November 2012
November 2012
THE PUBLICATION OF THE TEXAS STATE FLORISTS’ ASSOCIATION The Bloomin’ Texan November 2012 Member Spotlight Quick Takes Emotions of Flowers — TSFA Presents at the Texas State Fair Focus on Design The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 1 Education is the foundation FOR SUCCESS…. The really successful florists come to Floriology® Institute Every school provides education.... we continue by providing support and opportunity - JACKIE LACEY FLORIOLOGY® INSTITUTE OFFERS AIFD, PFCI, CFD Principles & Elements Modern Twist on Everyday Design Wedding & Party and Events Sympathy of Today Competition/Certification Sales Webinar Series ENROLL NOW! At or call 1-800-BloomNet (1-800-256-6663) The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 2 The Bloomin’ Texan N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 n V O L U M E XXXVIII n N U M B E R 11 Table of Contents 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 Member Spotlight TSFA Presents: “The Emotions of Flowers: A Kaleidoscope of Color” during the Texas State Fair Texas High School Floral Education is Blooming Focus on Design 2012-2013 TSFA Committees TSFA Statement of Ownership TSFA Education Presents “Florist” Term Grows in Mobile, Online Searches 3 5 13 15 15 Letter From the President Quick Takes TSFA Order Exchange Network Calendar of Events Advertisers Index Departments THE BLOOMIN’ TEXAN The Official Publication of the Texas State Florists’ Association P.O. Box 170760 • Austin, Texas 78717 512.834-0361 • FAX 512.834-2150 • 800.375-0361 • • E-mail: TSFA BOARD President: Bruce Easley AAF TMFA.........................Gun Barrel City Immediate Past President: Patrick Berry............................... Dallas First Vice President: Pam Fuller AAF TMFA...................... Harlingen Second Vice President: Peggy Franklin TMF.....................McKinney Retail Directors: Ann Cain.................................................................. Rockwall Kaywin Kubesch AIFD TMFA..................................... Flatonia Mary McCarthy TMFA......................................The Woodlands Elaine Nevarez........................................................... Houston Wholesale Directors: Doug Liedtke............................................................. Amarillo Hein Verver...............................................................Arlington Grower Director: John Cochrum.........................................Stafford STAFF Executive Director ............................................................. Dianna Nordman AAF Administrative Assistant....................................................................Emily Kissler The Bloomin’ Texan (USPS 304-350) is published monthly, except for July. $8 of the annual membership dues is applied toward a subscription to The Bloomin’ Texan. Located at 9004-C Anderson Mill Rd., Austin, TX 78729. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect official policy of the Texas State Florists’ Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Bloomin’ Texan, P.O. Box 170760, Austin, TX 78717. Letter From the President By the time this magazine goes to print, Dianna and I will have attended NAFA convention in Hartford, Connecticut. I can tell you that we are one lucky Florist Association. We have a lot to be THANKFUL for. In a time when businesses and organizations have struggled to keep their heads above water, we have managed to keep TSFA a thriving and relevant source of floral education for our members. Networking with our membership has kept us current and helped us expand our businesses in a way we never thought we could. I am THANKFUL for all our Bruce Easley AAF TMFA President members who have shared their struggles and successes with me in the last few years because it has helped me to grow my business by learning from others. We have come a long way since the Pilgrims and Indians. Today, we get together with our families and stuff ourselves with turkey and pumpkin pie and are grateful when our favorite team wins the game. But do we really take the time to show our gratitude for the bigger things? I have come up with a few ideas I would like to share. 1. Don’t take your fortunes for granted. Choose to say “Thank You” often. These two special words can make the difference in someone’s life. 2. A small gift to a homeless shelter, women’s shelter, or nursing home. Maybe even a small homemade gift of decorations. 