File - Ballarat Adult Riding Club`s
File - Ballarat Adult Riding Club`s
Manely News J U LY 2 0 1 4 Editor’s Ramblings... INSIDE THIS ISSUE: EDITOR’S 1 RAMBLINGS SHOW JUMPING MC 1 DRESSAGE MC 1 DRESSAGE MC 2 CONT. THE HAYMARKET 3 VOUCHER MEET AND GREET 3 Wow, what a BIG meeting we had last week! The meeting was quite well attended, and we got through some very important matters and made some decisions that should see the club continue to move ahead in a very positive way. The Minutes will be sent out, as per usual, after they have been read and moved at the next meeting. It’s always a risk that a long running club can become stale or out-dated, especially when it’s the same core group of people attending the meetings and having to make all the decisions with day to day running as well as overseeing the bigger picture. Over time, changes are made. Sometimes they prove to be for the better, and sometimes they need changing again! Feedback and participation from our members is really appreciated! TEAM RIDER FITNESS 4 CLASSES NAME BADGES 4 NEW RALLY PLAN 5 STRUCTURE!! BOOKING LESSONS RALLY STRUCTURE FOR THE FUTURE 6 SADDLEWORLD DISCOUNTS 6 WVDC AGM 6 INVITATION CHRISTMAS IN JULY 7 OUT AND ABOUT 8 FOR SALE 8 FOR SALE 8 CLUB CONTACT 9 DETAILS Show Jumping Mini Comp - June Rally One recent development was the addition of the Show Jumping Mini Comp. This got off to a terrific start at our June rally, with quite a few of us taking up the challenge. A MASSIVE thanks goes out to the Balson family (including Sally’s husband/Susannah’s dad, Steve) for instigating, setting up and running this inaugural event, and in particular to Susannah who manned the course all day! Hopefully Susannah will get time to write a review for us in the near future. I’m not sure exactly how many people rode rounds of the lovely course that Susannah set out for us, but for those who did, I’m sure it was a very positive experience. In fact, it could well have been this inaugural event that is priming some of us to have our first ever try at the Top Teams Trophy Show Jumping event coming up in September! Now this might be interesting!! Dressage Mini Comp Our Dressage Mini Comp started back in 1997, the brainwave of Donna Lees and past (very active) member Sue Trainor. At the time, as with anything new, we P AGE 2 JADES HAIR DESIGN 142 Albert Street Sebastopol Ph 5335 9078 42 Sturt St Ballarat Ph 5334 4113 MA NELY NEW S Dressage Mini Comp cont. didn’t know how it would go. Would it be popular? Would it run smoothly? Would it continue? Would members see the benefits? Turns out, it has been very popular, although figures go up and down over the years. There were times in years gone by where we were running from 9am through to during the lunch break!! Has it run smoothly? Yes, generally it has, and some members have learnt about how to run a competition (albeit on a small scale) and then put their hand up to help out with organizing larger ones (a side-benefit of the MC). As for success being measured in terms of continuing over the years—hell yeah! The trophy had to have another tier put on it to keep up with the winners’ names! And did our members recognize the benefits in becoming involved and having a go—absolutely definitely! For some people, having the opportunity to try a Dressage test at their home grounds, on a rally day, with the support of club members has given them the confidence to have a go. For some people, this has been their first ever dressage test! This has definitely been the first test for many of our horses. It has also been a comfortable platform from which to have a try at the harder tests. Lots of us have ridden the next level up in the MC, challenging both ourselves and our mounts in the more relaxed environment (and without the worry of gaining points if we didn’t believe we were really ready to). At the July meeting, it was decided that the club would provide a ‘keeper’ trophy for all past winners of the Mini Comp Series, and that from now on, all new winners would receive a trophy to keep. In the past, there was only the perpetual trophy, which the winner would look after for one year before handing it on to the next recipient. When the MC started, it was a bit of an experiment, and the club had no idea just how successful the series would be or for how long it would continue. Pretty safe to say, it’s here to stay and the witch has been a most coveted prize! Winning the series takes a bit of dedication and drive, and it is a real honor to manage to accrue enough points over