State. The theme of her administration is “Celebrate the Empire State. Excelsior!” Her project has been five fold: 1) increase membership by 10 percent; 2) upgrade the carpeting and wiring in the DAR Magazine Office; 3) complete a project in memory of “Uncle Sam” Wilson; 4) erect a commemorative marker in Trinity Churchyard for Major General Horatio Gates; and 5) support the restoration of New York’s battle flag collection. She served previously as the New York State Vice Regent. She also served as the New York State Historian and, as such, authored the booklet "Doorways to History: the Stories Behind the New York State DAR Chapter Houses and the Women Who Saved Them." She also recently served as the Senior State Chaplain for the New York State Society, Children of the American Revolution, as her son Schuyler served as the N.Y.S.S.C.A.R. State President for the year 2007-2008. Denise served as the Chairman of Margaret Corbin Day ceremonies for the New York State Officers' Club. She has previously served the New York State Organization in the capacity of Public Relations Chairman (Mrs. Hobba's Administration) and Chairman of the State Special Committee to celebrate the 225 th anniversary of the American Revolution (Mrs. Pattarini's administration). As part of the latter, Denise organized historic tours of Albany, the Mohawk Valley, and Saratoga; chaired three Friday night dinners at State Conference; and arranged to have two historic markers connoting the crossing of Washington-Rochambeau's army at the Hudson erected in Stony Point. Personal: Corporate Secretary and Vice President of Corporate Communications for CH Energy Group and its subsidiary Central Hudson, Denise holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and a master's in business administration. A former radio and television news anchor, she is the proud mother of three past or current members of the Highland Pass Society C.A.R., Schuyler (22, U.S.M.A. at West Point), Troy (20, Western Connecticut State University), and Brett (16, Our Lady of Lourdes H.S.). She is married to Christopher G. Barclay. They live in a restored 1840 farmhouse in Chelsea, New York. MISSISSIPPI STATE SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION THE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH STATE CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 14-16, 2013 STATE CONFERENCE THEME: “YEA, I HAVE A GOODLY HERITAGE” Hilton Jackson – 1001 East County Line Road, Jackson, MS 39211 (601) 957-2800 Fax (601) 978-2242 Reservation Deadline: January 25, 2013 Hotel Rates – Single - $119.00 ***************************************************************************** CONFERENCE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013 STATE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT MEETING 4:00 P.M. Port Gibson Boardroom THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2013 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 9:00 A.M.– 5:00 P.M. Regency Hall HISTORIC PRESERVATION – STATE REGENT 10:00 A.M.– 11:00 A.M. Amphitheater I & II “So you think you love old houses…” STATE BOARD LUNCHEON (by invitation only) 11:30 A.M. Penthouse MEMORIAL SERVICE 2:00 P.M. Briarwood Presbyterian Church Shuttle service provided from Hilton to church at 1:30 P.M. and return immediately after Memorial Service PAGE MEETING & REHEARSAL 4:00 P.M. Amphitheater II DAR CHORUS REHEARSAL 4:00 P.M. Salon A STATE OFFICERS’ CLUB DINNER (open to all) 6:00 P.M. Salon B & C “Mississippi’s Quilting Heritage” OPENING NIGHT CEREMONY 8:00 P.M. Salon A INFORMAL GREETING OF GUESTS following Opening Night Regency Hall Refreshments served in the Hilton Lobby by the Cameo Society, Jo Hubbard, President FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2013 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION CONTINUES 8:30 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Regency Hall BUSINESS SESSION 8:30 A.M. Salon A DAR GOOD CITIZENS TOUR 10:30 A.M. Old Capitol Museum