Spring 2016 (Newsletter)
Spring 2016 (Newsletter)
Family ~ Friends ~ Neighbors SPRING 2016 SGRCA MISSION STATEMENT To maintain and enhance the quality of life and property values of the Sedona Golf Resort Community by assuring common areas are well maintained, rules and regulations are appropriate and enforced and sound fiscal policies are pursued. SGRCA BOARD MEMBERS President, Frances Hawley Vice Pres., Gayle Burns Secretary, Barbara Otter Treasurer, Pat Cassidy Director, Frank D’Angelo Director, Irwin Richmond Director, Dean Patterson Volume 3, Issue 3 GOT HUMMERS??? By Bill Agnew Meet the Hawkins, Beth Kingsley, a hummingbird specialist and Ross, founder and executive director of the International Hummingbird Society and Gallery, both located here in the Village of Oak Creek. Beth is an international professional ‘nature as fine art’ photographer who moved to Sedona with her husband in 2006. They moved to Sedona because of the climate, the ‘O my God’ Beauty, the spiritual energy …and the hummingbirds. Back in their home in Maryland, the savvy Ruby-throated Hummingbird went to Mexico each winter, and the Hawkins experienced ‘hummingbird deprivation syndrome.’ Here in Sedona, the Anna’s hummingbird stays all winter and is hardy enough to nest successfully. As a result, Beth has published a magical book called Anna’s in the Snow, documenting their survival when they nested next door to them. The male sings prolifically, and Beth made a professional recording of her singing back and forth with the male Anna’s, as he responded to her vocalizations. Her vast collection of images includes excellent floral studies, many from Monet’s garden; breathtaking landscapes, including the Namib Desert in Southwest Africa, some interesting southwest doorways and more. Hummingbirds have been the reason for travel to destinations like Trinidad, Tobago and Costa Rica, but she has found some fascinating hummingbird nests right here at home in the Village, including one Anna’s nest on the Sedona Golf Resort Course. One very southwestern nest was created here in the Village on a Kokopelli wind chime. Another black-chinned hummingbird nested in the O of a welcome sign. Beth photographed the OM of the welcome sign with the Hummer Mom sitting there patiently on the nest and now this ‘meditating hummingbird’ has become a signature piece. Also, one hummer, wondrously, nested five years in a row in the Plaza courtyard, visible through the gallery window. One customer dubbed her ‘the Sedona Hummingbird Nest Diva.’ Beth maintains feeders on her windows so real live hummers are there year round and also welcomes the hummingbirds with unprocessed cotton as nesting material.” Her motto is: Bringing beauty into focus…creating sacred spaces within and without. She delights in sharing the wonders of the divine imagination and likes to quote Mother Teresa’s saying, “Do small things with great love.” In this case, the small things that need our care are hummingbirds. In this issue: Got Hummers??? 1 Committee News 2 Community News 3 Message from the SGRCA Board President 3 Tech Tips 3 Be A Good Neighbor 4 Community Association July 29 2016 Sales ONLY – 31, Ticket online Sedona Golf Resort Community Association: Family ~ Friends ~ Neighbors ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE NEWS The revised SGRCA Design Guidelines (DG) are done, have been approved by the Board and are on the Website for your use. The Ad Hoc Committee (AHC), including Ellen Simon, Irwin Richmond, chaired by Frances Hawley and chartered in January 2015, has completed this massive undertaking. The original DGs were established as a guide for building a Custom Home but over the years have evolved as a guide for adding or enhancing any home site. There was redundancy as well as out of date information (solar, Night Sky designation, etc.). The AHC spent over a year and Irwin Richmond, Frances Hawley and Ellen Simon countless hours reading, rereading, investigating and organizing information in a logical, sequential and helpful format. The AC hopes you find these DGs helpful when considering adding or changing something outside your home including roof, paint colors, landscape, windows and the list goes on. COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE NEWS The CC has added one more piece to our communication objective. The “face” of our Association is represented by the beauty of the common land, the redesigned website (home page and content), the Newsletter and NOW, official stationary. The Committee designed the letterhead using the masthead of the Newsletter so the image of our Association