the year to take out the big prize (especially back in the days when we had such large entries). So, trophies are being purchased to be presented to all the previous series winners, and will be presented at the AGM in October. We will invite back our past members who have won the series so they can also be presented with their new trophies to keep. Beware of the possibility of tears– some of these will be awarded posthumously (horses, not humans!) The 2014 series’ prizes will still be presented in November (as the last leg will be held in October this year). The Witch will be on display at the rally this Sunday, so please go and inspect it while you can! (Thanks for the loan of it Lisa) Please note that the Dressage Mini Comp is running this rally, and as per official rules, everyone needs to maintain a minimum 10m clearance of this ring while tests are being performed. Please be considerate (especially for those on young horses) and don’t come bopping up from the track behind A (next to the shed). Thanks. P AGE 3 Phoenix Feeds— June rally lunchtime raffle: available from Ryebucks Australia TIGRADA HOLISTIC FAMILY CARE BOWEN FOR HORSES, PEOPLES AND DOGS! DEB HALL PH 0417 120 250 $2 a ticket Or 3 for $5 Well, the Gasses did it again! Yep, they won the $25 voucher from The Haymarket—congratulations Chris and Nadine. Apologies for vagueness here, but I think the raffle raised approximately $38 last rally. As usual, a big thank you for the continuing support from The Haymarket. Breaking news: The Haymarket have taken over/bought-out Castlegate and have opened a new (additional) outlet at 902 La Trobe Street!! So, if you find yourself down that end of town needing horse, dog, chook, bird feed etc, you can now fill up the car there! If you haven’t already done so, fill out your loyalty form to secure yourself a discount when shopping at The Haymarket (just tell them your name before they ring up the sale). Yes, I can email you another one if you’ve deleted it! Meet and Greet for July Rally MONTHLY MEETINGS HELD AT THE SEBASTOPOL BOWLING CLUB ON THE THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH • MEALS IN BISTRO FROM 6PM • MEETING IN THE UNIT FROM 7.30 PM • ALL MEMBERS MOST WELCOME! OOOOOOPS, we forgot to organise one, so it will probably be Chris Gass and Sandi Bowman again! But please, everyone be on the lookout for any new faces or lost looking souls and help them out :) We have so many new members this year, just say hello to anyone and everyone and we’ll soon get to know eachother! Sign In Book Are you all remembering to sign yourselves in on arrival at the grounds? We need to keep records of who is in attendance, including visitors, so please sign the book in the kitchen. MA NELY NEW S MA NELY NEW S P AGE 4 Fitness Classes: One of our riding instructors, Marianne Crawford, has offered to conduct Rider Fitness Classes as one of her lessons at our rallies. This was mentioned in the last newsletter, and we were after feedback from the members. We didn’t actually get any, so we thought perhaps you might want more information about it. Marianne forwarded the following email on to me: BARC Riders Fitness Ideas: I did a fitness for riders class for a few Inverleigh Club Members during a summer rally. While I had planned to go through a set program, the riders starting saying their postural problems and wanted solutions. So, the class turned into a find an exercise that could fix their postural problem as each person asked for a solution. Interestingly enough, most of the problems, for which they wanted a cure, were areas I had planned on covering so it was easy to facilitate their requests. I am happy to give the riders whatever they want or could go through a pre-set program. Areas that I would expect to cover are: Core stability through a static riding position, while sitting on the edge of a chair. Escalate that to maintaining core stability as above but while moving like you would do on a horse including weighting seat bones and not collapsing the torso etc. Other core stability exercises in both static and moving planes, (mostly versions of planks.) Rider appropriate stretches. Targeting hip flexors, chest and other areas. Should riders want own body weight exercises to improve cardio and muscular endurance, that too could be covered. As long as riders can be “flexible” (bad pun) so can I with what I produce. I will bring Jazzper to ride this rally during lunch, but if enough people want a class in the August rally I would leave him home and do a class at