3. Clean all the pots and pans after dineer before anyone has to ask, especially if you didn’t cook. 4. Always say grace. 5. Gather old toys, clothes, and home furnishings and take them to a homeless shelter or Salvation Army. Make this a family project. 6. Do something unexpected for a loved one. 7. Show your gratitude to a favorite small business by spreading the word about it to a friend to help them grow. Who knows, maybe they will return the favor. 8. Thank your feet for all the standing and thank your hands for all the hard work they do by treating yourself to a massage. 9. Show your gratitude for the beauty of nature and give your lawn some TLC. Plant some new seeds. 10. Drop a little email or handwritten note to co-workers or employees telling them what a good job they do and what an asset they are. 11. Thank a Veteran! 12. Lastly, take time to reflect on why you are doing the job you do. Remember to smell the plants and flowers and enjoy their beauty for as long as you possibly can. I am THANKFUL to Texas State Florists’ Association for giving me extremely incredible friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving! The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 3 N TIO LICA B E PU The TH TS’ RIS FLO TE STA N ON ATI OCI exan ASS in’ T Bloom AS X E TE TH OF mb ove 012 er 2 ber Mem ht Spotlig Quick s Take ions Emot ers of Flow FA — TS ts at es Pr en xas Te the Fair State s on Focu n Desig r 2012 ’ Texan vembe u No /1 oomin The Bl Dianna Nordman AAF Editor Barb Donovan Production 2012-2013 TSFA Bloomin’ Texan Editorial Advisory Board Ann Cain, Chair J.J. Akin TMF Nora Cisneros TMFA Rebecca J. Espinosa TMFA Annie Fentz Jimmy Klepac Dov E. Kupfer AIFD CFD Elaine Nevarez Sandy Ramirez TMFA Rey Rodriguez AAF CFD TMFA Cover Credit: Floral design by Alex Jackson AIFD PFCI, Phoenix Flower Shops, Phoenix, AZ Photography by Ron Derhacopian P.O. Box 170760 Austin, TX 78717 Office: (512) 834-0361 FAX: (512) 834-2150 Toll Free: (800) 375-0361 Email: Member Spotlight Name: Kathy Green, TMFA Title: General Manager Shop: Olive Tree Florist Year in Industry: 16+ Family: Kevin, 18 and Megan, 23, who recently married the love of her life, Omar Favorite Movie: Not a fan of movies, but enjoy watching Bones and Lie to Me when possible. Favorite place to go to get away: My brother’s house in the country. How did you get into the floral industry? Started as a driver and loved the recipient’s excitement when receiving flowers and I wanted more. Inspired and motivated by Martha Krause (Autumn Leaves), I opened my own shop, attended every hands-on class available through Allied Florists of Houston and TSFA and then received my TMFA certification. I recently merged with another flower shop and I am now General Manager of Olive Tree Florist, Bloomfields Floral Market and Bloomfields Weddings. Years involved with TSFA: 15+ Passion(s): Serving others and working with fresh flowers. I also love volunteering. I recently graduated from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Citizen’s Police Academy and will begin to be “2nd man” on ride alongs with patrolling deputies and also be participating in several areas to assist the HCSO in programs they sponsor. What about them inspires you? Making a difference in other people’s lives. Greatest accomplishment: Opening a business with no experience that afforded me the opportunity to bring my children to work with me. Who is your hero? My friend, Herman Lauhoff. As the Personnel Manager of an oil & gas company, Herman hired me as his secretary when I was 18 years old (just a few years ago). A year later, he became a State Representative and I continued to be his “right arm” throughout his 8 years in office. Annise Parker, now Mayor of Houston, was an employee at that company and Ed Emmott, now Harris County Judge, was an awesome legislative aide in Herman’s office during that time. He has taught me many things throughout the years and has become a well-respected, long-time family friend. Although Parkinson’s disease has slowed him down a bit, he continues to be a very special person in my life. Your design icon? Jim Johnson Biggest thing left on your life “to-do” list? Be a grandmother Words of Wisdom? Learn something