August/September 2015


August/September 2015
August/September 2015
Letters to the Editor
Information about this News Letter
Membership Fees Information
Our website -
Our Facebook page -
From The President
A Note for Hosts
Victorian Host Coordinator—Positon Vacant
Servas Australia for Peace
UN International Peace Day Conference - Dandenong Sept 19th
Travellers Tips
Contribute to World Peace - Servas Business Card
Travellers Reports:
Summer on the Other Side
Servas through Central and South America - Part 1
A Day in Korea
Servas International News
Servas International Committee Nominations
SI 30th Conference and General Assembly in NZ Oct 16th
Board and Key Workers – August 2015
Minutes Servas Australia Board tele-conference Sept. 2015
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Letters to the Editor (Feel free to contribute)
Welcome to another Newsletter with the New Servas Logo. Late apologies again (no surprise).
For better or worse this will be my last Servas Newsletter. At least for the foreseeable future.
Geoff Sheldon got me into horse trading aka swapping deck chairs so I will take on the
Membership Officer role and Geoff will be taking over the Newsletter in the interim, along with
his Presidency.
I just want to say a huge thankyou to Gill Webster who has been handling the Membership Officer
and Webmaster roles for the past 12 years. I have to say I am a little concerned that my feet might
be bit small to fill his big shoes and in only one of these two significant roles. The board is still
seeking someone with the skills and time to take over the management of the Servas Australia
website so don’t be shy.
My last Editors thoughts: Way back in my dim distant past at my local church there was a sign
(No not that sort of sign!) it said “If you are not part of the solution you are part of the
problem”. So we need to do something because we know the outcome of doing nothing.
“Something” can be nearly anything as long as it taking us in a positive direction.
As I leave this editors job, I wish you all Much Peace, Goodness and Happiness.
Best Regards, Paul Nielsen.
Now for the News.
This newsletter is intended to provide a communication forum for
SERVAS Australia members. The content, collation and distribution is
undertaken by SERVAS members for SERVAS members.
Submissions Close: November 1st for the November 2015 News
Submissions are welcome from members. Emails (word documents
and high resolution photos via attachment) are preferred.
Contributions are subject to approval and size restrictions. Sorry, late
contributions may have to wait until the following edition.
Newsletters are compiled in February, May, August and November or
when it gets done.
DISTRIBUTION (Thanks to those that volunteered)
The Newsletter is distributed to all members by post and email.
SERVAS Australia News
Editor: Paul Nielsen
15 Harris St Hawthorne Brisbane Queensland 4171
Phone: (07) 33997513 Email:
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
SERVAS Australia Inc. National Secretary,
Lauren Gordon,
If you haven't visited the
website for a while I suggest
you have a good look around.
There are lots of newsletters
from other Servas groups and SI. And there is
a location map of all our hosts under the
“People” tab
Also under this tab are some interesting
travellers tales—great for those times when
armchair travel is the only option!
There is a very easy way to keep up to date
with new additions to the Servas website. On
the right hand side under “Email Notification” is
the following: "Notify me of new posts by email”.
Just fill in your email address and you will
receive a notification by email whenever there
is new content on the site.
Email: Web: www:
Servas has a Facebook page to help
'spread the word'.
Every effort is made to ensure information is correct at the time of
printing, however no responsibility will be accepted for
misinformation. The views and opinions expressed in this publication
are not necessarily those of SERVAS Australia or the Newsletter
You can post photos, photo
galleries, information about
events and join in with any current
conversations running on the Page or
start new ones.
2/12 Hall Street Coburg Victoria 3058
Membership Categories and Fees
 Pay a joining fee of $25 which is placed in the
Development Fund and used to assist with the
development of Servas in less developed countries.
 Pay an annual membership renewal fee of $20.
 Receive newsletters in February, May, August and
 Receive a Host List containing details of hosts.
 All travellers, including hosts, must contact their State
Travel Officer to obtain a Letter of Introduction.
 Australian hosts do not need a LOI when travelling
within Australia.
 Hosts pay $50 per person for a Letter of Introduction.
