January 2016 - Paso Robles Republican Women Federated


January 2016 - Paso Robles Republican Women Federated
January 2016 * Volume 22, Issue 1
Nancy Belletto
(805) 238-0341
Teresa Sullenger
(661) 900-3635
Sue Evans
(805) 434-1990
Message from President Teresa Sullenger….
Happy New Year One and All!
I’m truly excited about 2016. Are you? Our club has
blossomed due to the wonderful leadership of Sue
Evans, Peggy Strickland, Shirley Mark and all who
have led before going back to 1964! Thank you for
the opportunity to be a part of our future.
We’re the boots on the ground for this election year
and we’re focused on making a difference.
We are having a CLUB WORKSHOP luncheon on
January 18th. It’s a different format from our
traditional luncheons with a speaker. We will lay
out our plan for 2016. Committee Chairs will share
the nuts and bolts of what’s involved in their
In the three short years since I’ve joined PRRWF,
particular area. We will give you tools to
I’ve seen what you women and men can accomplish.
You are a powerful force and amazing group of
critical election year!
people. Add to this all of our new members. Wow!
We can do a lot of good in 2016. It’s going to be
We Need You now more than ever. On behalf of
challenging, frustrating and no piece of cake. But
the Executive Board, we appreciate your support of
exciting and rewarding just the same. I have to say
the ideals that made America great.
I’m frustrated with our party, and I am not alone in God Bless America.
this. The true freedoms of our country are at stake.
Sincerely, Teresa Sullenger
That goes beyond party.
How do we combat the
slippery slope we’re on?
We fight back with a goaloriented vision. We get
involved. We get a
conservative Republican
elected President. The
graph is our vision for the
club for 2016. We have
listened to our club
members’ comments and
feedback. The vision is a
compilation of your input.
2016 Vision and Goals
Monday, January 18, 2016
$22 p/p Cash or Check payable to PRGC
11:30 Check-in 12:00 Speaker/Lunch/Meeting
Paso Robles Golf Club 1600 Country Club Drive, Paso Robles
RSVP by January 12 via your Punchbowl Invitation (preferred) or
Contact Sharon Wilson: sharonwilson@charter.net or (805) 239-2940
Denise Surber
1st Vice President—Programs
2016 is a "Watershed" year for America and the GOP. If our Republican Party
can wrest the White House from the grasp of the Progressive-Wing of the Democratic Party and
hold its majorities in both Houses of Congress, we have the potential to undo so much of what has
gone wrong over the past eight years. In addition, we have important opportunities to elect Republicans at the state and local levels. Believe it or not, ladies, our own Paso Robles Republican
Women Federated has an important role to play this election year, and our January meeting is focused on letting you know how your President and Board see us fulfilling that role.
After an overview of vision and goals by President Teresa Sullenger, individual Executive Board
members and Committee Chairs will present their ideas for making the PRRWF a force to be reckoned with in 2016's elections. At the end of these presentations, you will be asked for your comments and suggestions on what has been proposed and for ideas you may have on how to help
elect Republicans locally and nationally. This is the time for brain-storming, so don't dismiss an
idea you may have because you think it may be "over the top." "Over the Top" may be the best
way to engage independent voters and convince them that their interests will be best served by
Republican leadership in 2016.
The January meeting is very important. It will establish how the PRRWF will approach this election year and how you as a concerned Republican and American can help it achieve the goals it
has set for itself. So, gather your ideas together, invite someone along who you think might like to
join with us in turning the tide in Washington and ensuring that Republicans are elected in state
and local races, and we'll see you at the Golf Club on the third Monday in January.
Luncheon Hospitality
Linda Gilbert, Chairman
As 2015 comes to an end, I would like to thank everyone for participating in the Club's activities throughout the
year. I appreciated everyone's support. Our Christmas brunch was awesome. A lot of fun, great food and lots
of champagne! I will continue as the Hospitality Chairman in 2016. Please send me your lunch menu ideas and
any other comments or suggestions you may have to make 2016 the best year yet for our organization.
tblonde408@yahoo.com (408)981-2546
Minutes of the November 16, 2015 General Meeting
2015 Secretary, Susan Rodeck
President, Sue Evans, called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm and welcomed everyone to our final meeting of 2016.
