“Member Appreciation Day” in December


“Member Appreciation Day” in December
Volume 59, No. 1
Garden Valley Telephone Company Member Newsletter
Nearly 2,000 Attend GV’s “Member
Appreciation Day” in December
and received a nice attendance gift. Kids were given a
second chance to win a prize with a turn at our spinning
Some folks took advantage of our free gift wrapping
while visiting product and service displays and enjoying lunch in the training center. Everyone was treated
to BBQs, chips, donuts, beverages and an assortment of
holiday cookies.
Even though the wind felt a little harsh, nearly
2,000 hearty souls–young and old–ventured out to join
us here in Erskine at our member appreciation day on
Saturday, December 6. Everyone attending was greeted
at the door and given a list of “special buys of the day”
for specialty phones, computers and other merchandise,
which were all on display for buyers’ convenience.
Adults and children visiting registered for prizes
(Prize Winners & More on Page 4)
Service Milestones
In 2008, we had fifteen
employees reach service
milestones totaling 215
years. During 2009, we
expect eleven employees to
reach milestones totaling 175
Custodian Larry Ricard
completed ten years of service this month.
Other Personnel News
In the past few months, we have talked about our upcoming video offering, and
have been testing the signals, getting ready to offer them to subscribers within reach.
Unfortunately, in December, we were informed by SES Americom (the company we are
getting signals from), that they would exit this line of business in North America by July.
This has put us in a position where we cannot roll out the service until we have located
and tested a new signal source. We are currently exploring the options and hope to get
back on track shortly, but for the moment, we are delayed in getting our IP video service
out to the roughly 7,000 homes we will initially be able to reach.
It seems that video is all we hear about recently, as the off-air stations prepare for
the required conversion to digital broadcast signals instead of the analog signals we are
all used to. As this is being written, President-elect Obama is calling for a delay in the
switch, citing the number of homes that are unprepared for a conversion. We’ll have to
see what the date ends up being, but for now, it’s scheduled for February 17.
There is a lot of confusion as to just what is required of you to continue receiving the
television signals you are used to receiving. The answer is, that it depends on how you
receive your signal, and unfortunately, recent articles and rumors have only confused
many. The one point that many people don’t seem to understand is that if you receive
your television programming either by satellite (DirecTV or DISH) or by a cable system,
you do not have to do anything! You do not need a converter, and you do not need a new
If you currently use a roof-top antenna or “rabbit ears” on top of your set, you will
need either a television with a digital tuner, or a converter box, in most cases, one for
each television you intend to watch.
What hasn’t been widely reported is the fact that many of the existing signals are
projected to reach fewer homes than they currently reach after the digital conversion.
In our area, according to maps published on the FCC’s website, many homes, east of a
line that approximately follows Highway 59, are outside the projected reach of the new
signals. In many cases, homeowners may buy the converter boxes, new antennas, or new
TVs and wind up without a usable signal anyway. In these cases, their only available
option may be one of the satellite providers. I don’t think this is what our regulators had
in mind when they ordered the change, but like many things that originate in Washington,
rural America will be left to pay the price.
It certainly would have been timely if we had been able to offer our new service prior
to the digital conversion, but you can be assured we have not given up on the project,
and will soon have an alternative in the works. Setbacks are a part of putting together any
new service offering, and as usual, we continue to work for you to provide the services
you want and need. Sometimes it just takes more time than we would like.
George W. Fish
Installer-Repairman Matt
Derosier was selected to
fill a COE position effective
January 12.
Tyler Hagl (Red Lake
Falls), Daniel Lund (Grygla) and Jeremy Salzer
(Cooperstown, ND) were
hired on a temporary basis as
part of the Minnesota State
Community & Technical
College’s internship program
at Wadena. Their internship, working with Garden
Valley’s installation and
repair personnel, began on
December 22.
GV Supports
Donations, given in the
form of cash or merchandise, are one of our ways of
giving back to area communities. The cooperative’s
donation policy allows for an
annual amount, based on the
number of access lines in an
exchange, that is designated
to be used on a first-come,
first-served basis to nonpolitical and non-religious
organizations within GV’s
service area.
Since January 2000,
Garden Valley has provided
donations to area community
organizations totaling more
than $48,941.
To request a donation,
qualifying organizations may
call us at (218) 687-5251.
The FCC recently announced that the monthly
Federal Universal Service
Fund contribution factor of
11.4% decreased to 9.5% for
the quarter beginning January 1, 2009. The charge is
calculated by multiplying the
FCC’s prescribed universal
service contribution factor
(9.5%) times the customer’s
interstate access service
charge. Most residential and
single-line business customers will see this charge
decrease from 74¢ to 62¢.
