a tale of two seasonals - Burke Distributing Corporation


a tale of two seasonals - Burke Distributing Corporation
Fall 2016 | V.3
A Burke Distributing Publication
Retail Edge Seasonals Burke Beer Blog New Products Programs
Letter toTHE TRADE
changing! Yet, then again, many things remain
the same. It seems like if you are not trying
to find or create the next new wave beverage, you
will suddenly be behind the times. At Burke, we are
constantly looking for that next beverage. We are
glad to have introduced many new alcoholic seltzers
and hard sodas in the past year. Their success far
out-performed my expectations! In addition to the
above, we are proud to have introduced many new
craft brands to you.
Our spirits portfolio continues to evolve. We are
constantly challenging our spirits team to bring you
that next new or different brand. For example, the
Baijiu brands from China and Tequila Fortaleza, one
of the highest rated artisanal craft spirits out there.
Our Tequilas and rums are of the highest quality. We
are proud of our spirits division and feel we have
one of the best portfolios offered in Massachusetts.
Give it a closer look!
“At Burke, we are constantly looking
for that next beverage.”
In This
Cover Story������������������������� 1
Brewer Highlight����������������� 2
Supreme Liquors����������������� 3
Cagney’s���������������������������� 4
New Products��������������������� 5
Seasonal Selections������������� 6
Spirits������������������������������ 13
Programs������������������������� 15
When I look at the brands that remain the same, Miller Lite and Coors Light are
showing positive trend changes and our Mexican imports remain on fire. If you
are not selling Modelo Especial, Coronitas and Dos Equis, you are missing out
on some great opportunities.
On a different note, recently we had a company cookout. It is great to have
as many employees as possible (we have over 300+) come together to enjoy
some food and drinks. We have it in our company parking lot. This year we
decided to have a dunk tank as part of the festivities. Austin Burke came up
with the idea that anyone who wanted to dunk those in the dunk tank (which
included owners, management and co-workers) pay a minimum of at least
$1 per throw. We picked a couple of veteran associations as the recipients of
the donations including Homes for Our Troops. Employees “donated” $705
towards the opportunity to dunk one of the dunkies, and the company matched
the funds. We were happy to use an opportunity to raise funds for some
great causes!
Retail Edge���������������������� 20
Burke Beer Blog��������������� 21
So take a look inside our Heady Times and don’t miss out on some of the great
products that you may not already offer your customers.
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you for your business! I hope you have a
successful and profitable summer!
Heady Times is published four times a year, courtesy
of Burke Distributing Corporation.
William G. Burke
Follow @BostonPours
A Tale of Two Seasonals
It is “The Best of Times” for Pumpkin-inspired and Oktoberfest Beers
Note to Retail – Sell the Brand, Not the Style
“has been greatly exaggerated”. The same can be said for
consumers’ interest in pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers. There is
no denying that pumpkin beers, and other seasonals, didn’t fly off the
shelves in 2015, as they have in the past, but in the interest of your
“bottom line” it is still imperative to offer your customers a well-curated
selection of these beers Right Now.
“Starting in August, interest in pumpkin beer and Oktoberfest seasonals
builds to a fevered pitch,” says Bart Watson of the Brewers Association.
“And as I look at annual data, I can tell you that consumer interest
in seasonal beer peaks in October, as do sales. So it is important
to sell as much of these [predominantly] high margin beers as you can
before the first of November.”
Seasonal beers remain the second most popular category within craft,
after IPAs. Fruit/Veggie/Spiced beers are a fast growing style, up 120%
in the past year. Fall seasonal styles, which are basically available for
13 weeks out of the year, account for more than more than 3% of
overall craft volume. (FYI: seasonals account for nearly 21% of total craft
“Last year was not as good a growth year for pumpkins, but the category
is still growing,” explains Watson. “Pumpkin beer is still the undisputed
heavyweight champion of the seasonal world. Brewers are excited about
making them and they still get people into the stores.”
Shifting his focus from pumpkin to Oktoberfest beers, Watson went on
record with a prediction that this year there will be an upswing in
lager sales. Oktoberfest beers are of course lagers, which are now
being rediscovered by consumers, who think they are cool again.
IRI’s Dan Wandell agrees that more sessionable beers [and other less
challenging styles] are gaining traction. Oktoberfest beers are always
sessionable lagers. He went on to point out that pumpkin beers and
Oktoberfests sit at the intersection of two mega trends, flavored and
sessionable. Says Wandell, “Craft beer is still growing at about 12% this
year… flavored craft, be it fruit, veggie or spiced, continues to grow.
The same is true for more sessionable craft beer. It’s attracting more
customers who drink them on more and more occasions.”
Sell the Brand, Not the Style
Heady Times reached out to Kate Rogers, New England Division Director
of Sales for The Boston Beer Company, maker of Sam Adams, Angry
Orchard Cider, Twisted Tea, Traveler Beer, Coney Island, and Truly
Spiked & Sparkling to discuss seasonal beer offerings. Rogers reported
that while consumers have recently been experimenting with a variety
of beer brands due to many new brand families/SKUs entering the
New England beer market, she sees beer drinkers returning to lead
seasonal brands of substance. She referenced lead brands like Samuel
Adams OctoberFest which commands an impressive 37% of all
fall seasonal sales in New England.
“When retailers offer customers too much
variety, it can have a negative impact.
The proliferation can be confusing and an
overwhelmed consumer may buy less, trade
down or buy nothing at all. To maximize
profitability in the Fall – a peak beer selling
period (IRI defines it as August through
September) – retailers need to get lead
seasonal brands out fast and early. The
focus should be on creating impact in prime
real estate locations through lead brands
customers will recognize. Our retailers in
Massachusetts recognize the opportunity to
drive incremental profits through featuring
their lead seasonal brands early and often.
This is true for both off and on-premise
classes of trade.”
Rogers recommends curating a reasonable
selection of ‘long tail brands’ for those
consumers looking for limited uniqueness,
but once again she reminds us that, “The
important thing to remember is that lead
brand families drive volume and support
and build categories. You maximize
profitability by selling each category’s
lead brands. A limited selection of long
tail brands should round out your lineup to
keep consumers satisfied.”
Rogers also said that she looks forward to
this season every year because of drinkers’
appetite for OctoberFest, Sam Adams’ #1
selling seasonal. But also for additional
seasonal styles, like pumpkin beers, which
tend to bring more drinkers into craft beer.
Fall is the season that has beer written
all over it. Even though the temperature
is in the 90s, your customers will be
receptive to reminders that it’s time to
drink flavorful fall beer as a nice change of
pace from summer’s thirst quenchers. Let
them know that autumn’s finest offerings
await: seasonal specialties, solid standbys,
innovative American craft brands and
international ambassadors of these styles.
Just do it before the end of October.
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15 Things You May Not Know
About Narragansett Beer
long and storied past. Now, under the watchful eye of owner
Mark Hellendrung, a Rhode Island Native and former President of
Nantucket Nectars, the brewery with a 126-year legacy is a powerhouse
with a new brewery “campus” in the works!
1. The Narragansett Brewery was founded in 1890.
2. The brewery’s motto, “Made on Honor. Sold on Merit,” was coined in
1909 and greeted visitors to the original brewery.
3. Theodor Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) created the Chief ‘Gansett image
and other advertising for the brewery in 1934.
4. Narragansett was the first official beer sponsor of a professional sports
team – first the Braves and eventually the Boston Red Sox, a partnership
that lasted 31 years.
5. Jack Reynolds coined the phrase, “Hi, Neighbor, Have a ‘Gansett”
in the 1950s. But it was made famous by legendary broadcaster Curt
Gowdy during every Boston Red Sox radio broadcast.
6. At its peak in 1965, Narragansett accounted for 65 percent of all
beer sold in New England.
7. That same year, Narragansett was sold to the Falstaff Brewing
Corporation which ended the baseball partnership, let sales people go and
changed the Lager recipe. Sadly, in 1983, the brewery closed its doors.
