1980-1981 - askjpc.org
1980-1981 - askjpc.org
<n x * I a ol .nl (,!l r ttt F E > 6u t ' , P .: n >o r r > dE o . ( Fr 6 d l o .J 0d hl J f O l . It t( / ) r 5 Z ) t c cd o E t n t :E-U E c)s o t r \cj o h CtJ htr or3 > .F.{ h O tr 'O .Fl ! FIll F Z n E Er s qE !, O. rt .tl c-FC cq: G * r J ' o- O'F{ h = - 5 FT( a a o l/ { otr o o t .Ft d 1 F .Fl E lr :?*"-dl a tl @ (B! N'r'{ orJo o > L'E o s r- r. i l .ilo O'H F1 o (s'F{ O rJ > $ c( 6 e! El od c l ..{i e l h 'Ft g'^lr 3'Fl l-tE 'Fl li ar ri -i boE ol l i e- .F{ Fl 0/ u c o E r 0 n tr o o. o .r{ i- o A l ir Q r[ *J $r 13 €) I = (ol -r t . : o OI l c c / t E ! 00 l : o i o( r Fi b0 G B e a ' o ) ai . A . tl o E i ha J a ^ a g q, tr-r Fi 6r t rl I a + a - l J & l .Frl trl lrl al A' . 2 E i ^ t{ H o . > .ri F . C s - q a J , C d ) r cii .-: . + i E c i c ^ = 5 A - j - F: C, xt o I El "ii I rr''l:r)i, 1,, e x 'a o . =s) .rl f&i - il > ; -i =c,j o HA & = < P tt. tA |J ) r+l Qg o os L)! !-.1 .$ <f, t ; tr o t E - - c clE : A t { e i N n lll =l d F v .Fi I I e 0 .\C € \ i-r. Ii , \ . o 0 i f: / . , F n r O ; F i l \ ;:, ,rD _,. \0 : .;{ ', \",,' t { . F . O , ' 4 O rf, 6il, O O\ i'\ en r \D \O .. N f t r a A . l . t r C C .Fi , Fi r\ F -.t Fr F 1 EI { } \ S if$ fi! j!{ jf' , ' | : ' , , s l ci rr F \C \O F ...r_ : - . . BI +l r-l <I .I I \t ;l xt (.)| rH \t O\ !l !rl O F (r) t n { r n O | @ N a r') N N € N F a Fl t Ol @ J l cO 1 l t N Z v n € i O P \ n ! c\t O\ { N N -1 1 -" g) o Qlt{ rr 0) (Btr q) v) t\ \t st i o ll o t \ (d+l l C . ) I a , H t ' l H H { - { H H H I H l-{ \ . t E H r.!) r, r\ H o 5 q l s: i , a g H E E a ( ..{ , l | - t sos F q c { t g o C 'rt o F { E t F o h F D . o t r + { \ { F f M lJ yl .F{ (, S !f h E E u r .F{l 3t E (u 5 00 rd ? € '{l Frl ol ,ol $tl .Lrl Fa o. or C) "Mgl l ugl l l{ 3 a ( 6 d J ( r r E { o o l E o o F + , , oo l t o O 0 - t F, o c! "o .r{ t{ o S d F { o rJ J { t { + r q l l J F { E t r 3 ( u ( u E * & x o O tr a r{ r{ Ol! I } F D,\ O 00c d ! d tr d lfl a0 & .t ,l o 5 O .€ € . o r( n .Fl o { l x C' "li o 5 r ! o t h E M { tD .F{ +, l r d d E 9 . O i o H ! , c . g E | d O r . q | l . 5 Ji 6 0 0 | u 6 > 'F{ q & g , i ilHl E o S .!.,1 G g l C O o .l dl O ( r C tr l -a O.l gll ' qlt ( O Frl o E o E : . ( o ( o o o " .r '3 o Fl t c j l . ? t r r ? n '"'l g O o E el b 9 (9 tD {l u s { g e, !-{ P t r E d 6 P{ Si 0 o u g o tl l.r ! 0 P{ l E qt b0 o Cl c r o t r o .Fl a g F O ) E pA . a a .{ J r lr F.l +, o t E + ( , 6 F . l o & r = r O -l Sz E + _ ./o o , F a f H r '9 g co 6 @ /\o. f \ i t s , r n d \ t ' . + t \ o 6 .s rtl : rr1 t! t n l n i F t\ i i-l t{ I F a + { F ,r\ F4 o r'{ ) d ( t d k l o .S J a c )f q t a r a € a ra r-a &l o {l o o gl E r ,:4 ( d t 0 r r fr{ 0 tf . r \ I E H H & v " a \o \(' N t{ Fl \O f\ { H F E . .t{ rA i r ( cl \O O \ ct ' .r{ o q s ) o "{ q l E t O l a r azl F r F l\ \t Ln tn Fl ;F{ , ' /r l:'l (} 4 " : r o . b0 t{ n .i fg , gS rt ,' fBr ;i 6 .J ) q u { . : d b t . ' c n{ d 6l @ l . (., . f r a c E , og. . c U h l E i F { t | { n q l F l O r.l v| . q l F l q . c t { O t r { d + r d g s s c.| t\ O F t Gl tn Fl O g \ | ' 1 a F \ t . C { F t \ t { d r { o € \p € \o d c | r | t\ { F \ a \o rn F o l G l F I o \o \ l rf| ra F{ t) I F Fl C \o r n s d f\ t \ $l o co. l r s . $ \O Fa aA ( \ | -t F F| @ t? \0 (\ r\ o\ F{ o r., .lJ : a o c) H H H H H t { H Ft \ \ { t+l \ \O r trl F | N \t { 6 ! { X F Fl O !a (t\ O $ = rt1 co F, ( € 6 : O Ll l \e ' F H ts-.1 H H H F{ H l{ H H H t { :l dl trl ol c o .F{ t l o . ( ) . o = { + t ' ' t { r ' o O c o l U o l e . r ' | t + o}{ fila 00o o t F{ € .Fl L t-{ r{ Q r { l t # j x J o o l, m E . i . t 6 a F l { d 'Fr i g r{l trt .C!t rrl E o l { l E d E O. O d T{ o ., U E O f&l E lJ S F a . 6 I d f l O r { t f "o o t c B olq .r{ t{ E U !{ Ff Ct cl Fl tr qt H tr t F k (.) J S r.|lr{ trl O FI qt o !{o >O L{ql o E o o TEIE E, tg sJ It E. $ 8 B { l Jd l F / J l lDl o{l O { o tJ Y{ F ol {rl qll 0ll o l Hl ol S q l ' r-{ t{ t r l t cl ?{ I O l oI ol F{ tr{ Etr c { ' ill E O F{ d O c! .nH A (, r+{ r @ [{o oql B. F{ EO. o o +tX oo q U t { g n'l a | i J cl E ( D . d o d c 6 t{ { t F g o q r r { o s l \t € v r C l q o F I I A tr o € € tl o o O O r J f O. 'tf h o t : T J E d +l l + r O o g h 3 C r ( D ' t r l O o . E r r a IJ d +f $ F r-l o, t{ tr 0t (o .Fl 6 0 l { r b C O ( f . F A E T / . t r (u g) 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 O + l O O A o { O E 0 { { +, t o i I U (o l-r | l !, G ) O0 o o a C t A ll F{ r0 o H .. A :E tn q{ $r o tr O m ( F o o . r.l O .: .LJ i'{ u'| . > tr! F{ 6 I€ I6 t;i R X N F d *Hj i iR 3 { F{ F{ o r n TE ld . i . o u +rO Fl . .j *cr \o \.o (a F{ tn rn $ R Ft t\l r-l t \ Fl \ F Fl F{ rt.l \ F F{ Fl l c rn \ h t \ . * e r t @ c att I 3 R S a 6 t\ g o a F e x () co ;a ,l-J o \ g I z r{' . $ $ \ o F{ t t t E R c) 5 F.l F{ R E Fl 8 V A R : = tF g o8 H oD $ * o 0r: E i t p lq $ \ ( e , c rn .l} I \ :f € * o 6 - - z o\ 9 = c{ 6t H t . E r F{ @ o 8 n q q \O O o . b v R t | o < l c h 3 l q :'T i . 5 -O 9l 5 3 H i s + ! 9 q 5 $ { d t' k d r\ (aJ 00 O. o k +, d td |.{ -6 o o() o A V, 8 g E E O *J o {c L rf, ; d e r+l H l{ - l{ H F.t H F{ ! - 1 f F{ f I * l * 5 5 E I e o t d r o r-1 -l o + (} -{ r a o .c tt > L 6 Ci O E ;a o o l + r u dtrl F Fa 6 El r, |o . 6 r ' rr=a d = (t, 3 o{ 00 g l € ! t q l E € U O O d v o c t ' F rl { € +a o E u r O * 0, }{ il M { o oO to+{ clE od H o -ct 6 rl o o qo ra Ul ccro { t -o ( ) o . ,( r ct tr, O i.{ ah i $. -l Ol, N q l N O (u> 0 .Fl ul r J g | + { o h + { ql l d ho H!E: { c | { , , o . qt c a 0 d o .F{ + oc r g r E sl g d d c qt .r{ a o S ' q E & a o o h @ o ..q Q H F { c t ) s t ( , fr o . S t o ( i f o { d l i t r { l o d l - | O O I q t | { o l t 3 5 l +| +{ t{l o e c d d E q, d ql tr o ?{ s 5 O o d o t r l ! t r s u 3 c c, (u Ft oV ) H o o 2 s i Fl .F{ (t, }| F Q o $o i..l O r5rt ag E : Q t u t , O 0 d d o o F ql d o o , r r{ F F 0 ( ) & o . F r o .,1 t { O g o o d ( c o a F F 4 c) u l f E ) H z { q, l rD O r{ A q, ol s H t r l t { o c l l J G . F r t o a l tr t, { +, {, t{ ts q) r ! o E u o J , O ct r { d 0 o' H n o d .r1 x; n q, P o ql u d } t+t c Ei r l c d o cl..| o j ; ( r p u r -t . {J rt o !d t+{ < O 6 {.1 cl d H r o o . G o &, O{, O $l t l ao. a A * O t l N { ( o d r f . t f C E E p = r{ Fl , ) [ { t I r r { € o c d Fl . x t t . o r O. O t o l F > g) { c B S (o o J F : f g ) c.t eo (t\ € o r . f \ O N rrl st t \ N t \ F{ F I \ t Fl F{ F{ F | ro t { ) r l ! .$ u..l .ri Gl \O t\ !n t-l t n l . 1 \ o \ o F F \ O t s 6 ! a r a q dl +c t t .r1 : . . o .r{ r o l + 1 . A r > i r { O h a . o . 0 r . $ r \ . ( ) t \ 6 1 r n € \ o q ) cr\ o.r 6f @ (Yl (\ .s o\ O o 6 l F a .$ rg rn Fl \ o t \ f \ F r{ d t J o (o n . d o u B) r-a 2 E c l F , .cJ B ' . ' N 6 r . l . . i r $ { o o o a } | F-l | o E q, F ('t ('l $ € F € rn rfl t \ F { d ro t\ ( 6 F l l O o ' \ .o F ' ,lf i o ( \ t \ o \O F{ O l O t d } F I o F O I P { t O O ( ) O N F \ F , . t{ ln Fl F F{ @ rr{ | (o + (n I O a N I H o |\ rh, \, r\\ Gro @@ Zz o o z o\ "{ \o l ; = i : - F { I H F { H |-{ I l l o * 6 ( l f € F F | { t u.l \ 6 l 6 | F.l 0 | l \ t \ t n o 1 f \ \ O @ \ t tJ o o = : : F{ sl H H o o a @ 12 -,1 rn(') (\|r'l r{ H Fl H H H t{ H F{ F{ H H H i H H - l al ol .F{ | o rul o X ^rl v l - oj 'r'l (t) .Fl c ; v co t{F.' o-c r{O. .CO (Jc En c o E CJ t J r C F{tn \J.d q+ O u .ri ] v 'rl v 'r't -l b c rO +r O o N 9 F O u. t = ^ v iql .e (Jl Ei r = O -{ i.{l 13 .-t N 16l = F { ' O O X r { ' ! L . 5 .rr1 rd O 0) o l ! . o P C | .d lc .fit ? -r f J t r T a1 u> i. 0J q u bt r . c l c , 'ria a O a I'C , = r: i . C J c - qo : E [ -.X.-t t ' J ' O r J o 5 E + L ' ' J r 3 F r ) of6 r - . rc.: I h I Ev3v C9 fuJ :E g - ' o x < CJ <O c / .'i q inO ;i ii6 ct- Ao -i o rtl] FE ci.; A) c € .; g ! S, ': *1 q - c '; :; >< t Po tr I I ';= F:Ff c! O o o'd cJFl = 'a ! Fc t r O . O O 3 'rd. E -+E, 5. u 5= . r . -H E ' | t6 c E ro c v .c O TJ = o cE .;E o,6 cocl O C E f6 U] r{ , { O j c E ;.!"* ;3 v t O a rdC N r E n l ( a { -d 'lc o b, C 5 - U , - - c + C O fln ! C T = ! t T ! OC @ C ! n) . r o ) v o)Fi SOCC gFl 5 O . . 4 V J - h O b > C . ; = l t al ^ i o b = O o o F z o @ F ) { o v + r -v, J d - o d - t i ^ d 5 r n , = U 14 4 r r n (r) :t P ( d H o . t T r b J n r O 'r{ (} c1 C ^ u) 0 0 \ 0 i F p a \ v . . ^ . --i J a. \ .Fi v ^ E C . J - - r d ' r * c E o > -C .rr .Fl - ) l E.iJ Fi - e a] ?'i'.i Ot1 (/) J ^ t tr - (D Q V o * ^ > i\ c\ ri I .-- t C f r l . a \c f.o O) . sf C t a ) C O F r A r A to rl tr_ rf tri r._ rl (.c <iCD @ t i-\ t l\ lJ-t 'S Fa C\J rO i t F f A ) \ O = c o z C O r Cl-N C r A . . ! Ln C., O ; FJ t ! F - Frro @ ' = l-- F l-t -i -i r-1 -l . S O) l'\ rl j'\ N N r-- i - = (\-. l-- C u fi) l S !C A . 3 |-r- l-i, l c C @ t 1..) s - CD I-- l'c' c-, l F - |f) r-- r . + ,3 r s - r , - - 1 C ) - - i O ccQ 6 r O u w_\ U) l - s- , ^ i \ \ L O E O 3-3 a'€ t l r C. N i z - + e a \ a F (_\ r.4 .- c z. d B , " r r ca Fn : a a \ C z /. O o riiq 0(6 ! U J 1 6 . N c / , z c ) c > < = F N l-- l-r Ln C . ( ! (n - J 'F{ d ^ F. . O N ;<C CN O !i. C . t f@ \ r q-t lJ E ,: !; v ;) r 0 g }' C, -i t : } L H t € t-l F-l - c tr ro = | i F) r\ s ; r'- -i H : H H H H H H H F H H H H H Fi n H H H H H l-J H H H H H E c\ S rt 'rl +J 'rl |.r ' r l U rU rl r d E t.l .c c, o o ( l J c' r - . o (r) 'r{ o @ g a o c (6 'r-l (/)ut 'r{ 6 O 'r{ u 'rl F.l : o. . r c 31l ' l rdl 5 O l 0 tl '. H E o l E 'r{ E. o o ( / ) lO o r{ O r-t Ol 5 J r J - C l c r . j r c o . '/l tU tf S{ ${ fr I I.r (J (9 rj Frl 0) t H{ i; +l 1J o t; 'r{ c) F{ r[ tt B t'\ B > = ql o FI f6 {:rl (I, l) v, o tJ c fg q, 'r{ Fl to an o 5 ( r o o. o c c '.{ o .Fl x + ts +) o r{ E r (l) P t: t cr o . . c l C C ( J 1 6 ' r t O t { J Y { F Fcl co >4 d { H ru {! l o o F { r F tr r r : : f F{ g, .' c' o ,.:c Fl +, r d d M c rJ "r'l (n )4 il : = O r+- \+n c o ' o r { >: c J .Tr .rl .r{ c' -. c :l ${fu5 o{*:tr ttt tt |Jr o ro (O r-{ c .Q Fa @ (\l to <f ltl f.. r{ i l O ( C c c r\ ql ( l r" 0 tt) r{ O @ r ( \ t l lf} { o o d o tt o d & & d r rd FJ o (n o o O + r ) lJ O r l'\ r ! r'" r-{ -{ o (\t A O Ff F/') r{ rl C{ r I or (tl @@ O O t I <r{ !l ) n O c{ l f\ r l s r F Er, c 5 r{ C! - o = t! O o o irr o f:) ,c | F l I - H H H H H r-t I t-r - = r - l a I H H , O u) O 5 Cg ' l O{ o rl l '"! | 5.1 (7l F{ O I O .F{ (l, o> l, =a O.rl r{.lJ 'rl F-.1t{ rd^c o. O -C o b t - c r 'rl CJ ( o 'r{ l, q, .r{ $ l -ll rll Ol 'd-l r,)l @l o 5 O E (d o q .F p r o ( d c ([, o r d o ) C ) u ) / 5 . o (9 " t r 1 c t r o (.1 :T: r c F-r o, o r.{ k (rJ > O A 'r{ Otl If ! t{ (/) ( qr6 cD|:5 E< r l-l'r..) tn rl <t st sf 0 lft r- (O r{ r{ = H c lr| C) ir) f\ r\ Fl F{ r-.1 Ol | r- r n t . r l | - r ) t n F\ l-F t-F{ {r ) .r{ :l rll 'r{ .Cr-l 'r{ .9, (d 15 > l q-{ O _l (It C rd ' ts ' c O b .r{ o l l H M M c I T T A C l-- @ C\l (O tt t.| cn c\l sr (\, st tJ) f\ rl Fl l.Fr'{ lq rf.. r{ |.r N f\ r{ tr1 r\ c! C{ c l ) + @ o r o - (O { sf r l o t y , t l @ rd r\ E-r C J C J 3 J T \ c r{ @ rl q) H t I F{ { f 9 ( ! \ O F , @ o E A o c) O d O Ln r O z I r \ o @ rl H H H H H H H {tt -i H H H H H tfr { r,- H H . C t{ .r{. d o o U' J c rl s so n € 'ss t-Ffi ; >4 C)(J + t\ t E, A ) 5 E f tr 'rl rd F4 Fq (/)F Ol Ln (O r-{s1' r{ c\| | | F @ f\F P{P{ rl c o d Ft .rl r--l O st F rl tuP{ . Eo cn \ . Cn>< X @ t r l-\ r{ O ' O P C rrl f lU . ,C O O d. :-'1 O 14 rd . , 8 1 ; S{ l> .r{ rd o f : t I c], o !l.,t O +J r) H . ( .> t rdt Eg cD 3 ":<f9 1 ,r{ 'A ( ilr, ,O Ol c r) o 'o r t...t . . . O F . o o . 5 to Sf (t f.! CC st c @ | u. I.|.r Itrrr -l ,) o 5l g . . c1 (r) ; o ( (J) '81 l 'r' ]-t ( a'l d o O, Fr t d O t u { l t tr' ( \ ol { 'r{ r{ (l)>\ F|OE CJC5 cEo d'rl .{ o.)4H ) 5 coF t-l F{ o u .a O .p .rl <tt ol S.r 'r{ qt 6 ]J { 5 ( . co Sr O 'F{ F { d A .1.) C (l X u) t{ (d r sl o .rl Fl . o E 16 o (J .r'{ E o ..{ gt o EI l (r) (6 E 0) f,t (Uo. p > c.c I F c d{ ]Jr{ 'r'l O, {'4 O ut l v, .r{ o H , 5 AA t{ H a d E r E O : i ( , o l b o g ) = l ? 4 r J l E o t { l . E ( d o l 'J Sl ?* (6l ta E E X O " r t6l rr o Fr (d dl.'r _rlbo e tr .Fr tc ot tr ! a . o l . r > tl tr F rQl = o ) r i () d E .'{ 5 v F { o O . U t D ul !s H O0 .= E = 9 v Y : . v ^ .'{ .15 .r{ O 9 o J { e > I r{l _ l rvl O O .r ir a .J ! v -ll.-i 4lJJ ol L. '-llC O .F{ o. d x o * )4 ? l l o l E b u t o o o ; ! o .'.tl s Ol rd r f l j ! t d c 0 . , r ^ ? !,t r ' l q 1 t E A | ' } l .-{ ql u ={ o $ S E | { ! ' l l o E c 9 l 'ql = c, n o 91 l.r O ^..r a. ) d O = 5 d ; iE.! s Es *; o 6.* ii-, (j E 4 Ol ta q<l !r re ue* Ei l !- 0 c c --cAl € * -: cdl iii D 6 q l . r, 6 0 g P C} o. s qt ' 71 F o d F. o 6 . F H +{ { | P r Q l = tr F O r{ o 3 ; tq o t t t{ EFr P L' cc tr o S (J O T{ t a +{ d g: +r +{ I 'O tt o o E . 1 9 tc t rrl ol a E '-1 (,)E (s= IE E .!i EF F A V O ^ h ( P d O rr lr ru E O E € B n F l..1 O.1., EO l i tr .F{ rg { = t \ o u i l 'Fl O a1 r ' / J ' J ; f i t d r l I r F { O t t r O ' ^ t r . d O d L . r d z r u E v F F l a t O r a r { o t r t o , t{ .'.o0 a O F | G) t e + a ! N i 4 H t W s J . l * ? A 'F{ v b A r r O 0 > O ot+{ o c s = o c a c F A .-l 0) 0 ) - IJ o ! Od r v r- o ( i a 4 U .r{ rJ A & rn h0 C ) e J F bO * ! 6 & a b0 O rr t0 u "'l l >..i O\-+' c H F y t a . . L > ! , r { t r t r ( F r . F C i U = . . c . t u \ j c ( B @ O (ft \ F{ f\ C l ! O g u n i 0 l + ] O o r r e e'l f ln l\ l \ > ' .$ @ rn f\ F{ F{ F{ : Ft = O .$ A H rJJ N n{ o\ > +'l o ! P . C il c o O o l A ) A O @ \g $ { \O t\ F{ ) '"'{ : . rJ ) a l t . IJD d . t r ) v r F{ \O O l \ rJ) f\ (f) r \ \ t -$ r'Fl ft a' &J r l O z CO .it O @ O\ f.) \ @ ra rn l\ Fl F\ Fl *B g A d o F o t a { s( . l * i . no r ( F - t B J r t,) 9 .Fi Jd ! G J F l ' r . . - 9 ' t 2 5 rn CO . i F l \ O t\ .$ tt Gt r.rl Gl O\ t \ t O C t \ t \ N N r n \ C \.c t\ f\ F I F s 4 J o F r ' - J l J (/J d O F . { .€ &, A ' F{ ..{ 4 r , o t d r r t Z l H . Z h L t cO o\ Gt o\ O c . ) h l c o r r .al F { | F{ r o o x l a d 3 . t \ F t F{. { a J .t t\ cf{ (?, @ t\ o fl r d o f{ !.1 4 , t -t , F t d d r t . J F i . l l " . t c c'} F{ \ . o B t c ^ *O r*r J / c r + F F . d 9 A ) 9 . ' ) { t r ) ( .rr ( r , / 9 ' rJ r u O l'\ .s o\ c.l \ F { l \ Fl F{ \o 6l N t\ O rn Fi | o $ = t^(n NF r A | w l ) l >\ OCr 9OCO zz, w . . CC c O O t v s c o r G l i t c o o l F.r € g' a ( \ c t f . F O o $ n ) . { c F l Q F \ l O $ N t o l l V n r L \ 6l F r l\ O Ft t\ F\ n \ \'o O F{ t-{ F{ t l O \ Ff O\ CO co tr ! r E E - rn ttt 6! il ' t-l u H Fl t-t H Fi r-t H t{ H H F{ l{ t-.1 H r H { H } H - 1 l-{ H Fl d N H H F{ F ) Fa G,l l gr CO t\ q) 5 o t G) .a.lJ l) c Ia= r, c, C H .e al S g 8 c l t r | q t ? ' t l o -g ' bs E9 l l p5 .Fl !t &, q e I E 5 ( Ul op CJ CJ d .r{ F.l H } l XtU t.o E c o o ' br l A, ] J rd O (9 ( t ) r c 5 ' r 'rl C O E O { { O CJ J.r ! 5 H 'rl !E O FI V' | O O . ) r r F E o o l r{ o O X bl 'r{ o d { ( . c p l d r o € 3 g H t 8 g . : , 9H E g3 E H 5 E 6 r t C r ( ' 1 5 .r{ .d td . A t { O O t U F I ( ) r { E E { r { fr I o 2 fi l t { i [ r J F{ r o . I O ' F r f (1rh 5 o O o A td G P (t M rd F{ (" 5 c q , ( n .oE| o)O (nlE q .r{ 0 O t, qJ 5 O I 5 q D 6 .O +r ! 1 u dr 'r{ O ' d ( O O t O EE q)5 F{ td.r{ 5 r{t{ C, ClO tr 5l o E c , o 'rl 5 .3 o O E ^ 6El "8 FFI E E 8 t{ r rn .rl F{ n d fi"8 F{ 'rl 3 I {,.1 f i l -il rF t3 o o . UI J O C -CO ME { E CJ 'rl + C 'r{ fd Fi FCI r O { F 8o oH .gd B > { O rl Fl F{ .r{ E CqsJ .r{ )<d r rr , r5 t 5 F F. C t F{ o ,:Z t { = I{ o t o P ttt IJ4 t *O x o A { E lrr r ! t r q Y 4 Tt o u'J oc tn 5h ..r{ o o>. 5(r, J EU g u u J c g €E ,g s u o, - r tt! O(r =(l . Or C ctr O (tt tf r l qt ttt .d A ' lr cn El - l F F F rt tq { T rt u 1t, F{ O +r O C) l: o ttt rrc, O $cJ F,34 {O uo rU5jt,d F .{ r +) t! 9{ I P S E't .rlcQ -t{tr 34 h r-l Fl 'r{ Fl .r{ Fl trl rrl F sf rn { l \ f r,l \r O c{ f\ \ t T F C) r{ . r{ .r{ O { } | ( r . s} D o r< . E trq, t<O Fl |{ tH O ' .r{ C 5 & c Oqt EO tu O H g O +)q| OC FrH .rr C 5 t.o st ' ' . t r i o rfl r ' l @ t F r n u i F f \ F r{ r-l r o t \ F @ Ff tft l f o @ (\t i .od .oo{ = j bi6 €rt rtt t*r C CJ oo 'C..q t-l @ or o c f r{ F{f{ OO lElc tcl @ ol @ ) F{ lr| Ir, tv') sf t\ C\t rn I t l c 4 r o l @ @ r-. A E o f -l l f r F{ E F{ J4&l U tr x H F{ +, OqJ G r - n \ F r q l F d F ( { ) ( - f I - rO t o t f \ : ) c l { C r l ( . ) rl t r ( c (| }{ O t f * s t = = = o. 4 H H H H H ) r-{ C \ ii = t (\t (\l [ n C \ l.l ft o @ O F t \ I H F { F F n . { a l l C ) r o m F { l r l r \ s f ( | l O r J ) ( o l c n l 4 o t ( J I\' F4 F{ Ea t{ a. € = * Ol $l H H H H H (.o (\ H H H H H H d , H r-. c{ H H i'. tr 6*;i t& cQvi Fl @ H H (\ v f\ 6l l l 3 c ) @ @ ttl r{ @ C\ I l C r .E E t! P Fl 6 F,I . I 'r'r o o1 <f f l @ O t + d Ft F ( F . F F I F o O F A a F n { >\'r tuq, F{ >. (9 . ( f A = r+{ lJ r-{ F n F \ r{ . Fl C = .Ft.d Ct, 5('} >lU .r{.t{ }lcl $ 9 o @ r U)>< 'r{ (f *, q o.c) O. Opa : r{ @ rl @ F.t 6 Cll r a t r c D r \ ( Y o G t l c r o ( \ t r \ I t n r l o ) Crt F . . H H H H H tf ( +{ a e c o d r d E U d & r o l O F l Fl o a I {l | 3 O r, |. (D 3J F +l d l { | ) | J t { o tqt{ - C 0. k O h o \ E o E r{ o ql O F l O | { O r { olr .aO Od HO o c l l o{ v{ o h H € E O O O $ ( t c o J { O A c "y3{ ('' (, o L a h F Y r { { r h x +, ( * t u h t { qt J' o. q E t o ) E { 0 cl qt J !0 d {'' a a a o tr q, . o f r { G t l t o H cto E > l O${ C:H d oo E ( l ,o +, (u / , q, t-l x fl t{ o Gi k o (J +{}rl u sq @ O o > : c ) r : r q t h D Htr o€ O , + { l - l F { 6 00 .'{ e{ d o o. o. O l l i l ( r , E q l. l O { t t o {.) r q d S f t t{ O o o { r o q oo .o o |. O cl|(, trlt € O ( ) > . r { = 5 k ( ) !0 d | ( o d { O a tt O gia ,IJ t ao | r, o ql +ro r0c! r - E ot ocl + { E lD o ! Fl f{ O { f-i q ' D'r q t l..r cA b r { r +{ J E 3 l t{ tr 0 d F l F Ol +r> .Fl : d l o k e'l H o O OFJ H ql +J F o E o5 -- . : z Jg s o ( o 5 5 0 E ol u : o 0 c r l r J E T o o J 0 4 o 5 T ( l (u / t 0 A A o , 9 t{ O E , t O A ( hl) d 6 0 {J s J ) bt) l O { 'IJ M H , r f i 0 o O g t t o l g O ! . o s r + ! z J . ! r ( r D \ t \ l c r-l l o ('l c o . o o c 6 l D @ \ { b r l o r t F r-a t € 6 r F c ) l N t \ ( ) r n o @ d o O c c F @ l ) l ( q .E I t \o \ . Z F{ 6 a rn t . F E a Fl \ ) B r \ - { g o , u p ts o & = r . !l e | t F{ Fl F @ r l \ i @ j t r t{ I t-{ o t \ U.) l\ O @ \ F € 9 i g ts E ? ! r r-.1 H . rl\ t\ t\ ' + N . . F l Fi @ 3 s c/)3 (n t\ @ T F4 r n \ N @ Fl F,l s€ h t { g t , ! €f rg s Fi F{ C) o.t a.r o t n o \ F { t ( r ) u . l f t r l O F t F t F l Fl c c l o v P .; f\ F \ o A €* , rrttt atu, Fl - b q F r{ O o j rtt F{ rn c t f i ) F @ . : o \ ( p F{ rn \O f\ I { +, 3 6 d d o a . .o+J (tC) o $ s . .h E l{ S g d H b ,5 E t c l >' O E o € t5 r g ' J . D { 6 c Gl N t F \ r n F Fa ! g F.i o ( . et X -O . d + o t { l-'l s . g I V 3 8 d l t l 8 g H : = = F.l c, ''l c = F{ 6 l : = = € h ! v h .A ! E c) E t. c{ H H F H H r i Fl { c{ H F.{ H r \ { H H r') c.) H H H H \ Results AFIP l,IednesdaySlide Ccrference No' I 17 Septerrber 1980 CaseI - 78310 1668870 grodng firn nasq' -present for qte 1"T,-3 fiIs a slor gr sPec nruLulv: -"'^iglfiliilid;p";J-fffiG ;f*i"i_ri*"a q"g... Thenasslrasdeeplv -ii sternum ot a the adherenr ro rhe *a"iiiing tr"" iuice firm and itrite cr the cut surface' tir"u6.. canine' fleoarrgiopericytcma, . skin, -*irich are capillraries *"ll of 9 ff't" celis that are considered to be drorls of plemrp[i[-"Iili9t*r.tr9n"a -iti"-lumr surrounded by stain rirst ue iiiieiS"ti.i"a fio neurofibrmas. Reticurr-m ;;i;fi;;. the-Presence 9f fatgg nuders of reticular of the trenargioperi"yi-"-ao*ti"tes The tLmr small capillaries' arourd-the layers iib;;; ;.."rE;e'i"-"6"certric inccryletely is often a result -d.as usrjally infiltraled-itr.-*a.rryiG-lis;G; excision. following recur to Etrem f6r It is ttoi -ccm,ar "rJis"a. Attendees' Diagnosis & C@nts: skin, spaniel mix, canine' : Hffipericytma, 'vL Contributor' s Diagrosis E C@enggi '.."-v''-o the diagrpsis- of hemangiopericytoa. *"itrld Aii fii""a".r Gmnts: fiblcma/sarcona' ancl negrofibrma/sarcoma' included diagnoses Oiffeiential *totr#'ilI-d;e;i;ia melancma, of 1t1e1!1:,:ugiit:9i::f, ::t' ryPg. e ntmber. 6u ttmrs"ot ffifiHa ffili1#LJacffi;;fi"s'5i'""""i* by"ut*Jus,pindlg ]btrlton (3). Discussiqr corcernirg as Erissified [Jilil"iliotiu"osercma', f..tuies of this u.frcr and a ietent retroiPeltlyt :!9-l the electrqr nicr6;6i; at Cornefl University, reclassifiei 50%of the tumrs 6;Gp,rtti"h"di-;*ttu"rca Uaseddt the preserne of t*tgiopericytciis diaspsed ne'rofibrosarconas "t meoranes,.iliciotubirles, md acEin-filanencs' are Presencqo! desuosres' ";iro;fil;;;;-b;;*nt of-tt. Characteristics ""*ofiUf*"s/sarcmas *a -r" rbrgh endoplasmicreticul-m dd incmrece bascnt rrF.rl.rares, doryaraiivestudieshavestrorn "o["L*tin trfrndopeii"yrcr"g, observed ;ilffiffiiiiii-*, U"a":fikle iesedlance to canine hemangiorhar hu6 tt rattgioplii;F-1.. jr-ncEicrs which are not present in pericytmas and Etrat *robe of tLilns-t"u" tigttt redrtel $at incqlete excision was a nrlber of the canine t'-rl"-i cantainedno natural borders' ifti-"i*ined possibility in thab-ttre sectims"tt*a*r contribuEor: -iez4 and Veterinary servicel: Lgl^+lgtles county cooparative ldical EricksonAve.,-Domev,cA 90242' o"p"##iffi"1il-il;;iii,References: f f i . H . L . a n-i.--sr"u d N i e l s e n , s . . wpracr. . j ^ ^ c * i n599-5M, " ' B T * e iL967. opericytcmas,asurvey 'ffiil, of z.iii"l 2. t Animal 8: C. and Hunt, R..D.: Jqtes, T. n]'n], n. , Jqtesr Smith, n. T.-c.. Veterinary Sathologl' 4rh ""d-Iglt,R'^P:'^^@ iltz,'ge zo1-19;-'o Edirion,Lea& riu?ei"lTi!il9pt i7, an* tissue' ri the skin and sofc A: A. and Pu1ley, L. T. ' thors,of il"'sili.,L;; Californi california of of g' lbrrt*, University university lb'tton' e. ,rrffe of nf Dcrrestis turintels. editi'd'i' d'i. InTurPrs @ ,PP 78-0594 CaseII - -Avear of 1667115 's wallaby (Walrabla the ssecctd (Wallgbig -rufogrisea), rulol4rlsea)' Ene o1d female BenneEt's wallaby go dcnm" in a zoo exhibiC area, appeared Eo be in shocK. 5ne !{as unresponsive Eo trea@nt witb antibiotics, ffuids, B vitmins and corticosteroidF and wis euthanatized after 6 days. Ttre animal was excessively fat. lilr iryressive gross.lesions were described, althouglr pale areas were noted in the psoas and gluteal urscles. Laboratory Results: TfiC RBC Hb Hct seg Bard L)ryh l,brp Alkallne Phosphatase tDrl Glucose Potassirm E['N soT .SGPT Greatinine Bilirubin Calcir-m Phosphorus Albtrnin Total Protein 4,810,000. 1 5 . 5da 45.9 % 93. 7" 2 . ollo 4 . 7" l . 7" 198. vlL 3 , 7 8 0 . UIL 2 7 . ry/dI 6 . 2 meq/L 6 9 . ry/dl 3ul. vlL 1 , 3 1 0 . IJIL 1 . 0 mg/dI 0 . 1 ry/dl 8 . 4 mg/dl 7 . 3 qs/dl 1 . 9 sldL 4 . 4 El dt 4,930,000. 1 6 . 0 97" 4 7 . L% 60. 2. % 38. % 0. 29p. ulL 5 , 0 0 0 . U/L 8 8 . qg/dr 4 . req/L 48. qs/d1 5 , 0 0 0 . vlL 2 , 6 L 0 . UIL 0 . 5 qg/dr 0 . 2 qs/dl 9 . 9qs/dl 4 . 0 ry/dl 2 . 4 sldL 5 . 3 sl dL ol lo Cqrtributor's Diagnosis ! Cqqgnqqr Dtyopathy(nyodegeneratiqr), subacute, t's wallaby, possibly of Vit. E-Se dif dependent type. A third wallaby treaced Tclgue, esophagus, and skeletal mlscle reere affectd. for a tbree week period before necropsy had heavy collagerous tissue betweenutscle fiber bundles and lighcer connective tissue surrotnding surviving fibers. Ll4hocytes and plasna cells were present in mrscle fro this animal, ad both Subsequently, 2 cardiac and skeletal nrscle fibers had undergore mineralizatiqr. "joeys", one out of the pouch, the other still nursing, developed shggishness and The wallabies but respondeddrematically to E-Se injections. locoDtor difficulty gtazed on pasture and were fed rabbit and rodenc pellets, greens, md dry dog food. Bennett's variety consr.trFdall the dog food. AIl chree that died were overfat. Myodegeneratiqrand recrosis, acute, diffuse, Attendees' Diapgrosis& Crents: llbby,-marsupial. Variou,s diagroses were seve given including degenerative myopathy, subacuEen;psitis, and rhabdoyolysis. Etiologic Diagnosis: Nucritional myopathy,Vit. E-Se deficiency. i Differential diagnosis rnst often given was "capture myopathy". - 2 - AttendeescqurenEedqr the acute nature of fhe lesiqr and lack of an in the clinical ctrernistrieswith elevated nU"ot*fiii". inflanmat*y r"rp*r"ld;iirdA fu, Scpt, Ltft, initial potassir-urand BuN. Clinical choistries ;;t*r Attendees total protein, pholFo.g": t$-9"lciun' with lor values ;;;;t-g1*o-", g-se deficiency. was_msrcqrsistent wlitr vir. -.Ihe history iii".a it a ih. history'usulty mrscular and/or restraint indlcates-recent periods of if,-;".ptui" ryop"*,yn oly resPonsive ltas in tfrese wallabies exertim. rt *." ,#tJ*t"i"ttr.-"a,aitian (5). by others to massivedosesof Vit. E ad not to Selenir.mas rePorted Cdrtributor: IlepartuenC of Veterinary Sciences, Universicy of Arizona, TucsdnF857zl. References: A. c. and Kemedy, G. A.: Degenerative myoPathyin a giraffe. ffi", JAVMA163, 551, L973. and I'ffiaggart, C.: Wtrite m.lscle disease in the lbLntain i. gerberi,b.-ll. Goar. J. i,ndlife. I'!mt. 35: 752, L97L: ard Arthur, D.: Dystrophic 3. Oren, R. R.,-I,bore, J. N: , Hopkins, Jr.B. y3, L977 l7t: JAVf"lA horses. adult in myodegeneration ' Veterinary Pathology, R. D.: Hunt, and snith, C. T. Jones, H. A. , 4: p. f049.. L972, --- & Febiger, Philadelphia, Lea A-nyopathy in Goodfellow-Treekangaroos 5.- MaEKenzie,W. F. et-al.: (Ilendrolaeu" eoodi"lfcmi) associated irittr cbnfinerent ard respcrsive to massive ffi.ffifeeiaars - syrposiumqr ccrpararivePathologyof ZooAnimals, Natiqral TnLogical Park, 1978. (ArrPur49r0). casur - 27535 ocker spaniel FUps, four died acutely ages or 4 ano > weeks. No clinical sig;s of iiliress hrete noted. hEarrt and liver of these anirnels were ieported to be enlarged. + a - Contributor's Diapposis & Crenr|lE ; betteen the At necropsy EIF I'$ocarditis, dissminated, subacute,ntianuclear inclusiqs consisEent with ,"u" oarvovirus infection. Crents will be forwarded pending EI'{results ' I'tyocarditis, acute, diffuse' severe' heart, Attendees' Diagnosis & Crents: cock Etioiogic Diagnosis: Viral myocarditis. EtiologY: Parvovirus. felt the changes in the tissue sectiqr nere of a Ccunents: S*-"ii""aees peracute narure wtrile others believed the c6anges were mre of an acute to subacute naEure, as severat aescribed inflrnrratory infiftrates and reactive sarcolemal cells in che tissue sections. Discussioir of age-related lesions "i+.Pafvovirysln signs and forms were held. The nryocardial form is usually totlr una "fi"ical of rg" nrhereasthe intestinal forn is found in older dqls. b';;d ;["-1.";-it." - 3 - Discussion of available wiEn canine diagnostic Cests included HA of swine RBC's caution e1y"yi:?1^rytticles' as canine minure virus is n,iucut in-r.ii;;iliai'oi !{as expressed "L"*inaEion fo1 doe1, One attenCee similar in rnrpholog)., and.is "oi'tii"i.J ".1e"ttttg"ti" or canine farvovirus infection cws=,,ted that Ehere have u"en z-io-"o"rito=a'""""3 in Ehe State of l'tarYland' MD 2L7OL' Pathology Division, usAI'tRIID,ForE Detrick' contributor: ot-i"Ili';.6i;;-it1 serunandelecrronmicroscopy References: dogs death in youn:rg A., Russell, R. G., Babuik, !: A.: Sudden L979' ffiay(es;I,l. JAVNA174: 197-1203, by.paivwi;;.wirh uryocardiEis ana;on9"' C' L' ' Myocar ditis of pr oba bl y F ., H a ski n s,l ''1 :;:; 2 . J e z y k, P . "uurJ L979. u!: L204-L207, virat origin in pup.'oT-r"*rire-gE;, rell$ p.t infection in Parvovirus t"Jones, 3. Eugster,-A: K., Beqde]g,nT n. and dogs. lerfre rzr: I340-l34r,1978' associated wich 4. Thqsqr, G. l,[. and Gagno",e. N.:. lanile^gasEroenEeritis c"n. Vet' 't' L9z %6' 1978' p"ruouir*:ilk;'"gen|. case IV - M9-114 (AFIP Yl83l4)' 6qui1e' Fo,Ica^Tutt'ro weeks prio; ic Ene pelvic limb-paresis' This was adnriFiolt-Jnere had been a progressivg, elotgwrd n o t i c e a b l y b r o r s e i n t h e - r l F . h l . r e a r w i C h ahad - t e nbeeir d e nobserved. c y ' t o k n u c kcucaneous l e ' - T h e r emuscle wasalso urine retention but no dribbring-or""ii." che animal was first admiuted' it responsewas reduced posterio, io-iJ:--Wh; to rhe clinical signs in .In "baifiott couid stand, hovrever,novtiC was-paraplegic. iuFc-tla"E peripheral spastic paralvsis' rhe posrerior riibJl'rii"t"-""" Laboratory Results: *rrt Non-contributory' ' chronr-c' Meningoencephalon'ryelicis -p*to'o6' Contributor's Diagnosis & Ccrnrencs: proLably sarcosDoridia' CcutrEl;Its: None. sublgute' mulEifocal to Attendees' Diagnosis-:! rlouupnts-r l) Meningcuryelitis' d i f , i > - r y : i i t i i , n o n s u P p u nonsupput"tive''nultiiocal r a t i V e , r n t r 1 t i f too diffuse' c a I t o diffuse, severe, equine. 3) Enc=epttrfitis, severe, medulla, equine. Protozoal' 3).pi+l?iT"sondii' 3:i:i3E;:'i;T3ili"#:i;kll''zr t?r"ffr?!l?,:p. s presenE yga5:" i'ia ffiH?l' vli illl"5ffi;'; ;-i" r i iv"ffip."ar"f,ury1 Etiologic Diagnosis: -:..^- 3 i,.^^n^anc "v"ri3";-*diFi;r, "- rFrln r.rhnf rissug iri3s DI€: ccne descrioin-o. in descrioin-o' used in wereused ils6 were . VariSus modiiiers Srro ho rlicrrihrrfed s case slideS. disrributed case in Ehe oi:::tf L:[ E:ril ;#=""'o'i"a-;;:!lF?, lltih:l:Ii' :::iliHT'" -,::: ::::*::' 'il";eif;::;-i:*::?:^::,':?*.'lliil";- ;i*#::.Xi"ffi?!'ffi ::5';iForEec idl';i: 3i!l?n.i-;;" B::::::: :! :ii:;::l*:i:-i:::'.li]li: ?:#:li:Tli ;i ::il:i::?i):"lTJ";#ffi u s i im I; f :'i" +p:i:;1-i5l^F;li:::"::;:*: ::#: aLLstrus=.' LslryL"*""t"#'--il;"; Alr #.#J;';;;;;J-fi;;-ou'"ii'"a, neurons' ;:f*::'iii !:liy-:Yf1,"-::il::.1' w€fe a:'t)ilal repcited chang'es rhe affecced ' in size throughouc - 4 - degeneratian, deuryelinatiql necrosis in.the gray matteE. The mrptrclogy.and weiep:ovided sF;i"l ;i"ios. thau sreinins Eeacri;'s="i"ililiiaii-#;-;;;ie,red. ov;{ the exact etiology of table cqrttou""y"&i;;; were non-"*.rroiiioly.-c-r" . ry- ;;ktt? pttf."t a Toxoplaslike Eouine prorozoal ltyeioerrephafitit-imtl T'-seJii L ** definitive agent'andA or'sdliso wtrite a fbr others t"u.-ir,ili*li*ced aisgage in rtre equ-ine nufoer of reporrs have ueeg generil;;;ff;iit*?i6i" irpculatiqr studieg' resurts-wi*,-"n"9i"i negarive L #*--d;ir"r e-91f3i*tidae' but the "t"iil-r"i lbsr aurhors agtee that- tle -ag,€niUefcrgsTo-ffie-Iaftsarcocvstis a sgqges-of ai{prte. TtrEin@rrediaqE senusris still .;;;;; a ti[etv probability' "f dr.-i6;i-i.t*i"i"-"*,"ia"red Ipecies witkr *re G; of Florida' Box J-145' JIIIIG' contributor: Deparrent of Pathologl, university 326L0. cairffiille-F Referernes: fre61-.J. andllcdd' D. C. : Toxoplasma-Iike errcephaloyelitis Path. 11: 87-96, L974. v"t'z:aT-:;:;,oi:'3: l!'li. in the horse. in spinal q:l:"*ephalitis :. Fy'":^p.?lgTll coinell vrit. 68i U!7-,,)8,1978. cord toa il" iltff 3?'il;#"ii:.''i.'"!.ir:,^n:h:.S#lftil+;isdue aiselse'i?ffi'nL"". - ,a r-..l-a ma J. LruDey,\'' r.' vsY^e' v' "' -reuig L65..249-?55,,L?7!l: :ozoanpaiasite resedling T' gF Jii. Protozoan LetEer to the Editor' 4. D"b.y, J. p.: Toxopl""rcrirf.iltoil"". JA\',lA 165: 668, L5 Oct L974. TI}ONff P. O.NEI,LL Capiain, USAF',356(VC) nelisrY of VeterinaEY PathorogY Oertrmint of Veterinary PaEhorog)l - 5 - Histories AFIP WednesdaYGonfererce - No. I t7 Septe$er 1980 otv). P 1668870 CageI-78310slow grovringfirn mass' 'i1re Present for-l,MT-: dr tbe ca masswas.deeply ri* dog.. sterrum of a iil;";5:;td ilt;Jf.n"ie-ap-iEr quite 'J"rfvins'tissrEe. ar the cut section. nhite on tirt fir;4tda,A t*rite ]-it-fi"-_--quit" It was l,remderlying t adherent to the 1667lU CaeeII - 78-05% (WaUnblq rufoFrlsea), -ttte scand of tq= ' 6 vscrl "" ';-o; was t'respctsive ;i;fii; to ar98r -appearerl P_extrtbit 8I98r.apryareo to "gddctn" "go- dorn" in a zoo extribit --^-r--r corticosteroids am..iaa and and vrtains fluid";'B-cqUx -d;i'ar r{ittr antiblotlcs, Eo treaffiir imressive EBP++5#4'#"# fat. lb ----r -t..r, nLserceseivelv in psoasind gluteal rpt"a p"i" ."o"-',ni ;;":ftffi;iilii'"ii;;-6-i;i;: F#"i:?if,;"#t!'i!""Iitil'ariiorytr mrscles. LaboraEory Results: l.lrc 4,810,000. 15.5 45.9 93. T 2. 7 4. x 1. z 198. ulL 3 , 7 8 0 . vlL 2 7 . q/ql 6 . 2 req/L 6 9 . q/dI 30/+. ulL 1,310. tilL 1 . 0 q/dr 0 . 1 EE/dT 8 . 4 ry/dl 7 . 3 q/dI 1 . 9 sl dL 4 . 4 s/dr RBC Hb Hct seg Bard Lvryh lbno Alkalire PbosPhatase UH Glucoee PotassitD Bt'N sor SPT Creatlnine Bllirubin Calcitm Phoephorus Albuin Total Protein CaseIII - 27535- 1714910 *"r1."^i;':d;i!i:G ;[*iiiffi!""!-1o.J.- o it"r" *ti*lg 4,930,000. 16.0 97" 4 7 . L7" @ . 7" 2. T 38. T 0. 299. vlL 5,000. ulL 88. ry/dr 4 . req/L 48. q/dl 5,000. ulL 2 , 6 1 0 . UIL 0 . 5 ry/dl 0 . 2 ddr 9 . 9 qs/dl 4 . 0 q/dl 2 . 4 EI dL 5 . 3 sl dL 5^ beq3 :t_:s-,"f.1.j F.rpr,four died ?gutely or liver at r-ciopuyttretreart-and were reSrted to be enlarged' CaseIV - N79-U4 1718314 Ltrsts rrq there.had aqtruuur(rl EIfe admissial EO the to Dtlof Wegfg prior Z neeks abOUt 2 about in tte rprse noEiceably Has pr"""i".' This beena prog,ressiil,'p.IiJffi'p"i;i.-1is th ;-i*Ieilt t":k',rili - ^*:: 11"-".11i::*::T :T^H;" i ieiit1E""";i gy!ffi, iiftiiri"i'oi^iI ii"ffi& uLllJ|,lrl{5 v! eL. - ii""t afoitted,^it Hr"- :Tm".n'g1 could stard, trcnrever,ncni' "b+;iJ: there there lids, posterlor lids, i.- rlya alinical elnnrg in in ttre ttre Dosterlor I,itt*t-ih;;i*i to L\r' t-+..|. -IIJL Dosrerior Lf,rl'Le|. i-,- ----1--rr- ^ll{r{- lG to ";e rn additt* ir was oarmlesic. "li"icar paralysis' spatial wag ias lefl-siied"peripheral eigne- T[},otr$ P. O'I\EILL Captaln, IJSAF',BS0rc) iei.tstri of Veterinary Pathology Oertruint of Veterinary Pathrlogr Histories AFIP iHnesday Slide Ccrfererne - No. 2 24 Septeurber 1980 CaseI-78-1850- 1667020 -oi-Etr" l:M. .a slaught _ftre;f hd ircen taken frcm red shoned red pigs -srarghtered, slarghtered, 5 stroned 18 pigq 7-rcnt1r.ord boare frcm rlre r* rc"al a with red irere in dircter, ;p"riA ti&reys. The lesions reasured 2 rs 5 m in-dircter, parerrchyna. the frcm slightly protruded and t4ttitlsh center case II - 7912080-1- (4EIq-UE948).i"i.r* umiiirg *a "6u"t" euthanasia. requested s pre-sentedwittr a history- of frequeit qrner for trp'days.' vaccinatiqr higtory mrna{n- ltte Iaboraory Results: Wrc r,000/ul,, wI 24Z,II-b-8.249lt RBC2.4 X 106/U!, n riffitJGr_56,oob,_3. lqrgg{ceus, Fikilocyrosis. urinalvsis: ry/dl' lF-i:Or3;'3+sili"ubin, t0-U nrc/pr. ntN-1'98 CaseIII - 79-3U1 - 1713%9 y denived ad naintalned licter was infected ui3-i"it1ryIigTLi:Y:2;^ ^t' 22 of age at 7 daye -q262-Jiiain> "l*' "rilii"li-qtt doreropeiwithout liparent-nanrologic davsprD. acurer""pi"iioii-aifiicuity ll rrss6re vv6' wittl per cardiac perfirsion ;:'-;.:;i;;; ;;';;-;l bv cardiac extieolg by tn extis'rfs euthsrized in vni i,'tttr"i"i et;i"=ti*-qta-dre'dog fixatlve at 24 daYe PID. CaseIV - A-19735- (AF'IPylffi7Ln>.- wlth diarrhea of np mrths $ n_reggnred duratiqr. eec@ seveie aurfng the lait five dayg plior to Presentatiqt' Truicaied nid-abdcnrnir-masgaird gastrointestinal n;;i;;i'"r,a-"riliAi-*ti:,rp g*ploi"t*y rril rEcropsy reveaLedintrahminal-pedtnrulated IIErssat obstrrrtlqr. ic tlah nodes, ceco-colic intr.ssuscepticr and it"*"*i-j,-.iifi;-;1;ig;-*".otE pintorre. TTT.OIIffP. O,NEILL Captain, USAF',BSC(VC) neiistry of Veterirrary Pathologr Defaruidt of Veterinary Patholqgl Results AFIP lJednesdaySlide Conference - No. 2 24 Septeder 1980 CaseI - 78-1850_:_(4FI! L667020). -a slaugfrter-house. Theyhad been taken fro 7-mrth-old boars fro tlre s''E herd. Of Ehe l8 pigs slaugLtered, -*" f shotrediJ sPgtg+ kidrnys. ltre legiqre reasured 2 to 5 - in?irci&-, --' - red wirh a r{tritish center and protruded stiglrtly fr@ the parernhyua. laborator lesiorts: ccttributorrs rctiffiEdlltriilEpp. Actfrobacillug-like Dlagnosis & c@rts: infectian @ occas@swine. Attendeegl organlsrm nere isolated frm ttre septic edolic nephritis associated with ls not uncqmrxr in piglets and has been reported ig & Conrents: en6olie, suppu'rative, u.rltifocal, mderate, kidney, pig. Etiologic Diagnoeis: Grm negative bacteria. Etiology: Salme1La spp. wai dre favored etiologic agent mrtiqred, wtrile w!r'--r several others ?Afffifali! preferred such o"g*rirn[-;"E*oehik ;,td' -Pasteurella. Connpnts: The particiPants discussed the distributicn of ttre lesicts and felt the rultifocal nature and ctoee aesociatiqr of blood vesgels was cquistent wittr a sepEiceoic-cqrditian. lGntion waemadeof glrerular irvofvfit and s@-f;it' glcerulitlq, also '=Jre appropriate diftses. -and glrerulorcphritis Itre Grm sEail Ewid{ ctre cqrtributor dmetrrated cih iregarive uiciffi, wtrictr-mst 9y participants. felt,we1e coqatible with Salmrellq spp.1s this is thi 69et conrrnly isolated pachogerntc.Gsanigative-o:gariiffFoffiin'ltrir-rSi"r. grher bacterial €entg associatedwith septic-conditiqrs in swine sLtchas:'E.-=.-*'r-&-';'-coli, Erysi;folfirix spp. and streptococcusspi. also rrere briefly discussed.Cqrtributor: St. @c, Anlrnel fathologl_Laboratory, - - - - l ' \ Qr-ebecDept. of Agriculture, C a n a d al Z Y r c a . - Referernes: fffirffii R. E. eE a1.: Porcine abortion caused by L equuli. JA\,!A 169: 7M, L976. . -2- Bouley, G.: Ettde d'une--sounched'Actiorpbaclllus suis (Van Jartheld) . isolee en Norndie. Rec.r&d. vet. t+zt z]ffi: 3: Edwards,^l: R-.^ggdTaylor, R. L.: Cornell Vet. 3z 393, L94L. Shie6fG equirulis infecricr in a sow. ur3948). Case II - 79N2080:L-: of frequent , was presenued '-v;;;i;ticn wiEh a history. The offirer urnknom' history icterus for cwodays' uo,ili"frna "6u.te requested euthanasia. aner, I-aboratory Results: Reri@9let- S f.Off,-3+ Bilirubin, 2'4 x--106/UL' !'lBC 23,000/uL,PcIl 247",Hb 8.2 gldL, RBc 3+l"ie.t 5o,o0o, ""lls, mg/dr. t0-f5 RBC/HPT. BUN-198 poTkilocytosis' Urinalysis: Cqrcributor's Diagrpgis & Go@ngsi .Lepgospitg-:i:'--,1:r$|]!g.,*erimal disiefuinated was ffi..a1-'fr;;-;;" or * it. "..*.i surraces ffid"--a "ia"rY ffiTffiiloffi:'fi"tt;" Hffiffit::""g9 thora"i" the ItiT::::; "na-"ila?i;"1;ilfri-;;#; ffi iilH'-,il;'il;;;-#E;a -il9i:.*3 ?i3 #'y slisbrrvDre beingfor ff1P:ffi: excepr ;,*i iii"ur"l--n,ttttt rFph"nodes !{ere dark red' --1 r..L..l^necrosls' degeneratiqr' necros' tubular raoanorqri.n-proxinal Microscopic ieiraf lesiqts by chaiacterized t*pttitis, "*ti"t"a-of mrlrifocal mineralizarion, diff;;-i;t"ttiiti.f edeoa an nacrophaees; and of t)ryhocil";;i;ryt,9"1tt' upderaEe infiltrariqr Ttre of t;oatocwes' severe individGrizariqr Li;;;;h;a'aiirG" hmrrhages. llicroscopic wirh sever;;;td;ophagcyti"i".r.ruEh nodes were markedry,horrhagic or canine r*.r"H"-"o*iaered charlcreristic i#hi";.ii'i[!-ria""i -+ at the tire of necroPsy leprospirosis. p.tii-ii"id e:rminaiion of urine collected reieal6d nutErous sPirochetes' t'"' *d"H;il"i;fi:y;^:fiiil:' interstitital' subacrrte' diffuse' zi'n'"tioJir;G;-eissociatiqr, diffr.rse,severe,1iver. EEiologic Diagnosis: . l,ePtosPirosls' sPP. ar t _ _^^r _-rrl^ rLa ^anrril'rrnrrq diacnbsis. diagrosis, and with the contributor's agreed ururninpusly [ttendees cmrts: interstitir'm infiltratiqr of ttre hisrorogic findii!,sl--i; "aaitrd-;6 ;f,;-difi,,se atqg"tration' sre aEtendees tubui"i pi"*imal wirh l14hopr"*irEiii"^""il"-*a--ct. The changesin inEfma.tiqr' felt rtrere was a tild early tiU.o"il ilG;ytlE-.tltb ba h"ighry ?uggesliy-eof leptospirosis' the tiver cissue ;;;; di;;it""a-*a-feit i" triet-fudy t@rature Exrvrnimic this whit-*r"i. archouglrorler degeireraticr alang ;;#t""JirLr ;-;-p";"tbi; airendees charge. A rew "riaiii*"-in chrqric caline "*riJI role-.t -i9p959piral orginisns inwith the dissoclation. ttre ad against for borh *; aiscussed-uiiefiy and vrarpoints inrersririar nefrii;i; Etiology: l€pto?piria were e:(pressed. contributor: sardEus@- Llniversity' Departrent of veterinary Pathology, Louisiana State 70803. References: leptosoirosis' n. and Cousineau, G. : . The patkrogenesisof ffi, cat.'J' c@P' lbd' 4r: r. nmrrhages in experimnar ilircrpirori"'ir';iil;-pigs. L976. 174-181, of leptosoirosis. 2. Higgirrs, R. and Cor.rsineau,G.: lhe.pathogerresis cair' l' cq' l€d' 41: pigs' rr. Jat6dicein experinentarreill"pitoti"-$ dfi;; 182-187, 1976. leptospirosis: An imtrp3. lbrrison, I^l. I. & rrhight, N' G': -Cgnile au"-i; 5 canicora. J- Pathol' u0: pachological sEudyof inEers*i.iLi'nlprt.ilG 8l-aq, L976. - 2 - - 79-315L' P L7L3949 derived and maintained litcer was infected @ly aE 7 days-of age with viiulent CDV(P252 scrain) via intraperitoneal rouEe. At 22 developed without apparent _neurologig days PID, acute respiratory difficulty dysfunction and the dog was euthanized in extremis by cardiac perfusion with fixaEive at 24 days PID. CaseIII Cqrtributor rs is & Cments: l"tyocardial necrosis, urltifocal, lfultiple small r{hitish linear streaks were resEricted to the ventricular uryocardir-mand lungs appeared ed.'nntous. Sinilar gross and nicrosco_pic fgsicts were noted in dogs-frm 4 similarly treated litters with 1-4 dogs affected in each litter. No lesicrs were noted in age matched uninfected parallel cqrtrols or in dogs receiving non-neurovirulent tissue culture adopted CDV(R25?) via the sc route at the s-rp age. In addition this dog trad a viral enceptralopathy with_ _ inflsrrqatory cell widespread glial anil neuronal infection without dmrstrable pner-mtia. tissue depletim and mild interstitial response, generalized lphoid Ultiastructr.rral exaination of cardiac lesiqrs desrcnstrated intracytoplasmic aggregatee, rcrphologcally ccEpatible with GDVparayxovirus, tubular filrentous macrophagesand intact restricted to degenerating uyocytes and interstitial Previous in vitro studies have shcnnrthat tryocytes at the periphery of lesiqrs. a depression of both cell neonital dogs inlectirC with virulent R252-CWexprTffi mediated and hr-mral inrqrrologic responses along- with a cell and plasna associated sryles fror invr:lved litters loere tested weekly for Ca, virenia. Serr-nry'plasma POaand I'[ Ievels and terminally for selenirm, glutathiqre peroxidase and vitoin E levels.- A11 levels were within normal limits copared to conventimally raised dq3s. Sliifrt elevations of SGOIbut not CPKwere observed but did not correlate the possible contributory role of CllS involvwrt, with occurience of lesiqrs. sliglt anenia and depressed fummologic respansiverrss in the developurentof these fro lesTons is rpt kncrn. The lesiqls piesentei here must be differentiited canine parvovirus ulyocarditis. Attendees' Di is& Etion and necrosis with mineralizaticn, acute, unrlcifocal, rcderate, teart, canine. Etiologic Diagnosis: Viral myocarditis. Etiology: Canine Disteuper Virus. Ccments: All attendees agreed with the contrioutor's diagnosis and etiologic agent. Discussion of viruses that cause nyocarditis in othe-r species irclulded Fot and t'louttr Disease in cattle (picornavirus), Encepbalcmyocarditis in swine (picornavirus), Coxsackie - B virus in neonatal mice and coconavirus in mice and rabbits. Also discussed were Ehe pathogenesis of calcification and the early anoxic changeswhidr may be confused with or secandary to viral myocarditis. Contributor: I'GdicEiF-T€-fio Deartnent of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary State University, 1925 Coffey Road, Coh-dus, CH 432L0. References: S. and Wallace, A. L.: Lyrphocyte associated fumuneresponses T-ffiffika, and reasles virus in disueuper-infected gnotobiotic dogs. An. J. Vet. Res. 40: 669-672,L979. 2. Higgins, R. J. et al.: Canine disteryter virus-associated cardimyoPathy in the dog. (In Press). - J - @ Ehat becre shepherd was presented wich diarrirea of Ewo severe during the last five days prior to presenEation. Laboratory Results: Physical and clinical rrcrk-up indicated a nid-aMminal - - obstruction. Exploratory surgery and necropsy revealed mass@l an intrah-uenal pedunculated mass at the ileocecal jr-rrcticr, enlarged resenteric flqh nodes, ceco-colic intussuseptim and wtripornrs,, (previous history given No cutaneous neoplasmsldere seen. indi.catirg pinrooros was in error). Histologically neoplastic cells also were seen in the lyqh rndes, bcte urrow, spleen, liver and lungs. Ttrese cells were confirred via electron microscoPy :rs well. is & Cqrents: ileocecal valve. nast ce , intestire, The nedplasm is considered nalignant because of the presence of Crent: neoplastic cells in ottrer organs. Prinary mast cell tr.mrs in the intestire have been described in cats, but no references liere found for the dog. Ttre nast cells seen in this dog are similar to cutaneous neoplaernc, in ccrtrast to the cells in the intestine of cats. Cqrtributor's Attendees' Diagrrosis & Cdrents: I'tast cell tr.mr, malignant, large intestine, is neoplasm included malignant mastocytoa and cani mastocytosis. There was total agreesent with the cantributor's diagnosis. Gisa Crent: stained sections of the tissue revealed nurErous cells containing various nuders of Giensa positive intracytoplasmic granules, consistent with mast cells. Ttre associatiqr of eosinophils and rnest cell tr&rs was discussed ctd is cmsidered to be dr.rcto chemtactic- factors for eosinophils elaborated by nast cells as well ag other eoeinophil atrracting factorg such as C56, C36, Iyuphokines ard histam,ine (neakly). Vaso-active anine release with resultant edeurausually associated with mast cell trrDrs also was discussed. ConEributor: Ttre Animal lGdical Center, 520 E. 62 St., NewYork, I{Y 1002f. Refetence: Distinctive Ffrot;-T. et al.: Lab. Invest. 332 L59-L67, L975. intestinal mast cell neoplasre of destic TI}'ITHY P. O,NEIII Captain, USAF,BSC(W) Registry of Veterinary Pachologl Deparmnt of Veterinary Pathology - 4 - cats. Histories AFIP llednesday Slide Conference - No. 3 I October 1980 Case I - U1696- (AFIP L755478). rhesus urkey born and reared in a p-rr11 anorectlc,, becm sr.rddenly ttrat colcry !e*, hypochernic srd detrydrated- Ileqeite d was 6 days after the anset of syryto aninat died tte treatrnent, s)lrytlmatic necro,peted. tibo.atory Resultsl the bematological values were witttin nornal linits stcePt (r5%). s1t40-wasisolared frcm the spleei posmrtem. for @ Case II - cA5-197 - (AflP L755476). died ac992 days of age. A yellmish ffiffirer at its gleateet dirIErlsia|s drite nodular nass rrcasurlng about I cm direter surrounded the uEerus ard colqt. CaseIII - 71537- (AnP U12658). polttacirn birds in a pet shop *rich died follorirg a brief illness narked by-pqofgseglgen watell.diarrhea. Thesebirds of dmstically-raised becare sick me weekafter the arrivil of a shiprt parakeets. and cockatiels Case IV - 27469- (aFIP Uf4918). canine was presented qr 25 Jn 79 because of On vmirirg, over the previore 3 days. It respondecit9 spPtgPatic trea@ntIt was previous week. the drrring voiting cqlstant after 30 Apr 7g it was riturned levels nitrogen urea Bl@a detryiirated.was narkedly fid dipressed, .r"di"c.a,-u.iy at and atteryts a&inistratiqt fluid intraverpus iesplte remained 6tevaled '!be arner reqLEstd euthanasia. l{ecropsy dme by the oericoneal dialysis. Llintctsr reveaied pale firn ki&reye ard rp other abnormalities. Laboratorv Results: Dareffi 27 Jn 79 30 Apr 79 I laay 79 45 48 7 9 l,|rc BrN Na+ K+ 15,000 (84%Seg) 5,700 (83%See) 19 126 110 r43 L43 3.5 3.7 G[,U 35 20 93 75 TII'OIIIY P. O,NEILL Captain, USAF',B$(Vl) of VetetinatY PathologY tegistry Departmnt of Veterinary Parhologl Results AFIP ttednesday Slide Conference - No. 3 I 0ctober 1980 Case I - 13696 - (AEIP L755478). old male rhesus mrkey born and reared in a Historv: Ti pridffildry that suddenly becre anorectic, weak, hlryothernic and dehydrated. the animal died 5 days after cLteonset of syrytms Despite s)rrytcmatic trea@nt, ms necropsied. and Laboratory Results: # for @ Ttre hemaEological values were within norual linits excePE (U%). SV40-wasisolated from che spleen pos@rtem. Contributor Diarnosis & C@tts: , mrltifocal, maked. 2) Kidney, renal tubular cytregaly, with inclusions, mrltifocal. 3) Ki&ey, chrcric pyelitis, mild. Besidee the renal tubtrlar necrosis, the aninrel aleo had a severe Cmnts: preuwria with similar associated basopttilic intranrlear patchy interstitial inclusiqs. these inclusims !{ere positive for SV40antigen by immoperioxidase staining of paraffln sectlone of affected organs. Electrqt microscopy revealed characteristic papwavirus particles in these tissr.ps. This is the first reporc indicating that'S'imian Virui 40 nay prodtre pulrcnary and renal disease in its nacural hoet. A t t e n d e e s 'D i is and diffuse, sevete with intranrrlear 6Sfltubular, inclusi6n boiltes anil mrltlfocal tubular regeneration, kidney, rhesus mrkey. Etiolosic Diagrrosis: Diaenosis: Viral renal tubular necrosis. Etiologic virus. EtiologSl: Si\140 Ccnnenib: The abore mrphologic diagnosis was the consensus follorirg considerable discussion. Attendeeg' diagnoses turrrcd in before the csrfef,ence are subacute, difftse, listed in order of frequency: l) NephriEis, interstitial, rnphritis, subacute, diffuee, mrked, kidney. severe, kidney. 2) Tubulo-interstitial sr.lbacute,diffuse, upderate to severe, kidney. 3) GlmrulonephriEis, Attendees ilso listed the chronic pyelitis as either a separate mrphologic diagnosis or included it in their primary diagnosis. Other etiologic diagnosee given nere toxic and imne rediated. A substanrial nr-der of conference participants listed cytmgalovirr.E or adsrovirus as the probable etiolqry. Herpes B virus wae listed by a few as a possible etiologic age'nt. Intranuclear inciusion bodies were observed by all in Ehe nuclei of the convoluted tubular epichelitm both in intact srd necrotic cells. Discussidr of the SV40virus included its previously staEd nonpathogenicicy in natural hoets-(1), stch as rhesus and African Gieen t'tnklys; tlre contain6tian oi early polio vaccires prepared fro kidney tissue cultures of these anirnnls; and evidence of early vertical cransmission (3). Tumrs induced by the virus include fibrosarcmas in suckling bmsters inoculated subcutaneowly; ependymas in srrkling hannstersinoculaced inrracerebrally and in ni:wboin dst@ys inoculateil subcutaneously; md other malignancies srrch as anaplastic sarcoslas, lyrytrms and osceogenic sarcmas in 3-weEk-old hrm<rters inoculated intravenousfy (L) . UniversicY of DeParEtrEntof PachologY, Sehool of I'bdicine, MD 2L20L' ConEribuEor: uaryffil,-E-fffiore, References: of tabor Patbo et al. : Viral diseases (S\t40)' In The & T' C. Jones, Anirnals, Ed. bY K. Benirschk€, F. I'1. Garnner ffiE3. o. ;DaTZ5'L326- i n t e r s t i t i t a l (to be 2. Sheffield, W. D. et a l . : S i m i a r r v i r u s 4 0 a s s o c i a t e d f aJ.t a lInfect. Dis. *t*"y. rils* a in necrosis pnetmnia g"d^t?oPftYlYf.T in occober-issy)' fiuuiiitua j. Kaschula, V. R., Van Deltgn' A' of wild Vervet rcnkeYs J. Soutn Africa Vet. Assoc' Sre infectious diseases in Souttr Africa- thecus aethi Case II - cA5-f97 - (AFI'Pf755476)' u"U6ffiirc ail;i;" A inese haster died at 992 daYs of age' greatest its at nodular u6ss reasuring about I crn dianreter srnrounaedthe uterus andcoron' Endmtrial adenocarcincma' high incidence in 'aged ;-;;G;i;;iv "ie1'rcnr chrms*E nuber (21F22) and chinese hmsrers. Ttris higfr io"iiil"!=t*il experirental studies of endctrial smal1 size make theur suitabfe subj;;a;'for cancer. Cqrtributor's Dipenosis & C@nlqi * 'cincma, Attendees' H#l3?'"ollffi::' uterug, hmster. i.ttTil*.' i;-a*&*ti"i"a" iate additional was9qapPropr itrlu;: incrude .,:..ffi:iffi: i:.lrryH; li:"::ir'3 i ffi1 I i*.:f *11,* it" ffi l;: ffi*# J;;';;;;'*t ryi*l-gl**i::?:5.: ::*ill::**":'ffi: arso adenocarcincma i:i:#3"T:'I'?"t$l'ffieefffi"l?i: updifier for this neoplasm.an "at"i'"qtr*u1.u311*^::"t!r}""lnnigr:: #:HlHlqilii.ii'ff;il;;-'"uuii! ln:T:$^*:*triar iariousbreeds(3). of Institute' cqttributor: tovelace Inhalation ToxicoloSl Research Albqiuarqtre,ffi- 87If5. References: re-niffi', S: A:-?nd-PIgok", ' L977' iathoi. L4: M9-462, ver. '-- A. L-: Sportaneous lesions P' O' Box5890' in Chinese hrcters' in rwy^ry endrctriarneopras efru(lELlrcrr -splncaneous .sgSltaneous 1980' L209-L?L4' and Brooks, A. !..1; Bror.msteio, D. G. ^::d'i,i*t9.