NATIONAL DEFENSE/AWARDS LUNCHEON 12:15 P.M. Grand Ballroom PAGE EVENT immediately following luncheon Port Gibson Boardroom Check with Juliette Cassagne for details CAMEO SOCIETY MEETING 2:30 P.M. Amphitheater I & II STATE CHAIRMEN’S ASSOCIATION MEETING 3:00 P.M. Amphitheater I & II CHAPTER REGENTS’ ASSOCIATION MEETING 3.30 P.M. Amphitheater I & II JUNIORS’ CLUB MEETING 4:00 P.M. Amphitheater I & II STATE OFFICERS’ CLUB MEETING 4:30 P.M. Amphitheater I & II BANQUET – REGENTS’ EVENING 6:30 P.M. Salon B&C Gala Gallery of Chapters: Introduction of Chapter Regents and Debutantes’ Presentation STATE REGENT’S DIAMOND JUBLIEE RECEPTION Penthouse Following Regents’ Evening SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013 CONTINENTIAL CONGRESS BREAKFAST 7:30 A.M. Salon B “Ready, Set, Let’s Go” CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. Regency Hall FINAL BUSINESS SESSION 9:00 A.M. Salon A Including Honoring 50-Year Members and Election and Installation of New Officers IMPORTANT: See advance registration form. Please follow instruction CAREFULLY. Hotel reservation deadline: January 25, 2013 Conference reservation deadline: January 25, 2013 MISSISSIPPI STATE SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION STATE CONFERENCE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 – SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013 NAME _______________________________________________________ (One form per person. Please print.) CHAPTER _______________________________________ DISTRICT ___________________________________ Address __________________________________ Home Phone _______________Cell Phone________________ Check one: ______ Member ______ Guest E-Mail address _____________________________________ Please fill out one registration form for each person attending State Conference, even if you only attend one event. Make copies of this form as needed. Reservations and accompanying check MUST BE RECEIVED no later than January 25, 2013. IMPORTANT ADVANCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION – Please follow instructions carefully. The Hilton Jackson requires advance guarantee on all meals. NO PHONE REGISTRATION! All seating at National Defense Luncheon will be by reservation. In order to seat a group at the same table, all registration forms must be included in the same envelope, Group Seating Request line must be checked, and the same name must be provided in the space “Person Requesting Group Seating.” If you do not have a preference on the seating, registration will assign you to a table. It is very important for all Daughters to stay at the Hilton in order for the State Society to continue to use these facilities! Remember, your room rate is paying for the use of the hotel, also! Thank you for your support! Check if requesting group seating at National Defense Luncheon ______ Person’s name that will be on everyone’s request for this table __________________________________________ First time attending State Conference (Circle one: Yes or No) DAR MEMBER Registration Fee (REQUIRED) $ 7.00 GUEST Registration Fee (REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE WHO IS NOT A MEMBER) $ 2.00 State Officers’ Club Dinner (open to all) Thursday, February 14, 2013 6:00 PM $36.00 National Defense/Awards Luncheon – Friday, February 15, 2013 12:15 Adult Meal $29.00 *Please note that student meal is not available to adults! Student Meal (Chicken Tenders) $19.00 Regent’s Evening/Debutante Presentation, Friday, February 15, 2013 6:30 $33.00 Continental Congress Breakfast – Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:30 A.M. $25.00 ***Reservations not postmarked by January 25, 2013 will incur a Late Fee of $5.00 *** Late Fee _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Meals and Registration _________ Grand Total $130.00 Make checks payable to “State Treasurer, MSSDAR” and send registration form and check to: Mary Ann Hess, 244 Magnolia Road, Laurel, MS 39443-9556 Remember