The invocation was given by Legislative Alert Chair, Karen Plummer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sue Evans introduced our officers and guest at the head table as well as Dolores Jackson, Region 3 Division Director. Dolores
spoke of our success at the Central Division Convention earlier this month and the many awards our club received and thanked
everyone for their hard work and efforts this year.
Marilyn Blake, 2016 President Elect from the San Luis Obispo Club, was introduced and welcomed along with our new members in
attendance and their guests.
Dave Evans, President Sue Evans’ husband and associate member, was introduced. He briefly announced that a signing petition is
available for those who contest the mental health facility that is currently planned for Templeton.
1st Vice President, Martha James, introduced our guest speaker and associate member, Russ Surber, Retired Diplomat with the State
Department who served in the middle-east. He spoke of the current culture and political/economic issues of the middle-east and
the dangerous risks that our country faces as a result of the position of our current administration.
Our meeting recessed for lunch at 12:53 pm then resumed at 1:16 pm.
President, Sue Evans, announced that the minutes from the Board of Directors and General Meeting of October 19, 2015 prepared
by Sue Rodeck, Secretary, were approved and will be filed.
Treasurer, Denise Surber, gave the financial report for the month of October and announced that it was approved by the Board and
will be filed.
2nd Vice President (Membership), Elizabeth Van Note, reported that our club ended this year at 120 members and won the first
place Membership Award from Central Division.
3rd Vice President, Teresa Sullenger, announced that we now have a small storage unit donated by Scholarship Awards Chair,
Sharon Wilson.
President, Sue Evans, announced the many awards we received at the NFRW & CFRW conventions.
Linda Sanchez (Achievement Awards Chair) was recognized for our club receiving the Diamond Award, Dawn Merzon (Caring for
America Chair) and Karen Rowley (Community Outreach Chair) were recognized for our club receiving first place for the
California Federation Award and Peggy Strickland (Newsletter Editor) was recognized for our club receiving first place for the
Newsletter Award. In addition, our club had the largest percentage increase of membership of all 30 clubs in Central Division.
Honor Flight Chair, Judy Avery, announced there was $132 collected for this organization.
Sue Evans announced a reminder that our Christmas Champagne Brunch will be held at the Paso Robles Golf Club on Friday,
December 11th starting at 10:30 am.
1st Vice President (Programs) and Voter Registration Chair, Martha James, announced that there was a signup sheet at each table.
Volunteers are needed to help with our voter registration efforts in San Luis Obispo County next year.
Financial Review Officer, Marjorie Hamon, announced that her husband, Paso Robles City Councilman, John Hamon, will be
announcing on Wednesday, 11/18 at 11:30 am at the Children’s Museum in Paso Robles his 2016 candidacy for County Board of
Supervisors, District 1. A fundraising kick-off party will follow on Thursday, 11/19, at the Paso Robles Inn.
3rd Vice President (Ways and Means), Teresa Sullenger, announced that some of our club members have already signed up to
volunteer to be a Salvation Army Bell Ringer on Wednesday, 12/9, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in front of the Target store.
Caring for America Chair, Dawn Merzon, announced on behalf of Community Outreach Chair, Karen Rowley, that our next City
Hall Clean-up Day will be tomorrow (Tuesday), 11/17, starting at 9:00 am.
Continued on Page 9 * Minutes
Community Outreach
Karen Plummer, Chairman
Mark those new 2016 calendars to help clean Paso Robles City Hall Square! We meet at City Hall
(south side parking lot) every fourth Tuesday of the month at 9:00AM. The work time is a mere
one hour! Bring your own gloves and garden tools of preference; otherwise we offer a few standard tools and bags for your collections. Wear your PRRWF apron if you desire. Come, get fresh
air, exercise and promote the beauty of the city.
Voter Registration
Martha James, Chairman
I would like to say a big thank you to the following members who have volunteered to work on
the Register To Vote Committee: Susie Apkarian, Judy Avery, Linda Elmerick, Harry James,
Carol Linthacum, Karen Plummer, Sharon Rowe, Linda Sanchez, Gail Tannehill, Patty Walk,
Terrin Winter, Christie Youngdale, Richard and Teresa Sullenger.
Our goal is to increase voter registration In Paso Robles/Templeton by 10%, approximately
1,500 new voters. There are currently 15,000 + unregistered voters in the north county.