Most multi-line business
customers will see the charge
decrease from $1.05 to 87¢
per access line.
The federal universal
service fund program is
designed to help keep local
telephone service rates affordable for all customers, in
all areas of the United States.
We expect the FCC will
review and may revise this
percentage on a quarterly
The cooperative’s
policy permits authorized representatives
for the estates of
deceased Garden Valley patrons to apply
for the retirement and
payment of capital
Call us toll-free at
for additional
A Director’s
To Garden Valley Members
Ronald E. Engelstad
Director, District No. 9
I hope you haven’t forgotten that on February 17, 2009, all full-power TV
stations are required to stop broadcasting in analog and must switch to 100%
digital broadcasting. So...if you are using “rabbit ears” or a roof-top antenna with
your analog television, you must either buy a converter box to plug into that TV;
buy a TV with a digital tuner; or connect your analog TV to cable, satellite or
other pay service. You won’t need to take any action if you subscribe to any of
Garden Valley’s cable TV systems and your TV sets are connected to any of our
March 31, 2009, is the deadline for requesting a $40 coupon to use toward
the purchase of a special converter box so you can keep using your analog TV
set. However, the funding cap for the coupon program has been reached;
therefore, future requests for the coupon will be placed on a waiting list and
distributed as unused coupons expire. You can apply for a coupon online at
http://www.dtv2009.gov or by calling 1-888-388-2009. Garden Valley is selling
the special converter boxes and can redeem your $40 coupons.
Contributing to the education of our youth has been a goal of Garden Valley’s
for some time. Since 1986, Garden Valley has sponsored thirty-nine area youth
delegates to telecommunications industry youth conferences. The first eighteen
delegates attended conferences in St. Paul; and since 1996, the remaining twentyone delegates have traveled to Washington, D.C. for the Foundation for Rural
Service Youth Conference. The youth delegates are given an opportunity to
meet with 100 other youth delegates from across the nation in learning about the
telecommunications industry within a legislative context. This has been a very
worthwhile project for all involved. Information on the application process is
sent to eligible high school juniors and is provided in our December Voice of the
Valley newsletter. We accept letters of application for the Youth Tour until midFebruary.
In 1990, Garden Valley’s Education Foundation was established to promote
rural economic development through the use of modern telecommunications
technology for educational purposes. Our Education Foundation is funded
through unclaimed capital credits. To date, through this Fund we have offered
one $10,000 and five $5,000 technology grants to each of the ten school districts
in our service area. In addition to these grants, we have provided schools with
Internet access and assisted some with interactive TV service.
I am proud to be a part of an organization that does its part in community
development and to help educate our youth. On behalf of the Board of Directors,
thank you for your continued support.
Coupon Grand Prize
Adult Grand Prize
Age 7-17 Grand Prize
6 & Under Grand Prize
Jeff Nornes, Erskine
Audrey Hemmingsen
Britton Fuglseth
Carsen Boushee
$250 Gift Certificate
Adults’ Prizes
Children’s Prizes
* Digital Camera ............. Audrey Hemmingsen, Erskine
* Cordless Phone ............. Brian O’Day, Grand Forks
* Radio Alarm Clock ...... Lloyd Dunrud, Fosston
* 2-Way Radios................ Marlen Strand, Lengby
* I/O Thermometer ......... Bruce Skalsky, St. Hilaire
* Desktop Calculator ...... Ashley Broden, McIntosh
* DVD Player ................... Jimmy Anderson, Bagley
* Lumistar Flashlight ..... Jody Trandem, Mentor
* Power Squid .................. Mavis Grove, Plummer
* DVD Player ................... Britton Fuglseth, Fertile
* IPOD Shuffle ................ Andrea Qualley, Mentor
* Cordless Phone ............. Abby Burcham, Winger
* Equalizer Trick Car ..... Tapanga Bratager, Winger
* Digital AM/FM Radio .. Katheryne DeHate, Plummer
* Alarm Clock.................. Blake Hanson, Fertile
* Sudoku Game ............... Clarissa Neste, Red Lake Falls
* Mini LED Lanterns ..... Abby Murphy, Fosston
* Clip-On Booklight ........ Albert Kargel, Maple Bay
* Tote & Go Laptop ........ Carsen Boushee, Lengby
Garden Valley Long Distance Winners of $25 VISA Gift Cards:
* Edward Eskeli, Plummer
* Pam Page, Red Lake Falls
* Mike Lacina, Red Lake Falls
* Glen Paulson, Winger
GV Board Approves 2009 Budget
The Garden Valley
Telephone Company’s 2009
operating budget, approved
by the cooperative’s Board
of Directors in November,
includes nearly $9-million
of capital expenditures to
provide upgraded services
and add facilities for new
The 2009 budget projects
$20-million of operating
revenues and other income,
including $11-million
derived from the long dis-
tance network and $50,000
expected gain on the sale of
investments. The budget also forecasts that the
cooperative’s expenses and
income taxes will total some
$18.5-million. Depreciation
of plant facilities accounts
for $4.2-million. Margins,
or net income, (projected to
be $1.8-million in 2009) are
credited to members’ capital
credits equity accounts;
and, until retired and paid
to members, are used as
patronage capital for the cooperative’s operations.
