DP-WGOC-V-CRP4 - GC Int Gov Wk Grp 5th Ses Jun 1980
DP-WGOC-V-CRP4 - GC Int Gov Wk Grp 5th Ses Jun 1980
UNITED NATIONS GoverningCouncil of the Distr. GENERAL United Nations Development Programme DP/1990/17/Add.6 30 April 1990 ENGLISH Thirty-seventh session 28 May-22 June 1990, Geneva Item 4 (a) of the provisional ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATOR MAJOR EQUIPMENT 1524f (E) ONLY agenda STATISTICAL 90-11295 (Part II) FOR 1989 ANNEX ORDERED /... DP/19g0/17/Add.6 English Page 2 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment agency order ANGOLA Local purchase 89 841 UNIDO Mazda 51 495 UNCTC 5 Mazda 323 22 032 ICAO Computer 124 670 ICAO Generic device 28 486 ICAO Diesel generating and spares 52 990 FAO Laboratory 79 680 UN Spectrophotometer UNDP Computer equipment, workstations, software and accessories 23 202 GVT Microcomputer Mod. MS AXIS AT 140 40 000 UN Spiral concentrators Noise S.A. 37 665 GVT Microsoft Price Waterhouse 25 600 GVT Purchase and installation of software Riverina Air Motive Pty Lt, . 25 475 ICAO Used aircraft engine, accessories and spares Stratalog 28 248 UN Geophysical ARGENTINA Local purchase equipment AUSTRALIA Aircrew Training Systems Detroit Engine and Turbine Co. GBC Scientific Geo-Scientific Labtam Information Microsistemas Mineral Equipment Ltd. Systems S.A. Deposits, Ltd. Pty., Ltd. 271 673 flight training set equipment Word IV equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 3 Location and name of supplier 51 700 T.T.I. 29 Varian Co. Ltd. Techtron, Ltd. II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment order agency UTB Co., Ltd. Vaisala (Part 729 UNDP GVT Laboratory supplies equipment and Central electronic telephone system FUJITSU Mod. FETEX-640 ABCS 38 179 WMO Automatic weather station 26 900 UN Graphite 53 592 UNIDO Computers 92 792 UNIDO Spectrometers 28 529 UNIDO Refrigeration, ventilation, drying equipment UN Biogas digester 37 559 UNIDO Microscopes 22 811 WHO Cardiology 45 474 UNIDO Computers 60 234 UNIDO Computers 95 308 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 22 195 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 29 535 UNIDO Glassware 68 000 UNIDO Chromatographs 22 742 UNIDO Computers 34 300 UNIDO Audio-visual furnace AUSTRIA Alimos Electronic Applied Research Atlas Ges. M.B.H. Lab. GmBH Copco GesmBH Biologische Verfahrens Technik Carl zeiss Jena Comesa Medizin Gerte GmBH Computer U Labortechnische City GesmBH Data Service Dr. Stefan Sztatecsny Dr. Sztatecsny Dr. Techn. Graphica Grothusen KG Ing. Stefan Erba Science GesmBH GesmBH GesmBH GesmBH Sztatecsny 137 070 (emission) equipment equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 4 (Part II) Location and name of supplier Helnrich Frings MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (purchase orders of S20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment GmBH 104 GesmBH 317 836 UNIDO Chromatographs 28 186 UNIDO Office 25 739 GVT Pumps 35 715 UNIDO Measuring LHG - Laborgeraete Handelsgesellschaft 85 546 UNIDO Laboratory M.B.A. 42 432 UNIDO Computers 28 220 UNIDO Computers M.B.A. Maschlnen F. BueroAutomation Vertr. 32 748 UNIDO Computers Manne smann 60 000 UNIDO Chromatographs Maurer Mas chinenhande I sgesmBH 83 131 UNIDO Laboratory equipment Megatronlc 20 283 UN Electronic instruments 31 153 UNIDO 24 535 UNIDO Smelting, equipment 32 558 UNIDO Electrical 29 000 UNIDO 22 915 UNIDO Hewlett Packard Jahoda & Co. GesmBH Jenbacher-Werke Leybold M.B.A. AG GesmBH GmBH Handelsgese11-schaft Mercanta Messrs. Norma Grlesheim Messtechnlk NTS Technology Systems Oesterreichische Industrie GmBH Perkln GmBH Elmer GmBH Pharmacia GesmBH Philips 271 309 496 21 116 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery equipment Calibrating instruments equipment foundry equipment equipment UNIDO UNIDO Laboratory equipment /,,. DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 5 Location and name of supplier Philips Philips Computer Reichert-Jung UNIDO Electrical equipment 23 256 UNIDO Electrical equipment System 23 941 UNIDO Computers Werke 38 369 WHO Microscopes equipment Rossenbauer Sartourius Optische International GesmBH Schachermayer Schenker GrosshandelsgesmBH II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purghase orders of $2Q 00Q or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 49 542 Industrie Professional (Part 175 748 49 087 36 862 UNIDO UNIDO UNIDO and optical Apparatus and machinery for Chemical and Allied Industries Equipment for filtering Precision measuring tools, instruments & Co. 23 827 UNIDO Servo King KlimaanlagenU. Kuehl GesmBH 20 850 UNIDO Air-conditioners Servomatic 56 940 UNIDO Equipment 299 212 UNIDO Spectrophotometers 47 561 UNIDO Electrical equipment, precision tools, measuring instruments 21 809 UNIDO Tools, accessories and attachments for machine tools 38 000 UNIDO Gas analysers 24 404 UNIDO Computers Maschinenbau Siemens AG Siemens AG Oesterreich Spiral Stroehlein GmBH Thriftzbacher & Co. for cooling Varian GesmBH 109 529 UNIDO Gas analysers Walter Rekirsch 146 093 UNIDO Computers /,,® DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 6 Location Weiss (Part II) and name of supplier Technik GmBH MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 54 383 UNIDO Equipment 148 298 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery 61 384 UNIDO Computers IBM 39 450 FAO Office machine Local purchase 30 048 ICAO Computer accessories Local 34 284 UNIDO Technohaven 40 000 UNESCO Computing equipment Toyota 28 301 UPU Vehicles purchase 38 500 UNCHS Computer Local purchase 26 001 UNIDO ADB S.A. 97 747 ICAO PAPI and SALS systems Appro-Techno 51 035 UNIDO Machinery and equipment for cement, ceramics, glass industries 50 399 ILO Electrical 44 682 UNCHS Manual UNDP Air-conditioner system and accessories, including installation ILO Mitsubishi chassis Westfalia Separator Zema-Soft Handels GMBH for heating BANGLADESH purchase BARBADOS Local equipment BELGIUM Braunderck Texequipment Ceratec Pardevo Sacom S.A. SRL SPRL 210 680 23 503 monitor presses Pajero long DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 7 Location and name of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment BHUTAN Bhutan Hardware Company 240 693 GVT PVC pipe BOLIVIA Local purchase Local purchase 125 830 40 UNCHS Office conditioning; graphic computer equipment 000 UNIDO Local purchase 25 500 UNIDO Toyota 28 000 IBRD Toyota 47 183 GVT Food extruder materials Co. 20 600 UN Computer Ltd. 29 700 UNIDO Computers UN Vehicles BOTSWANA minibus BRAZIL Cereal Tec and ribbon BULGARIA Infosport Marimpex BURKINA FASO Cica Burkina 160 684 Codiam 26 471 ILO Toyota landcruiser EMT Corp 22 600 UN Office supplies Local purchase 22 830 UNIDO Peyrissac 20 000 UN Spare Somina 25 187 UN School parts for vehicles furnishings DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 8 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 O00 or morel______ Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Soci4t4 de Services de Conseils et de Representations 34 Toyota 20 920 UNESCO 1 Car 61 075 UN Computer and office equipment 925 784 ICAO ATC radar, procedural and training simulator 77 939 ICAO Cables 25 398 UN Computer 39 565 UN Automatic 140 833 UN Miscibility ICAO Minicomputer accessories Univers Logic 270 UN Costs intercom system CANADA Aeronautical Alsthom Training International Apex Parametrics Corp. Data General Systems Guildline Harris Japan Claisse (Canada) Ltd. Inc. Int’l. Instruments Ltd. Corporation Motors Inc. Design and Mfg. DIPIX Technologies Drill Inc. Ltd. Scientifique D.B. Robinson Systems KHD Canada Ltd. Inc. unit apparatus and 104 705 GVT Eikonix 4K photodigitizer, BPI tape drive system and Aries III 1024 display subsystem 432 205 UN Drill 22 173 230 996 Trading JKS Boyles Int’l., 67 951 fusion 56 854 629 576 57 619 rig UNIDO Measuring electrical quantities ICAO Microwave GVT equipment Nissan patrol and Nissan bluebird saloon vehicles UN Geothermal drilling ICAO Generator spares rig DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 9 Location and name of supplier Lab Volt Le Groupe Informatlque Macaferri Gabions Nordion ACGL International, Northern Inc. Telecom Pritchard Engineering Professional Scientific Co. Ltd. Computers, Int’l. Tec. (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing Description of equipment order agency 77 450 ITU Training equipment 36 140 ICAO Computer equipment 76 410 GVT Gabion 40 000 UNIDO 31 710 GVT Switchboard ICAO Generating set, accessories and test equipment including installation and training 231 268 99 150 UN Image baskets processing system 77 765 WMO Automated brewer spectrophotometer 91 424 UN Geophysical equipment Inc. 20 271 ICAO Paint unit Wild Leitz Canada Ltd. 21 468 ICAO Theodolite and distance measuring equipment SEMEX 65 383 FAO Livestock 29 856 