^1'.1: 2-. ;lhi:i#;.T: .gid'chi""* ttilcEit. JtcI 64: 3. ,spolr.Ta:r^T*ttl::^"d?T*:itr li."Ef ot g::-l;-H:**;"1ti#: il;iffilT^ffi -e..i ,"ootbl"o?; rr"er;?;"SEl* ative PathologY, AEIP, try N. andvurHaanr, Baba, L972. lesions in a colany of Chinese 4. Ward,B. C. and l6ore, W.: Spontaneous 1969' hffrcEers. Lab. Anim. Care 19: 5L6-52L, - 2 - Case III - 7L537 - (AFIP L7L2658). f several psittacine birds in a pet shop wtTich - nis died-fdlfotring a brief illness markedby profuse green hratery diarrhea. These birdc becaue sick sre week after the arrival of a shipment of dcsEstically-raised cockatiels and parakeets. Contributor's Diagnosis & Cqrrents: th associated herpesviral inclusiqr bodies (Pacheco'sDisease). Attendees' Diapnosis & Cmnts: , liver, Cockatoo. Eciologic Diagnosis: Viral hepatitis. Etiolqgy: Herpes virus. Connpnts: Althotgh ssrp attendees preferred a mrphologic diagmsis of necrotizirg hepatitis, the cqrsensus was that the primry lesim was necrosis and rpt inflffnnntion. Other etiologic agents listed differeirtially were adenorrirus and intranuclear The eosinophilic irrclusians t€re cctsidered to be P,araElJrr(o\tirus. characteristic of herpesviruses, hcnoevei,the diffuse distributiqr of the lesion coapared to ttre mrltifocal nature of rcst herpetic lesiars in tte liver of ottrer speciee _wasconsidered wtusual by scre. A miilimal inflrnnatory cmpcrent ms reported-by several atcendees. Fixatives which nay b used toenhairce the intranuclear inclusiqrs such as Bouin's and Zenkeris rderemrtiqred. Contributor:- Deparmrentof Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary i'bdiETnfIeiF-A6+{ Universiry, College Starion, t{' tlW." References: r., Hanley, J. E. & Gaskin, J. M.: psittacirrc herpesvirus - 1.@-or;9, infectiqr resdling Pacheco'sParrot Disease. J. Infect. Dis. lj}l: !j90-396, L975. Sirysoo, C. J. E.: Pacheco'sParrot Disease of psittacine -2. !, birds. Avian Dis. 21:"4-4ll"y, 209-2L9, L977. Case IV - 27469 - (AFIP U149f8). d canine was presented on 25 Jan 79 because of vmriting-over the previous 3 days. It respondeil to syuptsnntic trearrpnc. Or 30 Apt 79 it was returned after constant vc'nitiog durini the previous week. It was esraciated,-very depressed, md was markedly dehydrated. Bfooa urea nitrOgen levels remained elevated despite intraverpus fluid adninistration ard atteryts aE peritoneal dialysis. The owner reqr.rested euthanasia. Necropsy dane-by the clinician revealed pale firm kidneys and no other abnormalici.es. Laboratory Results: Darem 27 Jan 79 30 Apr 79 L May 79 4 4 5 8 7 9 l,lBc BIJN 15,000(84%Ses) 5 , 7 0 0(83%See) u6 l9 110 - 3 - K+ 143 143 3.5 3.7 sT 35 20 GLU 93 75 contribucor's Diagnosis & cmencs: Renal amyloidosis. deposics sefunenral.co rylglrerttiar scained red "Lu.r" dmeo of Eiainatiwr material. of hyaline hongeneously-acidopnific birefringence of Ehe materiar sections using crossed Nicol prisrni-r.v.rra-g.."" consistent w-ith-qyloid. glrerIli 1..1..1^^ :interstitital plasma ofc tubules, "iiti"edditiqral renal changes irnrJJld-a.go*."tiar nineralized of and aggregates cell infitrraresl-;;d-i"ri"iuu-Jrai-proieTnaceor"-"."t" debris. Attendees' Di , glrerulat, breed canine. Etiologic Diagnosis: eiiofftr diffuse' severe, kidney, mixed Auyloidosis' Sffitareors dnTtoiaosisor securdaryayloiloeis. Attendees unsrimusiy-agreed with thi cqrtributor's diagnosis.and crent: qt were relatlve anemia and hypoproteinenia rauori6ri-i""urt" cm=nts. felt to be present in "*6"tEa a.tya."ti*. maskedby rhe r.poii'"a-*-.-["d I lerrogenia^was in sertm ctremisrries chcrges ;iit dil;*;-;'logt the ra6e*t"g"ii-rh" $g anenia. and laper marked elevatims orl !{ere iniEial lolr normal"Na+ and K+ levels, cmrted in renal of cqliiating.thrdosis in EIIN. Attendees discussed tte-ass;i.d* hnoerfibrirpto be dr.reto hoc6ncentraiian, ,*,i"n i"-po"irrarcd ArGi;."iJ, f*6;;-tt$*ttte.t.[rpercoagulable *d:"i;t-frmtiTg genemia, typ"rs,r;;ril"fii;; of anylirid depositiqrs in various im.fiogenicifo (il."Tt; of fi"t !i.r. 6p";;"r ieveral cases oi ayloidosis in nasal tissLes was discussed.- One attendee-i"fr.ea of horses-"*" rt-New Boltcr Cenler, llniver sity of^Pe.nr,rsylvania. *"""" oi rhi. di""ase reoains urnertaiir. -Prinary gmyloidosi? t* in Ttre pattogeo"i" huans, dogE ana nice. It is associated with nrltiple myeloa -G-d"ry'*yroiaosis"is U""n-i"di;"d"il csrsiaered trpre corrmn in animals 4d is thotgltt to *,r: including inflsrlnrntory and neoplastic be associated wich chronic diseas;-siri"" prreaTl aTyfoiao:i? are AL or ]rgpt qith Serumproteing ass;iarcd cqrditions. chains, ard thos;a5ili;"d related to imnogldulins. "i*t-J**a"ry Daity injecticrs lmytoiiosib are SAA!i9!!iql:l of casein in mice causes chrqrrc oyloidosis after 22-26weeks. Recentlv redistributei t9 the-kidney frgm the-primry-sites iiu"r- in anrnqrs-receivigg daily injecticrs of casein for 21 days i; ah; spleen "oa p.riods of 2 to 6-mrth-s. A sinilar canditiqr also has and ttren aiscaniin*a-i"ibeen reported in rabbits (3). "icri."i.-".1*frEi;;;-;""iri"'il;;;i ir was observedJf,;t*yfoia-"." Contributor: USAIRIID, Pathology Divisicn, Fort Detrick, lD 2L7OL' References: 1958' f.-Tg6rne, C. A. er a1.: Renal myloidosis in the dog. JAVIA 153: 668-669, renal ryloidosis 2. Slauson, D. O. & Gribble, p. n.i Thrmbosis cqlicating 1971' in dogs. Vet. Pathol. 8z 352-363, -. An. J' 3. Shirah@a, T. & Cohen,A. S.: Redistribution of aryloid deposits- 1980. Path.99: 539-550, Urinary protein exctetion and imnopathologic et al.: 4. DiBarrokl'S:-i: Ll7: 73-77, 1980' diseasl-' JAVt'lA findings-in dogs'with glmrular (2 parts)' N' Erg' J' 5. Glerure", Cl-Cl,'-Rtytoia deposits ?d^*yfoidosis lbd. 302z L283-L292,nd 3022 833-843, L9E0' TI}OIT{Y P. O,NEILL CaDtain, USAF, RSC(VC) Reiistry of VeterinarY Parhologl of Veterinary Pathologl Deiartmrt - 4 - Histories AEIP l,.IedresdaySlide Confererne - No. 4 8 October 1980 CaseI-23L97relrctgrt P L6L9627 to rcve, and C a s eI I , - 7 4 & - the qinaf was emaciated, ifiil#pig. cLinically, of dried, yellow nasel dischargea ecait-@rrrt l-fnitially tude" in ttre ternlnal noted etaggering in paetr-re. stage. Ttre anirnal Case III' - 648T - (AffiP L755477r. r pr€s€nted to clinic rcak std depressed' pale mrous dranes, lcterirg, revlaled exaiiaticr Physical -detrydratict, No 60/nin., bloody trrire. pulse resplraticr 156/nin. 104oF, tefoeratrrre No knffn exPosure to toxic evilerre of external blood loag other tirsr tpaturia. but died and antibiotics, electrolfes naterfate. Treated wlttr cortlcosteroids, 3 days later. Labora Hct 0.76 t5' 5.0 Hb Platelers X 103/cm -5u5- 3.5 U Tm IRrc zzjw Spherocytoeis- AnisocYtosis +3 $Pf 700lu/d, clin. chen. Total Protein'7 .6 &7", IIIN 50 ddi; Bands !{BClcrm --:lr -rr@' 15,300 CaeeIV - L9L7L2-7I3- GFIP 1713082 an a grouP-of. 20 ltrscovy duckshad died y rePorted was bS wirhln the paet 3 iaye. It crasnoted that oEher-drrckswere qr tq p.*P", tlrere had nirt beena-problen-in the-other_9*!.". Jt yl".reported.tbat.ah,t$, 30% faces of ttre birds gol u""V dark, alrcet black. Ttre birds irtopped eatgg-bug {id drink lrater and thd died ;rithln 2 to 3 daye. It ms noted that sc birds had died in 24 trorrs. ltre birds had mt been iedicated or vaccinated. The diet cqrelgted of corn, bread, Lettuce and chicken nastt f9r the Fby birds.. tlorsing was in the woods with-a eheller with 1 glde of the area boarded by a creek. It was Additiaurl noted tbat there were ceoent srd plastic pols in the area as rell. slncfrrpns, a particular sufmissiqr-of hietory indicated thet by 5 daye ifter .these qr died. preqlse had ttre of the l,irscovy ducfg majorily -"-r'ffiioUiofogfc Pasteirrella mrltocida was recovered fro the ltng, exsfrnatlon: livei, lianey &d intestire eu TII.OITIYP. O'NEILL Carptain, USAF,BSC0rc) Re;,istry of VeterinarY Pathologl Deparffitt of VeterinarY Pathologl Results AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. 4 8 october 1980 CaseI - 23L97(enP L6L9827). the aninnl was Tistofy: -Tissue frm a female guinea pig. clinically, eoaciaEed, reluctant to rcve, irrd had a scant mrnt of dried, yellor nasal discharge. C,ontributor rs is ! Crents: Branchopneuwria, rrultifocal, subacute, severe, gu Ccrrmnts: A _B_Iqm:H-opps stain revealed nurErous errcapsulated Gra negative bacterial rods. Klebsiella pneuwriae was cultured frm ttre tur1g. Attendees' Diapnosis & Cmrts: eu@tia, sr.rpprrative, subacute, mrltifocal to ..^diffuse,_ severe, lung, guinea pig. Etiologic Diagnosis: Bacterial pner-mria. . -ntiolg8lt- l!!t coqatible with i Gra negaLive bacterial rod. A differential included Bordetella sL, Xlebsiella sp., PastErrreUa sp., and pseudmras sp. : cmrFlfn:tiltor6!'f6'IT-eatffisffi r"r""affi predoinant neutrophilic reepcrse,- _the clear zones rpted surounaing *rit of tbe bacteria, and che nrrerous and aiffi.rse vacuoleg or snall clear spads bottr wittrin --ft. foci of prerrcnia and thickened septal structures surro*aine-"f|ar alvJii. urcderator crented he had observed sinilar vacuolization in"tissue sectiqg of PJgJ.dyi$ frn'! this and other causes and felt rtris ctrarg--tra" a,n to ?!!e!_qyilf edolt. Ttre origin of the fat correlates wittr a correspddirq fattv -fac-droplet river often seen ln eick aqd dying guinea pi&e, and is apparently rilated-to anorexia and emaciatiqr. the conEents of ttEse vacuoles'trotrfa hive been roved during processing.. frie pronourced infoEing of the brorrchfobr epitnefirm *"-postulated -to be due to cqrtractiog gf the Fnofnent brancblolar il.rscub*"-upct conEact with Ehe fixative. Bacterial agernti respcrsible for pner.mrias in guifu pigs were discussed. Contributor: USAI&IID, Divisiqr of Patholory, Fort lbtrick, MD. Refererres: r-ffidE,_R. F. , lmg, G: G., Abeles,p. G., cancrico, F. B. , Eherr, M. R., and Ponsrda, l'[. D-: .Pathoggnggis of respiratory Kiebsie[a Freurcniae infdtiqr in rats: Bacteriolog-ical and histotogicai findiirgs and retabilic alteratians. Infecc. & Immol. 15: 586-593 , Lg77: 2,. Kunz, L. L. ag{ llglroqr. G. M.: Diseasesof rhe laborarory guinea pig. r eveterinary scope, pp L2-20, L97L,rhe upjotrnco., Kalanezoo,ttich'ig;r. (sP=rZl?99rli c""" rr - 7a6a==colic. History: me ffi6"ad rnitially noted staggering in pasttrre' Horse hao srgns ot' a "dr-my acEitude" in the terminal stage. l,aboratory Results:- No laboratory work was pe:fotueg: S",practicing tiss,.res to the Gboratory. .There r.."6ri"- ii*J ffir""tt-*J suE veterlrurrlan tto significant findings in bacteriology' r."uiiJ.oa were negative viius isolati* Crotalaria Poisoninq' . Diagnosis & Crentsi Contributor'e 't itrca plants the an-iml had been eatirg' Crents: *ictr weie iaentifild ae Crotalarla spectablis' Attendees'Di c Dlagnosls: Stion and necrosis, cenErilobular, ctrronlci rulEifocafto diffuse, severe, liver' Ccmenrs: nt;-*.ph;fogic'ai.gqogil-otae lSreed ragn aft1""* subacute to discussion' coinren!-Td-?"9i1ryi?:f, Sm attendeesfelt thlre wis a tiTa-i"if^"6rv ls"'.irted qr a nird variatiur in uoJt-"ir"oa"es hepariris *"" -ii-d;r"prili"l. in periportal geag-of ttre hepatic, size of ttre hepatocytes, prrmrrly-ttpse on €m occasianal cell wtricb appeared to be lobules. A few atEendees cmrted sd necrosis- hrd nild Ce"ir iloU.Gti"to-";ii; tundergoing t"g"q"t"i6:Ttrere was considerable vacuolizatiqr of the hepato"yt"t n"J *porE"A by all. wtrich have had sc etiolog.' conEroversy over 6; ;$;iei Pltli:ipants felt that this wasan ffirotizidinl akaroids experiencereviarili i;5i*"-d*-F blcrnrmg.cge andcqrsideredthe lesiqls mre naturally a urusual presentaiicl of A nr-der of features consistent wiEhthoseobservedrn-6er,.mhepaEitis of horses.pyrrolizidine alkaloid arinarl qi.tn whichare usualry present in live.-ii*o-iio portar fibroi-is, extrgoeregglotoxicosis *r" pointed otrt that the usual case wis "6"5ii:-'i#"-i;;*;;-include: also rt fiHi"""iion. il;;i;;--a-uiil-e;i rather than acute t6xicity- as. ttre plant is mt is that of chronic intoxicatiqr ov"r a itgnq period of tire' considered palatable in largg.quantitie" "oo"r*d toxicosis include-gnna.Eltctql Serr-menzyme."JJ-ioi-pyrlFiliidfi;-;ikaLoid (AP). Althougtr ncrspecific, enzyre phosphatas" (GcTi-;e"rt"ri.= Eranspepridase indicativeor 35'wil ;i ccr ;'5"t06--iu/L-oi--epare consfdered i:#i!=$"[ilrd jacobaea in of senecio alkaloids heoacic das'ge of rhe r)r?e caueJErpyriolizidine hoises and clttle in thb-Pacific Northwest' in l|tridt there is other toxicities discussed were loconeed po-iscrine in horses poiPogiTq in mldv go-!n gnd tibrosisl a rrDnonucr"rt r"Ji6is;-i;aaeiti*-to-pottal alkaloid pyrrolizidine with cartle and sheep ilt ictr have sm featuies in cmr ard cases acute in necrosisdegeneratiqr and ooisoning such as';enirifobutar cases' chrqtic in iibrosis and bile duct pioliferatim 5il;;ifi Etiotogic Diagnosis: Toxic hePatitis' Eriology: py?r"iiiiai"I""rur5ia-p"i"6ing or serLmhepatitis (Ttreiler's Disease of horses). Conrributor: SracToTlNffifle, C. E. Kord Aniqal Disease Laboratory' P. 0. bx 40627,Melrose TN 37204. - 2 - References: f. .Iu66 ,F-Kennedy: Pathology of hstic Aninals, Vol. 2, AcademicPress, L970, pp 2L6-2L9 and pp 22L-224. 2. Craig, A. I'{. et al.: Serumenz}rtrEtests for pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis. Arer. Assoc. Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, 2lst Arnual Proceedings, L978, pp 161-178. Case III - 648T - L755477 37'5 )rears old, preeented to clinic neak and sd:--"hysical exalnation revealed icterus, pale mrcous nrrrhran€sr aticr, teryerature = l04oF, pulse 156/nin. respiraticr 60/min., bloody urine. ltro eviderrce of external blood loss other than henaturia. No knarlr e:oosure to toxic materiale. Treated wittr corticosteroids, electrolytes and ancibiotiis, but died 3 days later. Hct tt: Clinic afuiss. Hb v2 Platelets X 103/cm -ur- NRBC t{BClcm Bands -rrJm -T 0.76 5.0 3.5 U 221L00 15,300 Spherocytosis - Anisocytosis +3 Clin. Chem.Total Prorein 7 .6 tr€:l",HrI 50 q/dl; SGpI 700lu/d. 30% Contributorrs Diagnosis & C@nts: A diagrnsis of autoinrrurnehsrnlytic an€mia was heofrclogic findirgs. In additiqr to the Eubular necrosis and hemaglobinuria the dog also had centiilobular necrosis of the liver md nild nuuron erythroid hyperplasia. A t t e n d e e s'D ie & CoEEEnts: atiqr and necrosis, tubular, acute, mrltifocal to se'\rere, with rultifocal hoglobin casts, severe, kidney. Etiologic Diagnosie: Biliary ed hmglobinuric nephrosis. Etiology: Autoi@ne HmLytic Disease. Crents: Tbere was general agreerent with the cantributore diagnosis and cqnEnts. Other mrphologic diagrnees given by a far participants were glmrulonephritis and glmrulonephrosis; trcnever, after s.np discussiql these were viened as tnsubstantiated without appropriate thin sections and special scains. Gls'Erular lesions are not a reporEed feature of this conditiixr in dogs, but are seen ln systemic,luprs eryth€natosus h@lytic anemia of dogs. Ttte pathogeresis of the tubular'lesions in this case was discussed. Hpoxia was favored over a dlrect toxic effect of ttre troglobin depositicr, as-a plausable explanatian. Ttre left shift in the neutrophilic series was arrnrpn6sdcr ard is reported in this cqrditiqr. The underlying cause was rpt ascertained, but nay b relaced to tlre bone marror hyperplasia and release of blood cells. Cartributor: lpvelace Inhalation Toxicology ResearchInstitute, 5890llilI6ffirque, lwt 87[5 . - 3 - P. O. Box ffifi'.Jean:Autoimir.l|ltj|.9TorI:1",.ii;ease'an dothercausesofimne-JAVI"A r e d i,2. a t e d a n e m i a : A n o v e r v i e w " A A l t ' j r L 3 z 4 ' 3 1 - 4 " L ' L 9 7L76z 7 ' 970-974, L980' Harvey, J. W:i--C"r,ir,u t.trrrycii "rr"*i,", case IV - 19Ur2-7U - (AFIP Y8082) ' -T-eT.ieEory a group.of.20 r4usco_vy^d'crshad died reporred ,r"" *.ffiirqn lfere qr ttre premise, but -IE wiuhin rhe pasE 3 days. -|t wgs'*t"a-ffr,at ofher'ducks was-reported tirat ttre red drrk'. there had not been a problem-i.r. In"-,ither birds -itopped earing bur did The d.;rl-ar,msi .brack. . faces of the bifi; ;"r;;y days.-. LE was nored thil sc birds had drink warer and rhet died wirhi,i'z-l,i-i or vaccinated' The diet died in 24 hours]- fte-Uiras na'i *i-U"ot-it"ai':aced Lhe baby birds. rlo'sing was for r'ash consisted of corn, bread, letturie and chicken area boarded by a creek. rE was wittr-r-side of the in the woodswirii'"-"t"ii", the area as well' AddiCimal *d pf""ti.-p*it,in cetrEnt noEedthat there were specirens'a of -rheseparricular hisrory indicated-Itir-uy 5-d"# ;il;;-;"hission 6n chepremisehrd died. d;t-aucr.s ;j;;i'ry-oi-it" recoveredfro ttre ltng' g*gla*s r"ticrobiorogi;exdinatlon:- tlfgg+?, livei, kidney Ind intestine suh,[EEe,I for culttr'e. ContriPutoj's Diagnosis& Cfimrnts: Gross r,"rr*ffit:fre'r"ralr the head*." u"ry-"y"*ti". ::".il:T""T;,EI;'.:;";;'r#";i -o'd body cqrditicr ard the skin on rnternar.iesionsrlctu!e!-ryv-f,:ih:*-l3i:|:g:?." pericarditis with ;nd river.. Th.'" wasa marked in rhe t;;r;:- ni. spreeorst{ere very.soft ind trorrhagic apparenr focar ";;;;;i; f;-t *te-cui surface. the livers hbd a very mttlednecrosis airi Ufooa .*ua.j-Ir;;it were discrete areas of appearancewigh apparent areas of-neciosis. There attached to the surface. Ttere mesrbrane in rhe incesrlne-5iun-li'ri6ii"oL;aia had been dead the of ttt" guc ip the bird which was free blood i"--*,"-"f*I,*; of the-proventriculus ard ttoo.td{e.];9 lorgest. There'"." *. 3ry"iiorr It was left hm' esophasus in me 6ira-ntt,i"r, traa aiea before-the ootner bad particurar this and since-ctt" o*r.r.r had left hm ;.rffi$-.tur-i-a,*t1"d-ai"a blood in the'h-ren of ttre *iit-rtte-excepti*-oi-i".e i."i*" biid had u.ry jumcEian of che proventriculus and esoptugtts. "i*1", fiemo[;4"-;i-ihe iri-*a-4re LaboratorYFindings: {*Ares'' in-1te Virologic ex@inaEim: Virus isolation atteryts*are in center Prog-res: rolrain Disease nnimir rhe Nationat ar and ai-wu Eecrion ui."iotinot has Virr'rs WhenEheseresul;s-"." oUl"i."a " J"pplrenEal.rePort Yitl Educrs' "Pt' Ehe ot Eisstres fro ttre -pasteuretla tleen isofated at this point in tinp mrlcocida was recovered frcm tlre lung' I,ticrobiologic Examination: -On for culgure. livei, kidney Ind intestine suhitted *i"t-o9copig exminatiqr there nere fairly [,,"rination: Histopathofoii" dact of bocir birds. There was desqr.raati-ar of severe lesions if,-inl'i"G;i;i hemrrhage inEo the suhrcosa and tunica m'rscularis in sm *rt-"s epiEhelir-m tissue within Ehe submrcosaof the intestire "" ,""-*".osis of irutoia areas. There an in sm locations. In addition, Lhere r,'reremanybacterial colqries-gererally a nell as in the mrcosat surfacer-or-itt" ulcerated rucosa ol the inEesEine as cr the necrosis and desquamation was visceial organs. There ;;rb".-;i-ctre 4 - epithelirm of the trachea in Ehe bird which had been dead the lorgest. There were ni.uerous bacterial colonies qr ttre u.rcosal surface of the trachea in this particular bird. Ttrere was severe hyperesda and focal horrhage in the lug without mrch indicatitrr of inflenmqtory infiltraEe into the luqg. There was fairly marked hmrrbage in the ryocardir.m extending in sre areaa througttout che total thickness of the nyocardir-u frm rhe pericardir-m to the endocardium. In eeveral sectiqrs of posterior intestine fro the birds there was rnaegive horrtrage into the suhrcosa with necroeis of lyryhoid nodules within ihs srr[rntcoga in these szn sectiqrs of intestine as rreIl as s@ of those anterior to this locatiqr. Ttrere waa rpcro{ris of ruch of the epitheLitm even dqn into Clre crypts wtrile the interstitium surrounding ttre crypt epithelir.u was relatively normal. There rere often large bacterial colqriee within the areas of horrage and necrotic tissue. 0n enainatiqr of the liver there were areas of necrosis with intranr.rclear inclusicr bodies in varying stages of developrt in nr.rerous hepatic cells within and at the edges of the areas of necrosis. In additim, there rere areag of eosinophilic globules surromded by halos in ttre cytoplasn of s@ of the degeierating hepatocytes. Similar cytoplasuic ctrages had been mted in the sectiqts of intestine exa'qined. There appeared to be disruptian of the endothelial lining of the sinusoids in che liver at s@ locatiqrs with trorrhage into ttre surrourding hepatic parenctyma. There was no indicatiqr of infLmatory ctwlge in the liver and bacterial colonies were not notd in the liver of the drck wtrich had recently died. There was ccmplete disappeararce of fyryhoid tissue within tbe spleen. There ttere areas of hemrrhage and variable munts of corgestiqr in nearly all the other Eissues exained. Conclusions: The history, gross and microscopic lesims ce cqrsistot wittr a provisional diagnosis of duck plague. In additiqr, it was felt that the 2 birds submitted to the laboratory had a cqlicatirrg terninal Pasteurell mrltocida infection or fonl cholera. (Virus isolation att€rycs as well as other laboratory rcthode of donsEration of viral agents are in prqpess and will be reported at a later date as ttre results becm available.) Supplmncal Report: Virologic exaurinatiqr: An oral report has been received frm the Naticral Animal Disease Certer, AuEs, Iowa, indicating that the virus of dr.rckplagrr, c IXrck Virus Enteritis, was isolated frcm the tissues submitted for exainatiqr. Corrclusiqrs: Ttris finding confirms our previous diagnosis of drrk plague. Attendeeer Di lbrphologic Diagnoses: I) Degeneration'and and necrosis, acute, mrltifocal to diffuse, severe, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, liver, Mlscovy Mlsco' duck, avian. 2) Enteritis, necrotizi4g, acute to subacute, diffuse, mderate tb sgvere, so,?11inEestine: 3) Congestion, acute, diffuse, severe, spleen. 4) hreuuria, hmrrhagic, peracute to acute, mrltifocal, mderace, lung. Etiologic Diagnosis: Duck Viral Enceritis (D[/E), with seccrdary Pasteurella pnermnia. EEiology: Herpesvirus. Crents: Tte above diagnoses were reached afrer src discussiql of the lesions. Ttre tissues_present in the suhritted slides varied as to *trich orgars $rere Present. llcst slides contained liver and mall intestine. The distrifutiqr std severity of lesians in the different sectiqu varied fro nrltifocal to diffuse and fro mderate to severe. A nr-der of aEtendees corented on a mderate - 5 - lesiqts postrrprEemchar€,e present ln cheir slides and felc this nesked sre of tbeatd intestinal the within - apparemcOacierial orrergronth ln fii;;;;-reb-d[r in p,;h-;t tissLres. Sd;-p"rEicipanrs did noE feel a true pner"wria was present Tbe horrhag-e and corgesEion Preg:nt.. the sectiqrs of irtg"-i"t"A;""d'there-!ras csrsidered and all by obeeru"q wer6 bodies iiclusiqr i"rr""ftkar J6"i"rptrifi" irrciusims. A fen attendees-reported-9eeiE similar h;;F-viral characteristic "i stotrgtred and necrotic intestinal lining -".11". Cgtt irrclusions in s@-oi'ttr. A Ioose qt the congestlcr of the 9P19en-md_ a fyryhoid depletim' cqrgidered but wis'reporrca "iver" """-*a" scnr[iI[.*s"i5.i rericutar vieo oF A"-c*rg"etian-ffi rprmal ln "pp"""*ci-""o*E species susceptabiircy 4}rg eifectiveness €il)r€ birds. Contrlbutor: P. o:ffiWffi c$ree, Dislussidt irrluded pc@rtem"t.attrs Anserifoines and vaccinatiqr (im.nizatim) Anirral Healttr & Disease Laboratory, l.lichigan State llniversity, Lansing,MI 48909. References: L.: Grossandhistopaltt"lggig^$Tqgl of drck plagrre(urt ffitz, virus'ent"iiii">.' An. J. Vet. Ree.32 Q)-: 275-2n, L97L: in-ttre Bureaof Fabricius, of 4,*t plqgygZ. proctor,'S.-.1.:--Pathogenesis (4\: 427-41fr-L97-6'. An. J. VeE.Res.J7 - '-,.' Aa splien. -l"tiv" th)'mt;, inmrnizatim-of!{hite Pekindrrckslgainst DrckVirus Torh,'T: il:, and gnreriris <O,rctPiague) lrith rcdified live virus vaccine: Serologic responsEo'f Ureedera,rcts. An. J. Vet. Res. 32 (t)i 75;Q1, 1971' i-umr.nmlogic of Poultry, 7th Ed., 1978,pp 62L-632. 4. teiUovitz, L., Dieeases TI}OIHY P. O'NEILL caprain, usAF, B$(\rc) neiistry of VeterinarY Pathologl Departdnt of Veterinary Pathologl - 6 - Histories AmP l,Ie&teeday Slide Cqrference - No. 5 15 October 1980 CaseI - L76750 m" io,5a- dorr g; aug il, after beirg ieolated-fro f *fgl was fornd aea.aF the ?dtfblt-. .A e€catd btrd i978, iovea fro the srhlbit, and ee@d to recoYer the grq4. L667702 i ;"i;ili"';;fii*;**"' aborrt three "ii.s, years old, preeented to observedto itre protuUeraircee-were r*d"Fi the bmee. trer). Eilnflp CaeeIV - 4898-K- (AnP L672455). oi it€ uoav.-CI -f,o.=" be a r*rite, fitn tlsgtr, eurrorndlrg io-*t T\p days prtor to death tte bird ces wtrlte droPlngs. . Ttris sp-rirgmte<i !^rt m eggpe59d!rc{. in-dre poeteri6i abdmr ailJacent to cloaca. thor4ght to be Several Lqe'fe1E Rm\ted forcibly by speezing ircacted eecs. verifled qr'radiologic exainatiqr. later. 12 hor-is died thioqgh cI&ci. Snake TTIfiTff P. O'TEII.L Captain, lrsAf,', BS(\,C) ne!,tetry of Veterinary Pathologl Deparrnqt of Veterinary PathologT Results Slide Conference - No. 5 AFIP Wednesday 15 october 1980 Case I - L76750(AFIP f68ff07). A aco (band #459) was found dead in the exhibit. to secd and secqrd blrcl was for-nrddown-on Aug 22, 1,9lg, r@ved frm the exhibit, recover after being isolated frcm the grouP. Contributot Diaprrosis & Crents: on arrival and in fair condition. External lesions - ttre rieht lee had broken bqres and skin over che leg was sliglt1y Internal lesiqrs - Ttre liver was hean'rrhagic and discol6red (purplish-black). that varied frm 0.5 to I m in disrpter whidt souewhat"enlargedwith mrltiilfe'foci was markqdly err-rfarg{, being 3..to,5. spleen yellowish"wtrite in Ttp coloi. . were wtritish foci to those described in similar contafnedtiuEs normal silze, srd also wtrich lrere l*ritish in color the intestine l,lany nodules were seen along rhe liver. necrosis caseous and quite hard.- There were'sosn aEeasof Present in the trDuth. Laboratory Findings: I'licrobiologic Exarrinatiqr: The Ltnrg, liver, ad kidney Streptococcus sP. and-Klebsiella contained heavy gromh of beta-hmlytic Streptococcus sP. coli. The beta-hmlytic pner-mniae and-a-mderate grorEh of E. gentanicin, cephalofin]l?-6'loraphenicol, iras sensitive to opicillit, -lircoycin, polymyxin B, and tetracycline and resistant nemrycin, nitrofurairtoin, penicillin, The Klebsiella !{as sensitvie to cephalothin, to sirtfailirethoxine and tribrissen. nitrofurantoin, polyrnyxit B, tribrissen, and gentarycin, necrnycin, chloranphenicol, lincurycin, penicillin, and tetracycline srd iesistant to apicillin, sulfadirethoxine. Histopathologic Examinatiqr: The liver had mrltifocal areasi of caseatiqt necrosis that weie frequently surrounded by large fosy macrophageswith occasional mrltinucleated giant cells being present. This had a relatively randm distribution. f,re spleen had similar-type lesicns but with mre necrosis beirg present. The similar-type lesions were also seen in the oral mlcosa thaE was described grossly. Sisdlar-type lesicns ltere also seen in the ventriculus. On special scain (acid-fast) there were prodigious nu$ers of acid-fast bacilli seen throug,hout virtually all tissues exmined. This was particularly remarkable change due to the overr*relming nrders of these organisms. (This has to be ane of the rcst severe c:tses Conclusiqr: Avian tuberculosis. of avian tuberculosis I have ever seen. It is a strorg possibilify that there will be ocher Losses due to this disease with birds that were in the sflne housing.) AtEendees'DiaFFoces&CouuFnus:L)Hepacit-ls,granulsntous'mulEifocal' tousl diffuse, severe' sPleen' ,"u 3i-F;&Jiricufiii.*,"gi""uionuEous, multifocal, rnderate, proventriculus' [i' Mt;"iiis, suUacuie"tochronic, difiuse, nnderate,skeletal mrscle' gtiotogic Diagnosis: Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis. EEiolo[y: ]g6o4cterir-un-9p=ProbaP,tv L ?Yit-' on the appare?iE-granulcmatousrespqFe-observed ccunented -oirf"r"ntiar CcamenEs: AEtendees diagnoses giiln incfided entities such as E- coli in many Eissues. or ;ikrei sloragg diseases' ffi'ffif i"nEr,*tcolis infecrion (coligrai;i*t;;i-;;i 19161in all fast stain proviaea aeonnitrared large ntmbers of aeid fast-bacilli surrounding cerls unrltinrrcleated gimq -oiner'bacterilt rhe rissues. Th;-ArB-p;imarily were secEims ""r""*iini" ele.rpnts noted in the submitted the sranuloras. not in but granulmas, rhe cenrer of several &3;ffi"^*#"L"Jpiiiri"-"*ci-within Ehis that out pointed The rpderator (Dr. Montali, National Zoological Palk) cells. cellurar tLre that in in avian-species was an arypicar ;;;;"i;;i;;il;b.;culosis tuberclei were *,:,ry:"::l:rrl1i* histiocytic-and-typical prim.rily i.lls ;;;6"; spindlerubercles cnaracierislicatty c6nsist of tiseous cencers surror.ndedby and orgctim, tbre seroty?e-of shapedepithelioid cells. Defenses of the host, inporEanrroles in tlri disease. Thenecrotic cb.tsidered to E degenerating, and necrotic and lack of ab5cess foriatiqr in birds is ttre-aEsenceof hisriocytes. ""uii"iion atCributed Uo ttre .U".""" of proteolytic enA|IIEs in the avian heterophil: -IFf r-3' by Lglllum intercellulariae seroty?es cases of avian tuberculosis are-A;A due to l{. avium occasianally 4-20 usually are nor involved.- mbEffifosis a;;;iyp." in a nffibbT-d.captive observed been trr" p*pl; *d occurs in irmunoilil;6sJ;d of 2oo. A !arg9 ynUeS -these marsupials had caseous maisupiafs ar rhe ilitimaf to avian strains' Parrots addition rn . cdrncn in avian-T.B. -t; are-tuberqglgglq r""ioir wkrichalso A few ParticiPants had bovis. I'1. in*t"i"l are susceprible - M. .and resedled "j"itiuiiiil-;i-il"-ort""i"*-pi"y cen6ers within ti," gr#ulwras'neie our"iu"a ies ions in,if@ tuberculosis but yl"fa"i CgEy!@ acid fast ,r"i1u !ffiil-#t"p"red birds over 6 rsrths of age. Contributor: Ueaiffibn mici6sEdp'iG'tLy_ equi upor culture' Iryression srears for lesions of ar necropsy'fromall granul6matous Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory,^College of Veterinary Srare University, Lansing, ML, 48909. Reference: T u b e r c u l o s i s in captive exotic birdsJ., et al.: Mo-ntdli-. L976. (9): 920-927, JAVMA169 - 2 - - (AFrP1667702 Case II - 77PNI623D rqn a , f@ale, about three years old, presented fo necroPsy multiple protuberances in rpst long bones of the body. Ort necropsy the protuberances were observed to be a nftiEe, finn tissue, surrotnding che bones. Contributor Diamosis & Conents: Multiole Chmdrmratosis. ectioni of this skeleEal bqre strownarked periosteal cartilagenous proliferation with soe ossification. The cortical bqre shows no evidence of involvwrt with any pathological process and sesns rnrnally calcified. ltre preserrceof this change in-the majority-of the bqres wor.rldbe consistent with a nutritional deficierrcy with this particular reaction in chis species or better, a virally induced reaction sirnilir to that of osteopetrosis in chickens. No evlderrce of either was present in this case. Attendees' Diagnoses & CwEnts: drmatous hyperplasia, diffuse, severe, lag bore, iguana. Etiologic Diagnosis: Nutritional osreodystrophy. Etiologl: Calciu-phosphorus imbalance.Cmnts: Histologic features of the lesiqr nrhich were discussed included cne lack of mineralization of the osteoid, the chqrdroid hyperplasia, and the scattered endochondral ossification. The differential diagmeis givin was osteochandrona. The lesims presen! paralleled- a sinilar cordition that-tras been reportd in green iguanas (1). The lesions ln this species have been arcribured to cilcitr phosphorus itrbalance in canjunction with stress. The disease has been seen in active animals especially. Ttre lesions described were fibrocartilagenous osteodystr-ophy, parathyroid hyperplasia, and hypocaliemic tetany. Proliferati*, Ttre conditigqr appears to be peculiar to Lizzaids-. Dietary urairipulation with 16w cglc.ryn or high phosphorus diets or cobinatiqls Ehere of , resuit in the producticr of this disease in green igFanas. In natural conditions fibrous osteodysirophies of undetermined cause have-been observed in hatching iguanas, nrnture igiJanas, ad Geckos. Contributor:. rcdiEinffiIE5fana Ibpartmrt of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Srare universiry, BarbmRouge,-LA 70g03. Reference: , ffi,-M.P.andCapen,C.C.:Nutritionalosteodystrophyincaptivegreen iguarras qgum" jg*rr.). Virchors Arch B Cell parn 2l: 229-247,-L976. - 3 - ilv, and oirffi#t,^u".ur"-lo Laboratory il r- deaththe (c1vlg,',",=l) ;,...y.91v:-R::?:,:o had br<ffEine-ar6ilky whire dropprngs' Resulcs: , r : i r .r -^-arirra r\ironr tr'l FA for . Direct were negative. AeroEIe baccerial' curEures crf-t liver and kidney negaCive' was also of'kidney ead-analysis NewcastleDisease was negative. due.to wggyP?'. conrribucor Diagnosj.s& ccrrenrs:- Renal Coccidiosis of ffir ed case oi-r.rrr-coccidiosffi an be to was cqrsidered -rE the Order Gaviforres. lbrphologi"Sily, the coccidian Eireria gaviae, o. sp' ne"nd was Eireria sp. aisiiili'rr* Lr*iii-ci"i-t"rir. Attendeesl itis, subacute, unrltifocal, mild, kidney' ioon, Gavia iuml ----giioiogic@to Ccrnrpn Renal coccidiosis' gaviae' EEiologY: Eimeria inflzrm'tory lesiqrs included the rnild subacute ccstrFnts: offi pervis and disral renal rhe reacEion and rhe presence of coccil;e" p";Fires withinnecrogis of lne ePitheliLm .'*; oir rlre SnE participants redulla. "PP.t;;; various stages of the parasiEe ".-o,i"a r".r"l-p"ii'i". tubures lining rhe corlegrirg "1, of host respanse to thelr were present in f"tgE nr-ubers, but Ehere $rasa lack the organism'and to the oqtn"teq"i!{ ?-i aia coilsidereiran incidental ic was felr rhes;-.*;;;;"iry-.""paihogeric. ilitd hyoerolasia of EheureEer Dresence.rni, sfifr;il;;-ffi"ut"io"-"s i"* artendds corented bn a iil;ng:--e parasite in birds eoichelitm. Eis=ria trulcata is the rpst cmuDnii-F"*a occidian riPst species' aia-G consiffi contributor: -46 Eli LiIIy & Cqany, GreenEidfcliTfr Greenfield Laboratories, P' o' Box 708' 140. Reference: R. B": Renal coccidiosis MonEgore-ry, R. D., l'lovilla, M . N. and Shillinger, (Gavia inunr). Avian Diseases2 2 | Loon caused by Eirerie gaviae n. sP. in a CarnPn 809-814,-Lq7tr ( case IV - 4898-K- (I-FIP L572455L but no eggs 7 eggs. esss..'this agor laid 7 ,lhis spllng matecllY:^:: @pFlngs @i'Egrqsqkid -* "qiiry^5t:1 r;-lh;-P"st9rTE:3!Ti-;dj3:j::^:"r:l5f?; -Respved produceo. bv forciblv .:housn' "".,"'Ji-r*p!.i:Tf ;;.i;qig!;pic-ex"minarion. [;H-fr""iEi=iEir,*#iiii;i speezing'through-Eloaca. Snake died 12 hours later' Contributor Diagnosis & inflaumation, Kidney, snake, gouty toPhi, chronic and gIqIEru CorrenE: Ttre lesiors are similar to those seen in snakes given genEacin Eherapy, but are mre extensive than in those cases. , necrotizing, chronic, disssdnated, kidney, snaKe. Etiologic Diagnosis: Renal goutl toFi. Defiydration, genq]qycin.theraPy, 9r hieh-Pl9lein.,diet' itioro[y, diafgrosis gi"9" above was-reached after sc Csrencs: Td';;phoioglc discussion. Oth;; Ai"gno".E given"were clbubr n9{rqsi9, &d glrcrulaephritis' the of Chanses in che tissue drich were courrpntoJ on included the segrental naturegiant fibrosis, lhe presence of mrl-t{nrrleated ;';;;r;;"-ir,t"r"ririral il;A; &d the abundanceof birefrirgent urate. deposits, ur"t" tk. ;;iG surroundine of rhe lesion and the apparently rnaffected Th"-;;rc;6i-;;ilre crvsrars oresenf nephrons were Eonsidered unique in this case. The usual Prese.1tsglcn ln ""ii"tr.i"i is'a diffuse lesion wtrereininterstitial edm ;5"e;iltar"lio-""ptiorir l;;iffi;;; ;acrosis and'urare deposition in tubules wtrich in turn result in fiilAfi;ril;I"; and chronic infilmnatiqr. A few participants speculated on a iilli]ii.iJ-iiUrosis i"".t ischenia due to a vascular injury resulting in the lgqi-onpresent'. Seqr.rentialbiopsies also have.producedsimilar lesions in kidneys ot snakes Occasional according to- the mderator. r.mdergoing tissr-p but the the ol "*pirio=ni"f-pi*.dures regicrs perip6eral sclerficic-gfcmeruii *"".'noted in the rh nofoal. unaffecced and were ionsidered rnajority "pp."r"d a no*ql findin' :" "i11Tq*-aP-:*:5 sosegtomeruliis considered ,ffu"r"hce'bf IgP9il,ill_Il9:f ' diagnosis Ehe sections, airil without special-stains on thin -o{ -q}@rulonePnrrEls would be rnrsubshntiated. Gouty tophi occur in a nuber of different organs.in. repriles'with renal disease. Tophi.are observed in the addition ro rhe-kffi;F-of -frodt and other-visceral organs; this reflecEs the heart, pericardii-, fG,-fiuer, rhe inabiliry to excr6te the breakdonn products of totricri ;;ill* nfriuii""ria protein catabolism. Contributor: LaboraEory of Pathology, Sctrool of Veterinary l&dicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104. UnivEf5iEy-ffinnsylvania, References: FJIIa,eET n. and Hoessle, D.: Visceral gout in captive reptiles. 8 9 7 - 8 9 9 ,L 96 7 . Jacobsen, E. R.: JAW$ uI: relared visceral gout in ttm bold snakes. Gencarryacin 7l: 361-363,L967. lnvsec yrntrli, R. J., Bush,M. and Sueller, J. I'1.: Thg pathologl of nephrotoxicify of gentmycinin snakes. Vet. Pach.16: i08-1U, L979. .II}OITIY P. O,NEILL ()aptain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary PathologY Dr:partrrent of Veterinary Pathologl Historieq Slide Con{'erence - No. 6 !{ednesday AFIP 29 Occober 1980 caseI - Lese-76(nrIP El99!9I. HisCory: A 4-year-oro orcstic shorcbair cat had digced pupils for 4.treeks *affit"'yp'i,ui*2week1priortoex*iY.1T:-I:^.::wasanorexic, ani frad diarrhea. ocular examreveated discrete areas of bilateral a.uiiiilied recinitis wittr nild papilledena. CaseII - P L7L2745 . tilecropsy findings before and mrcotremrrhagic cYscitis. Case III - 7153-79Dor year- because of upper canine tooth. exhibited included fyelonephritis, ch-old eilt h€tr'rturia for 3 or 4 days ureteritis horrhagic L7L270L. Setter was Presented to Ehe .5 cm swelling of che gtm aE ttre base of the rigbt P,adios,raPhicFind ings : of the naxilla ac the base of the righE canine toottt. E@ tesioir is surrounded by a uriforn tbin rim of sclerotic bme. ffre filic Case IV - I'G 78-430 (AFIP 1667745)'f bocn sexes appeared in ----J- fror a "**r"rJbreeder. tne itiected Clinically, dyspnea. 14 days afcer arrival MorbidiCy was over 507"with uDderaEercrtality'. mice exfriUiteO exErellE lassitude, ruffled hair, and TI}OITf{ P. O'NEILL CapEain, USAF, BSC(VC) Reiistry of Veterinary Patnology uefururlnt of Veterinary Pathology Resulus AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference- No. 6 2 9 Occober 1980 shorthair cat had dilated pupils for 4 weeks debilitated and had diarrhea. Ocular examrevealed discrete areas of bilateral retinitis with mild papilledema. Laboratory Results: ToxoplasmaEiter-negative. Contributor's DiaFrrosis & Cqupncs: D,tycoticrenirgoencephalitis; Cryp@], Cdrpnts: Cryptococcus organisms were fourd in lesions in che eye. Attendees' Diagnosef Q Qqrspnts: Cryptococcal reningoencephalitis, mrltifocal, upde horliair, feline. Cqinents: the above diagnosis was reached after src discussiqr of the lesiqrs and host response to the organisms. An etioorphologic diagnosis was preferred on the basis of the large nusrbersof organisms involved, the destruction of considerable neuropil, and the corylete lack to minimal inflrnmatory response of this anirnal. Various uorphologic diagnoses !{ere submitted which included descriptors srrch as: ncrsLrppuraLive,chronic, granulmatous, subacute, and fungal ueningoencephalitis. Curents on the lesions included distribupign, and tissue desEructim. Ttre distribution was felt to be closely associated with the reningeal extensions into the neurophil via the pial- lined blood vessels. A nuder of the lesiqrs in the brain substance contained central blood vessels with organisms in the distended Virchcne-Robbinsspace, or in areas forrerly occupied by brain tissue. Discussion of other lesiqrs courranly associated with this organism in md cutaneous lesiqr. various animals included sinal, ocular, pul-uurary, Eurnrnary Extension of cryptococcal infection chrough Ehe cribiforn plate to the brain was discussed. Invasion by the organissrs via the reninges covering the olfactory nerves seernsnnre plausable than direct extension. Extensiqr to the eyes frm che Hematogenousspread was cqrsidered CNSalso was considered ueningeal in origin. unlikely in this case. Participancs generally agreed with the proposal that this aninal was not respcrding to the organism due eithel gs inrnrrosuppressim, lack of anEigenic stimulus of che organism or boch. Concurrent infection with feline leukemia virus and its clinical manifestaticn of generalized imt-nosuppressian could account for this. Also the antigenic determinants of the cryptococcal capsule play a role in the host response. Lesions also occur in inrrr-nologically privileged sites with little host response srrch as reninges, iris, and joints. Lesiqrs in oEher animals discussed hrerecryptococcal mastiEis in ccxrs, pulmnry granulouns in donkeys and horses, aod CNSand pul-uurary lesiqrs in dogs. Clinical differential diagnoses for ocular cryptococcal infection in cats include: FeLV, toxoplasuosis, and FIP. Diagnostic aids in detection of che CNSform should include exanination of CSFpreparatitrrs stained wirh India ink. Stainirg characterisEics of the organism in tissue sections in mse cases are as follows: The cell wall and capsule-stain deeply with urrcicarmine and less intensely with also stains the cell wall. PAS. The capsule atso is Alcian blue positive. @1^S VeCerinary Diagnostic Laboracory, Otegot State University' Contributor: CorvEIEs-iF97331. References: Intraocular T.@.A.: r9r-198, L97L. cEyPtococcosis in cr^rocats' JAt/lA 158: in a dog' 2 . G e l a t t , K . N . e t a I . : Ocular and systerric cryptococcosis JAVI"IAL62: 370'375 , L973. A new experi3 . P e r f e c t , J . R . e t a I . : Chronic cryptococ€l urenilgitis: f980. L77'L94' fOi: Am. J. Pathot. rental updel in rabbits. CaseII - 79-8074(ArI!-12r2245)' a Hlscory: gilt exhibite<^ herrraturia for 3 or 4 daYs uteteritis horrhagic Necropsy findings ircluded pyelonephritis, rryttsrt-vrs befoiET6ffi. and mrcoheuorrhagic cystitis. LaboratorY Results: CorynebaccerlLmffit . - t Contributor's s Cor @ was cultured frcm the grinary bladder and ureter' lfucinous cystitis is& associated with I'rcrs-been associated suis tlas corynebeggeritn uurri itm UofyneDacEeErutr baCteffUm anaefObiC dnaerobic bacter wiclrcysri t i s ani-py;1;;6h'ili'-i"- *@l*31**?P :f3a rl:"g:ETi':_ll:h. adult.'"1g".:"1'I fi:-'*#:''i-nilil ;a;;;;fi;-"i-r,""rrr,i g,* ;i"&;;yl-lglry rfi""i3difi;l;;fi; tt {t::9^1^i:l::::"'-Y}:}, glandulrlar@ *,"us-secreting, io-" il:pil::' BlioffE;ndff"';;';ii: il;!i.i.iil=ip;4"il* seemsto-be cormDnwich the infectim. Attendees' Di chronic, urinarY bladder, Etiologic Diagnosis: rucinous, md hyperplastic, subacuceto Pig. Ilacterial cystitis' Etiology: goJcvnel?cterir-mStuis' cystiEis' ccrmenrs: oEher or.agnosesffi-tia.t"d wgrg-polypoid and hyperplastic dif ferencially weie gl $y Orher bacrerial $]$^*: "g""t.-"F"siaerea rhe lesiqrs cencered on rhe rrEraprasElc of ffi;";;-;le L 4 .Discussion normal resDonseot Ene urotheliwt to llucus secretirg cells rather than the in other reporced mi" r""= mucSsalchange.hasbeen fififfi.*r-"]i-"pirr,"li*. coliform wich exuaXtive epidermititis,, infecciqrs in swine and has been ""ro"irt"d cltt'Si is reported.to occur retaplastic ;i*ilar A engeritis, and tol-"[of"i"-<il. Infeccion in in guinea pigs, $vines and-htrnanswith urinary Eract infectiqrs'prema'rt and encourtered in sows with Corynebacterit-ur "uie G-on"i "*"o"ly PostparEurentariiffir.lfrftFa""it''*yoccuEiiz-t+days..Gr6ss-lesiansirr1ude and supp;rarive pyelonephriEis, aiiation of the ureEers with exudate in ttre luina,Discussion also cystitis. mrcinous to the in addition and hes'rrhagic ;t;i;i;, in the lm:ina.propril and edena of the infiltrate inflarnrarory mild the included positive bladder waII. characterisuics of-tn" organismdiscussed-wereGram aipitr"roids, anaerobic, and restricted redia requirerents. - 2 - Concributor: P. ol-E]ff58f,Ti VeEerinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Georgia, f ton, GA 3L794. References: F., Cottrell, R. and Delez, A.: Ifucinous degeneracianof the T.T6ryD. epithelim of the urinary tract of swine. Vet. Path. 8: 485-l+89,1971. 2. Soltys, M. A. and Spratling, F. R.: Infectious cystitis and pyeloneptritis pigs: of A preliminary cormunication. Vet. Rec. 69: 500-504, L957. 3. Soltys, M. A.: Corynebacteritmsuis associated with a specific cystitis and pyelonephritis in [igs-=EE: ffi. 8L ML-446, f96f . CaseIII - 7L53-79Dor 7153-798(AFIP L7L270L. + , veterlhEiian because of a hard 1.5 cur swelling upper canine tooth. Setter was Presented to the of the gun at the base of the rigbt Radiosraohic Findines : C*pa;sne fytic lesion of the maxilla at the base of the right canine toottr. The lyEic lesion is surrourded by a uniform thin rim of sclerotic bqre. & Cmuents: Epidermal inclusion cyst of bone. ConEributor's D_iggpo.sis Corents: The lesion was curetted and 2-3 cc of keratinized debris was renoved. the tissue resoved frm the cyst $rassubmitted for histopath exanination. At the six rpnth follorup the lesion had not recurred. Attendees' Diaenoses and Cauents: zing squamousepithelial cyst, alveolar bone, maxilla, dog. 2) lticrofilariasis, blood. Cqrupnts: There was considerable variation in the preconference mrphologic diagnoses listed by the participants. The diagnosis given above was reached only after considerable discussion and consulcation. Attendees considered other prirnary and differential entities such as dentigerous cyst, keratinizirg and calcifying odontogenic tr-upr, anreloblastic variant, and gingival hyperplasia. Possible origin of the tissue was discussed but there was no concensus of opinicr. these irnluded embryological rests of odonEogenicepithelirm, domrgrorEhof gingival epithelirm, and sequelae of trar-uratic insult with irplantation of surface epitheliu. ltle bcrp lesions described and vieHredon Ehe submitted radiographs were discussed and felt to be secondary to the expansion of the cyst with keraEin. Bcre resorptian can occur wiEh any expansile lesion over bone without being involved in che lesiqr directly. Ttris lesion lras considered to have sm but not all the characteristics of the hrman keratinizing and calcifying odontogenic cyst, as large quantities of keratin are present and areas of mineral deposition are present. The tlmr lacks the uryxcrratoustissr-p surrounding the turnr, and the conspicuous ghost cells for-rrd in man. At the end of the discussion, it was felt chat the lesion probably was of odontogenic origin but could not be definitively determined. t-licrofilaria were described in the tissr.e sections by several attendees. - 3 - UontribuEor: l'ledicirel-Ilffis DeParEtrEnt of Vecerinary Pathotogy, College of Veterinary ity of l'lissouri , Coluroia, l0 65'2LL- References: C'enetal As Bone , 3rd Edicion, Charles Thmtas 2 . Sb a f e r, W. G.: Textbook of Oral P Philadelpkria, L974, P. 249. f.-EElI5,-D. c.: ts and Data on 6 221 Cases. 4th Edition,-I,1. B. Sar.rndersCo., Case IV - t"G 78-430 (AFIP L667745). ---i f borh sexes appeared ill 14 days aiter arrival uoruidiiy !{as over 507"with moderatercrtality- and hair, ruffled lassitude, extrellE "*r"r.Jui*aliexkribited mice Clinically, the affected - + rrom a dyspnea. Laboratory Results: 1:630 titre to Sendai virus' Contributor's Diagnosis & Cquents: pf"r consolidatim. Etiology: Severe, subacute, digsgninated hperplasia and peribronchiolar parenchyual Sendai virus. . r - _ :- ^^-1-^)1., L.*^rnraar: hyperplastic courenr: Th;--;;l,r*tai-epirhelir-cn of the bronchioles is markedly brorrc'hiores the of lrrnina The wirtr-earii-tocat-ar;;t;i-rqi.,*ur-reraplasia. detritus, and the peribrorrchiorar of conEain a ncderat"-io f"rg,"'*ou"i "i[urar with a mixed but predcminately nas.a-vaii.b1e"d"gr""--or-"o""oriaution parenchy,ura nononuclear inf iltrate. and uetaplasia and :ffia, iolitis, with bronchiolar hYPerPlasia interstitial, subacute, disseminated, mderate to severe, lung, trpuse. Etiotogic Diagnosis: Viral pneurnnia' EiiofoEy, Sdaai virus (l4yxbvirus parainfluenza.ty* I) . . nniptroiogic-diagnosis iisted-!y *"t cqrference Ccmrn"ntsr nt;;;""*f"t.ttle mdifi.rs-such as hyPerPlastic and participant" *"r--br5""f,op"",t"iawilf, suur"ui".--Ho*"u"., based on the iririt eEiology and.che chroni;;-*a ffi;pfl5aic, thi; diagnosis was arended. Pnemnias causedby diffuse intersriiiri'"f,".tg"", aspiration are traditionally classified as baccerial agents and chos6 "."onJrry-tE and irritanC inhralatiqt are 'The Uio""top".,-frniasl *n"r"rg viral, c-trfanyaiil, iesicrs in chis case tdere considered p",",.d.tirs. classified as iniirstiEial quice characceristic of upuie Senaai virus pner-mria. There was cansiderable changes in the-bronchioles, cotpled discussion of *,"-tryperplastic *a *t"plaslic. with the mild mixed infimnatoty response, with particular refererce Eo squ@us in serdai virus infection involves n""pti*rffiJpt.iogic'chang! *-"pr""ii. necrosis followed'uy prbrieeiatioi of rhe-brornhiolar epithelirm which my Progress occlusiim'of the h.mn. Subsequently rhis proliferative change l;-;;;l"ce - l + - (:xtends inEo the peribronchiolar alveolar spaces. SqumousreEaplasia-follows the proliferacive lesions in both areas. the cbll of origin.of che hyperplasti: .^ Ttris cell is also Ehe precursor tot bpitheliur is believed to be the clara cell. Type II pneurDcytesin turn replace desqumated.type.I. tire type lI pnersocyce. ' preurriiytes. A n,rn[rer of ittendeis repoited seeing intiacytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion-like bodies within the hyperilastic epithelim alcrg with a few mitotic iirtricytoptasmic inclusion bodies have been figures involving similar cells. intianrrclear inclusiqr bodies have been rrDuse scrains; in convEnticral reforted and intracytoPlasuic.vila.l particles inEranuclear both mice; and in nude reiorted IIDuse strains infected with Sendai nude and conventional in have been observed gne.atcendee formatiqr in their sectiqt, cell syncychial on cmrented virus. Syncytial cell in cqrditiqr. finding this usual this is not the ho^rever, formation, however, is knournEo occur in tissue culEures infected with Sendai virus. Mice, rats, hansters and guinea pigs are susceptable hosts for Sendai virus infeccion. lbrbidity and rnrtaliEy are highest in nice,. especially youlg animals. Prevalence of unuse bolonies infected ranges frm 40-50%in the U. S. The coplerent fixation test is considered t$ test of choice for detection of infected aniirals. Tbe CF test is rcre sensitive and persists longer chan the routirely of che lesiqls of employedheuragglutinacion inhibition EesE. Differentiatiqr Seirdai virus and pulmnary neoplasia is based cr Ehe distribution of the lesiqt rather than cellular unrphology t^itrichcan be confusing. Contributor: Cmparative Pathology Section, Veterinary ResourcesBrarrh, MH, Bethesafa-:m--tr014. References: rcI;L.H.,Kovatch,R.M.etal.:PathogenesisofSendaivirus infection-in mice. Am. J. Vet. Res. 32: t$5-f841, 1971. Cell-rediated iurrunity uo Sendai virus infection 2. Anderson, I'1. S. et al.: in mice. Infect. Iumrnol. 