to send Credentials to Credentials Chairman by January 20, 2013. Your registration form WILL NOT serve as your credentials! HILTON HOTEL - JACKSON 1001 East County Line Road, Jackson, MS 39211 Phone: 601-957-2800 – Fax: 601-978-2242 *JANUARY 25, 2013 IS THE ABSOLUTE DEADLNE FOR RECEIVING THE DAR RATE! Contact the Hilton directly for room reservations. Mention DAR to receive rate of $119.00 per night. If you think you might attend, make your reservation NOW. Reservations are guaranteed by credit card or deposit. You will be billed for first night’s stay if you do not cancel your reservation 48 hours in advance of arrival. Young adults under the age of 21 must be accompanied by a chaperone. Check-in time is 3 p.m. Check-out time is 12 Noon. Occupancy cannot be guaranteed after 12 Noon. ROSALIE DAY A serendipitous event occurred on Rosalie Day in October when a bus of Illinois Daughters on the State Historian’s tour arrived during our meeting. The Mississippi Daughters lined the brick walkway and joined State Regent Janet Whittington in greeting them as they exited the bus. Each Illinois Daughter was given a Rosalie tin as a remembrance of their visit. Pictured (below right) are Rosalie Governing Board Hostess Co-Chairman Cindy Mangum, State Regent Janet Whittington, and Illinois State Regent Candace Fryburger. TESTIMONIAL—YOU NEED TO BE A HOSTESS AT ROSALIE! Rosalie “Feel Good” Letter I just wanted to let you know that I think going to Rosalie and being a hostess is the greatest thing anyone can do. My sister Mitzi (a pending Daughter of Loosa Schoona) and I went last week, and we had the best time. Everyone there from Vera (who helped with our dresses) on up were so great to us. Mitzi did the back parlor and I did the front parlor. We were afraid that we could not remember what we were supposed to say, but after the first tour group went thru we were able to do just great without notes. Jackie, another hostess (a great lady) that I remembered guiding tours during Rosalie Day, asked us if we would take a stroll with her in our dresses, and we walked about three blocks toward town from Rosalie and waved at everyone passing. You would not believe how the people responded to us. Two large tour buses went by, and we hope that we encouraged them to visit Rosalie. Mitzi and I did the morning tour, so we do not know if the buses went in the afternoon. I think it should be an unspoken rule that everyone has to go to Rosalie and be a hostess. AND DON'T SAY YOU LIVE TOO FAR AWAY. MITZI AND I DROVE FOR 5 HOURS JUST TO GET TO DO THIS! Rita Stewart Regent, Loosa Schoona Chapter To reserve a date to be a hostess at Rosalie during Spring Pilgrimage, March 9 through April 9, 2013, contact Charla Jordan, Rosalie Hostess Chairman, 601-825-3000, charla11@comcast.net or Cindy Mangum, Co-Chairman, 601-214-4845, cfmangum123@gmail.com. Welcome New Members We are happy to announce that the Daughters listed below have joined the Mississippi State Society since June 1, 2012. One hundred seventeen new Daughters were added to our roll by application, seven transferred in from other states, and twenty-one were reinstated. We wish each Daughter many rewarding and happy years in DAR circles of friendship, service, and commitment. Billie F. Breedlove, Registrar Amite River Leasa Shorter Annandale June Hester Betty Wilks Ashmead Elizabeth Conway Jennifer Schroeder Mary Stevens* Danella Weatherly* Belvidere Carolyn Dwyer* Bernard Romans Jimmie Barnett Burlia Ellis Hellon Reed Deborah Taylor Biloxi Carla Harbin Marilyn Streiff Bobashela Haley Huey Chief Mussacunna Alice Doddridge Linda Doddridge Martha Doddridge Allison Schmied Melissa Wall Connie Williamson Chief Red Jacket Krista Barnhart Barbara Colson Dorinda Morrow Chuquatonchee Mary Jo Anderson* Pamela Carson* Mina Carter* Frances Edens* Mina Jackson* Dancing Rabbit Leigh Cade* Elizabeth Cullum* Edith Mathias* Marion Ogletree* Alice Pieralisi* Elizabeth Sansing* Martha Wynstra* Declaration of Independence