would be consistent and identifiable. We hope you receive some good news on this new Communication tool; but if it is unpleasant news, we hope it is better received on the ‘official’ and professional looking stationary. Let us know what you think. LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE NEWS by Carol Sheets The SGRCA Board of Directors approved three landscape enhancement projects for 2016. The three ‘gateway’ areas are located at Bent Tree, Crystal Sky and Crown Ridge at Saddle Horn. Work was completed in April. The complete renovation of two corners at the Crown Ridge and Saddle Horn intersection is the final piece of a major Association landscaping project begun over five years ago. All four corners now have comparable stonewalls and plantings. The two newly renovated corners, formerly maintained by the Sedona Golf Course crew, will now be maintained to a consistent standard under our landscape maintenance agreement. In addition to these three projects, over sixty new plants were planted and 35 tons of crushed red rock was spread throughout the neighborhood in April. And lastly, the mail box pod on Crystal Sky was updated as was the median across from it. COMMUNITY NEWS: Volunteers of the Year Award At the Annual Meeting the Volunteers of the Year were announced. Congratulations to the Design Guidelines Ad Hoc SubCommittee members Ellen Simon, Irwin Richmond and Frances Hawley who received the award for all of their hard work, time and success in providing a sequential and thorough document for use by builders and Homeowners. More COMMUNITY NEWS on Page 3. COMMITTEES ARCHITECTURAL Frank D’Angelo, CHAIR Pat Cassidy Dean Patterson Randy Hawley David Barron MEETINGS: Monthly 1st Thursday COMMUNICATIONS Frances Hawley, Chair Bill Agnew Gina Cassidy Dean Patterson MEETINGS: Monthly 2nd Tuesday LANDSCAPE Carol Sheets, CHAIR Barbara Otter Dean Patterson Lillian Lombardo Judy Thompson MEETINGS: Monthly 1st Friday ARCHITECTURE TIP: Anything–sculpture, pots or other decorative items–in the front yard require an AC request before placing or installing. COMMUNICATIONS TIP: Be sure your contact information (phone # & email address) is current in the HOAMCO office. LANDSCAPE TIP: Enjoy the sight of the new entrance gateways to our Community. Sedona Golf Resort Community Association: Family ~ Friends ~ Neighbors Message from SGRCA Board President It has been a busy Spring! The Annual Meeting was held on April 20, 2016 at the Ranger Station with about 30 Association Members present. At that meeting, we said a fond farewell to Lillian Lombardo, who has served the Association for many years as a Committee member, Board Member and President of the Association. We are so grateful to her and her long-standing commitment to this Community, and we will miss her. We also welcomed new Board Member, Irwin Richmond, who worked diligently on the Design Guidelines Ad Hoc SubCommittee. Members also had the opportunity to ask questions about their Community and Association during the Open Forum. At the Organizational Meeting, a slate of Officers was elected including: President – Frances Hawley; Vice President – Gayle Burns; Secretary – Barbara Otter and Treasurer – Patrick Cassidy. Please put the date, when published, on your calendar next year and make plans to join us. Frances Hawley Those of you on driving on Crown Ridge above Saddlehorn noticed a speed monitor near the mailboxes. Many of our residents had mentioned, what they felt, were excessive speeds on this street. The Sheriff’s Department was contacted and placed a speed monitor from February 2 – 10, 2016 to determine rate of speed and traffic patterns. Interestingly, the average rate of speed was 23.28 mph with a range of 20 – 33 mph, which the installer thinks he registered when he was testing the setup. A total of 1591 vehicles (each pass was counted as a vehicle) passed the monitor during that time. Kudos to our residents and their guests. Irwin Richmond and Lillian Lombardo TECH TIPS by Bill Agnew The free upgrade from Microsoft, Windows 10 ends on July 29th, although there have been rumors of an extension. You do not have to upgrade to Windows 10 but support for Windows 7 ends Jan. 14 2020 and support for Windows 8/8.1 ends Jan.10 2023. The upgrade can be a time consuming process of up to 5 hours and is done almost automatically. Once Windows 10 is installed, you have 30 days to decide if you like it. If you don’t, you can roll Windows 10 back to your old operating system. Want to “look before you leap” go to the following links to see free tutorials on the Win 10 Operating system