Starting in January you will find us around town with the following schedule:
 Smart & Final - first and third Sundays, 12-4
 Albertson's - first and third Fridays, 12-4
 Paso Post Office - second and fourth Mondays, 1-5
 Walmart - second and fourth Saturdays, 12-4
If you are out and about and see our table and colorful banner, please stop by and say hello.
We might put you to work . . . but we are hoping to be too busy to talk!
Caring for America
Dawn Merzon, Chairman
From the president’s desk… Dawn does not have a report for January so this gives me a chance to
brag about her! From starting with the club just a few years ago and being a little shy, Dawn has
blossomed and brought so much to the club. She volunteers on numerous committees, asks
questions, attends board of Supervisor meetings, has brought in several members and is a real
asset to our club and community. Dawn will continue as Caring for America Chair for 2016.
THANK YOU DAWN! We look forward to your Caring for America endeavors in 2016 and are
ready to help you.
Action Alert/Legislation
Lynne Gamble, Chairman
Local SLO County Race for California Assembly
In the California Assembly race for Katcho Achadjian's soon to be vacated seat, we have Jordan Cunningham, a Republican from Templeton, who has served as an Assistant District Attorney for the county of San Luis Obispo, a Department
of Justice Attorney, and is head of the Central Coast Taxpayers Association and the recently announced Democratic candidate from San Luis Obispo, Dawn Ortiz-Legg who is a contractor to FirstSolar for public relations and cites service on
several community organizations, including the Sierra Club.
What Dawn Ortiz-Legg doesn't say in her official announcement, but is not a secret, is that she is a co-founder of the
local CodePink organization. This is the local chapter of the national CodePink known for their protests and stunts,
particularly in US Congressional hearings. This is the Cindy Sheehan group . They are a women's anti-war organization. They are also anti-military and call members of the Bush administration" war criminals". They also supported the
Iranian nuclear deal, and called for all troops to be pulled from Iraq, something most people think was a mistake that
led to the growth of ISIS.
Dawn Ortiz-Legg has appeared on Dave Congalton's show and has been interviewed by New Times, as a CodePink organizer.
Or just google Dawn Ortiz-Legg CodePink for more information.
Talking Points: a new addition to our newsletter
Each month we will share talking points and tips to help you share our mission and vision with
others. The information will help us understand the facts behind the issues and give us knowledge to
back up our passion for all things good, fair, REPUBLICAN!
This month we have a special inaugural TALKING POINT: Supervisor Debbie Arnold shares her position and facts on the Countywide Water Conservation Program (CWWCP).
***See page 8***
Presidential Politics….
At their last get-together, sixteen of the 2015
Board members took a secret straw poll of first
choice for the GOP Nomination.
The results were:
Cruz 7; Trump 5; Rubio 3; Christie 1
Achievement Awards
Linda Sanchez
Happy New Year! 2016 is the year to elect a Republican President! There are many opportunities to
volunteer and help make this happen. Let's keep track of our efforts. Think Republican President in 2106,
think Diamond Award, think "All Volunteer Hours Matter."
Here's How to Do It:
Keep track of volunteer hours including travel time to and from an activity or event.
2. At the end of each month tally your hours and send to me via e-mail at: sybols@hotmail.com.
(I know this is strange.
My son urged me to use my high school cheerleading nickname - no one else could possibly have the same! )
3. All Volunteer Hours Matter
* Voter Registration
* Campaign Activities - local, state, national.
Working at campaign headquarters, helping with phone calls, mailings,
computer work, social media, blogging, precinct walking, etc.
* Working at the polls on election day.
Working as a poll watcher.
* Attending conferences.
* Speakers
* Membership - Hospitality - New Member Reception
* Ways & Means - fundraising
* Historian - Newsletter - Web Page
* Community Outreach - Caring for America - City Hall clean up.
* Selecting books for local library - reading to young people.
* Scholarship - High School, Community College, College
* Honor Flight
* Americanism - Chaplain
* Action Alert - Legislation - Liaison
* Luncheon - Monthly meeting - reservations
* Other
** NOT INCLUDED: Time spent at regular monthly meetings.
Let's stay on track! It's a big year for our party. We will be successful when we all get involved.