15: 239-2M, L977. Susceptibility of inbred and outbred mtse strains 3. Parker, J. C. ec al.: co Sendai virus and prevalence of infection in laboraEory rodents. Infect. Imnnol. 19: 123-130, L978. 4. Ward, J. I-{.: Naturally occurring Sendai virus disease of mice. Iab. Anin. Sci. 24: 938-942,L974. TIIOIHY P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary PachologY Departmeit of Veterinary Patholory - () - Hiscories AEIP l.IednesdaySlide Conference - No. 5 Noveder 1980 Case I - 968-79 srtained lesians. 1715366 'rt beggr sali\rating Ealian shepherd dog reportedly At EcroPEy, ghg rirngc erE smrtrat cqlSested d &rvulsicrs. greyish foci, 2 to 3 n in disrpgga. groes llrere Ere rD ofu mrltiple case II - 82t# L7L49L3 an adult male horse Sidr bad a bistory of ar*ia, crd irmcdimFigrs fior 5 mrttrs, uhich inclu&d cirelirg, e hs tiqr. llp cl infr-el slggs had been gecting progressively mre ftrlene, d rms euthanatizd. A uass was fourd in the btrain, rypering to be uidtine in origin, eritb intlrio 16es furmd to of bodr lateral s€ngsisles. Tte maes extelrded frcm cbe orripirar aspect of tbe cFrehlr. [re ceebeflin E ffi about 4 cn short of the eiterior inrrolved. There ms s@ necrosis in tt b,rrt. case nI - 80-1 (eilP 1757055). bel.o$r ttre es Case IV - 78J.+656 of a flying sqldmef. 1,5,6 uere t€ceived frm a croes-bred r€re arreria, sick for 48 days. Tbe nain sptms progressive Eakness. She aborted at 89 days of pregna:cy. A-yec-otrd fesrer d tntgEil P. O'I,EILL Cqtain, IISAF, BSC(VC) 8eg:istry of Vecerirrry Pattnlog/ of Veteriotry Peofqt Depa@t s Resulcs Slide Conference - No. 7 AFIP l,,lednesday 5 November1980 Case I - 968-79 (AFIP L7L6366). ralian shepherd dog reporEedly began s_alivating and At necropsy, the ltrngs were soewlrat congesLedand went-iii6-convulsions. There were no other gross contained uurltiple greyish foci, 2 to 3 um in diaeter. lesions. Canine distesper and pul^mnary Concributor'@ toxopE-F Cmrents: Nrserous toxopla$na organisms are present in foci chroughout Ehe lung. In the stqnch Ehere ire many_intranuclear and intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies in Ehe gastric glands. Attendees I & lbrphologic diagnoses: l) Pnetmnia, and intracytoplas:uric, gastric glands, stoncb. Eciologic Diagnosis; Toxoplasunsis and Canine Disceryer Virus (I,lorbillivivir us) . Distemper V Canine Distemper sp. and and Canine Toxoplasma Toioplasma sp. Etiology: Etioloiy: not were lesions the Toxoplasma containing ffitft'ns C q n r e n t s:ffi i o n sco n ta i n i n g th eToxopIasnaIesionswer enot.Pr esenE Conrents: diagnosed was noE pner-uonia necrotiZing the therefore submitted, 66rall the slides the all was,observgd.fl pnetmonia The diffuse interstitial ParticiPants by'all. several noted intranuclear eosinophilic irrclusion bodies in the epithelial "id cells of the bronchioles. All the paiticipants observed the intranuclear and inrracytoplasmic eosinophilic incluiions iir the gastric-glandq. A-few parEicipants nentioned-degeneration and necrosis of gastric glgnq cells and.preferred a pneuronia and inclusions in t{e interstitial diagnosis of"a mild acute gastritis. thJstqrach were aEEributed to the canine distennpervirus. Those chaEhad secEions containing the Toxoplasmalesions cmuented on the large-nuder of organiTt" boaf, wiChin cells and frie in alveolar spaces. The necroEic lesions corresPond to the A brief discussion followed cornerning the greyish foci observed grosily. *iripf" simultaneous infection of these-agent-s. These conditiqrs frequentfl are observed Infecfiqr by the- virus depresses Che the_imr'rnological io[etner in young anirnls. of chl anTmaland renders it susteptable to infection and proliferation of "r!tu" coxoplasrnaorganisms. CblSsigns observed clinically in these anirnnls could be Exanination of Ehe brain microscopically could attributed to"either infectioi. reveal lesions of one or boch infections. -f----L-- :^:^- LL^ d^--^-l ConEributor: Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, oreg6?l5ra:la-cffiver s i ty, Corvalli s, 0R 9733f . References: K., et al.: Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Vol. If.g"f-t"a'ta, NewYolk , -L978,pP 95-and 370-37L' Springer-Verlag, ' Z: Capen,d: C. and Cole, C: b:: Puhpnary lesions il-dogs wich experirental and natur"ffy occurring toxoplasnnsis. Path. Vet. 3: 40-63, L966. 3. $bCullo"gr,,-g. Ec al.: E-pJirental canine distemper virus induced fyryhoid depletion. Am. J. Pathol. 74t 155, L974. case II - 82446 (AFIP t7-l49lQ. an adult male horse drich had a history of ffiiffi--*. aLaxia, and incoordinaneurotogtc slgns for 5 u'nEhs, *Iii"ii itt"fraua circling, the horse #a'been getting progressivEiy mre severe, and cion. Ttre clini""i-ri*r" was euthanatized. in origin' with invasion A mass was found in Chebrain, appearing !o.bt nidline to The mas!-exrended f;6r itre occipitafrobes forward of both laterar ventricles. noE was The cerebelluo about 4 csr shorc of the anterior ""p""t of the cerebrr.m. turcr' the in involved. There $tas scrlE necrosis ncs: Pineoblastoma' Diagnosis &,C Contributor's .rTretunror an$ ylas coposed of smalr a."".iy-"ellular tqffi6'. conents: "", ,*,i"t had nyplrchroaric nuclei and very sparce round ro slighrr;-"i"g;rca-""iG -There The tLmE was very was no apPaTeg!differentiation' cytoplasmic raterial. Twor cells had seededouc the vascular. Ttrere was minimaf miiolic-l|tiuity. is apparent' ventricular walis"i" *.u"t"f- foci'- The simi-laritv to sedulloolastcma with the diagnosis of pineoblastoma' Sm ltre origin of the tw,3r oo", "o.rritt"nt tulDr for- Ehis grouP of neoplasus' favor the Eerm primative neuoectdermal to i"giiir"iii f;*d'i0.5r-oi snirnels a series oi +oorLmrs of the n6rvoussvstemIn l{hile no be neuroectodexmalin origin, but none aPPe"t"a-io-Ut-pln""9tastomas' animals, iinealma has been reported reference has been found of pineoblastqri'in in a horse, a rat, ffid silver fox' Attendees'Disgnoses&Gmrents: , rneuroectodermal tr'[Ircr' brain' horse' aiagnosi.-*". reached after soe discussion of the Ccnnenrs: Td;b"il gl-ioblast@a' lesion. Other ei;gng;* givEn included; -ascrocytotrla, ependyurma, Nluerous tissue' netvous of oeliodendroma, and"undiffErentiated mixed ttrpr mixed glima and uedurloblas-toma as such diagnoses also differenrial crented morp-hglqrgl and ""."-i""ruded in addition Eo tfiose listed above. Cellular "o*titu.ttts lyrphocytes' reserrbled which cells on were me preJmri"""i small lreul.tttootic 19gd with trabecular sEructures, and larger less abtrndantgal,g ror.nd'lelk associaEed nuclei arranged in small hyperchrmric spindle-shapeJ-""ff" with carrog-shaped tyPe was not preslnt in all sec;ions' Tf'" bundles *d urtrorls. This laEt.i-".ff was cmrented on and felt to location of the lesion and destiuctiott 6i the neuroiitspeciar srains ingtu$ing or *re-ii"i.a-"*plsqrnc.' be arEriburabre ;;-;;;";;r woufd Ue f,efpiul in demnstraEing-argrrophilic cellular Bielschcwsky's "i"i' *ittr pi.,""f-ifata trnprs: Bot! [ineafmas "ld pineoblasEcnas Drocesses ""ro.i"tfi having o'urisntnt behavior with invasion of adjacent fr;; b";; ;;;;;iba-as structures. Angeles Councy Contributor: Ccrrparacivel"tedical & Veterinary Services,^|o" o"p"ffin:ffi"lth'Servi"*",iigz4EricksonAve'.,Downey,CAn242. References: che Nervous O. S. & Rubinsrein, L. J.: PathologYof Tr-uPrs of ffi L977, pp 283-298. svsterr. 4th nd., Williams & Wilkins Co., BaltirDre, of the-nervous sysEem. In r,ugi;Uuttr, H. t Conparative aspects -of -tr-nprs 19 63. in'Animals' Ann' N' Y' Acad' Sci. I08: 702- 72L, Epi"lotloi.ey-;f'c"ncer - 2 - Case III - 80-r (AFIP L757055). ated belcw the ear of a flying squirrel. Contributor's Diagnos.lei Psorergates spp. infestatiqr. Attendees' Eis, proliferative and pyogranulmatous, focally extensive, skin, flyirg squirrel. Etiologic Diagnosis: Acariasis. Etiology: Psorergaces spp. Crents: FscrTptive terms for the dernatitis turnd in before the conference by various atEendeesincluded chronic-active, granulcmatous, suppuracive, chrcricsuppurative, and papillary-cystic. The above diagnosis was agreed upcr after src discussion. Differential etiologic agents listed were Sarcoptes spp., Notoedres spp. and Cheyletrella spp. Charicceristics of the lesidfficEillo'n rdeEfrEe + r , . + mixed inflaruratory response co the presence of the mites, the close association of the parasites to hair follicles, md the tunnels forred by the mites in the epider:nis. Photographs of the gross specimr frcm this animal were viewed along with photodcrographs of the parasites. Grossly the specimr appears as a honeycorb or rn:ltiple microcystic mass within the skin. Features of the parasites included a ror.md body with 4 pairs of legs each with 2 terminal hooks and a medially directed spine at the base of each leg. Histologic features include a chitinous body wall, appendagesor sites of appendageattactment to the body and striated skeletal rnrscle within the bdy cavity. The snall basophilic spherical structures noted in many of the parasites were interpreted to be elmnts of che reprodrrctive organs of the mites. Contributor:- Dr. C,eorgeA. Parker, Veterinary Pathologist, llf0l CourEl-6re:i6ZTElfls, VA 22466. Stremrriew Reference: f-Iyrtr\ R. J.: Parasites of Laboratory Animals. University of Iora Press, L973, pp 460 md 478. 2. Soulsby, E.J.L.: Hilsdnchs, Arthropods, and Protozoa of Drestic Ani'nals. (l,bnnig) 6ch Ed., Willims & Wilkins Co., Baltirnre, 1968, pp 499-51. ? case I\/-:-29-66 (Aqq-I66702r) ed 4-year-old sow \dere received frm "I9:::3: " fever and fot 48 days. The main sptotrEt were anorexla ' *,i"Hffi.n "i"t She ab6rted ac 89 days of pregnancy' ilA;.;;it"-*"t"."tfibrinols pleuritis and Laboratory Resqllg.i On postnorEemEhere was *i"t8!{1 very firm and yellowish effuJion. Liver "riioeys- and mesenceric ryqh reriffial "." brcxmish. bn secrion. splebn was enrarg"dl-i!;i"t-araspots weie scattered throughout tneit whiUe nodes were larg.i-tt..r-.ro"ttf"*i parenchYma. leukemia' Contributor's Diagnosis & Cmupnts: Eosinophilic ryeloid a, eosinophilic, liver, kidneY, and spleen, pig. 'there was general agreementwith- Ehe contributor's diagnosis' csrpnts: rcre eosinorphilic lbdificarions of che satrEaiagnosiS-iG;d Ui-F:.ggt.icipants diiferentiated eosinophilic rnreloid ,"r"*", ir""uf*ytic"salcma'-;rrd.*6ff the-large eosinophilic nveloproliferative disease. Ari-;he ;rienaees nored oc&siqral indented and ;;lit-*a s,lanuies wirhin the cyroplasmoi d;; ilPiFaic however,possessedromd nqrrobulated robulasednuclei. the urajority'oF'in"-"Ll1r, brooa vessels reinforced the nucrei. tte presenceor lnes"-rftilri" ""itr-wittrin Grossly rhese lesiqrs have been *Gt. reukesricnarure of this conairioi-ilHi; tisiues in cattle and pigs' described g""!i Ji""oior"a "i".s affecting various ", resiqrs fila tr"u. to 5e differenEiated frm eosirnphilic I"Iicroscopicalry-ir,"r" iio"-;iis wtrenpresenr in nmrscle. Eosinophils ryurphadenirisai-'""ri"optiii" well lobulated cells Dresent in the o.her conditiq," i.uia aPPearis mature cel1s. neoplastic iumatureappearring SJellJa-io-ri.". of Agriculture' Contributor: Animal Pathology Laboratory, QuebecDeparrenC 7C6' 25 St. fy?ffi-t6'eTrrebec, CanadaJ Refgrgnces: r-,Jr ^-r r--^r^-^r^e' and heq?topoiecic J. E. and Dungworth, D. E:, - Itmrs of lphoid ffi Editor, cisstres. rn rumrs-in Dcrestfc gtrir"t", 2nd Editicr, J. E. lbulEon, c"fifornia Press, 1978, pp 150-204' u"i".i"ity-t Natimal Carner 2. Migaki, C., Heuratopo_i:li"-ry*pii"*s of Staughter Animals' Institute"l'lonograph 32: f2f-89, L969' P. O,NEILL TIT,tOftIY Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Reiistry of VeterinarY PathologY OertrmLnc of Veterinary Pathology - 4 - Histories -No.8 AFLPl.tednesdaySlide Conference U Nove6er l9g0 Case I - SI'IRIRat Case II (MP l7f8l/f)' approximately lO.t*"f -lstor-:Tji ,,i*,ffi(.'a:diare!er)massinttreri!trtventralsideofneck. Case II - D78-9390 (AFIP 1668449)' with a hisgory of ar acute b.,s"t-oi old rat presented female cross-bred ffi, afuitced to ttre clinic anorexia, depression srd head pressing'. The Dearhoccuired wichin 24 trotrrsof atuission' ;;il1 6p";;;d-;G;lt-aer,yaracea. sptrc' Threq"rnert r.po.l"d *rat anolner EBre died recently wirh CD{S Case III - 25903-N P L157436 a doe besan one mntb after it had been hic by E6ifle@E-in ard alveolar pner-mria. revealeddiffuse inceistilial Case IV - !lA8-If9 (AFIP f6687t2. Historv: Arl Payed f9t"f9 cat with a history-of. posterior Euthanasia was and trearrFnt. ataxia rot I week$ ilas presented fbr'exaination pei-orrea 2 days after iosterior paralysis developed' TII-,1I}TTP. O'NEII.L Capcain, USAI', BSI(VC) Regiscry of VeterinarY Patholory Departuenr of Veter inary Pathology Results Conference - No. d Slide f^lednesday AFIP 12 Novenber 1980 tlase I - Sl^iRIRat Case II with--Ie6 (AFIP l7f832l). approxirnauely l0 -wee[ old rac PresenEed (6 cm. dianecer) mass in che righc ventral side of neck' Contributor's DiaPFosis & CqmEnts: Carotid body tull)r (cnerpdectorna; nonchrtrBt tln ParagangrlCIna)' Ccmnent: tne E-urflr consists of round to oval epicnelioid cells wich Cells are arranged in cords, nests, qd eosiiophiii"-;tiopf""*. indistincr, tiUriu" trabeculae divide Ehe Er-lrpr inco an alveolar In *,"y'"r"u" cl'sEers. The'cumpr is highly vascular, and a-Peritneliomatous paLEern is "ii."g"n="c. MitoCic figures are rare. Many areas of necrosis are presenc' evideXc. Attendees' Diagnoses & Cmtrents: o{na' malignant, vencral neck regio.n' !a!' l Prirnacive before the conference included: surrnitted Ccnnengs: othei diapnoses turpr of primaEive cell origin, poorly neuroecgdermal .lr"pf"",rl'*Jitiur"ntiated and reciculLrn cell sarcqra. CurenEs on Ene rorphglo,6y dif ferentiated co spindte""r"'in*, of che tumor incLrJ"a ifre prcxninent endocrine paEtern, Lhe small round wirh scanc cyloplam, cn" variabl! mirotic raLe, and nulrerous foci of ilrpd race ""it-r necrosis. The cLrrDrwas ioniiderea to be malignanc, basedon,Ehe hign uricocic into extension wicn Ehe-caPsule of invasion observed in sme areas of the tr-srrr and is ionsidere! tuncr gylc:^::t:,in This tissues pi"t"nr in sorresections. These tuII'Drsare trDre often "aj""""t Ehe raL, as only bne has been reporred previously,(l). of aorcic body origin' are oi'them tn"joricy in che canine, where'itr" encoungerecl than are caroEid My frequent nDre ciues Aortic body tulrnis in che dog are 5 co 6 In mancarocid body similar' t-tphologically. tuncrs. nistol<[i.":-fy CnuEto utu The functions of tulDrs. forfic'hrdy tna., frJrrDrsare encounferedmore frequencfy chesorecePlo-I These reviewed. were bodt body and aorcic in. anclalO 1n ""rorid Eo changesin blood carbon dioxide, ptl, and oxygenCension'":91":.1t:sensiCive an Cheregulacion of'respiraEion and ciruculation., Theseorgans.can initiaEe paraminute volr.meof respiraEion by way of increase in rhe-;#[:-;;a;-;"4 nearE race and blood pressure Dy way oI increase and synpaEhetic innerviCion sympathecicinnervation. These i*ot" in dog-sare cqlsideied co be nonfunccional' is Etlou8hE Tlre exacEcefl ol orig,in has not been precisSly determinedalthough-ic neu-'-oof cells by Eo arise tr<xr perivasEular nnsoderrnalbelk chit are invaded jugular utlt internal This tissue also is found in the ecroderffiaforigin-tij. of, branch recurienc Ehe along the innmri""i"'arreiy, U"i*r-crre middle ear, along ganglion, Pancreas,ind che ciliary ganglicn in rhe slossupnurynt*;t ;;;;;,'nodo". tire orbic (2) . lzt++ ' i,)onCr ibuEor: SCerling-Winrhrop ResearchInsciCuCe,Rensselaer' NY References: T. SII'e, p. n. et al. : fun:rs. In Pachology of La'roracory Ani-sBIs, VoL' I[ ' s;;i;;;;-v.ir Benirschlie, K. ec al - '(Eds) f u u n o' r so i cnE endocr ineglands. In .. , ,.\ W 2 . C ; l 1 r e nC , . ri.: (gd) , Univ. oL r laLifor nia Pr ess, r ler lceley'19{ 9, PP,+r +- +z u' ]'lculron, I [. . iinals, An ----J. gertirscn('J, Pacnologyof Labor acor yAnimals,VoI' II' L) /6' K. ec ll.: p. t0fttt. ' [r - cfi]r s, VOI' i' of 4 . A s ,rL e y,l )..J.8 .: E va n s'i' listoL.l,licaIAppear iinCes i r 1 i i d i t i o n , L ( l/ ' j , p P 9 / - ' i I . Case Ii - D 7 8 - 9 3 9 0( A F I P 1 5 b 8 4 4 9 ) ' - ^ r n n ^ ^ . { - . i r r a r r n r - h ecl.ini,: etini: fer*rle cross.Dred PoA a&ricced Eo tne , o i . t " ' f f i r o " y . o f a n a c u t e o n s e t ; i " " * " * i " , d e p r e s s i owiEhin n a n d . h24 e anours d q : " :ot: i : adfiilsslon' 9:.^I?i aLrinal appeared--""ruiy dehydrated. DeaEhoccuiredwith CNSsyilPtolls' recently fhe oivner" ,"porru6-that anocher mare died Leucoencephalcnalacia(rploy eorn ,l)nErib poiso diasEt ^i -^l oaia aaoh ? - l ccn' n . iin n d iagEcer 2-3 each ccmrenEs: on gross exanination ti^to areas oi malacia, organs' other in fowrd not were were found in crre Eerebrar white-matter. Lesiqrs fot "nn.I{I c-rtt poisoning" in horses nas noE beenEo horses 'F;;;,i.uq The Eoxin ,""iror,"iUiu Tsohred from feed Eoxic *.*'toi"*"n!"-u""n characEerized. ptoou.iio" of cne Eoxin wnicn causes cne and is choughc.affipffiffi d isease. AEtendees' Diagnoses& CosEnEs: acute, nurci focal co focally lor6;raamffiphalcnalacia, Eortical white maEcer'brain' horse'. extensive, ".u"r", EcrologicDiagnosis:l,eucoencepnaliticmycotoxicosis' Et rology: t'l"Tdt;g1n poisoningl rE?,iiHt.F"iliforse' i."uprabie mor3i55ogi6ni5g;5516' lisced by runy Ccxnrencs, A"-u(*ify whiEemaEEer' parErcipan6swas neirosi's, md freunrrnage,acute, uultifocal',severe' b r a i n , C r r a r a c t l r G ; i ; ; o f * , . l e s i o n s c r e n t e o o n w e r e t h e - l ainflamstory r g e a r e a s resPonse' necrosis pru""rri- in the tissue, ihe lact< of a sienificanc Considerable discussion vEssels' and muttifocal henorrhages, mst ;oto,," .i"*a trDsEnotaoly cne hyPerEroPny vessels around and in ensued concernirif;;;fi;"g"s cells in small vessels, Ehe perivascular .md possible hy$rplasia oI of small sue eosinofnirs,"na EhePresence *o fiJil"il".i"fi;;i "nao*,"iial heanrrhage of *rE vessels' Tne-Presenceof,:1:t" variaOly sized hyaline bodies "t'"*a-t*" tead poisoring in nutkeys hyaline bodies in o*rer coxic CNi conditiqrs- such as to Loxic enEitres' Tnese a iefationship i-coirefatioti'*iin-oi srrong,ly been observei in mrkeys poisored wicn have "ugg""l" pAS positive. They also bodies are "unldy corn poisoning'-' in horses are may arsenic. ocnertilsi;;'"rl*'i"c"a-*iir, uire'duct Protiferation ifiich centrilobular hepaEic necrosis and fibrosis ana cNs lesions alsc may i; coniuctiqr with it. occur indepenoerE-.i-.ii"-aNs-lJi;"-;; pifi"t"*"t lesions in rhe (rt." ai"gnoti" -Lesions 9f ,ylacic occur wichout hepatic lesions in cnis nerpeEic Edii" n"ip"" Virus I. equine brain mat6er' hesDrrnag'e white Che to "rriSli^ir.til; rnalacia which is noC ristricCed disease include cuffs' 0rner fyqh&ytic.perivascular -silr:,Td arounrlvessels, a necrotizing itt"iitit-""a llsions include i{EE' vEE' diseases of the equine which m"y-proarce clls and PurPurahmrrnagrca' nEe, -quine viral'arEeritis, Ccnributor: i l-t iffiTs---'I8CIf. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Illinois' Urbana' P.eferences: an -At. thenEjor-cause of f.. et al.: l,{cldy eorn poisoning.as T.ffiIilaH J' Vet' R'es' 29: 202-2f,9' i968' encephalanalacia syndrmre in nifrcir" "Wi9"9. A orycoCoxicosisof equiCae 2. l,tarasas,W.F.0. eE aI.,-'ftu.o.rr"l"phaloralacia: J' Vec' Res' +3 (3): cirusedby trusaririmrpniliforuB #;id;;l--ile;[!p-tt rii:izz.' LsE;- CausaEive ly1gus agenE of lerroencephalmalacia 3. liilson, B' J. eE aI.: Vet. Rec' 88: 484-48b' L97L' equine a"itnufi. - 7 - i:t (q4! u5713b)'ca-rerlr - 2o903-N ic irad been niE in a Jcg Deg'an one lpnEn afcer biffu"u i.ceistilial and alveoiar Pne.n,onia' ."ffiogroif;;;;;;rr"i" due to Filaroides hirUli' ;'rY nenaUodiasis ConCribuCor's Diag,nosis: Pul:rxcnary Arcendees' Diagnosis- & CmsF-nts: can ine. ooodle, rHtiologic Diagnosis: EEiolrryy: Filaroi9es ' granuluntous' seve-L-e'lunl' diffuse' Verminous PneLrnonla' sp' , .L>^r tr-.' rL^ ^arrininnnfe, ffi t ] c l r r e n c s : o E i r e r d i a g n t r s e s s u b m i e u e d b y t h e p a ihtersci'ciaf r c i c i P a l : : - 9 ' verminous -i*toEhe granutuna'ous pner'mbnia' confer,:nce rrere il;t;;i?lal parasices listed were inr"rsfiri"r-p*u.^u.*lu.'oiii"."ntial pneurronia,and "h;;ia osleri' F' and Egar.llr',i* milksi FurEnertrpqe'the tlorm was Ttre lxrasite was idenCified as a nematode' rhac f*ily-r"bcascrongylidae. characteristics classif ied as a',r*,b";-;i-ir," developeC) (pooriy size of-wJilsr-z-) ro*, enabled this diagnosis were: I) *!,rr, large'intesCine cqosed m" p'"'"n""'of'a musculature, 3) larvae in utero; and 4) carlarned rarg,e arpuirs of heupsiderin'wicn of few ceus. The inEesEinar cerls-also cases oi infection ft*'tinom ,iii";F;"i;il?bil rhe worn '"r,J The norphologr of "",g*iiaiignosis,was {i}glPi*":i,^, Specific tr,u, ,t'q. Filaroides spp. a granurmacous secEToffiffiince was nor possiut"'il'iiil?"8i;;1 TffLiTrcarion specific probable spsc the reactior,r was surrounding bom aduits rrnd lirvae diagnosis was I. hirthi. around larvae and degeneraElnB A similar granulomatousreacEion may be observed adulc F' milksi worrls in F. urilksi infectiqr Uui-it--"oc'cqmnf'y-observed-aror'rtd as.a pos'ibilFT'r-o.i4es osleri *oura also have d 6"-"""ria"i"a 'j[;;;:. nernacodesr wicn nodule associated usually are cE'ffi6uffir""neuratodes Posr'tive bronchi. ot"tl-crr"t""-"na-i"-tn"_hrg.r forrna.isr at rne bifurcati* parasiEe of Uheentire identificaCion of the wormwoula-iequire-examination cavity,-and reiroductive Ut""al lengch, characcei.tli""-ot--i6 incLuding Oooy buEa 'Ihe i;i:;i.l;;;-F. hirEhi has not been corpleEely workedouE fearures. exiscs evidence trosr . considbrablenollusc i, of the -LI stage of the parasite ingestion "u"piiila-'"!-ir,!-i#""ffire indicacing infeccion also may ;|.u! -lrt if,e fung, of canin6 include Capillaria (Z). Other nematodeparasites e"*a-i" also nuscbe arert aerophilia, cr"IJl*,"'i"ipi", ""t 4gi:gry+t+ {ne YasoLPi @abscrusrnalalungr,vormot6uffimaybeanunnatural-lcsE. of veEerinarv Departnenrof PaEhotggy& Parasicology, scnool *"trt*-t: universicY, & 368i9' unaiEfii6G;' References: T. aGilEil. R. eE ar.: Firaroides hirchi in a,dog. Facar nyperinfecrlr'r ififfiTfl5: 33'fTJ+: l?901 . -^^ -i.-n.-er of aucoinfection' suggesEive of cne life hrscoryoi aI., P;;1iniryIy i1veg1lgation 2. Georgi, , -L976. nirrr,i. cornell ver. b6: 309-323 L;.ilaroides ----T.-ffirTrEE-n, osreri infesLarion in do;-s' strii"I-o.-E1 J. E.: "s j. 0ndersrep,<ro,,cvec. [""' 35: 225-256:86{ - 3 - CaseIV - NA,J-II90ntf 1608789). payed tamale cat wi,trr a histmY of pos,ter:ior .rrea4pntd,ucna.lasii '*as ,rraxTa-Iffi weeks was presented for exmi.natiqr d perf,rrmed 2 days afcer poster:ior paralysis dettetord. j,:rnor:t-ory Results: t)Sf-I62qg% protein 39 wBC/mr (gJt rrehocyres) Con,:ributor'@ nenin@EfEf Blastcnrycosis, granrl onqagqus ranirges fru Cl ttlcuryn Ere carrda equina i,(trreots: The spinal csrd d oermtiti.Cis urtained a sul-rprrirBeal p5regranulomtrvJg prces.s rittr BI"as seeo in the lesims of eaAr sectir:n. Tnere lse frcatr- pyogrirnuloertcr$ Iesims l-ett bipocmps in the area of e m occr.pical regicts. Atteadees' Diacrmses E Cmts: diffirsg" ss!'c;e, litis, iltograrl,@tqJs, spinal cord" 6H, felire. Eti.oL€ic Diryrnsis: $rcotis ffiiiqBmFlitisBLastovcee derilnfiddis. Etiolqr: diagruis arnd raitb uE canaihruars Cc-"ents: rt= i€s icse,tE mt felt signifc**.ty c@rtsA fs participmts ryinat omd ringitis aleALt and peferred tb diagmis sf inuolved i.n their sectim participants agreed that dE prinrry les'o-t nas in trp l+ninBee ritb secey rc chf,rderizrd extersian ioto tbe spioal cmd- Ihis extcio V inflrmrm d destnsio of cre p@f,rating into dre srsst*"re of fu cad at fu peripky Feaares rere deented by all. intol.rd neuropil. neccElg orgaisc rcre size (5-1511), [Eeserce of a tbriu of btastoyces agaic charrcteristic ttee feacwes cell uall, d broad bfls6 h*|iry. Speciat SaiG *ricb Mratd ircludett tl6, PAS, ad Gridtey's hrrgus srlin. Tbe rarte of iofectim in tnls cds*: rrcIuded ure *as cmjecrr.Eed to be eis ssriqgeal riessels c C$- Discrreio geogr,aphic distributisr of the mganim ad ttre oatr.cal soil Life cy.le. P.rlmrar.' seeo in s1innfu, h.t stin, bc d vrsceral lesrgs .els"t lesisrs ,rce mst cmrl.y histrylnsrrtis, occur. Differential diapses irclude parrcid'ioidm57wie, cryptococ@sis, and cmcidioi@7coeis. Deparesrt of Veterirnry Csrtritntor: arheGlGTI2. PafuLogr, Linieer iEy of G@gid, Refererrces: rl[rteFi'c. 61;ma1s, Vol. et al.: pp-Tt60-t-562. 2- F.rmrs, C. l{. et al.: ]rd Edititn, 16, in Patfiologr {bet. Fugal disesesR. et al-- (Ed-), Sfo;-U*-V€r@ tahatoiy II , Benirsct*e, I € 6 & Fdi.ger, Gr4ter 2L, ia Itbdrcal S-,ol,r$l, BlastmlrcosisPbil€delphia, L977, pp.'lA2-3b1. rrilIIIf P. o'rg[{^L Captain, [EAF, 3SC$ru] Regiscry harnqt - 4 - of Ver-erinary Pactrrtqgr Patnr,rtqgr of Veterinay Iliscories AFIP lHnesday Slide Corrference - No. 9 19 Novesber 1980 Case I - 2 & 3 or Skin & LLne (AFIP Le0295). e cat was presented qr 8lL5l77 to che acce@cerinarian,hewasdepressed,hadarecta1cery.of104oFarrdarcL'r'd purrture in the lefc thigh. Ttre anirnal was tr(,1red wich Penicillin lt'l srd hospicalized. Ttre next day, the patient's teq'erature dropped t9 I02oF. X-ra-ys Ct che of the left rear leg revealed rp broken bares or ary additianal lesios. che anirrnl's tery. dropped to 98oF. and had pale 2nd day of hospitalizacion rnr.lcusmeqbranes. Laboracory tesEs revealed a PIV of t0% and a tlBC of 12,000. I\p neeks folloring the first day of hospitalization Ehe patient was still very depressed and icteric. The rectal tenp. at the tirre was 96oF. laboracory tescs and revealed a PCVL07", a i.tBCof 11,000 and a blood f ilm wim polydrrosia nurerous nucleated RBC. I\eo slides, qre each skin & Iung. Case II - 0ffi-962 (AFIP 1758398). n u Z-year-old cqrtrol female rat. yellovl nodule 1.5 x L.2 s -Gross: Right kidney has a large firm excending-Tnto uEdulla . in cortex, case rrr - 794386 (ArrP L7L2926). oy poodle, 9 weeksold, was presented to a Trearent veterinary cqPrgerpyl service at 3:00 a.m. after a secqrd conwlsiqr. the pup $eakened consisced of sedatiqr at first and later by anesthetization. A A progressively and died at 4:20 p.m. It was presentd for necropsy after 3 days of refrigeration. Gross necropsy observations were rrurcollapsing, congesEd, edenaEouslung,s wich foam in trachea. (AFIP U6f,l88). CaseIV - L773L/8O-976 erved 3 l'br 80 in chis rabbic. It died eleven Oays laEer. TII'IJITIYP. O,NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary Pathology Deparmrc of Veterinary Pacbologl AFrpwednesday rliilt8:"ference - No. e 19 l,trovember1980 2&3orSkin& Puncture in che left hospitalized. P L640295 chigtr. Tfre ininal nas ir."i.a-*icnE"ilinin -ar The next ji{ ilay. Ehe E!: oatientts pacienr,s ror,r-rrrlrrra ternpera id; -io - u.t and rtrnnmt l/l')oorl'-x_ ;tpA rn Ioit *"f *" }:?id: ^^Ihi^i"f . t, no broken-;.ry. of rhe left rear leg reveaied uones6r-*i-"aoiii[i}-i"r;*": -;roei"g_ rry, t';'r* ;il'i?;' p"t T1,l.-lp:tr *ll:::i:i- .1. 1"i*i; ;;-'ie86: " pcv-5i-ro% rescs reveareal .'ilid-oi-irffi0. 3:,y: P:-._.!'p?I?:oTv ry :::l:^::lT:l"g-*e.rirsc qepressed depressed and and icteric. v! erw\t r..o div of hospirari".ii"" cheparien!vrassrirr very The rectal temn nr r a,.n*^r^--- cesEs at- rha rhq rim qire irac wasoAon 96oF. rroo..cory F:.r??.ll^.*q. ll:9m .-urooJ iil- i.iirn-p"ii,.rffi;il;d :=l* :..ry^191,-3^!ilBcjf nrqErous nucleaced RBC. fiio slides, "",f one each skin & i*g.E--'--' Laboratory ResulEs: @ pcv 3rd-day: temp. 96oF. U,000, reccal reslD.9goF. l0%,t{Bcrr;000, porychr*Ii", nrcrearedRBC,s,reccar Concributor's D is & CoutrEncs I'f,fPfioro{5rc uragnosls: Acuce and chronic fasciicis - PuIIDnary thrmbosis. wicn vasculitis and throtbosis formacion.' Eciologic Diagnosis: Bacterial chromboembolicsepticemia. Cmencs: IE is felt thaE the thigh toould was Ehe site of che initial infeccion wfrich led to a sepcicemia resulting in a regenerative nemlytic anemra and pul-unnary chrorbosis. Accendees'Diagnoses & Comencs: itis, subacute, focally extensive co diffuse, -^r^ trDderaceco severe, subcucis, skin, gi:npsg qsg, feiine. 2i ttirmUosis, venuGr and arceriolar, m.rltifocal to disseminaced, sJ#uticular, dermat, vessels, nrcderate to severe, skin and fung. 3)'a)'vasiuii.ii, Hlperplasia, redial,""4-il1,[;;t and incimal, rcderate co severe, pulunnary arceries, rI"g. subacuce,s&llcifocal, mild, ^venules, subculis, skiir. il pneumniE, intersciciai ana-granulmacous, rulcifocal rnderace, lune. Etiologic Diagnosis: Unresolved. CcrtrEncs: The presence of the-pner-uo.niaand chroobosis in the lung varied frm one section to Ehe nexE. the eciol6gic diagnosis was deferred, as a gEneral corrcensuscould not be reached. Differentiil -il;;ri;i-;;F;;;;e;l;line etiologic diagnoses irntudeA disseurinated intravascular coagutari;, inrecciors anemia, and mrreloproliferacive-disease. A proposedpossiure'eiiorogic diagnosis for the rediai hyierplasia lisceJ-bi*"i;5"-[ur-*ry nemarodiasis caused by ielt ciresrin iesisr andrhe pur*r"iy +. h,]y.parcicipants f*:H*tg"ryl": cnrqrhosls and associaced lesims were related. Additionally, a largl nrmber'oi parEiciPancs wonderedntrether a concurrent infeccion wich Hefrobartonellosis or erychemic myelosis eraspresent in cnis case. Scmeattendees reporteo ous";uing suspicious granular densicies on RBC'sand could noc rule out Hem)barconelia organisms or Howell-Jolly bodies. Binucleared red blood cells and ntnerous ismature cells were reporced by a few atcendees and felt to be representaEive of a nyeloproliferative disease. lGdial hyperplasia was preferred over Ehe usual diagnosis of redial hypercrophy becauseof increased nr.der of surcothmuscle cells aPparenEin chese arEeries. The incimal hyperplasia was discussed and proposedro be due to direcr baccerial endotoxic effeccs or to hypoxic changedr.reto che chrdosis. At the close of the discussion of this case, ic was suggescedchac addicional laboratory tests and other organ cissue sections such as liver, kidney and spleen may have been helpful in determining Ehe spbcific cause(s) of che Lesions presenc. ConEributor: UniversiCy of Texas SoucnwesEernMedical School, Dallas, TX 75235. Case II - 080-962 (AFIP t758398). n a 2-year-old control fp.nale rac. Righc kidney has a large firur yellow nodule L.5 x 1.2 cm in corcex, -Gross: . exterrding into redulla. Concribucor's Diasnosis & Connents: Renal cubular carcinma. icy of che cellular rorphology wicn areas Ehat are forming tubular areas, papillary areas, sheets of cells, anii clear cells or "hypernephroa" have been previously reportd in the liueracure. No recasaric lesions liere seen. Accendees' mrlclfocall l) Renal carcinmra. 2) Nephrosis, Corencs: There was general agreeuenc rrith Ehe concributor's diagnosis and corrrrnnEs. iitrile various narres are acceptable for this neoplasm including renal renal tubular carcinma and adenocarcinma, che carcinoma, renal cell carcirun, first two nees are used rnsE widely. The nicotic rate was low buc srrrp of che figures hrere very prmrinent. Vascular invasiql was noc observed. Differencially s6re participancs felr chis neoplasm hras an adenma. Distirrccion beurreen renal carcinomas and adenmas ofEen is difficulc. In the abserce of mcastasis or discinct invasion, Lhere are no exacc gross, hiscologic or ulErascruccural features Ehac consiscencly differenciace renal carcincmas and adenmas. Even Einy turDrs less than 2mr may exhibic feaEures of malignarny including necrosis, hmrrhage, pleourorphism- These turDrs do rpc mecastasize prominenc mitoses and cellular in huunns and dogs. Ic was pointed ouc chac several chemical cmnnly.excepc corrpounds have been shown co produce Lesicrs in che kidney ranging frcm cubular hyperplasia co carcinqn. Lesions in rhe urecers and urinary bladder may acconpany Ehese rubular changes. Incidence of primary carcinoss of rhe kidney in racs is in rhe considered quice low. Spcrtaneous mixed sarcomas have been reportd A short discussion follosred ccrcerning Osborne-tubndel and Bronn Norway rat (1,3). che other lesisrs present in chis case. The Eerm nephrosis was preferred based on changes ard rhe preserrce of proceinaceous tubular, and interscicial che glcxerular, - ? - casEs in sme cubules. A nluber of equally accepcable synonyms for cnis condicion also were trEnEiond. This lesion is presenc in many scrains of racs. The incidence, &d age of occurrence vary wich cne strain of rac. Nepnrosis ofcen incerferes wicn the incerpreEacion of experirental procedures. Contributor:. Turnpillffi, Pamolory D,eparCnpnE,Hazleton LaboraEories, Inc., VA. 9200 Leesburg References: fTurusov, V. S.: Pachologyof Tr.uors in LaboracoryAnirnals. Vot, I, ParE2, pp 73-75. 2. BulleEin of the t^IorldHealcn Organization. Vol. 53: No. 2-3, p. 238. 3. Benirschk€, K. F., et al.: Pattrclogyof Laborarory Animals. Vol. I, pp L42-L45, and Vol. II, p. 1161, Springer-Verlag, Nan York, 1978. Case III - 79-0386 consisced of sedation aE first and lacer by anescheEization. The pup weaicened prqgressively and died at 4:20 p.n. IE was presenced for necropsy afcer 3 days of refrigeraciqr. Gross necropgy observations rrere noncollapsing,-congested, edesncous lungs with foam in trachea. Contriburor'e Diqglroq1s& Cqmnts: Calcificacion, rrEtastatic, lung. on of rhe hearr or ics bfdd veisels, buc sm fiber degeneration was indicaced by HBF" scain reacEion. Kidney concained lesions mrphologically similar but less exEensive chan those in the L-rrg. Kidney and lung deposits were Alizarin Red and PA,Sposicive, iron and fac negacivd. EM photmicrogrgphs demrscraced laminated struccures associaced wich degenerating cell organellee, with collagen fibers or with incerstitial space. Incensely electron dense needle-shaped crystals noted in and at Lhe edge of laninaced struccures and in rhe lining of vessels resedled hydroxyapacice. There were no significanc lesiqrs in ocher tissr.rcs. There wag Eensicr becrdeeno&merand oreeder wLrichmade it unjudicious to irquire abouE che feeding routine co wt'rich Ehis yowrg dog had been exposed. l) Calcificatiqr/mineralizacion, Attendees' Diagnoses& Corents: recascaEic, dif e. 2) Pner-mnia, incerscitial, granulocracous,ctrronic, focal, Iung. Etiologic Diagnosis: Unresolved but suspect hypervitaminosis D or uremia. Correncs: There was unanimus agreeuEncwitn the concribucor's diagnosis. Tne diffuse mineralization in this case was considered cmpacible wich vicanin D coxicosis or uremia. Possible causes lisced prior co the conference $ere secondary hyperparachyroidism, ccrgenical renal hypoplasia, and fr-rrctional picuicary adenon. A focus of pneumnia wich incerstitial fibrosis, macrophagesand gianc cells was present in sqrre sections. If chis focus of inflasmation was a response to che mineral, !{e are unable to explain the focal nacure of the response vrnenche mineral was diffuse in septal walls, vessel walls, 6od bronchiolar walls. t"lineral also was presenc in many alveolar spaces. There was sc@ discussion of che - 3 - vaccinarion staEus of chis animal and che possibilicy of cne CNSsigns being atcributed to che srecasEaciccalcificacion or scrE infectious Process, i e. canine disterper, or coxoPlasrosis. D'epartuEntof Vecerinary Science, Universify of Arizona, Concributor: tucs66Z-85721. References: ffi.D.,eta1.:HypervicanirrosisinNerrl{or1dl'!mrkeys.AD.J.CLin. ----2. 222 358-366, L969. Nutr. Capen,C. C. et al.: The patholory of hypervitainosis D in caccleVet. 3: 350-378, f968. Pach. --R. l{. et al.: MeEastatic calcificacign,PldY9gq in dogs oy 3. ltttig"t, trypeivicaninoEi"'D and haliphagia. Am. J. Path. 262 45L-473, 1948' Case IV - L773L180-976 : A severe P t76r488 3 Mar 80 in chis rabbit. Ic died l) HepatiEis, necrotizing' -qcuqe, 2> Coccidiosi.s,-repatic, iitiformis. uufr *,tcifo""1,seveie,tiv.r,etioro[v:@HyperpIasia,biliary, mrltifocal, severe, bile ducE, Iiver. , ttre'incrah.pacic bile duct epithelirm is proliferative forming C@nEs: fronds with nr-rerous cocciiial organisms in- varying st€es of developnc in ctp i"l cells and Ltren of the-ducts. AIso focal areas of necrosis are "pi-f,"f rEaii"r"A througlrout Ehe hepacic parenchryq. Degenerating.hepatocyces ac.che bacteria consiscent with of necrosis c6ntain litmrtous marsin of che a cruly coincidental, "i""s represents piobably case This il;?ii;-piiit6*ir. Cqrtributor's Diagnosis & CmenEs: BoEhEireria simrrtaneou" o"frrr".*e of two iifectious piocesses in one tisstr. ESilaEiqr requiring neither gacili"rpactrogens, piriiormis-aie-p;i*"i sreidae ana -ot a' :ffiH*"fHll"1#5ffi"!li.* a preolsPosll cause of diarrht in other tissues of this rabbit due to extrellE posmrCeut autolysis- -Horeyer., other rabbics received at the sre tire frm thl szne suPPlier-and colony had lesions caused by l. piliformis in the caecLmand hearE as well as Ehe liver. E Attendees' DiaPnoses& CcmEnts: lasia, biliary, mrlcifocal, urcderaEeco ii iiviri, iabbic. 2) Necrosis, nepacocellular, ""u.r!l';i6%*lai"ectasia, mderate, Iiver. rultifocal, il Hepacic coccidiosis. 2) Bacitlary hepacicis (Tyzzer's Eriologic Di;gt#";i disease). EtiologY: f) Eireria stedae. 2) Bacillus piliformis. - 4 - Conents: An equally accepEableunrphologic diagnosis of proliferacive cholargitis was lisced by several aEtendeesas chere erasa mild inflannaEory componenE surrotrnding the affecced bile ducts in manysecEions. This inilarrmacory cotrponent_was cmPosed primarily of lyuphocytes and a few heteropnils. Large nr.mbersof coccidian parasites were observed in cbe hyperplastic-epichelirsr-and free wirhin the h-uen of uhe bile duccs by all Ehe participancs. Scmepreferred an eEimrpkologic diagnosis of protozoal cholangiEis. AII of the parcicipancs reported observing the snrltiple foci of hepacic necrosis and several reporcd seeing intracellular organisre in the hepatocytes at the peripfrery of chese lesions. These baccerial organisms were characterized as long bacilti arranged in a cross sEick fashion in the cytoplasn of hepatocytes. Subsequently a Gtr'IS siain was provided which accentuated this rcrpholog. A brief discussion followed concerning the life cycle of the coccidian parasite. Poincs discussed reerercde of transmission, migration to the liver, bile ducts, and scages of replicatiqr. Tne siutulcaneous @currence of these diseases in chis rabbic suggesEsa decrease imu.ne sEatus due co stress and hepatic coccidiosis wtrich in turn led to che esEablisrurenc of q. pi.fiformiq as €n opportmistic infection. Concributor: Division of Pachology, Walter ReedArmy Institute Washirrg-t6,-F200U. of Researcn, References: f.-TEeffi, H. M. et al.: The Digestive Systen. In Parholo Animals, sls. ed. bv by K. Benerscke. Benerscke,et al.. al., NewYork. Springer-Ver@ Sprineer-VaTlff ' 2r 2. Squire, R. A. ec al.: Twprs in Pathology of Laboratory Aninals, ed. by K. Benerscke, et al., NewYork, Sp 3. Carltor, W. W. and Hunt, R. D.: Bacterial Diseases. In Pachology of Laboratorv Animals, ed. by K. Benerschke, et al., New York, Spring-r@rffig" L978. 4. Shadduck,J. A. and Pakes, S. P.: Protozoal and,Metozoal Diseases. In Patirology of Laboratory Animals,.pp ed. by K. Benerschke, eE a l . , N e wY o r k , 160!|-1607. 5. ftretana, H.: Coccidiosis of the liver in rabbics III: Experirental scudy of the hisuogenesis of coccidiosis of the liver. Arch. Pachol. 5:5L6-536, 1933. TIT.ryIttYP. O.NEILI Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Regisrry of Veterinary Pachology DeparcuenEof Veterinary Patnology - 5 - Histories AFIP !{ednesdaySlide Conference - No. f0 25 Novesrber1980 Case I - 80-331 (AFIP L757304). sture, four went off feed and developed derma-Effiwo1len I14h nodes' anrdhaci bfood in cheir fqceq. An enlirged kidney was palpated per rectLm in one heifer. AII four cattle died within cr,vodays of each ocher. qqse II - urunrked (AFIP L755277). ZE$reek-oldAirdale puppy frcm South Africa. Foqr pups died frcm a litter of eiglrt. The trrps died r:aiidiy shoring vague AnS signs. Case III - PL D18075 (AFIP L666524). -year-old spayed female poodle. She was euthanized following the-onset-of dysoneaand cr-iilt nerve deiicits. RadioeraDrrs shotr a mass in the anEerior rediastinym. signiiican;-iinCi gnly rg ;-;;E;6"y was a 4.0 csr diaeter mass extending frm f.he the basl of"rtre Gaic-6-;# -' of the anterior sEernun that was nuftinodular and mrcGd "iga"hmefit ;4. Fiion and dark CaseIV - Wt{80/729-2 were distribured to bait rabbics in a paddock including cows and calves. T\docalves were foind 'T deadthe next day, anda cowandcarf (80/729-2,3)diee 3 a"irlit"r -er after baiting. u"iiine. The contafnrng30 head of cattle, oemerobservedthe animals"drop deaa;A'rtr"" i"i,iaiy-ui*i'"1 $tasgeneralized congestitrrof visceral organsand'sJb6pi""iai"f -d*;t-h!;;. auropsyrhere TI}oI}il P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary pathology Deparuneit of Veterinary pamology Resulcs AFIP l^Jednesday Stide Conference - No. l0 26 i.tovemberl9g0 Case I - 80-331 (AFIP L75130$. sture, four went off feed and developed qermat_i.tis, swollen lyuph nodes-and had btood in rheir feces. An enlireed kidnev -;-f was.palpared per lgqlb'f in one heifer. All four carEle died wichin cr^ao?ay, each other. Contributor's is& r'rqlrlEnEs: Abundant quantTElE ofEiiy ) poisoning. vecclr weie found growing in che renEry rc nad been introduced -Ttr"-*,r.t"-r to the farn the pieviouE y".. i'a road of rrtreat farmlought frqr another fapm. ert-rn o.^i rw r!.^ ^^---J--._ r year i: BF",HI;;,3ffff#*I l:#*H:,*:*,"n4^.:_r* TtrewtreacF^;t-pF;i,ou" gror[-il;-cdi*i"rin"'# :H"ffi;?"ho*L':iff ::1":':li:!:xp:-iiG_ry;"f,"$#iir Si"!fr!r.l;":il :LTit'Jl* $f:ffi*Jffi: skin, ffmF*"TiF.ri:ff:. ;":hi!ffijFi",.?'ffl,'I"ilfi kidney,hearr,iw,it.iili;il;rffi;d;"fi;IJ;i?#:: "rop nf,'t narvescaDle, consequenclv rh affecred field was converred ro ;;;;;:''i.j'",I1" the pasrure grazed by rh6 rhis snrino crncc mzr -j^-^-^^!?:tyre; "eiecdJ-""lcr" seenin granulomatous, m.rltifocal, mild to Tit:r, rrcderat-, sp z) nyperplasia, lyuphoid, diffuse, rcderate, spreen. ' Etiologic Diagnosis: vicia villosa roxicosis (plarr toxicosis). Etiology: Vicia villoffCrents: ftiaftFffi[oAfc diagnoses lrere reached after considerable discussiqt' Ttre ! etioroeic-Ei"qto"Tr*"r nol-ai""ro""a-*[ir-Ii.". presenrarionof chehistoloeic findings-" meTb5oriri-or-'rn1l.."na."s proposed an infecrious etiologic alasngl-ii d;in."""iyloq"ci"iioriJ't-uoui'e marigiranrcararrhal fever as their pre-conference choice. "e few photosensitizatiqr and skin leJims, Jitr"tJ-ri"ced plant roficosis wirh resurtanc ila-;dii-*r-relare th;; clinicar signs wirh the histoloeic lesions in Ehe spleen.-hr ,-"pori"i-Jor"rving giant cells with rnrltipre nuclei scattei"a-'cr,i"iiinoli-tilJ-fection "tt*d""" oi splenic cissue in variabre n.ders deiendingon their-particur"i felr rhere wasan increaseii the 6r-oer oi-rffito"ytic celi"-6o*, """ti*.-.;-i;;."5ffi; in it.-,rilIJq,o red pulp, bur this was considered dependent'on,'tn" particrpangs who rrrere G animar. familiar with this cqtbilion-ii'uovin"E"g"^oi r"rt-ihe for hair vetch misanigg ina not T.B. or _resionswere quire characrerisric M.C.F:- IE was poinred-our rnaE rhe lesions lacked of chelubercurus-granulma i1'1-i1eiE"t'?oFpt"nce wich casearionof checentral portion lurrowrdii by giant c"rrs anaproliferatirlg fibrous catanhal i",l.r-*", consideredan urlikely Eause coruEc.ive liryy' Flig"tqtq wich che absence of vasculicis andthe presenceof rhe .;i.&;ffietLh. celrs. Gianr cells are reported only in i.is5ue culture -J *t in the narural disease. other lesiqls obseivedgtottiy i:. otg*.di"iiy are greyish corored nodules in ryittr-tt the kidnevs and ThA re;ic';--in'tt" tiirey mr"r-u. differenciated 3prenal-qlgas. from M.c.F., rvuphcra*E uasr coast Fever <i" ai.i"li]':fri$iiogicarly rhere is a mixedcellular- iirfiltrate consistig oj i)rrp&;res, macrgphages and gianr cells in these Eissuesr*rich mayin soe-casJs u" cdeusfo wirh m"rigrril- ryuphma. A snorc discussiqr follq'red concerninfthe clinical signs observedilith tr,i" roxicosis. Pnocosensicization and dermaticis are reporced with chis and ocher menb:is .ri Ir+ genus Herolytic disease also is boserved wicn scme rembers of cris g,enu.;. 'fne Vicia. bloo?l-fi' uhe feies of these heifers was attributed co a local toxic etf5ct i'r the G.I. Eract. ContribuEor: New Bolcon Cencer, Pennsylvania Scace University, Roadl%rrA?TE-Suare, PA 19348. 382 i,l. Screec References: veEcn Pascure. @,R.J.eta1.:AdiseaseofcacElegxazinghairy JAWA 148: 804-808, L966. 2. Surith, H. A. et al.: In Veterinary Pathologv, 4ch Edition, L 9 7 2 , p p 8 8 5 - 8 8 5 . Case II - Unmarked(AFIP l-755277). pupslilidfEor a litter of eight. ek-old Airdale puppy fror South Africa. Foui The pups died rafi?tiy showing vague CNS signs. Concributor's Diagnosis & Couuents: Canine cerebral babesiosis. to che young age of the pups. Alchougn congenital infection has not been ruled out, the general opinion is chat Ehe pups acquired the-infection via tick bites jusc as older dogs. These pups rusE have been infected soon after birch. AEEendees' is & CortrEncs: : brain, Ai Erythforyiic parasitemia, capillaries, cerebral corcex, EEiologic Diagnosis: Canine cerebral babesiosis. EEiology: Babesia sp. probably B. canis. C6spnts: lbere was unaniuDus agreement with the contributor's diagnosis and cmmnts. A11 the parEicipants reported observing nLrrErous intraerythrocycic procozoal parasites within the capillaries in che brain sections. Differential etiologic agents listed included Heupbartqrella canis, HepaEocystis sp. and Trypanosmra sp. Other histologic@ ffiere neuronal degeneracion which was not considered a prorinent feature and perivascular hemorrhages wbich $rere present in a few seccions. One of the cqrtribucors $ras present at the conference and discussed the clinical and histopathological findings of this disease in dogs in his experience. Clinically the signs are a marked fever, dry cough, pronounced anesr:ia (L5-25% PCV), icEerus, heroglobinuria, splenouregaly and hepatoregaly. Btood srrears may reveal a 60-707" parasicemia of cne red blood cells. Grossly the spleen and liver are enlarged and dark and Ehe krdne;a also appears dark. lbere may be generalized icterus and suMural hemrrhages. Tne lungs may be heavy and weu and the urinary bladder usually contains bloody urine (red water). Histologically there is puhnnary edeura, congesEion in nunerous organs, and hemcsiderosis in the spleen. InEerscitial nephritis and cenErilobular hepatic necrosis may be present. Histologic lesions in cne brain include congestion in Ehe cerebral vasculature, widening of rhe VirchcnRobin spaces, and heurcrrhage in the midbrain and base of che sulci. Diagnosis of che cerebral form is made aE necropsy by observing parasitized RBC's in cerebral capillaries in Giemsa stained brain snears, particularly fron the hippocampai region. ParcicipanEs agreed with the contributor's conrEnts concerning the route - 2 - of infection in this animal. The.prepatent period for this disease is reporced co be between5 and 24 days. corgenital-cerebral babesiosi"-t".-!*n reporced in newDorncalves (2). tn efrica-trea@nt of chis disease in dogs is direcced ac cne acute srage of rhe disease bur nor aE eriminarion-ot-d;ccnprere elimination of the parasite rendet"-ir,.-*i*i-susceptible p"r;?;". to subsequent infeccion as the.iuurirnity wanes. A low level-ot p."."l"ri" il-;;;f";iei wirn resulranr r premunity. splenectotrryresurts in ross'or pieuuority. contributor: onderstepoort veterinary ResearchrnstiEufe, onderstepoort 0110, RepuElT-68-5oiEh Africa, ina-ir," ueparueni ;i-- Zoonoric Diseases, Armed Forces Institute of pathology, Washingron,rc ZOfOO. References: 1nrom-rl*'F' andKennedy, P. c.: rn Pachologv of Drcsric Animals,2ndEd., 2' De vos, A' J. et al.: Cerebral babesiosis in a newborn calf. J . V e t . R e s . 4 3 (Z ): 7 5 -7 8 , L 9 7 6 . onderscepoorc case III - FL oZSOZSlAEtp L666524). -year-ors spayeo poodte. temale She was euthaTaFFo[cx,ring *re-onsel-"f q"e"6;;;-;rdi;l-";r*-iefi.cics. Radiographs showa mass in the anterior urediastin,.m. The only aE necropsy was a 4.0 cur diasprer mass extending qrm, itre Uas6of"cne "igriii;;;-irnorng treait- to che aLtactsrenc of anEerior sternurn that was uufrinodurar ana olciri"J;Jil and dark red. .the contributor' s DiaFnosis: Anterior MediastinLrlyuphoepithelima. AtEendees' FDEpnoroglc llagnosls: conenrs: Thymra, anterior rediastinrm, agreerrnnr wirh rhe yr:_genep-ar poodle, canine. s' ai"gnosi", T::: alchough the preferred-rniprrologic"diagnosis-was "*rriuicoii cnyma-as classified by the cip#.;- i t";A ii;iffi..ryfu;;;;.ccrne and H9, I lI ^-?lII::"*iil_rL lheApaiti undifferenriaEed carcinoura. f"w oir,"i" Li;;;J piriJur"'frili,rr.ory nediastinitis. Histologic features discusJ"a-wrb *re mix.d-;al popilrarion of lynphocytl" cells 4i"!, generatedsucn aescripiiu" ceru6 as mixed "qd.epithellal epithelial and lyryhocyti" .*d predorinEiili-gpi.r,;1i"1-;;-;i;;; cerr rhymra. A ffl,pttlicipants- ripollea they bbsetu"aH".i"itr in rhe rissue secrions, while others observid multifotal necrosis in the "orpuscles tuunr. rn a recent publication it wasProposedchat EheHassel's corpusclesoriginate frqr ihe nrmonuclearphagocyticcells (3). 'The corbinEaryrpt*yril-*i "ii"uf"ting epirherial cotrponentsare considerednecessary the diagn6sis oi thytmma nt icn helps to for i'^?:?plu?o,f :q'. purLryuphocyti-sarccma andhisriocyric 1..::llg:i:L:h rynPnosarcoma. Discussiqt follotoed concernirlg-the association of cnyumn and Myasthenia gravis and the suppression of acerllcholine Ehe neurouscular junction and the occurrence oi chese cwo conditions "p;k;-"; in the carine (4). concributor: Experirental pathology Laboratories, rnc., p. o. bx HernilloilTA-ffi7O. - 3 - 474, References: Neoplastic diseases of Ehe hasncopoteEic l:rrefi W.F.H. & lrbckey, L. J.: 8u11. Wld. HlEh. Org. 50: 2L-'34, L974. and lyuphoid tissue. and heunpoiecic cissues. In Tunprs of the lphoid 2. lbulton, J. E. et al.: Turrcrs of Dqrescic Animals., 2nd edition, University of Calif. Press, Berkeley, CA, 3.-Blau, J. N.: LetEer Eo the Editor. Tne Lancet, Jan. 20, L979. 4. Parker, G. A., Casey, H. W.: Thymas in Dmstic Aninals. Vet. Pathol. 