lunch time if that worked out to be the most convenient time frame. Happiness in riding from Marianne Please let Ian know if this would be of interest to you, and then it can be included in the rally plan Name Badges-new ones will be there on Sunday Donna has collected the new name badges, so please check for yours in the clubrooms on Sunday! If for some reason you do not have a name badge for Ballarat ARC, please contact Donna Lees to arrange to get one. Ph 53 420 655 or email Members pay an additional fee ($15) when they join the club, to cover the cost of the badge. We still have a little baggy of uncollected badges, so that might be the first place to check if you haven’t received yours! Newer members should receive their badges shortly. PLEASE PUT YOUR BADGE SOMEWHERE HANDY SO THAT YOU WEAR IT AT RALLIES (maybe with your medical armband?) MA NELY NEW S P AGE Booking Lessons PLEASE TAKE NOTE: CHANGES ARE BEING MADE TO OUR RALLY PLAN STRUCTURE AS OF THE AUGUST RALLY! Ph 53 448 440 As a result of quite a number of matters brought up at our reM 0408 448668 cent meetings, we have decided that the club will revert back Email to the rally structure that it used to have. You will notice on the club room door that the rally plan for August will have Levels listed along with the name of instructors and times of lessons. You will need to look carefully at what level the lesson is going to be aimed at, at particular times. The instructors will be asked to plan lessons for that level (or levels, for eg: 4 & 3 might be listed, or 2 &1) for that timeslot. Some advantages will be: • Instructors will be better able to plan their lessons for us • Riders will get more benefit from riding with other horses/riders of the same level • Members will have a better idea of where they best fit in (this is especially so for new members who do not know the level of other horses and riders) • Less time will be lost from instructors having to cater for largely different abilities in one lesson and therefore more progress achieved If you have not been assessed, do not despair! Either have a look at the tests and preambles for each level, which can be found at the HRCAV website, or ask an instructor or someone with relevant experience for their opinion. Perhaps this rally is a good time to ask the instructor you are having lessons with, what lesson level they think you should put yourself in. The rally plan will be rotated each month so that different levels will be available at different times (for eg you will not have to ride at 10am or 2.30pm with your favourite instructor EVERY rally). You might find that if you can only ride at a particular time for some reason, that you will need to try a different instructor occasionally. As mentioned in previous newsletters, we may all need to be a bit flexible and adaptable at times to get the best results overall. There will be an adjustment period, as there is with any changes being made, and your input and feedback is welcomed. If you have suggestions that could help, please talk to Ian or other committee members about your ideas. And if possible, please attend the meetings! Please note that if you slot yourself into a Level 4/3 lesson and you ride at Level 1, you will need to fit in with the Level stated on the rally plan. 5 MA NELY NEW S P AGE 6 Rally Structures We’ve still been busily discussing how to get the most out of our rally days, and something that keeps coming up in conversation is the idea of getting in specialist or guest instructors. Next year we might have to come up with a plan so that we can fit some new and different instructors into our rallies throughout the year. If you have anyone in mind, please do tell!! Another idea has been to get some alternative lessons happening, such as: plaiting techniques, make up/showing preparation; handymount/trail activities; float loading or ground work training etc. Again, more ideas would be great (and names of people to take the classes would be even better!!) We can probably utilize many of our own members if we think about it, and the hardest part could well be just working out how to timetable these things. Please come and share any ideas you come up with :) Some of our members have been working on a ‘Survey Monkey’ survey to try to find out what exactly it is that our members would like to get out of being a member of Ballarat ARC. It’s still on the table, and will happen, but there’s just so much to ask and find out about! Would you like to see a return of the suggestions box? Would