UN Computer 66 281 UN Construction Data Co. 30 339 FAO Office Local purchase 58 227 UNIDO Tchad Motors 46 484 UN Scintrex Stinson CAYMAN Limited Equipment spray ozone ISLANDS Adv. Systems Engineering Ltd. CHAD Abderamane Doungous Vehicle costs machine DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page i0 Location Tchad (Part II) and name of supplier Motors MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 30 669 ILO Landcruiser 31 563 ICAO Project UN Computer 4 WD CHILE Local purchase vehicles CHINA China International Local purchase Perkin-Elmer Centre China Shangdong MSO Xing-Yang Tec. Ser. 185 0O0 39 143 UNIDO 83 682 UNIDO equipment Spectrometers (fluorescence) 77 918 GVT Incubators, labs. 208 588 GVT Incubators, labs. COLOMBIA Almacen Campero Colinversiones SA Didacol Local purchase COSTA RICA 24 305 GVT Spare parts 38 652 ILO Wang computer 266 977 GVT Vehicles UNCHS Computer 46 334 Local purchase 250 000 UNCHS ECLAC equipment Construction Micropolis Computadores, S.A. 60 549 Micropolis Computadores, S.A. 60 549 GVT 4 Compaq 32 936 UNDP Mitsubishi materials 4 Compaq 386/25-110 MB Disco Duro, 1.2 MB FD, 1 MB RAM, VGA video 386/25-110 COTE D’IVOIRE Agence Centrale C.I. vehicles /o,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page II Location Local and name of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment purchase 22 698 UNIDO Local purchase 20 062 UNIDO 25 000 UNIDO 53 870 UNIDO Machinery industry BIE and Berntsen 21 897 FAO Laboratory Bruel 42 143 UNIDO 358 323 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for Chemical and Allied Industries 42 179 UN Software for Cyber 840A 23 021 FAO Software for Cyber 840A 67 541 ILO Stage lighting, sound and interpretation system 23 877 UNCHS RTC test kit GVT Dyeing machines UNIDO Computers ICAO Computer equi~nent accessories CUBA CYPRUS Local purchase CZECHOSLOVAKIA Strojimport for leather DENMARK & Kjaer Burmeister Danish & Wain Energi Hydraulic AS Institute De Smitske Dis Danish Interpretation Sys. German Instruments Henricksen 237 800 IAPSO 35 581 Inter-Agency Office Procurement Services Inter-Agency Office Procurement Services 200 800 24 300 UNIDO Computers equipment and DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 12 Location (Part II) and name of supplier Intradcen/Terma Kjaer MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (P~rch~s_~ Qrders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 356 000 IMO Airbourne pollution system marine detection & Kjaer Worldwide AS 35 538 UNDP Spareparts Kjaer & Kjaer Worldwide AS 20 477 ILO Isuzu trooper Local purchase 50 000 GVT Relief items (tarpaulin, collapsible water tanks, portable generators, aluminum discs) Munksgaard 20 858 UNDP Munksgaard Export and Subscriptions Service 28 926 UNIDO Schubert 24 484 56 686 Machinery SCS International AS AS for vehicles Medical books UNIDO Filling machines UNDP Tools ECUADOR Ecosistemas Local 76 purchase 000 554 745 Xerox UN UNCHS Computer equipment Building vehicles materials and photocopier 143 859 GVT Hardware 200 000 UNIDO Computers 59 621 ICAO Computer software 71 000 UNIDO 71 500 UPU and EGYPT Egyptian Computer IBM World Local Trade Corporation purchase Zenith USA Systems hardware 10 personal and computers DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 13 Location and name of supplier EQUATORIAL GUINEA Mitsubishi Douala (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (P~rchase orders of $20 OQ0 or mor~_/ Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 23 000 UN Vehicle UNDP Wordprocessor, and CPU ETHIOPIA NCR 105 140 printers FINLAND Finvac M. Viljanmaa Quotomec Vaisala Ky Oy Oy of Finland 156 883 UNIDO Machinery industry for leather 36 673 UN Pilot plant flotation 37 930 GVT Milos 200 data collection and processing unit 21 000 UNESCO Software FAO Irrigation 38 000 UNESCO Equipement de conservation 75 000 UNESCO Compaq 32 000 UNESCO Machine GVT Dyeing FRANCE A.E.S. Arabian Engineering Archeologie Assistance Asystel B.F.I. Electronique 113 490 equipment computer d’ajustage Bene 200 747 machine Bull 59 000 UNESCO Computer Bull 39 075 UNIDO Computers Business 35 000 UNESCO Microcomputers Ceis-Espace 36 489 WMO Satellite station spares receiving /,,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 14 Location (Part II) and name of supplier CGR Mev 288 298 Cisigraph Coherent Scientifique Compagnie de l’Hydraul. Computerland Consortium European Decan Delta MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of S20 000 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment order agency Lab WHO 60 units 60 000 UNIDO Computers 34 000 UNESCO Laser 28 800 FAO Marine 25 936 UNIDO Computers 40 000 UNESCO Press 23 581 UNIDO Computers 33 465 UNIDO equipment equipment offset Digital Equipment France 72 850 ITU DEC computer and software Digital Equipment France 52 000 UNESCO Computer UNDP Raman 75 099 WHO Air pollution measurement equipment 28 167 UNIDO Equipment for environmental conditioning Dilor 185 000 Environnement S.A. Eppler Lab hardware spectrometer Florida Purchasing Agency 78 017 UN Computers Florida Purchasing Agency 20 726 UNDP IBM PCs and software Galinet-Migal 89 552 UN Office Geomecanique 21 159 UNIDO Geotrading 34 560 UNDP IBM computer France 33 000 UNDP Gestetner Merieux 104 843 UNDP Measles Gestetner Institut machines hardware and accessories vaccines DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 15 Location Jobin and name of supplier Yvon Komatsu Europe La M4canique Local Moderne purchase (Part MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 169 788 UN Spectroanalyser 125 383 FAO Tractors 61 008 ILO Mini oil pressing 22 758 GVT 2 pick-ups Mercier Fr~res 84 360 UNIDO Industrial Messrs. Prolaro 20 290 UNIDO Turbldimeters/ nephelometers Messrs. Tournaire 97 769 UNIDO Extraction 23 000 IBRD Computer 34 347 ICAO Runway 34 871 UN Laboratory Optilas S.A. 52 000 UNESCO Laser Peugeot 29 199 UNDP Peugeot Poly Labo Paul Block 35 393 UNIDO Reagents/chemicals/ standards Prologue 41 570 UNCTAD Osylan R.I.A.T. 55 705 UNIDO Tanning Renault 66 930 FAO Vehicles Renault 20 493 UNDP Renault 61 000 UNIDO Computers Rh6ne-Mer ieux 83 470 FAO Vaccines Rineau Fr~res 40 000 FAO Marine Robatel, 39 201 UNIDO Equipment MIPS Mathieu Sofralor Normandie Renault S.A. Labo Automobiles Automation SLPI II) machine machines plants systems sweepers equipment equipment 505 vehicles software machines vehicles equipment for decanting /.oo DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 16 Location (Part II) and name of supplier SKM Division, Kremlin MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase Q/ders of $_~Q~Q/ more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment ILO Bus spraybooth/drying chamber 37 000 UNESCO Data acquisition 38 280 ITU Transmission SODEXA 41 300 FAO Vehicles SODEXA 39 000 ITU Vehicles SODEXA 31 562 UN Vehicles SODEXA 76 473 UNDP Peugeot 309, 504 and 505 vehicles SODEXA 24 000 UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment SODEXA 29 716 WTO SODEXA 37 155 UNCTAD Peugeot IAEA Gamma camera with integrated computer accessories Schlumberger Soci6te Anonyme de T616com. Sopha Medical 125 844 315 057 system system 505 vehicles and Sovis 59 897 IAEA Lead glass windows shield cell Spot Image 21 000 FAO Photo-geometry/satellite Sumitomo 49 000 FAO Chemicals 24 797 UNDP Workshop tools 34 200 ITU Training system Technic Terel Acier International for a DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 17 Location Thomson and name of supplier CSF (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders Qf $2Q 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 288 043 ICAO Communication receiver, VOR/DME and ILS remote control/monitor unit, radar simulator accessories and spares for ILS, VOR, and DME 95 528 ICAO Airport lighting cable and splicing kit 37 000 UNESCO Personal 31 000 UNESCO Microcomputer Wang 23 000 UNESCO Microcomputer Xcom 61 134 UNDP Video Thorn Europhane S.A. Top Info Versailles GERMAN Informatique DEMOCRATIC Fortschrit Ind. Rauenstein REPUBLIC 52 692 FAO Seed laboratory 51 000 ITU TIRvib GERMANY, FEDERAL Allgaier Werke GmBH 22 602 B. Braun Diessel 71 Biotech B and C B.T.S. Broadcast Bayer A.G. Bauermeister & Co. Vibration table OF 292 UNIDO UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery Precision measuring tools, instruments 29 000 UNESCO Glass 25 000 UNESCO Spare parts FAO Chemicals UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery 187 090 Bode & Co., GmBH equipment REPUBLIC Landm VEB Thuringer computers 31 359 76 895 UNIDO blowing Laboratory equipment equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 18 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 73 457 UNIDO Spectrophotometers Bomag Amca International 40 239 ILO Computer C. Keller GmBH & Co. 55 336 UNIDO Carl Zeiss 26 060 UNIDO