13: 353-364, L976. L76L487 Case IV - Wtl 801729-2 were distributed to baic rabbits in a paddock conta head of caEtle, including cons and calves. Trro calves were found Tne dead rhe nexr day, and a cow and calf (80/729-2,3) died 3 days after baitirg. At autopsy there o{ner observed the animals "drop dead and then rapidly bloat". heuorrhage. al organs and subepicardial hesprrhage. lras consestion of visceral was generalized seneralized congescion Cqrtributor's necr 1080 coxicosis. Diagrosis & Cments: Multiple small foci of myocardial rs, wittt histiocytic infiltration. im and necrosis, mrltifocal, mild, heart, bovine. Etiologic Diagnosis: Fluoromroacetate toxicosis. ' Etiology: Sodiun mrofluoracetate/ fluoroaceto.'ride (1080) . CrenEs: the attendees agreed with the contributor's rcrphologic description and etiologic diagnosis as based on Ehe histologic lesions and case histoJY. A fetr preferred i mrphologic diag,nosis of acute mrltifocal necrotizing nyocarditis as of histiocytic/macrophagic cells in response iupporred bv rbi obvllous infiltration to-Lhe uryocbrdial necrosis. Each diagnosis was considered equally acceptable. etiologic diagnoees included water hem.lockand Japanese yeit Differential toxicosis. The lesicrs present are considered nonspecific and_diagnosis is sErongly based on tlre clinical history, gross and microscopic findings. .Other lesiois- associated with this rodenticide are subepicardial hmrrhage srd visceral herorrhage in cattle and pulnonary edemaand congestidr of the liver and_ki$gf. hgs, caEs alrd pigs may bircrc inilirectly poisoned through cons-Lqtion of 1080 infoxicated rodinEs. Clinical signs in dogs and cats sust be differentiated frm those of strychnine and thalliwt poisoning. Contriburor: Regional VeEerinary Laboratory, Wollorgbar, N.S.W. 2480 Auscralia. Refererices: T. T-uekff L976,p. 233. B. et al.: 2 . S m i t h , H . A . et al.: Clinical and Diagnostic Veterin In Veterinary Pathology, 4th Editiqr, , 2nd Ed., L972, p. 823. TII'OII{YP. O'NEIII CapEain,USAF,BSC(VC) Regiscty of VecerinarY PathologY Deparmrt of VecerinarYPauhologY - 4 - Hisrories I} AFIP t{e&tesday Sfia. Canference No' 1980 f0 Decesber CaseI - 773U-: fou*I #of. tntl:n.::t a series of feral Californi" ry"Lig: t"1'* tT:',.,"l -"rti".--ii'r"t i". u"'"q'i"a'L1""'il:'ils:i;'-e"*.til; *: lt 3gl?f febrile - and had signs *q 'T,9ui::-'.,.,.,*., rvr' SCrended (xl a Los AngersIl vr'\nrLt - *it"f abqt 9 urclsPI "g"tteo daysin captiviEv' ri dia after E ;i ffiti".CaseII - 61:tnO -. L727493 CaseIII - 80-2858- Hrstory: tissue suspensicr, ten mrchs prior co n57437 iffixed *Ja"gbreed ff13::d-:g wam febrile"with.inlarged -i;ii-;.ditii:l *." Pl:,99-.::: " ffffi;"i;[6:;;:Antibiotic EnerPaYwas il8'S^Lil;sfi l!3Hlfl; -u[:r;'"*y*::'HrffiTilJ ffiH3=Li?"l;;iil-:*111i1*, :l:ffu13"? ifi .Si.ffi"L*i*o''H" thedoghad H:*:i* [3:; ffiH: fl',,f;iilTi#'d!"ffi;;I iri,,i""iii "ormar. nevet been eexuallY active' arxi3 grqsgrted-:lth a history of dyspnea week' The ane ' i"t inriod-oi td-pi""Lt .,a,-discharg" ilO *hilil nas m.lcorturulenE _--+ ffi5i-;;, .uit-ir"a--a perforred. i necropsy I ' a b o r a t o r v R e e g } l s : - S i g + i f i c a n t qii*r, r q ? l errtrit" s i o nmass s w e rchat e l i P iinvaded t " g t o c hadjacent elefcnasal tap.E; cavi@reguur ;;sG and filled the entire cavitY' TITOTIil P. O'NEIIJ" Caotain, USAF,BS(Vt) of VlgerinarY PathologY n"ii"c"i of VeterinarY PachologY D";"tE#"t Resulcs AFIP Wednesday Slide Ccrference - No. ll l0 Decenber 1980 Case I - 77324- (AFIP U56983). a series of feral California Sea Lians wtrich was foundErEffi?led or-ra Los Angeles County beach in the early srrer of 1978. It was an aninal about 9 ustths _of age, and was quite thin. It was febrile and had signs of pneulnrnia. It died after a few days iri captivity. Co'ntributor Diagnosiq I Cmnnts: Acute Viral Hepatitis. had noc been slen previor.sly in chis area, nor rePorEed in the literature. There is acute necrosis drich is foiltifocal throughou! !h9 liver secticr, and affecting large areas of se lobules. There is a sParce infiltration of neutrophils and mnqructear inflFqretory cells at the periphery of the necrotic foci. Nrrerous intranuclear inclusion bodies are present in the hePatocytes in the affected areas. Attespts ro isolate the virus weri unsuccessful. Ulftastructural examination deusritrated virus wtrich had the rnrphology and size of adenovirus. A t t e n d ee s'D agnos tis, necrotizing, acute, diffuse, severe, liver, California sea lion. . Etiologic Diagnosis: Viral hepatitis. Etiology: Suspectedadenovirus. Cosrents: Tbere-!{as genelal agreeuent with Lhe contributor's diagnosis and ccstrEnEs. The distribution of the lesions was cqrsidered centrilobulSr and midzonal overall but several coalescing foci obscured the histologic picture. Generally few inflarmratory cells were 5bserved and these cqrsisted of'Plt{'s and rnacrophagesas reported by the concributor. Several accendeesreported basophilic intranuclear inclusions surrounded by a clear nuclear zqre but these *ere raie. The-majoricy-9!.the inclusions were a smrdgyeosinophilia and occr.rpiedthe encire nucleus. A differential etiologic agent considered-by several was-herpesvirus infection based on the inEranuclear inclusiqrs. It was pointed ouc that inclusions are not specific for viruses. The histological appeararre of the tissr.p was reuriniscent of infecEious canine hepatitis. ffre lesions were not sqggestive of leptospirosis which is endeur:icin sea liars. The pneumnic lesions observed grossly may be related to lungworminfestation, probably Parafilaroides decorus -interuediffi which is found cmrn'nly in wild sea lions. The teleost fish, Ehe Opaleye. the worms found in the stmnch were probably ConEracecuur gg. and/or Anasakis g Concributor: los Angeles Cornty Departrent of Health Services, Ccqarative MediG[-EiitGErinary SErvices, L2824Erickson Ave., Downey,CA n242'. Reference: Britt, J. 0. et al.: lions.--fAVFh-175: 92L-9?3, L979. Acute viral hepatitis in California sea Case II - 65-L970 . (AF.IPL727493>. tissr.|e suspension, ten IIDIrchsprior to necropsy wlEtr nass in flank area. Cantributor Diagrrosis & Cmnts: viru6-s@s:i6h. Fibrosarcwra induceC with bovine papitlma Ilasters respord with fibrosarccma in the subcutis or brain fro Crents: locaTffildtion of bovine-papillsna or deer fibrcna virus. About 10%have late pl-wrary retastases. Wtrena ffank tL@r is indr.rcedas in this case, there is a marked stimulatict of pigrent laden cells rnroally concentrated in this area. The pigrented cells are principally reIanocytes though nast cells also are found in these fibrosarmas. AEtendeesl : FSffisaRc@a, skin, flank area, hareter. Etiologic Diagnosis: Viral indrrced fibrosarcma. Stiolog5l: Bovlne papillma virus (Papovavirus). Crents: lbe mqrphologic diagnosis, etiolqgic diagnosis and etiology were not feacbed until after discussidr and disclosure of-the 4gent. Ttre najority of the participants favored a malignant relanma, spindle celf type ae tbeir pr6ccrfererce chgice. Tttis was based on the presence of the relanin pigment in large areas of the ctlDr. The @urlt of pigrent laden cel1s varied frm qle sectiql to the next; soe had l.arge areas of mature fibrous connective tissue with little pigmrt wtrile others had considerable pignentatiqr in their sectiqrs. Junctional activity was absent. The two principal cell populaticrs present were fibrocytic cells and unlanocytes. Several attendees also reported observing nrrerous mast-like cel-ls t{ith cytoplasm:ic granules in less differdntiated areas of the tLmr. The ctrrcensus of opinion was Ehat the mass appeared malignant although micotic activicy was minimal. Other viral agents which have been reported to cause fibrosarcoas in hamsters include SV-40 virue and avian adenovirus (CEI0). Contributor:- Driv6lE?lffitlrl Departmentof Pathology, University of Wisconsi.n, 1655 Linden 5gto0. References: T-T ffi', R. A. et al.: the Golden Harnster. Iowa State University Press, Ares, Iowa, pp f00-101. 2. Robl, M. G. and 01son, Carl: 0ncogenic actiqr of bovine papillma virus in harnsters. CancerRes. 28: 1596-1604,1968. -z- Case III - 80-2858 - (AFIP L757437). ixed breed male dog was presented for Iethargy, anorexia and polydipsia. The dog was febrile *iih enlarged warm testicles and an enlarged left msrdibular fprph node. Antibiotic -herpay was inscituted for 2 mrths and castration recsrmended. The or^ner delayed che castration for 5 sstchs at which tire the dog was clinically normai. Ttn dog had never been sexually active. -@t"'PcV38%.Totalproteinl0.6grd1.824rorrocyces/ul. Ser@ Brucella canis wa3 l:4O0. Cqrtributor & Coments: a) Epididpritis and orchitis, dif Cquents: An etiologic diagnosis of BrGella canis orchitis positive brrrellosis titgr^and the degeneEEli6--a'n?lEFlasmatory was based on the changes in che Lesticle and epididyuris.l,2 Organism6were not seen with Gram3ain. TtE cause of the intersEitial intersEitial cell hyperplasia (which was ncre diffuse and mar:kedin rhe contralateral tesricle) is unkncrrm. It has been observed in man that intersEicial ce1l populations-yqty inversely with the spernatogenesis.3 Widespreadnodular hyperplasia and diffuse hyperplasia of interstitiil cells are noc tnrcmn in aErophie testicles in anirnals. Atendeesr D c Diagnoses: l) 0rchitis, chronic, diffuse, mild, testicle, canine 2) Epididynitis, chronic, nulcifocal, mild to mderate, testicle. 3) H#rpGi;, interstiCial cell, diffuse, rnderate to severe, tesEicle. Etiologic Diagnosis: Orchi-epididymal brucellosis. Etiology: Brucella carris. Cqurents:@eral1yagreedwithtlreco('i:riilutor'sdiagnose.sand cqnents. A variety of rnrphologic diagnoses lrere submicced prior tc t6e conference t^lhich either incorporated the three separace entities or listed chem separacely. The bistory was cqrsidered quite suggesrive of and the lesions consistenc htiEh brucellosis in the dog. Discussion of the lesions included the severe tubular degerreratict, the lyrphoplasmacytic infiltracion of che inrerstitiun and the diffuse inters:icial cell hyperplasia. Several atEendees reported observing an increase in fibrous connective tissue characEerized as i r:hickened eosirnphilic fibrillar strmra surrounding scrne degenerating tubules. Whether this was absolute or relacive was not resolved. The direct caGe of the seniniferous tubular degeneratigq *qt postr.rlated to be either directly related co Ene baccerial infection or possibly due to an increase in local tissus teryerature due to inflamnation. The intersEitial cell hyperplasia was consideied real and related co Ehe tubular atroohv/deseneration of negacive nconrivc fanedhenlr atrophy/degeneration via Ehe_tubular via lnct thik 6f feedback inhihiri.l'' inhibition.3 3 Tlra TLre jrfLanracory cell infilcrate was minimal was minimal in this this tissue; tissue; apparently apparently Ehe maiority of Ehe majority the inflarmntion had subsided as based qr the history and hisrotogical histolosical findings. findines. A shorc discussion followed concerning the innnnrity to Brucella organisms. CelI nediated irnnrnity is the prirrcipal host reaction and form of eliminaciqr of Ene organ_isms. Htspral antibody production also is irportanc in the elimination of brucella organisms. Stains euployed in the demrnstration of Brtrcella sp. include Grffi's, especially the Brown & Hopps nrdificacion, and occasiofil-flll$,ntS sr.lver scilin. In hurnansthe organisrs sequester in the bone rarrow and ii atteo;pts - 3 - to isolate the organism frcrr the blood fail, culture should 6s 6gg"mFgl6. In dogs bacteremi4 my persist vaginal discharies frm bitdhes wiEh recent-history prfismpe of the-ma1e may yield organisms on culture redia.'l Cqrtributor: of bore merrow aspirates for several mnths. Blood, of ahorciql, testicle and with prescribed culture DeparmnC of Veterinary Pathobiology, ltte Ctrio Sfate [Jniversity, coh-ffi-tiFlCffi9ro.References: l,hle dogs naturally infected with Brrrella canis. l. n. et al.: ffire, 1969. 1352, 155: JAVI{A 2. Gleiser, C. A. et a1.: Pathologic chcrges in dogs infected with a Brrrcell? Lab. Anim. Sci. ZLz 540, 1971. organism. Atr. J. Path. cell grohrthof the testicle. Interstitial 3. Warren, S. et al.: L943 19: 307, 4. Dbore, J. A. et aI.: EpizootiolOgy, diagnosis and control of reUg canis. JAffi 156: L737-L740, 1970. Case IV - 4-7-8L - (eflP U58838). presented with a history of dysp-neaand a mrco$ffiIfiE nasal discharge which had been present for a period of one week. Ttle anirnal was euthanized and a necropsy perforred. Laboratory Results: Significant gross lesiqrs were limited to che left nasal shapeE, firm, wtrite mass that invaded adjacenc cavi@reg[lar tissrr and filled the entire cavity. Nasal adenocarcinula. frm a flock of urkncnn size. tumrs have been rePortd frm this area. Cantributot Diasnosis & Conents: ettmturbinate AEtendees' Diapnosis & Crents: Endemic inoa, nasal cavitY, sheeP, ovine. Codentsl ftrere was total agresent with the contributor's diagnosis. A fetl participatte added sr.rchdescriptive terms to Eheir diagnosis as papillary, -or several atEendees listed adenma adenocarcinma. Differentially iapillo-tubular 6aied qr the very urriforn well differentiated cells cqosing ghs mass. Etiologic diagnoses listed by several attendees inchded endemic nasal/ettmturbinate adeilocarcinora of sheep or simFly viral induced nasal aderpcarcirma of sheep, Tbe Participantg fgvol-rng a v_iral etiology proposed etiologic agent was retrovirus. particles mgphologically similar to a ir. whictr viral recent iepori a iicid visna-maedi virus-were detected in trmr tissues.Z In sm sections 3 ernn!] anunt of bone $raspresent and felt to be reactive bqre.versus pre-existing. Several participantb reported the presence of m.rltifocal squmus retaplasia wichin Ehe tunci. Coniiderable variability was reported in che mitotic rate of the cumr cells. the cell of origin of this tumr is rpt precisely knonrn;it oulC arise - 4 - fror either unrcosa|.gniqefiq gT.Bowman'sglands in rhe lamina propria of the Ilrrcosa. A mild i:llrytory,infiltrate conEisting of neurropirifi, iyoptocyies sorlE llErcrophageswas-observed by several attendeeS. These nioplasms are noc and rePortd to metastasize but are, locally invasive *a r"y-progrE"r inEo Ehe cranial vault with resultant neurological lesions. Differenririfi-UE""a o.r rhe hisrory oesErus ovis parasites mtst fu cqrsidered with greenish nisal discharges in-srr'eep. Cqrtributor: Ibrsh Veterinary Laboratory, p. O. Box 997, Bozenan, MI 59715. References: fEintS"-S. et al.: Neoplasusof the olfactory mrcousmembraneof sheep. Cornell Vet.-51: 97-LL2, 1961.' 2- Yoneurichi,H. et al.: Intranasal tuupr of the ettupid olfactory sucosa in sheep. Am. J. Ver. Res. 39: I599-f606, Lglg. TII'Ofl{Y P. 0'NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(\IC) Registry of Veterinary pathoiogy Deparrrrent of Veterinary patholbgy *F*PLEASE TUIE TTIEFOLLO^IIrcCI{A}GESFORCONFERMGE #10*t *Addition: -Er.#10 Case II --- Add to end of Attendees' Cmrrents: rf treacuEnt of the acute disease results in s;erilization the animal is susceptible to re-infection. of infectiqr :k*Correction: -6;r#10 Case III -- Attendeesr Cmnrents: Sentencebeginnirg - In a recent publication. Should read - Hassel,s corpuscles function as rmnonuclear phagocyEic cells of the R.E. systen. - 5 - HisEories AFIP lilednesday Slide Conference - No. LZ 17 Deceder 1980 Case I - A-18946 - (Ar:P L667LU). Siberian Husky presented with a history of righc forelffrE--ffiness for a few days. Ttre clinical diagnosis of panosEeiEis was nade. the dog was tTeated with steroids, analgesics and Vit'nrin C. A few days later, the dog was presented nar-anbulat*y, with tetraparetic cervical spine pain, ard upper Cervical cord neoplasm (glima) was the rctor neuron signs of the hind lids. clinical diagnosis. Laboratory Results: CSFanalysis, Heoatolq6/ and $,IA were unreugrkable. CaseII - L3747- (enP L7Ln77). f a ma1e C5TBL nice out of a group of l0 chat aiedTEtilet'fy. Ttre survivor was dyspneic. Sixteen of 20 nale ICR mice frm the s€re roqn died at the src tire. Laborqtory Xesults: Bacteriologic and parasitologic exans as well as virologic tite@ rCR mice weie negacive. Case III - 80P465- (AFIP 1758396). dulf;er-5d€l= colic, old. of paint parentage, with clinical signs of was presented to the CSt Clinic for euthanasia. It was one day Case IV - 80/0623, H80/775 - (AFIP L757M3). d Angora goat kid. The aninral was Esrc weeks of observation it was unable in sternal rectdancy. Dtrring the found The rid walk or rise but resrained alert and continued to eat and drink. withdrawal reflexes trere normal. The country of origin is Australia. - # - TI}OIIfl P. O.NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterirnry Pacholory Ibparmnt of VeEerinary Pachologr Resulcs AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. Lz 17 Decenber 1980 L667L12 ffiiE Siberian Husky presented-with a history of rigltt Ttre clinical biignosis of panosteitis las made.. days. a few for CaseI-A-18946for Ttredogwastreated wich steroids, 9n3lge9icsand.vi!19i-t-c;-l,Ia-9?I" k:"::i:" aotrffi pi.""ot"d-"od-,buf?t9El:'with ietraparetic,cervi3l tqi1r9^Ei":i9.PP"t - - 9 ' - - - F - - - : tr13rorneuron slgns of the trind ii$s. clinical diagnosis. Laboratory Results: Cerviial cord neoplasm (glima) was the CSFanalysis, l{ematology and $1A were unrenrarkable. Cavernous angicoa. Cqrtributor Diatrrosis & Cqrents: Cm|Irents: GavernousarlgrcrfTFT vascular maffSrmatiqr in the brain or spinal cord reoorted in hrman patiEnts. The anmaly is characterized by the presence of btood vissels lined wirh endorhelial cells supporcd by collagernLls connective tissue. These charrrels are not separated by rer.rral tissue. AEtendees' , caverrpus, spinal cord, Siberian husky, canine.' (Vascular rnalfornation) - r Corents: Ttre diapnosis listed was preferred as classified by [,][{O.r Histological fbatures c@nted tments. Agt;tees-"gi""d--*iitr-ffi.-cartriburor's vascular spages,-Ehemlltifocal acute and *-rl"t-Ltr."G.g. ""aoiftefiaf-lined in the cord, and the neurmal and axonal degene-rqtict present. subactite hmrriaee in the .qt"iliry_*:I-T?:8"" obsErving focql glriosis and satellitosis S*--po"ted beneath the endochelial located naterial of the cord. Th;-;;i;ophiiic"fibrillar together collagen with cells was felt by many d be corpacible -wich scrlE sD(rth seconda:y-t9 tE coGidered weie cord in the chanles dt" n"irr*rl m.rscle cells. based qt congerital to be believed was lesiqr Ihe ih; anornaly." expansile *c*"-of th! age of the animal and Che features of the lesion. It was considered wirh relangectasis because normal neuropll ras not q--1e,s-e1t-bebfeen i**ficible the viscular spaces a1d-che blood filled vascular sPaces Llere very latB":_tf ^, with sclerosing hemangima-of man.based qr the small lesiql also was i".."e"tible lotl nr.der of vascular aptnt of cormective tissue present and thJrehtively were considered to be of lesion this in involved ctanners presenE:z Ttr;-Fslls venEral suMural origin.a ConEributor: Ttre Animal }edical Cenrer, Parhology Deparmnt, HeryY6:T,-ffi0OZt. 510 E. 52 St., References: Tuprs of the soft (l&serrchyroal)Tissr.res. Bulr- t*to 50: ffi., L974. l0t --- -r 1 0 ,'t-leoplasm of the Central Nervous Systeur. AFIP Trmr Fascicle. ,-. 3. ZakL, F. A.: Vascular malformatiln ,(cavernos angima) of the spinal cord -1. Sn. Anim. Pract. 20: 4L7-422, L979' -tordy, in a dog. D. R. : Vascular malformations and hemangicrrasof rhe canine spinal 4. cord. Vet. Path. L6z 275'2M, Lq79- - (nrtr L7L3077), caserr - L3747 f a nale C57BLmice ouc of a group of l0 thac The survivor was dyspneic. Sixteen of 20 male ICR rnice frm the died-ffftIdty. sarrp rocm died at the satrE titrE. Laborqtory Besults: Bacceriologic and parasitologic exrrr! as well as virologic tite@ ICR mice weie negative. Contributor Diagnosis & CmEnts: Kidney, tubular nectosis, probably due to chlo Cmtents: There is marked necrosis and degeneratiqr of the cortical tubular epithelitm with generalized sparing of the cuboidal epithelir.m of Bovmcr's capsule and upper segrents of the proximal tubule. Procein casts in the tubules are prmiirlnt. These lesions ire typical of brief exposure to chloroform in certain scrains of male mice. Investigalion showedthat ihloroform appatently was used in the anrirnals' rom in ttre days before the deaths of these mice. Etiologic Diagnosis: Toxic Eubular necrosis. Coupatible with chloroform toxicosis in rnale mice. Etiology: Attendees' Diaprroses& C@rts: , tubular, acute, nultifocal, sevete, corcex' kidney, C57BLEDuse. Cments: the mrphologic diagnosis was agreed upcr after sKrIEdiscussiqr of the lesiqrs. Several atteniiees preferred tubular nephrosis as their preccrference choice based qr the etiology. Histologic features c@nted on were tbe acute tubular necrosis characterized by hlpeichrmasia, pyknosis, karyorrhexis and karyolysis of the nuclei in the involved cubules, tbe coagulative or hyaline change of che cytopLasm of these cubular ceIls, formation of casts, €lod the presence of small ntmbers of PI'N'g. We agreed that the distribution of the lesims was restricted to the proxirnal tu6ules and that the cuboidal epithelim of the Borman's capsule was spared. Differential etiologic diagnoses considered were heavy retal The pathogenesis of the lesiqr was and ihlorqrated hydrocarbon toxicosis. discussed including, the apparent predilection for the proxirnal tutular epithelim based on the high uetapolic activity of the cells and the role of androgens in strain suscepcibiLity.r'z Other lesiqrs reporced in chloroform toxicosis in mice are nineralization of renal tubules and centrilobular facty change and hydropic degeneratim of hepatocytes. I'tice differ frm other species of aninols in the excreticr of chloroforur mtabolites in the presence of testogterqte in male mice and in ovariectorized female mice treated with testosterone.J The strain of uouae involved in this case is cqrsidered less gusceptible than those highly susceptible strains reported in che literacure.z Contributor: Division of Cqarative of MAIilc:i-n€--IZO Rutland Ave., Baltimre, t&dicine, Jotrns Hopkins Universicy School l,lD21205. References: T@r,M.etal.:ResultsofexposureofstrainC3Hmicetoctrloroforn. Proc. Soc. Elxper. Biol. 83t 474-479, 1953. Pathology of Laboratory Animnls, Sprirger-Verlag, 2. Benirichko, K. eE al.: NewYork, 1978, p. f48. 3. Taylor, D, C. et a1.: lbtabolism of chloroform II sex difference in the recabolisrrof (Cr4; chlorofonn in nice. Xenobiotica 4z (3) 165-174, L974. 4. Hill, R. N.: Differential toxicity of chloroform in the muse. An n . N . Y. A c ad . S ci . 2 9 8 , 1 7 0 -1 7 5,L978. - 2 - Hiscories Carference - No. t3 s1ia. AFIP WednesdaY 1 January 198L t cynmlgus urkey frcm Malaysia, one of a grouP o ' CaseII - R27979 - .(['YLP,L72!287) _-_-_^1 ^r..1 f f i e r-+i s S u e i s t r o d _ a c o n c r o 1 a d u I t m a I e F i s c h e r r a E E h a E d i e d *re rai was fourd to have a r'ilateral spontaneousry. lt-rr."ropty, ArrP I7rB25). a Imusc ffined om abdorinal nass' housed ac a cephus) hoysef (Qerglllecus ggp!gg.) rcrrkey (Cercopithecus rcnkey hlsEory or a ptevrc'\ru 'Llrr ;"k"y;"d unnkey hacl a historlo@=?::l-^ '+ -., to signs rlr.'rrLlrp Ptior LfsaLeu 4 mnthswas l'! rv' w.i tr"ated call the tail bone of Ene the bone in the fraccure. g6s snirnal for ane day and of severe diarrbea and seizures. Seizures cqtiin,rea died. z@. t, feqale infection An infection Case IV - 0070 - (AFIP U58837)' i. cat. The cat was Presented co the referrilg The animal depressibn, f,d icterus' with the ccmpraint of *or.*i", veteffi died despite supporrive therapy and i'ras necroPsied. A snall At necropsy the carcass was markedly icCeric' Laboratory Results: Liver was che thoracic cavity. or.snEity ot scraw-colored tluld $ras present ln aPpearanc€' dnlarged and had a mttled TIT'Ofi{YP. O'NEILL CapEain, USAF,BSC(VC) nes.istry of VeEerinary Patnology Defurtui:nc of Veterinary Pathology Resulcs AFIP WedresdaySlide Confetence - No. lj) 7 January l98l CaseI -27L78 - (AFIPL755279). the cynuolgus mnkey frm Malaysia, qte of a @ictrascffis, groupr-f-Iffi i@ity. is& Cqrcributor's ion'of Capillaria n macaquesfrmr SoucireaffiEllIThe inc are the urost iuportant Attendees'D eggs in the liver is often an eggs are distinctive and facEor in the produceian of the lesion. is& 's, granulomaEous,m .rltifocal, rcderate, liver, ----n-ti6Foffi-os is : Parasitic hepati t is . Etioloqy: Capillaria hepatica. pa;El@rts agreed with uhe contributor's diagrosis and CcmEnE;: Gffice ilistribution of che lesiqrs was quite rando. A feit the Participants c6rents. ducts. A few oChets felt there were areas within blle few reported obseriing eggs a diffuse vacuolar ct nge all described and of cenlrilobular necr6siE-m"rltifocally Ttte to mild autolysis. due have been within hepatocytes. The vacuolar chmges may be either to widely scittered pignrent in the Kupffer cells was considered hennsiderin or maiaiial pigrnnt. this species of mnkey cournnly has chrqric malarial infection drich- is refractory to therapy. Manyof the eggs lcre in 0ther inflenrracory cells scattered in these mrlcinrrleated giant cells. granulmatous lEsions were lpphocytes, plas:aa-cells, ffid eosinophils. Cansiderable fibrosis accorpanied these foci. The eggs were of the Trichuroid tY'P€, i.e., had bipolar plqgs-and were and those that rlere rot degenerace elmrgace.--1he egg shells had striatifirs Other Trichuroidea with similar- eggs were listed. contiined a singlE cell. Trichuris eggs lre rnre ovoid and wichout striatiqrs in the shell; Tri.chisoqoides Ts-founfin-Ehe urogenital systerr of rodents and its eggs nay F foud in Eisst-e. Anatrichisma also is found in primates (i.e., macaques). It-lives in the nasal or rmcostfepTtr'eliun of the oral -avity, md its eggs are passed in feces. Ttrese eegs may be differenciaced frwr C. hepatica since eggs of Anatrchisomacqtcain a larva. ltre life cycle of Capillaria heaqtica was reviewed. Rodents are the usr.sl man) also. may serve as final hosts final hoscs but other ffifs-@..g..-*r:ffieys, hltrenerbryonaced eggs-are ingested since Ehis pardsice is not very host specific. make their vtay to the liver via che and by a suiCabie final hosE, the larvae hatch parenchlma, In che hapatic tripatic portal ci.rculatlqr. -!F larvae mlt four Eirrps females lay eggs in fertilized ani Uecoireadults in approximately l-2 r.reeks. The with resPonse they incite a pyogranulsscous the hepaCic parenchyura-where of tire after eosinophils.- Eggs renrain viable in hepatic-tissue for lggg^periods be{ore edryonatidl che deich of cn6"worms. These eggs ru.ric get into the soil for they are infecEive. This is acccoplished-in ane of tr,p $tays. .The eliTal_may die and'subsequentdecornposition of iri body liberates the eggs .and these fall co tne soil. AnocLrernechanism is wiTenthe host is eaten by a predator. The eggs digesEed frmr ttre liver of rhe host are passed in Ehe predator,s feces. sr.rch PredaEorsdisperse-tbe eggs and thus r"y'9"-u"rred cransporc hosts. unedryonated -Finar ;fff; ?5t5-*:i;;rive. Cqrcributor: hosrsareinrecr"a bv-i"s$;i;;;";ilx;#:ss, Bureauof Biologics, FDA, 8800 Rockvilre pike, Bethesda, I-rD20205. References: r. tsenlrschke,K. lqghology of LaooraEoryAnirnals,Vol. II, Springer-Verlag, LglB,"tpp"l:i1670-1671. 2 . G r a h a mG. , L .: Parasitism in uonkeys. Ann. tiIYAcad. Sci. 85: (3 ), 8 4 9 - 8 5 1 ,1 9 6 0 . i- case rr - R 27979- (ptrTP L720287). ontror adurt mare Fischer rac thac died At necropsy, the rat was fourd to have a urilaierar abdminal nass. cqttributorts Diagnosis & cqg*ottlq: Teratoid nephrona. Ttris turDr is well d;-;;'co1'rnar epirhelial cells, scne of "ir t'tttich bear cilia. we'have seen 2;th"r;i*ir"i a.-rs in a series of about 500 rB44 rats. Both of these were smalter rtran-iti".-"-;i.d*"""a ni"tolqgically ro be benign. Tbere appears ro be dlt;;-;#-in rhe lirerarure. spcttaneolsry' g.risin ultqeceEznlne(t' 'mls cliagnosis tras reached *0" !yro": ^S1"9,gp"lTgt,,I1rl afcgr irc discussion ^L"r-", oi td'lesiqr. jfgl":::^::F:::* ;;{r$,. qr;;loilI papurary adenocircinon, Sj53::tr*:"ffi andmixEd-ia"*"'cinqs. n; 5i:ifii:{Hi-;"ffiffi SB:"'r:lk by manyand irrcluded parane*o"prt"i" 'ttre e*i, fr.rluriin and worrii"., dtrcr reninanrs, prostate and seminal iresicles. exaci'oiigin lras not determined. Arpther 19:i* Seggrte! in the on someof rhe slides wasa TeTaining.rgngr tissue"presenr mild mrltifocar interstitial nefrrriti". ctr"..[rerisrics of che EurDrdiscussed were the larse tubular-ductular'suructures rined-by-;-;ei.-ii pseraosrrarified ciliated corLnar epitheliun *a uiJ-iil; cJ'J"n"" connecriverissue srr@ surrotnding these structures. Large areas of the stroua appeared my:(@atous. Nrclei of the epithelial, couponent-vrerg uasarry locared *i-riio"es eosirophilic to arytrophilic nateriar-*i--p.esent in Ehe lrrens were rare. A Pul", of several tubules. ScaEteredmit6tii figures were observedwittril ail rrr*". fu scrorr," blended into the-adjacent r.nai strorna. Tbo germlayers nere represented in the EuDr, not 3- Classification of rhe lesion t"."toma therefore wouldbe inappropriate. The tunr is consistent with"3-" -n" ."ported teratoid nephr@a(l). Primary renal neoplasmsof the rac are uncourrrrn. Contributor: Carnegie-lbllon Institute Referencet !,,r-et aL.: Vec.EE66lf.-lf6 : TlTayi-E, 130-l3l', Lgig. of Research and FB,. SpontaneousteraEoid nephromain a rat. - 2 - Case III zoo. - N78-577- AFIP L7lL325 rsrkey (Cercopichecus cepirus) iroused ac a ffied o@rtebral , fe.nnle unnkey had a historl fracture. An infection in the bane of che cail was created 4 mnths prior to signs of severe diarrhea and seizures. Seizures ccrcinr.redfor one day and the animnl died. Besulcs: Culture of granulomatous massesrdere positive -Iabo:agory . I{yc@acEetr'un cuDercurog1s. for Contributor's Diqglgsis & Qqryg:rts: l€ningoencephalicis, granulcrnatous, focal, seve necr5sis: 6tiology Dlycobacterium tuberculosis. -ffi tGcropsy revealed large caseating lesiqrs in the rediastinlu, trEsenEery,uterus, cerebrtm, eurdskin at the tail head. These lesions aII cqrcained acid-fast bacilli. Ttre liver, intestine and spleen were free of lesims. Ulceration of Ehe skin has been reported in Euberculosis in prirnates and the skin nay be a porEal of entry for the organism. I\.bercles in the cranial cavity have been reported but are not csur. litis, cerebru, granulmatous, focal, severe, brain, Cercopithecus cephus. nci oiogic oia6o6-1ffirEiltoTfr'. tuberculosis. EEioloqy: 4l,lycobacterir.m contributorrs diagnosis and c@rts. ComrIg: tgrEwftT-Ehe ffi5=ffiil6E Ttre suheningeal and cerebral expanelle. necrotic mes was cqnidered characteristic of the'disease. Cqlete encapsulatim was noE present in mst sections. the remaining neuropil wis urrenarkable with the exciptim of a large focus of gitter cells and loss of parenchymaln s@ sectiqrs. Tte route of infectiqt was cqrsidered hematogenousto the reninges with subsequent spread lnto the cerebral Eissue. Within the center of che granulourathere were foci of mineralizatian and in tr.fierculous lesians in nondescript necrotic debris. Mineralization is rncmt periphery priuntes. along the of the lesiqt lnflamratory cells nonhr-man Ttre consisted-of ly4hocytes, plasma cells, macrophagesand occasiqml mrltinr,nleaced giant cells. ltre role of these cells in the pathogenesie of the lesions was discussed, alcrg with the significance of the caneousnecrotic naterial in tte center of the lesian. Plasma celle play a sigoifcant part through release of lynphkines and MIF and aid in cytolysis through acrivaEion of the cqlcnc cascade. LSiuphocytesplay a role ln the necrosis of tissue Ehrough direct cytotoxiclty of cells and activate mcrophages and my aid in the formtion of giant cells. llacrophages in turn elaborate urokines wtrich enhance the activatiqr of lphocytes. Macropbagesalso are respdrsible for Ehe phagocytosis of che organism. I'tycobacteria can persist and divide within these macrophagesby preventing fusion with lysos@s. Lipopolysaccharrides (waxes) in the cell wall iray prevent Ehis fusitrl. the urycolic- acid qr the cell surface is -respctsible for This mycolic acid is not acid- fast staining characteristic of these organim. degraded easily by macrophages. It has been reported that the caseous material coiltains few nycobacteriil Srganisms due to rhe-presence of proteolycic and other enzyrcs released by inflamatory cells aE the periptrery of tne lesiqr. Liquefaccive necro-sis on the ocher hand ray contain large nuubers of- proliferatirg excracellular organisuls in the absence of Cheseenzylltss, and thr.rs enharce the - 3 - , sPlqaq of organisms (3). HosEresponse determines che outcqrp of the disease. An acid fasc sEain provided dercnstrated intracellular acid-fast organisms with occasiqtal macrophagesat the periphery of the lesion. primary derebral tuberculosis in primates is cbnsidered urcornrcn but his been ieported ?o{*.n (2). fllberculosis in the-cranial cavity of hrnans usually involves Etre basal meningesand occasionally produces tubeicuroa formation (4). Cqrtributor: usAFschool of AerospaceI'bdicine, vsp, BrooksAFB,rx 7ilz3j. References: T. rar !. w, ! Htrnt, R. D.: Bacterial Diseases. rn pachologyof LaboratoryAnlmals, col. rr, pp_ralg:142r, Benirschke,K., Farner, F. M. & Jcres, T. C'' Eds., SpringerVerlag,-M, 1978. Z. Dastur, D. K. et al.: The pathology and pathogenesisof tuberculosis encephalopathy. Acra Neuropathololica O:"gft-f 2, tg6O. 3. Dannenbug, A. M.: Liquefa-tion of caseous foci in tuberculosis. Arer. Rev. of Resp. Disease Li3z 257-259, L976. case lV - 0070 - (AFIP U58837). _--_-. e cat. The cat btas-presencedto che referring veterinarian with the coaPlaint of anorexia, depressiin, ard icterus. Tne anidal died despite supportive cherapy and was neciopsied. At rncropsy the carcass was markedly icteric. q u aHggagory-ResulEs: n@df1uidwis-presentinthethoracict"uiuy.Liver"."enlarged and had a nrttled appearance. A small Contributor's Diapnosis: Feline cytauxzoonosis. Attendees' Diagnoses & Cqrnnts: is and herorrhage, acute, diffuse, severe, -,,-_river. 2) Pneumnia, interstitial, subacute to chroiic, diffuse, mrt6a to severe, ly"g. 3) vasculiris, srultifocal, mild ro modeiace,lung ;nd-riv"r. i) fgragitecda, uurocytic and erychrocytic, rulrifocaf ,:f-t [rSHcar (feline). "na-fiu"t, _Etiolq3ic Diagnosis: Feline cytauxzoonosis. Etiologr: CJtaulzoon sp. Ccmn9nts:@osEFtistedabovewerereachedaftersmdiscussiqtofthe lesions Present in theie thto tissr,res. Other preconfererne diagnoses listed -"qir,"lly by parcicipants included phelebitis and necrohettnrrhagic hepatitiS i{hich were acceptable. .Soe attendees reported observing a fEw parisicized red blood Ait; conEaining rirg forms. A few ieported. tesiqr6 within'srnall arteries in ttre iLrrg whereasncst observed che lesioni in the chick srd rhin walled veins in the h.ni and liverTtre cause of the lesiqrs in the liver were not speciiic"ffi J.c"rriE"a but felt to be due to anoxic change. Scattered hisriocyric/foirncytic ioa-rupft"t cells in che liver Ltere parasitized. Tirere lras sorrequesciqr as Eo whegher hePatocytesalso were paiasitized. Discussion of rhe'inceisiiiiar and-viJcutar lesions in the lung iniluded the diffuse interstitital thickenins, hyoercrophied --alveolar lining cells, macrophages within alveolar spaces-"cmE'of';aigh-' - 4 - concained pi$Ent (heuosiderin), vasculitis, and the presence of large num:ers of organism within circulating cells in vessels. Occasionally it appeired alveolar Iining cells also were parasitized. Sosreconfusitrl existed to t*retter Ehe cells Palas.it-ized in- the vessels were rsrocytes and/or endottrelial cells. Hypercophyof endothelial cells was prodnant in rcbt large vessels. lfultifocal neciosis otvessel walls with hesprrhage into the adjacent parerrch5mawas present in src sectiqrs. The life cycle of the parasice was discussed and coqared wicb the disease in wild African ungulates. A fatal disease attributed to this oreanism has been repotted in a giraffe-in Africa. An ixiod cick is suspected as the Siological vector of the disease in cats in the United States. The cat see"toan unlikelynatural host of the organisn in that the disease is invariably fatal. Nr-reroirs wild sylvatic rodents have been inoculated experirentally with this organism buc have proven ulsunceptible to the infectiqr (rnp:blished work). The bo6cat may serve as the reservoir host in this courtry as a carrier state has been observed (unpublished material) . Differential diagnosis includes Eepatpzoan sp. that have been observed in wtrite blood cells, lung, bdne marror, and fine-r offiatinally infected cats. Hepatozoan, lpwever, 9*g not infecc red blood cells and genetogeny occure in neutrophils in che circulacion. Schizqrts of this parasite have been observed in the slleen, bone marrqt, and liver. Schizonts bf Cvtiuxzoon tr,avebeen reportd in hypertiophied cells (probably_histiocytes) linifrTliffillls of blood vissels in miiy orgins (4). hrozoites are found in erythrocytes. Cantributor:_ Veterinary Diagnostic Center, Universicy of Nebraska-Lincoln, Linc6l6,-ffi'85'83. References: E.: A fatal cytauxzoonosis-like disease in cars. JAVTIA 168: ffilft. 5 8 8 - 5 9 6 ,L 9 7 6 . 2. !{ightman, S. R. et al.: Feline cytauxzoonosis: Clinical features of a newly described blood parasite disease. Feline Pract., llay 24-26, L977. 3. Ferris, D. H.: A progress report an tbe status of a new disease of AsErican cats: Cytauxzocrosis. Cory. Iumtn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. Lz 269-276, L979. 4. Wagner,J. E. et al.: Experinentally induced cytauxz@nosis-like disease in doestic cats. Vet. Parasitol. 6: 305-311, 1980 5. lbCutly, R. M. et a1.: Cytauxzoqpsis in a giraffe in Zululand. OnderstepoortJ. Vet. Res. 37: 7-10, 1970. TII{JIIIY P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) RegisEry of Veterinary Patholqly DeparrnBnt of Veterinary PaCholory - 5 - Histories AFIP !,lednesdaySlide Conference No' L4 14 JanuarY l98I case I - 79-727- (48!-t716400)' se caE' hesenced becaus" ot 9:g:::t-iTr*^ . , * . f f iz , *"t ' b u r a r i o n p ro g re ssi n g to co nvu1siqts.Sidesteppigg.- 9Pl.ac1r B On necroPsy the-rigfrt francal respqlses aUs"r,i;r, ieil side, aEpt""""t qt rignt' The crinlal portion of-the natErial. sinus cqrtained g,;kginou", *t*i-""i"i.a as in sinus' frt cut traterial aaE the with h&ispnere ;iltil ;;b;;i "9ygd aie, r"pfacing normal brain parernhymaof the sectiqr there was a firo, httriti;; right cranial cerebral hemisphere. Case II - 7913-8!-: P L7578 Otrtbreak of herd wich several other foalsthis one except trear-nFnt respcrded to antibiotic *ricb died. ' case III - M9-420 - (AFIP1757300) barror iq eood^nutritional conditiqr and crosr5F6t mare ffiyoLrng ownerut grouP-of-pigs m a was presented ior exoinatid. 'iur"p.r"l;-;i r*igfiiffipo*ds g.;und wtrole oats for a Erea@nt of ulcers ' He rarion wirh 500 Ttre Eatio w€rs lcnered rhe oats ;;500 lbs per"i* -q-pigs started to do-poorly' I'atglv' 9!i P-ig: :::"..1:O t* 16%crude protein-nade witlr iott-*aJaZ'sQprmtt. ttrat looked very Sood: Despite Ehis, pigs weregrohtlng corn frcr ordner;t ""op iespiratory probfeos. SoE died. Jf"Jfi-*a-devefoped Case IV - W-268Uf8686 - (AnP 1764666)' and poT!ffiia. ' !!L - Li-&^-,, ^€ -'r., le Llelsh Corgi with a history of polyuria T\romicroslides' Laboratory Results: (See next page) ' TII.OIHY P. O.IiEILL Captain, USAF',BSC(VC) neeistrv of Veterirrary Pathologl of VeEerirrary Pathology Uefrruint AFrpwednesday rft?"Jit;ference - No. L4 l4 January l98l CaseI - 79-727- (AFrp Uf6400). - - - ' ^ nese cac. Presencedbecause -iio*-rc.ppi?g of depression and anorexla ot z weeksduration orogressing Eo convulsions. and placing cesPonsesabsent or.rrgft side, dEpressef,* rijr,c. 0n necropsy Ehe rignt froncal sinus containedgelacinous,cirrei porrionof rhe righc cerebralhenisphere "oioi"o-*i8li"r.*'Til-;;fiiar coveredriil-il; ;]il'rnacerial as in sinus. 0n cuc section there was a firm, whicish righE cranial cerebral hemisphere. "r"" Laboracorv n$$$. cre @ rupril;g normal brain parenchpra of the Impression snEars aE necropsy shovued a preponderanceof sein in cn" n*pt";;;; H6Esecrions. ConEributor's Diagnosis: Ependyrmra. AEtendees'Di is & Couments: i'rJEPf,ioroglclJlagnosis: Primitfve neuroectodermal neoplasns wich some brain, siamese, feline. "p.nlffL9tfj::":!i*i:1,-:iglrc cmrenrs: The.majoriry-ofEnepr""o"i.r"*" ""t"u""r-rr&ispnere, hi"gn.r;;;;fi,1;il;";;"ffi:i" ependymraor ependyunolastqna ts d. pii*ry-ai"gnoEis. oiicerenriar diagnoses subudEEed included'adenocarcinoma of cfie -Hisrol;ti;;1-f;rur""-oi-ct" .piiir"ri,-]-neurourasr@ra, meEastaticadenocarcinon,and pinealcyrora. "ir,fi"ia"i flpr"", coruented m were Ehe invasive nature, compression, iSrmation of n,,*rous rosegEes, neoprastic cells tining up il rolirs, lack o'i norryr ependynal lined vencricle, .nd mulEifocal necrosig plegent in the't,rrci. c"iiurar cnaracrerisrics included che tarl coluurar epicheiial rosetces forrea small lrrrens, basally locaLed nucrel, the Presence of cilia ac the apice"ro*J of the cells, and'high - . . ^ 1 - ! - l milocic race in several areas of the EtnDr. There $ras an - apparent lack or seciLtory product in boch the lt-uens and within cell bodi;. Md;;;seEEes rorphologicarly resembte those described in ependyrnnas of manr"ro=J'rL;;;;; ;;5il;t which arso are described in rerinobias6mas. e9e.u{or;;;;"; presenE, form around small blood vessels and strota within ttre trsrcr."r,i"t, This"G;-;;; neoplasmis rpre ccnplex chan-ependynrmaq or ependyrnblasLmas. An olfactory neuroblascoura corpletely ruled out basedon Lhe clinical tisiory,'iroweveil-i*.ct" courd noc be not characteriscic for this tutrDr. other differenuials which rnust formaciar is turDrs of che choroid plexus and astroblastomas. N{"1{#i-"p*,ow"nrsbe included are are considered rare in douristic animals and *y *t"rtasizE via eie cerebrospinal fluid. Contributor: VeterinarV DiagnosEicLaboracory, KansasState University, I'{anhFtEilTfT-6506. Refererrce: RilCTfE"fi', L. J.: Tunrrs of the cNS, 2nd series, Fascicle 6, Aclas oi it-mr Pathology, AFIP, 197'2,pp 104-126. Case II - 7913-80- (AFIP L757255). nerd wiEh several oLner foals. Outbrear of diarr-hea in foals and all foals respondedEo antibiotic Erearrpnt except this qre wtrich died. Cqrcributor's Diagnosis & Ccrents: Granulmatous colitis, diffuse, severe hepat Couents: Ttre-Grm positive organisms in the foci of hepatocellular necrosis are cqrsistent with the diagnosis of Corynebacteriuu equi. AttendeesrDi ls& s, granulmatous, ulcerative, diffuse, severe, L, equine. 2) Necrosie, acute, nrltifocal, rcderate, liver. Etiologic Diagnosis: Bacterial colitis and hepatic necrosig. Etiology: -Corynebacteriuureoui. uqmlents: Other mrphologic dtagnoses suhitted prior to Ehe confererne included necrohorrh.agic colitis/enteritis and recrolizing hepatitis. There was sos:Equestign- as to wbettrer ttre tissue represented Large oi smitt intestine. This was resolved by discussion of the histol-ogical appearanceof the tissue and disclosure of the contributor'g observations. Fiitures of the colanic lesians included diffuse severe congestion of vessels in all layers, diffuse markededena of the suhrrucosa,diffuse infiltratiar of the lnrcosa with histiocytic cells witb mrltifoca| Branuloa formation, €rrd mrltifocal ulceration of the rucosa present in A few attendees reported observing throdi in small mrcoial vessels ryany qectiqrs. in additim to the changes reported above. gacteiial orgcrisns were observed in Ehe l,anina propria, usually associated witlr the granulmae, and within the luen of the olgan. The lesiqrs in Ebe liver llere cpatible with foci of acute necrosis. The disttibutiqr of tfre leslons was considereil randm. Bacterial organisre were observed within hepatocytes at the periphery of these necrotic foci.- The najority of the participants suggesred Satqqqrella sp. as the probable etiologic agent responsible foi rhe leiiqrs. OrE'eTTa-eEieffi'discuss;d differenri"liy irfrtudea: piliforuis. sp., E. coli, and Bacillus However,a Gra stain tlren was lh:lgglIa projed-ef vf ich-ffi'rrare@ coccobacilli both wirtrin rhe colonic and hepatic lesiars. Based trr che rcrphologl ard staining characteristics of the organisrrs it was concluded that the organiqrrg were coqatible with ctrose of Corynebacterirm. -C.# gqui has been reported prirnarily as a pathogen of ctre resPiracory tracE of horses. Recently lesicrs attribuced to this organism have been described in the intestlnal Eract of horses (l). this organism in horses are seropurulent arthritis Other lesicls atEributed and hepatic abscesses (2). to Contributor: Ibparuent of VeEerinary pathology, College of Veterinary -Iln];inFsiEy rcdiETne, of Missor.rri, Coh-dia, I'{l 65211. Reference: fruner, D. W. and Gillespie, J. H.: llagan's Infectious Diseasesof Drescic Animals, 6th Ed., Cornell UniversiEy Press, L973, pp 321-323. equi enteritis in 2. Ciuprich, R. E. and Rooney,J. R.: Cory@ * f o a l s . V e t . Pa th o l . t4 : 9 5 -1 0 2 ,'L977. Case III - N79-420- (AFIP U57300). barrour in good nutritional condition and weigEiifTlfpoyn$g was preeenEedfor exsrinatiot. Orsnerput Ehe group of pigs -Heon a raEion with 500 lbs pet tor of gtourd ntrole oats for a cr6atnsrt of uicers. lor*ered the oats to 300 lbs per tcr and pigs started to do poorly. The ratio was 16%crude protein madewith iorn and 38%'s[ppfsrnnt. Iacel], rhe pigs were fed new corn frm orfiier's cqop that looked very good: Despite chis, pigs I L were groring slorly and developed iespiratory probf;n6. S@ died Fibrinogen 700 qg/dl. 1+ trlctnis suis-ova and a few large coccidia oocysts on 5 seeds flIEldf-EiStolaria in feed anA t seed per to. of Laboratory Resulte: fecal floatatiqr. Sassid obtusiofolia. Cmtributor's Diapnosis & Cmrts: l, chrmic-active, mrltifocaf and coalescirg, severe with mrltifocal adenmator.rschange of alveoli. Ccrrmnt: Lesiqrs present are cqrsistent with pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis. Attendees' Diagnosis & Cments: ,incelstitial,pr olifer ative,chr qtic- activ e, diffuse, severe, lung, crossbred barrovl,' pib. Etiologic Diagnosis: Toxic preumritis. Etlology: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Cmtts: The uotphoLogic diagnosis and etiology were reached after considetable discussion of the lesims and disclosure of the laboratory findings. A wide variety of prgcgnference noqphologic. diagrnses and suepectd etiologic agents were suhitted by the attendees. The majority favored a -while of the psrticip4rts proliferatlve and euppurative bronchopner-unnia, others ireferrid a chrqric-active brqrchoEreumria with adenmatous change. The etiologic diagnosis msc often listed by the participants has enzootic pner-mnia of pigs. Ochei etlologlc diagnoses suggested by attendees were foreign body pnetmria, verminous pner^mnia, €rrd ccrbined bacterial and rycopla.arnnpnermria. Histopathologic features included diffuse prminant hlpertrophied/hyperplastic alveolar linirg cells, diffuse interstitial fibrosis and infileraticr wittr mixed inflrnratoel cells, mrltifocal presence of neutrophils within alveoli srd brmchioles, rultifocal erpbyscnratousctrange, Lhe formation of large nLders of giant cells and che presence of lyuphoid follicles adjacent to brqphioles. The nixed inflamatory infiltrate within ttre interstitiLa consisced of lyqbocytes, plasma cells, macrophages,neutrophils, ard eosinophils along with the proliferating fibrous to cannective tissue. Ttre rcst striking feature of the lesiqr was the mltifocal diffuse adenoatous change within the alveoli. It was pointed out that this is a nonspecific change in lr,nngsand can be prodrced by a variety of agencs (4). The origin of thd mrltinucleated giant cells ras discussed, b,rt renained r.nresolved. Several attendees felt the giant cells resesbled foreign body giant cells and S@ qtrestict others felt many of these cells reseobled syncytial giant cells. tlhether an interconcurrent remained in Ehe minds of many of the parEicipants as to rdas lyryhoid peribrqnhiolar presenc in this pig. The bacEerial or viral infection could dtange follicles were suggescive of mycoplasmainfectiqr and ttre adermators Ehe to to infection wieh an influenza virus. Ttre discussiotl turned be artributd and prevent mitosis acciqrs of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Thris Eoxin is kncxJnEo thus nay actount for che hypertrophied alveolar lining cells in this case (I). Hepacic lesiqrs colsisqing of fibrosis, bile duct.proliferacion, negahepatocytes, and infiltration of inflfutory cells'r.o-a-Fo"i'of delen.r"'iine and necroric hepatocvtes anc fibrous conneciiv;-tG;;-;; ;h;-"ii""-i3ii=ilii*" of tbis otanc (3):.. The lesiqrs present in rtre-rurg"i"-;h;^Il"'"'[iu" ryi"Tit'g been : descriuea and are cmparible wirh rhis'roxicosis (I,2t. cmtriburor:. Divlsion of cqarat.i.ve pathorqgy:_go* V e t e i @i n e , U n i ve ru i ti .o fF 1 o ri d a ,GainesviIIe,FL326r 0. J-rlI, colrege of References: T.EraIng; J._D. J. et al.: Experiuenral poisoning by Senecio jacobaea in pigs: Path. Vet. Lz 204-220, Lg64: 2' Huxtable, R. J.: Ppiolizidine alkaloids and the ltrng endorhelitu: A paraliq1 o-f lurs dpaee reiuttirE i;; ;iili;;i,,s Eoxins. 3' Keerer, R. F. 6t al.: gf%cil-;i i;i";;uE pknrs on Livesrock. Acadsnic Press, ryetryork, 1978, pp 16f-197. 4' har' A' R.: the characteristic -i: cel1s of the lrng and their reaction to injury. parr r. vet. Butl. sai 16. tll:rr45l tury Ls&. Iv - 80-26871L8686 !{elsh Corgi wittr a history of potyuria Iaboratory Reeults: (Seenext page). cqttributor,{Pgtr@ Adrenar corrical carcinma, with necrogis "YLYrs ana crents: Basedar the clinicar. gigp" and-raboralotr findings, the practitiqEr treated the dos f"T-gTlt3['" ttorc,,E with o,p' - DIx). Approximarery ane utth later.the-dog wae-lilled at tbe mier's requesr. select ciseuesr€re suhitted for histolggl" evah.ntion io-in"rin.-* *irq!"a adrenal, rhe lefr adrenal, liver, ard ri-Tg wtrich n"a "igbr nodulEs of ilarying sizes. rhe pituitary ltas rpt exaiied. Ttre dlagnooi" ",rerJ*iiitoicortical carcinoir was onf irred bv the.presenceof ntrerous rerastatic"a"enal ;irhi;Ae rurgs. o6her findinge inaluded'oc."si"-"f--*r. zqra fascictrLa foci ard reticularis in che lefc adrenal and severe fatty Adrenal cortical infiltration clers of ttre-riLr with hepacocellulas danrage. are an uncourn caule of canine hyperdrenocorticism. rhe rcsr cqnur causeis bnarerg coiiicai hyp.;pG--:'fiit$ idi"Frhi;;- resultine frm a pituitary adenoa. ciinicar signs--a1d-GE;;;;tf*::iq"r findings-are due to the lor€';;; excessiveglr.rcocorEicoids. "rt..i"-"e Ateendeest Di diffuee, adrenal. l) Carcincna, corEical, adrenal, wich crosis and mirpralizatiqr, mrlcifocal co cmrte: Ttre mjority of Ehe conference attendees listed the diagrroses prher preconfErengimrphotogii-aiigrps& risred r*re aderpcarcirma given with trEtastasis a!ve, to che lmg and carcinoa or ena&rine origin retaetatic to ehe lug. HEMATOLOGY 419/8o s/3180 5/L2/80 RBC (x106/p1) 6.44 15.6 ':"0 5.26 L2.7 35,700 91 5 2 0 I 0 5.03 13.2 3 3, 9 5 5 94 I 4 0 0 I nb (t/dr) wBcI /pL) Seg. ueutrophlle (Z) Noneeg. neutrophila (Z) Lyophocytee (Z) Monocyto (U) Eoslnophlfe (I) Baeophlls (Z) SERI'u : 4lglao slL2lso 106 L2 .5 413 735 51 6.0 3.2 155 4.1 117 3 .6 730 840 107 31 5.3 2.5 153 2.3 URTNALISTS 4/9/80 slLz/80 Color ptt Speclflc gravlty Protel.n Ketones Glucose Blle plgnenrs Blood CIear 6.0 1.006 3O+ neg. neg' neg. neg. Clear PIASI.{ACORTISOI(ne/nl) 4128180 Faetlng glucoae (ug/af) BUN ( ns/dl) Creatlnlnc ( ug/dl) Cholesterol (ngldX) Alkallns phoephataac (nU/nl) SGPr/ALT (uu/nl) scoT/AST (nu/nl) .Toral proreln (gn/dl) Alburntn (gu/dt) N?