new every day. Bless someone. Get involved. Greatest Indulgence? Dr Pepper Coveted Item? An origami heart given to me by my daughter What would you be doing if you weren’t in the floral industry? Spending more time with my children. The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 4 Quick Takes Cell Phone Tour Guides Wherever you wander, odds are you’re carrying a cell phone. Armed with the right apps, it can make your travel a richly rewarding experience, driven by a combination of cutting-edge technology and insider info. Layar is a glimpse into the future, using augmented reality technology to overlay information on a live image taken with your cell phone camera. The app knows where you are, thanks to the phone’s GPS, and it knows where you’re pointing, thanks to the built-in motion sensors and compass. That means, if you’re standing in Times Square and pointing your camera phone north, it can superimpose on-screen icons for every theater, hotel and historic spot. What makes Layar extremely flexible is the option to decide what you’d like displayed by choosing a “layer” of information. There are thousands of available layers, some free and some for sale, covering the U.S. and world destinations. The Layar app is a free download for Android and iPhone. 7,218 The total collection of plants listed in the Native Plant Information Network, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s online catalog of flora with origins in North America. To search for plants, visit the database at You can find flowers, herbs, shrubs, and trees to fit your specifications. iPhone Internet Icons By: Emily Kissler Ever wonder what the square with the arrow means or what it does? If you tap it, you get a menu of options. These options include: Add Bookmark: This option works the same way that it does on a computer. The website is added to a list of other websites and can be accessed more with just a few clicks (or taps). This is generally good for websites that you visit fairly often. You can retrieve them by clicking on the book icon (to the right of the arrow) at the bottom of the website page. Add to Reading List: We often don’t have time to read an article in full before we get interrupted. By adding it to your Reading List, you can return to the article whenever you are ready to finish it. You can access the Reading List by clicking the book icon on the bottom of the screen and choosing “Reading List” from the top. It has a little glasses icon on it so you know you are entering the right place. Add to Home Screen: This option is great if you access a website extremely frequently. This option will create an icon that looks like an app on your Home Screen. When you tap this icon, you will be taken straight to the website. Mail Link to this Page and Tweet: Ever read an article or see a video that you want to share with someone or everyone? These options give you a quick, easy way to do just that. You can email the web address to a friend(s) just by tapping “Mail Link to this Page”. Fill out the “To” information and send. Want to share it on your Twitter Account? Hit “Tweet”, fill in the needed information, and send. Simple as that! Print: Paired with a Mac ready printer, you can print anything you need wirelessly. The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 5 TSFA Presents: “The Emotions of Flowers: A Kaleidoscope of Color” During the Texas State Fair I t was a cold, wet and rainy day but that did not stop State Fair goers, TSFA President Bruce Easley AAF TMFA, and First Vice-President Pam Fuller AAF TMFA from embracing the excitement of the State Fair and the endless learning opportunities available (along with a little fun)! The stage in Texas Department of Agriculture’s Food & Fiber Pavilion was the setting for a fantastic floral program about emotions, color and flowers. Webster defines Kaleidoscope as “An endless variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms” and that is just what the attendees received. Bruce told the flower buyers “Flowers create feelings that enhance our mood through their design and color scheme.” As Bruce was sharing the five emotions with the audience, Pam designed a fall harvest arrangement on stage. “Throughout our busy and hectic lives we seek to rejuvenate ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We all