 Travellers who are not hosts pay $100 per person for a
Letter of Introduction.
 A Letter of Introduction is valid for 12 months.
So if you would like to contribute to the
Servas effort, especially in encouraging
younger people to feel that Servas is an
option for them, please consider
becoming active on our Facebook page.
Contact me, Gil Webster, by email for any
additional information.
Thanks Volunteer Helpers
Thanks to the folk who volunteered to
help with the Newsletter mail out. Your
offer is appreciated. We now have a few
volunteers so I shall attempt to spread the
load per newsletter.
Peace Secretary Appointed
I am pleased to report that the Board has appointed Chloë Mason as Peace Secretary for Servas
Australia. Chloë’s first report in her new role appears elsewhere in this Newsletter.
Chloë is well qualified, having personal links with several other peace-oriented organisations. One
of her aims will be to strengthen links between Servas Australia and these and other groups with
which Servas shares peace values.
Over the past few years, Chloë has been in contact with many such organisations while researching the history of the peace movement during the First World War, about which she contributed to
a travelling Australian exhibition. In London last year, she participated in the First World War
Peace Forum’s commemoration honouring the COs of WW1 on International Conscientious Objectors’ Day. For the University of the Third Age (U3A) in Sydney, Chloë leads a course on the
history of peace and anti-war during WW1, women’s suffrage and conscription and its relevance
to the WW1 Centenary. She has also delivered talks on this and related subjects at the invitation of
Servas hosts in England, and for a festival of peace and justice supported by a wide range of organisations with peace values.
Geoff Sheldon
A reminder to all hosts that your Servas guests MUST show you their current, stamped
Servas Letter of Introduction when they come to stay with you or, preferably, they should
send you a copy of their Letter of Introduction when they are requesting your hospitality.
A Sydney member reported recently an unpleasant experience with a guest who did not
produce her Letter of Introduction, despite three requests, and who seemed not to understand that there is more to a Servas visit than receiving free room and board for a few
The application, interview and reference check process that leads to the issuing of a
Servas Letter of Introduction is what sets Servas apart from other host / traveller organisations. It is intended to make it clear to travellers that they and their hosts are part of an
international network of people who value exchange of ideas between people from different backgrounds and cultures, and who genuinely believe that those exchanges make a
small but important contribution to peace- building on the basis of better mutual international understanding.
Please, insist on seeing your guest’s Letter of Introduction.
Geoff Sheldon
Servas Australia Inc.
Victorian Host Coordinator—Positon Vacant
We are seeking expressions of interest for the position of Victorian Host Coordinator. Please find
attached the job description for this position. Please contact the secretary Lauren Gordon at for further information. Many thanks to Marg Desira for her time as
Victorian Regional Host Coordinator.
Regional Host Co-ordinator Job description
send out forms and information to potential hosts
organise the interviewing of potential hosts;
check new host information and enter it into the online form available at
liaise with membership officer to ensure the accuracy of the host lists, including follow up,
when requested, of hosts who have not responded to renewal reminders
when contacting all hosts in the area, always first obtain an up-to-date list of member
emails from the membership officer and only send emails as a bcc to comply with privacy
be available for discussion with any host or traveller experiencing difficulties;
send information of resolved and unresolved complaints to the president;
assist in arranging social gatherings
compile reports for the Servas newsletter.
appoint any assistants required, for example, social organiser, interviewers keep in contact
with new hosts and offer support if required;
make Servas known to appropriate groups or individuals, for example refer interested people to;
encourage existing hosts to promote Servas to potential hosts, particularly in areas where
there is a shortage of hosts;
other duties that may arise from time to time.
Peace News
SERVAS Australia for Peace
by Chloë Mason, National Peace Secretary
11 August 2015
SERVAS International Peace Secretary, Danielle Serres recently enquired about peace activities from Servas countries that have a National Peace Secretary. Chloë Mason has recently been
appointed our Australia Peace Secretary. The response from Chloë, which will be included in
her report for SICOGA 2015 in New Zealand follows.
Do you have a peace committee, or any kind of group of people involved in peace activities? Not so far.
Does your country have a website, and if so is there a page related to peace activities?