+ (urEq/l) lf (nEq/l) pre-ACtI 2 hr. post-ACtn s90 80 290 6.0 1.005 trace neg. neg. neg. neg. Hyperplasia of the adrenal corcex also was uentioned by-a few. Considerable cencered arornd the clinical laboraEory results given by tbe diicuisim Ttris tncluded changes in the hemacogro guch as the nild to rcderate cqrtribucor. neutrophilla, abeolute lyqhopenia and eosinopenia. Serumch€aistry abnormalities irrcludid increased fastiirg'glucose, elevaEed 6err-mcAolesterol, mackedly elevate-t serLm alkaline phoephatase m both occasicts, marked SGPI elevatiqr ini-tially-and later a mild inireaie, Iqr total protein and albr.min qr the secctd saple, and -1or Abnosrat findinge in che urinalysis included serL6 potassiLm on the last sapli. Ttrie apparent Ploteinuria lqr spAciflc gravity and hiih urinary procein excretlqr. led siEB?atteidees to euspe-t a ccrcurient renal digease in thie casg. - -The plasma cortisol levels nere felt-to be exaggeEatedbefore A6III c,hallerrge and diaglostic of hyperpLasla/neoplasia after AGIITchallgnge.- Histologic features_gf chi primry and nitastarfc lest;ns included the endocrinoid appearanceof the cellg and the s@ preserre of neoplastlc cells withln veseels alctg the capeuf" qt ltte-g$d-in @ntiqrcd obeerving tLmr_cells within foci of iectiqrs. S@-participmts mineralization a;d necrilele in the adrenal. Ttre specific cauge of the recrosis ard in the adrenal may be attributed to the tulDr iteelf or to the mineralizatlm Ereaffiit rtrich was given to the- aninal. Ttre persisteCIce of the zcra glreru_losa present in nany sectlms indicated therapy as Lhe possible cau8e, as 9,P: - FD i" Lnq{n to sparsthis layer of ttre cortex.- Correlati.qr beEweengerLm ctreoiscries ard Ehe neoplain wae dfucGsed with specific reference to the elevated liver en4[tEs and their parhogenesis. Ttre elevbted SGPTcould be attributed t9 hepatocellular wttich is cmnly degeneraEtin and necrosis subeequent to fatty retmrphoeis phosPhatase-Ievels are alkaline serun Elevated de6cribed ln hyperadrenocorticls. phoephatase via coqression of the productim of alkaline attribtrted to iircreased e)€cE 11rrer,_hotever,.!Fe in the bile dr.rctgcaused by the fatty retmrphosis (2). kncrdn reasons for tbis intreased SnF prodrct-iqr are rmt cqletely -Ttte trypercholeeteroleola could be attributed to the hyperadren@orticisn and/or renal disease. Cancributor: Ibparmrt IE of Re=ffChTas-hingtur, of Coryarative Pathologl, Walter Reed Arury Institute 20012. Refererrces: C.: Turcrs of tlre endocrine glard. In Tumre^in Deetic Animals, 2nd'ed., University of California Prees, BerkE[ey, ]978. Z. Con"n, S. J. et al.:- Hyperadrenocortici* ig a-Qg^qith_adrenal and pituicary J. Arer.-Anin. Hosp. Assoc. L6z 259-262' 1980. nJrpbeia. ' the synthltic A6Ilt scimrlacicl test and lleaauresEnc et al.: E.'C. 3. fifAair, A6tll levels: UeLful diagnostic indicators for adrenal disease of endogenors if".r" ln dogs. JAAIIAL4: 52tr53L, L978. +l tet5er, J. C.: Canine hyperadrenocorticisn. In Cr-rrent Veterinary lterapy VlI, '5.W. B.-saurders Co., Philadelphia, 1980. Onens, J. M. et a1.: Hypeiadrmcorcicisn in tL* dqgt Canine Cushlog'P. Syndrre. Virc. Cfinice of N. iierica 7: No. 3, W. B. Sauders Co., Philadelphia' L977. P. O'NEILL TIIOTTIY BSC(VC) Capcain,USAF', PathologY VeterinarY Regiscry of Oeparqr"nt of Veterinary Pathologl Histories AFLPWednesdayS1ide Conference - lilo. 1"5 2l January f981 CaseI - 80-68- (AFIPt758395). cir-oici mle re<i kaqgaroo(!&gaieia rufa) ririch Haa leg. e3ecE6ifffi its potrh *ren the rcther was frightered by dogT6il5rffiher joey, but it died several urchs later. ln attempt was maileEo hand rear the Caee II - 80-10933- (enP I75839I). Three bulls died in a 3-{ay 4-year-old bull. periocl-fi-a pasture wittr-2 ottrer bulls nd25 cots. AIl aninrels were fornd dead without previous signs of illness being obsetved. enlargsrryrt and redde_nirg of Laboratory Results: !,larked splenregaly, were fornd at necroPsy. horrhages diss".ttinated serosal nooes and PrescaPul-ar Case III - AF'IP dog occasicrally passed blood clots fernale Saint Bernard wich mild a Ii-urth-old The void urine and rcre frequent urinatiqt. (2-neek dtnatim). 2+ for blood, 2-3 Wff.|LPF Laboratorv Resulcs: Urinalysis: Culture negative Radiography shored a mass at the bladder neck ct PneLmcysEography. CaseIV - ffi-2L4 - (AnP 1761490). rst pregnancy. Alorciqr at 9 mnths gestatiur. tlareEf-EFn vaecinaEed three linps during pregnancy. TIT€I}IY P. O'NEILL Gaptain, USAF, BSC(\JC) Registry of Veterinary Pathologl of Veterinary Pachologl Deparent IiEUATOLOGT 4/9180 5 1 3/ 8 0 5lLz/80 RBc (xlo6/lr1) Eb (e/d1) 6.44 15.6 10,134 5.26 L2.7 35,700 91 6 2 0 1 0 5.C3 1 3. 2 3 3, 8 5 5 94 1 4 0 0 I r.gc I frr) (Z) Seg. aeutropblls Nonseg. acutrophlla (Z) Lyophocytes (Z) ltoaocytee (Z) Eosloophlls (Z) Basophlls (Z) sERttu : 4|el80 lastlng glucoee (ng/dl) 3u!i ( ug/dl) Greatlnlne ( ug/dl) Cholesterol (ng/dI) *Ikallne phosphatase (nU/url) SGPT/ALT(uU/al) 106 12 .5 590 413 fotal protel.n (gn/dl) '.lbunln (go/df) l;a+ (rnEq/l) 51 6.0 3.2 r 55 4.t scoT/AsT(nU/ul) ;:r (are/r) .- t3) 3 lJ.2/80 117 3 .6 730 840 :07 31 5.3 2.5 :)J 2.3 ! /e/8o - </ 1 : / 8 0 Color pH Speclfic gravlty Proteln iietones Glucose 3i1e pigoents 31ood Clear 6.0 1.006 3C}+ neg. neg. neg. neg. Crear 6.0 PIASI|A CORTISOL(ng/ol) 4 /28/80 N,INALYSIS pre-ACTII 2 hr. post-ACTB 80 290 I .0c5 :tace ;-eB. reg. neg. neg. Resulcs AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference- No. l_5 2l January l98l - 80-68 - (AFrP u58395 ffirth-old , male (|&gareia fufa) utare red re(l kangaroo Kargaroo (yegarela wLrichwas rq{e) hrht'cn eJ cEed frwr its pouch when rhe urrther was frighEened by do[ilIidEoE-her leg. Case An acEempt was made Eo hand rear the joey, but-it died seveial rrcnths lacer. Cqrtributor's Diagnosis & Cunegts: I'fycotic gastritis, cmpatible with candffiCsuEnts: Heavy yeasts, determined co be Candida albicans, were presenc in che fecesof.thejoeyforsevera1weekspriortorea_E6-.rffiiwastreatedwith Elycostatin but apparently The joey also had rcderate -it was noE-effective. and lyrph node atrophy aqq -sDderate _broqrclgpneuupnia,-butno eviaence-oi-;t-'--"pi*i" dissemination of the candidiasis. The difficulty oi'orpr,a"-r".iing *a .uU6"q,*oc candidiasis has recently been reported in grey kangaroos. . !) cascricis, ulcerative, acute to subacute, 2) Lryphgdeqitiq, subacuEe,diffilse, rDderace, fynpi, node. Etiologic Diagnosis: lvfcotic gastritis. EEiologl: Candidaalbicans. ConEnts: GEer eqmTl/"Eceptable preconference unrphologic diagnoses submicted $rere necropufulent gasciicis, necrotizing g"rtr"itiJ,"or mycotic gasEritis. A few aEtendeeschoughqthe tissue repielenced esophagur "iorffry riUiir"a diagnosis of esophagiEis, but rhe cbnrriburor wab piesenr "ni and ?,*:*gfo,gic ldencltiecl the tissue as nonglandular stonrachof the kangaroo. Lymphadenitiswas submitted olff bf a few.of rhe par-ticipants as rhis tissle was nor presenEin all secEions. CharacterisEics of tfre lesion included the erosion and o,irftifo""i ulceraLion of the rucosa, the large numbersof fungal o.g"i;*, Ehe cellular respo'nseof the hosE, and che abrupt ending of the-lesioil at che jtrnc6ion of the glandular and nonglandular scomach. l'ungi"were observed extendin[ to the basai' epithefirn and occasionalty inco the submrcosa. -ulceratiirn .!Yers-of che_stratified squaunus ---l"licroabscess formation and the mrcosa were bhserved Uy aif-. .along Characteristics -of che lungi include the m6ssesof fungal hyphae and nirnerous blastospores. -The, septate hyphal forrs were uriform iil diann!rcr and irad-pai"ff"f -Blascospores walls and rqe.ular-branch_ing. $reresrnll, rolrnd co oval, and';fc;;osrDnstrate<l budding. The cellular response $rasmixed wichin the subrnrcosaard wicbin Ehe lamina propria and consisted-of lyurphocycesand neutrophils. An aLrcst resPonseoccurred aloqnd fungal organisms in rhi ulrcosa. Changes ?:t:,1.Y:.9Ph111" node included necrosis of the germinal denters, deplerion of fyqhoid in-!!e-Iyttph follicles, aod diffuse infilcration of the iode by rnderate'nirriers of pMN'i.' tr,e {PPearanceof the node was described by a few as ieaccive. Tt:ere \,,/assorrE discussion of the pathogenesisof chis- lesion and sevecal, possibly dependenc, factors were proposed. These included a changein bacreriri flora-of Lfre alirrEntar_ytract due to antibiolic a&riniscracion, stress and irminosulpression, scasis of the stornach. Local facrors such:rs IgA produccionand locai'io*otiiy'o,ry account for the cessation of the lesions at the jr.mction r:f the glandular and ' nonglandular stosnch. It was poinEed ouE thaE the cor.r's milk formula given Ehese orphaned animals which is dissimilar to thaE of kangaroo milk in galaccose concenE rnay aid in the production of this disease as Kangaroos lack enzymes co digesc galactose. Caution was expressed that on gross examination of the stmrach these fungal mycelia may be mistaken for milk curd. National Contributor: Zoological Park, l,lashingLon, DC 20008. Reference: @.L.:Candidiasisinyoun8hand-rearedkangaroos.J.wi1d1ifeDis. 1 6 : 1 3 5 - 1 4 0 ,1 9 8 0 . Case II - 80-10933 - P 1758391). a 4-yea*old bull. per Tnree bulls died in a 3-day b-pasture with 2 other bulls and 25 covrs. AII animals were fourd dead without previous signs of illness being observed. Laborator PrescaPular Results: l,larked splenmgaly, enlargeuent and reddening of and disseurinated serosal hernrrhages were found at necropsy. Concributor' gji@g.ig frarJ5frl-ssues. : Septicemia, anthrax. Bacillus anthracis was isolated Attendeesr D , diffuse, severe, bovine. 2) 3) Pleuricis, fibrinohemcrr Etiologic Diagnosis: Bacterial pner-unniaand splenitis. Anthrax. Etiology: Bacteria corpatible wich Bacillus anthracis. Ccnrnnts: Other diagnoses given by ffis were pneumnitis and pleuritis, lynphoid necrosis of the spleen, and congestion and heuprrhage of che lung and spleen. Scne participants described a capsuliEis associated with the spleen and vasculitis was listed by one. CharacterisEics of the lesions included pleural thickening and herprrhage; fibrinous material within alveoli and adnering to pleural surfaces; and edema,congestion and heuprrhage in alveolar sepEaeand spaces. A mild inflauuratory response of small nrmbers of neutrophils accmpanied these changes in the lung. lesiqrs in tne spleen consisted of foci of necrosis, depletion and herprrhage in the corpuscles and diffuse congesEicr/hemrrhage in che red pulp. llrderate nulrbers of PIW'S accorpanied these changes in the spleen. Nwerous bacterial organisms observed in the luqgs and spleen were characEerized as long bacilli with square ends lined up in a "boxcar" fashion. A bacrerial sEain deflslstrated Eheseorganisms to be GramposiEive. The clinical signs and pathogenesisof the disease was discussed. It was felc that death ifnich is al-mst always peracute in the bovine is attributed to a shock-like condition. The production of Ehe shock is probably uediaced by the release of a toxin nnst probably an exotoxin v*rich produces edema,hernrrnage and necrosis. Three toxic factors have been idenEified in anthrax: a leEhal factor, an edemafactor, and a protective antigen (2). Another possibiliEy nay be neurocoxin production by che bacEeria. Other features of the bacteria discussed included the aerobic vegeEaEive phase which produces the toxins and rhe necessity of exposure to ahrospheric air or - 2 - oxyggn for- sn9r9 producEion. Spores persisc for decades in the environrenc and remaininfective- opening.gtni"pryy of carc".r"" in whichanrhiai-i-"lii"p"di.a is strictry-al"!9$-ap9a (irregal in sqrn cortrrrries)uecaJJe oFsporurarionrhar results' Although the vegetaEive baciui il ilternal organs of r^rropened carcasses are destroyed in-2-3 days-by putrefacti*,-td-ilood exuEJ-fior orifices is loaded with bacilli rhat sporulate. Contributor: Departmentof Veterinary Science, South Dakota State University, nrootrrnffi-TtOO7. References: TIIE66--fKe:nnedy: Pathology of DoBstic Animals, Vol. r, Academicpress, Lglo, p. 374. ^ ^2'lp!9itt", 9r L.:- Pathologic Basis of Diseaae- rnfecrior.s Disease. sawrders & Co., Philadelphia, 1980, p. +7a. CaseIII - sIP #2 -_(aEE 1667519). a tJ-trpnEn-oro re0Fle lialnt Eernard with nild slgns of cystitis, prolonged-tlnreto void urine and rcre trequent urinatiqr. it" dog occasioully paised urooa clors 1z-wee[-Juraii*1.-. - G - Laboratorv Resulrs: Hllllryrj:;".?;f"r blood,z_3:wrc/Lw Radiographyshcnreda lurss at the bradder neck on pneurccystography. contributor's Diapnosis & cosnepls: Enibryonalbocryoid rhabdmyosarcorm. uIpE a8 grapelike ch.rsters arourd the neck of the bladiler and dorn the urechrr.' PresenEeo il-JA;;""ii[!r because of inability to firnctiqr normally after surgery and no further "uttanacized evidences of the cL@r rrere fotrnil in the cadaver. Attendees' RhaMmyosarcma, urinary bladder, Saint Berna-itf,G:Iild. @ CsnFnts: Rhabdoryosarcoma$ras the preferred diagrnsis by all the participants and several includ{ disgrlptive terms slch as uorriola,-p"ry'p"ia, and e4,ridr. Differential diagnoses given by se were teioyosaicma, ani'mlxmtous fibrosarcma. Featureslr *re neoprasmai".r#a porypoid and *r" .t*-iiigi;ous papilliferous bransitional tined.piojecricrs, rh" obviotrs-siitdi;;fi^ffific i" both dense and ryxooatou{r (loose)'.ri"ng*,i,-f;;ii;-";'i;;rracing-ffiJies'or Ehesespindle.g"Lt, rlre preienceoF n iiiroc"l curg""ti*-*a-h;ir;h€;- . associated with the -and tL@r in Ltre bladder wall. se atEendees reportd observing ulceratiqr and necrosis of the urcosa Uy neopLstic invasisr. A f"lf aEtendees qepgrled observing mrsruclear inftsmnelory tells associated wich these foci. of the neoplasticcelti discussJ ller;-rh; pi.*"pt i* tt,. !:ll"$'$reftoey the rare aPpearance "r of nucleoli, the variatiqr in iitotic rare ::tl,|qleI' (u-+/nPt) hnEhin clitferent areas of Che EurDr, Etrceosinophilic fibrillar cytoplasm scge of wtrich cmtained cross sLriatiqr or so-called "strlp p".i,iio. ""ff";-*a - 3 - vacuoles present in sornecells. The discussion tnen curned co cne possiote cissue cell of oiigi.n for this tuurlr. It was noted chac a large nwrber of'chese tutrDrs occur aE Ehe neck of tire bladder in dogs. |drltipocential resoderrnl cells of Wolfian duct rennants in the fernale and Mullarian duct reurranLs in Ehe rele r.rere speculaEed as the tissue of origin. There is an apparent oreed and sex predilection for this Eunnr; it occurs upst often in Saint Bernards and rpre ofLen in females. Metascasis is rare and has been associated wicn mulciple sur6eries. In humans the tr.mrr occurs rnost conncnly in males less Ehan L-L/2 years of age. In dogs this EurDr npst often is reporced in animals less cnan 2 years ot age. Anocher feature pointed out was Ehe apparent predilection for cne urinary bladcjer. The reason the eurbroyonic rennants proliferate may be associated r.rith cransitional epitheliun of che bladder as urothelir.rm stimulaEes fibrous conneccive Eissue proliferation r,*ren transplanted to sites of bone fracture. The associaCion irith hypertrophic osEeoarthropathy and Ehis tmor was discussed. The specific cause is noE knomr but may be associaEed with neurogenic pachways as chis seems Eo be Ene case with the thoracic pulnnnary space occupying lesions via che vagal nerve (I). Direct sisulation via a factor produced by the cransitional epithelium of cne bladder also was speculated as a possible cause. Cartributor:_ Star6@, Deparcment of Veterinary puilman, WA 99L63 l"licrobiology and Patnology, Wasniqgcon References: f:-TElTfidell, W. H. and Ackerrnan, N.: Bocryoid rhabdomyosarcomaof cne urinary a4!_hypertrophic osteoarthroparhy in a young dog. JAWIA 165: lFaigl 9rr-98, L974. 2. Roszel, J. F.: Cytology of urine from dogs wiuh bocryoid sarcomaof Ehe bladder. Acta Cytol. L6z 443-446, L972. 3. Stanps, P. et al.: Bocryoid rhaMorryosarcoma of che urinary bladder of dog. JAVI{A153: f064-f068, 1968. Case IV - 8O-ZL4- (AFIP L76L490>. rst preBnancy. AborEionaE 9 rDncns gesEation. t'lareEl-5-n vaccinated three tires auiin[ pregnancy. Contributor's Dlagnosis & Conments: AborEion, equine viral rhinopner.unnitis. er, lung and'adrenalwith areas of mineralization. InEranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies are presenE, Particularly in bronchial epitheliun. Eq,rine herpes virus isolated from tissues. Attendeesl Diagnoses& Conuents: ia, interstitial, acuce co subacuEe,wiEn uultifocal necrosis, and nuurerousintranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies, l*g, foal, equine. 2) Hepatitis, necrorizing, acuce, rultifocal, nrcderate,Iiver. 3) Necrosis and henorrhage, with mineralizaEion, mtltifocal, severe, adrenal gland. EEiologic Diagnosis: Viral pneurnnia, hepaEitis, and adrenalitis. Etiology: Corpatible with Equine HerpesVirus-l InfecEion. Corents: There $rasBeneral agreenencwich the contributor's diagnosesand ccrnenEs. Tbe morphologic diagnoses lisced rverereachedafcer discussion of che - 4 - lesiqls and further consultatior. other equally accepcablercrpnologic diagnoses prior to the conference iircludeh necroci"ing-Sq'e giy:1"lt_participants pi.,-onniEG, necrosis, necrotizing and adrenalicis. parricipancs 3l:tf?::l,h:!.Eo"ellular arso listed acr acute to subacute.plegritis, and RE-cell hyperplasia wiclrin che liver. Featureg of the lesiqrs ii ttre lung were characterized as diffuse rcderaEe to severe qo"g:lliol of 5h9 pul-mrary pa5enchyr-ra,rhe consolidared appea;"*;(cctsidered almost normal foi fecal i_qngl, ai-ffuie edeuraof cr,.-rivSi;;-;;L, cellular infittrates cqtsisting.of Plq{'F'and macropn4g"swithin septa and aiveoiar spaces, necrosis of alveolar and snall bronchiolar'liiling cells, da-rG p;;*"" of large-nr-der of eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in several cell !IPes:- lesions in the liver consisted of nrlrifocal necroii" eo"i *iin distributiqr, infiltration,of pr_imariiy inro it""" foci srd "-i"oa* the presence of occasiaral.eosiropiritfc lnlranucleir ".rt".ptrils inclusion bodies aE rhe periphery of cheselesicrs. Lesionsin'the adrenar.i"-a""ciiu"i-"r andnecrosis with mineralizatiqr. Therewascoql"c" f""[ *l;#;;1-i;#il4. ;f;-i;ii"il;;;i-' resPonse within this tiesue. Eosinophilic intraiLrclear inciusiogre and wererentioned by.o.nfr a- few partrcipanis.- several p.iii"ip"nrs ,{e". "oi-'cDvro,s @nrioned foci of hypercellularity wi*riir the paienchG;i-ihe liver wirh cells described as -Ttrese foci'lere iicerpiei"d ioci oi ;h*duiG;tff*11^g:ecur_sors. nsnatopoiesis !*lich is considerednomral fbr fetal"sliver. ftre pattrog;n-sis of rhe --virar lesiqri in the fetal nqine aiscussea. infecrion of rhe ferus is cqtsidered to be via idfection "asof circulating i"-"f rtrpdytls r{hich cross rhe placental barrier and gain access to the mat5rnal circuiatidn and retuf,n to the fetus. Fetal tissues ire theminfected-*il[;L virus chrorgh infected feral lyuphocytes.- rtre ability of rhe foat io **i-; i"iid;ffi ,"rponse is presenr ln the last half of-the pregnancya1a qrgJ tG-ipp"rlnr iirtramatoiiinfiltrate in the affectid Eissuls in rhis "*pt"i* me speilii.-'"ur" of aborrim maybe rediated, through elevated fetaf-cortirof ""5". levels lna Uieatdoin of placenral atcactrents with.subeequentexpulsiqr of the fetus or prematurebirth. Foals born live are weakand usuaity di: a8 houis. Th; virus irrsr courly isolared is ln Equinellerpes virus 1. funt e is not reported io causeabortion, ard EIV is 3 noc isolated comnly in aboltims but can ira,.,s"abortiqr. --v"""i""ri*-oi-'thi',Jr5-frit, EHv I produce is kncnrrn Eo respiratory disebseand/or abortion_in horse"-(rj. equine rhinopner-uutitis vaccine-(a fact drirte.i irm ah.-hi;;;;yi-"*-.h.-"u"ftc"a route of infection. older Ex{VI vaccineswere deriuJ it*r-ttrt". cerl line and have been reported to be abortigenic (1,2). cqrtributor: B.C.M.A., veterinary Laboratory, Box 100, Abbotsford, 8.c., Canailal-VZS-4i[&, References: r. Eagresoe, M. D., et a1.: Equine Herpesvirus I Infeccion in vaccinated wich a live-virus rhinopriermanitii vaccine, attenuated in mares cell culc're. Can. Vet. J. 20: L45-L47, Lg7g. of_fetal adrenal cortex to congeniral . ^ 2. -Osborne,B. I. et al. : infecrion. AE. J. oB/GTxLL4t &:po*" 622:627, L1TZ:--- 3. furdl,-C.-!__": "1.:, Equine rhinopnet-writis vaccine - Im.nngeniciry *rd P$:ty in adult horses, including pregnanr rn res. Am. J. ver. Res. 39; tji:igi, L978. - TI}OIHY P. O'NEII.L Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Registry of VeEerinary Parhology Departrent of Veterinary Parhology - 5 - Histories AFIP We&resdaySlide Conference - No. 16 28 Januarv l98l CaseI - 80-1038 (U58453). earale poodle was presented 10/17/7-9 wicn nystagmjs, clitticurEy wiEh aubulatiqr, aod a iectal terpirarure of I04.2oF. She ias Ereaied repeqtg$]y.ryllh gentaqycin qqd dexpnrethas6rewirh no iry.ou.*ni. -She A head-tilr was noted LLlL4l79. wae referred to a University Vererh;ry SAool for evaluatiqr. Sltght.narroling of cervlcal vertebiae Z-g-;d'34, with no evidence of hernialimr was detrDnstraEedradiologically. No other abnormalities could be -fotnd. Disc fenestration was perforred"frort2_3 co cs-0. ten aays-i.t"i,-afte-r an aPParent normal recoviry.fror surgeryl-itre-a"fHi"a-""dderfuy. nauies arn 'rD'r vacciiatiqrs had been adurinistered rJurinety in frct,-Lgig. case II - 0065 (AFIP 175ggy+). HlsEory: -Ulceraclve lesidt rnasuring 2 cm in diaeter remved fro the |l:":-i-"" ,99:io," of frart fpg of 8-year-o1d nale cat. origin of lesion ir-,mf..roo"t DUECnOUghE to be due to a bite wourd fron anocher cat Case III - A28109 1665535 afa aperitoreal Case rv - AT-1367-79L758/,62 rfrl an resP lled and necropsied 14 days after receiving a experiuental coupornd. curkey wirh history of recenc ill-defined TINI}T'HYP. O'NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(rc) Regiscry of Veterinary Patholory Deparmrt of Veterinary Pathologl Resulcs AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. fb 28 January l98l Ca s eI - 8 0 - 1 0 3 8(U 5 8 4 6 3 ). ennle podfg was presencedl0/ L7/7g wich nyscagmus, ditticurEy wich ambulaEion,and a reccal temperacure of 104.zoF. She iras Ereaie<t repeacedly.ryl$ gentamycin qnd dexarethasonewich no improvernnt. A head-Eilc was -She noced LL/L4/79. wbs referred co a universiiy veceiilrt-Silool for evalr.ntion. Slight.narrowing of cervical vertebiae 2-3 *A"f-+, wich no evidence of hernialion, was denrcnsEraEed radiologicaffy. No other abnormalities could be found. Disc fenestration was performed"frqr c24 co cs_0. Ten days rater, recovlry.from aoftiea-s;aaeiiy.--n"uies and ,l,t!:,T lpp":g"t normal "lJfIL" -1l vaccinaEions had been adninistered "urg".yi-ine roucinery in March Lg7g. Concribucor'sDi is_& Cmrreqts:, Granulomatoussnningoencephalicis. visceral Eissues were suoniEEed. Lesiqts were limited to the brain. All slides may loc deupnstrate represengagive lesions-of meningitis. Special stains (PA^S, Gran) failed co despnsrragean etiologic.agenE. Alchough-the.spinal cord was not available for examinatior, che brain braln lesions lesions are are compaEi compaEiblewich the described entiEy---canine granulomacous sranulmnrous meningoencephalcrnyeI i t i s . AEEendees'Di is & Connents: nnderaEe, cerebral cortex , poodle, canine. Eciologic Diagnosis: Canine granulounuous ireningoencephalonyelitis syndrome. Etiology: Unkncr'^rn. Cmnents: The rnrphologic diagnosis was the r-rnanitrpusconcensus of rhe attendees. The preconference etiologic diagnoses given by participancs enconqrassed canine granulouratous encephalornyelicis and frinnry"recicuiosis of lne nervous fIstem. The features of the lesions consisced of mulcifocal granulmatous """ii"i-lesions locaced wichin the white matEer of the corEex and to some exc6nc che gray matter, the internal capsule, ffid hippocarnpus depending ox che sectiqr. Ueniigebl -Perivisculai involvenent was evident in sqne sections. discribucion was prourifrenc in many of the lesiqts. For the rrDsc part the lesions erere noc accmpanild oy changgq in che adj-acent neuropil but smre atEendees reported foci of iarefaccion and gliosi" Cell cypes |n addition to.Eha granulmatous meningoenlephalitis. involved in Ehese lesions included rncrophages/hisEiocytis, lyrphocyc"", pi"sr" cells, &d occasionally neuErophils. Tha macrophagic/irisciocyric cbffs'wire described as blasEic appearilg by a few parciciianls, and nicocic figures were reported by a few. A reuiculun srain wai projelted that denrlnsErac"Ediscontinuous silver-positive reticulun fioers around vessels and dissecting Decweenche cells in these foci. The discussioir then turned Eo che etiologic diagiiosis of che lesions present. of lesions-as "canine granulouratous meningoencephalomy^'icis" t"ignation denotes an inflarrnaEory nature of the condition whereas prirnry"reticutosisinfers a neoplascic involvement. Sone attendees who listed granulunatous encephalicis sug4ested a viral etiology, but viral particles have noc been reporred wich trris entity. ,Special stains by the contributor and AFIP for fungal-, baccerial, and procozoal organisms were negaCive. It was poi.nCedout Ehac chese two entities ilay in facc represenc cne sainecondicion Dut in different scages. Tne infiltracion cf rhese inflannratory/neoplascic cells is considered co be from tne circulatirg npnonuclear phag,ocycesystem. Hiscogenesis scudies of che brain have sholn crrac macrophagesand possibly microglial cells arise fror chis sare sysLem. llicroglial cells do not appear in the brain unEil afcer vascular penetration occurs, and autoradiography scudies have shcwn that macrophagesmigrate co perivascular spaces in Ehe brain. This disease in dogs has been conpared uo che condition in man terred reticuL-m cell sarccrna of the CNSwhich also is a disease wichout a known etiologic agenE. Correlauion beEweenthese Ewo condiEions has noc been establich'r,"1 This disease condition in dogs appears Eo involve two age groups: young dogs l-2 years of age and dogs over 6 years of age. CorEicosteroids are reported to signs alleviate signs in affected animals but death is inevitable. Clinically, mrsE be differentiaLed fror ocher diseases involving Ehe CNS including other inf launatory and neoplastic conditions. Cqrtributor: Veterinary-sox Diagnostic & InvesEigational veceiiffiT]-IEilidine, P. o. Laboratory, College of 1589,Tifron, GA Stlgt+. References: I@.G.etal.:Granulomatousgpningoencephalmyelitisinsixdogs. JAVMA 172: 1195-1200,L978. 2. Cordy, D. R.: Caninegranulmratousueningoencephalmryelicis. Vec. Pathol. L6: 325-333, L979. 3. Russo, M. E.: Primary reticulosis of the central nervous syscernin dogs. JAW'IAL74z 492-500, L979. 4. van Furth, R. et aI.: The mononuclearphagocytesystem: A new classification of macrophages,upnocytes, &d uheir precursor cells. Bull Wld HlEh Org. 46: 845-851, L97'2 CaseII - 0065 (AFIP U58834). measuring 2 cm in dianeter removedfrm Ehe anceFl6if-p-ortion of front leg of 8-year-old male cat. Origin of lesion is unknor^n buc thoughc co be due to a bite wourd frorn another cat. dermatiEis. is {i CourEnts: Diffuse pyogranulomaEous hages are morphologically compacible wicir Trichosporon sp. Futher evidence for che identification of tire organisns as reans of for Disease Disease Control Control by reans frmr Ehe Ehe CenEer CenEer for obtained frmr ElT was was obtained friffiosporon frffii#Foron Sl Contributor's Di ffiodycechniquesusingspecifica11yIabelledanciserumappliedto deparaffined cissue sections. Attendees' Diasnosis & Conments: is, pyogranulCInatous, cnronic, focally exEensive, moderate, subcutis and skin, cat, feline. Etiologic Diagnosis: I'tycotic derroacitis. Undetermined-by actendees (see contributor's coimenEs). Etiol{y: Conments: The nujoricy oi che attendees lisced pyogranulomaEousdermacicis as their preconference uprphologic diagnosis. Sonrepreferred a granulmntous derrnacitis as only a few neutrophils were pr:senE in Eheir secEions. Tnere was - 2 - general aBreerlentwith the etiologic diagnosis as a mycotic dermatiEis. The etiologic diagnosis given by manywas sporotrichosis with differentials chat ircluded phycomycosis,helminthosporosis, chroronycosis and phaetrtycosis. Protozoal dermacitis also was urentionedas a differential diagnosis. FeaEuresof che lesion included breardownof collagen in the superficial dermis and infiltration of che deep dermis and subcutaneoustissue witn a mixed cell populaEior of histiocytic cells, lyurphocyces,plasma cells and depending on tne sectitrt large or snall nunbers of neutrophils. In addition Eo the infiltrate, necroEic cellular debris also was present. FeaEuresof che incra and extracellular cigar shaped,organisrnsincluded buddirtg yeast forms, chains of organisms, and forre suggestive of hyphae. A GT'IS and PA.Ssubscanciated chese findings. Sm atcendees observed fine filmentous processes at che ends of the organisms and chus che possible confusion wiEh protozoaL organisre. A few partiaipants and ocner consultants wifhin the Institute did not feel the organisms-werecharacteriscic of sporotrichosis. Features inconsistent with sporotrichosis included the large nLnber of organisuls present, cbains of organisms, cigar shaped forms which r.reretoo long for sporotrichosis, aod hyphaewith apparent brtnching. Sporocrichosis mre closely resembleehistoplasrosis in H&Ecissue sectiors, and the presence of large nrrrbers of organisms is uncourrDnin sporotrichosis. In the discussion of tne inrrunologic-findings in this case,. several attendees wonderedif cross reaccivity with other fungal organism occurs. Cautiqr vras expressed thac diagnosis carurocbe bqsed purely on the rnrphologic appearancein tissue section. Clinical pathology also is iryortant. This case is considered tnrique in chat deep dermal involverenc of Trichosporon has noc been docrmented. One case of disseurinited Trichosporon nycosis was alluded to in one reference (2). Trichosporon is reported co involve exclusively the epidermis and hair shafts of man, horses, reptiles and a spider ronkey (L,2). Trichosporon beigell! is the causaEiveagenc of wtriEepiedra in man.These1esffichehairshaftsaidresemb1epaiasicicnics grossly. T. cutaneun involves both the epidermis and hair shafcs in man. The agent idenETfii&ITi-The single case in the upnkey was T. cuEaneum. The organism (l). rJported in reptiles.was f .""p..i"" Tne organismAfeffiTbEf-in horses"was designated as T. equinun.Concributor:- Veterinary Diagnostic Cencer, University of Nebraska,Lincoln, NebrlEE-a---585&ll References: -ffins, f. C. W. et al., Edicors: Black Piedra, whice piedra and trichorycosis axillaris. IN I'4edicalMycology, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, L977, pp 181-184 2. Kaplan, l^1.: Piedra in lower animals: A case reporc of whice piedra in a rnnkey and a review of the liceraEure. JAVl,tA,U3-1U, Feb f959. 3. Kuttin, E. S. et al.: I'tycosesin Crocodiles. GrosseVerlag, 1978, pp 39-48 - 3 - - A28f09 (AFIP 1666535). lled and necropsied 14 days afcer receiving a single intraperitoneal dose of an experimencal coryourd. CaseIII Cmcributor's D is & Coruents: I6.rlcifocal granulcmatousnephricis t crys material. Cgrencs: -rt appears that the experirencal coupoundor a metabolite has precepicated wirhin che renal tubules and elicited a responsesimilar Eo rhac of a foreign body. Although precipitation within the renal cubules is noE rlncosrt)n, crte granulontous reaction is, in our experience, unusual. Actendeesr Di is& icis, granulomaEous, rultifocal, rcderate to EEiologic Diagnosis: Chronic toxic nephritis. EEiology: Undeternined. Cou|9ncs: Other preconference nrcrphgfggic diagnoses given by sore participancs were necrogranulwetous nephritis and tubuto-intericitial-nephritis. Tire diagirosis Iisted was considered to encourpass all of the changespresent in the Eissr.p aid was not restricced to jusc- tubular and interstiEial iniolvi+urent. Changesincluded -i"i"r"iitirf mulciple- foci of granulmratous,inflasnarion in the coruex and reAuTia, and cubular heunrrhage primarily in the medulla, and minimai 11g1"'-t"iory ctranges in the pelyis in soue sections. Granulomacousinflarrration involved i;i ;i-: tubules and interstitiLul in the cortex and medulla and occasionat giq,"rufi. A mild subacute infiltrace algo was present in Ehe pelvis. Soue reporCed hyperplastic regenerative changesircattered in coitical cubules. "tcE"O"". Anocher fiature reporEed by -somqwas Ehe presence of casts and mineralized material in lrrens of corEical and redullary tubules. The inflamratory foci were described as singular and coalegcing infilcrates of macrophages,lynph6cytes, neurropfriis, pf".* E"ffr, and occasional multinucleaEed foreiin Soay type giinc,cells. tn" center of manyof these foci conLainedbirefringent ciystaliini:'maEerial. This material-"pp""r"a faint greenish structures in nonpolarized light. The polarized material'was "t suggestive of calcir-unoxylaEe crystals. The-eciologic'agenc(s) speculated by msc part.iciPanEs lras rhe experimental ccurpoundand diffErenclally inciuded variols antibioEic, cotrpoLndsand heavy uetals. The exact nature of Lrre compotrnd was noc disclosed by che conrributor. Histochernical analyses included microincineratiar gnd spegial stains for uraEes and calcir-an. The risults suggesteda mixcure of inorganic and organic deposits-in che Eissue with a scronglsitivity for calcirm corplexes and a weak reaction for uraces. Ttre disapp.araici of biretringeni--lncetial.ltPtrt microincineraEion indicates me preseirle of organic deposiEs. Further discussion included the pathogenesis of trre lesions. Ic was speculated thac- darnge Eo Ehe tubules of nephron-could have resulted in the deposition of insoluble uncabolites of the conpoundor products of cellular degrailacion in uhe inEerstiEirm ffich subsequentgranuloratoul response. It was sur[rising chat only selecced comPonenEs of the cortex and sEdulla were affecced and not the encire as is expected wiuh agents causing toxic Eubular nephrosis. SomeatEendees fi$ney teIE the glouerular involveuencwas due co extension from prirnry cubular lesions. A suggestion of irmune ccnplex disease also was enEertaineaUy the csrcributgr (personal cmnr.nication), due co breakdormof baseuenEmenbraneswith exposure of antigenic substancesand subsequenE inflannncory response. Concribucor: Pfizer Inc. CenCral Research, Groton, CN 063/+0. - 4 - CaseIV - M-1367-79 (L758462). week.oIdcurkeywiEhhisEoryofrecenc'ill-defined respiraEoryrdiseasein flock of 5,000 IfboJacory Results: Electron microscopyof organismson epichelial surface reve@ attactrenE zones cbirsisrenE wich Cryptbsporidia sp Concributor s Dj.Hngsis & Cqlrpntst Respirarory cryptosporidiosis. ractir ized "Oyc'trionil infl"tr'*cory chickenilg of tne lanina piopria, mlcosal epichelial'protiferacive charlge'an'J deciliacion, moderate glanduiar attenuation'and rhe piesence of epiEhelfal surfaces of large nuurbersof protozoan organistrs consistent mirphologically wich Cryptosporidia gg Actendees' DiaFsrosis& Courrents: is, subacuteand proliferacive, diffuse, . moderate, trachea, turkey. Etiologic Diagnosis: Respiratory cryptosporidiosis. Etiolog5l: Cryptosporidia-sp. Comerrts:@gree[IEnEwichrhecontributor'sdiagnosisand c<xments. HisLopathological-features cmenced on were che diffuse thickening of the tracheal mtcosa, Lhe infiltration of the lamina propria with inflAnmacory cells, the formation of cystic structures lined by ciacheal epichelirm, and tbe pr9s9n99of nuunrous small round organisms along tbe ciliated'borders of che epichelir-ur and_free in cystic spaces. The inflInrmatory cells consisted of a mixed populatiot of lyurphocyEef , pfasriu cells and heEerophifi. Features of uhe organisms in H&Esectiqrs lrtere_ variability in size and shape-and vacuolation of ssn f5rms with dense granular bodies to one side of the vaiuole. Parasitophorus vacuoles also were present. The encire life cycle of Cryptosporidirm sp. is unknown. D.reto iEs small size (2-5micrcrs)itisoftendiffientiateEhevariousstagesintbelife of the trDst probable life cycl6 (noce: we fYcle. Ttre follor^ring is a conpendir-ur knowCryPcosporidiun is a coccidian so we should cimpare what we see wich nrhacwe kno^lffihercoccidianlifecycIes,i.e.lnimeria,Isospora).Tnemode of infection is unknownbut ic is believed due to inge6Effior pos3l6ft inhalatiqr) of sporulated oocysts. Sporozoices probably escape Fror che oocysEand then infecE epiEhelial cells. There is difference of opinion-as ro whecherthe trophozoites (the infecting sporozoice) are intra or exlracellular. Eleccron micrographsshow four layers (i.e., milnbranes)surror-nrdingche parasice and chus manyfeel Ehis is indicative of trpo inner renbranes of che proc6zoa and rhe oucer snslbranesof the epichelial cell. It is Ehought the sporozoite burrows right trnder che epithelial eell mesbraneand thus is incracellular. The subsequencsuages of the protozoa'ate similar Eo that seen wich ocher coccidia: Trophozoicesgive rise to schizonts (wiuh eight nnrozoices due Eo three cell divisions), these rupcure and give rise to other merozoites or gauEtes. 0ocysEs have been reported by a few wrcrkers. Micrographsare not consistent with that of oocyscs, however,and Enus chey nay be schizonts, eicher inEracellular or passing in feces due to disrr'- tion of epichelial cells. IE is suggested, however, that oocyscs do form, are passed ouL in che feces, sporulate, and are chen infecEive to other hoscs. - 5 - Crypcosporidiosis has been reported in a varieEy of species including repciles, qurkeys, geese, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, laubs, calves, swine, unnkeys, and oan (4). Diseasesare noE always associated wiEh chese proEozoa. They i.nhabic che intestinal Cract in rnst of Ehesespecies. CorrcribuEor: Animal DiseaseDiagnoscic Laboracory, PurdueUniversicy, WesE Lafa@l3N-4i7907 . References: f.Tr . G, & Srich, t'1.D.: Crypcosporidiosis in man: Parasice life cycle and fine scructural pathology. J. Pach. L32z 2L7-233, 1980. Z. Fletcher, O. J. et al.: Cryptosporidiosis of the Bursa of Faoricius of chickens. Avian Dis. L9z 630-639, L975. 3. Hoerr, F. J. et al.: Respiratory crypEosporidiosisin turrceys. JAWIA173: f591-r593. , 4, Potrlenz, J. et aI.: Bovine cryptosporidiosis: A transmission and scanning elecEron microscopic study of soe sEagesin che life cycle and of the hosc-parasite relationship. Vet. Pathol. L5: 4L7-427, 1978. TIMqIHY P. O.NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary Pathology Departrent of Vecerinary Pachology - 6 - Histories AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference - No. L7 , t+ February 1981 Case I - 0[O020I P 1758400 Enale BHErat lras lg!,using her hind legs for about :.^1" jidsr';p:* .6T'3.flf ;3'H 5ffI;"315"Ti cm, : fi1nly rm,i'ff]"[:: H']* it'i" a*ached ro rbe dorsal i.ea of En"'UIseof weekl a n r l uoderately rrnJo-aFalrr f.i* tan-gray aqd firm. fnn-oraw iiri"'"ii "iLIia, 4r-^ &-tle tar.r-giayrissui exrendedi"co-itJl#"i,,; mlscles. mtSCIeS. Ttfg right fight Overv 4-0 cm in-.liinnor-oo nraanii*u ^-r ..---- .cr-. ovary was cm in-di"ttBter, creflFpink .The and very firn. ryas4.0 Siutilar tissue, 2.0 cm iir diamtet. enrbedded rhc caudal nnrrdnl pole rvrla 6f ^F rhe rho rigtrt in rLre , was enbedded kidney, - and rourd masses,0.3 1.6 cm in-aiarei".l ,*r"J;;h"'i*g;: case II - PA-089-e90,__E0:989-2r-!0 (aEw L7i737g). three day course of There was a recnargy, <lepression, anorhexia, nasal diicharee and sqle " ' " v@ition. etransient response to supportive therapy. Laborator I^IBC- 10,900 Pt'N - 607" Band - 2% Ly'mph - LL% Eos. - 27"L - aL friset of initial PCV - 31% signs CBC- 5/L/80 - prior ro dearh l'{,Bc,- 220 PW - 24% Band - 1% Lyqph - 25"1 Eos. - 5A"L Gross t'lecron54$1114 segtrEntal encericis, *ell bowel, characcerized by . Eurglo sh,otlen loops, &d patchy areas of serosal reddening. , # CaseIII - ? (AFIPL757'295). cisstp massin -,-Tltcotyi Tissue from a wild caughtrabbit wich a subcucaneous Ene lngulnal region. HISTORY AND I"ABOMTORYDATA: 8-25-77 - A 5 month old female lrish Setter waa preaented to a practicing veterinerian wlth chief complainte of lethargy and anorexia. Rectal PCV Fecal temperature - lOOoF - 20% - hookworm OvA The anlmal was treated with dinitrophenyl (Dt{P), anpicillin, & a vitamin eupplanent. 9'7-77 - The anlmal was returned becauee che was depressed, vomltl-g and anorectLc. Auscultation of the thoraclc cavity revealed pulmonary congestLon. Temperature SMA 12 PCV wBc Amplcllltn - 104oF normeL 30% 25,000 treatment contlnued. 9'L4'77 - Temperature - L06oF. Anlmal was provided ftuid (4 mg/kg b.1.rl. firsr dayl 4 ng/kg daily thereaiter). therapy and G€ntamlcin 9'22'77 - Temperature dropped to t0loF but no lmprovement in general condltlon of anlmal was noted. Anlrnal was glven a blood transfusion and Cepholosporln. 9-23-77 - Anlmal' was found dead and necropsled by practiclng veterlnarian, reported whlte plaques on parletal and visceral pleural gurfaces. DIAGNOS IS: Tentative clinical DX: Systemtc mycotlc infection T I M O T HPY. O ' N E I L L Capt., USAFB , SC(VC) Registry of Veterinary Pathology Departmentof Veterinary Pathology who ResulLs AFIP WedndesdaySlide Conference No. L7 4 Feburary l98l Case I - 0100201(eilp U58400) le BHEraE was noc using her hind legs for abour a week, but was argrg The animal was killed. A very firm,"gray-pink 3n9 :"!ing. prorrusion, 2.0 X 0.? X 0.5 cm, finmly aEtache<lEo che dorsal ir"" oi Etre'bise cf Ehe tail was observed. The ventral lisrbosacral spinal *"r diffusefy enfargea, Ean-gray d *9"lately "."" inro the adjicent firur. The tan-gray cissue extended mrscles. The right ovary w.1e4.0 cm in-dihreter, cre€rrFpink and u"ry ii*. flTirar tissue, 2.0 cn in diameeer, lras embedded'inrhe iirO"i pore-6f-ine rignc o kidney, and round masses,0.3 - 1.0 cm in diaeter, $rerein the ltrngs. cqrcributor's Diagnosis & conmencs: osteosarconna. ae-iiorcfre mass of che right ovary. Normal righc warian tissue could hardly be found in che secrions. efl Efran!""-io*J-"c necroPsy $tere osteosarccna. The primary siue of rhe neoplasmwas rcsE likety in the vertebrae of che lmbar spinai coh-mm. Arllqndees' niagnosis & ComrEnts: OsEeosarcqn. cdllErlts: There was ttnaniunusagresnent with the contEibutor's diagnosis. Osteogarcons are considered rare in-the rac. Experimencally these tus'rs have - pen produced by certain cheuricals, radiaEion, ."3 uy r"ad;i;i r.".t" (ii. Osteosarcmas have been induced by inoculation of rats with ihe t'taloney'lirco," virus. Ttris virus is ancigernicaliy igdiscinguishable frour Harve/"-s.ico"r"-uiru" of racs. TLrel4aloney.sarc&ra virui also is leferred ro as the Mlloney murine leukesria virus or mriine sarcqna virus. _Tunpr produccion wich tEis-uir""-is-rapid and occurs in approximately 80%of inoculated rics. Ocher tr.Ercrsremrced in rats inocurated wiEh this vi-rus are plasmacytmrasard fibrosarcour,as(4). 'This sase ,vfrus also has produced fibrosaicwras in newborn hnnlscers and rna6dmyosarcouas in mice. OsEeosarcqrasin the rat have been studied as an animal updet 6f tne hrrtan EurDr, as there is similar distribution in both species (1,3). a Contributor: Searle Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois. References: T-iffi, N. N. et a1.: Ttsprs of tne bqre. In patholoeyof Turprs in lehx4tory Animals,Vol. I, part I, IARCScientific pubfffi pplt69-T/-2. MisdorP,W.: Skeletal osteosarco{na.l6del No. f98. In Handbook: Animal I'bdels of Hr.man Disease,-Fascicle9, Registry of Ccry. path., m 1.: 0steosarcofo. Ibdel No. It4. in n"naUok:Aninal I'{cdelsof HrmanDisease,Fascicle 6, Registry of Cmp. path., m -F-- @a1.:Turcrs.tneatho1ogybft,aboratoryAnim.eIs,Ecl.by Benirschk€, K. eE al. Vol. II, Springer-V i2r2. case tt - pA-0d9-r]-d0, p4:0gq-2t-30 (A[Ip t7>73/,t1. :fter a cnree day course cf lechargy, dcpression, anochexia, nasal discirarge and srxnevr:oriEion" Tnere rJas a iransienE response Eo supportive cherapy. wtsc- - aE onsec 10,900 PCV . PI'N - b0% Band - 2 L Lynph - 1r7! E o s . - 27"/" li*.nt.t"l signs CBC- 5lL/8O - prior to deach IIIBC- 22O PI\il - 24% Band - 17" Lruh - 25'L Eos. - 50% ^ 9loss TgcroPsy Lesious: Segrental enteritis, wnll bor,lel, characrerized by curgld sTdorrenroops, Etrod patchy areas of serosal reddeni4g. Concributot's Diagno?es& Cosmrts: l) EnteriEis, characcerized by epiEhelial cell ion and plugging arci rppnoid hepieci; (smle secEims), subacute, diffuse, severe, snati iiEesEine, canin". 2)'Bone marroir hypoplasia, nyeloid and erythroid, difl'use, severe, ieu'1r, canine. Ccnupnts: The gross and microscopic fin<lings are characteriscic of canine parvtrvirus infectiqr. Such lesiqrs aie similar-to Ehoseof feline panleukopenia, ircluding a relacive increase in nurbers of eosinophils in tne otneiwise rr:anulocyte depleted bore marrohr. Atcendees' icis. necrouizing r^ri.thvillous atrophy, rrluntirg and fusion, subacute, nnrlrifocal co diffuse, moderate to severi,- small inEestine, mixbreed, canine. 2) tyrphoid deptetion, diffuse, rnderaEe, peyer's patches, small intestine. 3) Depletion, erylhroid and myeloid, diffuse, slvere. bone rnarrow, Iong bane. Etiologic Diagnosis: Viral enreritis. Eciology: Canine parvovirus. Cqments: There was unaninrcus agreement with the concributor's diagnose". Attendees agreed with the cqrtributoi's conparison of rhese hisEopathol5gicaL i.,rsiqts to those seen in feline panleukopenia. Several participaircs renEianed Ehac '.lhole body radiaEion can prodrce essentially similar chaiges in'the intesEinal nucosa. Participants-preferred bore marro{d depletiwr to hypoplasia based on ine assutptiut that noroal bare marrot{ cellularicy was present at- are tine versus a develognental hypocellularity. the tvn foran-sof canine parvovirus infectiqr r.rere tliscussed, nrynoly the nryocardial and enteric forms. The-myocardial form is reported to occur in dogs less than 8 weeks of age corresponding uo Ehe develcping 'nyocardit-ur. TLre intesEinal form occurs in all age groups of dOgs and varies frm inapparenE to fulminating herorrhagic enteritis. Hiscories of dogs with canrne - 2 - Parvovirus infection often include recenc boarding, kennel exposure, or dssr-)ciacion wich other infected aninrals. lt"ly reports descriEing th.-"ii;i;;l-i".i-p"i.origi""r findings of canine parvovirus infeccibn have been generated in the pasr tou y.!r.. Contributor:- UniversiLy of Pitcsburgh, Central Animal Facility, PA F26r:--- References: r' uarpenEer, J. L- eE al.: pircsbtrrgn, i-ttF---- Intestinal and cardiopulur,rnaryiorrns of parvo,.,irus infeccionin a lirr"r of pupr. JAwrA176: L26g-l;i\,"I;io-""' HisEopachologicar-"uia"n""-eo. . .2' Pleucher, J. M. et-ai.: parvovirus infecriop F- - ' - - - e- - in d o g s . J AV MA L 7 5 : 8 2 5 -8 2 8 ,L g l g. 3' I^loods,C. B. eE al.: Canineparvovirus enceriEis. JMfIA 15: L7L-L1), 19g0. - ? (AFIP L757295). .HlsEorv: 'l'issue from a wild caught rabbit wich a subcutaneous tissue urass in the EffiAf regio'n. Case III (hrtributor's t'tult Diagnosis: subcutaneouscoenurosis (Coenurusseralis) of Attendees' fr.rrpnerogrc.uragnosls: l) coenrurus,subcutis, rabbic . g::::l-g::::, granulmatous, I::*lt focally exrensive,underire, ,[i". "ubcuii", extensive, skin. z) cellulicis, -i)'pannicutiris, J/' rg'lrrvurrLrDl Etiologic Diagnosis: Coenuriosis. Etiology: coenurus species probably coenurus serialis. courents: The parasite has i cegw;nEffi-rifriEifif6bdy wall. The Eegr-unenr has microvilri co iicrease surface aiea for absorbtion oF nutiiencs. The body is filled with a loose parenchyuraand has no or pseudocoelqr. The parasite is . thus identified as a plaryhlhinch. "o"i* The rrso *:oi ei;F-;i-p"rasiric placyhelminths are tresratbdesand cesiod"r.- itt" parasrEe can fron trsnatodes since it contains no aigesiive Eract but does be differenciated concain calcareous corpuscles eobeddedin the parenchyma(fost nurnrous in rhe nect retioni:--ih.' parasite is thus a larval cistode.' Present ntr="ous scoreces in'vigiroci.[ rr* a bladder; -theseare characceristics of a "i" Each scolex has four suckers and a rostellLm wiEh nutrsrous hooks. rne Jcoreces "*n*ur. are attached to the bladder oy a necf , Specific identificaLion of a coenurrr i" *t possible on histological section. lbere jl" ,?bgu! l?."p."ies. of ltrtti""pu or coenurus reporred in cne liEerature' Although hydatid iys-qs.h"yg cysc walls and nu*rou" scoreces, chey can be differentiated fiour Loenuri.- Hydaiid mrch srnaller scoleces. Unilocular hydatid.cysts-have very- chick "iri"'i,""" laminated wal1s. Mrltilocular nydarid 9y"!q havevery thin walrs. thes6 scolecesrr"-oir* gr;,rd-i; ffig^il";";;;; iryld".the larger.papent cyst.and thus do not mrpholof,icaity res-rrble a coenurus. coenuri are idencical to cysticerci in all ways eicept the *rftipf" ;*,b.;-;i-scoleces. rE is often wise co scep section drrougir utaoders and'counc che nrrnoer of scolices present. rf only one is pruse.,c-il-i3 ct;-i;;;u";'ro." chan one tr coenurus. Contributor:. CA fiff;- Synuex Research Laboratories, 340f Hillview Ave., palo Alco, - 3 - cAsErv - cp77-1159(AFIP1673404). : 8-25-77 - A 6 no.ath old fa'npLe Irls Setter veterinarien wlth cttef.eorplatnte of lethargy Rectal PCV Fecel temperature Ttre aaLnal nas tteated wa8 presented and anorexle. to a practlclog - IOOoF - 2O7. hookrorm wlth dleopbenyl (Dl{P), arylclllla, and a vitanln 9-7-77 - Ttre aofuul rtaa returned beeauee ehe wae depreesed, rectic. Augcultatlon of the thoracLc cavlty revealed pulnoaary Teoperature SUA 12 PC\r r{Bc Anpictllln suppleoeat. vmlt{.g aad aqocoageetioa. - l0droF - nor:nal - 3U7" - 25,000 treatment contl.nued. g-L4-77 - Temperature - 1O6oF. Ant-o8l was provlded (4 ne/kg b.i.d. day; 4 ng/ttg dally thereefter). first ftuid therepy aad Geotamicin 9-22-77 - Temperature dropped to lOloF but ao lmprovernent in general condltion of ani-taal was noted. Anfunal was gl.ven a blood transfusioa and Cepholosporin. 9-23-77 - Aninal wae fouad dead and necropsled by praeti.cing veterinarlaa, pleural surfaces. reported white plaques on parletal and vlsceral who DIAGNOSIS Tentative cl.lnical DX: Systeml.c rnycotlc lnfectlon Cantributor's Kidney, acute tubular necrosis r{ittl is. Kidney, rretascatic calcificaticr. Crents: Etiologlc Diagnosis: tilephrotoxicity due to gentunicin toxicity. lbtastatic calcificatlqr was pres€nt in the heart, lungs, kidney, and pler.na. The mphologic changes in this case suggest that the aninal died in a r-nemic scate resulting fro renal failure. The renal lesisrs are nonspecific ard occur as a result of a variety of nephrotoxic agents. Tfle renal lesiors are both acute and fibrosis are chrqric. Ttre tubular regeneratiqr and imnature interstitial gentaicin consistent with fhe 14-day duratiqr of therapy. AtEhor4ghthere are no laboratory data to confirm our suepiciqr, we suggest that aneuria and/or dehyCrattmr my have been severe enrugh to produce inadequate renal perfusion, thtxt iqnring mrral renal netabolic processes and excreticr of gentamicin. Ttris may have allo^red noruul lt:erapeutic doses of the antibiotic to accunrlace to toxic le..l-ii, culninating irr rubular necrosis and uremia and death: regener - 4 - Atcendees' Di is, tubular, acute, di.ffuse, severe, witfr severe ntltifocal dystropic mineralizat.ion, ki&rey, Irish setter, canine. 