8. Along with other investors, Mark Hellendrung purchased Narragansett
Beer in 2005 and reconnected with former Brewmaster Bill Anderson to
re-create the original Narragansett Lager recipe.
9. Narragansett is now the 38th largest brewery in the United States.
10. A new Narragansett brewery “campus” is currently being built in
Pawtucket, RI that will house the brewery, a tasting room, a gift shop, at
least one restaurant, a bike shop and a beer educational facility.
11. Each summer, to coincide with the Discovery Channel’s hit series
Shark Week, Narragansett releases their flagship Lager in “throwback
cans” that were actually “crushed by Quint” in the iconic movie, Jaws.
12. Narragansett’s Mash-up Series of beers including Del’s Shandy,
Autocrat Coffee Milk Stout, Have a Hefeweizen! and Allie’s Donuts are
made in collaboration with some of Rhode Island’s most iconic companies.
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Mark Hellendrung, owner of Narragansett Beer
13. The newest Mash-Up beer, Hi Neighbor
Have a Hefeweizen!, was made in
collaboration with Bananagrams, a tile word
game that originated in Pawtucket, RI.
14. Mark Hellendrung’s favorite beerinfused meal is Beer Can Chicken made
using Narragansett Lager tall boy cans.
15. The brewery’s Lovecraft Series of beers,
that pays homage to horror story writer H.P.
Lovecraft, was the idea of a ‘Gansett Girl
who is also a librarian.
Background: Rendering of the new Narragansett Brewery campus
Supreme Liquors
neighborhoods undergo transformations in less than a
generation. Perhaps no other business embodies that spirit
of evolution more than local chain Supreme Liquors. The origin of
the business began at the turn of the century when brothers John
and Paul Cifrino immigrated from Campagnia, Italy. They were
butchers by trade and opened their first store on Salem Street
in the North End. By 1919 they owned seven stores around the
city, but closed them down in order to open one huge store in
Dorchester – a “super” market, if you will. Uphams Corner Market
is considered by many to be the nation’s first supermarket, and
was certainly one of the largest in the world at the time. They
opened another in Cambridge’s Central Square in 1922, and both
brothers were able to retire in 1929 when they sold the locations.
Exterior Storefront
Unable to stay out of the business world for long, they started a
new venture called “Supreme Markets”. They had three locations
too. I’m looking at sales reports for all four
in Quincy, Dorchester, and South Boston. The Dorchester location was
stores every day as well as on a weekly
granted a liquor license in 1936 and has held that same license for 80
and a monthly basis. We try to identify
years, making it the longest standing individually owned liquor license
what items are hot and maybe turn it into a
issued by the city.
display or a feature.”
Their business went through many changes until they reached where they
Of course, there’s another crucial
are today. The current CEO Tom Cifrino now owns four stores: Central
component besides customer requests
Square in Cambridge, Wollaston in Quincy, and the Upham’s Corner and
and sales reports. “I’m very dependent
Gallivan Boulevard locations in Dorchester. When these stores opened,
on getting information about products
the combined square footage totaled 4,000 – fast forward to today and
from my reps. It’s nice to have people
the many expansions and renovations have vaulted that number to over
in the business that you can trust to let
25,000 square feet of retail space.
you know what’s going on. They know
Current Vice President and General Manager Steve Wilkinson joined
what’s coming on before I know. As much
the company in 1984 as a clerk in the Fields Corner store and was
as I can read and gather information on
promoted to his current position in 2004. We sat down with Steve in
my own, they have all that information
the newly renovated and expanded Gallivan Boulevard location and got
on their handhelds. I brought in Spiked
his perspective about how Supreme has managed to thrive in a tough
Seltzer when it first came out based on a
business for all these years. One secret of their success? “It starts with
recommendation from my rep. We sold a
service. Whether it’s a college student or an older person, if you’re from
couple at first, but it didn’t really do much.
a bad neighborhood or a good one, everyone wants good service. We
Then when the summer came around it just
also like to put money back into our stores; we’re always remodeling,
exploded and now we can barely keep it
always updating and evolving. We like to have clean floors and well lit
in stock.”
stores. It doesn’t matter what neighborhood it’s in, nobody should have
The recent expansion and remodel of the
to shop in a substandard place.”
Gallivan Boulevard store took ten months.
Overseeing four stores in very different locations carries its own set of
A mezzanine was built to house high end
challenges. “In each store you wear a different hat. It took a long time
wines, and newly acquired square footage
to get used to that because what works at one store doesn’t necessarily
gave the beer section more room to grow.
work at another. In Cambridge we don’t do a ton of case sales because
Murals painted by local artists adorn the
people are walking and taking the train or the bus, but when you go to
walls alongside a proudly hung framed
Fields Corner it’s all case sales. There’s a certain point where you see
reproduction of the original 1936 liquor
those differences and you just have to roll with it.”
license. They even had custom made
wallpaper printed with old photographs of
Because the stores are all so different it can be tricky when it comes
the Cifrinos’ stores throughout the years,
time to order product. “If the customer wants it, we carry it. I put in
reminding shoppers of the history of a
requests for beers I haven’t heard of all the time. If I can supply it and
local business that has grown, changed
the guy next to me doesn’t, then I have the advantage. We’re always
and thrived alongside the city that made it
looking at SKUs that aren’t selling as well as they should be, and cycling
all possible.
them out and adding something new. Sales reports are so important
www.burkedist.com HeadyTimes v.3
twenty-five years ago, he had almost no
restaurant industry experience but he knew he
had a big project in front of him. “The previous owners
had some tax issues and they had to shut down one
day during lunch. They locked and shuttered the place
up just like that and nobody had even been inside until
we got in here.” He lets that sink in for a minute. “We
had to throw almost everything in here away. It was
something to see.” After a major cleaning and remodel,
he set out to reinstate the bar as a local staple.
Cagney’s is a bit off the beaten path of Quincy Center,
which DiBona doesn’t mind. “It gives the place more of
a neighborhood feel, and the parking situation is great.”
In an area that’s undergone a lot of changes in twentyfive years and shows no sign of stopping, Cagney’s has
continued to thrive by embracing those changes.
Mark DiBona, owner of Cagney’s
One of the ways that DiBona keeps up to speed on trends in the industry
is by keeping close communication with his staff. “Their input is crucial.
We get together and talk all the time about things that they see at other
places when they go out, and we play around with ideas and see how
we can get them to work here.” Putting these ideas into practice seems
to resonate with his staff, many of which have been working with him
for years. “I think they feel invested in this place because they have so
much input in what we do. They’re more able to take pride in what we
serve and different things we’re featuring because they likely had a hand
in making it happen.”
One of Cagney’s features that DiBona is particularly proud of is the
“Local Eight”. Cagney’s had started taking in craftier beers several years
ago because he and his staff were fielding increasing requests from their
customers to build their selection. They started rotating in different styles
and bottles here and there, but DiBona wanted to offer even more. “I’m
a beer guy, all my friends are beer guys, everyone was talking about
beer. I realized that we needed more variety.” He took a look at his draft
system and figured that he could add eight more lines, and that’s how
the Local Eight was born. “We have sixteen lines that we consider the
“Big Dogs” – Sam, Sam Seasonal, Guinness, Blue Moon, Coors Light,
Miller Lite…For us, we need to have them because they sell like crazy
and we didn’t want to touch them. They carry the bar. With the added
eight lines, that’s what we get to play around with.” The Local Eight
casts its net all over New England for beers to feature. “We primarily
buy logs because we cycle through them faster and we like the variety.
We’re constantly updating our chalkboard, and our customers expect to
see something new every time they come in. I would say that seven out
of every ten people who walk through the door immediately go right to
the boards to see what’s new.” Recently they decided to always have a
cider featured on their Local Eight rotation. “I don’t think it’s something
I would have done a year ago, but cider is just really hot right now and
people are looking for different, locally produced styles. There’s so much
out there, and there’s been a great response from our customers so far.”