Microscopes Bodenseewerak Perkin Elmer GmBH equipment Carl Schenk, AG 29 461 UN Balancing machine Carl Schenk, AG 46 000 UNESCO Vibration table Carl Zeiss West Germany 23 231 UN Polarizing microscope Carlowithz & Co. 35 632 UNIDO Laboratory equipment CIS Graphic 45 280 GVT Geographical info systems ERDAS computers and accessories Concrete 37 880 UNIDO Reagents/chemicals/ standards 333 000 GVT Calendar 119 495 FAO Office Cranes Chemie Cosa Electra GmBH Daimler Benz Aktiengesellschaft 37 750 UN Daimler Benz Aktlengesellschaft 21 435 UNIDO 51 581 UNIDO Laboratory 78 448 UNIDO Chromatographs, reagents/chemlcals/ standards 99 248 [IN Drilling 25 777 UNIDO Calibrating 35 667 FAO Kitchen Desaga GmBH E. Merck Eastman Christensen Erichsen Fessmann, GmBH & Co. Wilhelm GmBH machines equipment equipment equipment equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 19 Location and name of supplier Geosystems, GmBH 135 483 UN Computer 79 960 UNIDO Laboratory Hansa Ind. 65 628 FAO Prefabricated refrigerators Sepatech Heraeus-Votsch GmBH GmBH Herbert Arnold GmBH & Co. Hermann Berstorff II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment H. Juergens & Co. Heraeus (Part equipment 33 000 UNIDO Laboratory 35 266 ITU Climatic test cabinet for lab. applications 32 114 UNIDO 112 793 UNIDO equipment Machinery and equipment for cement, ceramics, glass industries P Herman Maschinenbau Hohnig 32 662 UN Cartographic 22 995 UNDP DPT vaccines ICN Instruments 33 245 UNIDO Chromatographs Juergens 20 343 FAO Laboratory equipment Juergens 69 011 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 53 397 GVT F-100 53 397 UNIDO Fibres/staples/yarn Karl Frank GmBH 72 775 UNIDO Measuring and testing instruments Karl Glenk Maschinenbau 63 875 UNIDO Mechanical engineering Karl Kolb GmBH & Co. 76 205 UNIDO Laboratory equipment Karl Schroeder 69 292 UNIDO Leather 25 220 FAO Vehicles Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft Kajaani Automation Kajaani Automation Kinsho-Mataichi KG Co. GmBH equipment fibre size analyser /o,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 20 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Kinsho-Mataichi Co. 23 446 ILO 4 WD Pajeros Kinsho-Mataichl Co. 56 134 UNCHS Vehicles Kinsho-Mataichi Co. 115 699 UNIDO Passenger 46 365 UNDP I000 KVA transformer/switchboard transformer protection accessories UN Reprographic accessories Klaus Dieterich 146 000 Klimsch Kochs Adler Ag. Kontron Elektronik Labortechnik Leybold Int’l GmBH & Co. AG L and T Labortehnlk vehicles camera 28 075 UNIDO Sewing 89 752 UNDP Microprocessor development system 229 279 UNIDO Laboratory equipment, extraction plants, apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 57 500 ITU Machine printed machines to produce circuit boards 185 708 FAO Laboratory equipment 32 965 FAO Laboratory microscope 192 000 UNESCO Seismological Lisapro 170 000 UNESCO Diesel generator, winding and shelving equipment Local 198 088 GVT Mercedes 38 251 UNIDO Equipment industry Leitz Ernst Lennartz Electronic purchase Loh Optikmaschinen KG and equipment Benz truck for optical DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 21 Location and name of supplier FAO Fishing High capacity, 2 color offset press and accessories Man Roland 299 000 UN Messrs. Maho AG 241 810 UNIDO Messrs. Pfaff Industriemaschinen 29 722 UNIDO 1 293 894 UNIDO 78 944 UNIDO 25 900 GmBH Otto Specht GmBH & Co. Motorola Inc. Neue Bruderhaus Nordischer Opton Pfaff Maschinenfabrik Maschinenb. Feintechnik Industriemaschinen Pfaudler-Werke, AG GmBH II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (.Purchase orders of $20 00O or mor~l__ Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 54 300 Lubeca (Part equipment Textile machinery FAO Fishing equipment 28 950 UNIDO Precision measuring 26 464 UNIDO Leather 21 610 UNIDO Sewing 150 500 UNIDO Tanks tools, instruments machines and boilers Poligen GmBH 59 485 WHO Microcomputers Polytec Waldbronn 33 000 UNESCO Gauge mirrors 88 773 UNIDO Precision measuring 171 357 UNIDO Furnaces WHO Centrifuges, microscopes and optical equipment Ptl. Dr. Grabenhorst Riedhammer Sandberg GmBH GmBH & Co. and Schneidewino Schlafhorst 60 384 tools, instruments & Co. 137 048 UNIDO Preparatory machinery Schott Glasswerke 22 685 UNIDO Laboratory and spinning equipment DP/19g0/17/Add.6 English Page 22 Location (Part II) and name of supplier Schroeder KG MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 22 092 Siemens Aktiengesella 20 186 UN Electric Spectra Physics 27 000 UNESCO Laser 23 016 WHO Dust monitoring 26 236 ICAO Repair 31 357 UNIDO Mills, sklvers, strainers, extruders 127 497 FAO Woodworking 317 793 UNIDO Photography 38 447 ICAO Weather satellite reception system 94 565 UNIDO Measuring chemical composition 36 330 UNIDO Prlme-movers, steam boilers and generators 56 437 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery Struever Hamburg Thyssen Industrie Torwegge Hoztech. Truetzschler AG Henschel GmBH & Co. UKW Technik UPK-U. Prozesskontroll GmBH UPK GmBH Verfahrenstechnik Vernier Volkswagen AG W.C. Heraeus Jaquet ITU tools, instruments AG GmBH and Co. 000 Precision measuring Siemens Stroehleln 457 UNIDO Digital transmission equipment, telecommunication recording instruments equipment of generating machines 64 000 GVT Spinning 49 300 UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment 51 143 GVT sets machine Light and weather tester DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 23 Location and name of supplier W.C. Heraeus MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 51 143 UNIDO Testing W.H. Behr 22 539 UNIDO Precision measuring tools, instruments Wandel 88 625 ITU Measuring equipment 42 000 UNESCO Soiltest equipment UN Drilling rig 20 290 UNIDO Laboratory 93 000 UN Data acquisition FAO Laboratory UNESCO Microfilm 414 085 FAO Refrigerating 23 000 GVT Mitsubishi Wekob GmBH (Part II) and Goltermann System Wellco Engineering Drill, Westfalia Western GmBH 303 765 Separator AG Data Systems Zeiss Carl 171 947 Zeutschel 43 000 Zlegra-Eismachinen equipment system equipment reader equipment GHANA African Automobile Ltd. Compu-Data Limited Compu-Data Services i00 046 FAO Office Compu-Data Services i01 145 UN Computer 49 946 GVT Local purchase 83 380 UNIDO Leyland 25 000 UN Motors/Accra GLOBAL Field purchase I00 Local 790 186 purchase 000 UNIDO UNIDO canter Microcomputers accessories Vehicle machines and truck DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 24 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Pgrchase orders of $20 000 or more_) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment GREECE LKB-Ogarnacua 42 Petzetakis 39 950 Pharmacia A.Go LKB 29 300 548 UNIDO FAO UNIDO Measuring chemical composition Irrigation Measuring equipment equipment GUATEMALA Control Data Systems 44 405 UNDP Computer Confino Stahl y Compania 62 821 UNDP Toyota trucks 90 000 UNCTAD AST premium microcomputer Local Microcomputaci6n SA equipment system 20 000 UNDP Computer equipment 21 950 WIPO Computer equipment 49 000 UN Vehicles 31 772 UN Rental charges Jem Motors N.V. 50 064 UN Vehicle Local purchase 23 832 UNIDO Okapi 21 593 UN Filing Sitec 25 000 UN Photocopiers Prodata, S.A. GUINEA Diasen Government of Guinea system Soci4t4 Amar Taleb Guin4e 21 450 ILO Toyota Societe Automobile 25 256 UN Vehicle 24 513 UN Vehicles Guineenne Landcruiser GUINEA-BISSAU Diasen /°o, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 25 Location Mavegro Sahili and name of supplier Int’l B.V. LDA Sitec Sociedad Guineense y Servicios de Commercio (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase order~ Qf S20 000 or mQre) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 60 839 UN Vehicle 25 500 UNDP 4 WD Pajero vehicles 49 610 UN Computer 20 000 UN Construction 27 470 UNIDO 20 620 [IN Drilling 36 000 UNDP 18 Yamaha motorcycles 191 150 UNDP 14 Toyota vehicles 190 240 UNIDO Computers 26 000 UNIDO 80 000 IAEA costs GUYANA Local purchase HAITI Preussag equipment HONDURAS Ultramotor Valentin Flores Y Cia. HUNGARY Aluterv-FKI Local purchase Transelektro Computer with accessories, training and installation INDIA Ankur Scientific Ashok Leyland HMT Limited Energy Ltd. 22 663 UNIDO 92 208 UN 52 200 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries Vehicles DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 26 Location (Part II) and name of supplier Industrial and Allied Sale Local purchase Personal MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of. equipment 50 601 287 237 Computers Ltd. Suprex Corporation UNDP 70 Pumps and accessories UNIDO 96 375 UN Computer 36 329 UNIDO Chromatographs INDONESIA Alas Buena Raya Ltd. 67 Insti Data Prima 37 768 Makhota P.T. Astra P.T. Astra Motor Sales 313 GVT UNDP Computer unit, 9 CPUs, 3 Epson printers, digitizer, draft pro DXL plotter, laser