2) Mineralization, retasEatic, mrltifocal, mderate, basmrt rembrgnes, kidney. 3) Fibrosis, incerstiEial, chrwric, utlcifocal, mild to mderace, kidney. Eciologic Diagnosis: Nephrotoxicosis (toxic nephrosis). Etiologtrz: Gentmicin and cephalosporin nephrotoxiciry. Qcnrnen63Tbere was general agremrt wittr cqrtributor's diagroses and cments. Aminoglycoside antibiotics,rutt notably gentaicin are krufii nephrotoxins. Cephalosporins also are ne$rrotoxic. A cr-unrlacivetoxic effect of these cwo antibiotics was suspected by nany of the attendees. Cells initially affected in the nephron are Ehe proxirnsl tubular cells. lesicrs also occur in the collecting ducts eid parts of rhi distal tubules. Gontributor: SouffiElical Divigion of Cqarative t'Gdicine, Departrent of Patholog;r, School, DalGe, Ti( 75?35. References: T:,['FI;T. B. et al.: @ nephrotoxicicy of antimicrobial agenEs. NewErg. J. DCd. 296: No. 12, ffi3-670, 722-728, 784-787, L977. 2. -Hoqghton, D. C. et a1.' Gentqniqin and tobrarycin nephrocoxicity. . Arer. J. Patbol. 93: No. L, L37-L46, 1978. - - _3. Spangler, W. L. et a1.: Gentamicin nephrotoxicity in the dog: Seqr.rential light and electron microscopy. Vet. Parhol. L7z 206-2L7-,f980. fiWffiY P. O.NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Registry of VeEerinary Patholory Depar@nt of Veterinary Patholqgr - 5 - Hiscories AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference - No. 18 11 Febtuary l98l Case I - C-80-02 L757377-r.ras slides raE one of a group of aninals on an day of Ehe study. 19 IIt y scudy killed on Resurts: raboracorv g$i 3l#r:'??Jlf;:i:' re33 Case II - -Case I P L757415 -year Pinscher --anorexia, emsis, obstipacion Pacloo for ark red I atory laparotmy revealed a dar k red. flaccid iler.m with dark concencs. An inEussusceptior of the terminal ileunr was easily reduced. the dog did not irprove and was euthanized qre week later. ! wsss. !^tr-vlqevl, rstsrvbw, Lvvwrve e sgL.\ Lvst - 80-902 (3) (AFIP 1757303). calf treaced for I r.reekfor pnerrnrnia and enEerlcrs. Case III Laboratory Results: Cranial-ventral porcions of the lurg were dark red and of ----------&r . ircreased consis6fl lfultiple small grey foci $rere scatteied throrg,hout Ehe lurg. Case IV - 771L06 (AFIP L7570/q4). '# a 14 weetc old German shepherd dog. Or April 4th che anima.Iwas presented with vmiting and an elevated tqerature. this respcrded to Penicillin and Streptotrrylin Eherapy. 0n April 9ch the dog showeda sudden deEerioration. The temperature was elevated, che hind lisbs and tail showed partial paresis. The animal sloely iurprovedbut never regained full use of its hind li.trbs. OnencnEh later it was fotnd Eo be rnable to walk and hyperaeschetic. TII'MHY P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) RegisEry of VeEerinary Pachology Departuent of Veterinary Pathology '---r ^$4|it:#'r---_.|...l#L@ Results AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. l8 Ll February 1981 Case I - c-80-02 slides ma killed AFTPL757377 raE was one of a group of animals on an acute qr che secand of tne study. Blood urea nitrogen: taboracory Results: Glucose (fasting): 350 trBldr 1600 qs/dr Cqrtributor's Diagnosesand Cmrents: Pancreatic islet B-cell degeneracionand rena Cdwrts: Alloxan was adrrinistered subcutaneously at 450 Wlkg and iniEially produced severe hypoglyceslia due to B-cell degranulation and subseqt"rentlymarked used hyperglycemia as B-cells underwent further degeneration. Alloxan was inicially co study renal toxlcity rntil. Dunr and colleages discovered its drarrntic effects on islet B-cells. Histologlc effecte qr Ehe islet B-cells include degranulation wichin Renal minuEesof dosing folloned by cell shrinkage, nrrclear pyknosis and cytolysis. changes are predminately in proximal tubular epithelial cells and irnlude sroelling, pallor of staining, vacuolization, exfoliatiqr and mineralizaLion of cellular debris within the tubules. Atterndees' Diapnosee & Corents: ration and necrosis, islet ce1ls, acute, mrltifocal, nild to marked, Islets of Langerhans, pancreas, rat. 2) Ilegeneration ard necrosis, tubular, acuLe, mrltifocal, mild to mderate, proximal cubules, kidney. Etiologic Diagnosis: Islet cell and renal tubular toxicosis. Etiology: Coqatible wittr alloxan toxicity. Crents: Ttreie rras g€neral agremrt with Ehe contributor's diagnoses ard cflHlts. Representative lesiqrs were not present on all of uhe submitted sections of parnreas and kidney. Lesitrrs ranged frm nild to narked in both org€ns. Lesions in the pancreas were csrfined to the isleEs and involved frcm l0 to 50% in any given secti6t. Renal necrosis was confined to the proximal tubules with mrltifocal mineral deposits in the proximal cubules and s@ deposits in the distal and colleccing tubules. tibphrosig wae used to encff?ass the lesiqrs present. A differencial etiologic agent listed by a fenr attendees was streptoz@n, another diabetogenic and nephrotoxic cqourd. Itre trrlo serr.m chemistry findings were discussed: l) Tne marked fastlng hyperglycemia corresponds well with the lesitrrs i,n the parnreaEic islets; and 2) Ttre severe azotemia. Itbst participante did not feel the lesions presenc in the ki&reys a@r.rately explained the elevaEed BUN. Massive protein catabolism of other tissrrs was proposed as the wrderlying prerenal cause of che irnreased BUN.. Cautim was expressed that this strain of rat has a high incidence of applied co is the term mst cmrly spqltaneou{r renal disease. Glmrulorephrosis oy 2 age becre severe to 9 mnths of and first appear at 8 chese lesiqrs. Lesiqts years of age. CqtEributor: KodaE'Tailfi-Eilfl, Toxicology Sectior, tlealth, Safety & HrmanFactors laboracory, Eashan Kodak Co., Rochester, I'lY 14650. References: frcr,up;T. C.: Drugs producing diabetes lhloggh danageof the insulin secreting cblls. Pharmacol.-Rev.22: No. 4, 485-518, 1970. 2. I,Ieaver,D. C. et a1.: Alloxan uptake by isolated rat Islets of Langerhans. Endocrinology 102: No. 6, U47-l-855, 1978. r.;aselt - Dog-ilaseL (AITIPL7\7q15). n Pinscher --anorexia, euesis, obstipa[iq'r for I weekl-Tx@raEory laparotomy revealed a dark red, flaccid ilewr rvicn dark ;ed conEencs. An incussusception of Ehe Eerminal iler"rurwas easily reduced. The dog did not isprove and was euthanized one week lacer. Contributor's Diagnosis & Comrents: Ileusr.-exhaustionnryosicis. Diffuse suba ularis externa, rruscularis urcosa, ard suhucosal plexus, degeneration of supoch muscle fibers. Ccrrnent: The lanina propria contains sop mixed inflasmatory cells, but is relacively wraffected. Nunerouscapillaries in the mrscularis externa are surrouded by neutrophils. The epiEheliuur is nou involved. Brorm and Brenn stain deurstrated were negative for organisns. Ihis Grm positive rods in the luren. PA^Sand @1,S lesiqr can be seen wiEh obstructions of the intestinal tract, and resulced in a cwrplete paralytic ileus in this case. Atterrdees' Diarnosis & Courents: ion and necrosis, with subacute to cbronic inflenmation, diffuse, severe, fluscular tLsrics and submrcosa,small intestine, DobermanPinscher, canine. Etiologic Diagnosis: Paralytic ileus. Etiology: Prolonged intestinal obstrucEion. Cquents: Participants agreed wich the contributor's description of the lesions. The eciologic diagnosis given by cne contributor was considered tne rcst plausable in vierp of the changespresent. These lesions were r.rnfamiliar to manyof those atcending the conference. Differential etiologies listed by participants included pressure necrosis and ischemia in addition to paralycic ileus. Separacion of the lasdna propria frmr the epithelial covering of the villi was felt to be a fixation shrinkage artifact and not part of che subsucosal and nnrscular degenerative process. VasculiEie and fibrin Ehroubi formation were observed in the small vessels of the rnrscular ttrnics ard were felt to be secondary to che degenerative changes. Necrosis of ganglion cells in the subnucosal and uyenteric plexuses was observed by all and was considered to be a contributing factor in the flaccid scate of che guc aE necropsy and in the rnrscular degeneratiqr seen microscopically. Concributor: Cofr.ffiia-fiEiffie, Sterling-hlinthrop Research Inscitute, Rensselaer, NY L2L44. - ' ) - Depc. of Toxicology, Case III - 80-902 (3 1757303 Eein calf treated fot 1 week for pnermria and Laboracory tteeultg: Cranial-ventral portlons of che lrng rere dark red and of . ircreacdd-cqrsidEEiffi Mrltiple snall griy focl rreEescatteied rhrogtnut rbe lurrg. Cqrtributq'g Diagnosie & C@ntg: of both tryphae ad frulctng Attendeesl Put-urary aspergillosle. ypical foi rybtlc grermrla. ltrc pres€ltae ' bodtes are i;lerestirg flatures'of thlg cage. lg & Cqrrnrrts: , pyogrclulmtols, chrcrlc, diffuse, severe, Etiologic Dtagnooie: I'tycotlc pner.mria. Etloloey: AsDerelllus ep. qgre@nt wtth gho cqrtrlbtruor'e diagrnsis. c-"enEi: ffi Participants aloo agreedwiuh tlrC ccrtrlbutorts c@rrte, hmver, fruitirg bodies were mE observed, A large rn.der of deg€neratirg try'ptraf form snrrorniied by a radiating eoelmphillc mterial characterized-ar the Sfleifrore- loeppli pherwon !rer9 P.r?s-eg!ln mst sectlons. ltrcse @y b confusedwith frulrtu€ lridiei. A G['tS staln lfghffghted rcrphologlq features o-f tte futgur rrtrlch are cbaiacteristic of fsperetllus sp.; septated and-dlcotpus brarnhing tryphae5-7 nlcrqrg in dlreter. A cqrurrent or predtspoeingbacterlal infectlm was buspectedin this case by mny of che attendees.^.Ttre Enall grey foci described at r,ec6psy within the pulmirany parernbymaqere. likened to those of lur1grcrn.lesime of citile but ttle ybrng age of the calf mde chie an ulllkely assrmption. Contributor: llniverelty of Tcuressee,I]epartmentof Pathobiologl, P. O. Bo:(1071, KnoffIET1ff-19901. References: Faffi'lt _ { & Rdelg, p. F.: pulmnary aspergillosis in a carf. JA\IMA 137 (10): 595-596,1960. 2. rlubbr_.f.V.F.,_and_Kermedy, P.: Pathologtof Dmstic Animle, Academic Press, l{ewYork, L970,pp 250-25}. - 3 - L4 week old German shepherd dog. On April 4th Ehe 3rya].19s presented with.voriting and an elevated teryeratrrre. ,this respondedto Penicillin and Strept@ylin Eherapy. 0n April 9th rhe-dog shored a suddeir deEerioration. Ttre teryerature wbs elevated, rhe hind lifos and tail shoqedpartial paresis. The mimal slowly iryroved but never regained full use of its hind li"f's. One mrth later it was fotnd to be wrable to walk-and hyperaeethetic. l€bor,a:ory BPsultsi larvae of rhe nenarodeAqgiostroqFf]us cantqEnsis rrere recovereo frcm EneuEnlrges at necropsy. Granulmatous reningoencephalmyelicis dr.re . ^Co?trlbutorjs Diagr.rogisI Gffirts: EO+-----r AnglogErons,ylus cantdtensls. wormAngroscrqrgylus canEonenglsmt'eraEegEo Ene ixain and then to che pulurary aiEeries urity. rn ocirer mnqnls Ehe migratiqr ie not coryleted srd the sroros remain and cause 'l-qage in the central nervous syetes. Attenrdees' f-renmgoencephalitie, granulmatous, chronic, mrltifocal, mderate, cerebelh.m, brain, GeEoansheftrerd dog,-canire. Etiologlc Diagnoals: Verminouemningoencefualitie. Etlology: cantonensiS. -gngictronsylus c.nnFnts: t with the contribucorts diagnosis and ccrtEnte. Granulcmatous lesicta were not present in the neuropil of sqe secticts. l,esiqrs Present in the nemopil were cqtfined to the whice traita of the redulla. Tbeee and the reningeal lesions were cqlsidered prirqarily vascular in distributiqr. in t6'e brainsten erere thought.to be a foreign Uoay-reacaion-6-ltre grinul*9 degenerating larvae or larval sheaths. Ttre parasite is a larval- nmatode that has Polfryyar_iancoelouyarian mrsculaLure and a large intestine coqosed of a fen mrltlnucleated celle. In addition tbere are adcessory hypodertal Oords. These features are characceristlc of a retastrongyle. Ttre 6izil mrptnlogy of che incescirre, :rrd the lateral ctrords are conslstent with engiostrbneylils so. Soecific identificaciqrisnoEPossibleinhistologicsectiq|smiisis A. cantclensie. A. vasortm, a lungrcro of dog, may resedle this lanra fxrt ic does fr t-im?IeraTuif$aEiofrffighthedentralnerloussysrem. CqtEributor: lturffih-IFiiffiiry, Division of Veterinary Blology, Sctrool of Veterlnary Studies, I"turdoch, Western AGtralia6150. References: r. Tffi?frik; K. et 41. : Experimentally induced Argiostrongylus cantonensis infectiqr in dogs. Am.J. ver. Res,3I: [ro. 3, 4494t6--T:97ff 2. 'Rosen, Mason,K. V. e t a l .: A u str. Vec. J, 52t 205, L976. 3. L. eE al. : Life history-of _the-can^inelungurormA.giosIISZls vasorrm(Bailtet). A m.J. V e t. R e s. 3l: tto. l, Bf- 143,- 1970.TII'OIHY P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Regiscry of Vecerinary Pachologl Deparfrent of Veterinary - 4 - Pathologr Histories AFIP t.lednesday Slide Conference - No. 19 l8 February l98l Case I - c2-L4 (AflP L764737). -&- an exper.iuencal inoculation appreciaced. a young crossbred goat.2L mnths afcer iE received No clinical abnormalities were as a young adult. CaseII - 80-76 (AnP U7$38). d fror a 9-week-old, iomale, B6D2F1muse, nrtrich was ffi:l-iiany in a group that died suddenly. The nice had received 850 R of ufrole body radiation (cobalt) and intravenous syngeneic bqre marrow cells 7 days prior to death in a study of sten cell grafc respdre. Spontaneous post-irradiacion deaths were expected at L4-2L days, generally fro baccerial septiceuria. These mice died prematurely at 5-8 days following exposure. case III - 0ARB00I(AFIP L773292) eek-old trEat Eype chicken. Case IV - 38/tnD (AFIP L727246>. ear-old quarEerhorsemare having equlne Cushing's --4diseEse (hyperadrenalcorticism secondary to a trnrcr of the pars interredia). TII'OIHY P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Regisury of Veterinary Pachology Deparbrenc of Veterinary Pathology Results AFIP WednesdaySlide Confererce - No. l9 t8 February 198I Case I - c2-L4 an exper appreciated. Contribrtorrs inoculation D ron a yourq crossbred goat 2I nonths after it received as a yourg adult. No clinical abnormalities were is a Csrnelrls: Arthritis due to the agent of viral were recognized in brain, joint ard lung tissues in this group of anirnals which were inoculated Qr the intracerebral route. Joint lesions were noted as early as one week post-infection ard both continued ard progressed. Atterdeest Diagnosis & Cqnnents: , proliferative, chronic, diffuse, moderate, joint, nernbranes, golt, crossbred rynovial caprine. Etiologic Diagnosis: caprine arthritis-encepharitis virus. Etiologpz: Caprine retrovirus. Ccrnrentsr Atterdees agreed with the contribrrtorrs et,iologic diagnosis. Iesions were described as villous proliferation with diffuse iormat,ion of llznphoid follicles arrd infiltration primarily by plasmocytes and ulceration of the sy"i"iaf memlcrane. The retrovirus also causes lesions in the lurrgs' kidneys, rressel-sard central nervous system of goats. I?re joint is considered an imnunologically priviledged_ site ard thus favorable foi viral sequestration. other factors which may be involved irrlude antigenic drift of surface markers and persistent infection. Viral replicat,ion is dependent on RtitAdependent Dt{Apolynerase. Fersistent infection is due to ircortrnration of viral genffre with host-cell DNA. The disease occurs strnradicatly in goat herds and is passed horizontally.-Itn Viral Snrticles can be recovered from the m.mnarygland of infected animals. caprine arthritis-ercephalitis virus is antigenically ard nnrphologically sirnilar to tire Visna virus of sheep. Contributor:_ Division of Corparative Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, schoo.lT]ffine, Baltirnore, MD- zI2o5. Refererces: I;-ffi;f C. et aI.: the pathogenesis of viral leukoencephalcnryelitisarthritis of goats. I. Persistent virat infection with progressive pathologic charqes. Iab. Invest. 42t 596-502, 1980. 2. Cork, L. C. et a1.: Chronic artfrritis in goats caused by a retrovirus. Scierce 2O7z 997-999, 1980. 3. Cracrford, T. B. et. al.: The connective tissue component of the caprine arthr it is-ercephal itis ryrdrcrne. Am. J. Pathol. I00: 443-454, 1980. Lr.;e II - 80-76 (1\FIp I77t33B) . tTe,1froma9.week-o1d,fema1e,B6D2FlmouSe'which oll€ of many in a group that died surlCenly. The mice had received 850 R of "das body radiation (cobalt) and intravenous syrgeneic bone marrow cells 7 ,lays "'rhole prior to death in a study of slem cell graft response. spontaneous deaths were expected at L4-2L days, geneially from bacterial trnst-irradiation septicemia. These mice died prernaturely at 5-B diys ioffowini exposure. Iaboratorv Resulls: huse hepatitis virus (MHV)was isolated from a sam-oleof fresh frozen liver _ frcm this npuse. A polyvalent antiserum for MIIV antigens was used; thus the subgroup of MHVwas not determined. Contrihrtor s piagnosis & cormentt Necrosis, acute, multifocal, -1:severe, Iiver, etiology - rnoffi. Cqtments: Grossly this live! was enlarged with multifocal white spots throughout. More typically the livers of aifected mice were diffusety necrotic, grossly aptrnared enlarged and uniformly pale and friable. stress ard inrnunosutrpression_ from exposure to radiation were considered to be precipiiating factors resulting in excerbation of latent MIIV infection. Ttre B6D2FI mice were Ehe only strain in our institute which developed the disease despite other strains fron gr same ard different su5pliers being used in similar studies. Serological testirg (Cr) similarly irdicated only thii strain to be infected. connunicition a'rd quality control data frqn the suplier shor,vedno evidence of MFIVin their colony; herce the source of infection was not totally solved. The lack of any inflarmatory cell response was attribr.rted to radio-irrnunoiuppression. oiffuse fffinoia depletion also was present in the spleen arxl intestinal peyer's patches. Atterdees' Diagnosis I Cornnentss lbrprorogrc Diagnosis: Necrosis, hepatocellular, coagulative, acute, nn:ltifocal, liver, B6D2FI, mouse. Etiologic Diagnosis: Viral hepatitis. Etiology: Mouse hepatitis virus. Ccnments: There was unanimous agreernent with the contribr.ttorts diagnosis and connents. The acute nature of the lesions and ;rast history of irradiatlon roere postulated as the cause for the lack of an inflanunatory response. Four strains of MllV are knourn. The virus is a coronavirus. other conaitions assrciated with .VHV are LIVIM of neonatal mice and deryyelinating lerrcodystrophy -carriers of mice. The virus is ubiquitous ard usually silent in colonies oi mice. are inportant sources of infection. Rats also are susceptible to infection with MHV. peisistent viral shedding occurs from intestinal mucosa] epithelium of infected animals. Sheddirg also occurs frqn infected Kupffer cells of the liver. Hepatocellular necrosis ffiurs after destruction of Kupffer cells ard subsequent invasion of adjacent hepatocytes. Nude mice often are used as sentinel infunals for infection in eolonies. MJltiple lesions arrd syncytial cells occur in many tissues in nude mice. Syrcytial cells form in the i.ntestinal tract of weanlirg conventional nice infected with tqrv. Pseudornonasfree mice are selected for irradiation studies in order to eliminate affii-Hse of post-irradiation septicemia. Tire mice are nxrnitored for this bacteria by using sterile water bottles which are cultured periodically after use. Contrihrtor: ArmeCForces lladiobiololr' Ua:iafGteil-netiresda, irtD 20014 Researcir Institute, Natronal Naval Refererces: J. R. et al.: f-lTEiffi-n' Lethal enteritis in infant mice caused by nrouse hepatitis virus. tab. Anim. Sci. 262 824, 1976. 2. Carthew, P.3 lethal intestinal virus of infant mice is npuse heSntitis virus. Vet. Rec. 101: 465, L977. 3. Carttew, P.r Peroxidase-Iabeled antibody technique for rapid detcction of nnEie heptitis virus in cases of natural outbreaks. J. Infect. Dis. 138: 410-413, 1979. 4. Gledhillr A. W. et al.: Ibuse hepatitis virus ard its pathogenic action. J. Path. Bact. 69s 299-309, 311-320, 1955. 5. HierhoLzer, J. C. et al.: New strain of npuse hepatitis virus as the cause of lethal enteritis in infant mice. Infect. & Imnunity 24: fi8-522, 1979. 6. Ishida, T. et al.: Pattrology of diarrhea due to mouse hepatitis virus in the infant npuse. Jap. J. Exp. !hd. 49 (f): 33-41, Lg7g. 7. Feders€rrr J. C. et a1.: Antigenic relationship of the feline infectious peritonitis virus to coronaviruses of other strncies. Arch. Virol. 58: 45-53, 1978. 8. Tagtrhir F. et al.: Pathogenesis of npuse hepatitis virus infection. I?E role of nasal epittrelial cells as a prfunary target of lqr,r-virulerse virus. }[l1I-S. t{icrobiol. Irmrnol. 23 ([lt 249-262, L979. 9. Wardr J. lll. et al. r Naturally occurring hepatitis virus infection in tte nude nrcuse. Iab. Anim. Sci. 27t 372-376t L977. I0. White, R. J. et a1.: Pathogenesis of m.rrine hepatitis: Route of infection of the susceptible host. Am. J. Vet. Res. 252 L236-L240, 1964. Case III - 0ARts001(AEIP L7732921. ek-old meat ty?e chicken. Contrih.rtorrs Diagnosis c Ccnnents: I carcinoma. Cornents: Ttrere vras general agreenent with the contributorf s diagrosis. Skin was identified in many sections ry the presence of feather follicles. the tissue had been scalded before fixation. Atterxlees noted muttifocal epiderrnal ulceration ad invasion of the epidermis ard dermis by neqlastic squanous epithelial cells. Neoplastic cells fomed cords arxl nests of cells with intercellular bridges arrt keratin pearls. Flitotic figures occasionally were observed. Ttre origin of these reoplastic cells was Srostulated to be the feather follicle. Invasion arrl destrtrction of skeletal muscle occurred arourd feather follicles. TtE irciderne of this lesion is about 2/L0r000 in broiler chickens at slaughter. Metatastasis is mt retrnrted. Ttrese neoplasnrs are leally invasive, may be sirgle or mult,iple ard occur on any part of the body. A seasonal irciderce in the spring is associated with this lesion. The cause of these neoplasns has not been determined. Contribrtor: Bureau of Veterinary eertE;IlId;E-2ozos. ltbdicine, Food & Drug Afrninistration, Reference: Turnquest, Robert U.: Dermal squaflpus cell chickens. Am. J. Vet. Res. 40 (11): 1628-f533, L979. - 3 - carcinqna in yourg Case IV - : AFIP L727246 I'rssue trorn an r-old quarterhorse mare havirg equine Cushing's radrenalcorticism secordary to a tunrr of the trnrs internedia). contrihrtor's Diagnosis o conmentsr schizogenous forms of a coceidia (probably .t"ifr.iial cells of rhe pirnal glarrt. sunuar structure? present in vessels in the brain ard renal-glonerrlli. lere Nunerouscoeidial.forms were present in the renal tubules. There v*asno elrurar req)ons€ to these intravascular organisrns nor crinical signs of tireir pr"""rr.. Attee{eesr Diagnosis a Connents: aiial cell trnrasitisn, multifocal, mild to . nrcderater pineal glard, horse. ELiologic Diagnosis: parasit,ic vasculoSnthy. Etiologlz: protozoan, possibry srossieria gi. or.F?rcoqrst.is gp. ccrmentsr An etiqncrphologic-aiagnoffi:f parasiffiropattry was preferred by nost att'enlees. A tenuous issocialion-uei*" erdothelial cerr [nrasites in the pineal glard ard kidney tubr,rres u"tw p"rticipants list ry9 lrayr by participants. etiologi" eP. as difierential Differentiation *.cq?yPtis between Krossiella ard lqqcggYstis courd not bi mad6. "i;4". Electron photoruicrographs of the parasi:EFFroviaEl'@ffioniiiurtor aenpnsiiared coe idian ;nras ires within '-,rp erdothelial cells. Parasites were 1.5 x 6 microns in size. are present within parasitophorus vacuoles in enlotheliat cell3 ao 50 nerozoites of the;il;l-grard' Also ccmnentedon was the obvious lack of host respo*. to the preserce of the trnrasites. The retrnrted cushing's dis-ise conaition-nivGve contrihrted to tttis inmunosuppression. The life {cres oi u"ttt sarcocrsiii aid -s;ffi"I'e rtossietla rrrere revier*ed. Three erxlotheliar replicitive gtases rccu:-fiEvin t'hird replication also occurs in circulating-biood cells hrt is considered a minor conqnnent in the life cycle. The life cycre of sarcocrtstis-in-trre equine has not been fully elucidated. ltre possible rorl or sirEG?stE. protozoal in Equine E r c e p h a 1 o r n ye l i ti sa l so w a sd i scussed.The"nffir d"ofxr ossieI1aeqtr iis no t k n o u r t . A sch i zo n tg e n e ra ti o n developsintheer dot' heliut".iiffi,,ffi capsule' t'lerozoites pass d*nn convoluted tubules with the renal !g the pr6xirnal fluids ard oenelrate Lhe epitheriar ..iG. rere _they deverop a secord generation of schizonts' The merozoiles fronr.these rupture from the hostrcerl into the renar fluid' At this point, these merozoite" .i*rii pss outward or distally to the loop of Henle where they penetrate the epitheriar ceus and unoerto-garnete formation. -sp.;".ry;|" spororysts are formed from these garetes ard are passed in tfie uii". are ingested bv the host, white giazing, arxl exqfst in the Jig""ti". tract. sporozoites presumabrypass through thi.intesti;r warr, entei the blood, eventually reach the gJ.omeruli, enter the endothelial the crycie is retrnated. ""fi=r-*,a Contributort..Fpaftnent of Pathology, School of Veterinary t6dicine, univc@FG-rifornia, Davis, cA 9561c. - 4 - References: ffi;ll.D.etal.:TheCoccidianParasiLes(Protozoa,Sporozoa)of Rodents. The univ. of rrrinois press, urbana, Lg65, pp rgo-ras, 342-345. 2. Taylor, Jack L. et al: Klossiella parasites oi anlrnals: A literature review, vet. Parasitol. 5: 137-144, Lg7g. 3. Todd' K. R- et al.: Kloss.iella equi Baumann, Lg46 (Sporozoa: Eucoccidiorida) from an rtlinois horse. vetJGffii'Eilim-crin 72: 443-448, Li77. 4. Vetterring, J. M. et al.: Klossielra equi gaunann, Lg46 (sporozoa: Eucoccidia: Meleina) frcnr eqr:ids. .rlarasiEff 5g: 599_594, Lg7z. TIIlt7Nry P. OINEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(\C) Registry of Veterinary pathology DepartmenUof Veterinary pathologry - ) - Hiscories AFIP l,Mtesday Slide Conference - No. 20 25 FebruarY 1981 1716398 colt had mrltiple subcutmeousn{u19r Passq in ttp TtE Uiopsv tndiLarcd poesible lFPhatlc haartoa. l".f-l--fniitai U-,:o -_ letl IIE.to rear leB: left 1f" infittrating try 1"!! Lelan infittrating and [relan enlarged and siiefy enlarged F;gi"ssiiefy CaseI-#1- ilil aliiicuirfot copi'"d rGEicat exciEiona por p:ognoslsmg given. Ttrecort was ldentified at wae identified naes was and retrooeriioneai mes and retroperiioneai ;;;;;;#J-;;l;-aMoriilar il;il;i;J-;d6-audorifoI p""6;;t"t. rtt" t""; -*?" ;*"t-tt to cire lef t, tq*: y::ykg:l left tbe ?:*iodorsal Ehenia-je:unm, the left testicle and:* --l"iifi""iiu"-oucgioryths.traieised. fiffi-Fitt.'pJrui"-iniir, extended exte and canal canl inguinal inguinal prg. ile tF d+ised riiiriiiii;"-il;#orrh" kiffii. ]?f!, i"io ttr" deep inrernrgcul[r faecia of the left hindltd. laboracorY Reeults: gaetrointesclnal o,lcosa and congeeted liver. ffiddened tibcropsy rev oryo""iafut ilae pale wlth enall wtrite subendocardtal sPots. CaseIII - 80-15072(AFIPU584!3L cattle farm. The bovine fetus srttictrwas found in tne field of i cqserv - AN80/254.sH80/trt0 (Rrlp tzetqse. riF6ffi cattle 296 of which had been grazing AN 80/254 - A mortallty lnvol.ved a grouP o! !lobeen inrroltuced ro rhe properry aad kikuyu pasture tit 2 wleks and 1g0 Jt nnirr"n had had not prevtouslY grazed klkuYu' and had been heavily fertillzed Ttre cattle qrere l.ntroduced to a p.ddock whlsn feet 2 over feed an overgrowth of irrtgated over the prevtoue 2 rnonthe and contained hlgh. Day3-ldead ;;i 4 - 5 dead, all Day5-19dead Day6-10dead DayT-2dead DayS-1dead cattle removed from paddock days afrer acceas ro lueh ktkuyu pasture' sN g0/r310 - stmrrar hrstory of loegee 4-7 dehydratlon, wlth depreselon' slgns lncluded exceasive sallvatlon and cllntcal weaLnees, recumbEncyand death wtthln 24-361lrbure' and carcases Were markedly dllrydrated' At auBopsy mucous nernbraneeltere cyanotlc henorrhage' Orere were ueually There wag coneletently agonal ecchygotlt eplcardlal waa n the abomasumand snall I'nteetlne there no grot, leslone tn tire fO""stor"""tr. ptl of The and ktdney were congeeted' occaetontlly patchy nucoael congeetlon. Llver runlnal cont€ntg ln 2 aninale waE 8 and 9' I.ABOMTORY RESULTS: (3 anLnale) Sanole 3 L 1. 1 Calclurn rrgldL Sapple 1 9.9 !.lagneelun ng/dl 3.1 3.8 2.9 8.1 9.7 8.8 3,7 4.3 3.9 112 88 108 52'2 41.0 50.3 42L L32 149 TotaL Proteln Albuntn g/dl. g/dl, Urea mg/rnl Urea Nltrogen Glucoee mg/dl ug/mL @ L2.8 P. OINEILL TIM OTHY , sC(Vc) C a p t . , U S A FB Registry of VeterinarY PathPJogY Defartmlnt of Veterinary Pathology Results AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. 20 25 Feoruary l98l CaseI - #f - (efrP L7L6398 colchadmulciplesubcutaneousnoduIarrnessesinche . F--+left inguinal region. Initial biopsy indicated possible lyqhatic hanerE@a. The massesprogressively enlarged and began infiltrating the lefc rear leg. Dr.reco difficulty of cmrplete surgical excision a poor prognosis was given. The colt was euthanatized and an aMmrinal and recroperitoneal mass was identified at posEprtem. The masswas adherent to the left lunbar musculature, the craniodorsal aspect of che pelvic inleE, the mid jejtrnLm, che left testicle and che lefc kidney. Infiltrative outgro!'rths traversed che left inguinal canal and extended inco che deep intermuscular fascia of the lefc hindlitrb. ConEributorrs Diagnosis: Cystic lyuphangicma. Attendeesr Di c .[yuphangimn, horse. Conents: Attendees agreed with the contributor's diagnosis. Chronic uurltifocal cellulitis also was present. No organisms lrere observed in chese foci. cystic spaces lined by endothelial cells and surrounded by dense Lyrph filled connective Eissue ccrprised the majority of the neoplasm. I'titotic figures were rare. Loose slightly uryxooultousareas also were present along wich dense areas of connective tissue. The large and invasive nature is consistent with that described for cyscic lyurphangimra in man. Several participancs eonsidered lynphangiosarccma as a differential diagnosis but histologic criteria for malignancy rrere lackirg. l4any felt that this Eunor was congenical in origin, arising fror eurbryonic rescs of These turDrs are considered vascular Eissue, with subsequenEgrcwth after birth. rare in animals. Hemangicmasand henangiosarcsns occasionally are observed in young animals. Lyurphangimas are placed into Ehree categories in man: l) SiryIe frm lyrylrangeccasis; lynphangiuns, which are hard to differenciate or capillary 2) Cavernous lyrphangimras, r*rich are characterized by thin walled dilaced Ly4h vessels surrounded by variable arpurEs of fibrous connective Eissue; and 3) CysEic vessel-s lyrphangiornas or hygroras, wtrich are large dilated and cystic l1ryhatic suriouriled by thick fibrous connective Eissue. Normal tissue structures may be interposed between cysEic spaces in this last category as well as grohtth along fascial planes. The inf lanracory foci observed in tiris case was felt co be secondary Eo the surgical incervention, and not a part of the tupr. Concributor: Dept. of Veterinary Pathology & l4icrobiology, Washingcon Stace Unive:Ti$l-FEl[nan, [^lA 99f63. Reference: Turk, J. M. et al': L228:viurer9. cystic in a colt' ly'u'phangicma JAWA 174: Case II - 79P2'/40(AFIP r7573rf) - Labradorretrieverpresenteddeadafterbeing ristffiLor2daysand4lCtemperature74nourSpriortodeach. Laboratory Resulrs: gastroincescinal mucosa and congesced liver' Necropsy r.u?ff*TT"ddened myocarditrn was pale wifh sunll whiEe subendocardial sPots. The ContribuCor's Diagnosis & Conmencs: llyocarditis due Co Trypangsorn cru?L' uch Louisiana and hailnot been ouEsicle che was The"nunber of arrascigoces was excessive. Identification area since birth. nradeusing light and electron microscopy. Atcendees' Diagnosis & ConuPnts: is, granulounEous, diffuse, chronic, severe, i retriever, canine. -niigros Labrador heart, "---iiioirii" lrypanosouriasis (protozoal myocardiE is ) . is t'Myocardial TrYPanosora crYiEtiology: diagrrosis. There was unanimdfis agreement with the concributor's Cssents: and large resPonse, inflarmatory tissue, was based on th; Att""alu";-di"gloris fibers. nyocardial within nr.-rnbersof cryfanosoural amastigoces nucler-s The amastigoEes measured 2-5 microns in dimreter and concained a large che of differentiation Ehe in A courent was made and basophilic"kinecoplast. o.f of che ciosery related members .An'nstigoteq "8r9uP: thus are not and system lefskrmania spp. prr""icize cells of the reticuloendotfrelial il;;i;;'i;&-"ih;i ?ffi""Eirui"iinmyocardialfibers.Trypanoscmarhodesiense,T.congelense, a n d T . v i v a x ( i . e . , c a u s a t i v e a g e n c so f A f r i c a n il'"iutt6ffi"iigoc6 stage in rnEii life cycle. uai,marsare most cormrcnlyinfected ics with T. cruzi uf-one of"several modes, I) Ingestion of the triatonid bug or crre of feces the with of wounds, bites or unlcousiircrnbranes ;;;;i'Zffir"rinarion be also bus,: or 3) Ingestir:n of tissues oi inf""ced aninrals. Transmission,may oPossuns' Efooa Lransfusions. Ntrerous wild aninnls particularly ."8*rpfi"fr.a organism' Ehe and armadillos in fire Southern U. S. harbor i"""oot", Dept. of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary l'tedicine, Contributor: Baton Rouge, L,A 70803. t ouiGfZiffi-universicy, References: T. ,A:n'seTfie, A. et al. : Pathogenic nechanisns in Chagas' cardimtyopaEhY. Disease In Trypanosouriasis and Leishrnaniasis with SPecial Reference to fS, ( n e h , s e r t e s ) , un ZU Ciba Foundacion 123-136. pp 1974, Amsterdam, London, NewYork, llYocar ditis caused by Trypanosomacruzi in a 2 . S n i d e r , T . G. III , e t e l . : '247 -'249, f980. native Louisiana dog. JAVMAL77: 'trypanosomiasis(Chagas Naturally occurring 3 . W i l l i a m s , G."D., eE al.: l-71: L7L-L77, L977D i s e a s e ) i n d o g s . JAVf'tA - t case III - 80-15072(AFIPU58403) --i ff cattle .. 1 , bovine fetus which rvas iound in Ehe f ield of farm. Laboratory Resulrs: Brucella abortus was cultured frorn gascric conEenEs' atteslpts for IBR and BVD were anffiirus-sofacion spleen, ano rungT*E-TesF negative. . ---r-#- Contribucor's Diagnosis & Couments: IbningiEis, suppurative, nullifrcal, Lla aborcus' mark ]'licroscopicfindings. Cmments: Gross examination rGGl-no-dftnfficanc leptmreniry"l:--I!!, in the weie affy, or"if."a mulcifocal cellular infilurates ^, varied frmr one area to anocher and, in ncsc areas' were ccmPoseoor infiitraces Coccobacillus bacteria were observed in macro-phages...The cells. mlvrprphonuclear Extracerebral lesions included marKecl h",-tiopri"nchyrnl change !{as very limiEed. joiqc, mulcifocal accr.rsulation of rcnonuclear mild FiUriiropurulLnc exudaEes in thi in the porral cracts of che liver. and the"kidney cells iir tfre inteiscitium of findings in bovine fetuses aborted due untmuron are not rrrd encephalitis G"i"giii" to Brucella infection. is & Cmments: is, granulomatous, multifocal n bovine. fetus, brain, meninges, upderate, Etiologic Diagnosis: Bacterial meningitis. Actendees' Di Eo diffuse, eciolo[y, BJicer]agp. (probabry.s. ?F5!Y:). meningicis wich pyo-granulomatous Ccrsencs: The rnaJorrry or partili[ants ffied causedby abortion) novine Abortion ifoothiff *re eciologic di;g;ri.-oe'Enzobric diagnoses-given Ciir"*yai"l"organi5ms as their preconferencechoice. Differencial The cellular responsewas predoninancly large were Brucellosis and Listeriosis. and small nrcnonuclearcells with only a few neucrophils. Degeneracinghistiocyces --Sr* cells and resulted in misinterpretation of Che *ioti"t"a pofyrmpfronuclear trisriocytic cells conEainedsmall.Pale scaining inf tanmarbry'r""fioil. bacilli rhar could be seen in rhe H&h sained section. The majoriry of che paiticipanrs were unfamiliar wich this feEal lesion of Brucella aborcion. Classically a granulornatouspnernonia is the lesion trDst ccErlrcnlyreported' and hepatic^lesions also are reporEed. ffiilG;,'r"nil Contributor: Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center, University of Kentr"rcky, fa29r.trrewffi'-Tl[-e, Lexington, KY 405tI Refefences: ffi.UlterioriRicercheSullaNeuropatologia,DeiFetiBovini Aborriri, (Further research on the,neuropathology-offhe aborted feEuses)' annafi Fac. tted. Vet. Torino. 24 56, L9l7' Tierheilk' 2. Guarda,F.: ProblerniAttuali Degli Aborti Bovini. schweiz.Arch' LZL 3?,3-326,1.979. J - case IV - AN 80/254r-!ry 1r1o (AFIP17614q92 s l i d e s . had beea grazing and 296 of which cattle involved a grouP of 476 mortality A t o the ProPerrY 80/254 AN 180 of which had b e e n i n t r o d u c e d krkuirs Pasture ;;;-'-;;"ks. lld grazed kikuyu' had not'previously The cattle o*'"t irrigated high. to a paddock which were introduced 2 monchs and contained tiJ-frtt'iot'" Day3-ldead Day 4 - 5 dead, D ay 5 -19dead D av 6 -10dead all cattle had been heavily an overgrotrtth of fertilized feed over and 2 feet r#-a*^oAdnck removed from paddock nayZ-2dead DayS-1dead SN80/1310-Simitarhistoryoflosses4-TdaysafteraccesstolushkikuyuPasture. dehydration' wiEh degression' excessive salivation and i n c l u d e d s i g n s clinical hours' t"a deat'h within 24-36 weakness, t"""*iEitv A t a u E o P s y m u c o u s m e m b r a n e s w e r e c y a n o t i c a n d c a r c a s e s w e r e r nThere a r k e d lwere y d b t rusually ydrat'ed. agonar there was i n t e s t i n e s m a l L "pi""tliir-t"*orrhage' a n d there was consistently """iyrrrri" I n t h e ; ; ; ; t ; iot""toi"l'tt'' T'hepll of no gross. lesions-in t,,le and kidney were congested' m u c o s a l p a t c h y ^Liver occasionalty " o was " g " " i o8nand ' 9' ruminal .or,a"ot" in 2 aniroal"s (3 aninals) Spmple I o Calcium mgldt Magnesiuro mg/dL Total Protein Albunin g/d]- g/dL Urea rng/rnl Urea Nitrogen iJ3/rnl Glucose mgidL q Sample 2 L2.8 3.8 ggrtple 3 1 1 1 2.9 " ' l 8.1 Y " l 8.8 4.3 3.9 ]-Lz 88 108 52,2 41.0 50.3 L32 L49 5 . t 42L - 4 - dif fuse) ' Contribucor's Diagnoses& Conments: 0rnsitis, reciculitiq, (u1'gtty infiltration' irosis wich neucrophil n "r. Kikuyu-poisoning' nephrosis. cortical A"utu pttcfty acidity conrrenrs: Marcinovich and Smilh Cig73) nocudl" decrease in aborasal range normal Ene tn"L rr.minal pH was within and, in contrasE to grain poisonirg "ngotg*"ttC, beti^reenso-calred Kikuyu in caEEle wirh Kikuyfi-p"iro"T"g::T;"'similarity noced (Marrinovich et al' L97'2)' b"un n"s mfcoto*i.or"" of catEle and 2 explriiental AEcendees'Diagnoses& Counents: it, cubular, acuEe,rnultifocal' mild co o.paeraCb,tiEney. 7) Nu"ro"is, epichelial, larellar, acute, nulUifocal, trlast'ut, rurrEnand reEiculun, bovine. Etiotogic Diagnosis: Toxic nephrosis,.omasitis, reticulicis and ruuenicis' fifuyu grass cox,icity (Pennisetunctq44eqeinun)-., iriofo[y, '? 4iagnoses and Ccunencs, Ttt;;6 *;s-generat-agieeme by a differential-diagnosis as often ccrrrrEnrs. urea p"riling"was listEd rpst hyperglf-i::.,::9 alkalosis,-a r,rlfl a slight Rlcendees"noced priri"ip"r,t". *. lrignrry elevared blood urea level in the clinical pathology,T:ul!:^P::::?::rol Eo che"contrioutor. Attendees agreed that the histological lesions veerecontrneo oi rhe'-mucosa.Ulceration w6s considered artifactual ;i;; ;;p";ii"i"i-ray"is and herorrhage in the laslina propria did noc n""rosis because inflaurnaii6r,, this. Renal lesions were confinel to the cortex, ind consisted of rnterstitial nepbricis nas """*p.ny degene""ii*r of rubular epithelial"cells. ;;dia'and also been reporEedwith this toxicosis. e_sitgle toxic factor has not been faccors isolated in this disease. At least Ewoand poJsibly three interdependenc of presence 2) The exisr: l) The fiitry, iiass which-rffrycontaih a coxic.Plinc-iple; elaboraced SpodopteJaeJ(empta;and-3) l'tyiotoxins ;;;-;r# i;rt-;;;"pTiruirl, Ehe g-rass. Studies have shor,'mEhat iicrc::arl:rna.r rne giooo'in ritric[r ir"gi ir*t in"-i*gus or Ehe arrry w5rus reduces the indidence of che or "iEit"i "li*in"cTon A few attendees cqmented on the similaricy of lesions Present in Ehis ai""r".. case to Ehoseobserved in sweating-ri.r.""i" in calves reported in'South Africa. Contribucor: RegionalVeterinary Laboracory,Wollongbar,N.S.W., Auscralia' References: f f i . 0 . e t a l . : A c u t e r r . r m i n a l i n d i g e s t i o l l " } X 9 ^19, r o sIvbv. isanddeathoi carEle grazing Kikuyu grass. New Zealand vet. J. Ll : Acute i,"tinaf indigescion, alkalosis and death of caccle 2. Busch, J. eE'all: grazing Kikuyu. New Zealand Vet. J. L7: L82, L959' between so-called Kikuyy-P"i:9ling of iimitariries 3. tr4arcinovicrr, o. er al.: rrycoCoxicoses. New Zealand Vet' J ' 202 57 ' L972' cattle and two 1. Clinical & "*p"tio*tCal fituyu poisoning-of cattle. 4. t4artinoui"f,,-0.-"t "t.i L973 55, 2L: J' Vet. New.Zealand pattroiogi."l fittdittg"Kikuyu poisoning of caCcle' 2' Epizootiological aspecEs' 5. Smirh, B. eE al.: N e wZ e a l a n d V e t . J . 2 l : 8 5 , L 9 7 3 Kikuyu poisoning of cattle in WesEernAustralia' 6. Gabeedy,B. J. eE ai.: A u s t r . V e E .J . 5 0 : 3 6 9 , L 9 7 4 . Kikuyu-grass poisoning of catEle in Nacal' J' Souch 7. Bryson, n. W. ei al.: African Vet. Assoc. 49 (f); L9'2L, L978 An outbreak of "Kikuyg n9iggning" in wesEern 8. Van Ueerden, -1. *r-ut.: 1978. T r a n s v a a l . J . S < l u l t rA f r i c a n V e t . A s s o c . 4 9 ( f ) : 2 7 - 3 A , TI'VOil{YP. 0'r\[ILL Captain, USAF' tlSC(VC) Registry of Veter inary Pattlolo$/ Defurrnr:nc of Vecerinary PachoJ-ogy - 5 - Histories AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. 2I l8 l'larch 1981 Case 1 - 8UA4 P 1757061 Golden retriever of tlrsL(J|-y vr wrtn with aa history was presgnEeq Presented 'and showed lareness in che righE !iPl" lesions in tbe righc lytic lesionsleg. X-ray revealed $tic me leg. -.rE"f"r- of me !iPl"' of mrscles atiopny .i?dpni-"i che ri$hE below fiscula a driining reEaEarsuS.tne 6o9 had and reEaEarsus. rarsus and fibula. tarsus iiilU; The dog died and tissues $rere ttken at necroPsy exaninatim. ilk- Case II - 1889 (AFIP L7M7Y)' t (Charles River, CD); control animal; ryale; birch dare5lTl$-; sacrifiEed Lll4l80; sac weight 600 g.; sacrificed becauseof inappeten@ and general unthrifty appearance. LaboratorY Resulcs: m00 . CaseIII - r4.5 HGB ICV &.5 ttcT 42 wBc 5490 Plasma Protein - 80-0356 (AFIP L757M8). with history manifesced bY rubbing' scratching, woolTlffiis snncking and nibbling whenscratched. 5.8 of weight loss, pacchy Loss of nibbling fleece; rnild ataxia, liP CaseIV - 9-208-80 (AFIP U58839). Pygrrrcffi 2 miciosliies abortions occurred in a research herd of African (H&Eand Giessa) included' 'TI}OftT{ P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Relistry of VeterinarY PacsologY Deparcuentof VeEerinary Pachology ResuLcs Slide Conference - No' 7L AFIP Wednesday -18 March l98l G o l d e n r e t r i e v e r t ^ , a s P r e s e n t e d w i E h a n i s t o r y oche f lameness in '-r \ 'tys showed weak,'sd anoreccic, illness ot tU cl€ duration. -rt-td"" rigt,L hock to abouc 6X9 cm' and righc rear leg. , There was enlargo*rrc of Che lesions in uhe righc Eibia' a.rophy or muscres of me leg. i;;;-r;u""i.o-ricic f istula.below che right fibura, Earsus and merararsus. Td-ad-;.J-.-atirining hock.ThedogdiedandtissueswerecakenatnecroPsyexarninarion. Cqrcributor's is& Di ewasagr CoccidioidotYcosis. il;""ty;iiiil-"lr"cting the cibial f-i?:y t;;-;il!-""rr"riiis-of,91e.:o::^.i::y"?^?::',lli,?i"* 'lfrJ:'ffi"'!ii*'I"4;lyis::,:^:n:i:i:"'li*,:T:,i"i:!,lli"li'. *d ;ffi3i"in.'iiei.-i",i 3:i"lT:.:: l"i,fis:i;ilil.i;-G*gqg lgig, :"::":::?:i":::il: X?".f, iffi:"3:'3nn"ili5l NUUETOUS SPtlsf ulss lesrutrr'. bone DOne lesioirs. (rr Lrrs rsrSsr were focil There r ----;- areas of granul*tt:oY:-q5gll:^-^- r presenE aLSO, ,{rainino sice of initial iniectior,. rnitial eresg{:!t:: :l^":::*f}t::t.::"*iitll5" o:g:,"T:. i .' ii:il:" T li: i J:iii'H";.""""'iJ "t;P:; ::-:l::f;" of "t *.:"0;:::"::ff because resions, ii?5"iffi*i:"Hifi::xf,ii|H"ijE.;;J;;;;"i"*i"r.'".i"e-'["r, hazard c5 laboratory Personnel' is& itis, pyogranulomatous,chronic, diffuse' bon"-*rrowl righc hindlimb, canine' -- i t is . ""u*,' ;; i.ioet" oi"s,oq ! r! - c"gc idioidomycoEic osteomyel niioroEY' Co6cidioides l$cit' wiCn tne concriDucor's etiologic CdtrEnus: There was unanl*dgr"gTeqt t*t of t'ihich contained many diagnosis. nff observed large chick"walled-spheiuiut organisms were also iy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9cured endospores. rc.urio""l douoie ""tto"t"J-and neutrophilic response wich intense an incited observed. Rupcui"a-ioro," disease was brief Iv reviewed' microabscessformation. f6e patf,og;"ti" -of chis formandu:i*-:i:P="' of c.-iqmiti" a"t""'iT""iiy"ett";;-;6h;l in a granulomatous Archrospores pnewpnla' host andresurE Thearrhro"por""?ffi"J-uy-1r," endospores' of devEropmenc wicn These arrhrospor"!-in-tui"-J"u6rop-ini;-"Ph;rules limiced in inosc individuals wich ,Thepuraonary-fonnoi rn" ais""sJi;";;";iit-s_eri resr,ns. Radir.graphicalry desErucEionot che organr"o," *i*ruroiuii"rtot theirte r'rith U!9 quhmary fonn' dog and so-called "coin" lesions oru ,..r,-i;-;" disease the,pnerioni'1: -?]::Sinated Local lynph node involvement t*y't"q*p-tny ff'u endospores.Eovarious Cissues of tne resulcs from the hematogenou" "pru"J-oh infection is reported in che uo.,"i--Gni;g;;t oody msc ,,orruiy"&i;-ilo and ffi:#;;.*i"ii*""se a-neciiastinal in hr.rurns cil.'- in"iicct-e andhorses and may be confused wich a oUseived cracheobronchisl lymphacleniri, il'"*uli*" Cell-rediated inmunity is necessary Cuberculous lesion at necropsy oi sfaugnCer' antibody. to the organism is noE Circufiting for recovery frr-rn the diseaie. sollble substances released by the protective and uuly alone or in .oJ*"Ciot'"*iff' (2)' Alveolar ancrophages i*tnicy fungal organisms, suppress the ;;ii;;i"i"a descroving C' imticis oi U"-in"lp"iu c" alone, from rhesus fi)nKeys n"u"-uo.";h"tt" 'ugBt'l-l .conple't*nc deticienEyTALso recenE studie, organisms in vicro (l). in inf eCCedind iv iilu , ts (1) ' boch cla:;s ica L ,nd alcern,rf ive ;;;il"t; Concributor: tos Ang,elesCouncyDept. of Health Services, CourparativeMedical & VeEeTfia:]-ffivices, L2824Erickson Ave. , Downey,CA 90242. References: @L.ecal.:InvicroresPonseofalveolaruncrophagestoinfeccion with Coccidioides iumitis. Inf . & Imrnrn.282, 594-600, 1980. 2@ Affilmonary coccidioido'nycosis. Med. Clinics of North America U+z 46L-473, 1980. 3. Coccidioidurycosis. Chapt. 17, l"bdical Mycology, pp 230-253. 4.Ga1giani,J.N.eta1.:.coupr6@btrccidioidesimitis:In vicro and dlinical. studies. Inf . &'hmun. 282 944-949,-198F- River, CD); control animal; male; birth 600 g. ; sacrificed becar.seof inappecence LaboraEorvResults: ffi00 I\CV &.5 rcT L4.5 HGB PlasmaProtein 5.8 42 I^lBc 5490 Contributor's Djegpgsis & Cquents: lyrphosarcoma. Histiocytic op of che head and swelling exEended dorm the dorsal surface of the neck and showed signs of erosion through che skull. Additionally there was fluid between the brain and che roof of the skull. There were raised nodules on the lung and on the left lobe of the liver which were histologically similar to the mass on che head. Attendees' Diasrosis & Couments: subcucis and bone, cdEl, hisciocytic, Sprague-Dawley rat. Corrent: There vras a wide variety of preconference diagnoses suhicced by cbe participants for this neoplasm. Poorly differenEiated or r"rndifferenEiatd sarcoma was trDst often listed. The final nnrphologic diagmsis was reached after soe discussion. was The turnr characEerized as an expansile solid mass which in soue sections invaded mrscle and bone. Cellular rorphology remained fairly uniform consisting of large plemnrphic histiocytic cells with abundanc eosinophilic cytoplasm. ltrltinucleated gianE cells were observed frequently. The mitocic race varied from I to 3 per high power field. SErmra and accoupanying vasculaEure were wich sparce. Tlris neoplasm was cqrsidered unconnpn in the raE by those faniliar rodenE rreoplasms. Contribucor: Environrpntal Proteccion Agency,I'dail Drop 72, ResearchTriangle Parklffi/ZfF ' , i - 2 ^ l Ca s eI I I - 8 0 - 0 3 5 6(A F IPU 5 7 !{9 L HlSEOry: J- ;:-'-' rrcol, prurlEls tr;;;"ri"a"[y-r"iui"i, srnacking and nibbling when scratched. - - !- 1.- 1^^^ .- i wich nistor y of wgignc- Ioss'Pal9ly loss o r scratctring,nibbliilg fleece; mild aEaxia, Iip AEtendees' Diagnosis & Cmrencs: vacuolization, multiple' brain scem nuclei' and gray matEer spinal cord, Suffolk, sheep,-ovine' Eti6logic Diaigrosis: Viral egcep!1|ogfelopathy. Sciapie virus (unclassified virus) ' itiofo[y, rorptrotogic'diagnoses were suhritced bv-rbe 6;;;i;t c*r=ncs, ;;;;"i;;il; conference attendees ini:luding spongiionir encEphalorfelopachy, spongiforP qoli* viral Eti6logic diagnoses incruded u""*i"il"g"".uropachy., ;;;$;i"ny"rop.rr,y-"td viroid encefhatouryifopbchy,scraeie ang viral alg."li;ion, il;ffi1 enceohalouryeliciJ. Vicuolated neurons were preslnt in Lhe spinal cord and brain axon sheartrs containing eirlarged axons weie considered co be ;;;:"-,il;"Iioii"" Ttre hiscory-coyprq{ wich.che processingfarcifadts. inaloi--ri*"ii* ;;"-;; bf chb diagnosis of ""a juss€stive in rhi neurons"i" ;;;l;;";-io*a fi;;J;;f"' "trongll also include should Elssue cns ru"pecrca scrapie.infected ;;;;pi;:--eu.iuriio-oi ascrocvtic of and prolifeiation speci.al srrains-iot r"r.o"yti" llpercrophy is listed as an uirclassified piocesses. Ttre eEiotogic agenr';i-;;;$i"-i"r""ti6ir life in non-neural tissues natal posc in early is iniriared i"I"".ion 5iil:"1r," nonths of replicauiqr in rnny Afcer tissuei. ana inEesuinal o"ri-"o..biy-i),tnphaiic spread) aPPear: in-the CNS ;i;G (presrmaUly by heurqto-gengus Iynphatic tissuell-;h; corcex arxr cerebellLul' Ehe include sites eipiciafly the brain stem. Ocher CNS pathologic The tissue. neural in slowly Virar replication-pro"""ds ,pi."l-""|a. siF9. clinical resultant wich Iesions are restEicted to Lhe neivous sysEem, modeof cransmission. aliuenrary cracr is dre upst plausable 'Goats i#;;";-ui"-lir" with infecEed sheep raised Vertical transmission has not b;;; do",-"nt"d. (r). to Ehe disease and may develop similar lesions and signs mink' and mice "r"-rur""ptiute animals used in ttre-stuay of scripie include haursters, Experinental disease' the Giy p"p.r" tr"u" U""n-puUfi"hed in chl pasc few years which review concriouEor: DepE.of Pathology, college of veterinary l"ledicine, oklahoma srillwaEer, oK 74074. scacffi, References: ffil..l.etal.:Virologicandneurohistqlgeig^!indingsindairygoacs affecred wicfr naiuial scrapie. Vet.-Pathol. L7: f87-199, 1980' 2. Narayan, o:;--procebdings of ACVPi{eering, Neworleans, Louisiana, p. 99, 1980. Arer. J. of Pattrol . 69; 209-2L2, L97)' 3 . I ' l a r s h , R . F . : Slow virus infections. sysEeur- Advances 4 . M a r s h , R . F . : slow virus diseases of che cenfral nervous i n V e t . R e s . , . L 5 5 - L 7 l, L 9 7 6 . _ {-. CaseIV - 9-208-80 (ailP 1758839). abortions occurred in a research herd of Airican Pygmycoats. 