Internet Safety
Internet safety is something all users should be
concerned about. So to help
you out, we’ve included a
section on Internet safety on
our website. There you’ll
find numerous links offering
public information about
Internet safety, including
tools and tips for computer
security & child protection,
and fighting spyware and
Please check out our
website at www.gvtel.com
to learn more about Internet
When searching for
a telephone number on
Garden Valley’s on-line
directory, please remember that you do not need
to type in our 218 area
code...just type in the
7-digit telephone number. If you type in the
218 area code, you won’t
get the information for
which you are searching.
Nondiscrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity
Each year, Garden Valley Telephone Company prints a Statement of Nondiscrimination and
Equal Employment Opportunity in area newspapers, in the cooperative’s telephone directory and
the Voice of the Valley member newsletter. This statement includes the names and addresses of
federal agencies to be contacted by anyone who feels they have been discriminated against.
No Complaints Received
Garden Valley agrees with, and has fully complied with, all nondiscrimination and equal
employment requirements. The Company has not received any complaints in regard to these
provisions, including race and national origin.
Racial/Ethnic Data Collected for Federal Government Reports
However, as a borrower of federal funds from the Rural Utilities Service in Washington, D.C.,
the Company is required to identify and document racial and ethnic data on persons living in
the cooperative’s service area (to determine the extent to which members of minority groups are
beneficiaries of RUS programs).
To comply with this requirement, Garden Valley is now requesting new members to identify
their racial/ethnic group (a. White, b. Black, c. Hispanic, d. American Indian or Alaskan Native,
e. Asian or Pacific Islander). The form sent to new members advises them that their responses are
optional, and that any information provided will be used only for federal government reporting
Company Policy Statement
In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s policy, Garden Valley
Telephone Company is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, religion, age, or disability.
The person responsible for coordinating this organization’s nondiscrimination compliance
efforts is Susan L. Gunderson, Personnel & Administrative Manager. Any individual, or specific
class of individuals, who feel that this organization has subjected them to discrimination may
obtain further information about the statutes and regulations listed above from and/or file a written
complaint with this organization; or write the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (202)
720-5964 (Voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Complaints
must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained
to the extent possible.
No person shall be discriminated against in employment because of sex, race, color, religion,
creed, national origin, age or disability. All supervisory personnel at every level of management
are on notice that our equal employment opportunity policy must be conscientiously and
comprehensively applied throughout the company’s operations.
This program will be taken into full consideration by all concerned in the recruiting, hiring,
training, placement and promotion of employees. Applicants for employment who believe they
have been discriminated against have the right to notify the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission; 1801 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20507; the Federal Communications
Commission; Washington, D.C. 20554; or other appropriate agency.
Hot Stuff Foods .....687-4444
Jenson, Dennis &
Karen ..................687-2137
Kaya, Dominka .....687-2132
Marina Semerikov
Therapy ...............687-2340
Polley, Shannon.....687-2201
Solberg, Jeff ..........687-4728
Or ........................687-2234
Yunkers, Jeff &
Christine .............687-3018
February 2009
Garden Valley Telephone Company - Erskine (800) 448-8260
This Directory Update includes changes, additions and
corrections since the last issue of the Voice of the Valley was
printed in December. Garden Valley recommends that members
keep this update with their directories to avoid charges for local
area directory assistance calls.