Do you publish any UN related information on your website/newsletter to the members/
other? Y es
Did you organize any peace activity during 2014/2015, and if so please describe. If not,
explain why, what are the difficulties. Y es, SERVAS Australia holds Peace Picnics each
year in every State capital city.
Are you planning any activity in 2015, e.g. for UN International Day of Peace? Y es, in
Sydney Peace Lunch (yum cha) at Parramatta Park Leagues Club on Sunday 20 September – see invitation below. Others, please advise!
Have you made any links with other NGOs involved in peace activities/participated in
collective meetings/activities ? If so, please describe, and if not please explain. Y es, initial introductions to the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW) and
the Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies at University of Sydney, and participation in
their activities during the 70th Anniversary of Hiroshima. Other links will be developed.
Any suggestion about National Peace Secretary role? SERVAS Australia has published
the Job Description which has a broad scope, encouraging participation and liaison. Our
National Peace Secretary will be staying with Britain’s National Peace Secretary in
September so will have the opportunity to discuss the role further.
Working for peace with justice – new Australian books:
‘Australians for War Powers Reform’ has launched a new website to coincide with the
launch of the new book “How Does Australia Go To War?” Check out the website:
A new book “Conversations for Peace” edited by Lynda Blanchard &
Hannah Middleton. Collected essays by inspiring individuals for nonviolence who work for peace with justice who have been awarded the
Sydney Peace Prize (1998-2011).
Would you like to contribute to a review of this book or another for
future newsletters?
Request for peace news & events
Please send any peace news from where you live. As I live in Sydney, an upcoming event
“Arms and the Man” by George Bernard Shaw – a rarely-performed play presented by the Sydney Theatre Company, season runs 14 Sept -30 October at the Sydney Opera House.
Keeping plenty of room for irony, comedy, parental concern and a saucy sub-plot, Arms and the
Man is also a playful, piercing satire on vanity and false heroism.
Chloë welcomes your input and involvement, especially from SERVAS hosts in other States.
Her email:
Travellers Tips
Hillary Wiffen suggested the idea of a Travellers Tips column. As we travel and in our research
and preparation for travels we often come across good ideas that others can benefit from too. So
please send in your ideas. It could be seniors discounts, standby flight strategies (pros and cons) or
anything that will help get us out there travelling.
Hillary suggested there is $2.50 a day travel ticket pensioners can get in New South Wales where
they can travel as far as the Blue Mountains! I Googled this and found:
$2.50 Excursion tickets including the Pensioner Excursion Ticket, the Regional Excursion
Daily ticket and the Country Pensioner Excursion ticket.
Free travel on: NSW TrainLink or Great Southern Rail services (for NSW cardholders – a
specified number of journeys within NSW each calendar year).
Note: interstate cardholders should ask about concessions
Hillary gave another one: Why not post a message on the Facebook page of the country you are
visiting, saying you are looking forward to meeting some Servas members there. I did this on
Servas US Facebook page, mentioning the places we would be visiting and to my amazement the
next day I received 6 replies from hosts saying they would like to meet us, plus one from Hungary
should we ever visit that country! What a friendly welcome to our American holiday and it has
saved me a lot of time searching through the massive US Host Lists and emailing hosts once we
get our Letters of Introduction.
Making Your Contribution to World Peace by
promoting Servas!
Following the great response to our recent survey, the working group looking at promoting Servas
to students planning their gap year, international students and university students suggested a new
business card be produced.
A new card is about to be printed, so please bin any old Servas
business cards.
Those members going the
Servas International Conference
in New Zealand will be able to
obtain a supply of the new cards
from Board Members attending
the conference. Distribution to
other Servas members will
commence in November. In
future all new hosts and travellers will also be given a small
supply of these cards.
Travellers Reports
Summer on the Other Side
During June and July 2015 Helen and Charlie Adam visited the USA for seven weeks. We went
from the bustle of Times Square to the awesome quiet of giant Sequoia trees.