that make it easier? Feedback, feedback, feedback, that’s what we need!! WVDC AGM As always, the Western Victoria Dressage Club has extended a welcoming invitation to all our members to attend their AGM. Every year the club brings in a guest WEDNESDAY JULY 30TH speaker who shares their wealth of knowledge in their field. This is SEBASTOPOL BOWLING the blurb for this year’s speaker: CLUB— "Dr Brian Anderson has been a veterinarian for almost 28 years. He is a FUNCTION ROOM partner and specialist equine surgeon at the Ballarat Veterinary Practice Drinks from 6pm (bar prices) Equine Clinic. Every day he examines lame horses, many with a complaint of back pain. The diagnosis of back pain can be difficult and often involves Dinner for $33.50 at 7pm MUST advanced imaging procedures. Recently, he attended the 23rd Annual Meeting BE PRE-BOOKED, of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in Copenhagen, Denmark where email Sue Nevett at he had the opportunity to gain new information on the diagnosis and treatment of back problems in horses. He will give us an insight into common and troublesome back problems that can affect our equine athletes and the Talk starts at 8.30 latest information on how best to manage them." Saddleworld Discounts BARC members are reminded that when you purchase products from Saddleworld in Ballarat, you will receive a discount when you mention that you are a member of Ballarat Adult Riding Club. Saddleworld also set aside a % of this sale/discount that goes towards the club! You will receive 7% off and the club receives 3% of the sale. (This offer will not be applicable for certain sale items etc) P AGE MA NELY 7 NEW S Christmas in July!! OH WHAT A NIGHT! Hopefully everyone who was able to attend our Christmas in July Dinner agrees that it was a lovely night out. And we even had a surprise visit from Santa!! Now, wasn’t that just the highlight!?! It was terrific to see many new members in attendance and hopefully they got the chance to mingle and meet some of us ‘oldies’. We even had 3 of our instructors along (Robert wore both caps as he is a member as well as a regular instructor, plus Sue Short and Marianne Crawford joined us). Past member Deb Keith was there, as was Sue Lowther who brought along a great array of door prizes and goodies for us courtesy of Phoenix Feeds! Felicity won the book that Sue donated, and Lyn and Sandi won 30min rides/lessons on Bobby the mechanical horse (he was at our Golden Spurs competition in the red tent). But the evening definitely hit its peak when Santa arrived! All members had to go and have a sit on Santa’s knee before they received their gift (which Liz and I (Sandi) had fun purchasing at Horseland in Ballarat (thanks for the discount guys), and Judy topped-up with a few extras from Petstock on Saturday when I panicked that we might not have enough Christmas presents for everyone—thank you both for your help with the shopping!) And Lyn’s horsey piñatas –wow!! It looked like I should have been using the video function on my camera when some of our members went up to see Santa (not mentioning any names of course....), and Santa was instantly nicknamed Bad Santa (not really his fault he got ridden like a horse though is it??) A few gift exchanges were negotiated after we un-wrapped our goodies, and most people seemed pleased with their presents :) Overall, quite a fun night out with riding club friends, our partners and no children in tow!! MA NELY NEW S P AGE Out and About: Member’s Results! Congrats!! I’ve only received a couple of results from members who’ve been out competing. I know there were a few of us who scratched from the Smythesdale competition at the end of June due to the disgusting weather leading up to and on the day, but Caroline and Ian both braved the elements with great results. Well done you two! Smythesdale ARC Single Dressage Test Competition, June 29. While the weather was indeed shocking and my soaking wet jods was akin to wearing a wet nappy around - being an Eventer, Dante coped quite well with the wind, rain and the hail that was present throughout the day and during my level two test. Given it was a single test competition I decided we would have a go at the Level 1 test and I was really pleased with how my darling boy handled the test in such trying conditions. Results: Dante and Caroline Taylor : Test 2.4 First Place Test 1.4 5th BEDS Dressage Series, Leighdale Equestrian Club, Leighdale, July 5th Dante and Caroline Taylor: Test 1.3 2nd Place Test 1.4 5th Place Reserve Champion Dressage Jackpot Hi Sandi, For the "Out and About", Mickey and I were out and about last weekend and picked up a 7th place in SARC's M-C and before that we picked up a sixth place at Level 3 for what may be Mickey's last official comp at SARC's Winter Dressage Day. Kind Regards, Ian Front Gate PLEASE MAKE SURE THE GATE GETS CLOSED BEHIND YOU! It needs to remain shut for the safety of all concerned. If the gate is open when you arrive (goodness knows why it would be but it has happened!) SHUT IT BEHIND YOU when you enter. 