Dial 911 for EMERGENCIES
Bellefy, Jack ..........694-2149
Beltz, Ross ............694-2630
Caskey, Gene.........694-3660
Clearwater County
Nursing Service
Bagley Office ......694-6581
Gonvick Office ...487-5272
Home Care ..........694-6581
Hospice ...............694-6581
Public Health ......694-6581
Colsen, Shannon ...694-2567
Leonard Jr ...........694-2604
Guinn, Roy D. Sr ..694-2607
Blake ...................694-2589
Jackson, Margie ....694-2990
Keena, Melissa ......694-2562
Keough, Heather ...694-2083
Knowles, Trexson
& Erin .................694-2914
Laduke, Delores ....694-2400
Lieske, Brian .........694-2745
Marsh, Ricky B .....694-2618
Marshall, Tamara ..694-3868
Martine, Ryan........694-2126
Martine, Valerie.....694-2772
McPhee, Nichole ...694-2576
Morris, Cedric &
Janice ..................694-2069
Nepean, Sarah .......694-3207
Olson, Andri ..........694-2657
Teen Line ............694-2659
Patch, Linda ..........694-2627
Sather, Agnes N.....694-2487
Waggoner, E. .........694-2016
Zion Lutheran
Church ................694-6064
Black, Robert &
Kathy ..................945-3240
Borslien, Orpha .....945-3033
Felthus, William ....945-3085
Hesse, Ashley ........945-6504
Hull, Sara ..............945-3035
Jobe, Emily ...........945-3002
Larson, Sherman ...945-3062
Olslund, Milton .....945-6306
Or ........................945-3069
Andrew ...............945-3089
Wilebski, Todd &
Carla ...................945-3921
Riegert, David &
Champagne, Scott .698-4263
Gerbracht, Bart ......698-4234
Olson, Elinor .........698-4400
Philion, Kevin .......698-4218
Berg, Daniel &
Amy ....................776-2495
Brendalen, Dale.....776-2044
Casto, Thomas.......776-2027
Connell, Melissa ...776-2300
Curtis, Greg ...........776-2136
Dahl, Clarice .........776-2114
Glista, Gary ...........776-2132
Gustafson, Cedric..776-2113
Haugen, Orville .....776-2299
Olson, Violet E. .....776-3683
Siltman, S. .............776-2108
Stout, Jack .............776-2126
Walberg, Zac .........776-2998
Watne, Pearl ..........776-2227
Balstad, Millicent ..435-6397
Or ........................435-6398
Bishop, Joan O. .....435-2430
Or ........................435-1164
Bouchard, Mark ....435-1055
Carlson, Ole ..........435-2050
Cymbaluk, Jon Jr ..435-1025
Gunderson, Debbie435-1181
Hillstad, Jessica .....435-1881
Hoff, K. .................435-1174
Korinta, Jennifer ...435-2899
Magnell, Dennis
& Danielle ..........435-1461
McIntosh Bakery...435-2646
Plante, Derrick ......435-1519
Reindahl, Sidney ...435-2111
Roysland, Mike
& Kim .................435-1819
Todd Dr ...............435-1668
Scheff, Lorraine ....435-1371
Siverson, Lynn ......435-6621
Or ........................435-1521
Voxland, Theresa ...435-6210
Welin, Carrie .........435-1596
Wold, Carol ...........435-6674
Anderson, Theresa 487-6205
Clearwater County
Nursing Service
Gonvick Office ...487-5272
Coulter, C. .............487-5209
Davids, Audrey .....487-5628
Hopperstad Farm...487-5767
Roos, Patricia ........487-5888
Skime, Tracy .........487-6145
Tamara ................487-5515
(Continued on Page 8)
(Please mark your directories accordingly. We apologize for any
inconvenience caused by these errors or omissions.)
Clearwater County Nursing Service
Bagley Office ................................................694-6581
Gonvick Office .............................................487-5272
Home Care....................................................694-6581
Public Health ................................................694-6581
Bakken, Myles ......687-2107
Beltoya, Anthony ..687-3424
Boyum, Terrance ...687-3955
Broden, Andrew ....687-2008
Bruce, Harwood ....687-2777
Duescher, Rose......687-2021
Evje, Myrtle ..........687-2202
Halse, Trudy ..........687-2096
Hixon, David .........687-2094
Holmes, Cameron .687-3179
Thibert, Jerry (Mentor).................................637-2107
Office of Tourism (Yellow Page Section
under Government Offices - State).......There
should be no St. Hilaire listing for the Office
of Tourism; therefore, do not call the number
listed in the directory.