But let's start at the beginning. New York, the city that never sleeps has so much to offer the curious explorer, not least of which is bicycle hire in the truly enormous Central Park. The bikes are
just a stroll from the inspiring Guggenheim Gallery. And, from the 90th ~ something floor of the
Empire State Building it is just possible to glimpse the Statue of Liberty without the inconvenience of a windy choppy boat ride. In our view perhaps the most moving of Americas' public
spaces is the memorial to the victims of 9/11,even the tourists spoke in hushed tones.
We stayed Servas with a local couple who had lived in the district for many years. We shared
burgers and hotdogs with them on Memorial Day. During the meal there was an unexpected visit
from an over the top gay ageing actor. He really hammed it up for the antipodeans with his recollections of Bogey, Bacall and Oscar scuttlebutt, we felt we were walking the red carpet ourselves.
No prizes but someone must know that, apart from a NY Metro station, what is a “sheepeshead”.
A couple of times we had to fend for ourselves for meals. We found one of those neat delis where
they sold prepared food by weight, I mean everything the same price per pound, i.e. spaghetti bolognese and crispy chicken wings both going out for the same price. Never mind the details, a
good feed didn't cost much.
Then, in the words immortalised in the song we jumped on a bus. Yes Greyhounds still rocket
day and night through the countryside. Staying with another host we had a couple of days in Philadelphia, of cracked bell and cheese fame.
From the bus to the AMTRAK train ~ fast, comfortable and clean, to Washington DC. What a
tourist mecca, we just had to rush to visit the Spy Museum.
DC is of course the home of the Smithsonian Institution and its associated institutes. WOW
where to start or even finish, for my money the Air and Space Museum.
In stark contrast to an Australian museum there is a McDonalds on site. An interesting juxtaposition of culture and counter-culture.
Our host was enthusiastic about conserving old buildings and we joined him on a constructive
walk around the neighbourhood which included a fire-station converted to an Ethiopian Church.
The bell tolled the same under its new occupiers.
On to Richmond VA, the confederate capital during the Civil War. We stayed with a lovely lady
in “the woods” on the outskirts of Richmond. She stopped battling moss and instead embraced it
by getting rid of the grass. Delightful. The now famous Nori is featured in magazines and on telly.
Following the pick-up of our rental car we promptly got lost. And that was with us trying to use
our Aussie GPS-Smartphone. Can you believe, right street wrong city.” Matilda” did however
work very well once we had cowered into her submission.
Next stop the home of country music, Nashville where our visit coincided with the Country Music Festival, music and parades in the streets, and good seats at the Grand “Ole Opry. . Nashville
also boasts it's very own life-size Parthenon, a hangover from a world's fair 100 years ago. Athena watches over the city with a gold leaf cape and spooky eyes.
And just up the road, Memphis, the home of Graceland, if you need to ask you don't need to
know. There really is a pink Cadillac, Private plane, stable and velvet furnished rooms, the lot.
Our Servas hosts took us to an open-air evening violin concert. The night was rounded off with
boutique beer tasting and gazing into the window of a shop full of cats, truly weird that was. And
it wasn’t a pet shop.
To quicken our pace we caught a plane, or more correctly two, from Memphis to Las Vegas via
Houston. Las Vegas is an amazing outpost in the Nevada Desert, nothing is real, even the lights
and kitsch have an air of ephemera. Never still and never closed. Topped off by an Eifel Tower in
the 45 degree heat of Nevada desert
From Vegas we took an overnight coach excursion to the Grand Canyon. Awesome is the only
suitable word to describe this phenomenal natural wonder. If you go, try to scrape up the pennies
for a helicopter flight, it is well worth the outrageous price.
In our newly acquired rental car, we didn’t get lost despite the GPS taking a break in the middle of
the desert, funny that. We drove NW to Yosemite NP in California. At last some quiet peaceful
majesty from the rock formations and the giant sequoia trees.
Time was running out so we turned west to San Francisco and two more hosts. If it is new and
moving San Fran has it. They recycle old trolley buses from other more “progressive” cities. The
highlight of our visit was standing with nearly a million others watching the Gay Pride Parade.
Over the top and fun. We spent a morning taking in the street art with our savvy host. Whilst sipping coffee I did wonder why some people went to work.