need a boost or pick-me-up every now & then. Right?” Audience members were quick to agree! Bruce wanted to know “How many of you here today have received a bouquet of flowers in the last year? 2 years? EVER? Did you receive flowers because it was a special day for you like: A Birthday or Anniversary? We’re you feeling under the weather and needed something “Bright and Cheerful” to pick you up? Were your spirits low after losing a loved one?” Displayed on stage were five beautiful examples of arrangements sharing the Society of American Florists emotional color palettes that are expressed through color combinations in floral arrangements and the flowers that bring them to life. NURTURING — Coveys a “true sense of caring”. Usually in pastel tones. Warm & Soft peaches, pinks, yellows, whites, and subtle greens. These arrangements are great for a new mother, a sick friend, or a grieving loved one or anyone who would benefit from a caring and loving embrace. ROMANTIC — A sense of intimacy, nostalgia, and comfort is captured in this color palette. Delicate warm and cool colors blended together with pinks and lavenders. Romantic arrangements express loving sentiments and admiration to wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and brides-to-be. SENSUOUS — The rich, luxurious color combination of the sensuous palette set the mood for sophisticated, passionate, and even seductive settings. Robust The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 6 Texas High School Floral Education is Blooming! By Shana Brittain TMF T he Texas Education Agency has recently recognized Floral Design as a fine arts class for high school students in Texas. Fine arts is a required class and this has caused a rapid growth in the number of floral design classes being taught around the state. The Texas State Florists’ Association is working to make sure that teachers who are teaching these classes have the proper knowledge and expertise to instruct these classes with rigor and exacting standards. Teachers may participate in the TSFA Ag Science Floral Professional Development classes and students may certify through the TSFA high school certification process. reds and purples, hot pink and spicy oranges are at the soul of this dynamic floral feeling. An arrangement for a special evening or dinner party would be appropriate. This palette gives a sense of extravagance. TRANQUIL — Serenity and relaxation are the essence of this color scheme. Its peaceful palette is reminiscent of sky and sea with colors of clear, light greens, misty blues, and other cool hues. A vase of tranquility is great for calming those stressed people who are constantly hurried and on the go. WHIMSICAL — The whimsical palette is free spirited, fun-loving, and playful. Bold colors, for instance primary colors that are contrasting like reds, blues, greens, and yellows are perfect for this emotion. Great for birthdays, graduations, promotions, and other celebrations. It can take just one quick call to your florists, a profession that for over a century has designed arrangements to make all moments special. President Easley directed the consumer to visit where they will find professional florist members of the Texas State Florists’ Association who will create an arrangement that express their personal emotion. is a free benefit to TSFA retail owner members. To get listed online on, email ( or call (512.834.0361) the TSFA office. The high school certification process has rapidly become a great success with over 1,700 students certifying since 2004. These students often go on to work for retail shops or wholesalers and even pursue college degrees in floral fields. One such example is Ashton Lucas, who is a senior at Center High School. Ashton certified as a sophomore and worked during her junior year at a local gift shop doing Christmas arrangements and wreaths. She has also created bridal party flowers including bridal bouquets through the Agri-business marketing class. Ashton is planning to attend Texas A&M to study floriculture and hopes to open a floral shop of her own one day! As TSFA members you can be a big help to this education effort. What can you do? 1. Find out if your local high school has a floral design program and, if not, encourage them to start one. 2. Check with your local teachers and let them know what TSFA