Cagney’s innovation didn’t stop with expanding selection. They started
offering beer flights, which have proven to be a great way for people
HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
to sample the ever-changing offerings
of the Local Eight before they decide
what they’d like for a full pour. That was
so well-received that they also started
offering flights of scotch and tequila, which
prompted DiBona to discover some spirits
brands from longtime suppliers that he
didn’t even know existed. Their longtime
chef and kitchen staff also get to indulge
their creativity as well with a menu that
changes every two weeks. The Big Mac
Eggrolls and Blueberry Sriracha Wings are
cult favorites off the appetizer menu. “Who
would have thought that those tastes go
great together? I think that’s actually our
most popular wing flavor right now.”
For a guy who had never worked in a
restaurant, never mind owning one, Mark
DiBona has seemed to have figured out
what works for Cagney’s – for now. He
laughs and realizes that a year from now
they’ll probably be trying out something
different. “Then we’ll have to do…who
knows? But we’ll keep our ear to the
ground and figure out what that something
is. There’s a lot of competition out there so
always staying creative gives us a bit of an
edge. At the end of the day though, we’re
here to provide food and drink for people.
We try to keep our focus on giving our
customers what they like, keeping up the
quality of the food, keeping the service up,
always having cool beer…That’s what it’s all
about for us.”
White Claw Hard Seltzer
All-natural sparkling seltzer water with 5% alcohol and
a hint of honest-to-goodness fruit, White Claw Hard
Seltzer is dry, hard and refreshingly drinkable. No
additives. No funny business, just 110 calories of good
clean fun with a kick. Available in Natural Lime, Ruby
Grapefruit and Black Cherry flavors, these hard seltzers
pair perfectly with good times and even better company.
Whether you’re beach-bound, out blazing
trails or simply chillin’, you can count on one
deliciously crisp sip after another.
White Claw Natural Lime
Natural Lime is a crisp, clean, spiked sparkling
water with notes of natural lime juiciness for
a taste that’s timelessly refreshing.
ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. slim cans
only Availability: Now, year-round
White Claw
Ruby Grapefruit
A dry, yet refreshing hard seltzer meets
tangy, yet sweet grapefruit in a feat of
delicious balance. Simply crisp, clean,
spiked sparkling water, kissed with true ruby
grapefruit. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. slim
cans only Availability: Now, year‑round
White Claw
Black Cherry
An unmistakable cherry aroma leads to
an incredibly refreshing, dry hard seltzer.
Crisp and clean, a fresh and juicy
black cherry taste shines through the
clean seltzer base with just the right
amount of carbonation. ABV: 5%
Package: 12 oz. slim cans only
Availability: Now, year‑round
White Claw
Hard Seltzer Variety Pack
Get all three flavors (Natural Lime, Black Cherry and
Ruby Grapefruit) of the refreshing, spiked, sparkling
water with a hint of natural fruit in one convenient mix
pack! Availability: Now, year-round
Cranberry Orange Radler
Cranberry Orange Radler offers the same bright,
easy-drinking characteristics as Ginger Lemon Radler
but highlighted by sweet blood orange balanced
with a hint of cranberry tartness. ABV: 4.05%
Package: 12 oz. cans only Availability: October
Boulevard Smokestack
Series Limited Release
Collaboration No. 6
Boulevard Brewing Company’s collaboration series
of beers has allowed the brewers to work (and drink)
with some of their favorite people in the beer industry
who brew fantastic beers. They’ve worked with JeanMarie Rock from Orval, Larry Sidor of Deschutes Brewing
Company, Dann and Martha of Pretty Things Beer &
Ale Project, their sister brewery, Phil Leinhart, Brewery
Ommegang and most recently with Cigar City Brewing’s
Wayne Wambles. They’ve held the beers of Firestone
Walker’s Brewmaster Matt Brynildson in very high regard
for many years. When Boulevard learned that Firestone
Walker would be joining the Duvel Moortgat family of
breweries, they knew immediately who they wanted their
Collaboration No. 6 to be. More details coming soon!
Wild Ginger
A perfect blend of ginger spice, with hints of citrus
and a clean crispy finish, Wild Ginger delivers a flash
back to what Ginger beer is supposed to be. Enjoy
over ice with a lime or lemon wedge, straight out
of the can or a part your favorite cocktail. ABV: 4%
Packages: 12 oz. cans Availability: August
Wild Docta’
Wild Docta’ is a rich blend of cola, cherry and vanilla
with hints of herbs and spices – this soda beer will
change your perception of what adult malt beverages
can be and you’ll never want to go back! ABV: 5%
Packages: 12 oz. cans Availability: August
Wild Root
This alcoholic root beer is made with a rich blend
of herbs, roots and spices, accented by a hint of
vanilla, but without an overly sweet taste. ABV: 5%
Packages: 12 oz. cans Availability: August
Wild Sit Russ
Wild Sit Russ is a crisp clean citrus beverage
that is universally recognizable and loved. Enjoy
over ice or straight out of the can. ABV: 4.5%
Package: 12 oz.cans Availability: August
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Truly Spiked & Sparkling
Bottle and Can Variety Packs
Clean, crisp and refreshing, each flavor
of Truly Spiked & Sparkling is lively and
effervescent with a hint of fruit, just like
sparkling water, but with 5% alcohol.
And now, all three styles are available
in two convenient mix packs – cans and
bottles! The Truly Spiked & Sparkling
variety packs include: Colima
Lime, slightly tart with a crisp, but
subtle sweetness; Pomegranate,
crisp and refreshing with a hint of
the juicy super fruit and Grapefruit
& Pomelo, citrusy on the nose,
followed by tart and tangy notes.
Availability: Now, year-round
Farmer Willie’s
Farmer Willie’s alcoholic ginger beer is a delicious
blend of cold-pressed ginger, fresh lemon juice,
and Willie’s secret mix of spices. Naturally gluten
free. ABV: 4.5% Package: 12 oz. cans only
Availability: Now, year‑round
Guinness Antwerpen Stout
This special stout has long been a secret pleasure
among beer connoisseurs who value the mouthwatering intensity of its roasted malt, smoked wood
and licorice notes, not to mention its excellent and
seemingly endless finish. Since 1944 Guinness has
been importing this special stout into Belgium through
the vibrant port of Antwerp. Now, thanks to The
Brewers Project, it will be available outside of Belgium
for the first time! Rich and dark in appearance,
Antwerpen Stout is full-bodied and smooth on the palate
with some sweetness and butterscotch notes, balanced by
wood and licorice flavors. The finish is smoky and roasted
with lingering bitterness. ABV: 8% Package: 11.2 oz.
bottles only Availability: Limited quantities
Guinness Rye Pale Ale
In December, a few brewers at The Open Gate
Brewery got together and made Rye Pale Ale as a gift
for their colleagues, friends and families. Everyone
liked it so much that they put it on tap at the
brewery where it’s been getting rave reviews. Now,
they’re moving production to the big brew house and
sharing it with everyone! The rustic, spicy character
of the rye grain gives this amber ale a peppery bite,
balanced with citrus and grapefruit from the mosaic
and cascade hops. ABV: 5% Package: 11.2 oz. bottles
only Availability: Limited quantities
HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
When Demand Exceeds Supply
Many of our craft seasonal and specialty releases are
available in limited or extremely limited quantities.
Breweries only produce a certain amount of their
specialty beers and Burke does all they can to get as
much product as possible. In addition, this publication
is compiled months prior to the decision made by the
brewery to allocate their products to the wholesaler.
Variations in production for some of these limited
release offerings will fluctuate, resulting in lower
quantities than anticipated.
If you are interested in something you see in this
publication and it is out of stock when you place your
order, please contact your Burke Sales Representative
to discuss a similar option.
Blue Moon
Harvest Pumpkin Ale
Harvest Pumpkin Ale is crafted with pumpkin
and spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
and allspice. It boasts a taste that starts
with assertive malty notes and is quickly
balanced with the right amount
of harvest spices. There is also
a small amount of bitterness
to keep the malt sweetness
from building up. It has a
deep amber color with brilliant clarity.
ABV: 5.7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught (and in the Blue Moon Fall
Brewmaster Sampler) Availability: August
Blue Moon
Fall Brewmaster Sampler
The Fall Brewmaster Sampler
features four different Blue
Moon brews, perfect for the
season: Harvest Pumpkin
Ale, brewed with pumpkin and
spices of cinnamon, nutmeg,
cloves and allspice; Cinnamon
Horchata Ale, crafted with
natural long-grain rice and a
taste of cinnamon for a subtle
sweetness and a smooth, creamy
finish; Belgian White, an unfiltered,
Belgian-style, medium-bodied wheat ale, gently infused
with coriander & orange peel and Chai Spiced Ale,
brewed with a special blend of chai spices for a bold,
spiced character. Availability: August
Harvest Patch Shandy
Harvest Patch Shandy is a traditional Weiss beer
with natural pumpkin spice flavor that has notes
of nutmeg, allspice and clove for a refreshing
fall seasonal. ABV: 4.2% Package: 12 oz.
bottles only Availability: August
A traditional Märzen-style beer,
Leinenkugel’s Oktoberfest has a toasted malt
flavor and subtle, spicy hop notes that make
it perfect for celebrating fall in true German
fashion. ABV: 5.1% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught Availability: August
Fall Explorer Pack
The leaves are turning. The wind
is brisk. And suddenly the air
is rich with the aroma of fall.
Leinenkugel’s Autumn Explorer
Pack includes three bottles each
of Honey Weiss, Oktoberfest,
Orange Shandy, and Creamy
Dark. Availability: August
Fall Shandy Sampler
Leinenkugel’s Fall Variety Pack
features: Harvest Patch Shandy,
Autumn Tea Shandy, Ginger
Shandy and Grapefruit Shandy.
Availability: September
Redd’s Ginger Apple Ale
Redd’s Ginger Apple Ale delivers the fresh
taste of ginger with hints of crisp apple,
providing just the right amount of spiciness
and sweetness. ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz.
bottles and 16 oz. cans (also in the Redd’s
Fall Variety Pack) Availability: September
Redd’s Wicked
Blood Orange
Redd’s Wicked Blood Orange brings a
unique flavor profile – orange with a
kick. Blood oranges taste similar to
regular oranges, but slightly more bitter
and less acidic. Wicked Blood Orange
includes a hint of bitters, making it
the perfect drink to transition into fall.
ABV: 8% Packages: 10 and 24 oz. cans
Availability: August
Redd’s Fall/Winter
Pick Different Pack
Redd’s Fall/Winter Variety Pack includes: Apple Ale,
features a natural apple flavor – crisp with a clean
finish; Strawberry Ale, boasts
a sweet strawberry aroma
& taste with a hint of
apple and Ginger Apple
Ale, delivers the fresh
taste of ginger with
hints of crisp apple.
Availability: September
Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade
Coronado Punk’in Drublic
Taste autumn in the land of eternal sunshine
with Coronado’s Imperial pumpkin ale. Brewed
with brown sugar, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg,
allspice and plenty of would-be-jack-o-lanterns,
this beer delivers autumn’s trademark flavors
along with a hint of West Coast character,
whether enjoyed in a pumpkin patch or on the
beach. ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: August
Lightly carbonated and packed with all the
punch and sour that made Mike’s famous,
Hard Pink Lemonade is a perfect blend of
crisp lemonade with a light blend of citrus.
It’s sure to be the highlight of the summer!
As always, a portion of the profits from the
sale of Hard Pink Lemonade will be donated
to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Mike’s has donated over 2 million
dollars over the past five years to
the charity and they will donate
$250k in 2016. ABV: 5%
Package: 12 oz. bottles only
Availability: August
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Samuel Adams OctoberFest
Sam Adams’ version of this classic style blends
hearty malts for a deep, smooth flavor with
notes of caramel, creating a brew that’s perfect
for the season, or whatever you’re celebrating.
ABV: 5.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 and
16 oz. cans and draught Availability: August
Samuel Adams
20 Pounds of Pumpkin
Real pumpkin – about 20 pounds
per barrel – and roasted malts
give this beer body and sweetness, rich
smooth character and deep amber color,
while spices like clove, cinnamon, ginger and
nutmeg add a subtle warmth. ABV: 5.7%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: August
Samuel Adams Fat Jack
Pleasantly plump and satisfied, this rich
and luscious brew indulges in flavor
with over 28lbs of pumpkin per
barrel, for a full-bodied sweetness
and deep russet color. Classic
pumpkin pie spices like cinnamon,
nutmeg and allspice ignite a
warmth and spark that’s deepened
by an undercurrent of roasty malts.
ABV: 8.5% Package: Draught only
Availability: August
Samuel Adams Fall Variety
This year’s fall variety pack includes: Boston Lager, a
flavorful and complex amber-style lager; Octoberfest, a
deep, smooth brew with notes of caramel; Hoppy Red,
a smooth and resinous amber ale; Bonfire Blonde,
a lightly sweet and doughy blonde beer with hints of
smoke; Maple Ale, a deep red ale with a smooth
maple character and notes of caramel and vanilla and
Toasted Caramel Bock, a toasty, flavorful bock brewed
with pale and caramel
malts and a hint of
blackstrap molasses.
Availability: August
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Angry Orchard Cinnful Apple
Cinnful Apple is sweet with a slight heat. The
juicy apple notes up front are complemented by
cinnamon spice for a cider that is refreshing and
smooth, yet warming. It’s the perfect complement
to the colder months and holiday drinking
occasions ahead. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz.
bottles only Availability: August
Angry Orchard Fall Sampler
Great for any drinking occasion, the Fall
Orchard Sampler includes six
different Angry Orchard styles:
Crisp Apple, bright and balanced,
like biting into a fresh apple;
Green Apple, slightly tart with
balanced sweetness; Hop’n Mad
Apple, hopped cider without the
bitterness; Stone Dry, balanced
and dry with a slightly puckering
finish; Cinnful Apple, refreshing
and smooth with a cinnamon bite that adds
light heat and new Easy Apple, less sweet, easy-todrink and madly refreshing. Availability: Mid-August
Fall Travelers Variety Pack
The Fall Travelers Variety
Pack includes: Traveler
Grapefruit Shandy, a
deceptively delicious
wheat beer brewed with
real grapefruit; Traveler
IPA Shandy, a wheat ale
brewed with citrusy hops
and grapefruit; Jack-O
Traveler, an alluring wheat
beer made with real pumpkin & spices and new, Count
Traveler, a captivating citrus wheat beer bewitched by
the taste of real blood orange. Availability: August
Jack-O Traveler
Jack-O Traveler is an alluring wheat beer
illuminated by the tastes of fall. It strikes a
perfect balance between bright refreshment
and seasonal spice. Jack-O is made with
real pumpkin for a deliciously
dark-hued, shandy-inspired
beer. ABV: 4.4%
Packages: 12 oz.
bottles and draught
Availability: August
Hayride Autumn Ale
A generous portion of two rye malts,
together making up 20% of the grains
in this brew, give the beer a full body,
bready flavor, and subtle spiciness,
while toasted malts provide a touch of
sweetness and a rich, almost reddish
hue. New Zealand Pacifica and Pacific
Jade hops balance Hayride’s maltiness
and suggest notes of oranges and
tropical fruit. Baxter Brewing coldcondition the beer on oak, with light additions of ginger,
black pepper, and sweet orange peel, bringing out the
spiciness of the rye and rounding out the soft sweetness
of the beer. ABV: 6.6% Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: Late August
Original Oktoberfest
Joseph Pschorr captured the
spirit of the first Oktoberefst
with a rich, full-bodied amber
lager that has come to be
imitated around the world.