printer, network cables and connectors Computer equipment including printers accessories and 32 285 UNCTAD Compaq microcomputer system plus Epson printers 114 765 UNDP Minibuses - Toyota and Mitsubishi; Diahatsu jeeps 27 466 GVT Two Mitsubishi (Petrol) vehicles 73 251 GVT Six 4 WD jeeps (Diesel) P.T. Isti Data Prima 36 080 GVT Computers and printers P.T. New Module Int. 50 288 UNIDO Equipment for heating Sidola 49 683 GVT 27 workstations 63 793 UNIDO P.T. National Astra Motor INTERREGIONAL Local purchase for LAN DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 27 Location and nsme of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 0O0 or more) Executing Cost of agency Description of equipment order IRELAND Entec Industries Manus Coffey Associates Ltd. 33 950 UN Drilling 32 440 UNCHS Vacuum equipment sludge tanker ISRAEL Degem Systems Co. 678 000 ITU Training equipment ITALY A.L.S. I01 358 Age Autoveicoli Applicazioni Atlas Genova Industriali Copco Italia SRL UNIDO Gas analysers 22 212 UNDP Ford vehicle 21 000 UNIDO Measuring electrical quantities 97 354 UNIDO Pneumatic machinery and vacuum Baroid 36 000 UNESCO Laboratory equipment Bertuzzi 52 330 UNIDO Food processing and packaging industry 35 500 FAO Laboratory 137 050 FAO Forestry DANI 45 800 FAO Laboratory De Lorenzo 3O 000 UNESCO Didactic 182 221 FAO Office 33 715 FAO Photographic UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment Chimica Omnia Cremona Angelo Digital Durst Photo Technik Fiatallis 124 444 equipment equipment equipment equipment machines equipment /o,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 Engllsh Page 28 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Fiatgeotech 129 Flamar 197 369 I.M.UT SR.L. 000 FAO UNIDO Tractors Machinery industry for leather 35 500 UNIDO Mechanical equipment 78 830 UNIDO Measuring instruments Incoma 65 605 UNIDO Machinery industry for leather Inpromln 48 503 IMR Industrie Meccaniche Irrel Italprogettl Engineering Riun. engineering UN Heavy media separator 219 282 FAO Irrigation 114 655 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries; machinery for leather industry equipment IVECO Fiat 51 818 FAO Vehicles IVECO Fiat 36 355 ILO Dump truck 13.3 t Iveco Fiat 164 070 UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment James Massarentl SPA 107 500 UN Drilling equipment Lo Stampo 22 089 UNIDO Machinery industry Local purchase 30 000 GVT Piatemaker CP 200 SII Silver master Local purchase 603 589 for leather UNIDO Lombardlni 63 000 FAO Generating Merlinl 39 558 FAO Fishing sets - pumps equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 29 Location Messrs. and name of supplier Pisie Mordenti, Ind. for Marble Granite Proc. M Officina Giovanni BM di Bastianello Officine di Cartigliano Olivetti Equipment S.P.A. Ltd. OSC S.P.A. Pajusco Tecnologie S.P.A. Pisie Poletto Polvara Francesco S.P.A. & (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of_~2O O00 or mQr~ Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 137 208 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 493 518 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 172 956 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 31 313 UNIDO Machinery industry 24 925 ITU Olivetti M300 Personal computers for leather 32 345 UNIDO Glassware 279 246 UNIDO Machinery industry for leather 84 724 UNIDO 212 029 UNIDO Machinery industry for leather Machinery industry for leather 244 207 UNIDO RIS Irrigation 40 318 FAO Irrigation Sclavo SPA 29 410 UNDP DPT and polio S.E.S. SPA 115 901 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 57 370 UNIDO Machinery industry T.M.T. equipment vaccines for leather /.ee DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 30 (Part II) Location and name of supplier Torielli Rag. Pietro MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment & C.S.P.A. Uboldi 169 751 21 420 Vallero Cesare e Figll 267 400 Varian 43 000 UNIDO Machinery industry FAO Workshop UNIDO Machinery industry FAO for leather equipment for leather Laboratory equipment JAPAN Anritsu 84 889 ITU Measuring Honda 45 910 FAO Motorcycles 69 620 UNIDO Mills 31 000 UNESCO Video 21 000 UNIDO Laboratory FAO Vehicles UNIDO Measuring temperature GVT Vehicles, computers Trading Hosokawa Micron Corp. I. Den Corporation Ikemoto Scientific Technology Isuzu Motors Co. 132 888 Kyoto electronics 34 400 Local purchase 450 000 Local purchase 24 200 UNIDO ICAO Marubeni Corporation 23 926 Marubeni Corporation 27 Matsuzawa Seiki Co. Ltd. 750 20 785 ITU equipment equipment Copier, spares equipment accessories Optical fibre equipment UNIDO Measuring and training instruments Mitsubishi Corporation 128 564 AsDB 2 Mitsubishi pick-ups, 2 Mitsubishi Pajeros and 4 Pajero superwagons Mitsubishi Corporation 80 300 ITU Vehicles DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 31 Location and name of supplier (Part MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (P~r9hase orders of S20 000 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment agency order Trading 184 714 FAO Vehicles NEC Corporation 129 898 ICAO Repair and spares VOR/DME units Nessai Sangyo 200 000 GVT Scanning electron microscope Nigata Boeki Mutsumi of 41 000 GVT Air-conditioning Nihon Millipore 36 200 UNIDO Equipment Nikon Co. 24 931 FAO Laboratory microscope 106 358 FAO Laboratory equipment 20 000 UNIDO Electrical equipment 39 374 GVT 3 Nissan pick-ups Nippon Medical Nippon Petrochemicals Nissan Trading Co. Ltd. Co. II) system for filtering Nissan Trading 48 110 FAO Vehicles Nissan Trading 24 728 ICAO Pro~ect Nissan Trading 43 943 UN Vehicles Nissan Trading 39 374 UNDP 3 Nissan Nissei Commerce 44 300 FAO Laboratory equipment Nissei Sangyo 25 215 FAO Laboratory equipment Nissei Sangyo 200 000 UNIDO Microscopes Nissei Trading 51 866 FAO Laboratory Nissei Trading 42 977 UN Calculators Nissei Trading 94 553 UNIDO Furnaces, equipment Nissho lwai Corporation 43 298 AsDB 2 Mitsubishi vehicle pick-ups equipment electrical and motorcycles Pajeros DP/igg0/17/Add.6 English Page 32 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 Q00 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Ogawa Seiki 23 300 FAO Laboratory Ogawa Seiki 27 516 UN Computer Ogawa Seiki 47 000 UNESCO Conical equipment equipment disk rheometer Ogawa Seiki 137 299 UNIDO Rubber and testing instruments Osaka Kiko Co. Ltd. 406 298 UNIDO Mechanical 182 420 UNIDO Diffractometers and equipment to measure chemical composition Rigaku International Corp. engineering Shimadzu Co. 38 850 FAO Laboratory Shimadzu Co. 163 479 GVT Spectrophotometer Mod. UV-160 A, absorption spectrophotometer, atomic absorption/plane emission, 2 electronic scales Shimadzu Co. 364 565 UNIDO Laboratory equipmentr chromatographs and spectrophotometers Sony 102 000 GVT Ed. Mag. Media Sony Corporation Suga Test Instruments Sumitomo Corporation 84 691 Co. Ltd. 54 546 46 500 ILO UNIDO ITU equipment AVA 2 video cameras and accessories, language laboratory Precision measuring tools, instruments Test and measuring equipment Suzuki Motor 37 714 FAO Vehicles Suzuki Motor 47 000 UPU 6 cars DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 33 Location and name of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase 0r~ers of S20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Toyota Motor Corporation 30 832 Toyota Motor Corporation 1 875 252 FAO Vehicles Toyota Motor Corporation 237 861 GVT Vehicles Toyota Motor Corporation 33 516 ICAO Project Toyota Motor Corporation 128 440 ILO Toyota hi-ace for handicapped, 4 WD stationwagons diesel, 1 Landcruiser, 2 coaster cooler buses, and 1 bus Toyota Motor Corporation 26 050 ITU Vehicles Toyota Motor Corporation 606 547 UN Vehicles Toyota Motor Corporation 1 343 030 UNDP 91 Toyota spares Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Toyota Tsusho Yamaha Motor Corporation Corporation AsDB " 2 Landcruisers vehicle vehicles and 90 000 UNESCO Vehicles 481 636 UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment, passenger vehlcles, trucks and pick-ups 129 488 117 200 AsDB FAO 7 Landcrulsers Outboard marine/ motorcycles JORDAN Ideal Systems 32 035 ILO Microcomputer Local purchase 65 485 ICAO Computer Mantech 55 625 UN Computer Co. Co. equipment /,oo DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 34 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment KENYA 35 753 GVT Basic cartographic equipment 58 191 ICAO Microcomputer Ryce Motors Ltd. 54 651 FAO Vehicles Yogi Hardware 83 000 GVT Production training materials, training equipment and tools UN Computer FAO Vehicles Local purchase Olivetti (Ing.C.) & Co., Inc. Ltd. system KUWAIT A.M. AI-Khorafi Mohamed Naser AI-Sayer LAO PEOPLE’S Soci4t4 114 800 DEMOCRATIC Commerciale 20 491 REPUBLIC LAO BP 25 556 UN Honey processing equipment 22 086 UN Computer LESOTHO Quadrant Pioneer Computers Motors 