can do for them. (Classes, Scholarships, Certifications and Support) Many agricultural teachers are not aware of the classes and opportunities that TSFA has made available for them. 3. Offer to do teaching demonstrations for the schools, allow classes to tour your shop and hire student helpers when advantageous. We have a wonderful opportunity to begin growing our industry and create a pool of trained workers. Take a little time to start building a relationship with your local high school and help high school floral design education to bloom! The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 7 focus on design Floral design AAF, PFCIPFCI Floral design by by Rich RichSalvaggio SalvaggioAIFD, AIFD, AAF, Photography by by Ron Ron Derhacopian Photography Derhacopian For productwith information, see to Buy, page 66. Reprinted permission of Where Flowers& magazine A collection of small clear vases makes a versatile holiday display. Some of these are filled with artificial snow, others with cranberries. Customers can choose their favorites, buy as few or as many as they like to enliven a holiday table, and cluster them or place them here and there among the plates and serving dishes. • Make artificial snow according to directions and spoon it into clear vases. Millimeter balls, cranberries, artificial berries, and glittered stars provide stem support, in addition to their decorative value. • The “snow” gives the fresh flowers sufficient moisture as long as you add water every day, using a mister. Variations include using an ornament, nestled in the snow, as a vase. At far right, a mini calla is tethered in a horizontal position with lily grass and red aluminum wire, threaded through an artificial berry. b The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 8 The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 9 2012-2013 TSFA Committees Achievement Committee Bruce Easley AAF TMFA, Chair Capt’n B’ Florist, Etc. Gun Barrel City, TX Peggy Franklin TMF Franklin’s Flowers, McKinney, TX Pam Fuller AAF TMFA Bloomer’s Flower Shop, Harlingen, TX Ambassador Committee Patrick Berry Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse Dallas, TX Ann Cain The Flower Box, Rockwall, TX Renee Dahl TMFA A Bed of Roses, Austin, TX Annie Fentz Pressed Garden, Austin, TX Lenzie Fuller TMF Bloomer’s Flower Shop, Harlingen, TX Pam Fuller AAF TMFA Bloomer’s Flower Shop, Harlingen, TX Kathy Green TMFA Olive Tree Florist, Houston, TX Nicola Parker TMFA g. johnson’s Floral Images, Spring, TX Sandy J. Ramirez TMFA Bloomstreet, Wimberley, TX Bloomin’ Texan Advisory C ommittee Ann Cain, Chair The Flower Box, Rockwall, TX J.J. Akin TMF Nimitz High School, Grand Prairie, TX Nora Cisneros TMFA Flowers of Kingwood, Kingwood, TX Rebecca J. Espinosa TMFA An Empty Vase, Boerne, TX Annie Fentz Pressed Garden, Austin, TX Jimmy Klepac, Jr. Klepac Greenhouses Inc., Blanco, TX Dov E. Kupfer AIFD CFD Designs By Dov E., El Paso, TX Elaine Nevarez Elaine’s Florist & Gift Baskets Houston, TX Sandy J. Ramirez TMFA Bloomstreet, Wimberley, TX Rey Rodriguez AAF CFD TMFA A Rey of Flowers, Pleasanton, TX Bylaws Committee Jack Cross, Jr. AAF TMFA, Chair Arthur Pfeil Smart Flowers San Antonio, TX Pam Fuller AAF TMFA Bloomer’s Flower Shop, Harlingen, TX Elaine Nevarez Elaine’s Florist & Gift Baskets Houston, TX John Priest Priest International, Inc., Dallas, TX Education Committee Peggy Franklin TMF, Co-Chair Franklin’s Flowers, McKinney, TX Pam Fuller AAF TMFA, Co-Chair Bloomer’s Flower Shop, Harlingen, TX Debbie Woltmann TMFA, Co-Chair Brenham Floral Company, Brenham, TX J.J. Akin TMF Nimitz High School, Grand Prairie, TX Joshua Anderson TMF James Madison High School San Antonio, TX Shana Brittain TMF Center High School, Center, TX Elaine Carrell TMFA E Designs, Cypress, TX Shawn Coyle TMF Dallas ISD Skyline Career Dev. Center Dallas, TX The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 10 Renee Dahl TMFA A Bed of Roses, Austin, TX Kathy Green TMFA Olive Tree Florist, Houston, TX Luke Harwell TMF, Abilene, TX Pat Hermes TMF Weddings In Bloom, Houston, TX Gregg Hoppe AIFD TMF McShan Florist, Dallas, TX Sheri Jentsch TMF Blumen-Meisters, New Braunfels, TX Jim Johnson AAF AIFD TMFA Texas A&M University Dept Of Horticultural Science College Station, TX Lana K. King TMF Rain Forest Flowers, Houston, TX Dov E. Kupfer