Hacker-Pschorr Original
Oktoberfest has a nose of
blackcurrants and
earth with a maltdriven flavor, expertly
balanced by Hallertau
hops. ABV: 5.8%
Packages: 11.2 oz.
bottles and draught
Availability: August
Boulevard Funkier Pumpkin
Never content with brewing “to style”, Boulevard
Brewing’s approach to funkier pumpkin is far
from the standard take on pumpkin spice
beers. Choosing to focus on the complexity
that brettanomyces can bring to beer, Funkier
Pumpkin offers subtle pumpkin flavor accented
by traditional spicing in a beer that showcases
the hallmark earthy/forest floor notes of our
wild yeast strain ABV: 8.5% Package: 750 ml
bottles only Availability: Limited Release
Boulevard Funky Pumpkin
Funky Pumpkin Tart Ale is an eccentric addition
to the pumpkin beer category with pumpkin flavor
scarcely present, upstaged by cinnamon, allspice,
and nutmeg. A pleasant
tartness prevails, with
barrel aging providing a
mellow roundness, and
Brettanomyces putting the
“unk” in Funky. ABV: 5.8%
Packages: 12 oz.
bottles and draught
Availability: September
Captain Lawrence Autumn Blaze
Brewed with pureed pumpkins added
directly to the mash, and traditional
pumpkin pie spices added to the end of
the boil, this is the perfect beer to drink
when the weather turns a bit cooler.
Autumn Blaze packs a ton of flavor into
this malty and smooth amber colored
ale with the aromas of fall. ABV: 5%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: August
Oktoberfest Märzen
Oktoberfest Wiesn
This authentic Oktoberfest is full-bodied
with a rich malt flavor and dark toffee
notes, revealed by an underlying
fruitiness and masterful hop balance.
It will instantly turn your four walls
into an Oktoberfest tent! ABV: 5.8%
Packages: 11.2 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Bottles in August (draught
available year‑round)
Brewed only once a year in anticipation of
the big festival, Paulaner Oktoberfest Wiesn
is the pinnacle of German brewing. Deep
golden in color, this full-bodied seasonal
is wonderfully mellow with a balanced,
harmonious taste and a pleasant aroma
of hops. ABV: 6% Packages: 11.2 oz.
bottles, draught and 1 liter can/mug set (5)
Availability: August
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Daura Märzen
“Märzen” is the beer traditionally
brewed in March. In order to have a
beer able to last thru the summer
the recipe’s amount of barley malt
was doubled. This addition created a
higher taste intensity and body. The
beer then reached the Oktoberfest
with an exceptional taste after the
extreme maturation conditions. ABV: 7.2%
Package: 6 pack bottles only Availability: Now!
Foolproof Augtoberfest
This festbier is a celebration of Foolproof
Brewing Company’s Augtoberfest festival at
the brewery in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. It
is brewed with caramel and Munich malt as
well American hops and is fermented cool
to produce a clean, refreshing flavor. Prost!
ABV: 5.2% Packages: 16 oz. cans and
draught Availability: August
Long Trail
Harvest Barn Ale
A celebration of Autumn harvest, this English
style brown ale offers a full malt and mild
hop flavor, at the same time. Brewed with
locally harvested ingredients in Vermont.
ABV: 4.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: August
Long Trail
Fall Survival Pack
This Fall survival pack includes: Long Trail Ale, Green
Blaze IPA, Double Bag and Harvest Barn Ale.
Availability: August
Ithaca Hellish Lager
This refreshing true-tostyle helles has a subtle
malt character and a
delicate cast of supporting
noble German Tettnang
hops. Enjoy the light
body, soft mouthfeel, and
brilliantly clear, straw yellow
presentation of our latest
easy drinking, hellishly
delicious limited release.
ABV: 5.2% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Limited Release
Super Stout
This coffee oatmeal stout
is made specifically for the
dark beer lover to quaff on
starry evenings (or 8:30 in
the morning). The classic
smooth flavor pairs very
well with the delicious
Sumatra beans from gimme!
coffee. The strong roast of the coffee is complimented
by some dark chocolate and fruit flavors. ABV: 5.2%
Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August
10 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Otter Creek Overgrown
Overgrown is dripping with
dank, American hop flavors
and aromas and is balanced
by a subtle, sweet malt
backbone that takes a
back seat to the bountiful
hop additions. ABV: 5.5%
Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: August
Otter Creek
Fall Mixed Bag
Otter Creek’s Fall Mixed Bag includes favorites like
Over Easy, Couch Surfer, Overgrown and Backseat
Berner. Availability: August
Lovecraft White IPA
Brewed in collaboration with Revival
Brewing, White IPA, the 5th release in
Narragansett’s Lovecraft series, is a Belgianstyle IPA made with four different types
of Belgian and American malts. A crisp
IPA character with a creamy Belgian yeast
profile make this a delicious world class
beer that blurs style guidelines. El Dorado
and Mandarina Bavarian hops impart a
tangerine flavor associated with “white ales”.
It is dry-hopped with El Dorado to enhance the mildly
fruity aromatics. ABV: 6.8% Package: 16 oz. cans only
Availability: Now!
Have a Hefeweizen!
Part of Narragansett’s Mash-Up
Series, Have a Hefeweizen! is made in
collaboration with Bananagrams, the
addictive tile word game that originated
in Pawtucket, RI. Bananagrams was
conceived by Abe Nathanson and family
in Rhode Island after testing many
permutations of various word games. Once
perfected, Abe proclaimed, “this anagram
game will drive you bananas”, and the
game was thusly named. Hefeweizens are known for
their banana notes, making Bananagrams a perfect
Mash-Up partner for ‘Gansett. This traditional un-filtered
wheat beer was brewed with 40% wheat malt, and left
unfiltered to give it a complex, yeast driven character
that is true to style, and produces a mild banana
flavor. El Dorado hops give it a slight orange aroma and
finish. ABV: 5% Packages: 16 oz. cans and draught
Availability: Now!
Peak Hop Harvest Oktoberfest
Fall is hop harvest time, when hops are most ripe
and pungent (stick your nose in a glass, you’ll
see). In this unique spin on a classic style, rich
malt dances with remarkable, aromatic hops.
ABV: 4.9% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught
Availability: September
Revolution Oktoberfest
A classic German-style Oktoberfest lager
that goes down smooth with a pleasant,
toasty malt flavor. Hallertauer Mittelfruh
hops give the beer a crisp, balanced
bitterness and a spicy, earth aroma.
ABV: 5.7% Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: August
Revolution Citra Hero
An elegant American IPA with deep
layers of fresh citrus, fruit aroma
and flavor create a quite
sessionable ale. ABV: 7.5%
Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: August
Revolution Mosaic Hero
This unique IPA showcases earthy,
herbal flavors layered with
aromas of tropical fruit, citrus
and fresh pine. ABV: 7.5%
Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: September
Rising Tide
Waypoint Coffee Porter
This rich porter features
notes of coffee, chocolate,
dark fruit and berries. It
is brewed with oats from
Maine Grains for a full body
and creamy mouth feel and
blended with coffees from
Tandem Coffee Roasters.
ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz.
bottles and draught
Availability: September
Hofbräu Oktoberfest
Hofbräu Oktoberfest is the golden
color lager served at the Munich
Oktoberfest. Brioche, toasted nut,
lemon and clay aromas follow through
on a lively entry to a medium-full body
and baked apple and citrus accent.
ABV: 6.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught Availability: August
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Shiner Oktoberfest
This award-winning Oktoberfest beer is made
with the highest quality 2-row barley, Munich
and caramel malts, along with German-grown
Hallertau Tradition and Hersbrucker
hops. It’s Shiner’s way of honoring
their ancestors and the beer they
loved to celebrate with. So raise
your stein to tradition and enjoy this
utterly classic brew. Prost! ABV: 5.7%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: August
Two Roads Ok2berfest
Ok2berfest is the
brewery’s version of
the classic Märzenstyle lager that
was traditionally
served at the
Munich Oktoberfest.
Ok2berfest possesses a smooth, toasty malt profile
with the crisp character of a traditional German lager.