Samantha Hebert Duchess De Chaumont Mary Lucas Gail Seely Felix La Bauve Caryn Andrews Deidre Mangin Friendship Oak Bettye Barrett Edwina Conason Grenada Donna Cummings Georgia Dawson Brittany Johns** Mamie Turner* *Reinstatement **Transfer in from another state Gulf Coast Robin Butler Rachel Price Hic-A-Sha-Ba-Ha Mary Cook Donna Gainer Frances Graham Merel Hill Kaitlin Lee Eugenia Mauldin Evelyn Mauldin Horseshoe Robertson Susan Moore Itawamba Sara Davis* Jackson Military Road Joannalee Campbell Jackie McDonald James Foster Ruth Cantrell James Gilliam Dorothy Bingham Martha Bullen Lydia Dunavent Emily Grace Elizabeth McCall Stacy McCall Kimberly Montville Lora Smith Gena Standridge Emerson Wright Judith Robinson Rita Brister Lisa Haydel Mary Mitchell Sandra Noyes Virginia Zeigler Loosa Schoona Mitzi Aron Magnolia State Lucia Winn** Mary Stuart Nancy Box Carrie Coggins Rosemary Coggins Peggy Gilley Susan Heard Patricia Miller Shannon Morris Mary Pinion Holly Wroten Nahoula Sarah Beets Vivian Cowart Robert Grimmett Jane Jones Nanih Waiya Jeanette Graves Mary Tabor Natchez Terri Crawford Tamara Scales** *Reinstatement **Transfer in from another state Norvell Robertson Bonnie Drews** Addie Hudson Mabel Hudson Michele Myers Old Choctaw County Martha Lott Pathfinder Cecily Mathis Picayune Meagan Dekemel Melissa Dekemel Jessica Miller Rebecca Smith Pushmataha Mary Baysinger Laurel Van Zandt Ralph Humphreys Nina Waltzer** Rebecca Cravat Lisa Grantham Pamela Johnson Samuel Dale Amy Briscoe Seala Jennings Stacy McMullen Anna Schroeder Samuel Hammond Hilda Walton* Mary Wamble Shadrack Rogers Rebecca Jordan Dorotheann Rogers Karen Thornton Tallahala Jane Ashley Sara Evans* Nancy Kasper Mary McConville Sharon McLain Shonda McLain Alexandra O’Neal Elizabeth Patterson** Deborah Pippen Amanda Prince Mary Smith Sherry Sumrall* Thomas Rodney Thelma Ferguson Veronica Helms Tisha Vaugham Tombigbee Jennifer Hill Walter Leake Carmen Foshee Connie Mills Nancy Patterson** Holly Porter Penny Pratt William Dunbar Cynthia Bailey Leigh De Laughter Jane Dixey Yazoo Kelly Olivieri CONSERVATION Shadrack Rogers Chapter in Collins recognized Dennis Mitchell for his lifetime of conservation techniques in farming by presenting him with the NSDAR Conservation Award and Medal approved by the National Conservation Committee Chairman. Mr. Mitchell attributes his dedication to conservation to a pastor's sermon he heard in his youth. The subject was stewardship of the land. He and his wife Nelda have spent a lifetime of conservation on their farm, which has been the subject of numerous articles on farming techniques. The farm annually is the site of a pumpkin patch and corn maze for school and church groups. Historic preservation is also practiced with the preservation of an 1877 cabin on their property for visitors to see how life was in that era. Pictured (l to r): Jacqueline Rogers, Regent of Shadrack Rogers Chapter; Nelda Mitchell; Dennis Mitchell, recipient of the NSDAR Conservation Award and Medal; and Patty Turner, MSSDAR Conservation Committee State Chairman. DAR SERVICE TO VETERANS Cherokee Rose Chapter in Hazlehurst is supporting Wreaths Across America which lays Christmas wreaths at veterans' graves all across America during December. The chapter purchased wreaths, publicized this program in the local newspaper, and also ordered Service Appreciation Cards to be given to veterans at Veterans Day and Memorial Day observances and other occasions. Gift bags were prepared for veterans at the local nursing home during November. Pictured (l to r): Pat King, Regent Alice Moreland, Billie Jane Davis, Brenda Lewis, Celeste Rhymes, Betty Keywood, Judith Brewer, Mary Ann Yates, Jacqi Patten, Genevieve Harris, Beth Conner, and Bertie Mae Young. Chief Red Jacket DAR Chapter in Brandon and Gerard C. Brandon Society, Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.), hosted their annual Christmas party for residents of the nursing home at the