AIFD CFD Designs By Dov E., El Paso, TX Kevin Land TMF Lehman High School, Kyle, TX Lupe Martinez TMF Brandon’s Flowers, Pampa, TX Mikaela May TMF Crowley, TX Bill McKinley AIFD CFD Department of Horticultural Sciences Texas A&M University College Station, TX Kimberly Murphy TMF Gary’s Floral Gallery, Abilene, TX Nicola Parker TMFA g. johnson’s Floral Images, Spring, TX Ann Marie Payne TMF Mystic Floral & Garden Wichita Falls, TX Sandy J. Ramirez TMFA Bloomstreet, Wimberley, TX Brandon Richards TMF Brandon’s Flowers, Pampa, TX Rey Rodriguez AAF CFD TMFA A Rey of Flowers, Pleasanton, TX Shari Sandlin TMFA Baytown, TX Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA PS Designs, Austin, TX Cheryl Vaughan TMF Creative Petal Designs Dripping Springs, TX Courtney Wilson TMF Hardin-Jefferson High School Sour Lake, TX Election Committee Jack Weatherford, Chair Weatherford Farms Inc., Stafford, TX Jack Cross, Jr. AAF TMFA Arthur Pfeil Smart Flowers San Antonio, TX Judy Rutledge AAF TMFA Loki Gardens, Houston, TX Shari Sandlin TMFA Baytown, TX Joel Paul Shirley TMF San Angelo, TX Sheri White AAF TMFA Botanical Designs By Montgomery Baytown, TX Debbie Woltmann TMFA Brenham Floral Company Brenham, TX Finance Committee Hein Verver, Chair Zoom! Roses, Irving, TX Jack Cross, Jr. AAF TMFA Arthur Pfeil Smart Flowers San Antonio, TX Ken Freytag Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX Jimmy Klepac, Jr. Klepac Greenhouses, Inc., Blanco, TX Joel Paul Shirley TMF San Angelo, TX Jack Weatherford Weatherford Farms Inc., Stafford, TX Investment Committee Hein Verver, Chair Zoom! Roses, Irving, TX Ken Freytag Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX Elaine Nevarez Elaine’s Florist & Gift Baskets Houston, TX John Priest Priest International, Inc., Dallas, TX Jack Weatherford Weatherford Farms Inc., Stafford, TX Sheri White AAF TMFA Botanical Designs By Montgomery Baytown, TX Legislative Committee Jack Weatherford, Chair Weatherford Farms Inc., Stafford, TX Chad Freytag Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX Jimmy Klepac, Jr. Klepac Greenhouses, Inc., Blanco, TX Doug Liedtke J&E Wholesale Floral, Amarillo, TX Debbie Woltmann TMFA Brenham Floral Company, Brenham, TX Nominating Committee Debbie Woltmann TMFA, Chair Brenham Floral Company, Brenham, TX Patrick Berry Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse Dallas, TX Judy Rutledge AAF TMFA Loki Gardens, Houston, TX Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA PS Designs, Austin, TX Debbie Wright AAF TMFA Enchanted Florist, Pasadena, TX Technology Committee Chad Freytag, Chair Freytag’s Florist, Austin, TX J.J. Akin TMF Nimitz High School, Grand Prairie, TX The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 11 Patrick Berry Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse Dallas, TX Nathan Harwell, Abilene, TX Bill McKinley AIFD CFD Department of Horticulture Science, Texas A&M University College Station, TX Elaine Nevarez Elaine’s Florist & Gift Baskets Houston, TX Courtney Wilson TMF Hardin-Jefferson High School Sour Lake, TX TSFA Education Presents two hands-on workshops. Explore how body flowers have changed dramatically and be a trendsetter with your tropical designs. You will learn and practice hands-on! January 26, 2013 Hampton Inn & Suites-Longview, Texas TSFA Member price is $95.00 and includes both hands on classes all materials and a light lunch. Please bring your personal design tools. Others $145.00. Registration is limited to 35. Registration Deadline: January, 17, 2013 Registration Information Name: _____________________________________________Shop__________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________City_________________________ State______ Zip_____________ Email: _____________________________ Shop telephone: _______________________Cell: _____________________________ TSFA Member: ______Yes ______No ________I would like to learn more about TSFA. Class Times January 26, 2013 9:30 am – Noon “Exquisite Exotics“ Gregg Hoppe will offer new techniques to turn your tropical arrangements into an exquisite arrangement of beauty. Learn care and handling to help make your tropicals ones your customers will truly enjoy! Instructor: Gregg Hoppe AIFD TMF 12:00 – 12:45 pm Lunch (Included with registration fee) 12:45 pm – 1:00 pm Participate in a quick discussion on how social media can increase sales in your business. 