25 843 UNDP Toyota trucks LIECHTENSTEIN Balzers Limited 191 624 UNIDO Furnaces 45 488 UN Trailer 49 950 UN Compressor LUXEMBOURG Tecsuco Ltd. test pump MADAGASCAR Blanche Berger and Popeterie Le Mat6riel Industriel Automobile et 54 000 UN Vehicle DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 35 Location Local and name of supplier purchase II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order Description of equipment agency 20 000 TechniLabo (Part 179 505 UNIDO WHO Equipment 33 407 UN Computer Ets. Peyrissas 45 000 IBRD Mitsubishi car STE Malienne 20 MALI Bureau Boutique Dist. Buhan et Teis 844 UNDP car, Peugeot IBM computers printers and MALAYSIA Gestetner 32 399 WMO Offset printing machine MALAWI Computer Sales and Services 20 520 GVT Computer Computer Sales and Services 31 370 WMO IBM Computer 25 000 UNIDO 50 702 ICAO Local purchase and plotter MALTA Intertecnica Ltd. Asphalt recycler, spares and manuals, concrete mixer, plate compactor and spares MEXICO Desarrollo Tecnol6gico Electr6nica Dise~os y Maquinar~a Local purchase en Jer 20 087 GVT 87 793 FAO 57 317 UNIDO Master station Food processing package equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 36 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment MOROCCO GVT Computers 157 158 UN Computer 22 382 UN Computer Computronics 35 474 UN Computer Phumula Export/Import 23 000 UN Vehicle Syscom, LDA 21 653 UN Computer Myanmar Heavy Industries 74 428 UNIDO Transformers, power control equipment Textile Industries, 37 Cielec 60 000 ICA Data Systems MOZAMBIQUE Centro de Inform~tlca equipment spares MYANMAR Yangon 870 GVT Relief items (blankets, towels, shirtings) NEPAL Data System Int’l Local purchase Mercantile Office Systems 70 400 366 605 41 270 AsDB ICAO UNIDO 9 Microcomputers, emergency power supply equipment and generator Telegraphy equipment and accessories, repair/overhaul of aircraft engine, insurance for aircraft and spares Computers NETHERLANDS Almex B.V. 22 498 UNIDO Equipment for drying DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 37 Location and name of supplier Arendonk International MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 25 043 UNIDO Machinery industry FAO Vehicles Autocar Rotterdam 267 600 Autocar Rotterdam 39 125 UN Vehicles 61 879 UN PVC pipes 157 381 UN Vehicle, drilling Boode B.V. Deep Drill Equipment Delft Hydraulics Gemco BV Lab. 65 International Guinard Pompen 601 28 092 Nederland B UNDP Switchboard - control panels, pumps, submersible/horizontal and spares UN Computer equipment, bead machine spares and photocopying machine and supplies UNDP 37 Toyota landcruisers, well drilling set, IBM computers and printers and office equipment and supplies 115 788 Int’l Procurement Agency 701 NV Machine Fabriek 215 321 611 Terlet Tide recorders and field measuring equipment 227 779 Agency purchase casing and equipment Grinding machines cylindrical) Procurement Local UN for leather UNIDO Int’l ITS Bussum BV (Part II) (Int. UNDP Gates, valves and flanges 24 000 GVT Nissan patrol motorcycles truck, 22 977 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 38 Location (Part II) and name of supplier NV Philips Gloeilampenfabriken International MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 157 799 ILO Simultaneous interpretation system, equipment for conference, music and sound distribution system Ottovanger and Zonen 20 751 FAO Animal feeding machines Ottovanger Machinenfab. 26 818 FAO Animal machines feeding Philips Export B.V. 167 708 ICAO Oscilloscopes, generators and accessories Philips Export B.V. 22 870 UNDP Conference radio/interpreter system with speakers and headphones Philips Export B.V. 91 940 UNIDO Electrical Project Production 50 898 UNDP Agricultural 483 149 ICAO Fire fighting vehicle, accessories and spares 82 292 FAO Laboratory Stichting IDA International Dispensary Assn. 33 371 WHO Miscellaneous TNO Centre for Polymetric Materials 36 385 UNIDO Equipment to measure chemical composition TNO Civo-Institutes 61 972 UNIDO Laboratory refrigerators and freezers Saval Skalar Kronenburg Int’l B.B. Analytical TNO Export Unlverslteit BV 186 van Amsterdam 399 35 298 UNIDO UNIDO Mechanical equipment equipment equipment equipment drugs engineering Sawing and cutting machines DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 39 Location and name of supplier Van Leeuwen Trading B.V. Vane Eyle and Ruygers BV (Part If) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order Description of equipment agency 86 815 130 474 UNIDO Presses (hydraulic), photocopiers, can/jar processing machines ILO CNC lathe and accessories 28 474 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries NEW ZEALAND Fluidyne NICARAGUA DTK microcomputer systems Local purchase 28 000 UNCTAD Local purchase 21 250 UNIDO 68 858 FAO Motorcycles Bull/Niger 25 912 UN Microcomputer Ei-Hadji 24 509 UN Engineering 47 872 UN Vehicles 48 754 ICAO Project vehicle, personal computers, accessories and training Motorama NIGER Djibo Mossi Ets. Elhadj Local Issoufou purchase Alphaga equipment Sonida 51 079 UN Vehicles Ucoma B.P. 93 792 UN Agricultural furniture and shelving equipment and donkey carts DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 40 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 00Q or more) Cost of Executing Description of equipment order agency NIGERIA Afro American Automation Co. D.G. Deme and Sons 20 353 25 823 ILO UNIDO Computer system Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries NORWAY Aanderaa Instruments 23 790 UN Currentmeters Aanderaa Instruments 38 690 UNDP Meteorological 24 280 ICAO Control cable splicing kit IMO Radar navigation simulator system EB Norsk Kabel AS Norcontrol Nortool Simulation Maskin A/S Tandberg 495 916 equipment and 201 811 UNIDO Lathes (turret capstan) and 90 000 UNESCO Language 65 757 UNDP Computer hardware accessories laboratory PAKISTAN Computer Graphic Computerage and System Svc. Pvt. Ltd. F D & C Equipment Limited 35 050 UN Computer 34 600 UNIDO Distilling equipment plants PANAMA Comtel S.A. Local purchase 23 450 115 000 UN UNIDO Computer equipment and DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 41 Location PAPUA and name of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or mor~) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment NEW GUINEA High Tech 83 441 UN Computers Remington 25 250 UN Computers 25 950 ILO NCR computer 50 000 UN Computer 20 788 FAO Office machines 34 000 UNIDO Power control 125 618 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries PARAGUAY ECSA Equipos Contables SA systems PHILIPPINES Sun Systems Union Computer Systems POLAND Instytut Wysokich Politechniki Napiec Poch Rank Xerox 20 000 ECE Copying machine REGIONAL Local purchase REPUBLIC OF KOREA Goldstar Medical Korea 43 467 Systems Sericultural Nam Yang Fishing Net 252 000 UNIDO UNESCO Magnetic and scientific equipment 243 521 FAO Silk processing 25 748 FAO Fishing ROMANIA Romcontrol Data 35 000 GVT Computer equipment equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 42 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of agency Description of equipment order RWANDA National Cash Register Nieuwe Afrikaansche La Rwandaise Rwandese SARL Toyota 37 225 UN Computer equipment 22 089 UN Vehicle 24 539 ILO Toyota car 41 200 UPU 2 cars SAUDI ARABIA 478 Local purchase 894 UNIDO SENEGAL Africauto Senegal Buhan-Teis Institute Pasteur Local purchase R4alisations T414matiques 20 000 UN Vehicle 33 400 UN Microcomputer 56 761 UNDP Vaccines 20 576 UNIDO equipment UN Computer 34 000 UNESCO Computer 58 455 UNIDO Photocopiers 49 500 ITU Air-conditioning and accessories 39 710 UN Microcomputer 51 500 IBM Computer printer, DBMS 51 789 ICAO Computer equipment accessories i00 086 SINGAPORE Bulsing Cannon Singapore Carrier Singapore Central Computer Computerage Datatrend Pte. Ltd. Ltd. Pte. Ltd. Company Computer Pte. Ltd. equipment units equipment equipment, Prof. Oracle and DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 43 Location Digital and name of supplier Eq. Singapore (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchas~ or4ers of $2Q QQQ or mQre) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 81 500 FAO Office machines 28 000 UN Computer equipment Garnac International 65 000 UNESCO Personal computers Korasia 89 996 GVT Computer equipment, photo-developing equipment, serial network LAN system including 1 server and 4 terminals 25 560 FAO Bicycles 27 800 UNIDO Electrical 41 312 UN Crusher Epson Electronics Shipping North Private Selectrons Pte. Ltd. and Trading Ltd. Ltd. Yock Hin Engineering SOUTH Works equipment parts AFRICA Telemedia, (Pty) Ltd. 236 800 GVT FM solar-powered transmitter 37 988 UNIDO Spark erosion SPAIN Ona Electro-Erosion Talleres Olcina, S.A. S.L. 52 782 machines UNIDO Machinery industry