Driving south east to our last host and last stop, Los Angeles.
On the way we stopped at the “Spanish Castle of the late newspaper millionaire Randolph Hearst.
Kitstch like you wouldn't believe. The ranch was complete with a herd of zebra that had been released to run wild with the cattle many years ago.
In Los Angeles on the 4th July holiday our host’s extended family descended with clouds of spicy
food and fireworks out in the street. Little kids playing with pyrotechnics.
By this time we were pretty well exhausted and faced with only that long flight across the Pacific.
We did treat ourselves to premium economy seats. Not that expensive in the total cost of the trip
but it gives some extra leg room.
Tried two AIRbnb hosts. One worked well, the other (cheaper) not quite so good.
An interesting twist to Servas hosting, a host said we can come provided he didn’t have a paying
guest. AS it turned out he did, so our booking was cancelled.
No account of our travels would be complete without a special mention of our hosts and their hospitality. Thank you for your meals, a glass of red or two and a peaceful evening of chat after a
busy day of “tourism”. When you are ready to come down under there will be spot for you at our
Take your eligible Seniors /Proof of Age card ~ worked every time.
A sheepshead is a fish.
Within a week of getting home Charlie went to the doctor to get this niggly calf muscle and limp
sorted out. Would you believe a torn Achilles tendon already some 6-8 weeks old.
Travelling with Servas through Central and South America, Part 1
(From Craig Melrose )
We are drenched, saturated, we have been whale watching in an open boat and the charcoal skies
turned an inky black before thundering down upon us so that we could no longer discern the horizon, water meets sky, black on black. Back at the port of Bahia Malaga we climb aboard our "bus"
to the resort. It is a trailer that seats 50 and is towed by a tractor that should have been retired several decades earlier. Still everyone is jovial. From somewhere a bottle appears and travels the
length and breadth of the trailer and returns, visiting many mouths and warming the cockles. It is
labelled "pura adrenalina" and after traversing the bus twice is still 3/4 full. Welcome to this
unique small village on the pacific coast of Colombia. How did we get here? Well that is a bizarre
story itself. Travelling with Servas opens many a door that hotels and resorts could never ever locate.
Before arriving in any country we send the customary emails ahead and hope for a reply. In some
countries such as Panama and Nicaragua we received no replies. In Mexico 1 reply from 20 emails
sent. We understand this is a common problem throughout Central America and National Secretaries are attempting to address this.
We arrived in Colombia a few days before their national conference and we were invited along.
The myth that you can travel the world speaking only English is just that, a myth. If you only plan
to fly from major city to another major city and stay in posh hotels you may scrape by, but you
will miss 99% of what is happening around you! We travel because we love the cultural exchange,
conversing with locals, swapping stories, gaining an insight into the beauty of people who 5
minutes before were total strangers. We all share this one planet, so why be strangers? So I must
stress, if you intend to travel here, learn Spanish, learn lots of Spanish, and then learn some more.
There were 29 at the National Conference including us and the National Secretary of Servas Russia, Christina, who is a professor of languages and speaks fluent Spanish and English. We made
many new friends and received invitations to various regions within Colombia. Now, a few weeks
later Ana Maria, the Colombian N.S. had invited us to a "meeting" in an area normally regarded as
a no go zone due to the long running internal conflict with drug cartels Colombia experiences. We
were assured we would be safe as we would be travelling with military guards and staying on a
naval station with 2000 heavily armed personnel. This was permitted as we were billed as an international Servas delegation and we discovered later that we were to meet with elders of the local
community and that the meeting was "how to promote the area to international Tourism". We were
the first foreign tourists in over a year, and we were only there as we were invited and our safety
One of the delegates owned a resort and in his hope that we would spread the word worldwide that
Bahia Malaga is "the" place to visit, invited us to stay at his resort for the night, experience their
nightly cultural show, go whale watching, and so here we are. Our luggage is still at the naval station, we have no clean dry clothes, but we are happy, it has been a never to be forgotten experience, made all the more wonderful by having no idea what to expect. And for the record Bahia
Malaga is an amazing totally unspoilt village that appears not to have changed for centuries.