1:00 – 3:30 pm “Body Flowers in the iAge” Instructor: Pat Shirley-Becker AIFD TMFA See the latest trends in this Information Age, learn the importance of design in body flowers, the technique of gluing, packaging and presentation, how to market your designs and make a profit while using trends in decorative wire, bling, bracelets, rings and things! _____Check Enclosed Credit Card information: Number__________________________________________________Exp___________Code_______ Billing Zip:_____________________Name on Card______________________________________________________________ Mail registration to: Texas State Florists’ Association, PO Box 170760, Austin, TX 78717 Email to: • Fax to: 512.834.2150 Questions? 512.834.0361 The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 12 “Florist” Term Grows in Mobile, Online Searches By Ira Silvergleit Reprinted with permission from SAF Wednesday E-Brief The term “florists” was the fifth fastest growing search category during the first quarter of 2012, up 59 percent from the end of 2011, according to YP Local Ad Network, a company that analyzes local searches, media and advertising. The results reflect both total online and mobile (smartphone and Tablet) category searches. Overall, the top-ten fastest growing searches and their percent increases were: 1. Family Services 164% 2. Wedding Planning & Supplies 76 3. Pharmacies 68 4. Security Services 59 5. Florists 59 6. Construction 49 7. Auto Sales 49 8. Auto Parts 46 9. Landscaping & Lawn Services 40 10. Boats & Boating 40 In the online category, florists were the third fastest growing search category, up 66 percent. The fastest was Family Services, a category that includes searches for midwives, pregnancy centers, and child rearing instruction, up 204 percent. Wedding planning was fourth in growth among online searches, up 65 percent, but it was number one in mobile searches, up 149 percent. Landscaping and lawn services made number nine on the list. YP Local Insight explained the surge in florist and related searches to “the holiday engagement season,” where couples initiated their wedding related planning in the first quarter of 2012, following an engagement during the 2011 December holidays. Other related searches that saw big gains, not mentioned in the table above, included caterers (29 percent) and party planning (17 percent). And here’s a trend alert from the report: mobile search is quickly catching up to online searches. Flowers& magazine Now in Both Print & Digital Formats Exciting news! Subscribers to the print edition of Flowers& are now receiving links each month to view the current issue online. For more information, or to subscribe, visit us at: Scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet to learn more about digital issues---or go to _____MichiganFloral__finalad.indd 1 The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 13 9/21/12 8:11 AM TSFA Order Exchange Network Shirley Floral Com & Green 440 W Beauregard San Angelo, TX 76903 Joel Pa e-mail: Pre B A Y T O W N TSFA Order Exchange Network — Support Your Advertisers! Support Your Advertisers! B A SHERI Y MONTGOMERY WHITET AAF • TMFA O 610 PARK STREET BAYTOWN, TXW 77520 281 427 7454 888 538 7721 N SPECIALIZING IN FLORAL EXCELLENCE • • • • GUN BARREL CITY SAN ANTONIO BURNET/MARBLE FALLS ABILENE 440 W Beauregard Angelo, TX 76903 S CORPUS San CHRISTI e-mail: Greg Waters Gary Norman Owner FLOWER & GIFT SHOPS 1800 Industrial - Abilene, TX 79602 Phone: (325) 695-7000 MCKINNEY AUSTIN 109 N. MAIN BURNET, TX 78611 2105 HWY. 281 NORTH MARBLE FALLS, TX 78654 (512) 756-4401 (830) 693-7006 AUSTIN SAN ANGELO Shirley Floral Company & Greenhouse A Wholesa Joel Paul Shirley President 440 W Beauregard San Angelo, TX 76903 e-mail: HOUSTON BURNET/MARBLE FALLS Phone: 325 655-9111 Fax: 325 653-8585 800 588-9111 1-800-252-9145 Fax 1-512-345-1336 Ken Freytag • TSFA Past President DALLAS SAN ANTONIO Fresh flowers from arou (817) 457-9 DALLAS theconnectionwholesa A Whole Fresh flowers from ar (817) 457 theconnectionwhole Est. 1935 401 WEST 20TH STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77008 FLOWER & GIFT SHOPS 109 N. MAIN BURNET, TX 78611 2105 HWY. 281 NORTH MARBLE FALLS, TX 78654 (512) 756-4401 (830) 693-7006 713.862.8811 800.723.3252 fax 713.864.2686 AUSTIN The Bloomin’ Texan ◆ WACO FORT WORTH A Wholesale Florist Fresh flowers from around the world 1-800-252-9145 Fax 1-512-345-1336 350 color photos! (817) 457-9869 200 line drawings and diagrams. Ken Freytag • TSFA Past President 8 1/2 x 11. 