2011 Annual Report - Austin Habitat for Humanity
2011 Annual Report - Austin Habitat for Humanity
Annual report BUILDING COMMUNITY “I don’t build houses; they build me,” one of our regular volunteers recently told me. This is the heart of what we do at Austin Habitat. Our work goes beyond the 23 new homes we built, the 28 homes we repaired, and the 381 families that we educated in 2011. That’s over 432 families we served through our homeownership programs. Austin Habitat doesn’t just build homes, we build community. At a recent home dedication, I asked the daughter of one of our partner families how she felt about her new home. She responded, “Habitat changed my life forever.” By truly transforming the lives of those we serve, we continue to expand affordable homeownership opportunities to give more working families hope. By providing affordable homes to families, we create strong neighborhoods and increase the chance of success of our children that are our future. With 60,000 Austin residents living in substandard housing, we have so many people to reach. Our vision is to increase our impact – from serving hundreds of people a year to creating sustainable programs that serve over 1,000 families annually by 2015. With every family we serve, we grow our impact and open our hearts. “I don’t build houses; they build me.” Providing sustainable solutions is key to our success. In 2011, the Austin Habitat ReStore diverted 1,051,393 pounds of construction materials from our landfills. Since the ReStore opened its doors in 1992, it has saved over 13,179,266 pounds of waste from our landfills. Austin Habitat works to build homes worldwide through our support to Habitat International. Our focus is local, but we have a global impact. We have served 178 families in Guatemala and rural parts of Mexico. At Austin Habitat, we understand that the world of poverty housing is a global issue, and we have the ability to make a global impact. Our work would not be possible without the support of the community, and we are grateful for your continuing stewardship of our mission and unyielding dedication to changing lives. We look forward to serving even more families and building stronger communities. Kelly Weiss President and CEO 289 houses built through 2010 23 houses built in 2011 312 TOTAL HOUSES BUILT 51 391 TOTAL HOMES home repairs through 2010 28 HOME REPAIRS in 2011 79 TOTAL HOUSE REPAIRS 2011 BY THE NUMBERS 8,010 NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS OF 57,417 NUMBER VOLUNTEER HRS $1,226,427 in volunteer labor Teshome and his family moved from Ethiopia to Austin in 2008. Though life in the United States offers many freedoms and prospects of a better future, the family has struggled. They moved 3 times in 3 years and had been living in a 2-bedroom apartment where all 4 boys shared one room before moving into their new Habitat home. Teshome wanted to make sure his sons have a stable home, get a good education, go on to college and find successful jobs. The family is grateful to be able to build their life in a house that is affordable and big enough for them to live comfortably together. It’s more than building a house, it’s rebuilding a life When Minda came to Austin Habitat, her house was virtually uninhabitable and her utility bills were so high she couldn’t afford them. A young woman suffering from a debilitating muscular disease, Minda didn’t let her disease or financial situation get her down. With hope and determination, she worked on her house and trained for a triathlon. Austin Habitat and volunteers from Texas Gas Service gave Minda a new back door and fixed her home’s foundation, plumbing, windows, siding, and air conditioning. So grateful for what Austin Habitat did for her, Minda volunteers on repair projects to help others in need. Repairing a home lays the foundation for a brighter future 28 23 432 HOME REPAIR PROJECTS NEW HOMES BUILT families served 1,062 HOURS OF HOMEBUYER EDUCATION Mission Through faith in action, Austin Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Vision VISION A world where everyone has a decent place to live. 4,126 1,051,393 RESTORE DONATIONS pounds saved from landfill 1,486 donors ASSETS7% 8 % 5% 3%2 5,509,137 38% Mortgages% 8% 38 3,770,142 26% Land held 1,715,901 12% CIP 1,129,302 8% Cash & Equiv 12% 998,238 7% Investments 503,783 3% Property & Equip % 270,390 2% 26 ReStore inventory 783,056 5% Other 14,679,949 ASSETS ASSETS % 5% 12% 7% 3%2 26% 8% ASSETS 7% 15% 26% 15% 4% INCOME INCOME INCOME 55% 38% 12% 7% 4% 38 7% 3,554,953 %55% 1,185,00018 18% 996,488% 15% 15 478,900 7% 234,863 4% 6,450,204 4% 