We have been Servas members on and off since 1994, and in this period have travelled much and
hosted travellers from dozens of countries, and enjoyed every minute of our Servas experiences.
Later this year Ana Maria hopes to represent Colombia at the international Servas conference in
N.Z. and then travel a little in Australia. If you have the good fortune to meet her, treat her well,
she is a remarkable woman and a tireless worker for Servas and humanity.
I have so many more stories but I have taken up enough space, so if you have questions please
write to
We are 4 months into our 12 month trip through central and South America.
A Day in Korea (Hillary Wiffen)
I posted this on the Korean and Australian Facebook pages but sadly very few people have liked
or seen it.
Editor: Don't forget Servas is online and Facebook can be a powerful tool for travellers.
Remember to have a look at the Servas Australia and Servas International Facebook pages.
What a wonderful day we had in Korea thanks to two hosts in Seoul and the brother of another
host who drove 2 hours to pick us up from our cruise ship. Day-Host Mr Hong treated us and our
two non-Servas friends to a delicious traditional Korean lunch and Youngbom Yun showed us
round the Palace museum and the spectacular changing of the guards. Thank you Mr Kim for
driving us back to our ship exactly on time and thanks to Mr Sungkil Kim for organising our day.
It was the highlight of our holiday.
Servas Australia members look forward to hosting more of our Korean Servas friends who may
wish to have a stopover in Australia on the way to the New Zealand conference or at any other
Servas International News
The Servas International News Letter can be download from the Servas International Website or more specifically
Better still, it is also available on or more specifically:
Our National Secretary asked me to encourage you to make use of the Servas Australia website.
Dear Servas friends,
Nominations for elections to be held at the Servas International General Assembly in October
2015 will open on May 1st 2015.
If you are interested in coming forward, let us know.
And please think about people you may wish to nominate.
There are lots of talented people in Servas who are waiting to be asked to come forward!
After May 1st a Nomination Form will be ready for you to fill in.
We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions about nominations, please ask us.
All information about the nomination and election process will be posted under Elections on the
SICOGA2015 website.
Look at
More detailed information to follow about the the posts which will part of the elections at the
General Assembly during the SI conference in October 2015.
Job descriptions for all Servas International posts can be found at:
We look forward to hearing from you!
Servas Greetings
Norma Nicholson and Jean Seymour
SI Nominations Committee
Conference theme "Servas in Transition"
Servas International 30th Conference and General Assembly
Totara Springs, Matamata, New Zealand 10 - 16 October 2015
Conference & GA
Dear Servas members worldwide
The 30th Servas International (SI) Conference and General Assembly (GA), to be known as
SICOGA 2015, will be a joint venture organized by Servas International Executive Committee (SI
EXCO) and Servas New Zealand with the support of the SICOGA 2015 Organising Team.
The conference will be held from 10th to 16th October 2015.
We shall be very happy to have you with us, sharing an enjoyable and
challenging week of Servas work, together with social activities and
the chance to meet old friends and new from around the world.
The Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA) 2015 information
can be found at
I whole-heartedly welcome you to this important meeting. I'm sure we
will all have an interesting, rewarding and enjoyable time together.
You will get to know many new people and some of them, I'm sure,
will become your lifelong friends.
I look forward to meeting you there in October!
Jonny Sågänger SI President
On behalf of:
Servas New Zealand
SICOGA 2015 Organizing Team
Ann Greenhough SI Vice President & SICOGA 2015
Conference Manager
Board and Key Workers – August 2015
This information is in the Host List but it has changed since the list came out.