375 pp. $69.95 ($5.00 postage; $5.77 sales tax for TX residents) The Bloomin’ Texan ◆ Design Smart… Find it Here 214-324-2481 800-mcshans Dallas Metroplex Texas State Florists' Associations' 94thcorsages, Annualsympathy Convention Show Weddings, tributes,and partyTrade decorations, plant and flower care,July shop 13-16, management, arrangements for 2007 all occasions. Embassy SuitesandHotel-Austin Palmer Events Center Director Instructor BillDowntown McKinley &—The a nationally recognized educator with experience as a block flower shop owner Pleasefloral makedesign your reservations soon as the room NowState offering the Texas Florists'advanced Associationclasses. has held at the Forwill a class schedule: Embassy fill up. Telephone the Embassy at (800) BENZ SCHOOL 362-2779, mention the Texas State Florists' Association P.O. Box 9909, College and receive a discounted rate Station, of $119 TX king77842 or $129 dou(979) 845-3841 ble. Discounted rates are guaranteed through June 21, 2007 or until the TSFA room block is full. The Bloomin’ Texan November The Bloomin’ Texan u ◆ May 2007 / 13 2012 / 14 ents oF Ev r a d n e l a C A TSF November 2012 4 Daylight Savings Time ends 4 TSFA Board of Directors Meeting, 9am, Renaissance Hotel, Austin, TX. 6 Election Day 11 Veterans Day 22 Thanksgiving December 2012 8 Hanukkah Begins 22 First Day of Winter 25 Christmas 31 New Year’s Eve January 2013 26 TSFA is bringing hands-on classes to Longview, TX. Space is limited. See page 12 of this issue. If you would like to reserve your space, call the TSFA office at 512.834.0361. 14 February 2013 26 Valentine’s Day TSFA Floral Display in the Texas Capitol’s Ground Floor Rotunda. All florists are invited to share the beauty of our products with the Texas Legislators and those visiting the Capitol. The Power of GO TEXAN C ommissioner T odd s Taples T exas d eparTmenT of a griCulTure Advertisers 14 Benz School of Floral Design (972) 845-1699 • Inside Front Cover: BloomNet (866) 256-6663 14 Botanical Designs By Montgomery — (281) 427-7454 14 Capt’n B Florist (800) 542-8483 • 14 Edgar Flower & Gift Shops (512) 756-4401 - Burnet • (830) 693-7006 - Marble Falls 13 Flowers& Magazine (800) 321-2665 • 14 Franklin’s Flowers (972) 542-0000 • 14 Freytag’s Florist (800) 252-9145 • 15 GoTexan (877) 99-GOTEX • 14 Heights Floral Shop — (713) 862-8811 • (800) 723-3252 14 McShan Florist (800) 331-3349, ext. 7931 • Back Cover: Teleflora (800) 421-2815 • 13 Texas State Florists’ Association Insurance Programs (800) 291-1061 • (512) 834-0361 14 Tubbs of Flowers (800) 288-1978 • 14 Vast America (800) 383-3338 • “GO TEXAN helped us promote our business and support the Texas Local Florist campaign. I encourage all Texas florists to be a part of this program and take advantage of the power of GO TEXAN.” Bruce McShan, McShan Florist GO TEXAN promotes the products, culture and communities that call Texas home. Tell the world you are Texas-made. Join GO TEXAN. Go TeXAN gets you buyers. Be part of GO TEXAN, the most comprehensive promotional campaign ever launched for products grown, produced, processed or manufactured in Texas. The Texas Department of Agriculture’s high-profile GO TEXAN marketing program and promotional activities generate widespread awareness among consumers. (877) 99-GOTEX The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 15 Flowers can’t thrive under these conditions. Neither can florists. Florists lose $500 million every year to drop-shippers. Banged, battered, destroyed. Thanks to drop-shipping, that’s what’s happening to $500 million of your profits every year. But Teleflora is determined to Save the Florists. How? By guaranteeing that 100% of our orders are hand-arranged and hand-delivered by independent florists like you. Visit ©2011 Teleflora FM5763 The Bloomin’ Texan u November 2012 / 16
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information floral - Texas State Florists` Association
The Official Publication of the Texas State Florists’ Association
P.O. Box 170760 • Austin, Texas 78717
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