Directory Update
(Continued from Page 7)
Northern Ag Inc ....378-4157
Fax Line ..............378-4158
Bach, Sarah ...........294-6077
Carter, Stacy ..........294-6065
Hanson, Rosemary 294-6053
Saurdiff, Carson ....294-6051
Teen Line ............294-6052
Schulz, Eunice.......294-6393
Season’s of Beauty
Landscaping ........294-6365
Evje, Gary
& Merlaine..........268-4441
Mathers, Odessa ....268-4021
Rhoades, Doug
& Sharon A. ........268-4440
Rains, Helene J......668-2420
Rudh, James
& Joan .................668-2330
Shuck, Joshua........668-2075
Mittag, Earl ...........968-2232
Thomas E. ...........968-2402
Semerikov, Alex
& Kristina ...........574-2064
Fairchild, Lauri .....563-2166
Handley, Chris
& Lisa .................563-2676
Kelly’s Bar ............563-4011
Malone, R. J.
& Mary ...............563-3314
Sanden, Duaine L. .637-2491
Or ........................637-2058
Seeger, Charles K. .637-8182
Simonson, Tiffany .637-2021
Useldinger, Guy ....637-2023
Day, Jimmy
& Jody ................657-2762
Lafriniere, Renee...657-2522
Mathison, Lanny ...657-2202
Computer Line ....657-2367
Hammer, Anne ......796-5142
Korinta, Raymond .796-4804
Lee, Adam .............796-4714
Mixon, Stanley ......796-4503
Moen, Jason
& Shannon ..........796-4627
Nelson, Aaron .......796-4685
Perkins, Jeffery .....796-4625
Harbott, Heather ....964-5622
McCloud, Nathan ..964-5035
Mosbeck, Dustin ...964-5115
Rondorf, Mildred ..964-5596
The Country Girl ...964-5065
Jaeger, Kathi..........465-4304
Lane, Rosita ..........465-4114
Bellefy, Katy .........785-2053
Hanson, Laurie ......785-2888
Morey, Scott
& Monica ............785-2233
Teen Line ............785-2807
Murray, Steve
& Terri ................785-2099
Ronning, Terry ......785-2805
Walsh, Matt ...........785-2719
Cardinal, Jason ......253-2202
Freddie Sr ...........253-2175
Fontaine, Kirk .......253-2215
Funk, Terry ............253-4601
Or ........................253-4600
Daniel .................253-2239
Destiny ................253-2432
Knutson, Dale
& Mary ...............253-2124
Kruschke, Rebecca 253-2198
Lambert, Dorothy..253-2062
Largis, Ben ............253-2132
Magnell, Penny .....253-2328
Natural Health
& Fitness .............253-2111
Rondorf, Joetta ......253-2412
Garden Valley
Telephone Company
201 Ross Avenue • PO Box 259
Erskine, Minnesota 56535-0259
A Member-Owned Cooperative With
More Than 14,000 Access Lines in 24 Exchanges
General Manager . Lawrence C. Ware
Board of Directors
Warren C. Larson, President ................. Bagley
Vernon Hamnes, Vice President .......... Gonvick
Harry D. Sjulson, Secretary .............. St. Hilaire
Joe O. Sandberg, Treasurer ................. Erskine
Ronald E. Engelstad, Director.................Grygla
Jerry T. Freitag, Director .....................Plummer
Byron V. Ness, Director ........................... Fertile
Edgar L. Olson, Director ...................... Fosston
Jason L. Smeby, Director ................. McIntosh
Company Telephone Numbers
Business Office/
218-687-5251 or
Service Requests ............................. 800-448-8260
Repair Service ...................................... 800-448-8260
Radio Shack Sales Center ................... 218-687-3233
Garden Valley Long Distance ............... 888-879-4968
DBS Service ......................................... 800-945-9769
FAX ....................................................... 218-687-9950
Gopher State One Call .......................................... 811
(call toll-free before digging)
Elevfairy .............938-4610
Brevik, Josh...........938-4298
Carlson, A.M. ........938-4328
Goulet, Joseph Jr ...938-4065
Pederson, Earl .......938-4000
Sonstelie, Rodney .938-4172
Tamera ................938-4005
Wang, Jennifer ......938-4067
GV Internet
E-Mail ............................................ gvtc@gvtel.com
Web Site ........................................... www.gvtel.com
Internet Tech Support ........................ 877-546-7495
Monday-Friday .................. 8 AM - 10 PM
Saturday ........................... 10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday .............................. 2 PM - 8 PM
Office Hours
The office is open from 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Service Center is available at all
times to answer calls made to
800-448-8260, 218-687-5251,
888-879-4968 (GV Long Distance),
or 800-945-9769 (DBS).
“Voice of the Valley”
A Member Newsletter Published by
Garden Valley Telephone Company
Editor ..................... Sue Gunderson, Personnel
& Administrative Manager
Espeseth, Jason .....964-5024