2 microslides (H&Eand Giersa) included. LaboraEoryResults: AII fecuses were near cerm, autolysis was slight and no sign@swerepresent.Placentaswerecoveredwicha-tan,mlcoid exudace,cocyledonswere herorrhagic and necrocic villi were noted. Culcures of fetal scmrachcontents did noc result in any baccerial grohrth. Csrcrioucorrs DiaFnosis & Cmnpnts: Rickettsial abortion, due co Coxiella . b u rn e c t i . ffincs:Aninitia1diagnosisofChlamydialabortionwasbasedonEhe necrotizing placentitis and che presence of r*raE !{ere chought to be elesentary bodies in che Giernsastained section. The possibility of rickectsia as an etiologic agent was not considered and saurpleswere sent to Dr. Herb Scoermerac che Rocky huncain Laboratory where FA-stained irpression suEars were positive for Coxiella burnetti. Actendees' Di is, necrotizing, subacute, diffuse, severe, placenta, pipy goat. Etiologic Diagnosis: RickeLtsial placentiEis. EEioloev: Coxiella burnetti. curenE3:@agreeupncwichchecontributor,sdiagnosisand corrrrEnts after disclosure of the etiologic agenE. ldcsc participants, however, listed a Chlartydial species as their preconference etiologic agent. Bacterial agents.listed fecus, Brucella listed for differential differential d diagnosis included ncluoeo Canphylobacter brucet.l€ uaq)nyroDaccerfetus, abortus., Brucella Brucella melitensis melicensis and Lisceria .sp. sp. ltyr@iItrtar ltyr 6i@iT-sms@f frEe Tffi-measuring approximately 0.5 by I.0 microns; all were Giemsaposicive. The two forms were considered to represent different sEagesof the rickettsial replicaEive cycle. Mineralization was notd by all and felt to be a normal finding in post parturienL placentas. A primary lyrphopla$nacytic inflarrnatory infiltrate also was noted in the placental tissue. A photograph provided by the conEribuEor depicted the gross appearanceof the placenta as previously described. Photmricrographs of rhotamine and fluorescene coniuqated antibody to C. burnetti were proiected which substantiated the conlrlbutor's diagnosisl- ffi':G condition'geierally is noc reported in snirnels. Coxiella burnetti is ccnnnnly considered nonpathogenic for doresEic livesEock (3). @isofzoonoticinporEanceinchaciEcausesQfeverinhrmarrs. Contributor: Marsh Veterinary Laboratory, Box 997, Bozerlern,MonEana 597L5. References: Tf,ennefeA, E. H. et al., Eds.: DiagnoscicProceduresfor Viral, Rickettsial and ChlamydialInfections, 5th Ed., Arer.-Pub. Health Assoc., l^lash.m, L979. Diseases,Charles C. Thons, 2. Scorz, J.: Chlamydiaand Chlamydia-Induced Spri n g f i e l d , I L, L 9 7 L . 3. inlaldhalm,D. G. et al.: Aborcion associaEedwich Coxiel-La burnecti infecrion in dairy goats. JAWA 173: 1580-81-,1978. TIICITTIYP. O'NEILL CapEain, USAF,BSC(VC) Regiscry of Veter inary P..icl'rology De1>arcnentof Veter inary Pacnology - + Hiscor:ies AFIP tlednesday Slide Conference - Nn. Zz 25 ltarch l98l (AFIPu6r48s). QcseI - I86-0039_q -Dawley male rat had a 3.0 crn diameter suss on cne rlgnc rumdible. The rnass was red and very firm. The rac was given .01 rnillirnrles of N-hydroxy FornylaninoiLuorene/fOO grans body weighc incrapericoneally Ehree Eires a week for four iueeks. case rI - o3-I435 (Rrrp L727492\. n. CaseIII - 80-2 (L757054). marrobtsIIEar Eakenac necropsy frcm an adulc German shepherddog. Clinical signs included lethargy, iytnphidenopathyand nyphera. CaseIV - H76-46L(ArIp L667029\. in body .weighE. . ^ , . E ' . .The o # ianimal T w l o phras e d pr:esent .pig,7monthsold,weighing2akg in clinic,-treated with t<anamyEin for onEday and died on second day. TI,VT$ff P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Vecerinary Parhology Deparbnerncof Veterinary PaEhology Results AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference - No. 22 25 l,larch l98l f: A 535-day-old Sprague-Dawleymale rat had a 3.0 cm dinnpter rnassOn The rat was given .01 frdndible. The mass was red and very firn. ehe i millisoles of N-hydroxy Formylaminofluorene/ 100 grams oody weight intraperiEoneally three tiures a week for four weeks. Arreloblastic odontcrra. is rnadeup of denEin trabeculae lined by small basophilic cells interpreted as odontoblasts, the peqiphery of the segll9n has areas iontaining a mixtuie of dentin and ens'rpl. The dentin is eosinophi-lic often with internal-small linear tubular structures r*rereas the engt|Fl is either a ancrphous substance or a lightly basophilic fibrilar material. darkly qhophilic Adjacent to the enarel in a few areas are elongate colunrrar epithelial cells inEerpreted as aeloblasts. Although odsrcoblEsts and melobiasts often are to disEinguish within the neoplasm, Ehe preserrceof ennnreland dentin is difficult evidence of both cell types. Since the-mass is proliferative and fgm a 535-day-old rat, it was interpreted as a neoplasmof mixed cell population (auEloblastic odontcnra) rather than a hanartos (congenital odontma). Although Ehe rat las injected with an arornatic amine, the n-oplasm was considered an incidental finding. Cqrtributor's Diamosis & Cqrrents: Attendees' Diasnosis & CffIrcnts: loblasEmra. Codrents: there !{as general agreeurantwitb the contributor's diagnosis and conrrEnts. The uorphblogic diagnosis of odontoameloblastona was adopted as classif ied by the l,lt{0 (5), whiah is equivalent to aneloblastic odontcma. A diagnosis of cmrposite odontomawas preferred by oral parltq,foglsts uPon These tlunrs often are confusing wirh considerable overlap of conlultation. histologic features which souptires makesclassification difficult. Contributor: Pachology Services ProjecL, University of Arkansas, NaEiqral CentEi-FoTl6frjlilcological Research, Jefferson, AR 72079. References: f.=asn'm,-C. B. & Hubbard,G. B.: Areloblastic odontma in a baboon Papio anubis). Vet. Path. L7: 100-102,1980. Fffil-ton, J.: Tr-uprs in Dqrestic Anirrals, 2nd Edititrt, Ch. 7, 1978, - pp 242-246. 3. PeEer,C. P., et al.: L495-L498,July f968. odontmain a pony. Am.J. VeE.Res., AneloblasEic 4 . S p l i t t e r , G . A . e E a l . : Ameloblastic odonEuu in a rhesus mftey97722.. 7LO 0 -7 - 7 L 3 .,L 9 l A t 6 i : 7L JAVMA of Che upper Alimentary Tract. lalHoBull. 53: W.t T,-olxrs 5. Head, K. L976. L45-t66, Case II - 63-1435 (aFIP L727492). . Contributor's is& ltrltiple granuloras in Ehe brain of a na sp. - + once were believed to be glimas but notr are Cments: Tbese gr thought to represent a reactive response in the brain to infectio-n by tox9p199ma. 'Itrese sectiqls lrere prepared frm paraffin blocks kindly provided by Dr. Cecil and intergrades of disseminated Jackson in 1963 and designated "glioatosis encephalitis'r as in reference (4). He originally thought srrch lesiofft were glioas (3) and his term glimatosis still cdr:notes neoplasia which does rpt seeo appropriate. Case submitted becauseof historical interest to horpr a pioneer veterinary oncologist. Attendeegt Diapcnosis& Conments: mderate to tis, granulmntous, nrltifocal, severe, brain, chicken. Cmrte: A variety of preconference rcrphologic diagrnses rcere suboitted glims, ild rpnsuppurati\te including: Astrocltqna, plemrphic and mrlticentric rnningoerrcephalitie with glial nodule formation. Following presentaEion and discussion there was unanimus agree@rt $rich the contributor's diagnosis. A neoplastic lesion was discredited based on the uurltifocal and copressile naEure of the lesiqr, Ehe nixed infle'rmacory and reactive cell population within the rndules, in areas adjacent and and the presence of ueningeal and perivascular infiltrates resnved fror the nodules.- An etlologic agent lras not observed by the attendees. Several attendees listed Toxoplasuosis or avian encephalmyelitis virus as possible etiologies. As the cqrtributor srd references indicate, the exact causieis mt knownbut toxoplasunsis is suspected. Another reference suggests A.E. as a possibility (3). Contributor: I.{adiEioi;TITt/06. Departunnt of Veterinary Science, University of Wisconsin, Refetences: K. et aI.: Pathology of Laboratory Anirqals, Vol. I, TffiiiEEk€, York, L978, p. 383. Springer-Verlag, New 2: Erichsen, S. et al.: Toxoplasrcsis in chickens. II. So-called glimas observed in chickens lnfected with toxoplasma. Acta Patb. et I'licrob. Scandinavica. 33: 381-386, 1953. 3. Hedoldt, C. F. et al.: Tr-uprsof unknownetiology. Diseasesof Poultry, 7ch Ed., Iowa State LJniv.Press, 1978. 4. Jackson, C.: The ircidence and pathology of Ermrs of descicated animals in South Africa. 0nderstepoort J., VoL. V[, No. lz 323-328' f936. 5. Jackson, C.: Ralationship of glima to encephalitis in the desEic fowl, and an associated parasitic agent. -The Nature L6Lz ML'MT, L948. hiscopathologyof epizootic gliosis and 6. WighE,P.A.L. et al.: of dsrestic fovrl. J. Cmp. Pattrol. 74: 373'380, 1964. ascrocytcmaEa - 2 - CaseIII . + - - 80-2 (U57054). shepheTf6g. Clinical marrovrsrrEar Eaken at necropsy frm an adult German signs included lethargr, lyuphadenopathyand hyphsna. ContribuEor's Diagtosis & Cosmsnts: Malignant lyryhma. al iniolved in- a scudY of low dose Most dogs with marrow involvnent at lyrphora. canine-malignant radiotherapy of proved to be-poor responders to radiocherapy. rhe rire oi- initial workup ana smi4ing Lphosarcortra, lyryhoblastic, bone nrarrow, Attendees' Dtagnosis & Cmot", canifrffi Cosents: There was unanirrcusagre€srentwith the cqrtributor's diagnosis. of this neoplasm froi ocher neoplasms found in bqre marrcril, strh as Differentiation ryeloid or erythroid myeloproliferative disease is based on cellular rcrphologSr (2). This ne6plastic invoiveuEnt of the bone marroh,was further characterized as suige IV ly,sp$blastic leukeuria, due to ius preserne in the marrolr gqvicy a$ prititive 6tistic appearance. Ttre alnpst c@lete abserrceof myeloid, erytirroid, and ungakaryocytic i6ffs was felt to be secondary to neoplastic invasion. Tbe radiotSer"pl *Ly account for sdE loss, parcicularly che regakaryocytic elsnent-s as I'bthyl g,reegpyrcrine (ll3P) these celli- are very sensitive Eo ioniziirg radiaticr. suained bone marrorr srrnars frmr this animal detrDnstrated pyrinophilic cytoplasnic sranules. This findine is consiscent $rith lyrphocytic cells of B-cell origin lfiich Ere rhe cells involved-in the majority of leirkimia-s in dogs and htmans. Concributor: Dr. G. A. Parker, lll0l StreanviewCourc, Great Falls, VA 22066. References: B.: Laboratory l'tedicine: Hesratology,5th Edition, C.V. MosbyCo. ' fffi'fe-;]. St. Lpuis, L977. 2. Schalm,0. W. et aI.: Vecerinary Heuratology,3rd Edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, L975. 3. Siuire, R. A. et aI.: Clinical and pathologic_study-of_canine_lphma: Clinical'staging, cell classification, md therapy. J. Natl. CarrcerInst. 5l: 565-574, L973 4. Cor^rall,D. E. et al.: Effects of low dose, total-My_irradiaEion on canine bone marrow function and canine lycphora. Radiation Res., l98l (In Press). 5. Harvey, J. W. et al.: Weli-iifferenitated lyuphocylig-leukerniain a dog: Lorgterm survival without therapy. Vet. Path. 18: 37-47, 1981. - 3 Case IV - H75-46L (AFIP L667029\. loped pig, 7 trpnths old, weighing 24 kg in body weighL. The animar wag present in cLinii, rreated with kanamyEin lor one day and died on second day. Laboracorv Resulcsl Contributor's porc:ffiEtiology: Culture of the kidney - posirive DiaFnosis & C@nEs, for Staphylococcus sp. CorEical necrosis, acute, severe, kidney, Staphylococcus sp. infeccion. CflI|EnEs: ffifffiliings-:--In-@rous, flat erythprras were scattered throqg[nut tfe 9!in, mainly on the ventral porticr of che boiy, neck and head. ttre surflce of che kidney: contained scattered diffuse pinpoinc to matchhead sized reddish spots; the rernainder of the surface was damasg6igd'abruptly by a yellorish gr.y U.pongpening th9 kidney, the redulla was essentiilly nirrmai. The coiri-co-redullary "oo.l- junctict was red wiEh ccrgestion and hemrrhage hrtri;h extended out alons the vessels into the cortex in flnger-like projecEions. The majority of uhE cortex Has dull and pale. Histologic findings: l,larked fibrinous thrdi srere present in several large vessels at the boriler of the infarct. These vessels ilso had fibrinoid necrosis of their walls. The necrosis of the cortical coponents corrsisted of gloeruli, tubules, interstitirm and vessels. Few polyilrrphonrrlear Iercocytes hrere present at the border of the infarct. EEiology: Staphylococcussp. csuEncs: @ith the contribucor's ciiagnosis and courrEnEs. Disseminated intravascular coagulation brasthe preferred eEiologic diagrosis. An eEiologic.?g-ent was not apparent in the tissue sections viewed by the lttendees, -Exoroxin.uEdiaied buc Lhey did concur with the etiology given by the contributor. DIC was the probable pathogenesis involved in this lesion. Contributor:_ Delrartuent of Veterinary Pathologr, Pig ResearchInsticute of TaiwbiJ6[ff'Iid of ehina, Miao1i, Taiwan, 350. References: f.:[Ifetr-]. C.: 'Ihe Kidney: Medical and Surgical Diseases, 2nd Ediricr, Grune & Stratton, NewYork, L962, pp 635-640. 2. Boucoc,N. G. et al.: Bilateral renocorcical necrosis wich recovery. N e wE r g . J . Ib d . 2 5 7 : 4 1 6 -4 1 8 ,L 957. 3. Casper, J. et al.; Bilateral corEical necrosis of kidneys in an infant with favism. An. J. Clin. Path. 26: 42-46, 1956. 4. Hani, H. et al.: Bilateral renal corcical necrosis associatedwich esophagogastriculcers in pigs. Vet. Parh. L7; 234-237, 1980. 5. Thal, A.: Selective renal vasospasmand ischemic arenal necrosis produced experirentally wiEh staphylococcal toxin. Observations on pathogenesis of bilaceral cortical necrosis. Am. J. Pathol. 3l: 233-'259.f955. .|IMMHY P. O'NEILL Capcain, USAF, BSC(VC) Regiscry oi Veterinary Pachology Departrnent oi Verer inary Pathology - 4 - His cories A.FIPWednesday Slide Conference- No. 23 1.April l98l Direct Blue #6 ac 1500 ppur in Ehe diet CaseII - l[66-f2 previously. Case III ior (nfrP 178078). nnale AsErican foxhotrnd was euthanized after showing ferale litcermace had died 2 monchs Both dogs had enlarged livers at necropsy. - PL 89L92 (eflP L7L3374). le, Siaurese presented as an eu'ergency wich sevei@ea and abdominal brearhing. Ausculcacibn of the chesc showEd a'nniffled tachycardia,. no-audible L"rng sounds over the left lung fietds and lung sounds Limited to che dorsal posterior right lung fields. The animal died during radiographic procedures. Ac necropsy, there was serosanguinous fluid in Ehe choracic and abdmrinal cavities, the lungs wgre atelecta-ic, and the liver was severely corrgested. The hearL was sligntly enlarged and the endocarditnn of tne left ventricle was thickened and whitel (AFIP L7L3947). Case IV - EN-78P1132 red alive beEween2'20to 235 riays oi gestation._ The fetus was weak and experiencedrespiratory difficu.lcy and dieC shorely af cer birth. Its lr,rngsfailed to collapse- and were rmiformly f irmer lnan normal. All lymph nodes examinedwere 2 to )-.5 cines normal size. The cuc surface of lycrph nodes revealed a Ehictcenedcortex. The adrenal glands were enlarged and the adrenal cortex was 3 Eimes iEs expected chickness. TII'OIT{YP. O'NEILL Captai,n, USAF, BSII(VC) Registry of Veterinary Pachclogy Departnenc of Veterinary Ppthology Results AEIP Wednesday Slide Conference - No. 23 I April l98l Case I - 77L075 P L709298 Direct Blue #6 at 1500 pf in tbe diet for 6 weeks of age. Cqrtributorrs Diagnosis & Cmrts: 0va1 cell hyperplasia, (also in sc sectfons - focl 6f Ce@ neoplastic nodules, and/or cholargiofibrosis. Crents: Ttre cheurical contains benzidine, a htman carcirngen. Hepatcellular lrere carcinmas seen in a few rats. Later they would have developed in many other rats. ldoEe: ltre slides were prepared frm several different blocks. Oval cell hyperplasia is ttre prlrnary lesion of interest. Attendees'D llasia, bile ductules (oval cell hlryerplasia), diffuse, uoderate, liver, rodent, rat. 2) Neoplastic nodules, mrltifocal, liver. 4) Cholangiofibrosis, 3) Foci of hepatocellular alteratiqr, unrlcifocal, liver. mrltifocal, minimnl to mild, liver. Cments: the disucssion of the changes observed in the liver centered ort the I'bst investigators aBree EhaL the origin of the oval ceII oval cell hyperplasia. apitheliu and thus the preferred cerm bile ductule cells. is the bifiaiy differ fro hepatocytes by containing small oval these cells Ultrastructurally and a small mitochondria, rare cilia, nuclei with incoispictrcus or small nucleoli, of rough endoplasnric reticulm basrent membrane and ffre absence or scant munt Ttre physiologic role of tne bile ductule cell is and glycogen granules (2). similat to ttre bite drrcts that ii water and bicarbonate absorbtiqr and secretion Proliferation of bile (3). Tfre horrpne secretin influernes their ftrrction. in several pachologic conditions (3). durctules has been descriH Contributor: National Carrer Institute, National Institutes of Healch, BethEEdSfll6rlfand 20205. References: Scanning electron rnicroscopy of proliferating E. et al.: f.TrooEs--tanley L975. 33: 3Il, Invest. Lab. bile ductules. fate of proliferated hepatic ductal cells and al.: Onigin 2. Grishan, J. W. et in the rat: Eleccron microscoPic and autoradiographic studies. Expt. & lblec. PaEh.3; 242-?6L,Lgfu. 3. Schaffner,F. et al.: Eleccronmicroscopicsrudies of normaland proliferaEedbile ductules. AsEr.J. Path. 38 (4): 393-410,April 1961. Case II - LLL66-12(AFIP 1713078). e Arerican foxhor.md was euchanized after shcring ' # ' ' signs of asCites and anorexia. A 9-ncnth-old fesrale lictermate had died 2 Mrths previously. BoEhdogs had enlarged livers at necroPsy. Cqrtribucor's IeptoE'ffiffi- Diagnosis & Cqsents: Chronic-active hepatitis associated wich Corents: Significant findings at necropsy were an enlarged firm liver and ascites. A diagnosis of chronic-active hepatitis was madeon tbe basis of l) acute and chronic inflasmacion of periportal areas with sre extensian into lobules; 2) focal disruption of periportal limiting plates of hepatocytes by this inflasratory infiltrate wich spotty necrosis of individual hepatocytes; 3) mifd periportal fibrosis and bile duccular proliferatiqr. The lesions in this parcicular dog are rnre acute than those in other cases reported in chis series, with a greater proportion of neutrophils and little fibrosis. Aburdant spirochetes were dmnstrated in the liver by t^larthin-Starry stain. there were no significant kidney lesions. Hepatitis, chronic-active, diffuse, mderaEe, Attendees' Dragnosis & Cmnts: live . Etiologic Diagnosis: Bacterial hepaticis. Etiolosy: Leptospiria sp. agreernnc with Ehe contributor's diagnosis and CqrenE6: ffius cmrents. Other changes in the livei were regenerating hepatic nodules, diffuse Iyuphatic and rnrltifocal sinusoidal ectasia, &d thronbosis in a fan large vessels in soe sections. As poinEed out by the conEributor, Leptospiral infection nay cause this hepatic lesion (3). Chronic active hepaEitis also has been prodrred experisEntally in dogs with infectious canine hepatiuis virus, obstrr.rctive jaurdice, and occasionaily has-been associated wich drug ailministration in both hrmansand dogs (1,2,4). Corparatively, this lesion resembleschronic hepatiEis in htmans infected with hepatitis B virus. Contributor: Division of CouparativeMedicine, Johgg,HopklnsUniversity Schoolfl6FF6?fi[dne, 720 Rucland Ave., Baltimore, MD 2L205, References: r@T.J.eta1.:ChronichepatitisintheDog:TheroIeofitrm.r'e factors. JAWIAf56 (l2): 1700-1705,L97O. 2. t*byer, D. J. et al.: Obstructive jaundice associaEedwith chronic acEive in a dog. JAWA t76 (f); 4L-M, 1980. hepatitis ' R. eE aI.: Chronic accive hepatiEis in EhedOg. 3. SCrobeck,'."D. (4) : 380-386, L978. JAm'lAl73 4. Bishbp, L. et aI.: Chronic active_hepatitis in dogs associated with Am. J. Vet. Res. 40 (40)2 839-AA, L979. LepEospires.hepacitis in a do8. wsnc , 42L-422, 5 . - T o th , D . M. e t a I.: D rug- induced March f980. - L - Case III - EPL 89L92 (AFIP L7L3374). le, Siaese presenced as an en€rgencywich severEdyspnea and abdurinal breathing. Auscultacion of the chest shor,ved a m..rffled tachycardia, no audible lr"rngsounds over che lefu lung fields and lurg sor.nrds limited to the dorsal posterior righr lung fields. The anirnal died during radiographic procedures. At necropsy, there was serosanguinousfluid in the Ehoracic and aMmrinal cavities, the lungs were aLelectatic, ad che liver was severely congested. The hearE was slightly enlarged and the endocardiuurof the left ventricle was thickened and tnfrrite. Concributor's Diagnosis: Endocardial fibroelastosis. AEtendees'sD is& ic proliferation, endocardial, diffuse, rnderate, left ventricle, heart, Siauese, feline. Etiologic Diagnosis: Feline endocardial fibroelastosis. Primary or secondary. Etiology: CamenEs: Feline endocardial fibroelastosis is characterized by diffuse fibrous and elastic thickening of the endocardiuun in the absence of uryocardicis myocardial necrosis. Secondary ventricular hyperErophy, usually lefc sided, accorrpanies Ehis change. The disease may be primary or secondary. The prinary form has a fasrilial incidence (autosunl recessive gene) and rnst often is seen 1n Burnresecats. The secondary form often is associated with cardiac ancmalies (i.e. aortic stenosis). The proposed pathogenesis of the primary form involves subendocardial edana, dilation of lyuphatics, endocardial fibroelastic proliferacion and degenerarion of Purkinje fibers secondary to the fibrosis. Ttris latter feature is the suggested cause of acute cardiac failure. This disease in cats has been conpared to several diseases in man wich similar histologic feacures. Contributor: HernZl-oi1ff07O. Experirnntal Pathology Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 474, References: I-TfioE-f. S. et al.: First reporc of the occurrence of neonatal endocardial fibroelascosis in cats and dogs. JAVl,lAL33: 27L-274, f958. The pathogenesis of endocardial fibroelascosis in 2. Paasch, L. H. et al.: Buruese cats. Lab. Invest. 42 (2): L97-204, 1980. 3. 7nok, B. C.: SosE sponcaneouscardiovascular lesions in dogs ard cats. Adv. Cardiol. 13: f48-t68, L974. _ J - Case IV - EN-78P1132 7L3947 ne Eed alive between 220 to 235 days of fetus was lreak and experienced respirarory difficulcy and died h-ngs faileil to collapse- and weie unifornli f irrer ckran exired were 2 to 2.5 tirres norml size. the cut surface of l14h nodes revealed a thickened cortex. The adrenar gtands were enrarged and the adrenal cortex was 3 tires lts expected thickness. , - ^ . . . @C o w -p o e i ticarcl ve fo rB rtre 1 1osiswithcar dAgg1utin8ti6Teet. - Neg_aEive. !'eEus tg9t, negative C.F. test. Elevatiqr of lgs-in serLm. B. abortus biotype I frm abmasal fluids, l*g, and internal illac $ecoyery-of r)t4n rKEe. l r Cqttributorre mrtr Diqgnosis & Crents: Pner.mnia, diffuse intersritial; rosiJ Crents: Ttris.case. represents the tlpical pattern of pnermria in B. abortus lnfected fetuses whictr abort beareen rtre 2Oottr r; 240rh day'of g""cati*TE'i"-reactiqt is observed in experimntal infectiqrs in h'hich t[F fefge is irgulated Pe|- os or I.l'1. Neutrophils are no!_ a prqninent cellular cqonent of these inflauratory reactiqrs. occasimafry i severe arceritie rg iroted-in-puidary arteties. In these lnstances macrophagesare still the predoinart iirfra-"t6ry cell. Attendees I is& c ulagnosls: ia, nonsuppurative, diffuse, mderate Etiologic Dlagnogfs: _Bacterlal pneuurcnia. Etiology: Brr.rcella abortus. CmnEs: lfiffiFas.ffi?ifference in opinion on rhe rcrphologic diagrnsis. Tle majority, hoeever, considered the interstiEiat involvwrt'to bE an exEensiqr of the-bronchoprer,wria. Ttre history and lesions are quice suggestive of fetal Brucella infectlon. Pulmrary infectlon is via inhalafion of frfecriotrs fetal fluids in utero. Evidence for inhalation of fluids is subsrantiaced by the Presence of rccasional sloughed squanousepithelial cell within airwayi, a feature also observed in normal fetal lung tissue. Other lesions observed in-tissuee of aborted calves due to BrucelLosis are granuloras in the spleen, liver, erd brryh nodes (1), neningoencephalitis (2), anil adrenal cortical hyperplasia dtp ro ietat stress. A necrotizing placentitis accoryanies Ehesefetal- iesions. Contributor: loulsiana State University, School of Veterinary l{edicine, DepaiGrrlifrffi'tholog;r, Barqr Rouge, LA 70803. References: f. .fu66,-R3/.F. & Kennedy, P.C.: Pathology of Doestic 1970,pp 528-530,1970. 2. lbdnesdaySlide ConferenceResults#20, CaseIII, Aninrpls, Vol. I, f98f. TTIfiI{Y P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Regiscry of Veterinary Pathology Deparurent of Veterinary Pathology Histor ies AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference_ No. 24 8 April lggl CaseI - 79-223L (AFrp U14909). of a 6-year-old fernale goat wt'richhad shor.a :]** a Progressive loss of weight, a deireased prodrlcion-*a-*?t"rlces over a period of several weeks' Finalli, ine animal becanreemaciated and very weat(and r.ras descroyed. Case II - Anirnal Health Lab c lin IS (live) for necropsy wich a of-ll:g"::i::., p",:Se! l_Ad";;;';6"il'#;";;IiiJ';H -!" _ and ir'"iir;o"Xio"S#:: scory sEuck in crop L7L33L7). y?:,pl:t:nted . At necroDsv,,there were pale subcutis and musculaEure, edematousheart, uultipre wiriliStr nodules-i" i["-ci,ril-;;gil,"ernpry-sromach, grearry enrarged pare liver-wich rultiple *r,iii"tr ioJi ou". che-surface and kidneys ind spreen were enlarged with whiEish foci over the surface. case III - {-I228!_(AFIB L755475). hudsonius, (sea lrorse). Case IV_- 6497-79 (AFrp L7t7Z64\. rsratized turrDr, 4 cm in dianreter, hras reupved r-^*Hi: rrom Ene ri'ght peccoral region. The tr.rnor involved suucutaneous cissue, was werl encapsulaied and vascutrri;;;:"ut"nuJua-ano smre fibrous rissue vras nored. TIIOI]HYP. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Registry of Veterinary pachologv Departmencof Veterinary p"rhoGgy ResulEs Conference - No. 24 Slide Wednesday AFIP I April t98l caee I - 79-223L(AFIP U-149Q9-L eji-ni' of a 6-Year-old -female goat rrrhichhad sturn a Period a proqresstve ross of weiglrt, a iieireased prodrrcCion and sofc fEces over was and wreak very and Finall!, itre anirqpl becm enaciated of'""i.i"1-weeks. destroyed. # Cantributor's D is& Johne's Disease. enteritis. -Uy[oU"ctif is, Joture's disease. tufi paratuberculos ili;l"S r thickeniry.of the rucosaof the [t necropsy,e'n"ciffid crents: Ioner snall lngestlne, cecu! ard colon wererpted. the u6in nicroscopic.intestinal lesion was in ctre-upilr-ana mtOaleparts of the lntestinal tract. Granulcnatous ihe upper and'qrddte parts of the mall enteritis wasnlid-55i-*tiilo"ai-i[ ;d aiifuse md severe in the lixer small lntestlne' cecu! ad colst' i;;;ili;, io rhe lmina propria of the affected intestinal Ttre leslqrr *"" riiit"A *i"ii involvemlnt'of the suhrcosar E"Iopfaggg in orftn onfy-;iid, *ittto"f ;;r;6 Jotne's disease *ssiu" nrs"rg of acid fast bacilll. intestlnal lesioni "*,dro"a losses in strre goat herds. Diagnostigi3ns ehould alwayskr:ep ffi;tlg;-ioporcing in mid rhat Jotrn";r rfghi Ue pr"s"tt in adult -goapsdrigh have been sufferlng a - ,r ,rrr; Jeoiljrr",riqg diEeasewith or without diErrhea. Gross lesims in the oft"n mt very gvfdent and can be nissed i,ir,.i.inai ti""6-;fi ;#;-ioais "ri wlth or'without caseousrecrosls ard easily. leeenteii"-fyoet q6ag "nGig*nt anlnals. For theee reasons, p sfntrld ii"aiG-i"'ia;. rr-i-"ffin calcifica.t* intestinal tracts and reeenteric 1l4h nodee "G;i;;-i".-ttiltip"rtr6f"grc"fTy-it. ,ltt n ot6er iefuone such ag cas@uslphadenitie or intestinal chesegoaEs of parasitism are "ver, Present. Atcendees' Dlagpeis i & C@nEs: , granulmatous, diffuse, mderate to sevete' jeJr,rnwt,caprtne, goat. and cmgntsi There was unanimusagreelrentwith the concributor's diagnosis s9tre conuributor, the by rn addilion io the feacurEspointed ou9 c,F".il;and Lonsiderablenrmbersof eosinophits and secriong "usc"""." "*t"in"d-"iypiLiur, Lesrdrs of Jotrre'g disease in.goats nay-occur in mre ,irrrii"i-r;il;a-g6i tnreJrine in addition to the dtstal small inEesEine, proxlusr areaa .ii it.-"*il in caErle. Leeiqrs my cqrtaln eirher few or nulErous E"""illia-;;fi-;"-obeerved and acid-fast bacitrl. An additiurar-iesio.toccasionally obgerved.in sheep,catEle of !F *ocardiimof :l:-Y:: *{::,3:t'' io"ir-'uirt'-jot'n";r_iq-Fi;iiicotron of qftich has not been elucidated. Mirpr antigenic variatiqts ?#-pJhJj";;iJ lnratuberculosis exisr befweenUovine and caprine },tycobactgrir-m (4) ' Cross berM l'rnvig ffi paratuber"ubffirE@, 1"1.raaa*,1-ora,,lno{a reaction betweenM Eor che tesr reliable E IIDSE TEI1A iiuE *ia-tis-is-th-r;cst reported. lecal ElT have delection of Johne'e diseaee Tt Contributor: DePt. PaChologleeE l'{lcrobiologie, Faculce de redicine veceiTnar-idllfrfiere i re de lbnEreal, C""" po"tafe-5000, Salnr i{yacinche, Quebec, Canada JZS 7C6. Referenceg: TG-ssl-F J.: Paratuberculosis (Johure'sdisease) in goats. Proc. Sheepand Goat Practice Syuposirtrr. Colorado State Universiry, pp 26-40, L976 2. Fodstad F. H. et al.: Posturtem examination in the diagnosis of Jotne's dtsease in goats. Acta vet. sced. 20: L57-L67, L979. 3. Gr-rrnarsson, E. et al.: Cultural and blochemical characEeristics of Eycobacteriwr paratuberculosis isolated frqr goaEs in l{orway. Acta veE. scand, 2Az uz-Ly, L979. 4. Grrurarsson, E. et al.: Analysis of antigens in mycobacterirm paratuberculosis. Acta vet. scand. 20: 2W-2L5, 1979. 5, Jubb, K.V.F. et aI.: Pathologyof Dmstic Animals. Vol. 2, L970, pp 135-140. Caee II - cLi sCnck L7L33L7 pFesented (live) for necropsy with a Ffstory of eickness for a period of 3-4 days, r^rouldnot swallow food crop and labored breathing. The bird was euthanized and posced. At necropey, there were pale gubcutis and ulrsculature, edenntous hearc, uultiple wtritish nodulee In che throac region, eflFEystonch, greatly enlarged pale liver wiEh sJltiple whttieh foci over Ehe surface and kidneys and spleen were enlarged wlth whlttsh foct over the surface. Laboratory ResulCs: Beta hemlytic Streptococcussp.. E. coli and Klebsiella sp. ffie isolEEfffilung, kiiney @eEE'tG 6'e chroat masa. l,lyeloblastosis. (both incra and extravascular liticrs chiefly aror.nd portal traccs) of neoplastic cells of the granulocytic series with manymltoses and packed with acidophilic granules are cflpatible wich granulocytic (myelogenoue)leukoeie. These cellg also were eeen in the kidney ard spleen. Thre natural occurrence of ryelobl.astoele is very rare srd this riould be che first natural case reported in a pigecr. ContribuEor'e Dlamosis & Cments: Attendees' Dlagnosis & Cqrents: tosis, liver, pigeon. CouEnts: Rn inflauatory etiology was discrediced on Ehe basis of distribucion, horcgeniclty, urltotic activity, ard lack of hepatic necrosis. Similar hietologic-lesions algo were projected inrrolving Ehe kidney. -AtEerdees familiar wirh the normal hieEology of young birds stated the hepatic infiltrates were not characteristlc of inflo"rrnEory lesions or extrtrnedullary heoatoPoiesis. Avian leucosie virus (retrovlrus) wae the proposed etiologic agenEand ovarian Viral isolation, serutr antibody, and eleccrqt transmission the spde of infection. microscopic studles would be helpful in Ehis and similar cases" Contributor: 4901-6[i6Fffi-d, Maryland Deparmrt of AgriculLure, Anirnel Healrh Laboratory, College Park, I'D 20740. - 2 - References: T--.ffi6m, H. G. et al.: p. 445. 2. Nbulcon, J. E. eE a|.: Case III Diseaseof Poultry, (Hafstad, et a1.) 7th ediEion, Trsnrs in DmstiC - X-U280 (AFIP L755475). CqrtributoE' g rPiagfrosis & C@mnts : Animats, 2nd ediciOn, p. 186. hudsonius, (sea horse)' Sphaeropsidales infeccion, probably Phor6-ffiEdfrfr.- sea horse wae injured by a hermit crab. ltris lesicr developed ffiis and Ehe sea horse died. Other fish in the aquaritm are iniury of Ehe aE the site normal. Attendeegt Dlaxpges & Crents: s, -cellulitis, uyositis, .stmtatitis, ard f to diffuse, with nurcrous fungal uurltifocal panopth;hitis, sublcure to chrqric, hyphae. head, Hippocapus hudemius, sea horse. mycosis, head, sea horse. Diffia'ted Etiologic fia@ Nof all the described rnrphologic lesions hrere Present in sre of Cqts: che submif,red secgiorts. The inflsnacory infllErate consisted-of heterophils, ard macrophages. lbrptrologic features of .6g_frqgua were size (2-4 u), regular seoggtio;. dicocripus branching, and parallel walls. These characterisuics are eulgeeti're of SplraeropeidalesInfecti6n, Phma herbansr. -mF@us CulEure o{.Eh..ftrngus !r3s considered an *oiTa be rerquirbA for'poaitive tdentif icaE[6t traua. Nurerous other species prevlous the pathogen as a result of opporCrnrietfc pathogens std others as pilnary as sorrE oi'f,rnrgf affecl aqudriwr flghes, (1,2,3) . opporttrnistic organisms Contribucor: c@ld, DeparttrEntof Pathology, Division of Toxicrllogy, EIi Lifly IN 46140. References: l!'u. L. et al.: l4ycotic infections. JAWA U7 (It): Itl0-ll!?, TlGIffiiEz, 2. Robercs,i.. J., Fish Pathology, Bailliere Tindall, London,-Pp205-211. 3. Wolke, [. E.; PaEhologyof bacterial and fungal diseases_affecting fish In The parholosy of Fishes, W: E. Ribelin et al (Eds.), Univ. of Wiscqtsin Press, Ma l - frm Effiifiht in dianeter, erasresnved pectoral region. The tr.uDr involved cucaneousand iubcutaneous Elssue, Elssug. was was well well encapsulated encaosulated and and vascularizedvascularized. Srrn fibrous fihrous ficque wrq nnr-ad tissue noEed. ScrE Cogtributor'g DlaFnosis: Yaba tr-mr virus. Attendees' Diagnosis & Cqrents: tive fibrohistlocytosis, dermis, skin, baboon. Etiolo{iic Diagrmsis: Yaba tr-rcr virus. Etiology: Pox vlrus. Couents: A nmber of equally acceptable precornference diagnoses were suhltted. Thesa included dermal histiocytoeib, histiocytic pseudorurDr, ad chronlc ulceroproliferatlve dernatitis. ihe exicr celluiar dirivarion oi cells involved was not resolved. Prollferating resoderml cells are primarily involved. Fibrocytic cells are mst often described ln the literature, Viriably Sized egsinophilic intracytopl,asrric lnclusiqx, wrereobserved in the ce}ls. Regression of Ehe Euupr was evidenced by the lnixed inflqunn+gqiy infiltrate observed rultifocally-. There are four pox viral diseaees-affecting urkeys: snnll pox, benign.epldermal pox mrkey and pox. Yaba Gross and-microscopii Po|, YDnfey lesiqrs of chese diseaees in rurkeys were diecuss;d. In addition co skin'lesions, lYtl8 tggrg have been produced exp,eriurentally ln urkeys wich aerosolized yaba pox virus (5). Several species of Olil l,Iorld rcnleye are susceprible to borh experiuental and natural infecticr with yaba pox virus (3). Contrlbutor: AFAIAL/TIIP,I^lrlght Patterson AFts, OH 45433. References: f:ffi,-D'.-E.: Spontaneousviral diseaee of nonhuuanprinates. Pachologyof Laboratory Animals Course, AFIP, 1980. Experlrental_Yaba ild q"nign - epidermal mnkey pox in . 2. KupPer, J. L, et al.: rheeus mrkeys. Lab. Anim. Care 20 (5): 979-988, 1970. 3, Niven, Janec S. F. et al.: SubcutfiEous "growths" in rurkeys producedby a poxvlrue._ J. Pathol & Bacreriol, 81 (1): 1-14, 1961. 4. lilolfe, L, G. et al.: Iuunnologic resporurcof uurkeys to aerosols of Yaba virus. Jt€I 4f (5): LL97-L202,1968. 5. Irlolfe, L. G. eE al.: Experirencal aerosol transmisslm of Yaba virus in wtkeys. Jl€I 4l (5): fl75-f195, 1968. TT},T]ITTY P. O'NEILL CapEain, USAF, BSC(\/C) Registry of Veterlnary Pathology DeparUrent of Veterinary PacholqSr - - 4- rlistor ies AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. ).i 15 Aoril l98l Case I - 8776 (l f{6r8, I l^lartnin Starry) (AFIP 17713}4). in a breeding colony of LEWrats despite occasional treabrent hrith teEracycline over a period of years. Dyspnea, r.rnthriftiness, deaths during anesthesia, infertiliEy and occasional stillbirths had been noted. Five adulc and 4 weanling raEs showing dyspnea were submicted for evaluation. 2 microslides included. Case II - 28933 us urcnkeywas used as a breeder. She arrived in the was bred on 28 April 1978 and aborted on 13 JuIy 1978. Tuberculin tests had been cmrpletely negative unEil 3 Occ 78 when tnere was a rpderate swelling of the palpebral injection sice. An incraderrnl test on Ehe aMomenhtasnegative on l8 Occ 78. On 28 Dec 78 the animal was noted co be severely ill. Thoracic radiographs revealed nuuerousdensities in the lungs. The animal was submigted for necropsy. CaseIII - 5737 (nflP 175698r). H i s c o r y : T ni rcy o u E o f 4 0 , 2-rpnth-old curkeys, died suddenly over 2 days, AII EffiEdfrwere raised in one building and nad access to ol-d chicken and duck y a rd s . Case IV - 78-R-245 (AFIP U08983). sRcuR(Sn) rat used for geriat:i.c scudies tlPlYrr{Y P. O'NEILL Captain, i"lSAF,B:I(VC) Reglsiry of \teLerinary Patnology Depar:tn:nc oi Vererinary PacholocJ 7r Resulrs AFIP llednesday:ilide Conference- No. 25 15 April l98l C4qe i - 8776 (t HtiE, L Warthin Srarry) (AFIP f77B3r+). in a breeding colony of @ l,EWrats despite occasional Ereauenc vrith tetritcyclirre over a period of years. Dyspnea, rmEhrifciness, deaEhsduring aneschesia, infer:rility and occasional scillbirths had been nored. Five adult and 4 weanling rats showing dyspnea were sulxnicced for evaluarion. 2 microslides included. _ I.aboratory Resulcs: Gross and/or microscopic lesions of MRrYin varying degrees of.sffithroughouttherespiracoryt-]:.lctsofallanirnis."Sde femaLeshad sr.rppur,jEi.vesllpingicis and perioophoricis. Plycopiasrn pul,rcnis ;uas isr'laceci fr''un aiI uespiracoiy Eraccs und' genicil Lesions.alii,f$r6lQ[i-s were positive l'or Sendai, rat coronavirus and Kllham rat virus. Pseudancnasaerurginosa and Pasteu1"llg. Pru:tlnorr.gpl.cawere isoleeed r.rrrmrrachea of fEw rats. ConLrii:utor's Dia l,furine resp trdlory nycoplasuDsis, :Leritm, lung,. Cmrenus: SubsequentLo che study by van Zwiecen, ec aI. (I), Ene concribucor has studied two addicional rac colonies wich similar clinicopatholog,ic finding,s. lfhe agents ctrrrrnn Er: all Ehree were: 1,1.puJ-unnis, Sendai virus and the r-mcl.assified fitanencous bacteriwr. (s) of eacn oi chese agents T6e Fiffi-rol"e and envjroruental. [.]ctr)rrj in pathogenesis of cne respiratory disease have yer to be jef ined. l'4. pullgnlb rnay nitve [:een r:esponsibl.e i=or t-i:e ,:)bserved inferrilicy anci sti.lLbiruns, EiiFEFvirus a l - s or m y i r , i v ec o n r r i t : r i t e d , 'flre sliCe suomitr-ed is a seccion of lung with lesions of severe, advanced!R.rt, i.ncluding,: bronchiecEasis, bronchiolectasis, Iung abscesses, and empnyserna. The Warrhin Star:ry stained section dmns[races the silver positive f ilanrentous bacterirm in iarge numbers on relatively normal respiratory epithelir.ur. Artendees' Di Fis and broncniolit is exudative with bronchiecrasis, uronchiolecEasis, chronic, multifocal, severe, associaceC;vich f ilanencous bacEeria, l*g, LEI^IraE, rodenE. tiagnos is: t"furine Etiologic Diagnosis: ffurine respiracory respiracory nycoplasnpsis , (lRI-{). pulsnnis and unidentified filaspntous bacceria. l,tycoplasma litiology: *-.+LContnents: ffi agreement with the concributor's diagosis and ( ) i t l t e D a c r e r i a i . s i r n k n o w n . A c c c n d e e sp r o o o s e Ca C iirrr iiilnrii,,iuirrrr rrf fhrr i)resL.nce .r.l-ilt-:sLlruci" It)il:,1- ;l riur:iranre iJrl ,-lf ffr.: ,-'ilia und Lnu:; a deiecciv: clclrirre, oi cue ; r r i u J a t si : y r f r r : b a c f e r i a , i f n o f a d i r t c c p a t h o g e n i : r o l e i n c n e l e s i o n s p r o d u c e d . fhe gross ;rnd microscopic lesions ol :rcute and ctrronic puiirnnary IEI'I were liscussed. Synergism becween aumcnia levels ancl mycoplasnnsis in racs has been established. Inreraccions wich other .rgents such as various bacceria and viruses f'las not been clear:ly elucidaced. In;rddition to che lesions produced in the pulmonary:rndreprotltrctive [raccs, rhinitiri, otiris;ner1ia, L.lr,yngicis,and cracheiris are itl$o reo()rted in r:ats infected wii n i'{. pulrnnis. 2r ConEributor: Deparcinenc of ConparaEivePathology, University of Alabarm, Schcdf-ffitrElTdine aird Dencistry, Uiriversicy Stacioi-,-eirminghanAL 35294. References: f- vanfficen, M. S, ec al.: Respiracory disease in rats associacedwicn a f ilanenEo.rsbacterir.m: A preliminary report. Lab. Anin. Sci. 302 2L5-22L, 1980. 2. Lindsey, J. R. et al.: Diseasesdue Eo mycoplasmas and rickettsias. Clrapt. 15, lN Pathology oi Laboratory Ani.unls, Beniischke, K., Garner, F. I'{. ard . J r. . m eTs., C . ( E d s), S p ri n g e r-V e rl a g,N.Y., L979, pp f48l- f550. i. Cassell, G. H. et aI.: Iutycoplasmal and rickettsial diseases. Chapt. 10, IN lhe LaboraEoryRat, Vol. I, Baker, Lindsey & Weisbroth, (gds.), AcadesricPress, ff y. , L979, pp 243-'269. d. .Iacoby, R. 0. et al.: Viral diseases. Chapt. ll, IN The LaboraEoryRaE, \/6]. I, Baker, Lindsey & Inleisbrom,(Eds), AcadenicPress,T. Y., L979, pp 271-306. (le,srr I t - LAIR /8933 (AITIP ].758836). -*it.I'E".Ji.-ffiffieywasusedasabreeder.Shearrivedinche c,,lorty in April L976. She was bred on 28 epril 1978 and aborced on 13 JuIy 1978. 'l'ttrerculin tescs had heen cosrplecel"ynegacive urtil 3 Oct 78 when there was a ra'tler,tLeswelling of che palpebr:nl injecti.on siEe. An incradermal tesc on r-he .lSdorncnutas neg,aEive on 18 Occ /8. Lln 28 t)ec 78 rhe animal was noEed co be ,;everely ill. fhorecic radiographs revealed nurerous densiries in the lungs. l'llr: ,rirml. was sr:bmilted for: nccropsy. (loncrlDuL{fr Diagnosrs & (lounr:rrEs : ffi-IGEiTrands.rLpiirgitis,grilnLlI(xnatous'chronlc, inttl-Cif,rcirIto tf iffurse, se\iere, ril..trr"us ancl oviducts, rtresus nrrnkeydue tcl 'nyc()ba(:fer itur tubercul os is. (;rxmenfs: Gro$s and rnlcruscopic Lesions of cuberculosls were found in pcescapular, bronchial, sttblt-utbar and nesenEeric lyrph nodes, lung, liver, spleen, l'nrn kidneys, perlcardrrarr, myocardiwr, uterus, oviducts and colonl The CNSwas noc ,::xi.rtiirtd. M. tubeqggloslg (hrmnn scrain) rvas isolared frorn lung, liver and snlcen. ThTS'c.F*Ts irneresring in several. respecrs. The rublrculin tesc eras sttspir:ious bttr ilot considered trxrsicive, two rnonths before the aninuqlts deaEn. The riv'it-rlriricspre;rrl clf the disease was very rapid since no clinical signs were noted unr.il. rjh()rLry before deaclr. fhe nnnkey had been in an indoor breeding colony for r.1,ro ye,trs pricr co ics termirral illness. During this rine, Ehe colony was ","1,)cn'(1". No new animal.s were introriuced and none had positive cuberculin tesEs. Irr')m rne r i'ne of rhis animal's death (Dec t978) uncil the presenr (Aug 1980) no ' , r r l rr ' , t t ' i i t l s l r i i n f n i s colony h.rvehitd posiri.ve tuberculin resE$ or clinical signs ,'i r ll.n.:r;S. 'l'he hi.sroty oli t-tre colilny and affected aninal suggesEs chaf ct"leaniinal had che ''lt'.se;rsein;rn "inactive" form frcxr che Eiue of its arrival. Perhaps imunolog,ic supprcssion reLated ro the pregnancy allcxved exacerbacion of the clisease. - 2 - oviduirind?yTy,H:?gg^PYt**i'lf::: "r"'"s, rronkey,nonhurnan..;;i'"t;:--ii'e"jiltiiii',-""rqTl:1::i-F5I@o'uterus. '--'-etioi"gic *ur#l[fi:":;;;i;:;il;".", Utirine and ovarian urycobacceriosis' niafiosi"t glycobaq-!94!mtuberculosis' Etiolo[y, iagnosis.of supp'rative endoretriris was Conr:nrs, b-f ulceraEion of the lisred b' sane parcicipanCs basei'""-tT"cofogic evidence only presenc in s@ was mucosaand acccnrp;tft neucrophilic resporrs6' This phenrenqr sections and rhe etiol5g,y was noE resolvid. Foci oi Splendore-Hoeooli Lesiqrs' Uuberciriosib of was also observed in smre secEions, whicb is noi-typi.fii Differentially' organisms' proposed d concurrent iniection $rirh octr6i AEEendees Nocardiosis, Yersiniosis I,t. tubercqlggle, suct.,-ai;;;;-;r-';"[ir,*y"osiE, wich arons -ffi;;-grinut,rnaious .endunide.,,TFi"iffigulc"-*"i.sy8gested'nouJever,suchorganisurs.cou}!,noc t-llions descrioed by Ehe conEribucor arrl h: deuonssraEed. in *"t" i"t"l-io Ue quite characEerisrlc of cuberculosisacicobservedby the aCcendeeE pi""i.r"J-uy-*re donrributor denrnsEracedoccasional :Tonkeys. A spec;;i-;il; fast organisns within lhe granulCInas' Presidio of Conrribucor: l.eErermanArmy InsCirute of Research, sGRD-LLV-P, ,94L29. San Ffffisct6fiA Referetre.e: Laborarory of ;]-F. ln. 6,,Hunc, R. D.: Bacrerial cl'iseases. IN Pachology e,a1T[E' r /+ 631166 ' & 1419Iffr K. (ed), r ,r 7a,- ppt370- I37t' Aninuls, g,;Pisschke, died suddenlv 'JVer l, davs Z-nnnrh-crld r-ur:t<evs, r",uifai"g and had atcess fo old cnicicen and ducx '/ards . (;ontr ibucor 's Diagnusis: Hisrononas fiEl-eagrld rs. HelratiLis, necrotizing,'iiffuse' severe' eErology Acrendees' Diagnosis & C-onrents: f f i } l ' , n e c r o t i z i n g , S u h a c t l r - e , d i - . s e m i n a t e d , s e v e r e ' i-1Ytlf, lrl;l4PY, lrvi,rn' ,;;ph;i;d;;J lF* rii ioloirir: l)i'lgnosis: HepacicHisuourrniasis' tiri.',1ollyt Hisrcxncnasineleagridis' (]crrur-nr.l;:rffiwerefeLr|.rbeanexcellencexaiilPieofcne by actendees pro'PEed a diseirs,:. I,furtinucleared gianc cells observed 'ccasionaLry by-;oITL' inaracceriscic PAS rrnrphot'gic rJiagn'sis r:f necrogran'Lonacous hepacicis The avian rlist6pniasis' grsit-ive organisms were proi*"t"a ii.tn simiLar'iesions of oi the cecal i'rorm rrt. oitanistn 1n!.the imtrrrcance of Hisccnnnadstvasdisctrssed' The "y.r[-of 'Iuiluyo in the ct"n**iEiion tieceraki.s saIllnarLm :'i--,,-r-r;ffi,rii"tion anclchickens, or exposureor turkevs E.r of also by chickens iir rrre rr"n"tnirn'i.rn,ri i:trerlisease"ras il!:ltli#llitlltoccrpie.J rliscussed (2) . - ] - o Contributor:-^.llniversicy of Illinois, tatroiE-foTGar-Diagnosric ledicin", DeparcrrEntof VeEerinary pathobiology & p. o. t*-u, urbana, IL 6rg0l. References: Tffii6 A. s. et al.: Atypical histormniasis in Bobphireqgail. . Avi a n D i s . 2 4 (2 ): 5 t0 -5 t6 , L 9 7 9 . 2' Kemp,R. L.^1rndS-pringer,W. T.: Hiscwpniasis. IN Diseases poulgry, of Ed. Hofscad, Iorpasraceunivb'rsicy eiess, o*r;-tiza,-pp B2:di0. ,..ag€, IV - 78-R-245_(AFrpIZ0B9B3). -- CDR(SD) rar used for geriarric Testicular incerstititat studies. (Leydig) cerl cr-s'r. Atcendees' Diagnoses.t (ldnnencs: ifrp'mmffiffiEicical cell .Eurnr, EesElcIe, Sprague-Dawley r ' , f , i - - o d e n r . 2 ) A c r o p l i y , t u b u l a r , d i f f u s e , moderate, seminiferous cubules, i - { i . [ ' t . . :i . ; : . ! clnlenl.li: I'rtr:t'e was unanifinus agreerenE with Ehe conEributor,s diagnosis. i'he .eoplasric r.:r?rru,vere re;rdi r.y irt.:ntif,i.r,i ,* irr.ur*.i;;;i-a;eydig) cerrs oy '!r-r'r"rldees'MJltiFocal hermrrhages anrJ tvmntrocvric infiltr"r**-*"re also observed 'fhe ;r' r'iJilesect-i()rts' slrnin rnr:idence,irt'sponEaneoustwrrrr$ ,in,i experir=;;;l-' r ) r ' t ) , ' r i J c r ro r )fr i r h e s c L u r n r " $w R sd i s c u s s e c l . r h e i n c i ; l e n r : e, i f n p i n t * n e o u s I .it. i,.,s r,:ty reacn r-'0-1)d[in aged rmle Fisi:her ll44 rats, whereas rne ,i-,"iciencrr uuy be-as'lcn^l ^' ;J'i {i''+i' t osborlre-Menale.l r:nts. t-ix;rccinerrcally,vascuJ-arocclusion, caclmi'msalcs li'ilI r:rqtroliensltave 'llso bt:en rihr,rvnto prodrrca i.C..f .,sl in rat.s anclmice. r ' o n r : r i b ' t t : " r I ' l - : ct ' t ' : n n s y l v r n r aS t a t c r l r i i v e r s i t y , ' i h e i{il.ron S. Hersne;i,r.6Jical ..,i1..i"ll[fffil i,t. I 7ria,,l. l:efefel ]ces: \k- |. (;oo(lrnn, lJ. rrlCb. 'foxrco[. & ?_ . {lrrortnait, D. lesions in aging F34+ rn aglng r lsh'rr:ire-.i*:nde I l:acs. ) i ' , 1 rs. . l l , t . : 1 . . ' ' 1, a - i t , ; a f 1 . . r lanr-er i. l'hompstrn, : i . W . r . I ' l ; r ll.. t l . , r n c c r - I n s c . . ; 1 ' r -' l.J!r',, ; )t l li5x"rrll-.ttleilt li; l. r{IloFS i 9 6t . -a ' rl r:i:, in clre Jyra{ue-Daurley r.rt IL{}['HYP. 0'NrilL,L tJ..rprt:iin,USAF,Bil(\trl) li.tl{};;f1-y rrf Veter- lnitIy P.rtn,ti,:gv Dcli:trtnr:nl of Vet,erinarv ll.rt ho'i t1,5. 0 Histories AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. 26 22 April I98l ing paralysis in a 3-year-old female Dobennan. Case II - 79-10197 (eflP l7LL324). CaseIII - W-24L old iryorted Fennec fox' P r77700r fascicularis was fornd wiEh aggressive c€elmte. daYs Lu., qays DUL' tro grtlcose but, Eo IV lv glucose He resPonoeo to hypothelTic. erd irffi-erffi cqratosed sr<i @d was-totlrcl cqracosed 6e was He l-ater he refused food, wasnfin*rermic and seveiely depresseii. He was euthanized. Gross lesiars were severe cachexia, severe corgestion ind edemaof che ltrrgs, &d mild black discoloratim of the liver. tlase IV - 80-708-7/8 (AFIP U57060). (ry??l!i!!ry? E::s_ gL? '@eseaninrals o---: =llEters 2-3 weeks afcer producing -N9 died or were round rcribund Gl*g.d i"-" inbred breedirg colony. "r"ff a^lnr'r nor nrrr were r.rere animals exposed exoosed to to""xoerii,etttal experirental animals colon! red) I Corgo H*?."td knownpathoqgnYi:_qT:",:1. il:n" - I t[E (2 microslides H&E, antigens. antigens. TIT'OII{Y P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Resistry of VeterinarY PachologY oefurturlnc of Veterinary Pathologr Results AFIP Wednesday Slide Conference - No. 2o 22 April l98l CaseI - 79-6573 (AFIP 1758840). ng paralysis in a 3-year-old ferrale Doberman. lqboqqtory Results: Postrrcrtem- extensive diffuse nonsuppurative ..---.....* rreni@withnulrrerouscoxop1asma-likecystsincheorainand spinal cord. gontributor's ?iagnosis: Toxoplasnrcsis. Attendees' Diagnosis & Cmrents: cephalorryelitis, g,ranul<matous, subacute co chronic, multifocal, rrxleraEe to severe, brain and spinal cord, Doberman,canlile. EEiologic Diagnosis: Protozoal meningoencephaLouryelicis. EElology: Toxoplasmasp. Ccsrents: ffiere was g,eneral agreeuent with the contribufor's diagnosis. However, the majority of participants favored a granulomatousform of nonsuppuraErve uenlngoencephalmryelitis or mningoencephalitis wich associated areas of neuropil destruction and collapse (malacia). Not all the slides contained sections of spinal cord. Profozoal cystg consistent with toxoplasunsis were present in msc, if not all sections. Sme actendees reported intense aggregates of eosinopnils in several foci. The inflauuratory response was considered cypical for toxoplassDsis, although granulon forrnacion also is reporced (l). MJltiple sysueminvolverenc especially pulmonary is corrrcnly encountered wirh Eoxoplasuosis (2). Ttre life cycle was reviewed briefly. The rnst comon rouEes of infection are ingestion and transplacenEal, Contributor: B. C. Departunnt of Agriculture, B.C. Box 100, Abbotsford, British Coltnbia, Canada. References: f.--miTlf, D. R. Jr. & delahunta, A.: Toxoplasunsis of the canine nervous system: Clinicopathologic findings in four cases. JAWIA159: fB4-1141, 1971. 