for leather UNESCO Computing equipment UNDP Toyota ILO Minicomputer UN Vehicle SRI LANKA Dadatec Freudenberg IBM World Trade Corporation 134 000 22 770 116 000 landcruisers SUDAN Jeddah Saudi Arabia 51 960 /,,o DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 44 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders Qf ~20 QO0 or more) Cost of Executing Description of equipment order agency SWEDEN AB Lorentzen & Wettre 195 333 UNIDO Testing 23 780 WHO Seismic Exp. 23 752 FAO Electrical AMU Furulund 34 500 UNIDO Computers UN Drill spare parts, diamond core drill 28 i00 FAO Pumps 42 000 UNESCO Impregnating Abem AB Ahlsell Craelius AB 103 356 Flygt Industrial Elektronik recorders equipment machine Pharmacia LKB 46 636 FAO Laboratory Pharmacia LKB 27 105 GVT Macrodrive, fraction collector, etc. 48 734 ICAO Ground communications equipment, spares for HF radio power amplifier 22 266 UN TM scenes AB 56 000 UNIDO Mechanical VME Int. Sales 98 286 FAO Vehicles UNIDO Spark erosion Standard Swedish Terco Radio and Telefon Space Corporation AB equipment composites engineering SWITZERLAND Agie 348 767 machines AST Research 31 170 UNDP Computer Bafag 32 326 UNIDO Food processing and packaging machinery Beckman Instruments Int°l 51 927 WHO equipment Chromatographic analysers, radiation equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 45 Location Bender and name of supplier and Hobein AG Bossard AG Bresga Schreinerei AG Bruker Buchi Buechi Laboratories Buhler Brothers Ltd. Campagnie Industrielle Radiodlectrique S.A. Caterpillar Overseas AG 20 567 WHO Centrifuges 70 030 UNIDO Precision measuring 25 714 UN Light UNESCO IFS spectrometer 21 824 UNIDO Laboratory 91 272 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries and equipment for evaporating tools, instruments table 614 708 UNIDO 25 741 WMO Absolute 154 i00 FAO Tractors equipment radiometer CEFTI 28 220 UNCTAD Compaq microcomputer systems Ciba-Geigy 23 900 UNIDO Reagents/chemicals/ standards Datacolor 25 000 UNIDO Textile Denau Trading 28 000 UNESCO Laboratory Dialogue 25 630 UNCTAD IBM PS-2 microcomputer systems plus software Logique Digital 455 208 Elbaken 20 400 Fisher Scientific II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 Qr mQre) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 106 000 Laboratories-Technik (Part 66 073 WMO UNCTAD UNIDO machinery equipment Computer IBM PS-2 microcomputer systems plus softwsre Laboratory equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 46 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 O00 Qr mQre) Executing Cost of Description of equipment order agency UN Classifier system 140 992 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 34 630 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries Genmark, S.A. 23 844 Gem.ark, S.A. Glatt GmBH 22 Hewlett Packard 29 000 UNESCO Computing equipment Hewlett Packard 57 691 UNIDO Measuring instruments IAPSU 77 000 UNESCO Microcomputer IBM 36 689 WMO Computer 102 776 UN Computers Kern and Co., Ltd. 91 394 UN Software and marketing instrument Landis 28 727 UN Portable 224 170 UNIDO Laboratory 138 246 UNIDO Analysers thermal (differential), measuring weight and balances (thermo-recording) Inter-Agency Procurement and Gyr. Zug Corp. MBR bio Reactor Mettler AG Instruments AG Svs. 870 UNCTAD IBM PS-2 microcomputer systems plus software Globudata rotating equipment Micafil 35 794 UN Filteration Nagra 41 300 ITU Tape recorders 39 320 UNCTAD Olivetti systems UN Spectrophotometer and laboratory equipment Kudelski Olivetti Perkin-Elmer AG 129 171 plant microcomputer DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 47 Location and name of supplier (Part MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Perkin-Elmer AG 37 191 UNIDO K0107 Perkin-Elmer AG 38 656 WHO Spectroscopic 89 082 WHO DDT WDP overseas UNIDO Computers Phytagri S.A. Procomp AG 350 721 analysers PSI 62 681 FAO Food processing Rank Xerox 37 226 FAO Office machines Rudolf 46 144 UN Printer 92 081 FAO Wool/cotton equipment Elsaesser Spinlab Ag. II) shipment equipment processing 191 746 ITU Universal call simulator system (Phase I, Phase II and Phase III) Swisscab 34 345 ITU Machine printed Techavia 66 177 WMO Satellite station Tektronit 36 829 WMO Spectrum Tettex Instruments 20 595 GVT Partial discharges measuring system Vickey Venture 650 000 GVT Labs high temperature oven Standard Telephone Radio AG (STR) Videologic Wild Leitz Ag. Inc. und 41 080 120 331 UNCTAD FAO to produce circuits receiving analyser Zenith portable microcomputers Laboratory equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 48 Location Willy and name of supplier Roulet, X-tronix (Part II) Succ Kurt Grossen AG Zellweger Uste AG TERRITORY OF HONG KONG MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase or4~rs of $2Q 00O or mQre) Executing Cost of agency Description of equipment order 75 181 UNIDO Lathes (precision), grinding and polishing machines 185 388 UNIDO Vacuum 89 994 UNIDO Accessories SONY video camera mod. DXC-M3APK, complete with accessories and Co. Ltd. 55 A. Andrews and Co. Ltd. 24 177 UN Computer A. Andrews and Co. Ltd. 26 036 UNDP IBM computers, printers and accessories A. Andrews and Co. Ltd. 40 984 UNCHS Office equipment A. Andrews and Co. Ltd. 21 000 UNESCO Offset and copier A. Andrews and Co. Ltd. 64 852 UNIDO Office equipment WMO Video tape editing composing system Audio Consultants 269 999 Co., Ltd. 89 588 GVT equipment A. Andrews Advanced Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. 008 coating GVT Simultaneous interpretation equipment CBE 76 190 GVT Workstation CHP 170 000 GVT ICU EAC Technical 546 000 GVT Microcomputer Gamma Lab 164 000 GVT Laboratories UNIDO Offset printing GVT Gripper Gestetner Heno~ International Industry Ltd. 38 249 307 346 and system machines loom /,,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 49 Location Jacky’s and name of supplier International (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of S20 000 or more) Executing Cost of order agency Description of equipment 34 500 FAO Audio visual equipment Kwan Richard Oriental Supplies 29 927 FAO Generating Kwan Richard Oriental Supplies 34 345 ICAO Computer equipment, accessories and supplies Kwan Richard Oriental Supplies 61 090 UN Computer UNIDO Computers FAO Office machines UNIDO Microscopes Lectra Systems Legend Technology Schmidt Ltd. 276 147 46 737 and Co. Ltd. 168 650 sets and pumps Sun Microsystems 23 000 UNESCO Training Tai Tong Trade 60 540 GVT 386/20 43 295 UNIDO Chromatographs Waters Chromatography Division and equipment computer systems THAILAND Astraco Asia Trading 20 356 FAO Office machines Astraco Asia Trading 47 000 ITU Caterpillar package diesel generator sets CICA Togo 35 170 UN Vehicles Local 33 000 UNIDO 24 861 FAO Vehicles 90 559 UNIDO Computers TOGO purchase Sonacom TRINIDAD Auto AND TOBAGO IBM World Trade Corp. DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 50 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 0Q0 or mQre) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment TUNISIA Field purchase 50 000 UNIDO Local purchase 37 000 UNIDO TURKEY Local purchase 40 280 UNIDO Protek A.S. 39 995 UN Microcomputer Tamrock 36 000 UN Drill 22 300 UN Computer 41 344 UN Vehicles GVT Vehicles International YESA Company system rig parts equipment UGANDA Sablecross Trading UNION OF SOVIET REPUBLICS Co. Ltd. SOCIALIST NIVA 25 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Kodak Near East Inc. UNITED 170 905 UNIDO Computers 30 248 UN Seismograph 25 439 ICAO Transmitter accessories 66 170 UNIDO Precision measuring KINGDOM Addison and Baxter Ltd. AEL Communications Agema Infrared Apple 587 Ltd. Systems Ltd. Mayfield Arsource S.J. Gasher Ltd. and tools, instruments 28 000 UNESCO Computer 26 500 IBRD Film projector systems DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 51 Location and name of supplier Associated MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 QO0 or mQre) Cost of Executing Description of equipment order agency FAO Vehicles 28 000 UNESCO Marine educational equipment 28 204 ICAO Cable 73 527 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries, equipment for sedimenting 23 316 UN Solar BSI Testing 52 080 UNIDO Laboratory CAB International 24 405 FAO Carbolite 20 204 UN 32 414 UNIDO 20 200 UNIDO Office FAO Radio UNIDO Lathes (automatic, spindle) Biccotest and Son Ltd. Ltd. Boxmag-rapid BP Solar Chas. Limited International Furnaces A. Blatchford Chemshare Ind. II) 31 350 B. Cooke Vehicles (Part Process & Sons Ltd. Systems Ltd. CODAN Iii 800 Colchester Lathe Co. Ltd. 21 663 Dando Drilling Systems 102 577 Dando Drilling Systems 29 004 Dando Drilling Systems Danter Denver Derek Process Robinson Equipment Machine Ltd. Tool locators and spares equipment equipment Furnace equipment communication multi