If I can help, please e-mail me at: sybols@hotmail.com or call (805) 227-4467.
Please send February Newsletter
Submissions & Photos
to Sue@evans-pt.com
Big thanks to Donna Jordan
for sharing great photos
Judy Avery, Chairman
Susie Apkarian, Co-Chairman
We are committed to recognizing and supporting our beloved veterans
through donations and meeting them at SLO airport when they depart
and return from an Honor Flight.
We will keep you posted on dates and time of upcoming flights.
Barbara Mikelonis
Christie Youngdale
KC Swan
Gemma Krumland
New Associates:
David Gunn
Carolyn Atkinson
John Rodeck
Larry Horn
2016 Annual Dues are Due now.
Complete your renewal & mail today!
Paso Robles Republican Women Federation
I am a registered Republican and I would like to __renew__ join as a
___Regular Member
___Associate Member**
Referred by_________________________
Dues are $30.00 for a Regular Member and $10.00 for an Associate Member.
**Associate Members must be active members of another RWF Club or Men or non-US citizens
If you know of any member
who needs a get well card
or a note of sympathy,
please notify
Sunshine Chairman
Carol Linthacum
(805) 610-1318
Kudos to Marjorie Hamon, Sue Evans, Sue
Rodeck, Linda Sanchez, Linda Gilbert,
Dawn Merzon, Richard Sullenger, Peggy
Strickland, and Teresa Sullenger who were
Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army in
Social Media & Historian
Donna Jordan, Chairman
Keep up daily with all that is happening in
Paso Robles Republican Women!
Like us on Facebook:
NEW: You can also find us on Instagram at
Talking Points:
Not checking our Facebook site? Then you missed
seeing this great photo of Teresa Sullenger, Sue
Rodeck, Linda Gilbert, Karen Rowley, and Dawn
Merzon at the CFRW Central Division Convention.
A Note From Russ Surber
“Over the course of the years I
have spoken with many groups
around the county and would be
remiss if I didn’t say that the
Republican Women of Paso Robles
were without doubt the most
welcoming, most attentive audience I
have ever addressed.”
Talking Points:
By Supervisor Debbie Arnold
Currently, we have 3 tools available to manage our water basins: 1)
County Land Use (CWWCP); 2) Sustainable Groundwater Management
Act (SGMA); and 3) Adjudication. The CWWCP proposes regulatory
solutions, creating an inequitable situation amongst property owners by
mandating any new development pay offset fees. CWWCP only applies to
some water users in the basin. Both SGMA and adjudication are more
inclusive tools to manage the basins because they take into consideration
all the water users, creating a more fair distribution of water.
It should be noted that after a two year moratorium via the Urgency Ordinance for the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin, it has been reported that
only 5 acre-feet of water was saved through the offset program. Those
that can afford the cost of this added regulation have the ability to improve
their property, while those that cannot afford the added costs find themselves restricted.
My concerns with the CWWCP included the lack of any economic analysis being done, the added cost of regulation to small agricultural producers
and rural landowners, and the use of deed restrictions on private property.
Instead of creating more regulation for property owners and asking County
staff to spend more time and money on enforcement of the CWWCP, it
was my hope that we would use our resources to work on our State mandated groundwater management plan. I believe a SGMA compliant
groundwater plan is the best means to create a fair distribution of water for
all users while ensuring that our basin is balanced.
On October 27th, the San Luis Obispo County Board of
Supervisors took under consideration a proposed Countywide Water Conservation Program (CWWCP). The
CWWCP was being offered as a tool to manage water
basins countywide. I am concerned that using this
County planning document is not the most efficient way
I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. It’s an honor to represent
to manage the basins, in part because it does not include
the 5th District.
all water users and primarily restricts the rural land owners.
Debbie Arnold
Continued from Page 3 * Minutes
Shirley Mark, President, CFRW, installed the
2016 Executive Board of Directors: Teresa Sullenger, President; 1st Vice President (Programs),
(Membership), Nancy Belletto; 3rd Vice President (Ways and Means), Peggy Strickland; Recording Secretary, Dawn Merzon standing in for
Karen Rowley (absent); Sue Rodeck, Treasurer.
Each were presented with a key to symbolize
their success.
Teresa Sullenger presented outgoing President,
Sue Evans, and CFRW President, Shirley Mark
each with a PRRWF Red Apron signed by the
entire 2015 Board of Directors.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.