ABV: 5.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught
Availability: October
Two Roads Roadsmary’s Baby
Little Horror of Hops
This rye IPA is hopped with Bravo, Apollo,
Centennial and Cascade. ABV: 5.9%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: August
Shipyard Pumpkinhead is a crisp and
refreshing wheat ale with delightful aromatics
and subtle spiced flavor. ABV: 4.7%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: August
Smashed Pumpkin
A big bodied beer, Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin
has a light coppery-orange color and pleasing aroma
of pumpkin and nutmeg. Pale, wheat
and light Munich malts combine with the
natural tannin in pumpkin and the delicate
spiciness of Willamette and
Hallertau hops to balance the
sweetness of the fruit. ABV: 9%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: August
This classic spiced pumpkin
ale is aged in rum barrels
and spiced with cinnamon,
nutmeg, allspice and
vanilla. This pumpkin ale’s
tasting notes include notes
of pumpkin pie spices, rum,
vanilla and oak. ABV: 6.8%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles,
12 oz. cans and draught
Availability: August
Woodchuck Fall Harvest
The fall harvest brings farmers and communities
together to celebrate another year
of fruitful labor. It is a
time of shorter days,
cooler nights and great
apples. This cider has a
complex and elegant character
full of apple, cinnamon and nutmeg
balanced out with a hint of American
white oak. This cider is a true taste
of the season. ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught Availability: August
Woodchuck Private Reserve
Barrel Select
Private Reserve Barrel Select is aged in small
batches to bring out balanced hints of bourbon
over a crisp apple backdrop. The cider is aged
for six months in genuine white oak Kentucky
bourbon barrels. The barrels impart a copper
hue on the cider as well as gentle notes of
oak, vanilla and whiskey. This is a truly rare
cider which proves that patience is indeed a
virtue. ABV: 6.9% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught Availability: August
12 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Warsteiner Oktoberfest
Special Edition
Warsteiner Oktoberfest is a well-balanced,
mild and smooth with a rich malt taste,
accompanied by a uniquely soft and
decent hoppy aftertaste. ABV: 5.9%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Limited quantities
Fresh Patch
Pumpkin Ale
Fresh Patch Pumpkin is
named for the hundreds of
pounds of local pumpkins
and that are blended to
create Wormtown’s fall
brew. The process results
in a medium bodied ale
with a fresh pumpkin pie aroma, complemented with
flavors of pumpkin and spice in every sip. All treat, no
trick! ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: September
Red Bull
Red Bull Energy Drink (available in original
and Sugar Free) is a functional beverage
with a unique combination of ingredients.
It has been specially developed for times
of increased mental and physical exertion.
Red Bull Energy Drink vitalizes body and
mind, increases performance, increases
concentration and reaction speed,
improves vigilance, improves the emotional
status and stimulates metabolism. Red Bull is Energy
Drink is also available in SugarFree. Package: 4pk
24/8.3 oz. Availability: Year-round
Red Bull Editions
Red Bull Energy Drink now
includes the Blue, Red and
Yellow editions. Each flavor
combines the boost of Red Bull
Energy Drink with the flavors of
blueberry, cranberry and tropical
fruits. Package: 4pk 24/8.3 oz.
Availability: Year-round
Agricanto Liqueur
This famous Italian Liqueur uses Venetian
Raboso Piave wine as a base which is then
infused with ripe cherries and rare spices to
create a rich aroma aperitif. Recreated from
ancient monastic recipes, the Maraschino
cherry flavor is as unmistakable and as
delightful. Agricanto with its rich ruby
red color is the perfect ingredient for
cocktails or it can be enjoyed neat
on the rocks with an orange twist.
ABV: 25% Package: 750 ml bottle
Arkansas Black Applejack
It takes about 25 pounds of apples to make each bottle
of Arkansas Black Straight Applejack. Made from 100%
apples, this product of California took a Double Gold
and “Best Apple Brandy” in the 2016 San Francisco
World Spirits Competition. With a limited production of
just a few hundred cases
per year, Massachusetts
is just the third market
in the USA to have this
product available
for sale. ABV: 46%
Package: 750 ml bottle
Availability: Arkansas
Black 21 Year Old
Applejack is also
available but in limited
quantities. Ask your
Spirits Representative
for more information.
Boncourt XO Grande Réserve
Deep mahogany and amber in color this XO
French Brandy is the result of decades of
know-how by the Boncourt cellar masters.
By carefully blending the finest old eauxde-vies, they have created an impressive
and flavorful premium brandy that is
smooth, sweet and easy to drink. Perfect
in brandy based cocktails, summer
sangrias, for cooking or enjoyed neat.
Unmatched in value, Boncourt XO is
sold worldwide and now for the first time
available in Massachusetts. ABV: 40%
Package: 750 ml bottle
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Calle 23 Tequila
Fuenteseca Tequila 12 Years Old
This 100% Agave tequila was produced
using only carefully selected highlands
agave from Los Altos de Jalisco
where the mineral rich, fertile soil
produces exceptional plants that
mature which take between 7 to 9
years to reach full maturity. Created
by Master Distiller Sophie Decobecq
the creation of Calle 23 has been her
life’s work. In a survey of the top one
hundred cocktail bars worldwide by Drinks International
Calle 23 was ranked as the third best-selling brand of
tequila. ABV: 40% Package: 750 ml bottle
This is the oldest and rarest extra anejo tequila
for sale in Massachusetts. Distilled in June 2001,
20% of this lot was distilled in copper doublecolumn stills and 80% distilled in alembic copper
pots. After distillation and blending, 90% was
laid into in American white oak previously used
to age California red wine, and the remaining
10% barreled in used dark French Oak. The
casks were housed for 12 years, at 3,800”
elevation, in the town of Tequila, Jalisco in a
cool-climate subterranean storeroom. ABV: 42%
Package: 750 ml bottle
Camus VSOP Borderies Cognac
This single growth certified cognac from Camus Cognac
is deep amber color and comes from the smallest
estate in the Cognac appellation d’origine
contrôlée (AOC) of France. Cognac from
Borderies is particularly floral, making it highly
sought out by cognac producers for use in their
blends. Distilled solely from ugni blanc grown
in Borderies, this spirit is lively and juicy,
with dark flavors of coffee, pistachios, toffee
and milk chocolate rounding out the area’s
signature floral and mineral qualities. 91
points Beverage Testing Institute Camus VSOP
Borderies. ABV: 40% Package: 750 ml bottle
Danzka Vodka
The standout Danish designed brushed aluminum
bottle that holds this intriguing imported vodka is
both unbreakable and resealable for the on the
go millennial. Available in straight vodka as well
Cranraz, Green Apple, and Citrus, all Danzka
vodkas are 80 proof, delivering more value to
the consumer than typical 70 proof flavored
vodkas. Exceptionally smooth and mixable,
Danzka competes with the best imported
Scandinavian vodkas, with the additional benefit
of being able to chill faster and stay colder
longer. ABV: 40% Package: 750 ml bottle
Olifant Vodka
After a long absence from the market this
exceptional imported vodka makes its triumphant
return to Massachusetts. Produced since 1841
in Holland, this product began as an export to
the Dutch colonies around the world. Since that
time the symbol of the elephant on the bottle
has made this product instantly recognizable by
discerning consumers. In a Wall Street Journal
taste test, Olifant Vodka rated the #2 vodka
from a selection which included Absolut, Ketel
One, Stolichnaya and Grey Goose. ABV: 40%,
Package: 750 ml bottle
Slaughterhouse Whiskey
Hand selected by the world renowned wine producer
Dave Phinney (Owner of Orion Swift Cellars and the
creator of “The Prisoner” Cabernet) this American
Whiskey has spent 9 years in American oak before
it was finished in Papillion barrels to add aromatics
and character to this unique product. After being
finished in the Papillion barrels this whiskey is
brought down to 92 proof with the addition of
pure spring water from Dave’s property 2000
feet above the Alexander Valley in California.