http://www.gcflearnfree.org/windows10/4 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=windows+10+tutorial Information about the security/privacy issues making headlines about Windows 10, see these links: http://www.zdnet.com/article/no-microsoft-is-not-spying-on-you-with-windows-10/ http://www.zdnet.com/article/dont-let-the-grinches-put-you-off-windows-10/ http://lifehacker.com/what-windows-10s-privacy-nightmare-settings-actually-1722267229 Want to get rid of the annoying “Get Windows 10 “pop-up reminder? Try this link: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Miscellaneous/GWX-Stopper.shtml For the Brave Souls wanting to upgrade see: http://www.zdnet.com/article/hands-on-with-windows-10-upgrading-installing-and-activating-in-the-real-world/? tag=nl.e539&s_cid=e539&ttag=e539&ftag=TRE17cfd61 COMMUNITY NEWS: SPRING MIXER The First Annual Spring Fling Mixer was held to celebrate the end of tax season, Spring’s arrival and to greet friends and make new ones with the raffle ticket activity. What a great night to visit, putt, chat and eat. Again, the SGR dining room crew did a wonderful job. Congratulations to Frank D’ Angelo for winning the putting contest. Hope to see more of you in the Fall at the Mixer. Who You Gonna Call? Emergency 911 BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR APS (electricity) 928.282.7128 We all hear questions about “Can we walk our dogs on the golf course?” I have heard “Of course you can,” “No you can’t” and “I‘m not sure if they want us to or not” so I checked with Mr. Jeremy Hayman, General Manager of SGR, and here are his answers. AZ Water Company 928.282.7092 Big Park Sewer 800.659.7149 HOAMCO (Assn Mgr) 928.282.4479 928.203.0050 fax Yavapai County Sheriff (VOCA) 928.771.3260 “Generally, we like to allow Homeowners to walk their dogs during non-golfing hours and/ or ahead/after play (earlier am and later pm).” “We would prefer animal owners to keep pets out of the sand traps and off greens. – unraked bunkers and marks in the greens are a detriment to the guest experience and cost us labor.” “We also often see either poop that is not picked up, it is picked up and left in a bag on the sidewalk or it is thrown into one of our trash cans. In the summer heat, those trashcans get awfully ‘ripe’, once again a detriment to the guest experience. We would prefer the bags be carried home and thrown away there.” “Dogs on leashes* is preferred for everyone’s safety, and golf course maintenance” And “Please stay on the cart path in the early morning and not walk on the grass when there is frost on the ground as there will be dead grass in the shape of a footprint several days later.” Post Office 928.282.3511 Century Link (Phone) 800.244.1111 Sedona Fire District 928.282.6800 Sedona Golf Resort 928.284.9355 Unisource Gas 928.282.3919 VOC Library 928.284.1603 We appreciate the Golf Course’s hospitality – Let’s be welcome and cooperative guests. *According to Yavapai County Ordinance No. 2000 – 3, B. 2 “No dog shall be permitted at large (A, 1 …being neither confined by a suitable enclosure nor physically restrained on a leash.) except as provided herein. Dogs shall be confined within a suitable enclosure or otherwise physically restrained to prevent entry of dogs on public or private property other than the owner’s or on a leash not to exceed six (6) feet in length and of sufficient strength to control the dog.” This is also a safety precaution as there have been dangerous attacks on owners and their dogs recently in the area. Sedona Golf Resort Community Association 35 Bell Rock Plaza Suite A Sedona, AZ 86351 Newsletter Credits Frances Hawley, Editor in Chief Karen Edwards, Publisher We’re on the Web! sedonagolfresort.org If you would like to receive this newsletter via email only, please email lorrie@hoamco.com LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS SUPPORTING THE SGRCA NEWSLETTER S U P P O R T O U R Advertise Your Business Here To the 288 Sedona Golf Resort Community Association Homeowners Services, Restaurants, Tradesmen and more wanted. Send Email to : dean.patterson.sgr@gmail.com A D V E R T I S E R S The next SGRCA Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 15th at 1:30 PM at the HOAMCO office. ALL Homeowners are Welcome to attend! LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS SUPPORTING THE SGRCA NEWSLETTER S U P P O R T O U R Please support our SGRCA newsletter advertisers! A D V E R T I S E R S Advertise Your Business Here To the 288 Sedona Golf Resort Community Association Homeowners Services, Restaurants, Tradesmen and more wanted. Send Email to : dean.patterson.sgr@gmail.com