Board members
Geoff Sheldon
Lauren Gordon
Ernie Catchlove
Qld Travel Officer
Hilary Wiffen
NSW Host Coordinator
Neryle Sheldon
ACT Host Coordinator
Sandra Daly
Vic Travel Officer
Peter Williams
Tas Host Coordinator
Barbara Mawson
SA Host Coordinator
John Wishart
WA Host coordinator
Coralie Mills
NT Host and Travel Coord
Peter Williams and Neryle
Sheldon pro tem
Key Workers
Qld Host Coordinator
Bev Wilkins
NSW Travel Officer
Valerie Orton
ACT Travel Officer
Ruth Lathlean
Vic Host Coordinator
Tas Travel Officer
Rick Boyle,au
SA Travel Officer
Peace Secretary
Charlie Adam
VACANT Peter Williams
pro tem
Gil Webster pro tem to Paul
Paul Nielsen to Geoff
VACANT Gil Webster pro
Chloë Mason
Host list distributor
Lindsay Chambers
Brian Dixon
WA Travel Officer
Membership Officer
Newsletter Editor
Minutes - SERVAS BOARD MEETING, by teleconference 1 September 2015
Present: Geoff Sheldon, Er nie Catchlove, Laur en Gor don, Peter Williams, Hilar y Wiffen,
Barb Mawson, Sandra Daly, John Wishart, Coralie Mills
Agenda Item
Motion to appoint
Chloë Mason as
Peace Secretary
Passed unanimously by
the Board
Send Chloë details of 8
people who indicated in
the survey they’d like to
assist with Peace
Geoff has confirmed
with Paul Nielsen he can
take on the Membership
officer role, and Geoff
will take on the
newsletter at the next
Paul’s appointment was
endorsed by the Board
Need to find someone to
fill this role.
Discussion that it would
be good to have 2 people
to fill the role if possible.
Discussion about having
separate Facebook
Admins – can there be
one in each state?
Other key worker
and board
member vacancies
RE: Vic Host Officer –
Board discussed it may
be better to have
someone in Melbourne
to do this job.
Action: Peter /Geoff to pass on
details of the 8 to Chloë (Peter,
Action: put the ad and a
description of what the Webmaster
role requires, in the next newsletter
follow up with Graham Robertson
and Sue about whether Sue might be
interested in doing Webmaster role
Write something up about Facebook
and getting more people involved in
adding to and checking the page,
provide education on how to use
Facebook (Hilary)
Facebook issues also to be raised at
NZ conference (Geoff)
Action: will put call out of
someone to fill position in the next
newsletter; (Lauren)
Will mention it at the Victorian
social meeting and see if there is
anyone who might be interested in
taking over. (Ernie, Lauren)
Streamlining of HO and
TO positions
Changing definition of
LOIs and cheques
Progress report on working groups
Other Business
Business Cards
Discussion about processes for people wanting to join as both Host and
-the Host Officer should be the initial contact and join the person as
host THEN
-send the person’s details to the
Travel Officer and they will then
join them as a traveller
Geoff suggests waiting for the appointment of the new membership
officer before putting this
Ernie suggests info on proposed
changes/option should be put to the
membership prior to the next AGM
so that changes can be made at that
point, if approved.
Hilary suggested putting email address on LOI – all agreed
Ernie suggested getting rid of
cheques as a payment option. Discussion about this. It was thought to
keep cheques as an option at this
point, as they are still sometimes
Need one person to coordinate each
working group
Chloë can do this for Peace Officer
Social Media Group (or all groups?):
Hilary, Judy, John, Edna, Denis
Russel and Joyce Martin –
Hilary given authority by Board to
make decision about design of new
business card.
11b. Gap Years, SYLE placements
in other countries
To Raise at NZ Conference
Suggested that Geoff and Lauren
make inquiries at NZ conf. of how
other countries organise Gap year
campaigns and SYLE
11.c Account Lodgement
Update given by Lauren on lodging
the accounts
Action: wr ite something up for a
future newsletter edition, so the idea
can be put to membership well in
advance of next AGM in March,
2016 (Geoff, Ernie)
Action: Geoff will email them
about this. (Geoff)
Action: Hilar y will go ahead with
this and get them printed (5000
cards) and send some out to each
Travel Coordinator.
Thought that cards could be passed
to travellers who could give them
out while traveling.
Hilary to contact Paul and add picture of new card to next edition of
newsletter for people to see (Hilary)
Suggested that Geoff and Lauren
make inquiries at NZ conf. of how
other countries organise Gap year
campaigns and SYLE (Geoff and

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