55% Contributions & Grants Home sales ReStore & DeConstruction In-kind contributions Other revenue 55% INCOME 18% 18% 6% FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES 4,074,057 76% 471,830 9% 9% 336,447 6% 6% 473,889 9% % 9 5,356,223 Low-cost housing program ReStore program Fundraising Management & General EXPENSES 9% EXPENSES 6% 76% 9% 9% 9% EXPENSES Revenue 2012 Expenses 2012 76% Contributions & Grants ReStore & DeConstruction Home sales In-Kind contributions Other revenue TOTAL Low-cost housing program ReStore program Fundraising Management & General TOTAL 76% 3,554,953 996,488 1,185,000 478,900 234,863 6,450,204 4,074,057 471,830 473,889 336,447 5,356,223 Board of Directors Dr. George Gau, Chair Everette Plante, Vice Chair Robbi Millest, Secretary Natalie, a 28-year-old single mother, understands how important it is for children to grow up in a stable home and is determined to provide it for her daughters. “As long as you set a goal and work your hardest to achieve it,” Natalie says, “you can do anything.” This is the mantra that drove her to work toward homeownership and demonstrate to her children what it takes to be successful. Before their Habitat house, they shared a 1-bedroom apartment. They now have a peaceful place big enough for all of them, a yard for the kids to play in and the assurance they won’t have to move when the rent is raised. This house has changed everything for them. each house saves a family Sarah StatsneyChun, Treasurer Brian Sharples Bruce R. Coleman Chris Elliott Dan Doman Jeff Serra Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to eliminating poverty and homelessness throughout the world. An important tenet of all Habitat affiliates is to help combat global poverty housing. Austin Habitat is proud to contribute to international Habitat affiliates that help people in the world’s poorest communities. In 2011, we gave $69,000 for Disaster Relief in Haiti and to affiliates in Guatemala and Mexico. We were also honored by Habitat for Humanity International for contributing a total of $557,146 in tithe gifts that have served 178 families. Thank you for being a part of transforming lives at home in Austin and abroad! Austin Habitat’s Tithe Helps House the World! Joe Arenalla Judge Eric Shepperd Lana Morris Luke Ellis Mark Hutcheson Mildred Davis Mitch Jacobson Nikelle Meade we’ve served 178 families internationally Rep. Eddie Rodriguez Sherine Thomas, Past Chair RESTORE Founded in 1992, the Austin Habitat ReStore was the first of its kind in the United States. It is the model for new and gently used building materials Habitat stores across the nation. Austin Habitat uses revenue from the ReStore to support our new construction, home repair, and housing counseling programs. In addition to helping sustain Austin Habitat’s programs, the ReStore also protects our environment and community. In 2011, Austin Habitat’s ReStore diverted 1,051,393 pounds of waste from the landfill for a total of 13,179,266 pounds in our 20 year history. One of the things ReStore shoppers love (besides the low prices) is that you never know what you’ll find. Because we receive donations on a daily basis, our inventory changes constantly. Today there’s a blue bathtub and a 1914 piano; tomorrow there might be a marble countertop and windows from the Governor’s Mansion. Thanks for donating to and shopping at our ReStore! Austin Habitat for Humanity is honored to have received the Nonprofit Award for the 2011 Austin Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards THANKS TO OUR DONORS Gil Cowan Gary Crum Crutch Crutchfield John Davidson While it is impossible to list the hundreds of generous supporters who DJAJB LLC Bea Stark contributed gifts under $1,000, know that every gift – large and small – Dan Doman is appreciated and acknowledged. E.S. Pearson Jim Earls Wanda Plentl Habitat For Humanity Methodist Church Bill Eversole International Realty Austin Brian Bianchi F & B LLP John Hintz Episcopal Church Of Tausha Carlson Faith Lutheran Church Hope Presbyterian Catellus Development Wells Fargo Foundation The Good Shepherd Sally Fatigato Church The James C. Corporation Larry Faulkner Armstrong Lowes CB Richard Ellis Inc. Management Trust Lee Fixel Brian McClure Foundation The ABE Charitable Leslee Froehlich National Instruments Centex Foundation Drummond Group Inc. Foundation, Inc. & Employees Repairs Frost National Bank Patricia Perry Home Depot Oak Hill United Charles Schwab Gateway Foundation Dell Employees Methodist Church Foundation Community Church Homeaway.com, Inc. Dennis O’Brien Church Of The Savior Samuel Georgeson IBM Employees Philip Hogan, Inc. Carol Cook Mark Gibson K & N Management Michael Plentl Corinthian David Girovard All Saints Colleges, Inc. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Polycom, Inc. Gist Family Foundation Episcopal Church Austin Bar Foundation Texas Rho Chapter Seismic Exchange, Inc. Anthony D’Anna Dave Glassco Margaret Anderson Judy Carpenter State Farm Mutual Jeff and Deanna Serra Defender Direct, Inc. Vikki Goodwin Arnold Foundation Automobile Insurance Cirrus Logic St. David’s Episcopal Scott Dukette Ashley Gordon Jane Ashby Collegiate Players Tour Church Company Luke Ellis Graves, Dougherty, Austin Emmaus Catholic United Way St. Luke’s On The Lake Emmis Austin Hearon & Moody Gastroenterology Church Capital Area Episcopal Church Radio Broadcasting Gary “Bernie” Bernfeld Donita Haden Forestar Company, L.P. St. Mark’s Haynes & Boone, LLP Bethany United Global Impact Episcopal Church Energy One Windows Methodist Church Hisco Golf San Antonio St. Matthew’s Enterprise Community CB Hardware HD Supply Mary Marmonti Episcopal Church Partners, Inc. David Betz Jerry Hickson Bank Of America Larry Parks St. Thomas More Exxonmobil Foundation John Bolanos Charitable Foundation Charles Hoffman Popp, Gray & Catholic Church First Baptist Church Chapter 13 Trustee Aaron Brace Home Instincts Hutcheson, LLP St. Vincent de Paul - Austin JPMorgan Chase Bill Breedlove HP Company Michael Ryan Catholic Church First Evangelical Free Brenthouse Foundation Foundation Westlake Hills The Graham Family Church Knights Of Columbus: Presbyterian Church Construction George Huber Foundation First Presbyterian St. Catherine Of Siena Keith Brown Hudson Public Affairs Vin and Caren Prothro Church - Austin Council, N# 8156 Barbara Bula Jim Humphrey Foundation Estelle Goldblatt ONEOK Foundation Patrick Butler Hunton & Williams Austin Chamber of Weaver Foundation Ann Hallead Silicon Laboratories Bruce Cardwell Joan Hyde Commerce Mike and Gina Wey Heart Sing Inc. Cathey Carter IBM Austin Ribbon Chris Johnson John and Melissa Zapp Carter Design Ipaydebt Financial & Computer Land West Associates Services, Inc. David Bieniek Active Power Design Group Sam Chung James Isaacson James Cano Austin Bar Manchaca United David Clouse Mitch Jacobson David Deroo Association, Inc. Methodist Church Alexander Coke David Jamail Wendy Elsasser Bill Dickson AVP Management Stephen Mercer Bruce Coleman Lark Kaskie St. Catherine Of Siena First United Methodist Services Mission Mortgage Combined Federal Daniel Keelan Church - Austin Catholic Church Kevin Barry Of Texas, Inc. Campaign Timothy Keyes George Gau Samsung Austin Bee Creek United Erin Pullium Carolyn Conn Semiconductor $99,000250,000 $50,00099,000 $10,00014,999 $1,000-2,499 $25,00049,999 $5,000-9,999 $15,00024,999 Riverbend Church Brian Sharples Silicon Valley Bank Foundation St. Martin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Tarrytown United Methodist Church The Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation Vida Capital Inc. Village at the Arboretum Westlake United Methodist Church Workplace Resource $2,500-4,999 Brian Konigsburg Jane Kovacs Trey Krise Sheila Kuehn Carl Lemonds William Lesso Clay Levit Brian lidiak Rosanne Lindsey Richard Lowke Steve Magee Maker Capital Group Marlene Massa Eddie Mazurek Betty McBride Melissa McConnell McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore, LLP Robbi Millest Andrew Millest Bonnie Mills Daniel Mondrik Philip Monnin Lana Morris Mark Muller Shawn Muncy NAMC Auxiliary Margaret Neale Lauren Neugebauer Susan Nilsson-weiskott Northern Trust Susan Pacinda Patricia Plante Everett Plante Steve Pollard Portella Steel Doors Ryan Quarles Valerie Rawlings Britton Read Jennie Reed C. Reid Jett Rink Matt Rockhold Mike Rovner Ryan Street And Associates Sca Community Service Foundation P Schenkkan Sears #1357 Jeanette Shelby Shepherd Of The Hills Presbyterian Church David Sheppard Signature Homes Sherry F Smith Wagner Southwest Hills Community Church Robert Spivey St. Alban’s Episcopal Church St. Clair Family Foundation Stanberry & Associates, Inc. Jeffrey Swope Thomas Tanner James Taylor Gunnar Teltow The Lengel Family Fund The Northern Trust Company Ralph Thomas Sherine Thomas James Thompson Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, LLP Ticom Geomatics, Inc. Tileworks Of Texas Timberlake Cab Timberlake Cabinets Trademark Floors TreeHouse Inc. Alejandrn Trochez U.S. Legal Support, Inc. Ken Vanlew Ben Vaughan Vertive Donald Walker Watermark Homes by David Bratton Roger Weekly Richard Weiss Frank Weitman When Angels Sing, LLC James Whitaker Dolores Wilbeck Herman Wolff