G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center in Jackson. Chapter Regent Cindy Mangum entertained with Christmas music on her flute while members distributed refreshments and Christmas stockings stuffed with socks, candy, and comfort items. Pictured (l to r): DAR Chapter Regent Cindy Mangum, Charla Jordan, C.A.R. Senior Society Leader Jo Hubbard, and Esther Fabbricante. COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS – 9/11 Belvidere Chapter in Greenville took cakes on 9/11 to the local fire and police departments to show appreciation to their first responders. Pictured (l to r): Greenville Fire Chief Lee Gordon and Chapter Regent Frieda Hardee. COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS YAZOO CHAPTER CELEBRATES 60TH ANNIVERSARY Yazoo Chapter, Yazoo City, recently celebrated its 60th anniversary with a tea at Trinity Episcopal Church. Chapter Regent JoAnne Collins presented State Regent Janet Whittington with a flag flown over the United States Capitol in her honor. Mrs. Whittington is a member of Yazoo Chapter. Chapter Officers (l to r): JoAnne Collins, Regent; Sue Patterson, Secretary; Priscilla Harper, Vice Regent; Ava Hale, Treasurer; Sarastelle Sigrest, Chaplain; Wendy Cartwright, Registrar; and Marsha Williams, Historian. Yazoo Chapter Officers (l to r): JoAnne Collins, Regent; Sue Patterson, Secretary; Priscilla Harper, Vice Regent; Ava Hale, Treasurer; Sarastelle Sigrest, Chaplain; Wendy Cartwright, Registrar; and Marsha Williams, Historian. SILVER TRAY PRESENTED TO USS MISSISSIPPI Every now and then an absolutely vital (but unplanned and unbudgeted) need arises. The Mississippi State Society needed to offer an appropriate gift to the new USS Mississippi. Thanks to the Mississippi Daughters who supported our USS Mississippi silver tray project: Billie Breedlove, Leslie Bruning, Debbie Cannon for Annandale Chapter, JoAnne Collins, Annis Dickerson, Mary Sue Douglas, Fort Rosalie Chapter, Maxine Hamilton for Hic-A-Sha-Ba-Ha Chapter, Priscilla Harper, Dorothy Herron for Chief Mussacunna Chapter, Jo Hubbard, Charla Jordan, Rebecca Lamb for Chakchiuma Chapter, Cindy Mangum, Mary Stuart Chapter, Martina Mayfield, Cindy McNamara for Rebecca Cravat Chapter, Dana Moore, James Marcus Moore, Sharon Nettles, Olde Town C.A.R. Chapter, Sue Patterson, Katherine Pearson for Mississippi Delta Chapter, Hattie Phalen, Cindy Phillips, Hellen Polk for Hic-A-Sha-Ba-Ha Chapter, Anna Royston, Dot Ward, Pam White, Janet Whittington, and Mary Willard. On January 17, 2013 I had the pleasure of presenting the tray to the captain and crew of the USS Mississippi. I am tremendously proud to be a Mississippi DAR—proud of our generosity, proud of our support for our men in uniform, and proud of our beautiful gift. Janet Whittington State Regent MEMBERSHIP HELP! WE NEED NEW MEMBERS! Does your chapter need new ideas for New Members? A great place to look is the on the National DAR Members Webinar Achieves site. There are 7 webinars that have been conducted on Membership. The archived scripts are available for you to read on your own schedule. That means any time. There are lots of great ideas in this valuable resource. How do I find the Webinar? 1. Go to the National DAR Members Website: http:// members.dar.org 2. On the left under Frequently Visited Click on: DAR Leadership Webinar Schedule 3. On the right under Navigation: Click on: Webinar Archives Look at: All the Past Presentations and Categories Click on: Membership to bring up 7 past webinars You will find ideas for new members. Get clicking! Rebecca Lamb MSSDAR Organizing Secretary ROSALIE THIRD ARROW CHAPTER HOLDS “GRAND SLAM FOR ROSALIE” The party bridge benefit held by Third Arrow Chapter in Carrollton raised funds for Rosalie. The opening ceremony was by J.A.C.’s sponsored by Third Arrow Chapter. Funds raised will be used to restore the bathroom under the stairway in the Dependency. Editor: Charla Mitchell Jordan MSSDAR Second Vice Regent, charla11@comcast.net