2016 Officers:
*President: Teresa Sullenger
(661) 900-3635
*1st VP, Programs: Denise Surber
rdsurber@charter.net (805) 238-3150
*2nd VP, Membership: Nancy Belletto
nbelletto@earthlink.net (805) 238-0341
*3rd VP, Ways & Means:
Peggy Strickland
peggyannstr@gmail.com (805) 434-5125
*Treasurer: Susan Rodeck
*Secretary: Karen Rowley
(805) 316-8198
Barba Oetting
Chaplain & Americanism Chair
A bit of American History
In 1814 Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"
after watching the British bombard Fort McHenry in Baltimore
during the War of 1812. In 1931 Congress designated the song
as our national anthem.
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight'
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen, thro' the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream;
'Tis the star-spangled banner: oh, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Regional Republican Women Federated & other Republican Groups
Monthly Meetings
Estero Bay RWF, 3rd Thursday @ The View, Morro Bay Golf Course
San Luis Obispo RWF, 3rd Wednesday @ Madonna Inn
Santa Lucia RWF, 4th Monday @ Hilton Garden Inn, Pismo Beach
Atascadero RWF, 4th Tuesday @ Marriott SpringHill Suites
So. Monterey Bay, 1st Tuesday @ Lawrence Café, King City
The Lincoln Club, 4th Wednesday, 75 Higuera Street, Suite 110, SLO
RPSLO Central Committee, 3rd Wednesday, 75 Higuera Street, Suite 110, SLO
Cal Poly College Republicans, cpcollegerepublicans@gmail.com
2016 Officer Installation in November
Treasurer Sue Rodeck, Dawn Merzon (for Secretary Karen Rowley), 3rd VP Peggy Strickland, 2nd VP Nancy
Belletto, 1st VP Denise Surber, President Teresa Sullenger, CFRW President & Installing Officer Shirley Mark
Our hearts filled with joy at our Christmas Champagne Brunch, highlighted by a fabulous chorus of
Christmas carols sung by Marjorie Hamon and other members of St. Rose Music Ministry.
Paso Robles Republican Women Federated
was honored with 1st Place Awards for
Membership, Caring for America and the
Newsletter in the medium-sized club
category at the CFRW Central Division
Convention in November on top of an
NFRW Diamond Award. On left, Sue Evans,
2015 President, receives an Award
Certificate from Central Division President
Betty Scheidt. On the right, Dawn Merzon,
Peggy Strickland, and Linda Sanchez accept
the Award Certificates at our November
meeting. Congratulations to everyone!!!
g th
is w
bl M
Your Republican Roundup has arrived!
Paso Robles Republican Women Federated
P. O. Box 1856
Paso Robles CA 93447
Legislative Contacts
President Barack Obama (D)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
P: 202.456.1414 F: 202.456.2461
US Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D)
331 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington D.C. 20510-0504
P: 202.224.3841 F: 202-228-3954
US Sen. Barbara Boxer (D)
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510-0505
P: 202.224.3553; F: 202-228-1338
US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R)
22nd Congressional District
1523 Longworth Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515
P: 202.225.2915, F: 202.225.2915
US Rep. Lois Capps (D)
24th Congressional District
2231 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515
P: 202-225-3601 F: 202-225-5632
24th Congressional District
17th State Senatorial District
35th Assembly District
Governor Jerry Brown (D)
State Capitol Bldg.
Sacramento, CA 95814
P: 916-445-2841; F: 916-445-4633
Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian (R)
35th District
1150 Osos Street, Suite 207
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
P: 805.549.3381, F: 805.549.3400
Senator Bill Monning (D)
17th District
605 Santa Rosa Street, Suite B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
P: 805.549.3784, F: 805.549.3779
Board of Supervisors
County Gov. Center, Rm 370
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Frank R. Mecham, Dist. 1 (I)
Bruce S. Gibson, Dist. 2 (D)
Adam Hill, Dist. 3 (D)
Lynn Compton, Dist. 4 (R)
Debbie Arnold, Dist. 5 (R)
Paso Robles City Council
1000 Spring Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Steve Martin, Mayor
John Hamon,
Steve Gregory
Jim Reed;
Fred Strong,