FAO UN Drill repairs 104 078 WHO Drilling 94 667 GVT Metal fatigue machine 30 266 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 35 586 UN Various rigs testing machines DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 52 Location (Part II) and name of supplier De Vere Ltd. MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $2Q O0O or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 33 000 FAO Photo laboratory equipment Digital Research, Ltd. 21 821 UN Computer Digital Equipment Corporation 92 237 IMO Tide analysis and production computer system Ele International 72 000 UNESCO Soiltest equipment, concrete Ele International 20 125 UNIDO Testing Ford Motor Co. 35 250 FAO Vehicles Gallenkamp 58 731 FAO Laboratory equipment Gallenkamp 21 000 UNESCO Laboratory equipment Gallenkamp 117 875 UNIDO Laboratory equipment UNDP Photocopier, scanner, typewriter, spares, etc. Gellatly Hankey Ltd. 50 494 Gestetner 22 H.E. Messmer 21 537 GVT Durating H.E. Messmer 26 000 UN Packaging equipment 33 705 FAO Generating 24 500 UN Software for Cyber IBM Overseas 24 000 UNESCO Concrete mixer ICL House 38 953 UNIDO Machines and specialized equipment IDS 95 582 UNIDO Hawker Siddeley Hydraulic Power Research Ltd. 015 ITU Spares and consummables for office machines strength tester testing sets and pumps 840A DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 53 Location and name of supplier Instrom MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 24 741 Instrom Limited Int’l Disability 130 Services Ltd. 282 435 212 GVT UNIDO Spares for universal testing machine Plastics and measuring instruments UNIDO J & B Brooks Ltd. 36 400 James H. Heal 31 477 UNIDO Testing 92 610 UNIDO Preparatory machinery James Mackie & Sons Ltd. (Part II) ITU Toshiba T-1600 portable personal computer equipment and spinning Kennedy International Ltd. 105 000 UNESCO Machine Kennedy International Ltd. 219 335 UNIDO Mechanical Land Infrared 32 406 UNIDO Pyrometers Land-Rover Ltd. 21 500 ITU Landpower Land-Rover Ltd. 95 862 UN Vehicles Land-Rover Ltd. 41 600 UNDP Landrovers Land-Rover Ltd. 41 193 WTO Landrovers WMO Station UNIDO Vehicles, mobile workshops, lifting equipment FAO Vehicles UNIDO Finishing Landrover Exports Ltd. 22 200 Landrover Exports Ltd. 233 582 Lindex Ltd. Longclose Ltd. Lummus Int. Sales 53 i00 140 832 40 234 tools engineering wagon machines FAO /o,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 54 Location Malvern (Part II) and name of supplier Instruments Mannesmann Ltd. Demag Hamilton Mand Testing Machines Marlec Engineering Ltd. Ltd. Co. MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment order agency 115 466 UNIDO Measuring chemical composition, other measuring instruments 62 300 UNIDO Injection machines 23 239 UN Testing 49 631 UN Generator moulding rig spare parts Massey Ferguson U.K. 89 843 FAO Tractors Massey Ferguson U.K. 54 930 UN Bulldozer, 35 000 UNESCO Computing machine UNIDO Machinery industry for leather 36 708 UN Hydraulic press 26 352 UN Spare 31 900 ITU PABX system UN Phototypesetter UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries Mayfield Maziak Engineering (Norris) Meltool Eng. Mirrlees Blackstone Ltd. Mitel UK Monotype Mozley 195 895 i01 193 Corporation Limited Ncode International Ltd. 24 850 Ltd. 20 320 UNIDO tractor parts Computers Next Computer 130 000 UNESCO Computing equipment, cipher stape system Omnidata 553 289 UN Water level Int’l Ltd. recorders Perkin Elmer Ltd. 29 486 UNIDO Chromatographs Philips 71 946 FAO Laboratory Scientific equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 55 Location and name of supplier Philips Scientific Pleassey Displays Ltd. Qualitex Knitting Machinery Radyne Limited 126 326 UNIDO Spectrophotometers 123 582 ICAO Repair 36 650 UNIDO Knitting 109 355 UNIDO Industrial of ILS machines 41 000 GVT Reproducing Ranx Xerox 21 027 UNDP Photocopier Ranx Xerox 31 483 WTO Ltd. RS Components Ltd. Shirley Developments Simon Hartley 120 746 Ltd. Ltd. Sinclair Space Technology Systems Stag Instruments Ltd. The Numerical Group Ltd. Toolquip I Toolquip Algorithma International International Ltd. II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or mot@) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Ranx Xerox RS Components (Part ICAO machines Relays, batteries and cables, chemicals, drafting equipment and electronic components 20 134 UNIDO 186 611 UNIDO Textiles and textile machinery 30 180 WHO Water supply, sanitation, soil and material testing 26 836 WMO Weather 27 376 WMO Satellite station 20 363 WHO Hospital chart transmitter receiving equipment 21 135 ITU Software 64 000 UNESCO Tools and plumbing materials UNIDO Tools, grinding machines and electrical equipment Ii0 000 DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 56 (Part II) MAJOR Location and name of supplier EQUIPMENT __ (Purchase orders Cost of Executing order agency ORDERED of $20 000 or more) Description of equipment Tri/Med 24 936 FAO General Trimos Sylvac 45 741 UNIDO Measuring 28 670 UNIDO Mechanical 74 599 ILO WH loader Unit Export 49 024 FAO General Unit Export 220 397 UNIDO Laboratory equipment, finishing machines and apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 158 834 IAEA Data general computer with accessories, training and installation 51 329 UN Video/cinema 62 747 FAO Building UNIDO Furnaces 32 480 GVT Computer equipment 25 810 GVT Response system monitoring 68 244 GVT Computer accessories; IBM PS-2 Mod. 50/2 061 and model 60/071 and accessories Trueperch Unatrac International Ltd. Division Wide Trade Foundation Ltd. YCL Ltd. UNITED REPUBLIC STATES Abar Ipsen Accord System Accutrol Arthur Thomas engineering exports unit material OF AMERICA Industries AC3 - Computer dimensions OF TANZANIA SALCO UNITED exports Center 262 580 68 889 DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 57 Location and name of supplier AT and T Federal Systems Africair (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase Qrders of $20 Q00 or more) Executing Cost of Description of equipment order agency 55 749 UNDP LAN service including installation 64 909 UNDP Aircraft spares engines equipment and A.L.S. Computer Systems 51 381 UN Computer Apollo Computer Inc. 20 830 GVT Apollo workstation Applied Biosystems 84 107 FAO Laboratory Applied Biosystems 86 339 UNDP Microprocessor Applied Biosystems 51 482 UNIDO Reagents/chemicals/ standards Ashford International Inc. 141 419 UN Computer equipment, photocopier Ashford International Inc. 52 I01 UNIDO Computers 50 950 ICAO Touch 30 800 ITU Temperature/humidity chamber 70 775 UNIDO Spectrometers 93 883 ICAO Spares for DME, retrofit kit for DME 63 171 UN Hydrogeological 90 689 GVT Freon cooled ultracentrifuge 59 873 UNDP Ultracentrifuge 20 236 UN Computer Associated Data Systems Associated Environment Austin Science Aviation Baski Systems Associates Systems Inc. Water Instruments, Beckman Instruments Beckman Instruments Blue Tech Inc. Inc. equipment system panel trainer (emission) equipment pump equipment DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 58 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 0QO or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Boaleeco Inc. 44 416 ICAO Computer training accessory boards, floppy disk systems, manuals and training course Briston International 31 392 UNDP Computer, printer accessories Brixton International 54 062 GVT Accessories BTC Analysts Inc. 56 965 GVT Metallograph CBA 25 000 GVT Computer CPM 188 000 GVT Autoclave 168 000 GVT Prepreg Carvajal 51 009 GVT Computer Case/Poclain 65 977 UNDP Backhoe UN Bulldozer IAEA Master-slave manipulators for a shielded cell California Graphite Caterpillar, Central Inc. Research 103 379 Laboratories 96 700 and for computer machine equipment loader China Business Association 140 512 GVT Printer, ast. 386 computer China Business Daterprices 166 000 GVT Spinning machines 22 280 GVT Sorvall centrifuges 59 750 UNDP Teletext UN Steam generator 48 539 UNDP Protocol 24 319 UNDP Computers, printers, software and accessories Cientist SRL Communication Corexport Specialities Corporation 124 781 Data Net Inc. Data System Computer Centre inserter boards test DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 59 Location and name of supplier (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment Daystar, Inc. 63 600 UN PV system test equipment DEC 20 000 GVT Workstation Digital 35 000 GVT STM ITU Computer systems, microVAX 2000 Digital Equipment Corporation 483 738 Digital Equipment Corporation 103 853 UNDP Multiplexer, printer, spares and accessories, server 200 and accessories Digital Sound Corporation 23 826 UNDP Computer spares accessories and 35 783 UN Computer Du Pont de Nemours 52 196 IT[/ Measuring Econometric 25 168 UN Microcomputer 102 400 UN Pumping test unit and wattmeters 36 885 ICAO Wind