Tasting notes include baking spices, dark
fruit, butterscotch, vanilla, honey and toasted
caramel. ABV: 46% Package: 750 ml bottle
Availability: Limited production
Tres Papalote Mezcal
A single varietal mezcal, Tres Papalote uses only wild Cupreta agave from the mountains of
Guerreo Mexico. Handcrafted by a Master Mezcalero, Tres Papalote is only lightly smoked
so as not to mask the herbal and citrus notes of the agave. Exceptionally smooth, Tres
Papalote is a collaboration between the distiller and esteemed Mexican-American actor
Cheech Marin. The bottle is decorated with an image of a glass sculpture in the renowned
Chincano art collection of Mr. Marin created by artists Elinar and Jamex De La Torre.
ABV: 40% Package: 750 ml bottle
14 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Coors Light NHL®
NHL fans are the most avid beer
consumers of any sports-fan
base. Coors Light is the official
beer of the NHL and 12 alliance
teams. Coors Light also has
the rights to the Wednesday
Night Rivalry games televised on
NBC Sports®.
The Coors Light NHL program
will feature NHL and alliance
team-branded POS tools and
on-premise support including
“Call It Coasters”. Prior to the
puck drop, consumers can write
predicted game outcomes on the
coasters they receive when they
buy a bucket of Coors Light for a
chance to win free beer or other
premium awards if they correctly
predict the outcome. A feature
clock will also be available to
accounts to show drink specials,
countdowns to games, and
hooks for alliance lug-ons.
Coors Banquet
Heritage Cans
Inspired by the rich, 140-year
history of Coors Banquet, four
new heritage can designs will be
available from October through
December to share the history
and unique story of Coors
Banquet. Since the inception of
the Banquet Heritage program
in 2011, it has delivered yearover-year growth and continues
to drive distribution and velocity
at retail. With one can design in
each pack, the collectible nature
encourages multiple purchases.
The program will feature out-ofhome, digital and social support
along with retail tools.
Celebrate Halloween with Coors Light
2016 marks the 25th anniversary of Coors Light’s partnership with St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital. Coors Light has worked with St. Jude to raise more
than $83 million to help find a cure for childhood cancer. This Halloween season,
Coors Light consumers can help others climb their mountains by supporting St. Jude.
Participating on and off-premise accounts can feature Halloween-themed donation
tear pads and awareness-building table tents. The tear pads can also be posted on
walls of retail outlets to build awareness.
The Coors Light Halloween program will also feature Halloween-themed 22 oz., colorchanging stadium cups and a Coors Light-branded feature clock that can be used to
count down to costume contests, Halloween or to show happy-hour drink specials.
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Redd’s Wicked
Redd’s Halloween
During the Halloween season (September through October), the added pressure
to throw an epic party will lead consumers to carefully think about providing the
right mix of drinks to fit the style of a Halloween bash. High-ABV FMBs have
been growing faster than any other segment in convenience stores and faster
than almost every segment in general.
Redd’s will secure floor space with thematic display pieces such as a case
stacker, tree display and foam-apple pole topper, which create theater around
the holiday and increase basket ring.
Redd’s Wicked consumers want
to set the tone at parties to
start the night with a killer good
time. Redd’s Wicked is the
perfect brand for the Halloween
season because it is a highABV flavored malt beverage
that amplifies good times
without sacrificing refreshment.
The program will feature a
full 360°-support campaign.
Halloween themed and equitydriven tools will hold floor space
throughout the program.
Keystone Light Hunting
Keystone Light is bringing the hunting
program back. Additional cans will be
designed to feature antlers that can
be stacked on the “White Stone” can.
Keystone Light packaging will feature a
complete primary packaging replacement of
the traditional blue equity cans to huntingthemed cans.
The program will be brought to life at retail
through an impactful lineup of huntingthemed display enhancers and POS tools.
The program will also include social media
and PR support.
16 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Corona and Coach Gruden
Game Day is about the fun of
hosting friends, a variety of game
day eats and kicking back to enjoy
it all with a cold, Corona beer.
Coach Jon Gruden returns in 2016
to show football fans the essence
of being transported to a carefree
viewing experience. Corona reminds
consumers that once the lime
drops, it’s time to enjoy the game.
Corona will launch a NEW
sweepstakes for the chance
to WIN a Corona Gameday
experience. Look out for new
display enhancers and on-and
off-premise POS including select
Spanish elements, prominently
featuring Coach Jon Gruden that
will encourage consumers to pick
up and share Corona this upcoming
football season.
Casa Modelo: The Nation’s Fastest Growing Beer
Opens Doors to Its New ‘House’
In September,
Modelo will bring
its entire portfolio
– Especial,
Negra, Chelada
– under one roof: Casa Modelo.
Together as one brand family, Casa
Modelo will establish Modelo as an
iconic Mexican brewer of distinctive
styles and flavors of high-quality beer.
• Especial – a full-flavored pilsnerstyle lager with a clean, crisp finish.
• Negra – a medium-bodied lager
with slow-roasted caramel malts
brewed for a rich smooth taste.
• Chelada – a michelada-style beer
made with the authentic, refreshing
flavors of tomato, salt and lime.
This campaign includes 360-degree
marketing support with redesigned
primary and secondary packaging, new
tap handles, unprecedented media
spend, new advertising, PR and brand
new POS.
The new, unified packaging is inspired
by Modelo’s heritage, tradition and
high-quality standards. Modelo
Especial, the nation’s fastest growing
beer and #2 import in the country,
will see small changes to its primary
packaging, but a bigger change to its
secondary packaging for better shelfpop at retail. Modelo Negra (previously
labeled Negra Modelo) will debut a
fully redesigned package scheme to
better align with Especial packaging
and tie the two brands together in
one family. When displayed together,
Especial and Negra, see at 22% total
sales lift at retail. The new, unified
packaging will continue to drive those
sales together.
Modelo Especial Chelada, the fastest
growing ready-to-drink Chelada, will
also see a refreshed package design
to further tie it to the Modelo family
of brands.
Engaging and eye-catching POS
materials and all-new Spanish
and English radio, TV and digital
advertising focusing on the brands’
“fighting spirit,” will create consumer
demand throughout the year.
www.burkedist.com HeadyTimes v.3 17
Dos Equis Football
Make Dos Equis the beer of choice amongst college
football fans, to bring unparalleled and remarkable
experiences to fans throughout the college football
season and ultimately make Dos Equis synonymous with
the college football experience. From the start of the
college football season, we’re challenging college football
fans and consumers to get “In” with Dos Equis in order
to get a taste of game day greatness.
Each time they do, fans will be entered to win a VIP
experience at the College Football Championship in
Tampa, FL. Plus, they’ll also receive instant access to
exclusive college football content and a chance to score
prizes that elevate the game day experience.
With season-long programming, shoppers have a reason
to make each college football-viewing occasion, a
greatness celebration, with the only official beer sponsor
of the College Football Playoff, Dos Equis.
Smirnoff Ice #ShowUsYourGameFace
This football season, Smirnoff Ice is rewarding shoppers who show their
Game Face and share how they are “game day ready” with Smirnoff Ice
products. By snapping a photo and uploading it to Facebook or Instagram
using #gamedayreadycontest, shoppers will be entered for a chance to win
Stub Hub gift cards that can be used for the game of their choice! SNAP.
Make a Stir with
Smirnoff Ice
Women are some of the
biggest football fans and bring
something different to game day
that brings everyone together.
This fall, ladies will have a
chance to express their passion
and team allegiance by using
Smirnoff Ice to bring their game
to game day. Smirnoff Ice will
challenge consumers to grab
their favorite ingredients and
create football-inspired Smirnoff
Ice drinks that reflect their team spirit through color, flavor and of course drink
décor. Once created, fans will be directed to share their drink ideas via Twitter,
Instagram or Facebook for a chance to win Stub Hub gift cards for football
tickets (awarded weekly). CREATE. SHARE. WIN.
18 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Take a Trip with Traveler
Traveler Beer Co. is giving away $5,000 to a
luck fan to put towards a travel fund, as well as
a chance to work with Atlas Obscura, a guide to
the world’s most curious places. Fans will enter
to win at travelerbeer.com/takeatrip throughout
September and October.