2. Jubb, K.V.F. & Kennedy,P. C.: Pathologr of DouesticAnimals, Vol. Z, AcadeuricPress, NewYork, 1970, pp 673- Case II - 79-10197 (AFIP L7LL3Z4). ofO irported Fennec fox. Cmtributor's Di is& bacilli present within roacrophagesin Ehe liver. Attendeesr D Gra.,ulo-"tous hepatitis due to ccryatible wirh l'{ycobacterirn p. tlere is& anu , multiple, disserninated, severe, liver, Ferurec ennecus zerda), eanidae. EtiolqtiE T5T--Hepatic mycobacrerios is . Etiology: ltycobacteritm' sp. granuloqrascontaining nrr,.rous acid-faer 9S:!:,, _@c!rg bacilli were dmnstrated. Caseati6n"necrosis-wasnot a frminent feacure in this case. Tbe laree ntder of organi$rs present suggested inieciiqr wittr M. bovis or m. avlutr. tbss --?]r.esusceptible to infection wit6 tt. lovis and I'{. tubetcul66'G'and E-relir6' suscEpt ible bur iroieies i srenr ro i"iJliifr ,rIE6-M:' iut=ffiffib.' anddogsare reporredto re.gdfry;;il;6;i;i, g:lT:::::g:i.l_ (ll:, _Hors,es with sarcometouslesiqrs whereas hufons and bovines extribiE rhe urcre classical tubercle formation with caseation necrosis and calcification (3). The pathogerlesis of urycobacteriosis ln the canidae was discussed. This case id very similar tc one recently reporLed involving several Fennec foxes (2). Ccttributor: Livestock DiseaseDiagnostic Center, RouEe#6, Newtqrnpike, Lexirgcor, Ky 40505. References: r. Friend, s.c.E. et al.: rnfecrion of a dog avian serotype II. Ver. parh. 16: 38f-384, Lglg. "irh l&gbggr"ri,m ^^- ?r-Hirygg,E. M. er ar.: Tubercuiosis in Fennecfoxes. JAWIar77: 825-826, 1980. p.c.: pachologyof Dcresric Anirnnls,vol. 3. Jubb, K.v-.-F. r:*:{y, r, _l AcadenicPress, Newyork, 1970, pp 24f ).- case IIr - 80-2@. fascicularis was fornd with aggressive cagemece. He wEFFo6?I cmatosed and h@Th-e@ed to IV glucGe bur, rrlo"days later he refused food, was hypothermic and seveiely depresseii. He was eutnanizld. Gross lesions were severe cachexia, severe congesLion and edemaof che tuqgs, ed urlld black discoloration of rhe liver Cmtributorre Diagnosis & ComEnts: l,talaria, chronic, mderate, P. krpnlegi. y did nol cause his deach Uut-lbFff6fr contrlbuted indirectly. P, knollgsi usually is clinically silent and 6verc disease can result fron stress orTffiE-EFppnession. On questioi'ring the handlers it was revealed that Ehis mcrkey was dminaced by his cage mate and-denied f@d. This resulted in cachexia and hlpoglyceuric crisis. The Lerminal disease resulted from a severe, PeracuEe,_ sePEic, thrdo-embolic pner-wria and uryocarditis. Ttre only explanation fornd for this is a nosocmial infection associated with parenteral therapy.. There also was iffrqmosuppressiol; Ilqhoid follicles ln both the spleen and lyryh lodes were atrophic, pr6bably a resirlt of rhe food deprivation PerPetrated by his aggressive cage mate. Other lesions notd were chronic glmrulonephritis of:an iruune cmplex t)rpe, R.E. hyperplasia of tyqh nodes ard liver, pigrent_depositiur in_Kupffer cells and spleen, and focal acute hydropic degeneracionof thb liver. Speciation of the paiasite was perforned at 3.W.pg11n.tation as 'htost likely P. knowlesi". AtEendees' Diagnosis & Csrents: i a , erychrocytic, mild co urcderate, Macaca =ligiculg4g", nonhrmn primate. --'Tffifogfc Diagnosisi Malaria. Eciology: Plasnpdiur knowlesi. ('iouents: ffie srnars only Ehe trophozoite form of the parasite could be identified. Fewer srrEarsconLained borh rrophozoites and schizonEs. AIL of the srears contained parasitized red btood cells and fine yelloto-.bro{rrn granular intraerythrocybic pigrent. Specific idencification of che species of Plasrpdim could not be madeas Ehere are a nr.ruiber of Plasmdia which infecc nsian uon@ Differentiatly HepaEocysEissp. mrst be inElfftlEfEcause i a r a s i t i z e d re d b 1 i ,o d ce 1 Isa l soconta@ndg.zr e6qcyticfor msand piguent, however, erythtocytic schiz%any does not occur. The major gross and hietopatological lesions of malaria in monkeyswere discussed (4). Srrrp eg 66" irmmological pararecers of the disease also were revieroed (2). Cqtrributor: University of Texas, IutadicalSchool at Houston, 643LFannin, Houe6;;rfif--71m30. References: The Primate Malarias, U. S. DHE'[{Publicatisr BeEhesda, l"lD 20014. #1744-0005, 2. Iumr"nologyof Malaria. 57 (Suppl f): 277-290, L979. Bull. 1^ll{0 3. Loeb, W. F. eE al.: Heuntologic disorders. In Pathol-osy oi lrboratory , N:ET -, 16 , P. lu.Ef . A n i q r 4 - l s ,B e n i r s c h k € , K . e t a l . , E d . , S p r i n g e r - V e r l a g.N:-rffi --Tloller, In Patholq& r of Simian Prinrates A.: Plasrndiuln and hepatocystis. P a r t I I , K a r g e r , B a s e l , L 9 7 ' 2 ,p p 5 7 - 7 3 . - 3 - Case nlsEorv: P L757060 Three f@tgt" (lbsocr.rcgggg auratus) g-9 npnths aieffi old roundsn;b*a-I--I'*"eks afrer 'No anirqals belongedto a small inored bi*airrg colony. @hese knownpathogen -?I-ri"roirides lras presenEin the animarsexposJ Eo experinenr;i anrigds. - l H&8, fllSg"towere Cantributor'g D ver, al[y severe. is& Kidg"y,. amyloidosis, rcderate to ryloidosib. ry1o gli'arery H6E ;nd-dfi;', Ji'iJ"Ii*" :fl5' :::. ._gnf "Hil:::oi;:.:fr""i1:"y:"';# - !ffiiill ;4 Regretably, all slides do not :H":ff trjy5-F1...*"e!;i::iffi conrain :_:Tt..r. kidnev, river;"9:ttJl. _:p?n5anegus.generalized ip*'.';d;" 1ildilffi,"?,":m'i:'" idosis is cmn ;:fffrffi auryloidosis , in older "o,r*n i","u"r lffii:'.1*l;i:":":h:?,ff:,ti:iir. :f:ii;:_ F-ifr animalsof this age wichout'exsris=ntal inductiqr. rltt i ryareunexpecced in is& and is, diffuse, rcderace to severe' kidnev, river :*::-6i91_ru;;; cc,i#iillsgq , *d;i3i,ffiH:: .ilTl,li;ri buror, ,i"i""fl3llil"rff* i s and :ffi'T i rrH:':' H" lli_iffi -;1;;;:r:;r::fi;'i: deposi.,s diagnos kidnev ;ffi;? .?jjl*"_t*ff:"1?l,Tl ::i::::r;i"i.'i,ryroid sections. srmik' Jiir*" d"p.ri;F I;:""Fi:ff":,; ;" i:.ffl',1?riff":?li":f*** and infranmarion of r.n lll:i;,,",:"j*.ilg.-"_::f{io lll;i;,""*"1#.ilg::*:f::i:i-":tFi;"il;""ffi "g.i;il;b"il;-necrosis i?::' ril, i;FG?""Ti: -i0% .#l"J3'#ffi ii33' ilfi 3 f;::l3:', :"" :ff-'::=::: i .Ljini.Tirl^:::.*?::,fg^ryi-:d; i."is"#; "#""ffi:':ffi""l#l: ;ffi ?ij: ;q*T:il;' :'":3;'i:dtr '3fiii:{o:3'fl i:?: 53L",H:::" il,l*::,l:. Fiti*:-:' 11#;r. ffi "fi# ;:i:' "li:; l:i'i' lfi Sm;:::l; I^i$ir :i:: ii""i#"f,# iii"'i;;";il il;rft ;#;H'.r':il#{#iHi "*,'##: procedures inflY*:i:::"'"i :is::ffi::", harnsters. concribut""l-^rrttryil Kansa-ilFacs-Ihiversiry, gf,PattrotoFr: couege of_Verer inary l,4edicine, vcs Blog., Manhacran,KS 66506. References: FCE-affi K.: sponraneousamyloidosis in LIx mice. Am. J. pach. 90: 3 8 r-3 9 6 , L g 7 g . 2' Gleiser, c' A. et al.: Amyloidosisand renar paranyeloid in a closed hnrnsrer_colony. Aniur. sci. _ir: wj_ioi','-Lg7L. _L"b. 3' Glennei, gr^c-.i^ Amy6ia.{9poqir" unJ'",iyroidosis, parrs r & 2, N.E.J.M. vol..302(23): L283-L292, vor. 3l?'arir:.rill]ii+:, 1980. 4. Gruys,E..et-al.t- oeposiriori-.1-",rryr;iiin che liver of hamcgsrs: An enzyue-histochemical and eleicron microscoil-"iray.- i"t:-nnii. r, l_9, Lg7g. 5 ' Jakob, I'1.: spontaneous-amyloiaosis'6r-*r.rrl--v"1.-T"rn. g: 292-306,1971. TII'I}IHYP. O'NEILL Captain, USAF,BSC(VC) Regiscry of Veterinary patholoey Deparhn:nt of Vereriniry pachoLgy - + - HisEories Confererce - No' 27 Slide AFIP tlednesday -29 APril 1981 case I - 79050- (AFIP1749!91. Laboratory DaEa: Segs Bmds Lyryhs Eosinophils lbrps Basophils Few Innrnocytes qt exercise' , decreased endurarce, cough, Urinalysis 16,400 11,480 0 2,LL4 2 ,L 3 2 246 328 SP Gv st Protein L.032 6.2 2+ No siprrificant sedfuEnc 30 BTIN SGPT 30 7.5% retention 30 nin BSP Knotts test: Negative Case LI - 13576 (AFIP I76f484). inaEety !--Ieqr;old female rhesus rcnkev EhaEwas aira aiea before a clinical exminition could to*dnbe perforred."ce'-wittt-Uloody'biarrhea CaseIII L78iL72 19643-B I.25 cm mass locaced on the cranial pole of rhe of a l75-daY-old SParEanrat. CaseIV - BG-9I (arE-1291252)'- ncs an incidenral (l,Lacacatascrcurarls) finding in a 6-year-old mnkeY . TIWfi{Y P. O,NEILL CapEain, USAF, BSC(VC) Relistry of VeterinarY PachologY of VeterinarY PacnologY o.frtu=t,t AFrpwednesday rfr??it""ference- No. '27 29 Apr il l98l CaseI - 79050- (AFIP l7lt039). , decreased endurance, cough, on exercise. Segs Bands Lyuphs Eosinophils lbnos BasophiLs Few Irrunocyces 16,400 11,480 0 2,LL4 2 , '246 L32 328 Urinalysis Sp Gv sr Protein t.Jt2 6,2 2+ No signrficant sedirenc 30 BIIN SGPT 30 BSP 7 .5%retencion Jir m' ,'. Knoccstesc: Negacive Cqrcribucor' s Diagnosis & C@nencs: ticiaL,multifocaI,chronic,eos1nopt1ll.i: nrcderaEewich an occasional microfilarlal fragrenc presenL rn che lesron,,. 2) Endarcericis, proliferaEive, villous, rnderate, chronic lobar branches pulnonlr';r arcery. 2) Hyperplasia, nedial, small puhonary arEeries, mrnimal, Lung. macure adulc Dirofilaria were reupved from che puLuun.rr'r Cmuenc: Thirty-four arcery and right vencricle at necropsy. In chis study 2O7.ot 34 infecced dogs ;r.rd crypcic or occulc infecrions. Alchough Ehe females were gravid and pr:odu'rne microfilariae chey were being sequescered and descroyed in che puhnna;y circulation. The eosinophilia and basophiLia are consistenc wich chronrc Proceinur ia irt paraeicism and fumnrnocytesindicate probable ancigenic srimrlacion. Ehe absence of significarlc urlne sediment indicares gloarerular dysitrncElon. Reiiarfunccion is adaluace, i.e., abilicy Eo concenErate urine and lack of azocemra Ircreased BSP recension suggesced diminished hepaEic olood fLow due Eo c,rroni: passive congescion. & Courencs: AcEendees' D rq6rrvp99 moderaue,pu t Ll t eraEion, villous, Lvlr!vLservrrt v ---vvv, incimal., urulcrfocri : ry arEery, lung, canine. 2) Pneumnia, i n t e r s c i c r l l , eosinophilic, subacuteCo chronic, muLCifocal,miniunl, lung. 3) Hyperpl:sia, nedial, mulcifocal, rninimal, puhnnary arceries, lung' E c i o l o g i c D i a g n o se s: l ) P ar asiCic ( dir ofiLar ial) endar cer icis. 2) Par as i c t. (dirofilarial) incersticial pner.mnia. 3) Increasedpulnnnaryresiscance. Cmuencs: There was genbral agreemencwich che cirncribucor's dragnosesand obseived chac che lung had been perfused. Abncrrul cli,li.;al cCIrrpncs. AEEendees pachologyfindings $rereleucocytosis which included absolute neucropnili3, iosinophilia, and basophilia; increased BSPretencion; slighrl.y elevaced SGPTant t rnild pioceinuria. Ttre-eosinophilic incerscitial pneurnonia,int.:rogrsnulcnas3r:-1 microlilaria were noE reporced by rnst parEicipancs in rheir: preconierence Ene puLrnnaryerEer.l diagnoses. The prourinanlcollaciral ciiculation surrounding 'fne pacnogenesisoi cne 10"s"pa.",-o=dro Le due co increased pulrnnary resistance. lesibns were discussed, Several actendees llpnf,ioned chac an iirmuneconplex rnediateddisease parcicipated in che developmentof che arferial Lesion, as is rue case in che Lesioirs obseived in membranous llolerulonephritis assocracedvtrEh ar e r n;ar ;r s d i r o f i L a r i a si s. Och e rl e si o n s obser vedwicE dir ofilar iasis in r he .1o9, tnrunbi. of Chdbrain, hearE, kidney and other organ and saddle ConEribucor: AnimaI tleso,-rrcesBrancrr, Div. Vecerini:ry I'terlical ReseJrcn, FDA,-FTEETIIE; I'D 2OTO5 . References: -@l..\:|--PulrnrraryarceriallesionsincaninedirofiIariasis. J. Vec. Res. 222 655-662, 1961.2' Mtrnnell, J. F. eE al.: rnrimal lesions of puhnnary arcery in dogs wiih experirencal dirofilariasis. Am. J. vec. r{es. 4Lz'rroa-rriz,-iggo 3.-Rawlingsr c. A. ec al.: T!"^1""p_o!se of che canrne hearr- and lungs ;o Dirofilqria -6-rcir,-G.T-eciumicis. JMttA- It+: L7-32, i9ZU. parasrce specif ic h.nn,,ral air.l al.: Dirofiraiia-irmicis; ceILular^resPonsesinrheeffid-JG:-;6:-P;iasic'rlrl: 80-86, 198t. Ialtrong,Ming M.: Experinnncal occult dirofilarrasls in dogs r,ricn refe;:en;e .5. co ismunologic-response and its relationship co cropical eosinophilia in man. s.E. AsianJ. Trop. l'bd. & public HtEh.s, 4a0-aa5,'Lgii.-------r Case II - 13576 (AFIP L76L4U+). HrsEorv: 'l'nls ya.s-an.approximately - --_ -4-year-old fenale rhesus rtonkeyL lgf .dr,, tound ProstraEe wirh bloody diarrhea and died before a clinical examinbcioncoul: be performed. Concribucor's Diagnoses& Cormencs: Syndrome.ceieffiis.BV.Brain-cerebralvenousEhrombr:::i.. Brain-- perivenular demyelinacion. Brain - gemistocycicasciocyrosi.;, Brair: malacia. Ccmrencs: Cerebral venous chrombosis(CVf) was identified in 4 rhesus nnnkeys. Tt^roanimals initially exhibired neurologic signs and 3 had drarrnea r)r. dysencery. Al! 4 cases had severe incescinal dis6ase, fncluding i cases of ulcerarive colitis; these nuy be r:elated co an underlying coiguTop"6t:- c*.,,-t,,t nervous tiysrem leslons i"/*ft?c.oofined co rhe cencrumsemiovaleand-consisce<l of multiple chronbosis of incernal cerebraL veins, perivenular derryelinaEion,arul gerniscocytic ascrocycosis. The lesions were similar ro chose fbund in hLmans,,,r,.r, CVTand supporE che hypochesis chac perivenular deuyelinacion rnayoccur as a sequela Eo venousocclusion. Moreover, rhe lesions appearedto 6e idencrcal rc) i',,, pachologic changesfornd in "leuc@ncephalosis and peiivascular myelosrs" an encri:r' of unknowneciology previously describid in nonkeys. Atrendeesr Di is, venous, subacuEe,mukifocal, mild co rrcderace, cerebral corcex, brain, rhesus urcnkey, (Macacamulacca), nonhLrnanprinuc. 2) Degeneracion, whice maccer, perivenular, subacufficffi-if, multifocal,' moderaEe,midbrain and cerebral-cortex, brain. 3) Flineralization, vascular, mulcifocal, nild, meninges, midbrain and cerebral corcex, brain. EEiologic Diagnosis: Cerebral venous chrmbosis. Eriology: Unknown. Cqmtencs: Noc all of che lesions above Frere present in all of cne sections. The venous thronbosis and mineralizacion irere absenE in a few slides buc che perivenular white rnaccer deg,enerafion, gemistocyEosis and ascrocytosts isere pr:se.']t in all of che secrions studied by rhe accendees. Capillary thrombosis and slug,Er,.l-was observed by so{IE. Differenrially the atEendees' eciologic diagnoses included. l-ead poisoning, leukoencephalosis and disseninated incravascular coagulacion. LeaJ poisoning could nor be ruled out, buc the presence r:f thronbosis and"lack of capillary proliferation rJoesnot fic rhe described lesions oi crris condicion. Leukoencepnalosis, a disease in rn:nkeysof unt(no\^neciolcgv rvas plausable, -no\,Jc\,'er, cnrombosii is noc reporred, buE as che concrioucors poinE ouc in cneir puolisned reporr (Z), chis nuly'have been rnissed in che original descriptions of cne dise;;e (3). The parcicipancs drew an associacion between che bloody diarrnea anC cne A coaEulopaCi"ry(DIC) was proposed as cne cause seconJai:y r'; lesions in-che brain. At che close of rhe discussicir sulrr as shigellosib. a baccerial enteriuis/colicis che etiology sEiIL remained unresolved. Concribucor: of Pathology, School of ltedicine, Universicy of Deparruenc -MD. MaryE-nifiElEfrre, References: P.: Primary cerebral venous thrfftbosis in yor.rngadulcsi fn; T:TverffiE, diverse manifestaEionsof arr underrecognizeddisease. Ann. Neurol. 3' df-6b ' -,)' . 2. Sheffield, W. 0. et al.: Cerebral venouschrombosisin cne rnesus rlo:'riiei, VeE. Path. 18: 326-334, 1981. 3. Van BogaerC,L. eC al.: Neurologic disease of -apesand nrmreys' ]n . Eho Case III Sar.rnders,L. 2., Ed., Acadenic Press, NewYock, Lt'i-: 1.25 cm mass locared on the cranial of a I75-day-old Sparran rac. pole oi i Concribucor's Diagnosis & Cournencs:Nephroblastsra, righc kidney, SparEar,rti ryonal carcinoma, emDryonalcelr L\.t,l)t., Atso aPPearsto be Ehemost cormnnlv and Wi6s' tr-rtrr, fhe nephroblascCIna "J"noJ"i"oma found primary renal Eunor in rats. Accendees'Diagnoses& Connencs: blascoun,-kidneY,SPart'anrac' ml 2) Gfaneruloiephrosis,chronic, mulcifocal, mild., kidney. .. ';' gmmencs: There was unanirooJ"rgtuemencwich che cbntribucor's diagnosis also inclilded ttte diagnosis 9f^qlffrulorephr:)sls rr} nephroblasEo{na.AEEendees leiions consistenC wicn Chis entity urerePresenE in manyof che slides r:'i: afe fhe nost cortrlonspontaneousprimary renal.neoptagyr.of Ctre ';'i' WepfrroUfasECInas cutrr This they ar- preswed Eo arise fi:mr che metinephric-blaseesu. [i[n"y. €ocouo'-'rr': conrrasred ro cne 5"i"*"coid crrpr of che rac which is Less frequencl| i-'i:r 'l laccer Ehe ,pont"r,"ously and can be induced chemically (2). The features of are co{nposirion-""tiiuly of mesenchFa}-tiisue elemencsincluding fiorobl';sct'c' adipose and osteord Erssue (2,3) ' snrcothmuscle, *6iionic nresenchynre'cells, Li'r'' ina gii'*.ruli #v p"':*u:lfg ?{.th" sarconaroid Preexiscing,"nJ;ifil;t (z) of a nephroblasccma ;IG-ai"ifig $e inicial appeaiance Concribucor: 2oo of Parhology, Fmd & Drug A&riris''rr Bureau of Foods, Divisiorr '20'204.I^l., washington, Dc References: I[' K. et. al.:-^Pacholoqx ofrlaboracory Animals, Vol' ffif.€, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, 19-78,,pp. IL/0- tri L' in che rat: HisEology of a s1rcnEa^'er 2. Hard, G. c. ec aL.: Neprrr,lbt"asEcrna and a review oi cLnDr, idenCity with resPec[ to i""rf mesenchymalneoplasrs, 1976' p r e v i o u s l y r e c o r d e d c a s e ! . . I . U a C l - .C a n c e r t n s r . 5 7 : ' J 2 3 - 3 2 9 , i CaseIV - Bc-9I (nr,tp L7g3252t . ncsat1incii]errEaIfindinginao-year.-;Ilij}o-rKey Colcributor's Di is & pentasl:cxniasis. ,ComnenCs: vw'ErrLs; rne renEastomida consETEucedn aDerranc Broup of nelmincns r.rnicn t). t{odein r,{odein scudies li:*::^H-"ll::.i::-;o-Jlnur Taior cLasses (l). Srrrcriec ,ugg."i-;n"c c,,oda6r F # #:ili 1fr3;""H1:.i":.::'=,,:#T: ff',:i":ffi:" iF. iH.inH.l^J: fli:p{" jstacus j,:i :i::H$3,3,"j,,i,:il"H;.t: H:iof ff an ffi independenr :s;5:n *"il*;?i3,;iff"T..:; pi,yi* iill There are E!''oorders' The cephalobaenida are-the more primiEive and cneir liie cvclesinvolve fistrl-aupi'ioi"l-."i.ti.irg9-;;.fiiliy 1rytgt", sornein tbis order i,osr<rl. Since can presr-unabli gpi";;ii5* iir"-"y"GJ; host species, chey are ionsid"r:_9j*_nrcsc a singre repririan pii*iciu" <fl. the porocephalida, excepcingone spetit", r"quiie-marmars as sicondary and reptiles as definitive h o s c s( l ) . anunsesrrEnred body;z) meca:neri}) il.fi Jii i" i: ,ff ::yrnk,, ;i T:, ]J ff#T":, i H:ll3,.:.*i llii::y1' i*:*TI"t"ffi:'*::*:T lJI""o .f; ":^;tii:Hit:;5iirl"ii3ff;?::,'o':?ff BIlffi l;o?13, ;ffi:il #: :trT**'',:ffg*j?" $:: -ie;lp,i;;;;".ii"li;o?iiE; l::ii:':;:"ruS?E"p're'Ted:"":i:nf "," ;":$:ffi"J::,i::l::-{i,:l,ly_!::tls:, m:":i:":li,TH I'nmml ffffi,,ffi*+, 0,. jffi ;. i i ;Jffil H,,llru"j", I'ln i::::'":: *- I*;:,;t _ l!!ii; ii'E;: ilT::;= lungs and mpncum of pri*;;;'Ci; . rarel v in rho l ^€ ^--.i-r "'.,^- in che tiotpf, nodes, At leasE Ewoof che followi:q^Tl:r"scopic rhe secEionssubmigted. ii pr"uaosegrrenredcharacrerisrics shouldbe presenco' body; ti-;;;i;iJi .+)-cuiicr"-ir,". *."""rically arranged muscles; 3) variou. mfybe spiny, srmoEh, or shorrsigrs or annularion ""iaofii-fi;i""e; yfSlr ;"G;;ri;"j"lpur,rngs Fil_rit" ro sKln grands; 5) incesciile wim nuureiousvilli inuoruing supporcingor connecclve crsjrud or 5) rwo pairs of hooks i"G" rreaa-rett;;:"-' l,-^^ asciculqris, --ETI-oI%f; nonhr-uran primace. - - - parasice, periadrenal t---eY-bv' faE, rd relrqvrslrcrr Macaca niagnosisl- 6;;.comias is. EEiology n'nsc probably ArmiIf i fei-armularus . Couents:Therewasunaiffi-grffihtheconcriburor,sdiagnos,ii.i-:..:: concributor's cotrtrEntsand referencei -' listed were felc co u"-u-"mprehensiv* fe.,..-.,; of parasiEe hosr relacionsrrip. References: ffiFT:,BiologicaIrelationships.ofrhePencasctmida:Abrblrogr.iphy on che penrascmrid.a.Exp.-parasicol. z+, ni-tig, 1969. 2' chicwood,M. et ai.: Idencifigatign oi-iarasiric urerazoain rrssue seccions. Exp. parasicol. 3zz 407-5tg, Lgiz.5"" pp 4r5-4r9. 3 . I ' l o b l e ,E. R . e t a l .: p a ra si cology:Th. i , Lea & Feoiger, Philadelphia, L976, OOZO'f;iff.: Ti},fiHY P. O'IWILL Capcain, USAF,BSJ(VC) Regiscr yoi Veter inar y pachoLosv Departnentof Vererinary Rachofogy Hiscor ies Conference - No' 28 Slide Wednesday AFIP 13 MaY f98f CaseI - 80-212(AFIJ-Y57728)'-r-old fesnle Cubal.hutia,(CaprgBY-sRll*d"t) i.ras acqul."o ,r*, i- r* in f loiida anoreccic and showed weight loss' f ive r'nghs earlier Enac and recengly Oecerp CaseII - L5?78(ArIP-126a738)'- collaris) was being duck,($rchya rirgneck uErs, yscrL>.T./ male, r\;l--ftnffi .',^'.te':':-;_----recent in rec 0 g in annfhor zl.\n dropoed tr6-DEEo=mO weight.at,oPp9d-l:31l zoo'. weiohr Eoanocher -il"Ii"E .""dffi"nifiment signs "Y^g clinical ocher ' l'lo bfood work revealed elevfced wtrite count HrSCorli ffi;il: Ageq \rr qnt-ifrrnoel , , ^ ^ ^placed laaaA n n antifurgal on Bird-was ""i" the inicial Presentation' afcer ""t.a. ---r D:-r Laboracory Resulcs: ffi segLYmPh. Hesptocrit Tocal Protein was as fOund a eents a nd w and agents IniEiaI 35,900/mP 92% 8% 35% 4.8 sddl dead d ead Ehree weeks I week lafer 30,500/m P 93% 7% 30% 4.4 N dL - 80-002 (AFIP-r2!3259.LX C3H)' females' 25 msrrhs old' aluiiry chronic roxicity scudy' 1 sacrificed after T;;;;"'"n Ffiffie " b'ere PreParedfrm 12 (In order Eo provide elough sfidei of Che lesion, secCions The nimber in parenEhesesis Ehe differenC mice,-o,"rt of wfiicn ".i" "*'arols' as sporlaneous and noc relared j.ndividaul anirnl code.) these lesions .," "guidJ Case III Eo EreaEEnC. - 8150-80 CaseIV ---f"c"--..-dffi ' (AFiP 1757063) r-unbiaewevrasP:9t"1:-1^:::l"veEerin'-iar trris e*e and severar ochers in,o i"r*--puicr,ased feed and weigha deprE6ffiff sbowedsigns of sickness except this one&an l,linnesoca6 rpnths previously,.*u coxnrprotein, A, D E' one orher rhar was iosing wgiglEl'-$;p;;."i"a-rz-14% Ehere was aiEa-a nouir'afcer presen.a'ion. AE necropsy Arl sheep in ary-ror.--fi. urine and ilark bro'wnkidneys' generaliz"O i"rlrill'"oTi."-"oio..a TI}OTHY P. O'NEILL Ciptain, USAF, 359(VC) of VeterinarY Pachologl n"litttv Oe&.tllEnr ^c ''I:Eerin l-''' D'::hr. I ^-" Results tilednesdaySllde Conference - No. 28 13 l,tay l98l CaseI - n-2L2 pilorides) ar-old ferrale Cubanhutia (Caproys was acqufrd fror a zoo in Florida five mnchs earlier and recently F ancnectic ard ehc'Ircdweight loss. tnac Cancributor's Diagnos{e& CsryFncs: Ltng, rrEtastaEichepacocellularcarcirma. uruEual in chat each toUe is subdivided lnro ntmrous snaller lobeg, ifrartlrrg a "cubqd" appearanceEo it, There was a large (5 o) pedurrculatedmaeeinvolving che lefE lobe ae well as qall rpdules in ocher lobee. Both lungs tnre uore liver-like than lurrg-ltke. The ctmr also reEastasized to the adrenal and hearc. The arinal also had a sall ovarian granulosa-ttrecacell. tumr. Attendeee I cffiia ls & Comnte: carcinma retastaEic to lung, Cr-bryl is a large (3-5 lb) urivorous rodenEfro the Caribbean lelande. There was gqreral 4greeonnEwith che cantrlbucorre diagnoeis. A1l attendees agreed chat the cellular uorptrology nas cqatlble with hepatic tlseue ard rhat hematos,enous spread lras che couce of rretasEasis. Sue accendees submitced an equally aEceptabli preconference diagnosis of uerascatic heparocellular adenocarcinora based on the acinar formacion by che neoplastic ceils. Patrerne found in hepacic turnrs other than acinar ari rrabec,rlar and solid sheecg of trmr cells. Hepatocellular carclnoae have a high rate of recascasis to che lung ln rgcs, Mice alao may have retascatic leslons of liver trrrrs. Contributor: National Zmloglcal Park, tlashington, E m008. Referenceg: Pathology of Zoo of turcrs in zoo aninale. IN Cqarative F-Fffiview Press, Institutidl fuiEh'scrian Animals, R. J. lbntali and G. t'ttgaki, Ede., I^lashingtcr, m, 1980, pp 53f-542. 2.- Hiecologlc Eyplng of llver tLurcrs of che rat. JltrI 64 (1): 180-206, 1980. nFcory: Ae ffiffi Hryhi m :xi.i,$.,H:liit#iilffi Fffidead :il,'[rtu" H:rhre" :F::,"ffyi"tli:i ;::,3}|ff0 on""tir*e;1-A"ir, *a wasror.nd *.ri male, ringneck c w Inirial l:,goo/m3 927" 8% 357" 4.8 gn/dl seg. Lyryh. HemacocriE Tocal protein I week lacer IO,SOO/m3 937" Tl" 30x 4.4 gI/dL ie& setione Avian tuberculosis. .ssrswere present in very large nrders in boch and cissue iuprinre. culrures and serocyping Eiru in-p"il"il." "". & :Tff;:fr#::Ti!:.Hii ),:i:ffi i!Ii5ii,LlJl";.llFl"!,,fly,f ,,,* iifl*; -ia4$@t "l,il i : : I :Hilti#fr : i: lji i" *u*:, : ffi Diagrrosre : ruueidil;-'(r,y#ffi;iffffiiilri$g, "" heparicis and ffi?"t:ut" !i", -gF*ulcntous, chronic, uulcifocal, pneuuuria. 8ffllg; ffi:?iii::il.X;.iffi prrpo*ar hepacoce*urar ;i-t* ; it"'in*""roii.ffiirffit:"i33ii:i),itifr,fl*:"ffr"#"iff " the variable presentacion ,:TiI oi-mycoua"i"rioriJ-iiuirar. rnLracerlularbacrr.l ,,riEhinmacroplrage'-were observ;d - pu;ipfi;;y of rhe lesion* tn H&r. "r-it" i"' u r i' iili,,ffi i i"**yt"'i''ir -p,che i,"ri6 f;!!i,31ft ,"o}lTl, Hi:'*gl" necrosig, granulons ind fibrosis *r"-Ju"ru"a-by- rhe parricipanrs. Parasiric cysrs (probablyt;;; "rtio cqtcrlbutor:,- Divisign of corparative -r,E Medicine, sctrool of lbdicio€, HopkTfrtlhrvlEtsiicy, gafiitrnre, ZI2O5. T?reJohns Reference ry-coffirial rnfections of zoo Animals. IrrnEari, R. J., Ed., $nirhsonian Insticution preee, I,rtashingLon, m, 197g. CaseIII - 80-002 (AFIP U83250). X C3H), fesnles, 25 spncns old' years on a dietary qrronic toxicicy scudy. 2 afier i""d l'lice were """iif lesicr, iections were Prepared.fron L/ the of slidei prouiae-enougn (tn order to -tt""" were cdlcrols. The nr-sber in parenchesesis cne diff"r"nt mici, upsr of wfitch lesions are regarded as sponlaneousand noc relaced individaul animal-""a".1 to EreattrEnE. Concributor's Diapnosls & Cmntg: Fibrous osceodystroPhy(ftbro-osseqrs lesi lesiois mied tn'sr'n" slides include: muse (25) - lyryhma; rcuse-(00) laaici*"I - epidermid cyst of spinal cord; nice (62) and (86) - hernlated lntervertebraL disis; rrpuse (f7) axonil degenreracionand denryelinatiqr, sligftc. Cospnt: Prisenred are"decalclfied sectiorrs of choracic spinal colr.rr with spinal cord and adiacenr soft cissue. -'--ifti"-t""ion is'noced quite frequently in che aged fggale B'6G3FImuse. In cnis o"i"oayscrriphy was dlagnoied histologically qr I of 96 (1%) concrol rruai,-iiUroG and 68 of. 94 QZb' concrol Femalenice. tle trave noted vertebral f ibrous *i;';ri[ osceodyscrophy in fenale nlce as early as 15 trslths of age. fn6 p"tholenesis of che leslm ls-mkno{dn. The paraEhyroid glands lYt. __ . norual. There was frequenEly hisfologicalf -lesions.a lor grade chronic renai disease buc Chronic renal disease of similar chis wa! noc correlaced wlth the bone severity was also presenE in che srale mice. AB rePortd !f lass and lbncalir' ncst of'ctre fesrale'mlce have cyecic endoncrial hyperplasia lendlng further suPPJrE sex horupnal imbalance. co posaible '!,le h6ve nored lncreased serLsl alkaline phoephataseacElviEy ln che aged female rDuse. Fearalemlce aE cwo years of age geniraliy have alkaljne_PhoPhacasevalues 4-5 cisEs higher fhan males. In mice under-I year of age,. Ehe tesBles generarry have alkalhE phoephatasevaluee of. L.5-2, Eiune Ehoseof che male mice. tfre ievel of alkallne phosphataseappears to have a crule coFr::lation eaaiti*"ify, of the bone leslon. severity with AccendeestDiagnosis & Cdrrents: l , redullalY, uru}gl{qg"t co di'ffuse, mild co rnderatl, nafrow caiicy, vercebrae, spinal columt,,B6c3Fl muse. CGsEnEs: As notea'by che ccrtriSutor, ocher lesidts btere Presenc in s@ slides. The fibro*osseoui tesions rrere ch; prirnary interesc. A gradacion of fibroaig in che nutrrow cavities was obeerved. Fibrous clssue replacecenE can ranBe frmr stild to cGDleEe. The cellular orlgin ie r.rrkrnrrnbuc ls believed to be a Lesions urcscofcen are fourd in che sEernebrae, m,rltipocenclal rrirro&r scen cell. th9 lons bcres. scrain irnidence, smtires il;-;E;;;6;;;-"i-rh"-epi*t-coi-m-"nd sex oredileccior and hbrrsral tnf luence (particularly the tole of -escro.gens)a|e pathogenisib of the lebions. vicmin and mineral ;h;dh;-6-b.-ilu;i;rd-G-iil i""oni"ry hyperparathyroidism are not chought co play ;nd;;idi il;i;;";; "rOlor a role io this condiclon. ContrlbuLor: Yi61"lill,ffi{ffia' Toxicology ResearchLaboraEory, The Do'l Chemical Co', References: ffi&Montali,R.J.:Spo19qne9us^fibro-os9eous1esiorrsinaging female nlce. Lab. Anim. Sci. 30: 907-909, 1980' N"oiia"li" tnd ,ro**plastlc,^k:ign"-i1^"ei.tg 2. Ward, J. M. ec al., X C3g/tteNlri tnOcjFl) nice. J.'Nat1. carrcerInst. 63: 849-854, L979' (C57BL/6N presented to the vecerinarian eu"a-*6-i"d;F q'\' wsrEuLffi;-T":ffi":ff gurchased ross. $:*ffif this esreand sever.r oit"." ln t'tiirnesoia'5-rcni:-y rrsvrvuntrti ;. no.e_gr,oiled riqre snowed sims.of^sickness p::y:?"ltf Jis," or ,ic["GJ except one orhcr ,-*.. Ji"".,. rhio m ^ one other *ris-onelrd th;-;"-.lll Sheep ;";;%d L!:L!T LZ_L47"corn/prolein, Art shean ,_ ,-,]"f^lo.i$ Ei4r, . corn/nrn,,ain A, a o-C n r i'. F --Efr g:!fo;. TiS',; dffiP"f::: 3*-:*:l,tn, generaliied lcclrus, .oii""-"Ji;jTi":'ff: Cqrtributor ta At^necroisv'ttreie-was H:l'ilIlllT; dark brqm kldneys. Chraric, -rxnsupFJrat - lve_choJaqgit widespread, I ivli; pdi.t-'ciffiEi", is,-,ilr"r.a, -, .jiJil*, necroeis arrdearly-regeneraai;, f 1;"l*:i,,iiy31 _f"iilri.'"iJft with_nurerousheu;gdbi;-"#3: g'" 9*- iindinss - ^SIpo" ._ rira,"i, ;#,nor'uppuritive ff#tril#""#;"5ilffi ;J'ff*i";f cause of the ^ili.H"iiir:Ti:iT""i$ ctroiangitis ci,ira *t u" dereroined. :H::' rry-sv'rrr6. Lrver copper revel-yn1. ?90 ppg_wEt wetgtri latoic ':--r4u-r,6'r ur.gnoseS: _ r) crn-railgitis, chrqdc, diffuse, uottsran mderate, liver, eete' ov{ne' 2) Flbioef, 3) proliferaricr,uiiiari,^iiiF"*, niiariiil. dit*iti-i,-"trg"_i-",_aiti;, @derate,river. Edfi;iJil, u"f; diffuse,mild, .zt re, ;F.$:'f*#:';*.'" k i dney 'rqtyrrtrpc*r: . " ;'oiJul;'i H$;;ii6";iij" tJrver _ toxic hepatitis Etiology: coppermxrli$sl u@nt': - n*tlobinuric nephrosis. there was general agreeuent with the contributorra couents' Additionallv minv diagnoses ard oegenerationandnecroiis # ;-d-pti;idi""aiiert*r, hepatocelrurar "itentg"g "il"ii"."a-""r,ilii;;i;" coppei-roxicosiswasrhe diagnosis.baeed-m-inl PlParv i,irtorv rnd hisEorogi""r-i55i*l' in KI.n'"v' A rhodamlne rrre river ard s,"in f* confinedro rhe cenrrirobiir"r-tit*tocyres :9qp:r ras poJiii""l- nr" #;ial stained wae ila-irn*oidal,a"ioft"gu". attendeesalso oroposed Ttre a-con"uti"nt iir"ui'-"indirion cholargitie and'bilj?{t;";ifi;"rion,-rrJili"il"n ,"rpo*lLre for rhe eriorogywasnor determined. Ili,li"iffi,.i:,'::"HlfiU*l;S*i#Tj.::*". *orffi roxic acrion ortr"meiouin orveter inary ,ffT[H::"lf ,:"I;iffi II,rffi*]i51i.couege Fefe,rences: r' G@neratne' s' R' et a1':' fluid of copper poiloryd -copper, zinc ry{ itgl levels in che cerebrospinal -R: ;il;: n"s.'vei.-a;i. 2723{14_385,Lg7g. 2' c@rGiaht, S' ;;;I:: creatine [ii""".rerease and m'scre chanses in chronic copper spoiearing-i"-;h;p. Res. v.[. sc i. 2g: 351_361, 19g0. King,r. p. .3. iff:;fftili1, eEarl: a"l.ptigl; il.orisis i' riuo-jJiiag tr,. phaee of crrronic-"opp." poisofii;!in sheep.r. cq. parh. 8e: 4' Gooneratne' An ultrastructursl ard-mrphreEric study -s' R' et al.l liver of nornar prctor. 99 (2): 42g_t*g, of the "na "opp"":pd;;""d "il;.--A*i. r9s0. TII'OTHYP. O'I'TEII..L Caprain, USAF,8SC(VC) Registry of Veterinary eatholoev Departrrentof r/erer iniry p"rho%ey llistories Slide Conference - No. 29 AFIP Wednesday 20 l'lay 1981 Case I - 032-02581 P L6L972L uDuse rece ved I0 ppb diethylscilbestrol 6 weeks of age until sacrifice 559 days later. laboratorv Results: @tely in the groin. Case II in che feed hard urass, abouE15 m in maxi.u.mdiamecer, hrasfotnrd - IAIR 26035 (AFIP U58835). old fenale Gordon Seccer that had a history of progffiE-cl$ When running and going uP sEePs she exhibited marked dysfunction. and hyperextension of frqrt legs.- She was acEive,, alert, respctsive hyperretria The dog was eutbanized sirpe her cqrditicr ahi otherwise in appatent good health. a bieedirg, humcing, or sfrow animal. made her msuitable-as Case III - A14-1593-80 P u58461 dld l.lLrite Pekin duck with historY of leg 30%rprLality in $oyp of 2,0Q. Gross lesicrs htere seen as swollen Livers and spleens wiEh occasimal subcapsular hercrrhages. Case IV - VRLA-81891 (AnP L776777)SectTolF6l-several Eh feEus' Tne Piacenta was thickened. tissues, includirg ltrng,and placenta, were submitted. TI}'OftT{ P. O'NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Reiiscry of VeterinarY PathologY Oeftrtu6nt of Veterinary Pachology Resulcs AFIP l,lednesday Slide Conference - No. 29 20 May l98t Case I - 032-02\8f (AFIF L6L972L) d t0 ppb diechylstilbescrol beginn-inEfr 6 weeks of age LrnEii sacrifiib 559 days lacer. Laboracory Resulcs: @tely in Ehe groin. # Cqrcributor's Di in the feed hard mass, about 15 um in maxirmrn dixrpcer, was fotmd is & Cmrts: I.{alignant granular cell ulrcblastoa. granu turr:rs wera firsE thot€ht to be of mrscle but s6E chink they are derived ifferenEiatd resernhynal cells (4). man, they have been observed in scriated muscle, particularly of Ehe tctgue, but can occur alupsE anynrtrere. The commn variecy consists of many large cells wich small nuclei and a celL body mlded by pressure of its neighbors into varying shapes. Ttre cycoplasm contains diastase resistant PASpositive granules. lhe malignanc variecy ie variously called malignanc orgaroid granular cell nryoblastma, maligrrant nonchrcnaffin paraganglima and alveolar soft part sarcqna. They occur chiefly in mrscles and ofcen retastasize chrough the blood streEm. They have an organoid pattern with surall rounded groups of cells surrouded by a fibrovascular frangwork. ltre nucler are relatively larger than in benign ct.uDrs and have mre prorinent nucleoli. Their exact nature and relation to the benign ttmrg is rmcertain. tilqrhuurangranular cell currcrs are rare and have been indr.rcedin che ucerine cervix of mice by estrogen creatuEnt (1). Actendees' Djagrosis & Cqre.c"r c3H Granular cell tr-spr (nryoblascon), cervix, Ccsuencs: Tbere !{as general agremnc wich the contributor's diagnosis. Several actendees also preferred a malignant designation for the tumr. This tLmr has been repoEtd in a iariety of specids (3). These ctnnrs occur msc often in the oral cavtcy of hrmans, the lung-of horses, the tongue of gogq srd che brain of raEs. There aie also reporEs of uhese twDrs in che cervix of mice EreaEedwith escrogens (1,2). One reiort describes chis tumr in che cerebru o.f a dog (3). As uhe cdntrlbutor has poinled ouc the specific cell of origin ie not knotrn, but mst pachologists favor a'Schwanncell ori!,in based on several histological ulcrastiuctural feacures (3,4). Cells termed angulate bodies also have been observed in these cutDrs (3) and are besc seen wich the PASreaction ac the puiipt"ry of rhe lobules.- these turors should not be confused with nonchrmaffin parasanqlioras as there are several histologic dif ferences bettreen the cHo (5). tte EmJr also rusr be differenciaced frm nisciocytic inflamatory reaccig.": . Tne in Ehe producrion of chese ttmrs in mice has not been elucidated. iol" of ""iiog"n" ConEribucor: Na6ional Center for Toxicological Research, Pachology-Services proje ity of Arkansas for I'bdical Sclence, Jefferson, AR 72074- References: WB.etal..:9y'::9f:|"epididyuris,cancerofthecervix,granuIar cerl nryoblastcnu, and other resrons atEer estrogen -----( injeccion-in newbornmice. J . N a c ' I . Ca n ce rIn sE . 3 t: 4 2 5 -455,Lg65. tteopra6ci.-"nA preneoplasric lesions induced in female r Hig@r.r, B. et al.: c3H.urice^bydiets concaining DiichylscirbesEior or l7B-Escradiol. veeereY^vr J. Envirqr. Pathol.&Toxicol.4:81-95,-1990.' 3. Parker,G. A- er ar.: cerebrlr gr??u!arcelr,F1.ml -6g-(Al, (r,tyoblascqa) in a dog: case.Reqol-and LirerarureReview.corilell tal. iod_iZO,Lg7g. -apptt-L:c"r,r,rry-cioir", - .4t sobel, H, J. et al.: Granular cells celr resions. rn Pachology annual, somers, s. E. qq.), rF "oa-gr"nular Pren_ciceHall, Newy9rk, L974, pp-43_i9. TtuDrs of -.'- .5-' SEout, A. P. & Lattes,'R.i the sofc tissues. Pachology, AFIP, Idash. E, Lg6l , pp fAO_fa6: Aclas ef frrrnl P 1758835 Ld female Gordon SeEEer that had a hiscory of ap_parent. gq.heal.ch. the dog was euchanized nradeher unsuirabri'as a bieeding,-tt*cirg, "in""-her oi""tow anirnal. tqrdiricr Qsnqlibutorrs Diagnosis & Ccrencs: ical abiocrophy of Gordonsetters. lbrpholoeic Diagnoses: f) ryg$erarion *a necrb"i., piogiessive, rulrifocal co diffuse, FurkinjE ceus, c6reu5ti^, 2) Arrophy, diffuse, rcderare, granular cell layer, cerebelltm. "ri*. Couencs: 0ver lle po"q 9 years vecerinarians in Newyork, pennsylvania, Virginia, l9!th carolina'and caiifornia tt"ve-ouserved a Eoral of dogs wit:tr clinical histories c,onsisrent wich a-stcnty pro[i"rriue iA Eiriaon-rim.. cerebellar disease. Necropsies of ten of these aog"-ilv. revealed siuritar cerebellar cortical degeneracive leiions. The clinical sffi qrriet are Ehose cerebellar corcical degeneration priuraiity "nA-f"rions putinje-ce[s.of lare The rerm abio.trgghy has been appriea to ch; degeneiation "ir""cing of a cell due ro- ssrF ir..insic sEcabolic abnormality- thac causes prdature aeattr of char rn chis disease, Purkinje cells form norually and apparencly funcricr for a""ir. nr-der of upnths orior to-cheir degeneracion and ohser of irinicai signs. Examinariqr'or-p"li*;;.t;i" atrecEed do-gssuggests that che abnormality mat be geneEically deceiminA. lbre animals attd pedigiees must be scudied befoie c['t. ooE is determined. Similar lesions have been observed in other "i-i"n""icance breeds such as Kerry brue Eerriers and rough coaced collies frqr Australia. Accendees'Di c ation ard necrosis, 'CorJsr neuronal, mrlcifocal co mderate^to severe, cells, cerebelfm, setrer, canine. fif fy:",, -Purklnje, 2) Atrophy, mrlcifocal co diffuse, frita to rnderace, granular cells, ..reu.riu,. Hereditary cerebellar cortilal abiocrophy of Gordon . EEiologic Diagmsis: seECers. Eciology: Aucosonl recessive EraiE. Cqnrencs: There was unaniirDus agreerrEnEwich the contributor's diagrnsis and co0rlEnEs. Sme variaclon in the dqg,ree of Purkinje cell loss and granular cell atrophy existed aslcng the submicced"slides. fne itinical and hisrdlogi".f iu"cur"" of che condicion. have been published recenrly (4). The neuropachological changes are reported co be confined'to che cereb"ttd,, ' 6;"";tt ln!-#i.o"iiffi-r.y reduced in weighE and the folia are chinned. The hiscorogicar changesreporced are similar to those observed in chis case. There are other Inherited;;.;lffi;;l condiciqrs in several breeds of dogs wich-sone of che rrisiopaEhological features of rhis condirion in Gord6n;a;.;;-lt,i,j,i). ""ue cqttributor: sanFGi@Ta References: TCEffi'ua, Letceraan Arny ' Instituce of Research, sGRD-uLV-p,presidio of 94uzg A. et al.: Hereditary cerebellar cortical and nucl^ear,abiotrophy in Kerry brue rerrier's. .latnA r6a: 1n9-1124 extrapyramidal , Lg76. z' Qe Lahunta, A.: Veterinary Neuroanacouy --------'r and Clinical Neuiolog5l. W. B: Saurders, philadelphia, Lgli. 3. de Lahurta, A.:- Coparative cerebellar diseases in drestic animals. Coap. Vet. Ed. II: 8-I9, 1980. 4. de Lahunta, A. et al.: Cerebellar cortical abiotrophy in the Gordar setter. JA\'MA177: 538-54I,1990 5. flartley, W. J. et al.: Intrerited cerebellar degeneration in the rotgh coated collie. Ausrr. Vet. pracr, L-7, Lg7g. caseIII - eb93:gQ_l4[rp u58461). d-Whicepekin duck wirn hiscory of leg weakiFffil 30%uprtiliiy-i"-gtoup of 2,000. Gross lesions !{ere seen as srorlerr rivers and spleens with occasiSnal' subcapsurar herprrhages Laboratory Resulcs: chem*_-' Erysipelothrix insidiosa was isolated frqr the livers of Gqrtributor's Diagnosis & Ccrrrencs: Erysipelas. lre;-[;prric congescicr, chronic pericholangiEiq-and RE-ceIl swelling, with cyroplasmic vacuoles, rnany of wtrich contain basophilic sraining rd snafed bacc6rii. A t r e n d e e s'D '.. -rcqpn9ro81cDiagnoses:_!) Chotangitis, chronic, diffuse, mild, liver, I,lhite l.!i" duck, avian. 2) Proliferation 6nd swelling, sinusoidai fining cetfi,'.----diffuse, mild eo nnderace, liverr 3) Bacceremiai'difrus", ,ild, liier 4) Vacr.rolarchange, diffuse, mild, liver. Etiologic Diagnoses: Bacrerial chorangicis and heparicis. Eriorogy: Erysipelo-rT|fii:t:H$: (vacrrclar)secondarv co hepaticcqrsestiqr' Couents: TnTeIfETon-_to Effi diagrnses,-The a mrphologic diagnosis of hepatocellular necrosis also was giverr by a-few. majorit| of thE accerdees submitted a preconference etiologic diagnosis of Lankestirelti sp. or orher Protozoa.Attendeesfelctherewaspar-sitismoffiIeukocytic Procozoal etiology was disirediced based on several factors, incilding, ??ll":. rack of {dernnsErable schizo-nts, plemnrphism of the organisms ard free organiss wichin vessels and sinusoids. Miny of ihe basophilic intracycoplnsnic scilrctures surrotrnde{ !y cfe.ar spaces were -interpreted as stages of eryi:hrbpnagocytosis, whictr could be followed sequentially fron whole Rff,'s co*pyknotic"nuclear-foims. NuuErousGramposiEive coccobacilri were presenc in RE cells and vascular spaces. Amixed baccerial and protoio"I inr"cr;o,,';;;lJ noc be ruled ouc corprecely. The gross and hiscologic risions of erysipel.;rs in-uiros rrr" i"ui"*"d. Turkeys are che species rcst cmrcnly affected wich ri,, ,li,raielc eco,ncrntclosses occurring in chese birds. hI.".ffi**iffi,liseaseDiaqnrlr;f-i.::Laboratory,Purdr.pUniversicy, Reference: @A.A.eta1.:Patholog1rr:{'41periuEnca1erysipe1asinturkeys. Avian Dis. 22: 503-518, Lg7g. CaseIV - VRLe:lllggl_Gerp L776777). th fetus. fhe placenta was thickened. SectTdTAFseveral tissues, inchraing 1.,-^ -rr rlacenta, were suhicced. cqrtributor's Diaspsis & c@gqts: coccidioidcrycosis, fetal pneuwria and plac cments: The mare was frot the Nevadaarea. location are unusu€rr.-Maly-aire"."nc'ir"g"r;iowm The nr-nrberof organisns and che scagescan be identified in ncsc of che slides. speciil stains were not necessary. uragnoses: r) Pracentitis, necrogi?ing,subacute,diffuse, gevere, - r''r'LPtrJrugrc placenta, fetus, eq-ine.inieistiti"r, -2) Fner-un-nia, subacuceco Ei"nur*tou., chronic,-rulcifocai ro diffuse, .roaqiai";--lG. Etiologic Diagnosis: coccidi.;ii."ri;ciI'ii""""ciris and pner-unnia. r - --- r-' . Etiology: coccidioides inmitis. csuents : TffililEFliianiirDiq-ag. reetrEnEwi rh rhe concr ibucor, s eEiologic diagnosis and cqmenEs. sme variation --sm;-;;IJna.es in rhe preconference mrphologic diagnoses for rhe placenta ana run[. "*irt"o preferred pyogranurura.ousor granulonLous placencitis and pyggianulunEou" -Th;-il;gatoi ;;fi1;ioJ"'brornhopneuuria due to the variacion in cheir 5iii.". organisms (spherures and e.ndospores)were readily seen. Cio"s l;;i";;';ssociared wirri ttris form of rhe disease have been repo:Led (L,2>-. The rouce of fungal io ,t. Luqg frm rhe placenta was discussid. ucic'o't-*,."p";;;;;.s "p""rJ favoreil an inharacion rouEeove' a hemacogenous spread as resions i" o[r,"" o;;;;; $rerenoc described. concributor:- vecerinary RefererrceLaboracory, p. o. Box 30633, SaIc Lake Cicy, utah:mrr- References: & Hunc. Vecerinary pachology, 4ch Ed., Lea & Febiger, _ "T5ffi-Jones Philadelphia, L972, pp 646-&9. _ _ z . - L a n g h a mR, . F . - e c a l . : A b o r t i o n i n a m a r edue to coccidioidurycosis. JAWIA170: 178-180, L97t. rI}{f,II{Y P. O'NEILL CapEain, USAF,BSC(VC) Regiscry of Vererinary pathology Departnencof Vecerinary pachofogy 4 Histories AFIP WednesdaySlide Conference - No. 30 27 May L98L Caee 1 - P 1777000 Eerhorse stsre with slowly developing cutaneous nodules CaseII - 80-83 (AnP I783r94). for E'iffif previously. a 3-year-old, female Bedlington terrier presenced lethargy, anorexia, voition, and icterus. She 6ad whelped 3'rceks (2 microslides, H&Eand rhodanine). Laboratory Results: @.rsddl Alburin oc-l globulin o<-2 globulin ,6-globulin 7 -globulin A/G ratio Case III %.8% 2.8% 24.8"L 23.8% L4.2% 0.5 BI.]N Alk Phos LU{ SG T SGPT Toc bilirubin Direct rl Glucose (fasEing) V+ ryldL 510 ru/rnt 660 mu/ml 830 mr/nl 3440 mu/mt r0.9 ry/dl r0.0 ry/dl f49 ry,/df - I.It 80-889 (AFIP L75748L). d male cac was presenEed for anorexia and pale ---.4 mucous merrbranes. Hematology revealed a non-regenerative anemia and atypical A Iyrptocytes with dark blue cytoplasm. PlaEelets levels were about 2 million/mJ. At necropsy Ehere ltas generalized lyrph node enlargerent, an enlarged mahoganyred spleen and a pale tan liver containiqg disseninated pin-point yellor foci. There was also mild icLerus. CaseIV - BG-81(AFIP U83f98). tion represencs a lesion found during necropsy of an adulFWhTEd-Carneaupigeon frcm the block at our research farm used for atherosclerosis research. T\n organs' saples are present. TII4TI}T{P. O,NEILL Captain, USAF, BSC(VC) Regisury of Veterinary PachologY Departrrenc of Veterinary Pacholog5l Results AFIP l{ednesdaySllde Conference- N o . f 0 27 May LSBI Case I - ffi4t4 Fttstorv: and progresslve emaclatlon. rhorsemarewithsIow1ydeve1opingcutaneousnoc|u1es Contributo :T:*iI*.i:.Ili:"iill3 T:::.,Tiorm rn appearance.Theywerenot foundrn otner-rocationJ i;rdiilvrscera andregronar tvmphnodes. TwirpopuralionJ-orceris i; il;-i;;i;";';;;"firphocytes pleomorphlc andrarse retrcuia; ;il;.gryro*trriE sp. wasisorat6dfrom,,trmori tissue. IgGlevels in inJ-ier.um werenormal. Attendeest - . p h o e y t i c 1 y r t p h o s a r c o m a ' s k i n , Q u a r t e r h o r s e , equine. comments: There was general agreement wlth_the contrlbutor,s dlagnosls and comments' Thls-case crosiry pararieis . t",i!nhy reported case -olner of cutaneous Iymphosarccrna in a horsewrtr,r6ut vrscJrar-iiJoiu"rnt (r). casesof equlne cutaneouslymphosarcoma wereaccompanied by viscerat lnvorvementand mayrepresent rdter stageg pf the samediseaie. 'severar'atlenoeeJ-i"i""iJJlntracytoprasmle, linear, and crvstalllne rormi-;ltgl_li;tiqffi. U n k n o w n b u t m a y b e r e 1 a t e d t o d e g e n e r a t 1 n celrs. g c o ' v @rheir s p . bsisniflcance a c t e r i a 1 o r gisa n i s m s ( t)' The isolation of bacterii-ffi-;i;;;"rffitn" tumorsug@stsa defectlve immune response !l).-of lil;t;-inJiJ"["-c;ry;#dr-uJ"iriii"lEiirr"te macrophases anc'enhanceorowth tumors. Thls that in additlon to the multicentrtc] thvmrcano'iii,i""::ll_io-iil"-oi"iimpr,osarcqna, "..r-iilusirates a form thai is prtmarily cutaneoJi-in"n"cu"". Contributor: exists in horses National Animal DiseaseCenter, Ames, IA. Reference: sneanan' B' J' et al': Hlstlolymphocytic --, --- lymphosarcoma ') ln the subcutis of two norses. Vet. path. ]7: IZ}_I33, I9fJ0. - CaseII - 80-81(AFIP1783194). m a 3-year-old, female Bedlington terrier presentecl --F---4- for sfgns of lethargy, anorexia, vomition, and lcterus. previously. (2 mieroslifles, H&Eand rhodamine). ^ . , She had whelped f weeks Laborator Tot-Frutufn -1 globulln -2 globulln -gIobulln -globulin A/G ratto 8.I gm/dl 14.8% 2.8X 24,8X 21.8% 14.2% 0.5 BUN AIk Phos Lttl SG0T SGPT Tot blllrubin Dlrect 'r Glucose (fasting) 84 mg/d} 510 mr,/ml 660 mu,/ml 830 mu/ml 5440 rnu/ml I0.9 mg/dl I0.0 mg/dl La9 rq/d\ Contributor's Dlaqnosls & Cmmentg; Chronlc-actlve hepatltls, with blle stasls anO ln hepatocytes; coinpatibt6 with inherited copper dlsease of Bedlirgton telrlers. Cormentsr Grossly the llver was dark green, whlch is explalred by tfe severe bile stasis evident micmscoplcally. Copper analysis of the liver shored l4O5 micrograms/gn. (wet tlssue). The rhodanine stain demmstrates heavy accrnulatlons of copper-containirq grarules withln fiepatocytes, prircipalty in the centrllobular regions. Examlnatlon of other tlssues revealed heavy accrmulatlons of hemosiderin wlthln the spleen and tubular degeneratlon ln the ktdney. AttendeesI Corments: , centrllobular, chronic-actlve, dlffuse' moderate, llver. terrler, canlne. 2) Cholestasls,diffuse, severe, liver. Etiologlc Diagnoslsr Inherited copper dlsease of Bedlington terriers. Etiology: Autosomalrecesslve gene. Conments: The history lncorrectly states the spectal staln ls a rhpdamlne stain; thls should be a 'rrhodaninettstain. There was unanimousagreementwith the contributorrs dlagnosls and qunments. Subacuteto chronlc cholangitis also was included ln the diagnoses llsted by sone attendees. Values for the following clinlca] pathology parameterswere elevated: total proteln, alpha I&2 proteins' Serumalbmln and the BIJN,SAP,Lfr, SGOT,SGPTand total and dlrect bllirubln. A/G ratio were low. Hepatlc hemoslderoslsalso was present in this dog. Hemoslderosisusually ls present ln Bedlington llvers and often ln large arounts. This disease Lesions ln other organs have been cormentedon by the contributor. has been eomparedto l{llsonrs dlsease of man. Several dlssimi}arlties betweenthe condition ln manand anlmals do exist. Contributor: Dlvislon of ConparativePathology, ArmedForces Radiobiology ReseEF6h-Tffifffite, NN|€, Bethesda, E 20014. References: The liver ln the inherited copper disease of Bedlingtm f. imwrtg, J. et al.l terriers. Lab. Invest. 43 9L): 82-87, 1980. 2. Twedt, D. C. et al.: Cllnlcal, morphologlc, and chemleal studles on copper JAVMAI75: 269-275, L979. toxlcosis of Bedllngton terriers. stalns and the syndroneof primary billary J. et al.: Copper 3. Ludwlg, cirrhosis: Evaluation of staining methodsand thelr usefulness for diagnosis and trials of penlcillamlne treatment. Arch Pathol Lab Med10f:' 467, L979. Case III -,-ycar-OJ.O year mucous CaS for.anorexiaand pale fiil;d#!^iiii' o"i:fiii:iiriii"ir.F,li!ilisg:ll*:"ffi,i;*1f,.ffi; ion/nrnl. ::i::,3.'#ffi :{*; $'::i":ffi t s. Hematoloov ::]: :* :::-tT::nted itrffijF:j:;:;iilt':?!ffitrfi:iii,ff. T:i: coniainin! oi.J",ii,iiiH"iliL:;"il."liii8iiffiif"iil"i: ;:*":lJ"ffr?rrilillan.Iiver lcterus. At neCfOOSv there brac rrahana'r{-^r r.---L ffi'{i?3iiifil ::[,:':]oilii",r,-type ce,,s mesakarvocvtes. [U:i::;#f t:::,).*,::1,^* ii::^i:iii ]ii!_i#Jiff::"Jldi.$,',S1t3" centra] n"oiroei::rl ;pS:ilif,?; ir_l;il.;ilF::T"lTi:i erther or paracentrar rn locatlon ::?:::it^:l*:l-tr rocetlon nrsn nnaaaas also ar.. are-present. iyfrI'rH;T; i#;:i';il,'*:l'3f SliSili,Bi;'?lFi?i" extenslvelv :i:^'*.::ii^ inftltrateo-oi celi'-iil; ffi;'d#Jfli;"tr:Tir3i:*i#"#,,:l: wasnot tested for FeLV. ""nii". The. ytold.let*emla, llver, fellne. '5ffi*;:,."ig,ijdl!l;l;.ifTi"i$liytfu';:,,1{ili3,,'frH ,,ver. ";peFHill:i"#T:"ni,:ili:";g::*n:,ifr-:;!i':::"H$:i qiiJj":i;: -Ih;liili-or"gno"r" 'h,'"I!"r i:$lf*?:^ "Ho.::s_present; *l]::#lSiiiir. 1;":""ffi5i[i:1.i"_1;1,;?: li:".,f,i1T9": iiiffi"g'fi ;;, "|ffi i::iilelii" iffi:i. ,l.Ho',;;i:1,:i*Ill :dl"il'llTJih.'?ii. i::_fl ji iff"il'ff",l,1; ;:to: ;ie iiq' "1 ;ifi iilil"ll" :lifl i. i;: rhe 9; HHIi:"fl :::::? hepatic-ieciili'"'ii""F"fi1;T:'3":illJlt;:lllt:f,ld: " anemia. :l:fri::. ffi!ll of Pathoblolosv, unlversityof Temessee, p. 0. Box ,R"oiilSint torrffiuffi Rererences: ,or,ffi"BrT' 2' Jarrett' L' et al.: Megakarvocvtic mverosis in a cat. JAVMA 168(11): hf' F' H' et e1.: -Neoplastic diseases of the haematopoieticand tyrnphoid ttssrrs. Butt wfoiitn org sol ir_zl Ig74. M'A' et al.i- t{edkaivo"vti"'re,*"rr. in a dos. Vet. parh. t5: ,rr-l;rloiff!:", - : CaseIV - AFIP ]78'198 representsa leslm fotnd during necmpsyof a,r sG[E,SecEIon aduL Carneaupigem from the block at our research farm used for atherosclerosis research. Twoorgans' samplesare present. Contributor,@Semincrnaofthetestic1ewithmetastasis to tFffifiEFCorrnents: Two other such cases are present in the files at Bowman-Gray. Attendees' Diaonosls & Corments: ,test1c1ewithmetastasistothel1ver,I{hite avlan. Carneaupigeon,-Dlfferentlal preconference diagnoses also included malignant Commbnts: endocrlne tumors of varlous origln. This tumor althotigh rare has been encountered ln blrds occurs A hlgher lncidence of seminomas in several specles of birds (frt). in the Btdgerigars (2). Qqntributoli Medical School' Departmenrtof Comparatirc l,lediclne, Bqnman-Gray wlnsT6frlSEfEfr,-ft. References: J. G"; Someurusual gonadal tumors of the fowl. Brit. J. Cancer mEeTI, 5 t 6 9 , 1 95 1 . in Dlseasesof Cageand Aviary Birds' Z. petrak, M. L. et aI.l Neoplasms I ea & Febiger, Phlladelphia, L969, pp 482-483. TII'0THYP. 0TNEILL Captaln, USAF,BSC(VC) Reglstry of Veterinary PathologY Defartment of Veterinary Pathologv