tunnel 49 770 IBRD Compaq computer 25 000 UN Computers 35 392 UN Drilling 25 168 UN Microcomputer 37 000 UNIDO Testing 44 027 FAO Laboratory ICAO Interactive computer-based trainer DOS Computer EMC Export Center software Mgmt. Consultant Engineering Laboratory Entre Computer Execucom Export Express Center Systems Oil Field Supply Inc. Micromart, Firestone Inc. Industrial Fisher Scientific Flight Design Products Co. Safety Services Corp. 811 405 equipment equipment equipment systems parts/equipment equipment video /,°, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 60 Location (Part II) and name of supplier Fluke International Forestry Corp. Suppliers Forty-Seventh Geophysical Glasstech Street Photo Environment Global Business Gordon Machinery Gould/AMI Hal Olson’s Halifax Hester Technology Edge-Buy Tool Co. 84 804 UNIDO Electrical 51 835 FAO Forestry UNDP Computers, printers accessories UN Spectroradiometer equipment 164488 33 i00 446 Solar Inc. Government MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20.000 or more) Executing Cost of agency Description of equipment order Services Express 500 equipment and Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries 20 900 GVT Computer 130 000 GVT Forwarders 34 285 ITU Special works performed under contract 50 947 UNIDO Computers 83 244 UN Computer GVT Drilling equipment 81 725 UN Drilling equipment 250 000 Tool Company UNIDO equipment equipment Hewlett Packard Int’l 44 217 GVT CI007A - Terminal 700/44 Hewlett Packard Int’l 98 430 ICAO Oscilloscope and spectrum analyser Hewlett Packard Int’l 226 650 ITU Digital radio constellation analyser, spectrum analyser, synthesized sweeper, etc., computer systems Hewlett Packard Int’l 20 524 UNDP Draftpro plotter, accessories and supplies /.,, DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 61 Location Hewlett and name of supplier Packard Int’l (Part II) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase order~ of $20 000~ Cost of Executing Description of equipment order agency 148 000 UNESCO GC/MS system 21 929 UNIDO IBM 24 062 GVT Computers ICL, Inc. (N.A.) 24 595 UN Computer 20 169 ICAO Subscriptions 175 086 GVT Computer 40 500 ITU Software UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries Himmelstein Information and Company Handling Services Informicos Intellicorp International Fertilizer 247 421 International Hofortech International Power Machine Co. Inverexport John Fluke Manufacturing Julie Research Kahlsico Corporation Kinemetrics Landmark Graphics Co. 330 UNDP equipment Laptop computers and software, IBM computers, Compaq computers, printers and accessories 20 531 UNDP Battery 25 680 GVT Vehicles 93 360 ICAO Computer test equipment and accessories 41 International Kay Elemetrics LKB Co. 95 equipment 800 UNIDO back-up system Measuring electrical quantities 94 000 UNESCO Oceanographical 30 437 UNDP Computer, printer, accessories and supplies 25 250 GVT Seismic equipment 55 000 GVT Graphic station 49 000 GVT Gamma counting equipment system DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 62 Location Leeds (Part II) and name of supplier & Northrup MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders Qf Z20 00Q or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 73 990 GVT Particles analyser Li-Cor 50 702 FAO Laboratory Liconix 21 000 UNESCO Argon 410 560 GVT Software hardware Lummus Int. Sales 96 606 FAO Mac Equipment 33 500 FAO Generating 42 365 UNDP Satellite earth station and IBM computer IIi 087 UN Manchester equipment microcomputer 86 362 UN Computer and microcomputer Local purchase Inc. Mackay Communications Manchester Manhattan Equipment Office Mc Williams Micro Products Machinery Innovation Co. Sales Computer Microland Mineral Mobile Systems Drill International Inc. M/S International Dev. Inst. 514 42 546 21 Logging Motorola 160 242 UNIDO UNDP GVT dimension equipment lasers Drawing package and equipment sets and pumps and equipment IBM computers, printers, plotter, software, accessories and supplies PC hardware and software 46 281 UN Gamma Ray CCL tool and logging unit 76 867 UN Drilling 74 945 UNIDO 24 438 ASDB rig 1 unit STAL 3.15 KVA i0 minute back-up power supply generator and computer with accessories DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 63 Location and name of supplier MTS NDT Technologies Inc. NEC Instruments New Brunswick Nicolet Scientific Analytical Instruments Nicolet Instruments Division Heating UNIDO Measuring 30 872 UN Computers 25 557 UNIDO Precision measuring Technology 23 519 GVT 38 788 FAO system instruments tools, instruments Computers XT-AT 80286 with accessories 49 214 GVT FTIR spectrometer 42 600 UNIDO Calorimeters 22 932 UNDP Laboratory 73 700 UNIDO Measuring system Analytical Nissho Iwai American Omicron GVT 219 630 NCR Corporation If) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 00O or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 89 000 MTS Systems (Part Corp. Corp. (gas) equipment instruments Online Computer 30 000 UNESCO Computers Oriel Corporation 26 237 UNIDO Monochromators 60 249 ICAO Microwave 59 386 UNIDO Apparatus and machinery for chemical and allied industries Overseas Marketing Parr Instrument Group Co. Co. trainer Co. 55 850 FAO Laboratory equipment Perkin-Elmerr Co. 55 975 UN Laboratory equipment supplies Perkin-Elmer Perkin-Elmer Phoenix Co. Manufacturing Prime Computer Inc. Inc. 138 302 UNIDO Spectrophotometers 126 386 UNDP Truck with hi-crane UNIDO Computers 22 400 and DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 64 Location (Part II) and name of supplier Procalculo MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 25 195 GVT Hard disk Prosis Ltda. 180 000 GVT Software Rosement 397 272 GVT Material for trial production S and S Corporation 84 372 UNDP Computer equipment Sigma Chemical Co. 23 376 GVT Chemical products Sigma Chemical Co. 40 000 UNIDO Reagents/chemicals/ standards Solar Electric 47 960 UN Computer and electrical equipment 32 500 UN Engineering 20 780 GVT Geo mod software Spinlab 77 i00 FAO Wool/cotton equipment Step Electronics 97 700 ITU Software Southseas 20 000 GVT Computer 22 666 ICAO Ground navigational equipment 28 766 UN Casing Specialties Structural Behaviour Structural Dynamics Southern Avionics Eng. Lab. Co. Summit Supply Co., Inc. equipment processing equipment Sumitomo 500 000 GVT Rice processing Sun Microsystems 629 990 ITU Sun computer Sunai~ ~ Electronics, Inc. 31 522 UNIDO Sutro~ Corporation 65 90O WMO Syste,~s Tech. Inc. 51 600 FAO Satellite station Office equipment systems receiving machines aids DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 65 Location and name of supplier Technical communication Tekelec If) MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Executing Cost of agency Description of equipment order 203 TECOM (Part I00 I1~J Parabolic antenna, positioner system 23 130 GVT Radio equipment 92 070 ITU Computer systems Tektronix Inc. 28 527 ICAO Logic analyser accessories Tektronix Inc. 43 240 UNDP Image printer, multiplexer, accessories and supplies 22 880 ITU Power 25 261 ICAO Tow tractor 90 000 ITU Software ICAO Computer Teradyne Tug Manufacturing Corp. ULSI and supply equipment Unisys Corporation 154 282 Unisys Corporation 69 563 UNIDO Computers 61 581 GVT Computer 102 268 FAO Laboratory equipment 21 400 UNIDO Laboratory equipment 26 818 GVT Disk unit 622 MBByTU, Model RA 82 Wang Laboratories Waters Waters Westham Division of Millipore Trade Corporation equipment URUGUAY Coasin Uruguaya SA 92 035 UNDP Digital vax station (computer) and software DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 66 Location (Part II) and name of supplier MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment VIETNAM Local purchase 88 Local purchase 30 000 UNIDO 29 436 FAO Generating Vinh Phy Paper and Pulp 25 000 UN Paper XI Nghiep 24 026 FAO Tractors Research Centre of Thermic Thiet Bi 874 ICAO Air-conditioner and typewriter, communications operations training system sets and pumps and publishing YEMEN Kirbash and Majid Trading Co. Toyota 52 810 21 518 UN UPU Microcomputers 1 Car YUGOSLAVIA Intertrade IBM Representatives Nikola Tesla-Zagreb 25 O65 WHO Microcomputers 95 581 ITU Digital exchange PABX ZAIRE Egel Zaire Renault 112 624 France Someca Corporation UN Construction costs 36 5O0 UPU 2 cars 37 973 UN Communication 35 400 UN Vehicles 29 000 UNCTAD IBM PS-2 microcomputer systems equipment ZAMBIA Diplomatic Local Imports purchase and Exports /,,o DP/1990/17/Add.6 English Page 67 Location Mobile and name of supplier Motors MAJOR EQUIPMENT ORDERED (Purchase orders of $20 000 or more) Cost of Executing order agency Description of equipment 34 500 UNCTAD Local purchase 32 165 UNIDO Motor 25 89O UN Toyota vehicles ZIMBABWE Centre Bots (Part II) Vehicle
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