Paulaner Teams Up
With Untappd
Paulaner has partnered with Untappd and is
offering the Original and Authentic Oktoberfest
Badge from mid-August through mid-October.
When consumers check into their first Paulaner
beer (any style) on their Untappd app, they’ll
unlock Paulaner’s Oktoberfest Badge. When
they check in with their 3rd beer during the
promotion, they’ll be entered to win daily prizes
including LED signs, 5-liter steins and other
great Paulaner swag!
Win an Authentic
Paulaner Mug
This fall, from mid-August through midNovember, Paulaner is giving consumers the
opportunity to drink their Oktoberfest beer out
of an iconic 1L mug – the only mug used in the
tents of the Original Oktoberfest in Munich! All
they need to do is purchase a case of Paulaner
Oktoberfest Märzen or Wiesn and send in the
offer form on the case card with $5.99 for
S&H and they’ll receive a 1L mug of their own.
Lederhosen sold separately.
www.burkedist.com HeadyTimes v.3 19
The Importance of Food Safety
By George Latella
Corporate Social
Responsibility or CSR
revolves around societal,
economic and financial
variables and how they
impact stakeholders.
Whether you are a private
or public company, your
customers expect you to act in a certain way
with regard to your stakeholders. Thanks to cell
phones and social media, we have a transparent
society today. Everything that companies do and
say is public and immediate.
A big part of CSR revolves around food safety. As
consumers, we all assume that the companies
that make the products we use and consume
are doing everything within their power to ensure
that they are safe. How consumers view your company is
critical to your long term success. If they are happy, they
will support you. If they are not, they will let you and the
world know how they feel. Think of how much technology
and social media have influenced how we make decisions
every day as consumers. A great example of this is
Chipotle. The brand went from a “best in class” example
of marketing to Millennials, to a brand that waited too
long to address food safety concerns for their customers.
Whether you are an on or off-premise retailer, you need
to “see” how your customers view your business. It all
starts with the products that you sell. Do you know how
the products are produced? Do the type of ingredients
matter to your customers? Is natural, organic or locally
sourced important to them? If so, how are you relaying
this information to your customers? Do you know what
types of chemicals are used in the production and
sanitation process?
A great way to address food safety is to “walk” your store
or bar from the front to the back, like your customers
do. We all know that a dirty bathroom is not a good sign
for customers or for food safety. What about the ice
machine? When is the last time you cleaned it? How
about your food prep/storage area, coolers, walk-in,
counter tops, bar area and tables? You need to check all
of the areas that consumers see and don’t see. There are
a variety of food safety solutions that address these areas.
Make sure you understand how the products you sell
are produced, stored and shipped from a food safety
perspective. If you take a stakeholder view of your
business, it will positively impact your bottom line.
A big part of
Corporate Social
Responsibility revolves
around food safety. How
consumers view your
company is critical to
your long term success.
If they are happy, they
will support you.
George Latella teaches Food Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Food Marketing, the largest
major at Saint Joe’s, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Latella is also a partner in Beacon Marketing
Group which provides marketing planning, research and e-commerce/direct marketing communications for food
and beverage companies. He can be reached at glatella@sju.edu or 610-660-2254.
20 HeadyTimes v.3 www.burkedist.com
Burke BeerBLOG
Nearly Forgotten, Cider Shines Once Again
By Patricia Sheehan
the most popular drinks in this
country to becoming one of
the more obscure, hard cider is once
again having its day. The history of
hard cider in the US goes way back to
colonial times. When English colonists
first arrived to the New World they
noticed immediately that the sweet
apples they used to make cider in
their old country were nonexistent in
their new digs. Adventurous enough
to make the trek across the Atlantic
to the unknown, but not adventurous
enough to make cider with our native
crabapples, they hit up England for
some seeds and quickly went to
work cultivating orchards so they
could continue to drink their favorite
beverage. The soil in New England
was much kinder to apple trees
than it was to barley and hops, so
hard cider reigned over beer and
whiskey during our country’s earliest
years. With the arrival of German
and Eastern Europeans with their
sophisticated brewing traditions as
well as the more amenable growing
conditions for barley in the Midwest,
cider popularity quickly dropped
off. Although this was a major
setback for hard cider, it was really
Prohibition that almost wiped it out
completely. While the bigger regional
beer breweries barely got through
those years by diversifying what they
sold, cider makers didn’t have that
option. Many cider apple orchards
were burned by Prohibitionists (really,
guys??), and the drink didn’t bounce
back until relatively recently. It seems
fitting that New England is now one
of the busiest cider markets in the
country, and the drink’s newfound
popularity has spawned a huge range
of styles to choose from.
Salem’s Far From the Tree Cider
strives to use similar techniques as
our cider making forefolks did, but
with an experimental bent. They have
strong relationships with orchard
owners in Western MA. They receive
freshly picked apples from them,
press the juice, and start fermenting
the liquid in barrels that very same
day. Their Nova is dry hopped with
Galaxy, Mosaic and Simcoe hops,
adding different dimensions to the
aroma. Their Lei is a little more
adventurous, using roasted jalapenos
and fresh pineapple juice.
While dry and semi-dry ciders have
their core (ha!) group of fans, there
is still a huge demand for ciders for
those who have a slightly sweeter
tooth. Woodchuck Hard Cider came
to be in 1991 when the first batch
of Woodchuck Amber was made in a
Proctorsville, VT garage. They’ve since
expanded their variety of selections
to include styles like Gumption which
uses a carefully selected mix of
sweet common apples and dry cider
apples, and Hopsation, a cider with
a pleasant dose of Cascade hops.
Woodchuck has also expanded their
distribution area which has helped
them to become one of the most
recognizable and popular ciders in
the country.
“It is indeed bad
to eat apples.
It is better to
make them all
into cider.”
—Benjamin Franklin
and yeast strains for twenty years
before introducing their ciders to the
world. Their success enabled them to
set up camp on sixty acres of land in
Hudson Valley, known as the “Apple
Belt” of NY. Visitors to the tasting
room there can sample experimental
ciders not available outside their
Innovation Cider House.
Even though it went through a period
in which its popularity declined
in the US, cider has long been a
powerhouse in Ireland and the UK.
If you’ve ever had a cider in Ireland
called Bulmers and wondered why
you don’t see it anywhere else, fear
not – the rest of the world calls
the same golden liquid Magners.
Whatever you’d prefer to call it,
this cider is fermented with juice
from seventeen different varieties of
apples using the same yeast strains
from the original oak vats that they
used in 1935.
“Hyper-local” is a term that’s used
a lot in reference to food, but
Somerville’s Bantam Cider rightfully
claims the title in reference to their
delicately crafted ciders, all made
with Massachusetts apples. Their
Wunderkind sports an effervescence
coming from champagne yeast and
a touch of sweetness at the finish
with the addition of flower blossom
honey. Their Rojo uses ale yeast
as a backdrop for the sour cherries
and black peppercorns added. With
a series of inspired limited release
ciders, the women over at Bantam
truly do make “Modern. American.
For an ideal example of cider’s
meteoric rise in the US, look no
further than the success of Angry
Orchard. They launched in 2012 and
quickly claimed 40% of the national
cider market, upping that number by
10% the following year. Their success
was rapid, but took years of planning
– their cider makers had been
experimenting with different apples
Hard cider’s place is no longer
considered the no man’s land
between wine and beer by
Americans. It has Colonial roots,
an abundant amount of available
ingredients, and a nearly limitless
versatility. It’s earned its place as a
major category in this business and
one that we expect will only continue
to grow.
www.burkedist.com HeadyTimes v.3 21
89 Teed Drive
Randolph, MA 02368
Samuel Adams
Stein Hoisting
Get a front row seat to all the
excitement of an authentic
Oktoberfest celebration right
in your restaurant or bar.
Samuel Adams stein-hoisting
challenges are back at
accounts nationwide in search
of a new national winner.
Excite drinkers at a local and
national level, 41,904 steins
were hoisted nationwide in
2015, complete with an
aggressive social media and
online activation. Stein hoisting
events are supported online
with a national leaderboard
and event calendar.