8 MA NELY NEW S P AGE For Sale One of our past members, Tania Andel, is selling some horses and following is a list of some of them that are advertised in the Vichorse forum. Tania is keen to sell these horses to the right homes and would prefer the word of mouth method and thus asked if any members are interested. So, here you go! Courtier - Warmblood cross Thoroughbred Courts is being advertised for $8,800.00 but I am willing to sell her for $6,600.00 to a recommended (vouched for home). If you highly recommend the buyers than I will drop the price down a little more to ensure that they go to the right homes. Glamour Puss - Percheron Cross StockHorse - Showjumper & Broodmare Claret Cup - Chestnut Mare Thoroughbred - Pony Club / Eventer Tommy - Percheron / Stockhorse cross Warmblood - Showjumping bloodlines Injured offside eye - free to the right home. Jake Buttons - Shetland Stallion - BLACK Put a price of $300.00 on him but am happy for him to go to the right home for free. The previous owners I was told used to have kids that rode him. I am not sure if this is true. He is a rather small fellow and untruly adorable. I saved him from going to the knackery. There are other horses that will be for sale from me but for now if you know of any interested parties that you can recommend I would be happy to hear from them. Thanks Tania Andel 0455 811 117 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 9 MA NELY NEW S For Sale P AGE FOR SALE KIA MAGENTIS EX Automatic. 163,500kms. Full service history. Excellent condition. 11 month registration. No problems car. $8,500 ONO. Ph: 53 461 295 FOR SALE: DODGE DUAL CAB HORSE TRUCK D5N 1977. 3 hacks or 4 hack/pony combo. Fridge, stove, sink, microwave, Luton peak king-sized bed area, hydraulic tailgate with backup cable winch. New 318 V8 engine 2005 dual fuel. Good tyres. Currently registered but selling with no roadworthy . Inc. some spare parts. Needs some body work. $5000ONO. Ph: 53 461 295 FOR SALE: TRACTOR FIAT 415 Restoration project. Starts and runs. Rear forks and carry-all. Inc. some parts. $1700 ONO. PH: 53 461 295 10 CONTACT LIST PRESIDENT: CHRIS GASS Ready to ride? • • • • Ph 53 428 461 Email • • • VICE PRESIDENT & RALLY COORDINATOR: IAN MILNE Ph 53 448 440 M 0408 448668 Email SECRETARY: LYN WOLFF Contacted Ian and booked your lessons? Got your medical armband? (up to date?) Red top to wear? (optional but encouraged) All your gear sorted? (approved helmets and boots are a must) Lunch for you and your horse? Prepared for all weather? (from sunscreen to coat!) Some coins for the lunchtime raffle? Where to get……….. Most information about the club can be found on the club website. • MEDICAL ARMBANDS — can be purchased from Saddlery stores and Jeff’s repair shop—Central Equestrian Repairs (corner of Skipton and South Streets). Medical Armbands MUST be worn when riding at a rally. • UNIFORM— red items can be purchased anywhere you find them. Embroidery can be done at: Tashwood Horse Rugs in Dereel (appointment req); Budget Embroidery; The HipPocket (Howitt St). Please check the website for details regarding club uniform requirements for competing. Club Website Ph 0408 422 694 Email TREASURER: KATHERYN ARMSTRONG Email Ph 5334 7581 (preferred no.) Mobile 0422 227706 Postal Address: 9 Heron Ridge BROWN HILL 3350 If you have not already done so, please take some time and have a look around our club website. It contains a great deal of information regarding our club, the way it runs, copies of previous newsletters, photo galleries, links and copies of rules, information about our dressage mini comp and lots more! If you notice anything missing or incorrect, please feel free to send me an email or give me a call. Photos to be included in the gallery must be owned by you, and then I’d be delighted to include them in the gallery! Just email them to me in a suitable size (not millions of meg!!) NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE: SANDI BOWMAN Email: Ph: 53461181 Web Address: